You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

778 lines
30 KiB

* echarts图表类:漏斗图
* @desc echarts基于Canvas,纯Javascript图表库,提供直观,生动,可交互,可个性化定制的数据统计图表。
* @author Kener (@Kener-林峰, kener.linfeng@gmail.com)
define(function (require) {
var ChartBase = require('./base');
// 图形依赖
var TextShape = require('zrender/shape/Text');
var LineShape = require('zrender/shape/Line');
var PolygonShape = require('zrender/shape/Polygon');
var ecConfig = require('../config');
// 漏斗图默认参数
ecConfig.funnel = {
zlevel: 0, // 一级层叠
z: 2, // 二级层叠
clickable: true,
legendHoverLink: true,
x: 80,
y: 60,
x2: 80,
y2: 60,
// width: {totalWidth} - x - x2,
// height: {totalHeight} - y - y2,
min: 0,
max: 100,
minSize: '0%',
maxSize: '100%',
sort: 'descending', // 'ascending', 'descending'
gap: 0,
funnelAlign: 'center',
itemStyle: {
normal: {
// color: 各异,
borderColor: '#fff',
borderWidth: 1,
label: {
show: true,
position: 'outer'
// formatter: 标签文本格式器,同Tooltip.formatter,不支持异步回调
// textStyle: null // 默认使用全局文本样式,详见TEXTSTYLE
labelLine: {
show: true,
length: 10,
lineStyle: {
// color: 各异,
width: 1,
type: 'solid'
emphasis: {
// color: 各异,
borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderWidth: 1,
label: {
show: true
labelLine: {
show: true
var ecData = require('../util/ecData');
var number = require('../util/number');
var zrUtil = require('zrender/tool/util');
var zrColor = require('zrender/tool/color');
var zrArea = require('zrender/tool/area');
* 构造函数
* @param {Object} messageCenter echart消息中心
* @param {ZRender} zr zrender实例
* @param {Object} series 数据
* @param {Object} component 组件
function Funnel(ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart) {
// 图表基类
ChartBase.call(this, ecTheme, messageCenter, zr, option, myChart);
Funnel.prototype = {
type: ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL,
* 绘制图形
_buildShape: function () {
var series = this.series;
var legend = this.component.legend;
// 复用参数索引
this._paramsMap = {};
this._selected = {};
this.selectedMap = {};
var serieName;
for (var i = 0, l = series.length; i < l; i++) {
if (series[i].type === ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL) {
series[i] = this.reformOption(series[i]);
this.legendHoverLink = series[i].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink;
serieName = series[i].name || '';
// 系列图例开关
this.selectedMap[serieName] = legend ? legend.isSelected(serieName) : true;
if (!this.selectedMap[serieName]) {
* 构建单个仪表盘
* @param {number} seriesIndex 系列索引
_buildSingleFunnel: function (seriesIndex) {
var legend = this.component.legend;
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var data = this._mapData(seriesIndex);
var location = this._getLocation(seriesIndex);
this._paramsMap[seriesIndex] = {
location: location,
data: data
var itemName;
var total = 0;
var selectedData = [];
// 计算需要显示的个数和总值
for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
itemName = data[i].name;
this.selectedMap[itemName] = legend ? legend.isSelected(itemName) : true;
if (this.selectedMap[itemName] && !isNaN(data[i].value)) {
if (total === 0) {
// 可计算箱子
var funnelCase = this._buildFunnelCase(seriesIndex);
var align = serie.funnelAlign;
var gap = serie.gap;
var height = total > 1
? (location.height - (total - 1) * gap) / total : location.height;
var width;
var lastY = location.y;
var lastWidth = serie.sort === 'descending'
? this._getItemWidth(seriesIndex, selectedData[0].value)
: number.parsePercent(serie.minSize, location.width);
var next = serie.sort === 'descending' ? 1 : 0;
var centerX = location.centerX;
var pointList= [];
var x;
var polygon;
var lastPolygon;
for (var i = 0, l = selectedData.length; i < l; i++) {
itemName = selectedData[i].name;
if (this.selectedMap[itemName] && !isNaN(selectedData[i].value)) {
width = i <= l - 2
? this._getItemWidth(seriesIndex, selectedData[i + next].value)
: serie.sort === 'descending'
? number.parsePercent(serie.minSize, location.width)
: number.parsePercent(serie.maxSize, location.width);
switch (align) {
case 'left':
x = location.x;
case 'right':
x = location.x + location.width - lastWidth;
x = centerX - lastWidth / 2;
polygon = this._buildItem(
seriesIndex, selectedData[i]._index,
legend // color
? legend.getColor(itemName)
: this.zr.getColor(selectedData[i]._index),
x, lastY, lastWidth, width, height, align
lastY += height + gap;
lastPolygon = polygon.style.pointList;
pointList.unshift([lastPolygon[0][0] - 10, lastPolygon[0][1]]); // 左
pointList.push([lastPolygon[1][0] + 10, lastPolygon[1][1]]); // 右
if (i === 0) {
if (lastWidth === 0) {
lastPolygon = pointList.pop();
align == 'center' && (pointList[0][0] += 10);
align == 'right' && (pointList[0][0] = lastPolygon[0]);
