You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

529 lines
22 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using QMAPP.BLL;
using QMAPP.Entity;
using QMAPP.FJC.BLL.Common;
using QMAPP.FJC.DAL.CompleteStatistics;
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity;
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.Common.Constants;
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.CompleteStatistics;
using QMFrameWork.Data;
using QMFrameWork.Log;
using System.IO;
namespace QMAPP.FJC.BLL.CompleteStatistics
public class CompleteStatisticsBLL : BaseBLL
/// <summary>
/// 获取列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">条件</param>
/// <param name="page">数据页</param>
/// <returns>数据页</returns>
public DataResult<DataPage> GetList(CompleteStatisticsEntity condition, DataPage page)
DataResult<DataPage> result = new DataResult<DataPage>() {IsSuccess = true};
try {
result.Result = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetList(condition, page);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo {ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "获取统计信息列表错误!"});
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = "获取统计信息列表错误!";
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 获取列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">条件</param>
/// <param name="page">数据页</param>
/// <returns>数据页</returns>
public DataResult<DataPage> GetNewList(CompleteStatisticsEntity condition, DataPage page)
DataResult<DataPage> result = new DataResult<DataPage>() { IsSuccess = true };
result.Result = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetNewList(condition, page);
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "获取统计信息列表错误!" });
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = "获取统计信息列表错误!";
return result;
public int GenericCompleteStatistics(DateTime starTime, DateTime endTime)
try {
int count = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GenericCompleteStatistics(starTime, endTime);
string isAutoExport = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_AUTO_EXPORT); //完工统计标识:1 自动,0 手动。
if (isAutoExport.Equals("1")) {
//this.ExportCompleteStatistics(new CompleteStatisticsEntity { SENDTIME = starTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), EENDTIME = endTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") });
this.ExportCompleteStatisticsSQL(new CompleteStatisticsEntity { SENDTIME = starTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), EENDTIME = endTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") });
return 0;
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "生成统计信息列表错误!" });
public int FrmPlaceCompleteStatistics(DateTime starTime, DateTime endTime)
int count = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().FrmPlaceCompleteStatistics(starTime, endTime);
string isAutoExport = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_AUTO_EXPORT); //完工统计标识:1 自动,0 手动。
if (isAutoExport.Equals("1"))
//this.ExportCompleteStatistics(new CompleteStatisticsEntity { SENDTIME = starTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), EENDTIME = endTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") });
this.ExportCompleteStatisticsSQL(new CompleteStatisticsEntity { SENDTIME = starTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), EENDTIME = endTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") });
return count;
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "生成统计信息列表错误!" });
/// <summary>
/// 获取列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">条件</param>
/// <returns>全部数据</returns>
public List<CompleteStatisticsEntity> GetAllList(CompleteStatisticsEntity condition)
try {
return new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetList(condition);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo {ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "获取统计信息列表错误!"});
/// <summary>
/// 获取信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">条件</param>
/// <returns>信息</returns>
public CompleteStatisticsEntity Get(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
try {
return new CompleteStatisticsDAL().Get(model);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "取得统计信息异常!" });
/// <summary>
/// 获取信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid">主键</param>
/// <returns>信息</returns>
public CompleteStatisticsEntity GetById(string pid)
return this.Get(new CompleteStatisticsEntity { PID = pid });
/// <summary>
/// 获取完工统计周期
/// </summary>
/// <returns>周期(秒)</returns>
public int GetRunPeriod()
string value = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_PERIOD);
int period;
if (!Int32.TryParse(value, out period)) {
period = 24*60*60;
return period;
/// <summary>
/// 获取上次统计时间
/// </summary>
/// <returns>周期(分)</returns>
public DateTime GetLastRunTime()
string value = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_LSTTIME);
DateTime lastRunTime;
if (!DateTime.TryParse(value, out lastRunTime)) {
lastRunTime = DateTime.Now;
return lastRunTime;
/// <summary>
/// 获取信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="codeType">codeType</param>
/// <returns>信息</returns>
public string GetSysConfigValue(string codeType)
SystemConfig systemConfig = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetSystemConfig(codeType);
