You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4050 lines
201 KiB

5 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Data.Entity.Validation;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CK.SCP.Models;
using CK.SCP.Models.Enums;
using CK.SCP.Models.ScpEntity;
using CK.SCP.Utils;
using System.Data.Entity.Core;
using CK.SCP.Models.AppBoxEntity;
using CK.SCP.Models.ScpEntity.ExcelExportEnttity;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using CK.SCP.Models.ScpEntity.ExcelImportEntity;
5 years ago
namespace CK.SCP.Controller
public static DataTable Get_CUSTOM_PAGE_List(V_TB_ASN p_entity)
string _sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) 标包数量,SUM(Qty) 发货数量,BillNum 发货单号,PoBillLine 行号,PoUnit 单位,PartDesc1 +PartDesc2 as 零件描述,a.PartCode 零件编号,'' as 分包数量\n" +
" from TS_BARCODE_CUSTOM A left join TA_PART B ON A.PartCode=B.PartCode AND A.Site=B.Site where BillNum='{0}' GROUP by a.PartCode,BillNum,PoBillLine,PoUnit,PartDesc1,PartDesc2";
string _sql1 = "select qty FROM [TS_BARCODE_CUSTOM] where billnum ='{0}' and partcode='{1}'";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
var dbSetting = GlobalConfig.ScpDatabase;
SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
var strConn = EntitiesFactory.GetEfConnectionString(dbSetting);
conn.ConnectionString = strConn;
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = string.Format(_sql, p_entity.AsnBillNum);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand();
cmd1.Connection = conn;
cmd1.CommandText = string.Format(_sql1, p_entity.AsnBillNum,row["零件编号"].ToString());
SqlDataAdapter adapter1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1);
if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
List<string> _ls = new List<string>();
foreach (DataRow _row in dt1.Rows)
row["分包数量"] = string.Join("("+row["单位"].ToString() +")"+ ";", _ls.ToArray())+ "("+row["单位"].ToString()+")";
catch(Exception e)
throw e;
return dt;
2 years ago
5 years ago
public static void Get_V_TB_ASN_List(V_TB_ASN p_entity, Action<ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN>>> p_action,string p_language="CN")
ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN>> _ret = new ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN>>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
IQueryable<V_TB_ASN> q = db.V_TB_ASN;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AsnBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum==p_entity.AsnBillNum);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.AskBillNum==p_entity.AskBillNum);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.PoBillNum==p_entity.PoBillNum);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendId==p_entity.VendId);
if (p_entity.State != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.State == p_entity.State);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ShipUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.ShipUser.Contains(p_entity.ShipUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ReceiveUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.ReceiveUser.Contains(p_entity.ReceiveUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ErpBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.ErpBillNum.Contains(p_entity.ErpBillNum));
if (p_entity.ModType != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ModType == p_entity.ModType);
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Contacter))
// q = q.Where(p => p.Contacter.Contains(p_entity.Contacter));
if (p_entity.ShipTime != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ShipTime == p_entity.ShipTime);
if (p_entity.ReceiveTime != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ReceiveTime == p_entity.ReceiveTime);
5 years ago
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Buyer))
q = q.Where(p => p.Buyer.Contains(p_entity.Buyer));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendName))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendName.Contains(p_entity.VendName));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.State_DESC))
q = q.Where(p => p.State_DESC.Contains(p_entity.State_DESC));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ModType_DESC))
q = q.Where(p => p.ModType_DESC.Contains(p_entity.ModType_DESC));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.CreateUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.CreateUser.Contains(p_entity.CreateUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.UpdateUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.UpdateUser.Contains(p_entity.UpdateUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.UpdateInfo))
q = q.Where(p => p.UpdateInfo.Contains(p_entity.UpdateInfo));
q = q.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == p_entity.IsDeleted);
if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0)
q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site));
if (p_entity.UserInVendIds != null && p_entity.UserInVendIds.Count > 0)
q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInVendIds.Contains(p.VendId));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.SubSite))
q = q.Where(p => p.SubSite == p_entity.SubSite);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Extend1))
q = q.Where(p => p.Extend1 == p_entity.Extend1);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Extend2))
q = q.Where(p => p.Extend2 == p_entity.Extend2);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Extend3))
q = q.Where(p => p.Extend3 == p_entity.Extend3);
5 years ago
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = q;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_List", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_List", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_List", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_List", e.Message);
throw e;
2 years ago
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_Asn_Vendbatch(List<TA_ASK_SUBPART> p_order_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
List<string> _list = new List<string>();
var PartList = p_order_list.GroupBy(p => p.PartCode).ToList();
var list = p.ToList();
var batchList = list.Select(t => t.VendBatch).Distinct();
if(list.Count()!= batchList.Count())
foreach (var itm in p_order_list)
var detail = db.TA_ASK_SUBPART.FirstOrDefault(P => P.UID == itm.UID);
detail.VendBatch = itm.VendBatch;
db.TA_ASK_SUBPART.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UID, detail);
if (_ret.MessageList.Count() == 0)
int state = db.SaveChanges();
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_Asn_ProduceDate", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_Asn_ProduceDate", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_Asn_ProduceDate", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_Asn_ProduceDate", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Delete_asn(List<string> asn)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
int number = 1;
List<string> lineError = new List<string>();
List<string> ErrorList = new List<string>();
foreach (var nn in asn)
var _ls = CheckExce2(db, nn);
if (_ls.Count > 0)
ErrorList.Add(string.Join("<br>", _ls.ToArray()));
if (lineError.Count > 0)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
var ASN = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == nn).FirstOrDefault();
var detail = db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == nn).ToArray();
if (ASN != null)
ASN.State = -1;
ASN.IsDeleted = true;
if (detail.Count() > 0)
foreach (var itm in detail)
itm.IsDeleted = true;
itm.State = -1;
if (_ret.MessageList.Count == 0)
int state = db.SaveChanges();
if (state != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_PO_CONTROLLER), "Delete_asn", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_PO_CONTROLLER), "Delete_asn", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_PO_CONTROLLER), "Delete_asn", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_PO_CONTROLLER), "Delete_asn", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
private static List<string> CheckExce2(ScpEntities db, string lt)
List<string> ErrorList = new List<string>();
var _asn = db.TB_ASN.Count(p => p.AsnBillNum == lt&&p.State>0);
if (_asn > 0)
ErrorList.Add(string.Format("发货单【{0}】不是新建状态,不能作废", lt));
return ErrorList;
public static List<TB_ASN_DETAIL> SearchCxcount(string asn)
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var asndetail= db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum==asn&&p.Extend1=="FT").ToList();
return asndetail;
public static List<TB_ASN_DETAIL> SearchCxcount1(string asn)
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var asndetail = db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum== asn && p.Extend1 == "PT").ToList();
return asndetail;
public static List<TB_ASN_PARTBOX> SearchPartBox(string asn)
