You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4454 lines
237 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.Attribute;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.QMEChart;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.QMEChart.Data;
using QMAPP.MESReport.Web.Models;
using QMAPP.Common.Web.Controllers;
using System.Text;
namespace QMAPP.MESReport.Web.Controllers
/// <summary>
/// 图表样例
/// </summary>
public class EChartExampleController : QController
#region 图表样例
/// <summary>
/// 加载用户列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>结果</returns>
public ActionResult EChartExampleList(bool? callBack)
return View();
#region 标准折线图
/// <summary>
/// 标准折线图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Line1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准折线图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataLine1(string name)
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "11" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "18" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "15" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "13" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "16" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", TypeValue = "最高气温", Value = "10" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "1" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "6" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "2" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "1" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "3" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "4" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", TypeValue = "最低气温", Value = "-2" });
#region 设置图表(必选)
QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line1" };
chartLine.DataList = dataList;
chartLine.Title.Text = "未来一周气温变化";
chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLine.XAxisField = "Week";
chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
chartLine.YAxis.Type = "value";
chartLine.YAxis.AxisLabel.Formatter = "{value} °C";
chartLine.LegendField = "TypeValue";
chartLine.ValueField = "Value";
chartLine.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLine);
chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
#region 设置图表(可选)
chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
QMECMarkLine ml = new QMECMarkLine()
Data = new List<QMECPoint>() { new QMECPoint { Type = "average", Name = "平均值" } }
QMECMarkPoint mp = new QMECMarkPoint() { Data = new List<QMECPoint>() { new QMECPoint() { Type = "max", Name = "最大值" }, new QMECPoint() { Type = "min", Name = "最小值" } } };
foreach (QMECSerie ser in chartLine.Series)
ser.MarkLine = ml;
ser.MarkPoint = mp;
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 堆积折线图
/// <summary>
/// 堆积折线图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Line2()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 堆积折线图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataLine2()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "101", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "134", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "90", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "230", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "210", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "100", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "110", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "120", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "130", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "140", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "150", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "160", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "141", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "150", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "164", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "177", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "180", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "180", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "170", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "160", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "150", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "140", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "130", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "120", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "130", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "130", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "100", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line2" };
chartLine.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLine.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLine.Title.Text = "营销渠道统计";
chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region ToolBox工具栏设置
chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
#region 是否生成Tooltip窗口
chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
#region 是否生成Legend图例
chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
chartLine.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLine.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 设置数据源的用于堆积处理的字段
chartLine.StackField = "StackValue";
#region 生成图形所需要的数据格式
chartLine.ValueField = "Value";
chartLine.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLine);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line2" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartLine.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartLine.Title.Text = "营销渠道统计";
//chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLine.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartLine.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLine.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLine.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLine.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLine.XAxis.Type = "category";
//chartLine.XAxis.BoundaryGap = "false".ToCharArray();
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLine.YAxis = new QMECYAxis();
//chartLine.YAxis.Type = "value";
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartLine.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "邮件营销", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", Data = new string[] { "120", "132", "101", "134", "90", "230", "210" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "联盟广告", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", Data = new string[] { "220", "182", "191", "234", "290", "330", "310" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "视频广告", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", Data = new string[] { "150", "232", "201", "154", "190", "330", "410" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "直接访问", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", Data = new string[] { "320", "332", "301", "334", "390", "330", "320" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "搜索引擎", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", Data = new string[] { "820", "932", "901", "934", "1290", "1330", "1320" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 标准面积图
/// <summary>
/// 标准面积图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Line3()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准面积图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataLine3()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "10", TypeValue = "意向" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "12", TypeValue = "意向" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "21", TypeValue = "意向" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "54", TypeValue = "意向" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "260", TypeValue = "意向" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "830", TypeValue = "意向" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "710", TypeValue = "意向" });
//"10", "12", "21", "54", "260", "830", "710"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "30", TypeValue = "预购" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "182", TypeValue = "预购" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "434", TypeValue = "预购" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "791", TypeValue = "预购" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "390", TypeValue = "预购" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "30", TypeValue = "预购" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "10", TypeValue = "预购" });
//"30", "182", "434", "791", "390", "30", "10"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "1320", TypeValue = "成交" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "1132", TypeValue = "成交" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "601", TypeValue = "成交" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "234", TypeValue = "成交" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "120", TypeValue = "成交" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "90", TypeValue = "成交" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "20", TypeValue = "成交" });
//"1320", "1132", "601", "234", "120", "90", "20"
#region 默认设置
QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line3" };
chartLine.DataList = dataList;
#region 标题设置
chartLine.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLine.Title.Text = "某楼盘销售情况";
chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
#region 工具栏设置
chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
chartLine.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLine.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 生成图形所需要数据格式
chartLine.ValueField = "Value";
chartLine.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLine);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 自定义设置
//QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line3" };
//#region 标题设置
//chartLine.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartLine.Title.Text = "某楼盘销售情况";
//chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLine.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartLine.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLine.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLine.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLine.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLine.XAxis.Type = "category";
//chartLine.XAxis.BoundaryGap = "false".ToCharArray();
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLine.YAxis = new QMECYAxis();
//chartLine.YAxis.Type = "value";
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartLine.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "意向", Type = "line", Smooth = true, ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "10", "12", "21", "54", "260", "830", "710" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "预购", Type = "line", Smooth = true, ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "30", "182", "434", "791", "390", "30", "10" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "成交", Type = "line", Smooth = true, ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "1320", "1132", "601", "234", "120", "90", "20" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 堆积面积图
/// <summary>
/// 堆积面积图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Line4()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 堆积面积图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataLine4()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "101", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "134", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "90", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "230", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "210", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "100", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "110", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "120", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "130", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "140", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "150", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "160", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "141", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "150", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "164", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "177", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "180", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "180", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "170", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "160", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "150", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "140", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "130", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "120", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "130", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "130", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "120", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "100", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line4" };
chartLine.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLine.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLine.Title.Text = "营销渠道统计";
chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
chartLine.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLine.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 设置堆积字段
chartLine.StackField = "StackValue";
#region 生成图形所需要格式数据
chartLine.ValueField = "Value";
chartLine.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLine);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartLine chartLine = new QMEChartLine() { LineType = "line4" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartLine.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartLine.Title.Text = "营销渠道统计";
//chartLine.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartLine.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLine.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartLine.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartLine.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLine.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartLine.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLine.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLine.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//chartLine.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLine.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLine.XAxis.Type = "category";
//chartLine.XAxis.BoundaryGap = "false".ToCharArray();
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//chartLine.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLine.YAxis = new QMECYAxis();
//chartLine.YAxis.Type = "value";
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartLine.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "邮件营销", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "120", " 132", " 101", " 134", " 90", " 230", " 210" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "联盟广告", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "220", "182", " 191", " 234", " 290", " 330", " 310" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "视频广告", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "150", " 232", " 201", " 154", " 190", " 330", " 410" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "直接访问", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "320", " 332", " 301", " 334", " 390", " 330", " 320" } });
//chartLine.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "搜索引擎", Type = "line", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { AreaStyle = new QMECAreaStyle() { Type = "default" } } }, Data = new string[] { "820", " 932", " 901", " 934", " 1290", " 1330", " 1320" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartLine>(chartLine));
#region 标准柱状图
/// <summary>
/// 标准柱状图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Bar1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准柱状图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataBar1()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "一月", Value = "2.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m1" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "二月", Value = "4.9", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m2" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "三月", Value = "7.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m3" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "四月", Value = "23.2", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m4" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "五月", Value = "25.6", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m5" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "六月", Value = "76.7", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m6" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "七月", Value = "135.6", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m7" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "八月", Value = "162.2", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m8" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "九月", Value = "32.6", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m9" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十月", Value = "20.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m10" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十一月", Value = "6.4", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m11" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十二月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十三月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十四月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十五月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十六月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十七月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十八月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量", Cate = "zf", SubCate = "m12" });
