15 changed files with 2042 additions and 74 deletions
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,489 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; |
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed; |
using AutoMapper; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using Volo.Abp.Guids; |
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services; |
using Volo.Abp.Caching; |
using Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExcelImporter; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.CacheBase; |
using Win.Utils; |
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos; |
using Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon; |
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories; |
using EFCore.BulkExtensions; |
using System.IO; |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccountVersion; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.FISes; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Enums.SettleAccount; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Filter; |
using Shouldly; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Csv; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel; |
using System.Data.Common; |
using Volo.Abp.Uow; |
using Volo.Abp; |
using Win.Abp.Snowflakes; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExportReports; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Constant; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.MaterialRelationships; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.TaskJobs; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core.Models; |
using TaskJob.Services; |
using TaskJob.EventArgs; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Wms; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository; |
using WY.NewJit.Extends.PaiGe.WMS; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report; |
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// wms出库
/// </summary>
[AllowAnonymous] |
[Route("api/settleaccount/WMSHQFKanbanoutput")] |
public class WmsHQFKanbanAppService : |
SettleAccountApplicationBase<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> |
{ |
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial, Guid> _wmsRepository; |
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFKanbanOutPut, Guid> _wmsVersionRepository; |
private readonly WMSEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> _wmsefRespository; |
private readonly WMSEfCoreRepository<TB_BILL> _wmstbRespository; |
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<TaskJob, Guid> _job; |
private readonly IExcelImportAppService _excelImportService; |
private readonly TaskJobService _service; |
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wmsRepository"></param>
/// <param name="job"></param>
/// <param name="wmsVersionRepository"></param>
/// <param name="wmsefRespository"></param>
/// <param name="wmstbRespository"></param>
public WmsHQFKanbanAppService( |
IExcelImportAppService excelImportService, |
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial, Guid> wmsRepository, |
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<TaskJob, Guid> job, |
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFKanbanOutPut, Guid> wmsVersionRepository, |
WMSEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> wmsefRespository, |
WMSEfCoreRepository<TB_BILL> wmstbRespository, |
IDistributedCache<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> cache, |
ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator, |
ICommonManager commonManager |
) : base(cache, excelImportService, snowflakeIdGenerator, commonManager) |
{ |
_job = job; |
_wmstbRespository = wmstbRespository; |
_wmsRepository = wmsRepository; |
_wmsVersionRepository = wmsVersionRepository; |
_wmsefRespository = wmsefRespository; |
_excelImportService = excelImportService; |
} |
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WmsKanbanOutPutDetialRequestDto input) |
{ |
return await _wmsRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters); |
} |
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WmsKanbanOutPutRequestDto input) |
{ |
return await _wmsVersionRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 准时化出库主表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsHQFKanbanList")] |
virtual public async Task<PagedResultDto<WmsHQFKanbanOutPut>> GetListAsync( WmsKanbanOutPutRequestDto input) |
{ |
var entities = await _wmsVersionRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount, |
input.SkipCount, true); |
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input); |
return new PagedResultDto<WmsHQFKanbanOutPut>(totalCount, entities); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 准时化出库明细
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsHQFKanbanDetailList")] |
virtual public async Task<PagedResultDto<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>> GetListAsync(WmsKanbanOutPutDetialRequestDto input) |
{ |
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount, |
input.SkipCount, true); |
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input); |
return new PagedResultDto<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(totalCount, entities); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 任务明细标记已确认
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsHQFKanbanOutPutAudit")] |
[DisableRequestSizeLimit] |
public async Task<bool> WmsHQFKanbanAudit(List<Guid> ids) |
{ |
var _joblist =await _job.Where(p => ids.Contains(p.Id)).ToListAsync(); |
foreach (var itm in _joblist) |
{ |
itm.FileName = "已确认"; |
await _job.UpdateAsync(itm); |
} |
return true; |
} |
///// <summary>
///// 选择任务,生成出库单,只包含已确认的单据
///// </summary>
///// <param name="ids"></param>
///// <param name="version"></param>
///// <returns></returns>
//public async Task<string> WmsWithOutKanbanOutPut(WmsJitRequestDto input)
// var _billNum = "KA" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
// var _joblist = _job.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.FileName == "已确认").ToList();
// if (_joblist.Count() > 0)
// {
// var fileList = _joblist.Select(p => p.RealDownFileName).ToList();
// List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> _lst = new List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>();
// foreach (var filename in fileList)
// {
// string fileSavePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\wwwroot\files\host\my-file-container\" + filename;
// ExcelHelper _excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(fileSavePath);
// var _list = _excelHelper.ExcelToList<SettleKBWithOutCode>();
// foreach (var itm in _list)
// {
// var _entity= new WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial(GuidGenerator.Create(), string.Empty, string.Empty, itm.MaterialCode, itm.MaterialDesc
// , itm.SapMaterialGroup, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, string.Empty, string.Empty, itm.Version, itm.SapMaterialCode,
// _billNum, Guid.Empty, string.Empty, itm.InvoiceQty,itm.
