using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Entity.Migrations; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CK.SCP.Models; using CK.SCP.Models.Enums; using CK.SCP.Models.ScpEntity; using CK.SCP.Utils; using System.Data.Entity.Core; using System.Web; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using CK.SCP.Models.ScpEntity.ExcelExportEnttity; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace CK.SCP.Controller { public class SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER { public static void Get_V_TB_ASK_RECEIVE_List(TB_ASK_RECEIVE p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { IQueryable q = db.TB_ASK_RECEIVE; if (p_entity.RecvBeginTime != null) { q = q.Where(p => p.RecvTime >= p_entity.RecvBeginTime); } if (p_entity.RecvEndTime != null) { q = q.Where(p => p.RecvTime <= p_entity.RecvEndTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.AskBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AskBillNum)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode)) { var _ls = p_entity.PartCode.Split(new char[] { ',' }); q = q.Where(p => _ls.Contains(p.PartCode)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartDesc1)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PartDesc1.Contains(p_entity.PartDesc1)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ProjectId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.ProjectId.Contains(p_entity.ProjectId)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Site)) { q = q.Where(p => p.Site == p_entity.Site); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Buyer)) { q = q.Where(p => p.Buyer == p_entity.Buyer); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendId == p_entity.VendId); } if (p_entity.State != null) { switch (p_entity.State) { case 0: q = q.Where(p => p.AskQty > 0 && p.Qty == 0 && p.ReviceQty == 0); break; case 1: q = q.Where(p => p.AskQty > 0 && p.Qty > 0 && p.ReviceQty == 0); break; case 2: q = q.Where(p => p.AskQty == p.ReviceQty); break; case 3: q = q.Where(p => p.ReviceQty > 0 && p.AskQty > p.ReviceQty); break; } } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", e.Message); throw e; } } //public override DataTable GetPagedDataTable(int pageIndex, int pageSize) //{ // SetWhere(); // if (StrOrder == "") StrOrder = "UserType desc, UserName asc"; // int rowbegin = (pageIndex * pageSize) + 1; // int rowend = (pageIndex + 1) * pageSize; // return GetDataLimit(rowbegin, rowend, "", StrWhere + " and " + StrSearch, StrOrder); //} //public virtual DataTable GetDataLimit(int rows1, int rows2, string fields, string strwhere, string orderby) //{ // if (fields == "") fields = "*"; // string sql = @" // select {0} from ( // select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by {1}) as rows_number_9999999, {0} from {2} where {5} // ) as query_temp_table_9999999 where rows_number_9999999 between {3} and {4} and ({5}) // "; // object[] obj = new object[6]; // obj[0] = fields; // obj[1] = orderby; // obj[2] = TableName; // obj[3] = rows1; // obj[4] = rows2; // obj[5] = strwhere; // sql = string.Format(sql, obj); // return db.Exec_DataSet(sql).Tables[0]; //} public static void Get_SCP_PO_REPORT(List p_list, Action> p_action) { ResultObject _ret = new ResultObject(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { DataSet _ds = new DataSet(); List _ls = new List(); SCP_PO_REPORT _report = new SCP_PO_REPORT(); var _askList=db.V_TB_ASK.Where(p => p_list.Contains(p.AskBillNum)).ToList(); if (_askList.Count>0) { var _ask=_askList.FirstOrDefault(); var _poList= _askList.Select(p => p.PoBillNum).Distinct().ToList(); _report.AuditTime = _ask.UpdateTime.Value.ToShortDateString(); _report.Auditor = _ask.UpdateUser; _report.FactoryName = _ask.Site_Desc; _report.ContectPhone = _ask.BuyerPhone; _report.MaterialPlanner = _ask.Buyer; _report.VendName = _ask.VendName; _report.VendId = _ask.VendId; _report.AskBillNum = string.Join(",", p_list.ToArray()); _report.PoBillNum = string.Join(",", _poList.ToArray()); var _first = db.TA_VENDER.Where(p => p.VendId == _ask.VendId).FirstOrDefault(); if (_first != null) { _report.VendPhone =_first.Phone; } _ls.Add(_report); List _detailList = new List(); var _askDetailList = db.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL.Where(p => p_list.Contains(p.AskBillNum)).OrderBy(p => p.PartCode).ThenBy(p => p.EndTime).ToList(); decimal _sum = 0; foreach (var itm in _askDetailList) { SCP_PO_REPORT_DETAIL _detail = new SCP_PO_REPORT_DETAIL(); _detail.PartCode = itm.PartCode; _detail.PartDesc1 = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.PartDesc1) ? string.Empty : itm.PartDesc2) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.PartDesc1) ? string.Empty : itm.PartDesc1); _detail.PoUnit = itm.PoUnit; _detail.AskQty = itm.AskQty; _detail.PoBillNum = itm.PoBillNum; _detail.PoLine = itm.PoLine; _detail.Price = itm.Price; _detail.BeginTime = itm.BeginTime.Value; _detail.EndTime = (itm.EndTime != null) ? itm.EndTime.Value : itm.BeginTime.Value; decimal _subTotal = Math.Round(itm.Price * itm.AskQty,2); _detail.SubTotal = _subTotal.ToString(); _sum += _subTotal; _detailList.Add(_detail); } _report.TotalPrice = Math.Round(_sum, 2).ToString(); var dt = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(_ls); _ds.Tables.Add(dt); var _dt1 = ConvertHelper.ToDataTable(_detailList); _ds.Tables.Add(_dt1); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = _ds; p_action(_ret); } } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASK_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASK_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_ASK_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_ASK_List", e.Message); throw e; } } public static DataTable Get_RECEIVE_YEAR(V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL p_detail, string p_year ,int p_state=1) { string _sql = "SELECT D.