//"2.0", "4.9", "7.0", "23.2", "25.6", "76.7", "135.6", "162.2", "32.6", "20.0", "6.4", "3.3"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "一月", Value = "2.6", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m1" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "二月", Value = "5.9", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m2" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "三月", Value = "9.0", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m3" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "四月", Value = "26.4", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m4" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "五月", Value = "28.7", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m5" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "六月", Value = "70.7", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m6" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "七月", Value = "175.6", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m7" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "八月", Value = "182.2", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m8" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "九月", Value = "48.7", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m9" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十月", Value = "18.8", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m10" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十一月", Value = "6.0", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m11" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十二月", Value = "2.3", TypeValue = "降水量", Cate = "js", SubCate = "m12" });
//"2.6", "5.9", "9.0", "26.4", "28.7", "70.7", "175.6", "182.2", "48.7", "18.8", "6.0", "2.3"
QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar1" };
chartLBar.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLBar.Title.Text = "蒸发量-降水量统计图";
chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Legend图例设置
chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
chartLBar.LegendField = "TypeValue";
chartLBar.Grid = new QMECGrid();
chartLBar.Grid.Width = 400;
chartLBar.Grid.X = 220;
chartLBar.Grid.Y = 100;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLBar.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel() };
chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "value";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartLBar.ValueField = "Value";
chartLBar.CateField = "Cate";
chartLBar.SubCateField = "SubCate";
chartLBar.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 自定义数据设置
//QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar1" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartLBar.Title.Text = "某地区蒸发量和降水量";
//chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLBar.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartLBar.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLBar.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLBar.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.XAxis.Type = "category";
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis();
//chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "value";
//region 设置辅助线,没有则无需要设置
//QMECMarkPoint mp = new QMECMarkPoint();
//List<QMECPointData> pointData = new List<QMECPointData>();
//List<QMECPoint> pList = new List<QMECPoint>();
//QMECPoint p1 = new QMECPoint() { Type = "max", Name = "最大值" };
//QMECPoint p2 = new QMECPoint() { Type = "min", Name = "最小值" };
//mp.Data = pList;
//QMECMarkPoint mp1 = new QMECMarkPoint();
//List<QMECPointData> pointData1 = new List<QMECPointData>();
//List<QMECPoint> pList1 = new List<QMECPoint>();
//pList1.Add(new QMECPoint() { Name = "年最高", Value = 182.2, XAxis = 7, YAxis = 183, SymbolSize = 18 });
//pList1.Add(new QMECPoint() { Name = "年最低", Value = 2.3, XAxis = 11, YAxis = 3 });
//mp1.Data = pList1;
//QMECMarkLine ml = new QMECMarkLine() { Data = new List<QMECPoint>() };
//ml.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "average", Name = "平均值" });
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartLBar.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "蒸发量", Type = "bar", Smooth = true, MarkPoint = mp, MarkLine = ml, Data = new string[] { "2.0", "4.9", "7.0", "23.2", "25.6", "76.7", "135.6", "162.2", "32.6", "20.0", "6.4", "3.3" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "降水量", Type = "bar", Smooth = true, MarkPoint = mp1, MarkLine = ml, Data = new string[] { "2.6", "5.9", "9.0", "26.4", "28.7", "70.7", "175.6", "182.2", "48.7", "18.8", "6.0", "2.3" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
/// <summary>
/// 下钻数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataSubBar1()
string Cate = Request["Cate"].ToString();
string SubCate = Request["SubCate"].ToString();
string CateName = Request["CateName"].ToString();
string SubCateName = Request["SubCateName"].ToString();
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
if (Cate == "zf")
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "上旬", Value = "2.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "中旬", Value = "4.9", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "下旬", Value = "7.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
//"2.0", "4.9", "7.0", "23.2", "25.6", "76.7", "135.6", "162.2", "32.6", "20.0", "6.4", "3.3"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "上旬", Value = "2.6", TypeValue = "降水量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "中旬", Value = "5.9", TypeValue = "降水量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "下旬", Value = "9.0", TypeValue = "降水量" });
//"2.6", "5.9", "9.0", "26.4", "28.7", "70.7", "175.6", "182.2", "48.7", "18.8", "6.0", "2.3"
#region 默认设置
QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar1" };
chartLBar.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLBar.Title.Text = CateName + "-" + SubCateName + "-下钻数据图";
chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Legend图例设置
chartLBar.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLBar.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel() };
chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "value";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartLBar.ValueField = "Value";
chartLBar.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 标准条形图
/// <summary>
/// 标准条形图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Bar3()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准柱状图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataBar3()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "巴西", Value = "18203", TypeValue = "2011年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "印尼", Value = "23489", TypeValue = "2011年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "美国", Value = "29034", TypeValue = "2011年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "印度", Value = "104970", TypeValue = "2011年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "中国", Value = "131744", TypeValue = "2011年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "世界人口(万)", Value = "630230", TypeValue = "2011年" });
//"18203", "23489", "29034", "104970", "131744", "630230"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "巴西", Value = "19325", TypeValue = "2012年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "印尼", Value = "23438", TypeValue = "2012年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "美国", Value = "31000", TypeValue = "2012年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "印度", Value = "121594", TypeValue = "2012年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "中国", Value = "134141", TypeValue = "2012年" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "世界人口(万)", Value = "681807", TypeValue = "2012年" });
//"19325", "23438", "31000", "121594", "134141", "681807"
#region 默认设置
QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar3" };
chartLBar.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLBar.Title.Text = "世界人口总量";
chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
chartLBar.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "category";
chartLBar.YAxisField = "Week";
chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartLBar.ValueField = "Value";
chartLBar.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar3" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartLBar.Title.Text = "世界人口总量";
//chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "数据来自网络";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLBar.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartLBar.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLBar.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLBar.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.XAxis.Type = "value";
//chartLBar.XAxis.BoundaryGap = "[0,0.01]".ToCharArray();
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { Data = new List<string>()};
//chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "category";
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartLBar.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "2011年", Type = "bar", Data = new string[] { "18203", "23489", "29034", "104970", "131744", "630230" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "2012年", Type = "bar", Data = new string[] { "19325", "23438", "31000", "121594", "134141", "681807" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 堆积柱状图
/// <summary>
/// 堆积柱状图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Bar2()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 堆积柱状图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataBar2()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "320", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "332", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "301", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "334", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "390", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "330", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "320", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "" });
//"320", "332", "301", "334", "390", "330", "320"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "101", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "134", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "90", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "230", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "210", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "广告" });
//"120", "132", "101", "134", "90", "230", "210"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "220", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "182", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "191", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "234", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "290", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "330", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "310", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "广告" });
//"220", "182", "191", "234", "290", "330", "310"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "150", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "232", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "201", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "154", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "190", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "330", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "410", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "广告" });
//"150", "232", "201", "154", "190", "330", "410"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "862", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "1018", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "964", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "1026", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "1679", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "1600", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "1570", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "" });
//"862", "1018", "964", "1026", "1679", "1600", "1570"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "620", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "732", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "701", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "734", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "1090", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "1130", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "1120", TypeValue = "百度", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
//"620", "732", "701", "734", "1090", "1130", "1120"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "101", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "134", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "290", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "230", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "220", TypeValue = "谷歌", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
//"120", "132", "101", "134", "290", "230", "220"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "60", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "72", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "71", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "74", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "190", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "130", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "110", TypeValue = "必应", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
//"60", "72", "71", "74", "190", "130", "110"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "62", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "82", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "91", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "84", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "109", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "110", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "120", TypeValue = "其他", StackValue = "搜索引擎" });
//"62", "82", "91", "84", "109", "110", "120"
#region 默认设置
QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar2" };
chartLBar.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLBar.Title.Text = "世界人口总量";
chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
chartLBar.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLBar.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel() };
chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "value";
#region 堆积字段设置
chartLBar.StackField = "StackValue";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartLBar.ValueField = "Value";
chartLBar.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
#region 辅助线设置,有则设置,没有则无需设置
QMECMarkLine ml = new QMECMarkLine() { ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() } }, LineData = new List<QMECPoint>() };
ml.ItemStyle.Normal.LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() { Type = "dashed", Width = 1 };
List<QMECMarkPoint> mp = new List<QMECMarkPoint>();
QMECPoint mpstart = new QMECPoint();
QMECPoint mpend = new QMECPoint();
mpstart.Type = "min";
mpend.Type = "max";
foreach (QMECSerie ser in chartLBar.Series)
if (ser.Name == "搜索引擎")
ser.MarkLine = ml;
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar2" };
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLBar.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip() { AxisPointer = new QMECAxisPointer() };
//chartLBar.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//chartLBar.Tooltip.AxisPointer.Type = "shadow";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLBar.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Orient = "vertical";
//chartLBar.Toolbox.X = "right";
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Y = "center";
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLBar.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.XAxis.Type = "category";
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "value";
//#region 生成辅助线
//QMECMarkLine ml = new QMECMarkLine() { ItemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() } }, LineData = new List<QMECPoint>() };
//ml.ItemStyle.Normal.LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() { Type = "dashed", Width = 1 };
//List<QMECMarkPoint> mp = new List<QMECMarkPoint>();
//QMECPoint mpstart = new QMECPoint();
//QMECPoint mpend = new QMECPoint();
//mpstart.Type = "min";
//mpend.Type = "max";
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartLBar.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "直接访问", Type = "bar", Stack = "", Data = new string[] { "320", "332", "301", "334", "390", "330", "320" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "邮件营销", Type = "bar", Stack = "广告", Data = new string[] { "120", "132", "101", "134", "90", "230", "210" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "联盟广告", Type = "bar", Stack = "广告", Data = new string[] { "220", "182", "191", "234", "290", "330", "310" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "视频广告", Type = "bar", Stack = "广告", Data = new string[] { "150", "232", "201", "154", "190", "330", "410" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "搜索引擎", Type = "bar", MarkLine = ml, Data = new string[] { "862", "1018", "964", "1026", "1679", "1600", "1570" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "百度", Type = "bar", BarWidth = "5", Stack = "搜索引擎", Data = new string[] { "620", "732", "701", "734", "1090", "1130", "1120" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "谷歌", Type = "bar", Stack = "搜索引擎", Data = new string[] { "120", "132", "101", "134", "290", "230", "220" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "必应", Type = "bar", Stack = "搜索引擎", Data = new string[] { "60", "72", "71", "74", "190", "130", "110" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "其他", Type = "bar", Stack = "搜索引擎", Data = new string[] { "62", "82", "91", "84", "109", "110", "120" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 堆积条形图
/// <summary>
/// 堆积条形图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Bar4()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 堆积条形图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataBar4()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "320", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "332", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "301", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "334", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "390", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "330", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "320", TypeValue = "直接访问", StackValue = "总量" });