// );
// _lst.Add(_entity);
// }
// }
// var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.Kanban==string.Empty).ToListAsync();
// await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_lst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
// int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
// if (_count == 0)
// {
// var _version = new WmsHQFKanbanOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
// await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true);
// }
// foreach (var job in _joblist)
// {
// job.FileName = _billNum;
// await _job.UpdateAsync(job);
// }
// }
// return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr; ;
/// <summary>
/// 选择任务,生成出库单,只包含已确认的单据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids"></param>
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsHQFKanbanOutPut")] |
public async Task<string> WmsHQFKanbanOutPut(WmsJitRequestDto input) |
{ |
var _billNum = "K" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); |
var _joblist = _job.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.FileName == "已确认").ToList(); |
if (_joblist.Count() > 0) |
{ |
var fileList = _joblist.Select(p => p.RealDownFileName).ToList(); |
List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> _lst = new List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(); |
foreach (var filename in fileList) |
{ |
string fileSavePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\wwwroot\files\host\my-file-container\" + filename; |
ExcelHelper _excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(fileSavePath); |
var _list = _excelHelper.ExcelToList<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(); |
foreach (var itm in _list) |
{ |
itm.SetData(GuidGenerator.Create(),string.Empty,!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itm.WmsBillNum)? itm.WmsBillNum:string.Empty,input.Version,GuidGenerator.Create()); |
} |
_lst.AddRange(_list.ToArray()); |
} |
// var _ls1 = _lst.Where(p => p.ParentMaterialCode == p.MaterialCode).ToList();
var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version).ToListAsync(); |
var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail |
join itm2 in _lst on |
new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.Kanban} |
equals |
new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.Kanban } |
select itm1; |
var errList = error.GroupBy(p => new { p.BillNum }).Select(p => new { BillNum = p.Key.BillNum, Number = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty) }); |
if (errList.Count() == 0) |
{ |
var query = from itm1 in _lst |
join itm2 in outPutDetail on |
new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.Kanban } |
equals |
new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.Kanban } into temp1 |
from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty() |
where tm1 == null |
select itm1; |
var _wmslst = query.ToList(); |
foreach (var itm in _wmslst) |
{ |
itm.BillNum = _billNum; |
} |
await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 }); |
int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == _billNum); |
if (_count == 0) |
{ |
var _version = new WmsHQFKanbanOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email); |
await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true); |
} |
foreach (var job in _joblist) |
{ |
job.FileName = _billNum; |
await _job.UpdateAsync(job); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(); |
foreach (var itm in errList) |
{ |
_buffer.AppendFormat("出库单号:{0}重复记录数:{1}条", itm.BillNum, itm.Number); |
} |
var _errinfo = _buffer.ToString(); |
foreach (var job in _joblist) |
{ |
job.FileName = _errinfo; |
await _job.UpdateAsync(job); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
_billNum = string.Empty; |
} |
return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr; ; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 出库界面功能,核准出库功能
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <param name="p_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsHQFKanbanOutPut-Pass")] |
[UnitOfWork(false)] |
public async Task<bool> WmsHQFKanbanOutPutPass(WmsJitRequestDto input) |
{ |
if (input.Guids != null) |
{ |
List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> _ls = new List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(); |
if (input.Guids.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version ==input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync(); |
} |
else |
{ |
_ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync(); |
} |
if (_ls.Count() > 0) |
{ |
var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" + |
"EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output]\n" + |
" @billnum = N'{0}',\n" + |
" @type = 3\n" + |
"SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value"; |
await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync( |
string.Format(sql, input.BillNum)); |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
/// <summary>
///出库界面功能, 撤销核准出库
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids"></param>
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsHQFKanbanOutPut-Cancel")] |
public async Task<bool> WmsHQFKanbanOutPutCancel(WmsJitRequestDto input) |
{ |
var _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.State == 1).ToListAsync(); |
var _first = _ls.FirstOrDefault(); |
if (_ls.Count()>0) |
{ |
var _guid = GuidGenerator.Create(); |
await _wmsefRespository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_ls,new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout=0 }); |
var uniapi = new TS_UNI_API(GuidGenerator.Create(), "1", input.Version, "WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetail", _first.BillNum, 0,0, _guid) |
{ |
TaskId = _guid, |
SourceBillNum = _first.BillNum, |
TableName = "WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetail", |
InterfaceType = "2", |
Version = input.Version, |
