You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

976 lines
34 KiB

* echarts图表类:力导向图
* @author pissang (https://github.com/pissang/)
define(function (require) {
'use strict';
var ChartBase = require('./base');
var Graph = require('../data/Graph');
var ForceLayout = require('../layout/Force');
// 图形依赖
var LineShape = require('zrender/shape/Line');
var BezierCurveShape = require('zrender/shape/BezierCurve');
var ImageShape = require('zrender/shape/Image');
var IconShape = require('../util/shape/Icon');
var ecConfig = require('../config');
// 力导向布局图默认参数
ecConfig.force = {
zlevel: 1, // 一级层叠
z: 2, // 二级层叠
// 布局中心
center: ['50%', '50%'],
// 布局大小
size: '100%',
// 防止节点和节点,节点和边之间的重叠
preventOverlap: false,
// 布局冷却因子,值越小结束时间越短,值越大时间越长但是结果也越收敛
coolDown: 0.99,
// 数据映射到圆的半径的最小值和最大值
minRadius: 10,
maxRadius: 20,
// 是否根据屏幕比例拉伸
ratioScaling: false,
// 在 500+ 顶点的图上建议设置 large 为 true, 会使用 Barnes-Hut simulation
// 同时开启 useWorker 并且把 steps 值调大
// 关于Barnes-Hut simulation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnes–Hut_simulation
large: false,
// 是否在浏览器支持 worker 的时候使用 web worker
useWorker: false,
// 每一帧 force 迭代的次数,仅在启用webworker的情况下有用
steps: 1,
// 布局缩放因子,并不完全精确, 效果跟布局大小类似
scaling: 1.0,
// 向心力因子,越大向心力越大( 所有顶点会往 center 的位置收拢 )
gravity: 1,
symbol: 'circle',
// symbolSize 为 0 的话使用映射到minRadius-maxRadius后的值
symbolSize: 0,
linkSymbol: null,
linkSymbolSize: [10, 15],
draggable: true,
clickable: true,
roam: false,
// 分类里如果有样式会覆盖节点默认样式
// categories: [{
// itemStyle
// symbol
// symbolSize
// name
// }],
itemStyle: {
normal: {
// color: 各异,
label: {
show: false,
position: 'inside'
// textStyle: null // 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
nodeStyle: {
brushType : 'both',
borderColor : '#5182ab',
borderWidth: 1
linkStyle: {
color: '#5182ab',
width: 1,
type: 'line'
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
label: {
show: false
// textStyle: null // 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
nodeStyle: {},
linkStyle: {
opacity: 0
// nodes: [{
// name: 'xxx',
// value: 1,
// itemStyle: {},
// initial: [0, 0],
// fixX: false,
// fixY: false,
// ignore: false,
// symbol: 'circle',
// symbolSize: 0
// }]
// links: [{
// source: 1,
// target: 2,
// weight: 1,
// itemStyle: {}
// }, {
// source: 'xxx',
// target: 'ooo'
// }]
var ecData = require('../util/ecData');
var zrUtil = require('zrender/tool/util');
var zrConfig = require('zrender/config');
var vec2 = require('zrender/tool/vector');
* 构造函数
* @param {Object} messageCenter echart消息中心
* @param {ZRender} zr zrender实例
* @param {Object} series 数据
* @param {Object} component 组件
function Force(ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart) {
var self = this;
// 图表基类
ChartBase.call(this, ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart);
// 保存节点的位置,改变数据时能够有更好的动画效果
this.__nodePositionMap = {};
this._graph = new Graph(true);
this._layout = new ForceLayout();
this._layout.onupdate = function() {
this._steps = 1;
// 关闭可拖拽属性
this.ondragstart = function() {
ondragstart.apply(self, arguments);
this.ondragend = function() {
ondragend.apply(self, arguments);
this.ondrop = function() {};
this.shapeHandler.ondragstart = function() {
self.isDragstart = true;
this.onmousemove = function() {
onmousemove.apply(self, arguments);
* 绘制图形
Force.prototype = {
constructor: Force,
type : ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_FORCE,
_init: function() {
// var self = this;
var legend = this.component.legend;
var series = this.series;
var serieName;
for (var i = 0, l = series.length; i < l; i++) {
var serie = series[i];
if (serie.type === ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_FORCE) {
series[i] = this.reformOption(series[i]);
serieName = series[i].name || '';
// 系列图例开关
this.selectedMap[serieName] =
legend ? legend.isSelected(serieName) : true;
if (!this.selectedMap[serieName]) {
// TODO 多个 force
this._initSerie(serie, i);
_getNodeCategory: function (serie, node) {