//"320", "332", "301", "334", "390", "330", "320"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "120", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "132", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "101", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "134", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "90", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "230", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "210", TypeValue = "邮件营销", StackValue = "总量" });
//"120", "132", "101", "134", "90", "230", "210"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "220", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "182", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "191", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "234", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "290", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "330", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "310", TypeValue = "联盟广告", StackValue = "总量" });
//"220", "182", "191", "234", "290", "330", "310"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "150", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "232", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "201", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "154", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "190", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "330", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "410", TypeValue = "视频广告", StackValue = "总量" });
//"150", "232", "201", "154", "190", "330", "410"
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周一", Value = "862", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周二", Value = "1018", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周三", Value = "964", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周四", Value = "1026", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周五", Value = "1679", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周六", Value = "1600", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "周日", Value = "1570", TypeValue = "搜索引擎", StackValue = "总量" });
//"862", "1018", "964", "1026", "1679", "1600", "1570"
#region 默认设置
QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar4" };
chartLBar.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLBar.Title.Text = "营销渠道统计";
chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
chartLBar.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "category";
chartLBar.YAxisField = "Week";
chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 设置堆积字段
chartLBar.StackField = "StackValue";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartLBar.ValueField = "Value";
chartLBar.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar4" };
//chartLBar.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartLBar.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip() { AxisPointer = new QMECAxisPointer() };
//chartLBar.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//chartLBar.Tooltip.AxisPointer.Type = "shadow";
//chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
//chartLBar.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>() }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartLBar.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
//chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "category";
//chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
//chartLBar.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartLBar.XAxis.Type = "value";
//QMECItemStyle itemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { Label = new QMECLabel() } };
//itemStyle.Normal.Label.Show = true;
//itemStyle.Normal.Label.Position = "insideRight";
//chartLBar.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "直接访问", Type = "bar", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = itemStyle, Data = new string[] { "320", "302", "301", "334", "390", "330", "320" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "邮件营销", Type = "bar", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = itemStyle, Data = new string[] { "120", "132", "101", "134", "90", "230", "210" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "联盟广告", Type = "bar", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = itemStyle, Data = new string[] { "220", "182", "191", "234", "290", "330", "310" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "视频广告", Type = "bar", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = itemStyle, Data = new string[] { "150", "212", "201", "154", "190", "330", "410" } });
//chartLBar.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "搜索引擎", Type = "bar", Stack = "总量", ItemStyle = itemStyle, Data = new string[] { "820", "832", "901", "934", "1290", "1330", "1320" } });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartBar>(chartLBar));
#region 标准饼图
/// <summary>
/// 标准饼图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Pie1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准饼图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataPie1()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "335", TypeValue = "直接访问" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "320", TypeValue = "邮件营销" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "310", TypeValue = "联盟广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "135", TypeValue = "视频广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "1548", TypeValue = "搜索引擎" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartPie chartPie = new QMEChartPie() { PieType = "pie1" };
chartPie.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartPie.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartPie.Title.Text = "某站点用户访问来源";
chartPie.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
chartPie.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartPie.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartPie.HaveLegend = true;
chartPie.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartPie.HaveToolBox = true;
chartPie.Calculable = true;
#region 设置Serie显示标题
chartPie.SerieName = "访问来源";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartPie.ValueField = "Value";
chartPie.PieData = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToPieData(chartPie);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartPie>(chartPie));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartPie chartPie = new QMEChartPie() { PieType = "pie1" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartPie.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartPie.Title.Text = "某站点用户访问来源";
//chartPie.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//chartPie.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartPie.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartPie.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartPie.Tooltip.Trigger = "item";
//chartPie.Tooltip.Formatter = "'{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartPie.HaveLegend = true;
//chartPie.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartPie.Legend.Orient = "vertical";
//chartPie.Legend.X = "left";
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartPie.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>(), Option = new QMECOption() { Funnel = new QMECFunnel() } }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartPie.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.X = "25%";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.Width = "50%";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.FunnelAlign = "left";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.Max = "1548";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//chartPie.Calculable = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartPie.Serie = new QMECSerie();
//chartPie.Serie.PieData = "Auto";
//chartPie.Serie.Name = "访问来源";
//chartPie.Serie.Radius = "55%";
//chartPie.Serie.Type = "pie";
//chartPie.Serie.Center_X = "50%";
//chartPie.Serie.Center_Y = "60%";
//chartPie.Serie.Center = "Auto";
//List<QMECPieData> pieData = new List<QMECPieData>();
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "335", Name = "直接访问" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "310", Name = "邮件营销" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "234", Name = "联盟广告" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "135", Name = "视频广告" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "1548", Name = "搜索引擎" });
//chartPie.PieData = pieData;
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartPie>(chartPie));
/// <summary>
/// 标准饼图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartSubDataPie1(string id)
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "335", TypeValue = "百度" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "320", TypeValue = "360" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "310", TypeValue = "IE" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "1350", TypeValue = "火狐" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "548", TypeValue = "谷歌" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartPie chartPie = new QMEChartPie() { PieType = "pie1" };
chartPie.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartPie.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartPie.Title.Text = "某站点用户访问来源";
chartPie.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
chartPie.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartPie.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartPie.HaveLegend = true;
chartPie.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartPie.HaveToolBox = true;
chartPie.Calculable = true;
#region 设置Serie显示标题
chartPie.SerieName = "访问来源";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartPie.ValueField = "Value";
chartPie.PieData = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToPieData(chartPie);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartPie>(chartPie));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartPie chartPie = new QMEChartPie() { PieType = "pie1" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartPie.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartPie.Title.Text = "某站点用户访问来源";
//chartPie.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//chartPie.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartPie.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartPie.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartPie.Tooltip.Trigger = "item";
//chartPie.Tooltip.Formatter = "'{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartPie.HaveLegend = true;
//chartPie.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartPie.Legend.Orient = "vertical";
//chartPie.Legend.X = "left";
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartPie.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>(), Option = new QMECOption() { Funnel = new QMECFunnel() } }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartPie.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.X = "25%";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.Width = "50%";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.FunnelAlign = "left";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.Max = "1548";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//chartPie.Calculable = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartPie.Serie = new QMECSerie();
//chartPie.Serie.PieData = "Auto";
//chartPie.Serie.Name = "访问来源";
//chartPie.Serie.Radius = "55%";
//chartPie.Serie.Type = "pie";
//chartPie.Serie.Center_X = "50%";
//chartPie.Serie.Center_Y = "60%";
//chartPie.Serie.Center = "Auto";
//List<QMECPieData> pieData = new List<QMECPieData>();
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "335", Name = "直接访问" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "310", Name = "邮件营销" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "234", Name = "联盟广告" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "135", Name = "视频广告" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "1548", Name = "搜索引擎" });
//chartPie.PieData = pieData;
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartPie>(chartPie));
#region 标准环形图
/// <summary>
/// 标准环形图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Pie2()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准环形图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataPie2()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "335", TypeValue = "直接访问" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "320", TypeValue = "邮件营销" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "310", TypeValue = "联盟广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "135", TypeValue = "视频广告" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "1548", TypeValue = "搜索引擎" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartPie chartPie = new QMEChartPie() { PieType = "pie2" };
chartPie.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartPie.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartPie.Title.Text = "某站点用户访问来源";
chartPie.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
chartPie.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartPie.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartPie.HaveLegend = true;
chartPie.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartPie.HaveToolBox = true;
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartPie.SerieName = "访问来源";
chartPie.ValueField = "Value";
chartPie.PieData = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToPieData(chartPie);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartPie>(chartPie));
//QMEChartPie chartPie = new QMEChartPie() { PieType = "pie2" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartPie.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartPie.Title.Text = "某站点用户访问来源";
//chartPie.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//chartPie.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartPie.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartPie.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartPie.Tooltip.Trigger = "item";
//chartPie.Tooltip.Formatter = "'{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartPie.HaveLegend = true;
//chartPie.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartPie.Legend.Orient = "vertical";
//chartPie.Legend.X = "left";
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartPie.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), MagicType = new QMECMagicType() { Type = new List<string>(), Option = new QMECOption() { Funnel = new QMECFunnel() } }, Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartPie.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.X = "25%";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.Width = "50%";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.FunnelAlign = "left";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.MagicType.Option.Funnel.Max = "1548";
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartPie.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//chartPie.Calculable = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//chartPie.Serie = new QMECSerie();
//chartPie.Serie.Name = "访问来源";
//chartPie.Serie.Radius_Min = "55%";
//chartPie.Serie.Radius_Max = "70%";
//chartPie.Serie.Radius = "Auto";
//chartPie.Serie.Type = "pie";
//chartPie.Serie.PieData = "Auto";
//QMECItemStyle itemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { Label = new QMECLabel(),LabelLine = new QMECLabelLine() } };
//itemStyle.Normal.Label.Show = true;
//itemStyle.Normal.LabelLine.Show = true;
//itemStyle.Emphasis = new QMECEmphasis() { Label = new QMECLabel() { TextStyle = new QMECTextStyle()} };
//itemStyle.Emphasis.Label.Show = true;
//itemStyle.Emphasis.Label.Position = "center";
//itemStyle.Emphasis.Label.TextStyle.fontSize = "30";
//itemStyle.Emphasis.Label.TextStyle.fontWeight = "bold";
//chartPie.Serie.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
//List<QMECPieData> pieData = new List<QMECPieData>();
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "335", Name = "直接访问" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "310", Name = "邮件营销" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "234", Name = "联盟广告" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "135", Name = "视频广告" });
//pieData.Add(new QMECPieData() { Value = "1548", Name = "搜索引擎" });
//chartPie.PieData = pieData;
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartPie>(chartPie));
#region 标准地图
/// <summary>
/// 标准地图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Map1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准环形图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataMap1()
#region 自定义创建图表
