You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

953 lines
43 KiB

* echarts图表类:柱形图
* @desc echarts基于Canvas,纯Javascript图表库,提供直观,生动,可交互,可个性化定制的数据统计图表。
* @author Kener (@Kener-林峰, kener.linfeng@gmail.com)
define(function (require) {
var ChartBase = require('./base');
// 图形依赖
var RectangleShape = require('zrender/shape/Rectangle');
// 组件依赖
var ecConfig = require('../config');
// 柱形图默认参数
ecConfig.bar = {
zlevel: 0, // 一级层叠
z: 2, // 二级层叠
clickable: true,
legendHoverLink: true,
// stack: null
xAxisIndex: 0,
yAxisIndex: 0,
barMinHeight: 0, // 最小高度改为0
// barWidth: null, // 默认自适应
barGap: '30%', // 柱间距离,默认为柱形宽度的30%,可设固定值
barCategoryGap: '20%', // 类目间柱形距离,默认为类目间距的20%,可设固定值
itemStyle: {
normal: {
// color: '各异',
barBorderColor: '#fff', // 柱条边线
barBorderRadius: 0, // 柱条边线圆角,单位px,默认为0
barBorderWidth: 0, // 柱条边线线宽,单位px,默认为1
label: {
show: false
// formatter: 标签文本格式器,同Tooltip.formatter,不支持异步回调
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// 'inside'|'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
// textStyle: null // 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
emphasis: {
// color: '各异',
barBorderColor: '#fff', // 柱条边线
barBorderRadius: 0, // 柱条边线圆角,单位px,默认为0
barBorderWidth: 0, // 柱条边线线宽,单位px,默认为1
label: {
show: false
// formatter: 标签文本格式器,同Tooltip.formatter,不支持异步回调
// position: 默认自适应,水平布局为'top',垂直布局为'right',可选为
// 'inside'|'left'|'right'|'top'|'bottom'
// textStyle: null // 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
var ecData = require('../util/ecData');
var zrUtil = require('zrender/tool/util');
var zrColor = require('zrender/tool/color');
* 构造函数
* @param {Object} messageCenter echart消息中心
* @param {ZRender} zr zrender实例
* @param {Object} series 数据
* @param {Object} component 组件
function Bar(ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart){
// 图表基类
ChartBase.call(this, ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart);
Bar.prototype = {
type: ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_BAR,
* 绘制图形
_buildShape: function () {
_buildNormal: function(seriesArray, maxDataLength, locationMap, xMarkMap, orient) {
var series = this.series;
// 确定类目轴和数值轴,同一方向随便找一个即可
var seriesIndex = locationMap[0][0];
var serie = series[seriesIndex];
var isHorizontal = orient == 'horizontal';
var xAxis = this.component.xAxis;
var yAxis = this.component.yAxis;
var categoryAxis = isHorizontal
? xAxis.getAxis(serie.xAxisIndex)
: yAxis.getAxis(serie.yAxisIndex);
var valueAxis; // 数值轴各异
var size = this._mapSize(categoryAxis, locationMap);
var gap = size.gap;
var barGap = size.barGap;
var barWidthMap = size.barWidthMap;
var barMaxWidthMap = size.barMaxWidthMap;
var barWidth = size.barWidth; // 自适应宽度
var barMinHeightMap = size.barMinHeightMap;
var barHeight;
var curBarWidth;
var interval = size.interval;
var x;
var y;
var lastP; // 正向堆积处理
var baseP;
var lastN; // 负向堆积处理
var baseN;
var barShape;
var data;
var value;
var islandR = this.deepQuery([this.ecTheme, ecConfig], 'island.r');
for (var i = 0, l = maxDataLength; i < l; i++) {
if (categoryAxis.getNameByIndex(i) == null) {
// 系列数据超出类目轴长度
? (x = categoryAxis.getCoordByIndex(i) - gap / 2)
: (y = categoryAxis.getCoordByIndex(i) + gap / 2);
for (var j = 0, k = locationMap.length; j < k; j++) {
// 堆积数据用第一条valueAxis
var yAxisIndex = series[locationMap[j][0]].yAxisIndex || 0;
var xAxisIndex = series[locationMap[j][0]].xAxisIndex || 0;
valueAxis = isHorizontal
? yAxis.getAxis(yAxisIndex)
: xAxis.getAxis(xAxisIndex);
baseP = lastP = baseN = lastN = valueAxis.getCoord(0);
for (var m = 0, n = locationMap[j].length; m < n; m++) {
seriesIndex = locationMap[j][m];
serie = series[seriesIndex];
data = serie.data[i];
value = this.getDataFromOption(data, '-');
xMarkMap[seriesIndex] = xMarkMap[seriesIndex]
|| {