pointList[0][1] -= align == 'center' ? 10 : 15;
if (l == 1) {
lastPolygon = polygon.style.pointList;
else {
pointList[pointList.length - 1][1] -= 5;
pointList[0][1] -=5;
lastWidth = width;
if (funnelCase) {
pointList.unshift([lastPolygon[3][0] - 10, lastPolygon[3][1]]); // 左
pointList.push([lastPolygon[2][0] + 10, lastPolygon[2][1]]); // 右
if (lastWidth === 0) {
lastPolygon = pointList.pop();
align == 'center' && (pointList[0][0] += 10);
align == 'right' && (pointList[0][0] = lastPolygon[0]);
pointList[0][1] += align == 'center' ? 10 : 15;
else {
pointList[pointList.length - 1][1] += 5;
pointList[0][1] +=5;
funnelCase.style.pointList = pointList;
_buildFunnelCase: function(seriesIndex) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
if (this.deepQuery([serie, this.option], 'calculable')) {
var location = this._paramsMap[seriesIndex].location;
var gap = 10;
var funnelCase = {
hoverable: false,
style: {
pointListd: [
[location.x - gap, location.y - gap],
[location.x + location.width + gap, location.y - gap],
[location.x + location.width + gap, location.y + location.height + gap],
[location.x - gap, location.y + location.height + gap]
brushType: 'stroke',
lineWidth: 1,
strokeColor: serie.calculableHolderColor
|| this.ecTheme.calculableHolderColor
|| ecConfig.calculableHolderColor
ecData.pack(funnelCase, serie, seriesIndex, undefined, -1);
funnelCase = new PolygonShape(funnelCase);
return funnelCase;
_getLocation: function (seriesIndex) {
var gridOption = this.series[seriesIndex];
var zrWidth = this.zr.getWidth();
var zrHeight = this.zr.getHeight();
var x = this.parsePercent(gridOption.x, zrWidth);
var y = this.parsePercent(gridOption.y, zrHeight);
var width = gridOption.width == null
? (zrWidth - x - this.parsePercent(gridOption.x2, zrWidth))
: this.parsePercent(gridOption.width, zrWidth);
return {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: gridOption.height == null
? (zrHeight - y - this.parsePercent(gridOption.y2, zrHeight))
: this.parsePercent(gridOption.height, zrHeight),
centerX: x + width / 2
_mapData: function(seriesIndex) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var funnelData = zrUtil.clone(serie.data);
for (var i = 0, l = funnelData.length; i < l; i++) {
funnelData[i]._index = i;
function numDescending (a, b) {
if (a.value === '-') {
return 1;
else if (b.value === '-') {
return -1;
return b.value - a.value;
function numAscending (a, b) {
return -numDescending(a, b);
if (serie.sort != 'none') {
funnelData.sort(serie.sort === 'descending' ? numDescending : numAscending);
return funnelData;
* 构建单个扇形及指标
_buildItem: function (
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
x, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
) {
var series = this.series;
var serie = series[seriesIndex];
var data = serie.data[dataIndex];
// 漏斗
var polygon = this.getPolygon(
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
x, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
series[seriesIndex], seriesIndex,
series[seriesIndex].data[dataIndex], dataIndex,
// 文本标签
var label = this.getLabel(
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
x, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
series[seriesIndex], seriesIndex,
series[seriesIndex].data[dataIndex], dataIndex,
// 特定状态下是否需要显示文本标签
if (!this._needLabel(serie, data,false)) {
label.invisible = true;
// 文本标签视觉引导线
var labelLine = this.getLabelLine(
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
x, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
// 特定状态下是否需要显示文本标签引导线
if (!this._needLabelLine(serie, data,false)) {
labelLine.invisible = true;
var polygonHoverConnect = [];
var labelHoverConnect = [];
if (this._needLabelLine(serie, data, true)) {
if (this._needLabel(serie, data, true)) {
polygon.hoverConnect = polygonHoverConnect;
label.hoverConnect = labelHoverConnect;
return polygon;
* 根据值计算宽度
_getItemWidth: function (seriesIndex, value) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var location = this._paramsMap[seriesIndex].location;
var min = serie.min;
var max = serie.max;
var minSize = number.parsePercent(serie.minSize, location.width);
var maxSize = number.parsePercent(serie.maxSize, location.width);
return (value - min) * (maxSize - minSize) / (max - min) + minSize;
* 构建扇形
getPolygon: function (
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
xLT, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var data = serie.data[dataIndex];
var queryTarget = [data, serie];
// 多级控制
var normal = this.deepMerge(queryTarget, 'itemStyle.normal') || {};
var emphasis = this.deepMerge(queryTarget,'itemStyle.emphasis') || {};