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "北京", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "天津", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "上海", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "重庆", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "河北", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "河南", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "云南", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "辽宁", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "黑龙江", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "湖南", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "安徽", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "山东", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "新疆", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "江苏", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "浙江", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "江西", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "湖北", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "广西", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "甘肃", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "山西", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "内蒙古", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "陕西", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "吉林", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "福建", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "贵州", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "广东", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "青海", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "西藏", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "四川", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "宁夏", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "海南", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "台湾", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "香港", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone3", TypeValue = "澳门", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "北京", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "天津", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "上海", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "重庆", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "河北", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "安徽", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "新疆", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "浙江", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "江西", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "山西", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "内蒙古", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "吉林", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "福建", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "广东", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "西藏", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "四川", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "宁夏", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "香港", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone4", TypeValue = "澳门", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone5", TypeValue = "北京", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone5", TypeValue = "天津", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone5", TypeValue = "上海", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone5", TypeValue = "台湾", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "iphone5", TypeValue = "香港", Value = Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartMap chartMap = new QMEChartMap() { MapType = "map1" };
chartMap.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartMap.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartMap.Title.Text = "iphone销量";
chartMap.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
chartMap.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
chartMap.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
chartMap.HaveLegend = true;
chartMap.LegendField = "Name";
#region 设置数据范围工具条
chartMap.HaveDataRange = true;
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
chartMap.HaveToolBox = true;
chartMap.Calculable = true;
#region 设置地图缩放工具条
chartMap.HaveRoamController = true;
#region 设置堆积字段
chartMap.StackField = "TypeValue";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartMap.ValueField = "Value";
chartMap.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartMap);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartBar>(chartMap));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartMap chartMap = new QMEChartMap() { MapType = "map1" };
//#region 设置标题
//chartMap.Title = new QMECTitle();
//chartMap.Title.Text = "iphone销量";
//chartMap.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//chartMap.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//chartMap.HaveTooltip = true;
//chartMap.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//chartMap.Tooltip.Trigger = "item";
//#region Legend图例设置
//chartMap.HaveLegend = true;
//chartMap.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//chartMap.Legend.Orient = "vertical";
//chartMap.Legend.X = "left";
//#region 设置数据范围工具条
//chartMap.HaveDataRange = true;
//chartMap.dataRange = new QMECDataRange();
//chartMap.dataRange.Min = 0;
//chartMap.dataRange.Max = 2500;
//chartMap.dataRange.X = "left";
//chartMap.dataRange.Y = "bottom";
//chartMap.dataRange.Text_Min = "低";
//chartMap.dataRange.Text_Max = "高";
//chartMap.dataRange.Text = "Auto";
//chartMap.dataRange.Calculable = true;
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//chartMap.HaveToolBox = true;
//chartMap.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//chartMap.Toolbox.Show = true;
//chartMap.Toolbox.Orient = "vertical";
//chartMap.Toolbox.X = "right";
//chartMap.Toolbox.Y = "center";
//chartMap.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//chartMap.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//chartMap.Calculable = true;
//#region 设置地图缩放工具条
//chartMap.HaveRoamController = true;
//chartMap.RoamController = new QMECRoamController() { MapTypeControl = new QMECMapTypeControl() };
//chartMap.RoamController.Show = true;
//chartMap.RoamController.X = "right";
//chartMap.RoamController.MapTypeControl = new QMECMapTypeControl();
//chartMap.RoamController.MapTypeControl.China = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//QMECItemStyle itemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { Label = new QMECLabel() }, Emphasis = new QMECEmphasis() { Label = new QMECLabel()} };
//itemStyle.Normal.Label.Show = true;
//itemStyle.Emphasis.Label.Show = true;
//List<QMECSerie> dataSerie = new List<QMECSerie>();
//QMECSerie serie1 = new QMECSerie();
//serie1.Name = "iphone3";
//serie1.Type = "map";
//serie1.MapType = "china";
//serie1.Roam = false;
//serie1.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
//List<string> data1 = new List<string>();
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "北京" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "天津" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "上海" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "重庆" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "河北" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "河南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "云南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "辽宁" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "黑龙江" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "湖南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "安徽" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "山东" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "新疆" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "江苏" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "浙江" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "江西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "湖北" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "广西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "甘肃" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "山西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "内蒙古" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "陕西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "吉林" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "福建" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "贵州" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "广东" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "青海" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "西藏" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "四川" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "宁夏" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "海南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "台湾" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "香港" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data1.Add("{name: '" + "澳门" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//serie1.Data = data1.ToArray();
//QMECSerie serie2 = new QMECSerie();
//serie2.Name = "iphone4";
//serie2.Type = "map";
//serie2.MapType = "china";
//serie2.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
//List<string> data2 = new List<string>();
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "北京" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "天津" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "上海" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "重庆" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "河北" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "安徽" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "新疆" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "浙江" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "江西" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "山西" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "内蒙古" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "吉林" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "福建" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "广东" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "西藏" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "四川" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "宁夏" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "香港" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data2.Add("{name: '" + "澳门" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//serie2.Data = data2.ToArray();
//QMECSerie serie3 = new QMECSerie();
//serie3.Name = "iphone5";
//serie3.Type = "map";
//serie3.MapType = "china";
//serie3.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
//List<string> data3 = new List<string>();
//data3.Add("{name: '" + "北京" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data3.Add("{name: '" + "天津" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data3.Add("{name: '" + "上海" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data3.Add("{name: '" + "台湾" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//data3.Add("{name: '" + "香港" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
//serie3.Data = data3.ToArray();
//chartMap.Series = dataSerie;
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartPie>(chartMap));
#region 扩展地图
/// <summary>
/// 扩展地图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult MapExt5()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 扩展地图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataMapExt5()
QMEChartMap chartMap = new QMEChartMap() { MapType = "mapExt5" };
chartMap.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartMap.Title.Text = "iphone销量";
chartMap.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
chartMap.Title.X = "center";//对齐方式
chartMap.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
chartMap.Tooltip.Trigger = "item";
chartMap.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
chartMap.Legend.Orient = "vertical";
chartMap.Legend.X = "left";
chartMap.dataRange = new QMECDataRange();
chartMap.dataRange.Min = 0;
chartMap.dataRange.Max = 2500;
chartMap.dataRange.X = "left";
chartMap.dataRange.Y = "bottom";
chartMap.dataRange.Text_Min = "低";
chartMap.dataRange.Text_Max = "高";
chartMap.dataRange.Text = "Auto";
chartMap.dataRange.Calculable = true;
chartMap.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
chartMap.Toolbox.Show = true;
chartMap.Toolbox.Orient = "vertical";
chartMap.Toolbox.X = "right";
chartMap.Toolbox.Y = "center";
chartMap.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
chartMap.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
chartMap.Calculable = true;
chartMap.RoamController = new QMECRoamController() { MapTypeControl = new QMECMapTypeControl() };
chartMap.RoamController.Show = true;
chartMap.RoamController.X = "right";
chartMap.RoamController.MapTypeControl = new QMECMapTypeControl();
chartMap.RoamController.MapTypeControl.China = true;
QMECItemStyle itemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { Label = new QMECLabel() }, Emphasis = new QMECEmphasis() { Label = new QMECLabel()} };
itemStyle.Normal.Label.Show = true;
itemStyle.Emphasis.Label.Show = true;
List<QMECSerie> dataSerie = new List<QMECSerie>();
QMECSerie serie1 = new QMECSerie();
serie1.Name = "iphone3";
serie1.Type = "map";
serie1.MapType = "china";
serie1.Roam = false;
serie1.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
List<string> data1 = new List<string>();
data1.Add("{name: '" + "北京" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "天津" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "上海" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "重庆" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "河北" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "河南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "云南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "辽宁" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "黑龙江" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "湖南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "安徽" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "山东" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "新疆" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "江苏" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "浙江" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "江西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "湖北" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "广西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "甘肃" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "山西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "内蒙古" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "陕西" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "吉林" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "福建" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "贵州" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "广东" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "青海" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "西藏" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "四川" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "宁夏" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "海南" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "台湾" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "香港" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data1.Add("{name: '" + "澳门" + "',value:" + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
serie1.Data = data1.ToArray();
QMECSerie serie2 = new QMECSerie();
serie2.Name = "iphone4";
serie2.Type = "map";
serie2.MapType = "china";
serie2.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
List<string> data2 = new List<string>();
data2.Add("{name: '" + "北京" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "天津" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "上海" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "重庆" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "河北" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "安徽" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "新疆" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "浙江" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "江西" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "山西" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "内蒙古" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "吉林" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "福建" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "广东" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "西藏" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "四川" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "宁夏" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "香港" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data2.Add("{name: '" + "澳门" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
serie2.Data = data2.ToArray();
QMECSerie serie3 = new QMECSerie();
serie3.Name = "iphone5";
serie3.Type = "map";
serie3.MapType = "china";
serie3.ItemStyle = itemStyle;
List<string> data3 = new List<string>();
data3.Add("{name: '" + "北京" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data3.Add("{name: '" + "天津" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data3.Add("{name: '" + "上海" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data3.Add("{name: '" + "台湾" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
data3.Add("{name: '" + "香港" + "',value: " + Math.Round(new Random().NextDouble() * 1000) + "}");
serie3.Data = data3.ToArray();
chartMap.Series = dataSerie;
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartPie>(chartMap));
#region 标准雷达图
/// <summary>
/// 标准雷达图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Radar1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准雷达图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataRadar1()
#region 自定义创建图表
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", TypeValue = "销售(sales)", Value = "4300" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", TypeValue = "管理(Administration)", Value = "10000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", TypeValue = "信息技术(Information Techology)", Value = "28000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", TypeValue = "客服(Customer Support)", Value = "35000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", TypeValue = "研发(Development)", Value = "50000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", TypeValue = "市场(Marketing)", Value = "19000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", TypeValue = "销售(sales)", Value = "5000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", TypeValue = "管理(Administration)", Value = "14000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", TypeValue = "信息技术(Information Techology)", Value = "28000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", TypeValue = "客服(Customer Support)", Value = "31000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", TypeValue = "研发(Development)", Value = "42000" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", TypeValue = "市场(Marketing)", Value = "21000" });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartRadar radarChart = new QMEChartRadar() { RadarType = "radar1" };
radarChart.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
radarChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
radarChart.Title.Text = "预算 vs 开销(Budget vs spending)";
radarChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
radarChart.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
radarChart.HaveToolBox = true;
radarChart.Calculable = true;
#region Legend图例设置
radarChart.HaveLegend = true;
radarChart.LegendField = "Name";
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
