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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.Basic;
using QMAPP.ServicesAgent;
using QMFrameWork.Data;
using QMFrameWork.Common.Serialization;
using QMAPP.KB.Entity;
namespace QMAPP.WinForm.Forms.Injection
public partial class SingleSlushMoldConfigEdit : Form
int maxStationValue = 0;
int maxMoldValue = 0;
MoldConfig moldConfig;
public SingleSlushMoldConfigEdit()
moldConfig = new MoldConfig();
this.Text = "新增模腔号设置";
public SingleSlushMoldConfigEdit(MoldConfig entity)
moldConfig = entity;
this.Text = "修改模腔号设置";
private void SingleSlushMoldConfigEdit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.comHOrL.DisplayMember = "VALUE";
this.comHOrL.ValueMember = "KEY";
List<object> comHOrList = new List<object>();
comHOrList.Add(new { VALUE = "", KEY = "" });
comHOrList.Add(new { VALUE = "高配+低配", KEY = "HB" });
comHOrList.Add(new { VALUE = "低配+低配", KEY = "BB" });
comHOrList.Add(new { VALUE = "高配+高配", KEY = "HH" });
this.comHOrL.DataSource = comHOrList;
this.comHOrL.SelectedIndex = 0;
this.comStatus.DisplayMember = "VALUE";
this.comStatus.ValueMember = "KEY";
List<object> comUsedList = new List<object>();
comUsedList.Add(new { VALUE = "", KEY = "" });
comUsedList.Add(new { VALUE = "是", KEY = "1" });
comUsedList.Add(new { VALUE = "否", KEY = "0" });
this.comStatus.DataSource = comUsedList;
this.comStatus.SelectedIndex = 0;
this.comCurrent.DisplayMember = "VALUE";
this.comCurrent.ValueMember = "KEY";
List<object> comCurrentList = new List<object>();
comCurrentList.Add(new { VALUE = "", KEY = "" });
comCurrentList.Add(new { VALUE = "否", KEY = "0" });
comCurrentList.Add(new { VALUE = "是", KEY = "1" });
this.comCurrent.DataSource = comCurrentList;
this.comCurrent.SelectedIndex = 0;
#region 服务查询
QMAPP.ServicesAgent.ServiceAgent agent = ClientContext.GetServiceAgent();
MoldConfig mold = agent.InvokeServiceFunction<MoldConfig>(B9BasicService.MoldConfigBLL_GetMaxMold.ToString());
this.comMoldValue.DisplayMember = "VALUE";
this.comMoldValue.ValueMember = "KEY";
this.comMoldValue2.DisplayMember = "VALUE";
this.comMoldValue2.ValueMember = "KEY";
this.comMoldStation.DisplayMember = "VALUE";
this.comMoldStation.ValueMember = "KEY";
List<object> moldList = new List<object>();
List<object> mold2List = new List<object>();
List<object> moldStation = new List<object>();
moldStation.Add(new { VALUE = "", KEY = "" });
if (mold.MAXMOLDSTATION == 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= mold.MAXMOLDSTATION; i++)
moldStation.Add(new { VALUE = i.ToString(), KEY = i.ToString() });
moldList.Add(new { VALUE = "", KEY = "" });
mold2List.Add(new { VALUE = "", KEY = "" });
if (mold.MAXMOLDVALUE == 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= mold.MAXMOLDVALUE; i++)
moldList.Add(new { VALUE = i.ToString(), KEY = i.ToString() });
mold2List.Add(new { VALUE = i.ToString(), KEY = i.ToString() });
comMoldValue.DataSource = moldList;
comMoldValue2.DataSource = mold2List;
comMoldStation.DataSource = moldStation;
maxStationValue = mold.MAXMOLDSTATION;
maxMoldValue = mold.MAXMOLDVALUE;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moldConfig.PID) == false)
comMoldStation.SelectedValue = moldConfig.MOLDSTATION;
comHOrL.SelectedValue = moldConfig.HB;
comMoldValue.SelectedValue = moldConfig.MOLDVALUE.Substring(0, moldConfig.MOLDVALUE.IndexOf("+"));
comMoldValue2.SelectedValue = moldConfig.MOLDVALUE.Substring(moldConfig.MOLDVALUE.IndexOf("+") + 1);
//indexNumber.Value = moldConfig.INDEXVALUE;
comStatus.SelectedValue = moldConfig.STATUS.ToString();
comCurrent.SelectedValue = moldConfig.USED.ToString();
