20 changed files with 4090 additions and 11 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
const btcarDataRouter = { |
path: '/cpat', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: 'pg', |
name: 'btcar', |
//hidden: true,
meta: { |
//requiresAuth: true,
title: '一轿奔腾', |
index: 0, |
type: 'crm', |
icon: '单据导入', |
keepAlive: false, |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'hq-car-platform', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_bt'), |
name: 'ERPEI',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '一轿奔腾导入', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Boms'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'hq-car-platform-export', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_m'), |
name: 'ERPEI',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '一轿奔腾结算核对输出', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.Boms'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
] |
} |
export default btcarDataRouter |
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
const hqMenudataRouter = { |
path: '/capt-hq', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: 'ux/vw/dataInput/hq_h', |
name: 'HQData', |
meta: { |
title: '红旗工厂', |
icon: '红旗', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.HQConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQKBs', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecKBs'],
keepAlive: false, |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: '/import-h-data', |
name: 'import-h-data',//命名路由-二级
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_h'), |
redirect: 'ux/vw/dataInput/hq_h', |
meta: { |
title: 'H平台', |
// roles: ['SettleAccount.HQKBs', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecKBs'],
icon: '看板' |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'hq-H-platform', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_h'), |
name: 'ERPEI',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '红旗H平台导入', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Boms'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'hq-H-platform-export', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/ScrapClaims'), |
name: 'ScrapClaims', |
meta: { |
title: 'H平台结算差异输出', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.FISs'], |
icon: '文件' |
} |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/export-m-data', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_m'), |
name: 'export-m-data',//命名路由
redirect: '/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_m', |
meta: { |
title: 'M平台', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.HQConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecConsigns'],
icon: '结算' |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'hq-M-platform', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_m'), |
name: 'ERPEI',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '红旗M平台导入', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.Boms'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'hq-M-platform-export', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/sparePart'), |
name: 'SparePartReport',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: 'H平台结算差异输出', |
//roles: ['abpvnext_master.ProjectPeople'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '二配' |
} |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/export-f-data', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_f'), |
name: 'export-f-data',//命名路由
redirect: '/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_f', |
meta: { |
title: 'F平台', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.HQConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecConsigns'],
icon: '结算' |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'hq-F-platform', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/hq_f'), |
name: 'ERPEI',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '红旗F平台导入', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.Boms'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'hq-F-platform-export', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/sparePart'), |
name: 'SparePartReport',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: 'F平台结算差异输出', |
//roles: ['abpvnext_master.ProjectPeople'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '二配' |
} |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
export default hqMenudataRouter |
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
const vwMenudataRouter = { |
path: '/capt-vw', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: 'ux/basedata/Invoice/index', |
name: 'HQData', |
meta: { |
title: '大众工厂', |
icon: 'vw', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.HQConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQKBs', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecKBs'],
keepAlive: false, |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: '/import-data', |
name: 'import-data',//命名路由-二级
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/index'), |
redirect: 'ux/basedata/Invoice/index', |
meta: { |
title: '数据导入', |
// roles: ['SettleAccount.HQKBs', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecKBs'],
icon: '看板' |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'invoice', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/basedata/Invoice/index'), |
name: 'Invoices', |
meta: { |
title: '发票汇总', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Invoices'], |
icon: '对比' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'settle-account-finish', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/r3'), |
name: 'SettleAccount', |
meta: { |
title: 'FIS结算明细', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.SettleAccounts'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'unsettle-account', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/r3'), |
name: 'SettleAccount', |
meta: { |
title: 'FIS未结明细', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.SettleAccounts'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'kan-ban', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/vwKanBan/index'), |
name: 'VWKanBan',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '大众看板结算明细', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.SettleAccounts'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '发运' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'spare-part', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/SparePart'), |
name: 'SparePart',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '大众备件结算明细导入', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Boms'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'scrap-claims', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/vw/dataInput/ScrapClaims'), |
name: 'ScrapClaims', |
meta: { |
title: 'CP7报废和索赔导入', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.FISs'], |
icon: '文件' |
} |
}, |
] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/export-data', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/index'), |
name: 'export-data',//命名路由
redirect: 'export-data', |
meta: { |
title: '数据输出', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.HQConsigns', 'SettleAccount.HQSpecConsigns'],
icon: '结算' |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: '/invoice-settled/diff', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/InvoiceSettledDiff'), |
name: 'InvoiceSettledDiff',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '发票与结算核对汇总', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Reports'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算对比' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: '/invoice-settled/detaildiff', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/InvoiceSettledDetailDiff'), |
name: 'InvoiceSettledDetailDiff',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '准时化结算核对明细', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Reports'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算对比' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: '/unInvoice-settled/detailDiff', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/UnInvoiceSettledDetailDiff'), |
name: 'UnInvoiceSettledDetailDiff',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '准时化量差输出', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Reports'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '售后' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: '/unsettle-diff/export', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/UnSettleDiffExport'), |
name: 'UnSettleDiffExport',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '准时化未结差异比对输出', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.Reports'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '售后' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: '/kbwithcode', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/kanBanWithCode'), |
name: 'KanBanWithCode',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '看板结算数量差异输出', |
//roles: ['SettleAccount.EstimatedStockDiffReports'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '对比' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: '/vwsparepart', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/sparePart'), |
