You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

948 lines
37 KiB

* echarts组件: 数值轴
* @desc echarts基于Canvas,纯Javascript图表库,提供直观,生动,可交互,可个性化定制的数据统计图表。
* @author Kener (@Kener-林峰, kener.linfeng@gmail.com)
define(function (require) {
var Base = require('./base');
// 图形依赖
var TextShape = require('zrender/shape/Text');
var LineShape = require('zrender/shape/Line');
var RectangleShape = require('zrender/shape/Rectangle');
var ecConfig = require('../config');
// 数值型坐标轴默认参数
ecConfig.valueAxis = {
zlevel: 0, // 一级层叠
z: 0, // 二级层叠
show: true,
position: 'left', // 位置
name: '', // 坐标轴名字,默认为空
nameLocation: 'end', // 坐标轴名字位置,支持'start' | 'end'
nameTextStyle: {}, // 坐标轴文字样式,默认取全局样式
boundaryGap: [0, 0], // 数值起始和结束两端空白策略
// min: null, // 最小值
// max: null, // 最大值
// scale: false, // 脱离0值比例,放大聚焦到最终_min,_max区间
// splitNumber: 5, // 分割段数,默认为5
axisLine: { // 坐标轴线
show: true, // 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
onZero: true,
lineStyle: { // 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#48b',
width: 2,
type: 'solid'
axisTick: { // 坐标轴小标记
show: false, // 属性show控制显示与否,默认不显示
inside: false, // 控制小标记是否在grid里
length :5, // 属性length控制线长
lineStyle: { // 属性lineStyle控制线条样式
color: '#333',
width: 1
axisLabel: { // 坐标轴文本标签,详见axis.axisLabel
show: true,
rotate: 0,
margin: 8,
// clickable: false,
// formatter: null,
textStyle: { // 其余属性默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
color: '#333'
splitLine: { // 分隔线
show: true, // 默认显示,属性show控制显示与否
lineStyle: { // 属性lineStyle(详见lineStyle)控制线条样式
color: ['#ccc'],
width: 1,
type: 'solid'
splitArea: { // 分隔区域
show: false, // 默认不显示,属性show控制显示与否
areaStyle: { // 属性areaStyle(详见areaStyle)控制区域样式
color: ['rgba(250,250,250,0.3)','rgba(200,200,200,0.3)']
var ecDate = require('../util/date');
var zrUtil = require('zrender/tool/util');
* 构造函数
* @param {Object} messageCenter echart消息中心
* @param {ZRender} zr zrender实例
* @param {Object} option 类目轴参数
* @param {Object} component 组件
* @param {Array} series 数据对象
function ValueAxis(ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart, axisBase, series) {
if (!series || series.length === 0) {
console.err('option.series.length == 0.');
Base.call(this, ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart);
this.series = series;
this.grid = this.component.grid;
for (var method in axisBase) {
this[method] = axisBase[method];
this.refresh(option, series);
ValueAxis.prototype = {
_buildShape: function () {
this._hasData = false;
if (!this._hasData || !this.option.show) {
this.option.splitArea.show && this._buildSplitArea();
this.option.splitLine.show && this._buildSplitLine();
this.option.axisLine.show && this._buildAxisLine();
this.option.axisTick.show && this._buildAxisTick();
this.option.axisLabel.show && this._buildAxisLabel();
for (var i = 0, l = this.shapeList.length; i < l; i++) {
// 小标记
_buildAxisTick: function () {
var axShape;
var data = this._valueList;
var dataLength = this._valueList.length;
var tickOption = this.option.axisTick;
var length = tickOption.length;
var color = tickOption.lineStyle.color;
var lineWidth = tickOption.lineStyle.width;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
// 横向
var yPosition = this.option.position === 'bottom'
? (tickOption.inside
? (this.grid.getYend() - length - 1) : (this.grid.getYend()) + 1)
: (tickOption.inside
? (this.grid.getY() + 1) : (this.grid.getY() - length - 1));
var x;
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
// 亚像素优化
x = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(data[i]), lineWidth);
axShape = {
_axisShape: 'axisTick',
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
xStart: x,
yStart: yPosition,
xEnd: x,
yEnd: yPosition + length,
strokeColor: color,
lineWidth: lineWidth
this.shapeList.push(new LineShape(axShape));
else {
// 纵向
var xPosition = this.option.position === 'left'
? (tickOption.inside
? (this.grid.getX() + 1) : (this.grid.getX() - length - 1))
: (tickOption.inside
