You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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function TableStyle(index, row) {
return '<div style="padding:2px"><table id="ddv-' + index + '"></table></div><div style="padding:2px"><table id="pdv-' + index + '"></table>';
function BindExpandRow(index, row) {
if (row == undefined) {
row = $("#QDateGrid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (index == undefined) {
index = $("#QDateGrid").datagrid("getRowIndex", row);
var getDetailUrl = $('#GETDETAILINFO').val();
$('#ddv-' + index).datagrid({
url: getDetailUrl + row.PID,
fitColumns: false,
singleSelect: true,
rownumbers: true,
loadMsg: '',
height: 'auto',
columns: [[
{ field: 'PID', title: '', width: 40, align: 'center', hidden: true
{ field: 'PRODUCTCHECK_PID', title: '', width: 40, align: 'center', hidden: true
{ field: 'CHECKITEMCODE', title: '抽检项编码', width: 80, align: 'center'
{ field: 'CHECKITEMNAME', title: '抽检项名称', width: 240, align: 'center'
{ field: 'INPUTVALUE', title: '检测值', width: 80, align: 'center'
{ field: 'STANDERDVALUE_UPPER', title: '标准上限值', width: 80, align: 'center'
{ field: 'STANDERDVALUE_DOWN', title: '标准下限值', width: 80, align: 'center'
{ field: 'CREATEUSERNAME', title: '操作人', width: 150, align: 'center'
{ field: 'CREATEDATE', title: '操作时间', width: 180, align: 'center'
onResize: function () {
$('#QDateGrid').datagrid('fixDetailRowHeight', index);
onLoadSuccess: function () {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#QDateGrid').datagrid('fixDetailRowHeight', index);
}, 0);
$('#QDateGrid').datagrid('fixDetailRowHeight', index);