/** Select a different skin. It's good for demo only. You should hard code skin-specific changes inside your HTML/server-side code. Please refer to documentation for more info. */ ace.settings_skin = function($) { try { $('#skin-colorpicker').ace_colorpicker(); } catch(e) {} $('#skin-colorpicker').on('change', function(){ var skin_class = $(this).find('option:selected').data('skin'); //skin cookie tip var body = $(document.body); body.removeClass('no-skin skin-1 skin-2 skin-3'); //if(skin_class != 'skin-0') { body.addClass(skin_class); ace.data.set('skin', skin_class); //save the selected skin to cookies //which can later be used by your server side app to set the skin //for example: li.grey').removeClass('dark'); //undo skin-2 $('.ace-nav > li').removeClass('no-border margin-1'); $('.ace-nav > li:not(:last-child)').removeClass('light-pink').find('> a > '+ace.vars['.icon']).removeClass('pink').end().eq(0).find('.badge').removeClass('badge-warning'); $('.sidebar-shortcuts .btn') .removeClass('btn-pink btn-white') .find(ace.vars['.icon']).removeClass('white'); //undo skin-3 $('.ace-nav > li.grey').removeClass('red').find('.badge').removeClass('badge-yellow'); $('.sidebar-shortcuts .btn').removeClass('btn-primary btn-white') var i = 0; $('.sidebar-shortcuts .btn').each(function() { $(this).find(ace.vars['.icon']).removeClass(skin3_colors[i++]); }) var skin0_buttons = ['btn-success', 'btn-info', 'btn-warning', 'btn-danger']; if(skin_class == 'no-skin') { var i = 0; $('.sidebar-shortcuts .btn').each(function() { $(this).attr('class', 'btn ' + skin0_buttons[i++%4]); }) } else if(skin_class == 'skin-1') { $('.ace-nav > li.grey').addClass('dark'); var i = 0; $('.sidebar-shortcuts') .find('.btn').each(function() { $(this).attr('class', 'btn ' + skin0_buttons[i++%4]); }) } else if(skin_class == 'skin-2') { $('.ace-nav > li').addClass('no-border margin-1'); $('.ace-nav > li:not(:last-child)').addClass('light-pink').find('> a > '+ace.vars['.icon']).addClass('pink').end().eq(0).find('.badge').addClass('badge-warning'); $('.sidebar-shortcuts .btn').attr('class', 'btn btn-white btn-pink') .find(ace.vars['.icon']).addClass('white'); } //skin-3 //change shortcut buttons classes, this should be hard-coded if you want to choose this skin else if(skin_class == 'skin-3') { body.addClass('no-skin');//because skin-3 has many parts of no-skin as well $('.ace-nav > li.grey').addClass('red').find('.badge').addClass('badge-yellow'); var i = 0; $('.sidebar-shortcuts .btn').each(function() { $(this).attr('class', 'btn btn-primary btn-white'); $(this).find(ace.vars['.icon']).addClass(skin3_colors[i++]); }) } //some sizing differences may be there in skins, so reset scrollbar size if('sidebar_scroll' in ace.helper) ace.helper.sidebar_scroll.reset(); }); }