return serie.categories && serie.categories[node.category || 0];
_getNodeQueryTarget: function (serie, node, type) {
type = type || 'normal';
var category = this._getNodeCategory(serie, node) || {};
return [
// Node
node.itemStyle && node.itemStyle[type],
// Category
category && category.itemStyle && category.itemStyle[type],
// Serie
_getEdgeQueryTarget: function (serie, edge, type) {
type = type || 'normal';
return [
(edge.itemStyle && edge.itemStyle[type]),
_initSerie: function(serie, serieIdx) {
this._temperature = 1;
// data-matrix 表示数据
if (serie.data) {
this._graph = this._getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix(serie);
// node-links 表示数据
else {
this._graph = this._getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks(serie);
this._buildLinkShapes(serie, serieIdx);
this._buildNodeShapes(serie, serieIdx);
var panable = serie.roam === true || serie.roam === 'move';
var zoomable = serie.roam === true || serie.roam === 'scale';
// Enable pan and zooom
this.zr.modLayer(this.getZlevelBase(), {
panable: panable,
zoomable: zoomable
if (
|| this.query('markLine.effect.show')
) {
// 斗胆修改 EFFECT 层配置项
this.zr.modLayer(ecConfig.EFFECT_ZLEVEL, {
panable: panable,
zoomable: zoomable
_getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix: function (serie) {
var nodesData = [];
var count = 0;
var matrix = [];
// 复制一份新的matrix
for (var i = 0; i < serie.matrix.length; i++) {
matrix[i] = serie.matrix[i].slice();
var data = serie.data || serie.nodes;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var node = {};
var group = data[i];
for (var key in group) {
// name改为id
if (key === 'name') {
node['id'] = group['name'];
else {
node[key] = group[key];
// legends 选择优先级 category -> group
var category = this._getNodeCategory(serie, group);
var name = category ? category.name : group.name;
this.selectedMap[name] = this.isSelected(name);
if (this.selectedMap[name]) {
else {
// 过滤legend未选中的数据
matrix.splice(count, 1);
for (var j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) {
matrix[j].splice(count, 1);
var graph = Graph.fromMatrix(nodesData, matrix, true);
// Prepare layout parameters
graph.eachNode(function (n, idx) {
n.layout = {
size: n.data.value,
mass: 0
n.rawIndex = idx;
graph.eachEdge(function (e) {
e.layout = {
weight: e.data.weight
return graph;
_getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks: function (serie) {
var graph = new Graph(true);
var nodes = serie.data || serie.nodes;
for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
var n = nodes[i];
if (!n || n.ignore) {
// legends 选择优先级 category -> group
var category = this._getNodeCategory(serie, n);
var name = category ? category.name : n.name;
this.selectedMap[name] = this.isSelected(name);
if (this.selectedMap[name]) {
var node = graph.addNode(n.name, n);
node.rawIndex = i;
for (var i = 0, len = serie.links.length; i < len; i++) {
var e = serie.links[i];
var n1 = e.source;
var n2 = e.target;
if (typeof(n1) === 'number') {
n1 = nodes[n1];
if (n1) {
n1 = n1.name;
if (typeof(n2) === 'number') {
n2 = nodes[n2];
if (n2) {
n2 = n2.name;
var edge = graph.addEdge(n1, n2, e);
if (edge) {
edge.rawIndex = i;
graph.eachNode(function (n) {
var value = n.data.value;
if (value == null) { // value 是 null 或者 undefined
value = 0;
// 默认使用所有边值的和作为节点的大小, 不修改 data 里的数值
for (var i = 0; i < n.edges.length; i++) {
value += n.edges[i].data.weight || 0;
n.layout = {
size: value,
mass: 0
graph.eachEdge(function (e) {
e.layout = {
// 默认 weight 为1
weight: e.data.weight == null ? 1 : e.data.weight
return graph;
_initLayout: function(serie) {
var graph = this._graph;
var len = graph.nodes.length;
var minRadius = this.query(serie, 'minRadius');
var maxRadius = this.query(serie, 'maxRadius');
this._steps = serie.steps || 1;
var layout = this._layout;
layout.center = this.parseCenter(this.zr, serie.center);
layout.width = this.parsePercent(serie.size, this.zr.getWidth());