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var PartBox = db.TB_ASN_PARTBOX.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == asn && p.Box>0).ToList();
return PartBox;
public static List<TS_BARCODE> SearchBarcode(string asn)
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var barcode = db.TS_BARCODE.Where(p => p.BillNum == asn).ToList();
return barcode;
public static void Get_TB_Pallet_List(V_TB_PALLETS p_entity, Action<ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_PALLETS>>> p_action)
ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_PALLETS>> _ret = new ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_PALLETS>>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
IQueryable<V_TB_PALLETS> q = db.V_TB_PALLETS;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AsnBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AsnBillNum));
if (p_entity.Qty != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.Qty == p_entity.Qty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartCode.Contains(p_entity.PartCode));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Batch))
q = q.Where(p => p.Batch.Contains(p_entity.Batch));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendId.Contains(p_entity.VendId));
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = q;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TB_Pallet_List", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TB_Pallet_List", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TB_Pallet_List", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TB_Pallet_List", e.Message);
throw e;
public static void Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_MODIFY(V_TB_ASN_DETAIL p_entity, Action<ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>>> p_action)
ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>> _ret = new ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
if (p_entity.UID!=0)
q = q.Where(p => p.UID==p_entity.UID);
if (p_entity.IsDeleted != false)
q = q.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == p_entity.IsDeleted);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = q;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", e.Message);
throw e;
5 years ago
public static void Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List(V_TB_ASN_DETAIL p_entity, Action<ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>>> p_action)
ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>> _ret = new ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.PoBillNum.Contains(p_entity.PoBillNum));
if (p_entity.PoLine != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.PoLine == p_entity.PoLine);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartCode.Contains(p_entity.PartCode));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoUnit))
q = q.Where(p => p.PoUnit.Contains(p_entity.PoUnit));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.LocUnit))
q = q.Where(p => p.LocUnit.Contains(p_entity.LocUnit));
if (p_entity.Price != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.Price == p_entity.Price);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Currency))
q = q.Where(p => p.Currency.Contains(p_entity.Currency));
if (p_entity.PackQty != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.PackQty == p_entity.PackQty);
if (p_entity.UnConv != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.UnConv == p_entity.UnConv);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.DockCode))
q = q.Where(p => p.DockCode.Contains(p_entity.DockCode));
if (p_entity.State != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.State == p_entity.State);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.CreateUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.CreateUser.Contains(p_entity.CreateUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.UpdateUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.UpdateUser.Contains(p_entity.UpdateUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.UpdateInfo))
q = q.Where(p => p.UpdateInfo.Contains(p_entity.UpdateInfo));
if (p_entity.IsDeleted != false)
q = q.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == p_entity.IsDeleted);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartDesc1))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartDesc1.Contains(p_entity.PartDesc1));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.CurrencyDesc))
q = q.Where(p => p.CurrencyDesc.Contains(p_entity.CurrencyDesc));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Site))
q = q.Where(p => p.Site.Contains(p_entity.Site));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendName))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendName.Contains(p_entity.VendName));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AsnBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AsnBillNum));
if (p_entity.Qty != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.Qty == p_entity.Qty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendBatch))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendBatch.Contains(p_entity.VendBatch));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Batch))
q = q.Where(p => p.Batch.Contains(p_entity.Batch));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendId.Contains(p_entity.VendId));
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = q;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List", e.Message);
throw e;
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL_MODIFY(V_TB_ASN_DETAIL p_asn,string p_state)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var _ls = db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UID==p_asn.UID);
if (p_state == "Modify")
if (_ls != null)
_ls.ProduceDate = p_asn.ProduceDate;
_ls.PackQty = p_asn.PackQty;
_ls.Qty = p_asn.Qty;
_ls.VendBatch = p_asn.VendBatch;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = "数据不存在!";
if (p_state == "Delete")
if (_ls != null)
_ls.State =(int)AsnState.Reject;
_ls.IsDeleted = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = "数据不存在!";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ret.Message))
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = "数据更新失败!";
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
5 years ago
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_ASN_STATE(List<string> p_list, AsnState p_state)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
if (db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p_list.Contains(p.AsnBillNum) && p.IsDeleted ==false).Count() == 0)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = "存在删除记录不能操作!";
if (p_state == AsnState.New)
var _ls = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p_list.Contains(p.AsnBillNum)).ToList();
_ls.ForEach(p => p.State = (int)AskState.New);
db.TB_ASN.AddOrUpdate(p => p.AsnBillNum, _ls.ToArray());
//if (p_state == AsnState.Ship)
// var _ls = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p_list.Contains(p.AsnBillNum) && p.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
// if (_ls.Count(p => p.State == (int)ShipState.New) == _ls.Count)
// {
// var p = _ls[0];
// #region 代办流程提示收货人
// pending.ITEM_NO = p.AsnBillNum;
// pending.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
// pending.VEND_ID = p.VendId;
// pending.ROLE_NAME = "物流人员";
// pending.SENDER = p.CreateUser;
// pending.SENDING_TIME = p.CreateTime;
// pending.RENEWER = p.CreateUser;
// pending.RENEW_TIME = p.CreateTime;
// pending.ITEM_CONTENT = string.Format("订单编号{0}发货单编号{1}已发货", p.PoBillNum, p.AsnBillNum);
// db.TB_PENING_ITEMS.Add(pending);
// #endregion;
// }
// else
// {
// _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
// _ret.Result = false;
// _ret.Message = "选择数据有不是新建状态单据!";
// }
if (p_state == AsnState.Reject)
var _ls = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p_list.Contains(p.AsnBillNum)).ToList();
int count = _ls.Count(p => p.State == (int)AsnState.New);
if (_ls.Count == count)
List<string> _askbill = new List<string>();
_ls.ForEach(p => {
p.State = (int)AskState.Reject;
p.IsDeleted = true;
var asnDetail = db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(itm => itm.AsnBillNum == p.AsnBillNum).ToList();
asnDetail.ForEach(itm =>{
itm.IsDeleted = true;
itm.State= (int)AskState.Reject;
db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.AddOrUpdate(itm => itm.UID, asnDetail.ToArray());
db.TB_ASN.AddOrUpdate(p => p.AsnBillNum, _ls.ToArray());
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = string.Format("选择记录中有,不是新建状态不能作废!");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ret.Message))
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = "数据更新失败!";
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_STATE", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
2 years ago
public static DataSet ASN_REPORT(string p_AsnBillNum,string CurrentUserPhone)
5 years ago
