diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application.Contracts/Entities/TaskListDto.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application.Contracts/Entities/TaskListDto.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d2991de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application.Contracts/Entities/TaskListDto.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities
+ ///
+ /// 大众准时化出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsJitOutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库库位")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //出库库位
+ public string OutPut { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "入库库位")]
+ //入库库位
+ public string InPut { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "状态")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态")]
+ public int State { get; set; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票单价")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票金额")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段3
+ ///
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "单号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "任务号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "任务号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public Guid TaskId { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "交货单号", AutoTrim = true)]
+ public string WmsBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "KENN号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "KENN号")]
+ //KENN号
+ public string KennCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "底盘号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "底盘号", AutoTrim = true)]
+ //底盘号
+ public string ChassisNumber { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料号", AutoTrim = true)]
+ //物料号
+ public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "组件组物料", AutoTrim = true)]
+ //物料号
+ public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料描述", AutoTrim = true)]
+ //物料描述
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料组(车型)", AutoTrim = true)]
+ //物料组(车型)
+ public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 大众看板出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsKanbanOutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "交货单号")]
+ public string WmsBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "条码号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "条码号")]
+ //KENN号
+ public string Kanban { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料号")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料号")]
+ //物料号
+ public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料描述")]
+ //物料描述
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料组(车型)")]
+ //物料组(车型)
+ public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库库位")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //出库库位
+ public string OutPut { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "入库库位")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //入库库位
+ public string InPut { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public int State { get; set; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "客户物料")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "客户物料")]
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段1
+ ///
+ public string Extend1 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段2
+ ///
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "订单日期")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "订单日期")]
+ public string Extend2 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段3
+ ///
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "单据", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "任务", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "任务", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public Guid TaskId { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 大众无条码看板出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsWithOutKanbanOutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "单据类型")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据类型")]
+ public string Type { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料号")]
+ public string SapMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料描述")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "版本号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号")]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "是否备件")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "是否备件")]
+ public string IsBack { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算数量")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "寄售库存数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄售库存数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal SockQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "真实数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "真实数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal RealityNumber { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal OutputQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "Extend", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Extend", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Extend { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "BillNum", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "BillNum", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public int State { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票单价")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票金额")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 大众备件出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsSharePartOutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")]
+ public string WmsBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "采购订单号")]
+ //KENN号
+ public string OrderBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "SAP编码")]
+ //物料号
+ public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ //物料描述
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)")]
+ //物料组(车型)
+ public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //出库库位
+ public string OutPut { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //入库库位
+ public string InPut { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public int State { get; set; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料代码")]
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段1
+ ///
+ public string Extend1 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段2
+ ///
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "扩展字段2", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Extend2 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段3
+ ///
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "任务代码", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public Guid TaskId { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄销库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal StockQty { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal OutPutQty { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 大众备件手工出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsSharePart90OutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "寄销库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄销库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal StockQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal OutPutQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "交货单号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")]
+ public string WmsBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "采购订单号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "采购订单号")]
+ //KENN号
+ public string OrderBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "SAP编码")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "SAP编码")]
+ //物料号
+ public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料描述")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ //物料描述
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料组(车型)", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //物料组(车型)
+ public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //出库库位
+ public string OutPut { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //入库库位
+ public string InPut { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public int State { get; set; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料代码")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料代码")]
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段1
+ ///
+ public string Extend1 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段2
