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437 lines
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437 lines
17 KiB
5 years ago
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
//using Application = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application;
using DataTable = System.Data.DataTable;
namespace CK.SCP.Utils
public static class ExcelWriter
private const int EachSize = 5000;
private const int RStartIndex = 1;
private const int CStartIndex = 0;
public static readonly SaveFileDialog SaveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog
Filter = "Excel 工作簿 (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx",
CheckFileExists = false,
CheckPathExists = false,
FilterIndex = 0,
RestoreDirectory = true,
CreatePrompt = false,
Title = "保存为Excel文件"
//private static void SetWorkSheetValue(Application excel, Worksheet sheet, DataTable dt, string fileName)
//Range r = null;
//var rIdx = RStartIndex;
//var cIdx = CStartIndex;
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.TableName))
// sheet.Name = dt.TableName;
//foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
// cIdx++;
// excel.Cells[rIdx, cIdx] = dc.ColumnName;
// //设置标题格式为居中对齐
// r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[rIdx, cIdx], excel.Cells[rIdx, cIdx]];
// r.HorizontalAlignment = XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
// r.Interior.ColorIndex = 19;
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[rIdx, cIdx], excel.Cells[rIdx, cIdx]];
//var irowcount = dt.Rows.Count;
//int iParstedRow = 0, iCurSize = 0;
//var iColumnsCount = dt.Columns.Count;
//var objval = new object[EachSize, iColumnsCount];
//iCurSize = EachSize;
//while (iParstedRow < irowcount)
// if ((irowcount - iParstedRow) < EachSize)
// iCurSize = irowcount - iParstedRow;
// //用for循环给数组赋值
// for (var i = 0; i < iCurSize; i++)
// {
// for (var j = 0; j < iColumnsCount; j++)
// {
// var s = dt.Rows[i + iParstedRow][j].ToString();
// //////////////////
// //格式化日期字段
// var dc = dt.Columns[j];
// if (dc.DataType.FullName == "System.DateTime" && s != null && s != "")
// {
// DateTime time;
// DateTime.TryParse(s, out time);
// s = time.ToString();
// }
// //////////////////
// decimal d;
// if (decimal.TryParse(s, out d))
// {
// if (Math.Round(d, 5) == 0)
// {
// objval[i, j] = string.Empty;
// continue;
// }
// }
// objval[i, j] = s;
// }
// System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents();
// }
// var X = "A" + (iParstedRow + 2);
// var col = "";
// if (iColumnsCount <= 26)
// {
// col = ((char)('A' + iColumnsCount - 1)) +
// ((iParstedRow + iCurSize + 1)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// }
// else
// {
// col = ((char)('A' + (iColumnsCount / 26 - 1))) +
// ((char)('A' + (iColumnsCount % 26 - 1))).ToString() +
// ((iParstedRow + iCurSize + 1));
// }
// r = sheet.Range[X, col];
// // 调用range的value2属性,把内存中的值赋给excel
// r.Value2 = objval;
// iParstedRow = iParstedRow + iCurSize;
//var rSumIdx = dt.Rows.Count + 1;
//var cSumIdx = CStartIndex + 1;
//// //加载一个合计行
//// //
//// //excel.Cells[rowSum, 2] = "合计";
//// r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[rSumIdx, 2], excel.Cells[rSumIdx, 2]];
//// r.HorizontalAlignment = XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
//// //
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[2, cSumIdx], excel.Cells[2, cIdx]];
//// r.Interior.ColorIndex = 19;
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[RStartIndex, cSumIdx], excel.Cells[rSumIdx, cIdx]];
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[RStartIndex, cSumIdx], excel.Cells[rSumIdx, cIdx]];
//r.Borders.LineStyle = 1;
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[RStartIndex, cSumIdx], excel.Cells[rSumIdx, cSumIdx]];
//r.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick; //设置左边线加粗
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[RStartIndex, cSumIdx], excel.Cells[RStartIndex, cIdx]];
//r.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop].Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick; //设置上边线加粗
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[RStartIndex, cIdx], excel.Cells[rSumIdx, cIdx]];
//r.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight].Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick; //设置右边线加粗
//r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[rSumIdx, cSumIdx], excel.Cells[rSumIdx, cIdx]];
//r.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].Weight = XlBorderWeight.xlThick; //设置下边线加粗
////r = sheet.Range[excel.Cells[0, 0], null];
//excel.Visible = false;
//excel.DisplayAlerts = false;
//excel.AlertBeforeOverwriting = false;
private static void ReleaseObject(object obj)
obj = null;
obj = null;
[DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hwnd, out int ID);
//private static void Kill(_Application excel)
// try
// {
// var t = new IntPtr(excel.Hwnd);
// var k = 0;
// GetWindowThreadProcessId(t, out k);
// var p = Process.GetProcessById(k);
// p.Kill();
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
// }
