diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/host/SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host/Logs/log-20220622.txt b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/host/SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host/Logs/log-20220622.txt index 0468d177..3176c5dd 100644 --- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/host/SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host/Logs/log-20220622.txt +++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/host/SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host/Logs/log-20220622.txt @@ -778,3 +778,851 @@ VALUES (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10, @p11, @p12, @p13 INSERT INTO [AbpAuditLogActions] ([Id], [AuditLogId], [ExecutionDuration], [ExecutionTime], [ExtraProperties], [MethodName], [Parameters], [ServiceName], [TenantId]) VALUES (@p22, @p23, @p24, @p25, @p26, @p27, @p28, @p29, @p30);" 2022-06-22 13:40:13.790 G Request finished HTTP/1.1 POST http://localhost:44378/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitList application/json 46 - 200 - application/json;+charset=utf-8 6620.6096ms +2022-06-22 16:57:59.153 G Starting web host. +2022-06-22 16:58:13.512 G User profile is available. Using '"C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\ASP.NET\DataProtection-Keys"' as key repository and Windows DPAPI to encrypt keys at rest. +2022-06-22 16:58:13.638 G Loaded ABP modules: +2022-06-22 16:58:13.640 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountHttpApiHostModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.641 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountApplicationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.642 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountJobModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.643 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountDomainModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.644 G - Volo.Abp.Domain.AbpDddDomainModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.645 G - Volo.Abp.Auditing.AbpAuditingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.646 G - Volo.Abp.Data.AbpDataModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.647 G - Volo.Abp.ObjectExtending.AbpObjectExtendingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.650 G - Volo.Abp.Localization.AbpLocalizationAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.651 G - Volo.Abp.Validation.AbpValidationAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.652 G - Volo.Abp.Uow.AbpUnitOfWorkModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.653 G - Volo.Abp.EventBus.Abstractions.AbpEventBusAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.654 G - Volo.Abp.Json.AbpJsonModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.655 G - Volo.Abp.Timing.AbpTimingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.655 G - Volo.Abp.Localization.AbpLocalizationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.656 G - Volo.Abp.VirtualFileSystem.AbpVirtualFileSystemModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.657 G - Volo.Abp.Settings.AbpSettingsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.658 G - Volo.Abp.Security.AbpSecurityModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.658 G - Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy.AbpMultiTenancyModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.659 G - Volo.Abp.Threading.AbpThreadingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.660 G - Volo.Abp.EventBus.AbpEventBusModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.661 G - Volo.Abp.Guids.AbpGuidsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.663 G - Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping.AbpObjectMappingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.664 G - Volo.Abp.ExceptionHandling.AbpExceptionHandlingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.666 G - Volo.Abp.Specifications.AbpSpecificationsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.667 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.668 G - Volo.Abp.Validation.AbpValidationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.669 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountApplicationContractsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.671 G - Volo.Abp.Application.AbpDddApplicationContractsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.672 G - Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.672 G - Volo.Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.673 G - Volo.Abp.AutoMapper.AbpAutoMapperModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.674 G - Volo.Abp.Dapper.AbpDapperModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.674 G - Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpEntityFrameworkCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.675 G - Win.Abp.Snowflakes.AbpSnowflakeGeneratorModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.675 G - Volo.Abp.Http.Client.IdentityModel.AbpHttpClientIdentityModelModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.676 G - Volo.Abp.Http.Client.AbpHttpClientModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.677 G - Volo.Abp.Http.AbpHttpModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.679 G - Volo.Abp.Http.AbpHttpAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.682 G - Volo.Abp.Minify.AbpMinifyModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.683 G - Volo.Abp.Castle.AbpCastleCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.684 G - Volo.Abp.IdentityModel.AbpIdentityModelModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.685 G - Volo.Abp.Caching.AbpCachingModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.686 G - Volo.Abp.Serialization.AbpSerializationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.686 G - Volo.Abp.Identity.AbpIdentityHttpApiClientModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.687 G - Volo.Abp.Identity.AbpIdentityApplicationContractsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.688 G - Volo.Abp.Identity.AbpIdentityDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.688 G - Volo.Abp.Users.AbpUsersDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.689 G - Volo.Abp.Features.AbpFeaturesModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.690 G - Volo.Abp.Users.AbpUsersAbstractionModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.690 G - Volo.Abp.Application.AbpDddApplicationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.691 G - Volo.Abp.GlobalFeatures.AbpGlobalFeaturesModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.692 G - Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.AbpPermissionManagementApplicationContractsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.693 G - Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.AbpPermissionManagementDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.695 G - Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.AbpAspNetCoreMvcModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.696 G - Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.AbpAspNetCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.697 G - Volo.Abp.ApiVersioning.AbpApiVersioningAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.699 G - Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.AbpAspNetCoreMvcContractsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.700 G - Volo.Abp.UI.Navigation.AbpUiNavigationModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.701 G - Volo.Abp.UI.AbpUiModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.701 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountEntityFrameworkCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.702 G - Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpPermissionManagementEntityFrameworkCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.703 G - Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement.AbpPermissionManagementDomainModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.703 G - Volo.Abp.SettingManagement.