return systemConfig.CODEVALUE;
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "取得统计信息异常!" });
/// <summary>
/// 插入信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">信息</param>
/// <returns>插入行数</returns>
public DataResult<int> Insert(TJCompleteStatisticsEntity model)
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>
IsSuccess = true,
Msg = Resource.MsgSuccess
try {
var material = new TJCompleteStatisticsDAL().GetMFGMaterialCode(model.MATERIALNO);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(material))
model.MATERIALNO = material;
model.PID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
model.CREATEUSER = this.LoginUser.UserID;
model.CREATETIME = DateTime.Now;
model.UPDATEUSER = this.LoginUser.UserID;
model.DELFLAG = "0";
var count =new TJCompleteStatisticsDAL().Select_Get(model.ORDERNO);
if (count<=0)
result.Result = new TJCompleteStatisticsDAL().Insert(model);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo {ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "插入统计信息异常!"});
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 更新信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model"></param>
/// <returns>更新行数</returns>
public DataResult<int> Update(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>
IsSuccess = true,
Msg = Resource.MsgSuccess
try {
model.UPDATEUSER = this.LoginUser.UserID;
result.Result = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().Update(model);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo {ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "更新统计信息异常!"});
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 判断统计信息是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model"></param>
/// <returns>true:已存在;fasel:不存在。</returns>
protected bool ExistsMain(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
try {
return new CompleteStatisticsDAL().ExistCompleteStatistics(model);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "判断统计信息是否存在异常!" });
public DataResult<DataTable> ExportExcelData(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
DataResult<DataTable> result = new DataResult<DataTable>
IsSuccess = true,
Msg = Resource.MsgSuccess
result.Result = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().ExportExcelData(model);
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "完工数量统计Excel导出异常!" });
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// 插入信息 生成文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">信息</param>
/// <returns>插入行数</returns>
public DataResult ExportCompleteStatistics(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
IDataSession session = null;
DataResult result = new DataResult
IsSuccess = true,
Msg = "导出成功!"
try {
session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession();
string localfilePath = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_FILEPATH); //保存路径
string remotefilePath = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_PATH); //远程路径
List<CompleteStatisticsEntity> completeStatisticsEntities = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetExportData(model, session);
var lineEntitiesGroup = completeStatisticsEntities.GroupBy(x => x.PRODUCTLINE);
if (lineEntitiesGroup.Count() > 0)
foreach (var lineName in lineEntitiesGroup)
//var lineName = lineEntity.PRODUCTLINE;
var lineEntities = completeStatisticsEntities.Where(x => x.PRODUCTLINE == lineName.Key);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localfilePath))
if (Directory.Exists(localfilePath) == false)
if (lineEntities.Count() > 0)
var orderName = lineEntities.ToList()[0].ORDERNO.Substring(0, 4);
var lineTxt = lineEntities.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToList();
string txtName = string.Format("{0}bkfl{1}{3}{2}.txt", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), model.ENDTIME.ToString("MMdd"), orderName);
new FileHelper(string.Format("{0}{1}", localfilePath, txtName)).InsertLines(lineTxt);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remotefilePath))
string user = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_USER);
string domain = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_DOMAIN);
string password = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_PWD);
using (var id = new IdentityScope(user, domain, password))
//new FileHelper(string.Format("{0}{1}", remotefilePath, filename)).InsertLines(lines);
if (lineEntities.Count() > 0)
var orderName = lineEntities.ToList()[0].ORDERNO.Substring(0, 4);
var lineTxt = lineEntities.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToList();
string txtName = string.Format("{0}bkfl{1}{3}{2}.txt", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), model.ENDTIME.ToString("MMdd"), orderName);
new FileHelper(string.Format("{0}{1}", remotefilePath, txtName)).InsertLines(lineTxt);
catch (Exception ex) {
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo {ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "导出统计信息异常!"});
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException;
if (session != null) {
return result;
//public DataResult ExportCompleteStatistics(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
// IDataSession session = null;
// DataResult result = new DataResult
// {
// IsSuccess = true,
// Msg = "导出成功!"
