11 changed files with 1400 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ |
import router from './router' |
import store from './store' |
import { |
Message |
} from 'element-ui' |
import NProgress from 'nprogress' // progress bar
import 'nprogress/nprogress.css' // progress bar style
import { |
getToken |
} from '@/utils/auth' // get token from cookie
import getPageTitle from '@/utils/get-page-title' |
import { |
asyncRoutes |
} from '@/router' |
import { getInterfaceBoard } from "@/api/wms-interface" |
import { login,getUsersByUserName } from "@/api/wms-auth" |
NProgress.configure({ |
showSpinner: false |
}) // NProgress Configuration
const whiteList = ['/login', '/auth-redirect', '/testForm'] // no redirect whitelist
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => { |
// 添加路由信息,方便代码修改定位
// console.log('----------------' + to.meta.title + '-----------------------'+ to.fullPath.substring(to.fullPath.lastIndexOf('-')+1,to.fullPath.length) + '.vue' );
// start progress bar
NProgress.start() |
// set page title
document.title = getPageTitle() |
// 判断是否自动登录
let isAutoLogin = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('isAutoLogin')) |
// 如果路径中有isAutoLogin参数则优先,否则读取配置文件中的isAutoLogin参数
let _url_isAutoLogin = to.query.isAutoLogin |
if( _url_isAutoLogin== 'false' || _url_isAutoLogin == 'true'){ |
isAutoLogin = JSON.parse(_url_isAutoLogin) |
} |
let userInfo = localStorage.getItem('currentUserInfo') |
let _zh = localStorage.getItem('columnsApiNamesZh') |
// 是否有用户信息:
// 1、如果没有判断是否为自动登录(是自动登录则自动执行登录,账号密码为配置信息中的值,不是自动登录则跳到登录页)
// 2、如果有用户信息:则检查是否有api接口的表头数据,没有的话重新获取
if(!userInfo){ |
if(isAutoLogin || to.query.loginName){ |
// let loginForm= {
// userNameOrEmailAddress:localStorage.getItem("userNameOrEmailAddress"),
// password:localStorage.getItem("client_secret"),
// // rememberMe:true,
// // grant_type: 'password',
// // client_id: 'Auth_App',
// }
// // store.dispatch('user/login', loginForm).then(() => {
// login(loginForm).then(()=>{
let _username = to.query.loginName ? to.query.loginName : localStorage.getItem("userNameOrEmailAddress") |
getUsersByUserName(_username).then(res=>{ |
// todo:currentUserInfo全程需要优化
localStorage.setItem("currentUserInfo", JSON.stringify(res)); |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
console.log('获取用户信息失败,请重试') |
}) |
// 提前获取接口监控看板表头数据并存储
getInterfaceBoard().then(result => { |
localStorage.setItem("interfaceBoardColumnsNames", JSON.stringify(result.resources[_zh].texts)); |
next('/') |
}) |
.catch(err => { |
console.log('获取表头失败,请重试') |
}) |
// })
// .catch((error) => {
// console.log('登录失败')
// })
}else{ |
if (to.path != '/login') { |
next('/login') |
}else{ |
next() |
} |
NProgress.done() |
} |
}else{ |
// 重新获取api接口表头
// const _interfaceBoardColumnsNames = localStorage.getItem("interfaceBoardColumnsNames")
// if( !_interfaceBoardColumnsNames || _interfaceBoardColumnsNames == 'undefined' || _interfaceBoardColumnsNames == 'null'){
getInterfaceBoard().then(result => { |
console.log(9999) |
// todo-new:columnsApiNamesZh配置的地址补全(evel)
localStorage.setItem("interfaceBoardColumnsNames", JSON.stringify(result.resources[_zh].texts)); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
next() |
},0) |
}) |
// }else{
// next()
// }
} |
// determine whether the user has logged in
// todo-new:如果token接口恢复做处理
const hasToken = getToken() |
// else if (hasToken) {
// // if(from.path != '/login'){
// // let _interfaceBoardColumnsNames = localStorage.getItem("interfaceBoardColumnsNames")
// // if(!_interfaceBoardColumnsNames){
// // // next({
// // // path: '/'
// // // })
// // // NProgress.done()
