吴煜 3 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 322
  4. 326
  5. 36
  6. 171
  7. 9
  8. 7
  9. 11
  10. 85
  11. 163
  12. 2
  13. 159
  14. 175
  15. 20
  16. 8
  17. 139


@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSKanBan
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<string> WMSVWKanBanUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId, string year, string period, string version, string customerCode);
// Task<string> WMSVWKanBanUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId, string year, string period, string version, string customerCode);


@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSSparePart
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<string> WMSSparePartUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId,
string year, string period, string version, string customerCode);
//Task<string> WMSSparePartUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId,
// string year, string period, string version, string customerCode);
/// <summary>
/// 按ID获取唯一实体


@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Csv;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Guids;
using Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSKanBan;
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Filter;
using Shouldly;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Volo.Abp.Caching;
using Win.Abp.Snowflakes;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers;
using Volo.Abp;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExcelImporter;
using EFCore.BulkExtensions;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExportReports;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Constant;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan
/// <summary>
/// 大众看板发货明细
/// </summary>
public class WMSKanBanAppService : SettleAccountApplicationBase<WMSKanBanSettle>, IWMSVWKanBanAppService
private readonly IGuidGenerator _guidGenerator;
private readonly IExcelImportAppService _excelImportService;
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSKanBanVersion, Guid> _versionRepository;
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSKanBanSettle, Guid> _repository;
/// <summary>
/// 构建方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guidGenerator">构建UID</param>
/// <param name="repository">仓储接口</param>
/// <param name="cache">缓存</param>
public WMSKanBanAppService(IGuidGenerator guidGenerator,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSKanBanVersion, Guid> versionRepository,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSKanBanSettle, Guid> repository,
IDistributedCache<WMSKanBanSettle> cache,
IExcelImportAppService excelImportService,
ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator,
ICommonManager commonManager
) : base(cache, excelImportService, snowflakeIdGenerator, commonManager)
_versionRepository = versionRepository;
_guidGenerator = guidGenerator;
_excelImportService = excelImportService;
_repository = repository;
/// <summary>
/// 导入功能
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<string> WMSVWKanBanUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId, string year, string period, string version, string customerCode)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
throw new BusinessException("版本不能空,必须传入!");
List<WMSVWKanBanImportDto> listImport = new List<WMSVWKanBanImportDto>();
ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter();
var result = await _exportImporter.UploadExcelImport<WMSVWKanBanImportDto>(files, _excelImportService);
var entityList = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSVWKanBanImportDto>, List<WMSKanBanSettle>>(result);
var _versionQuery = _versionRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
await _versionQuery.BatchDeleteAsync();
var _query = _repository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
await _query.BatchDeleteAsync();
var checkList = new List<ErrorExportDto>();
var _group = entityList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Kanban, x.MaterialCode, x.Version }).Select(p => new { Count = p.Count(), Kanban = p.Key.Kanban, MaterialCode = p.Key.MaterialCode });
foreach (var itm in _group)
if (itm.Count > 1)
checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto(version, customerCode, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("导入的零件号{0},其看板条码号{1}有重复数据,请检查!", itm.MaterialCode, itm.Kanban), string.Empty));
var _id = GuidGenerator.Create();
var _bomList = new List<WMSKanBanVersion>();
_bomList.Add(new WMSKanBanVersion(_id, branchId, year, period, version, customerCode));
foreach (var itm in entityList)
itm.SetValue(GuidGenerator.Create(), branchId, year, period, version, _id);
if (checkList.Count > 0)
return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList);
await _repository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync<WMSKanBanSettle>(entityList);
await _versionRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_bomList);
return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr;
/// <summary>
/// 按ID获取唯一实体
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 返回实体全部属性
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="id">ID</param>
/// <returns>实体DTO</returns>
virtual public async Task<WMSVWKanBanDto> GetAsync(Guid id)
var result = await GetFromCacheAsync(id);
var dto = ObjectMapper.Map<WMSKanBanSettle, WMSVWKanBanDto>(result);
return dto;
private async Task<WMSKanBanSettle> GetFromCacheAsync(Guid id)
var result = await _repository.GetAsync(id);
return result;
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WMSVWKanBanRequestDto input)
return await _repository.GetCountByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters);
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WMSVWKanBanVersionRequestDto input)
return await _versionRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters);
/// <summary>
/// 导出文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
virtual public async Task<string> ExportAsync(WMSVWKanBanRequestDto input)
IExporter _csv = new CsvExporter();
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Version))
input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "Version", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.Version });
var entities = await _repository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
var dtoDetails = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSKanBanSettle>, List<WMSVWKanBanExportDto>>(entities);
string _fileName = string.Empty;
byte[] result = null;
switch (input.FileType)
case 0:
_fileName = string.Format("大众看板发货明细_{0}.csv", input.UserId.ToString());
result = await _csv.ExportAsByteArray(dtoDetails);
case 1:
_fileName = string.Format("大众看板发货明细_{0}.xlsx", input.UserId.ToString());
result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtoDetails);
await _excelImportService.SaveBlobAsync(
new SaveExcelImportInputDto
Name = _fileName,
Content = result
return _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// 根据筛选条件获取实体列表
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 请求条件包括:筛选条件列表,排序条件,数据数量,页码
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="input">请求条件</param>
/// <returns>实体DTO列表</returns>
virtual public async Task<PagedResultDto<WMSVWKanBanDto>> GetListAsync(WMSVWKanBanRequestDto input)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Version))
input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "Version", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.Version });
return new PagedResultDto<WMSVWKanBanDto>(0, new List<WMSVWKanBanDto>());
var entities = await _repository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount,
input.SkipCount, true);
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input);
var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSKanBanSettle>, List<WMSVWKanBanDto>>(entities);
return new PagedResultDto<WMSVWKanBanDto>(totalCount, dtos);
/// <summary>
/// 获取实体总数
/// </summary>
/// <returns>实体总数</returns>
virtual public async Task<long> GetTotalCountAsync(Guid branchId)
return await _repository.GetCountAsync(branchId);
/// <summary>
/// 获取全部实体列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>实体DTO列表</returns>
virtual public async Task<ListResultDto<WMSVWKanBanDto>> GetAllAsync(Guid branchId)
var entities = await _repository.GetAllAsync(branchId, true);
var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSKanBanSettle>, List<WMSVWKanBanDto>>(entities);
return new ListResultDto<WMSVWKanBanDto>(dtos);
/// <summary>
/// 删除实体
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">ID</param>
/// <returns>无</returns>
/// [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Delete)]
virtual public async Task DeleteAsync(Guid id)
await _repository.DeleteAsync(id);
/// <summary>
/// 按IDs删除实体列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids">IDs</param>
/// <returns>是否执行成功</returns>
// [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Delete)]
virtual public async Task<bool> DeleteListAsync(List<Guid> ids)
foreach (var id in ids)
var entity = await GetFromCacheAsync(id);
//await Cache.DeleteAsync<SettleAccount>(id.ToString());
return await _repository.DeleteListAsync(ids);
/// <summary>
/// 版本列表查询
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<PagedResultDto<WMSVWKanBanVersionDto>> GetVersionListAsync(WMSVWKanBanVersionRequestDto input)
var entities = await _versionRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
input.SkipCount, true);
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input);
var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSKanBanVersion>, List<WMSVWKanBanVersionDto>>(entities);
return new PagedResultDto<WMSVWKanBanVersionDto>(totalCount, dtos);


