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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace AutoFileCopyNet.TimerTask
/// <summary>
/// 定时信息类
/// TimerType 类型:EveryDay(每天),DayOfWeek(每周),DayOfMonth(每月),DesDate(指定日期),LoopDays(循环天数)
/// DateValue 日期值:TimerType="DayOfWeek"时,值为1-7表示周一到周日;TimerType="DayOfMonth"时,值为1-31表示1号到31号,
/// TimerType="LoopDays"时,值为要循环的天数,TimerType为其它值时,此值无效
/// Year 年:TimerType="DesDate"时,此值有效
/// Month 月:TimerType="DesDate"时,此值有效
/// Day 日:TimerType="DesDate"时,此值有效
/// Hour 时:]
/// Minute 分: > 设置的执行时间
/// Second 秒:]
/// </summary>
public class TimerInfo
public string TimerType;
public int DateValue;
public int Year;
public int Month;
public int Day;
public int Hour = 00;
public int Minute = 00;
public int Second = 00;