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112 lines
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4 years ago
<b>Toggle sidebar submenus</b>. This approach uses <u>CSS3</u> transitions.
It's a bit smoother but the transition does not work on IE9 and below and it is sometimes glitchy on Android's default browser.
//CSS3 transition version, no animation on IE9 and below
ace.submenu = {
show : function(sub, duration) {
var $sub = $(sub);
var event;
$sub.trigger(event = $.Event('show.ace.submenu'))
if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) return false;
height: 0,
overflow: 'hidden',
display: 'block'
.removeClass('nav-hide').addClass('nav-show')//only for window < @grid-float-breakpoint and .navbar-collapse.menu-min
if( duration > 0 ) {
$sub.css({height: sub.scrollHeight,
'transition-property': 'height',
'transition-duration': (duration/1000)+'s'})
var complete = function(ev) {
ev && ev.stopPropagation();
.css({'transition-property': '', 'transition-duration': '', overflow:'', height: ''})
//if(ace.vars['webkit']) ace.helper.redraw(sub);//little Chrome issue, force redraw ;)
if(ace.vars['transition']) $sub.off('.trans');
if( duration > 0 && ace.vars['transition'] ) {
$sub.one('transitionend.trans webkitTransitionEnd.trans mozTransitionEnd.trans oTransitionEnd.trans', complete);
else complete();
//there is sometimes a glitch, so maybe retry
if(ace.vars['android']) {
setTimeout(function() {
$sub.css({overflow:'', height: ''});
}, duration + 10);
return true;
hide : function(sub, duration) {
var $sub = $(sub);
var event;
$sub.trigger(event = $.Event('hide.ace.submenu'))
if (event.isDefaultPrevented()) return false;
height: sub.scrollHeight,
overflow: 'hidden'
//forces the "sub" to re-consider the new 'height' before transition
if( duration > 0 ) {
$sub.css({'height': 0,
'transition-property': 'height',
'transition-duration': (duration/1000)+'s'});
var complete = function(ev) {
ev && ev.stopPropagation();
.css({display: 'none', overflow:'', height: '', 'transition-property': '', 'transition-duration': ''})
.removeClass('nav-show').addClass('nav-hide')//only for window < @grid-float-breakpoint and .navbar-collapse.menu-min
if(ace.vars['transition']) $sub.off('.trans');
if( duration > 0 && ace.vars['transition'] ) {
$sub.one('transitionend.trans webkitTransitionEnd.trans mozTransitionEnd.trans oTransitionEnd.trans', complete);
else complete();
//there is sometimes a glitch, so maybe retry
if(ace.vars['android']) {
setTimeout(function() {
$sub.css({display: 'none', overflow:'', height: ''})
}, duration + 10);
return true;
toggle : function(element, duration) {
if( element.scrollHeight == 0 ) {//if an element is hidden scrollHeight becomes 0
if(ace.submenu.show(element, duration)) return 1;
} else {
if(ace.submenu.hide(element, duration)) return -1;
return 0;