@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
using EFCore.BulkExtensions;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Csv;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Caching;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
using Volo.Abp.Guids;
using Win.Abp.Snowflakes;
using Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Constant;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSSparePart;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExcelImporter;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExportReports;
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Filter;
using Shouldly;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart
/// <summary>
/// 大众备件服务
/// </summary>
public class WMSSparePartAppService : SettleAccountApplicationBase<WMSSparePart>, IWMSSparePartAppService
private readonly IGuidGenerator _guidGenerator;
private readonly IExcelImportAppService _excelImportService;
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSSparePartVersion, Guid> _versionRepository;
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSSparePart, Guid> _repository;
/// <summary>
/// 构建方法
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guidGenerator">构建UID</param>
/// <param name="repository">仓储接口</param>
/// <param name="cache">缓存</param>
public WMSSparePartAppService(IGuidGenerator guidGenerator,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSSparePartVersion, Guid> versionRepository,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WMSSparePart, Guid> repository,
IDistributedCache<WMSSparePart> cache,
IExcelImportAppService excelImportService,
ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator,
ICommonManager commonManager
) : base(cache, excelImportService, snowflakeIdGenerator, commonManager)
_versionRepository = versionRepository;
_guidGenerator = guidGenerator;
_excelImportService = excelImportService;
_repository = repository;
/// <summary>
/// 导入功能
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<string> WMSSparePartUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId, string year, string period, string version, string customerCode)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
throw new BusinessException("版本不能空,必须传入!");
ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter();
var result = await _exportImporter.UploadExcelImport<WMSSparePartImportDto>(files, _excelImportService);
var entityList = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSSparePartImportDto>, List<WMSSparePart>>(result);
var _versionQuery = _versionRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
await _versionQuery.BatchDeleteAsync();
var _query = _repository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
await _query.BatchDeleteAsync();
var checkList = new List<ErrorExportDto>();
var _group = entityList.GroupBy(x => new { x.LineNumber, x.MaterialCode, x.Version }).Select(p => new { Count = p.Count(), LineNumber = p.Key.LineNumber, MaterialCode = p.Key.MaterialCode });
foreach (var itm in _group)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.MaterialCode))
checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto(version, customerCode, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("导入的行号为{0}的物料代码为空,请检查!", itm.LineNumber), string.Empty));
var _id = GuidGenerator.Create();
var _bomList = new List<WMSSparePartVersion>();
_bomList.Add(new WMSSparePartVersion(_id, branchId, year, period, version, customerCode));
foreach (var itm in entityList)
itm.SetValue(GuidGenerator.Create(), branchId, year, period, version);
if (checkList.Count > 0)
return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList);
await _repository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync<WMSSparePart>(entityList);
await _versionRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_bomList);
return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr;
/// <summary>
/// 按ID获取唯一实体
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 返回实体全部属性
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="id">ID</param>
/// <returns>实体DTO</returns>
virtual public async Task<WMSSparePartDto> GetAsync(Guid id)
var result = await GetFromCacheAsync(id);
var dto = ObjectMapper.Map<WMSSparePart, WMSSparePartDto>(result);
return dto;
private async Task<WMSSparePart> GetFromCacheAsync(Guid id)
var result = await _repository.GetAsync(id);
return result;
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WMSSparePartRequestDto input)
return await _repository.GetCountByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters);
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WMSSparePartVersionRequestDto input)
return await _versionRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters);
/// <summary>
/// 导出文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
virtual public async Task<string> ExportAsync(WMSSparePartRequestDto input)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Version))
throw new BusinessException("版本不能空,必须传入!");
IExporter _csv = new CsvExporter();
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Version))
input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "Version", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.Version });
var entities = await _repository.GetListByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
var dtoDetails = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSSparePart>, List<WMSSparePartExportDto>>(entities);
string _fileName = string.Empty;
byte[] result = null;
switch (input.FileType)
case 0:
_fileName = string.Format("大众备件发货明细_{0}.csv", input.UserId.ToString());
result = await _csv.ExportAsByteArray(dtoDetails);
case 1:
_fileName = string.Format("大众备件发货明细_{0}.xlsx", input.UserId.ToString());
result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtoDetails);
await _excelImportService.SaveBlobAsync(
new SaveExcelImportInputDto
Name = _fileName,
Content = result
return _fileName;
/// <summary>
/// 根据筛选条件获取实体列表
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// 请求条件包括:筛选条件列表,排序条件,数据数量,页码
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="input">请求条件</param>
/// <returns>实体DTO列表</returns>
virtual public async Task<PagedResultDto<WMSSparePartDto>> GetListAsync(WMSSparePartRequestDto input)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Version))
input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "Version", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.Version });
return new PagedResultDto<WMSSparePartDto>(0, new List<WMSSparePartDto>());
var entities = await _repository.GetListByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount,
input.SkipCount, true);
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input);
var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSSparePart>, List<WMSSparePartDto>>(entities);
return new PagedResultDto<WMSSparePartDto>(totalCount, dtos);
/// <summary>
/// 获取实体总数
/// </summary>
/// <returns>实体总数</returns>
virtual public async Task<long> GetTotalCountAsync(Guid branchId)
return await _repository.GetCountAsync(branchId);
/// <summary>
/// 获取全部实体列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>实体DTO列表</returns>
virtual public async Task<ListResultDto<WMSSparePartDto>> GetAllAsync(Guid branchId)
var entities = await _repository.GetAllAsync(branchId, true);
var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSSparePart>, List<WMSSparePartDto>>(entities);
return new ListResultDto<WMSSparePartDto>(dtos);
/// <summary>
/// 删除实体
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">ID</param>
/// <returns>无</returns>
/// [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Delete)]
virtual public async Task DeleteAsync(Guid id)
await _repository.DeleteAsync(id);
/// <summary>
/// 按IDs删除实体列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids">IDs</param>
/// <returns>是否执行成功</returns>
// [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Delete)]
virtual public async Task<bool> DeleteListAsync(List<Guid> ids)
foreach (var id in ids)
var entity = await GetFromCacheAsync(id);
//await Cache.DeleteAsync<SettleAccount>(id.ToString());
return await _repository.DeleteListAsync(ids);
/// <summary>
/// 版本列表查询
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<PagedResultDto<WMSSparePartVersionDto>> GetVersionListAsync(WMSSparePartVersionRequestDto input)
var entities = await _versionRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(input.BranchId, input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
input.SkipCount, true);
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input);
var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map<List<WMSSparePartVersion>, List<WMSSparePartVersionDto>>(entities);
return new PagedResultDto<WMSSparePartVersionDto>(totalCount, dtos);


