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* @module echarts/util/shape/Ribbon
* @author pissang (https://github.com/pissang)
* @typedef {Object} IRibbonStyle
* @property {number} x
* @property {number} y
* @property {number} source0
* @property {number} source1
* @property {number} target0
* @property {number} target1
* @property {number} r
* @property {boolean} clockWise
* @property {string} [brushType='fill']
* @property {string} [color='#000000'] 填充颜色
* @property {string} [strokeColor='#000000'] 描边颜色
* @property {string} [lineCape='butt'] 线帽样式,可以是 butt, round, square
* @property {number} [lineWidth=1] 描边宽度
* @property {number} [opacity=1] 绘制透明度
* @property {number} [shadowBlur=0] 阴影模糊度,大于0有效
* @property {string} [shadowColor='#000000'] 阴影颜色
* @property {number} [shadowOffsetX=0] 阴影横向偏移
* @property {number} [shadowOffsetY=0] 阴影纵向偏移
* @property {string} [text] 图形中的附加文本
* @property {string} [textColor='#000000'] 文本颜色
* @property {string} [textFont] 附加文本样式,eg:'bold 18px verdana'
* @property {string} [textPosition='end'] 附加文本位置, 可以是 inside, left, right, top, bottom
* @property {string} [textAlign] 默认根据textPosition自动设置,附加文本水平对齐。
* 可以是start, end, left, right, center
* @property {string} [textBaseline] 默认根据textPosition自动设置,附加文本垂直对齐。
* 可以是top, bottom, middle, alphabetic, hanging, ideographic
define(function (require) {
var Base = require('zrender/shape/Base');
var PathProxy = require('zrender/shape/util/PathProxy');
var zrUtil = require('zrender/tool/util');
var area = require('zrender/tool/area');
// var _ctx = zrUtil.getContext();
function RibbonShape(options) {
Base.call(this, options);
this._pathProxy = new PathProxy();
RibbonShape.prototype = {
type : 'ribbon',
buildPath : function (ctx, style) {
var clockWise = style.clockWise || false;
var path = this._pathProxy;
var cx = style.x;
var cy = style.y;
var r = style.r;
var s0 = style.source0 / 180 * Math.PI;
var s1 = style.source1 / 180 * Math.PI;
var t0 = style.target0 / 180 * Math.PI;
var t1 = style.target1 / 180 * Math.PI;
var sx0 = cx + Math.cos(s0) * r;
var sy0 = cy + Math.sin(s0) * r;
var sx1 = cx + Math.cos(s1) * r;
var sy1 = cy + Math.sin(s1) * r;
var tx0 = cx + Math.cos(t0) * r;
var ty0 = cy + Math.sin(t0) * r;
var tx1 = cx + Math.cos(t1) * r;
var ty1 = cy + Math.sin(t1) * r;
path.moveTo(sx0, sy0);
path.arc(cx, cy, style.r, s0, s1, !clockWise);
(cx - sx1) * 0.70 + sx1,
(cy - sy1) * 0.70 + sy1,
(cx - tx0) * 0.70 + tx0,
(cy - ty0) * 0.70 + ty0,
tx0, ty0
// Chord to self
if (style.source0 === style.target0
&& style.source1 === style.target1
) {
path.arc(cx, cy, style.r, t0, t1, !clockWise);
(cx - tx1) * 0.70 + tx1,
(cy - ty1) * 0.70 + ty1,
(cx - sx0) * 0.70 + sx0,
(cy - sy0) * 0.70 + sy0,
sx0, sy0
getRect : function (style) {
if (style.__rect) {
return style.__rect;
if (!this._pathProxy.isEmpty()) {
this.buildPath(null, style);
return this._pathProxy.fastBoundingRect();
isCover : function (x, y) {
var rect = this.getRect(this.style);
if (x >= rect.x
&& x <= (rect.x + rect.width)
&& y >= rect.y
&& y <= (rect.y + rect.height)
) {
return area.isInsidePath(
this._pathProxy.pathCommands, 0, 'fill', x, y
zrUtil.inherits(RibbonShape, Base);
return RibbonShape;