comIndexNumber.Text = moldConfig.INDEXVALUE.ToString();
private void tsbClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void tsbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string errorMessae = ErrorCheck();
if (errorMessae != "")
MessageBox.Show(errorMessae, Resource1.ConfirmTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
#region 获取界面信息
moldConfig.MOLDSTATION = comMoldStation.Text;
var hb = comHOrL.SelectedItem;
moldConfig.HB = GetPropertyValue(hb, "KEY").ToString();
moldConfig.MOLDVALUE = comMoldValue.Text + "+" + comMoldValue2.Text;
moldConfig.INDEXVALUE = Convert.ToInt32(comIndexNumber.Text);
var status = comStatus.SelectedItem;
moldConfig.STATUS = Convert.ToInt32(GetPropertyValue(status, "KEY").ToString());
var used = comCurrent.SelectedItem;
moldConfig.USED = Convert.ToInt32(GetPropertyValue(used, "KEY").ToString());
#region 保存
QMAPP.ServicesAgent.ServiceAgent agent = ClientContext.GetServiceAgent();
DataResult result;//判断是否成功
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moldConfig.PID))
result = agent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult>(B9BasicService.MoldConfigBLL_Insert.ToString(), moldConfig);
result = agent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult>(B9BasicService.MoldConfigBLL_Update.ToString(), moldConfig);
if (result.IsSuccess)
this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
private string ErrorCheck()
string errorMsg = "";
if (comMoldStation.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请选择模架号!\r\n";
if (comHOrL.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请选择高低配!\r\n";
if (comMoldValue.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请选择模腔号!\r\n";
if (comMoldValue2.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请选择模腔号!\r\n";
if (comMoldValue2.SelectedIndex == comMoldValue.SelectedIndex)
errorMsg += "请选择不同的模腔号!\r\n";
if (comIndexNumber.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请填写排列顺序!\r\n";
if (comStatus.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请选择是否可用!\r\n";
if (comCurrent.SelectedIndex == 0)
errorMsg += "请选择是否当前生产!\r\n";
DataPage dataPage = new DataPage();
dataPage.PageIndex = 1;
dataPage.PageSize = 100;
List<MoldConfig> recorders = null;//查询结果列表
QMAPP.ServicesAgent.ServiceAgent agent = ClientContext.GetServiceAgent();
dataPage = agent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataPage>(B9BasicService.MoldConfigBLL_GetList.ToString(), new MoldConfig());
recorders = JsonConvertHelper.GetDeserialize<List<MoldConfig>>(dataPage.Result.ToString());
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moldConfig.PID))
if (recorders.Count(o => o.MOLDSTATION == comMoldStation.Text) > 0)
errorMsg += string.Format("模架号{0}配置已存在!\r\n", comMoldStation.Text);
if (recorders.Count(o => o.INDEXVALUE.ToString() == Convert.ToInt32(comIndexNumber.Text).ToString()) > 0)
errorMsg += string.Format("排列顺序号{0}已存在!\r\n", Convert.ToInt32(comIndexNumber.Text).ToString());
if (recorders.Count(o => o.PID != moldConfig.PID && o.MOLDSTATION == comMoldStation.Text) > 0)
errorMsg += string.Format("模架号{0}配置已存在!\r\n", comMoldStation.Text);
if (recorders.Count(o => o.PID != moldConfig.PID && o.INDEXVALUE == Convert.ToInt32(comIndexNumber.Text)) > 0)
errorMsg += string.Format("排列顺序号{0}已存在!\r\n", Convert.ToInt32(comIndexNumber.Text).ToString());
return errorMsg;
public object GetPropertyValue(object info, string field)
if (info == null) return null;
Type t = info.GetType();
IEnumerable<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo> property = from pi in t.GetProperties() where pi.Name.ToLower() == field.ToLower() select pi;
return property.First().GetValue(info, null);