WmsState = 0, |
SettleAccountState=0 |
}; |
var _l = new List<TS_UNI_API>(); |
_l.Add(uniapi); |
await _wmsefRespository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_l); |
} |
return true; |
} |
[HttpPost] |
[Route("ExcelImport")] |
[DisableRequestSizeLimit] |
public async Task<string> ExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, string version) |
{ |
var _billNum = "K" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); |
ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter(); |
var result = await _exportImporter.ExtendExcelImport<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(files, _excelImportService); |
List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial> _lst = new List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(); |
var _lsCopy = new List<WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial>(); |
foreach (var itm in result) |
{ |
WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial _detail = new WmsHQFKanbanOutPutDetial( |
GuidGenerator.Create(), |
itm.WmsBillNum, |
itm.Kanban, |
itm.MaterialCode, |
itm.MaterialDesc, |
itm.MaterialGroup, |
string.Empty, |
string.Empty, |
0, |
string.Empty, |
string.Empty, |
version, |
itm.ParentMaterialCode, |
itm.BillNum, |
GuidGenerator.Create() |
, string.Empty |
, itm.Qty, |
itm.PoLine |
); |
_lsCopy.Add(_detail); |
} |
_lst.AddRange(_lsCopy.ToArray()); |
var _ls1 = _lst.Where(p => p.ParentMaterialCode == p.MaterialCode).ToList(); |
var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version).ToListAsync(); |
var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail |
join itm2 in _ls1 on |
new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.Kanban } |
equals |
new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.Kanban } |
select itm1; |
var errList = error.GroupBy(p => new { p.BillNum }).Select(p => new { BillNum = p.Key.BillNum, Number = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty) }); |
var checkList = new List<ErrorExportDto>(); |
foreach (var itm in errList) |
{ |
checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto() { Message = string.Format("出库单号:{0}重复记录数:{1}条", itm.BillNum, itm.Number) }); |
} |
if (checkList.Count > 0) |
{ |
return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList); |
} |
var query = from itm1 in _ls1 |
join itm2 in outPutDetail on |
new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.Kanban } |
equals |
new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.Kanban } into temp1 |
from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty() |
where tm1 == null |
select itm1; |
var _wmslst = query.ToList(); |
foreach (var itm in _wmslst) |
{ |
itm.BillNum = _billNum; |
} |
await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 }); |
int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == version && p.BillNum == _billNum); |
if (_count == 0) |
{ |
var _version = new WmsHQFKanbanOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email); |
await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true); |
} |
return _billNum; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; |
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed; |
using AutoMapper; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using Volo.Abp.Guids; |
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services; |
using Volo.Abp.Caching; |
using Volo.Abp.ObjectMapping; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExcelImporter; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.CacheBase; |
using Win.Utils; |
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos; |
using Win.Sfs.BaseData.ImportExcelCommon; |
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories; |
using EFCore.BulkExtensions; |
using System.IO; |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccountVersion; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.FISes; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Enums.SettleAccount; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.Filter; |
using Shouldly; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Csv; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Excel; |
using System.Data.Common; |
using Volo.Abp.Uow; |
using Volo.Abp; |
using Win.Abp.Snowflakes; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.CommonManagers; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.ExportReports; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Constant; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.MaterialRelationships; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.TaskJobs; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core.Models; |
using TaskJob.Services; |
using TaskJob.EventArgs; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.WMS; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.Wms; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository; |
using WY.NewJit.Extends.PaiGe.WMS; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report; |
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.SettleAccounts |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// wms出库
/// </summary>
[AllowAnonymous] |
[Route("api/settleaccount/wmsHQFSharePartoutput")] |
public class WMSHQFSharePartAppService : |
SettleAccountApplicationBase<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> |
{ |
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial, Guid> _wmsRepository; |
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFSharePartOutPut, Guid> _wmsVersionRepository; |
private readonly WMSEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> _wmsefRespository; |
private readonly WMSEfCoreRepository<TB_BILL> _wmstbRespository; |
private readonly ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<TaskJob, Guid> _job; |
private readonly IExcelImportAppService _excelImportService; |
private readonly TaskJobService _service; |