? (this.grid.getXend() - length - 1) : (this.grid.getXend() + 1));
var y;
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
// 亚像素优化
y = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(data[i]), lineWidth);
axShape = {
_axisShape: 'axisTick',
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
xStart: xPosition,
yStart: y,
xEnd: xPosition + length,
yEnd: y,
strokeColor: color,
lineWidth: lineWidth
this.shapeList.push(new LineShape(axShape));
// 坐标轴文本
_buildAxisLabel: function () {
var axShape;
var data = this._valueList;
var dataLength = this._valueList.length;
var rotate = this.option.axisLabel.rotate;
var margin = this.option.axisLabel.margin;
var clickable = this.option.axisLabel.clickable;
var textStyle = this.option.axisLabel.textStyle;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
// 横向
var yPosition;
var baseLine;
if (this.option.position === 'bottom') {
yPosition = this.grid.getYend() + margin;
baseLine = 'top';
else {
yPosition = this.grid.getY() - margin;
baseLine = 'bottom';
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase() +3,
hoverable: false,
style: {
x: this.getCoord(data[i]),
y: yPosition,
color: typeof textStyle.color === 'function'
? textStyle.color(data[i]) : textStyle.color,
text: this._valueLabel[i],
textFont: this.getFont(textStyle),
textAlign: textStyle.align || 'center',
textBaseline: textStyle.baseline || baseLine
if (rotate) {
axShape.style.textAlign = rotate > 0
? (this.option.position === 'bottom'
? 'right' : 'left')
: (this.option.position === 'bottom'
? 'left' : 'right');
axShape.rotation = [
rotate * Math.PI / 180,
this.shapeList.push(new TextShape(
this._axisLabelClickable(clickable, axShape)
else {
// 纵向
var xPosition;
var align;
if (this.option.position === 'left') {
xPosition = this.grid.getX() - margin;
align = 'right';
else {
xPosition = this.grid.getXend() + margin;
align = 'left';
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase() + 3,
hoverable: false,
style: {
x: xPosition,
y: this.getCoord(data[i]),
color: typeof textStyle.color === 'function'
? textStyle.color(data[i]) : textStyle.color,
text: this._valueLabel[i],
textFont: this.getFont(textStyle),
textAlign: textStyle.align || align,
textBaseline: textStyle.baseline
|| (
(i === 0 && this.option.name !== '')
? 'bottom'
: (i === dataLength - 1 && this.option.name !== '') ? 'top' : 'middle'
if (rotate) {
axShape.rotation = [
rotate * Math.PI / 180,
this.shapeList.push(new TextShape(
this._axisLabelClickable(clickable, axShape)
_buildSplitLine: function () {
var axShape;
var data = this._valueList;
var dataLength = this._valueList.length;
var sLineOption = this.option.splitLine;
var lineType = sLineOption.lineStyle.type;
var lineWidth = sLineOption.lineStyle.width;
var color = sLineOption.lineStyle.color;
color = color instanceof Array ? color : [color];
var colorLength = color.length;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
// 横向
var sy = this.grid.getY();
var ey = this.grid.getYend();
var x;
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
// 亚像素优化
x = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(data[i]), lineWidth);
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
xStart: x,
yStart: sy,
xEnd: x,
yEnd: ey,
strokeColor: color[i % colorLength],
lineType: lineType,
lineWidth: lineWidth
this.shapeList.push(new LineShape(axShape));
else {
// 纵向
var sx = this.grid.getX();
var ex = this.grid.getXend();
var y;
for (var i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
// 亚像素优化
y = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(data[i]), lineWidth);
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
xStart: sx,
yStart: y,
xEnd: ex,
yEnd: y,
strokeColor: color[i % colorLength],
lineType: lineType,
lineWidth: lineWidth
this.shapeList.push(new LineShape(axShape));
_buildSplitArea: function () {
var axShape;
var color = this.option.splitArea.areaStyle.color;
if (!(color instanceof Array)) {
// 非数组一律认为是单一颜色的字符串,单一颜色则用一个背景,颜色错误不负责啊!!!