@ -55,10 +55,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<SettlementPartVersion, Guid> settlementPartVersionrepository,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<FISVersion, Guid> fisVersionrepository,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<ItemInvoicePriceVersion, Guid> itemInvoicePriceVersionrepository,
//ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<Material, Guid> materialRepository,
//ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<InvoiceSettledDiff, Guid> repository,
//ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<InvoiceSettledDiffVersion, Guid> versionRepository,
//IDistributedCache<InvoiceSettledDiff> cache,
IExcelImportAppService excelImportService,
//ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator,
//ICommonManager commonManager,
@ -197,7 +194,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices
/// <summary>
/// 导入功能
/// 1.大众发票与结算核对汇总表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
@ -225,14 +222,14 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices
customConditionList.Add(new CustomCondition() { Name = "ProjectName", Value = "结算与开票数据对比" });
customConditionList.Add(new CustomCondition() { Name = "Year", Value = year ?? DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() });
var _taskid = await _service.ExportEnqueueAsync("结算与开票数据对比", ExportExtentsion.Excel, CurrentUser, typeof(InvoiceSettledDiffExportService), customConditionList, (rs) =>
var _taskid = await _service.ExportEnqueueAsync("大众发票与结算核对汇总表", ExportExtentsion.Excel, CurrentUser, typeof(InvoiceSettledDiffExportService), customConditionList, (rs) =>
return _taskid;
/// <summary>
/// 导入功能
/// 3.大众准时化结算数量差异比对表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
@ -254,9 +251,34 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<string> UnSettleDiffExportServiceMake(string version, string materialCode, string begin, string end)
List<CustomCondition> customConditionList = new List<CustomCondition>();
customConditionList.Add(new CustomCondition() { Name = "Version", Value = version });
customConditionList.Add(new CustomCondition() { Name = "MaterialCode", Value = materialCode });
customConditionList.Add(new CustomCondition() { Name = "BeginTime", Value = begin });
customConditionList.Add(new CustomCondition() { Name = "EndTime", Value = end });
var _taskid = await _service.ExportEnqueueAsync("大众准时化未结差异比对表", ExportExtentsion.Excel, CurrentUser, typeof(UnSettleDiffExportService), customConditionList, (rs) =>
return _taskid;


@ -1739,6 +1739,166 @@
<param name="input"></param>
<member name="T:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService">
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.#ctor(Volo.Abp.Guids.IGuidGenerator,Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository{Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanVersion,System.Guid},Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository{Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanSettle,System.Guid},Volo.Abp.Caching.IDistributedCache{Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanSettle},Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon.IExcelImportAppService,Win.Abp.Snowflakes.ISnowflakeIdGenerator,Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers.ICommonManager)">
<param name="guidGenerator">构建UID</param>
<param name="repository">仓储接口</param>
<param name="cache">缓存</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.WMSVWKanBanUploadExcelImport(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFileCollection,System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
<param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.GetAsync(System.Guid)">
<param name="id">ID</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.ExportAsync(Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSKanBan.WMSVWKanBanRequestDto)">
<param name="input"></param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.GetListAsync(Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSKanBan.WMSVWKanBanRequestDto)">
<param name="input">请求条件</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.GetTotalCountAsync(System.Guid)">
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.GetAllAsync(System.Guid)">
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.DeleteAsync(System.Guid)">
<param name="id">ID</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.DeleteListAsync(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Guid})">
<param name="ids">IDs</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_KanBan.WMSKanBanAppService.GetVersionListAsync(Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSKanBan.WMSVWKanBanVersionRequestDto)">
<param name="input"></param>
<member name="T:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService">
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.#ctor(Volo.Abp.Guids.IGuidGenerator,Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository{Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartVersion,System.Guid},Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository{Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePart,System.Guid},Volo.Abp.Caching.IDistributedCache{Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePart},Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon.IExcelImportAppService,Win.Abp.Snowflakes.ISnowflakeIdGenerator,Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers.ICommonManager)">
<param name="guidGenerator">构建UID</param>
<param name="repository">仓储接口</param>
<param name="cache">缓存</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.WMSSparePartUploadExcelImport(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFileCollection,System.Guid,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
<param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.GetAsync(System.Guid)">
<param name="id">ID</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.ExportAsync(Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSSparePart.WMSSparePartRequestDto)">
<param name="input"></param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.GetListAsync(Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSSparePart.WMSSparePartRequestDto)">
<param name="input">请求条件</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.GetTotalCountAsync(System.Guid)">
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.GetAllAsync(System.Guid)">
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.DeleteAsync(System.Guid)">
<param name="id">ID</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.DeleteListAsync(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.Guid})">
<param name="ids">IDs</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS_SparePart.WMSSparePartAppService.GetVersionListAsync(Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMSSparePart.WMSSparePartVersionRequestDto)">
<param name="input"></param>
<member name="T:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.FISes.FISAppService">
@ -2289,18 +2449,25 @@
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices.ReportService.InvoiceSettledDiffMake(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
<param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices.ReportService.SettleFisDiffExportMake(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
<param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices.ReportService.UnSettleDiffExportServiceMake(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
<param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
<member name="M:Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.ReportServices.ReportService.SettledPartAndErpPartPriceDiffMake(System.String,System.String)">