+ ///
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "扩展字段2", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "扩展字段2", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Extend2 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段3
+ ///
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票数量")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "单据", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "任务代码", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "任务代码", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public Guid TaskId { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票单价")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票金额")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// 红旗数据手工出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsHQWithOutKanbanOutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "单据类型", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据类型", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Type { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料号")]
+ public string SapMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料描述")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "版本号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号")]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "是否备件")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "是否备件")]
+ public string IsBack { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算数量")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "寄售库存数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄售库存数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal SockQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "真实数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "真实数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal RealityNumber { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal OutputQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "客户")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "客户")]
+ public string Extend { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "BillNum", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "BillNum", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public int State { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票单价")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "开票金额")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ }
+ ///
+ ///一汽轿车出库单
+ ///
+ public class WmsHQCarOutPutDetialDto
+ {
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "是否备件", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "是否备件", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string IsSparePart { set; get; }
+ //交货单号
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "寄销库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄销库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal StockQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public decimal OutPutQty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "交货单号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string WmsBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "看板号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "看板号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //KENN号
+ public string OrderBillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "SAP编码")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "SAP编码")]
+ //物料号
+ public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料描述")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
+ //物料描述
+ public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "物料组")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组")]
+ //物料组(车型)
+ public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //出库库位
+ public string OutPut { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //入库库位
+ public string InPut { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public int State { get; set; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算物料号")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算物料号")]
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段1
+ ///
+ public string Extend1 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段2
+ ///
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "收货仓库")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "收货仓库")]
+ public string Extend2 { set; get; }
+ ///
+ /// 扩展字段3
+ ///
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string Version { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算数量")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")]
+ public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算单价")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算单价")]
+ public decimal Price { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "结算金额")]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算金额")]
+ public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "单据号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据号", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public string BillNum { set; get; }
+ [ImporterHeader(Name = "任务ID", IsIgnore = true)]
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "任务ID", IsIgnore = true)]
+ public Guid TaskId { set; get; }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/HQ_H/HQ_H_PlatformAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/HQ_H/HQ_H_PlatformAppService.cs
index a422d8ca..ae1532e1 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/HQ_H/HQ_H_PlatformAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/HQ_H/HQ_H_PlatformAppService.cs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Volo.Abp;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Caching;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ using Win.Abp.Snowflakes;
using Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Constant;
+using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_M;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExcelImporter;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExportReports;
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Filter;
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H
/// 红旗H平台导入
- [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.HQ_HPlatform.Default)]
+ //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.HQ_HPlatform.Default)]
public class HQ_H_PlatformAppService : SettleAccountApplicationBase, IHQ_H_PlatformAppService
@@ -40,6 +42,11 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _versionRepository;
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _repository;
+ private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _versionMRepository;
+ private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _repositoryM;
/// 构建方法
@@ -52,29 +59,43 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H
IDistributedCache cache,
IExcelImportAppService excelImportService,
ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator,
- ICommonManager commonManager
+ ICommonManager commonManager,
+ ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository versionMRepository,
+ ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository repositoryM
) : base(cache, excelImportService, snowflakeIdGenerator, commonManager)
_versionRepository = versionRepository;
_guidGenerator = guidGenerator;
_excelImportService = excelImportService;
_repository = repository;
+ _versionMRepository = versionMRepository;
+ _repositoryM = repositoryM;
- /// 导入功能
+ /// 统一导入红旗平台数据,包括H、M、F平台
- /// 上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
- [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.HQ_HPlatform.Create)]
+ //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.HQ_HPlatform.Create)]
public async Task HQ_H_PlatformUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId, string year, string period, string version, string customerCode)
ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter();
var result = await _exportImporter.UploadExcelImport(files, _excelImportService);
+ if (result == null || result.Count == 0)
+ {
+ throw new BusinessException("导入模板数据不能为空!");
+ }
var entityList = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(result);
var _versionQuery = _versionRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
@@ -83,17 +104,6 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H
var _query = _repository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
await _query.BatchDeleteAsync();
- //插入数据前检验
- var checkList = new List();