// // }
// // }
// if (to.path === '/login') {
// // if is logged in, redirect to the home page
// next({
// path: '/'
// })
// NProgress.done() // hack: https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin/pull/2939
// } else {
// // determine whether the user has obtained his permission roles through getInfo
// const hasRoles =await store.getters.roles && await store.getters.roles.length > 0
// if (hasRoles) {
// next()
// } else {
// try {
// // get user info
// // note: roles must be a object array! such as: ['admin'] or ,['developer','editor']
// const {
// roles
// } = await store.dispatch('user/getInfo')
// // generate accessible routes map based on roles
// // const accessRoutes = await store.dispatch('permission/generateRoutes', localStorage.getItem('userId'))
// // router.addRoutes(accessRoutes)
// // 原码 防止刷新出现空白页(系统暂无出现所以注释)
// // const accessRoutes = await store.dispatch('permission/generateRoutes', roles)
// // router.addRoutes(accessRoutes)
// // hack method to ensure that addRoutes is complete
// // set the replace: true, so the navigation will not leave a history record
// next({
// ...to,
// replace: true
// })
// } catch (error) {
// // remove token and go to login page to re-login
// await store.dispatch('user/resetToken')
// Message.error(error || 'Has Error')
// next(`/login?redirect=${to.path}`)
// NProgress.done()
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// /* has no token*/
// if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) {
// // in the free login whitelist, go directly
// next()
// } else {
// // other pages that do not have permission to access are redirected to the login page.
// next(`/login?redirect=${to.path}`)
// NProgress.done()
// }
// }
}) |
router.afterEach(() => { |
// element-ui 使用 Tooltip 提示时候,更换页面,提示依旧存在偶现bug处理。
const mytooltipList = document.querySelectorAll('.el-tooltip__popper') // 获取页面所有tooltip的dom集合
setTimeout(() => { |
mytooltipList.forEach((value) => { |
value.style.display = 'none' |
if(value.parentElement){ |
value.parentElement.removeChild(value) |
} |
}) |
}, 1000) |
// finish progress bar
NProgress.done() |
}) |
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ |
import Vue from 'vue' |
import Router from 'vue-router' |
Vue.use(Router) |
/* Layout */ |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
/* Router Modules */ |
// import basicDataRouter from './modules/basicData'
// import personRouter from './modules/person'
// import inventoryManageRouter from "./modules/inventoryManage"
// import systemManageRouter from "./modules/systemManage"
// import activeReportManageRouter from "./modules/activeReport"
// import manageRouter from "./modules/manageRouter"
// import rawMaterialManage from "./modules/rawMaterialManage"
// import finishedProductManage from "./modules/finishedProductManage"
// import labelManageRouter from "./modules/labelManageRouter"
// import storageManageRouter from "./modules/StorageManage"
// import productionManageRouter from "./modules/productionManage"
// import allocationManageRouter from "./modules/allocationManage"
// import deliverGoodsRouter from "./modules/deliverGoods"
// import recordQueryRouter from "./modules/recordQuery"
// import qualityManageRouter from "./modules/qualityManage"
// import taskManageRouter from "./modules/taskManage"
/** |
* Note: sub-menu only appear when route children.length >= 1 |
* Detail see: https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin-site/guide/essentials/router-and-nav.html
* |
* hidden: true if set true, item will not show in the sidebar(default is false) |