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER.Get_V_TB_ASN_List(new V_TB_ASN { AsnBillNum = p_AsnBillNum }, (ret) =>
if (ret.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
if (ret.Result.Count() > 0)
var _asn = ret.Result.FirstOrDefault();
V_ASN_PRINT _print = new V_ASN_PRINT();
_print.FileNo = "";
_print.DeliveryNo = _asn.AsnBillNum;
_print.ChineseAddress = _asn.Site_Desc;
_print.EnglishAddress = "";
_print.SupplierNo = _asn.VendId;
_print.SupplierName = _asn.VendName;
_print.SupplierContacter = _asn.ShipUser;
2 years ago
_print.DueDeliveryDate = _asn.EndTime.ToShortDateString();
5 years ago
_print.MaterialPlanner = _asn.Buyer;
_print.CAAIPhone = "";
_print.CAAIFax = "";
_print.Site = _asn.Site;
_print.Total = "0";
2 years ago
_print.CurrentUserPhone = CurrentUserPhone;
if (_asn.Site == "U32")
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var Bb = db.TA_Receiving_Information.Count(t => t.Shift == "白班");
if (Bb > 0)
var Bb1 = db.TA_Receiving_Information.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Shift == "白班");
_print.SupplierContacter = Bb1.Name + ":" + Bb1.Phone;
var Yb = db.TA_Receiving_Information.Count(t => t.Shift == "夜班");
if (Bb > 0)
var Yb1 = db.TA_Receiving_Information.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Shift == "夜班");
_print.FileNo = Yb1.Name + ":" + Yb1.Phone;
_print.CAAIFax = _asn.ShipUser;
5 years ago
using (AppBoxContext _appdb = EntitiesFactory.CreateAppBoxInstance())
StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
var _ls = _appdb.Users.Where(p => p.Roles.Select(itm => itm.Name).Contains("物流人员") && p.TA_FACTORY.Select(itm => itm.ErpDomain).Contains(_asn.Site)).ToList();
_ls.ForEach(itm =>
_buffer.Append(itm.ChineseName + "/" + itm.CellPhone + ";");
_print.CAAIPhone = _buffer.ToString();
var dt = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(new List<V_ASN_PRINT> { _print });
List<V_TB_PO_DETAIL> _lst = new List<V_TB_PO_DETAIL>();
SCP_PO_CONTROLLER.Get_V_TB_PO_DETAIL_List(new V_TB_PO_DETAIL() { PoBillNum = _asn.PoBillNum },rs=>{
if (rs.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
_lst= rs.Result.ToList();
SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER.Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List(new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL() { AsnBillNum = p_AsnBillNum }, (retobj) =>
if (retobj.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
List<V_ASN_PRINT_DETAIL> _lsDetail = new List<V_ASN_PRINT_DETAIL>();
var _ls = retobj.Result.OrderByDescending(p=>p.PoLine).ToList();
_ls.ForEach(p =>
_detail.PartNo = p.PartCode;
_detail.PartDesc = p.PartDesc1;
_detail.Unit = p.PoUnit;
_detail.STD = p.PackQty.ToString();
_detail.Boxes = (Math.Truncate((p.Qty / p.PackQty)) + (((p.Qty % p.PackQty) > 0) ? 1 : 0)).ToString();
_detail.DeliverQty = p.Qty.ToString();
_detail.ReceiveQty = p.Qty.ToString();
2 years ago
//_detail.PoNo = p.PoBillNum + "." + p.AskBillNum;
//if (p.Site == "U32")
_detail.PoNo = p.PoBillNum;
5 years ago
_detail.LineNO = p.PoLine.ToString();
_detail.Memo = p.Remark;
_detail.Batch = p.Batch;
4 years ago
_detail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
2 years ago
_detail.DockCode = p.Extend2;
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var Poqty = db.TB_PO_DETAIL.FirstOrDefault(t=>t.PartCode== p.PartCode&&t.PoBillNum==p.PoBillNum&&t.PoLine==p.PoLine);
_detail.PoQty = Poqty.PlanQty.ToString();
// _detail.ProjectId = _lst.Where(itm => itm.PartCode == p.PartCode).FirstOrDefault().ProjectId;
5 years ago
var tb = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(_lsDetail);
return ds;
public static DataSet ASN_PALLET_REPORT(string p_AsnBillNum)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER.Get_V_TB_ASN_List(new V_TB_ASN { AsnBillNum = p_AsnBillNum }, (ret) =>
if (ret.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
if (ret.Result.Count() > 0)
var _asn = ret.Result.FirstOrDefault();
V_ASN_PRINT _print = new V_ASN_PRINT();
_print.FileNo = "";
_print.DeliveryNo = _asn.AsnBillNum;
_print.ChineseAddress = _asn.Site_Desc;
_print.EnglishAddress = "";
_print.SupplierNo = _asn.VendId;
_print.SupplierName = _asn.VendName;
_print.SupplierContacter = _asn.ShipUser;
_print.DueDeliveryDate = _asn.ReceiveTime.ToString();
_print.MaterialPlanner = _asn.Buyer;
_print.CAAIPhone = "";
_print.CAAIFax = "";
_print.Total = "0";
2 years ago
using (AppBoxContext _appdb = EntitiesFactory.CreateAppBoxInstance())
StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
var _ls = _appdb.Users.Where(p => p.Roles.Select(itm => itm.Name).Contains("物流人员")).ToList();
_ls.ForEach(itm =>
_buffer.Append(itm.ChineseName + "/" + itm.CellPhone + ";");
_print.CAAIPhone = _buffer.ToString();
SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER.Get_TB_Pallet_List(new V_TB_PALLETS() { AsnBillNum = p_AsnBillNum }, (retobj) =>
if (retobj.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
List<V_TB_PALLETS> _lsDetail = new List<V_TB_PALLETS>();
var _ls = retobj.Result.ToList();
decimal count = 0;
_ls.ForEach(p =>
V_TB_PALLETS _detail = new V_TB_PALLETS();
_detail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_detail.PartName = p.PartName;
_detail.PalletNum = p.PalletNum;
_detail.Batch = p.Batch;
_detail.Qty = p.Qty;
_detail.Box = p.Box;
count += p.Qty;
_print.Total = count.ToString();
var tb = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(_lsDetail);
var dt = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(new List<V_ASN_PRINT> { _print });
return ds;
5 years ago
public static DataSet ARRIVE_REPORT(string p_AsnBillNum)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER.Get_V_TB_ASN_List(new V_TB_ASN { AsnBillNum = p_AsnBillNum }, (ret) => {
if (ret.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
if (ret.Result.Count() > 0)
var _asn = ret.Result.FirstOrDefault();
if (_asn.ShipTime != null)
DateTime dttemp;
if (DateTime.TryParse(_asn.ShipTime.ToString(), out dttemp))
_print.ShipTimeDate = dttemp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");//发货日期
if (_asn.ReceiveTime != null)
DateTime dttemp;
if (DateTime.TryParse(_asn.ReceiveTime.ToString(), out dttemp))
_print.DueDeliveryDate = dttemp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");//到货日期
_print.SupplierName = _asn.VendName;//发货单位
_print.SupplierNo = _asn.VendId;//供应商代码
_print.SupplierContacter = _asn.ShipUser;//供应商联系人
_print.DeliveryNo = _asn.AsnBillNum;
_print.ChineseAddress = _asn.Site_Desc;
_print.EnglishAddress = "";
_print.MaterialPlanner = _asn.Buyer;//采购联系人
_print.MaterialPhone = _asn.BuyerPhone;//采购联系人电话
_print.CAAIPhone = "";
_print.CAAIFax = "";
_print.STDCOUNT = "0";
var dt = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(new List<V_ARRIVE_PRINT> { _print });
SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER.Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_List(new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL() { AsnBillNum = p_AsnBillNum }, (retobj) => {
decimal stdtemp = 0;
if (retobj.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
var _ls = retobj.Result.ToList();
_ls.ForEach(p => {
if (p.Qty > 0)
5 years ago
_detail.PartNo = p.PartCode;
_detail.PartDesc = p.PartDesc1;
_detail.Unit = p.PoUnit;
_detail.STD = p.PackQty.ToString();
_detail.Boxes = (Math.Truncate((p.Qty / p.PackQty)) + (((p.Qty % p.PackQty) > 0) ? 1 : 0)).ToString();
_detail.DeliverQty = p.Qty.ToString();
_detail.ReceiveQty = p.Qty.ToString();
if (p.Site == "0210")
_detail.PoNo = p.AskBillNum + "(" + p.PoBillNum + ")";
_detail.PoNo = _print.DeliveryNo + "(" + p.PoBillNum + ")";
5 years ago
_detail.LineNO = p.PoLine.ToString();
_detail.Memo = p.Remark;
_detail.DockCode = p.DockCode;
_detail.ArriveState = GetArriveState(p.PoBillNum, p.PoLine, p.PartCode, p.Batch);
_detail.SpecialState = string.Empty;
_detail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
if (p.ProduceDate!= null)
DateTime dttemp;
if (DateTime.TryParse(p.ProduceDate.ToString(), out dttemp))
_detail.ProduecDate = dttemp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");//到货日期
// stdtemp +=_detail.Boxes;
stdtemp += Convert.ToDecimal( _detail.Boxes);
5 years ago
ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["STDCOUNT"] = stdtemp.ToString();
var tb = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(_lsDetail);
return ds;
private static string GetArriveState(string PoBillNum, int PoLine, string PartCode, string Batch)
string strResult = "未到货";
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL det = db.TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PoBillNum == PoBillNum && p.PoLine == PoLine && p.PartCode == PartCode && p.Batch == Batch);
if (det != null)
strResult = "已到货";
return strResult;
public static ResultObject<bool> Del_TB_ASN(List<TB_ASN> p_entitys)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
foreach (var itm in p_entitys)