@ -3,9 +3,18 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Materials;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Prices;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities
public class CacheManager
public static List<Material> CacheMaterials { set; get; }
public static List<PriceList> CachePriceList { set; get; }
public interface ISettleAccountEntityBase
public string Version { set; get; }


@ -12,14 +12,11 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.UnSettle
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算平台未结数量 ")]
public decimal Qty { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "定价 ")]
public decimal Price { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "金额 ")]
public decimal Amt { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "漏结标识 ")]
public string Flag { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "漏结期间 ")]
public string UNSettleVersion { set; get; }
public string UnSettleVersion { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "说明 ")]
public string Remark { set; get; }


@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports
public class ReportDetailBase
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号 ")]
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports
public string KENNCode { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "底盘号")]
public string ChassisNumber { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "M100交货状态 ")]
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货状态 ")]
public string WmsState { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料号")]
public string SapMaterialCode { set; get; }
@ -26,13 +27,15 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "客户物料 ")]
public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料 ")]
public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
public string ParentSapMaterialCode { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料描述 ")]
public string ParentMaterialDesc { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型) ")]
public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "定价 ")]
public decimal Price { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "金额 ")]
public decimal Amt { set; get; }


@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
using Dapper;
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories.Dapper;
using Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Materials;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Prices;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
/// <summary>
/// 主数据Dapper表
/// </summary>
public class ErpPartDapperRepository : DapperRepository<SettleAccountDbContext>, ITransientDependency
public ErpPartDapperRepository(IDbContextProvider<SettleAccountDbContext> dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider)
public virtual List<T> GetDiffReport<T>(List<T> childList) where T : ReportDetailBase, new()
List<Material> _materialList = new List<Material>();
List<PriceList> _priceList = new List<PriceList>();
if (CacheManager.CacheMaterials != null)
_materialList = CacheManager.CacheMaterials;
_materialList = DbConnection.Query<Material>("select * from set_material").ToList();
if (CacheManager.CachePriceList != null)
_priceList = CacheManager.CachePriceList;
_priceList = DbConnection.Query<PriceList>("select MaterialCode,Price from Set_PriceList where version=(select max(version) from set_Set_PriceListVersion)").ToList();
List<T> _list = new List<T>();
foreach (var itm in childList)
var parentMaterial = new T();
parentMaterial.WmsBillNum = itm.WmsBillNum;
parentMaterial.CP5Time = itm.CP5Time;
parentMaterial.KENNCode = itm.KENNCode;
parentMaterial.ChassisNumber = itm.ChassisNumber;
parentMaterial.WmsState = itm.WmsState;
parentMaterial.SapMaterialCode = itm.ParentSapMaterialCode;
parentMaterial.MaterialDesc = itm.ParentMaterialDesc;
parentMaterial.MaterialCode = itm.ParentSapMaterialCode;
parentMaterial.ParentSapMaterialCode = itm.ParentSapMaterialCode;
parentMaterial.ParentMaterialDesc = itm.ParentMaterialDesc;
var _price = _priceList.Where(p => p.MaterialCode == itm.ParentSapMaterialCode).FirstOrDefault();
if (_price != null)
parentMaterial.Price = _price.Price;
parentMaterial.Amt = _price.Price;
var _material = _materialList.Where(p => p.MaterialCode == itm.ParentSapMaterialCode).FirstOrDefault();
if (_material != null)
parentMaterial.MaterialGroup = _material.EstimateTypeDesc;
return _list;