*,E.VENDNAME,F.PROJECTID FROM({0}) c pivot(sum(c.数量) for c.M in (一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月)) as d LEFT JOIN TA_VENDER E on D.vendid=E.VENDID LEFT JOIN TA_PART F ON f.partcode =d.partcode where {1}"; string sqlString = string.Empty; if (p_state == 1) { sqlString = "SELECT * FROM\n" + "(\n" + "SELECT SUM(qty)数量,PartCode,'{0}' AS M ,VendId,SubSite,PartDesc1,PoUnit\n" + " FROM [V_TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL] where createtime between '{1}' and '{2}' and [BillType_DESC]='到货单' group by PartCode,VendId,SubSite,PartDesc1,PoUnit) {4}"; } if (p_state == 2) { sqlString = "SELECT * FROM\n" + "(\n" + "SELECT SUM(qty)数量,PartCode,'{0}' AS M ,VendId,SubSite,PartDesc1,PoUnit\n" + " FROM [V_TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL] where createtime between '{1}' and '{2}' and [BillType_DESC]='退货单' group by PartCode,VendId,SubSite,PartDesc1,PoUnit) {4}"; } Dictionary dic = new Dictionary(); StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { string _begin = string.Empty; string _end = string.Empty; if (i < 10) { _begin = p_year + "-" + "0" + i.ToString() + "-" + "01"; _end = DateTime.Parse(_begin).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { _begin = p_year + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + "01"; _end = DateTime.Parse(_begin).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (i == 12) { _buffer.AppendFormat(sqlString, "十二月", _begin, _end, p_detail.Site, "A" + i.ToString() + "\r\n"); } else { string _month = string.Empty; switch (i) { case 1: _month = "一月"; break; case 2: _month = "二月"; break; case 3: _month = "三月"; break; case 4: _month = "四月"; break; case 5: _month = "五月"; break; case 6: _month = "六月"; break; case 7: _month = "七月"; break; case 8: _month = "八月"; break; case 9: _month = "九月"; break; case 10: _month = "十月"; break; case 11: _month = "十一月"; break; } _buffer.AppendFormat(sqlString, _month, _begin, _end, p_detail.Site, "A" + i.ToString() + "\r\n UNION ALL \r\n"); } } string _str = _buffer.ToString(); string where1 = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_detail.PartCode)) { where1 += string.Format(" and D.Partcode='{0}' ", p_detail.PartCode); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_detail.VendId)) { where1 += string.Format(" and D.VendId='{0}' ", p_detail.VendId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_detail.ProjectId)) { where1 += string.Format(" and ProjectId like '{0}%' ", p_detail.ProjectId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_detail.SubSite)) { where1 += string.Format(" and D.SubSite = '{0}' ", p_detail.SubSite); } string _sql1 = string.Format(_sql, _str, where1); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataTable _tbDate = new DataTable(); var dbSetting = GlobalConfig.ScpDatabase; SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(); try { var strConn = EntitiesFactory.GetEfConnectionString(dbSetting); conn.ConnectionString = strConn; if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Open(); } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = string.Format(_sql1); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(dt); dt.Columns.Add("合计"); dt.Columns["PartCode"].ColumnName = "零件编号"; dt.Columns["VendId"].ColumnName = "供应商编号"; dt.Columns["VendName"].ColumnName = "供应商名称"; dt.Columns["PartDesc1"].ColumnName = "零件名称"; dt.Columns["SubSite"].ColumnName = "站点"; dt.Columns["PoUnit"].ColumnName = "单位"; dt.Columns["ProjectId"].ColumnName = "项目编号"; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { decimal num = 0; foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { var _reg = Regex.Match(column.ColumnName, @"月"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_reg.Value)) { if (row[column.ColumnName] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(row[column.ColumnName].ToString())) { num += decimal.Parse(row[column.ColumnName].ToString()); } } } row["合计"] = num; } } catch { } return dt; } public static string GET_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_LIST_SQL(V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY p_entity) { StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); _buffer.Append("SELECT temp2.Qty / temp1.ReciveSumQty AS Regularly, temp1.ReciveSumQty, temp2.PoBillNum, temp2.AsnBillNum, "); _buffer.Append(" temp2.PartCode, temp2.PartDesc1, temp2.Qty, temp2.AskQty, temp2.AskBillNum, temp2.ProjectId, temp2.PoLine, temp2.ShipTime,temp2.RecTime , "); _buffer.Append(" temp2.RecvBillNum ,temp2.Site ,temp2.Scope, temp2.ReceiveTimeScope "); _buffer.Append("FROM(SELECT SUM(a.Qty) AS ReciveSumQty, a.PoLine, a.PoBillNum, C.AskBillNum, a.PartCode "); _buffer.Append(" FROM V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL AS a INNER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL AS C ON a.AsnBillNum = C.AsnBillNum AND a.PartCode = C.PartCode AND "); _buffer.Append(" a.PoBillNum = C.PoBillNum AND a.PoLine = C.PoLine INNER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" TB_ASN AS e ON a.AsnBillNum = e.AsnBillNum LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASK_DETAIL AS B ON C.AskBillNum = B.AskBillNum AND B.PartCode = C.PartCode AND "); _buffer.Append(" B.PoBillNum = C.PoBillNum AND B.PoLine = C.PoLine "); _buffer.AppendFormat("WHERE(a.IsDeleted = 0) AND(a.Site = '{0}') ",p_entity.Site); _buffer.Append(" GROUP BY a.PoLine, a.PoBillNum, C.AskBillNum, a.PartCode) AS temp1 INNER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" (SELECT a.PoBillNum, a.AsnBillNum, a.PartCode, a.PartDesc1, a.Qty, B.AskQty, C.AskBillNum, f.ProjectId, a.PoLine,e.ShipTime,a.ShipTime