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* echarts日期运算格式化相关
* @desc echarts基于Canvas,纯Javascript图表库,提供直观,生动,可交互,可个性化定制的数据统计图表。
* @author Kener (@Kener-林峰, kener.linfeng@gmail.com)
define(function() {
var _timeGap = [
{formatter: 'hh : mm : ss', value: 1000}, // 1s
{formatter: 'hh : mm : ss', value: 1000 * 5}, // 5s
{formatter: 'hh : mm : ss', value: 1000 * 10}, // 10s
{formatter: 'hh : mm : ss', value: 1000 * 15}, // 15s
{formatter: 'hh : mm : ss', value: 1000 * 30}, // 30s
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 60000}, // 1m
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 60000 * 5}, // 5m
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 60000 * 10}, // 10m
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 60000 * 15}, // 15m
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 60000 * 30}, // 30m
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 3600000}, // 1h
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 3600000 * 2}, // 2h
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 3600000 * 6}, // 6h
{formatter: 'hh : mm\nMM - dd', value: 3600000 * 12}, // 12h
{formatter: 'MM - dd\nyyyy', value: 3600000 * 24}, // 1d
{formatter: 'week', value: 3600000 * 24 * 7}, // 7d
{formatter: 'month', value: 3600000 * 24 * 31}, // 1M
{formatter: 'quarter', value: 3600000 * 24 * 380 / 4}, // 3M
{formatter: 'half-year', value: 3600000 * 24 * 380 / 2},// 6M
{formatter: 'year', value: 3600000 * 24 * 380} // 1Y
* 获取最佳formatter
* @params {number} min 最小值
* @params {number} max 最大值
* @params {=number} splitNumber 分隔段数
function getAutoFormatter(min, max, splitNumber) {
splitNumber = splitNumber > 1 ? splitNumber : 2;
// 最优解
var curValue;
var totalGap;
// 目标
var formatter;
var gapValue;
for (var i = 0, l = _timeGap.length; i < l; i++) {
curValue = _timeGap[i].value;
totalGap = Math.ceil(max / curValue) * curValue
- Math.floor(min / curValue) * curValue;
if (Math.round(totalGap / curValue) <= splitNumber * 1.2) {
formatter = _timeGap[i].formatter;
gapValue = _timeGap[i].value;
// console.log(formatter, gapValue,i);
if (formatter == null) {
formatter = 'year';
curValue = 3600000 * 24 * 367;
totalGap = Math.ceil(max / curValue) * curValue
- Math.floor(min / curValue) * curValue;
gapValue = Math.round(totalGap / (splitNumber - 1) / curValue) * curValue;
return {
formatter: formatter,
gapValue: gapValue
* 一位数字补0
function s2d (v) {
return v < 10 ? ('0' + v) : v;
* 百分比计算
function format(formatter, value) {
if (formatter == 'week'
|| formatter == 'month'
|| formatter == 'quarter'
|| formatter == 'half-year'
|| formatter == 'year'
) {
formatter = 'MM - dd\nyyyy';
var date = getNewDate(value);
var y = date.getFullYear();
var M = date.getMonth() + 1;
var d = date.getDate();
var h = date.getHours();
var m = date.getMinutes();
var s = date.getSeconds();
formatter = formatter.replace('MM', s2d(M));
formatter = formatter.toLowerCase();
formatter = formatter.replace('yyyy', y);
formatter = formatter.replace('yy', y % 100);
formatter = formatter.replace('dd', s2d(d));
formatter = formatter.replace('d', d);
formatter = formatter.replace('hh', s2d(h));
formatter = formatter.replace('h', h);
formatter = formatter.replace('mm', s2d(m));
formatter = formatter.replace('m', m);
formatter = formatter.replace('ss', s2d(s));
formatter = formatter.replace('s', s);
return formatter;
function nextMonday(value) {
value = getNewDate(value);
value.setDate(value.getDate() + 8 - value.getDay());
return value;
function nextNthPerNmonth(value, nth, nmon) {
value = getNewDate(value);
value.setMonth(Math.ceil((value.getMonth() + 1) / nmon) * nmon);
return value;
function nextNthOnMonth(value, nth) {
return nextNthPerNmonth(value, nth, 1);
function nextNthOnQuarterYear(value, nth) {
return nextNthPerNmonth(value, nth, 3);
function nextNthOnHalfYear(value, nth) {
return nextNthPerNmonth(value, nth, 6);
function nextNthOnYear(value, nth) {
return nextNthPerNmonth(value, nth, 12);
function getNewDate(value) {
return value instanceof Date
? value
: new Date(typeof value == 'string' ? value.replace(/-/g, '/') : value);
return {
getAutoFormatter: getAutoFormatter,
getNewDate: getNewDate,
format: format,
nextMonday: nextMonday,
nextNthPerNmonth: nextNthPerNmonth,
nextNthOnMonth: nextNthOnMonth,
nextNthOnQuarterYear: nextNthOnQuarterYear,
nextNthOnHalfYear: nextNthOnHalfYear,
nextNthOnYear : nextNthOnYear