name: 'SparePartReport',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '备件结算数量差异输出', |
//roles: ['abpvnext_master.ProjectPeople'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '二配' |
} |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
export default vwMenudataRouter |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
const vwOutOrderDataRouter = { |
path: '/cpat-order', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: 'pg', |
name: '业务数据', |
//hidden: true,
meta: { |
//requiresAuth: true,
title: '大众出库单管理', |
index: 0, |
type: 'crm', |
icon: '单据导入', |
keepAlive: false, |
}, |
children: [ |
{ |
path: 'vw-out-order', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/vwOutOrder/index'), |
name: 'SettleAccount',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '大众准时化出库单', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.SettleAccounts'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
{ |
path: 'kanban-out-order', |
component: () => import('@/views/ux/billManage/kanbanOutOrder/index'), |
name: 'SettleAccount',//命名路由
meta: { |
title: '大众看板出库单', |
roles: ['SettleAccount.SettleAccounts'],//控制页面角色(可以设置多个角色)
icon: '结算' |
} |
}, |
// {
// path: 'invoice',
// component: () => import('@/views/ux/basedata/Invoice/index'),
// name: 'Invoices',//命名路由
// meta: {
// title: '大众发票汇总导入',
// roles: ['SettleAccount.Invoices'],
// icon: '对比'
// }
// },
] |
} |
export default vwOutOrderDataRouter |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
<!-- 父级路由组件 --> |
<template> |
<div> |
<!-- xxx html 内容 --> |
<router-view /> |
</div> |
</template> |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
<!-- 父级路由组件 --> |
<template> |
<div> |
<!-- xxx html 内容 --> |
<router-view /> |
</div> |
</template> |
@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ |
<!--FIS发运数据对比输出表-明细数据--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<!-- <el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="info" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleDownload()" |
>导出全部 |
</el-button> --> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-check" |
size="mini" |
@click="handleCreateBills()" |
>确认出库单(支持批量)</el-button |
> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="info" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleCancelBills()" |
>取消出库(支持批量) |
</el-button> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照零件号搜索..." |
style="width: 230px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
<!--表格头组件,filter查询--> |
<c-r-m-table-head |
ref="crmTableHead" |
:crm-type="crmType" |
@handle="handleHandle" |
@filter="handleFilters" |
> |
</c-r-m-table-head> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
:header-cell-style="headerRowStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import CRMTableHead from "../../components/CRMTableHead"; |
import { downloadFile } from "@/utils/crmindex.js"; |
export default { |
name: "sendUnsettledDiffReport", |
components: { Pagination, CRMTableHead, CRMTableHead }, |
directives: { permission }, |
props: { |
customerInfos: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return []; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "vwOutOrder", |
rules: { |
//前端定义的规则,后端也有验证 |
erpMaterialCode: [ |
{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "blur" }, |
], |
}, |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
customerInfo: { |
parentId: "", |
}, |
form: { |
dicDetailID: "", |
customerId: "", |
projectId: "", |
}, |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: false, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "", |
action: 0, |
value: "", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
ParentId: "", |
}, |
listOutPutQuery: { |
version: "", |
ids: "", |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 260, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 190; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getList(); |
}, |
watch: { |
customerInfos: { |
handler(newVal) { |
if (newVal == "" || newVal == "undefined") { |
//TODO |
} else { |
newVal.forEach((element) => { |
this.customerInfo.parentId = element.ParentId; |
}); |
if (this.customerInfo.parentId != "") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
} |
}, |
immediate: true, |
}, |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "版本", |
prop: "version", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "零件号", |
prop: "materialCode", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "零件描述", prop: "materialDesc", width: 250 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料组", prop: "materialGroup", width: 220 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "数量", prop: "wmsBillNum", width: 100 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
//取消出库单 |
handleCancelBills(row) { |
if (this.multipleSelection.length == 0) { |
this.$message({ |
message: "至少选择一行!", |
type: "warning", |
}); |
return; |
} |
//var params = []; |
var params = ""; |
let myalert = ""; //声明变量,其变量必须在此声明后使用 |
if (row) { |
//单行 |
params.push(row.id); |
myalert = row.name; |
} else { |
//多选 |
this.multipleSelection.forEach((element) => { |
let id = element.id; |
//params.push(id); |
params += id + ","; |
}); |
myalert = "选中项"; |
} |
this.listOutPutQuery.version = row.version; |
this.listOutPutQuery.ids = params.substr(0, params.length - 1); |
this.$confirm("是否确认取消出库" + myalert + "?", "提示", { |
confirmButtonText: "确定", |
cancelButtonText: "取消", |
type: "warning", |
}) |
.then(() => { |
this.$axios |
.posts( |
"/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitOutPut-Cancel", |
this.listOutPutQuery |
) |
.then((response) => { |
const index = this.list.indexOf(row); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "操作成功", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
this.getList(); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: "info", |
message: "已取消操作", |
}); |
}); |
}, |
//出库单 |
handleCreateBills(row) { |
if (this.multipleSelection.length == 0) { |
this.$message({ |
message: "至少选择一行!", |
type: "warning", |
}); |
return; |
} |
//var params = []; |
var params = ""; |
let myalert = ""; //声明变量,其变量必须在此声明后使用 |
if (row) { |
//单行 |
params.push(row.id); |
myalert = row.name; |
} else { |
//多选 |
this.multipleSelection.forEach((element) => { |
let id = element.id; |
//params.push(id); |
params += id + ","; |
}); |
myalert = "选中项"; |
} |
this.listOutPutQuery.version = row.version; |
this.listOutPutQuery.ids = params.substr(0, params.length - 1); |
this.$confirm("是否确认出库" + myalert + "?", "提示", { |
confirmButtonText: "确定", |
cancelButtonText: "取消", |
type: "warning", |
}) |
.then(() => { |
this.$axios |
.posts( |
"/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitOutPut-Pass", |
this.listOutPutQuery |
) |
.then((response) => { |
const index = this.list.indexOf(row); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "生成成功", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
this.getList(); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: "info", |
message: "已取消操作", |
}); |
}); |
}, |
/** 刷新列表 */ |
handleHandle(data) { |
if (data.type !== "edit") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
async handleDownload() { |
//await this.getDownBoms(); |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.$axios |
.gets( |
"/api/settleaccount/bt-kb-not-consign/export/" + |
this.customerInfo.parentId |
) |
.then((res) => { |
let fileNameOfProject = res; |
this.$axios |
.BolbGets( |
"/api/settleaccount/getblobfile/download/" + fileNameOfProject |
) |
.then((response) => { |
if (fileNameOfProject.indexOf("_") != -1) { |
let downName = |
fileNameOfProject.slice( |
0, |
fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf("_") |
) + |
fileNameOfProject.slice(fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf(".")); |
downloadFile(response, downName); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} else { |
downloadFile(response, fileNameOfProject); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
getList(data) { |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (data != undefined) { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * data.limit; |
} else { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 15; |
} |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: "wmsBillNum", |
action: 6, |
value: this.customerInfo.parentId, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
//this.listQuery.ParentId = this.customerInfo.parentId; |
console.log("查询条件:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts( |
"/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitDetailList", |
this.listQuery |
) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
//alert(JSON.stringify(response.Items)) |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "materialCode"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 6, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
/** 多项筛选操作 */ |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilters(data) { |
if (data === null) { |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
this.getList(); //查询所有 |
} else { |
this.filterObj = data; |