as RecTime, "); _buffer.Append(" a.RecvBillNum, a.VendId, D.VendName , ,DATEDIFF(day, e.ShipTime, a.ShipTime) as Scope ,isnull(D.ReceiveTimeScope,0) as ReceiveTimeScope "); _buffer.Append(" FROM V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL AS a INNER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL AS C ON a.AsnBillNum = C.AsnBillNum AND a.PartCode = C.PartCode AND "); _buffer.Append(" a.PoBillNum = C.PoBillNum AND a.PoLine = C.PoLine INNER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" TB_ASN AS e ON a.AsnBillNum = e.AsnBillNum LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASK_DETAIL AS B ON C.AskBillNum = B.AskBillNum AND B.PartCode = C.PartCode AND "); _buffer.Append(" B.PoBillNum = C.PoBillNum AND B.PoLine = C.PoLine LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" TA_VENDER AS D ON a.VendId = D.VendId LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" TA_PART AS f ON a.PartCode = f.PartCode INNER JOIN TA_VEND_PART as s on a.VendId=s.VendId and a.PartCode=s.PartCode and a.Site=s.Site "); _buffer.Append(" WHERE(DATEDIFF(day, DATEADD(day, ISNULL(D.ReceiveTimeScope, 0), e.ShipTime), a.ShipTime) < s.TransportationTime ) "); _buffer.AppendFormat(" AND(a.IsDeleted = 0) AND(a.Site = '{0}')) AS temp2 ON ", p_entity.Site); _buffer.Append(" temp1.AskBillNum = temp2.AskBillNum AND temp1.PoBillNum = temp2.PoBillNum AND "); _buffer.Append(" temp1.PartCode = temp2.PartCode AND temp1.PoLine = temp2.PoLine "); return _buffer.ToString(); } public static string GET_SQE(V_TB_ASN_DETAIL p_entity) { StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); _buffer.Append("SELECT B.VendName,a.VendId ,b.FailQty, a.RecQty from "); _buffer.Append(" (select SUM(Qty) as RecQty,VendId from V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL "); _buffer.Append(" WHERE 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.SQE_BeginTime)) { _buffer.AppendFormat(" AND V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.CreateTime>=CAST('{0}' as datetime) ", p_entity.SQE_BeginTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.SQE_EndTime)) { _buffer.AppendFormat(" AND V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.CreateTime<=CAST('{0}' as datetime) ", p_entity.SQE_EndTime); } _buffer.Append(" group by VendId ) as A INNER JOIN"); _buffer.Append(" (select SUM(Failqty) as FailQty,V_TB_QUALITY.VendId,V_TB_QUALITY.VendName from V_TB_QUALITY "); _buffer.Append(" inner join V_TB_RECEIVE "); _buffer.Append(" on V_TB_RECEIVE.AsnBillNum=V_TB_QUALITY.By1 "); _buffer.AppendFormat(" WHERE 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.SQE_BeginTime)) { _buffer.AppendFormat(" AND V_TB_RECEIVE.CreateTime>=CAST('{0}' as datetime) ", p_entity.SQE_BeginTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.SQE_EndTime)) { _buffer.AppendFormat(" AND V_TB_RECEIVE.CreateTime<=CAST('{0}' as datetime) ", p_entity.SQE_EndTime); } _buffer.Append(" group by V_TB_QUALITY.VendId, V_TB_QUALITY.VendName "); _buffer.Append(" ) as B ON A.VendId=B.Vendid "); return _buffer.ToString(); } public static string GET_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_SQL(V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE p_entity) { StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder(); _builder.Append(" SELECT A.UID, A.RecvBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.Batch, A.Qty, A.DockCode, A.Remark, A.CreateTime, A.CreateUser, "); _builder.Append(" A.IsDeleted, A.GUID, A.AsnBillNum, A.Site, A.VendId, A.ShipTime, A.OperName, A.PartDesc1, A.State, A.PoBillNum, "); _builder.Append(" B.VendName, B.Site_Desc,isnull(p.Price,0) as price, p.Currency, A.Unit, A.VendBatch, A.PoUnit, A.LocUnit, A.BillType_DESC, "); _builder.Append(" B.State_DESC, p.BeginTime,SUM(isnull(C.Qty,0)) as InvQty,an.AskBillNum "); _builder.Append(" FROM dbo.V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL AS A LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_RECEIVE AS B ON A.RecvBillNum = B.RecvBillNum LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_PO_DETAIL AS p ON A.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum AND A.PoLine = p.PoLine AND A.PartCode = p.PartCode "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" left join V_TB_INVOICE_DETAIL C "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" ON A.PoBillNum = c.PoBillNum AND A.PoLine = C.PoLineNum AND A.PartCode = C.PartCode AND C.RecvBillNum = A.RecvBillNum "); _builder.Append(" inner join TB_PO po on a.PoBillNum = po.PoBillNum "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" inner join V_TB_ASN an on a.AsnBillNum = an.AsnBillNum "); _builder.Append(" where po.ModType = 1 and (C.IsDeleted = 0 or C.IsDeleted IS NULL) AND aN.IsDeleted = 0 "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" group by "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" A.UID, A.RecvBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.Batch, A.Qty, A.DockCode, A.Remark, A.CreateTime, A.CreateUser, "); _builder.Append(" A.IsDeleted, A.GUID, A.AsnBillNum, A.Site, A.VendId, A.ShipTime, A.OperName, A.PartDesc1, A.State, A.PoBillNum, "); _builder.Append(" B.VendName, B.Site_Desc, p.Price, p.Currency, A.Unit, A.VendBatch, A.PoUnit, A.LocUnit, A.BillType_DESC, "); _builder.Append(" B.State_DESC, p.BeginTime,an.AskBillNum "); _builder.Append(" union all "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" SELECT A.UID, A.RecvBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.Batch, A.Qty, A.DockCode, A.Remark, A.CreateTime, A.CreateUser, "); _builder.Append(" A.IsDeleted, A.GUID, A.AsnBillNum, A.Site, A.VendId, A.ShipTime, A.OperName, A.PartDesc1, A.State, A.PoBillNum, "); _builder.Append(" B.VendName, B.Site_Desc, isnull(p.Price,0) as