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wmsRepository"></param>
/// <param name="job"></param>
/// <param name="wmsVersionRepository"></param>
/// <param name="wmsefRespository"></param>
/// <param name="wmstbRespository"></param>
public WMSHQFSharePartAppService( |
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial, Guid> wmsRepository, |
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<TaskJob, Guid> job, |
ISettleAccountBranchEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFSharePartOutPut, Guid> wmsVersionRepository, |
WMSEfCoreRepository<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> wmsefRespository, |
WMSEfCoreRepository<TB_BILL> wmstbRespository, |
IExcelImportAppService excelImportService, |
IDistributedCache<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> cache, |
ISnowflakeIdGenerator snowflakeIdGenerator, |
ICommonManager commonManager |
) : base(cache, excelImportService, snowflakeIdGenerator, commonManager) |
{ |
_excelImportService = excelImportService; |
_job = job; |
_wmstbRespository = wmstbRespository; |
_wmsRepository = wmsRepository; |
_wmsVersionRepository = wmsVersionRepository; |
_wmsefRespository = wmsefRespository; |
} |
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WmsSharePartOutPutDetialRequestDto input) |
{ |
return await _wmsRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters); |
} |
private async Task<long> GetCountAsync(WmsSharePartOutPutRequestDto input) |
{ |
return await _wmsVersionRepository.GetCountByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 准时化出库主表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsSharePartList")] |
virtual public async Task<PagedResultDto<WmsHQFSharePartOutPut>> GetListAsync(WmsSharePartOutPutRequestDto input) |
{ |
var entities = await _wmsVersionRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount, |
input.SkipCount, true); |
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input); |
return new PagedResultDto<WmsHQFSharePartOutPut>(totalCount, entities); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 准时化出库明细
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsSharePartDetailList")] |
virtual public async Task<PagedResultDto<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>> GetListAsync(WmsSharePartOutPutDetialRequestDto input) |
{ |
var entities = await _wmsRepository.GetListByFilterAsync(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Filters, input.Sorting, input.MaxResultCount, |
input.SkipCount, true); |
var totalCount = await GetCountAsync(input); |
return new PagedResultDto<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>(totalCount, entities); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 任务明细标记已确认
/// </summary>
/// <param name="files">上传的文件(前端已经限制只能上传一个附件)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsSharePartOutPutAudit")] |
[DisableRequestSizeLimit] |
public async Task<bool> WmsSharePartAudit(List<Guid> ids) |
{ |
var _joblist = await _job.Where(p => ids.Contains(p.Id)).ToListAsync(); |
foreach (var itm in _joblist) |
{ |
itm.FileName = "已确认"; |
} |
foreach (var itm in _joblist) |
{ |
await _job.UpdateAsync(itm); |
} |
var _count = await _job.BatchUpdateAsync(_joblist.ToList()); |
if (_count > 0) |
{ |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 选择任务,生成出库单,只包含已确认的单据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids"></param>
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsSharePartOutPut")] |
public async Task<string> WmsSharePartOutPut(WmsJitRequestDto input) |
{ |
var _billNum = "BHQ" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); |
var _joblist = _job.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.FileName == "已确认").ToList(); |
if (_joblist.Count() > 0) |
{ |
var fileList = _joblist.Select(p => p.RealDownFileName).ToList(); |
List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> _lst = new List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>(); |
foreach (var filename in fileList) |
{ |
string fileSavePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\wwwroot\files\host\my-file-container\" + filename; |
ExcelHelper _excelHelper = new ExcelHelper(fileSavePath); |
var _list = _excelHelper.ExcelToList<HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff>(); |
if (_list.Count() > 0) |
{ |
var _lsAry = _list.Select(p => new |
WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial( |
GuidGenerator.Create(), |
"", |
string.Empty, |
p.结算物料号, |
p.物料描述, |
p.物料组, |
string.Empty, |
string.Empty, |
0, |
string.Empty, |
string.Empty, |
input.Version, |
p.Sap编码, |
_billNum, |
GuidGenerator.Create(), |
string.Empty, |
p.结算数量 |
)); |
_lst.AddRange(_lsAry.ToArray()); |
} |
} |
foreach (var itm in _lst) |
{ |
itm.BillNum = _billNum; |
} |
await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_lst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 }); |
int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == _billNum); |
if (_count == 0) |
{ |
var _version = new WmsHQFSharePartOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), input.Version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email); |
await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true); |
} |
foreach (var job in _joblist) |
{ |
job.FileName = _billNum; |
await _job.UpdateAsync(job); |
} |
} |
//return _billNum;
// StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
// foreach (var itm in errList)
// {
// _buffer.AppendFormat("出库单号:{0}重复记录数:{1}条", itm.BillNum, itm.Number);
// }
// var _errinfo = _buffer.ToString();
// foreach (var job in _joblist)
// {
// job.FileName = _errinfo;
// await _job.UpdateAsync(job);
// }
// //}
// _billNum = string.Empty;
return ApplicationConsts.SuccessStr; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 出库界面功能,核准出库功能
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <param name="p_list"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsSharePartOutPut-Pass")] |