- var _group = entityList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Factory, x.HQHKanBan, x.Version }).Select(p => new { Count = p.Count(), Factory = p.Key.Factory, HQHKanBan = p.Key.HQHKanBan });
- foreach (var itm in _group)
- {
- if (itm.Factory != "H")
- {
- checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto(version, customerCode, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("导入的平台数据不是{0}平台的,请检查!", itm.Factory), string.Empty));
- break;
- }
- }
var _id = GuidGenerator.Create();
var _bomList = new List();
_bomList.Add(new HQ_H_PlatformVersion(_id, branchId, year, period, version, customerCode));
@@ -109,15 +119,70 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H
itm.SetValue(GuidGenerator.Create(), branchId, year, period, version);
- if (checkList.Count > 0)
- {
- return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList);
- }
await _repository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(entityList);
await _versionRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_bomList);
return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr;
+ ///
+ /// 导入功能
+ ///
+ /// 上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)
+ ///
+ //[HttpPost]
+ //[Route("ExcelImport")]
+ //[DisableRequestSizeLimit]
+ //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.HQ_HPlatform.Create)]
+ //public async Task HQ_H_PlatformUploadExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, Guid branchId, string year, string period, string version, string customerCode)
+ //{
+ // ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter();
+ // var result = await _exportImporter.UploadExcelImport(files, _excelImportService);
+ // var entityList = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(result);
+ // //删除版本
+ // var _versionQuery = _versionRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
+ // await _versionQuery.BatchDeleteAsync();
+ // //删除明细
+ // var _query = _repository.Where(p => p.Version == version);
+ // await _query.BatchDeleteAsync();
+ // //插入数据前检验
+ // var checkList = new List();
+ // var _group = entityList.GroupBy(x => new { x.Factory, x.HQHKanBan, x.Version }).Select(p => new { Count = p.Count(), Factory = p.Key.Factory, HQHKanBan = p.Key.HQHKanBan });
+ // foreach (var itm in _group)
+ // {
+ // if (itm.Factory != "H")
+ // {
+ // checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto(version, customerCode, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("导入的平台数据不是{0}平台的,请检查!", itm.Factory), string.Empty));
+ // break;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // var _id = GuidGenerator.Create();
+ // var _bomList = new List();
+ // _bomList.Add(new HQ_H_PlatformVersion(_id, branchId, year, period, version, customerCode));
+ // foreach (var itm in entityList)
+ // {
+ // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.HQHKanBan) && itm.StorageLocationDesc.Contains("备品"))
+ // {
+ // //赋值上主键ID
+ // itm.SetValue(GuidGenerator.Create(), branchId, year, period, version, "BJ");//备品库没有看板号,需要特殊标识一下BJ,已经和客户确认
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // itm.SetValue(GuidGenerator.Create(), branchId, year, period, version);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if (checkList.Count > 0)
+ // {
+ // return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList);
+ // }
+ // await _repository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(entityList);
+ // await _versionRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_bomList);
+ // return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr;
+ //}
/// 按ID获取唯一实体
@@ -184,11 +249,11 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H
switch (input.FileType)
case 0:
- _fileName = string.Format("红旗工厂H平台验收结算明细_{0}.csv", input.UserId.ToString());
+ _fileName = string.Format("红旗工厂结算明细_{0}.csv", input.UserId.ToString());
result = await _csv.ExportAsByteArray(dtoDetails);
case 1:
- _fileName = string.Format("红旗工厂H平台验收结算明细_{0}.xlsx", input.UserId.ToString());
+ _fileName = string.Format("红旗工厂结算明细_{0}.xlsx", input.UserId.ToString());
result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtoDetails);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSJitAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSJitAppService.cs
index 640e5993..7ed42a09 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSJitAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSJitAppService.cs
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
- [Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.WMSJIT.Default)]
+ //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.WMSJIT.Default)]
public class WMSJitAppService :
@@ -230,44 +230,44 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
- ///
- /// 准时化出库明细
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [HttpPost]
- [Route("Export")]
- //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Default)]
- virtual public async Task ExportAsync(WmsJitOutPutDetialRequestDto input)
- {
+ /////
+ ///// 准时化出库明细
+ /////
+ /////
+ /////
+ //[HttpPost]
+ //[Route("Export")]
+ ////[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Default)]
+ //virtual public async Task ExportAsync(WmsJitOutPutDetialRequestDto input)
+ //{
- input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "BillNum", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.BillNum });
- var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount,
- input.SkipCount, true);
+ // input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "BillNum", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.BillNum });
+ // var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount,
+ // input.SkipCount, true);
- IExporter _csv = new CsvExporter();
- IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
- string _fileName = string.Empty;
- //声明导出容器
+ // IExporter _csv = new CsvExporter();
+ // IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
+ // string _fileName = string.Empty;
+ // //声明导出容器
- byte[] result = null;
+ // byte[] result = null;
- _fileName = string.Format("准时化出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _csv.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ // _fileName = string.Format("准时化出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
+ // result = await _csv.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
- result.ShouldNotBeNull();
+ // result.ShouldNotBeNull();
- //保存导出文件到服务器存成二进制
- await _excelImportService.SaveBlobAsync(
- new SaveExcelImportInputDto
- {
- Name = _fileName,
- Content = result
- }
- );
- return _fileName;
+ // //保存导出文件到服务器存成二进制
+ // await _excelImportService.SaveBlobAsync(
+ // new SaveExcelImportInputDto
+ // {
+ // Name = _fileName,
+ // Content = result
+ // }
+ // );
+ // return _fileName;
- }
+ //}
@@ -600,12 +600,14 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "BillNum", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.BillNum });
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
byte[] result = null;
var _fileName = string.Format("准时化出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanAppService.cs
index e3533e34..db719bfc 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanAppService.cs
@@ -772,11 +772,13 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
byte[] result = null;
- var _fileName = string.Format("出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ var _fileName = string.Format("大众看板出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanExtendAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanExtendAppService.cs
index 5cbbb5be..6f49a7a9 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanExtendAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSKanbanExtendAppService.cs
@@ -440,11 +440,13 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
byte[] result = null;
var _fileName = string.Format("大众无条码看板出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePart90AppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePart90AppService.cs
index 237cc2a7..9a18e965 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePart90AppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePart90AppService.cs
@@ -651,11 +651,13 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
byte[] result = null;
- var _fileName = string.Format("出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ var _fileName = string.Format("大众备件手工出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePartAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePartAppService.cs
index 9c5481a8..d97db6c5 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePartAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WMSSharePartAppService.cs