sum: 0,
counter: 0,
average: 0
curBarWidth = Math.min(
barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex] || Number.MAX_VALUE,
barWidthMap[seriesIndex] || barWidth
if (value === '-') {
// 空数据在做完后补充拖拽提示框
if (value > 0) {
// 正向堆积
barHeight = m > 0
? valueAxis.getCoordSize(value)
: (
? (baseP - valueAxis.getCoord(value))
: (valueAxis.getCoord(value) - baseP)
// 非堆积数据最小高度有效
if (n === 1 && barMinHeightMap[seriesIndex] > barHeight) {
barHeight = barMinHeightMap[seriesIndex];
if (isHorizontal) {
lastP -= barHeight;
y = lastP;
else {
x = lastP;
lastP += barHeight;
else if (value < 0){
// 负向堆积
barHeight = m > 0
? valueAxis.getCoordSize(value)
: (
? (valueAxis.getCoord(value) - baseN)
: (baseN - valueAxis.getCoord(value))
// 非堆积数据最小高度有效
if (n === 1 && barMinHeightMap[seriesIndex] > barHeight) {
barHeight = barMinHeightMap[seriesIndex];
if (isHorizontal) {
y = lastN;
lastN += barHeight;
else {
lastN -= barHeight;
x = lastN;
else {
// 0值
barHeight = 0;
// 最小高度无效
if (isHorizontal) {
lastP -= barHeight;
y = lastP;
else {
x = lastP;
lastP += barHeight;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex][i] = isHorizontal
? (x + curBarWidth / 2)
: (y - curBarWidth / 2);
if (xMarkMap[seriesIndex].min > value) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].min = value;
if (isHorizontal) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minY = y;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minX = xMarkMap[seriesIndex][i];
else {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minX = x + barHeight;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minY = xMarkMap[seriesIndex][i];
if (xMarkMap[seriesIndex].max < value) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].max = value;
if (isHorizontal) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxY = y;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxX = xMarkMap[seriesIndex][i];
else {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxX = x + barHeight;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxY = xMarkMap[seriesIndex][i];
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].sum += value;
if (i % interval === 0) {
barShape = this._getBarItem(
seriesIndex, i,
y - (isHorizontal ? 0 : curBarWidth),
isHorizontal ? curBarWidth : barHeight,
isHorizontal ? barHeight : curBarWidth,
isHorizontal ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'
this.shapeList.push(new RectangleShape(barShape));
// 补充空数据的拖拽提示框
for (var m = 0, n = locationMap[j].length; m < n; m++) {
seriesIndex = locationMap[j][m];
serie = series[seriesIndex];
data = serie.data[i];
value = this.getDataFromOption(data, '-');
curBarWidth = Math.min(
barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex] || Number.MAX_VALUE,
barWidthMap[seriesIndex] || barWidth
if (value != '-') {
// 只关心空数据
if (this.deepQuery([data, serie, this.option], 'calculable')) {
if (isHorizontal) {
lastP -= islandR;
y = lastP;
else {
x = lastP;
lastP += islandR;
barShape = this._getBarItem(
seriesIndex, i,
y - (isHorizontal ? 0 : curBarWidth),
isHorizontal ? curBarWidth : islandR,
isHorizontal ? islandR : curBarWidth,
isHorizontal ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'
barShape.hoverable = false;
barShape.draggable = false;
barShape.style.lineWidth = 1;
barShape.style.brushType = 'stroke';
barShape.style.strokeColor = serie.calculableHolderColor
|| this.ecTheme.calculableHolderColor
|| ecConfig.calculableHolderColor;
this.shapeList.push(new RectangleShape(barShape));
? (x += (curBarWidth + barGap))
: (y -= (curBarWidth + barGap));
this._calculMarkMapXY(xMarkMap, locationMap, isHorizontal ? 'y' : 'x');
* 构建类目轴为水平方向的柱形图系列
_buildHorizontal: function (seriesArray, maxDataLength, locationMap, xMarkMap) {
return this._buildNormal(