[UnitOfWork(false)] |
public async Task<bool> WmsSharePartOutPutPass(WmsJitRequestDto input) |
{ |
if (input.Guids != null) |
{ |
List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> _ls = new List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>(); |
if (input.Guids.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync(); |
} |
else |
{ |
_ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == input.Version && p.BillNum == input.BillNum && p.State != 2).ToListAsync(); |
} |
if (_ls.Count() > 0) |
{ |
var sql = "DECLARE @return_value int\n" + |
"EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[p_wms_output]\n" + |
" @billnum = N'{0}',\n" + |
" @type = 2\n" + |
"SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value"; |
await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync( |
string.Format(sql, input.BillNum)); |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
/// <summary>
///出库界面功能, 撤销核准出库
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ids"></param>
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
[Route("WmsSharePartOutPut-Cancel")] |
public async Task<bool> WmsSharePartOutPutCancel(WmsJitRequestDto input) |
{ |
var _ls = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => input.Guids.Contains(p.Id) && p.Version == input.Version && p.State == 1).ToListAsync(); |
var _first = _ls.FirstOrDefault(); |
if (_ls.Count() > 0) |
{ |
//var _guid = GuidGenerator.Create();
//await _wmsefRespository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_ls,new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout=0 });
//var uniapi = new TS_UNI_API(GuidGenerator.Create(), "1", input.Version, "WmsSharePartOutPutDetail", _first.BillNum, 0,0, _guid)
// TaskId = _guid,
// SourceBillNum = _first.BillNum,
// TableName = "WmsSharePartOutPutDetail",
// InterfaceType = "3",
// Version = input.Version,
// WmsState = 0,
// SettleAccountState=0
//var _l = new List<TS_UNI_API>();
//await _wmsefRespository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_l);
} |
return true; |
} |
//public async Task<string> ExcelImport([FromForm] IFormFileCollection files, string version)
//var _billNum = "BHQ" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
//ExportImporter _exportImporter = new ExportImporter();
//var result = await _exportImporter.ExtendExcelImport<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>(files, _excelImportService);
//List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial> _lst = new List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>();
//var _lsCopy = new List<WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial>();
//foreach (var itm in result)
// WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial _detail = new WmsHQFSharePartOutPutDetial(
// GuidGenerator.Create(),
// itm.WmsBillNum,
// itm.OrderBillNum,
// itm.MaterialCode,
// itm.MaterialDesc,
// itm.MaterialGroup,
// string.Empty,
// string.Empty,
// 0,
// string.Empty,
// string.Empty,
// version,
// itm.ParentMaterialCode,
// itm.BillNum,
// GuidGenerator.Create()
// , string.Empty
// , itm.Qty
// );
// _lsCopy.Add(_detail);
//var outPutDetail = await _wmsRepository.Where(p => p.Version == version).ToListAsync();
//var error = from itm1 in outPutDetail
// join itm2 in _lst on
// new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.OrderBillNum,itm1.WmsBillNum,itm1.po }
// equals
// new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.OrderBillNum }
// select itm1;
//var errList = error.GroupBy(p => new { p.BillNum }).Select(p => new { BillNum = p.Key.BillNum, Number = p.Sum(itm => itm.Qty) });
//var checkList = new List<ErrorExportDto>();
//foreach (var itm in errList)
// checkList.Add(new ErrorExportDto() { Message = string.Format("出库单号:{0}重复记录数:{1}条", itm.BillNum, itm.Number) });
//if (checkList.Count > 0)
// return await ExportErrorReportAsync(checkList);
//var query = from itm1 in _ls1
// join itm2 in outPutDetail on
// new { itm1.MaterialCode, itm1.OrderBillNum }
// equals
// new { itm2.MaterialCode, itm2.OrderBillNum } into temp1
// from tm1 in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
// where tm1 == null
// select itm1;
//var _wmslst = query.ToList();
//foreach (var itm in _wmslst)
// itm.BillNum = _billNum;
//await _wmsRepository.GetDbContext().BulkInsertAsync(_wmslst, new BulkConfig() { BulkCopyTimeout = 0, BatchSize = 10000 });
//int _count = _wmsVersionRepository.Count(p => p.Version == version && p.BillNum == _billNum);
//if (_count == 0)
// var _version = new WmsHQFSharePartOutPut(GuidGenerator.Create(), version, _billNum, CurrentUser.Email);
// await _wmsVersionRepository.InsertAsync(_version, true);
//return _billNum;
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ |
using Dapper; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core; |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; |
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories.Dapper; |
using Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore; |
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report |
{ |
public class HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff |
{ |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "收货仓库")] |
public string 收货仓库 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "收货仓库描述")] |
public string 收货仓库描述 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算物料号")] |
public string 结算物料号 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算物料描述")] |
public string 物料描述 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")] |
public decimal 结算数量 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算单价")] |
public decimal 结算单价 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算金额")] |
public decimal 结算金额 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Sap编码")] |
public string Sap编码 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)")] |