price, p.Currency, A.Unit, A.VendBatch, A.PoUnit, A.LocUnit, A.BillType_DESC, "); _builder.Append(" B.State_DESC, p.BeginTime,SUM(isnull(C.Qty,0)) as InvQty,ak.AskBillNum "); _builder.Append(" FROM dbo.V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL AS A LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_RECEIVE AS B ON A.RecvBillNum = B.RecvBillNum LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_PO_DETAIL AS p ON A.PoBillNum = p.PoBillNum AND A.PoLine = p.PoLine AND A.PartCode = p.PartCode "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" left join V_TB_INVOICE_DETAIL C "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" ON A.PoBillNum = c.PoBillNum AND A.PoLine = C.PoLineNum AND A.PartCode = C.PartCode AND C.RecvBillNum = A.RecvBillNum "); _builder.Append(" inner join TB_PO po on a.PoBillNum = po.PoBillNum "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" inner join V_TB_ASK ak on a.PoBillNum = ak.PoBillNum "); _builder.Append(" where po.ModType = 2 and (C.IsDeleted = 0 or C.IsDeleted IS NULL) AND ak.IsDeleted = 0 "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" group by "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" A.UID, A.RecvBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.Batch, A.Qty, A.DockCode, A.Remark, A.CreateTime, A.CreateUser, "); _builder.Append(" A.IsDeleted, A.GUID, A.AsnBillNum, A.Site, A.VendId, A.ShipTime, A.OperName, A.PartDesc1, A.State, A.PoBillNum, "); _builder.Append(" B.VendName, B.Site_Desc, p.Price, p.Currency, A.Unit, A.VendBatch, A.PoUnit, A.LocUnit, A.BillType_DESC, "); _builder.Append(" B.State_DESC, p.BeginTime,ak.AskBillNum "); return _builder.ToString(); } public static string GetV_TIMELY_DELIVERY_SQL(V_TIMELY_DELIVERY p_entity) { StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder(); _builder.Append(" SELECT AskQty, ReduceQty, Qty, s1.AskBillNum, PoBillNum, s1.PoLine, s1.PartCode, Number, PartDesc1, GUID, IsDeleted, BeginTime, EndTime, UID, ValidityDays, Site, VendId,DATEDIFF(day, s2.RecvTime, EndTime) AS ReviceDelayDay, RecvTime ,VendName ,s2.ReviceQty "); _builder.Append(" FROM(SELECT A.AskQty, ISNULL(A.ReduceQty, 0) AS ReduceQty, SUM(CASE WHEN b.State >= 3 THEN b.Qty ELSE 0 END) "); _builder.Append(" AS Qty, A.AskBillNum, A.PoBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.AskQty - ISNULL(A.ReduceQty, 0) "); _builder.Append(" - SUM(CASE WHEN b.State >= 3 THEN b.Qty ELSE 0 END) AS Number, A.PartDesc1, A.CreateTime, "); _builder.Append(" A.CreateUser, A.UpdateTime, A.UpdateUser, A.UpdateInfo, A.GUID, A.IsDeleted, A.BeginTime, A.EndTime, "); _builder.Append(" A.UID, DATEDIFF(day, DATEADD(day, A.ValidityDays, ISNULL(MAX(B.UpdateTime), GETDATE())), A.EndTime) "); _builder.Append(" AS ValidityDays, A.Site, A.VendId ,a.VendName "); _builder.Append(" FROM dbo.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL AS A LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL AS B ON A.AskBillNum = B.AskBillNum AND A.PoLine = B.PoLine AND "); _builder.Append(" A.PartCode = B.PartCode "); _builder.Append(" left join TB_PO p on a.PoBillNum=p.PoBillNum "); _builder.Append(" WHERE(A.IsDeleted = 0) AND(A.State > 1) and p.ModType=1 "); if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND a.BeginTime>=CAST('{0}' as datetime)", p_entity.BeginTime.Value.ToString()); } if (p_entity.EndTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND a.BeginTime<=CAST('{0}' as datetime)", p_entity.EndTime.Value.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum)) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND a.PoBillNum='{0}'",p_entity.PoBillNum); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum)) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND a.AskBillNum='{0}'", p_entity.AskBillNum); } _builder.Append(" GROUP BY A.AskBillNum, A.PoBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.AskQty, A.ReduceQty, A.PartDesc1, A.CreateTime, "); _builder.Append(" A.CreateUser, A.UpdateTime, A.UpdateUser, A.UpdateInfo, A.GUID, A.BeginTime, A.EndTime, A.IsDeleted, "); _builder.Append(" A.UID, A.ValidityDays, A.Site, A.VendId,a.VendName) AS s1 "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" left join "); _builder.Append(" (SELECT rd.PoLine, rd.PartCode, sum(rd.qty) AS ReviceQty, ad.AskBillNum,max(rd.ShipTime) as RecvTime FROM V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL rd inner join V_TB_ASN_DETAIL ad on rd.AsnBillNum=ad.AsnBillNum "); _builder.Append(" and rd.PoLine= ad.PoLine and rd.PartCode= ad.PartCode AND RD.Site= ad.Site and RD.SubSite= ad.SubSite "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" group by rd.PoLine, rd.PartCode, ad.AskBillNum) as s2 "); _builder.Append(" on s1.AskBillNum=s2.AskBillNum and s1.PartCode=s2.PartCode and s1.PoLine=s2.PoLine "); _builder.Append(" union all "); _builder.Append(" SELECT AskQty, ReduceQty, Qty, s1.AskBillNum, PoBillNum, s1.PoLine, s1.PartCode, Number, PartDesc1, GUID, IsDeleted, BeginTime, EndTime, UID, ValidityDays, Site, VendId,DATEDIFF(day, s2.RecvTime, EndTime) AS ReviceDelayDay, RecvTime,VendName ,s2.ReviceQty "); _builder.Append(" FROM(SELECT A.AskQty, ISNULL(A.ReduceQty, 0) AS ReduceQty, SUM(CASE WHEN b.State >= 3 THEN b.Qty ELSE 0 END) "); _builder.Append(" AS Qty, A.AskBillNum, A.PoBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.AskQty - ISNULL(A.ReduceQty, 0) "); _builder.Append(" - SUM(CASE WHEN b.State >= 3 THEN b.Qty ELSE 0 END) AS Number, A.PartDesc1, A.CreateTime, "); _builder.Append(" A.CreateUser, A.UpdateTime, A.UpdateUser, A.UpdateInfo, A.GUID, A.IsDeleted, A.BeginTime, A.EndTime, "); _builder.Append(" A.UID, DATEDIFF(day, DATEADD(day, A.ValidityDays, ISNULL(MAX(B.UpdateTime), GETDATE())), A.EndTime) "); _builder.Append(" AS ValidityDays, A.Site, A.VendId ,a.VendName "); _builder.Append(" FROM dbo.