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASN", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASN", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASN", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASN", e.Message); throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE_CUSTOM(List<V_TB_ASK_DETAIL_PACKAGE> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
if (p_list.Count > 0)
string _asnBillNum = p_list[0].PoBillNum;
var _asn = db.TB_PO.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.PoBillNum == _asnBillNum).FirstOrDefault();
p_list.ForEach(p =>
int _qty = 0;
int _packQty = 0;
if (int.TryParse(p.Qty.ToString(), out _qty) && int.TryParse(p.PackQty.ToString(), out _packQty))
int _count = _qty / _packQty;
if (_qty / _packQty > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _packQty;
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
if (_qty % _packQty > 0)
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty % _packQty;
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
if (_qty > 0)
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty;
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
foreach (var itm in _asnList)
var _bar = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER_CUSTOM.CreateBarcode(itm);
db.TS_BARCODE_CUSTOM.AddOrUpdate(p => new { p.BarCode, p.BillNum }, _ls.ToArray());
if (_ret.MessageList.Count == 0)
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_CREATE_SMALLBARCODE(List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
if (p_list.Count > 0)
string _asnBillNum = p_list[0].AsnBillNum;
var _asn = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.AsnBillNum == _asnBillNum).FirstOrDefault();
List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> _asnList = new List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>();
p_list.ForEach(p =>
var _askDetail = db.TA_VEND_PART.Where(itm => itm.VendId == p.VendId && itm.PartCode == p.PartCode).FirstOrDefault();
if (_askDetail != null)
decimal _qty = 0;
decimal _smallpackQty = 0;
if (decimal.TryParse(p.Qty.ToString(), out _qty) && decimal.TryParse(_askDetail.MinPackQty.ToString(), out _smallpackQty))
if (_smallpackQty == 0)
_ret.MessageList.Add("供应商:" + p.VendId + "零件号:" + p.PartCode + "最小包装为0!");
decimal _n = _qty / _smallpackQty;
var _count = int.Parse(Math.Truncate(_n).ToString());
if (_qty / _smallpackQty > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _smallpackQty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = _smallpackQty;//小包装
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
if (_qty % _smallpackQty > 0)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty % _smallpackQty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = _smallpackQty;//小包装
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
if (_qty > 0)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = _smallpackQty;//小包装
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
foreach (var itm in _asnList)
var _bar = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER.CreateSmallBarcode(itm);
db.TS_BARCODE_SMALL.AddOrUpdate(p => new { p.BarCode, p.BillNum }, _ls.ToArray());
if (_ret.MessageList.Count == 0)
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
5 years ago
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
5 years ago
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
5 years ago
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE(List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
List<TS_BARCODE> _ls = new List<TS_BARCODE>();
if (p_list.Count > 0)
string _asnBillNum = p_list[0].AsnBillNum;
var _asn = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.AsnBillNum == _asnBillNum).FirstOrDefault();
2 years ago
var _asn1 = db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.AsnBillNum == _asnBillNum).FirstOrDefault();
5 years ago
List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> _asnList = new List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>();
p_list.ForEach(p =>
decimal _qty = 0;
decimal _packQty = 0;
2 years ago
var partcount = p_list.Where(t=>t.PartCode==p.PartCode);
5 years ago
if (decimal.TryParse(p.Qty.ToString(), out _qty) && decimal.TryParse(p.PackQty.ToString(), out _packQty))
decimal _n = _qty / _packQty;
var _count=int.Parse( Math.Truncate(_n).ToString());
if (_qty / _packQty > 0)
2 years ago
5 years ago
for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
2 years ago
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _packQty;
5 years ago
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
_asndetail.UpdateInfo = p.UpdateInfo;
2 years ago
_asndetail.UpdateUser = p.UpdateUser;
5 years ago
if (_qty % _packQty > 0)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty % _packQty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.UpdateInfo = p.UpdateInfo;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
2 years ago
_asndetail.UpdateInfo = p.UpdateInfo;
_asndetail.UpdateUser = p.UpdateUser;
5 years ago
if (_qty > 0)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
_asndetail.UpdateInfo = p.UpdateInfo;
2 years ago
_asndetail.UpdateUser = p.UpdateUser;
5 years ago
2 years ago
if (_asnList.Count>=1000&& _asnList[0].Site== "U32")//本特勒大于1000时采用批量生成方式
5 years ago
2 years ago
var groups = _asnList.GroupBy(r => new { r.PartCode, r.Batch, r.Site, r.PoBillNum, r.AskBillNum }).ToList();
foreach (var group in groups)
var list = _asnList.Where(r => r.PartCode == group.Key.PartCode && r.Batch == group.Key.Batch && r.Site == group.Key.Site && r.PoBillNum == group.Key.PoBillNum && r.AskBillNum == group.Key.AskBillNum).ToList();
var ret = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER.CreateBatchBarcodeList(list);
if (ret.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
return _ret;
5 years ago
2 years ago
foreach (var itm in _asnList)
var _bar = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER.CreateBarcode(itm);
db.TS_BARCODE.AddOrUpdate(p => new { p.BarCode, p.BillNum }, _ls.ToArray());
5 years ago
if (_ret.MessageList.Count == 0)
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_PALLET(List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
List<string> _list = new List<string>();
int codenum = 1; //标签计数器
string _oldpartcode = ""; //上一个托盘所装零件编号
decimal _oldbox = 0; //上一个托盘箱数计数
string _oldpalletnum = "";//上一个托盘码
p_list.ForEach(p =>
var _askDetail = db.TA_VEND_PART.Where
(itm => itm.VendId == p.VendId
&& itm.PartCode == p.PartCode
if (_askDetail != null)
var _palletPack = _askDetail.PalletPackQty;
#region 补充未满托盘
if (p.PartCode == _oldpartcode)
decimal _box1 = 0;
int _TempQty1 = Convert.ToInt32(p.Qty);
int _PackQty1 = Convert.ToInt32(p.PackQty);
if (_TempQty1 / _PackQty1 > 0)
int _count = _TempQty1 / _PackQty1;
_box1 += _count;
if (p.Qty % p.PackQty > 0)
if (_TempQty1 > 0)
if (_box1 < _oldbox)
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_box1);
pallet.Qty = p.Qty;
pallet.PalletNum = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.BarCode = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
p.Qty = 0;
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_oldbox);
pallet.Qty = _oldbox * _PackQty1;
pallet.PalletNum = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.BarCode = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
p.Qty = p.Qty - _oldbox * _PackQty1;
#region 新托盘
if (p.Qty != 0)
decimal _box = 0;
int _TempQty = Convert.ToInt32(p.Qty);
int _PackQty = Convert.ToInt32(p.PackQty);
if (_TempQty / _PackQty > 0)
int _count = _TempQty / _PackQty;
_box += _count;
if (p.Qty % p.PackQty > 0)
if (_TempQty > 0)
if (_box <= _palletPack)
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_box);
pallet.Qty = p.Qty;
pallet.PalletNum = SCP_BILLCODE_CONTROLLER.MakePalletCode_QD(codenum);
pallet.BarCode = pallet.PalletNum;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
_oldpartcode = p.PartCode;
_oldbox = Convert.ToInt32(_palletPack) - _box;
_oldpalletnum = pallet.PalletNum;
decimal _pallet = 0;
_pallet += Convert.ToInt32(_box) / Convert.ToInt32(_palletPack);
if (_box % _palletPack > 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= _pallet; i++)
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.PalletNum = SCP_BILLCODE_CONTROLLER.MakePalletCode_QD(codenum);
pallet.BarCode = pallet.PalletNum;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
if (i == _pallet)
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_box - Convert.ToDecimal(_palletPack) * (_pallet - 1));
pallet.Qty = p.Qty - Convert.ToDecimal(_palletPack) * (_pallet - 1) * _PackQty;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_palletPack);
pallet.Qty = Convert.ToDecimal(_palletPack) * _PackQty;
string _str = string.Format("零件号:{0},供应商编号:{1},没有维护托盘标包数!请先维护供应商零件信息", p.PartCode, p.VendBatch);
if (_list.Count == 0)
int state = db.SaveChanges();