* alwaysShow: true if set true, will always show the root menu |
* if not set alwaysShow, when item has more than one children route, |
* it will becomes nested mode, otherwise not show the root menu |
* redirect: noRedirect if set noRedirect will no redirect in the breadcrumb |
* name:'router-name' the name is used by <keep-alive> (must set!!!) |
* meta : { |
roles: ['admin','editor'] control the page roles (you can set multiple roles) |
title: 'title' the name show in sidebar and breadcrumb (recommend set) |
icon: 'svg-name'/'el-icon-x' the icon show in the sidebar |
noCache: true if set true, the page will no be cached(default is false) |
affix: true if set true, the tag will affix in the tags-view |
breadcrumb: false if set false, the item will hidden in breadcrumb(default is true) |
activeMenu: '/example/list' if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set |
} |
*/ |
/** |
* constantRoutes |
* a base page that does not have permission requirements |
* all roles can be accessed |
*/ |
export const constantRoutes = [ |
{ |
path: '/redirect', |
component: Layout, |
hidden: true, |
children: [{ |
path: '/redirect/:path(.*)', |
component: () => import('@/views/redirect/index') |
}] |
}, |
// {
// path: '/testForm',
// component: () => import('@/views/testForm/index'),
// hidden: true
// },
{ |
path: '/login', |
component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '/404', |
component: () => import('@/views/error-page/404'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '/401', |
component: () => import('@/views/error-page/401'), |
hidden: true |
}, |
{ |
path: '/profileuser', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: '/profileuser/index', |
hidden: true, |
children: [{ |
path: 'index', |
component: () => import('@/views/profileuser/index'), |
name: 'Profileuser', |
meta: { |
title: '个人中心', |
icon: 'user', |
noCache: true |
} |
}] |
}, |
{ |
path: '/', |
component: Layout, |
redirect: '/dashboard', |
// hidden: true,
children: [{ |
path: 'dashboard', |
component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index'), |
name: 'Dashboard', |
meta: { |
keepAlive : true, |
title: '系统首页', |
icon: '系统首页', |
outerFirst:true |
// affix: true
} |
}] |
}, |
// {
// path: '/',
// component: Layout,
// redirect: '/gridlayout',
// hidden: true,
// children: [{
// path: 'gridlayout',
// component: () => import('@/views/gridLayout/indexShow'),
// name: 'Gridlayout',
// meta: {
// keepAlive : true,
// title: '首页编辑器',
// icon: '系统首页',
// }
// }]
// },
// 开发中模拟路由
// {
// path: '/',
// component: Layout,
// redirect: '/TestSchool',
// hidden: true,
// children: [{
// path: 'TestSchool',
// component: () => import('@/views/interfaceBoard/TestSchool.vue'),
// name: 'TestSchool',
// meta: {
// title: 'TestSchool',
// icon: '拆分记录',
// }
// }]
// },
// {
// path: '/',
// component: Layout,
// redirect: '/_dashboard2',
// hidden: true,
// children: [{
// path: '_dashboard2',
// component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/_index2'),
// name: '_dashboard2',
// meta: {
// title: '_dashboard2',
// icon: '系统首页',
// }
// }]
// },
] |
/** |
* asyncRoutes |
* the routes that need to be dynamically loaded based on user roles |
*/ |
// 动态获取菜单信息
export let asyncRoutes = [ |
/** when your routing map is too long, you can split it into small modules **/ |
// 404 page must be placed at the end !!!
{ |
path: '*', |
redirect: '/404', |
hidden: true |
} |
] |
// export const asyncRoutes = [
// /** when your routing map is too long, you can split it into small modules **/
// // 404 page must be placed at the end !!!