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL AS A LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_ASN_DETAIL AS B ON A.AskBillNum = B.AskBillNum AND A.PoLine = B.PoLine AND "); _builder.Append(" A.PartCode = B.PartCode "); _builder.Append(" left join TB_PO p on a.PoBillNum=p.PoBillNum "); _builder.Append(" WHERE(A.IsDeleted = 0) AND(A.State > 1) and p.ModType=2 "); if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND A.BeginTime>=CAST('{0}' as datetime)", p_entity.BeginTime.Value.ToString()); } if (p_entity.EndTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND A.BeginTime<=CAST('{0}' as datetime)", p_entity.EndTime.Value.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum)) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND a.PoBillNum='{0}'", p_entity.PoBillNum); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum)) { _builder.AppendFormat("AND a.AskBillNum='{0}'", p_entity.AskBillNum); } _builder.Append(" GROUP BY A.AskBillNum, A.PoBillNum, A.PoLine, A.PartCode, A.AskQty, A.ReduceQty, A.PartDesc1, A.CreateTime, "); _builder.Append(" A.CreateUser, A.UpdateTime, A.UpdateUser, A.UpdateInfo, A.GUID, A.BeginTime, A.EndTime, A.IsDeleted, "); _builder.Append(" A.UID, A.ValidityDays, A.Site, A.VendId,a.VendName) AS s1 "); _builder.Append(" "); _builder.Append(" left join "); _builder.Append(" (SELECT ad.PoLine, ad.PartCode, sum(rd.qty) AS ReviceQty, ad.AskBillNum,max(rd.ShipTime) as RecvTime FROM V_TB_ASK_DETAIL ad inner join V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL rd on rd.PoBillNum=ad.PoBillNum "); _builder.Append(" and rd.PoLine= ad.PoLine and rd.PartCode= ad.PartCode and rd.Site=ad.Site and rd.SubSite=ad.SubSite "); _builder.AppendFormat(" where ad.State>=3 and'{0}'",p_entity.Site); _builder.Append(" group by ad.PoLine, ad.PartCode, ad.AskBillNum) as s2"); _builder.Append(" on s1.AskBillNum=s2.AskBillNum and s1.PartCode=s2.PartCode and s1.PoLine=s2.PoLine"); return _builder.ToString(); } public static string Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_SQL(V_FORECAST_REPORT p_entity) { StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder(); _builder.Append(" select B.PartCode,B.VendId,B.AskQty,B.Month, ISNULL(c.MonthQty1,0) as MonthQty1 ,ISNULL(c.MonthQty2,0) as MonthQty2 ,ISNULL(c.MonthQty3,0) as MonthQty3 from ( "); _builder.Append(" (selecT PartCode,VendId ,MONTH(BeginTime) as Month,sum(AskQty) as AskQty from V_TB_ASK_DETAIL A "); _builder.Append(" where A.IsDeleted=0 group by A.PartCode,A.VendId ,MONTH(A.BeginTime)) B LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" TB_FORECAST c on B.PartCode=c.PartCode and B.VendId=c.VendId and b.Month=c.Month and c.IsDeleted=0 and c.State=1 ) where 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode)) { _builder.AppendFormat(" And B.PartCode='{0}'", p_entity.PartCode); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) { _builder.AppendFormat(" And B.VendId='{0}'", p_entity.VendId); } if (p_entity.Month!=0) { _builder.AppendFormat(" And B.Month='{0}'", p_entity.Month); } return _builder.ToString(); } /// /// 按零件编号获取及时率语句(沈阳) /// /// /// public static string Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_SQL(SCP_OTD_EXPORT p_entity) { StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder(); _builder.Append(" select h.PartCode ,sum (h.Qty) as ArriveQty , SUM(AskQty) as AskQty ,(SUM(AskQty) -sum (h.Qty)) as Qty ,sum(h.NntimelyQty) as NntimelyQty , "); _builder.Append(" (CASE WHEN sum(Qty)=0 Then 0 ELSE (sum (NntimelyQty)/sum(Qty)) END) as OTD , sum (h.Qty)/sum(AskQty) AS ArriveOTD from ( SELECT p.AskBillNum, p.PartCode, ISNULL(A.Qty,0) as Qty, "); _builder.Append(" p.AskQty, (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, A.ShipTime, p.EndTime) > 0 THEN A.Qty ELSE 0 END) as NntimelyQty ,a.ShipTime ,p.EndTime FROM dbo.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL AS A ON A.Remark = p.AskBillNum AND A.PoLine = p.PoLine AND A.PartCode = p.PartCode LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.V_TB_ARRIVE AS B ON A.ArrvBillNum = B.ArrvBillNum "); if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat(" where p.EndTime>='{0}'", p_entity.BeginTime); } if (p_entity.EndTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat(" AND p.EndTime<='{0}' ", p_entity.EndTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode)) { _builder.AppendFormat(" AND p.PartCode='{0}'", p_entity.PartCode); } _builder.Append(") as h group by h.PartCode"); return _builder.ToString(); } /// /// 按供应商编号获取及时率语句(沈阳) /// /// /// public static string Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_SQL_VendId(SCP_OTD_EXPORT p_entity) { StringBuilder _builder = new StringBuilder(); _builder.Append(" select h.VendId ,sum (h.Qty) as ArriveQty , SUM(AskQty) as AskQty ,(SUM(AskQty) -sum (h.Qty)) as Qty ,sum(h.NntimelyQty) as NntimelyQty , "); _builder.Append(" (CASE WHEN sum(Qty)=0 Then 0 ELSE (sum (NntimelyQty)/sum(Qty)) END) as OTD , sum (h.Qty)/sum(AskQty) AS ArriveOTD from ( SELECT p.VendId, p.AskBillNum, ISNULL(A.Qty,0) as Qty, "); _builder.Append(" p.AskQty, (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, A.ShipTime, p.EndTime) > 0 THEN A.Qty ELSE 0 END) as NntimelyQty ,a.ShipTime ,p.EndTime FROM dbo.V_TB_ASK_DETAIL AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN "); _builder.Append(" dbo.V_TB_ARRIVE_DETAIL AS A ON A.Remark = p.AskBillNum AND A.PoLine = p.PoLine AND A.PartCode = p.PartCode LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.V_TB_ARRIVE AS B ON A.ArrvBillNum = B.ArrvBillNum "); if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat(" where p.EndTime>='{0}'", p_entity.BeginTime); } if (p_entity.EndTime != null) { _builder.AppendFormat(" AND p.EndTime<='{0}' ", p_entity.EndTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode)) { _builder.AppendFormat(" AND p.VendId='{0}'", p_entity.VendId); } _builder.Append(") as h group by h.VendId"); return _builder.ToString(); } public static void Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_List(V_FORECAST_REPORT p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_FORECAST_REPORT_List", e.Message); throw e; } } /// /// 获取及时率数据 /// /// /// public static void Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_List(int flag, SCP_OTD_EXPORT p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = ""; if (flag == 1) { _sql = Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_SQL(p_entity); } else { _sql = Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_SQL_VendId(p_entity); } IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SCP_OTD_REPORT_List", e.Message); throw e; } } public static void Get_SQE(V_TB_ASN_DETAIL p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { var _sql = GET_SQE(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendId == p_entity.VendId); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_SQE", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_SQE", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_SQE", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_SQE", e.Message); throw e; } } public static void Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List(V_TIMELY_DELIVERY p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = GetV_TIMELY_DELIVERY_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); if (p_entity.RecvBeginTime != null) { q = q.Where(p => p.RecvTime >= p_entity.RecvBeginTime); } if (p_entity.RecvEndTime != null) { q = q.Where(p => p.RecvTime <= p_entity.RecvEndTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode )) { var _ls=p_entity.PartCode.Split(new char[] { ',' }); q = q.Where(p =>_ls.Contains(p.PartCode)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartDesc1)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PartDesc1.Contains(p.PartDesc1)); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TIMELY_DELIVERY_List", e.Message); throw e; } } public static void Get_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_List(V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql =GET_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.RecvBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.RecvBillNum.Contains(p_entity.RecvBillNum)); } if (p_entity.PoLine != 0) { q = q.Where(p => p.PoLine == p_entity.PoLine); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PartCode.Contains(p_entity.PartCode)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Batch)) { q = q.Where(p => p.Batch.Contains(p_entity.Batch)); } if (p_entity.IsDeleted != false) { q = q.Where(p => p.IsDeleted == p_entity.IsDeleted); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AsnBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum==p_entity.AsnBillNum); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.Site)) { q = q.Where(p => p.Site==p_entity.Site); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendId==p_entity.VendId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PoBillNum==p_entity.PoBillNum); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.AskBillNum==p_entity.AskBillNum); } if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site)); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_LisT", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_LisT", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_LisT", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_TB_RECEIVE_INVOICE_LisT", e.Message); throw e; } } public static void Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List(V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY p_entity,Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = GET_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_LIST_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PoBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PoBillNum.Contains(p_entity.PoBillNum)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AsnBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.AsnBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AsnBillNum)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendId.Contains(p_entity.VendId)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartCode)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PartCode.Contains(p_entity.PartCode)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.PartDesc1)) { q = q.Where(p => p.PartDesc1.Contains(p_entity.PartDesc1)); } if (p_entity.Qty != 0) { q = q.Where(p => p.Qty == p_entity.Qty); } if (p_entity.AskQty != null) { q = q.Where(p => p.AskQty == p_entity.AskQty); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.AskBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.AskBillNum.Contains(p_entity.AskBillNum)); } if (p_entity.PoLine != 0) { q = q.Where(p => p.PoLine == p_entity.PoLine); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.RecvBillNum)) { q = q.Where(p => p.RecvBillNum.Contains(p_entity.RecvBillNum)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ProjectId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.ProjectId.Contains(p_entity.ProjectId)); } if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site)); } if (p_entity.UserInVendIds != null && p_entity.UserInVendIds.