if (state != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.MessageList = _list;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.MessageList = _list;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
2 years ago
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_PALLET_BTL(List<TB_ASN_PARTBOX> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
int _sumbox = p_list.Sum(p => p.Qty);
SqlParameter[] prams = new SqlParameter[1];
prams[0] = new SqlParameter("@a", 105);
string lastNumber = db.Database.SqlQuery<string>("exec dbo.P_GetBillNum @a", prams).SingleOrDefault();
if (lastNumber.Length != 8 || !lastNumber.Contains('P'))
string str = "";
decimal _qy = 0;
foreach (var li in p_list)
var ts = db.TS_BARCODE.OrderBy(T => T.UID).Where(T => string.IsNullOrEmpty(T.PalletNum) && T.BillNum == li.AsnBillNum && T.PartCode == li.PartCode).ToList().Take(li.Qty);
var tss = ts.ToList();
decimal _qty = tss.Sum(p => p.Qty);
string str1 = li.PartCode + "," + li.Batch+","+ _qty+","+li.PoLine+"#";
tss.ForEach(itm => itm.PalletNum = lastNumber);
db.TS_BARCODE.AddOrUpdate(itm => itm.UID, tss.ToArray());
str = str + str1;
_qy = _qy + _qty;
li.Box = li.Box - li.Qty;
li.Qty1 = 0;
var _ls = p_list.First();
pallet.AsnBillNum = _ls.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PalletNum = lastNumber;
pallet.PoBillNum = _ls.PoBillNum;
pallet.VendId = _ls.VendId;
var vend = db.TA_VENDER.FirstOrDefault(p => p.VendId == _ls.VendId);
pallet.VendName = vend.VendName;
pallet.ShipTime = _ls.ShipTime;
pallet.SumBox = _sumbox;
pallet.PalletCode = lastNumber+";"+ _ls.AsnBillNum+";" + _ls.PoBillNum+";" + _ls.VendId+";"+ str;
pallet.SumQty = _qy;
if (p_list.Count() > 0)
int _count = 6 - p_list.Count();
if (_count > 0)
for (int a = 1; a <= _count; a++)
pallet.PackQty = p_list.First().PackQty.ToString();
pallet.PartCode = p_list.First().PartCode.ToString();
pallet.Box = p_list.First().Qty.ToString();
pallet.PackQty1 = p_list[p_list.Count - 5].PackQty==0?"": p_list[p_list.Count - 5].PackQty.ToString();
pallet.PartCode1 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_list[p_list.Count - 5].PartCode)?"": p_list[p_list.Count - 5].PartCode;
pallet.Box1 = p_list[p_list.Count - 5].Qty==0 ? "": p_list[p_list.Count - 5].Qty.ToString();
pallet.PackQty2 = p_list[p_list.Count - 4].PackQty==0 ?"": p_list[p_list.Count - 4].PackQty.ToString();
pallet.PartCode2 =string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_list[p_list.Count - 4].PartCode)?"": p_list[p_list.Count - 4].PartCode;
pallet.Box2 = p_list[p_list.Count - 4].Qty==0?"" : p_list[p_list.Count - 4].Qty.ToString();
pallet.PackQty3 = p_list[p_list.Count - 3].PackQty==0 ? "": p_list[p_list.Count - 3].PackQty.ToString();
pallet.PartCode3 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_list[p_list.Count - 3].PartCode)?"": p_list[p_list.Count - 3].PartCode;
pallet.Box3 = p_list[p_list.Count - 3].Qty==0?"" : p_list[p_list.Count - 3].Qty.ToString();
pallet.PackQty4 = p_list[p_list.Count - 2].PackQty==0 ? "": p_list[p_list.Count - 2].PackQty.ToString();
pallet.PartCode4 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_list[p_list.Count - 2].PartCode)?"": p_list[p_list.Count - 2].PartCode;
pallet.Box4 = p_list[p_list.Count - 2].Qty==0 ? "": p_list[p_list.Count - 2].Qty.ToString();
pallet.PackQty5 = p_list.Last().PackQty == 0 ? "" : p_list.Last().PackQty.ToString();
pallet.PartCode5 =string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_list.Last().PartCode) ? "" : p_list.Last().PartCode;
pallet.Box5 = p_list.Last().Qty==0 ?"": p_list.Last().Qty.ToString();
pallet.IsDeleted = false;
int state = db.SaveChanges();
if (state != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_BTL", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_BTL", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_BTL", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_BTL", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_PALLET_JZJH(List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
List<string> _list = new List<string>();
string _oldpartcode = ""; //上一个托盘所装零件编号
decimal _oldbox = 0; //上一个托盘箱数计数
string _oldpalletnum = "";//上一个托盘码
string _oldpalletfullnum = "";//上一个托盘码
p_list.ForEach(p =>
var _askDetail = db.TA_VEND_PART.Where
(itm => itm.VendId == p.VendId
&& itm.PartCode == p.PartCode
if (_askDetail != null)
var _palletPack = _askDetail.PalletPackQty;
#region 补充未满托盘
if (p.PartCode== _oldpartcode)
decimal _box1 = 0;
int _TempQty1 = Convert.ToInt32(p.Qty);
int _PackQty1 = Convert.ToInt32(p.PackQty);
if (_TempQty1 / _PackQty1 > 0)
int _count = _TempQty1 / _PackQty1;
_box1 += _count;
if (p.Qty % p.PackQty > 0)
if (_TempQty1 > 0)
if(_box1< _oldbox)
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_box1);
pallet.Qty = p.Qty;
pallet.PalletNum = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.BarCode = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.FullBarCode = _oldpalletfullnum;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate =Convert.ToDateTime( p.ProduceDate);
p.Qty = 0;
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_oldbox);
pallet.Qty = _oldbox* _PackQty1;
pallet.PalletNum = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.BarCode = _oldpalletnum;
pallet.FullBarCode = _oldpalletfullnum;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
p.Qty = p.Qty- _oldbox * _PackQty1;
#region 新托盘
if (p.Qty != 0)
decimal _box = 0;
int _TempQty = Convert.ToInt32(p.Qty);
int _PackQty = Convert.ToInt32(p.PackQty);
if (_TempQty / _PackQty > 0)
int _count = _TempQty / _PackQty;
_box += _count;
if (p.Qty % p.PackQty > 0)
if (_TempQty > 0)
if (_box <= _palletPack)
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_box);
pallet.Qty = p.Qty;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
var ret = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER.CreatePallets(pallet);
if (ret.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
pallet.BarCode = pallet.PalletNum;
_oldpartcode = p.PartCode;
_oldbox = Convert.ToInt32(_palletPack) - _box;
_oldpalletnum = pallet.PalletNum;
_oldpalletfullnum= pallet.FullBarCode;
decimal _pallet = 0;
_pallet += Convert.ToInt32(_box) / Convert.ToInt32(_palletPack);
if (_box % _palletPack > 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= _pallet;i++)
TB_PALLETS pallet = new TB_PALLETS();
pallet.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
pallet.PartCode = p.PartCode;
pallet.Batch = p.Batch;
pallet.VendId = p.VendId;
pallet.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
pallet.PoBillLine = p.PoLine;
pallet.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
pallet.ProduceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(p.ProduceDate);
if (i == _pallet)
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_box - Convert.ToDecimal(_palletPack) * (_pallet - 1));
pallet.Qty = p.Qty - Convert.ToDecimal(_palletPack) * (_pallet - 1) * _PackQty;
pallet.Box = Convert.ToInt32(_palletPack);
pallet.Qty = Convert.ToDecimal(_palletPack) * _PackQty;
var ret = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER.CreatePallets(pallet);
if (ret.State == ReturnStatus.Succeed)
pallet.BarCode = pallet.PalletNum;
string _str = string.Format("零件号:{0},供应商编号:{1},没有维护托盘标包数!请先维护供应商零件信息", p.PartCode, p.VendBatch);
int state = db.SaveChanges();
if (_list.Count == 0)
if (state != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.MessageList = _list;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.MessageList = _list;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_JZJH", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_JZJH", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET_JZJH", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_PALLET", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
5 years ago
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE_SYJB(List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
List<TS_BARCODE> _ls = new List<TS_BARCODE>();
if (p_list.Count > 0)
string _asnBillNum = p_list[0].AsnBillNum;
var _asn = db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.AsnBillNum == _asnBillNum).FirstOrDefault();
List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> _asnList = new List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL>();
p_list.ForEach(p =>
int _qty = 0;
int _packQty = 0;
if (int.TryParse(p.Qty.ToString(), out _qty) && int.TryParse(p.PackQty.ToString(), out _packQty))
int _count = _qty / _packQty;
if (_qty / _packQty > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _packQty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
if (_qty % _packQty > 0)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty % _packQty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
_asndetail.AskBillNum = p.AskBillNum;
if (_qty > 0)
V_TB_ASN_DETAIL _asndetail = new V_TB_ASN_DETAIL();
_asndetail.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum;
_asndetail.Batch = p.Batch;