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
x: this.grid.getX(),
y: this.grid.getY(),
width: this.grid.getWidth(),
height: this.grid.getHeight(),
color: color
// type: this.option.splitArea.areaStyle.type,
this.shapeList.push(new RectangleShape(axShape));
else {
// 多颜色
var colorLength = color.length;
var data = this._valueList;
var dataLength = this._valueList.length;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
// 横向
var y = this.grid.getY();
var height = this.grid.getHeight();
var lastX = this.grid.getX();
var curX;
for (var i = 0; i <= dataLength; i++) {
curX = i < dataLength
? this.getCoord(data[i])
: this.grid.getXend();
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
x: lastX,
y: y,
width: curX - lastX,
height: height,
color: color[i % colorLength]
// type: this.option.splitArea.areaStyle.type,
this.shapeList.push(new RectangleShape(axShape));
lastX = curX;
else {
// 纵向
var x = this.grid.getX();
var width = this.grid.getWidth();
var lastYend = this.grid.getYend();
var curY;
for (var i = 0; i <= dataLength; i++) {
curY = i < dataLength
? this.getCoord(data[i])
: this.grid.getY();
axShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
hoverable: false,
style: {
x: x,
y: curY,
width: width,
height: lastYend - curY,
color: color[i % colorLength]
// type: this.option.splitArea.areaStyle.type
this.shapeList.push(new RectangleShape(axShape));
lastYend = curY;
* 极值计算
_calculateValue: function () {
if (isNaN(this.option.min - 0) || isNaN(this.option.max - 0)) {
// 有一个没指定都得算
// 数据整形
var data = {}; // 整形后数据抽取
var xIdx;
var yIdx;
var legend = this.component.legend;
for (var i = 0, l = this.series.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this.series[i].type != ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_LINE
&& this.series[i].type != ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_BAR
&& this.series[i].type != ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER
&& this.series[i].type != ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_K
&& this.series[i].type != ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER
) {
// 非坐标轴支持的不算极值
// 请允许我写开,跟上面一个不是一样东西
if (legend && !legend.isSelected(this.series[i].name)){
// 不指定默认为第一轴线
xIdx = this.series[i].xAxisIndex || 0;
yIdx = this.series[i].yAxisIndex || 0;
if ((this.option.xAxisIndex != xIdx)
&& (this.option.yAxisIndex != yIdx)
) {
// 不是自己的数据不计算极值
this._calculSum(data, i);
// 找极值
var oriData; // 原始数据
for (var i in data){
oriData = data[i];
for (var j = 0, k = oriData.length; j < k; j++) {
if (!isNaN(oriData[j])){
this._hasData = true;
this._min = oriData[j];
this._max = oriData[j];
if (this._hasData) {
for (var i in data){
oriData = data[i];
for (var j = 0, k = oriData.length; j < k; j++) {
if (!isNaN(oriData[j])){
this._min = Math.min(this._min, oriData[j]);
this._max = Math.max(this._max, oriData[j]);
// console.log(this._min,this._max,'vvvvv111111',this.option.type)
// log情况暂时禁用boundaryGap。
var boundaryGap = this.option.type !== 'log' ? this.option.boundaryGap : [0, 0];
var gap = Math.abs(this._max - this._min);
this._min = isNaN(this.option.min - 0)
? (this._min - Math.abs(gap * boundaryGap[0]))
: (this.option.min - 0); // 指定min忽略boundaryGay[0]
this._max = isNaN(this.option.max - 0)
? (this._max + Math.abs(gap * boundaryGap[1]))
: (this.option.max - 0); // 指定max忽略boundaryGay[1]
if (this._min === this._max) {
if (this._max === 0) {
// 修复全0数据
this._max = 1;
// 修复最大值==最小值时数据整形
else if (this._max > 0) {
this._min = this._max / this.option.splitNumber != null ? this.option.splitNumber : 5;
else { // this._max < 0
this._max = this._max / this.option.splitNumber != null ? this.option.splitNumber : 5;
if (this.option.type === 'time') {
else if (this.option.type === 'log') {
else {
else {
this._hasData = true;
// 用户指定min max就不多管闲事了
this._min = this.option.min - 0; // 指定min忽略boundaryGay[0]
this._max = this.option.max - 0; // 指定max忽略boundaryGay[1]