console.log("筛选" + JSON.stringify(data)); |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
var removeHeight = Object.keys(this.filterObj).length > 0 ? 310 : 240; |
this.tableHeight = offsetHei - removeHeight; |
this.currentPage = 1; |
let Filter = []; |
data.forEach((item) => { |
let filter = {}; |
if (item.formType === "datetime" || item.formType === "datetime") { |
//日期类型的过滤条件是 (datetime >= a and datetime <=b) |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Value"] = item.value[0]; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
if (item.value[1] != null) { |
filter["Value"] = item.value[1]; |
filter["Action"] = 5; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
} else { |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Value"] = item.value; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
}); |
console.log("筛选条件" + JSON.stringify(Filter)); |
this.listQuery.Filters = Filter; |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if ( |
column.property === "fisQty" || |
column.property === "diffQty" || |
column.property === "stockQty" |
) { |
return { textAlign: "right" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
} |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制表头style */ |
headerRowStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if ( |
column.property === "fisQty" || |
column.property === "diffQty" || |
column.property === "stockQty" |
) { |
return { textAlign: "right", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ |
<!--轿车看板-发出未结算--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照版本号搜索..." |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<el-table-column |
label="单据号" |
prop="billNum" |
sortable="custom" |
align="center" |
width="250px" |
> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tooltip :content="scope.row.billNum" placement="bottom-end"> |
<span class="link-type" @click="handleDrawerOpen(scope.row)">{{ |
scope.row.billNum |
}}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<!-- <el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> --> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
<!-- 抽屉控件 --> |
<el-drawer |
title="信息详细页" |
size="75%" |
direction="rtl" |
:visible.sync="drawer" |
:before-close="handleDrawerClose" |
> |
<div> |
<Detail |
v-bind:customerInfos="customerInfos" |
style="margin-top: -35px" |
></Detail> |
</div> |
</el-drawer> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import Detail from "./detail"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import { formatTimeToTimestamp } from "@/utils/index"; |
export default { |
name: "sendUnsettledDiffReport", |
components: { Pagination, Detail }, |
directives: { permission }, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "sendUnsettledDiffReport", |
rules: { |
// version: [{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "change" }], |
// beginTime: [{ required: true, message: "选择日期!", trigger: "change" }], |
// endTime: [{ required: true, message: "选择日期!", trigger: "change" }], |
}, |
customerInfos: [], |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
drawer: false, |
form: { |
version: "", |
customerCode: "", |
customerName: "", |
beginTime: "", |
endTime: "", |
}, |
versionValue: "", |
versionList: [], |
startTimeVale: "", |
endTimeVale: "", |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: false, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 200, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 200; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getList(); |
//this.getVersionInfo(); |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "版本", |
prop: "version", |
width: 120, |
}); |
//tempsTabs.push({ label: "单据号", prop: "billNum", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "创建人", prop: "creator", width: 160 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "创建时间", prop: "creationTime", width: 160 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "备注", prop: "remark", width: 120 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
getVersionInfo() { |
//取版本列表信息 |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 1000; |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/CentralizedControl/openlist") |
.then((response) => { |
this.versionList = []; |
response.forEach((element) => { |
let options = {}; |
options.value = element.version; |
options.label = element.version; |
this.versionList.push(options); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
//抽屉 |
handleDrawerOpen(param) { |
this.drawer = true; |
var parentId = param.billNum; //单据号 |
this.customerInfos = [ |
{ |
ParentId: parentId, |
}, |
]; |
}, |
handleDrawerClose(done) { |
done(); |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
if (column.property == "creationTime") { |
var date = row[column.property]; |
if (date == undefined) { |
return ""; |
} |
return moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); |
} |
if (column.property == "documentStatus") { |
return { 0: "新建", 1: "进行中", 5: "完成", 9: "取消" }[ |
row[column.property] |
]; |
} |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
getList(data) { |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (data != undefined) { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * data.limit; |
} else { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 15; |
} |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitList", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
//alert(JSON.stringify(response.Items)) |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "version"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 0, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ |
<!--FIS发运数据对比输出表-明细数据--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<!-- <el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="info" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleDownload()" |
>导出全部 |
</el-button> --> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-check" |
size="mini" |
@click="handleCreateBills()" |
>确认出库单(支持批量)</el-button |
> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="warning" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleCancelBills()" |
>取消出库(支持批量) |
</el-button> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照零件号搜索..." |
style="width: 230px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
<!--表格头组件,filter查询--> |
<c-r-m-table-head |
ref="crmTableHead" |
:crm-type="crmType" |
@handle="handleHandle" |
@filter="handleFilters" |
> |
</c-r-m-table-head> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
:header-cell-style="headerRowStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import CRMTableHead from "../../components/CRMTableHead"; |
import { downloadFile } from "@/utils/crmindex.js"; |
export default { |
name: "sendUnsettledDiffReport", |
components: { Pagination, CRMTableHead, CRMTableHead }, |
directives: { permission }, |
props: { |
customerInfos: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return []; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "vwOutOrder", |
rules: { |
//前端定义的规则,后端也有验证 |
erpMaterialCode: [ |
{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "blur" }, |
], |
}, |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
customerInfo: { |
parentId: "", |
}, |
form: { |
dicDetailID: "", |
customerId: "", |
projectId: "", |
}, |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: false, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "", |
action: 0, |
value: "", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15 |
}, |
listOutPutQuery: { |
version: "", |
ids: "", |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 260, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 190; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getList(); |
}, |
watch: { |
customerInfos: { |
handler(newVal) { |
if (newVal == "" || newVal == "undefined") { |
//TODO |
} else { |
newVal.forEach((element) => { |
this.customerInfo.parentId = element.ParentId; |
}); |
if (this.customerInfo.parentId != "") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
} |
}, |
immediate: true, |
}, |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "版本", |
prop: "version", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "零件号", |
prop: "materialCode", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "零件描述", prop: "materialDesc", width: 250 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料组", prop: "materialGroup", width: 220 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "数量", prop: "wmsBillNum", width: 100 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
//取消出库单 |
handleCancelBills(row) { |
if (this.multipleSelection.length == 0) { |
this.$message({ |
message: "至少选择一行!", |
type: "warning", |
}); |
return; |
} |
//var params = []; |
var params = ""; |
let myalert = ""; //声明变量,其变量必须在此声明后使用 |
if (row) { |
//单行 |
params.push(row.id); |
myalert = row.name; |
} else { |
//多选 |
this.multipleSelection.forEach((element) => { |
let id = element.id; |
//params.push(id); |
params += id + ","; |
}); |
myalert = "选中项"; |
} |
this.listOutPutQuery.version = row.version; |
this.listOutPutQuery.ids = params.substr(0, params.length - 1); |