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _wmsRepository;
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _wmsVersionRepository;
+ private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _wmsRepository90;
+ private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository _wmsVersionRepository90;
private readonly WMSEfCoreRepository _wmsefRespository;
private readonly WmsDapperRepository _wmsDapper;
private readonly WMSEfCoreRepository _wmstbRespository;
@@ -70,16 +75,16 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
private readonly IExcelImportAppService _excelImportService;
private readonly TaskJobService _service;
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
public WMSSharePartAppService(
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository wmsRepository,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository job,
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository wmsVersionRepository,
@@ -89,6 +94,8 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
IDistributedCache cache,
ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator,
ICommonManager commonManager,
+ ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository wmsRepository90,
+ ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository wmsVersionRepository90,
WmsDapperRepository wmsDapper
) : base(cache, excelImportService, snowflakeIdGenerator, commonManager)
@@ -99,6 +106,9 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
_wmsVersionRepository = wmsVersionRepository;
_wmsDapper = wmsDapper;
_wmsefRespository = wmsefRespository;
+ _wmsRepository90 = wmsRepository90;
+ _wmsVersionRepository90 = wmsVersionRepository90;
private async Task GetCountAsync(WmsSharePartOutPutDetialRequestDto input)
@@ -218,45 +228,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
- ///
- /// 出库单导出
- ///
- ///
- ///
- [HttpPost]
- [Route("Export")]
- //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Default)]
- virtual public async Task ExportAsync(WmsKanbanOutPutDetialRequestDto input)
- {
- input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "BillNum", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.BillNum });
- var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
- 0, true);
- IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
- byte[] result = null;
- var _fileName = string.Format("大众备件出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
- result.ShouldNotBeNull();
- //保存导出文件到服务器存成二进制
- await _excelImportService.SaveBlobAsync(
- new SaveExcelImportInputDto
- {
- Name = _fileName,
- Content = result
- }
- );
- return _fileName;
- }
/// 选择任务,生成出库单,只包含已确认的单据
@@ -274,16 +246,18 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
var fileList = _joblist.Select(p => p.RealDownFileName).ToList();
List _lst = new List();
- List _lstBill = new List();
+ List _lstBill = new List();
foreach (var filename in fileList)
string fileSavePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\wwwroot\files\host\my-file-container\" + filename;
ExcelHelper _excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(fileSavePath);
- var _listSummary = _excelHelper.ExcelToListOne();//导入模板有多页签,需要取第一个页签
- var _list = _listSummary.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum == "").ToList();//过滤 采购订单号为空的集合
- var _listBill = _listSummary.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum != "").ToList();//过滤 采购订单号不为空的集合
+ var _listSummary = _excelHelper.ExcelToListOne();//无单号
+ var _list90Summary = _excelHelper.ExcelToListOne();//有单号
+ var _list = _listSummary.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum == "").ToList();//过滤 没有采购订单号为空的集合
+ var _listBill = _list90Summary.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum != "").ToList();//过滤 有采购订单号的集合
@@ -433,12 +407,12 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
+ //有采购订单号
+ //往Set_WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial表中存储
if (_lstBill != null && _lstBill.Count>0)
- var outPutDetailBill = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.OrderBillNum != "").ToListAsync();
+ var outPutDetailBill = await _wmsRepository90.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.OrderBillNum != "").ToListAsync();
var error = from itm1 in outPutDetailBill
join itm2 in _lstBill on
@@ -460,7 +434,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
select itm1;
var _wmslstBill = queryBill.ToList();
_wmslstBill = _wmslstBill.Select(p => new
- WmsSharePartOutPutDetial(
+ WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial(
@@ -484,27 +458,19 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslstBill, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
- int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
+ await _wmsRepository90.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslstBill, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
+ int _count = _wmsVersionRepository90.Count(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
if (_wmslstBill.Count() > 0 && _count == 0)
- var _version = new WmsSharePartOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
+ var _version = new WmsSharePart90OutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
_version.Remark= !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_joblist.FirstOrDefault().Remark) ? _joblist.FirstOrDefault().Remark : string.Empty;
- await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true);
+ await _wmsVersionRepository90.InsertAsync(_version, true);
foreach (var job in _joblist)
- if (_lst != null && _lst.Count > 0)
- {
- job.FileName = _billNum + "/" + _billNoNum;
- }
- else
- {
- job.FileName = _billNum;
- }
+ job.FileName = _billNum;
await _job.UpdateAsync(job);
@@ -548,246 +514,36 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
public async Task WmsSharePartOutPutPass(WmsJitRequestDto input)
- if (input.BillNum.Contains("NoBill"))
+ if (input.Guids != null)
- //没有采购订单号的出库方式
- if (input.Guids != null)
+ List _ls = new List();
+ if (input.Guids.Count() > 0)
- List _ls = new List();
- if (input.Guids.Count() > 0)
- {
- _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- }
- else
- {
- _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- }
- if (_ls.Count() > 0)
- {
- var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output]\n" +
- " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
- " @type = 2,\n" +
- " @date = N'{1}'\n" +
- "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- string.Format(sql, input.BillNum, input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString()));
- }
+ _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- }
- else
- {
- //有采购订单号的出库方式
- if (input.Guids != null)
+ else
- List _ls = new List();
- if (input.Guids.Count() > 0)
- {
- _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- }
- else
- {
- _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- }
- if (_ls.Count() > 0)
- {
- var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output]\n" +
- " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
- " @type = 10,\n" +
- " @date = N'{1}'\n" +
- "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- string.Format(sql, input.BillNum, input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString()));
+ _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
+ }
+ if (_ls.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
+ "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output]\n" +
+ " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
+ " @type = 10,\n" +
+ " @date = N'{1}'\n" +
+ "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
+ await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
+ string.Format(sql, input.BillNum, input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString()));
- }
return true;
- ///
- /// 选择任务,生成出库单,只包含已确认的单据
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- //[HttpPost]
- //[Route("WmsSharePartOutPut")]
- //public async Task WmsSharePartOutPut(WmsJitRequestDto input)
- //{
- // var _billNum = "B" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
- // var _joblist = _job.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.FileName == "已确认").ToList();
- // if (_joblist.Count() > 0)
- // {
- // var fileList = _joblist.Select(p => p.RealDownFileName).ToList();
- // List _lst = new List();
- // foreach (var filename in fileList)
- // {
- // string fileSavePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\wwwroot\files\host\my-file-container\" + filename;