public string 物料组 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "寄销库数量")] |
public decimal 寄销库数量 { set; get; } |
} |
public class HQFSettledDetailDiff |
{ |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货单号")] |
public string 交货单号 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "交货时间")] |
public string 交货时间 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "手工或自动")] |
public string 手工或自动 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "收货仓库")] |
public string 收货仓库 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "收货仓库描述")] |
public string 收货仓库描述 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "订货看板编号")] |
public string 订货看板编号 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "订货零件号")] |
public string 订货零件号 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "发货零件号")] |
public string 发货零件号 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "零件中文名称")] |
public string 零件中文名称 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "Sap编码")] |
public string Sap编码 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "物料组(车型)")] |
public string 物料组 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "发货数量")] |
public decimal 发货数量 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "发货状态")] |
public string 发货状态 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算验收单号")] |
public string 结算验收单号 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算数量")] |
public decimal 结算数量 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算单价")] |
public decimal 结算单价 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "结算金额")] |
public decimal 结算金额 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "发货定价")] |
public decimal 发货定价 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "发货总金额")] |
public decimal 发货总金额 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "数量差异")] |
public decimal 数量差异 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "单价差异")] |
public decimal 单价差异 { set; get; } |
[ExporterHeader(DisplayName = "差异总金额")] |
public decimal 差异总金额 { set; get; } |
} |
public class HQFSettleQtyDiff |
{ |
public string 客户物料号 { set; get; } |
public decimal 结算数量 { set; get; } |
public decimal 发货数量 { set; get; } |
public decimal 差异数量 { set; get; } |
public string 看板号 { set; get; } |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 2.大众发票与结算核对明细表-准时化
/// </summary>
public class HQFSettledDetailDapperRepository : DapperRepository<SettleAccountDbContext>, ITransientDependency |
{ |
public HQFSettledDetailDapperRepository(IDbContextProvider<SettleAccountDbContext> dbContextProvider) |
: base(dbContextProvider) |
{ |
} |
public virtual List<HQFSettledDetailDiff> GetInvoiceSettledDetailDiffReportList(string version, string materialCode, string begin, string end, string materialGroup) |
{ |
List<HQFSettledDetailDiff> _list = new List<HQFSettledDetailDiff>(); |
string condition = " where 1=1 "; |
////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialCode))
//// condition += string.Format(" and d.MaterialCode in ({0}) ", materialCode);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begin)) |
{ |
condition += string.Format(" and a.BeginTime>='{0}' ", begin); |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end)) |
{ |
condition += string.Format(" and a.BeginTime<='{0}' ", end); |
} |
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp7begin))
// condition += string.Format(" and B.cp7>='{0}' ", cp7begin);
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp7end))
// condition += string.Format(" and B.cp7<='{0}' ", cp7end);
////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kennCode))
//// condition += string.Format(" and B.kenncode='{0}' ", kennCode);
////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chassisNumber))
//// condition += string.Format(" and B.chassisNumber='{0}' ", chassisNumber);
////if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialGroup))
//// condition += string.Format(" B.chassisNumber='{0}' ", materialGroup);
string str = |
"SELECT\n" + |
" isnull(temp1.交货单号,'') 交货单号,\n" + |
" temp1.交货时间,\n" + |
" isnull(temp1.手工或自动,'') 手工或自动,\n" + |
" temp1.收货仓库,\n" + |
" temp1.收货仓库描述,\n" + |
" temp1.订货看板编号,\n" + |
" temp1.订货零件号,\n" + |
" temp1.发货零件号,\n" + |
" temp1.零件中文名称,\n" + |
" temp1.Sap编码,\n" + |
" temp1.物料组,\n" + |
" temp1.发货数量,\n" + |
" temp1.发货状态,\n" + |
" temp1.结算验收单号,\n" + |
" temp1.结算数量,\n" + |
" temp1.结算单价,\n" + |
" temp1.结算金额,\n" + |
" isnull(TEMP2.Price,0) AS 发货定价,\n" + |
" isnull(temp1.发货数量,0) * isnull(TEMP2.Price,0) AS 发货总金额,\n" + |
" 0 AS 数量差异,\n" + |
" 0 AS 单价差异,\n" + |
" 0 AS 差异总金额 \n" + |
"FROM\n" + |
" (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" b.WmsBillNum AS 交货单号,\n" + |
" a.CreationTime AS 交货时间,\n" + |
" b.IsAuto AS 手工或自动,\n" + |
" a.StorageLocation AS 收货仓库,\n" + |
" a.StorageLocationDesc AS 收货仓库描述,\n" + |
" a.HQHKanBan AS 订货看板编号,\n" + |
" a.MaterialCode AS 订货零件号,\n" + |
" c.MaterialCode Sap编码,\n" + |
" a.MaterialCode AS 发货零件号,\n" + |
" c.MaterialDesc AS 零件中文名称,\n" + |
" isnull(b.Qty,0) AS 发货数量,\n" + |
" isnull(b.State,0) AS 发货状态,\n" + |
" a.AcceptanceNo AS 结算验收单号,\n" + |
" isnull(b.Qty,0) AS 结算数量,\n" + |
" isnull(a.Price,0) AS 结算单价,\n" + |
" isnull(a.Amt,0) AS 结算金额 ,\n" + |
" C.EstimateTypeDesc AS 物料组\n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" Set_HQ_H_Platform AS a\n" + |
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_HQ_H_Kanban AS b ON a.HQHKanBan = b.Kanban \n" + |
" AND a.MaterialCode = b.MaterialCode\n" + |
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Set_material AS c ON a.MaterialCode = c.CustomerPartCode \n" + |
" WHERE\n" + |
" ( a.HQHKanBan <> 'BJ' ) and a.Version='{0}') AS temp1\n" + |
" LEFT OUTER JOIN (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" Price,\n" + |
" MaterialCode \n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" Set_PriceList \n" + |
" WHERE\n" + |
" (\n" + |
" Version = ( SELECT MAX( Version ) FROM Set_PriceList ))) AS TEMP2 ON temp1.Sap编码 = TEMP2.MaterialCode"; |