layout.height = this.parsePercent(serie.size, this.zr.getHeight());
layout.large = serie.large;
layout.scaling = serie.scaling;
layout.ratioScaling = serie.ratioScaling;
layout.gravity = serie.gravity;
layout.temperature = 1;
layout.coolDown = serie.coolDown;
layout.preventNodeEdgeOverlap = serie.preventOverlap;
layout.preventNodeOverlap = serie.preventOverlap;
// 将值映射到minRadius-maxRadius的范围上
var min = Infinity; var max = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var gNode = graph.nodes[i];
max = Math.max(gNode.layout.size, max);
min = Math.min(gNode.layout.size, min);
var divider = max - min;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var gNode = graph.nodes[i];
if (divider > 0) {
gNode.layout.size =
(gNode.layout.size - min) * (maxRadius - minRadius) / divider
+ minRadius;
// 节点质量是归一的
gNode.layout.mass = gNode.layout.size / maxRadius;
} else {
gNode.layout.size = (maxRadius - minRadius) / 2;
gNode.layout.mass = 0.5;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// var initPos;
var gNode = graph.nodes[i];
if (typeof(this.__nodePositionMap[gNode.id]) !== 'undefined') {
gNode.layout.position = vec2.create();
vec2.copy(gNode.layout.position, this.__nodePositionMap[gNode.id]);
else if (typeof(gNode.data.initial) !== 'undefined') {
gNode.layout.position = vec2.create();
vec2.copy(gNode.layout.position, gNode.data.initial);
else {
var center = this._layout.center;
var size = Math.min(this._layout.width, this._layout.height);
gNode.layout.position = _randomInSquare(
center[0], center[1], size * 0.8
var style = gNode.shape.style;
var radius = gNode.layout.size;
style.width = style.width || (radius * 2);
style.height = style.height || (radius * 2);
style.x = -style.width / 2;
style.y = -style.height / 2;
vec2.copy(gNode.shape.position, gNode.layout.position);
// 边
len = graph.edges.length;
max = -Infinity;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var e = graph.edges[i];
if (e.layout.weight > max) {
max = e.layout.weight;
// 权重归一
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var e = graph.edges[i];
e.layout.weight /= max;
this._layout.init(graph, serie.useWorker);
_buildNodeShapes: function(serie, serieIdx) {
var graph = this._graph;
var categories = this.query(serie, 'categories');
graph.eachNode(function (node) {
var category = this._getNodeCategory(serie, node.data);
var queryTarget = [node.data, category, serie];
var styleQueryTarget = this._getNodeQueryTarget(serie, node.data);
var emphasisStyleQueryTarget = this._getNodeQueryTarget(
serie, node.data, 'emphasis'
var shape = new IconShape({
style: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
color: this.deepQuery(styleQueryTarget, 'color'),
brushType: 'both',
// 兼容原有写法
strokeColor: this.deepQuery(styleQueryTarget, 'strokeColor')
|| this.deepQuery(styleQueryTarget, 'borderColor'),
lineWidth: this.deepQuery(styleQueryTarget, 'lineWidth')
|| this.deepQuery(styleQueryTarget, 'borderWidth')
highlightStyle: {
color: this.deepQuery(emphasisStyleQueryTarget, 'color'),
// 兼容原有写法
strokeColor: this.deepQuery(emphasisStyleQueryTarget, 'strokeColor')
|| this.deepQuery(emphasisStyleQueryTarget, 'borderColor'),
lineWidth: this.deepQuery(emphasisStyleQueryTarget, 'lineWidth')
|| this.deepQuery(emphasisStyleQueryTarget, 'borderWidth')
clickable: serie.clickable,
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase()
if (!shape.style.color) {
shape.style.color = category
? this.getColor(category.name) : this.getColor(node.id);
shape.style.iconType = this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'symbol');
var symbolSize = this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'symbolSize') || 0;
if (typeof symbolSize === 'number') {
symbolSize = [symbolSize, symbolSize];
// 强制设定节点大小,否则默认映射到 minRadius 到 maxRadius 后的值
shape.style.width = symbolSize[0] * 2;
shape.style.height = symbolSize[1] * 2;
if (shape.style.iconType.match('image')) {