if (this.option.type === 'time') {
else if (this.option.type === 'log') {
else {
* 内部使用,计算某系列下的堆叠和
_calculSum: function (data, i) {
var key = this.series[i].name || 'kener';
var value;
var oriData;
if (!this.series[i].stack) {
data[key] = data[key] || [];
if (this.series[i].type != ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER) {
oriData = this.series[i].data;
for (var j = 0, k = oriData.length; j < k; j++) {
value = this.getDataFromOption(oriData[j]);
if (this.series[i].type === ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_K) {
else if (value instanceof Array) {
// scatter 、 不等距 line bar
if (this.option.xAxisIndex != -1) {
this.option.type != 'time'
? value[0] : ecDate.getNewDate(value[0])
if (this.option.yAxisIndex != -1) {
this.option.type != 'time'
? value[1] : ecDate.getNewDate(value[1])
else {
else {
// eventRiver
oriData = this.series[i].data;
for (var j = 0, k = oriData.length; j < k; j++) {
var evolution = oriData[j].evolution;
for (var m = 0, n = evolution.length; m < n; m++) {
else {
// 堆积数据,需要区分正负向堆积
var keyP = '__Magic_Key_Positive__' + this.series[i].stack;
var keyN = '__Magic_Key_Negative__' + this.series[i].stack;
data[keyP] = data[keyP] || [];
data[keyN] = data[keyN] || [];
data[key] = data[key] || []; // scale下还需要记录每一个量
oriData = this.series[i].data;
for (var j = 0, k = oriData.length; j < k; j++) {
value = this.getDataFromOption(oriData[j]);
if (value === '-') {
value = value - 0;
if (value >= 0) {
if (data[keyP][j] != null) {
data[keyP][j] += value;
else {
data[keyP][j] = value;
else {
if (data[keyN][j] != null) {
data[keyN][j] += value;
else {
data[keyN][j] = value;
if (this.option.scale) {
* 找到原始数据的极值后根据选项整形最终 this._min / this._max / this._valueList
* 如果你不知道这个“整形”的用义,请不要试图去理解和修改这个方法!找我也没用,我相信我已经记不起来!
* 如果你有更简洁的数学推导欢迎重写,后果自负~
* by kener.linfeng@gmail.com 2013-1-8
* --------
* 感谢谢世威(https://github.com/i6ma),终于有人改这个方法了
* by Kener 2014-11-6
_reformValue: function (scale) {
var smartSteps = require('../util/smartSteps');
var splitNumber = this.option.splitNumber;
// 非scale下双正,修正最小值为0
if (!scale && this._min >= 0 && this._max >= 0) {
this._min = 0;
// 非scale下双负,修正最大值为0
if (!scale && this._min <= 0 && this._max <= 0) {
this._max = 0;
var stepOpt = smartSteps(this._min, this._max, splitNumber);
splitNumber = splitNumber != null ? splitNumber : stepOpt.secs;
//this.option.splitNumber = splitNumber;
this._min = stepOpt.min;
this._max = stepOpt.max;
this._valueList = stepOpt.pnts;
* 格式化时间值
_reformTimeValue : function() {
var splitNumber = this.option.splitNumber != null ? this.option.splitNumber : 5;
// 最优解
var curValue = ecDate.getAutoFormatter(this._min, this._max, splitNumber);
// 目标
var formatter = curValue.formatter;
var gapValue = curValue.gapValue;
this._valueList = [ecDate.getNewDate(this._min)];
var startGap;
switch (formatter) {
case 'week' :
startGap = ecDate.nextMonday(this._min);
case 'month' :
startGap = ecDate.nextNthOnMonth(this._min, 1);
case 'quarter' :
startGap = ecDate.nextNthOnQuarterYear(this._min, 1);
case 'half-year' :
startGap = ecDate.nextNthOnHalfYear(this._min, 1);
case 'year' :
startGap = ecDate.nextNthOnYear(this._min, 1);
default :
// 大于2小时需要考虑时区不能直接取整
if (gapValue <= 3600000 * 2) {
startGap = (Math.floor(this._min / gapValue) + 1) * gapValue;
else {
startGap = ecDate.getNewDate(this._min - (-gapValue));
startGap.setHours(Math.round(startGap.getHours() / 6) * 6);
if (startGap - this._min < gapValue / 2) {
startGap -= -gapValue;
// console.log(startGap,gapValue,this._min, this._max,formatter)
curValue = ecDate.getNewDate(startGap);
splitNumber *= 1.5;
while (splitNumber-- >= 0) {
if (formatter == 'month'
|| formatter == 'quarter'
|| formatter == 'half-year'
|| formatter == 'year'
) {
if (this._max - curValue < gapValue / 2) {
curValue = ecDate.getNewDate(curValue - (-gapValue));
this._reformLabelData((function (formatterStr) {
return function (value) {
