@dropdown-shadow:~"0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)"; // dropdown menus .icon-white, .nav-pills > .active > a > .@{icon}, .nav-list > .active > a > .@{icon}, .navbar-inverse .nav > .active > a > .@{icon}, .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover > .@{icon}, .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus > .@{icon}, .dropdown-menu > .active > a > .@{icon}, .dropdown-submenu:hover > a > .@{icon}, .dropdown-submenu:focus > a > .@{icon} { background-image: none; } .dropdown-menu { .border-radius(0) !important; .box-shadow(@dropdown-shadow); > li > a { font-size: @font-size-dropdown-menu; padding-left: 11px; padding-right: 11px; margin-bottom: 1px; margin-top: 1px; } &.dropdown-only-icon { min-width: 50px; > li { //float:left; margin:0 4px; > a { .@{icon} { width: 18px; //font-size: 16px; display: inline-block; text-align: center; } .icon-2x { width: 36px; //font-size:22px; } }// > a }// > li }//&.dropdown-only-icon }//.dropdown-menu .enable_dropdown_colors() when(@enable-dropdown-colors = true) { //dropdown .dropdown-color(@bgcolor:~"menu";@txtcolor:#FFFFFF) { @dropdown-class:~`"dropdown-@{bgcolor}"`; @dropdown-bg:~`"dropdown-@{bgcolor}"`; @dropdown-cl:@@dropdown-bg; .@{dropdown-class} { > li > a:hover, > li > a:focus, > li > a:active, > li.active > a, > li.active > a:hover, .dropdown-submenu:hover > a //,.nav-tabs & li > a:focus { background: @dropdown-cl; color: @txtcolor; } } } .dropdown-color(); .dropdown-color(~"default"); .dropdown-color(~"info"); .dropdown-color(~"primary"); .dropdown-color(~"success"); .dropdown-color(~"warning"); .dropdown-color(~"danger"); .dropdown-color(~"inverse"); .dropdown-color(~"purple"); .dropdown-color(~"pink"); .dropdown-color(~"grey"); .dropdown-color(~"light" ; #333333); .dropdown-color(~"lighter" ; #444444); .dropdown-color(~"lightest" ; #444444); .dropdown-color(~"yellow" ; #444444); .dropdown-color(~"yellow2" ; #444444); .dropdown-color(~"light-blue" ; #445566); .dropdown-light , .dropdown-lighter , .dropdown-lightest { .dropdown-submenu:hover > a:after { border-left-color:#444; } } } .enable_dropdown_colors(); //closer to the toggle button .dropdown-menu { &.dropdown-close { top:92%; left:-5px; &.dropdown-menu-right { left:auto; right:-5px; } } &.dropdown-closer { top:80%; left:-10px; &.dropdown-menu-right { right:-10px; left:auto; } } } .dropup , .navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown { > .dropdown-menu { top: auto !important; bottom: 100%; &.dropdown-close { bottom: 92%; } &.dropdown-closer { bottom: 80%; } } } .dropdown-submenu > .dropdown-menu { .border-radius(0); } .dropdown-submenu > a:after { margin-right:-5px; } .dropdown-50 { min-width: 50px; } .dropdown-75 { min-width: 75px; } .dropdown-100 { min-width: 100px; } .dropdown-125 { min-width: 125px; } .dropdown-150 { min-width: 150px; } .dropdown-hover { position: relative; &:before { //for better hoverability display: block; content: ""; position: absolute; //z-index: auto; top: -2px; bottom: -2px; left: -2px; right: -2px; background-color: transparent; } } .dropdown-hover:hover > .dropdown-menu { display: block; } .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-hover > .dropdown-menu { top: -5px; left: 99%; right: auto; } .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-hover > .dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right { left: auto; right: 99%; } .dropup .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-hover > .dropdown-menu, .dropdown-menu > .dropdown-hover.dropup > .dropdown-menu { top: auto; bottom: -5px; } //carets .dropdown-menu.dropdown-caret:before { border-bottom: 7px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); -moz-border-bottom-colors: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-left: 7px solid transparent; border-right: 7px solid transparent; content: ""; display: inline-block; left: 9px; position: absolute; top: -7px; } .dropdown-menu.dropdown-caret:after { border-bottom: 6px solid #FFF; -moz-border-bottom-colors: #FFF; border-left: 6px solid transparent; border-right: 6px solid transparent; content: ""; display: inline-block; left: 10px; position: absolute; top: -6px; } .dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right.dropdown-caret:before { left: auto; right:9px; } .dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right.dropdown-caret:after { left: auto; right:10px; } //drop up .dropup , .navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown { > .dropdown-menu.dropdown-caret:before { border-bottom-width: 0; border-top: 7px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); -moz-border-top-colors: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); bottom: -7px; top: auto; } > .dropdown-menu.dropdown-caret:after { border-bottom-width: 0; border-top: 6px solid #FFF; -moz-border-top-colors: #FFF; bottom: -6px; top: auto; } } //colorpicker dropdown @import "dropdown/colorpicker.less"; @import "dropdown/navbar-dropdown.less"; @import "dropdown/navbar-tabbed-dropdown.less";