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpSettingManagementEntityFrameworkCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.704 G - Volo.Abp.SettingManagement.AbpSettingManagementDomainModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.705 G - Volo.Abp.SettingManagement.AbpSettingManagementDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.705 G - Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpAuditLoggingEntityFrameworkCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.706 G - Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.AbpAuditLoggingDomainModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.706 G - Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.AbpAuditLoggingDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.707 G - Volo.Abp.TenantManagement.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpTenantManagementEntityFrameworkCoreModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.708 G - Volo.Abp.TenantManagement.AbpTenantManagementDomainModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.709 G - Volo.Abp.TenantManagement.AbpTenantManagementDomainSharedModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.710 G - Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.SettleAccountHttpApiModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.711 G - Volo.Abp.Autofac.AbpAutofacModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.712 G - Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.AbpEntityFrameworkCoreSqlServerModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.713 G - Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Serilog.AbpAspNetCoreSerilogModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.714 G - Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.AbpBlobStoringModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.715 G - Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.FileSystem.AbpBlobStoringFileSystemModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.716 G - Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.Hangfire.AbpBackgroundJobsHangfireModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.717 G - Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.AbpBackgroundJobsAbstractionsModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.718 G - Volo.Abp.Hangfire.AbpHangfireModule +2022-06-22 16:58:13.792 G Start installing Hangfire SQL objects... +2022-06-22 16:58:14.074 G Hangfire SQL objects installed. +2022-06-22 16:58:14.088 G Starting Hangfire Server using job storage: 'SQL Server:' +2022-06-22 16:58:14.089 G Using the following options for SQL Server job storage: Queue poll interval: 00:00:15. +2022-06-22 16:58:14.090 G Using the following options for Hangfire Server: + Worker count: 20 + Listening queues: 'default' + Shutdown timeout: 00:00:15 + Schedule polling interval: 00:00:15 +2022-06-22 16:58:14.151 G Starting Hangfire Server using job storage: 'SQL Server:' +2022-06-22 16:58:14.152 G Using the following options for SQL Server job storage: Queue poll interval: 00:00:15. +2022-06-22 16:58:14.153 G Using the following options for Hangfire Server: + Worker count: 20 + Listening queues: 'default' + Shutdown timeout: 00:00:15 + Schedule polling interval: 00:00:15 +2022-06-22 16:58:14.419 G Server win102022ptzdgh:8100:c84c93e8 successfully announced in 259.458 ms +2022-06-22 16:58:14.419 G Server win102022ptzdgh:8100:fc60f807 successfully announced in 292.5743 ms +2022-06-22 16:58:14.430 G Server win102022ptzdgh:8100:c84c93e8 is starting the registered dispatchers: ServerWatchdog, ServerJobCancellationWatcher, ExpirationManager, CountersAggregator, Worker, DelayedJobScheduler, RecurringJobScheduler... +2022-06-22 16:58:14.430 G Server win102022ptzdgh:8100:fc60f807 is starting the registered dispatchers: ServerWatchdog, ServerJobCancellationWatcher, ExpirationManager, CountersAggregator, Worker, DelayedJobScheduler, RecurringJobScheduler... +2022-06-22 16:58:14.468 G 2 servers were removed due to timeout +2022-06-22 16:58:14.678 G Server win102022ptzdgh:8100:c84c93e8 all the dispatchers started +2022-06-22 16:58:14.692 G Server win102022ptzdgh:8100:fc60f807 all the dispatchers started +2022-06-22 16:58:17.786 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ConsignQty"' on entity type '"BTCarKB"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.789 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ConsignQty"' on entity type '"BTNotConsignReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.790 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"NeedQty"' on entity type '"BTNotConsignReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.792 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"BTSeqKBDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.793 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"KBQty"' on entity type '"BTSeqKBDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.794 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SeqQty"' on entity type '"BTSeqKBDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.795 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"Bom"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.798 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ScrapPercent"' on entity type '"Bom"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.800 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"TaxRate"' on entity type '"Customer"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.802 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"CustomerBom"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.805 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"BT_Car_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.806 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"BT_Car_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.807 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"BT_Car_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.809 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"CarMaterialConfig"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.810 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"EstimatedSum"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.811 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"FIS_TH"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.814 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettledQty"' on entity type '"FIS_TH"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.816 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQConsign"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.818 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQSpecConsign"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.821 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ConsignQty"' on entity type '"HQKB"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.822 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"NeedQty"' on entity type '"HQKB"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.823 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ConsignQty"' on entity type '"HQSpecKB"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.825 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"NeedQty"' on entity type '"HQSpecKB"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.826 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQ_F_Kanban"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.827 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"HQ_F_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.829 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"HQ_F_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.831 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQ_F_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.833 