radarChart.XAxisField = "TypeValue";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
radarChart.ValueField = "Value";
radarChart.RadarData = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToRadarData(radarChart);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartRadar>(radarChart));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartRadar radarChart = new QMEChartRadar() { RadarType = "radar1" };
//#region 设置标题
//radarChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
//radarChart.Title.Text = "预算 vs 开销(Budget vs spending)";
//radarChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//radarChart.HaveTooltip = true;
//radarChart.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//radarChart.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//#region Legend图例设置
//radarChart.HaveLegend = true;
//radarChart.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//radarChart.Legend.Orient = "vertical";
//radarChart.Legend.X = "right";
//radarChart.Legend.Y = "bottom";
//radarChart.Legend.Data.Add("预算分配(Allocated Budget)");
//radarChart.Legend.Data.Add("实际开销(Actual Spending)");
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//radarChart.HaveToolBox = true;
//radarChart.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//radarChart.Toolbox.Show = true;
//radarChart.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//radarChart.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//radarChart.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//radarChart.Calculable = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//List<QMECPolar> polarList = new List<QMECPolar>();
//List<QMECIndicator> indicatorList = new List<QMECIndicator>();
//indicatorList.Add(new QMECIndicator() { Text = "销售(sales)", Max = 6000 });
//indicatorList.Add(new QMECIndicator() { Text = "管理(Administration)", Max = 16000 });
//indicatorList.Add(new QMECIndicator() { Text = "信息技术(Information Techology)", Max = 30000 });
//indicatorList.Add(new QMECIndicator() { Text = "客服(Customer Support)", Max = 38000 });
//indicatorList.Add(new QMECIndicator() { Text = "研发(Development)", Max = 52000 });
//indicatorList.Add(new QMECIndicator() { Text = "市场(Marketing)", Max = 25000 });
//polarList.Add(new QMECPolar() { Indicator = indicatorList });
//radarChart.Polar = polarList;
//radarChart.Serie = new QMECSerie();
//radarChart.Serie.Name = "预算 vs 开销(Budget vs spending)";
//radarChart.Serie.Type = "radar";
//radarChart.Serie.RadarData = "Auto";
//List<QMECRadarData> radarData = new List<QMECRadarData>();
//radarData.Add(new QMECRadarData() { Name = "预算分配(Allocated Budget)", Value = new int[] { 4300, 10000, 28000, 35000, 50000, 19000 } });
//radarData.Add(new QMECRadarData() { Name = "实际开销(Actual Spending)", Value = new int[] { 5000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000, 21000 } });
//radarChart.RadarData = radarData;
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartRadar>(radarChart));
#region 标准仪表盘
/// <summary>
/// 标准仪表盘
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Gauge1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准仪表盘
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataGauge1()
#region 默认设置
QMEChartGauge gaugeChart = new QMEChartGauge() { GaugeType = "gauge1" };
#region 设置标题
gaugeChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
gaugeChart.Title.Text = "XXX完成率";
gaugeChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
gaugeChart.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
gaugeChart.HaveToolBox = true;
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
gaugeChart.Serie = new QMECSerie();
gaugeChart.Serie.Name = "业务指标";
gaugeChart.Serie.Type = "gauge";
gaugeChart.Serie.Detail = new QMECDetail() { Formatter = "{value}%" };
gaugeChart.Serie.GaugeData = "Auto";
List<QMECGaugeData> gaugeList = new List<QMECGaugeData>();
gaugeList.Add(new QMECGaugeData() { Value = "92", Name = "完成率" });
gaugeChart.GaugeData = gaugeList;
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartGauge>(gaugeChart));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartGauge gaugeChart = new QMEChartGauge() { GaugeType = "gauge1" };
//#region 设置标题
//gaugeChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
//gaugeChart.Title.Text = "XXX完成率";
//gaugeChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//gaugeChart.HaveTooltip = true;
//gaugeChart.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//gaugeChart.Tooltip.Formatter = "'{a} <br/>{b} : {c}%'";
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//gaugeChart.HaveToolBox = true;
//gaugeChart.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//gaugeChart.Toolbox.Show = true;
//gaugeChart.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//gaugeChart.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//gaugeChart.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//gaugeChart.Serie = new QMECSerie();
//gaugeChart.Serie.Name = "业务指标";
//gaugeChart.Serie.Type = "gauge";
//gaugeChart.Serie.Detail = new QMECDetail() { Formatter = "{value}%" };
//gaugeChart.Serie.GaugeData = "Auto";
//List<QMECGaugeData> gaugeList = new List<QMECGaugeData>();
//gaugeList.Add(new QMECGaugeData() { Value = "92", Name = "完成率" });
//gaugeChart.GaugeData = gaugeList;
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartGauge>(gaugeChart));
/// <summary>
/// 获取仪表盘最新数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult GetNewGaugeData()
return Json(new { value = new Random().Next(0, 100) });
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 标准散点图
/// <summary>
/// 标准散点图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Scatter1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准散点图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataScatter1()
#region 数据源列表
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
#region 女性数据
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 161.2, PersonWeight = 51.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 59 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 172.5, PersonWeight = 55.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 147.2, PersonWeight = 49.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 159.5, PersonWeight = 50.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 54.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 154.4, PersonWeight = 46.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 162.1, PersonWeight = 53.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 168.9, PersonWeight = 62.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 167.6, PersonWeight = 58.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 167.6, PersonWeight = 61 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 168.3, PersonWeight = 54.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 156, PersonWeight = 52.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 162, PersonWeight = 54.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 151.1, PersonWeight = 48.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 164, PersonWeight = 55.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 69.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 163.2, PersonWeight = 59.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 161.4, PersonWeight = 63.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 159, PersonWeight = 48.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 161, PersonWeight = 53.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 171.8, PersonWeight = 56.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 166.8, PersonWeight = 56.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 167.5, PersonWeight = 59 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 159.1, PersonWeight = 47.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170.9, PersonWeight = 54.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 168.2, PersonWeight = 49.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 175, PersonWeight = 82.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 173, PersonWeight = 59.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 162, PersonWeight = 55 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 73.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 163.8, PersonWeight = 58.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 165.1, PersonWeight = 56.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 160.7, PersonWeight = 69.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 60.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 74.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 166, PersonWeight = 53.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 164.5, PersonWeight = 52.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 161.2, PersonWeight = 54.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 162.5, PersonWeight = 58.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 154.5, PersonWeight = 49 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 169, PersonWeight = 58.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 162.8, PersonWeight = 57.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 151.1, PersonWeight = 73.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 178, PersonWeight = 70.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 105.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 159.5, PersonWeight = 49.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 166, PersonWeight = 69.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 172.9, PersonWeight = 62.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 175, PersonWeight = 73.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 166.8, PersonWeight = 57.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 179.9, PersonWeight = 67.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 176.5, PersonWeight = 83 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 160.2, PersonWeight = 52.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 167.6, PersonWeight = 54.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 50.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 163.2, PersonWeight = 55.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 165.5, PersonWeight = 60 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 163, PersonWeight = 62 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 75.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 163.5, PersonWeight = 50 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 155, PersonWeight = 45.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170.3, PersonWeight = 64.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 159.8, PersonWeight = 50 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 166.2, PersonWeight = 58.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 159, PersonWeight = 55.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 168.2, PersonWeight = 53.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 164.3, PersonWeight = 59.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 163.5, PersonWeight = 51.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 157, PersonWeight = 63 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 176.2, PersonWeight = 66.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 153.4, PersonWeight = 42 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 157, PersonWeight = 47.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 176.5, PersonWeight = 87.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170.5, PersonWeight = 67.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 54.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 161.3, PersonWeight = 67.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 50.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 72.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "女性", PersonHeight = 152.4, PersonWeight = 46.5 });
#region 男性数据
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 65.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 181.5, PersonWeight = 74.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180, PersonWeight = 76.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184, PersonWeight = 79.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 78.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 178, PersonWeight = 89.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 183.5, PersonWeight = 74.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 59.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 186.7, PersonWeight = 87.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 182.9, PersonWeight = 88.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 169.5, PersonWeight = 75.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 163, PersonWeight = 57 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 177, PersonWeight = 71.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 167, PersonWeight = 64.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 171.2, PersonWeight = 79.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 174.5, PersonWeight = 63.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180.1, PersonWeight = 93 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 175.3, PersonWeight = 71.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184, PersonWeight = 86.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 177.8, PersonWeight = 83.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 192.7, PersonWeight = 93.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180.5, PersonWeight = 77.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 82.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 175.5, PersonWeight = 70 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 182, PersonWeight = 67.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 171.4, PersonWeight = 84.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 188, PersonWeight = 84.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 86.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 171.5, PersonWeight = 61.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 186, PersonWeight = 84.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 177.8, PersonWeight = 74.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 181.6, PersonWeight = 78.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 177.5, PersonWeight = 72 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 175.5, PersonWeight = 80.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 193.5, PersonWeight = 80.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184.5, PersonWeight = 78.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 192, PersonWeight = 90 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 171.5, PersonWeight = 70 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 66.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 76.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 188, PersonWeight = 72.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 61.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 73.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 177.2, PersonWeight = 94.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 75.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184.2, PersonWeight = 76.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 167, PersonWeight = 68.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 164.5, PersonWeight = 70 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 167.4, PersonWeight = 67.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 170.5, PersonWeight = 56.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180.6, PersonWeight = 72.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 186.5, PersonWeight = 72.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 175, PersonWeight = 62 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 74.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 173, PersonWeight = 72.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 86.4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 164.5, PersonWeight = 63.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 189.2, PersonWeight = 84.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 177.8, PersonWeight = 68.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 175.3, PersonWeight = 72.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 172.1, PersonWeight = 74.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 182.2, PersonWeight = 87.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 86.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 171.8, PersonWeight = 66.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 192, PersonWeight = 101.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 181.1, PersonWeight = 66 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 182.4, PersonWeight = 74.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184.4, PersonWeight = 68 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 187.2, PersonWeight = 78.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184, PersonWeight = 81.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 71 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 85.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 173.5, PersonWeight = 81.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 173, PersonWeight = 60.9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 172.8, PersonWeight = 69.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 184.2, PersonWeight = 80.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 82.6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 167, PersonWeight = 59.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 164.1, PersonWeight = 55.2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "男性", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 72.2 });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartScatter scatterChart = new QMEChartScatter() { ScatterType = "scatter1" };
scatterChart.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
scatterChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
scatterChart.Title.Text = "男性女性身高体重分布";
