You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Required. Ace's Basic File to Initiliaze Different Parts & Some Variables.
if( !('ace' in window) ) window['ace'] = {}
if( !('helper' in window['ace']) ) window['ace'].helper = {}
if( !('vars' in window['ace']) ) {
window['ace'].vars = {
'icon' : ' ace-icon ',
'.icon' : '.ace-icon'
ace.vars['touch'] = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;
jQuery(function($) {
//sometimes we try to use 'tap' event instead of 'click' if jquery mobile plugin is available
ace.click_event = ace.vars['touch'] && $.fn.tap ? 'tap' : 'click';
//sometimes the only good way to work around browser's pecularities is to detect them using user-agents
//though it's not accurate
var agent = navigator.userAgent
ace.vars['webkit'] = !!agent.match(/AppleWebKit/i)
ace.vars['safari'] = !!agent.match(/Safari/i) && !agent.match(/Chrome/i);
ace.vars['android'] = ace.vars['safari'] && !!agent.match(/Android/i)
ace.vars['ios_safari'] = !!agent.match(/OS ([4-8])(_\d)+ like Mac OS X/i) && !agent.match(/CriOS/i)
ace.vars['non_auto_fixed'] = ace.vars['android'] || ace.vars['ios_safari'];
// for android and ios we don't use "top:auto" when breadcrumbs is fixed
if(ace.vars['non_auto_fixed']) {
ace.vars['transition'] = 'transition' in document.body.style || 'WebkitTransition' in document.body.style || 'MozTransition' in document.body.style || 'OTransition' in document.body.style
//a list of available functions with their arguments
// >>> null means enable
// >>> false means disable
// >>> array means function arguments
var available_functions = {
'general_vars' : null,//general_vars should come first
'handle_side_menu' : null,
'add_touch_drag' : null,
'sidebar_scrollable' : [
//true, //enable only if sidebar is fixed , for 2nd approach only
true //scroll to selected item? (one time only on page load)
,true //true = include shortcut buttons in the scrollbars
,false || ace.vars['safari'] || ace.vars['ios_safari'] //true = include toggle button in the scrollbars
,200 //> 0 means smooth_scroll, time in ms, used in first approach only, better to be almost the same amount as submenu transition time
,false//true && ace.vars['touch'] //used in first approach only, true means the scrollbars should be outside of the sidebar
'sidebar_hoverable' : null,//automatically move up a submenu, if some part of it goes out of window
'general_things' : null,
'widget_boxes' : null,
'widget_reload_handler' : null,
'settings_box' : null,//settings box
'settings_rtl' : null,
'settings_skin' : null,
'enable_searchbox_autocomplete' : null,
'auto_hide_sidebar' : null,//disable?
'auto_padding' : null,//disable
'auto_container' : null//disable
//enable these functions with related params
for(var func_name in available_functions) {
if(!(func_name in ace)) continue;
var args = available_functions[func_name];
if(args === false) continue;//don't run this function
else if(args == null) args = [jQuery];
else if(args instanceof String) args = [jQuery, args];
else if(args instanceof Array) args.unshift(jQuery);//prepend jQuery
ace[func_name].apply(null, args);
ace.general_vars = function($) {
var minimized_menu_class = 'menu-min';
var responsive_min_class = 'responsive-min';
var horizontal_menu_class = 'h-sidebar';
var sidebar = $('#sidebar').eq(0);
//differnet mobile menu styles
ace.vars['mobile_style'] = 1;//default responsive mode with toggle button inside navbar
if(sidebar.hasClass('responsive') && !$('#menu-toggler').hasClass('navbar-toggle')) ace.vars['mobile_style'] = 2;//toggle button behind sidebar
else if(sidebar.hasClass(responsive_min_class)) ace.vars['mobile_style'] = 3;//minimized menu
else if(sidebar.hasClass('navbar-collapse')) ace.vars['mobile_style'] = 4;//collapsible (bootstrap style)
//update some basic variables
$(window).on('resize.ace.vars' , function(){
ace.vars['window'] = {width: parseInt($(this).width()), height: parseInt($(this).height())}
ace.vars['mobile_view'] = ace.vars['mobile_style'] < 4 && ace.helper.mobile_view();
ace.vars['collapsible'] = !ace.vars['mobile_view'] && ace.helper.collapsible();
ace.vars['nav_collapse'] = (ace.vars['collapsible'] || ace.vars['mobile_view']) && $('#navbar').hasClass('navbar-collapse');
var sidebar = $(document.getElementById('sidebar'));
ace.vars['minimized'] =
(!ace.vars['collapsible'] && sidebar.hasClass(minimized_menu_class))
(ace.vars['mobile_style'] == 3 && ace.vars['mobile_view'] && sidebar.hasClass(responsive_min_class))
ace.vars['horizontal'] = !(ace.vars['mobile_view'] || ace.vars['collapsible']) && sidebar.hasClass(horizontal_menu_class)
ace.general_things = function($) {
//add scrollbars for user dropdowns
var has_scroll = !!$.fn.ace_scroll;
if(has_scroll) $('.dropdown-content').ace_scroll({reset: false, mouseWheelLock: true})