shape.style.image = shape.style.iconType.replace(
new RegExp('^image:\\/\\/'), ''
shape = new ImageShape({
style: shape.style,
highlightStyle: shape.highlightStyle,
clickable: shape.clickable,
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase()
// 节点标签样式
if (this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal.label.show')) {
shape.style.text = node.data.label == null ? node.id : node.data.label;
shape.style.textPosition = this.deepQuery(
queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal.label.position'
) ;
shape.style.textColor = this.deepQuery(
queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color'
shape.style.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(
queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle'
) || {});
if (this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.emphasis.label.show')) {
shape.highlightStyle.textPosition = this.deepQuery(
queryTarget, 'itemStyle.emphasis.label.position'
shape.highlightStyle.textColor = this.deepQuery(
queryTarget, 'itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle.color'
shape.highlightStyle.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(
queryTarget, 'itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle'
) || {});
// 拖拽特性
if (this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'draggable')) {
shape.dragEnableTime = 0;
shape.draggable = true;
shape.ondragstart = this.shapeHandler.ondragstart;
shape.ondragover = null;
var categoryName = '';
if (typeof(node.category) !== 'undefined') {
var category = categories[node.category];
categoryName = (category && category.name) || '';
// !!Pack data before addShape
// data
// data index
// name
node.data.name || '',
// category
// special
node.shape = shape;
}, this);
_buildLinkShapes: function(serie, serieIdx) {
var graph = this._graph;
var len = graph.edges.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var gEdge = graph.edges[i];
var link = gEdge.data;
var source = gEdge.node1;
var target = gEdge.node2;
var otherEdge = graph.getEdge(target, source);
var queryTarget = this._getEdgeQueryTarget(serie, link);
var linkType = this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'type');
// TODO 暂时只有线段支持箭头
if (serie.linkSymbol && serie.linkSymbol !== 'none') {
linkType = 'line';
var LinkShapeCtor = linkType === 'line' ? LineShape : BezierCurveShape;
var linkShape = new LinkShapeCtor({
style : {
xStart : 0,
yStart : 0,
xEnd : 0,
yEnd : 0
clickable: this.query(serie, 'clickable'),
highlightStyle : {},
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase()
if (otherEdge && otherEdge.shape) {
// 偏移一定位置放置双向边重叠
linkShape.style.offset = 4;
otherEdge.shape.style.offset = 4;
this.query(serie, 'itemStyle.normal.linkStyle'),
this.query(serie, 'itemStyle.emphasis.linkStyle'),
if (typeof(link.itemStyle) !== 'undefined') {
zrUtil.merge(linkShape.style, link.itemStyle.normal, true);
// 兼容原有写法
= linkShape.style.lineWidth || linkShape.style.width;
= linkShape.style.strokeColor || linkShape.style.color;
= linkShape.highlightStyle.lineWidth || linkShape.highlightStyle.width;
= linkShape.highlightStyle.strokeColor || linkShape.highlightStyle.color;
// serie
// serie index
// link data
// link data index
gEdge.rawIndex == null ? i : gEdge.rawIndex,
// source name - target name
gEdge.data.name || (source.id + ' - ' + target.id),
// link source id
// special
// link target id
// special2
gEdge.shape = linkShape;
// Arrow shape
if (serie.linkSymbol && serie.linkSymbol !== 'none') {
var symbolShape = new IconShape({
style: {
x: -5,
y: 0,
width: serie.linkSymbolSize[0],
height: serie.linkSymbolSize[1],
iconType: serie.linkSymbol,
brushType: 'fill',
// Use same style with link shape
color: linkShape.style.strokeColor
highlightStyle: {
brushType: 'fill'
position: [0, 0],
rotation: 0
linkShape._symbolShape = symbolShape;
_updateLinkShapes: function() {
var v = vec2.create();
var n = vec2.create();