- // ExcelHelper _excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(fileSavePath);
- // var _list = _excelHelper.ExcelToList();
- // if (_list.Count() > 0)
- // {
- // var _lsAry = _list.Select(p => new
- // WmsSharePartOutPutDetial(
- // GuidGenerator.Create(),
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // p.MaterialCode,
- // p.MaterialDesc,
- // p.MaterialGroup,
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // 0,
- // !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Extend1) ? p.Extend1 : string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // p.MaterialCode,
- // _billNum,
- // GuidGenerator.Create(),
- // string.Empty,
- // p.Qty,
- // p.StockQty,
- // p.Qty,
- // p.Price,
- // p.Amt
- // ));
- // _lst.AddRange(_list.ToArray());
- // }
- // }
- // var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version).ToListAsync();
- // var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail
- // join itm2 in _lst on
- // new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.OrderBillNum, itm1.WmsBillNum }
- // equals
- // new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.OrderBillNum, itm2.WmsBillNum }
- // select itm1;
- // var errList = error.GroupBy(p => new { p.BillNum }).Select(p => new { BillNum = p.Key.BillNum, Number = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty) });
- // if (errList.Count() == 0)
- // {
- // var query = from itm1 in _lst
- // join itm2 in outPutDetail on
- // new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.OrderBillNum, itm1.WmsBillNum }
- // equals
- // new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.OrderBillNum, itm2.WmsBillNum } into temp1
- // from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
- // where tm1 == null
- // select itm1;
- // var _wmslst = query.ToList();
- // _wmslst = _wmslst.Select(p => new
- // WmsSharePartOutPutDetial(
- // GuidGenerator.Create(),
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // p.MaterialCode,
- // p.MaterialDesc,
- // p.MaterialGroup,
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // 0,
- // !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Extend1) ? p.Extend1 : string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // input.Version,
- // p.MaterialCode,
- // _billNum,
- // GuidGenerator.Create(),
- // string.Empty,
- // p.Qty,
- // p.StockQty,
- // p.Qty,
- // p.Price,
- // p.Amt
- // )).ToList();
- // await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
- // int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
- // if (_wmslst.Count() > 0 && _count == 0)
- // {
- // var _version = new WmsSharePartOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
- // await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true);
- // }
- // foreach (var job in _joblist)
- // {
- // job.FileName = _billNum;
- // await _job.UpdateAsync(job);
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
- // foreach (var itm in errList)
- // {
- // _buffer.AppendFormat("出库单号:{0}重复记录数:{1}条", itm.BillNum, itm.Number);
- // }
- // var _errinfo = _buffer.ToString();
- // foreach (var job in _joblist)
- // {
- // job.FileName = _errinfo;
- // await _job.UpdateAsync(job);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // _billNum = string.Empty;
- // }
- // return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr;
- //}
- /////
- ///// 出库界面功能,核准出库功能
- /////
- /////
- /////
- /////
- //[HttpPost]
- //[Route("WmsSharePartOutPut-Pass")]
- //[UnitOfWork(false)]
- //public async Task WmsSharePartOutPutPass(WmsJitRequestDto input)
- //{
- // if (input.Guids != null)
- // {
- // List _ls = new List();
- // if (input.Guids.Count() > 0)
- // {
- // _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync();
- // }
- // if (_ls.Count() > 0)
- // {
- // var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- // "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output]\n" +
- // " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
- // " @type = 2,\n" +
- // " @date = N'{1}'\n" +
- // "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- // await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- // string.Format(sql, input.BillNum,input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString()));
- // }
- // }
- // return true;
- //}
@@ -815,63 +571,31 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
public async Task WmsSharePartOutPutCancel(WmsJitRequestDto input)
- if (input.BillNum.Contains("NoBill"))
+ //没有有采购单据号的单子
+ if (input.Guids != null && input.Guids.Count() > 0)
- //没有有采购单据号的单子
- if (input.Guids != null && input.Guids.Count() > 0)
+ List _ls = new List();
+ foreach (var itm in input.Guids)
- List _ls = new List();
- foreach (var itm in input.Guids)
- {
- _ls.Add(string.Format("{0}", itm));
- }
- string str = string.Join(",", _ls.ToArray());
- var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output_cancel]\n" +
- " @Guids ='{0}', \n" +
- " @billnum = N'{1}',\n" +
- " @type = 2,\n" +
- " @accountdate = N'{2}'\n" +
- "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- sql = string.Format(sql, str, input.BillNum, input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString());
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- sql
- );
+ _ls.Add(string.Format("{0}", itm));
- }
- else
- {
- //有采购单据号的单子
- if (input.Guids != null && input.Guids.Count() > 0)
- {
- List _ls = new List();
- foreach (var itm in input.Guids)
- {
- _ls.Add(string.Format("{0}", itm));
- }
- string str = string.Join(",", _ls.ToArray());
+ string str = string.Join(",", _ls.ToArray());
- var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output_cancel]\n" +
- " @Guids ='{0}', \n" +
- " @billnum = N'{1}',\n" +
- " @type = 10,\n" +
- " @accountdate = N'{2}'\n" +
- "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
+ var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
+ "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output_cancel]\n" +
+ " @Guids ='{0}', \n" +
+ " @billnum = N'{1}',\n" +
+ " @type = 2,\n" +
+ " @accountdate = N'{2}'\n" +
+ "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- sql = string.Format(sql, str, input.BillNum, input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString());
+ sql = string.Format(sql, str, input.BillNum, input.AccountDate.ToShortDateString());
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- sql
- );
+ await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
+ sql
+ );
- }
return true;
@@ -888,44 +612,21 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
public async Task WmsOutPutDelete(WmsJitRequestDto input)
- if (input.BillNum.Contains("NoBill"))
- {
- //没有采购单据号的单子
- var count = _wmsRepository.Count(p => p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 0);
+ //没有采购单据号的单子
+ var count = _wmsRepository.Count(p => p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 0);
- if (count > 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output_cancel_all]\n" +
- " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
- " @type = 2\n" +
- "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- string.Format(sql, input.BillNum)
- );
- }
- else
+ if (count > 0)
- //有采购单据号的单子
- var count = _wmsRepository.Count(p => p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 0);
- if (count > 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
- "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output_cancel_all]\n" +
- " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
- " @type = 10\n" +
- "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
- string.Format(sql, input.BillNum)
- );
+ return false;
+ var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" +
+ "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output_cancel_all]\n" +
+ " @billnum = N'{0}',\n" +
+ " @type = 2\n" +
+ "SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value";
+ await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync(
+ string.Format(sql, input.BillNum)
+ );
return true;
@@ -946,8 +647,11 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
throw new BusinessException("导入的模板中没有数据,不能为空,请检查!");
- var result_withbill = result.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum != "").ToList();
+ var result90 = await _exportImporter.ExtendExcelOfSheetOneImport(files, _excelImportService);
var result_nobill = result.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum == "").ToList();
+ var result_withbill = result90.Where(p => p.OrderBillNum != "").ToList();