var normalColor = this.getItemStyleColor(normal.color, seriesIndex, dataIndex, data)
|| defaultColor;
var emphasisColor = this.getItemStyleColor(emphasis.color, seriesIndex, dataIndex, data)
|| (typeof normalColor === 'string'
? zrColor.lift(normalColor, -0.2)
: normalColor
var xLB;
switch (align) {
case 'left':
xLB = xLT;
case 'right':
xLB = xLT + (topWidth - bottomWidth);
xLB = xLT + (topWidth - bottomWidth) / 2;
var polygon = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase(),
clickable: this.deepQuery(queryTarget, 'clickable'),
style: {
pointList: [
[xLT, y],
[xLT + topWidth, y],
[xLB + bottomWidth, y + height],
[xLB, y + height]
brushType: 'both',
color: normalColor,
lineWidth: normal.borderWidth,
strokeColor: normal.borderColor
highlightStyle: {
color: emphasisColor,
lineWidth: emphasis.borderWidth,
strokeColor: emphasis.borderColor
if (this.deepQuery([data, serie, this.option], 'calculable')) {
polygon.draggable = true;
return new PolygonShape(polygon);
* 需要显示则会有返回构建好的shape,否则返回undefined
getLabel: function (
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
x, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var data = serie.data[dataIndex];
var location = this._paramsMap[seriesIndex].location;
// serie里有默认配置,放心大胆的用!
var itemStyle = zrUtil.merge(
zrUtil.clone(data.itemStyle) || {},
var status = 'normal';
// label配置
var labelControl = itemStyle[status].label;
var textStyle = labelControl.textStyle || {};
var lineLength = itemStyle[status].labelLine.length;
var text = this.getLabelText(seriesIndex, dataIndex, status);
var textFont = this.getFont(textStyle);
var textAlign;
var textColor = defaultColor;
labelControl.position = labelControl.position
|| itemStyle.normal.label.position;
if (labelControl.position === 'inner'
|| labelControl.position === 'inside'
|| labelControl.position === 'center'
) {
// 内部
textAlign = align;
textColor =
Math.max(topWidth, bottomWidth) / 2 > zrArea.getTextWidth(text, textFont)
? '#fff' : zrColor.reverse(defaultColor);
else if (labelControl.position === 'left'){
// 左侧显示
textAlign = 'right';
else {
// 右侧显示,默认 labelControl.position === 'outer' || 'right)
textAlign = 'left';
var textShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase() + 1,
style: {
x: this._getLabelPoint(
labelControl.position, x, location,
topWidth, bottomWidth,lineLength, align
y: y + height / 2,
color: textStyle.color || textColor,
text: text,
textAlign: textStyle.align || textAlign,
textBaseline: textStyle.baseline || 'middle',
textFont: textFont
status = 'emphasis';
// label配置
labelControl = itemStyle[status].label || labelControl;
textStyle = labelControl.textStyle || textStyle;
lineLength = itemStyle[status].labelLine.length || lineLength;
labelControl.position = labelControl.position || itemStyle.normal.label.position;
text = this.getLabelText(seriesIndex, dataIndex, status);
textFont = this.getFont(textStyle);
textColor = defaultColor;
if (labelControl.position === 'inner'
|| labelControl.position === 'inside'
|| labelControl.position === 'center'
) {
// 内部
textAlign = align;
textColor =
Math.max(topWidth, bottomWidth) / 2 > zrArea.getTextWidth(text, textFont)
? '#fff' : zrColor.reverse(defaultColor);
else if (labelControl.position === 'left'){
// 左侧显示
textAlign = 'right';
else {
// 右侧显示,默认 labelControl.position === 'outer' || 'right)
textAlign = 'left';
textShape.highlightStyle = {
x: this._getLabelPoint(
labelControl.position, x, location,
topWidth, bottomWidth,lineLength, align
color: textStyle.color || textColor,
text: text,
textAlign: textStyle.align || textAlign,
textFont: textFont,
brushType: 'fill'
return new TextShape(textShape);
* 根据lable.format计算label text
getLabelText: function (seriesIndex, dataIndex, status) {
var series = this.series;
var serie = series[seriesIndex];
var data = serie.data[dataIndex];
var formatter = this.deepQuery(
[data, serie],
'itemStyle.' + status + '.label.formatter'
if (formatter) {
if (typeof formatter === 'function') {
return formatter.call(
seriesIndex: seriesIndex,
seriesName: serie.name || '',
series: serie,
dataIndex: dataIndex,
data: data,
name: data.name,
value: data.value
else if (typeof formatter === 'string') {
formatter = formatter.replace('{a}','{a0}')
.replace('{a0}', serie.name)
.replace('{b0}', data.name)
.replace('{c0}', data.value);
return formatter;
else {
return data.name;
* 需要显示则会有返回构建好的shape,否则返回undefined
getLabelLine: function (
seriesIndex, dataIndex, defaultColor,
x, y, topWidth, bottomWidth, height, align
) {
var serie = this.series[seriesIndex];
var data = serie.data[dataIndex];
var location = this._paramsMap[seriesIndex].location;
// serie里有默认配置,放心大胆的用!
