You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using Stone.Entity;
using Gm_WMS.DataAccess.DataService;
using Stone.Common;
namespace Stone.WinBiz.BasicData
public class F_PartOutQty : F_Base
public F_PartOutQty()
this.type = "PartOutQty"; = "基础资料_累计发货数量";
this.entity = new Entity_t_PartOutQty();
//this.entityView = new Entity_v_Product();
public override void GetView(DataGridView dgv)
dgv.Columns["Code"].HeaderText = "存货代码";
dgv.Columns["PartOutQty"].HeaderText = "累计发货数量";
public override void Checking(DataRow drData, bool isNew)
//base.Checking(drData, isNew);
//if ((new F_CarModel()).GetData("Code='" + drData["CarModelCode"].ToString() + "'") == null)
// throw new Exception("车型代码 " + drData["CarModelCode"].ToString() + " 不存在!");
//if ((new F_Color()).GetData("Code='" + drData["ColorCode"].ToString() + "'") == null)
// throw new Exception("颜色代码 " + drData["ColorCode"].ToString() + " 不存在!");
//if (MyStrings.GetLength(drData["Name"].ToString()) > 255) throw new Exception("名称不能超过255个字符!");
public override void InputData(DataSet dsData, LocalDBService db)
//Entity_t_Product t_Input = new Entity_t_Product(db);
//DataRow drInput = null;
//foreach (DataRow drData in dsData.Tables[0].Rows)
// drInput = t_Input.Table.NewRow();
// drInput["Code"] = drData["存货代码"].ToString().Trim();
// drInput["Name"] = drData["存货名称"].ToString().Trim();
// drInput["CarModelCode"] = drData["车型代码"].ToString().Trim();
// drInput["ColorCode"] = drData["颜色代码"].ToString().Trim();
// drInput["Model"] = drData["规格型号"].ToString().Trim();
// drInput["Deploy"] = drData["配置"].ToString().Trim();
// drInput["BarCode"] = drData["条码号"].ToString();
// drInput["PackNumer"] = drData["装箱数量"].ToString();
// drInput["IsStandard"] = drData["是否STD件"].ToString();
// drInput["State"] = drData["启用"].ToString();
// if (drInput["Code"].ToString().Trim() == "")
// throw new Exception("代码不能为空!");
// if (t_Input.GetData("", "Code='" + drInput["Code"].ToString() + "'", "id asc").Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
// throw new Exception("代码 " + drInput["Code"].ToString() + " 已经存在!");
// if ((new Entity_t_CarModel(db)).GetData("", "Code='" + drInput["CarModelCode"].ToString() + "'", "id asc").Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
// throw new Exception("车型代码 " + drInput["CarModelCode"].ToString() + " 不存在!");
// if ((new Entity_t_Color(db)).GetData("", "Code='" + drInput["ColorCode"].ToString() + "'", "id asc").Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
// throw new Exception("颜色代码 " + drInput["ColorCode"].ToString() + " 不存在!");
// if (MyStrings.GetLength(drInput["Name"].ToString()) > 255) throw new Exception("名称不能超过255个字符!");
// //Checking(drInput, true);
// t_Input.Add(drInput);