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<b>Sidebar functions</b>. Collapsing/expanding, toggling mobile view menu and other sidebar functions.
ace.handle_side_menu = function($) {
var sidebar = $('.sidebar').eq(0);
$(document).on(ace.click_event+'.ace.menu', '#menu-toggler', function(){
if( $(this).hasClass('display') && 'sidebar_scroll' in ace.helper )
return false;
//sidebar collapse/expand button
.on(ace.click_event+'.ace.menu', '.sidebar-collapse', function(){
if(ace.vars['collapsible'] || ace.vars['horizontal']) return;
//var minimized = sidebar.hasClass('menu-min');
ace.vars['minimized'] = !ace.vars['minimized'];
ace.settings.sidebar_collapsed.call(this, ace.vars['minimized']);//@ ace-extra.js
//this button is used in `mobile_style = 3` responsive menu style to expand minimized sidebar
.on(ace.click_event+'.ace.menu', '.sidebar-expand', function(){
if( ace.vars['minimized'] /**sidebar.hasClass('menu-min')*/ ) {
ace.settings.sidebar_collapsed.call(this, false , false);
//unminimize (remove .menu-min) but don't save changes to cookies
var icon = $(this).find(ace.vars['.icon']);
var $icon1 = icon.attr('data-icon1');//the icon for expanded state
var $icon2 = icon.attr('data-icon2');//the icon for collapsed state
if( sidebar.hasClass('responsive-min') ) {
sidebar.addClass('display responsive-max');
ace.vars['minimized'] = false
else {
sidebar.removeClass('display responsive-max');
ace.vars['minimized'] = true
$(document).triggerHandler('settings.ace', ['sidebar_collapsed' , ace.vars['minimized']]);
//ios safari only has a bit of a problem not navigating to link address when scrolling down
var ios_fix = ace.vars['ios_safari'];//navigator.userAgent.match(/OS (5|6|7)(_\d)+ like Mac OS X/i);
//toggling submenu
$(document).on(ace.click_event+'.ace.submenu', '.sidebar .nav-list', function (ev) {
var nav_list = this;
//check to see if we have clicked on an element which is inside a .dropdown-toggle element?!
//if so, it means we should toggle a submenu
var link_element = $(ev.target).closest('a');
if(!link_element || link_element.length == 0) return;//return if not clicked inside a link element
var minimized = ace.vars['minimized'] && !ace.vars['collapsible'];
//if .sidebar is .navbar-collapse and in small device mode, then let minimized be uneffective
if( !link_element.hasClass('dropdown-toggle') ) {//it doesn't have a submenu return
//just one thing before we return
//if sidebar is collapsed(minimized) and we click on a first level menu item
//and the click is on the icon, not on the menu text then let's cancel event and cancel navigation
//Good for touch devices, that when the icon is tapped to see the menu text, navigation is cancelled
//navigation is only done when menu text is tapped
if( ace.click_event == "tap"
link_element.get(0).parentNode.parentNode == nav_list )//only level-1 links
var text = link_element.find('.menu-text').get(0);
if( ev.target != text && !$.contains(text , ev.target) ) {//not clicking on the text or its children
return false;
//some browsers need to be forced
if(ios_fix && link_element.attr('data-link') !== 'false') {//specify data-link attribute to ignore this
//ios safari only has a bit of a problem not navigating to link address when scrolling down
//please see issues section
document.location = link_element.attr('href');
return false;
var sub = link_element.siblings('.submenu').get(0);
if(!sub) return false;
var height_change = 0;//the amount of height change in .nav-list
var duration = 250;//transition duration
var parent_ul = sub.parentNode.parentNode;
( minimized && parent_ul == nav_list )
( $(sub.parentNode).hasClass('hover') && !ace.vars['collapsible'] )
return false;
//if not open and visible, let's open it and make it visible
if( sub.scrollHeight == 0 ) {
$(parent_ul).find('> .open > .submenu').each(function() {
//close all other open submenus except for the active one
if(this != sub && !$(this.parentNode).hasClass('active')) {
height_change -= this.scrollHeight;
ace.submenu.hide(this, duration);
var toggle = 0;
if( (toggle = ace.submenu.toggle(sub , duration)) == 1 ) {
//== 1 means submenu is being shown
//if a submenu is being shown and another one previously started to hide, then we may need to update/hide scrollbars
//but if no previous submenu is being hidden, then no need to check if we need to hide the scrollbars in advance
if(height_change != 0) height_change += sub.scrollHeight;
} else if(toggle == -1) {
height_change -= sub.scrollHeight;
//== -1 means submenu is being hidden
//hide scrollbars if content is going to be small enough that scrollbars is not needed anymore
//do this almost before submenu hiding begins
if (height_change != 0 && 'sidebar_scroll' in ace.helper) {
return false;