You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
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<Dictionary Name="ProductionBase">
<items key="长春" value="长春" />
<items key="成都" value="成都" />
<items key="佛山" value="佛山" />
<Dictionary Name="UserType">
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<items key="SS" value="系统管理员" />
<items key="LO" value="业务管理员" />
<items key="PU" value="普通用户" />
<Dictionary Name="DATAALIGN">
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<items key="center" value="居中" />
<items key="right" value="居右" />
<Dictionary Name="ISPUBLISH">
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<items key="0" value="否" />
<Dictionary Name="YESRONO">
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<items key="N" value="否" />
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<items key="0" value="否" />
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<items key="0" value="否" />
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<items key="2" value="女" />
<Dictionary Name="FLAGDEL">
<items key="Y" value="已删除" />
<items key="N" value="未删除" />
<Dictionary Name="LOWUPFLAG">
<items key="1" value="高储报警"/>
<items key="2" value="低储报警"/>
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<items key="0" value="否" />
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<items key="1" value="从SAP同步零件主数据" />
<items key="2" value="从SAP同步工位器具" />
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<items key="7" value="向SAP推送出库数据" />
<items key="8" value="向CKD-CENTER推送新生成看板信息" />
<items key="9" value="向MILK-RUN推送新生成看板信息" />
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<items key="" value="" />
<items key="FJC" value="富维江森B9" />
<Dictionary Name="DEFAULTSKIN">
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<items key="skin2" value="主题2" />
<items key="skin3" value="主题3" />
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<items key="w" value="每周" />
<items key="m" value="每月" />
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<items key="0" value="初始" />
<items key="1" value="处理中" />
<items key="2" value="完成" />
<Dictionary Name="IntervalType">
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<items key="m" value="分" />
<items key="h" value="时" />
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<items key="12" value="12" />
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<items key="" value="" />
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<items key="1" value="注塑物料" />
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<Button key="import" value="导入" />
<Button key="showDetail" value="查看/回复"/>
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<Button key="print" value="打印"/>
<Button key="apply" value="应用"/>
<Button key="queryTL" value="查询模板"/>
<Button key="help" value="帮助"/>
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<Button key="unLock" value="解除锁定"/>
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<Button key="endTask" value="停用计划"/>
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<Button key="paste" value="粘贴" />
<Button key="clear" value="清空" />
<Button key="ViewLog" value="查看日志" />
<Button key="AddWholeDoor" value="整车添加" />
<Button key="AddMaterial" value="整车添加物料" />
<Button key="DeleteMaterial" value="整车删除物料" />