var _sql = string.Format(str, version, condition); |
var _query = DbConnection.Query<HQFSettledDetailDiff>(_sql, null, null, true, 1200, null); |
_list = _query.ToList(); |
return _list; |
} |
public virtual List<HQFSettleQtyDiff> GetDiffQtyList(string version) |
{ |
List<HQFSettleQtyDiff> _list = new List<HQFSettleQtyDiff>(); |
var str = |
"SELECT temp1.MaterialCode 客户物料号,temp1.HQHKanBan 看板号 ,temp1.SettleQty 结算数量, temp2.Qty 发货数量,( temp1.SettleQty - temp2.Qty ) 差异数量 \n" + |
"FROM\n" + |
" (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" SUM( Qty ) SettleQty,\n" + |
" HQHKanBan,\n" + |
" MaterialCode \n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" Set_HQ_H_Platform where version='{0}'\n" + |
" GROUP BY\n" + |
" HQHKanBan,\n" + |
" MaterialCode \n" + |
" ) temp1\n" + |
" LEFT JOIN (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" SUM( Qty ) Qty,\n" + |
" Kanban,\n" + |
" MaterialCode \n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" Set_HQ_H_Kanban \n" + |
" GROUP BY\n" + |
" Kanban,\n" + |
" MaterialCode \n" + |
" ) temp2 ON temp1.HQHKanBan = temp2.Kanban \n" + |
" AND temp1.MaterialCode = temp2.MaterialCode where temp1.SettleQty!=temp2.Qty "; |
str = string.Format(str, version); |
var _query = DbConnection.Query<HQFSettleQtyDiff>(str, null, null, true, 1200, null); |
_list = _query.ToList(); |
return _list; |
} |
public virtual List<HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff> GetSharePartSettledDetailDiffReportList(string version, string materialCode, string begin, string end, string materialGroup) |
{ |
List<HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff> _list = new List<HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff>(); |
string condition = " where 1=1 "; |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begin)) |
{ |
condition += string.Format(" and a.BeginTime>='{0}' ", begin); |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(end)) |
{ |
condition += string.Format(" and a.BeginTime<='{0}' ", end); |
} |
string str = |
"SELECT\n" + |
" temp1.*,\n" + |
" isnull( temp2.Price, 0 ) 销售单价,(\n" + |
" isnull( temp1.结算单价, 0 )- isnull( temp2.Price, 0 )) 价格差异 \n" + |
"FROM\n" + |
" (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" A.Price 结算单价,\n" + |
" A.Qty 结算数量,\n" + |
" A.MaterialCode 结算物料号,\n" + |
" A.StorageLocation 收货仓库,\n" + |
" A.StorageLocationDesc 收货仓库描述,\n" + |
" C.EstimateTypeDesc 物料组,\n" + |
" C.MaterialCode Sap编码,\n" + |
" C.MaterialDesc 物料描述,\n" + |
" 0 寄销库数量 \n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" Price,\n" + |
" SUM( Qty ) Qty,\n" + |
" MaterialCode,\n" + |
" StorageLocation,\n" + |
" StorageLocationDesc \n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" Set_HQ_H_Platform \n" + |
" WHERE\n" + |
" version = '{0}' \n" + |
" AND HQHKanBan = 'BJ' \n" + |
" GROUP BY\n" + |
" MaterialCode,\n" + |
" StorageLocation,\n" + |
" StorageLocationDesc,\n" + |
" price \n" + |
" ) A\n" + |
" LEFT JOIN Set_material AS c ON a.MaterialCode = c.CustomerPartCode \n" + |
" ) temp1\n" + |
" LEFT OUTER JOIN (\n" + |
" SELECT\n" + |
" Price,\n" + |
" MaterialCode \n" + |
" FROM\n" + |
" Set_PriceList \n" + |
" WHERE\n" + |
" (\n" + |
" Version = ( SELECT MAX( Version ) AS Expr1 FROM Set_PriceList ))) AS temp2 ON temp1.Sap编码 = temp2.MaterialCode"; |
; |
var _sql = string.Format(str, version, condition); |
var _query = DbConnection.Query<HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff>(_sql, null, null, true, 1200, null); |
_list = _query.ToList(); |
return _list; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using TaskJob.EventArgs; |
using TaskJob.Interfaces; |
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.InvoiceSettledDiffs; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccount; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report; |
namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// 2.大众发票与结算核对明细表-准时化
/// </summary>
public class HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiffExportService : ITransientDependency, IExportJob |
{ |
private readonly HQFSettledDetailDapperRepository _dapperRepository; |
private readonly ErpPartDapperRepository _erpdapperRepository; |
private readonly OutputService _outputService; |
private readonly InputService _inputService; |
public HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiffExportService( |
ErpPartDapperRepository erpdapperRepository, |
HQFSettledDetailDapperRepository dapperRepository, |
OutputService outputService, |
InputService inputService |
) |
{ |
_inputService = inputService; |
_outputService = outputService; |
_erpdapperRepository= erpdapperRepository; |
_dapperRepository =dapperRepository; |
} |
public string ExportFile(Guid id, List<string> exportName, List<CustomCondition> p_list) |
{ |
var _filename = exportName.FirstOrDefault(); |
var version = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "Version").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var materialCode = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "MaterialCode").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var kanban = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "Kanban").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var begin = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "BeginTime").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var end = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "EndTime").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var materialGroup = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "MaterialGroup").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var acceptNo = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "AcceptNo").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var sapCode = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "SapCode").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var warehouseDesc = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "WarehouseDesc").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var _ls=_dapperRepository.GetSharePartSettledDetailDiffReportList(version, materialCode, begin, end, materialGroup); |