// personRouter,
// basicDataRouter,
// rawMaterialManage,
// finishedProductManage,
// labelManageRouter,
// // storageManageRouter,
// inventoryManageRouter,
// // productionManageRouter,
// // qualityManageRouter,
// // taskManageRouter,
// // recordQueryRouter,
// manageRouter,
// activeReportManageRouter,
// systemManageRouter,
// // allocationManageRouter,
// // deliverGoodsRouter,
// {
// path: '*',
// redirect: '/404',
// hidden: true
// }
// ]
const createRouter = () => new Router({ |
// mode: 'history', // require service support
scrollBehavior: () => ({ |
y: 0 |
}), |
routes: constantRoutes |
}) |
const router = createRouter() |
// Detail see: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/issues/1234#issuecomment-357941465
export function resetRouter() { |
const newRouter = createRouter() |
router.matcher = newRouter.matcher // reset router
} |
export default router |
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ |
import { |
asyncRoutes, |
constantRoutes |
} from '@/router' |
import Layout from '@/layout' |
import { getWebMenu } from '@/api/wms-auth' |
/** |
* 静态路由懒加载 |
* @param view 格式必须为 xxx/xxx 开头不要加斜杠 |
* @returns |
*/ |
export const loadView = (view) => { |
return (resolve) => require([`@/views/${view}`], resolve) |
} |
/** |
* 把从后端查询的菜单数据拼装成路由格式的数据 |
* @param routes |
* @param data 后端返回的菜单数据 |
*/ |
export function generaMenu(routes, data) { |
data.forEach(item => { |
const menu = { |
path: item.code, |
component: item.component === '@/layout' ? Layout : loadView(item.component), |
// hidden: item.status === 0, // 状态为0的隐藏
children: [], |
name: item.code, |
// meta: item.meta
meta: { |
title: item.name, |
icon: item.icon || '', |
roles: item.permission |
}, |
} |
// 一级菜单 二级菜单 特定属性
if (item.component == '@/layout' || item.component == 'index') { |
menu.alwaysShow = true |
menu.redirect = 'noRedirect' |
} |
if (item.sort < 99) { |
menu.level = 1 |
} else if (item.sort > 99 && item.sort < 9999) { |
menu.level = 2 |
} else { |
menu.level = 3 |
} |
// iframe页面处理
// if (item.permission.indexOf('Report') > -1) {
// // delete menu.component
// menu.iframeComponent = item.component === '@/layout' ? Layout : loadView(item.component)
// menu.hasOpen = false // 是否打开过,默认false
// }
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) { |
generaMenu(menu.children, item.children) |
} |
// if (item.permission == 'skip' && item.children.length == 0) {
// }
routes.push(menu) |
}) |
return routes |
} |
/** |
* Use meta.role to determine if the current user has permission |
* @param roles |
* @param route |
*/ |
function hasPermission(roles, route) { |
if (route.meta && route.meta.roles) { |
if (route.meta.roles == "skip") { |
return true |
} else { |
return roles.some(role => route.meta.roles.includes(role)) |
} |
} else { |
return false |
} |
} |
const filterAccessedRoutes = (items,indexVal,childrenIndex) => { |
const route = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(items)) |
route.forEach((val, index) => { |
// debugger;
if(val.meta && val.meta.roles == "skip"){ |
if (val.children && val.children.length != 0) { |
filterAccessedRoutes(items[index-indexVal].children,childrenIndex) |
} |
if(items[index-indexVal].children && items[index-indexVal].children.length == 0){ |
items.splice(index-indexVal, 1) |
indexVal++ |
} |
} |
}) |
indexVal = 0 |
} |
/** |
* Filter asynchronous routing tables by recursion |
* @param routes asyncRoutes |
* @param roles |
*/ |
export function filterAsyncRoutes(routes, roles) { |
const res = [] |
routes.forEach(route => { |
const tmp = { |
...route |
} |
if (hasPermission(roles, tmp)) { |
if (tmp.children) { |
tmp.children = filterAsyncRoutes(tmp.children, roles) |
} |
res.push(tmp) |
} |
}) |
return res |
} |
const state = { |
routes: [], |
addRoutes: [] |
} |
const mutations = { |
SET_ROUTES: (state, routes) => { |
state.addRoutes = routes |
state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(routes) |
} |
} |
// todo-new:有token后使用generateRoutes,去掉下方一行代码
// state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(asyncRoutes)