_asndetail.PartCode = p.PartCode;
_asndetail.ProduceDate = p.ProduceDate;
_asndetail.Qty = _qty;
_asndetail.AsnBillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
_asndetail.PoLine = p.PoLine;
_asndetail.VendId = p.VendId;
_asndetail.VendBatch = p.VendBatch;
_asndetail.CreateTime = p.CreateTime;
_asndetail.CreateUser = p.CreateUser;
_asndetail.Remark = p.Remark;
_asndetail.PackQty = p.PackQty;
_asndetail.PoUnit = p.PoUnit;
_asndetail.Site = p.Site;
_asndetail.AskBillNum = p.AskBillNum;
foreach (var itm in _asnList)
var _bar = SCP_BARCODE_CONTROLLER_SYJB.CreateBarcode(itm);
db.TS_BARCODE.AddOrUpdate(p => new { p.BarCode, p.BillNum }, _ls.ToArray());
if (_ret.MessageList.Count == 0)
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_CREATE_BARCODE", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Get_TS_UNI_API(V_TB_ASN p_asn)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
2 years ago
var _list = db.TS_UNI_API.Where(p => p.BillNum == p_asn.AsnBillNum&&p.State==1).ToList();
5 years ago
if (_list.Count > 0)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
2 years ago
public static ResultObject<bool> Get_TB_ASN_BACH(V_TB_ASN p_asn)
5 years ago
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
2 years ago
int i = 0;
List<string> asn1 =new List<string> ();
var asn = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Count(p=>p.VendId== p_asn.VendId&& p.State==0&&p.AsnBillNum!=p_asn.AsnBillNum);
if (asn > 0)
var _list = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == p_asn.AsnBillNum&& p.VendId == p_asn.VendId).ToList();
foreach(var part in _list)
var pa = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Count(p => p.PartCode == part.PartCode&&p.State==0&&p.ProduceDate<part.ProduceDate && p.VendId == p_asn.VendId);
if (pa > 0)
var pa1 = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.PartCode == part.PartCode && p.State == 0 && p.ProduceDate < part.ProduceDate && p.VendId == p_asn.VendId).ToList();
foreach(var p in pa1)
if (!asn1.Contains(p.AsnBillNum))
string STR = "";
if (asn1.Count() > 0)
STR = String.Join(";", asn1);
if (i > 0)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.Message = STR;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
5 years ago
2 years ago
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_TS_UNI_API", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL(V_TB_ASN p_asn, List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_entitys)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
5 years ago
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
2 years ago
List<TB_MAXPO_CONSUME> consumlist = new List<TB_MAXPO_CONSUME>();
5 years ago
List<TB_ASN_DETAIL> _ls = new List<TB_ASN_DETAIL>();
var _asn =db.TB_ASN.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.AsnBillNum == p_asn.AsnBillNum).ToList();
if (_asn != null && _asn.Count>0)
_asn.ForEach(p => {
p.State = (int)AsnState.Ship;
p.CreateTime = now;
db.TB_ASN.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UID, _asn.ToArray());
var ask = db.TB_ASK.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && p.AskBillNum == p_asn.AskBillNum).ToList();
ask.ForEach(p => p.State = (int)AskState.Ship);
2 years ago
db.TB_ASK.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UID, ask.ToArray());
var Asn = p_entitys.First();
var po = db.TB_PO.FirstOrDefault(p=>p.PoBillNum==Asn.PoBillNum);
if (po.UpdateInfo == "Y"&&po.Site=="W21")
p_entitys.ForEach(p =>
var _maxpolist = db.TB_MAXPO_DETAIL.Where(t => t.PartCode == p.PartCode && t.VendId == p.Extend1&&t.AsnQty>0).ToList().OrderBy(t=>t.ContractMonth);
decimal sum = 0;
if (_maxpolist.Count() > 0)
sum = _maxpolist.Sum(t => t.AsnQty);
decimal Qtyy = p.Qty;
if(sum< Qtyy)
_ret.MessageList.Add(string.Format("确认发货失败,零件号{0}大订单剩余数量不足,请联系业务人员维护", p.PartCode));
foreach (var _maxpo in _maxpolist)
if (_maxpo.AsnQty > Qtyy)
_maxpo.AsnQty = _maxpo.AsnQty - Qtyy;
consumne.PoBillNum = _maxpo.PoBillNum;
consumne.BillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
consumne.PoQty = Qtyy;
consumne.VendId = _maxpo.VendId;
consumne.PartCode = _maxpo.PartCode;
consumne.ShipTime = _maxpo.CreateTime;
else if (_maxpo.AsnQty == Qtyy)
consumne.PoBillNum = _maxpo.PoBillNum;
consumne.BillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
consumne.PoQty = Qtyy;
consumne.VendId = _maxpo.VendId;
consumne.PartCode = _maxpo.PartCode;
consumne.ShipTime = _maxpo.CreateTime;
_maxpo.AsnQty = 0;
else if (_maxpo.AsnQty < Qtyy)
consumne.PoBillNum = _maxpo.PoBillNum;
consumne.BillNum = p.AsnBillNum;
consumne.PoQty = _maxpo.AsnQty;
consumne.VendId = _maxpo.VendId;
consumne.PartCode = _maxpo.PartCode;
consumne.ShipTime = _maxpo.CreateTime;
Qtyy = Qtyy - _maxpo.AsnQty;
_maxpo.AsnQty = 0;
5 years ago
p_entitys.ForEach(itm =>
var askdeail = db.TB_ASK_DETAIL.FirstOrDefault(p => p.AskBillNum == p_asn.AskBillNum && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode && p.PoBillNum == p_asn.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.State != -1 && p.IsDeleted == false);//判断是否作废
if (askdeail == null)
_ret.MessageList.Add(string.Format("要货看板{1}零件号{0}已经作废不能发货,请联系采购员确认!", itm.PartCode, itm.AskBillNum));
//var _sum = db.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AskBillNum == p_asn.AskBillNum && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode
// && p.PoBillNum == p_asn.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.IsDeleted == false).Select(p => p.AskQty).Sum();//要货单要货数量
//var _currSum = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AskBillNum == p_asn.AskBillNum && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode
// && p.PoBillNum == p_asn.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.IsDeleted == false).Select(p => p.Qty).Sum();//当前存在发货单数量
//var _curr = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == p_asn.AsnBillNum && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode
// && p.PoBillNum == p_asn.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.IsDeleted == false).Select(p => p.Qty).Sum();
// var _rejct = db.TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL.Where(p => p.Remark == p_asn.AskBillNum && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode
//&& p.PoBillNum == p_asn.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.IsDeleted == false&&p.BillType==3).Select(p => p.Qty).ToList().Sum();
2 years ago
//if (_currSum - _curr + itm.Qty- Math.Abs(_rejct) <= _sum)
TB_ASN_DETAIL _detail = new TB_ASN_DETAIL();
5 years ago
_detail.UID = itm.UID;
_detail.UnConv = itm.UnConv;
_detail.AsnBillNum = itm.AsnBillNum;
_detail.DockCode = itm.DockCode;
_detail.Currency = itm.Currency;
_detail.Batch = itm.Batch;
_detail.CreateUser = itm.CreateUser;
_detail.CreateTime = now;
_detail.PackQty = itm.PackQty;
_detail.PartCode = itm.PartCode;
_detail.PoLine = itm.PoLine;
_detail.PoBillNum = itm.PoBillNum;
_detail.Price = itm.Price;
_detail.VendBatch = itm.VendBatch;
_detail.ProduceDate = itm.ProduceDate;
_detail.Remark = itm.Remark;
_detail.Qty = itm.Qty;
_detail.PoUnit = itm.PoUnit;
_detail.LocUnit = itm.LocUnit;
_detail.IsDeleted = itm.IsDeleted;
2 years ago
_detail.State = (int)AsnState.Ship;
5 years ago
_detail.GUID = itm.Guid;
2 years ago
_detail.UpdateInfo = itm.UpdateInfo;
_detail.UpdateUser = itm.UpdateUser;
_detail.Extend1 = itm.Extend1;
5 years ago
2 years ago
var UNI = db.TS_UNI_API.Count(p=>p.BillNum==itm.AsnBillNum);//多组件订单更新中间表
if (UNI > 0)
var UN = db.TS_UNI_API.Where(p => p.BillNum == itm.AsnBillNum).ToList();
foreach(var u in UN)
u.PutTime = DateTime.Now;
u.State = 1;
5 years ago
2 years ago
TS_UNI_API api = UniApiController.CreateBy(p_asn, itm, UniApiType.Receive);
api.State = 1;
5 years ago
2 years ago
5 years ago
var _asnBillNum = _asn[0].AsnBillNum;
//var _barcodeList=db.TS_BARCODE.Where(p => p.BillNum == _asnBillNum).ToList();
//_barcodeList.ForEach(itm => {
// TS_UNI_API _api =UniApiController.CreateBy(_asn[0], itm, UniApiType.BarCode);
// _api.State = 1;
// db.TS_UNI_API.AddOrUpdate(_api);
if (_ret.MessageList.Count > 0)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
db.TB_ASN_DETAIL.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UID, _ls.ToArray());
2 years ago
if (consumlist.Count() > 0)
5 years ago
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Save_TB_ASN_DETAIL", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
public static ResultObject<bool> Del_TB_ASK_DETAIL(List<TB_ASK_DETAIL> p_entitys)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
foreach (var itm in p_entitys)
if (db.SaveChanges() != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASK_DETAIL", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASK_DETAIL", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASK_DETAIL", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Del_TB_ASK_DETAIL", e.Message); throw e;
return _ret;