seriesArray, maxDataLength, locationMap, xMarkMap, 'horizontal'
* 构建类目轴为垂直方向的柱形图系列
_buildVertical: function (seriesArray, maxDataLength, locationMap, xMarkMap) {
return this._buildNormal(
seriesArray, maxDataLength, locationMap, xMarkMap, 'vertical'
* 构建双数值轴柱形图
_buildOther: function (seriesArray, maxDataLength, locationMap, xMarkMap) {
var series = this.series;
for (var j = 0, k = locationMap.length; j < k; j++) {
for (var m = 0, n = locationMap[j].length; m < n; m++) {
var seriesIndex = locationMap[j][m];
var serie = series[seriesIndex];
var xAxisIndex = serie.xAxisIndex || 0;
var xAxis = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(xAxisIndex);
var baseX = xAxis.getCoord(0);
var yAxisIndex = serie.yAxisIndex || 0;
var yAxis = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(yAxisIndex);
var baseY = yAxis.getCoord(0);
xMarkMap[seriesIndex] = xMarkMap[seriesIndex]
|| {
sum0: 0,
sum1: 0,
counter0: 0,
counter1: 0,
average0: 0,
average1: 0
for (var i = 0, l = serie.data.length; i < l; i++) {
var data = serie.data[i];
var value = this.getDataFromOption(data, '-');
if (!(value instanceof Array)) {
var x = xAxis.getCoord(value[0]);
var y = yAxis.getCoord(value[1]);
var queryTarget = [data, serie];
var barWidth = this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'barWidth') || 10; // 默认柱形
var barHeight = this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'barHeight');
var orient;
var barShape;
if (barHeight != null) {
// 条形图
orient = 'horizontal';
if (value[0] > 0) {
// 正向
barWidth = x - baseX;
x -= barWidth;
else if (value[0] < 0){
// 负向
barWidth = baseX - x;
else {
// 0值
barWidth = 0;
barShape = this._getBarItem(
seriesIndex, i,
y - barHeight / 2,
else {
// 柱形
orient = 'vertical';
if (value[1] > 0) {
// 正向
barHeight = baseY - y;
else if (value[1] < 0){
// 负向
barHeight = y - baseY;
y -= barHeight;
else {
// 0值
barHeight = 0;
barShape = this._getBarItem(
seriesIndex, i,
x - barWidth / 2,
this.shapeList.push(new RectangleShape(barShape));
x = xAxis.getCoord(value[0]);
y = yAxis.getCoord(value[1]);
if (xMarkMap[seriesIndex].min0 > value[0]) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].min0 = value[0];
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minY0 = y;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minX0 = x;
if (xMarkMap[seriesIndex].max0 < value[0]) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].max0 = value[0];
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxY0 = y;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxX0 = x;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].sum0 += value[0];
if (xMarkMap[seriesIndex].min1 > value[1]) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].min1 = value[1];
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minY1 = y;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].minX1 = x;
if (xMarkMap[seriesIndex].max1 < value[1]) {
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].max1 = value[1];
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxY1 = y;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].maxX1 = x;
xMarkMap[seriesIndex].sum1 += value[1];
this._calculMarkMapXY(xMarkMap, locationMap, 'xy');
* 我真是自找麻烦啊,为啥要允许系列级个性化最小宽度和高度啊!!!
* @param {CategoryAxis} categoryAxis 类目坐标轴,需要知道类目间隔大小
* @param {Array} locationMap 整形数据的系列索引
_mapSize: function (categoryAxis, locationMap, ignoreUserDefined) {
var res = this._findSpecialBarSzie(locationMap, ignoreUserDefined);
var barWidthMap = res.barWidthMap;
var barMaxWidthMap = res.barMaxWidthMap;
var barMinHeightMap = res.barMinHeightMap;
var sBarWidthCounter = res.sBarWidthCounter; // 用户指定
var sBarWidthTotal = res.sBarWidthTotal; // 用户指定
var barGap = res.barGap;
var barCategoryGap = res.barCategoryGap;
var gap;