this.$confirm("是否确认取消出库" + myalert + "?", "提示", { |
confirmButtonText: "确定", |
cancelButtonText: "取消", |
type: "warning", |
}) |
.then(() => { |
this.$axios |
.posts( |
"/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitOutPut-Cancel", |
this.listOutPutQuery |
) |
.then((response) => { |
const index = this.list.indexOf(row); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "操作成功", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
this.getList(); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: "info", |
message: "已取消操作", |
}); |
}); |
}, |
//出库单 |
handleCreateBills(row) { |
if (this.multipleSelection.length == 0) { |
this.$message({ |
message: "至少选择一行!", |
type: "warning", |
}); |
return; |
} |
//var params = []; |
var params = ""; |
let myalert = ""; //声明变量,其变量必须在此声明后使用 |
if (row) { |
//单行 |
params.push(row.id); |
myalert = row.name; |
} else { |
//多选 |
this.multipleSelection.forEach((element) => { |
let id = element.id; |
//params.push(id); |
params += id + ","; |
}); |
myalert = "选中项"; |
} |
this.listOutPutQuery.version = row.version; |
this.listOutPutQuery.ids = params.substr(0, params.length - 1); |
this.$confirm("是否确认出库" + myalert + "?", "提示", { |
confirmButtonText: "确定", |
cancelButtonText: "取消", |
type: "warning", |
}) |
.then(() => { |
this.$axios |
.posts( |
"/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitOutPut-Pass", |
this.listOutPutQuery |
) |
.then((response) => { |
const index = this.list.indexOf(row); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "生成成功", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
this.getList(); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: "info", |
message: "已取消操作", |
}); |
}); |
}, |
/** 刷新列表 */ |
handleHandle(data) { |
if (data.type !== "edit") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
async handleDownload() { |
//await this.getDownBoms(); |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.$axios |
.gets( |
"/api/settleaccount/bt-kb-not-consign/export/" + |
this.customerInfo.parentId |
) |
.then((res) => { |
let fileNameOfProject = res; |
this.$axios |
.BolbGets( |
"/api/settleaccount/getblobfile/download/" + fileNameOfProject |
) |
.then((response) => { |
if (fileNameOfProject.indexOf("_") != -1) { |
let downName = |
fileNameOfProject.slice( |
0, |
fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf("_") |
) + |
fileNameOfProject.slice(fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf(".")); |
downloadFile(response, downName); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} else { |
downloadFile(response, fileNameOfProject); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
getList(data) { |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (data != undefined) { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * data.limit; |
} else { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 15; |
} |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: "billNum", |
action: 0, |
value: this.customerInfo.parentId, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
//this.listQuery.ParentId = this.customerInfo.parentId; |
console.log("查询条件:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts( |
"/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitDetailList", |
this.listQuery |
) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
//alert(JSON.stringify(response.Items)) |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "materialCode"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 6, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
/** 多项筛选操作 */ |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilters(data) { |
if (data === null) { |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
this.getList(); //查询所有 |
} else { |
this.filterObj = data; |
console.log("筛选" + JSON.stringify(data)); |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
var removeHeight = Object.keys(this.filterObj).length > 0 ? 310 : 240; |
this.tableHeight = offsetHei - removeHeight; |
this.currentPage = 1; |
let Filter = []; |
data.forEach((item) => { |
let filter = {}; |
if (item.formType === "datetime" || item.formType === "datetime") { |
//日期类型的过滤条件是 (datetime >= a and datetime <=b) |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Value"] = item.value[0]; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
if (item.value[1] != null) { |
filter["Value"] = item.value[1]; |
filter["Action"] = 5; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
} else { |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Value"] = item.value; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
}); |
console.log("筛选条件" + JSON.stringify(Filter)); |
this.listQuery.Filters = Filter; |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if ( |
column.property === "fisQty" || |
column.property === "diffQty" || |
column.property === "stockQty" |
) { |
return { textAlign: "right" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
} |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制表头style */ |
headerRowStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if ( |
column.property === "fisQty" || |
column.property === "diffQty" || |
column.property === "stockQty" |
) { |
return { textAlign: "right", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ |
<!--轿车看板-发出未结算--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照版本号搜索..." |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<el-table-column |
label="单据号" |
prop="billNum" |
sortable="custom" |
align="center" |
width="250px" |
> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tooltip :content="scope.row.billNum" placement="bottom-end"> |
<span class="link-type" @click="handleDrawerOpen(scope.row)">{{ |
scope.row.billNum |
}}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<!-- <el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> --> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
<!-- 抽屉控件 --> |
<el-drawer |
title="信息详细页" |
size="75%" |
direction="rtl" |
:visible.sync="drawer" |
:before-close="handleDrawerClose" |
> |
<div> |
<Detail |
v-bind:customerInfos="customerInfos" |
style="margin-top: -35px" |
></Detail> |
</div> |
</el-drawer> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import Detail from "./detail"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import { formatTimeToTimestamp } from "@/utils/index"; |
export default { |
name: "sendUnsettledDiffReport", |
components: { Pagination, Detail }, |
directives: { permission }, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "sendUnsettledDiffReport", |
rules: { |
// version: [{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "change" }], |
// beginTime: [{ required: true, message: "选择日期!", trigger: "change" }], |
// endTime: [{ required: true, message: "选择日期!", trigger: "change" }], |
}, |
customerInfos: [], |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
drawer: false, |
form: { |
version: "", |
customerCode: "", |
customerName: "", |
beginTime: "", |
endTime: "", |
}, |
versionValue: "", |
versionList: [], |
startTimeVale: "", |
endTimeVale: "", |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: false, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 200, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 200; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getList(); |
//this.getVersionInfo(); |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "版本", |
prop: "version", |
width: 120, |
}); |
//tempsTabs.push({ label: "单据号", prop: "billNum", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "创建人", prop: "creator", width: 160 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "创建时间", prop: "creationTime", width: 160 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "备注", prop: "remark", width: 120 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
getVersionInfo() { |
//取版本列表信息 |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 1000; |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/CentralizedControl/openlist") |
.then((response) => { |
this.versionList = []; |
response.forEach((element) => { |
let options = {}; |
options.value = element.version; |
options.label = element.version; |
this.versionList.push(options); |
}); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
//抽屉 |
handleDrawerOpen(param) { |
this.drawer = true; |
var parentId = param.billNum; //单据号 |
this.customerInfos = [ |
{ |
ParentId: parentId, |
}, |
]; |
}, |
handleDrawerClose(done) { |
done(); |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
if (column.property == "creationTime") { |
var date = row[column.property]; |
if (date == undefined) { |
return ""; |
} |
return moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); |
} |
if (column.property == "documentStatus") { |
return { 0: "新建", 1: "进行中", 5: "完成", 9: "取消" }[ |
row[column.property] |
]; |
} |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
getList(data) { |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (data != undefined) { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * data.limit; |
} else { |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 15; |
} |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/wmsjitoutput/WmsJitList", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