const actions = { |
generateRoutes({ |
commit |
}, userId) { |
return new Promise(resolve => { |
// let accessedRoutes = asyncRoutes
// // accessedRoutes = filterAsyncRoutes(asyncRoutes, roles)
// let indexVal = 0
// let childrenIndex = 0
// filterAccessedRoutes(accessedRoutes,indexVal,childrenIndex)
// commit('SET_ROUTES', accessedRoutes)
// resolve(accessedRoutes)
// todo-new:动态路由(等token接口恢复后处理)
getWebMenu({userId: userId}).then(res => { |
let accessedRoutes = generaMenu(asyncRoutes, res) |
let indexVal = 0 |
let childrenIndex = 0 |
filterAccessedRoutes(accessedRoutes,indexVal,childrenIndex) |
commit('SET_ROUTES', accessedRoutes) |
resolve(accessedRoutes) |
}).catch(err => { |
console.log(err) |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
export default { |
namespaced: true, |
state, |
mutations, |
actions |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
@buttonOperationClick="buttonOperationClick" |
:buttonOperationList="operationButtonsTable" |
></tablePagination> |
<curren-Drawer |
ref="currenDrawer_Ref" |
:title="apiColumns_DesTions" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_DetailsTable" |
:tabsDesTions="apiColumns_DesTions" |
:DrawerLoading="Loading.DrawerLoading" |
:drawer="displayDialog.detailsDialog" |
:propsData="propsData" |
:Butttondata="[]" |
@drawerShut="(val) => (displayDialog.detailsDialog = val)" |
@drawerbutton="drawerbutton" |
@handleCommand="drawerHandle" |
@close-value="closeValue" |
:totalCount="totalCountDetails" |
:currentPage="oldSkipCountDetails" |
:MaxResultCount="MaxResultCountDetails" |
@alterResultCountDetails="alterResultCountDetails" |
@alertoldSkipCountDetails="alertoldSkipCountDetails" |
:buttonOperationList="operationButtonsDetail" |
></curren-Drawer> |
<!-- 明细查询页面 --> |
<filterForDetailPage |
@rowDropForDetail="rowDrop" |
v-if="filterForDetailShow && apiColumns_DetailsPage" |
:listColumns="apiColumns_DetailsPage" |
:parentColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@closeDialog="changeFilterForDetailShow" |
></filterForDetailPage> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的列表-明细 |
import * as detailsPageColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsPageColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的明细列表 |
export default { |
name: "AsnMstr", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
this.defaultFilterForDetailBtn()//明细查询按钮 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api,detailsPageColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
@buttonOperationClick="buttonOperationClick" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
:buttonOperationList="operationButtonsTable" |
> |
<!-- <div slot="tableTopSlot"> |
上方按钮插槽位置预留 |
</div> |
<div slot="searchPrimarySlot"> |
普通初级搜索插槽位置预留 |
</div> --> |
<!-- <template>表格内容插槽位置预留</template> --> |
</tablePagination> |
<!-- 新增与编辑 --> |
<newAndEdiDialog |
:loading="Loading.newAndEdiLoading" |
:active="active" |
:pageStatus="pageStatus" |
:formReveal="formReveal" |
:formTitle="formTitle" |
:displayDialog="editDialog" |
:FormData="formReveal ? CreateFormData : editFormData" |
:Form="formReveal ? CreateForm : editForm" |
:Options="editOptions" |
:Handle="editHandle" |
:Rules="formReveal ? editRules.cerateRule : editRules.editRule" |
@FormSubmit="FormSubmit" |
@close="FormClose" |
@goBack="goBack" |
></newAndEdiDialog> |
<!-- 搜索按钮——窗体组件 --> |
<searchPage |
ref="searchTable" |
:tableLoading="Loading.autoTableLoading" |
:advancedFilter="advancedFilter()" |
:filterPageListParams="filterPageListParams" |
:formTitle="searchTitle" |
:displayDialog="displayDialog.AddNewDialog" |
:searchTableData="searchData" |
:searchTableColumns="searchColumns" |
:searchTotalCount="searchTotalCount" |
:supplierItemPage="searchPageListParams" |
@handleSelectionChange="prepareFormData" |
@SizeChange="searchAlterResultCount($event, searchPageListParams)" |
@CurrentChange="searchAlertoldSkipCount($event, searchPageListParams)" |
@tableButtonClick="searchSubmit(arguments)" |
></searchPage> |
<!-- 新导入 disabledMethod 导入方式禁用 disabledIsAllowPartImport 是否局部导入禁用--> |