var barWidth;
var interval = 1;
if (locationMap.length != sBarWidthCounter) {
// 至少存在一个自适应宽度的柱形图
if (!ignoreUserDefined) {
gap = typeof barCategoryGap === 'string' && barCategoryGap.match(/%$/)
// 百分比
? ((categoryAxis.getGap() * (100 - parseFloat(barCategoryGap)) / 100).toFixed(2) - 0)
// 数值
: (categoryAxis.getGap() - barCategoryGap);
if (typeof barGap === 'string' && barGap.match(/%$/)) {
barGap = parseFloat(barGap) / 100;
barWidth = +(
(gap - sBarWidthTotal) / (
(locationMap.length - 1) * barGap + locationMap.length - sBarWidthCounter
barGap = barWidth * barGap;
else {
barGap = parseFloat(barGap);
barWidth = +(
(gap - sBarWidthTotal - barGap * (locationMap.length - 1)) / (
locationMap.length - sBarWidthCounter
// 无法满足用户定义的宽度设计,忽略用户宽度,打回重做
if (barWidth <= 0) {
return this._mapSize(categoryAxis, locationMap, true);
else {
// 忽略用户定义的宽度设定
gap = categoryAxis.getGap();
barGap = 0;
barWidth = +(gap / locationMap.length).toFixed(2);
// 已经忽略用户定义的宽度设定依然还无法满足显示,只能硬来了;
if (barWidth <= 0) {
interval = Math.floor(locationMap.length / gap);
barWidth = 1;
else {
// 全是自定义宽度,barGap无效,系列间隔决定barGap
gap = sBarWidthCounter > 1
? (typeof barCategoryGap === 'string' && barCategoryGap.match(/%$/))
// 百分比
? +(categoryAxis.getGap() * (100 - parseFloat(barCategoryGap)) / 100).toFixed(2)
// 数值
: (categoryAxis.getGap() - barCategoryGap)
// 只有一个
: sBarWidthTotal;
barWidth = 0;
barGap = sBarWidthCounter > 1
? +((gap - sBarWidthTotal) / (sBarWidthCounter - 1)).toFixed(2)
: 0;
if (barGap < 0) {
// 无法满足用户定义的宽度设计,忽略用户宽度,打回重做
return this._mapSize(categoryAxis, locationMap, true);
// 检查是否满足barMaxWidthMap
return this._recheckBarMaxWidth(
barWidthMap, barMaxWidthMap, barMinHeightMap,
gap, // 总宽度
barWidth, barGap, interval
* 计算堆积下用户特殊指定的各种size
_findSpecialBarSzie: function(locationMap, ignoreUserDefined) {
var series = this.series;
var barWidthMap = {};
var barMaxWidthMap = {};
var barMinHeightMap = {};
var sBarWidth; // 用户指定
var sBarMaxWidth; // 用户指定
var sBarWidthCounter = 0; // 用户指定
var sBarWidthTotal = 0; // 用户指定
var barGap;
var barCategoryGap;
for (var j = 0, k = locationMap.length; j < k; j++) {
var hasFound = {
barWidth: false,
barMaxWidth: false
for (var m = 0, n = locationMap[j].length; m < n; m++) {
var seriesIndex = locationMap[j][m];
var queryTarget = series[seriesIndex];
if (!ignoreUserDefined) {
if (!hasFound.barWidth) {
sBarWidth = this.query(queryTarget, 'barWidth');
if (sBarWidth != null) {
// 同一堆积第一个生效barWidth
barWidthMap[seriesIndex] = sBarWidth;
sBarWidthTotal += sBarWidth;
hasFound.barWidth = true;
// 复位前面同一堆积但没被定义的
for (var ii = 0, ll = m; ii < ll; ii++) {
var pSeriesIndex = locationMap[j][ii];
barWidthMap[pSeriesIndex] = sBarWidth;
else {
barWidthMap[seriesIndex] = sBarWidth; // 用找到的一个
if (!hasFound.barMaxWidth) {
sBarMaxWidth = this.query(queryTarget, 'barMaxWidth');
if (sBarMaxWidth != null) {
// 同一堆积第一个生效barMaxWidth
barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex] = sBarMaxWidth;
hasFound.barMaxWidth = true;
// 复位前面同一堆积但没被定义的
for (var ii = 0, ll = m; ii < ll; ii++) {
var pSeriesIndex = locationMap[j][ii];
barMaxWidthMap[pSeriesIndex] = sBarMaxWidth;
else {
barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex] = sBarMaxWidth; // 用找到的一个
barMinHeightMap[seriesIndex] = this.query(queryTarget, 'barMinHeight');
barGap = barGap != null ? barGap : this.query(queryTarget, 'barGap');
barCategoryGap = barCategoryGap != null
? barCategoryGap : this.query(queryTarget, 'barCategoryGap');
return {
barWidthMap: barWidthMap,
barMaxWidthMap: barMaxWidthMap,
barMinHeightMap: barMinHeightMap,
sBarWidth: sBarWidth,
sBarMaxWidth: sBarMaxWidth,
sBarWidthCounter: sBarWidthCounter,
sBarWidthTotal: sBarWidthTotal,
barGap: barGap,
barCategoryGap: barCategoryGap
* 检查是否满足barMaxWidthMap