//add scrollbars to body
if(has_scroll) $('body').ace_scroll({size: ace.helper.winHeight()})
$('body').css('position', 'static')
//reset scrolls bars on window resize
$(window).on('resize.reset_scroll', function() {
//reset body scrollbars
if(has_scroll) $('body').ace_scroll('update', {size : ace.helper.winHeight()})
if(has_scroll) $('.ace-scroll').ace_scroll('reset');
$(document).on('settings.ace.reset_scroll', function(e, name) {
if(name == 'sidebar_collapsed' && has_scroll) $('.ace-scroll').ace_scroll('reset');
//change a dropdown to "dropup" depending on its position
$(document).on('click.dropdown.pos', '.dropdown-toggle[data-position="auto"]', function() {
var offset = $(this).offset();
var parent = $(this.parentNode);
if ( parseInt(offset.top + $(this).height()) + 50
(ace.helper.scrollTop() + ace.helper.winHeight() - parent.find('.dropdown-menu').eq(0).height())
) parent.addClass('dropup');
else parent.removeClass('dropup');
//prevent dropdowns from hiding when a tab is selected
$(document).on('click', '.dropdown-navbar .nav-tabs', function(e){
var $this , href
var that = e.target
if( ($this = $(e.target).closest('[data-toggle=tab]')) && $this.length > 0) {
//prevent dropdowns from hiding when a from is clicked
/**$(document).on('click', '.dropdown-navbar form', function(e){
//disable navbar icon animation upon click
$('.ace-nav [class*="icon-animated-"]').closest('a').one('click', function(){
var icon = $(this).find('[class*="icon-animated-"]').eq(0);
var $match = icon.attr('class').match(/icon\-animated\-([\d\w]+)/);
//tooltip in sidebar items
$('.sidebar .nav-list .badge[title],.sidebar .nav-list .badge[title]').each(function() {
var tooltip_class = $(this).attr('class').match(/tooltip\-(?:\w+)/);
tooltip_class = tooltip_class ? tooltip_class[0] : 'tooltip-error';
'placement': function (context, source) {
var offset = $(source).offset();
if( parseInt(offset.left) < parseInt(document.body.scrollWidth / 2) ) return 'right';
return 'left';
container: 'body',
template: '<div class="tooltip '+tooltip_class+'"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>'
//or something like this if items are dynamically inserted
'placement': function (context, source) {
var offset = $(source).offset();
if( parseInt(offset.left) < parseInt(document.body.scrollWidth / 2) ) return 'right';
return 'left';
selector: '.nav-list .badge[title],.nav-list .label[title]',
container: 'body',
template: '<div class="tooltip tooltip-error"><div class="tooltip-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>'
//the scroll to top button
var scroll_btn = $('.btn-scroll-up');
if(scroll_btn.length > 0) {
var is_visible = false;
$(window).on('scroll.scroll_btn', function() {
if(ace.helper.scrollTop() > parseInt(ace.helper.winHeight() / 4)) {
if(!is_visible) {
is_visible = true;
} else {
if(is_visible) {
is_visible = false;
scroll_btn.on(ace.click_event, function(){
var duration = Math.min(500, Math.max(100, parseInt(ace.helper.scrollTop() / 3)));
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, duration);
return false;
//chrome and webkit have a problem here when resizing from 460px to more
//we should force them redraw the navbar!
if( ace.vars['webkit'] ) {
var ace_nav = $('.ace-nav').get(0);
if( ace_nav ) $(window).on('resize.webkit' , function(){
//some functions
ace.helper.collapsible = function() {
var toggle
return (document.querySelector('#sidebar.navbar-collapse') != null)
&& ((toggle = document.querySelector('.navbar-toggle[data-target*=".sidebar"]')) != null)
&& toggle.scrollHeight > 0
//sidebar is collapsible and collapse button is visible?
ace.helper.mobile_view = function() {
var toggle
return ((toggle = document.getElementById('menu-toggler')) != null && toggle.scrollHeight > 0)
ace.helper.redraw = function(elem) {
var saved_val = elem.style['display'];
elem.style.display = 'none';
elem.style.display = saved_val;
ace.helper.scrollTop = function() {
return document.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop
//return $(window).scrollTop();
ace.helper.winHeight = function() {
return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
//return $(window).innerHeight();
ace.helper.camelCase = function(str) {
return str.replace(/-([\da-z])/gi, function(match, chr) {
return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
ace.helper.removeStyle =
'removeProperty' in document.body.style
function(elem, prop) { elem.style.removeProperty(prop) }
function(elem, prop) { elem.style[ace.helper.camelCase(prop)] = '' }
ace.helper.hasClass =
'classList' in document.documentElement
function(elem, className) { return elem.classList.contains(className); }
function(elem, className) { return elem.className.indexOf(className) > -1; }