You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

755 lines
26 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using QMAPP.Common.Web.Controllers;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.Attribute;
using QMAPP.MD.Entity;
using QMAPP.Entity;
using QMAPP.FJC.Entity.Basic;
using QMAPP.ServicesAgent;
using QMFrameWork.WebUI.DataSource;
using QMAPP.MESReport.Entity.LineQTY;
using QMAPP.MESReport.Entity.Tables;
using ProcessRoute = QMAPP.FJC.Entity.Basic.ProcessRoute;
using WorkCenter = QMAPP.MD.Entity.WorkCenter;
namespace QMAPP.MESReport.Web.Controllers
/// <summary>
/// 公共类
/// 于子清
/// 2017-10-11
/// </summary>
public class DictController : QController
public string EmptyItemTitle = " ";
#region 获取工艺路线下拉列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取工艺路线下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetProcessRouteComboxSource()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<ProcessRoute>>>
("ProcessRouteBLL_GetProcessRouteList", new ProcessRoute());
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (ProcessRoute item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.ROUTE_CODE, Text = item.ROUTE_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取工序下拉列表(联动)
/// <summary>
/// 获取工序下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetWorkCellBasicWithTypeComboxSource(string routecode)
List<WorkCell> list = new List<WorkCell>();
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routecode) == false)
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<WorkCell>>
("WorkCellBLL_GetNewWorkCellList", new WorkCell(), routecode);
foreach (WorkCell item in dataResult)
list.Insert(0, new WorkCell() { WORKCELL_CODE = "", WORKCELL_NAME = this.EmptyItemTitle });
return Content(QMFrameWork.Common.Serialization.JsonConvertHelper.GetSerializes(list));
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取工序下拉列表(联动)排序
/// <summary>
/// 获取工序下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetWorkCellSeqComboxSource(string routecode)
List<WorkCell> list = new List<WorkCell>();
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routecode) == false)
list = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<WorkCell>>
("WorkCellBLL_GetNewWorkCellListSeq", routecode);
//foreach (WorkCell item in dataResult)
// list.Add(item);
list.Insert(0, new WorkCell() { WORKCELL_CODE = "", WORKCELL_NAME = this.EmptyItemTitle });
return Content(QMFrameWork.Common.Serialization.JsonConvertHelper.GetSerializes(list));
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 工序下拉框
/// <summary>
/// 获取工序下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetWorkCellComboxSource()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<WorkCell>>
("WorkCellBLL_GetWorkCellList", new WorkCell());
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (WorkCell item in dataResult)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.WORKCELL_CODE, Text = item.WORKCELL_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取班次下拉框
/// <summary>
/// 获取班次下拉框
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetShiftList()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<T_QT_SHIFT>>>
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (T_QT_SHIFT item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.SHIFT_CODE, Text = item.SHIFT_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取EQ
/// <summary>
/// 获取工作中心下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetAllEquipmentComboxSource()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<Equipment>>>
("EquipmentBLL_GetEquipmentList", new Equipment());
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (Equipment item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.EQUIPMENT_CODE, Text = item.EQUIPMENT_CODE + "/" + item.EQUIPMENT_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取物料产品列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取物料产品列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetWList()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<ShipmentCountConditionModel>>>
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (ShipmentCountConditionModel item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.MATERIAL_CODE, Text = item.MATERIAL_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取设备列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取设备列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetSList()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<T_BD_MACHINEINFO>>>
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (T_BD_MACHINEINFO item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.MACHINECODDE, Text = item.MACHINENAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取日周月下拉菜单
/// <summary>
/// 获取日周月下拉菜单
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult GetTJList()
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "DAY", Text = "日"});
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "WEEK", Text = "周" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "MONTH", Text = "月" });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取日月年下拉菜单
/// <summary>
/// 获取日月年下拉菜单
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult GetYMDList()
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "DAY", Text = "日" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "MONTH", Text = "月" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "YEAR", Text = "年" });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取呼叫类型
/// <summary>
/// 获取呼叫类型
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult GetCALLTYPE()
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "0", Text = "维修呼叫" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "1", Text = "质量呼叫" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "2", Text = "物料呼叫" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "3", Text = "工程呼叫" });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取工作中心-写死
public ActionResult GetSendPlanWorkCenter()
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
//model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "DPLFY/DPRFY", Text = "门板发运" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "IPFY01", Text = "东厂仪表板发运" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "IPFY02", Text = "西厂仪表板发运" });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取呼叫原因
/// <summary>
/// 获取呼叫原因
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult GetCALLREA()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<T_BD_MACHINEINFO>>>
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (T_BD_MACHINEINFO item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.MACHINECODDE, Text = item.MACHINENAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取全部工作中心下拉列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取工作中心下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetAllWorkCenterComboxSource()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var centerType = "0";
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<WorkCenter>>>
("WorkCenterBLL_GetWorkCenterList", new WorkCenter
CENTER_TYPE = centerType
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (WorkCenter item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.WORKCENTER_CODE, Text = item.WORKCENTER_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