public static void Get_V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW_List(V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW p_entity, Action<ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW>>> p_action)
ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW>> _ret = new ResultObject<IQueryable<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW>>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.PoBillNum.Contains(p_entity.PoBillNum));
if (p_entity.PoLine != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.PoLine == p_entity.PoLine);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartCode.Contains(p_entity.PartCode));
if (p_entity.Price != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.Price == p_entity.Price);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Currency))
q = q.Where(p => p.Currency.Contains(p_entity.Currency));
if (p_entity.PackQty != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.PackQty == p_entity.PackQty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.DockCode))
q = q.Where(p => p.DockCode.Contains(p_entity.DockCode));
if (p_entity.State != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.State == p_entity.State);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartDesc1))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartDesc1.Contains(p_entity.PartDesc1));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendName))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendName.Contains(p_entity.VendName));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartDesc2))
q = q.Where(p => p.PartDesc2.Contains(p_entity.PartDesc2));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AsnBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AsnBillNum));
if (p_entity.Qty != 0)
q = q.Where(p => p.Qty == p_entity.Qty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendBatch))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendBatch.Contains(p_entity.VendBatch));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Batch))
q = q.Where(p => p.Batch.Contains(p_entity.Batch));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId))
q = q.Where(p => p.VendId==p_entity.VendId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.AskBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AskBillNum));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum))
q = q.Where(p => p.PoBillNum.Contains(p_entity.PoBillNum));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ReceivedPort))
q = q.Where(p => p.ReceivedPort.Contains(p_entity.ReceivedPort));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PlateNumber))
q = q.Where(p => p.PlateNumber.Contains(p_entity.PlateNumber));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ShipUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.ShipUser.Contains(p_entity.ShipUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ReceiveUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.ReceiveUser.Contains(p_entity.ReceiveUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.CreateUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.CreateUser.Contains(p_entity.CreateUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.UpdateUser))
q = q.Where(p => p.UpdateUser.Contains(p_entity.UpdateUser));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.UpdateInfo))
q = q.Where(p => p.UpdateInfo.Contains(p_entity.UpdateInfo));
q = q.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == p_entity.IsDeleted);
if (p_entity.ShipTimeBegin != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ShipTime>=p_entity.ShipTimeBegin);
if (p_entity.ShipTimeEnd != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ShipTime <= p_entity.ShipTimeEnd);
if (p_entity.ReceiveTimeBegin != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ReceiveTime >= p_entity.ReceiveTimeBegin);
if (p_entity.ReceiveTimeEnd != null)
q = q.Where(p => p.ReceiveTime <= p_entity.ReceiveTimeEnd);
if (p_entity.UserInVendIds != null && p_entity.UserInVendIds.Count > 0)
q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInVendIds.Contains(p.VendId));
if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0)
q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site));
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = q;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASN__DETAIL_View_List", e.Message);
throw e;
//public static List<V_TB_ASK_DETAIL> Get_CAN_SHIPQTY(List<V_TB_ASK_DETAIL> p_list)
// using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
// {
// var detail = p_list[0];
// var list = db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && detail.AskBillNum == p.AskBillNum).ToList();
// var groupList = list.GroupBy(p => new { p.PoBillNum, p.PoLine, p.PartCode, p.AskBillNum }).Select(
// p => new {
// ShipSum = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty),
// PoLine = p.Key.PoLine,
// PoBillNum = p.Key.PoBillNum,
// PartCode = p.Key.PartCode,
// AskBillNum = p.Key.AskBillNum
// }).ToList();
// p_list.ForEach(itm => {
// groupList.ForEach(p =>
// {
// if (p.PoBillNum == itm.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode)
// {
// itm.ShippedQty = p.ShipSum;
// }
// });
// decimal a = itm.AskQty - (itm.ShippedQty == null ? 0 : (decimal)itm.ShippedQty);
// itm.CanQty = a;
// itm.PackQty = (itm.PackQty == 0) ? 1 : itm.PackQty;
// });
// }
// return p_list;
public static List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> Get_CAN_PALLET_QTY(List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list)
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var detail = p_list[0];
var list = db.V_TB_PALLET_DETAIL.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == false && detail.AsnBillNum == p.AsnBillNum).ToList();
var groupList=list.GroupBy(p => new { p.AsnBillNum, p.PoBillNum, p.PoLine, p.PartCode })
p => new
PalletSum = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty),
PoLine = p.Key.PoLine,
PoBillNum = p.Key.PoBillNum,
PartCode = p.Key.PartCode,
p_list.ForEach(itm =>
decimal palletedNum = 0;
groupList.ForEach(p =>
if (p.PoBillNum == itm.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode)
palletedNum = p.PalletSum;
decimal a = itm.Qty- palletedNum;
itm.CanQty = a;
itm.PackQty = (itm.PackQty == 0) ? 1 : itm.PackQty;
return p_list;
/// <summary>
/// 创建发货单
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p_ask"></param>
/// <param name="p_list"></param>
/// <param name="p_PlateNumber"></param>
/// <param name="p_buyer"></param>
/// <param name="p_buyerPhone"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ResultObject<bool> Save_ASN_TO_PALLET(V_TB_ASN p_ask, List<V_TB_ASN_DETAIL> p_list, string p_PlateNumber
, string p_buyer, string p_buyerPhone)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
var _asn=db.V_TB_ASN.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == p_ask.AsnBillNum).FirstOrDefault();
_t.AsnBillNum = _asn.AsnBillNum;
_t.PalletNum= SCP_BILLCODE_CONTROLLER.MakePalletCode();
_t.AskBillNum = _asn.AskBillNum;
_t.PoBillNum = _asn.PoBillNum;
_t.ReceivedPort = _asn.ReceivedPort;
_t.CreateUser = _asn.CreateUser;
_t.CreateTime = _asn.CreateTime;
_t.UpdateUser = p_buyer;
_t.UpdateTime = _asn.CreateTime;
_t.ReceiveUser = _asn.Buyer;
_t.ReceiveTime = _asn.ReceiveTime;
_t.VendId = _asn.VendId;
_t.IsDeleted = false;//操作员
_t.CreateTime = _asn.CreateTime;
_t.CreateUser = _asn.CreateUser;
_t.Site = _asn.Site;
_t.Remark = _asn.Remark;
_t.State = (int)AsnState.New;
_t.Remark = p_ask.Remark;
_t.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
_t.PlateNumber = string.Empty;
_t.ShipUser = p_ask.ShipUser;
_t.ShipTime = p_ask.ShipTime;
_t.ReceiveTime = p_ask.ReceiveTime;
db.TB_PALLET.AddOrUpdate(p => p.PalletNum, _t);
List<TB_PALLET_DETAIL> _list = new List<TB_PALLET_DETAIL>();
foreach (var itm in p_list)
var _asndetail=db.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum == itm.AsnBillNum && p.PartCode == itm.PartCode && p.PoBillNum == itm.PoBillNum && p.PoLine == itm.PoLine && p.IsDeleted==false).FirstOrDefault();
_tDetail.PoBillNum = _t.PoBillNum;
_tDetail.AsnBillNum = _t.AsnBillNum;
_tDetail.PalletNum = _t.PalletNum;
_tDetail.PoLine = _asndetail.PoLine;
_tDetail.PoUnit = _asndetail.PoUnit;
_tDetail.Batch = _asndetail.Batch;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_asndetail.VendBatch))
_tDetail.VendBatch = _asndetail.VendBatch;
_tDetail.VendBatch = _asndetail.Batch;
_tDetail.PackQty = _asndetail.PackQty == 0 ? 1 : _asndetail.PackQty;
_tDetail.PartCode = _asndetail.PartCode;
_tDetail.State = (int)AsnState.New;
_tDetail.Qty = (decimal)itm.Qty;
_tDetail.Price = _asndetail.Price;
_tDetail.EndTime = _asndetail.EndTime;
_tDetail.CreateTime = _t.CreateTime;
_tDetail.CreateUser = _t.CreateUser;
_tDetail.ProduceDate = _asndetail.ProduceDate;
_tDetail.IsDeleted = false;
_tDetail.DockCode = _asndetail.ReceivedPort;
_tDetail.LocUnit = _asndetail.LocUnit;