scatterChart.Title.Subtext = "抽样调查来自: Heinz 2003";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
scatterChart.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
scatterChart.HaveToolBox = true;
#region Legend图例设置
scatterChart.HaveLegend = true;
scatterChart.LegendField = "Name";
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
scatterChart.HaveXAxis = true;
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
scatterChart.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 设置数据横纵坐标对应字段
scatterChart.XAxisField = "PersonHeight";
scatterChart.YAxisField = "PersonWeight";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
scatterChart.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToScatterData(scatterChart);
#region 设置辅助线
QMECMarkPoint mp = new QMECMarkPoint() { Data = new List<QMECPoint>() };
mp.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "max", Name = "最大值" });
mp.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "min", Name = "最小值" });
QMECMarkLine ml = new QMECMarkLine() { Data = new List<QMECPoint>() };
ml.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "average", Name = "平均值" });
foreach (QMECSerie ser in scatterChart.Series)
ser.MarkLine = ml;
ser.MarkPoint = mp;
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartScatter>(scatterChart));
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//QMEChartScatter scatterChart = new QMEChartScatter() { ScatterType = "scatter1" };
//#region 设置标题
//scatterChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
//scatterChart.Title.Text = "男性女性身高体重分布";
//scatterChart.Title.Subtext = "抽样调查来自: Heinz 2003";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//scatterChart.HaveTooltip = true;
//scatterChart.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip() { AxisPointer = new QMECAxisPointer() { LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() } };
//scatterChart.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.ShowDelay = 0;
//scatterChart.Tooltip.Formatter = "function (params) {if (params.value.length > 1) {return params.seriesName + ' :<br/>'+ params.value[0] + 'cm ' + params.value[1] + 'kg ';}else {return params.seriesName + ' :<br/>' + params.name + ' : ' + params.value + 'kg ';}}";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.Type = "cross";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.LineStyle.Type = "dashed";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.LineStyle.Width = 1;
//#region Legend图例设置
//scatterChart.HaveLegend = true;
//scatterChart.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//scatterChart.HaveToolBox = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), DataZoom = new QMECDataZoom(), Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.DataZoom.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//scatterChart.HaveXAxis = true;
//scatterChart.XAxis = new QMECXAxis() { AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel() };
//scatterChart.XAxis.Type = "value";
//scatterChart.XAxis.Scale = true;
//scatterChart.XAxis.AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel();
//scatterChart.XAxis.AxisLabel.Formatter = "{value} cm";
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//scatterChart.HaveYAxis = true;
//scatterChart.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel() };
//scatterChart.YAxis.Type = "value";
//scatterChart.YAxis.Scale = true;
//scatterChart.YAxis.AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel();
//scatterChart.YAxis.AxisLabel.Formatter = "{value} kg";
//#region 设置辅助线
//QMECMarkPoint mp = new QMECMarkPoint() { Data = new List<QMECPoint>() };
//mp.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "max", Name = "最大值" });
//mp.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "min", Name = "最小值" });
//QMECMarkLine ml = new QMECMarkLine() { Data = new List<QMECPoint>() };
//ml.Data.Add(new QMECPoint() { Type = "average", Name = "平均值" });
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//List<double[]> dataList1 = new List<double[]>();
//#region 设置数据
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.2, 51.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 59 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 172.5, 55.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 147.2, 49.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.5, 50.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 174, 54.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 154.4, 46.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162.1, 53.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.9, 62.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.6, 58.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.6, 61 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.3, 54.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 156, 52.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162, 54.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 151.1, 48.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 164, 55.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 69.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.2, 59.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.4, 63.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159, 48.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161, 53.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 171.8, 56.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166.8, 56.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.5, 59 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.1, 47.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170.9, 54.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.2, 49.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 175, 82.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 173, 59.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162, 55 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 73.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.8, 58.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 165.1, 56.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160.7, 69.1 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 60.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 74.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166, 53.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 164.5, 52.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.2, 54.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162.5, 58.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 154.5, 49 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 169, 58.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162.8, 57.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 151.1, 73.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 178, 70.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 105.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.5, 49.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166, 69.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 172.9, 62.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 175, 73.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166.8, 57.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 179.9, 67.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 176.5, 83 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160.2, 52.1 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.6, 54.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 50.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.2, 55.9 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 165.5, 60 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163, 62 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 174, 75.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.5, 50 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 155, 45.9 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170.3, 64.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.8, 50 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166.2, 58.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159, 55.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.2, 53.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 164.3, 59.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.5, 51.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 157, 63 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 176.2, 66.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 153.4, 42 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 157, 47.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 176.5, 87.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170.5, 67.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 54.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.3, 67.9 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 50.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 72.9 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 152.4, 46.5 });
//List<double[]> dataList2 = new List<double[]>();
//#region 设置数据
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 65.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 181.5, 74.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180, 76.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184, 79.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 78.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 178, 89.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 183.5, 74.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 170, 59.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 186.7, 87.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182.9, 88.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 169.5, 75.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 163, 57 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177, 71.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167, 64.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.2, 79.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174.5, 63.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.1, 93 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.3, 71.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184, 86.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.8, 83.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 192.7, 93.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.5, 77.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 82.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.5, 70 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182, 67.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.4, 84.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 188, 84.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 86.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.5, 61.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 186, 84.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.8, 74.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 181.6, 78.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.5, 72 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.5, 80.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 193.5, 80.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.5, 78.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 192, 90 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.5, 70 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 66.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 76.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 188, 72.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 170, 61.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 73.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.2, 94.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 75.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.2, 76.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167, 68.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 164.5, 70 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167.4, 67.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 170.5, 56.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.6, 72.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 186.5, 72.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175, 62 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 74.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 173, 72.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 86.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 164.5, 63.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 189.2, 84.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.8, 68.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.3, 72.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.1, 74.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182.2, 87.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 86.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.8, 66.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 192, 101.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 181.1, 66 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182.4, 74.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.4, 68 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 187.2, 78.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184, 81.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 71 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 85.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 173.5, 81.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 173, 60.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.8, 69.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.2, 80.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 82.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167, 59.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 164.1, 55.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 72.2 });
//scatterChart.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//scatterChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "女性", Type = "scatter", MarkLine = ml, MarkPoint = mp, DataListArr = dataList1 });
//scatterChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "男性", Type = "scatter", MarkLine = ml, MarkPoint = mp, DataListArr = dataList2 });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartScatter>(scatterChart));
#region 标准气泡图
/// <summary>
/// 标准气泡图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Scatter2()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准气泡图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataScatter2()
#region 数据源列表
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
#region scatter1数据
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 161.2, PersonWeight = 51.6, Diameter = 11 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 59, Diameter = 18.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 172.5, PersonWeight = 55.2, Diameter = 12 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 147.2, PersonWeight = 49.8, Diameter = 15 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 159.5, PersonWeight = 50.6, Diameter = 18 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 54.5, Diameter = 17 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 154.4, PersonWeight = 46.2, Diameter = 20 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 162.1, PersonWeight = 53.6, Diameter = 22 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 168.9, PersonWeight = 62.3, Diameter = 23 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 167.6, PersonWeight = 58.3, Diameter = 24 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 167.6, PersonWeight = 61, Diameter = 25 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 168.3, PersonWeight = 54.8, Diameter = 26 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 156, PersonWeight = 52.7, Diameter = 24 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 162, PersonWeight = 54.7, Diameter = 27 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 151.1, PersonWeight = 48.7, Diameter = 28 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 164, PersonWeight = 55.7, Diameter = 29 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 69.4, Diameter = 18.1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 163.2, PersonWeight = 59.8, Diameter = 17.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 161.4, PersonWeight = 63.4, Diameter = 18 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 159, PersonWeight = 48.6, Diameter = 17.8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 161, PersonWeight = 53.6, Diameter = 19.7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 171.8, PersonWeight = 56.2, Diameter = 18.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 166.8, PersonWeight = 56.6, Diameter = 18.3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 167.5, PersonWeight = 59, Diameter = 5.5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 159.1, PersonWeight = 47.6, Diameter = 82});