<!-- methodValue 导入方式默认选项 是否局部导入 默认选项 --> |
<importFile |
:loading="Loading.importLoading" |
:show="displayDialog.importDialog" |
:disabledMethod = {method1:false,method2:false,method3:false} |
:disabledIsAllowPartImport = {isAllowPartImport1:false,isAllowPartImport2:false} |
isAllowPartImportValue="1" |
@importClick="postImportMergeClick(arguments)" |
@postImportDown="importDown" |
></importFile> |
<!--抽屉--> |
<curren-Drawer |
ref="currenDrawer_Ref" |
:title="apiColumns_DesTions" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_DetailsTable" |
:tabsDesTions="apiColumns_DesTions" |
:DrawerLoading="Loading.DrawerLoading" |
:drawer="displayDialog.detailsDialog" |
:propsData="propsData" |
:dropdownData="dropdownData" |
@drawerShut="(val) => (displayDialog.detailsDialog = val)" |
@drawerbutton="drawerbutton" |
@handleCommand="drawerHandle" |
@close-value="closeValue" |
:firstTabs="firstTabs" |
:totalCount="totalCountDetails" |
:currentPage="oldSkipCountDetails" |
:MaxResultCount="MaxResultCountDetails" |
@alterResultCountDetails="alterResultCountDetails" |
@alertoldSkipCountDetails="alertoldSkipCountDetails" |
:buttonOperationList="operationButtonsDetail" |
></curren-Drawer> |
<!-- <curren-Drawer |
:title="apiColumns_DesTions" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_DetailsTable" |
:tabsDesTions="apiColumns_DesTions" |
:DrawerLoading="Loading.DrawerLoading" |
:drawer="displayDialog.detailsDialog" |
:dropdownData="dropdownData" |
:propsData="propsData" |
:tableLoading="tableLoading" |
@drawerShut="(val) => (displayDialog.detailsDialog = val)" |
@drawerbutton="drawerbutton" |
@handleCommand="drawerHandle" |
@close-value="closeValue" |
:firstTabs="firstTabs" |
></curren-Drawer> --> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins" |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins" |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins" |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins" |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import { initFromApiColumnsLable } from '@/utils/index' |
import * as detailsPageColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsPageColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的明细列表 |
// import { getExportConfigList } from '@/api/wms-interface' |
export default { |
name: "ExportCustomUserSetting", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
computed: { |
editDialog: { |
get: function () { |
return this.displayDialog.newDialog || this.displayDialog.editDialog; |
}, |
}, |
}, |
data () { |
const userInfo=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("currentUserInfo")) |
return { |
tableLoading:false, |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultAddBtn(),//新增 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
//新增 |
CreateFormData: { |
customUserSetting: null, |
exportUserName: userInfo.name, |
exportUserId: userInfo.id, |
exportColumnName: null, |
exportTableName: null, |
}, |
//编辑 |
editFormData: { |
customUserSetting: null, |
exportUserName: userInfo.name, |
exportUserId: userInfo.id, |
exportColumnName: null, |
exportTableName: null, |
}, |
editOptions: {}, |
CreateForm: [ |
{ type: "input", label: initFromApiColumnsLable('ExportCustomUserSettingCustomUserSetting'), prop: "customUserSetting", colSpan: 12 }, |
{ type: "input", label: initFromApiColumnsLable('ExportCustomUserSettingExportColumnName'), prop: "exportColumnName", colSpan: 12 }, |
{ type: "input", label: initFromApiColumnsLable('ExportCustomUserSettingExportTableName'), prop: "exportTableName", colSpan: 12 }, |
], |
editForm: [ |
{ type: "input", label: initFromApiColumnsLable('ExportCustomUserSettingCustomUserSetting'), prop: "customUserSetting", colSpan: 12 }, |
{ type: "input", label:initFromApiColumnsLable('ExportCustomUserSettingExportColumnName'), prop: "exportColumnName", colSpan: 12 }, |
{ type: "input", label: initFromApiColumnsLable('ExportCustomUserSettingExportTableName'), prop: "exportTableName", colSpan: 12 }, |
], |
editRules: { |
cerateRule: { |