if (result_nobill != null)
@@ -1034,12 +738,12 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
if (result_withbill != null)
var _billNum = "B" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
- List _lst = new List();
+ List _lst = new List();
- var _lsCopy = new List();
+ var _lsCopy = new List();
foreach (var itm in result_withbill)
- WmsSharePartOutPutDetial _detail = new WmsSharePartOutPutDetial(
+ WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial _detail = new WmsSharePart90OutPutDetial(
@@ -1066,7 +770,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
- var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version).ToListAsync();
+ var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository90.Where(p => p.Version == version).ToListAsync();
var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail
@@ -1103,12 +807,12 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
itm.BillNum = _billNum;
- await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
- int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
+ await _wmsRepository90.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
+ int _count = _wmsVersionRepository90.Count(p => p.Version == version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
if (_count == 0 && _wmslst.Count() > 0)
- var _version = new WmsSharePartOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
- await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true);
+ var _version = new WmsSharePart90OutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
+ await _wmsVersionRepository90.InsertAsync(_version, true);
@@ -1116,119 +820,46 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts
- //[HttpPost]
- //[Route("ExcelImport")]
- //[DisableRequestSizeLimit]
- ////[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Default)]
- //public async Task ExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, string version)
- //{
- // var _billNum = "B" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
- // ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter();
- // var result = await _exportImporter.ExtendExcelImport(files, _excelImportService);
- // //if (result == null)
- // //{
- // // throw new BusinessException("导入的模板中没有数据,不能为空,请检查!");
- // //}
- // //var result_withbill = result.Select(p => p.BillNum != string.Empty).ToList();
- // //var result_nobill = result.Select(p => p.BillNum == string.Empty).ToList();
- // List _lst = new List();
- // var _lsCopy = new List();
- // foreach (var itm in result)
- // {
- // WmsSharePartOutPutDetial _detail = new WmsSharePartOutPutDetial(
- // GuidGenerator.Create(),
- // //itm.WmsBillNum,
- // //itm.OrderBillNum,
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // itm.MaterialCode,
- // itm.MaterialDesc,
- // itm.MaterialGroup,
- // string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // 0,
- // !string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.Extend1) ? itm.Extend1 : string.Empty,
- // string.Empty,
- // version,
- // itm.ParentMaterialCode,
- // itm.BillNum,
- // GuidGenerator.Create()
- // , string.Empty
- // , itm.Qty
- // , 0
- // , itm.Qty
- // , itm.Price
- // , itm.Amt
- // );
- // _lsCopy.Add(_detail);
- // }
- // _lst.AddRange(_lsCopy.ToArray());
- // //var _ls1 = _lst.Where(p => p.ParentMaterialCode == p.MaterialCode).ToList();
- // var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version).ToListAsync();
- // //var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail
- // // join itm2 in _ls1 on
- // // new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.OrderBillNum,itm1.WmsBillNum }
- // // equals
- // // new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.OrderBillNum,itm2.WmsBillNum }
- // // select itm1;
- // var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail
- // join itm2 in _lst on
- // new { itm1.MaterialCode }
- // equals
- // new { itm2.MaterialCode }
- // select itm1;
- // var errList = error.GroupBy(p => new { p.BillNum }).Select(p => new { BillNum = p.Key.BillNum, Number = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty) });
- // var checkList = new List();
- // foreach (var itm in errList)
- // {
- // checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto() { Message = string.Format("出库单号:{0}重复记录数:{1}条", itm.BillNum, itm.Number) });
- // }
- // if (checkList.Count > 0)
- // {
- // return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList);
- // }
- // //var query = from itm1 in _ls1
- // // join itm2 in outPutDetail on
- // // new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.OrderBillNum }
- // // equals
- // // new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.OrderBillNum } into temp1
- // // from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
- // // where tm1 == null
- // // select itm1;
- // var query = from itm1 in _lst
- // join itm2 in outPutDetail on
- // new { itm1.MaterialCode }
- // equals
- // new { itm2.MaterialCode } into temp1
- // from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
- // where tm1 == null
- // select itm1;
- // var _wmslst = query.ToList();
- // foreach (var itm in _wmslst)
- // {
- // itm.BillNum = _billNum;
- // }
- // await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
- // int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
- // if (_count == 0 && _wmslst.Count() > 0)
- // {
- // var _version = new WmsSharePartOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
- // await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true);
- // }
- // return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr;
- //}
+ ///
+ /// 出库单导出
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ [HttpPost]
+ [Route("Export")]
+ //[Authorize(SettleAccountPermissions.SettleAccounts.Default)]
+ virtual public async Task ExportAsync(WmsKanbanOutPutDetialRequestDto input)
+ {
+ input.Filters.Add(new FilterCondition() { Action = EnumFilterAction.Equal, Column = "BillNum", Logic = EnumFilterLogic.And, Value = input.BillNum });
+ var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
+ 0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
+ IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
+ byte[] result = null;
+ var _fileName = string.Format("大众备件出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
+ result.ShouldNotBeNull();
+ //保存导出文件到服务器存成二进制
+ await _excelImportService.SaveBlobAsync(
+ new SaveExcelImportInputDto
+ {
+ Name = _fileName,
+ Content = result
+ }
+ );
+ return _fileName;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQCarAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQCarAppService.cs
index 3d3889cf..25c74203 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQCarAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQCarAppService.cs
@@ -502,11 +502,13 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
byte[] result = null;
var _fileName = string.Format("一汽轿车平台出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQKBOutputAppService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQKBOutputAppService.cs
index f550cf40..a5e94276 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQKBOutputAppService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/Entities/WMS/WmsHQKBOutputAppService.cs
@@ -421,11 +421,13 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, int.MaxValue,
0, true);
+ var dtos = ObjectMapper.Map, List>(entities);
IExporter _excel = new ExcelExporter();
byte[] result = null;
- var _fileName = string.Format("红旗数据调整出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(entities);
+ var _fileName = string.Format("红旗数据手工出库单_{0}.xlsx", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
+ result = await _excel.ExportAsByteArray(dtos);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccount.Application.xml b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccount.Application.xml
index d2037f6f..c80d095d 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccount.Application.xml
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccount.Application.xml
@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@
@@ -830,9 +830,14 @@
- 导入功能
+ 统一导入红旗平台数据,包括H、M、F平台
- 上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)
@@ -2132,13 +2137,6 @@
- 准时化出库明细
@@ -2293,7 +2291,7 @@
@@ -2331,13 +2329,6 @@
- 出库单导出
@@ -2354,14 +2345,6 @@
- 选择任务,生成出库单,只包含已确认的单据
出库界面功能, 撤销核准出库
@@ -2378,6 +2361,13 @@
+ 出库单导出
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccountApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccountApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs
index a2ff2ef3..6ad9bdeb 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccountApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Application/SettleAccountApplicationAutoMapperProfile.cs
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_H;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_M;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.HQ_F;
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.BT_Car;
+using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS;
+using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities;
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount
@@ -245,10 +247,67 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount
+ #region 出库单导出
+ CreateMapWMSJit();
+ CreateMapWmsKanban();
+ CreateMapWMSKanbanExtend();
+ CreateMapWmsSharePart();
+ CreateMapWmsSharePart90();
+ CreateMapWmsHQWithOutKanban();
+ CreateMapWmsHQCar();
+ #endregion
+ }
+ #region 派格出库单
+ private void CreateMapWMSJit()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ }
+ private void CreateMapWmsKanban()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ }
+ private void CreateMapWMSKanbanExtend()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ }
+ private void CreateMapWmsSharePart()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ }
+ private void CreateMapWmsSharePart90()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ }
+ private void CreateMapWmsHQWithOutKanban()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ private void CreateMapWmsHQCar()
+ {
+ CreateMap().ReverseMap();
+ }
+ #endregion
#region PG-派格映射
/// 红旗F平台导入
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Domain/Entities/WMS/TaskList.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Domain/Entities/WMS/TaskList.cs
index b2c12cf3..c6abda67 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Domain/Entities/WMS/TaskList.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Domain/Entities/WMS/TaskList.cs
@@ -212,15 +212,51 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
[ImporterHeader(Name = "结算数量")]
public decimal Qty { set; get; }
+ ////以下继承的全部不导出
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "BranchId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid BranchId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Enabled", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public bool Enabled { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Remark", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public string Remark { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "IsDeleted", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public bool IsDeleted { set; get; }
- }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "DeleterId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public bool DeleterId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "DeletionTime", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime DeletionTime { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "LastModificationTime", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime LastModificationTime { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "LastModifierId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid LastModifierId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "CreationTime", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime CreationTime { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "CreatorId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid CreatorId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "ExtraProperties", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public string ExtraProperties { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "ConcurrencyStamp", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime ConcurrencyStamp { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Id", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid Id { set; get; }
+ }
@@ -475,6 +511,47 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
public decimal Amt { set; get; }
+ //以下继承的全部不导出
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "BranchId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid BranchId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Enabled", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public bool Enabled { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Remark", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public string Remark { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "IsDeleted", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public bool IsDeleted { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "DeleterId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public bool DeleterId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "DeletionTime", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime DeletionTime { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "LastModificationTime", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime LastModificationTime { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "LastModifierId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid LastModifierId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "CreationTime", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime CreationTime { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "CreatorId", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid CreatorId { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "ExtraProperties", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public string ExtraProperties { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "ConcurrencyStamp", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public DateTime ConcurrencyStamp { set; get; }
+ //[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Id", IsIgnore = true)]
+ //public Guid Id { set; get; }
@@ -1830,72 +1907,6 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS
- public class ExportWmsSharePartOutPutDetial
- {
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "组件组物料", IsIgnore = true)]
- public string ParentMaterialCode { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")]
- public string WmsBillNum { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "采购订单号")]
- //KENN号
- public string OrderBillNum { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "SAP编码")]
- //物料号
- public string MaterialCode { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料描述")]
- //物料描述
- public string MaterialDesc { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)")]
- //物料组(车型)
- public string MaterialGroup { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
- //出库库位
- public string OutPut { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "入库库位", IsIgnore = true)]
- //入库库位
- public string InPut { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "状态", IsIgnore = true)]
- public int State { get; set; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料代码")]
- ///
- /// 扩展字段1
- ///
- public string Extend1 { set; get; }
- ///
- /// 扩展字段2
- ///
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "扩展字段2", IsIgnore = true)]
- public string Extend2 { set; get; }
- ///
- /// 扩展字段3
- ///
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "版本号", IsIgnore = true)]
- public string Version { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票数量")]
- public decimal Qty { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单据", IsIgnore = true)]
- public string BillNum { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "任务代码", IsIgnore = true)]
- public Guid TaskId { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄销库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
- public decimal StockQty { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "出库数量", IsIgnore = true)]
- public decimal OutPutQty { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票单价")]
- public decimal Price { set; get; }
- [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "开票金额")]
- public decimal Amt { set; get; }
- }
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/HQHSettledDetailDapperRepository.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/HQHSettledDetailDapperRepository.cs
index 2d134ada..d0053c72 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/HQHSettledDetailDapperRepository.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/HQHSettledDetailDapperRepository.cs