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170.9, PersonWeight = 54.2, Diameter = 7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 168.2, PersonWeight = 49.2, Diameter = 6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 175, PersonWeight = 82.5, Diameter = 5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 173, PersonWeight = 59.8, Diameter = 4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 162, PersonWeight = 55, Diameter = 3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 73.2, Diameter = 2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 163.8, PersonWeight = 58.5, Diameter = 1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 165.1, PersonWeight = 56.2, Diameter = 8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 160.7, PersonWeight = 69.1, Diameter = 9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 60.7, Diameter = 10 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 74.3, Diameter = 11 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 166, PersonWeight = 53.2, Diameter = 12 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 164.5, PersonWeight = 52.3, Diameter = 13 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 161.2, PersonWeight = 54.8, Diameter = 15 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 162.5, PersonWeight = 58.2, Diameter = 14 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 154.5, PersonWeight = 49, Diameter = 16 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 169, PersonWeight = 58.2, Diameter = 18 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 162.8, PersonWeight = 57.8, Diameter = 17 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 151.1, PersonWeight = 73.2, Diameter = 19 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 178, PersonWeight = 70.6, Diameter = 20 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 105.2, Diameter = 21 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 159.5, PersonWeight = 49.2, Diameter = 22 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 166, PersonWeight = 69.8, Diameter = 23 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 172.9, PersonWeight = 62.5, Diameter = 24 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 175, PersonWeight = 73.2, Diameter = 25 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 166.8, PersonWeight = 57.2, Diameter = 26 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 179.9, PersonWeight = 67.3, Diameter = 27 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 176.5, PersonWeight = 83, Diameter = 28 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 160.2, PersonWeight = 52.1, Diameter = 29 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 167.6, PersonWeight = 54.5, Diameter = 30 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 50.2, Diameter = 31 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 163.2, PersonWeight = 55.9, Diameter = 32 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 165.5, PersonWeight = 60, Diameter = 33 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 163, PersonWeight = 62, Diameter = 34 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 75.7, Diameter = 33 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 163.5, PersonWeight = 50, Diameter = 32 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 155, PersonWeight = 45.9, Diameter = 32 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170.3, PersonWeight = 64.8, Diameter = 31 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 159.8, PersonWeight = 50, Diameter = 30 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 166.2, PersonWeight = 58.6, Diameter = 29 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 159, PersonWeight = 55.6, Diameter = 28 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 168.2, PersonWeight = 53.4, Diameter = 27 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 164.3, PersonWeight = 59.8, Diameter = 26 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 163.5, PersonWeight = 51.8, Diameter = 25 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 157, PersonWeight = 63, Diameter = 24 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 176.2, PersonWeight = 66.8, Diameter = 23 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 153.4, PersonWeight = 42, Diameter = 22 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 157, PersonWeight = 47.8, Diameter = 21 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 176.5, PersonWeight = 87.8, Diameter = 20 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170.5, PersonWeight = 67.8, Diameter = 19 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 54.4, Diameter = 18 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 161.3, PersonWeight = 67.9, Diameter = 17 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 160, PersonWeight = 50.2, Diameter = 16 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 72.9, Diameter = 15 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter1", PersonHeight = 152.4, PersonWeight = 46.5, Diameter = 14 });
#region scatter2数据
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 65.6, Diameter = 1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 181.5, PersonWeight = 74.8, Diameter = 2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180, PersonWeight = 76.6, Diameter = 3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184, PersonWeight = 79.6, Diameter = 4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 78.8, Diameter = 5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 178, PersonWeight = 89.6, Diameter = 6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 183.5, PersonWeight = 74.8, Diameter = 7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 59.5, Diameter = 8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 186.7, PersonWeight = 87.8, Diameter = 9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 182.9, PersonWeight = 88.7, Diameter = 10 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 169.5, PersonWeight = 75.6, Diameter = 11 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 163, PersonWeight = 57, Diameter = 12 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 177, PersonWeight = 71.6, Diameter = 13 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 167, PersonWeight = 64.6, Diameter = 14 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 171.2, PersonWeight = 79.1, Diameter = 15 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 174.5, PersonWeight = 63.9, Diameter = 16 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180.1, PersonWeight = 93, Diameter = 17 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 175.3, PersonWeight = 71.8, Diameter = 18 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184, PersonWeight = 86.4, Diameter = 19 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 177.8, PersonWeight = 83.6, Diameter = 20 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 192.7, PersonWeight = 93.8, Diameter = 21 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180.5, PersonWeight = 77.8, Diameter = 22 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 82.8, Diameter = 23 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 175.5, PersonWeight = 70, Diameter = 24 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 182, PersonWeight = 67.2, Diameter = 25 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 171.4, PersonWeight = 84.7, Diameter = 26 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 188, PersonWeight = 84.1, Diameter = 27 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 86.2, Diameter = 28 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 171.5, PersonWeight = 61.4, Diameter = 29 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 186, PersonWeight = 84.8, Diameter = 30 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 177.8, PersonWeight = 74.8, Diameter = 31 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 181.6, PersonWeight = 78.9, Diameter = 32 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 177.5, PersonWeight = 72, Diameter = 33 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 175.5, PersonWeight = 80.9, Diameter = 34 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 193.5, PersonWeight = 80.7, Diameter = 35 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184.5, PersonWeight = 78.4, Diameter = 36 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 192, PersonWeight = 90, Diameter = 37 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 171.5, PersonWeight = 70, Diameter = 38 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 66.2, Diameter = 39 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 76.4, Diameter = 40 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 188, PersonWeight = 72.4, Diameter = 1 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 170, PersonWeight = 61.3, Diameter = 2 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 73.4, Diameter = 3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 177.2, PersonWeight = 94.1, Diameter = 4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 172.7, PersonWeight = 75.3, Diameter = 5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184.2, PersonWeight = 76.8, Diameter = 6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 167, PersonWeight = 68.2, Diameter = 7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 164.5, PersonWeight = 70, Diameter = 8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 167.4, PersonWeight = 67.7, Diameter = 9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 170.5, PersonWeight = 56.8, Diameter = 10 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180.6, PersonWeight = 72.7, Diameter = 11 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 186.5, PersonWeight = 72.6, Diameter = 12 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 175, PersonWeight = 62, Diameter = 13 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 74.6, Diameter = 14 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 173, PersonWeight = 72.4, Diameter = 15 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 86.4, Diameter = 16 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 164.5, PersonWeight = 63.2, Diameter = 17 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 189.2, PersonWeight = 84.1, Diameter = 18 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 177.8, PersonWeight = 68.6, Diameter = 19 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 175.3, PersonWeight = 72.1, Diameter = 20 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 172.1, PersonWeight = 74.9, Diameter = 21 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 182.2, PersonWeight = 87.1, Diameter = 22 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 86.8, Diameter = 23 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 171.8, PersonWeight = 66.1, Diameter = 24 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 192, PersonWeight = 101.6, Diameter = 25 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 181.1, PersonWeight = 66, Diameter = 26 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 182.4, PersonWeight = 74.5, Diameter = 27 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184.4, PersonWeight = 68, Diameter = 25 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 187.2, PersonWeight = 78.8, Diameter = 20 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184, PersonWeight = 81.6, Diameter = 10 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 71, Diameter = 9 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 176, PersonWeight = 85.9, Diameter = 8 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 173.5, PersonWeight = 81.8, Diameter = 7 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 173, PersonWeight = 60.9, Diameter = 6 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 172.8, PersonWeight = 69.1, Diameter = 5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 184.2, PersonWeight = 80.1, Diameter = 4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 180.3, PersonWeight = 82.6, Diameter = 3 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 167, PersonWeight = 59.1, Diameter = 5 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 164.1, PersonWeight = 55.2, Diameter = 4 });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Name = "scatter2", PersonHeight = 174, PersonWeight = 72.2, Diameter = 1 });
#region 默认设置
QMEChartScatter scatterChart = new QMEChartScatter() { ScatterType = "scatter2" };
scatterChart.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
scatterChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
scatterChart.Title.Text = "scatter1与scatter2对比";
scatterChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
scatterChart.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Legend图例设置
scatterChart.HaveLegend = true;
scatterChart.LegendField = "Name";
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
scatterChart.HaveToolBox = true;
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
scatterChart.HaveXAxis = true;
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
scatterChart.HaveYAxis = true;
#region 设置数据横纵坐标对应字段
scatterChart.XAxisField = "PersonHeight";
scatterChart.YAxisField = "PersonWeight";
scatterChart.DiameterField = "Diameter";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
scatterChart.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToScatterData(scatterChart);
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartScatter>(scatterChart));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartScatter scatterChart = new QMEChartScatter() { ScatterType = "scatter2" };
//#region 设置标题
//scatterChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
//scatterChart.Title.Text = "scatter1与scatter2对比";
//scatterChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//scatterChart.HaveTooltip = true;
//scatterChart.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip() { AxisPointer = new QMECAxisPointer() { LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() } };
//scatterChart.Tooltip.Trigger = "axis";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.ShowDelay = 0;
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer = new QMECAxisPointer() { LineStyle = new QMECLineStyle() };
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.Type = "cross";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.LineStyle.Type = "dashed";
//scatterChart.Tooltip.AxisPointer.LineStyle.Width = 1;
//#region Legend图例设置
//scatterChart.HaveLegend = true;
//scatterChart.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//scatterChart.HaveToolBox = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), DataZoom = new QMECDataZoom(), Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.DataZoom.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//scatterChart.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
//scatterChart.HaveXAxis = true;
//scatterChart.XAxis = new QMECXAxis();
//scatterChart.XAxis.Type = "value";
//scatterChart.XAxis.Scale = true;
//scatterChart.XAxis.SplitNumber = 4;
//#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
//scatterChart.HaveYAxis = true;
//scatterChart.YAxis = new QMECYAxis();
//scatterChart.YAxis.Type = "value";
//scatterChart.YAxis.Scale = true;
//scatterChart.YAxis.SplitNumber = 4;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
////string[] data1 = {"[100,200,300]","[150,250,350]","[400,500,600]","[450,550,650]","[700,800,900]","[750,850,950]"};
////string[] data2 = {"[-100,-200,-300]", "[-150,-250,-350]", "[-400,-500,-600]", "[-450,-550,-650]", "[-700,-800,-900]", "[-750,-850,-950]" };
//List<double[]> dataList1 = new List<double[]>();
//#region 设置数据
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.2, 51.6, 174 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 59, 181.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 172.5, 55.2, 180 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 147.2, 49.8, 184 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.5, 50.6, 176 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 174, 54.5, 178 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 154.4, 46.2, 183.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162.1, 53.6, 170 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.9, 62.3, 186.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.6, 58.3, 182.9 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.6, 61, 169.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.3, 54.8, 163 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 156, 52.7, 177 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162, 54.7, 167 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 151.1, 48.7, 171.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 164, 55.7, 174.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 69.4, 180.1 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.2, 59.8, 175.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.4, 63.4, 184 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159, 48.6, 177.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161, 53.6, 192.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 171.8, 56.2, 180.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166.8, 56.6, 180.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.5, 59, 175.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.1, 47.6, 182 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170.9, 54.2, 171.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.2, 49.2, 188 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 175, 82.5, 174 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 173, 59.8, 171.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162, 55, 186 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 73.2, 177.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.8, 58.5, 181.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 165.1, 56.2, 177.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160.7, 69.1, 175.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 60.7, 193.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 74.3, 184.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166, 53.2, 192 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 164.5, 52.3, 171.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.2, 54.8, 172.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162.5, 58.2, 180.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 154.5, 49, 188 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 169, 58.2, 170 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 162.8, 57.8, 172.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 151.1, 73.2, 177.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 178, 70.6, 172.7 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 105.2, 184.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.5, 49.2, 167 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166, 69.8, 164.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 172.9, 62.5, 167.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 175, 73.2, 170.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166.8, 57.2, 180.6 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 179.9, 67.3, 186.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 176.5, 83, 175 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160.2, 52.1, 176 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 167.6, 54.5, 173 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 50.2, 176 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.2, 55.9, 164.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 165.5, 60, 189.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163, 62, 177.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 174, 75.7, 175.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.5, 50, 172.1 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 155, 45.9, 182.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170.3, 64.8, 174 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159.8, 50, 171.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 166.2, 58.6, 192 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 159, 55.6, 181.1 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 168.2, 53.4, 182.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 164.3, 59.8, 184.4 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 163.5, 51.8, 187.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 157, 63, 184 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 176.2, 66.8, 174 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 153.4, 42, 176 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 157, 47.8, 173.5 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 176.5, 87.8, 173 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170.5, 67.8, 172.8 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 54.4, 184.2 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 161.3, 67.9, 180.3 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 160, 50.2, 167 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 170, 72.9, 164.1 });