return ecDate.format(formatterStr, value);
_customerValue: function () {
var accMath = require('../util/accMath');
var splitNumber = this.option.splitNumber != null ? this.option.splitNumber : 5;
var splitGap = (this._max - this._min) / splitNumber;
this._valueList = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= splitNumber; i++) {
this._valueList.push(accMath.accAdd(this._min, accMath.accMul(splitGap, i)));
_reformLogValue: function() {
// log数轴本质就是缩放,相当于默认this.option.scale === true,所以不修正_min和_max到0。
var thisOption = this.option;
var result = require('../util/smartLogSteps')({
dataMin: this._min,
dataMax: this._max,
logPositive: thisOption.logPositive,
logLabelBase: thisOption.logLabelBase,
splitNumber: thisOption.splitNumber
this._min = result.dataMin;
this._max = result.dataMax;
this._valueList = result.tickList;
// {value2Coord: {Function}, coord2Value: {Function}}
this._dataMappingMethods = result.dataMappingMethods;
_reformLabelData: function (innerFormatter) {
this._valueLabel = [];
var formatter = this.option.axisLabel.formatter;
if (formatter) {
for (var i = 0, l = this._valueList.length; i < l; i++) {
if (typeof formatter === 'function') {
? formatter.call(this.myChart, this._valueList[i], innerFormatter)
: formatter.call(this.myChart, this._valueList[i])
else if (typeof formatter === 'string') {
? ecDate.format(formatter, this._valueList[i])
: formatter.replace('{value}',this._valueList[i])
else {
for (var i = 0, l = this._valueList.length; i < l; i++) {
? innerFormatter(this._valueList[i])
: this.numAddCommas(this._valueList[i]) // 每三位默认加,格式化
getExtremum: function () {
var dataMappingMethods = this._dataMappingMethods;
return {
min: this._min,
max: this._max,
dataMappingMethods: dataMappingMethods
? zrUtil.merge({}, dataMappingMethods) : null
* 刷新
refresh: function (newOption, newSeries) {
if (newOption) {
this.option = this.reformOption(newOption);
// 通用字体设置
this.option.axisLabel.textStyle = zrUtil.merge(
this.option.axisLabel.textStyle || {},
this.series = newSeries;
if (this.zr) { // 数值轴的另外一个功能只是用来计算极值
// 根据值换算位置
getCoord: function (value) {
if (this._dataMappingMethods) {
value = this._dataMappingMethods.value2Coord(value);
value = value < this._min ? this._min : value;
value = value > this._max ? this._max : value;
var result;
if (!this.isHorizontal()) {
// 纵向
result = this.grid.getYend()
- (value - this._min)
/ (this._max - this._min)
* this.grid.getHeight();
else {
// 横向
result = this.grid.getX()
+ (value - this._min)
/ (this._max - this._min)
* this.grid.getWidth();
return result;
// Math.floor可能引起一些偏差,但性能会更好
/* 准确更重要
return (value === this._min || value === this._max)
? result
: Math.floor(result);
// 根据值换算绝对大小
getCoordSize: function (value) {
if (!this.isHorizontal()) {
// 纵向
return Math.abs(value / (this._max - this._min) * this.grid.getHeight());
else {
// 横向
return Math.abs(value / (this._max - this._min) * this.grid.getWidth());
// 根据位置换算值
getValueFromCoord: function(coord) {
var result;
if (!this.isHorizontal()) {
// 纵向
coord = coord < this.grid.getY() ? this.grid.getY() : coord;
coord = coord > this.grid.getYend() ? this.grid.getYend() : coord;
result = this._max
- (coord - this.grid.getY())
/ this.grid.getHeight()
* (this._max - this._min);
else {
// 横向
coord = coord < this.grid.getX() ? this.grid.getX() : coord;
coord = coord > this.grid.getXend() ? this.grid.getXend() : coord;
result = this._min
+ (coord - this.grid.getX())
/ this.grid.getWidth()
* (this._max - this._min);
if (this._dataMappingMethods) {
result = this._dataMappingMethods.coord2Value(result);
return result.toFixed(2) - 0;
isMaindAxis : function (value) {
for (var i = 0, l = this._valueList.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this._valueList[i] === value) {
return true;
return false;
zrUtil.inherits(ValueAxis, Base);
require('../component').define('valueAxis', ValueAxis);
return ValueAxis;