You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.Attribute;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace QMAPP.Web.Models.Sys
/// <summary>
/// 公告页面模型
/// </summary>
public class MyNoticeInfoModel : QDGModel
public MyNoticeInfoModel()
//StartTime = null;
//EndTime = null;
USETIME = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
this.propertyParameter = new Dictionary<string, string>();
, "function (rowIndex, rowData) {ClickNotice(rowData[\"NoticeID\"]);return false;}");
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 36)]
[DGColumn(Hidden = true, PrimaryKey = true)]
public string NOTICEID { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200, Width = 380)]
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 200, DataAlign = DataAlign.left, Linked = true)]
public string NOTICETITLE { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200)]
public string NOTICETITLE1 { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 20, JsonUtl = "/Notice/GetEquComboxSource")]
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.left)]
public string NOTICETYPE { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 8000, Height = 90, Width = 380)]
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Hidden = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.left)]
public string NOTICECONTEXT { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 3)]
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center, FormatDate = "yyyy-MM-dd")]
public string USETIME { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 100)]
public string ATTACHFILE { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 1)]
public string CANREPLY { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 1)]
public string SENDFLG { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 2000, Height = 30, Width = 380)]
public string SENDAIM { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 3)]
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 130, DataAlign = DataAlign.center, FormatDate = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")]
public DateTime SENDTIME { get; set; }
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 36)]
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.left)]
public string UPDATEUSER { get; set; }
public string INFOLIST { get; set; }