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var lightRGB = new Array(255, 255, 255);
function initColor(Color) {
var opArray = new Array(.10, .25, .50, .75, 1.0);
var baseColor = longHexToDec(Color.substring(1, 7));
var nColor, nHex;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
nColor = setColorHue(baseColor, opArray[i], lightRGB);
nHex = toHex(nColor[0]) + toHex(nColor[1]) + toHex(nColor[2]);
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$("#marq").find("td").get(i).bgColor = "#" + nHex;
function setColorHue(originColor, opacityPercent, maskRGB) {
returnColor = new Array();
for (w = 0; w < originColor.length; w++) returnColor[w] = Math.round(originColor[w] * opacityPercent) + Math.round(maskRGB[w] * (1.0 - opacityPercent));
return returnColor;
function longHexToDec(longHex) {
r = toDec(longHex.substring(0, 2));
g = toDec(longHex.substring(2, 4));
b = toDec(longHex.substring(4, 6));
return new Array(r, g, b);
function toHex(dec) {
hex = dec.toString(16);
if (hex.length == 1) hex = "0" + hex;
if (hex == 100) hex = "FF";
return hex.toUpperCase();
function toDec(hex) {
return parseInt(hex, 16);