customUserSetting: [{ required: true, trigger: "blur", message: "不可为空" }], |
exportColumnName: [{ required: true, trigger: "blur", message: "不可为空" }], |
exportTableName: [{ required: true, trigger: "blur", message: "不可为空" }], |
}, |
editRule: { |
customUserSetting: [{ required: true, trigger: "blur", message: "不可为空" }], |
exportColumnName: [{ required: true, trigger: "blur", message: "不可为空" }], |
exportTableName: [{ required: true, trigger: "blur", message: "不可为空" }], |
} |
}, |
}; |
}, |
mounted () { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api,detailsPageColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
></tablePagination> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
export default { |
name: "IncomingData", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
></tablePagination> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
export default { |
name: "IncomingDataHistory", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
></tablePagination> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
export default { |
name: "MesProductL7PartsNote", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
></tablePagination> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
export default { |
name: "MessageReceive", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
></tablePagination> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
export default { |
name: "OutgoingData", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="page-box" v-loading="Loading.appMainLoading"> |
<tablePagination |
v-if="apiColumns_Table" |
:currenButtonData="currenButtonData" |
:tableData="tableData" |
:tableLoading="Loading.tableLoading" |
:tableColumns="apiColumns_Table" |
@rowDrop="rowDrop" |
:totalCount="totalCount" |
:multipleSelection="multipleSelection" |
:MaxResultCount="PageListParams.MaxResultCount" |
@topbutton="topbutton" |
@inlineDialog="inlineDialog" |
@sortChange="sortChange" |
@alertoldSkipCount="alertoldSkipCount" |
@alterResultCount="alterResultCount" |
@handleSelectionChange="handleSelectionChange" |
:currentPageProps="oldSkipCount" |
:quicklySearchOption="quicklySearchOption" |
@quicklySearchClick="quicklySearchClick" |
@quicklySearchClear="quicklySearchClear" |
:primarySearchOption="primarySearchOption" |
@overallSearchFormClick="overallSearchFormClick" |
:httpOverallSearchData="httpOverallSearchData" |
></tablePagination> |
<!-- 导出弹窗 --> |
<exportDrop |
v-if="displayDialog.exportDialog" |
@closeDialog="closeExportDrop" |
@exportDropSubmit="exportDropSubmit" |
></exportDrop> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { tableMixins } from "@/mixins/TableMixins"; |
import { LoadingMixins } from "@/mixins/LoadingMixins"; |
import { drawerMixins } from "@/mixins/drawerMixins" |
import { TableHeaderMixins } from "@/mixins/TableHeaderMixins"; |
import { newAndEdiDialogMixins } from "@/mixins/newAndEdiDialogMixins" |
import { mixins } from "@/mixins/mixins"; |
import { filterSelectMixins } from '@/mixins/filter-Select' |
import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' |
import * as tableColumns_api from "@/utils/tableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的表头 |
import * as tabsDesTions_api from "@/utils/tabsDesTions_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
import * as detailsTableColumns_api from "@/utils/detailsTableColumns_api/index" //全局从接口缓存的详情 |
export default { |
name: "OutgoingDataHistory", |
mixins: [ |
tableMixins, |
LoadingMixins, |
drawerMixins, |
TableHeaderMixins, |
mixins, |
filterSelectMixins, |
newAndEdiDialogMixins |
], |
data() { |
return { |
//常用按钮数据 |
currenButtonData: [ |
this.defaultExportBtn({ |
isRedundance:true, |
isDetailExport:true |
}),//导出 |
this.defaultFieldSettingBtn(),//字段设置 |
this.defaultFreshBtn(),//刷新 |
this.defaultFilterBtn(),//筛选 |
], |
}; |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.initApiColumns(tableColumns_api,tabsDesTions_api,detailsTableColumns_api) |
this.paging(); |
}, |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
@import "@/styles/basicData.scss"; |
</style> |
Reference in new issue