// };
// try
// {
// session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession();
// session.OpenTs();
// List<CompleteStatisticsEntity> completeStatisticsEntities = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetExportData(model, session);
// var lines = completeStatisticsEntities.Select(t => t.ToString()).ToList();
// string localfilePath = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_FILEPATH);
// string filename = string.Format("{0}bkfl{1}{3}{2}.txt", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), model.ENDTIME.ToString("MMdd"), this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_ORDER));
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localfilePath)) //本地路径
// {
// new FileHelper(string.Format("{0}{1}", localfilePath, filename)).InsertLines(lines);
// }
// string remotefilePath = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_PATH);
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remotefilePath)) //远程路径
// {
// string user = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_USER);
// string domain = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_DOMAIN);
// string password = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_REMOTE_PWD);
// //模拟远程登陆
// using (var id = new IdentityScope(user, domain, password))
// {
// new FileHelper(string.Format("{0}{1}", remotefilePath, filename)).InsertLines(lines);
// }
// }
// session.CommitTs();
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "导出统计信息异常!" });
// result.IsSuccess = false;
// result.Msg = Resource.SystemException;
// if (session != null)
// {
// session.RollbackTs();
// }
// }
// return result;
/// <summary>
/// 导出EE SQL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">信息</param>
/// <returns>插入行数</returns>
public DataResult ExportCompleteStatisticsSQL(CompleteStatisticsEntity model)
IDataSession session = null;
DataResult result = new DataResult
IsSuccess = true,
Msg = "导出成功!"
session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession();
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PIDList) == false)
// model.PIDList = "'" + model.PIDList.Replace(":", "','") + "'";
List<CompleteStatisticsEntity> completeStatisticsEntities = new CompleteStatisticsDAL().GetExportData(model, session);
var sqls = completeStatisticsEntities.Select(t => t.ToSQL()).ToList();
var lines = new List<string>();
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_EE_CONNSTR);
foreach (var sql in sqls)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, conn);
lines.Add(string.Format("--{0}--{1}", sql, "Success"));
catch (Exception e)
lines.Add(string.Format("--{0}--{1}\r\n/*{2}*/", sql, "Failed", e.Message));
string localfilePath = this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_FILEPATH);
string filename = string.Format("{0}bkfl{1}{3}{2}.sql", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), model.ENDTIME.ToString("MMdd"), this.GetSysConfigValue(CompleteStatisticsConstants.COMP_STATIS_ORDER));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localfilePath)) //本地路径
new FileHelper(string.Format("{0}{1}", localfilePath, filename)).InsertLines(lines);
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.LogHelper.Error(new LogInfo { ErrorInfo = ex, Tag = ex.StackTrace, Info = "导出统计信息异常!" });
result.IsSuccess = false;
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException;
if (session != null)
return result;
public void GenericMFG()
//int interval = 30;
//DateTime lastRunTime = GetLastRunTime();
int interval = 24;
DateTime lastRunTime = GetLastRunTime();
DateTime judgementTime = lastRunTime.AddHours(interval);
if (judgementTime < DateTime.Now)
new QMFrameWork.Log.LogInfo { ClientIP = "localhost", UserName = "admin", Info = "完工数量统计开始" });
GenericCompleteStatistics(lastRunTime, judgementTime);
new QMFrameWork.Log.LogInfo { ClientIP = "localhost", UserName = "admin", Info = "完工数量统计结束" });
public void FrmPlaceMFG()
//int interval = 30;
//DateTime lastRunTime = GetLastRunTime();
int interval = 24;
DateTime lastRunTime = GetLastRunTime();
DateTime judgementTime = lastRunTime.AddHours(interval);
if (judgementTime < DateTime.Now)
new QMFrameWork.Log.LogInfo { ClientIP = "localhost", UserName = "admin", Info = "发运数量统计开始" });
FrmPlaceCompleteStatistics(lastRunTime, judgementTime);
new QMFrameWork.Log.LogInfo { ClientIP = "localhost", UserName = "admin", Info = "发运数量统计结束" });