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* Fuel UX Wizard
* https://github.com/ExactTarget/fuelux
* Copyright (c) 2012 ExactTarget
* Licensed under the MIT license.
//define(['require','jquery'],function (require) {
(function($ , undefined) {//ACE
//var $ = require('jquery');
var old = $.fn.wizard;
var Wizard = function (element, options) {
var kids;
this.$element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.wizard.defaults, options);
this.options.disablePreviousStep = ( this.$element.data().restrict === "previous" ) ? true : false;
this.currentStep = this.options.selectedItem.step;
//this.numSteps = this.$element.find('.steps li').length;
this.numSteps = this.$element.find('.wizard-steps > li').length;//ACE
this.$prevBtn = this.$element.find('button.btn-prev');
this.$nextBtn = this.$element.find('button.btn-next');
kids = this.$nextBtn.children().detach();
this.nextText = $.trim(this.$nextBtn.text());
// handle events
this.$prevBtn.on('click', $.proxy(this.previous, this));
this.$nextBtn.on('click', $.proxy(this.next, this));
this.$element.on('click', 'li.complete', $.proxy(this.stepclicked, this));
if(this.currentStep > 1) {
if( this.options.disablePreviousStep ) {
this.$prevBtn.attr( 'disabled', true );
//this.$element.find( '.steps' ).addClass( 'previous-disabled' );
this.$element.find( '.wizard-steps' ).addClass( 'previous-disabled' );//ACE
this.$stepContainer = $(this.$element.data('target') || 'body');//ACE
Wizard.prototype = {
constructor: Wizard,
setState: function () {
var canMovePrev = (this.currentStep > 1);
var firstStep = (this.currentStep === 1);
var lastStep = (this.currentStep === this.numSteps);
// disable buttons based on current step
if( !this.options.disablePreviousStep ) {
this.$prevBtn.attr('disabled', (firstStep === true || canMovePrev === false));
// change button text of last step, if specified
var data = this.$nextBtn.data();
if (data && data.last) {
this.lastText = data.last;
if (typeof this.lastText !== 'undefined') {
// replace text
var text = (lastStep !== true) ? this.nextText : this.lastText;
var kids = this.$nextBtn.children().detach();
// reset classes for all steps
//var $steps = this.$element.find('.steps li');
var $steps = this.$element.find('.wizard-steps > li');//ACE
// set class for all previous steps
//var prevSelector = '.steps li:lt(' + (this.currentStep - 1) + ')';
var prevSelector = '.wizard-steps > li:lt(' + (this.currentStep - 1) + ')';//ACE
var $prevSteps = this.$element.find(prevSelector);
// set class for current step
//var currentSelector = '.steps li:eq(' + (this.currentStep - 1) + ')';
var currentSelector = '.wizard-steps > li:eq(' + (this.currentStep - 1) + ')';//ACE
var $currentStep = this.$element.find(currentSelector);
// set display of target element
var target = $currentStep.data().target;
// reset the wizard position to the left
this.$element.find('.steps').first().attr('style','margin-left: 0');
// check if the steps are wider than the container div
var totalWidth = 0;
this.$element.find('.steps > li').each(function () {
totalWidth += $(this).outerWidth();
var containerWidth = 0;
if (this.$element.find('.actions').length) {
containerWidth = this.$element.width() - this.$element.find('.actions').first().outerWidth();
} else {
containerWidth = this.$element.width();
if (totalWidth > containerWidth) {
// set the position so that the last step is on the right
var newMargin = totalWidth - containerWidth;
this.$element.find('.steps').first().attr('style','margin-left: -' + newMargin + 'px');
// set the position so that the active step is in a good
// position if it has been moved out of view
if (this.$element.find('li.active').first().position().left < 200) {
newMargin += this.$element.find('li.active').first().position().left - 200;
if (newMargin < 1) {
this.$element.find('.steps').first().attr('style','margin-left: 0');
} else {
this.$element.find('.steps').first().attr('style','margin-left: -' + newMargin + 'px');
stepclicked: function (e) {
var li = $(e.currentTarget);
//var index = this.$element.find('.steps li').index(li);
var index = this.$element.find('.wizard-steps li').index(li);//ACE
var canMovePrev = true;
if( this.options.disablePreviousStep ) {
if( index < this.currentStep ) {
canMovePrev = false;
if( canMovePrev ) {
var evt = $.Event('stepclick');
this.$element.trigger(evt, {step: index + 1});
if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) return;
this.currentStep = (index + 1);
previous: function () {
var canMovePrev = (this.currentStep > 1);
if( this.options.disablePreviousStep ) {
canMovePrev = false;
if (canMovePrev) {
var e = $.Event('change');
this.$element.trigger(e, {step: this.currentStep, direction: 'previous'});
if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return;
this.currentStep -= 1;
next: function () {
var canMoveNext = (this.currentStep + 1 <= this.numSteps);
var lastStep = (this.currentStep === this.numSteps);
if (canMoveNext) {
var e = $.Event('change');
this.$element.trigger(e, {step: this.currentStep, direction: 'next'});
if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return;
this.currentStep += 1;
else if (lastStep) {
selectedItem: function (selectedItem) {
var retVal, step;
if(selectedItem) {
step = selectedItem.step || -1;
if(step >= 1 && step <= this.numSteps) {
this.currentStep = step;
retVal = this;
else {
retVal = { step: this.currentStep };
return retVal;
$.fn.wizard = function (option) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
var methodReturn;
var $set = this.each(function () {
var $this = $( this );
var data = $this.data( 'wizard' );
var options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
if( !data ) $this.data('wizard', (data = new Wizard( this, options ) ) );
if( typeof option === 'string' ) methodReturn = data[ option ].apply( data, args );
return ( methodReturn === undefined ) ? $set : methodReturn;
$.fn.wizard.defaults = {
selectedItem: {step:1}
$.fn.wizard.Constructor = Wizard;
$.fn.wizard.noConflict = function () {
$.fn.wizard = old;
return this;
$(function () {
$('body').on('mouseover.wizard.data-api', '.wizard', function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data('wizard')) return;