public ActionResult GetWorkcenterComboxSource()
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
//model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "INJECTION_AREA", Text = "注塑工作中心" });
//model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "1", Text = "宝来门板装配中心" });
//model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "2", Text = "宝来仪表板装配工作中心" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "SLUSH_AREA", Text = "搪塑工作中心" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "VW371_FOAMAREA", Text = "浇注工作中心" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "BC316_ASSLINE", Text = "BC316仪表" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "VW371_IPASSYLINE", Text = "VW371仪表" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "VW371_DPASSYLINE", Text = "VW371门板" });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取设备(MACHINE)下拉列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取设备(MACHINE)下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>工作中心</returns>
public ActionResult GetMachine(string workcenter)
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<T_BD_MACHINEINFO>>>
("EqueUseCountBLL_GetMachine", workcenter);
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (T_BD_MACHINEINFO item in dataResult.Result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.MACHINECODDE, Text = item.MACHINENAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取全部设备下拉列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取全部工序下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetMachineListComboxSource()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var machineList = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<MachineInfo>>
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (MachineInfo item in machineList)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.MACHINECODDE, Text = item.MACHINECODDE + "/" + item.MACHINENAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取项目号
public ActionResult GetProjectList()
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "VW371 IP", Text = "VW371仪表板" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "VW371 DP", Text = "VW371门板" });
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "BC316 IP", Text = "BC316仪表板" });
return Content(model.ToString());
#region 配置项下拉获取
public ActionResult GetFixedComboxSource()
string kind = Request.Params["kind"];
//单雨春 是否带空项 2014年9月26日
bool isWithEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["WithEmpty"]) ? true : false;
Dictionary<string, string> dicts = null;
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
//单雨春 是否带空项 2014年9月26日
if (isWithEmpty)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
QMFrameWork.Common.Util.ModelDictionaryHandler.TryGetModelDictionary(kind.ToString(), out dicts);
foreach (string key in dicts.Keys)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = key, Text = dicts[key] });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取零件号
public ActionResult GetMaterialForCount()
string projectCode = Request.Params["PROJECTCODE"];
string hbtype = Request.Params["HBTYPE"];
string color = Request.Params["COLOR"];
List<Material> list = new List<Material>();
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var dataResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<Material>>
("MaterialBLL_GetMaterialList", new Material()
PROJECTCODE = projectCode,
HBTYPE = hbtype,
COLOR = color,
foreach (Material item in dataResult)
list.Insert(0, new Material() { MATERIAL_CODE = "", MATERIAL_NAME = this.EmptyItemTitle });
return Content(QMFrameWork.Common.Serialization.JsonConvertHelper.GetSerializes(list));
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取物料信息下拉列表(所有)
/// <summary>
/// 获取物料信息下拉列表(所有)
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetALLMaterialComboxSource()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var result = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<Material>>
("MaterialBLL_GetMaterialList", new Material());
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
foreach (Material item in result)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.MATERIAL_CODE, Text = item.MATERIAL_NAME });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
#region 获取物料信息下拉列表
/// <summary>
/// 获取物料信息下拉列表
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetMaterialTree()
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
var materialResult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<Material>>
("MaterialBLL_GetMaterialList", new Material());
var classresult = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<DataResult<List<MaterialClass>>>
("MaterialBLL_GetMaterialClassList", new MaterialClass()).Result;
List<CombotreeItem> trees = new List<CombotreeItem>();
trees.Add(new CombotreeItem { id = "", text = " " });
foreach (MaterialClass item in classresult.Where(p => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.UP_MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE)).OrderBy(p => p.SEQ_NUM))
var subnode = new CombotreeItem { id = item.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE, text = item.MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME, children = new List<CombotreeItem>() };
AppendTree(subnode, classresult, materialResult);
if (subnode.children.Count > 0)
return Json(trees);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 追加树节点
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <param name="mclasslist"></param>
/// <param name="materiallist"></param>
private void AppendTree(CombotreeItem node, List<MaterialClass> mclasslist, List<Material> materiallist)
foreach (var mclass in mclasslist.Where(p => string.Equals(node.id, p.UP_MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE)).OrderBy(p => p.SEQ_NUM))
var subnode = new CombotreeItem { id = mclass.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE, text = mclass.MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME, children = new List<CombotreeItem>() };
AppendTree(subnode, mclasslist, materiallist);
if (subnode.children.Count > 0)
foreach (var material in materiallist.Where(p => string.Equals(node.id, p.MATERIAL_TYPE_CODE)).OrderBy(p => p.MATERIAL_CODE))
var subnode = new CombotreeItem { id = material.MATERIAL_CODE, text = material.MATERIAL_CODE + "/" + material.MATERIAL_NAME };
#region 获取呼叫类型
/// <summary>
/// 获取呼叫类型
/// </summary>
/// <returns>数据源</returns>
public ActionResult GetConfigDetailComboxSource()
string kind = Request.Params["kind"];
bool isWithEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["WithEmpty"]) ? true : false;
Dictionary<string, string> dicts = null;
ComboboxResult model = new ComboboxResult();
if (isWithEmpty)
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = "", Text = this.EmptyItemTitle });
List<ConfigDetail> list = new List<ConfigDetail>();
ServiceAgent wcfAgent = this.GetServiceAgent();
list = wcfAgent.InvokeServiceFunction<List<ConfigDetail>>("ConfigDetailBLL_GetAllList", kind);
foreach (ConfigDetail item in list)
//item.DetailTypeName = item.DetailTypeCode + "/" + item.DetailTypeName;
model.Add(new ComboboxItem { ID = item.DetailTypeCode, Text = item.DetailTypeName });
return Content(model.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;