//alert(JSON.stringify(response.Items)) |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "version"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 0, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ |
<!--红旗H平台导入功能--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<XhJSSelect |
:options="versionList" |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@value-change="selectValue" |
></XhJSSelect> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="warning" |
icon="el-icon-upload2" |
@click="handleImportExcel()" |
>导入文件(Excel) |
</el-button> |
<!-- <el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="primary" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleDownload()" |
>导出Excel |
</el-button> --> |
<el-dropdown |
size="small" |
class="filter-item" |
style="margin-left: 15px; font-weight: bold" |
@command="handleCommand" |
> |
<span class="el-dropdown-link"> |
导出数据<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i> |
</span> |
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown"> |
<el-dropdown-item command="excel" icon="el-icon-plus" |
>导出Excel</el-dropdown-item |
> |
<el-dropdown-item command="csv" icon="el-icon-circle-plus" |
>导出Csv</el-dropdown-item |
> |
</el-dropdown-menu> |
</el-dropdown> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照采购订单号搜索..." |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
<!--表格头组件,filter查询--> |
<c-r-m-table-head |
ref="crmTableHead" |
:crm-type="crmType" |
@handle="handleHandle" |
@filter="handleFilters" |
> |
</c-r-m-table-head> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading.fullscreen.lock="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
:header-cell-style="headerRowStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<!-- <el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> --> |
<el-table-column |
label="版本" |
prop="version" |
sortable="custom" |
align="center" |
width="100px" |
fixed |
> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tooltip :content="scope.row.version" placement="top"> |
<span class="link-type">{{ scope.row.version }}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
<!-- 导入Excel组件 --> |
<importExcel |
ref="importexcel" |
:show="showExcelImport" |
:crmType="crmType" |
@close="importExcelData" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import importExcel from "@/components/ImportExcel-base"; |
import CRMTableHead from "../../../components/CRMTableHead"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import Lockr from "lockr"; |
import { downloadFile } from "@/utils/crmindex.js"; |
import XhJSSelect from "@/components/CreateCom/Xh-JS-Select-Label.vue"; |
export default { |
name: "HQHPlatform", |
components: { Pagination, CRMTableHead, importExcel, XhJSSelect }, |
directives: { permission }, |
filters: { |
IsCustomerSignFilter(status) { |
//翻译是否签字 |
const statusMap = { |
true: "是", |
false: "否", |
}; |
return statusMap[status]; |
}, |
}, |
props: { |
customerInfos: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return []; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "hqHPlatform", |
versionValue: "", |
versionList: [], //版本列表 |
rules: { |
//前端定义的规则,后端也有验证 |
erpMaterialCode: [ |
{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "blur" }, |
], |
}, |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
customerInfo: { |
settleAccountId: "", |
}, |
form: { |
dicDetailID: "", |
customerId: "", |
projectId: "", |
}, |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: true, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listVersionQuery: { |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
version: "", |
site: "TH", |
userId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", |
}, |
listExportQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
version: "", |
fileType: 0, |
userId: "", |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 220, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 220; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getVersionInfo(); |
if (this.versionList == []) { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "行号", prop: "lineNumber", width: 100 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "采购类型", prop: "purchaseType", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单号", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNo", |
width: 220, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单行项目", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNoItem", |
width: 170, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单文本", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNoText", |
width: 170, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "收货数量", prop: "receiptQty", width: 120 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "开票数量", prop: "invoicedQty", width: 120 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "不含税金额", prop: "amountNoTax", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购价格不含税", |
prop: "purchasePriceNoTax", |
width: 200, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "科目号", prop: "accountNum", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料代码", prop: "materialCode", width: 180 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料描述", prop: "materialDesc", width: 250 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "日期", |
prop: "spareDate", |
width: 150, |
formType: "datetime", |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "交货单号", |
prop: "deliveryOrderNo", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "交货行号", |
prop: "deliveryLineNum", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "批次号", prop: "batchNo", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "税率", prop: "taxRate", width: 100 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "税码", prop: "taxCode", width: 110 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "德国发票号", |
prop: "germanInvoiceNo", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "工厂", prop: "factory", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "工厂名称", prop: "factoryName", width: 220 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
handleCommand(command) { |
if (this.versionValue === "") { |
this.$message.error("请先选择版本!"); |
return; |
} |
switch (command) { |
case "excel": |
this.listQuery.fileType = 1; //0是csv,1是excel |
break; |
case "csv": |
this.listQuery.fileType = 0; //0是csv,1是excel |
break; |
default: |
//这里是没有找到对应的值处理 |
break; |
} |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (this.versionValue === "") { |
this.$message.error("必需选择版本!"); |
this.listLoading = false; |
return; |
} |
if (this.versionValue != "") { |
this.listQuery.version = this.versionValue; |
} |
console.log("红旗H平台导出:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/Export", this.listQuery) |
.then((res) => { |
let fileNameOfProject = res; |
this.$axios |
.BolbGets( |
"/api/settleaccount/getblobfile/download/" + fileNameOfProject |
) |
.then((response) => { |
if (fileNameOfProject.indexOf("_") != -1) { |
let downName = |
fileNameOfProject.slice( |
0, |
fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf("_") |
) + |
fileNameOfProject.slice(fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf(".")); |
downloadFile(response, downName); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} else { |
downloadFile(response, fileNameOfProject); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
selectValue(params) { |
//版本下拉选择 |
this.versionValue = params.value; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
selectOptionsChange(item) { |
this.getList(); |
}, |
getVersionInfo() { |
//取版本列表信息 |
//this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 1000; |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/listVersion", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.versionList = []; |
response.items.forEach((element) => { |
let options = {}; |
options.value = element.id; |
options.label = element.version; |
this.versionList.push(options); |
}); |
if (JSON.stringify(this.versionList) != "[]") { |
//因版本下拉有默认值,所以详表要自动绑定子表数据 |
this.versionValue = this.versionList[0].label; |
this.getList(); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
handleImportExcel() { |
//导入 |
this.showExcelImport = true; |
this.$refs.importexcel.handleImportExcelClick(); |
}, |
/** 刷新列表 */ |
handleHandle(data) { |
if (data.type !== "edit") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
// if (column.property === "state") { |
// return { 0: "其他", 2: "已结" }[row[column.property]]; |
// } |
if ( |
column.property == "settleInputDate" || |
column.property == "settleDate" |
) { |
var date = row[column.property]; |
if (date == undefined) { |
return ""; |
} |
return moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); |
} |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
this.getVersionInfo(); |
this.listLoading = false; |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
}, |
getList() { |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 10; |
if (this.versionValue != "") { |
this.listQuery.version = this.versionValue; |
} |