_tDetail.UnConv = _asndetail.UnConv;
_tDetail.State = _t.State;
_tDetail.ReceivedPort = _asndetail.ReceivedPort;
_tDetail.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
//var _order_detail = db.TB_ASK_DETAIL.Where(p => p.UID == itm.UID).FirstOrDefault();
//_order_detail.ShippedQty = (decimal)itm.ShippedQty;
//db.TB_ASK_DETAIL.AddOrUpdate(p => p.UID, _order_detail);
int state = db.SaveChanges();
if (state != -1)
//var _askDetailList = db.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL.Where(p => p.AskBillNum == p_ask.AskBillNum && p.IsDeleted == false).ToList();//查询要货单明细
//var _lst = Get_CAN_SHIPQTY(_askDetailList);//算出可发数量
//if (_lst.Select(p => p.CanQty).Sum() <= 0)//可发数量为零时,修改状态
// var _ary = db.TB_ASK.Where(p => p.AskBillNum == p_ask.AskBillNum && p.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
// _ary.ForEach(p => p.State = (int)AskState.Ship);
// if (_ary.Count() > 0)
// {
// db.TB_ASK.AddOrUpdate(_ary.ToArray());
// }
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASK_CONTROLLER), "Save_ASK_TO_ASN", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASK_CONTROLLER), "Save_ASK_TO_ASN", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASK_CONTROLLER), "Save_ASK_TO_ASN", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASK_CONTROLLER), "Save_ASK_TO_ASN", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
/// <summary>
/// 数据导入
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p_order_list"></param>
/// <param name="p_creator"></param>
/// <param name="p_buyer"></param>
/// <param name="p_site"></param>
/// <param name="p_time"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ResultObject<bool> EXCEL_ASN(List<SCP_ASN_EXCEL> p_order_list, string p_creator, string p_buyer, string p_site, DateTime p_time)
ResultObject<bool> _ret = new ResultObject<bool>();
using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance())
int number = 1;
List<string> lineError = new List<string>();
List<string> ErrorList = new List<string>();
(p =>
var _ls = CheckExcel(db, p);
if (_ls.Count > 0)
ErrorList.Add(string.Join("<br>", _ls.ToArray()));
if (lineError.Count > 0)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
var GroupList = p_order_list.GroupBy(p => new { p., p., p., p., p., p. }).Select(p => new { = p.Sum(itm => decimal.Parse(itm.)), = p.Key., = p.Key., p.Key., p.Key., p.Key., p.Key. }).ToList();
var OrderList = GroupList.GroupBy(p => p.).ToList();
OrderList.ForEach((p) =>
var list_distinct = p.GroupBy(t => new { t., t. }).ToList();
var list = p.ToList();
if (list_distinct.Count < list.Count)
if (list.Count > 0)
var _entity = list.FirstOrDefault();
TB_ASK _ask = new TB_ASK();
_ask.State = (int)AskState.Receive;
_ask.PoBillNum = _entity..ToUpper();
_ask.ModType = (int)BillModType.Contract;
_ask.Site = p_site;
_ask.BeginTime = p_time;
_ask.Buyer = p_creator;
_ask.BuyerPhone = "";
_ask.ErpBillNum = _entity..ToUpper();
_ask.EndTime = p_time;
_ask.CreateTime = p_time;
_ask.CreateUser = p_creator;
_ask.VendId = _entity..ToUpper();
_ask.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
_ask.IsDeleted = false;
TB_ASN _asn = new TB_ASN();
_asn.AskBillNum = _ask.AskBillNum;
_asn.VendId = _entity..ToUpper(); ;
_asn.State = (int)AsnState.Receive;
_asn.PoBillNum = _entity..ToUpper();
_asn.Site = p_site;
_asn.CreateTime = p_time;
_asn.CreateUser = p_creator;
_asn.UpdateTime = p_time;
_asn.UpdateUser = p_creator;
_asn.ShipTime = p_time;
_asn.ShipUser = p_creator;
_asn.ReceiveTime = p_time;
_asn.ReceiveUser = p_creator;
_asn.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
_asn.IsDeleted = false;
list.ForEach((itm) =>
_t_ASK_Detail.PoLine = Int32.Parse(itm.);
_t_ASK_Detail.Currency = "";
_t_ASK_Detail.AskBillNum = _ask.AskBillNum;
_t_ASK_Detail.PoBillNum = _ask.PoBillNum;
_t_ASK_Detail.PoUnit = itm.;
_t_ASK_Detail.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
_t_ASK_Detail.CreateUser = _ask.CreateUser;
_t_ASK_Detail.PartCode = itm..ToUpper();
_t_ASK_Detail.BeginTime = p_time;
_t_ASK_Detail.EndTime = p_time;
_t_ASK_Detail.TempQty = itm.;
_t_ASK_Detail.AskQty = itm.;
_t_ASK_Detail.IsDeleted = false;
_t_ASK_Detail.LocUnit = itm.;
_t_ASK_Detail.UnConv = 1;
_t_ASK_Detail.State = _ask.State;
_t_ASK_Detail.Price = string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.) ? 0 : decimal.Parse(itm.);
_t_ASK_Detail.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
_t_ASN_Detail.AsnBillNum = _asn.AsnBillNum;
_t_ASN_Detail.PoLine = Int32.Parse(itm.);
_t_ASN_Detail.Currency = "";
_t_ASN_Detail.PoBillNum = _asn.PoBillNum;
_t_ASN_Detail.PoUnit = itm.;
_t_ASN_Detail.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
_t_ASN_Detail.CreateUser = _asn.CreateUser;
_t_ASN_Detail.PartCode = itm..ToUpper();
_t_ASN_Detail.Batch = p_time.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
_t_ASN_Detail.VendBatch = p_time.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
_t_ASN_Detail.Qty = itm.;
_t_ASN_Detail.State = (int)AsnState.Receive;
_t_ASN_Detail.CreateTime = p_time;
_t_ASN_Detail.CreateUser = p_creator;
_t_ASN_Detail.IsDeleted = false;
_t_ASN_Detail.GUID = Guid.NewGuid();
_t_ASN_Detail.PoUnit = itm.;
_t_ASN_Detail.ProduceDate = p_time;
var _reclist = p_order_list.Where(t => t. == itm. && t. == itm. && t. == itm.).GroupBy(t => t.).ToList();
_reclist.ForEach((q) =>
var reclist = q.FirstOrDefault();
_rec.RecvBillNum = reclist.;
_rec.State = (int)FormState.;
_rec.Remark = _ask.AskBillNum;
_rec.CreateTime = p_time;
_rec.CreateUser = p_creator;
_rec.IsDeleted = false;
_rec.GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid();
_rec.BillType = 0;
_rec.PoBillNum = reclist..ToUpper();
_rec.AsnBillNum = reclist..ToUpper();
_rec.Site = p_site;
_rec.VendId = reclist..ToUpper();
_rec.ShipTime = p_time;
var _recdetaillist = p_order_list.Where(f => f. == reclist.).ToList();
_recdetaillist.ForEach((n) =>
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.RecvBillNum = n.;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.PoBillNum = n..ToUpper();
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.PoLine = Int32.Parse(n.);
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.PartCode = n..ToUpper();
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.Batch = n.;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.VendBatch = n.;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.PoUnit = n.;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.LocUnit = "";
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.Qty = decimal.Parse(n.);
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.State = (int)FormState.;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.Remark = _ask.AskBillNum;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.CreateTime = p_time;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.CreateUser = p_creator;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.IsDeleted = false;
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.GUID = System.Guid.NewGuid();
_t_RECEIVE_Detail.BillType = 0;
5 years ago
5 years ago
if (_ret.MessageList.Count == 0)
int state = db.SaveChanges();
if (state != -1)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed;
_ret.Result = true;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList())
error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i =>
sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage);
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "EXCEL_ASN", sb.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString());
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "EXCEL_ASN", ex.ToString());
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString());
catch (ScpException ex)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
_ret.Result = false;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "EXCEL_ASN", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException))
var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException;
throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString());
if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException;
catch (Exception e)
_ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed;
LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASN_CONTROLLER), "EXCEL_ASN", e.Message);
_ret.Result = false;
throw e;
return _ret;
private static List<string> CheckExcel(ScpEntities db, SCP_ASN_EXCEL p_excel)
List<string> ErrorList = new List<string>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.))
int count = db.TB_PO_DETAIL.Count(p => p.PoBillNum == p_excel.&&p.PartCode== p_excel.&&p.PoLine== Int32.Parse( p_excel.));
if (count == 0)
ErrorList.Add(string.Format("订单编号{0}零件号{1}行号{2}不存在!", p_excel.,p_excel., p_excel.));
if (
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_excel.) ||
ErrorList.Add(string.Format("收货单号【{1}】零件号【{0}】有填写为空!", p_excel., p_excel.));
return ErrorList;
2 years ago
5 years ago