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInVendIds.Contains(p.VendId)); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", e.Message); throw e; } } /// /// 获取饼状图数据 /// /// /// public static void Get_V_Pie_Chart_List(V_Pie_Chart p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = Get_V_Pie_Chart_List_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendId == p_entity.VendId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendName)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendName.Contains(p_entity.VendName)); } if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site)); } if (p_entity.UserInVendIds != null && p_entity.UserInVendIds.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInVendIds.Contains(p.VendId)); } //if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) //{ // q = q.Where(p => Convert.ToDateTime(p.RecTime) >= p_entity.BeginTime); //} //if (p_entity.EndTime != null) //{ // q = q.Where(p => Convert.ToDateTime(p.RecTime) <= p_entity.EndTime); //} _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_Pie_Chart_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_Pie_Chart_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_Pie_Chart_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY), "Get_V_Pie_Chart_List", e.Message); throw e; } } /// /// 获取曲线图数据 /// /// /// public static void Get_V_Line_Chart_List(V_Pie_Chart p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = Get_V_Line_Chart_List_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendId)) //{ // q = q.Where(p => p.VendId == p_entity.VendId); //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.VendName)) { q = q.Where(p => p.VendName.Contains (p_entity.VendName)); } if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site)); } if (p_entity.UserInVendIds != null && p_entity.UserInVendIds.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInVendIds.Contains(p.VendId)); } //if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) //{ // q = q.Where(p => Convert.ToDateTime(p.RecTime) >= p_entity.BeginTime); //} //if (p_entity.EndTime != null) //{ // q = q.Where(p => Convert.ToDateTime(p.RecTime) <= p_entity.EndTime); //} _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", e.Message); throw e; } } /// /// 获取柱状图数据 /// /// /// public static void Get_V_Bar_Chart_List(V_Pie_Chart p_entity, Action>> p_action) { ResultObject> _ret = new ResultObject>(); try { using (ScpEntities db = EntitiesFactory.CreateScpInstance()) { string _sql = Get_V_bar_Chart_List_SQL(p_entity); IQueryable q = db.Database.SqlQuery(_sql).AsQueryable(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_entity.ProjectId)) //{ // q = q.Where(p => p.ProjectId == p_entity.ProjectId); //} if (p_entity.UserInAddress != null && p_entity.UserInAddress.Count > 0) { q = q.Where(p => p_entity.UserInAddress.Contains(p.Site)); } //if (p_entity.BeginTime != null) //{ // q = q.Where(p => Convert.ToDateTime(p.RecTime) >= p_entity.BeginTime); //} //if (p_entity.EndTime != null) //{ // q = q.Where(p => Convert.ToDateTime(p.RecTime) <= p_entity.EndTime); //} _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Succeed; _ret.Result = q; p_action(_ret); } } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbEx)//捕获实体验证异常 { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var error in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors.ToList()) { error.ValidationErrors.ToList().ForEach(i => { sb.AppendFormat("表:{0},字段:{1},信息:{2}\r\n", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, i.PropertyName, i.ErrorMessage); }); } _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(dbEx); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", sb.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.DbEntityValidationException, sb.ToString(), "字段验证失败" + sb.ToString()); } catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException ex)//并发冲突异常 { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", ex.ToString()); throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "9999", ex.ToString()); } catch (ScpException ex) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(ex); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(SCP_REPORT_CONTROLLER), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", ex.ToString()); if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(UpdateException)) { var inner = (UpdateException)ex.InnerException; throw new ScpException(ResultCode.Exception, "0000", ex.ToString()); } else { if (ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; } } catch (Exception e) { _ret.State = ReturnStatus.Failed; _ret.ErrorList.Add(e); LogHelper.Writlog(LogHelper.LogType.Error, typeof(V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY), "Get_V_SUPPLIERS_REGUALARLY_List", e.Message); throw e; } } /// /// 获取饼状图sql /// /// /// public static string Get_V_Pie_Chart_List_SQL(V_Pie_Chart p_entity) { StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); _buffer.Append(" SELECT V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.Site, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.ShipUser, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.ReceiveUser, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.VendId, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.VendName, CONVERT(varchar(100),"); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.ShipTime, 23) AS ShipTime, CONVERT(varchar(100), V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime, 23) AS RecTime, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.Qty, (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.ShipTime, "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime) >= TA_VEND_PART.TransportationTime THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS Flag FROM V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW INNER JOIN "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL ON V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.PartCode = V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.PartCode AND V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.PoLine = V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.PoLine AND "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.AsnBillNum = V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.AsnBillNum INNER JOIN TA_VEND_PART ON V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.VendId = TA_VEND_PART.VendId AND "); _buffer.AppendFormat(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.PartCode = TA_VEND_PART.PartCode AND V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.Site = TA_VEND_PART.Site WHERE (V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.IsDeleted = 0) and (V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime>='{0}') and (V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime<='{1}') ", p_entity.BeginTime, p_entity.EndTime); return _buffer.ToString(); } /// /// 获取曲线图sql /// /// /// public static string Get_V_Line_Chart_List_SQL(V_Pie_Chart p_entity) { StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); _buffer.Append(" select temp.Site,temp.VendId,temp.VendName ,RecTime ,temp.flag , sum(temp.Qty) as Qty from (select V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.Site, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.ShipUser,V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.ReceiveUser, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.VendId ,"); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.VendName,CONVERT(varchar(100), V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.ShipTime, 23) as ShipTime,CONVERT(varchar(100), V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime, 23) as RecTime, "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.Qty,(case when DATEDIFF(day ,V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.ShipTime,V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime )>=TA_VEND_PART.TransportationTime then 0 else 1 end) as flag"); _buffer.Append(" from V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View JOIN [dbo].[V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL] on V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.PartCode=V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.PartCode and V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.PoLine=V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.PoLine and V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.AsnBillNum=V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.AsnBillNum "); _buffer.Append(" JOIN TA_VEND_PART on V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.VendId=TA_VEND_PART.VendId and V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.PartCode=TA_VEND_PART.PartCode and V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.Site=TA_VEND_PART.Site"); _buffer.AppendFormat(" where V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.IsDeleted=0 and V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime>='{0}' and V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime<='{1}' and V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.VendId='{2}' ) temp group by temp.Site,temp.VendId,temp.VendName ,RecTime ,temp.flag", p_entity.BeginTime, p_entity.EndTime ,p_entity.VendId); return _buffer.ToString(); } /// /// 获取柱状图sql /// /// /// public static string Get_V_bar_Chart_List_SQL(V_Pie_Chart p_entity) { StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); _buffer.Append("SELECT Site, ProjectId, RecTime, flag, SUM(Qty) AS Qty"); _buffer.Append(" FROM (SELECT TA_PART.PartCode, TA_PART.ProjectId, V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.Site, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.ShipUser, "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.ReceiveUser, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.VendId, "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.VendName, CONVERT(varchar(100), V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.ShipTime, 23) "); _buffer.Append(" AS ShipTime, CONVERT(varchar(100), V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime, 23) AS RecTime,"); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.Qty, (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_View.ShipTime, "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime) >= TA_VEND_PART.TransportationTime THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS flag"); _buffer.Append(" FROM V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW INNER JOIN V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL ON V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.PartCode = V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.PartCode AND "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.PoLine = V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.PoLine AND V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.AsnBillNum = V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.AsnBillNum INNER JOIN"); _buffer.Append(" TA_VEND_PART ON V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.VendId = TA_VEND_PART.VendId AND V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.PartCode = TA_VEND_PART.PartCode AND "); _buffer.Append(" V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.Site = TA_VEND_PART.Site INNER JOIN TA_PART ON TA_PART.PartCode = TA_VEND_PART.PartCode"); _buffer.AppendFormat(" WHERE (V_TB_ASN_DETAIL_VIEW.IsDeleted = 0) and (V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime>='{0}') and (V_TB_RECEIVE_DETAIL.ShipTime<='{1}') and ( TA_PART.ProjectId='{2}') ) AS temp ", p_entity.BeginTime,p_entity.EndTime,p_entity.ProjectId); _buffer.Append(" GROUP BY Site, ProjectId, RecTime, flag"); return _buffer.ToString(); } } }