console.log("列表查询条件:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/list", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
fetchData(id) { |
//循环动态 |
this.$axios |
.gets("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/" + id) |
.then((response) => { |
this.form = response; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "purchaseOrderNo"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 0, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
/** 多项筛选操作 */ |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilters(data) { |
if (data === null) { |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
this.getList(); //查询所有 |
} else { |
this.filterObj = data; |
console.log("筛选" + JSON.stringify(data)); |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
var removeHeight = Object.keys(this.filterObj).length > 0 ? 310 : 240; |
this.tableHeight = offsetHei - removeHeight; |
this.currentPage = 1; |
let Filter = []; |
data.forEach((item) => { |
let filter = {}; |
if (item.formType === "datetime" || item.formType === "datetime") { |
//日期类型的过滤条件是 (datetime >= a and datetime <=b) |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Value"] = item.value[0]; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
if (item.value[1] != null) { |
filter["Value"] = item.value[1]; |
filter["Action"] = 5; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
} else { |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Value"] = item.value; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
}); |
console.log("筛选条件" + JSON.stringify(Filter)); |
this.listQuery.Filters = Filter; |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
console.log(this.listQuery.Sorting); |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
// if (column.property === "qty") { |
// return { textAlign: "right" }; |
// } else { |
// return { textAlign: "left" }; |
// } |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制表头style */ |
headerRowStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if (column.property === "qty") { |
return { textAlign: "right", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.el-table .cell.el-tooltip { |
white-space: pre-wrap; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ |
<!--红旗H平台导入功能--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<XhJSSelect |
:options="versionList" |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@value-change="selectValue" |
></XhJSSelect> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="warning" |
icon="el-icon-upload2" |
@click="handleImportExcel()" |
>导入文件(Excel) |
</el-button> |
<!-- <el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="primary" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleDownload()" |
>导出Excel |
</el-button> --> |
<el-dropdown |
size="small" |
class="filter-item" |
style="margin-left: 15px; font-weight: bold" |
@command="handleCommand" |
> |
<span class="el-dropdown-link"> |
导出数据<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i> |
</span> |
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown"> |
<el-dropdown-item command="excel" icon="el-icon-plus" |
>导出Excel</el-dropdown-item |
> |
<el-dropdown-item command="csv" icon="el-icon-circle-plus" |
>导出Csv</el-dropdown-item |
> |
</el-dropdown-menu> |
</el-dropdown> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照采购订单号搜索..." |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
<!--表格头组件,filter查询--> |
<c-r-m-table-head |
ref="crmTableHead" |
:crm-type="crmType" |
@handle="handleHandle" |
@filter="handleFilters" |
> |
</c-r-m-table-head> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading.fullscreen.lock="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
:header-cell-style="headerRowStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<!-- <el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> --> |
<el-table-column |
label="版本" |
prop="version" |
sortable="custom" |
align="center" |
width="100px" |
fixed |
> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tooltip :content="scope.row.version" placement="top"> |
<span class="link-type">{{ scope.row.version }}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
<!-- 导入Excel组件 --> |
<importExcel |
ref="importexcel" |
:show="showExcelImport" |
:crmType="crmType" |
@close="importExcelData" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import importExcel from "@/components/ImportExcel-base"; |
import CRMTableHead from "../../../components/CRMTableHead"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import Lockr from "lockr"; |
import { downloadFile } from "@/utils/crmindex.js"; |
import XhJSSelect from "@/components/CreateCom/Xh-JS-Select-Label.vue"; |
export default { |
name: "HQHPlatform", |
components: { Pagination, CRMTableHead, importExcel, XhJSSelect }, |
directives: { permission }, |
filters: { |
IsCustomerSignFilter(status) { |
//翻译是否签字 |
const statusMap = { |
true: "是", |
false: "否", |
}; |
return statusMap[status]; |
}, |
}, |
props: { |
customerInfos: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return []; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "hqHPlatform", |
versionValue: "", |
versionList: [], //版本列表 |
rules: { |
//前端定义的规则,后端也有验证 |
erpMaterialCode: [ |
{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "blur" }, |
], |
}, |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
customerInfo: { |
settleAccountId: "", |
}, |
form: { |
dicDetailID: "", |
customerId: "", |
projectId: "", |
}, |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: true, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listVersionQuery: { |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
version: "", |
site: "TH", |
userId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", |
}, |
listExportQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
version: "", |
fileType: 0, |
userId: "", |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 220, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 220; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getVersionInfo(); |
if (this.versionList == []) { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "行号", prop: "lineNumber", width: 100 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "采购类型", prop: "purchaseType", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单号", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNo", |
width: 220, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单行项目", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNoItem", |
width: 170, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单文本", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNoText", |
width: 170, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "收货数量", prop: "receiptQty", width: 120 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "开票数量", prop: "invoicedQty", width: 120 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "不含税金额", prop: "amountNoTax", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购价格不含税", |
prop: "purchasePriceNoTax", |
width: 200, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "科目号", prop: "accountNum", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料代码", prop: "materialCode", width: 180 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料描述", prop: "materialDesc", width: 250 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "日期", |
prop: "spareDate", |
width: 150, |
formType: "datetime", |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "交货单号", |
prop: "deliveryOrderNo", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "交货行号", |
prop: "deliveryLineNum", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "批次号", prop: "batchNo", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "税率", prop: "taxRate", width: 100 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "税码", prop: "taxCode", width: 110 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "德国发票号", |
prop: "germanInvoiceNo", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "工厂", prop: "factory", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "工厂名称", prop: "factoryName", width: 220 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
handleCommand(command) { |
if (this.versionValue === "") { |
this.$message.error("请先选择版本!"); |
return; |
} |
switch (command) { |
case "excel": |
this.listQuery.fileType = 1; //0是csv,1是excel |
break; |
case "csv": |
this.listQuery.fileType = 0; //0是csv,1是excel |
break; |
default: |
//这里是没有找到对应的值处理 |
break; |
} |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (this.versionValue === "") { |
this.$message.error("必需选择版本!"); |
this.listLoading = false; |
return; |
} |
if (this.versionValue != "") { |
this.listQuery.version = this.versionValue; |
} |
console.log("红旗H平台导出:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/Export", this.listQuery) |
.then((res) => { |
let fileNameOfProject = res; |
this.$axios |
.BolbGets( |
"/api/settleaccount/getblobfile/download/" + fileNameOfProject |
) |
.then((response) => { |
if (fileNameOfProject.indexOf("_") != -1) { |
let downName = |
fileNameOfProject.slice( |
0, |
fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf("_") |
) + |
fileNameOfProject.slice(fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf(".")); |