var p1 = vec2.create();
var p2 = vec2.create();
var edges = this._graph.edges;
for (var i = 0, len = edges.length; i < len; i++) {
var edge = edges[i];
var sourceShape = edge.node1.shape;
var targetShape = edge.node2.shape;
vec2.copy(p1, sourceShape.position);
vec2.copy(p2, targetShape.position);
var edgeShapeStyle = edge.shape.style;
vec2.sub(v, p1, p2);
vec2.normalize(v, v);
if (edgeShapeStyle.offset) {
n[0] = v[1];
n[1] = - v[0];
vec2.scaleAndAdd(p1, p1, n, edgeShapeStyle.offset);
vec2.scaleAndAdd(p2, p2, n, edgeShapeStyle.offset);
else if (edge.shape.type === 'bezier-curve') {
edgeShapeStyle.cpX1 = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2 - (p2[1] - p1[1]) / 4;
edgeShapeStyle.cpY1 = (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2 - (p1[0] - p2[0]) / 4;
edgeShapeStyle.xStart = p1[0];
edgeShapeStyle.yStart = p1[1];
edgeShapeStyle.xEnd = p2[0];
edgeShapeStyle.yEnd = p2[1];
if (edge.shape._symbolShape) {
var symbolShape = edge.shape._symbolShape;
vec2.copy(symbolShape.position, p2);
symbolShape.position, symbolShape.position,
v, targetShape.style.width / 2 + 2
var angle = Math.atan2(v[1], v[0]);
symbolShape.rotation = Math.PI / 2 - angle;
_syncNodePositions: function() {
var graph = this._graph;
for (var i = 0; i < graph.nodes.length; i++) {
var gNode = graph.nodes[i];
var position = gNode.layout.position;
var node = gNode.data;
var shape = gNode.shape;
var fixX = shape.fixed || node.fixX;
var fixY = shape.fixed || node.fixY;
if (fixX === true) {
fixX = 1;
} else if (isNaN(fixX)) {
fixX = 0;
if (fixY === true) {
fixY = 1;
} else if (isNaN(fixY)) {
fixY = 0;
shape.position[0] += (position[0] - shape.position[0]) * (1 - fixX);
shape.position[1] += (position[1] - shape.position[1]) * (1 - fixY);
vec2.copy(position, shape.position);
var nodeName = node.name;
if (nodeName) {
var gPos = this.__nodePositionMap[nodeName];
if (!gPos) {
gPos = this.__nodePositionMap[nodeName] = vec2.create();
vec2.copy(gPos, position);
_step: function(e) {
if (this._layout.temperature > 0.01) {
} else {
refresh: function(newOption) {
if (newOption) {
this.option = newOption;
this.series = this.option.series;
this.legend = this.component.legend;
if (this.legend) {
this.getColor = function(param) {
return this.legend.getColor(param);
this.isSelected = function(param) {
return this.legend.isSelected(param);
else {
var colorMap = {};
var count = 0;
this.getColor = function (key) {
if (colorMap[key]) {
return colorMap[key];
if (!colorMap[key]) {
colorMap[key] = this.zr.getColor(count++);
return colorMap[key];
this.isSelected = function () {
return true;
dispose: function(){
this.shapeList = null;
this.effectList = null;
this._layout = null;
this.__nodePositionMap = {};
getPosition: function () {
var position = [];
this._graph.eachNode(function (n) {
if (n.layout) {
name: n.data.name,
position: Array.prototype.slice.call(n.layout.position)
return position;
* 拖拽开始
function ondragstart(param) {
if (!this.isDragstart || !param.target) {
// 没有在当前实例上发生拖拽行为则直接返回
var shape = param.target;
shape.fixed = true;
// 处理完拖拽事件后复位
this.isDragstart = false;
this.zr.on(zrConfig.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this.onmousemove);
function onmousemove() {
this._layout.temperature = 0.8;
* 数据项被拖拽出去,重载基类方法
function ondragend(param, status) {
if (!this.isDragend || !param.target) {
// 没有在当前实例上发生拖拽行为则直接返回
var shape = param.target;
shape.fixed = false;
// 别status = {}赋值啊!!
status.dragIn = true;
status.needRefresh = false;
// 处理完拖拽事件后复位
this.isDragend = false;
this.zr.un(zrConfig.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this.onmousemove);
function _randomInSquare(x, y, size) {
var v = vec2.create();
v[0] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * size + x;
v[1] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * size + y;
return v;
zrUtil.inherits(Force, ChartBase);
// 图表注册
require('../chart').define('force', Force);
return Force;