var itemStyle = zrUtil.merge(
zrUtil.clone(data.itemStyle) || {},
var status = 'normal';
// labelLine配置
var labelLineControl = itemStyle[status].labelLine;
var lineLength = itemStyle[status].labelLine.length;
var lineStyle = labelLineControl.lineStyle || {};
var labelControl = itemStyle[status].label;
labelControl.position = labelControl.position
|| itemStyle.normal.label.position;
var lineShape = {
zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(),
z: this.getZBase() + 1,
hoverable: false,
style: {
xStart: this._getLabelLineStartPoint(x, location, topWidth, bottomWidth, align),
yStart: y + height / 2,
xEnd: this._getLabelPoint(
labelControl.position, x, location,
topWidth, bottomWidth,lineLength, align
yEnd: y + height / 2,
strokeColor: lineStyle.color || defaultColor,
lineType: lineStyle.type,
lineWidth: lineStyle.width
status = 'emphasis';
// labelLine配置
labelLineControl = itemStyle[status].labelLine || labelLineControl;
lineLength = itemStyle[status].labelLine.length || lineLength;
lineStyle = labelLineControl.lineStyle || lineStyle;
labelControl = itemStyle[status].label || labelControl;
labelControl.position = labelControl.position;
lineShape.highlightStyle = {
xEnd: this._getLabelPoint(
labelControl.position, x, location,
topWidth, bottomWidth,lineLength, align
strokeColor: lineStyle.color || defaultColor,
lineType: lineStyle.type,
lineWidth: lineStyle.width
return new LineShape(lineShape);
_getLabelPoint: function(position, x, location, topWidth, bottomWidth, lineLength, align) {
position = (position === 'inner' || position === 'inside') ? 'center' : position;
switch (position) {
case 'center':
return align == 'center'
? (x + topWidth / 2)
: align == 'left' ? (x + 10) : (x + topWidth - 10);
case 'left':
// 左侧文本
if (lineLength === 'auto') {
return location.x - 10;
else {
return align == 'center'
// 居中布局
? (location.centerX - Math.max(topWidth, bottomWidth) / 2 - lineLength)
: align == 'right'
// 右对齐布局
? (x
- (topWidth < bottomWidth ? (bottomWidth - topWidth) : 0)
- lineLength
// 左对齐布局
: (location.x - lineLength);
// 右侧文本
if (lineLength === 'auto') {
return location.x + location.width + 10;
else {
return align == 'center'
// 居中布局
? (location.centerX + Math.max(topWidth, bottomWidth) / 2 + lineLength)
: align == 'right'
// 右对齐布局
? (location.x + location.width + lineLength)
// 左对齐布局
: (x + Math.max(topWidth, bottomWidth) + lineLength);
_getLabelLineStartPoint: function(x, location, topWidth, bottomWidth, align) {
return align == 'center'
? location.centerX
: topWidth < bottomWidth
? (x + Math.min(topWidth, bottomWidth) / 2)
: (x + Math.max(topWidth, bottomWidth) / 2);
* 返回特定状态(normal or emphasis)下是否需要显示label标签文本
* @param {Object} serie
* @param {Object} data
* @param {boolean} isEmphasis true is 'emphasis' and false is 'normal'
_needLabel: function (serie, data, isEmphasis) {
return this.deepQuery(
[data, serie],
+ (isEmphasis ? 'emphasis' : 'normal')
+ '.label.show'
* 返回特定状态(normal or emphasis)下是否需要显示labelLine标签视觉引导线
* @param {Object} serie
* @param {Object} data
* @param {boolean} isEmphasis true is 'emphasis' and false is 'normal'
_needLabelLine: function (serie, data, isEmphasis) {
return this.deepQuery(
[data, serie],
+ (isEmphasis ? 'emphasis' : 'normal')
* 刷新
refresh: function (newOption) {
if (newOption) {
this.option = newOption;
this.series = newOption.series;
zrUtil.inherits(Funnel, ChartBase);
// 图表注册
require('../chart').define('funnel', Funnel);
return Funnel;