/// <summary>
/// 将DataTable数据写入Excel文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dt">DataTable</param>
public static void Write(DataTable dt)
if (SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
var fileName = SaveFileDialog.FileName;
WriteDataTableToExcel(dt, fileName);
/// <summary>
/// 将DataTable数据写入Excel文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dt">DataTable</param>
/// <param name="fileName">Excel文件路径</param>
public static void Write(DataTable dt, string fileName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
WriteDataTableToExcel(dt, fileName);
private static void WriteDataTableToExcel(DataTable dt, string fileName)
var fileExt = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('.'));
if (fileExt.ToUpper() == ".XLSX")
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
var poDv = new ProcessOperator
BackgroundWork = () => WriteExcelByDataTable(dt, fileName)
poDv.BackgroundWorkerCompleted += WriteExcel_Completed;
// /// <summary>
// /// 将DataSet数据写入Excel文件
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="dsExcel">DataSet</param>
// public void Write(DataSet dsExcel)
// {
// if (dsExcel != null && dsExcel.Tables.Count > 0)
// {
// if (_saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
// {
// string fileName = _saveFileDialog.FileName; //得到存放路径
// var poDv = new ProcessOperator
// {
// MessageInfo = @"正在写入" + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "文件",
// BackgroundWork = () => WriteExcelByDataSet(dsExcel, fileName)
// };
// poDv.BackgroundWorkerCompleted += WriteExcel_Completed;
// poDv.Start();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// MessageBox.Show("当前没有任何表单!");
// }
// }
public static void Write(DataSet ds)
if (SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
var fileName = SaveFileDialog.FileName;
Write(ds, fileName);
public static void Write(DataSet dsExcel, string fileName)
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
// {
// Write(dsExcel);
// }
// else
// {
if (dsExcel != null && dsExcel.Tables.Count > 0)
if (File.Exists(fileName))
//_saveFileDialog.FileName = fileName;
//if (_saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
//_writeSheetName = new List<string>();
foreach (DataTable dt in dsExcel.Tables)
if (dt == null || dt.TableName == null || dt.TableName == "") continue;
//string name = _saveFileDialog.FileName;
var dt1 = dt;
var poDv = new ProcessOperator
MessageInfo = @"正在写入" + Path.GetFileName(fileName) + "," + dt.TableName,
BackgroundWork = () => WriteExcelByDataTable(dt1, fileName)
WriteExcel_Completed(null, null);
// }
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("无法解析文件路径!\n" + ex);
public static void WriteExcelByDataTable(DataTable dt, string fileName)
// if (_writeSheetName == null)
// {
// _writeSheetName = new List<string>();
// }
//Workbook workbook = null;
//Worksheet sheet = null;
//var excel = new Application();
//var miss = Missing.Value;
// if (File.Exists(fileName))
// {
// workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(fileName, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true,
// false, 0, true, false, false);
// var sheets = workbook.Sheets;
// var existSheetName = string.Empty;
// for (var i = 1; i <= sheets.Count; i++)
// {
// if (sheets[i].Name != dt.TableName) continue;
// sheets[i].Name += "(副本)";
// existSheetName = sheets[i].Name;
// }
// sheet = (Worksheet)sheets.Add(sheets[1], miss, miss, miss);
// SetWorkSheetValue(excel, sheet, dt, fileName);
// workbook.Save();
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(existSheetName))
// sheets[existSheetName].Delete();
// }
// else
// {
// workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(true);
// sheet = (Worksheet)workbook.ActiveSheet;
// SetWorkSheetValue(excel, sheet, dt, fileName);
// // workbook.SaveAs(fileName, XlFileFormat.xlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet, miss, miss, miss, miss,
// // XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss);
// workbook.SaveAs(fileName, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss,
// XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss);
// }
//catch (Exception ex)
// MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());
// workbook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);
// excel.Quit();
// Kill(excel); //调用kill当前excel进程
// ReleaseObject(workbook);
// ReleaseObject(sheet);
// ReleaseObject(excel);
// private void WriteExcelByDataSet(DataSet dsExcel, string fileName)
// {
// //_writeSheetName = new List<string>();
// foreach (DataTable dtExcel in dsExcel.Tables)
// {
// if (dtExcel == null || dtExcel.TableName == null || dtExcel.TableName == "") continue;
// ListHelper.RemoveEmptyRow(dtExcel);
// //_dtExcel = dt;
// WriteExcelByDataTable(dtExcel, fileName);
// }
// }
private static void WriteExcel_Completed(object sender, BackgroundWorkerEventArgs e)
// MessageBox.Show("导出完成");
// MessageBox.Show(e.BackGroundException == null
// ? Path.GetFileName(_filePath) + "文件写入成功!"
// : Path.GetFileName(_filePath) + "文件写入失败,请联系管理员!");