@ -20,74 +20,117 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob
public virtual List<InvoiceSettledDiff> GetInvoiceSettledDiffReportList(string version,string year, string tablename ,string materialcode)
//string str = string.Empty;
//str += " where 1=1 ";
////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(year))
//// str += string.Format(" and year='{0}' ", year);
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
// str += string.Format(" and version='{0}' ", version);
//// string sqlString = "select "+ string.Format(" {0} as Version ,",version) + "a.MaterialCode,isnull(b.qty,0) InvoiceQty,isnull(c.qty,0) SettleQty, (isnull(b.qty,0)-isnull(c.qty,0)) as DiffQty from (\n" +
//// " select distinct MaterialCode from( \n"+
////"select distinct MaterialCode from Set_Invoice {0}\n" +
//// "union all\n" +
//// "select distinct MaterialCode from {1} {0}\n" +
//// ") temp \n"+
//// ") as a\n" +
//// "left join\n" +
//// "\n" +
//// "(select SUM(QTY) qty,MaterialCode from Set_Invoice {0} GROUP BY MaterialCode) b on a.MaterialCode=b.MaterialCode\n" +
//// "\n" +
//// "left join\n" +
//// "(select SUM(QTY) qty,MaterialCode from {1} {0} GROUP BY MaterialCode) c on a.MaterialCode=c.MaterialCode";
// string sqlString =
//"SELECT \n" + string.Format(" '{0}' as Version ,", version) + "\n" +
//" b.*,\n" +
//" ISnull(\n" +
//" c.Qty,\n" +
//" IsNull( d.qty, 0 )) SettleQty,\n" +
//"CASE\n" +
//" \n" +
//" WHEN e.Type = 'CP7报废' THEN\n" +
//" isnull( e.Qty, 0 ) ELSE 0 \n" +
//" END AS CP7ScrapQty,\n" +
//"CASE\n" +
//" \n" +
//" WHEN e.Type = '索赔' THEN\n" +
//" isnull( e.Qty, 0 ) ELSE 0 \n" +
//" END AS ClaimQty,\n" +
//" (\n" +
//" b.InvoiceQty - ISnull(\n" +
//" c.Qty,\n" +
//" IsNull( d.qty, 0 ))) DiffQty,\n" +
//" Isnull( f.Price, 0 ) SalePrice,\n" +
//" b.InvoicePrice - Isnull( f.Price, 0 ) DiffPrice,\n" +
//" '' AS SapMaterialCode \n" +
//"FROM\n" +
//" (\n" +
//" SELECT\n" +
//" Factory, MaterialCode,\n" +
//" SUM( QTY ) InvoiceQty,\n" +
//" sum( amt ) InvoiceAmt,\n" +
//" sum( amt )/ sum( Qty ) InvoicePrice \n" +
//" FROM\n" +
//" Set_Invoice \n" +
//" WHERE\n" +
//" version = '{0}' \n" +
//" GROUP BY\n" +
//" MaterialCode,Factory \n" +
//" ) b\n" +
//" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM( QTY ) Qty, MaterialCode FROM Set_settle WHERE version = '{0}' GROUP BY MaterialCode ) c ON b.MaterialCode = c.MaterialCode\n" +
//" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM( QTY ) qty, MaterialCode FROM Set_KanbanSettle WHERE version = '{0}' GROUP BY MaterialCode ) d ON b.MaterialCode = d.MaterialCode\n" +
//" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM Set_ScrapClaims WHERE version = '{0}' ) e ON b.MaterialCode = e.MaterialCode\n" +
//" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM Set_PriceList WHERE version = '{0}' ) f ON b.MaterialCode = f.MaterialCode";
string sqlString =
"SELECT \n" + string.Format(" '{0}' as Version ,", version) + "\n" +
" b.*,\n" +
" ISnull(\n" +
" c.Qty,\n" +
" IsNull( d.qty, 0 )) SettleQty,\n" +
"CASE\n" +
" \n" +
" WHEN e.Type = 'CP7报废' THEN\n" +
" isnull( e.Qty, 0 ) ELSE 0 \n" +
" END AS CP7ScrapQty,\n" +
"CASE\n" +
" \n" +
" WHEN e.Type = '索赔' THEN\n" +
" isnull( e.Qty, 0 ) ELSE 0 \n" +
" END AS ClaimQty,\n" +
" (\n" +
" b.InvoiceQty - ISnull(\n" +
" c.Qty,\n" +
" IsNull( d.qty, 0 ))) DiffQty,\n" +
" Isnull( f.Price, 0 ) SalePrice,\n" +
" b.InvoicePrice - Isnull( f.Price, 0 ) DiffPrice,\n" +
" '' AS SapMaterialCode \n" +
"SELECT\n" +
" temp1.*, temp1.InvoicePrice - Isnull( temp2.Price, 0 ) DiffPrice , \n" +
" temp2.Price SalePrice\n" +
"FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" Factory, MaterialCode,\n" +
" SUM( QTY ) InvoiceQty,\n" +
" sum( amt ) InvoiceAmt,\n" +
" sum( amt )/ sum( Qty ) InvoicePrice \n" +
string.Format(" '{0}' as Version ,", version)+"\n" +
" b.*,\n" +
" ISnull(\n" +
" c.Qty,\n" +
" IsNull( d.qty, 0 )) SettleQty,\n" +
" CASE\n" +
" \n" +
" WHEN e.Type = 'CP7报废' THEN\n" +
" isnull( e.Qty, 0 ) ELSE 0 \n" +
" END AS CP7ScrapQty,\n" +
" CASE\n" +
" \n" +
" WHEN e.Type = '索赔' THEN\n" +
" isnull( e.Qty, 0 ) ELSE 0 \n" +
" END AS ClaimQty,\n" +
" (\n" +
" b.InvoiceQty - ISnull(\n" +
" c.Qty,\n" +
" IsNull( d.qty, 0 ))) DiffQty,\n" +
//" Isnull( f.Price, 0 ) SalePrice,\n" +
//" b.InvoicePrice - Isnull( f.Price, 0 ) DiffPrice,\n" +
" g.MaterialCode AS SapMaterialCode,\n" +
" g.MaterialDesc AS MaterialDesc \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" Factory,\n" +
" MaterialCode,\n" +
" SUM( QTY ) InvoiceQty,\n" +
" sum( amt ) InvoiceAmt,\n" +
" sum( amt )/ sum( Qty ) InvoicePrice \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_Invoice \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" version = '{0}' \n" +
" GROUP BY\n" +
" MaterialCode,\n" +
" Factory \n" +
" ) b\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM( QTY ) Qty, MaterialCode FROM Set_settle WHERE version = '{0}' GROUP BY MaterialCode ) c ON b.MaterialCode = c.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM( QTY ) qty, MaterialCode FROM Set_KanbanSettle WHERE version = '{0}' GROUP BY MaterialCode ) d ON b.MaterialCode = d.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM Set_ScrapClaims WHERE version = '{0}' ) e ON b.MaterialCode = e.MaterialCode\n" +
//" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM Set_PriceList WHERE version = '{0}' ) f ON b.MaterialCode = f.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN Set_material g ON b.MaterialCode = g.CustomerPartCode \n" +
" ) temp1\n" +
" LEFT JOIN (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" Price,\n" +
" MaterialCode \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_Invoice \n" +
" Set_PriceList \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" version = '{0}' \n" +
" GROUP BY\n" +
" MaterialCode,Factory \n" +
" ) b\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM( QTY ) Qty, MaterialCode FROM Set_settle WHERE version = '{0}' GROUP BY MaterialCode ) c ON b.MaterialCode = c.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM( QTY ) qty, MaterialCode FROM Set_KanbanSettle WHERE version = '{0}' GROUP BY MaterialCode ) d ON b.MaterialCode = d.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM Set_ScrapClaims WHERE version = '{0}' ) e ON b.MaterialCode = e.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM Set_PriceList WHERE version = '{0}' ) f ON b.MaterialCode = f.MaterialCode";
" version =(\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" max( version ) \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_PriceListVersion \n" +
" )) temp2 ON temp1.SapMaterialCode = temp2.MaterialCode";