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQ_H_Kanban"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.837 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQ_M_Kanban"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.838 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"HQ_H_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.840 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"HQ_H_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.841 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQ_H_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.842 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"HQ_M_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.844 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"HQ_M_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.846 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"HQ_M_Platform"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.848 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"Invoice"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.852 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"Invoice"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.854 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ExtendedMargin"' on entity type '"ItemInvoicePrice"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.855 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ExtendedPrice"' on entity type '"ItemInvoicePrice"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.857 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"ItemInvoicePrice"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.858 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"MaterialRelationshipDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.859 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"PriceList"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.861 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"PriceListBJ"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.863 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffAmount"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.865 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffPrice"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.871 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.875 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"RealSettlementNumber"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.877 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"RealSettlementPrice"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.878 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettlementNumber"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.880 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettlementPrice"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.883 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SupplyProportion"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.885 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"TheoreticalSettlementNumber"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.887 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"UsedNumber"' on entity type '"SecMatchBase"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.890 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"SecondaryAdjustment"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.892 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"SecondaryAdjustment"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.894 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Total"' on entity type '"SecondaryAdjustment"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.896 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"SecondaryDiscount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.904 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"SecondaryDiscount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.907 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Total"' on entity type '"SecondaryDiscount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.909 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"CustomItemPrice"' on entity type '"SecondaryPriceRatio"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.913 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"CustomSubItemPrice"' on entity type '"SecondaryPriceRatio"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.917 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SupplyProportionPrice"' on entity type '"SecondaryPriceRatio"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.920 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"SettleAccount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.921 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"UnSettleAccount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.922 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"PerCarNum"' on entity type '"SettlementPakAndSpareParts"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.923 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"SettlementPakAndSpareParts"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.925 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"QuantityPrice"' on entity type '"SettlementPakAndSpareParts"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.926 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"SettlementPart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.927 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"UnHQSettleAccount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.933 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"UnHQSettleAccount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.937 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"UnHQSettleAccount"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.939 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"KanBanSettle"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.940 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"ScrapClaims"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.942 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"ScrapClaims"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.943 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"AmountNoTax"' on entity type '"SparePart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.946 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InvoicedQty"' on entity type '"SparePart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.949 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"PurchasePriceNoTax"' on entity type '"SparePart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.952 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ReceiptQty"' on entity type '"SparePart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.953 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"TaxRate"' on entity type '"SparePart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.955 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsCustomerKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.956 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsCustomerKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.958 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsCustomerKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.960 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsHQCarOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.965 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQCarOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.967 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsHQCarOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.969 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQCarOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.970 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQCarOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.972 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.973 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.976 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.979 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.981 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsHQHKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.984 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsHQHKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.986 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQHKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.987 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQHSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.989 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQHSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.992 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQHSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.996 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQMKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:17.999 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQMSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.001 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQMSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.002 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQMSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.004 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.006 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.008 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.010 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.012 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"RealityNumber"' on entity type '"WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.015 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SockQty"' on entity type '"WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.018 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsJitOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.024 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsJitOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.026 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsJitOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.029 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.031 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.034 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.038 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsOneTimeSaleOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.040 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsOneTimeSaleOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.042 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsOneTimeSaleOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.044 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsOneTimeSaleOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.047 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"RealityNumber"' on entity type '"WmsOneTimeSaleOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.049 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SockQty"' on entity type '"WmsOneTimeSaleOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.054 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.055 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutQty"' on entity type '"WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.057 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.058 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.059 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.061 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.063 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutQty"' on entity type '"WmsSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.066 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.070 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.073 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"RealityNumber"' on entity type '"WmsSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.074 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"WmsSharePartOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.076 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.079 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.083 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.086 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.087 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"RealityNumber"' on entity type '"WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.089 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SockQty"' on entity type '"WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetial"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.090 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"WMSDeliveryQty"' on entity type '"WMSKanBanSettle"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.092 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ReceiptQty"' on entity type '"WMSSparePart"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.094 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailCancelReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.096 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailCancelReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.104 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailCancelReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.106 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailDiffReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.109 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailDiffReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.110 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailDiffReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.114 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.124 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffAmt"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.130 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.134 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutPutAmt"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.137 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.139 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.145 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.150 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Amt"' on entity type '"WmsDetailWithCodeReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.151 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailWithCodeReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.153 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailWithCodeReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.154 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"WmsDetailWithCodeReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.156 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"WmsDetailWithCodeReport"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.157 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InvoiceQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedInventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.160 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ReceiveQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedInventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.163 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedStockDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.166 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"EstimationQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedStockDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.168 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"FgQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedStockDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.170 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedStockDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.171 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"UnSettledQty"' on entity type '"EstimatedStockDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.172 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"FIS"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.174 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettledQty"' on entity type '"FIS"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.177 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"FISExtend"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.181 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettledQty"' on entity type '"FISExtend"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.183 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"EndingInventoryQty"' on entity type '"InventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.185 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InputQty"' on entity type '"InventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.186 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OpeningInventoryQty"' on entity type '"InventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.188 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OutputQty"' on entity type '"InventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.189 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Price"' on entity type '"InventoryDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.192 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ConsignQty"' on entity type '"JFCarKB"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.195 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ConsignQty"' on entity type '"JFNotConsignReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.197 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InStockQty"' on entity type '"JFNotConsignReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.200 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"CP7ScrapQty"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.202 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ClaimQty"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.203 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffPrice"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.204 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.206 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InvoiceAmt"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.210 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InvoicePrice"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.214 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"InvoiceQty"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.216 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SalePrice"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.218 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettleQty"' on entity type '"InvoiceSettledDiff"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.219 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"CustomSubItemPrice"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.221 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"CustomSubItemSumQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.224 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ErpSubItemActualQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.226 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ErpSubItemQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.228 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"OfflineQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.231 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SumPriceNoTax"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.234 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SumPriceWithTax"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralAdjustmentReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.236 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ActNoTaxAmount"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.238 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"ActPaymentPartyQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.242 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffAmount"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.243 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.246 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StaPaymentPartyQty"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.250 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StdNoTaxAmount"' on entity type '"SecondaryActuralDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.253 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"Qty"' on entity type '"SendUnsettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.258 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"SettledQty"' on entity type '"SendUnsettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.261 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"StockFisDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.264 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"FisQty"' on entity type '"StockFisDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.268 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"StockFisDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.272 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"StockSettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.274 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"R3SettledQty"' on entity type '"StockSettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.276 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"StockSettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.277 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"DiffQty"' on entity type '"StockUnsettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.279 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"FisUnSettledQty"' on entity type '"StockUnsettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.282 G No type was specified for the decimal property '"StockQty"' on entity type '"StockUnsettledDiffReportDetail"'. This will cause values to be silently truncated if they do not fit in the default precision and scale. Explicitly specify the SQL server column type that can accommodate all the values in 'OnModelCreating' using 'HasColumnType()', specify precision and scale using 'HasPrecision()' or configure a value converter using 'HasConversion()'. +2022-06-22 16:58:18.552 G Entity Framework Core "5.0.8" initialized '"PermissionManagementDbContext"' using provider '"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer"' with options: "QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery " +2022-06-22 16:58:18.552 G Entity Framework Core "5.0.8" initialized '"SettleAccountDbContext"' using provider '"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer"' with options: "QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery " +2022-06-22 16:58:18.973 G Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. +System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. + ---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): 找不到存储过程 'dbo.p_wms_output_jit'。 + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption, Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean isAsync, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, String method) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() + at Dapper.SqlMapper.ExecuteScalarImpl[T](IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition& command) in /_/Dapper/SqlMapper.cs:line 2841 + at Dapper.SqlMapper.ExecuteScalar(IDbConnection cnn, String sql, Object param, IDbTransaction transaction, Nullable`1 commandTimeout, Nullable`1 commandType) in /_/Dapper/SqlMapper.cs:line 467 + at Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.FisOutputDapperRepository.Execute(String billnum, String date) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore\EntityFrameworkCore\UnInterfaceDapperRepository.cs:line 39 + at Castle.Proxies.FisOutputDapperRepositoryProxy.Execute_callback(String billnum, String date) + at Castle.Proxies.Invocations.FisOutputDapperRepository_Execute.InvokeMethodOnTarget() + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.ProceedInfo.Invoke() + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.ProceedSynchronous[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo) +--- End of stack trace from previous location --- + at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAbpMethodInvocationAdapterWithReturnValue`1.ProceedAsync() + at Volo.Abp.Uow.UnitOfWorkInterceptor.InterceptAsync(IAbpMethodInvocation invocation) + at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAsyncAbpInterceptorAdapter`1.InterceptAsync[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo, Func`3 proceed) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.NoCoverage.RethrowHelper.Rethrow(Exception exception) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.NoCoverage.RethrowHelper.RethrowInnerIfAggregate(Exception exception) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.NoCoverage.RethrowHelper.RethrowIfFaulted(Task task) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.InterceptSynchronousResult[TResult](AsyncInterceptorBase me, IInvocation invocation) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.Castle.DynamicProxy.IAsyncInterceptor.InterceptSynchronous(IInvocation invocation) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncDeterminationInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() + at Castle.Proxies.FisOutputDapperRepositoryProxy.Execute(String billnum, String date) + at SettleAccount.Job.Services.FisOutputService.ExportFile(Guid id, List`1 exportName, List`1 p_list) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.Job\Services\Report\FisOutputService.cs:line 44 + at TaskJob.Dispatcher.ExportJobDispatcher.ExportJob(ExportTaskArgs args) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.Job\Dispatcher\JobDispatcher.cs:line 64 + at TaskJob.BackgroundJob.ExportJob.Execute(ExportTaskArgs args) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.Job\BackgroundJob\ExportJob.cs:line 31 +ClientConnectionId:d319e74d-586d-4bb0-82b9-3b15f59654d1 +Error Number:2812,State:62,Class:16 + --- End of inner exception stack trace --- + at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions) + at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) + at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) + at Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobExecuter.ExecuteAsync(JobExecutionContext context) +2022-06-22 16:58:19.336 G Failed to process the job '27': an exception occurred. +Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobExecutionException: A background job execution is failed. See inner exception for details. + ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. + ---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): 找不到存储过程 'dbo.p_wms_output_jit'。 + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption, Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean isAsync, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, String method) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) + at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() + at Dapper.SqlMapper.ExecuteScalarImpl[T](IDbConnection cnn, CommandDefinition& command) in /_/Dapper/SqlMapper.cs:line 2841 + at Dapper.SqlMapper.ExecuteScalar(IDbConnection cnn, String sql, Object param, IDbTransaction transaction, Nullable`1 commandTimeout, Nullable`1 commandType) in /_/Dapper/SqlMapper.cs:line 467 + at Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.FisOutputDapperRepository.Execute(String billnum, String date) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore\EntityFrameworkCore\UnInterfaceDapperRepository.cs:line 39 + at Castle.Proxies.FisOutputDapperRepositoryProxy.Execute_callback(String billnum, String date) + at Castle.Proxies.Invocations.FisOutputDapperRepository_Execute.InvokeMethodOnTarget() + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.ProceedInfo.Invoke() + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.ProceedSynchronous[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo) +--- End of stack trace from previous location --- + at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAbpMethodInvocationAdapterWithReturnValue`1.ProceedAsync() + at Volo.Abp.Uow.UnitOfWorkInterceptor.InterceptAsync(IAbpMethodInvocation invocation) + at Volo.Abp.Castle.DynamicProxy.CastleAsyncAbpInterceptorAdapter`1.InterceptAsync[TResult](IInvocation invocation, IInvocationProceedInfo proceedInfo, Func`3 proceed) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.NoCoverage.RethrowHelper.Rethrow(Exception exception) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.NoCoverage.RethrowHelper.RethrowInnerIfAggregate(Exception exception) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.NoCoverage.RethrowHelper.RethrowIfFaulted(Task task) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.InterceptSynchronousResult[TResult](AsyncInterceptorBase me, IInvocation invocation) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncInterceptorBase.Castle.DynamicProxy.IAsyncInterceptor.InterceptSynchronous(IInvocation invocation) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AsyncDeterminationInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) + at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() + at Castle.Proxies.FisOutputDapperRepositoryProxy.Execute(String billnum, String date) + at SettleAccount.Job.Services.FisOutputService.ExportFile(Guid id, List`1 exportName, List`1 p_list) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.Job\Services\Report\FisOutputService.cs:line 44 + at TaskJob.Dispatcher.ExportJobDispatcher.ExportJob(ExportTaskArgs args) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.Job\Dispatcher\JobDispatcher.cs:line 64 + at TaskJob.BackgroundJob.ExportJob.Execute(ExportTaskArgs args) in C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\src\SettleAccount.Job\BackgroundJob\ExportJob.cs:line 31 +ClientConnectionId:d319e74d-586d-4bb0-82b9-3b15f59654d1 +Error Number:2812,State:62,Class:16 + --- End of inner exception stack trace --- + at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions) + at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) + at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters) + at Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobExecuter.ExecuteAsync(JobExecutionContext context) + --- End of inner exception stack trace --- + at Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.BackgroundJobExecuter.ExecuteAsync(JobExecutionContext context) + at Volo.Abp.BackgroundJobs.Hangfire.HangfireJobExecutionAdapter`1.ExecuteAsync(TArgs args) + at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult() +2022-06-22 16:58:19.687 G Executed DbCommand ("60"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.803 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.807 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.814 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.820 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.824 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.834 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.841 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.853 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.873 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.881 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.886 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.898 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.904 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.909 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.915 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.926 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.935 G Executed DbCommand ("3"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.943 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.953 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.960 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.969 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.974 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.979 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.988 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:19.994 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.005 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.011 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.024 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.029 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.038 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.042 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.054 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.061 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.073 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.087 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.095 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.102 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.106 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.122 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.130 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.138 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.144 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.151 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.155 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.160 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.165 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.170 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.178 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.185 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.191 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.196 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.206 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.210 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.218 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.224 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.229 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.239 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.244 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.256 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.261 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.274 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.282 G Executed DbCommand ("4"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.307 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.334 G Executed DbCommand ("9"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.350 G Executed DbCommand ("3"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.357 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.369 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.374 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.380 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.387 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.397 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.405 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.411 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.420 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.427 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.435 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.443 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.451 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.460 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.469 G Executed DbCommand ("2"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.475 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__ef_filter__p_0='?' (DbType = Boolean), @__name_0='?' (Size = 128), @__providerName_1='?' (Size = 64), @__providerKey_2='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT TOP(1) [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[TenantId] +FROM [AbpPermissionGrants] AS [a] +WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_0 = CAST(1 AS bit)) OR [a].[TenantId] IS NULL) AND ((([a].[Name] = @__name_0) AND ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_1)) AND ([a].[ProviderKey] = @__providerKey_2)) +ORDER BY [a].[Id]" +2022-06-22 16:58:20.903 G Initialized all ABP modules. +2022-06-22 16:58:21.042 G Now listening on: "http://localhost:44378" +2022-06-22 16:58:21.043 G Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. +2022-06-22 16:58:21.044 G Hosting environment: "Development" +2022-06-22 16:58:21.046 G Content root path: "C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\Win.sfs.SmartSettlementSystem.PG\src\Modules\SettleAccount\host\SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host" +2022-06-22 16:58:21.606 G Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/ - - +2022-06-22 16:58:22.619 G Entity Framework Core "5.0.8" initialized '"SettingManagementDbContext"' using provider '"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer"' with options: "QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery " +2022-06-22 16:58:22.645 G Executed DbCommand ("3"ms) [Parameters=["@__providerName_0='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[Value] +FROM [AbpSettings] AS [a] +WHERE ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_0) AND [a].[ProviderKey] IS NULL" +2022-06-22 16:58:22.717 G Entity Framework Core "5.0.8" initialized '"SettingManagementDbContext"' using provider '"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer"' with options: "QuerySplittingBehavior=SplitQuery " +2022-06-22 16:58:22.722 G Executed DbCommand ("1"ms) [Parameters=["@__providerName_0='?' (Size = 64)"], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']" +""SELECT [a].[Id], [a].[Name], [a].[ProviderKey], [a].[ProviderName], [a].[Value] +FROM [AbpSettings] AS [a] +WHERE ([a].[ProviderName] = @__providerName_0) AND [a].[ProviderKey] IS NULL" +2022-06-22 16:58:22.826 G Executing endpoint '"Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Controllers.HomeController.Index (SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host)"' +2022-06-22 16:58:22.897 G Route matched with "{action = \"Index\", controller = \"Home\", area = \"\"}". Executing controller action with signature "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult Index()" on controller "Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Controllers.HomeController" ("SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host"). +2022-06-22 16:58:22.962 G Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to "/swagger". +2022-06-22 16:58:22.975 G Executed action "Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Controllers.HomeController.Index (SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host)" in 58.9273ms +2022-06-22 16:58:22.980 G Executed endpoint '"Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Controllers.HomeController.Index (SettleAccount.HttpApi.Host)"' +2022-06-22 16:58:23.012 G Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/ - - - 302 0 - 1407.6569ms +2022-06-22 16:58:23.035 G Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/swagger/index.html - - +2022-06-22 16:58:23.238 G Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/swagger/index.html - - - 200 - text/html;charset=utf-8 203.3191ms +2022-06-22 16:58:23.377 G Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/_framework/aspnetcore-browser-refresh.js - - +2022-06-22 16:58:23.395 G Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/_framework/aspnetcore-browser-refresh.js - - - 200 12010 application/javascript;+charset=utf-8 17.7544ms +2022-06-22 16:58:23.612 G Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/swagger/v1/swagger.json - - +2022-06-22 16:58:27.095 G Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:44378/swagger/v1/swagger.json - - - 200 - application/json;charset=utf-8 3482.5263ms