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<b>Submenu hover adjustment</b>. Automatically move up a submenu to fit into screen when some part of it goes beneath window.
ace.sidebar_hoverable = function($) {
if( !('querySelector' in document) || !('removeProperty' in document.body.style) ) return;
//ignore IE8 & below
//on window resize or sidebar expand/collapse a previously "pulled up" submenu should be reset back to its default position
//for example if "pulled up" in "responsive-min" mode, in "fullmode" should not remain "pulled up"
ace.helper.sidebar_hover = {
reset : function() {
$sidebar.find('.submenu').each(function() {
var sub = this, li = this.parentNode;
if(sub) {
var menu_text = li.querySelector('.menu-text');
if(menu_text) {
if( li.className.lastIndexOf('_up') >= 0 ) {//has .pull_up
var is_navbar_fixed =
'getComputedStyle' in window ?
//navbar.offsetHeight is used to force redraw and recalculate 'sidebar.style.position' esp for webkit!
function() { navbar.offsetHeight; return window.getComputedStyle(navbar).position == 'fixed' }
function() { navbar.offsetHeight; return $navbar.css('position') == 'fixed' }
$(window).on('resize.ace_hover', function() {
navbar_fixed = is_navbar_fixed();
$(document).on('settings.ace.hover', function(e, event_name, event_val) {
if(event_name == 'sidebar_collapsed') ace.helper.sidebar_hover.reset();
else if(event_name == 'navbar_fixed') navbar_fixed = event_val;
var $sidebar = $('.sidebar').eq(0),
sidebar = $sidebar.get(0),
nav_list = $sidebar.find('.nav-list').get(0);
var $navbar = $('.navbar').eq(0),
navbar = $navbar.get(0),
horizontal = $sidebar.hasClass('h-sidebar'),
navbar_fixed = $navbar.css('position') == 'fixed';
$sidebar.find('.submenu').parent().addClass('hsub');//add .hsub (has-sub) class
//some mobile browsers don't have mouseenter
$sidebar.on('mouseenter.ace_hover', '.nav-list li.hsub', function (e) {
//ignore if collapsible mode (mobile view .navbar-collapse) so it doesn't trigger submenu movements
//or return if horizontal but not mobile_view (style 1&3)
if( ace.vars['collapsible'] || (horizontal && !ace.vars['mobile_view']) ) return;
var sub = this.querySelector('.submenu');
if(sub) {
//try to move/adjust submenu if the parent is a li.hover
if( ace.helper.hasClass(this, 'hover') ) {
adjust_submenu.call(this, sub);
//or if submenu is minimized
else if( this.parentNode == nav_list && ace.vars['minimized'] ) {
adjust_submenu.call(this, sub);
var $diff = 50;
function adjust_submenu(sub) {
var $sub = $(sub);
var menu_text = null
if( ace.vars['minimized'] && (menu_text = sub.parentNode.querySelector('.menu-text')) ) {
//2nd level items don't have .menu-text
var off = $sub.offset();
var scroll = ace.helper.scrollTop();
var pull_up = false;
var $scroll = scroll
if( navbar_fixed ) {
$scroll += navbar.clientHeight + 1;
//let's avoid our submenu from going below navbar
//because of chrome z-index stacking issue and firefox's normal .submenu over fixed .navbar flicker issue
var sub_h = sub.scrollHeight;
if(menu_text) {
sub_h += 40;
off.top -= 40;
var sub_bottom = parseInt(off.top + sub_h)
var diff
//if the bottom of menu is going to go below visible window
if( (diff = sub_bottom - (window.innerHeight + scroll - 50)) > 0 ) {
//if it needs to be moved top a lot! use bottom unless it makes it go out of window top
if(sub_h - diff < $diff && off.top - diff > $scroll ) {
sub.style.top = 'auto';
sub.style.bottom = '-10px';
if( menu_text ) {
//menu_text.style.marginTop = -(sub_h - 10)+'px';
menu_text.style.marginTop = -(sub_h - 50)+'px';// -10 - 40 for the above extra 40
pull_up = true;
else {
//when top of menu goes out of browser window's top or below fixed navbar
if( off.top - diff < $scroll ) {
diff = off.top - $scroll;
//when bottom of menu goes above bottom of parent LI
/** else */
if(sub_bottom - diff < off.top + $diff) {
diff -= $diff;
var at_least = menu_text ? 40 : 20;//it we are going to move up less than at_least, then ignore
if( diff > at_least ) {
sub.style.top = -(diff) + 'px';
if( menu_text ) {
menu_text.style.marginTop = -(diff) + 'px';
pull_up = true;
//pull_up means, pull the menu up a little bit, and some styling may need to change
var pos = this.className.lastIndexOf('pull_up');//pull_up
if (pull_up) {
if (pos == -1)
this.className = this.className + ' pull_up';
} else {
if (pos >= 0)
this.className = this.className.replace(/(^|\s)pull_up($|\s)/ , '');
//again force redraw for safari!
if( ace.vars['safari'] ) {