@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
public string SapCode { set; get; }
[ExcelExporter(Name = "未结汇总", AutoFitAllColumn = true, MaxRowNumberOnASheet = 500000)]
public class SettleFisDiffSum


@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
/// <summary>
/// 6.大众准时化未结差异比对表
/// </summary>
public class UnSettleDiffDapperRepository : DapperRepository<SettleAccountDbContext>, ITransientDependency
public UnSettleDiffDapperRepository(IDbContextProvider<SettleAccountDbContext> dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider)
@ -44,71 +47,125 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
string str1 = "where 1=1 ";
string sql1 = "SELECT\n" +
" a.MaterialCode,\n" +
" a.KENNCode,\n" +
" a.ChassisNumber,\n" +
" a.qty unsettleQty,\n" +
" b.qty \n" +
" a.Cp5Time \n"+
"FROM\n" +
" Set_unsettle a\n" +
" LEFT JOIN (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" ItemCode,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" sum( qty ) qty \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_fis \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" state = 0 \n" +
" OR state = 4 \n" +
" GROUP BY\n" +
" ItemCode,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber2 \n" +
" ) b ON a.ChassisNumber = b.ChassisNumber2 \n" +
" AND a.MaterialCode = b.ItemCode \n" +
" AND a.KENNCode = b.KENNCode {0}";
string sql2 =
"SELECT\n" +
" a.*,\n" +
" b.Qty unsettleQty \n" +
string sql1 = "SELECT\n" +
" a.MaterialCode,\n" +
" a.KENNCode,\n" +
" a.ChassisNumber,\n" +
" a.qty UNSettleQty,\n" +
" b.qty,\n" +
" a.CP5A CP5Time,\n" +
" c.MaterialCode SapMaterialCode,\n" +
" c.MaterialDesc MaterialDesc,\n" +
" a.model Factory \n" +
"FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" Set_unsettle a\n" +
" LEFT JOIN (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" ItemCode,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" sum( qty ) qty,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber \n" +
" sum( qty ) qty \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_fis \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" state = 0 \n" +
" OR state = 4 \n" +
" GROUP BY\n" +
" ItemCode,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber \n" +
" Cp5Time \n" +
" ) a\n" +
" LEFT JOIN Set_unsettle b ON a.ChassisNumber2 = b.ChassisNumber \n" +
" AND b.MaterialCode = a.ItemCode \n" +
" AND a.KENNCode = b.KENNCode {0}";
" Model \n" +
" ) b ON a.ChassisNumber = b.ChassisNumber2 \n" +
" AND a.MaterialCode = b.ItemCode \n" +
" AND a.KENNCode = b.KENNCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN Set_material c ON a.MaterialCode = c.CustomerPartCode {0}";
string sql2 =
"SELECT\n" +
" t1.*,\n" +
" t1.Qty * T2.Price AMT,\n" +
" T2.Price,\n" +
" Qty -(\n" +
" ISNULL( UnSettleQty, 0 )) DiffQty,\n" +
" Qty -(\n" +
" ISNULL( UnSettleQty, 0 ))* isnull( t2.Price, 0 ) DiffPrice \n" +
"FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" temp1.WMSState,\n" +
" temp1.WMSBillNum,\n" +
" temp1.MaterialCode,\n" +
" temp1.KENNCode,\n" +
" temp1.ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" temp1.Qty,\n" +
" temp1.ChassisNumber,\n" +
" temp1.CP5Time,\n" +
" temp1.UnSettleQty,\n" +
" temp1.SapMaterialCode,\n" +
" temp1.MaterialDesc,\n" +
" temp1.MaterialGroup,\n" +
" temp2.MaterialCode AS ParentSapMaterialCode,\n" +
" temp2.MaterialDesc AS ParentMaterialDesc \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" a.WMSState,\n" +
" a.WMSBillNum,\n" +
" a.MaterialCode,\n" +
" a.KENNCode,\n" +
" a.ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" a.Qty,\n" +
" a.ParentCode,\n" +
" a.ChassisNumber,\n" +
" a.CP5Time,\n" +
" b.Qty AS UnSettleQty,\n" +
" C.MaterialCode AS SapMaterialCode,\n" +
" C.MaterialDesc,\n" +
" C.EstimateTypeDesc AS MaterialGroup \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" ItemCode AS MaterialCode,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" SUM( Qty ) AS Qty,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode AS ParentCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" CP5Time \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_fis \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" ( State = 0 ) \n" +
" GROUP BY\n" +
" ItemCode,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber2,\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" CP5Time \n" +
" ) AS a\n" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_Unsettle AS b ON a.ChassisNumber2 = b.ChassisNumber \n" +
" AND b.MaterialCode = a.MaterialCode \n" +
" AND a.KENNCode = b.KENNCode\n" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_material AS C ON a.MaterialCode = C.CustomerPartCode \n" +
" ) AS temp1\n" +
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_material AS temp2 ON temp1.ParentCode = temp2.CustomerPartCode \n" +
" ) t1\n" +
" LEFT JOIN (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" MaterialCode,\n" +
" Price \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_PriceList \n" +
"WHERE\n" +
" version = ( SELECT max( version ) FROM Set_PriceListVersion )) t2 ON t1.MaterialCode = t2.MaterialCode";
string _sql = string.Empty;