downloadFile(response, downName); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} else { |
downloadFile(response, fileNameOfProject); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
selectValue(params) { |
//版本下拉选择 |
this.versionValue = params.value; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
selectOptionsChange(item) { |
this.getList(); |
}, |
getVersionInfo() { |
//取版本列表信息 |
//this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 1000; |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/listVersion", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.versionList = []; |
response.items.forEach((element) => { |
let options = {}; |
options.value = element.id; |
options.label = element.version; |
this.versionList.push(options); |
}); |
if (JSON.stringify(this.versionList) != "[]") { |
//因版本下拉有默认值,所以详表要自动绑定子表数据 |
this.versionValue = this.versionList[0].label; |
this.getList(); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
handleImportExcel() { |
//导入 |
this.showExcelImport = true; |
this.$refs.importexcel.handleImportExcelClick(); |
}, |
/** 刷新列表 */ |
handleHandle(data) { |
if (data.type !== "edit") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
// if (column.property === "state") { |
// return { 0: "其他", 2: "已结" }[row[column.property]]; |
// } |
if ( |
column.property == "settleInputDate" || |
column.property == "settleDate" |
) { |
var date = row[column.property]; |
if (date == undefined) { |
return ""; |
} |
return moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); |
} |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
this.getVersionInfo(); |
this.listLoading = false; |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
}, |
getList() { |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 10; |
if (this.versionValue != "") { |
this.listQuery.version = this.versionValue; |
} |
console.log("列表查询条件:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/list", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
fetchData(id) { |
//循环动态 |
this.$axios |
.gets("/api/settleaccount/HQHPlatform/" + id) |
.then((response) => { |
this.form = response; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "purchaseOrderNo"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 0, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
/** 多项筛选操作 */ |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilters(data) { |
if (data === null) { |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
this.getList(); //查询所有 |
} else { |
this.filterObj = data; |
console.log("筛选" + JSON.stringify(data)); |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
var removeHeight = Object.keys(this.filterObj).length > 0 ? 310 : 240; |
this.tableHeight = offsetHei - removeHeight; |
this.currentPage = 1; |
let Filter = []; |
data.forEach((item) => { |
let filter = {}; |
if (item.formType === "datetime" || item.formType === "datetime") { |
//日期类型的过滤条件是 (datetime >= a and datetime <=b) |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Value"] = item.value[0]; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
if (item.value[1] != null) { |
filter["Value"] = item.value[1]; |
filter["Action"] = 5; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
} else { |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Value"] = item.value; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
}); |
console.log("筛选条件" + JSON.stringify(Filter)); |
this.listQuery.Filters = Filter; |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
console.log(this.listQuery.Sorting); |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
// if (column.property === "qty") { |
// return { textAlign: "right" }; |
// } else { |
// return { textAlign: "left" }; |
// } |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制表头style */ |
headerRowStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if (column.property === "qty") { |
return { textAlign: "right", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.el-table .cell.el-tooltip { |
white-space: pre-wrap; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ |
<!--红旗M平台导入功能--> |
<template> |
<div class="cr-body-content"> |
<flexbox class="content-header"> |
<XhJSSelect |
:options="versionList" |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@value-change="selectValue" |
></XhJSSelect> |
<el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="warning" |
icon="el-icon-upload2" |
@click="handleImportExcel()" |
>导入文件(Excel) |
</el-button> |
<!-- <el-button |
class="filter-item" |
size="mini" |
type="primary" |
icon="el-icon-download" |
@click="handleDownload()" |
>导出Excel |
</el-button> --> |
<el-dropdown |
size="small" |
class="filter-item" |
style="margin-left: 15px; font-weight: bold" |
@command="handleCommand" |
> |
<span class="el-dropdown-link"> |
导出数据<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i> |
</span> |
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown"> |
<el-dropdown-item command="excel" icon="el-icon-plus" |
>导出Excel</el-dropdown-item |
> |
<el-dropdown-item command="csv" icon="el-icon-circle-plus" |
>导出Csv</el-dropdown-item |
> |
</el-dropdown-menu> |
</el-dropdown> |
<el-input |
v-model="searchContent" |
clearable |
size="small" |
placeholder="按照采购订单号搜索..." |
style="width: 200px" |
class="search-container" |
@keyup.enter.native="handleFilter" |
/> |
<el-button |
size="mini" |
type="success" |
icon="el-icon-search" |
@click="handleFilter" |
>搜索 |
</el-button> |
<!--表格头组件,filter查询--> |
<c-r-m-table-head |
ref="crmTableHead" |
:crm-type="crmType" |
@handle="handleHandle" |
@filter="handleFilters" |
> |
</c-r-m-table-head> |
</flexbox> |
<!--表格渲染--> |
<el-table |
ref="multipleTable" |
v-loading.fullscreen.lock="listLoading" |
element-loading-text="拼命加载中..." |
element-loading-spinner="el-icon-loading" |
class="cr-table" |
:data="list" |
:height="tableHeight" |
:cell-style="cellStyle" |
:header-cell-style="headerRowStyle" |
size="small" |
stripe |
border |
highlight-current-row |
style="width: 100%" |
@sort-change="sortChange" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
@row-click="handleRowClick" |
> |
<!-- <el-table-column type="selection" width="44px"></el-table-column> --> |
<el-table-column |
label="版本" |
prop="version" |
sortable="custom" |
align="center" |
width="100px" |
fixed |
> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tooltip :content="scope.row.version" placement="top"> |
<span class="link-type">{{ scope.row.version }}</span> |
</el-tooltip> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column |
v-for="(item, index) in getDefaultField" |
:key="index" |
:prop="item.prop" |
:label="item.label" |
:min-width="item.width" |
:formatter="fieldFormatter" |
sortable="custom" |
show-overflow-tooltip |
:gutter="0" |
> |
<template slot="header" slot-scope="scope"> |
{{ scope.column.label }} |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<div class="table-footer"> |
<!-- 分页控件 style="margin-top: -25px;margin-bottom:-25px;float:right;"--> |
<pagination |
v-show="totalCount > 0" |
:total="totalCount" |
:page.sync="page" |
:limit.sync="listQuery.MaxResultCount" |
@pagination="getList" |
/> |
<!-- 导入Excel组件 --> |
<importExcel |
ref="importexcel" |
:show="showExcelImport" |
:crmType="crmType" |
@close="importExcelData" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Pagination from "@/components/Pagination"; // secondary package based on el-pagination |
import permission from "@/directive/permission/index.js"; |
import importExcel from "@/components/ImportExcel-base"; |
import CRMTableHead from "../../../components/CRMTableHead"; |
import moment from "moment"; |
import Lockr from "lockr"; |
import { downloadFile } from "@/utils/crmindex.js"; |
import XhJSSelect from "@/components/CreateCom/Xh-JS-Select-Label.vue"; |
export default { |
name: "HQMPlatform", |
components: { Pagination, CRMTableHead, importExcel, XhJSSelect }, |
directives: { permission }, |
filters: { |
IsCustomerSignFilter(status) { |
//翻译是否签字 |
const statusMap = { |
true: "是", |
false: "否", |
}; |
return statusMap[status]; |
}, |
}, |
props: { |
customerInfos: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { |
return []; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
crmType: "hqMPlatform", |
versionValue: "", |
versionList: [], //版本列表 |
rules: { |
//前端定义的规则,后端也有验证 |
erpMaterialCode: [ |
{ required: true, message: "必须输入!", trigger: "blur" }, |
], |
}, |
searchContent: "", // 输入内容 |
customerInfo: { |
settleAccountId: "", |
}, |
form: { |
dicDetailID: "", |
customerId: "", |
projectId: "", |
}, |
list: null, |
totalCount: 0, |
listLoading: true, |
formLoading: true, |
// 高级搜索 |
filterObj: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
listVersionQuery: { |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
}, |
listQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
version: "", |
site: "TH", |
userId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", |
}, |
listExportQuery: { |
Filters: [ |
{ |
logic: 0, |
column: "Enabled", |
action: 0, |
value: "true", |
}, //默认查询可用的 |
], |
//OrgID:"", |
SkipCount: 0, |
MaxResultCount: 15, |
version: "", |