//dataList1.Add(new double[] { 152.4, 46.5, 174 });
//List<double[]> dataList2 = new List<double[]>();
//#region 设置数据
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 65.6, 51.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 181.5, 74.8, 59 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180, 76.6, 55.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184, 79.6, 49.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 78.8, 50.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 178, 89.6, 54.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 183.5, 74.8, 46.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 170, 59.5, 53.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 186.7, 87.8, 62.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182.9, 88.7, 58.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 169.5, 75.6, 61 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 163, 57, 54.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177, 71.6, 52.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167, 64.6, 54.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.2, 79.1, 48.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174.5, 63.9, 55.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.1, 93, 69.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.3, 71.8, 59.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184, 86.4, 63.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.8, 83.6, 48.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 192.7, 93.8, 53.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.5, 77.8, 56.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 82.8, 56.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.5, 70, 59 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182, 67.2, 47.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.4, 84.7, 54.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 188, 84.1, 49.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 86.2, 82.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.5, 61.4, 59.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 186, 84.8, 55 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.8, 74.8, 73.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 181.6, 78.9, 58.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.5, 72, 56.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.5, 80.9, 69.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 193.5, 80.7, 60.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.5, 78.4, 74.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 192, 90, 53.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.5, 70, 52.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 66.2, 54.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 76.4, 58.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 188, 72.4, 49 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 170, 61.3, 58.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 73.4, 57.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.2, 94.1, 73.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.7, 75.3, 70.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.2, 76.8, 105.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167, 68.2, 49.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 164.5, 70, 69.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167.4, 67.7, 62.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 170.5, 56.8, 73.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.6, 72.7, 57.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 186.5, 72.6, 67.3 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175, 62, 83 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 74.6, 52.1 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 173, 72.4, 54.5 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 86.4, 50.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 164.5, 63.2, 55.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 189.2, 84.1, 60 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 177.8, 68.6, 62 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 175.3, 72.1, 75.7 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.1, 74.9, 50 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182.2, 87.1, 45.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 86.8, 64.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 171.8, 66.1, 50 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 192, 101.6, 58.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 181.1, 66, 55.6 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 182.4, 74.5, 53.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.4, 68, 59.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 187.2, 78.8, 51.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184, 81.6, 63 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 71, 66.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 176, 85.9, 42 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 173.5, 81.8, 47.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 173, 60.9, 87.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 172.8, 69.1, 67.8 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 184.2, 80.1, 54.4 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 180.3, 82.6, 67.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 167, 59.1, 50.2 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 164.1, 55.2, 72.9 });
//dataList2.Add(new double[] { 174, 72.2, 46.5 });
//scatterChart.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//scatterChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "scatter1", Type = "scatter", SymbolSize = "function (value){return Math.round(value[2] / 5);}", DataListArr = dataList1 });
//scatterChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "scatter2", Type = "scatter", SymbolSize = "function (value){return Math.round(value[2] / 5);}", DataListArr = dataList2 });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartScatter>(scatterChart));
#region 标准漏斗图
/// <summary>
/// 标准漏斗图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Funnel1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 标准漏斗图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataFunnel1()
#region 数据源列表
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "60", TypeValue = "展现"});
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "40", TypeValue = "点击"});
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "20", TypeValue = "访问"});
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "80", TypeValue = "咨询"});
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Value = "100", TypeValue = "订单"});
#region 默认设置
QMEChartFunnel funnelChart = new QMEChartFunnel() { FunnelType = "funnel1" };
funnelChart.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
funnelChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
funnelChart.Title.Text = "漏斗图";
funnelChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
funnelChart.HaveTooltip = true;
#region Toolbox工具栏设置
funnelChart.HaveToolBox = true;
#region Legend图例设置
funnelChart.HaveLegend = true;
funnelChart.LegendField = "TypeValue";
funnelChart.Calculable = true;
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
funnelChart.ValueField = "Value";
List<QMECFunnelData> list = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToFunnelData(funnelChart);
funnelChart.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
funnelChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "scatter1", Type = "funnel", Width = "40%", FunData = list });
//生成金字塔图,若无。 不赋值即可
QMECItemStyle itemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { Label = new QMECLabel() { Position = "left", Show = true }, LabelLine = new QMECLabelLine() { Show = true } } };
funnelChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "scatter2", Type = "funnel", X = "50%", Sort = "ascending", ItemStyle = itemStyle, FunData = list });
return Content(QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMEChartFunnel>(funnelChart));
#region 自定义创建图表
//QMEChartFunnel funnelChart = new QMEChartFunnel() { FunnelType = "funnel1" };
//#region 设置标题
//funnelChart.Title = new QMECTitle();
//funnelChart.Title.Text = "漏斗图";
//funnelChart.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
//#region Tooltip提示窗口设置
//funnelChart.HaveTooltip = true;
//funnelChart.Tooltip = new QMECTooltip();
//funnelChart.Tooltip.Trigger = "item";
//funnelChart.Tooltip.Formatter = "'{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'";
//#region Legend图例设置
//funnelChart.HaveLegend = true;
//funnelChart.Legend = new QMECLegend() { Data = new List<string>() };
//#region Toolbox工具栏设置
//funnelChart.HaveToolBox = true;
//funnelChart.Toolbox = new QMECToolbox() { Feature = new QMECFeature() { Mark = new QMECMark(), Restore = new QMECRestore(), SaveAsImage = new QMECSaveAsImage() } };
//funnelChart.Toolbox.Show = true;
//funnelChart.Toolbox.Feature.Mark.Show = true;
//funnelChart.Toolbox.Feature.Restore.Show = true;
//funnelChart.Toolbox.Feature.SaveAsImage.Show = true;
//funnelChart.Calculable = true;
//#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
//QMECItemStyle itemStyle = new QMECItemStyle() { Normal = new QMECNormal() { Label = new QMECLabel(), LabelLine = new QMECLabelLine() } };
//itemStyle.Normal.Label.Position = "left";
//itemStyle.Normal.Label.Show = true;
//itemStyle.Normal.LabelLine.Show = true;
//List<QMECFunnelData> funData1 = new List<QMECFunnelData>();
//funData1.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "60", Name = "访问" });
//funData1.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "40", Name = "咨询" });
//funData1.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "20", Name = "订单" });
//funData1.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "80", Name = "点击" });
//funData1.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "100", Name = "展现" });
//funnelChart.Series = new List<QMECSerie>();
//funnelChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "scatter1", Type = "funnel", Width = "40%", FunData = funData1 });
//List<QMECFunnelData> funData2 = new List<QMECFunnelData>();
//funData2.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "60", Name = "访问" });
//funData2.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "40", Name = "咨询" });
//funData2.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "20", Name = "订单" });
//funData2.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "80", Name = "点击" });
//funData2.Add(new QMECFunnelData() { Value = "100", Name = "展现" });
//funnelChart.Series.Add(new QMECSerie() { Name = "scatter2", Type = "funnel", X = "50%", Sort = "ascending", ItemStyle = itemStyle, FunData = funData2 });
//return Content(QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartHelper.QMECHelper<QMAPP.Common.Web.QMEChart.QMEChartFunnel>(funnelChart));
#region 导出Line1
/// <summary>
/// 导出Line1
/// </summary>
/// <returns>结果</returns>
public ActionResult ExportLine1()
string imgSend = Request.Form["hiChartImg"];
imgSend = imgSend.Replace(" ", "+");
string[] contents = imgSend.Split(',');
imgSend = contents[1];
byte[] content = Convert.FromBase64String(imgSend);
System.Web.Mvc.FileContentResult result = null;
result = new System.Web.Mvc.FileContentResult(content, "application/png");
result.FileDownloadName = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode("标准折线图.png", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
return result;
#region 多图叠加
/// <summary>
/// 多图叠加
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult Group1()
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 多图叠加
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public ActionResult GetEchartDataGroup1()
#region 源数据定义
string ad = @"{
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis'
toolbox: {
show: false,
feature: {
mark: { show: true },
dataView: { show: true, readOnly: false },
magicType: { show: true, type: ['line', 'bar'] },
restore: { show: true },
saveAsImage: { show: true }
calculable: true,
legend: {
data: ['开机时间', '加工时间', '利用率', '目标值']
xAxis: [
type: 'category',
data: ['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月']
yAxis: [
type: 'value',
name: '小时',
axisLabel: {
formatter: '{value} h'
type: 'value',
name: '百分比',
axisLabel: {
formatter: '{value} %'
series: [
name: '开机时间',
type: 'bar',
data: [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3]
name: '加工时间',
type: 'bar',
data: [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3]
name: '利用率',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: [2.6, 5.9, 9.0, 26.4, 28.7, 70.7, 75.6, 82.2, 48.7, 18.8, 6.0, 2.3]
,itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: true}} }
name: '目标值',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: [2.0, 2.2, 3.3, 4.5, 6.3, 10.2, 20.3, 23.4, 23.0, 16.5, 12.0, 6.2]
, itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: true}} }
return Content(ad);
/// <summary>
/// 标准柱状图
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
public List<QMECSerie> GetBar1GroupData()
#region 源数据定义
List<TestEChartModel> dataList = new List<TestEChartModel>();
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "一月", Value = "2.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "二月", Value = "4.9", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "三月", Value = "7.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "四月", Value = "23.2", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "五月", Value = "25.6", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "六月", Value = "2.7", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "七月", Value = "13.6", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "八月", Value = "16.2", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "九月", Value = "32.6", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十月", Value = "20.0", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十一月", Value = "6.4", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
dataList.Add(new TestEChartModel() { Week = "十二月", Value = "3.3", TypeValue = "蒸发量" });
QMEChartBar chartLBar = new QMEChartBar() { BarType = "bar1" };
chartLBar.DataList = dataList;
#region 设置标题
chartLBar.Title = new QMECTitle();
chartLBar.Title.Text = "蒸发量-降水量统计图";
chartLBar.Title.Subtext = "纯属虚构";
#region Legend图例设置
chartLBar.HaveLegend = true;
chartLBar.LegendField = "TypeValue";
#region XAxis横坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveXAxis = true;
chartLBar.XAxisField = "Week";
#region YAxis纵坐标轴设置
chartLBar.HaveYAxis = true;
chartLBar.YAxis = new QMECYAxis() { AxisLabel = new QMECAxisLabel() };
chartLBar.YAxis.Type = "value";
#region 生成图表所需要数据格式
chartLBar.ValueField = "Value";
chartLBar.CateField = "Cate";
chartLBar.SubCateField = "SubCate";
chartLBar.Series = QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
return QMEChartHelper.CovertDataToSeries(chartLBar);
/// <summary>
/// 统计图页面配置
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string QMEChartPageConfig()
StringBuilder configBuilder = new StringBuilder();
configBuilder.AppendLine("<script src=\"../../Scripts/echarts-2.2.2/build/dist/echarts.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>");
configBuilder.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
configBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- 路径配置-->");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" require.config({");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" paths: {");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" echarts: '../../Scripts/echarts-2.2.2/build/dist',");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" themes: '../../Scripts/echarts-2.2.2/src'");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" }");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" });");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" if (!window.console || !console.firebug) {");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" var names = ['log', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'assert', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'group', 'groupEnd', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'count', 'trace', 'profile', 'profileEnd'];");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" window.console = {};");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" window.console[names[i]] = function () { }");
configBuilder.AppendLine(" } ");
return configBuilder.ToString();