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<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/AppMaster.Master"
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<%--<%=Html.QPEdit("信息", string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.PID) ? QMFrameWork.WebUI.panelType.Add : QMFrameWork.WebUI.panelType.Update)%>--%>
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<%=Html.QV(p => p.USERID)%>
<%=Html.QC(p => p.USERID, new { Readonly = "readonly" })%>
<table id="QDateGrid">
<%=Html.HiddenFor(p => p.MachineIds)%>
<%=Html.QPEnd() %>
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<%=Html.QV(p => p.MACHINEID)%>
<%=Html.QC(p => p.MACHINEID)%>
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<%=Html.QTButtonSave("UserWithMachine", "TransitSave", "AddMachineSave()")%>
<%=Html.QTButtonBack("Home", "Index", "AddMachineCancel()")%>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
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remoteSort: false,
idField: 'MACHINEID',
columns: [[
{ field: 'MACHINECODDE', title: '设备编码', align: 'center', width: 150 },
{ field: 'MACHINENAME', title: '设备名称', align: 'center', width: 180 },
{ field: 'MACHINEID', title: '设备主键', align: 'center', width: 150, hidden: true }
toolbar: [{
text: '添加',
iconCls: 'icon-add',
handler: function () {
var userid = $('#USERID').combobox('getValue');
if (userid == "") {
MSI("提示", "请填写用户信息!");
return false;
text: '删除',
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handler: function () {
var selectedRowIds = $('#QDateGrid').datagrid('getSelections');
var len = selectedRowIds.length;
if (len == 0) {
MSI("提示", "请选择要删除的设备信息!");
return false;
} else {
MSQ("提示", "确定要删除选中的记录吗?", function () {
var userid = $('#USERID').combobox('getValue');
var ids = "";
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var ma = selectedRowIds[i].MACHINEID;
ids = ids + ";" + ma;
var machineids = ids.substring(1);
type: "post",
url: "/UserWithMachine/EditDelete?USERID=" + userid + "&MachineIds=" + machineids,
data: { QDateGrid: $("#MACHINEID").val() },
success: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var rowIndex = $('#QDateGrid').datagrid('getRowIndex', selectedRowIds[0]);
$("#QDateGrid").datagrid("deleteRow", rowIndex);
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var editflag = document.getElementById("EDITFLAG").value;
url: "/UserWithMachine/GetListForEdit?userID=" + userid + "&EDITFLAG=" + editflag,
type: "post",
datatype: "json",
success: function (resultdata) {
var obj = eval("(" + resultdata + ")");
var ids = "";
for (i = 0; i < obj.total; i++) {
var mid = obj.rows[i].MACHINEID;
ids = ids + ";" + mid;
var machineids = ids.substring(1);
url: "/UserWithMachine/GetMachineInfoList?MachineIds=" + machineids,
type: "POST",
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data == null || data == '') {
MSI("提示", "未查到数据!")
else {
for (var i = 0; i < data.total; i++) {
var insertInfo = {
MACHINEID: data.rows[i].PID
$('#QDateGrid').datagrid('loadData', dataInfo);
function OpenAddMachine() {
title: '新增设备信息',
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var matData = $('#QDateGrid').datagrid('getData');
if (matData.rows.length > 0)
var strid = "";
for (i = 0; i < matData.rows.length; i++)
var sendplanDetail = matData.rows[i];
strid = strid + ";" + sendplanDetail.MACHINEID;
var machineids = strid.substring(1);
var data1;
url: "/Dict/GetMachineInfo?machineids=" + machineids,
data: {
'MACHINEID': $('#MACHINEID').combobox('getValue')
type: "post",
datatype: "json",
success: function (resultdata) {
data1 = eval(resultdata);
if (data1.length == 1) {
else {
data: data1,
editable: 'false',
valueField: 'PID',
textField: 'MACHINENAME'
$('#MACHINEID').combobox("setValue", "");
function AddMachineSave() {
var machinecode = $('#MACHINEID').combobox('getValue');
var userid = $('#USERID').combobox('getValue');
if (userid == "") {
MSI("提示", "请填写用户信息!");
return false;
if (machinecode == "") {
MSI("提示", "请选择设备信息!");
return false;
var matData = $('#QDateGrid').datagrid('getData');
if (matData.rows.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < matData.rows.length; i++) {
var sendplanDetail = matData.rows[i];
if (sendplanDetail.MACHINEID == $('#MACHINEID').combobox('getValue')) {
MSI('提示', '已经添加了设备号为' + $('#MACHINEID').combobox('getValue') + '的信息设备!');
return false;
var dataResultSubmit;
url: "/UserWithMachine/AddMachineDetail",
data: {
'MACHINEID': $('#MACHINEID').combobox('getValue')
type: "GET",
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (data) {
dataResultSubmit = eval(data);
if (dataResultSubmit.IsSuccess == false) {
MSI("提示", dataResultSubmit.Msg);
return false;
machinecodde = dataResultSubmit.MACHINECODDE;
machinename = dataResultSubmit.MACHINENAME;
machineID = dataResultSubmit.PID;
MACHINECODDE: machinecodde,
MACHINENAME: machinename,
$('#QDateGrid').datagrid('loadData', matData);
function AddMachineCancel() {
function SaveUserWithMachine() {
var userid = $('#USERID').combobox('getValue');
var usercdoe = $('#USERCODE').val();
var matData = $('#QDateGrid').datagrid('getData');
if (matData.rows.length > 0) {
var materialID = "";
for (var i = 0; i < matData.rows.length; i++) {
var materialDetail = matData.rows[i];
materialID = materialID + ";" + materialDetail.MACHINEID;
else {
MSI("提示", "请添加设备信息信息!");
return false;
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<%=Html.QTButtonSave("DoorPlankPlan", "Save", "return SaveUserWithMachine();")%>
<%=Html.QTButtonBack("close", "DashBoardPlanList", "parent.closeAppWindow1();return false;")%>