_recheckBarMaxWidth: function(
barWidthMap, barMaxWidthMap, barMinHeightMap,
gap, // 总宽度
barWidth, barGap, interval
) {
for (var j = 0, k = locationMap.length; j < k; j++) {
var seriesIndex = locationMap[j][0];
if (barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex] && barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex] < barWidth) {
// 不满足最大宽度
gap -= barWidth - barMaxWidthMap[seriesIndex]; // 总宽度减少
return {
barWidthMap: barWidthMap,
barMaxWidthMap: barMaxWidthMap,
barMinHeightMap: barMinHeightMap ,
gap: gap, // 总宽度
barWidth: barWidth,
barGap: barGap,
interval: interval
* 生成最终图形数据
_getBarItem: function (seriesIndex, dataIndex, name, x, y, width, height, orient) {
var series = this.series;
var barShape;
var serie = series[seriesIndex];
var data = serie.data[dataIndex];
// 多级控制
var defaultColor = this._sIndex2ColorMap[seriesIndex];
var queryTarget = [data, serie];
var normal = this.deepMerge(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal');
var emphasis = this.deepMerge(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.emphasis');
var normalBorderWidth = normal.barBorderWidth;
barShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
clickable: this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'clickable'),
style: {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
brushType: 'both',
color: this.getItemStyleColor(
this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal.color') || defaultColor,
seriesIndex, dataIndex, data
radius: normal.barBorderRadius,
lineWidth: normalBorderWidth,
strokeColor: normal.barBorderColor
highlightStyle: {
color: this.getItemStyleColor(
this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.emphasis.color'),
seriesIndex, dataIndex, data
radius: emphasis.barBorderRadius,
lineWidth: emphasis.barBorderWidth,
strokeColor: emphasis.barBorderColor
_orient: orient
var barShapeStyle = barShape.style;
barShape.highlightStyle.color = barShape.highlightStyle.color
|| (typeof barShapeStyle.color === 'string'
? zrColor.lift(barShapeStyle.color, -0.3)
: barShapeStyle.color
barShapeStyle.x = Math.floor(barShapeStyle.x);
barShapeStyle.y = Math.floor(barShapeStyle.y);
barShapeStyle.height = Math.ceil(barShapeStyle.height);
barShapeStyle.width = Math.ceil(barShapeStyle.width);
// 考虑线宽的显示优化
if (normalBorderWidth > 0
&& barShapeStyle.height > normalBorderWidth
&& barShapeStyle.width > normalBorderWidth
) {
barShapeStyle.y += normalBorderWidth / 2;
barShapeStyle.height -= normalBorderWidth;
barShapeStyle.x += normalBorderWidth / 2;
barShapeStyle.width -= normalBorderWidth;
else {
// 太小了或者线宽小于0,废了边线
barShapeStyle.brushType = 'fill';
barShape.highlightStyle.textColor = barShape.highlightStyle.color;
barShape = this.addLabel(barShape, serie, data, name, orient);
var barShapeStyleList = [ // normal emphasis都需要检查
for (var i = 0, l = barShapeStyleList.length; i < l; i++) {
var textPosition = barShapeStyleList[i].textPosition;
if (textPosition === 'insideLeft'
|| textPosition === 'insideRight'
|| textPosition === 'insideTop'
|| textPosition === 'insideBottom'
) {
var gap = 5;
switch (textPosition) {
case 'insideLeft':
barShapeStyleList[i].textX = barShapeStyle.x + gap;
barShapeStyleList[i].textY = barShapeStyle.y + barShapeStyle.height / 2;
barShapeStyleList[i].textAlign = 'left';
barShapeStyleList[i].textBaseline = 'middle';
case 'insideRight':
barShapeStyleList[i].textX = barShapeStyle.x + barShapeStyle.width - gap;
barShapeStyleList[i].textY = barShapeStyle.y + barShapeStyle.height / 2;
barShapeStyleList[i].textAlign = 'right';
barShapeStyleList[i].textBaseline = 'middle';
case 'insideTop':
barShapeStyleList[i].textX = barShapeStyle.x + barShapeStyle.width / 2;
barShapeStyleList[i].textY = barShapeStyle.y + gap / 2;
