21 changed files with 1607 additions and 17 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using QMAPP.BLL; |
using QMFrameWork.Data; |
using QMAPP.Entity; |
using QMFrameWork.Log; |
using System.Data; |
using QMAPP.MD.Entity; |
using QMAPP.MD.DAL; |
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.CheckTime; |
using QMAPP.FJC.DAL.CheckTime; |
namespace QMAPP.FJC.BLL.CheckTime |
{ |
/// </summary>
/// 模块名称:本地库无记录的 时间验证
/// 作 者:张松男
/// 编写日期:2020年03月00日
/// </summary>
public class ProductTimeBLL : BaseBLL |
{ |
#region 获取信息
/// <summary>
/// 获取信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">条件</param>
/// <returns>信息</returns>
public DataResult<ProductTime> Get(ProductTime model) |
{ |
DataResult<ProductTime> result = new DataResult<ProductTime>(); |
try |
{ |
result.Result = new ProductTimeDAL().Get(model); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
result.IsSuccess = false; |
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException; |
throw ex; |
} |
result.IsSuccess = true; |
return result; |
} |
#region 获取列表(分页)
/// <summary>
/// 获取列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">条件</param>
/// <param name="page">数据页</param>
/// <returns>数据页</returns>
public DataResult<DataPage> GetList(ProductTime condition, DataPage page) |
{ |
DataResult<DataPage> result = new DataResult<DataPage>(); |
try |
{ |
DataPage dataPage = new ProductTimeDAL().GetList(condition, page); |
result.Result = dataPage; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
result.IsSuccess = false; |
result.Msg = Resource.SystemException; |
throw ex; |
} |
result.IsSuccess = true; |
return result; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 获取全部条码格式规则
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<ProductTime> GetAllList(string str) |
{ |
return new ProductTimeDAL().GetAllList(); |
} |
#region 信息是否重复
/// <summary>
/// 判断名称是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">信息</param>
/// <returns>true:已存在;fasel:不存在。</returns>
public bool Exists(ProductTime info) |
{ |
try |
{ |
return new ProductTimeDAL().Exists(info); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 插入信息
/// <summary>
/// 插入信息(单表)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">信息</param>
/// <returns>插入行数</returns>
public DataResult<int> Insert(ProductTime info) |
{ |
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>(); |
try |
{ |
info.PID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); |
info.CREATEUSER = this.LoginUser.UserID; |
info.CREATEDATE = DateTime.Now; |
ProductTimeDAL cmdDAL = new ProductTimeDAL(); |
result.Result = new ProductTimeDAL().Insert(info); |
result.IsSuccess = true; |
return result; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 更新信息
/// <summary>
/// 更新信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">信息</param>
/// <returns>更新行数</returns>
public DataResult<int> Update(ProductTime info) |
{ |
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>(); |
try |
{ |
info.UPDATEUSER = this.LoginUser.UserID; |
info.UPDATEDATE = DateTime.Now; |
result.Result = new ProductTimeDAL().Update(info); |
result.IsSuccess = true; |
return result; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 删除
/// <summary>
/// 删除信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">主键串</param>
/// <returns>删除个数</returns>
public DataResult<int> Delete(string strs) |
{ |
int count = 0; |
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>(); |
string[] list = strs.Split(":".ToCharArray()); |
try |
{ |
foreach (string str in list) |
{ |
count += this.DeleteBarcodeRules(new ProductTime { PID = str }); |
} |
result.Result = count; |
result.IsSuccess = true; |
return result; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 删除信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">信息</param>
/// <returns>删除个数</returns>
public int DeleteBarcodeRules(ProductTime info) |
{ |
try |
{ |
return new ProductTimeDAL().Delete(info); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 导出数据
/// <summary>
/// 获取导出的数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">查询条件</param>
/// <returns>数据</returns>
public DataTable GetExportData(ProductTime model) |
{ |
try |
{ |
return new ProductTimeDAL().GetExportData(model); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.CheckTime; |
using QMFrameWork.Data; |
using System.Data; |
using QMAPP.Entity; |
namespace QMAPP.FJC.DAL.CheckTime |
{ |
/// </summary>
/// 模块名称:本地库无记录的 时间验证
/// 作 者:张松男
/// 编写日期:2020年03月00日
/// </summary>
public class ProductTimeDAL |
{ |
#region 获取信息
/// <summary>
/// 获取信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">条件</param>
/// <returns>*信息</returns>
public ProductTime Get(ProductTime info) |
{ |
try |
{ |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
info = session.Get<ProductTime>(info); |
} |
return info; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 获取列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="condition">条件</param>
/// <param name="page">数据页</param>
/// <returns>数据页</returns>
public DataPage GetList(ProductTime condition, DataPage page) |
{ |
string sql = null; |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
try |
{ |
sql = this.GetQuerySql(condition, ref parameters); |
page.KeyName = "PID"; |
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.SortExpression))
// page.SortExpression = "CREATEDATE DESC";
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
// 对应多种数据库
//string sqlChange = this.ChangeSqlByDB(sql, session);
page = session.GetDataPage<ProductTime>(sql, parameters.ToArray(), page); |
} |
return page; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 获取全部规则
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<ProductTime> GetAllList() |
{ |
try |
{ |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
return session.GetList<ProductTime>(sql, parameters.ToArray()).ToList(); |
} |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 获取查询语句
/// <summary>
/// 获取查询语句
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">查询条件</param>
/// <param name="parameters">参数</param>
/// <returns>查询语句</returns>
private string GetQuerySql(ProductTime condition, ref List<DataParameter> parameters) |
{ |
StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
StringBuilder whereBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
try |
{ |
sqlBuilder.Append("SELECT [PID],[CWorkLoc_Code],[PWorkLoc_Code],[PWorkLoc_Column],[Product_Column],[Check],[Operator],[Check_Type],[Check_Value],[Check_Table],[Check_Column],[Pwhere],[Remark],[CREATEDATE],[CREATEUSER],[UPDATEDATE],[UPDATEUSER]"); |
sqlBuilder.Append("FROM [T_MD_PRODUCT_TIMECHECK] "); |
//whereBuilder.Append(" AND FLGDEL<> '1' ");
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.FACTORY_CODE) == false)
// whereBuilder.Append(" AND FACTORY_CODE = @FACTORY_CODE ");
// parameters.Add(new DataParameter { ParameterName = "FACTORY_CODE", DataType = DbType.String, Value = condition.FACTORY_CODE });
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.REGEX) == false)
// whereBuilder.Append(" AND REGEX LIKE @REGEX ");
// parameters.Add(new DataParameter { ParameterName = "REGEX", DataType = DbType.String, Value = "%" + condition.REGEX + "%" });
if (whereBuilder.Length > 0) |
{ |
sqlBuilder.Append(" WHERE " + whereBuilder.ToString().Substring(4)); |
} |
return sqlBuilder.ToString(); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 信息是否重复
/// <summary>
/// 判断名称是否存在
/// </summary>
/// <param name="info"></param>
/// <returns>true:已存在;fasel:不存在。</returns>
public bool Exists(ProductTime info) |
{ |
StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
StringBuilder whereBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
int count = 0; |
try |
{ |
if (info.PID == null) |
{ |
info.PID = ""; |
} |
whereBuilder.Append(" AND PID <> @PID "); |
parameters.Add(new DataParameter { ParameterName = "PID", DataType = DbType.String, Value = info.PID }); |
if (whereBuilder.Length > 0) |
{ |
sqlBuilder.Append(" WHERE " + whereBuilder.ToString().Substring(4)); |
} |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
count = Convert.ToInt32(session.ExecuteSqlScalar(sqlBuilder.ToString(), parameters.ToArray())); |
} |
return count > 0; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 插入信息
/// <summary>
/// 插入信息(单表)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="">信息</param>
/// <returns>插入行数</returns>
public int Insert(ProductTime info) |
{ |
int count = 0; |
try |
{ |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
count = session.Insert<ProductTime>(info); |
} |
return count; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 更新信息
/// <summary>
/// 更新信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name=""></param>
/// <returns>更新行数</returns>
public int Update(ProductTime info) |
{ |
int count = 0; |
try |
{ |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
count = session.Update<ProductTime>(info); |
} |
return count; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 逻辑删除
/// <summary>
/// 逻辑删除信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name=""></param>
/// <returns>删除个数</returns>
public int Delete(ProductTime info) |
{ |
StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
int count = 0; |
try |
{ |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
sqlBuilder.Append("delete T_MD_PRODUCT_TIMECHECK "); |
sqlBuilder.Append("WHERE PID = @PID "); |
parameters.Add(new DataParameter { ParameterName = "PID", DataType = DbType.String, Value = info.PID }); |
count = session.ExecuteSql(sqlBuilder.ToString(), parameters.ToArray()); |
} |
return count; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
public DateTime GetServiceDateTime() |
{ |
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); |
try |
{ |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
string sqlScript = @"select GetDATE() as time "; |
DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
datatable = session.GetTable(sqlScript, parameters.ToArray()); |
} |
if (datatable.Rows.Count > 0) |
{ |
string datetimestr = datatable.Rows[0]["time"].ToString(); |
return DateTime.Parse(datetimestr); |
} |
return DateTime.Now; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 根据工位查询出配置
/// </summary>
/// <param name="locCode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ProductTime GetTimeCheckCfg(string locCode, string DAI_Code) |
{ |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.MinValue; |
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); |
ProductTime timeCheck = new ProductTime(); |
string sqlScript = $" select * from T_MD_PRODUCT_TIMECHECK where CWorkLoc_Code ='{locCode}' and DAI_Code = '{DAI_Code}' and [Check]='1' order by UPDATEDATE desc,CREATEDATE desc "; |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
dataTable = session.GetTable(sqlScript, parameters.ToArray()); |
} |
if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0) |
{ |
return null; ; |
} |
else |
{ |
DataRow row = dataTable.Rows[0]; |
timeCheck.PID = row["PID"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.CWorkLoc_Code = row["CWorkLoc_Code"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.PWorkLoc_Code = row["PWorkLoc_Code"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.PWorkLoc_Column = row["PWorkLoc_Column"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Product_Column = row["Product_Column"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Check = row["Check"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Operator = row["Operator"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Check_Type = row["Check_Type"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Check_Value = row["Check_Value"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Check_Table = row["Check_Table"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Check_Column = row["Check_Column"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Remark = row["Remark"].ToString(); |
if (DateTime.TryParse(row["CREATEDATE"].ToString(), out dateTime)) |
{ |
timeCheck.CREATEDATE = dateTime; |
} |
timeCheck.CREATEUSER = row["CREATEUSER"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.UPDATEUSER = row["UPDATEUSER"].ToString(); |
if (DateTime.TryParse(row["CREATEDATE"].ToString(), out dateTime)) |
{ |
timeCheck.UPDATEDATE = dateTime; |
} |
timeCheck.Column1 = row["Column1"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Column2 = row["Column2"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.PWhere = row["PWhere"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.DAI_Code = row["DAI_Code"].ToString(); |
timeCheck.Check_ValueTo = row["Check_ValueTo"].ToString(); |
} |
return timeCheck; |
} |
public DataTable GetConfigValue(ProductTime timeCheckModel, string productCode) |
{ |
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
string sqlScript = $" select {timeCheckModel.Check_Column} as CheckColumnValue from {timeCheckModel.Check_Table} where {timeCheckModel.PWorkLoc_Column} ='{timeCheckModel.PWorkLoc_Code}' and {timeCheckModel.Product_Column}='{productCode}' "; |
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeCheckModel.PWhere)) |
{ |
sqlScript = sqlScript + " and " + timeCheckModel.PWhere; |
} |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
dataTable = session.GetTable(sqlScript, parameters.ToArray()); |
} |
//DataSet dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(Config.maindbConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlScript);
return dataTable; |
} |
#region 获取导出的数据
/// <summary>
/// 获取导出的数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">查询条件</param>
/// <returns>数据</returns>
public DataTable GetExportData(ProductTime model) |
{ |
DataTable dt = null; |
string sql = null; |
List<DataParameter> parameters = new List<DataParameter>(); |
try |
{ |
sql = this.GetQuerySql(model, ref parameters); |
using (IDataSession session = AppDataFactory.CreateMainSession()) |
{ |
dt = session.GetTable(sql, parameters.ToArray()); |
dt.TableName = "T_MD_PRODUCT_TIMECHECK"; |
} |
return dt; |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> |
<DataInfoMains> |
<DataInfoMain InfoName="TSWeighRecoreExp" InfoTitle="表皮称重信息" TemplateFile="TSWeighRecoreExp.xlsx" RecordCount="n"> |
<DataInfoItems> |
<DataInfoItem ColumnName="ProductCode" ColumnTitle="条码" XPosition="A" YPosition="3" > |
<Observers> |
<Observer name="Required" ></Observer> |
</Observers> |
</DataInfoItem> |
<DataInfoItem ColumnName="PColour" ColumnTitle="颜色" XPosition="B" YPosition="3" > |
<Observers> |
<Observer name="Required" ></Observer> |
</Observers> |
</DataInfoItem> |
<DataInfoItem ColumnName="MATERIAL_CODE" ColumnTitle="物料号" XPosition="C" YPosition="3" > |
<Observers> |
<Observer name="Required" ></Observer> |
</Observers> |
</DataInfoItem> |
<DataInfoItem ColumnName="Weigh" ColumnTitle="重量" XPosition="D" YPosition="3" > |
<Observers> |
<Observer name="Required" ></Observer> |
</Observers> |
</DataInfoItem> |
<DataInfoItem ColumnName="CREATEDATE" ColumnTitle="时间" XPosition="E" YPosition="3" > |
<Observers> |
<Observer name="Required" ></Observer> |
</Observers> |
</DataInfoItem> |
</DataInfoItems> |
</DataInfoMain> |
</DataInfoMains> |
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Web.Mvc; |
using QMAPP.Common.Web.Controllers; |
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.Attribute; |
using QMAPP.FJC.Web.Models; |
using QMFrameWork.Data; |
using QMAPP.ServicesAgent; |
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.DataSource; |
using QMFrameWork.Common.Serialization; |
using QMAPP.Entity; |
using QMAPP.MD.Entity; |
using QMAPP.FJC.Web; |
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.CheckTime; |
namespace QMAPP.FJC.Web.Controllers |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// 模块名称:工位时间验证
/// 作 者:张松男
/// 编写日期:2020年05月27日
/// </summary>
public class ProductTimeController : QController |
{ |
#region 获取列表
/// <summary>
/// 加载列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>结果</returns>
[HandleException] |
public ActionResult List(bool? callBack) |
{ |
ProductTimeModel seachModel = new ProductTimeModel(); |
if (callBack == true) |
TryGetSelectBuffer<ProductTimeModel>(out seachModel); |
seachModel.rownumbers = false; |
seachModel.url = "/ProductTime/GetList"; |
return View("ProductTimeList", seachModel); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 获取列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callBack">是否回调</param>
/// <returns>列表</returns>
[HandleException] |
public ActionResult GetList(bool? callBack) |
{ |
ProductTimeModel seachModel = null; |
DataPage page = null; |
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent(); |
ProductTime condition = null; |
DataResult<DataPage> pageResult = new DataResult<DataPage>(); |
try |
{ |
seachModel = GetModel<ProductTimeModel>(); |
#region 获取缓存值
if (callBack != null) |
{ |
TryGetSelectBuffer<ProductTimeModel>(out seachModel); |
} |
else |
{ |
SetSelectBuffer<ProductTimeModel>(seachModel); |
} |
page = this.GetDataPage(seachModel); |
condition = CopyToModel<ProductTime, ProductTimeModel>(seachModel); |
#region wcf服务统一接口
pageResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<DataPage>>("ProductTimeBLL_GetList", condition, page); |
if (pageResult.IsSuccess == false) |
{ |
SetMessage(pageResult.Msg); |
return List(true); |
} |
DateGridResult<ProductTime> result = new DateGridResult<ProductTime>(); |
result.Total = pageResult.Result.RecordCount; |
result.Rows = JsonConvertHelper.GetDeserialize<List<ProductTime>>(pageResult.Result.Result.ToString()); |
string tempstr = ""; |
tempstr = result.GetJsonSource(); |
return Content(tempstr); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 编辑
/// <summary>
/// 编辑载入
/// </summary>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
[HandleException] |
public ActionResult Edit() |
{ |
ProductTimeModel model = new ProductTimeModel(); |
string ID = Request.Params["PID"]; |
ProductTime Entity = new ProductTime(); |
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent(); |
DataResult<ProductTime> result = new DataResult<ProductTime>(); |
try |
{ |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ID) == false) |
{ |
Entity.PID = ID; |
result = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<ProductTime>>(QMAPP.ServicesAgent.B9BasicService.ProductTimeBLL_Get.ToString(), Entity); |
if (result.IsSuccess == false) |
{ |
SetMessage(result.Msg); |
return View("ProductTimeEdit", model); |
} |
model = CopyToModel<ProductTimeModel, ProductTime>(result.Result); |
} |
return View("ProductTimeEdit", model); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 保存
/// <summary>
/// 保存
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model"></param>
/// <returns>处理结果</returns>
[HttpPost] |
[HandleException] |
[ValidateInput(false)] |
public ActionResult Save(ProductTimeModel saveModel) |
{ |
ProductTime Entity = null; |
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent(); |
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>(); |
try |
{ |
Entity = CopyToModel<ProductTime, ProductTimeModel>(saveModel); |
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Entity.PID) == true) |
{ |
result = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<int>>(QMAPP.ServicesAgent.B9BasicService.ProductTimeBLL_Insert.ToString(), Entity); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<int>>(QMAPP.ServicesAgent.B9BasicService.ProductTimeBLL_Update.ToString(), Entity); |
} |
if (result.IsSuccess == false) |
{ |
SetMessage(result.Msg); |
return View("ProductTimeEdit", saveModel); |
} |
return this.GetJsViewResult(string.Format("parent.List(1);parent.showTitle('{0}');parent.closeAppWindow1();", AppResource.SaveMessge)); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
#region 删除
/// <summary>
/// 删除
/// </summary>
/// <returns>结果</returns>
[HttpPost] |
[HandleException] |
public ActionResult Delete(ProductTimeModel saveModel) |
{ |
string selectKey = Request.Form["selectKey"]; |
ProductTime Entity = null; |
Entity = CopyToModel<ProductTime, ProductTimeModel>(saveModel); |
Entity.PID = selectKey; |
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent(); |
DataResult<int> result = new DataResult<int>(); |
try |
{ |
result = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<int>>("ProductTimeBLL_Delete", selectKey); |
if (result.IsSuccess == false) |
{ |
SetMessage(result.Msg); |
return List(true); |
} |
SetMessage(AppResource.DeleteMessage); |
return List(true); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
throw ex; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Web; |
using System.Web.Mvc.Html; |
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.Attribute; |
using QMFrameWork.WebUI; |
namespace QMAPP.FJC.Web.Models |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// 模块名称:工位时间验证
/// 作 者:张松男
/// 编写日期:2020年05月27日
/// </summary>
public class ProductTimeModel : QDGModel |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// 条码格式规则主键
/// </summary>
[Description("主键")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 36)] |
[DGColumn(Hidden = true, PrimaryKey = true)] |
public string PID { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 当前工位编号
/// </summary>
[Description("当前工位编号")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetWorkLocComboxSource")] //
[InputType(inputType.combobox)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string CWorkLoc_Code { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 校验工位编号
/// </summary>
[Description("校验工位编号")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetWorkLocComboxSource")] |
[InputType(inputType.combobox)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string PWorkLoc_Code { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 校验工位列名
/// </summary>
[Description("校验工位列名")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string PWorkLoc_Column { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 产品码列名
/// </summary>
[Description("产品码列名")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Product_Column { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 是否验证
/// </summary>
[Description("是否验证")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Check { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 验证运算符
/// </summary>
[Description("验证运算符")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Operator { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 验证类型
/// </summary>
[Description("验证类型")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Check_Type { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 验证值
/// </summary>
[Description("验证值")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Check_Value { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 校验表
/// </summary>
[Description("校验表")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Check_Table { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 校验字段
/// </summary>
[Description("校验字段")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Check_Column { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 校验where条件
/// </summary>
[Description("校验where条件")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.text)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Pwhere { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 描述
/// </summary>
[Description("描述")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, required = false, MaxLength = 200)] |
[InputType(inputType.textArea)] |
[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)] |
public string Remark { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 创建人
/// </summary>
[Description("创建用户")] |
public string CREATEUSER { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 创建日期
/// </summary>
[Description("创建时间")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, MaxLength = 20)] |
[InputType(inputType.hidden)] |
[DGColumn(Sortable = true, Width = 150, DataAlign = DataAlign.center, FormatDate = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")] |
public DateTime CREATEDATE { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 更新人
/// </summary>
[Description("更新用户")] |
public string UPDATEUSER { get; set; } |
/// <summary>
/// 更新日期
/// </summary>
[Description("更新时间")] |
[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = true, MaxLength = 20)] |
[InputType(inputType.hidden)] |
[DGColumn(Sortable = true, Width = 150, DataAlign = DataAlign.center, FormatDate = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")] |
public DateTime UPDATEDATE { get; set; } |
///// <summary>
///// 正则表达式
///// </summary>
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string MPID { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 物料类型
///// </summary>
////[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetMaterialClassComboxSource", MaxLength = 20)]
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 300)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 200, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string MATERIALCODDE { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 数据类型
///// </summary>
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 50)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string barcodeFist { get; set; } = "052";
///// <summary>
///// 描述
///// </summary>
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 100)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string Company_code { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 描述
///// </summary>
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 100)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string Company_name { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 描述
///// </summary>
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 100)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string Line_code { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 描述
///// </summary>
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 100)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string Line_name { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 工厂编码
///// </summary>
////[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetFactoryComboxSource", MaxLength = 100)]
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string Vehicle_type { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 工厂编码
///// </summary>
////[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetFactoryComboxSource", MaxLength = 100)]
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 200)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = true, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string VTDetail { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 物料号
///// </summary>
////[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetMaterialComboxSource", MaxLength = 200)]
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = true, MaxLength = 200)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string configColor { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 物料号
///// </summary>
////[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetMaterialComboxSource", MaxLength = 200)]
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 200)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string configDetail { get; set; }
///// <summary>
///// 物料号
///// </summary>
////[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, JsonUtl = "/Dict/GetMaterialComboxSource", MaxLength = 200)]
//[HTMLInput(UpdateRead = false, required = false, MaxLength = 200)]
//[DGColumn(frozenColumns = false, Sortable = true, Width = 100, DataAlign = DataAlign.center)]
//public string ColorDetail { get; set; }
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ |
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设备信息编辑 |
</asp:Content> |
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server"> |
<%=Html.QPEdit("工位时间校验编辑", string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.PID) ? QMFrameWork.WebUI.panelType.Add : QMFrameWork.WebUI.panelType.Update)%> |
<table id="editTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> |
<tr> |
<td> |
<table> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
当前工位 |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.CWorkLoc_Code)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
校验工位 |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.PWorkLoc_Code)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.PWorkLoc_Column) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.PWorkLoc_Column)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Product_Column) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Product_Column)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Check) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Check)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Operator) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Operator)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Check_Type) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Check_Type)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Check_Value) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Check_Value)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Check_Table) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Check_Table)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Check_Column) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Check_Column)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Pwhere) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Pwhere)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.Remark) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Remark)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</td> |
</tr> |
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<script type="text/javascript"> |
// $(function () { |
// //工厂 |
// $('#CWorkLoc_Code').combobox({ |
// onSelect: function () { |
// var selectCode = $('#CWorkLoc_Code').combobox('getValue'); |
// if (selectCode != "") { |
// //获取下拉数据源 |
// $('#CWorkLoc_Code').combobox({ |
// url: "/Dict/GetWorkLocFromWorkCelEditlComboxSource", |
// editable: 'false', |
// valueField: 'PROJECT_CODE', |
// textField: 'PROJECT_NAME' |
// }); |
// $('#CWorkLoc_Code').combobox("setValue", ""); |
// } |
// else { |
// //清空工序下拉框 |
// var emptyData = [{ 'PROJECT_CODE': "", 'PROJECT_NAME': ""}]; |
// $('#CWorkLoc_Code').combobox("loadData", emptyData); |
// $('#CWorkLoc_Code').combobox("select", ""); |
// } |
// } |
// }); |
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ |
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Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<QMAPP.FJC.Web.Models.ProductTimeModel>" %> |
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="TitleContent" runat="server"> |
工位时间校验列表 |
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<%=Html.QPSeach(100,true) %> |
<table id="condiTable"> |
<%--<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p=>p.MATERIALCODDE) %> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.MATERIALCODDE)%> |
</td> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p => p.barcodeFist)%> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.barcodeFist)%> |
</td> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p => p.Company_code)%> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Company_code)%> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<th align="right"> |
<%=Html.QV(p => p.Vehicle_type)%> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.Vehicle_type)%> |
</td> |
<th> |
<%=Html.QV(p => p.configColor)%> |
</th> |
<td> |
<%=Html.QC(p => p.configColor)%> |
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<%=Html.Hidden("selectKey")%> |
<%=Html.Hidden("MPID")%> |
<%-- <%=Html.Hidden("Line_code")%> |
<%=Html.Hidden("Line_name")%>--%> |
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//添加 |
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openAppWindow1('工位时间校验添加', 'Edit', '400', '400'); |
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//修改 |
function Update() { |
var ids = getSelectKey(); |
if (ids == "") { |
MSI("提示", "请选择修改记录。"); |
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document.getElementById("selectKey").value = ids; |
openAppWindow1('工位时间校验修改', 'Edit?PID=' + ids, '400', '400'); |
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//删除 |
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if (ids == "") { |
MSI("错误", "至少选择一条记录"); |
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"确定要删除选中的记录吗?", |
function() { |
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Reference in new issue