@@ -61,66 +61,59 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
//// condition += string.Format(" B.chassisNumber='{0}' ", materialGroup);
- string str =
- "SELECT\n" +
- " isnull(temp1.交货单号,'') 交货单号,\n" +
- " temp1.交货时间,\n" +
- " isnull(temp1.手工或自动,'') 手工或自动,\n" +
- " temp1.收货仓库,\n" +
- " temp1.收货仓库描述,\n" +
- " temp1.订货看板编号,\n" +
- " temp1.订货零件号,\n" +
- " temp1.发货零件号,\n" +
- " temp1.零件中文名称,\n" +
- " temp1.Sap编码,\n" +
- " temp1.物料组,\n" +
- " temp1.发货数量,\n" +
- " temp1.发货状态,\n" +
- " temp1.结算验收单号,\n" +
- " temp1.结算数量,\n" +
- " temp1.结算单价,\n" +
- " temp1.结算金额,\n" +
- " isnull(TEMP2.Price,0) AS 发货定价,\n" +
- " isnull(temp1.发货数量,0) * isnull(TEMP2.Price,0) AS 发货总金额,\n" +
- " 0 AS 数量差异,\n" +
- " 0 AS 单价差异,\n" +
- " 0 AS 差异总金额 \n" +
- "FROM\n" +
- " (\n" +
- " SELECT\n" +
- " b.WmsBillNum AS 交货单号,\n" +
- " b.LastModificationTime AS 交货时间,\n" +
- " b.IsAuto AS 手工或自动,\n" +
- " a.StorageLocation AS 收货仓库,\n" +
- " a.StorageLocationDesc AS 收货仓库描述,\n" +
- " a.HQHKanBan AS 订货看板编号,\n" +
- " a.MaterialCode AS 订货零件号,\n" +
- " c.MaterialCode Sap编码,\n" +
- " a.MaterialCode AS 发货零件号,\n" +
- " c.MaterialDesc AS 零件中文名称,\n" +
- " isnull(b.Qty,0) AS 发货数量,\n" +
- " isnull(b.State,0) AS 发货状态,\n" +
- " a.AcceptanceNo AS 结算验收单号,\n" +
- " isnull(b.Qty,0) AS 结算数量,\n" +
- " isnull(a.Price,0) AS 结算单价,\n" +
- " isnull(a.Amt,0) AS 结算金额 ,\n" +
- " C.EstimateTypeDesc AS 物料组\n" +
- " FROM\n" +
- " Set_HQ_H_Platform AS a\n" +
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_HQ_H_Kanban AS b ON a.HQHKanBan = b.Kanban \n" +
- " AND a.MaterialCode = b.MaterialCode\n" +
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_material AS c ON a.MaterialCode = c.CustomerPartCode \n" +
- " WHERE\n" +
- " ( a.HQHKanBan <> 'BJ' ) and a.Version='{0}' {1}) AS temp1\n" +
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN (\n" +
- " SELECT\n" +
- " Price,\n" +
- " MaterialCode \n" +
- " FROM\n" +
- " Set_PriceList \n" +
- " WHERE\n" +
- " (\n" +
- " Version = ( SELECT MAX( Version ) FROM Set_PriceList ))) AS TEMP2 ON temp1.Sap编码 = TEMP2.MaterialCode";
+ string str = "SELECT\n" +
+ " temp1.交货日期,\n" +
+ " isnull( temp1.手工或自动, '' ) 手工或自动,\n" +
+ " isnull( temp1.交货单号, '' ) 交货单号,\n" +
+ " temp1.收货仓库,\n" +
+ " temp1.收货仓库描述,\n" +
+ " temp1.订货看板编号,\n" +
+ " temp1.订货零件号,\n" +
+ " temp1.Sap编码,\n" +
+ " temp1.发货零件号,\n" +
+ " temp1.物料组,\n" +
+ " temp1.零件中文名称,\n" +
+ " temp1.发货数量,\n" +
+ " temp1.发货状态,\n" +
+ " temp1.结算验收单号,\n" +
+ " temp1.结算数量,\n" +
+ " temp1.结算单价,\n" +
+ " temp1.结算金额,\n" +
+ " isnull( TEMP2.Price, 0 ) AS 发货定价,\n" +
+ " isnull( temp1.发货数量, 0 ) * isnull( TEMP2.Price, 0 ) AS 发货总金额,\n" +
+ " 0 AS 数量差异,\n" +
+ " temp1.结算单价 - ISNULL( TEMP2.Price, 0 ) AS 单价差异,\n" +
+ " ( temp1.结算单价 - ISNULL( TEMP2.Price, 0 ) ) * temp1.结算数量 AS 差异总金额\n" +
+ "FROM\n" +
+ " (\n" +
+ " SELECT\n" +
+ " b.WmsBillNum AS 交货单号,\n" +
+ " b.LastModificationTime AS 交货日期,\n" +
+ " b.IsAuto AS 手工或自动,\n" +
+ " a.StorageLocation AS 收货仓库,\n" +
+ " a.StorageLocationDesc AS 收货仓库描述,\n" +
+ " a.HQHKanBan AS 订货看板编号,\n" +
+ " a.MaterialCode AS 订货零件号,\n" +
+ " c.MaterialCode Sap编码,\n" +
+ " '' AS 发货零件号,\n" +
+ " c.MaterialDesc AS 零件中文名称,\n" +
+ " isnull( b.Qty, 0 ) AS 发货数量,\n" +
+ " isnull( b.State, 0 ) AS 发货状态,\n" +
+ " a.AcceptanceNo AS 结算验收单号,\n" +
+ " isnull( a.Qty, 0 ) AS 结算数量,\n" +
+ " isnull( a.Price, 0 ) AS 结算单价,\n" +
+ " isnull( a.Amt, 0 ) AS 结算金额 ,\n" +
+ " C.EstimateTypeDesc AS 物料组 \n" +
+ " FROM\n" +
+ " Set_HQ_H_Platform AS a\n" +
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_HQ_H_Kanban AS b ON a.HQHKanBan = b.Kanban \n" +
+ " AND a.MaterialCode = b.MaterialCode\n" +
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_material AS c ON a.MaterialCode = c.CustomerPartCode \n" +
+ " WHERE\n" +
+ " ( a.HQHKanBan <> 'BJ' ) \n" +
+ " AND a.Version= '{0}' {1} \n" +
+ " ) AS temp1\n" +
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT Price, MaterialCode FROM Set_PriceList WHERE ( Version = ( SELECT MAX ( Version ) FROM Set_PriceList ) ) ) AS TEMP2 ON temp1.Sap编码 = TEMP2.MaterialCode" ;
var _sql = string.Format(str, version, condition);
var _query = DbConnection.Query(_sql, null, null, true, 1200, null);
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/SettleSparePartDapperReportRepository.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/SettleSparePartDapperReportRepository.cs
index 9c5335a9..ba73cee4 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/SettleSparePartDapperReportRepository.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.EntityFrameworkCore/Repository/SettleAccountJob/Report/SettleSparePartDapperReportRepository.cs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
" PurchaseOrderNoText,\n" +
" AmountNoTax \n" +
" FROM\n" +
- " Set_SparePart WHERE Extend != 'is90' \n" +
+ " Set_SparePart WHERE Extend != 'is90' \n" +
" GROUP BY\n" +
" PurchaseOrderNo,\n" +
" MaterialCode,\n" +
@@ -356,6 +356,25 @@ public class SparePartSumQtyDiff
//[ExcelExporter(Name = "未结明细", AutoFitAllColumn = true, MaxRowNumberOnASheet = 500000)]
public class SettleSparePartExport
+ public SettleSparePartExport()
+ {
+ }
+ public SettleSparePartExport( string sapMaterialCode, string materialCode, string materialDesc,
+ decimal qty, decimal sockQty)
+ {
+ SAP编码 = sapMaterialCode;
+ 物料描述 = materialDesc;
+ 物料代码 = materialCode;
+ 开票数量 = qty;
+ 寄售库存数量 = sockQty;
+ }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货日期 ")]
public string 交货日期 { set; get; }
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")]
@@ -395,5 +414,8 @@ public class SparePartSumQtyDiff
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "差异总金额")]
public decimal 差异总金额 { set; get; }
+ [ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄售库存数量")]
+ public decimal 寄售库存数量 { set; get; }
diff --git a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Job/Services/Report/SettleSparePartExportService.cs b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Job/Services/Report/SettleSparePartExportService.cs
index 71e1ab99..1b25aa14 100644
--- a/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Job/Services/Report/SettleSparePartExportService.cs
+++ b/src/Modules/SettleAccount/src/SettleAccount.Job/Services/Report/SettleSparePartExportService.cs
@@ -20,21 +20,24 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
private readonly OutputService _outputService;
private readonly ErpPartDapperRepository _erpdapperRepository;
private readonly IBlobContainer _fileContainer;
+ private readonly WmsDapperRepository _wmsDapper;
public SettleSparePartExportService(SettleSparePartDapperReportRepository dapper, ErpPartDapperRepository erpdapperRepository, OutputService outputService
+ , WmsDapperRepository wmsDapper
, IBlobContainer fileContainer)
_dapper = dapper;
_outputService = outputService;
_erpdapperRepository = erpdapperRepository;
_fileContainer = fileContainer;
+ _wmsDapper = wmsDapper;
public string ExportFile(Guid id, List exportName, List p_list)
- var fileName=exportName.FirstOrDefault();
+ var fileName = exportName.FirstOrDefault();
var purchaseOrderNo = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "PurchaseOrderNo").FirstOrDefault().Value;
var version = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "Version").FirstOrDefault().Value;
var sapCode = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "SAPCode").FirstOrDefault().Value;
@@ -51,6 +54,20 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
var _reversels = _dapper.GetReverseSettleSparePartReportList(purchaseOrderNo, version, sapCode, matialCode, beginTime, endTime);
+ //按照零件号汇总数量,有一列显示寄售库数量
+ var stockList = _wmsDapper.GetSalesStock();
+ var queryStockList = from itm in _forwardls
+ join itm1 in stockList on itm.SAP编码 equals itm1.SapCode into temp1
+ from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
+ select new SettleSparePartExport(
+ itm.SAP编码,
+ itm.物料代码,
+ itm.物料描述,
+ itm.开票数量,
+ tm1 == null ? 0 : tm1.Qty
+ );
//var diffList = _dapper.GetSettleSparePartSumQtyDiff(version);
//if (diffList != null)
@@ -105,7 +122,7 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
- // _outputService.Export(id, fileName, _ls);
+ // _outputService.Export(id, fileName, _ls);
ExcelExporter _exporter = new ExcelExporter();//导出Excel
@@ -113,7 +130,9 @@ namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services.Report
.Append(_forwardls.ToList(), "有结算无发货对比")
- .Append(_reversels.ToList(),"有发货无结算对比")
+ .Append(_reversels.ToList(), "有发货无结算对比")
+ .SeparateBySheet()
+ .Append(queryStockList.ToList(), "零件汇总比对寄售库存")
_fileContainer.SaveAsync(fileName, result.Result, true);