barShapeStyleList[i].textAlign = 'center';
barShapeStyleList[i].textBaseline = 'top';
case 'insideBottom':
barShapeStyleList[i].textX = barShapeStyle.x + barShapeStyle.width / 2;
barShapeStyleList[i].textY = barShapeStyle.y + barShapeStyle.height - gap / 2;
barShapeStyleList[i].textAlign = 'center';
barShapeStyleList[i].textBaseline = 'bottom';
barShapeStyleList[i].textPosition = 'specific';
barShapeStyleList[i].textColor = barShapeStyleList[i].textColor || '#fff';
if (this.deepQuery([data, serie, this.option],'calculable')) {
barShape.draggable = true;
series[seriesIndex], seriesIndex,
series[seriesIndex].data[dataIndex], dataIndex,
return barShape;
// 位置转换
getMarkCoord: function (seriesIndex, mpData) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var xMarkMap = this.xMarkMap[seriesIndex];
var xAxis = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(serie.xAxisIndex);
var yAxis = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(serie.yAxisIndex);
var dataIndex;
var pos;
if (mpData.type
&& (mpData.type === 'max' || mpData.type === 'min' || mpData.type === 'average')
) {
// 特殊值内置支持
var valueIndex = mpData.valueIndex != null
? mpData.valueIndex
: xMarkMap.maxX0 != null
? '1' : '';
pos = [
xMarkMap[mpData.type + 'X' + valueIndex],
xMarkMap[mpData.type + 'Y' + valueIndex],
xMarkMap[mpData.type + 'Line' + valueIndex],
xMarkMap[mpData.type + valueIndex]
else if (xMarkMap.isHorizontal) {
// 横向
dataIndex = typeof mpData.xAxis === 'string' && xAxis.getIndexByName
? xAxis.getIndexByName(mpData.xAxis)
: (mpData.xAxis || 0);
var x = xMarkMap[dataIndex];
x = x != null
? x
: typeof mpData.xAxis != 'string' && xAxis.getCoordByIndex
? xAxis.getCoordByIndex(mpData.xAxis || 0)
: xAxis.getCoord(mpData.xAxis || 0);
pos = [x, yAxis.getCoord(mpData.yAxis || 0)];
else {
// 纵向
dataIndex = typeof mpData.yAxis === 'string' && yAxis.getIndexByName
? yAxis.getIndexByName(mpData.yAxis)
: (mpData.yAxis || 0);
var y = xMarkMap[dataIndex];
y = y != null
? y
: typeof mpData.yAxis != 'string' && yAxis.getCoordByIndex
? yAxis.getCoordByIndex(mpData.yAxis || 0)
: yAxis.getCoord(mpData.yAxis || 0);
pos = [xAxis.getCoord(mpData.xAxis || 0), y];
return pos;
* 刷新
refresh: function (newOption) {
if (newOption) {
this.option = newOption;
this.series = newOption.series;
* 动态数据增加动画
addDataAnimation: function (params, done) {
var series = this.series;
var aniMap = {}; // seriesIndex索引参数
for (var i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) {
aniMap[params[i][0]] = params[i];
var x;
var dx;
var y;
var dy;
var serie;
var seriesIndex;
var dataIndex;
var aniCount = 0;
function animationDone() {
if (aniCount === 0) {
done && done();
for (var i = this.shapeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
seriesIndex = ecData.get(this.shapeList[i], 'seriesIndex');
if (aniMap[seriesIndex] && !aniMap[seriesIndex][3]) {
// 有数据删除才有移动的动画
if (this.shapeList[i].type === 'rectangle') {
// 主动画
dataIndex = ecData.get(this.shapeList[i], 'dataIndex');
serie = series[seriesIndex];
if (aniMap[seriesIndex][2] && dataIndex === serie.data.length - 1) {
// 队头加入删除末尾
else if (!aniMap[seriesIndex][2] && dataIndex === 0) {
// 队尾加入删除头部
if (this.shapeList[i]._orient === 'horizontal') {
// 条形图
dy = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(serie.yAxisIndex || 0).getGap();
y = aniMap[seriesIndex][2] ? -dy : dy;
x = 0;
else {
// 柱形图
dx = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(serie.xAxisIndex || 0).getGap();
x = aniMap[seriesIndex][2] ? dx : -dx;
y = 0;
this.shapeList[i].position = [0, 0];
this.zr.animate(this.shapeList[i].id, '')
this.query(this.option, 'animationDurationUpdate'),
{ position: [x, y] }
// 没有动画
if (!aniCount) {
zrUtil.inherits(Bar, ChartBase);
// 图表注册
require('../chart').define('bar', Bar);
return Bar;