//var _ls = _dapperRepository.GetInvoiceSettledDetailDiffReportList(version, materialCode, begin, end, materialGroup);
//var _lst=_dapperRepository.GetDiffQtyList(version);
//foreach (var itm in _lst)
// var _first = _ls.FirstOrDefault(p => p.订货看板编号 == itm.看板号 && p.订货零件号==itm.客户物料号);
// if(_first!=null)
// {
// _first.发货数量 = _first.结算数量+ itm.差异数量;
// _first.数量差异 = itm.差异数量;
// }
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kanban)) |
{ |
var _groupList = kanban.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.结算物料号)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseDesc)) |
{ |
var _groupList = warehouseDesc.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.收货仓库描述)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acceptNo))
// var _groupList = acceptNo.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList();
// if (_groupList.Count() > 0)
// {
// _ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.结算验收单号)).ToList();
// }
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialGroup)) |
{ |
var _groupList = materialGroup.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.物料组)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialCode)) |
{ |
var _groupList = materialCode.Split(new char[] { '\n' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.结算物料号)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sapCode)) |
{ |
var _groupList = sapCode.Split(new char[] { '\n' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.Sap编码)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
_outputService.Export<HQFSharePartSettledDetailDiff>(id, _filename, _ls); |
return id.ToString(); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using TaskJob.EventArgs; |
using TaskJob.Interfaces; |
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Reports.InvoiceSettledDiffs; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccount; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report; |
namespace SettleAccount.Job.Services |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// 2.大众发票与结算核对明细表-准时化
/// </summary>
public class HQFSettledDetailDiffExportService : ITransientDependency, IExportJob |
{ |
private readonly HQFSettledDetailDapperRepository _dapperRepository; |
private readonly ErpPartDapperRepository _erpdapperRepository; |
private readonly OutputService _outputService; |
private readonly InputService _inputService; |
public HQFSettledDetailDiffExportService( |
ErpPartDapperRepository erpdapperRepository, |
HQFSettledDetailDapperRepository dapperRepository, |
OutputService outputService, |
InputService inputService |
) |
{ |
_inputService = inputService; |
_outputService = outputService; |
_erpdapperRepository= erpdapperRepository; |
_dapperRepository =dapperRepository; |
} |
public string ExportFile(Guid id, List<string> exportName, List<CustomCondition> p_list) |
{ |
var _filename = exportName.FirstOrDefault(); |
var version = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "Version").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var materialCode = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "MaterialCode").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var kanban = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "Kanban").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var begin = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "BeginTime").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var end = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "EndTime").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var materialGroup = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "MaterialGroup").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var acceptNo = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "AcceptNo").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var sapCode = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "SapCode").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var warehouseDesc = p_list.Where(p => p.Name == "WarehouseDesc").FirstOrDefault().Value; |
var _ls = _dapperRepository.GetInvoiceSettledDetailDiffReportList(version, materialCode, begin, end, materialGroup); |
var _lst=_dapperRepository.GetDiffQtyList(version); |
foreach (var itm in _lst) |
{ |
var _first = _ls.FirstOrDefault(p => p.订货看板编号 == itm.看板号 && p.订货零件号==itm.客户物料号); |
if(_first!=null) |
{ |
_first.发货数量 = _first.结算数量+ itm.差异数量; |
_first.数量差异 = itm.差异数量; |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kanban)) |
{ |
var _groupList = kanban.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.订货看板编号)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseDesc)) |
{ |
var _groupList = warehouseDesc.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.收货仓库描述)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(acceptNo)) |
{ |
var _groupList = acceptNo.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.结算验收单号)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialGroup)) |
{ |
var _groupList = materialGroup.Split(new char[] { ',' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.物料组)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialCode)) |
{ |
var _groupList = materialCode.Split(new char[] { '\n' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.发货零件号)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sapCode)) |
{ |
var _groupList = sapCode.Split(new char[] { '\n' }).Distinct().ToList(); |
if (_groupList.Count() > 0) |
{ |
_ls = _ls.Where(p => _groupList.Contains(p.Sap编码)).ToList(); |
} |
} |
_outputService.Export<HQFSettledDetailDiff>(id, _filename, _ls); |
return id.ToString(); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue