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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using QMAPP.FJC.TRACING.DAInterface;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace QMAPP.FJC.TRACING.DataValidators
/// <summary>
/// FIS顺序校验
/// </summary>
public class FISSEQValidator : IDataValidator
public ValidateResult Validate(DAObject data, Entity.QT.DAIValidation validOption)
string regexp_full = "^D\\d{2}\\w+[RF][LR]\\d{2}(10|11|12|0[1-9])(30|31|2\\d|1\\d|0[1-9])\\w\\d{5}$";
//如果不是FIS码 不校验
return new ValidateResult(true, "");
if (data.OrderPlan == null)
return new ValidateResult(true, "");
DAL.FIS.OrderPlanDAL odal = new DAL.FIS.OrderPlanDAL();
var plan= odal.Get(new Entity.FIS.OrderPlan { PID = data.OrderPlan.ORDERPLANID });
if (plan.IGNORE_FISBREAK == "1")
return new ValidateResult(true, "");
DAL.Basic.ProcessRouteDAL pdal = new DAL.Basic.ProcessRouteDAL();
string routecode=pdal.GetRouteCodeByWorkcell(data.DAI.WORKCELL_CODE);
DAL.ProductionPlan.WorkOrderDAL wdal = new DAL.ProductionPlan.WorkOrderDAL();
var lastplans=wdal.GetLastFISPlan(data.DAI.WORKCELL_CODE,routecode);
if (lastplans.Count < 1)
return new ValidateResult(true, "");
var inputSEQ = 0;
var correctSEQ = 0;
inputSEQ = int.Parse(data.OrderPlan.SEQ);
correctSEQ = int.Parse(lastplans[0].PLAN_SEQ);
if (lastplans.Count(p => p.PLAN_SEQ == lastplans[0].PLAN_SEQ) == 2)
if ((inputSEQ - correctSEQ) != 1 )
return new ValidateResult(false, string.Format("请按照FIS底盘号顺序生产!最后生产的工单号为“{0}”", lastplans[0].PLAN_NO));
if ((inputSEQ - correctSEQ) != 0)
return new ValidateResult(false, string.Format("请按照FIS底盘号顺序生产!最后生产的工单号为“{0}”", lastplans[0].PLAN_NO));
return new ValidateResult(true, "");