You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.7 KiB

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/AppMaster.Master"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<QMAPP.Web.Models.Sys.SupportInteractionModel>" %>
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<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<%=Html.QPEdit("支持交互信息", string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.PID) ? QMFrameWork.WebUI.panelType.Add : QMFrameWork.WebUI.panelType.Update)%>
<table id="editTable">
<th align="right">
<%=Html.QV(p => p.PType)%>
<td colspan="3">
<%=Html.QC(p => p.PType)%>
<th align="right" valign="top">
<%=Html.QV(p => p.PDesp)%>
<td colspan="3">
<%=Html.QC(p => p.PDesp)%>
<th align="right">
<%=Html.QV(p => p.AttachFile)%>
<input type="file" name="attfile" id="attfile" value="<%=Model.AttachFileName %>"/>
<th align="right">
<%-- <%=Html.QV(p => p.Shkey)%>--%>
<%-- <%=Html.QC(p => p.Shkey)%>--%>
<tr><td colspan="4">
<label style=" color:Red" >&nbsp;&nbsp;※允许上传文件格式:xls、xlsx、ppt、pptx、doc、docx、txt、bmp、jpg、jpeg、gif、png、rar、zip</label></td></tr>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(p=>p.PID) %>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(p=>p.CreateUser) %>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(p=>p.CreateDate) %>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(p => p.SDept)%>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(p => p.SUser)%>
<!-- 原附件名称 -->
<input id="AttachFile" name="AttachFile" type="hidden" value="<%=Model.AttachFile %>" />
<%=Html.QPEnd() %>
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<%=Html.QTButton("submit", "ExportExcel", QMFrameWork.WebUI.IconCls.redo, "sumbit()", QMAPP.Common.Web.SystemLimit.isLimt)%>
<%=Html.QTButton("close", "SupportInteractionList", "close", "parent.closeAppWindow1();return false;", (s, f) => { return true; })%>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
url: '/SupportInteraction/GetTypeList',
editable: 'false',
valueField: 'id',
textField: 'text'
function sumbit() {
if (isValidate() == false) {
return false;
filePath = $("#attfile").val();
if (filePath != "") {
var fileText = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(".", filePath.length)); //获取文件扩展名
fileText = fileText.toLowerCase();
if (fileText != ".xls" && fileText != ".ppt" && fileText != ".doc"
&& fileText != ".xlsx" && fileText != ".txt" && fileText != ".docx"
&& fileText != ".bmp" && fileText != ".jpg" && fileText != ".jpeg"
&& fileText != ".gif" && fileText != ".png" && fileText != ".rar"
&& fileText != ".zip" && fileText != ".pptx") {
MSI("错误", "上传文件格式错误");
return false;
var result = openAppWindow1('提交', 'SelectSupportUser', '300', '300');
function Save() {
if (isValidate() == false) {
return false;
submitByButton("SupportInteractionSave?PTypeName=" + $("#PType").combobox('getText'));
function setReturnValue(sDept,sUser) {
if (sDept != "") {
} else {
function getParentValue(flag) {
if (flag == "sDept") {
return $("#SDept").val();
if (flag == "sUser") {
return $("#SUser").val();
return "";