@ -11,18 +11,23 @@ using Dapper;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.FISes;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report.ExportDto;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.UnSettle;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Materials;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Prices;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
/// <summary>
/// 7.大众准时化未结明细表(包含漏结,漏结要有标识)
/// </summary>
public class UnSettledDetailDapperRepository : DapperRepository<SettleAccountDbContext>, ITransientDependency
public UnSettledDetailDapperRepository(IDbContextProvider<SettleAccountDbContext> dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider)
public virtual List<UnSettleDetailReport> GetDiffReport(string year, string begin, string end, string customcode, string version,string materialCode,string materialGroup,string sapCode)
public virtual List<UnSettleDetailReport> GetDiffReport(string year, string begin, string end, string customcode, string version, string materialCode, string materialGroup, string sapCode)
string str = string.Empty;
@ -30,7 +35,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begin))
str += string.Format(" and beginTime>'{0}' ",begin);
str += string.Format(" and beginTime>'{0}' ", begin);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end))
@ -38,81 +43,113 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialCode))
str += string.Format(" and MaterialCode='{0}' ", materialCode);
str += string.Format(" and ItemCode='{0}' ", materialCode);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialGroup))
str += string.Format(" and MaterialGroup='{0}' ", materialGroup);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sapCode))
str += string.Format(" and MaterialGroup='{0}' ", materialGroup);
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sapCode))
// str += string.Format(" and SapCode='{0}' ", materialGroup);
var sqlString =
" SELECT\n" +
" A.*,\n" +
" C.Price,\n" +
" ISNULL( A.QTY, 0 )* ISNULL( C.Price, 0 ) AMT \n" +
"FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" '' WMSState,\n" +
" '' UnSettleVersion,\n" +
" '' WMSBillNum,\n" +
" BeginTime CP5Time,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode MaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" 1 QTY,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode ParentMaterialCode,\n" +
" '' FLAG \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_fis \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" 1 = 1 \n" +
" AND STATE = 0 {0} UNION ALL\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" UnSettleVersion,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" BeginTime CP5Time,\n" +
" ItemCode MaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" QTY,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode,\n" +
" '' FLAG \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" [Set_fis] \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" 1 = 1 \n" +
" AND STATE = 0 {0} UNION ALL\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" UnSettleVersion,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" BeginTime CP5Time,\n" +
" ItemCode MaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" QTY,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode,\n" +
" 'L' FLAG \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" [Set_fis] \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" 1 = 1 \n" +
" AND STATE = 4 {0}\n" +
" ) A\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT Price, MaterialCode FROM Set_PriceList WHERE version = ( SELECT Max( Version ) FROM Set_PriceList ) ) C ON a.MaterialCode = c.MaterialCode";
string _sql = string.Format(sqlString, version);
"SELECT\n" +
" A.*,\n" +
" C.Price,\n" +
" ISNULL( A.QTY, 0 )* ISNULL( C.Price, 0 ) AMT,\n" +
" B.EstimateTypeDesc MaterialGroup,\n" +
" B.MaterialDesc MaterialDesc,\n" +
" d.MaterialDesc ParentMaterialDesc \n" +
"FROM\n" +
" (\n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" UnSettleVersion,\n" +
" BeginTime CP5Time,\n" +
" ItemCode MaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" QTY,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode ParentSapMaterialCode,\n" +
" '' FLAG \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_fis {0} \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" 1 = 1 \n" +
" SELECT\n" +
" WMSState,\n" +
" UnSettleVersion,\n" +
" WMSBillNum,\n" +
" BeginTime CP5Time,\n" +
" ItemCode MaterialCode,\n" +
" ChassisNumber,\n" +
" KENNCode,\n" +
" QTY,\n" +
" ErpMaterialCode ParentSapMaterialCode,\n" +
" 'L' FLAG \n" +
" FROM\n" +
" Set_fis {0} \n" +
" WHERE\n" +
" 1 = 1 \n" +
" AND STATE = 4 \n" +
" ) A\n" +
" LEFT JOIN Set_material B ON a.MaterialCode = b.CustomerPartCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN ( SELECT Price, MaterialCode FROM Set_PriceList WHERE version = ( SELECT Max( Version ) FROM Set_PriceList ) ) C ON a.MaterialCode = c.MaterialCode\n" +
" LEFT JOIN Set_material d ON a.ParentSapMaterialCode = d.MaterialCode";
var _materialList = DbConnection.Query<Material>("select * from set_material").ToList();
var _priceList = DbConnection.Query<PriceList>("select MaterialCode,Price from Set_PriceList where version=(select max(version) from set_Set_PriceListVersion)").ToList();
string _sql = string.Format(sqlString, str);
var _query = DbConnection.Query<UnSettleDetailReport>(_sql);
return _query.ToList();
var _list = _query.ToList();
var _ls = _list.Where(p=>p.Flag!="L").GroupBy(p => new { p.KENNCode, p.ChassisNumber, p.ParentSapMaterialCode }).Select(p => p.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
foreach (var itm in _ls)
var parentMaterial = new UnSettleDetailReport();
parentMaterial.WmsBillNum = itm.WmsBillNum;
parentMaterial.CP5Time = itm.CP5Time;
parentMaterial.KENNCode = itm.KENNCode;
parentMaterial.ChassisNumber = itm.ChassisNumber;
parentMaterial.WmsState = itm.WmsState;
parentMaterial.SapMaterialCode = itm.ParentSapMaterialCode;
parentMaterial.MaterialDesc = itm.ParentMaterialDesc;
parentMaterial.MaterialCode = itm.ParentSapMaterialCode;
parentMaterial.ParentSapMaterialCode = itm.ParentSapMaterialCode;
parentMaterial.ParentMaterialDesc = itm.ParentMaterialDesc;
var _price=_priceList.Where(p => p.MaterialCode == itm.ParentSapMaterialCode).FirstOrDefault();
if (_price != null)
parentMaterial.Price = _price.Price;
parentMaterial.Amt = _price.Price;
var _material=_materialList.Where(p => p.MaterialCode == itm.ParentSapMaterialCode).FirstOrDefault();
if (_material != null)
parentMaterial.MaterialGroup = _material.EstimateTypeDesc;
return _list;


@ -57,8 +57,26 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services
_taskjobRepository.UpdateTaskJob(Id, _task);
public void Export<T1,T2>(Guid Id, string fileName, List<T1> p_list, List<T2> p_list1) where T1 : class, new()
where T2: class, new()
ExcelExporter _exporter = new ExcelExporter();//导出Excel
var result = _exporter
.Append(p_list, "sheet1")
_fileContainer.SaveAsync(fileName, result.Result, true);
var _task = new Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.TaskJob() { DownFileName = fileName };
_taskjobRepository.UpdateTaskJob(Id, _task);


@ -70,8 +70,12 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services
SalePrice =itm. SalePrice ,
DiffPrice =itm. DiffPrice ,
SapMaterialCode =itm.SapMaterialCode ,
Factory = itm.Factory
Factory = itm.Factory,


@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
using System;
using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
@ -12,12 +15,18 @@ using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report;
namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
/// <summary>
/// 3.大众准时化结算数量差异比对表
/// </summary>
public class SettleFisDiffExportService : ITransientDependency, IExportJob
private readonly SettleFisDiffDetailDapperRepository _dapper;
private readonly OutputService _outputService;
public SettleFisDiffExportService(SettleFisDiffDetailDapperRepository dapper, OutputService outputService)
_dapper = dapper;
@ -33,7 +42,7 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
var end = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "EndTime").FirstOrDefault().Value;
var _list= _dapper.GetReportList(version, materialCode, begin,end);
_list.GroupBy(p => new { p.MaterialCode,p.SapCode }).Select(p =>new SettleFisDiffSum
var _ls= _list.GroupBy(p => new { p.MaterialCode,p.SapCode }).Select(p =>new SettleFisDiffSum
MaterialCode= p.Key.MaterialCode,
@ -46,18 +55,132 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
//_outputService.Export(id, string.Format("大众准时化结算数量差异比对表_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),_list.ToList(),_ls.ToList());
_outputService.Export<SettleFisDiffSum>(id, string.Format("大众准时化结算数量合计_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), _ls.ToList());
_outputService.Export<SettleFisDiffDetail>(id,string.Format("大众准时化结算数量差异比对表_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), _list);
return id.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// 将数个Excel文件中的第一个工作表合并至一个Excel文件中
/// </summary>
/// <param name="excelFilePaths">需要合并的数个Excel文件路径</param>
/// <param name="desFilePath">合并成的一个Excel文件路径</param>
private void MergeExcels(string[] excelFilePaths, string desFilePath)
XSSFWorkbook mergeWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook();
for (int i = 0; i < excelFilePaths.Length; i++)
if (File.Exists(excelFilePaths[i]))
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(excelFilePaths[i], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Write))
XSSFWorkbook tmpWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs);
XSSFSheet tmpSheet = tmpWorkBook.GetSheetAt(0) as XSSFSheet;
if (excelFilePaths[i].Contains("当月结算表"))
IRow row = null;
for (int j = 2; j < tmpSheet.PhysicalNumberOfRows && tmpSheet.GetRow(j) != null; j++)/*j=1 从索引的第一行开始过滤掉表头*/
row = tmpSheet.GetRow(j);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row.GetCell(1).ToString()))/*验证数值非空*/
ICellStyle style = tmpWorkBook.CreateCellStyle();
style.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Orange.Index;
style.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
style.FillBackgroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Orange.Index;
style.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;//上
style.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;//下
style.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;//左
style.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;//右
style.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
style.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
IFont font = tmpWorkBook.CreateFont();
font.FontHeightInPoints = 10; // 字体大小 直接对应Excel中的字体大小
font.FontName = "宋体"; //跟Excel中的字体值一样,直接写对应的名称即可
font.IsBold = true;//加粗
/*修改指定单元格样式 如果要修改行样式则需要将row.Cells.Count循环出来,挨个设置!*/
for (int g = 0; g < row.Cells.Count; g++)
row.Cells[g].CellStyle = style;
row.RowStyle = style;
if (row.GetCell(1).ToString() == "核算表不存在")
ICellStyle style1 = tmpWorkBook.CreateCellStyle();
style1.FillForegroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Yellow.Index;
style1.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
style1.FillBackgroundColor = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.Yellow.Index;
style1.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin;//上
style1.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin;//下
style1.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin;//左
style1.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin;//右
style1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
style1.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
IFont font1 = tmpWorkBook.CreateFont();
font1.FontHeightInPoints = 10; // 字体大小 直接对应Excel中的字体大小
font1.FontName = "宋体"; //跟Excel中的字体值一样,直接写对应的名称即可
font1.IsBold = true;//加粗
font1.Color = NPOI.HSSF.Util.HSSFColor.White.Index;
//HSSFFont font = workbookAll.CreateFont();
//font.FontHeightInPoints = 9; // 字体大小 直接对应Excel中的字体大小
//font.FontName = "宋体"; //跟Excel中的字体值一样,直接写对应的名称即可
//font.Boldweight = HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD;//加粗
/*修改指定单元格样式 如果要修改行样式则需要将row.Cells.Count循环出来,挨个设置!*/
for (int g = 0; g < row.Cells.Count; g++)
row.Cells[g].CellStyle = style1;
row.RowStyle = style1;
{ }
tmpSheet.CopyTo(mergeWorkBook, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(excelFilePaths[i]), true, true);
/* 考虑数据量,此处可以限制最多可以合并工作表的数量 */
//if (mergeWorkBook.NumberOfSheets >= 200)
// break;
if (mergeWorkBook.NumberOfSheets != 0)
FileStream fsDesFile = new FileStream(desFilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
_outputService.Export<SettleFisDiffDetail>(id,string.Format("大众准时化结算数量差异比对表_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), _list);
return id.ToString();