fileType: 0, |
userId: "", |
}, |
page: 1, |
dialogFormVisible: false, |
multipleSelection: [], |
formTitle: "", |
drawer: false, |
showExcelImport: false, |
tableHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight - 220, |
isEdit: false, |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
var self = this; |
window.onresize = function () { |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
self.tableHeight = offsetHei - 220; |
}; |
}, |
created() { |
this.getVersionInfo(); |
if (this.versionList == []) { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
/** 列表字段 */ |
getDefaultField() { |
var tempsTabs = []; |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "行号", prop: "lineNumber", width: 100 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "采购类型", prop: "purchaseType", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单号", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNo", |
width: 220, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单行项目", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNoItem", |
width: 170, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购订单文本", |
prop: "purchaseOrderNoText", |
width: 170, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "收货数量", prop: "receiptQty", width: 120 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "开票数量", prop: "invoicedQty", width: 120 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "不含税金额", prop: "amountNoTax", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "采购价格不含税", |
prop: "purchasePriceNoTax", |
width: 200, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "科目号", prop: "accountNum", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料代码", prop: "materialCode", width: 180 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "物料描述", prop: "materialDesc", width: 250 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "日期", |
prop: "spareDate", |
width: 150, |
formType: "datetime", |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "交货单号", |
prop: "deliveryOrderNo", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "交货行号", |
prop: "deliveryLineNum", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "批次号", prop: "batchNo", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "税率", prop: "taxRate", width: 100 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "税码", prop: "taxCode", width: 110 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ |
label: "德国发票号", |
prop: "germanInvoiceNo", |
width: 150, |
}); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "工厂", prop: "factory", width: 150 }); |
tempsTabs.push({ label: "工厂名称", prop: "factoryName", width: 220 }); |
return tempsTabs; |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
handleCommand(command) { |
if (this.versionValue === "") { |
this.$message.error("请先选择版本!"); |
return; |
} |
switch (command) { |
case "excel": |
this.listQuery.fileType = 1; //0是csv,1是excel |
break; |
case "csv": |
this.listQuery.fileType = 0; //0是csv,1是excel |
break; |
default: |
//这里是没有找到对应的值处理 |
break; |
} |
this.listLoading = true; |
if (this.versionValue === "") { |
this.$message.error("必需选择版本!"); |
this.listLoading = false; |
return; |
} |
if (this.versionValue != "") { |
this.listQuery.version = this.versionValue; |
} |
console.log("红旗H平台导出:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQMPlatform/Export", this.listQuery) |
.then((res) => { |
let fileNameOfProject = res; |
this.$axios |
.BolbGets( |
"/api/settleaccount/getblobfile/download/" + fileNameOfProject |
) |
.then((response) => { |
if (fileNameOfProject.indexOf("_") != -1) { |
let downName = |
fileNameOfProject.slice( |
0, |
fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf("_") |
) + |
fileNameOfProject.slice(fileNameOfProject.lastIndexOf(".")); |
downloadFile(response, downName); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} else { |
downloadFile(response, fileNameOfProject); |
this.$notify({ |
title: "成功", |
message: "数据-导出成功!", |
type: "success", |
duration: 2000, |
}); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}); |
}, |
selectValue(params) { |
//版本下拉选择 |
this.versionValue = params.value; |
this.getList(); |
}, |
selectOptionsChange(item) { |
this.getList(); |
}, |
getVersionInfo() { |
//取版本列表信息 |
//this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 1000; |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQMPlatform/listVersion", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.versionList = []; |
response.items.forEach((element) => { |
let options = {}; |
options.value = element.id; |
options.label = element.version; |
this.versionList.push(options); |
}); |
if (JSON.stringify(this.versionList) != "[]") { |
//因版本下拉有默认值,所以详表要自动绑定子表数据 |
this.versionValue = this.versionList[0].label; |
this.getList(); |
} |
this.listLoading = false; |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
handleImportExcel() { |
//导入 |
this.showExcelImport = true; |
this.$refs.importexcel.handleImportExcelClick(); |
}, |
/** 刷新列表 */ |
handleHandle(data) { |
if (data.type !== "edit") { |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
/** 格式化字段 */ |
fieldFormatter(row, column) { |
// if (column.property === "state") { |
// return { 0: "其他", 2: "已结" }[row[column.property]]; |
// } |
if ( |
column.property == "settleInputDate" || |
column.property == "settleDate" |
) { |
var date = row[column.property]; |
if (date == undefined) { |
return ""; |
} |
return moment(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); |
} |
return row[column.property] || "--"; |
}, |
importExcelData() { |
this.getVersionInfo(); |
this.listLoading = false; |
//关闭导入窗体时调用 |
this.showExcelImport = false; |
}, |
getList() { |
this.listLoading = true; |
this.listQuery.SkipCount = (this.page - 1) * 10; |
if (this.versionValue != "") { |
this.listQuery.version = this.versionValue; |
} |
console.log("列表查询条件:" + JSON.stringify(this.listQuery)); |
this.$axios |
.posts("/api/settleaccount/HQMPlatform/list", this.listQuery) |
.then((response) => { |
this.list = response.items; |
this.totalCount = response.totalCount; |
setTimeout(() => { |
//大数据量加载时 |
this.listLoading = false; |
}, 500); |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.listLoading = false; |
}); |
}, |
fetchData(id) { |
//循环动态 |
this.$axios |
.gets("/api/settleaccount/HQMPlatform/" + id) |
.then((response) => { |
this.form = response; |
}); |
}, |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilter() { |
this.page = 1; |
this.getList(); |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
if (this.searchContent != "") { |
var column = "purchaseOrderNo"; |
let filter = { |
logic: 0, |
column: column, |
action: 0, |
value: this.searchContent, |
}; |
this.listQuery.Filters.push(filter); |
} |
this.getList(); |
}, |
/** 多项筛选操作 */ |
/** 筛选操作 */ |
handleFilters(data) { |
if (data === null) { |
this.listQuery.Filters = []; |
this.getList(); //查询所有 |
} else { |
this.filterObj = data; |
console.log("筛选" + JSON.stringify(data)); |
var offsetHei = document.documentElement.clientHeight; |
var removeHeight = Object.keys(this.filterObj).length > 0 ? 310 : 240; |
this.tableHeight = offsetHei - removeHeight; |
this.currentPage = 1; |
let Filter = []; |
data.forEach((item) => { |
let filter = {}; |
if (item.formType === "datetime" || item.formType === "datetime") { |
//日期类型的过滤条件是 (datetime >= a and datetime <=b) |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Value"] = item.value[0]; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
if (item.value[1] != null) { |
filter["Value"] = item.value[1]; |
filter["Action"] = 5; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
} else { |
filter["Column"] = item.fieldName; |
filter["Value"] = item.value; |
filter["Logic"] = 0; |
filter["Action"] = item.action; |
Filter.push(filter); |
} |
}); |
console.log("筛选条件" + JSON.stringify(Filter)); |
this.listQuery.Filters = Filter; |
this.getList(); |
} |
}, |
resetQuery() {}, |
sortChange(data) { |
const { prop, order } = data; |
if (!prop || !order) { |
this.handleFilter(); |
return; |
} |
this.listQuery.Sorting = prop + " " + order; |
console.log(this.listQuery.Sorting); |
this.handleFilter(); |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制style */ |
cellStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
// if (column.property === "qty") { |
// return { textAlign: "right" }; |
// } else { |
// return { textAlign: "left" }; |
// } |
return { textAlign: "left" }; |
}, |
/** 通过回调控制表头style */ |
headerRowStyle({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) { |
if (column.property === "qty") { |
return { textAlign: "right", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} else { |
return { textAlign: "left", background: "#FAFAFA" }; |
} |
}, |
handleRowClick(row, column, event) { |
this.$refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); |
this.$refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection(row); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "../../../styles/crmtable.scss"; |
</style> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.el-table .cell.el-tooltip { |
white-space: pre-wrap; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue