You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54424 lines
2.1 MiB

var am = Object.defineProperty;
var El = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var om = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, sm = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var Rl = Math.pow, Tl = (H, k, e) => k in H ? am(H, k, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : H[k] = e, Qs = (H, k) => {
for (var e in k || (k = {})), e) && Tl(H, e, k[e]);
if (El)
for (var e of El(k)), e) && Tl(H, e, k[e]);
return H;
import { defineComponent as fm, ref as Cl, onMounted as um, nextTick as lm, onBeforeUnmount as cm, watch as hm } from "vue-demi";
import { openBlock as dm, createElementBlock as pm, createElementVNode as ym } from "vue";
class Hi {
constructor(k, e = "") {
typeof k == "string" ? (this.el = document.createElement(k), this.el.className = e) : this.el = k, = {};
data(k, e) {
return e !== void 0 ? ([k] = e, this) :[k];
on(k, e) {
const [x, ..._] = k.split(".");
let u = x;
return u === "mousewheel" && /Firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && (u = "DOMMouseScroll"), this.el.addEventListener(u, (m) => {
for (let g = 0; g < _.length; g += 1) {
const b = _[g];
if (b === "left" && m.button !== 0 || b === "right" && m.button !== 2)
b === "stop" && m.stopPropagation();
}), this;
offset(k) {
if (k !== void 0)
return Object.keys(k).forEach((m) => {
this.css(m, `${k[m]}px`);
}), this;
const {
offsetTop: e,
offsetLeft: x,
offsetHeight: _,
offsetWidth: u
} = this.el;
return {
top: e,
left: x,
height: _,
width: u
scroll(k) {
const { el: e } = this;
return k !== void 0 && (k.left !== void 0 && (e.scrollLeft = k.left), !== void 0 && (e.scrollTop =, { left: e.scrollLeft, top: e.scrollTop };
box() {
return this.el.getBoundingClientRect();
parent() {
return new Hi(this.el.parentNode);
children(...k) {
return arguments.length === 0 ? this.el.childNodes : (k.forEach((e) => this.child(e)), this);
removeChild(k) {
first() {
return this.el.firstChild;
last() {
return this.el.lastChild;
remove(ele) {
return this.el.removeChild(ele);
prepend(ele) {
const { el } = this;
if (el.children.length > 0) {
el.insertBefore(ele, el.firstChild);
} else {
return this;
prev() {
return this.el.previousSibling;
next() {
return this.el.nextSibling;
child(k) {
let e = k;
return typeof k == "string" ? e = document.createTextNode(k) : k instanceof Hi && (e = k.el), this.el.appendChild(e), this;
contains(k) {
return this.el.contains(k);
className(k) {
return k !== void 0 ? (this.el.className = k, this) : this.el.className;
addClass(k) {
return this.el.classList.add(k), this;
hasClass(k) {
return this.el.classList.contains(k);
removeClass(k) {
return this.el.classList.remove(k), this;
toggle(k = "active") {
return this.toggleClass(k);
toggleClass(k) {
return this.el.classList.toggle(k);
active(k = !0, e = "active") {
return k ? this.addClass(e) : this.removeClass(e), this;
checked(k = !0) {
return, "checked"), this;
disabled(k = !0) {
return k ? this.addClass("disabled") : this.removeClass("disabled"), this;
// key, value
// key
// {k, v}...
attr(k, e) {
if (e !== void 0)
this.el.setAttribute(k, e);
else {
if (typeof k == "string")
return this.el.getAttribute(k);
Object.keys(k).forEach((x) => {
this.el.setAttribute(x, k[x]);
return this;
removeAttr(k) {
return this.el.removeAttribute(k), this;
html(k) {
return k !== void 0 ? (this.el.innerHTML = k, this) : this.el.innerHTML;
val(k) {
return k !== void 0 ? (this.el.value = k, this) : this.el.value;
focus() {
cssRemoveKeys(...k) {
return k.forEach((e) =>, this;
// css( propertyName )
// css( propertyName, value )
// css( properties )
css(k, e) {
return e === void 0 && typeof k != "string" ? (Object.keys(k).forEach((x) => {[x] = k[x];
}), this) : e !== void 0 ? ([k] = e, this) :[k];
computedStyle() {
return window.getComputedStyle(this.el, null);
show() {
return this.css("display", "block"), this;
hide() {
return this.css("display", "none"), this;
const $e = (H, k = "") => new Hi(H, k), Ei = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"];
function cc(H) {
let k = "", e = H;
for (; e >= Ei.length; )
e /= Ei.length, e -= 1, k += Ei[parseInt(e, 10) % Ei.length];
const x = H % Ei.length;
return k += Ei[x], k;
function vm(H) {
let k = 0;
for (let e = 0; e < H.length - 1; e += 1) {
const x = H.charCodeAt(e) - 65, _ = H.length - 1 - e;
k += Rl(Ei.length, _) + Ei.length * x;
return k += H.charCodeAt(H.length - 1) - 65, k;
function Ti(H) {
let k = "", e = "";
for (let x = 0; x < H.length; x += 1)
H.charAt(x) >= "0" && H.charAt(x) <= "9" ? e += H.charAt(x) : k += H.charAt(x);
return [vm(k), parseInt(e, 10) - 1];
function hi(H, k) {
return `${cc(H)}${k + 1}`;
function Ha(H, k, e, x = () => !0) {
if (k === 0 && e === 0)
return H;
const [_, u] = Ti(H);
return x(_, u) ? hi(_ + k, u + e) : H;
class kr {
constructor(k, e, x, _, u = 0, m = 0) {
this.sri = k, this.sci = e, this.eri = x, this.eci = _, this.w = u, this.h = m;
set(k, e, x, _) {
this.sri = k, this.sci = e, this.eri = x, this.eci = _;
multiple() {
return this.eri - this.sri > 0 || this.eci - this.sci > 0;
// cell-index: ri, ci
// cell-ref: A10
includes(...k) {
let [e, x] = [0, 0];
k.length === 1 ? [x, e] = Ti(k[0]) : k.length === 2 && ([e, x] = k);
const {
sri: _,
sci: u,
eri: m,
eci: g
} = this;
return _ <= e && e <= m && u <= x && x <= g;
each(k, e = () => !0) {
const {
sri: x,
sci: _,
eri: u,
eci: m
} = this;
for (let g = x; g <= u; g += 1)
if (e(g))
for (let b = _; b <= m; b += 1)
k(g, b);
contains(k) {
return this.sri <= k.sri && this.sci <= k.sci && this.eri >= k.eri && this.eci >= k.eci;
// within
within(k) {
return this.sri >= k.sri && this.sci >= k.sci && this.eri <= k.eri && this.eci <= k.eci;
// disjoint
disjoint(k) {
return this.sri > k.eri || this.sci > k.eci || k.sri > this.eri || k.sci > this.eci;
// intersects
intersects(k) {
return this.sri <= k.eri && this.sci <= k.eci && k.sri <= this.eri && k.sci <= this.eci;
// union
union(k) {
const {
sri: e,
sci: x,
eri: _,
eci: u
} = this;
return new kr(
k.sri < e ? k.sri : e,
k.sci < x ? k.sci : x,
k.eri > _ ? k.eri : _,
k.eci > u ? k.eci : u
// intersection
// intersection(other) {}
// Returns Array<CellRange> that represents that part of this that does not intersect with other
// difference
difference(k) {
const e = [], x = (h, l, d, s) => {
e.push(new kr(h, l, d, s));
}, {
sri: _,
sci: u,
eri: m,
eci: g
} = this, b = k.sri - _, w = k.sci - u, f = m - k.eri, y = g - k.eci;
return b > 0 ? (x(_, u, k.sri - 1, g), f > 0 ? (x(k.eri + 1, u, m, g), w > 0 && x(k.sri, u, k.eri, k.sci - 1), y > 0 && x(k.sri, k.eci + 1, k.eri, g)) : (w > 0 && x(k.sri, u, m, k.sci - 1), y > 0 && x(k.sri, k.eci + 1, m, g))) : f > 0 && (x(k.eri + 1, u, m, g), w > 0 && x(_, u, k.eri, k.sci - 1), y > 0 && x(_, k.eci + 1, k.eri, g)), w > 0 ? (x(_, u, m, k.sci - 1), y > 0 ? (x(_, k.eri + 1, m, g), b > 0 && x(_, k.sci, k.sri - 1, k.eci), f > 0 && x(k.sri + 1, k.sci, m, k.eci)) : (b > 0 && x(_, k.sci, k.sri - 1, g), f > 0 && x(k.sri + 1, k.sci, m, g))) : y > 0 && (x(m, k.eci + 1, m, g), b > 0 && x(_, u, k.sri - 1, k.eci), f > 0 && x(k.eri + 1, u, m, k.eci)), e;
size() {
return [
this.eri - this.sri + 1,
this.eci - this.sci + 1
toString() {
const {
sri: k,
sci: e,
eri: x,
eci: _
} = this;
let u = hi(e, k);
return this.multiple() && (u = `${u}:${hi(_, x)}`), u;
clone() {
const {
sri: k,
sci: e,
eri: x,
eci: _,
w: u,
h: m
} = this;
return new kr(k, e, x, _, u, m);
toJSON() {
return this.toString();
equals(k) {
return this.eri === k.eri && this.eci === k.eci && this.sri === k.sri && this.sci === k.sci;
static valueOf(k) {
const e = k.split(":"), [x, _] = Ti(e[0]);
let [u, m] = [_, x];
return e.length > 1 && ([m, u] = Ti(e[1])), new kr(_, x, u, m);
let mm = class {
constructor() {
this.range = new kr(0, 0, 0, 0), this.ri = 0, = 0;
multiple() {
return this.range.multiple();
setIndexes(k, e) {
this.ri = k, = e;
size() {
return this.range.size();
class bm {
constructor() {
this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.ri = 0, = 0;
class gm {
constructor() {
this.undoItems = [], this.redoItems = [];
add(k) {
this.undoItems.push(JSON.stringify(k)), this.redoItems = [];
canUndo() {
return this.undoItems.length > 0;
canRedo() {
return this.redoItems.length > 0;
undo(k, e) {
const { undoItems: x, redoItems: _ } = this;
this.canUndo() && (_.push(JSON.stringify(k)), e(JSON.parse(x.pop())));
redo(k, e) {
const { undoItems: x, redoItems: _ } = this;
this.canRedo() && (x.push(JSON.stringify(k)), e(JSON.parse(_.pop())));
class _m {
constructor() {
this.range = null, this.state = "clear";
copy(k) {
return this.range = k, this.state = "copy", this;
cut(k) {
return this.range = k, this.state = "cut", this;
isCopy() {
return this.state === "copy";
isCut() {
return this.state === "cut";
isClear() {
return this.state === "clear";
clear() {
this.range = null, this.state = "clear";
class Pl {
constructor(k, e, x) { = k, this.operator = e, this.value = x;
set(k, e) {
this.operator = k, this.value = e;
includes(k) {
const { operator: e, value: x } = this;
return e === "all" ? !0 : e === "in" ? x.includes(k) : !1;
vlength() {
const { operator: k, value: e } = this;
return k === "in" ? e.length : 0;
getData() {
const { ci: k, operator: e, value: x } = this;
return { ci: k, operator: e, value: x };
class Al {
constructor(k, e) { = k, this.order = e;
asc() {
return this.order === "asc";
desc() {
return this.order === "desc";
class wm {
constructor() {
this.ref = null, this.filters = [], this.sort = null;
setData({ ref: k, filters: e, sort: x }) {
k != null && (this.ref = k, this.filters = => new Pl(, _.operator, _.value)), x && (this.sort = new Al(, x.order)));
getData() {
if ( {
const { ref: k, filters: e, sort: x } = this;
return { ref: k, filters: => _.getData()), sort: x };
return {};
addFilter(k, e, x) {
const _ = this.getFilter(k);
_ == null ? this.filters.push(new Pl(k, e, x)) : _.set(e, x);
setSort(k, e) {
this.sort = e ? new Al(k, e) : null;
includes(k, e) {
return ? this.hrange().includes(k, e) : !1;
getSort(k) {
const { sort: e } = this;
return e && === k ? e : null;
getFilter(k) {
const { filters: e } = this;
for (let x = 0; x < e.length; x += 1)
if (e[x].ci === k)
return e[x];
return null;
filteredRows(k) {
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), x = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
if ( {
const { sri: _, eri: u } = this.range(), { filters: m } = this;
for (let g = _ + 1; g <= u; g += 1)
for (let b = 0; b < m.length; b += 1) {
const w = m[b], f = k(g,, y = f ? f.text : "";
if (w.includes(y))
else {
return { rset: e, fset: x };
items(k, e) {
const x = {};
if ( {
const { sri: _, eri: u } = this.range();
for (let m = _ + 1; m <= u; m += 1) {
const g = e(m, k);
if (g !== null && !/^\s*$/.test(g.text)) {
const b = g.text, w = (x[b] || 0) + 1;
x[b] = w;
} else
x[""] = (x[""] || 0) + 1;
return x;
range() {
return kr.valueOf(this.ref);
hrange() {
const k = this.range();
return k.eri = k.sri, k;
clear() {
this.ref = null, this.filters = [], this.sort = null;
active() {
return this.ref !== null;
class xf {
constructor(k = []) {
this._ = k;
forEach(k) {
deleteWithin(k) {
this._ = this._.filter((e) => !e.within(k));
getFirstIncludes(k, e) {
for (let x = 0; x < this._.length; x += 1) {
const _ = this._[x];
if (_.includes(k, e))
return _;
return null;
filterIntersects(k) {
return new xf(this._.filter((e) => e.intersects(k)));
intersects(k) {
for (let e = 0; e < this._.length; e += 1)
if (this._[e].intersects(k))
return !0;
return !1;
union(k) {
let e = k;
return this._.forEach((x) => {
x.intersects(e) && (e = x.union(e));
}), e;
add(k) {
this.deleteWithin(k), this._.push(k);
// type: row | column
shift(k, e, x, _) {
this._.forEach((u) => {
const {
sri: m,
sci: g,
eri: b,
eci: w
} = u, f = u;
k === "row" ? m >= e ? (f.sri += x, f.eri += x) : m < e && e <= b && (f.eri += x, _(m, g, x, 0)) : k === "column" && (g >= e ? (f.sci += x, f.eci += x) : g < e && e <= w && (f.eci += x, _(m, g, 0, x)));
move(k, e, x) {
this._.forEach((_) => {
const u = _;
u.within(k) && (u.eri += e, u.sri += e, u.sci += x, u.eci += x);
setData(k) {
return this._ = => kr.valueOf(e)), this;
getData() {
return => k.toString());
function xm(H) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(H));
const hc = (H = {}, ...k) => (k.forEach((e) => {
Object.keys(e).forEach((x) => {
const _ = e[x];
typeof _ == "string" || typeof _ == "number" || typeof _ == "boolean" ? H[x] = _ : typeof _ != "function" && !Array.isArray(_) && _ instanceof Object ? (H[x] = H[x] || {}, hc(H[x], _)) : H[x] = _;
}), H);
function cf(H, k) {
const e = Object.keys(H);
if (e.length !== Object.keys(k).length)
return !1;
for (let x = 0; x < e.length; x += 1) {
const _ = e[x], u = H[_], m = k[_];
if (m === void 0)
return !1;
if (typeof u == "string" || typeof u == "number" || typeof u == "boolean") {
if (u !== m)
return !1;
} else if (Array.isArray(u)) {
if (u.length !== m.length)
return !1;
for (let g = 0; g < u.length; g += 1)
if (!cf(u[g], m[g]))
return !1;
} else if (typeof u != "function" && !Array.isArray(u) && u instanceof Object && !cf(u, m))
return !1;
return !0;
const Sm = (H, k = (e) => e) => {
let e = 0, x = 0;
return Object.keys(H).forEach((_) => {
e += k(H[_], _), x += 1;
}), [e, x];
function km(H, k) {
const e = H[`${k}`];
return delete H[`${k}`], e;
function Om(H, k, e, x, _, u) {
let m = e, g = x, b = H;
for (; b < k && !(m > _); b += 1)
g = u(b), m += g;
return [b, m - g, g];
function Em(H, k, e) {
let x = 0;
for (let _ = H; _ < k; _ += 1)
x += e(_);
return x;
function Tm(H, k, e) {
for (let x = H; x < k; x += 1)
function Rm(H, k) {
if (H.length === k.length) {
for (let e = 0; e < H.length; e += 1)
if (H[e] !== k[e])
return !1;
} else
return !1;
return !0;
function qs(H) {
const k = `${H}`;
let e = 0, x = !1;
for (let _ = 0; _ < k.length; _ += 1)
x === !0 && (e += 1), k.charAt(_) === "." && (x = !0);
return e;
function ji(H, k, e) {
if (Number.isNaN(k) || Number.isNaN(e))
return k + H + e;
const x = qs(k), _ = qs(e), u = Number(k), m = Number(e);
let g = 0;
if (H === "-")
g = u - m;
else if (H === "+")
g = u + m;
else if (H === "*")
g = u * m;
else if (H === "/")
return g = u / m, qs(g) > 5 ? g.toFixed(2) : g;
return g.toFixed(Math.max(x, _));
const fn = {
cloneDeep: xm,
merge: (...H) => hc({}, ...H),
equals: cf,
arrayEquals: Rm,
sum: Sm,
rangeEach: Tm,
rangeSum: Em,
rangeReduceIf: Om,
deleteProperty: km,
numberCalc: ji
class Cm {
constructor({ len: k, height: e }) {
this._ = {}, this.len = k, this.height = e;
getHeight(k) {
if (this.isHide(k))
return 0;
const e = this.get(k);
return e && e.height ? e.height : this.height;
setHeight(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k);
x.height = e;
unhide(k) {
let e = k;
for (; e > 0 && (e -= 1, this.isHide(e)); )
this.setHide(e, !1);
isHide(k) {
const e = this.get(k);
return e && e.hide;
setHide(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k);
e === !0 ? x.hide = !0 : delete x.hide;
setStyle(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k); = e;
sumHeight(k, e, x) {
return fn.rangeSum(k, e, (_) => x && x.has(_) ? 0 : this.getHeight(_));
totalHeight() {
return this.sumHeight(0, this.len);
get(k) {
return this._[k];
getOrNew(k) {
return this._[k] = this._[k] || { cells: {} }, this._[k];
getCell(k, e) {
const x = this.get(k);
return x !== void 0 && x.cells !== void 0 && x.cells[e] !== void 0 ? x.cells[e] : null;
getCellMerge(k, e) {
const x = this.getCell(k, e);
return x && x.merge ? x.merge : [0, 0];
getCellOrNew(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k);
return x.cells[e] = x.cells[e] || {}, x.cells[e];
// what: all | text | format
setCell(k, e, x, _ = "all") {
const u = this.getOrNew(k);
_ === "all" ? u.cells[e] = x : _ === "text" ? (u.cells[e] = u.cells[e] || {}, u.cells[e].text = x.text) : _ === "format" && (u.cells[e] = u.cells[e] || {}, u.cells[e].style =, x.merge && (u.cells[e].merge = x.merge));
setCellText(k, e, x) {
const _ = this.getCellOrNew(k, e);
_.editable !== !1 && (_.text = x);
// what: all | format | text
copyPaste(k, e, x, _ = !1, u = () => {
}) {
const {
sri: m,
sci: g,
eri: b,
eci: w
} = k, f = e.sri, y = e.sci, h = e.eri, l = e.eci, [d, s] = k.size(), [v, c] = e.size();
let a = !0, r = 0;
(h < m || l < g) && (a = !1, h < m ? r = v : r = c);
for (let t = m; t <= b; t += 1)
if (this._[t]) {
for (let i = g; i <= w; i += 1)
if (this._[t].cells && this._[t].cells[i])
for (let n = f; n <= h; n += d)
for (let o = y; o <= l; o += s) {
const p = n + (t - m), O = o + (i - g), P = fn.cloneDeep(this._[t].cells[i]);
if (_ && P && P.text && P.text.length > 0) {
const { text: F } = P;
let z = o - y + (n - f) + 2;
if (a || (z -= r + 1), F[0] === "=")
P.text = F.replace(/[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d+/g, (N) => {
let [M, I] = [0, 0];
return m === f ? M = z - 1 : I = z - 1, /^\d+$/.test(N) ? N : Ha(N, M, I);
else if (d <= 1 && s > 1 && (f > b || h < m) || s <= 1 && d > 1 && (y > w || l < g) || d <= 1 && s <= 1) {
const N = /[\\.\d]+$/.exec(F);
if (N !== null) {
const M = Number(N[0]) + z - 1;
P.text = F.substring(0, N.index) + M;
this.setCell(p, O, P, x), u(p, O, P);
cutPaste(k, e) {
const x = {};
this.each((_) => {
this.eachCells(_, (u) => {
let m = parseInt(_, 10), g = parseInt(u, 10);
k.includes(_, u) && (m = e.sri + (m - k.sri), g = e.sci + (g - k.sci)), x[m] = x[m] || { cells: {} }, x[m].cells[g] = this._[_].cells[u];
}), this._ = x;
// src: Array<Array<String>>
paste(k, e) {
if (k.length <= 0)
const { sri: x, sci: _ } = e;
k.forEach((u, m) => {
const g = x + m;
u.forEach((b, w) => {
const f = _ + w;
this.setCellText(g, f, b);
insert(k, e = 1) {
const x = {};
this.each((_, u) => {
let m = parseInt(_, 10);
m >= k && (m += e, this.eachCells(_, (g, b) => {
b.text && b.text[0] === "=" && (b.text = b.text.replace(/[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d+/g, (w) => Ha(w, 0, e, (f, y) => y >= k)));
})), x[m] = u;
}), this._ = x, this.len += e;
delete(k, e) {
const x = e - k + 1, _ = {};
this.each((u, m) => {
const g = parseInt(u, 10);
g < k ? _[g] = m : u > e && (_[g - x] = m, this.eachCells(u, (b, w) => {
w.text && w.text[0] === "=" && (w.text = w.text.replace(/[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d+/g, (f) => Ha(f, 0, -x, (y, h) => h > e)));
}), this._ = _, this.len -= x;
insertColumn(k, e = 1) {
this.each((x, _) => {
const u = {};
this.eachCells(x, (m, g) => {
let b = parseInt(m, 10);
b >= k && (b += e, g.text && g.text[0] === "=" && (g.text = g.text.replace(/[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d+/g, (w) => Ha(w, e, 0, (f) => f >= k)))), u[b] = g;
}), _.cells = u;
deleteColumn(k, e) {
const x = e - k + 1;
this.each((_, u) => {
const m = {};
this.eachCells(_, (g, b) => {
const w = parseInt(g, 10);
w < k ? m[w] = b : w > e && (m[w - x] = b, b.text && b.text[0] === "=" && (b.text = b.text.replace(/[a-zA-Z]{1,3}\d+/g, (f) => Ha(f, -x, 0, (y) => y > e))));
}), u.cells = m;
// what: all | text | format | merge
deleteCells(k, e = "all") {
k.each((x, _) => {
this.deleteCell(x, _, e);
// what: all | text | format | merge
deleteCell(k, e, x = "all") {
const _ = this.get(k);
if (_ !== null) {
const u = this.getCell(k, e);
u !== null && u.editable !== !1 && (x === "all" ? delete _.cells[e] : x === "text" ? (u.text && delete u.text, u.value && delete u.value) : x === "format" ? ( !== void 0 && delete, u.merge && delete u.merge) : x === "merge" && u.merge && delete u.merge);
maxCell() {
const k = Object.keys(this._), e = k[k.length - 1], x = this._[e];
if (x) {
const { cells: _ } = x, u = Object.keys(_), m = u[u.length - 1];
return [parseInt(e, 10), parseInt(m, 10)];
return [0, 0];
each(k) {
Object.entries(this._).forEach(([e, x]) => {
k(e, x);
eachCells(k, e) {
this._[k] && this._[k].cells && Object.entries(this._[k].cells).forEach(([x, _]) => {
e(x, _);
setData(k) {
k.len && (this.len = k.len, delete k.len), this._ = k;
getData() {
const { len: k } = this;
return Object.assign({ len: k }, this._);
class Pm {
len: k,
width: e,
indexWidth: x,
minWidth: _
}) {
this._ = {}, this.len = k, this.width = e, this.indexWidth = x, this.minWidth = _;
setData(k) {
k.len && (this.len = k.len, delete k.len), this._ = k;
getData() {
const { len: k } = this;
return Object.assign({ len: k }, this._);
getWidth(k) {
if (this.isHide(k))
return 0;
const e = this._[k];
return e && e.width ? e.width : this.width;
getOrNew(k) {
return this._[k] = this._[k] || {}, this._[k];
setWidth(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k);
x.width = e;
unhide(k) {
let e = k;
for (; e > 0 && (e -= 1, this.isHide(e)); )
this.setHide(e, !1);
isHide(k) {
const e = this._[k];
return e && e.hide;
setHide(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k);
e === !0 ? x.hide = !0 : delete x.hide;
setStyle(k, e) {
const x = this.getOrNew(k); = e;
sumWidth(k, e) {
return fn.rangeSum(k, e, (x) => this.getWidth(x));
totalWidth() {
return this.sumWidth(0, this.len);
const Am = {
toolbar: {
undo: "Undo",
redo: "Redo",
print: "Print",
paintformat: "Paint format",
clearformat: "Clear format",
format: "Format",
fontName: "Font",
fontSize: "Font size",
fontBold: "Font bold",
fontItalic: "Font italic",
underline: "Underline",
strike: "Strike",
color: "Text color",
bgcolor: "Fill color",
border: "Borders",
merge: "Merge cells",
align: "Horizontal align",
valign: "Vertical align",
textwrap: "Text wrapping",
freeze: "Freeze cell",
autofilter: "Filter",
formula: "Functions",
more: "More"
contextmenu: {
copy: "Copy",
cut: "Cut",
paste: "Paste",
pasteValue: "Paste values only",
pasteFormat: "Paste format only",
hide: "Hide",
insertRow: "Insert row",
insertColumn: "Insert column",
deleteSheet: "Delete",
deleteRow: "Delete row",
deleteColumn: "Delete column",
deleteCell: "Delete cell",
deleteCellText: "Delete cell text",
validation: "Data validations",
cellprintable: "Enable export",
cellnonprintable: "Disable export",
celleditable: "Enable editing",
cellnoneditable: "Disable editing"
print: {
size: "Paper size",
orientation: "Page orientation",
orientations: ["Landscape", "Portrait"]
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normal: "Normal",
text: "Plain Text",
number: "Number",
percent: "Percent",
rmb: "RMB",
usd: "USD",
eur: "EUR",
date: "Date",
time: "Time",
datetime: "Date time",
duration: "Duration"
formula: {
sum: "Sum",
average: "Average",
max: "Max",
min: "Min",
_if: "IF",
and: "AND",
or: "OR",
concat: "Concat"
validation: {
required: "it must be required",
notMatch: "it not match its validation rule",
between: "it is between {} and {}",
notBetween: "it is not between {} and {}",
notIn: "it is not in list",
equal: "it equal to {}",
notEqual: "it not equal to {}",
lessThan: "it less than {}",
lessThanEqual: "it less than or equal to {}",
greaterThan: "it greater than {}",
greaterThanEqual: "it greater than or equal to {}"
error: {
pasteForMergedCell: "Unable to do this for merged cells"
calendar: {
weeks: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
button: {
next: "Next",
cancel: "Cancel",
remove: "Remove",
save: "Save",
ok: "OK"
sort: {
desc: "Sort Z -> A",
asc: "Sort A -> Z"
filter: {
empty: "empty"
dataValidation: {
mode: "Mode",
range: "Cell Range",
criteria: "Criteria",
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cell: "Cell",
column: "Colun",
row: "Row"
type: {
list: "List",
number: "Number",
date: "Date",
phone: "Phone",
email: "Email"
operator: {
be: "between",
nbe: "not betwwen",
lt: "less than",
lte: "less than or equal to",
gt: "greater than",
gte: "greater than or equal to",
eq: "equal to",
neq: "not equal to"
let hf = ["en"];
const dc = {
en: Am
function Ml(H, k) {
if (k)
for (const e of hf) {
if (!k[e])
let x = k[e];
const _ = H.match(/(?:\\.|[^.])+/g);
for (let u = 0; u < _.length; u += 1) {
const m = _[u], g = x[m];
if (!g)
if (u === _.length - 1)
return g;
x = g;
function Cr(H) {
let k = Ml(H, dc);
return !k && window && window.x_spreadsheet && window.x_spreadsheet.$messages && (k = Ml(H, window.x_spreadsheet.$messages)), k || "";
function Jt(H) {
return () => Cr(H);
function pc(H, k, e = !1) {
e ? hf = [H] : hf.unshift(H), k && (dc[H] = k);
const Il = {
phone: /^[1-9]\d{10}$/,
email: /w+([-+.]w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*/
function Un(H, k, ...e) {
let x = "";
return H || (x = Cr(`validation.${k}`, ...e)), [H, x];
class yc {
// operator: b|nb|eq|neq|lt|lte|gt|gte
// type: date|number|list|phone|email
constructor(k, e, x, _) {
this.required = e, this.value = x, this.type = k, this.operator = _, this.message = "";
parseValue(k) {
const { type: e } = this;
return e === "date" ? new Date(k) : e === "number" ? Number(k) : k;
equals(k) {
let e = this.type === k.type && this.required === k.required && this.operator === k.operator;
return e && (Array.isArray(this.value) ? e = fn.arrayEquals(this.value, k.value) : e = this.value === k.value), e;
values() {
return this.value.split(",");
validate(k) {
const {
required: e,
operator: x,
value: _,
type: u
} = this;
if (e && /^\s*$/.test(k))
return Un(!1, "required");
if (/^\s*$/.test(k))
return [!0];
if (Il[u] && !Il[u].test(k))
return Un(!1, "notMatch");
if (u === "list")
return Un(this.values().includes(k), "notIn");
if (x) {
const m = this.parseValue(k);
if (x === "be") {
const [g, b] = _;
return Un(
m >= this.parseValue(g) && m <= this.parseValue(b),
if (x === "nbe") {
const [g, b] = _;
return Un(
m < this.parseValue(g) || m > this.parseValue(b),
if (x === "eq")
return Un(
m === this.parseValue(_),
if (x === "neq")
return Un(
m !== this.parseValue(_),
if (x === "lt")
return Un(
m < this.parseValue(_),
if (x === "lte")
return Un(
m <= this.parseValue(_),
if (x === "gt")
return Un(
m > this.parseValue(_),
if (x === "gte")
return Un(
m >= this.parseValue(_),
return [!0];
class Ko {
constructor(k, e, x) {
this.refs = e, this.mode = k, this.validator = x;
includes(k, e) {
const { refs: x } = this;
for (let _ = 0; _ < x.length; _ += 1)
if (kr.valueOf(x[_]).includes(k, e))
return !0;
return !1;
addRef(k) {
this.remove(kr.valueOf(k)), this.refs.push(k);
remove(k) {
const e = [];
this.refs.forEach((x) => {
const _ = kr.valueOf(x);
_.intersects(k) ? _.difference(k).forEach((m) => e.push(m.toString())) : e.push(x);
}), this.refs = e;
getData() {
const { refs: k, mode: e, validator: x } = this, {
type: _,
required: u,
operator: m,
value: g
} = x;
return {
refs: k,
mode: e,
type: _,
required: u,
operator: m,
value: g
static valueOf({
refs: k,
mode: e,
type: x,
required: _,
operator: u,
value: m
}) {
return new Ko(e, k, new yc(x, _, m, u));
class Mm {
constructor() {
this._ = [], this.errors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
getError(k, e) {
return this.errors.get(`${k}_${e}`);
validate(k, e, x) {
const _ = this.get(k, e), u = `${k}_${e}`, { errors: m } = this;
if (_ !== null) {
const [g, b] = _.validator.validate(x);
g ? m.delete(u) : m.set(u, b);
} else
return !0;
// type: date|number|phone|email|list
// validator: { required, value, operator }
add(k, e, {
type: x,
required: _,
value: u,
operator: m
}) {
const g = new yc(
), b = this.getByValidator(g);
b !== null ? b.addRef(e) : this._.push(new Ko(k, [e], g));
getByValidator(k) {
for (let e = 0; e < this._.length; e += 1) {
const x = this._[e];
if (x.validator.equals(k))
return x;
return null;
get(k, e) {
for (let x = 0; x < this._.length; x += 1) {
const _ = this._[x];
if (_.includes(k, e))
return _;
return null;
remove(k) {
this.each((e) => {
each(k) {
this._.forEach((e) => k(e));
getData() {
return this._.filter((k) => k.refs.length > 0).map((k) => k.getData());
setData(k) {
this._ = => Ko.valueOf(e));
const Im = {
mode: "edit",
// edit | read
view: {
height: () => document.documentElement.clientHeight,
width: () => document.documentElement.clientWidth
showGrid: !0,
showToolbar: !0,
showContextmenu: !0,
showBottomBar: !0,
row: {
len: 100,
height: 25
col: {
len: 26,
width: 100,
indexWidth: 60,
minWidth: 60
style: {
bgcolor: "#ffffff",
align: "left",
valign: "middle",
textwrap: !1,
strike: !1,
underline: !1,
color: "#0a0a0a",
font: {
name: "Arial",
size: 10,
bold: !1,
italic: !1
format: "normal"
}, Dm = 41, Nm = 41, Dl = (H, k) =>, k);
function Nl(H, k, e = () => {
}) {
const { merges: x } = this, _ = k.clone(), [u, m] = H.size(), [g, b] = k.size();
return u > g && (_.eri = k.sri + u - 1), m > b && (_.eci = k.sci + m - 1), x.intersects(_) ? (e(Cr("error.pasteForMergedCell")), !1) : !0;
function Fl(H, k, e, x = !1) {
const { rows: _, merges: u } = this;
(e === "all" || e === "format") && (_.deleteCells(k, e), u.deleteWithin(k)), _.copyPaste(H, k, e, x, (m, g, b) => {
if (b && b.merge) {
const [w, f] = b.merge;
if (w <= 0 && f <= 0)
u.add(new kr(m, g, m + w, g + f));
function Fm(H, k) {
const { clipboard: e, rows: x, merges: _ } = this;
x.cutPaste(H, k), _.move(
k.sri - H.sri,
k.sci - H.sci
), e.clear();
function pa(H, k, e) {
const { styles: x, rows: _ } = this, u = _.getCellOrNew(H, k);
let m = {}; !== void 0 && (m = fn.cloneDeep(x[])), m = fn.merge(m, { border: e }), = this.addStyle(m);
function Bm({ mode: H, style: k, color: e }) {
const { styles: x, selector: _, rows: u } = this, {
sri: m,
sci: g,
eri: b,
eci: w
} = _.range, f = !this.isSignleSelected();
if (!(!f && (H === "inside" || H === "horizontal" || H === "vertical"))) {
if (H === "outside" && !f), m, g, {
top: [k, e],
bottom: [k, e],
left: [k, e],
right: [k, e]
else if (H === "none")
_.range.each((y, h) => {
const l = u.getCell(y, h);
if (l && !== void 0) {
const d = fn.cloneDeep(x[]);
delete d.border, = this.addStyle(d);
else if (H === "all" || H === "inside" || H === "outside" || H === "horizontal" || H === "vertical") {
const y = [];
for (let h = m; h <= b; h += 1)
for (let l = g; l <= w; l += 1) {
const d = [];
for (let i = 0; i < y.length; i += 1) {
const [n, o, p, O] = y[i];
if (h === n + p + 1 && d.push(i), n <= h && h <= n + p && l === o) {
l += O + 1;
if (d.forEach((i) => y.splice(i, 1)), l > w)
const s = u.getCell(h, l);
let [v, c] = [0, 0];
s && s.merge && ([v, c] = s.merge, y.push([h, l, v, c]));
const a = v > 0 && h + v === b, r = c > 0 && l + c === w;
let t = {};
H === "all" ? t = {
bottom: [k, e],
top: [k, e],
left: [k, e],
right: [k, e]
} : H === "inside" ? (!r && l < w && (t.right = [k, e]), !a && h < b && (t.bottom = [k, e])) : H === "horizontal" ? !a && h < b && (t.bottom = [k, e]) : H === "vertical" ? !r && l < w && (t.right = [k, e]) : H === "outside" && f && (m === h && ( = [k, e]), (a || b === h) && (t.bottom = [k, e]), g === l && (t.left = [k, e]), (r || w === l) && (t.right = [k, e])), Object.keys(t).length > 0 &&, h, l, t), l += c;
} else if (H === "top" || H === "bottom")
for (let y = g; y <= w; y += 1)
H === "top" && (, m, y, { top: [k, e] }), y += u.getCellMerge(m, y)[1]), H === "bottom" && (, b, y, { bottom: [k, e] }), y += u.getCellMerge(b, y)[1]);
else if (H === "left" || H === "right")
for (let y = m; y <= b; y += 1)
H === "left" && (, y, g, { left: [k, e] }), y += u.getCellMerge(y, g)[0]), H === "right" && (, y, w, { right: [k, e] }), y += u.getCellMerge(y, w)[0]);
function jm(H, k) {
const { rows: e } = this, x = this.freezeTotalHeight();
let _ = e.height;
x + e.height < H && (_ -= k);
const u = this.exceptRowSet;
let m = 0, g = _, { height: b } = e;
for (; m < e.len && !(g > H); m += 1)
u.has(m) || (b = e.getHeight(m), g += b);
return g -= b, g <= 0 ? { ri: -1, top: 0, height: b } : { ri: m - 1, top: g, height: b };
function Lm(H, k) {
const { cols: e } = this, x = this.freezeTotalWidth();
let _ = e.indexWidth;
x + e.indexWidth < H && (_ -= k);
const [u, m, g] = fn.rangeReduceIf(
(b) => e.getWidth(b)
return m <= 0 ? { ci: -1, left: 0, width: e.indexWidth } : { ci: u - 1, left: m, width: g };
class zm {
constructor(k, e) {
this.settings = fn.merge(Im, e || {}), = k || "sheet", this.freeze = [0, 0], this.styles = [], this.merges = new xf(), this.rows = new Cm(this.settings.row), this.cols = new Pm(this.settings.col), this.validations = new Mm(), this.hyperlinks = {}, this.comments = {}, this.selector = new mm(), this.scroll = new bm(), this.history = new gm(), this.clipboard = new _m(), this.autoFilter = new wm(), this.change = () => {
}, this.exceptRowSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.sortedRowMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.unsortedRowMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
addValidation(k, e, x) {
this.changeData(() => {
this.validations.add(k, e, x);
removeValidation() {
const { range: k } = this.selector;
this.changeData(() => {
getSelectedValidator() {
const { ri: k, ci: e } = this.selector, x = this.validations.get(k, e);
return x ? x.validator : null;
getSelectedValidation() {
const { ri: k, ci: e, range: x } = this.selector, _ = this.validations.get(k, e), u = { ref: x.toString() };
return _ !== null && (u.mode = _.mode, u.validator = _.validator), u;
canUndo() {
return this.history.canUndo();
canRedo() {
return this.history.canRedo();
undo() {
this.history.undo(this.getData(), (k) => {
redo() {
this.history.redo(this.getData(), (k) => {
copy() {
copyToSystemClipboard() {
if (navigator.clipboard === void 0)
let k = "";
const e = this.rows.getData();
for (let x = this.selector.range.sri; x <= this.selector.range.eri; x += 1) {
if (Dl(e, x)) {
for (let _ = this.selector.range.sci; _ <= this.selector.range.eci; _ += 1)
if (_ > this.selector.range.sci && (k += " "), Dl(e[x].cells, _)) {
const u = String(e[x].cells[_].text);
`) === -1 && u.indexOf(" ") === -1 && u.indexOf('"') === -1 ? k += u : k += `"${u}"`;
} else
for (let _ = this.selector.range.sci; _ <= this.selector.range.eci; _ += 1)
k += " ";
k += `
navigator.clipboard.writeText(k).then(() => {
}, (x) => {
console.log("text copy to the system clipboard error ", k, x);
cut() {
// what: all | text | format
paste(k = "all", e = () => {
}) {
const { clipboard: x, selector: _ } = this;
return x.isClear() || !, x.range, _.range, e) ? !1 : (this.changeData(() => {
x.isCopy() ?, x.range, _.range, k) : x.isCut() &&, x.range, _.range);
}), !0);
pasteFromText(k) {
const e = k.split(`\r
`).map((u) => u.replace(/"/g, "").split(" "));
e.length > 0 && (e.length -= 1);
const { rows: x, selector: _ } = this;
this.changeData(() => {
x.paste(e, _.range);
autofill(k, e, x = () => {
}) {
const _ = this.selector.range;
return, _, k, x) ? (this.changeData(() => {, _, k, e, !0);
}), !0) : !1;
clearClipboard() {
calSelectedRangeByEnd(k, e) {
const {
selector: x,
rows: _,
cols: u,
merges: m
} = this;
let {
sri: g,
sci: b,
eri: w,
eci: f
} = x.range;
const y = x.ri, h =;
let [l, d] = [k, e];
return k < 0 && (l = _.len - 1), e < 0 && (d = u.len - 1), l > y ? [g, w] = [y, l] : [g, w] = [l, y], d > h ? [b, f] = [h, d] : [b, f] = [d, h], x.range = m.union(new kr(
)), x.range = m.union(x.range), x.range;
calSelectedRangeByStart(k, e) {
const {
selector: x,
rows: _,
cols: u,
merges: m
} = this;
let g = m.getFirstIncludes(k, e);
return g === null && (g = new kr(k, e, k, e), k === -1 && (g.sri = 0, g.eri = _.len - 1), e === -1 && (g.sci = 0, g.eci = u.len - 1)), x.range = g, g;
setSelectedCellAttr(k, e) {
this.changeData(() => {
const { selector: x, styles: _, rows: u } = this;
if (k === "merge")
e ? this.merge() : this.unmerge();
else if (k === "border"), e);
else if (k === "formula") {
const { ri: m, ci: g, range: b } = x;
if (x.multiple()) {
const [w, f] = x.size(), {
sri: y,
sci: h,
eri: l,
eci: d
} = b;
if (w > 1)
for (let s = h; s <= d; s += 1) {
const v = u.getCellOrNew(l + 1, s);
v.text = `=${e}(${hi(s, y)}:${hi(s, l)})`;
else if (f > 1) {
const s = u.getCellOrNew(m, d + 1);
s.text = `=${e}(${hi(h, m)}:${hi(d, m)})`;
} else {
const w = u.getCellOrNew(m, g);
w.text = `=${e}()`;
} else
x.range.each((m, g) => {
const b = u.getCellOrNew(m, g);
let w = {};
if ( !== void 0 && (w = fn.cloneDeep(_[])), k === "format")
w.format = e, = this.addStyle(w);
else if (k === "font-bold" || k === "font-italic" || k === "font-name" || k === "font-size") {
const f = {};
f[k.split("-")[1]] = e, w.font = Object.assign(w.font || {}, f), = this.addStyle(w);
} else
k === "strike" || k === "textwrap" || k === "underline" || k === "align" || k === "valign" || k === "color" || k === "bgcolor" ? (w[k] = e, = this.addStyle(w)) : b[k] = e;
// state: input | finished
setSelectedCellText(k, e = "input") {
const { autoFilter: x, selector: _, rows: u } = this, { ri: m, ci: g } = _;
let b = m;
this.unsortedRowMap.has(m) && (b = this.unsortedRowMap.get(m));
const w = u.getCell(b, g), f = w ? w.text : "";
if (this.setCellText(b, g, k, e), {
const y = x.getFilter(g);
if (y) {
const h = y.value.findIndex((l) => l === f);
h >= 0 && y.value.splice(h, 1, k);
getSelectedCell() {
const { ri: k, ci: e } = this.selector;
let x = k;
return this.unsortedRowMap.has(k) && (x = this.unsortedRowMap.get(k)), this.rows.getCell(x, e);
xyInSelectedRect(k, e) {
const {
left: x,
top: _,
width: u,
height: m
} = this.getSelectedRect(), g = k - this.cols.indexWidth, b = e - this.rows.height;
return g > x && g < x + u && b > _ && b < _ + m;
getSelectedRect() {
return this.getRect(this.selector.range);
getClipboardRect() {
const { clipboard: k } = this;
return k.isClear() ? { left: -100, top: -100 } : this.getRect(k.range);
getRect(k) {
const {
scroll: e,
rows: x,
cols: _,
exceptRowSet: u
} = this, {
sri: m,
sci: g,
eri: b,
eci: w
} = k;
if (m < 0 && g < 0)
return {
left: 0,
l: 0,
top: 0,
t: 0,
scroll: e
const f = _.sumWidth(0, g), y = x.sumHeight(0, m, u), h = x.sumHeight(m, b + 1, u), l = _.sumWidth(g, w + 1);
let d = f - e.x, s = y - e.y;
const v = this.freezeTotalHeight(), c = this.freezeTotalWidth();
return c > 0 && c > f && (d = f), v > 0 && v > y && (s = y), {
l: f,
t: y,
left: d,
top: s,
height: h,
width: l,
scroll: e
getCellRectByXY(k, e) {
const {
scroll: x,
merges: _,
rows: u,
cols: m
} = this;
let { ri: g, top: b, height: w } =, e, x.y), { ci: f, left: y, width: h } =, k, x.x);
if (f === -1 && (h = m.totalWidth()), g === -1 && (w = u.totalHeight()), g >= 0 || f >= 0) {
const l = _.getFirstIncludes(g, f);
l && (g = l.sri, f = l.sci, {
left: y,
top: b,
width: h,
height: w
} = this.cellRect(g, f));
return {
ri: g,
ci: f,
left: y,
top: b,
width: h,
height: w
isSignleSelected() {
const {
sri: k,
sci: e,
eri: x,
eci: _
} = this.selector.range, u = this.getCell(k, e);
if (u && u.merge) {
const [m, g] = u.merge;
if (k + m === x && e + g === _)
return !0;
return !this.selector.multiple();
canUnmerge() {
const {
sri: k,
sci: e,
eri: x,
eci: _
} = this.selector.range, u = this.getCell(k, e);
if (u && u.merge) {
const [m, g] = u.merge;
if (k + m === x && e + g === _)
return !0;
return !1;
merge() {
const { selector: k, rows: e } = this;
if (this.isSignleSelected())
const [x, _] = k.size();
if (x > 1 || _ > 1) {
const { sri: u, sci: m } = k.range;
this.changeData(() => {
const g = e.getCellOrNew(u, m);
g.merge = [x - 1, _ - 1], this.merges.add(k.range), this.rows.deleteCells(k.range), this.rows.setCell(u, m, g);
unmerge() {
const { selector: k } = this;
if (!this.isSignleSelected())
const { sri: e, sci: x } = k.range;
this.changeData(() => {
this.rows.deleteCell(e, x, "merge"), this.merges.deleteWithin(k.range);
canAutofilter() {
return !;
autofilter() {
const { autoFilter: k, selector: e } = this;
this.changeData(() => { ? (k.clear(), this.exceptRowSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), this.sortedRowMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.unsortedRowMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) : k.ref = e.range.toString();
setAutoFilter(k, e, x, _) {
const { autoFilter: u } = this;
u.addFilter(k, x, _), u.setSort(k, e), this.resetAutoFilter();
resetAutoFilter() {
const { autoFilter: k, rows: e } = this;
if (!
const { sort: x } = k, { rset: _, fset: u } = k.filteredRows((b, w) => e.getCell(b, w)), m = Array.from(u), g = Array.from(u);
x && m.sort((b, w) => x.order === "asc" ? b - w : x.order === "desc" ? w - b : 0), this.exceptRowSet = _, this.sortedRowMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.unsortedRowMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), m.forEach((b, w) => {
this.sortedRowMap.set(g[w], b), this.unsortedRowMap.set(b, g[w]);
deleteCell(k = "all") {
const { selector: e } = this;
this.changeData(() => {
this.rows.deleteCells(e.range, k), (k === "all" || k === "format") && this.merges.deleteWithin(e.range);
// type: row | column
insert(k, e = 1) {
this.changeData(() => {
const { sri: x, sci: _ } = this.selector.range, { rows: u, merges: m, cols: g } = this;
let b = x;
k === "row" ? u.insert(x, e) : k === "column" && (u.insertColumn(_, e), b = _, g.len += 1), m.shift(k, b, e, (w, f, y, h) => {
const l = u.getCell(w, f);
l.merge[0] += y, l.merge[1] += h;
// type: row | column
delete(k) {
this.changeData(() => {
const {
rows: e,
merges: x,
selector: _,
cols: u
} = this, { range: m } = _, {
sri: g,
sci: b,
eri: w,
eci: f
} = _.range, [y, h] = _.range.size();
let l = g, d = y;
k === "row" ? e.delete(g, w) : k === "column" && (e.deleteColumn(b, f), l = m.sci, d = h, u.len -= 1), x.shift(k, l, -d, (s, v, c, a) => {
const r = e.getCell(s, v);
r.merge[0] += c, r.merge[1] += a, r.merge[0] === 0 && r.merge[1] === 0 && delete r.merge;
scrollx(k, e) {
const { scroll: x, freeze: _, cols: u } = this, [, m] = _, [
] = fn.rangeReduceIf(m, u.len, 0, 0, k, (y) => u.getWidth(y));
let f = b;
k > 0 && (f += w), x.x !== f && ( = k > 0 ? g : 0, x.x = f, e());
scrolly(k, e) {
const { scroll: x, freeze: _, rows: u } = this, [m] = _, [
] = fn.rangeReduceIf(m, u.len, 0, 0, k, (y) => u.getHeight(y));
let f = b;
k > 0 && (f += w), x.y !== f && (x.ri = k > 0 ? g : 0, x.y = f, e());
cellRect(k, e) {
const { rows: x, cols: _ } = this, u = _.sumWidth(0, e), m = x.sumHeight(0, k), g = x.getCell(k, e);
let b = _.getWidth(e), w = x.getHeight(k);
if (g !== null && g.merge) {
const [f, y] = g.merge;
if (f > 0)
for (let h = 1; h <= f; h += 1)
w += x.getHeight(k + h);
if (y > 0)
for (let h = 1; h <= y; h += 1)
b += _.getWidth(e + h);
return {
left: u,
top: m,
width: b,
height: w,
cell: g
getCell(k, e) {
return this.rows.getCell(k, e);
getCellTextOrDefault(k, e) {
const x = this.getCell(k, e);
return x && x.text ? x.text : "";
getCellStyle(k, e) {
const x = this.getCell(k, e);
return x && !== void 0 ? this.styles[] : null;
getCellStyleOrDefault(k, e) {
const { styles: x, rows: _ } = this, u = _.getCell(k, e), m = u && !== void 0 ? x[] : {};
return fn.merge(this.defaultStyle(), m);
getSelectedCellStyle() {
const { ri: k, ci: e } = this.selector;
return this.getCellStyleOrDefault(k, e);
// state: input | finished
setCellText(k, e, x, _) {
const { rows: u, history: m, validations: g } = this;
_ === "finished" ? (u.setCellText(k, e, ""), m.add(this.getData()), u.setCellText(k, e, x)) : (u.setCellText(k, e, x), this.change(this.getData())), g.validate(k, e, x);
freezeIsActive() {
const [k, e] = this.freeze;
return k > 0 || e > 0;
setFreeze(k, e) {
this.changeData(() => {
this.freeze = [k, e];
freezeTotalWidth() {
return this.cols.sumWidth(0, this.freeze[1]);
freezeTotalHeight() {
return this.rows.sumHeight(0, this.freeze[0]);
setRowHeight(k, e) {
this.changeData(() => {
this.rows.setHeight(k, e);
setColWidth(k, e) {
this.changeData(() => {
this.cols.setWidth(k, e);
viewHeight() {
const { view: k, showToolbar: e, showBottomBar: x } = this.settings;
let _ = k.height();
return x && (_ -= Nm), e && (_ -= Dm), _;
viewWidth() {
return this.settings.view.width();
freezeViewRange() {
const [k, e] = this.freeze;
return new kr(0, 0, k - 1, e - 1, this.freezeTotalWidth(), this.freezeTotalHeight());
contentRange() {
const { rows: k, cols: e } = this, [x, _] = k.maxCell(), u = k.sumHeight(0, x + 1), m = e.sumWidth(0, _ + 1);
return new kr(0, 0, x, _, m, u);
exceptRowTotalHeight(k, e) {
const { exceptRowSet: x, rows: _ } = this, u = Array.from(x);
let m = 0;
return u.forEach((g) => {
if (g < k || g > e) {
const b = _.getHeight(g);
m += b;
}), m;
viewRange() {
const {
scroll: k,
rows: e,
cols: x,
freeze: _,
exceptRowSet: u
} = this;
let { ri: m, ci: g } = k;
m <= 0 && ([m] = _), g <= 0 && ([, g] = _);
let [b, w] = [0, 0], [f, y] = [e.len, x.len];
for (let h = m; h < e.len && (u.has(h) || (w += e.getHeight(h), f = h), !(w > this.viewHeight())); h += 1)
for (let h = g; h < x.len && (b += x.getWidth(h), y = h, !(b > this.viewWidth())); h += 1)
return new kr(m, g, f, y, b, w);
eachMergesInView(k, e) {
this.merges.filterIntersects(k).forEach((x) => e(x));
hideRowsOrCols() {
const { rows: k, cols: e, selector: x } = this, [_, u] = x.size(), {
sri: m,
sci: g,
eri: b,
eci: w
} = x.range;
if (_ === k.len)
for (let f = g; f <= w; f += 1)
e.setHide(f, !0);
else if (u === e.len)
for (let f = m; f <= b; f += 1)
k.setHide(f, !0);
// type: row | col
// index row-index | col-index
unhideRowsOrCols(k, e) {
rowEach(k, e, x) {
let _ = 0;
const { rows: u } = this, m = this.exceptRowSet, g = [...m];
let b = 0;
for (let w = 0; w < g.length; w += 1)
g[w] < k && (b += 1);
for (let w = k + b; w <= e + b; w += 1)
if (m.has(w))
b += 1;
else {
const f = u.getHeight(w);
if (f > 0 && (x(w, _, f), _ += f, _ > this.viewHeight()))
colEach(k, e, x) {
let _ = 0;
const { cols: u } = this;
for (let m = k; m <= e; m += 1) {
const g = u.getWidth(m);
if (g > 0 && (x(m, _, g), _ += g, _ > this.viewWidth()))
defaultStyle() {
addStyle(k) {
const { styles: e } = this;
for (let x = 0; x < e.length; x += 1) {
const _ = e[x];
if (fn.equals(_, k))
return x;
return e.push(k), e.length - 1;
changeData(k) {
this.history.add(this.getData()), k(), this.change(this.getData());
setData(k) {
return Object.keys(k).forEach((e) => {
if (e === "merges" || e === "rows" || e === "cols" || e === "validations")
else if (e === "freeze") {
const [x, _] = Ti(k[e]);
this.freeze = [_, x];
} else
e === "autofilter" ? this.autoFilter.setData(k[e]) : k[e] !== void 0 && (this[e] = k[e]);
}), this;
getData() {
const {
name: k,
freeze: e,
styles: x,
merges: _,
rows: u,
cols: m,
validations: g,
autoFilter: b
} = this;
return {
name: k,
freeze: hi(e[1], e[0]),
styles: x,
merges: _.getData(),
rows: u.getData(),
cols: m.getData(),
validations: g.getData(),
autofilter: b.getData()
function ln(H, k, e) {
H.addEventListener(k, e);
function Go(H, k, e) {
H.removeEventListener(k, e);
function _a(H) {
H.xclickoutside && (Go(window.document.body, "click", H.xclickoutside), delete H.xclickoutside);
function Va(H, k) {
H.xclickoutside = (e) => {
e.detail === 2 || H.contains( || (k ? k(H) : (H.hide(), _a(H)));
}, ln(window.document.body, "click", H.xclickoutside);
function vc(H, k, e) {
ln(H, "mousemove", k);
const x = H;
x.xEvtUp = (_) => {
Go(H, "mousemove", k), Go(H, "mouseup", H.xEvtUp), e(_);
}, ln(H, "mouseup", H.xEvtUp);
function Bl(H, k, e, x) {
let _ = "";
Math.abs(H) > Math.abs(k) ? (_ = H > 0 ? "right" : "left", x(_, H, e)) : (_ = k > 0 ? "down" : "up", x(_, k, e));
function Hm(H, { move: k, end: e }) {
let x = 0, _ = 0;
ln(H, "touchstart", (u) => {
const { pageX: m, pageY: g } = u.touches[0];
x = m, _ = g;
}), ln(H, "touchmove", (u) => {
if (!k)
const { pageX: m, pageY: g } = u.changedTouches[0], b = m - x, w = g - _;
(Math.abs(b) > 10 || Math.abs(w) > 10) && (Bl(b, w, u, k), x = m, _ = g), u.preventDefault();
}), ln(H, "touchend", (u) => {
if (!e)
const { pageX: m, pageY: g } = u.changedTouches[0], b = m - x, w = g - _;
Bl(b, w, u, e);
function Xm() {
const H = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
function k(m, g) {
const b = () => {
const f = H.get(m);
return Array.isArray(f) && f.push(g) || !1;
}, w = () => H.set(m, [].concat(g));
return H.has(m) && b() || w();
function e(m, g) {
const b = () => {
const w = H.get(m);
for (const f of w), ...g);
return H.has(m) && b();
function x(m, g) {
const b = () => {
const w = H.get(m), f = w.indexOf(g);
return f >= 0 && w.splice(f, 1) && H.get(m).length === 0 && H.delete(m);
return H.has(m) && b();
function _(m, g) {
const b = (...w) => {, ...w), x(m, b);
return k(m, b);
function u() {
return {
get current() {
return H;
on: k,
once: _,
fire: e,
removeListener: x,
removeAllListeners: u
const lt = "x-spreadsheet";
class jl {
constructor(k = !1, e) {
this.moving = !1, this.vertical = k, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-resizer ${k ? "vertical" : "horizontal"}`).children(
this.unhideHoverEl = $e("div", `${lt}-resizer-hover`).on("dblclick.stop", (x) => this.mousedblclickHandler(x)).css("position", "absolute").hide(),
this.hoverEl = $e("div", `${lt}-resizer-hover`).on("mousedown.stop", (x) => this.mousedownHandler(x)),
this.lineEl = $e("div", `${lt}-resizer-line`).hide()
).hide(), this.cRect = null, this.finishedFn = null, this.minDistance = e, this.unhideFn = () => {
showUnhide(k) {
this.unhideIndex = k,;
hideUnhide() {
// rect : {top, left, width, height}
// line : {width, height}
show(k, e) {
const {
moving: x,
vertical: _,
hoverEl: u,
lineEl: m,
el: g,
unhideHoverEl: b
} = this;
if (x)
this.cRect = k;
const {
left: w,
top: f,
width: y,
height: h
} = k;
left: _ ? w + y - 5 : w,
top: _ ? f : f + h - 5
}).show(), u.offset({
width: _ ? 5 : y,
height: _ ? h : 5
}), m.offset({
width: _ ? 0 : e.width,
height: _ ? e.height : 0
}), b.offset({
left: _ ? 5 - y : w,
top: _ ? f : 5 - h,
width: _ ? 5 : y,
height: _ ? h : 5
hide() {
left: 0,
top: 0
}).hide(), this.hideUnhide();
mousedblclickHandler() {
this.unhideIndex && this.unhideFn(this.unhideIndex);
mousedownHandler(k) {
let e = k;
const {
el: x,
lineEl: _,
cRect: u,
vertical: m,
minDistance: g
} = this;
let b = m ? u.width : u.height;, vc(window, (w) => {
this.moving = !0, e !== null && w.buttons === 1 && (m ? (b += w.movementX, b > g && x.css("left", `${u.left + b}px`)) : (b += w.movementY, b > g && x.css("top", `${ + b}px`)), e = w);
}, () => {
e = null, _.hide(), this.moving = !1, this.hide(), this.finishedFn && (b < g && (b = g), this.finishedFn(u, b));
class Ll {
constructor(k) {
this.vertical = k, this.moveFn = null, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-scrollbar ${k ? "vertical" : "horizontal"}`).child(this.contentEl = $e("div", "")).on("mousemove.stop", () => {
}).on("scroll.stop", (e) => {
const { scrollTop: x, scrollLeft: _ } =;
this.moveFn && this.moveFn(this.vertical ? x : _, e);
move(k) {
return this.el.scroll(k), this;
scroll() {
return this.el.scroll();
set(k, e) {
const x = k - 1;
if (e > x) {
const _ = this.vertical ? "height" : "width";
this.el.css(_, `${x - 15}px`).show(), this.contentEl.css(this.vertical ? "width" : "height", "1px").css(_, `${e}px`);
} else
return this;
const Do = 2 * 2 - 1;
let df = 10;
class No {
constructor(k = !1) {
this.useHideInput = k, this.inputChange = () => {
}, this.cornerEl = $e("div", `${lt}-selector-corner`), this.areaEl = $e("div", `${lt}-selector-area`).child(this.cornerEl).hide(), this.clipboardEl = $e("div", `${lt}-selector-clipboard`).hide(), this.autofillEl = $e("div", `${lt}-selector-autofill`).hide(), this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-selector`).css("z-index", `${df}`).children(this.areaEl, this.clipboardEl, this.autofillEl).hide(), k && (this.hideInput = $e("input", "").on("compositionend", (e) => {
}), this.el.child(this.hideInputDiv = $e("div", "hide-input").child(this.hideInput)), this.el.child(this.hideInputDiv = $e("div", "hide-input").child(this.hideInput))), df += 1;
setOffset(k) {
return this.el.offset(k).show(), this;
hide() {
return this.el.hide(), this;
setAreaOffset(k) {
const {
left: e,
top: x,
width: _,
height: u
} = k, m = {
width: _ - Do + 0.8,
height: u - Do + 0.8,
left: e - 0.8,
top: x - 0.8
this.areaEl.offset(m).show(), this.useHideInput && (this.hideInputDiv.offset(m), this.hideInput.val("").focus());
setClipboardOffset(k) {
const {
left: e,
top: x,
width: _,
height: u
} = k;
left: e,
top: x,
width: _ - 5,
height: u - 5
showAutofill(k) {
const {
left: e,
top: x,
width: _,
height: u
} = k;
width: _ - Do,
height: u - Do,
left: e,
top: x
hideAutofill() {
showClipboard() {;
hideClipboard() {
function Sf(H) {
const { data: k } = this, {
left: e,
top: x,
width: _,
height: u,
scroll: m,
l: g,
t: b
} = H, w = k.freezeTotalWidth(), f = k.freezeTotalHeight();
let y = e - w;
w > g && (y -= m.x);
let h = x - f;
return f > b && (h -= m.y), {
left: y,
top: h,
width: _,
height: u
function kf(H) {
const { data: k } = this, {
left: e,
width: x,
height: _,
l: u,
t: m,
scroll: g
} = H, b = k.freezeTotalWidth();
let w = e - b;
return b > u && (w -= g.x), {
left: w,
top: m,
width: x,
height: _
function Of(H) {
const { data: k } = this, {
top: e,
width: x,
height: _,
l: u,
t: m,
scroll: g
} = H, b = k.freezeTotalHeight();
let w = e - b;
return b > m && (w -= g.y), {
left: u,
top: w,
width: x,
height: _
function pf(H) {
const { br: k } = this;
k.setAreaOffset(, H));
function Um(H) {
const { tl: k } = this;
function mc(H) {
const { t: k } = this;
k.setAreaOffset(, H));
function bc(H) {
const { l: k } = this;
k.setAreaOffset(, H));
function gc(H) {
const { l: k } = this;
k.setClipboardOffset(, H));
function yf(H) {
const { br: k } = this;
k.setClipboardOffset(, H));
function $m(H) {
const { tl: k } = this;
function _c(H) {
const { t: k } = this;
k.setClipboardOffset(, H));
function zl(H) {, H),, H),, H),, H);
function Hl(H) {, H), $, H),, H),, H);
class Wm {
constructor(k) {
this.inputChange = () => {
}, = k, = new No(!0), this.t = new No(), this.l = new No(), = new No(), = (e) => {
},, this.offset = null, this.areaOffset = null, this.indexes = null, this.range = null, this.arange = null, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-selectors`).children(,
).hide(), this.lastri = -1, this.lastci = -1, df += 1;
resetData(k) { = k, this.range = k.selector.range, this.resetAreaOffset();
hide() {
resetOffset() {
const {
data: k,
tl: e,
t: x,
l: _,
br: u
} = this, m = k.freezeTotalHeight(), g = k.freezeTotalWidth();
m > 0 || g > 0 ? (e.setOffset({ width: g, height: m }), x.setOffset({ left: g, height: m }), _.setOffset({ top: m, width: g }), u.setOffset({ left: g, top: m })) : (e.hide(), x.hide(), _.hide(), u.setOffset({ left: 0, top: 0 }));
resetAreaOffset() {
const k =, e =;, k),, e), this.resetOffset();
resetBRTAreaOffset() {
const k =, e =;, k),, k),, e),, e), this.resetOffset();
resetBRLAreaOffset() {
const k =, e =;, k),, k),, e),, e), this.resetOffset();
set(k, e, x = !0) {
const { data: _ } = this, u = _.calSelectedRangeByStart(k, e), { sri: m, sci: g } = u;
if (x) {
let [b, w] = [k, e];
k < 0 && (b = 0), e < 0 && (w = 0), _.selector.setIndexes(b, w), this.indexes = [b, w];
this.moveIndexes = [m, g], this.range = u, this.resetAreaOffset(),;
setEnd(k, e, x = !0) {
const { data: _, lastri: u, lastci: m } = this;
if (x) {
if (k === u && e === m)
this.lastri = k, this.lastci = e;
this.range = _.calSelectedRangeByEnd(k, e),,;
reset() {
const { eri: k, eci: e } =;
this.setEnd(k, e);
showAutofill(k, e) {
if (k === -1 && e === -1)
const {
sri: x,
sci: _,
eri: u,
eci: m
} = this.range, [g, b] = [k, e], w = x - k, f = _ - e, y = u - k, h = m - e;
if (f > 0)
this.arange = new kr(x, b, u, _ - 1);
else if (w > 0)
this.arange = new kr(g, _, x - 1, m);
else if (h < 0)
this.arange = new kr(x, m + 1, u, b);
else if (y < 0)
this.arange = new kr(u + 1, _, g, m);
else {
this.arange = null;
if (this.arange !== null) {
const l =;
l.width += 2, l.height += 2;
const {
br: d,
l: s,
t: v,
tl: c
} = this;
d.showAutofill(, l)), s.showAutofill(, l)), v.showAutofill(, l)), c.showAutofill(l);
hideAutofill() {
["br", "l", "t", "tl"].forEach((k) => {
showClipboard() {
const k =;, k), ["br", "l", "t", "tl"].forEach((e) => {
hideClipboard() {
["br", "l", "t", "tl"].forEach((k) => {
function Vm(H) {
H.preventDefault(), H.stopPropagation();
const { filterItems: k } = this;
k.length <= 0 || (this.itemIndex >= 0 && k[this.itemIndex].toggle(), this.itemIndex -= 1, this.itemIndex < 0 && (this.itemIndex = k.length - 1), k[this.itemIndex].toggle());
function Km(H) {
const { filterItems: k } = this;
k.length <= 0 || (this.itemIndex >= 0 && k[this.itemIndex].toggle(), this.itemIndex += 1, this.itemIndex > k.length - 1 && (this.itemIndex = 0), k[this.itemIndex].toggle());
function Xl(H) {
const { filterItems: k } = this;
k.length <= 0 || (H.stopPropagation(), this.itemIndex < 0 && (this.itemIndex = 0), k[this.itemIndex], this.hide());
function Gm(H) {
const { keyCode: k } = H;
switch (H.ctrlKey && H.stopPropagation(), k) {
case 37:
case 38:, H);
case 39:
case 40:, H);
case 13:, H);
case 9:, H);
class wc {
constructor(k, e, x = "200px") {
this.filterItems = [], this.items = k, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-suggest`).css("width", x).hide(), this.itemClick = e, this.itemIndex = -1;
setOffset(k) {
this.el.cssRemoveKeys("top", "bottom").offset(k);
hide() {
const { el: k } = this;
this.filterItems = [], this.itemIndex = -1, k.hide(), _a(this.el.parent());
setItems(k) {
this.items = k;
search(k) {
let { items: e } = this;
if (/^\s*$/.test(k) || (e = e.filter((_) => (_.key || _).startsWith(k.toUpperCase()))), e = => {
let { title: u } = _;
u ? typeof u == "function" && (u = u()) : u = _;
const m = $e("div", `${lt}-item`).child(u).on("click.stop", () => {
this.itemClick(_), this.hide();
return _.label && m.child($e("div", "label").html(_.label)), m;
}), this.filterItems = e, e.length <= 0)
const { el: x } = this;
x.html("").children(...e).show(), Va(x.parent(), () => {
bindInputEvents(k) {
k.on("keydown", (e) =>, e));
class Kr extends Hi {
constructor(k) {
super("div", `${lt}-icon`), this.iconNameEl = $e("div", `${lt}-icon-img ${k}`), this.child(this.iconNameEl);
setName(k) {
this.iconNameEl.className(`${lt}-icon-img ${k}`);
function Ul(H, k) {
H.setMonth(H.getMonth() + k);
function Ym(H, k) {
const e = new Date(H);
return e.setDate(k - H.getDay() + 1), e;
function Zm(H, k, e) {
const x = new Date(H, k, 1, 23, 59, 59), _ = [[], [], [], [], [], []];
for (let u = 0; u < 6; u += 1)
for (let m = 0; m < 7; m += 1) {
const g = u * 7 + m, b = Ym(x, g), w = b.getMonth() !== k, f = b.getMonth() === e.getMonth() && b.getDate() === e.getDate();
_[u][m] = { d: b, disabled: w, active: f };
return _;
class Jm {
constructor(k) {
this.value = k, this.cvalue = new Date(k), this.headerLeftEl = $e("div", "calendar-header-left"), this.bodyEl = $e("tbody", ""), this.buildAll(), this.el = $e("div", "x-spreadsheet-calendar").children(
$e("div", "calendar-header").children(
$e("div", "calendar-header-right").children(
$e("a", "calendar-prev").on("click.stop", () => this.prev()).child(new Kr("chevron-left")),
$e("a", "calendar-next").on("click.stop", () => Kr("chevron-right"))
$e("table", "calendar-body").children(
$e("thead", "").child(
$e("tr", "").children(
...Cr("calendar.weeks").map((e) => $e("th", "cell").child(e))
), this.selectChange = () => {
setValue(k) {
this.value = k, this.cvalue = new Date(k), this.buildAll();
prev() {
const { value: k } = this;
Ul(k, -1), this.buildAll();
next() {
const { value: k } = this;
Ul(k, 1), this.buildAll();
buildAll() {
this.buildHeaderLeft(), this.buildBody();
buildHeaderLeft() {
const { value: k } = this;
this.headerLeftEl.html(`${Cr("calendar.months")[k.getMonth()]} ${k.getFullYear()}`);
buildBody() {
const { value: k, cvalue: e, bodyEl: x } = this, u = Zm(k.getFullYear(), k.getMonth(), e).map((m) => {
const g = => {
let w = "cell";
return b.disabled && (w += " disabled"), && (w += " active"), $e("td", "").child(
$e("div", w).on("click.stop", () => {
return $e("tr", "").children(...g);
class Qm {
constructor() {
this.calendar = new Jm(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()), this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-datepicker`).child(
setValue(k) {
const { calendar: e } = this;
return typeof k == "string" ? /^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/.test(k) && e.setValue(new Date(k.replace(new RegExp("-", "g"), "/"))) : k instanceof Date && e.setValue(k), this;
change(k) {
this.calendar.selectChange = (e) => {
k(e), this.hide();
show() {;
hide() {
function Yo() {
const { inputText: H } = this;
if (!/^\s*$/.test(H)) {
const {
textlineEl: k,
textEl: e,
areaOffset: x
} = this, _ = H.split(`
`), u = Math.max( => y.length)), g = k.offset().width / H.length, b = (u + 1) * g + 5, w = this.viewFn().width - x.left - g;
let f = _.length;
if (b > x.width) {
let y = b;
b > w && (y = w, f += parseInt(b / w, 10), f += b % w > 0 ? 1 : 0), e.css("width", `${y}px`);
f *= this.rowHeight, f > x.height && e.css("height", `${f}px`);
function qm({ target: H }, k) {
const { value: e, selectionEnd: x } = H, _ = `${e.slice(0, x)}${k}${e.slice(x)}`;
H.value = _, H.setSelectionRange(x + 1, x + 1), this.inputText = _, this.textlineEl.html(_),;
function eb(H) {
const { keyCode: k, altKey: e } = H;
k !== 13 && k !== 9 && H.stopPropagation(), k === 13 && e && (, H, `
`), H.stopPropagation()), k === 13 && !e && H.preventDefault();
function tb(H) {
const k =, { suggest: e, textlineEl: x, validator: _ } = this, { cell: u } = this;
if (u !== null)
if ("editable" in u && u.editable === !0 || u.editable === void 0) {
if (this.inputText = k, _)
_.type === "list" ? : e.hide();
else {
const m = k.lastIndexOf("=");
m !== -1 ? + 1)) : e.hide();
x.html(k),, this.change("input", k);
} else = u.text;
else {
if (this.inputText = k, _)
_.type === "list" ? : e.hide();
else {
const m = k.lastIndexOf("=");
m !== -1 ? + 1)) : e.hide();
x.html(k),, this.change("input", k);
function rb(H) {
const { el: k } = this.textEl;
setTimeout(() => {
k.focus(), k.setSelectionRange(H, H);
}, 0);
function xc(H, k) {
const { textEl: e, textlineEl: x } = this;
e.el.blur(), e.val(H), x.html(H),, k);
function nb(H) {
const { inputText: k, validator: e } = this;
let x = 0;
if (e && e.type === "list")
this.inputText = H, x = this.inputText.length;
else {
const _ = k.lastIndexOf("="), u = k.substring(0, _ + 1);
let m = k.substring(_ + 1);
m.indexOf(")") !== -1 ? m = m.substring(m.indexOf(")")) : m = "", this.inputText = `${u + H.key}(`, x = this.inputText.length, this.inputText += `)${m}`;
}, this.inputText, x);
function ib() {
function ab(H) {
let k = H.getMonth() + 1, e = H.getDate();
return k < 10 && (k = `0${k}`), e < 10 && (e = `0${e}`), `${H.getFullYear()}-${k}-${e}`;
class ob {
constructor(k, e, x) {
this.viewFn = e, this.rowHeight = x, this.formulas = k, this.suggest = new wc(k, (_) => {, _);
}), this.datepicker = new Qm(), this.datepicker.change((_) => {
this.setText(ab(_)), this.clear();
}), this.areaEl = $e("div", `${lt}-editor-area`).children(
this.textEl = $e("textarea", "").on("input", (_) =>, _)).on("paste.stop", () => {
}).on("keydown", (_) =>, _)),
this.textlineEl = $e("div", "textline"),
).on("mousemove.stop", () => {
}).on("mousedown.stop", () => {
}), this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-editor`).child(this.areaEl).hide(), this.suggest.bindInputEvents(this.textEl), this.areaOffset = null, this.freeze = { w: 0, h: 0 }, this.cell = null, this.inputText = "", this.change = () => {
setFreezeLengths(k, e) {
this.freeze.w = k, this.freeze.h = e;
clear() {
this.inputText !== "" && this.change("finished", this.inputText), this.cell = null, this.areaOffset = null, this.inputText = "", this.el.hide(), this.textEl.val(""), this.textlineEl.html(""),, this.datepicker.hide();
setOffset(k, e = "top") {
const {
textEl: x,
areaEl: _,
suggest: u,
freeze: m,
el: g
} = this;
if (k) {
this.areaOffset = k;
const {
left: b,
top: w,
width: f,
height: y,
l: h,
t: l
} = k, d = { left: 0, top: 0 };
m.w > h && m.h > l || (m.w < h && m.h < l ? (d.left = m.w, = m.h) : m.w > h ? = m.h : m.h > l && (d.left = m.w)), g.offset(d), _.offset({ left: b - d.left - 0.8, top: w - - 0.8 }), x.offset({ width: f - 9 + 0.8, height: y - 3 + 0.8 });
const s = { left: 0 };
s[e] = y, u.setOffset(s), u.hide();
setCell(k, e) {
const { el: x, datepicker: _, suggest: u } = this;, this.cell = k;
const m = k && k.text || "";
if (this.setText(m), this.validator = e, e) {
const { type: g } = e;
g === "date" && (, /^\s*$/.test(m) || _.setValue(m)), g === "list" && (u.setItems(e.values()),""));
setText(k) {
this.inputText = k,, k, k.length),;
class Li extends Hi {
// type: primary
constructor(k, e = "") {
super("div", `${lt}-button ${e}`), this.child(Cr(`button.${k}`));
function Zo() {
return window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
function Ef() {
return Zo() - 0.5;
function zt(H) {
return parseInt(H * Zo(), 10);
function ya(H) {
const k = zt(H);
return k > 0 ? k - 0.5 : 0.5;
class sb {
constructor(k, e, x, _, u = 0) {
this.x = k, this.y = e, this.width = x, this.height = _, this.padding = u, this.bgcolor = "#ffffff", this.borderTop = null, this.borderRight = null, this.borderBottom = null, this.borderLeft = null;
top: k,
bottom: e,
left: x,
right: _
}) {
k && (this.borderTop = k), _ && (this.borderRight = _), e && (this.borderBottom = e), x && (this.borderLeft = x);
innerWidth() {
return this.width - this.padding * 2 - 2;
innerHeight() {
return this.height - this.padding * 2 - 2;
textx(k) {
const { width: e, padding: x } = this;
let { x: _ } = this;
return k === "left" ? _ += x : k === "center" ? _ += e / 2 : k === "right" && (_ += e - x), _;
texty(k, e) {
const { height: x, padding: _ } = this;
let { y: u } = this;
return k === "top" ? u += _ : k === "middle" ? u += x / 2 - e / 2 : k === "bottom" && (u += x - _ - e), u;
topxys() {
const { x: k, y: e, width: x } = this;
return [[k, e], [k + x, e]];
rightxys() {
const {
x: k,
y: e,
width: x,
height: _
} = this;
return [[k + x, e], [k + x, e + _]];
bottomxys() {
const {
x: k,
y: e,
width: x,
height: _
} = this;
return [[k, e + _], [k + x, e + _]];
leftxys() {
const {
x: k,
y: e,
height: x
} = this;
return [[k, e], [k, e + x]];
function $l(H, k, e, x, _, u, m) {
const g = { x: 0, y: 0 };
H === "underline" ? _ === "bottom" ? g.y = 0 : _ === "top" ? g.y = -(u + 2) : g.y = -u / 2 : H === "strike" && (_ === "bottom" ? g.y = u / 2 : _ === "top" && (g.y = -(u / 2 + 2))), x === "center" ? g.x = m / 2 : x === "right" && (g.x = m), this.line(
[k - g.x, e - g.y],
[k - g.x + m, e - g.y]
class Sc {
constructor(k, e, x) {
this.el = k, this.ctx = k.getContext("2d"), this.resize(e, x), this.ctx.scale(Zo(), Zo());
resize(k, e) { = `${k}px`, = `${e}px`, this.el.width = zt(k), this.el.height = zt(e);
clear() {
const { width: k, height: e } = this.el;
return this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, k, e), this;
attr(k) {
return Object.assign(this.ctx, k), this;
save() {
return, this.ctx.beginPath(), this;
restore() {
return this.ctx.restore(), this;
beginPath() {
return this.ctx.beginPath(), this;
translate(k, e) {
return this.ctx.translate(zt(k), zt(e)), this;
scale(k, e) {
return this.ctx.scale(k, e), this;
clearRect(k, e, x, _) {
return this.ctx.clearRect(k, e, x, _), this;
fillRect(k, e, x, _) {
return this.ctx.fillRect(zt(k) - 0.5, zt(e) - 0.5, zt(x), zt(_)), this;
fillText(k, e, x) {
return this.ctx.fillText(k, zt(e), zt(x)), this;
txt: render text
box: DrawBox
attr: {
align: left | center | right
valign: top | middle | bottom
color: '#333333',
strike: false,
font: {
name: 'Arial',
size: 14,
bold: false,
italic: false,
textWrap: text wrapping
text(k, e, x = {}, _ = !0) {
const { ctx: u } = this, {
align: m,
valign: g,
font: b,
color: w,
strike: f,
underline: y
} = x, h = e.textx(m);, u.beginPath(), this.attr({
textAlign: m,
textBaseline: g,
font: `${b.italic ? "italic" : ""} ${b.bold ? "bold" : ""} ${zt(b.size)}px ${}`,
fillStyle: w,
strokeStyle: w
const l = `${k}`.split(`
`), d = e.innerWidth(), s = [];
l.forEach((a) => {
const r = u.measureText(a).width;
if (_ && r > zt(d)) {
let t = { w: 0, len: 0, start: 0 };
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1)
t.w >= zt(d) && (s.push(a.substr(t.start, t.len)), t = { w: 0, len: 0, start: i }), t.len += 1, t.w += u.measureText(a[i]).width + 1;
t.len > 0 && s.push(a.substr(t.start, t.len));
} else
const v = (s.length - 1) * (b.size + 2);
let c = e.texty(g, v);
return s.forEach((a) => {
const r = u.measureText(a).width;
this.fillText(a, h, c), f && $, "strike", h, c, m, g, b.size, r), y && $, "underline", h, c, m, g, b.size, r), c += b.size + 2;
}), u.restore(), this;
border(k, e) {
const { ctx: x } = this;
return x.lineWidth = Ef, x.strokeStyle = e, k === "medium" ? x.lineWidth = zt(2) - 0.5 : k === "thick" ? x.lineWidth = zt(3) : k === "dashed" ? x.setLineDash([zt(3), zt(2)]) : k === "dotted" ? x.setLineDash([zt(1), zt(1)]) : k === "double" && x.setLineDash([zt(2), 0]), this;
line(...k) {
const { ctx: e } = this;
if (k.length > 1) {
const [x, _] = k[0];
e.moveTo(ya(x), ya(_));
for (let u = 1; u < k.length; u += 1) {
const [m, g] = k[u];
e.lineTo(ya(m), ya(g));
return this;
strokeBorders(k) {
const { ctx: e } = this;;
const {
borderTop: x,
borderRight: _,
borderBottom: u,
borderLeft: m
} = k;
x && (this.border(...x), this.line(...k.topxys())), _ && (this.border(..._), this.line(...k.rightxys())), u && (this.border(...u), this.line(...k.bottomxys())), m && (this.border(...m), this.line(...k.leftxys())), e.restore();
dropdown(k) {
const { ctx: e } = this, {
y: _,
width: u,
height: m
} = k, g = x + u - 15, b = _ + m - 15;, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(zt(g), zt(b)), e.lineTo(zt(g + 8), zt(b)), e.lineTo(zt(g + 4), zt(b + 6)), e.closePath(), e.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, .45)", e.fill(), e.restore();
error(k) {
const { ctx: e } = this, { x, y: _, width: u } = k, m = x + u - 1;, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(zt(m - 8), zt(_ - 1)), e.lineTo(zt(m), zt(_ - 1)), e.lineTo(zt(m), zt(_ + 8)), e.closePath(), e.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, .65)", e.fill(), e.restore();
frozen(k) {
const { ctx: e } = this, { x, y: _, width: u } = k, m = x + u - 1;, e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(zt(m - 8), zt(_ - 1)), e.lineTo(zt(m), zt(_ - 1)), e.lineTo(zt(m), zt(_ + 8)), e.closePath(), e.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 0, .85)", e.fill(), e.restore();
rect(k, e) {
const { ctx: x } = this, {
x: _,
y: u,
width: m,
height: g,
bgcolor: b
} = k;, x.beginPath(), x.fillStyle = b || "#fff", x.rect(ya(_ + 1), ya(u + 1), zt(m - 2), zt(g - 2)), x.clip(), x.fill(), e(), x.restore();
const Wl = [
{ key: "Arial", title: "Arial" },
{ key: "Helvetica", title: "Helvetica" },
{ key: "Source Sans Pro", title: "Source Sans Pro" },
{ key: "Comic Sans MS", title: "Comic Sans MS" },
{ key: "Courier New", title: "Courier New" },
{ key: "Verdana", title: "Verdana" },
{ key: "Lato", title: "Lato" }
], vf = [
{ pt: 7.5, px: 10 },
{ pt: 8, px: 11 },
{ pt: 9, px: 12 },
{ pt: 10, px: 13 },
{ pt: 10.5, px: 14 },
{ pt: 11, px: 15 },
{ pt: 12, px: 16 },
{ pt: 14, px: 18.7 },
{ pt: 15, px: 20 },
{ pt: 16, px: 21.3 },
{ pt: 18, px: 24 },
{ pt: 22, px: 29.3 },
{ pt: 24, px: 32 },
{ pt: 26, px: 34.7 },
{ pt: 36, px: 48 },
{ pt: 42, px: 56 }
// { pt: 54, px: 71.7 },
// { pt: 63, px: 83.7 },
// { pt: 72, px: 95.6 },
function fb(H) {
for (let k = 0; k < vf.length; k += 1) {
const e = vf[k];
if ( === H)
return e.px;
return H;
const ub = (H) => {
const k = [], e = [];
let x = [], _ = 0, u = "", m = 1, g = "";
for (let b = 0; b < H.length; b += 1) {
const w = H.charAt(b);
if (w !== " ") {
if (w >= "a" && w <= "z")
else if (w >= "0" && w <= "9" || w >= "A" && w <= "Z" || w === ".")
else if (w === '"') {
for (b += 1; H.charAt(b) !== '"'; )
x.push(H.charAt(b)), b += 1;
e.push(`"${x.join("")}`), x = [];
} else if (w === "-" && /[+\-*/,(]/.test(g))
else {
if (w !== "(" && x.length > 0 && e.push(x.join("")), w === ")") {
let f = k.pop();
if (_ === 2)
try {
const [y, h] = Ti(e.pop()), [l, d] = Ti(e.pop());
let s = 0;
for (let v = l; v <= y; v += 1)
for (let c = d; c <= h; c += 1)
e.push(hi(v, c)), s += 1;
e.push([f, s]);
} catch (y) {
else if (_ === 1 || _ === 3)
_ === 3 && e.push(u), e.push([f, m]), m = 1;
for (; f !== "(" && (e.push(f), !(k.length <= 0)); )
f = k.pop();
_ = 0;
} else if (w === "=" || w === ">" || w === "<") {
const f = H.charAt(b + 1);
u = w, (f === "=" || f === "-") && (u += f, b += 1), _ = 3;
} else if (w === ":")
_ = 2;
else if (w === ",")
_ === 3 && e.push(u), _ = 1, m += 1;
else if (w === "(" && x.length > 0)
else {
if (k.length > 0 && (w === "+" || w === "-")) {
let f = k[k.length - 1];
if (f !== "(" && e.push(k.pop()), f === "*" || f === "/")
for (; k.length > 0 && (f = k[k.length - 1], f !== "("); )
} else if (k.length > 0) {
const f = k[k.length - 1];
(f === "*" || f === "/") && e.push(k.pop());
x = [];
g = w;
for (x.length > 0 && e.push(x.join("")); k.length > 0; )
return e;
}, lb = (H, k) => {
const [e] = H;
let x = H;
if (e === '"')
return H.substring(1);
let _ = 1;
if (e === "-" && (x = H.substring(1), _ = -1), x[0] >= "0" && x[0] <= "9")
return _ * Number(x);
const [u, m] = Ti(x);
return _ * k(u, m);
}, cb = (H, k, e, x) => {
const _ = [];
for (let u = 0; u < H.length; u += 1) {
const m = H[u], g = m[0];
if (m === "+") {
const b = _.pop();
_.push(ji("+", _.pop(), b));
} else if (m === "-")
if (_.length === 1) {
const b = _.pop();
_.push(ji("*", b, -1));
} else {
const b = _.pop();
_.push(ji("-", _.pop(), b));
else if (m === "*")
_.push(ji("*", _.pop(), _.pop()));
else if (m === "/") {
const b = _.pop();
_.push(ji("/", _.pop(), b));
} else if (g === "=" || g === ">" || g === "<") {
let b = _.pop();
Number.isNaN(b) || (b = Number(b));
let w = _.pop();
Number.isNaN(w) || (w = Number(w));
let f = !1;
g === "=" ? f = w === b : m === ">" ? f = w > b : m === ">=" ? f = w >= b : m === "<" ? f = w < b : m === "<=" && (f = w <= b), _.push(f);
} else if (Array.isArray(m)) {
const [b, w] = m, f = [];
for (let y = 0; y < w; y += 1)
} else {
if (x.includes(m))
return 0;
(g >= "a" && g <= "z" || g >= "A" && g <= "Z") && x.push(m), _.push(lb(m, e)), x.pop();
return _[0];
}, kc = (H, k, e, x = []) => {
if (H[0] === "=") {
const _ = ub(H.substring(1));
return _.length <= 0 ? H : cb(
(u, m) => kc(e(u, m), k, e, x),
return H;
}, hb = {
render: kc
}, Tf = [
key: "SUM",
title: Jt("formula.sum"),
render: (H) => H.reduce((k, e) => ji("+", k, e), 0)
key: "AVERAGE",
title: Jt("formula.average"),
render: (H) => H.reduce((k, e) => Number(k) + Number(e), 0) / H.length
key: "MAX",
title: Jt("formula.max"),
render: (H) => Math.max( => Number(k)))
key: "MIN",
title: Jt("formula.min"),
render: (H) => Math.min( => Number(k)))
key: "IF",
title: Jt("formula._if"),
render: ([H, k, e]) => H ? k : e
key: "AND",
title: Jt("formula.and"),
render: (H) => H.every((k) => k)
key: "OR",
title: Jt("formula.or"),
render: (H) => H.some((k) => k)
key: "CONCAT",
title: Jt("formula.concat"),
render: (H) => H.join("")
/* support: 1 + A1 + B2 * 3
key: 'DIVIDE',
title: tf('formula.divide'),
render: ary => ary.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) / Number(b)),
key: 'PRODUCT',
title: tf('formula.product'),
render: ary => ary.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) * Number(b),1),
key: 'SUBTRACT',
title: tf('formula.subtract'),
render: ary => ary.reduce((a, b) => Number(a) - Number(b)),
], db = Tf, Oc = {};
Tf.forEach((H) => {
Oc[H.key] = H;
const va = (H) => H, Fo = (H) => {
if (/^(-?\d*.?\d*)$/.test(H)) {
const k = Number(H).toFixed(2).toString(), [e, ...x] = k.split("\\.");
return [e.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"), ...x];
return H;
}, Xa = [
key: "normal",
title: Jt("format.normal"),
type: "string",
render: va
key: "text",
title: Jt("format.text"),
type: "string",
render: va
key: "number",
title: Jt("format.number"),
type: "number",
label: "1,000.12",
render: Fo
key: "percent",
title: Jt("format.percent"),
type: "number",
label: "10.12%",
render: (H) => `${H}%`
key: "rmb",
title: Jt("format.rmb"),
type: "number",
label: "¥10.00",
render: (H) => `¥${Fo(H)}`
key: "usd",
title: Jt("format.usd"),
type: "number",
label: "$10.00",
render: (H) => `$${Fo(H)}`
key: "eur",
title: Jt("format.eur"),
type: "number",
label: "€10.00",
render: (H) => `€${Fo(H)}`
key: "date",
title: Jt(""),
type: "date",
label: "26/09/2008",
render: va
key: "time",
title: Jt("format.time"),
type: "date",
label: "15:59:00",
render: va
key: "datetime",
title: Jt("format.datetime"),
type: "date",
label: "26/09/2008 15:59:00",
render: va
key: "duration",
title: Jt("format.duration"),
type: "date",
label: "24:01:00",
render: va
], Ec = {};
Xa.forEach((H) => {
Ec[H.key] = H;
const pb = 5, yb = { fillStyle: "#f4f5f8" }, vb = {
fillStyle: "#fff",
lineWidth: Ef,
strokeStyle: "#e6e6e6"
function mb() {
return {
textAlign: "center",
textBaseline: "middle",
font: `500 ${zt(12)}px Source Sans Pro`,
fillStyle: "#585757",
lineWidth: Ef(),
strokeStyle: "#e6e6e6"
function Tc(H, k, e, x = 0) {
const {
left: _,
top: u,
width: m,
height: g
} = H.cellRect(k, e);
return new sb(_, u + x, m, g, pb);
function Jo(H, k, e, x, _ = 0) {
const { sortedRowMap: u, rows: m, cols: g } = k;
if (m.isHide(e) || g.isHide(x))
let b = e;
u.has(e) && (b = u.get(e));
const w = k.getCell(b, x);
if (w === null)
let f = !1;
"editable" in w && w.editable === !1 && (f = !0);
const y = k.getCellStyleOrDefault(b, x), h = Tc(k, e, x, _);
h.bgcolor = y.bgcolor, y.border !== void 0 && (h.setBorders(y.border), H.strokeBorders(h)), H.rect(h, () => {
let l = "";
k.settings.evalPaused ? l = w.text || "" : l = hb.render(w.text || "", Oc, (v, c) => k.getCellTextOrDefault(c, v)), y.format && (l = Ec[y.format].render(l));
const d = Object.assign({}, y.font);
d.size = fb(d.size), H.text(l, h, {
align: y.align,
valign: y.valign,
font: d,
color: y.color,
strike: y.strike,
underline: y.underline
}, y.textwrap), k.validations.getError(e, x) && H.error(h), f && H.frozen(h);
function bb(H) {
const { data: k, draw: e } = this;
if (H) {
const { autoFilter: x } = k;
if (!
const _ = x.hrange();
H.intersects(_) && _.each((u, m) => {
const g = Tc(k, u, m);
function Bo(H, k, e, x, _) {
const { draw: u, data: m } = this;, u.translate(k, e).translate(x, _);
const { exceptRowSet: g } = m, b = (y) => {
const h = g.has(y);
if (h) {
const l = m.rows.getHeight(y);
u.translate(0, -l);
return !h;
}, w = m.exceptRowTotalHeight(H.sri, H.eri);, u.translate(0, -w), H.each((y, h) => {
Jo(u, m, y, h);
}, (y) => b(y)), u.restore();
const f = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();, u.translate(0, -w), m.eachMergesInView(H, ({ sri: y, sci: h, eri: l }) => {
if (!g.has(y))
Jo(u, m, y, h);
else if (!f.has(y)) {
const d = m.rows.sumHeight(y, l + 1);
u.translate(0, -d);
}), u.restore(),, H), u.restore();
function Vl(H, k, e, x) {
const { draw: _ } = this;, _.attr({ fillStyle: "rgba(75, 137, 255, 0.08)" }).fillRect(H, k, e, x), _.restore();
function jo(H, k, e, x, _, u) {
const { draw: m, data: g } = this, b = k.h, w = k.w, f = u + x, y = _ + e;, m.attr(yb), (H === "all" || H === "left") && m.fillRect(0, f, e, b), (H === "all" || H === "top") && m.fillRect(y, 0, w, x);
const {
sri: h,
sci: l,
eri: d,
eci: s
} = g.selector.range;
m.attr(mb()), (H === "all" || H === "left") && (g.rowEach(k.sri, k.eri, (v, c, a) => {
const r = f + c, t = v;
m.line([0, r], [e, r]), h <= t && t < d + 1 &&, 0, r, e, a), m.fillText(t + 1, e / 2, r + a / 2), v > 0 && g.rows.isHide(v - 1) && (, m.attr({ strokeStyle: "#c6c6c6" }), m.line([5, r + 5], [e - 5, r + 5]), m.restore());
}), m.line([0, b + f], [e, b + f]), m.line([e, f], [e, b + f])), (H === "all" || H === "top") && (g.colEach(k.sci, k.eci, (v, c, a) => {
const r = y + c, t = v;
m.line([r, 0], [r, x]), l <= t && t < s + 1 &&, r, 0, a, x), m.fillText(cc(t), r + a / 2, x / 2), v > 0 && g.cols.isHide(v - 1) && (, m.attr({ strokeStyle: "#c6c6c6" }), m.line([r + 5, 5], [r + 5, x - 5]), m.restore());
}), m.line([w + y, 0], [w + y, x]), m.line([0, x], [w + y, x])), m.restore();
function gb(H, k) {
const { draw: e } = this;, e.attr({ fillStyle: "#f4f5f8" }).fillRect(0, 0, H, k), e.restore();
function Lo({
sri: H,
sci: k,
eri: e,
eci: x,
w: _,
h: u
}, m, g, b, w) {
const { draw: f, data: y } = this, { settings: h } = y;
if (, f.attr(vb).translate(m + b, g + w), !h.showGrid) {
y.rowEach(H, e, (l, d, s) => {
l !== H && f.line([0, d], [_, d]), l === e && f.line([0, d + s], [_, d + s]);
}), y.colEach(k, x, (l, d, s) => {
l !== k && f.line([d, 0], [d, u]), l === x && f.line([d + s, 0], [d + s, u]);
}), f.restore();
function _b(H, k, e, x) {
const { draw: _, data: u } = this, m = u.viewWidth() - H, g = u.viewHeight() - k;, k).attr({ strokeStyle: "rgba(75, 137, 255, .6)" }), _.line([0, x], [m, x]), _.line([e, 0], [e, g]), _.restore();
class wb {
constructor(k, e) {
this.el = k, this.draw = new Sc(k, e.viewWidth(), e.viewHeight()), = e;
resetData(k) { = k, this.render();
render() {
const { data: k } = this, { rows: e, cols: x } = k, _ = x.indexWidth, u = e.height;
this.draw.resize(k.viewWidth(), k.viewHeight()), this.clear();
const m = k.viewRange(), g = k.freezeTotalWidth(), b = k.freezeTotalHeight(), { x: w, y: f } = k.scroll;, m, _, u, g, b),, m, _, u, -w, -f),, "all", m, _, u, g, b),, _, u);
const [y, h] = k.freeze;
if (y > 0 || h > 0) {
if (y > 0) {
const d = m.clone();
d.sri = 0, d.eri = y - 1, d.h = b,, d, _, u, g, 0),, d, _, u, -w, 0),, "top", d, _, u, g, 0);
if (h > 0) {
const d = m.clone();
d.sci = 0, d.eci = h - 1, d.w = g,, d, _, u, 0, b),, "left", d, _, u, 0, b),, d, _, u, 0, -f);
const l = k.freezeViewRange();, l, _, u, 0, 0),, "all", l, _, u, 0, 0),, l, _, u, 0, 0),, _, u, g, b);
clear() {
const Xo = [
["A3", 11.69, 16.54],
["A4", 8.27, 11.69],
["A5", 5.83, 8.27],
["B4", 9.84, 13.9],
["B5", 6.93, 9.84]
], mf = ["landscape", "portrait"];
function Qo(H) {
return parseInt(96 * H, 10);
function Kl(H) {
H === "cancel" ? this.el.hide() : this.toPrint();
function xb(H) {
const { paper: k } = this, { value: e } =, x = Xo[e];
k.w = Qo(x[1]), k.h = Qo(x[2]), this.preview();
function Sb(H) {
const { paper: k } = this, { value: e } =, x = mf[e];
k.orientation = x, this.preview();
let kb = class {
constructor(k) {
this.paper = {
w: Qo(Xo[0][1]),
h: Qo(Xo[0][2]),
padding: 50,
orientation: mf[0],
get width() {
return this.orientation === "landscape" ? this.h : this.w;
get height() {
return this.orientation === "landscape" ? this.w : this.h;
}, = k, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-print`).children(
$e("div", `${lt}-print-bar`).children(
$e("div", "-title").child("Print settings"),
$e("div", "-right").children(
$e("div", `${lt}-buttons`).children(
new Li("cancel").on("click", Kl.bind(this, "cancel")),
new Li("next", "primary").on("click", Kl.bind(this, "next"))
$e("div", `${lt}-print-content`).children(
this.contentEl = $e("div", "-content"),
$e("div", "-sider").child(
$e("form", "").children(
$e("fieldset", "").children(
$e("label", "").child(`${Cr("print.size")}`),
$e("select", "").children(, x) => $e("option", "").attr("value", x).child(`${e[0]} ( ${e[1]}''x${e[2]}'' )`))
).on("change", xb.bind(this))
$e("fieldset", "").children(
$e("label", "").child(`${Cr("print.orientation")}`),
$e("select", "").children(, x) => $e("option", "").attr("value", x).child(`${Cr("print.orientations")[x]}`))
).on("change", Sb.bind(this))
resetData(k) { = k;
preview() {
const { data: k, paper: e } = this, { width: x, height: _, padding: u } = e, m = x - u * 2, g = _ - u * 2, b = k.contentRange(), w = parseInt(b.h / g, 10) + 1, f = m / b.w;
let y = u;
const h = u;
f > 1 && (y += (m - b.w) / 2);
let l = 0, d = 0;
this.contentEl.html(""), this.canvases = [];
const s = {
sri: 0,
sci: 0,
eri: 0,
eci: 0
for (let v = 0; v < w; v += 1) {
let c = 0, a = 0;
const r = $e("div", `${lt}-canvas-card`), t = $e("canvas", `${lt}-canvas`);
const i = new Sc(t.el, x, _);
for (, i.translate(y, h), f < 1 && i.scale(f, f); l <= b.eri; l += 1) {
const o = k.rows.getHeight(l);
if (c += o, c < g)
for (let p = 0; p <= b.eci; p += 1)
Jo(i, k, l, p, d), s.eci = p;
else {
a = -(c - o);
s.eri = l, i.restore(),, i.translate(y, h), f < 1 && i.scale(f, f);
const n = d;
k.eachMergesInView(s, ({ sri: o, sci: p }) => {
Jo(i, k, o, p, n);
}), i.restore(), s.sri = s.eri, s.sci = s.eci, d += a, this.contentEl.child($e("div", `${lt}-canvas-card-wraper`).child(r.child(t)));
toPrint() {
const { paper: k } = this, e = $e("iframe", "").hide(), { el: x } = e;
const { contentWindow: _ } = x, u = _.document, m = document.createElement("style");
m.innerHTML = `
@page { size: ${k.width}px ${k.height}px; };
canvas {
page-break-before: auto;
page-break-after: always;
image-rendering: pixelated;
`, u.head.appendChild(m), this.canvases.forEach((g) => {
const b = g.cloneNode(!1);
b.getContext("2d").drawImage(g, 0, 0), u.body.appendChild(b);
}), _.print();
const Ob = [
{ key: "copy", title: Jt("contextmenu.copy"), label: "Ctrl+C" },
{ key: "cut", title: Jt("contextmenu.cut"), label: "Ctrl+X" },
{ key: "paste", title: Jt("contextmenu.paste"), label: "Ctrl+V" },
{ key: "paste-value", title: Jt("contextmenu.pasteValue"), label: "Ctrl+Shift+V" },
{ key: "paste-format", title: Jt("contextmenu.pasteFormat"), label: "Ctrl+Alt+V" },
{ key: "divider" },
{ key: "insert-row", title: Jt("contextmenu.insertRow") },
{ key: "insert-column", title: Jt("contextmenu.insertColumn") },
{ key: "divider" },
{ key: "delete-row", title: Jt("contextmenu.deleteRow") },
{ key: "delete-column", title: Jt("contextmenu.deleteColumn") },
{ key: "delete-cell-text", title: Jt("contextmenu.deleteCellText") },
{ key: "hide", title: Jt("contextmenu.hide") },
{ key: "divider" },
{ key: "validation", title: Jt("contextmenu.validation") },
{ key: "divider" },
{ key: "cell-printable", title: Jt("contextmenu.cellprintable") },
{ key: "cell-non-printable", title: Jt("contextmenu.cellnonprintable") },
{ key: "divider" },
{ key: "cell-editable", title: Jt("contextmenu.celleditable") },
{ key: "cell-non-editable", title: Jt("contextmenu.cellnoneditable") }
function Eb(H) {
return H.key === "divider" ? $e("div", `${lt}-item divider`) : $e("div", `${lt}-item`).on("click", () => {
this.itemClick(H.key), this.hide();
$e("div", "label").child(H.label || "")
function Tb() {
return =>, H));
let Rb = class {
constructor(k, e = !1) {
this.menuItems =, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-contextmenu`).children(...this.menuItems).hide(), this.viewFn = k, this.itemClick = () => {
}, this.isHide = e, this.setMode("range");
// row-col: the whole rows or the whole cols
// range: select range
setMode(k) {
const e = this.menuItems[12];
k === "row-col" ? : e.hide();
hide() {
const { el: k } = this;
k.hide(), _a(k);
setPosition(k, e) {
if (this.isHide)
const { el: x } = this, { width: _ } =, u = this.viewFn(), m = u.height / 2;
let g = k;
u.width - k <= _ && (g -= _), x.css("left", `${g}px`), e > m ? x.css("bottom", `${u.height - e}px`).css("max-height", `${e}px`).css("top", "auto") : x.css("top", `${e}px`).css("max-height", `${u.height - e}px`).css("bottom", "auto"), Va(x);
function Cb(H, k) {
if (k.classList.contains("active"))
const {
left: e,
top: x,
width: _,
height: u
} = k.getBoundingClientRect(), m = $e("div", `${lt}-tooltip`).html(H).show();
const g =;
m.css("left", `${e + _ / 2 - g.width / 2}px`).css("top", `${x + u + 2}px`), ln(k, "mouseleave", () => {
document.body.contains(m.el) && document.body.removeChild(m.el);
}), ln(k, "click", () => {
document.body.contains(m.el) && document.body.removeChild(m.el);
class Rf {
// tooltip
// tag: the subclass type
// shortcut: shortcut key
constructor(k, e, x) {
this.tip = Cr(`toolbar.${k.replace(/-[a-z]/g, (_) => _[1].toUpperCase())}`), e && (this.tip += ` (${e})`), this.tag = k, this.shortcut = e, this.value = x, this.el = this.element(), this.change = () => {
element() {
const { tip: k } = this;
return $e("div", `${lt}-toolbar-btn`).on("mouseenter", (e) => {
}).attr("data-tooltip", k);
setState() {
class Qn extends Rf {
dropdown() {
getValue(k) {
return k;
element() {
const { tag: k } = this;
return this.dd = this.dropdown(), this.dd.change = (e) => this.change(k, this.getValue(e)), super.element().child(
setState(k) {
k && (this.value = k, this.dd.setTitle(k));
class qn extends Hi {
constructor(k, e, x, _, ...u) {
super("div", `${lt}-dropdown ${_}`), this.title = k, this.change = () => {
}, this.headerClick = () => {
}, typeof k == "string" ? this.title = $e("div", `${lt}-dropdown-title`).child(k) : x && this.title.addClass("arrow-left"), this.contentEl = $e("div", `${lt}-dropdown-content`).css("width", e).hide(), this.setContentChildren(...u), this.headerEl = $e("div", `${lt}-dropdown-header`), this.headerEl.on("click", () => {
this.contentEl.css("display") !== "block" ? : this.hide();
x ? $e("div", `${lt}-icon arrow-right`).child(
$e("div", `${lt}-icon-img arrow-down`)
) : ""
), this.children(this.headerEl, this.contentEl);
setContentChildren(...k) {
this.contentEl.html(""), k.length > 0 && this.contentEl.children(...k);
setTitle(k) {
this.title.html(k), this.hide();
show() {
const { contentEl: k } = this;, this.parent().active(), Va(this.parent(), () => {
hide() {
this.parent().active(!1), this.contentEl.hide(), _a(this.parent());
function Pb(H) {
return $e("div", `${lt}-item`).child(new Kr(H));
class Rc extends qn {
constructor(k, e) {
const x = new Kr(`align-${e}`), _ = => Pb(`align-${u}`).on("click", () => {
this.setTitle(u), this.change(u);
super(x, "auto", !0, "bottom-left", ..._);
setTitle(k) {
this.title.setName(`align-${k}`), this.hide();
class Ab extends Qn {
constructor(k) {
super("align", "", k);
dropdown() {
const { value: k } = this;
return new Rc(["left", "center", "right"], k);
class Mb extends Qn {
constructor(k) {
super("valign", "", k);
dropdown() {
const { value: k } = this;
return new Rc(["top", "middle", "bottom"], k);
class di extends Rf {
element() {
const { tag: k } = this;
return super.element().child(new Kr(k)).on("click", () =>;
click() {
this.change(this.tag, this.toggle());
setState(k) {;
toggle() {
return this.el.toggle();
active() {
return this.el.hasClass("active");
class Ib extends di {
constructor() {
setState() {
class Db extends di {
constructor() {
super("font-bold", "Ctrl+B");
class Nb extends di {
constructor() {
super("font-italic", "Ctrl+I");
class Fb extends di {
constructor() {
super("strike", "Ctrl+U");
class Bb extends di {
constructor() {
super("underline", "Ctrl+U");
const jb = ["#ffffff", "#000100", "#e7e5e6", "#445569", "#5b9cd6", "#ed7d31", "#a5a5a5", "#ffc001", "#4371c6", "#71ae47"], Lb = [
["#f2f2f2", "#7f7f7f", "#d0cecf", "#d5dce4", "#deeaf6", "#fce5d5", "#ededed", "#fff2cd", "#d9e2f3", "#e3efd9"],
["#d8d8d8", "#595959", "#afabac", "#adb8ca", "#bdd7ee", "#f7ccac", "#dbdbdb", "#ffe59a", "#b3c6e7", "#c5e0b3"],
["#bfbfbf", "#3f3f3f", "#756f6f", "#8596b0", "#9cc2e6", "#f4b184", "#c9c9c9", "#fed964", "#8eaada", "#a7d08c"],
["#a5a5a5", "#262626", "#3a3839", "#333f4f", "#2e75b5", "#c45a10", "#7b7b7b", "#bf8e01", "#2f5596", "#538136"],
["#7f7f7f", "#0c0c0c", "#171516", "#222a35", "#1f4e7a", "#843c0a", "#525252", "#7e6000", "#203864", "#365624"]
], zb = ["#c00000", "#fe0000", "#fdc101", "#ffff01", "#93d051", "#00b04e", "#01b0f1", "#0170c1", "#012060", "#7030a0"];
function ef(H) {
return $e("td", "").child(
$e("div", `${lt}-color-palette-cell`).on("click.stop", () => this.change(H)).css("background-color", H)
class Hb {
constructor() {
this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-color-palette`), this.change = () => {
const k = $e("table", "").children(
$e("tbody", "").children(
$e("tr", `${lt}-theme-color-placeholders`).children( =>, e))
), => $e("tr", `${lt}-theme-colors`).children( =>, x))
$e("tr", `${lt}-standard-colors`).children( =>, e))
class Cf extends qn {
constructor(k, e) {
const x = new Kr(k).css("height", "16px").css("border-bottom", `3px solid ${e}`), _ = new Hb();
_.change = (u) => {
this.setTitle(u), this.change(u);
}, super(x, "auto", !1, "bottom-left", _.el);
setTitle(k) {
this.title.css("border-color", k), this.hide();
const Xb = [
["thin", '<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="1" style="user-select: none;"><line x1="0" y1="0.5" x2="50" y2="0.5" stroke-width="1" stroke="black" style="user-select: none;"></line></svg>'],
["medium", '<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="2" style="user-select: none;"><line x1="0" y1="1.0" x2="50" y2="1.0" stroke-width="2" stroke="black" style="user-select: none;"></line></svg>'],
["thick", '<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="3" style="user-select: none;"><line x1="0" y1="1.5" x2="50" y2="1.5" stroke-width="3" stroke="black" style="user-select: none;"></line></svg>'],
["dashed", '<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="1" style="user-select: none;"><line x1="0" y1="0.5" x2="50" y2="0.5" stroke-width="1" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="2" style="user-select: none;"></line></svg>'],
["dotted", '<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="1" style="user-select: none;"><line x1="0" y1="0.5" x2="50" y2="0.5" stroke-width="1" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="1" style="user-select: none;"></line></svg>']
// ['double', '<svg xmlns="" width="50" height="3" style="user-select: none;"><line x1="0" y1="0.5" x2="50" y2="0.5" stroke-width="1" stroke="black" style="user-select: none;"></line><line x1="0" y1="2.5" x2="50" y2="2.5" stroke-width="1" stroke="black" style="user-select: none;"></line></svg>'],
class Ub extends qn {
constructor(k) {
const e = new Kr("line-type");
let x = 0;
const _ =, m) => $e("div", `${lt}-item state ${k === u[0] ? "checked" : ""}`).on("click", () => {
_[x].toggle("checked"), _[m].toggle("checked"), x = m, this.hide(), this.change(u);
$e("div", `${lt}-line-type`).html(u[1])
super(e, "auto", !1, "bottom-left", ..._);
function Gl(...H) {
return $e("table", "").child(
$e("tbody", "").children(...H)
function Yl(H) {
return $e("td", "").child(
$e("div", `${lt}-border-palette-cell`).child(
new Kr(`border-${H}`)
).on("click", () => {
this.mode = H;
const { mode: k, style: e, color: x } = this;
this.change({ mode: k, style: e, color: x });
class $b {
constructor() {
this.color = "#000", = "thin", this.mode = "all", this.change = () => {
}, this.ddColor = new Cf("line-color", this.color), this.ddColor.change = (e) => {
this.color = e;
}, this.ddType = new Ub(, this.ddType.change = ([e]) => { = e;
}, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-border-palette`);
const k = Gl(
$e("tr", "").children(
$e("td", `${lt}-border-palette-left`).child(
$e("tr", "").children(
...["all", "inside", "horizontal", "vertical", "outside"].map((e) =>, e))
$e("tr", "").children(
...["left", "top", "right", "bottom", "none"].map((e) =>, e))
$e("td", `${lt}-border-palette-right`).children(
$e("div", `${lt}-toolbar-btn`).child(this.ddColor.el),
$e("div", `${lt}-toolbar-btn`).child(this.ddType.el)
class Wb extends qn {
constructor() {
const k = new Kr("border-all"), e = new $b();
e.change = (x) => {
this.change(x), this.hide();
}, super(k, "auto", !1, "bottom-left", e.el);
class Vb extends Qn {
constructor() {
dropdown() {
return new Wb();
class es extends Rf {
element() {
return super.element().child(new Kr(this.tag)).on("click", () => this.change(this.tag));
setState(k) {
class Kb extends es {
constructor() {
class Gb extends di {
constructor() {
setState() {
class Yb extends Qn {
constructor(k) {
super("color", void 0, k);
dropdown() {
const { tag: k, value: e } = this;
return new Cf(k, e);
class Zb extends Qn {
constructor(k) {
super("bgcolor", void 0, k);
dropdown() {
const { tag: k, value: e } = this;
return new Cf(k, e);
class Jb extends qn {
constructor() {
const k = => $e("div", `${lt}-item`).on("click", () => {
this.setTitle(`${}`), this.change(e);
super("10", "60px", !0, "bottom-left", ...k);
let Qb = class extends Qn {
constructor() {
getValue(k) {
dropdown() {
return new Jb();
class qb extends qn {
constructor() {
const k = => $e("div", `${lt}-item`).on("click", () => {
this.setTitle(e.title), this.change(e);
super(Wl[0].title, "160px", !0, "bottom-left", ...k);
class eg extends Qn {
constructor() {
getValue(k) {
return k.key;
dropdown() {
return new qb();
class tg extends qn {
constructor() {
let k = Xa.slice(0);
k.splice(2, 0, { key: "divider" }), k.splice(8, 0, { key: "divider" }), k = => {
const x = $e("div", `${lt}-item`);
return e.key === "divider" ? x.addClass("divider") : (x.child(e.title()).on("click", () => {
this.setTitle(e.title()), this.change(e);
}), e.label && x.child($e("div", "label").html(e.label))), x;
}), super("Normal", "220px", !0, "bottom-left", ...k);
setTitle(k) {
for (let e = 0; e < Xa.length; e += 1)
Xa[e].key === k && this.title.html(Xa[e].title());
let rg = class extends Qn {
constructor() {
getValue(k) {
return k.key;
dropdown() {
return new tg();
class ng extends qn {
constructor() {
const k = => $e("div", `${lt}-item`).on("click", () => {
this.hide(), this.change(e);
super(new Kr("formula"), "180px", !0, "bottom-left", ...k);
class ig extends Qn {
constructor() {
getValue(k) {
return k.key;
dropdown() {
return new ng();
class ag extends di {
constructor() {
class og extends di {
constructor() {
setState(k, e) {;
class sg extends es {
constructor() {
super("redo", "Ctrl+Y");
class fg extends es {
constructor() {
super("undo", "Ctrl+Z");
class ug extends es {
constructor() {
super("print", "Ctrl+P");
class lg extends di {
constructor() {
let cg = class extends qn {
constructor() {
const k = new Kr("ellipsis"), e = $e("div", `${lt}-toolbar-more`);
super(k, "auto", !1, "bottom-right", e), this.moreBtns = e, this.contentEl.css("max-width", "420px");
class hg extends Qn {
constructor() {
super("more"), this.el.hide();
dropdown() {
return new cg();
show() {;
hide() {
function ma() {
return $e("div", `${lt}-toolbar-divider`);
function dg() {
this.btns2 = [], this.items.forEach((H) => {
if (Array.isArray(H))
H.forEach(({ el: k }) => {
const e =, { marginLeft: x, marginRight: _ } = k.computedStyle();
this.btns2.push([k, e.width + parseInt(x, 10) + parseInt(_, 10)]);
else {
const k =, { marginLeft: e, marginRight: x } = H.computedStyle();
this.btns2.push([H, k.width + parseInt(e, 10) + parseInt(x, 10)]);
function Zl() {
const {
el: H,
btns: k,
moreEl: e,
btns2: x
} = this, { moreBtns: _, contentEl: u } = e.dd;
H.css("width", `${this.widthFn() - 60}px`);
const m =;
let g = 160, b = 12;
const w = [], f = [];
x.forEach(([y, h], l) => {
g += h, l === x.length - 1 || g < m.width ? w.push(y) : (b += h, f.push(y));
}), k.html("").children(...w), _.html("").children(...f), u.css("width", `${b}px`), f.length > 0 ? : e.hide();
class pg {
constructor(k, e, x = !1) { = k, this.change = () => {
}, this.widthFn = e, this.isHide = x;
const _ = k.defaultStyle();
this.items = [
this.undoEl = new fg(),
this.redoEl = new sg(),
new ug(),
this.paintformatEl = new Gb(),
this.clearformatEl = new Kb()
this.formatEl = new rg()
this.fontEl = new eg(),
this.fontSizeEl = new Qb()
this.boldEl = new Db(),
this.italicEl = new Nb(),
this.underlineEl = new Bb(),
this.strikeEl = new Fb(),
this.textColorEl = new Yb(_.color)
this.fillColorEl = new Zb(_.bgcolor),
this.borderEl = new Vb(),
this.mergeEl = new og()
this.alignEl = new Ab(_.align),
this.valignEl = new Mb(_.valign),
this.textwrapEl = new lg()
this.freezeEl = new ag(),
this.autofilterEl = new Ib(),
this.formulaEl = new ig(),
this.moreEl = new hg()
], this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-toolbar`), this.btns = $e("div", `${lt}-toolbar-btns`), this.items.forEach((u) => {
Array.isArray(u) ? u.forEach((m) => {
this.btns.child(m.el), m.change = (...g) => {
}) : this.btns.child(u.el);
}), this.el.child(this.btns), x ? this.el.hide() : (this.reset(), setTimeout(() => {,;
}, 0), ln(window, "resize", () => {;
paintformatActive() {
paintformatToggle() {
trigger(k) {
resetData(k) { = k, this.reset();
reset() {
if (this.isHide)
const { data: k } = this, e = k.getSelectedCellStyle();
this.undoEl.setState(!k.canUndo()), this.redoEl.setState(!k.canRedo()), this.mergeEl.setState(k.canUnmerge(), !k.selector.multiple()), this.autofilterEl.setState(!k.canAutofilter());
const { font: x, format: _ } = e;
this.formatEl.setState(_), this.fontEl.setState(, this.fontSizeEl.setState(x.size), this.boldEl.setState(x.bold), this.italicEl.setState(x.italic), this.underlineEl.setState(e.underline), this.strikeEl.setState(e.strike), this.textColorEl.setState(e.color), this.fillColorEl.setState(e.bgcolor), this.alignEl.setState(e.align), this.valignEl.setState(e.valign), this.textwrapEl.setState(e.textwrap), this.freezeEl.setState(k.freezeIsActive());
class yg {
constructor(k, e, x = "600px") {
this.title = k, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-modal`).css("width", x).children(
$e("div", `${lt}-modal-header`).children(
new Kr("close").on("click.stop", () => this.hide()),
$e("div", `${lt}-modal-content`).children(...e)
show() {
this.dimmer = $e("div", `${lt}-dimmer active`), document.body.appendChild(this.dimmer.el);
const { width: k, height: e } =, { clientHeight: x, clientWidth: _ } = document.documentElement;
left: (_ - k) / 2,
top: (x - e) / 3
}), window.xkeydownEsc = (u) => {
u.keyCode === 27 && this.hide();
}, ln(window, "keydown", window.xkeydownEsc);
hide() {
this.el.hide(), document.body.removeChild(this.dimmer.el), Go(window, "keydown", window.xkeydownEsc), delete window.xkeydownEsc;
class ba {
constructor(k, e) {
this.vchange = () => {
}, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-form-input`), this.input = $e("input", "").css("width", k).on("input", (x) => this.vchange(x)).attr("placeholder", e), this.el.child(this.input);
focus() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10);
hint(k) {
this.input.attr("placeholder", k);
val(k) {
return this.input.val(k);
class tf {
constructor(k, e, x, _ = (m) => m, u = () => {
}) {
this.key = k, this.getTitle = _, this.vchange = () => {
}, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-form-select`), this.suggest = new wc( => ({ key: m, title: this.getTitle(m) })), (m) => {
this.itemClick(m.key), u(m.key), this.vchange(m.key);
}, x, this.el), this.el.children(
this.itemEl = $e("div", "input-text").html(this.getTitle(k)),
).on("click", () =>;
show() {"");
itemClick(k) {
this.key = k, this.itemEl.html(this.getTitle(k));
val(k) {
return k !== void 0 ? (this.key = k, this.itemEl.html(this.getTitle(k)), this) : this.key;
const vg = {
number: /(^\d+$)|(^\d+(\.\d{0,4})?$)/,
date: /^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/
class Oi {
constructor(k, e, x, _) {
this.label = "", this.rule = e, x && (this.label = $e("label", "label").css("width", `${_}px`).html(x)), this.tip = $e("div", "tip").child("tip").hide(), this.input = k, this.input.vchange = () => this.validate(), this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-form-field`).children(this.label, k.el, this.tip);
isShow() {
return this.el.css("display") !== "none";
show() {;
hide() {
return this.el.hide(), this;
val(k) {
return this.input.val(k);
hint(k) {
validate() {
const {
input: k,
rule: e,
tip: x,
el: _
} = this, u = k.val();
return e.required && /^\s*$/.test(u) ? (x.html(Cr("validation.required")), _.addClass("error"), !1) : (e.type || e.pattern) && !(e.pattern || vg[e.type]).test(u) ? (x.html(Cr("validation.notMatch")), _.addClass("error"), !1) : (_.removeClass("error"), !0);
const Jl = 100;
class mg extends yg {
constructor() {
const k = new Oi(
new tf(
// cell|row|column
(w) => Cr(`dataValidation.modeType.${w}`)
{ required: !0 },
), e = new Oi(
new ba("120px", "E3 or E3:F12"),
{ required: !0, pattern: /^([A-Z]{1,2}[1-9]\d*)(:[A-Z]{1,2}[1-9]\d*)?$/ }
), x = new Oi(
new tf(
["list", "number", "date", "phone", "email"],
(w) => Cr(`dataValidation.type.${w}`),
(w) => this.criteriaSelected(w)
{ required: !0 },
), _ = new Oi(
new tf(
["be", "nbe", "eq", "neq", "lt", "lte", "gt", "gte"],
(w) => Cr(`dataValidation.operator.${w}`),
(w) => this.criteriaOperatorSelected(w)
{ required: !0 }
).hide(), u = new Oi(
new ba("70px", "10"),
{ required: !0 }
).hide(), m = new Oi(
new ba("70px", "100"),
{ required: !0, type: "number" }
).hide(), g = new Oi(
new ba("120px", "a,b,c"),
{ required: !0 }
), b = new Oi(
new ba("70px", "10"),
{ required: !0, type: "number" }
super(Cr("contextmenu.validation"), [
$e("div", `${lt}-form-fields`).children(
$e("div", `${lt}-form-fields`).children(
$e("div", `${lt}-buttons`).children(
new Li("cancel").on("click", () => this.btnClick("cancel")),
new Li("remove").on("click", () => this.btnClick("remove")),
new Li("save", "primary").on("click", () => this.btnClick("save"))
]), = k, this.rf = e, = x, this.of = _, this.minvf = u, this.maxvf = m, this.vf = b, this.svf = g, this.change = () => {
showVf(k) {
const e = k === "date" ? "2018-11-12" : "10", { vf: x } = this;
criteriaSelected(k) {
const {
of: e,
minvf: x,
maxvf: _,
vf: u,
svf: m
} = this;
k === "date" || k === "number" ? (, x.rule.type = k, _.rule.type = k, k === "date" ? (x.hint("2018-11-12"), _.hint("2019-11-12")) : (x.hint("10"), _.hint("100")),,, u.hide(), m.hide()) : (k === "list" ? : m.hide(), u.hide(), e.hide(), x.hide(), _.hide());
criteriaOperatorSelected(k) {
if (!k)
const {
minvf: e,
maxvf: x,
vf: _
} = this;
if (k === "be" || k === "nbe"),, _.hide();
else {
const u =;
_.rule.type = u, u === "date" ? _.hint("2018-11-12") : _.hint("10"),, e.hide(), x.hide();
btnClick(k) {
if (k === "cancel")
else if (k === "remove")
this.change("remove"), this.hide();
else if (k === "save") {
const e = ["mf", "rf", "cf", "of", "svf", "vf", "minvf", "maxvf"];
for (let b = 0; b < e.length; b += 1) {
const w = this[e[b]];
if (w.isShow() && !w.validate())
const x =, _ = this.rf.val(), u =, m = this.of.val();
let g = this.svf.val();
(u === "number" || u === "date") && (m === "be" || m === "nbe" ? g = [this.minvf.val(), this.maxvf.val()] : g = this.vf.val()), this.change(
type: u,
operator: m,
required: !1,
value: g
), this.hide();
// validation: { mode, ref, validator }
setValue(k) {
if (k) {
const {
mf: e,
rf: x,
cf: _,
of: u,
svf: m,
vf: g,
minvf: b,
maxvf: w
} = this, {
mode: f,
ref: y,
validator: h
} = k, {
type: l,
operator: d,
value: s
} = h || { type: "list" };
e.val(f || "cell"), x.val(y), _.val(l), u.val(d), Array.isArray(s) ? (b.val(s[0]), w.val(s[1])) : (m.val(s || ""), g.val(s || "")), this.criteriaSelected(l), this.criteriaOperatorSelected(d);
function Cc(H) {
return $e("div", `${lt}-item ${H}`);
function Ql(H) {
return Cc("state").child(Cr(`sort.${H}`)).on("click.stop", () => this.itemClick(H));
function bg(H) {
const { filterbEl: k, filterValues: e } = this;
k.html(""), Object.keys(H).forEach((_, u) => {
const m = H[_], g = e.includes(_) ? "checked" : "";
k.child($e("div", `${lt}-item state ${g}`).on("click.stop", () => this.filterClick(u, _)).children(_ === "" ? Cr("filter.empty") : _, $e("div", "label").html(`(${m})`)));
function ql() {
const { filterhEl: H, filterValues: k, values: e } = this;
H.html(`${k.length} / ${e.length}`), H.checked(k.length === e.length);
class gg {
constructor() {
this.filterbEl = $e("div", `${lt}-body`), this.filterhEl = $e("div", `${lt}-header state`).on("click.stop", () => this.filterClick(0, "all")), this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-sort-filter`).children(
this.sortAscEl =, "asc"),
this.sortDescEl =, "desc"),
$e("div", `${lt}-filter`).children(
$e("div", `${lt}-buttons`).children(
new Li("cancel").on("click", () => this.btnClick("cancel")),
new Li("ok", "primary").on("click", () => this.btnClick("ok"))
).hide(), = null, this.sortDesc = null, this.values = null, this.filterValues = [];
btnClick(k) {
if (k === "ok") {
const { ci: e, sort: x, filterValues: _ } = this;
this.ok && this.ok(e, x, "in", _);
itemClick(k) {
this.sort = k;
const { sortAscEl: e, sortDescEl: x } = this;
e.checked(k === "asc"), x.checked(k === "desc");
filterClick(k, e) {
const { filterbEl: x, filterValues: _, values: u } = this, m = x.children();
e === "all" ? m.length === _.length ? (this.filterValues = [], m.forEach((g) => $e(g).checked(!1))) : (this.filterValues = Array.from(u), m.forEach((g) => $e(g).checked(!0))) : $e(m[k]).toggle("checked") ? _.push(e) : _.splice(_.findIndex((b) => b === e), 1),;
// v: autoFilter
// items: {value: cnt}
// sort { ci, order }
set(k, e, x, _) { = k;
const { sortAscEl: u, sortDescEl: m } = this;
_ !== null ? (this.sort = _.order, u.checked(_.asc()), m.checked(_.desc())) : (this.sortDesc = null, u.checked(!1), m.checked(!1)), this.values = Object.keys(e), this.filterValues = x ? Array.from(x.value) : Object.keys(e),, e, x),;
setOffset(k) {
let e = 1;
Va(this.el, () => {
e <= 0 && this.hide(), e -= 1;
show() {;
hide() {
this.el.hide(), _a(this.el);
function Pc(H, k) {
const e = $e("div", `${lt}-toast`), x = $e("div", `${lt}-dimmer active`), _ = () => {
document.body.removeChild(e.el), document.body.removeChild(x.el);
$e("div", `${lt}-toast-header`).children(
new Kr("close").on("click.stop", () => _()),
$e("div", `${lt}-toast-content`).html(k)
), document.body.appendChild(e.el), document.body.appendChild(x.el);
const { width: u, height: m } =, { clientHeight: g, clientWidth: b } = document.documentElement;
left: (b - u) / 2,
top: (g - m) / 3
function rf(H, k) {
let e;
return (...x) => {
const _ = this, u = x;
e || (e = setTimeout(() => {
e = null, H.apply(_, u);
}, k));
function _g() {
const {
data: H,
verticalScrollbar: k,
horizontalScrollbar: e
} = this, {
l: x,
t: _,
left: u,
top: m,
width: g,
height: b
} = H.getSelectedRect(), w = this.getTableOffset();
if (Math.abs(u) + g > w.width)
e.move({ left: x + g - w.width });
else {
const f = H.freezeTotalWidth();
u < f && e.move({ left: x - 1 - f });
if (Math.abs(m) + b > w.height)
k.move({ top: _ + b - w.height - 1 });
else {
const f = H.freezeTotalHeight();
m < f && k.move({ top: _ - 1 - f });
function zi(H, k, e, x = !0, _ = !1) {
if (k === -1 && e === -1)
const {
table: u,
selector: m,
toolbar: g,
data: b,
contextMenu: w
} = this;
w.setMode(k === -1 || e === -1 ? "row-col" : "range");
const f = b.getCell(k, e);
H ? (m.setEnd(k, e, _), this.trigger("cells-selected", f, m.range)) : (m.set(k, e, x), this.trigger("cell-selected", f, k, e)), g.reset(), u.render();
function Zn(H, k) {
const {
selector: e,
data: x
} = this, { rows: _, cols: u } = x;
let [m, g] = e.indexes;
const { eri: b, eci: w } = e.range;
H && ([m, g] = e.moveIndexes), k === "left" ? g > 0 && (g -= 1) : k === "right" ? (w !== g && (g = w), g < u.len - 1 && (g += 1)) : k === "up" ? m > 0 && (m -= 1) : k === "down" ? (b !== m && (m = b), m < _.len - 1 && (m += 1)) : k === "row-first" ? g = 0 : k === "row-last" ? g = u.len - 1 : k === "col-first" ? m = 0 : k === "col-last" && (m = _.len - 1), H && (e.moveIndexes = [m, g]),, H, m, g),;
function wg(H) {
if (H.buttons !== 0 || === `${lt}-resizer-hover`)
const { offsetX: k, offsetY: e } = H, {
rowResizer: x,
colResizer: _,
tableEl: u,
data: m
} = this, { rows: g, cols: b } = m;
if (k > b.indexWidth && e > g.height) {
x.hide(), _.hide();
const w =, f = m.getCellRectByXY(H.offsetX, H.offsetY);
f.ri >= 0 && === -1 ? (f.width = b.indexWidth,, {
width: w.width
}), g.isHide(f.ri - 1) ? x.showUnhide(f.ri) : x.hideUnhide()) : x.hide(), f.ri === -1 && >= 0 ? (f.height = g.height,, {
height: w.height
}), b.isHide( - 1) ? _.showUnhide( : _.hideUnhide()) : _.hide();
function xg(H) {
const { verticalScrollbar: k, horizontalScrollbar: e, data: x } = this, { top: _ } = k.scroll(), { left: u } = e.scroll(), { rows: m, cols: g } = x, { deltaY: b, deltaX: w } = H, f = (v, c) => {
let a = v, r = 0;
r = c(a), a += 1;
while (r <= 0);
return r;
}, y = (v) => {
if (v > 0) {
const c = x.scroll.ri + 1;
if (c < m.len) {
const a = f(c, (r) => m.getHeight(r));
k.move({ top: _ + a - 1 });
} else {
const c = x.scroll.ri - 1;
if (c >= 0) {
const a = f(c, (r) => m.getHeight(r));
k.move({ top: c === 0 ? 0 : _ - a });
}, h = (v) => {
if (v > 0) {
const c = + 1;
if (c < g.len) {
const a = f(c, (r) => g.getWidth(r));
e.move({ left: u + a - 1 });
} else {
const c = - 1;
if (c >= 0) {
const a = f(c, (r) => g.getWidth(r));
e.move({ left: c === 0 ? 0 : u - a });
}, l = Math.abs(b), d = Math.abs(w), s = Math.max(l, d);
/Firefox/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && rf(y(H.detail), 50), s === d && rf(h(w), 50), s === l && rf(y(b), 50);
function Sg(H, k) {
const { verticalScrollbar: e, horizontalScrollbar: x } = this, { top: _ } = e.scroll(), { left: u } = x.scroll();
H === "left" || H === "right" ? x.move({ left: u - k }) : (H === "up" || H === "down") && e.move({ top: _ - k });
function Pf() {
const { data: H, verticalScrollbar: k } = this, { height: e } = this.getTableOffset(), x = H.exceptRowTotalHeight(0, -1);
k.set(e, H.rows.totalHeight() - x);
function Af() {
const { data: H, horizontalScrollbar: k } = this, { width: e } = this.getTableOffset();
H && k.set(e, H.cols.totalWidth());
function kg() {
const {
selector: H,
data: k,
editor: e
} = this, [x, _] = k.freeze;
if (x > 0 || _ > 0) {
const u = k.freezeTotalWidth(), m = k.freezeTotalHeight();
e.setFreezeLengths(u, m);
function un() {
const {
tableEl: H,
overlayerEl: k,
overlayerCEl: e,
table: x,
toolbar: _,
selector: u,
el: m
} = this, g = this.getTableOffset(), b = this.getRect();
H.attr(b), k.offset(b), e.offset(g), m.css("width", `${b.width}px`),,,, x.render(), _.reset(), u.reset();
function Ka() {
const { data: H, selector: k } = this;
H.clearClipboard(), k.hideClipboard();
function bf() {
const { data: H, selector: k } = this;
H.copy(), H.copyToSystemClipboard(), k.showClipboard();
function ec() {
const { data: H, selector: k } = this;
H.cut(), k.showClipboard();
function Ua(H, k) {
const { data: e } = this;
if (e.settings.mode !== "read") {
if (e.paste(H, (x) => Pc("Tip", x)));
else if (k) {
const x = k.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");,;
function Og() {,;
function tc(H, k) {, k),;
function Eg() {
const { data: H } = this;
function Tg() {
const { toolbar: H } = this;
H.paintformatActive() && (, "format"),, H.paintformatToggle());
function rc(H) {
const {
selector: k,
data: e,
table: x,
sortFilter: _
} = this, { offsetX: u, offsetY: m } = H, g = === `${lt}-selector-corner`, b = e.getCellRectByXY(u, m), {
left: w,
top: f,
width: y,
height: h
} = b;
let { ri: l, ci: d } = b;
const { autoFilter: s } = e;
if (s.includes(l, d) && w + y - 20 < u && f + h - 20 < m) {
const v = s.items(d, (c, a) => e.rows.getCell(c, a));
_.hide(), _.set(d, v, s.getFilter(d), s.getSort(d)), _.setOffset({ left: w, top: f + h + 2 });
H.shiftKey || (g ? k.showAutofill(l, d) :, !1, l, d), vc(window, (v) => {
({ ri: l, ci: d } = e.getCellRectByXY(v.offsetX, v.offsetY)), g ? k.showAutofill(l, d) : v.buttons === 1 && !v.shiftKey &&, !0, l, d, !0, !0);
}, () => {
g && k.arange && e.settings.mode !== "read" && e.autofill(k.arange, "all", (v) => Pc("Tip", v)) && x.render(), k.hideAutofill(),;
})), !g && H.buttons === 1 && H.shiftKey &&, !0, l, d);
function Ga() {
const { editor: H, data: k } = this, e = k.getSelectedRect(), x = this.getTableOffset();
let _ = "top"; > x.height / 2 && (_ = "bottom"), H.setOffset(e, _);
function $a() {
const { editor: H, data: k } = this;
k.settings.mode !== "read" && (, H.setCell(k.getSelectedCell(), k.getSelectedValidator()),;
function Rg(H) {
const { data: k, table: e, selector: x } = this;
k.scrolly(H, () => {
x.resetBRLAreaOffset(),, e.render();
function Cg(H) {
const { data: k, table: e, selector: x } = this;
k.scrollx(H, () => {
x.resetBRTAreaOffset(),, e.render();
function Pg(H, k) {
const { ri: e } = H, { table: x, selector: _, data: u } = this;
u.rows.setHeight(e, k), x.render(), _.resetAreaOffset(),,;
function Ag(H, k) {
const { ci: e } = H, { table: x, selector: _, data: u } = this;
u.cols.setWidth(e, k), x.render(), _.resetAreaOffset(),,;
function nf(H, k = "finished") {
const { data: e, table: x } = this;
if (e.settings.mode === "read")
e.setSelectedCellText(H, k);
const { ri: _, ci: u } = e.selector;
k === "finished" ? x.render() : this.trigger("cell-edited", H, _, u);
function Uo(H) {
const { data: k } = this;
k.settings.mode !== "read" && (H === "insert-row" ? k.insert("row") : H === "delete-row" ? k.delete("row") : H === "insert-column" ? k.insert("column") : H === "delete-column" ? k.delete("column") : H === "delete-cell" ? k.deleteCell() : H === "delete-cell-format" ? k.deleteCell("format") : H === "delete-cell-text" ? k.deleteCell("text") : H === "cell-printable" ? k.setSelectedCellAttr("printable", !0) : H === "cell-non-printable" ? k.setSelectedCellAttr("printable", !1) : H === "cell-editable" ? k.setSelectedCellAttr("editable", !0) : H === "cell-non-editable" && k.setSelectedCellAttr("editable", !1),,;
function Mg(H, k) {
const { data: e } = this;
if (H === "undo")
else if (H === "redo")
else if (H === "print")
else if (H === "paintformat")
k === !0 ? :;
else if (H === "clearformat"), "delete-cell-format");
else if (H !== "link") {
if (H !== "chart")
if (H === "autofilter");
else if (H === "freeze")
if (k) {
const { ri: x, ci: _ } = e.selector;
this.freeze(x, _);
} else
this.freeze(0, 0);
e.setSelectedCellAttr(H, k), H === "formula" && !e.selector.multiple() && $,;
function Ig(H, k, e, x) {, k, e, x),;
function Dg() {
const {
selector: H,
overlayerEl: k,
rowResizer: e,
colResizer: x,
verticalScrollbar: _,
horizontalScrollbar: u,
editor: m,
contextMenu: g,
toolbar: b,
modalValidation: w,
sortFilter: f
} = this;
k.on("mousemove", (y) => {, y);
}).on("mousedown", (y) => {
m.clear(), g.hide(), y.buttons === 2 ? (, y.offsetY) ||, y), g.setPosition(y.offsetX, y.offsetY), y.stopPropagation()) : y.detail === 2 ? $ :, y);
}).on("mousewheel.stop", (y) => {, y);
}).on("mouseout", (y) => {
const { offsetX: h, offsetY: l } = y;
l <= 0 && x.hide(), h <= 0 && e.hide();
}), H.inputChange = (y) => {, y, "input"), $;
}, Hm(k.el, {
move: (y, h) => {, y, h);
}), b.change = (y, h) =>, y, h), f.ok = (y, h, l, d) =>, y, h, l, d), e.finishedFn = (y, h) => {, y, h);
}, x.finishedFn = (y, h) => {, y, h);
}, e.unhideFn = (y) => {, "row", y);
}, x.unhideFn = (y) => {, "col", y);
}, _.moveFn = (y, h) => {, y, h);
}, u.moveFn = (y, h) => {, y, h);
}, m.change = (y, h) => {, h, y);
}, w.change = (y, ...h) => {
y === "save" ? :;
}, g.itemClick = (y) => {
y === "validation" ? w.setValue( : y === "copy" ? : y === "cut" ? : y === "paste" ?, "all") : y === "paste-value" ?, "text") : y === "paste-format" ?, "format") : y === "hide" ? :, y);
}, ln(window, "resize", () => {
}), ln(window, "click", (y) => {
this.focusing = k.contains(;
}), ln(window, "paste", (y) => {
this.focusing && (, "all", y), y.preventDefault());
}), ln(window, "keydown", (y) => {
if (!this.focusing)
const h = y.keyCode || y.which, {
key: l,
ctrlKey: d,
shiftKey: s,
metaKey: v
} = y;
if (d || v)
switch (h) {
case 90:
this.undo(), y.preventDefault();
case 89:
this.redo(), y.preventDefault();
case 67:, y.preventDefault();
case 88:, y.preventDefault();
case 85:
b.trigger("underline"), y.preventDefault();
case 86:
case 37:, s, "row-first"), y.preventDefault();
case 38:, s, "col-first"), y.preventDefault();
case 39:, s, "row-last"), y.preventDefault();
case 40:, s, "col-last"), y.preventDefault();
case 32:, !1, -1,, !1), y.preventDefault();
case 66:
case 73:
else {
switch (h) {
case 32:
s &&, !1,, -1, !1);
case 27:
case 37:, s, "left"), y.preventDefault();
case 38:, s, "up"), y.preventDefault();
case 39:, s, "right"), y.preventDefault();
case 40:, s, "down"), y.preventDefault();
case 9:
m.clear(),, !1, s ? "left" : "right"), y.preventDefault();
case 13:
m.clear(),, !1, s ? "up" : "down"), y.preventDefault();
case 8:, "delete-cell-text"), y.preventDefault();
l === "Delete" ? (, "delete-cell-text"), y.preventDefault()) : h >= 65 && h <= 90 || h >= 48 && h <= 57 || h >= 96 && h <= 105 || y.key === "=" ? (, y.key, "input"), $ : h === 113 && $;
class Ng {
constructor(k, e) {
this.eventMap = Xm();
const { view: x, showToolbar: _, showContextmenu: u } = e.settings;
this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-sheet`), this.toolbar = new pg(e, x.width, !_), this.print = new kb(e), k.children(this.toolbar.el, this.el, this.print.el), = e, this.tableEl = $e("canvas", `${lt}-table`), this.rowResizer = new jl(!1, e.rows.height), this.colResizer = new jl(!0, e.cols.minWidth), this.verticalScrollbar = new Ll(!0), this.horizontalScrollbar = new Ll(!1), this.editor = new ob(
() => this.getTableOffset(),
), this.modalValidation = new mg(), this.contextMenu = new Rb(() => this.getRect(), !u), this.selector = new Wm(e), this.overlayerCEl = $e("div", `${lt}-overlayer-content`).children(
), this.overlayerEl = $e("div", `${lt}-overlayer`).child(this.overlayerCEl), this.sortFilter = new gg(), this.el.children(
), this.table = new wb(this.tableEl.el, e),,,, !1, 0, 0);
on(k, e) {
return this.eventMap.on(k, e), this;
trigger(k, ...e) {
const { eventMap: x } = this;, e);
resetData(k) {
this.editor.clear(), = k,,, this.toolbar.resetData(k), this.print.resetData(k), this.selector.resetData(k), this.table.resetData(k);
loadData(k) {
return,, this;
// freeze rows or cols
freeze(k, e) {
const { data: x } = this;
return x.setFreeze(k, e),, this;
undo() {,;
redo() {,;
reload() {
return, this;
getRect() {
const { data: k } = this;
return { width: k.viewWidth(), height: k.viewHeight() };
getTableOffset() {
const { rows: k, cols: e } =, { width: x, height: _ } = this.getRect();
return {
width: x - e.indexWidth,
height: _ - k.height,
left: e.indexWidth,
top: k.height
class Fg extends qn {
constructor(k) {
const e = new Kr("ellipsis");
super(e, "auto", !1, "top-left"), this.contentClick = k;
reset(k) {
const e =, _) => $e("div", `${lt}-item`).css("width", "150px").css("font-weight", "normal").on("click", () => {
this.contentClick(_), this.hide();
setTitle() {
const Bg = [
{ key: "delete", title: Jt("contextmenu.deleteSheet") }
function jg(H) {
return $e("div", `${lt}-item`).child(H.title()).on("click", () => {
this.itemClick(H.key), this.hide();
function Lg() {
return =>, H));
class zg {
constructor() {
this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-contextmenu`).css("width", "160px").children(, this.itemClick = () => {
hide() {
const { el: k } = this;
k.hide(), _a(k);
setOffset(k) {
const { el: e } = this;
e.offset(k),, Va(e);
class Hg {
constructor(k = () => {
}, e = () => {
}, x = () => {
}, _ = () => {
}) {
this.swapFunc = e, this.updateFunc = _, this.dataNames = [], this.activeEl = null, this.deleteEl = null, this.items = [], this.moreEl = new Fg((u) => {
}), this.contextMenu = new zg(), this.contextMenu.itemClick = x, this.el = $e("div", `${lt}-bottombar`).children(
this.menuEl = $e("ul", `${lt}-menu`).child(
$e("li", "").children(
new Kr("add").on("click", () => {
$e("span", "").child(this.moreEl)
addItem(k, e) {
const x = $e("li", e ? "active" : "").child(k);
x.on("click", () => {
}).on("contextmenu", (_) => {
const { offsetLeft: u, offsetHeight: m } =;
this.contextMenu.setOffset({ left: u, bottom: m + 1 }), this.deleteEl = x;
}).on("dblclick", () => {
const _ = x.html(), u = new ba("auto", "");
u.val(_), u.input.on("blur", ({ target: m }) => {
const { value: g } = m, b = this.dataNames.findIndex((w) => w === _);
this.renameItem(b, g);
}), x.html("").child(u.el), u.focus();
}), e && this.clickSwap(x), this.items.push(x), this.menuEl.child(x), this.moreEl.reset(this.dataNames);
renameItem(k, e) {
this.dataNames.splice(k, 1, e), this.moreEl.reset(this.dataNames), this.items[k].html("").child(e), this.updateFunc(k, e);
clear() {
this.items.forEach((k) => {
}), this.items = [], this.dataNames = [], this.moreEl.reset(this.dataNames);
deleteItem() {
const { activeEl: k, deleteEl: e } = this;
if (this.items.length > 1) {
const x = this.items.findIndex((_) => _ === e);
if (this.items.splice(x, 1), this.dataNames.splice(x, 1), this.menuEl.removeChild(e.el), this.moreEl.reset(this.dataNames), k === e) {
const [_] = this.items;
return this.activeEl = _, this.activeEl.toggle(), [x, 0];
return [x, -1];
return [-1];
clickSwap2(k) {
const e = this.items.findIndex((x) => x === k);
this.clickSwap(k), this.activeEl.toggle(), this.swapFunc(e);
clickSwap(k) {
this.activeEl !== null && this.activeEl.toggle(), this.activeEl = k;
class Ac {
constructor(k, e = {}) {
let x = k;
this.options = Qs({ showBottomBar: !0 }, e), this.sheetIndex = 1, this.datas = [], typeof k == "string" && (x = document.querySelector(k)), this.bottombar = this.options.showBottomBar ? new Hg(() => {
const u = this.addSheet();
}, (u) => {
const m = this.datas[u];
}, () => {
}, (u, m) => {
this.datas[u].name = m;
}) : null, = this.addSheet();
const _ = $e("div", `${lt}`).on("contextmenu", (u) => u.preventDefault());
x.appendChild(_.el), this.sheet = new Ng(_,, this.bottombar !== null && _.child(this.bottombar.el);
addSheet(k, e = !0) {
const x = k || `sheet${this.sheetIndex}`, _ = new zm(x, this.options);
return _.change = (...u) => {
this.sheet.trigger("change", ...u);
}, this.datas.push(_), this.bottombar !== null && this.bottombar.addItem(x, e), this.sheetIndex += 1, _;
deleteSheet() {
if (this.bottombar === null)
const [k, e] = this.bottombar.deleteItem();
k >= 0 && (this.datas.splice(k, 1), e >= 0 && this.sheet.resetData(this.datas[e]));
loadData(k) {
const e = Array.isArray(k) ? k : [k];
if (this.bottombar !== null && this.bottombar.clear(), this.datas = [], e.length > 0)
for (let x = 0; x < e.length; x += 1) {
const _ = e[x], u = this.addSheet(, x === 0);
u.setData(_), x === 0 && this.sheet.resetData(u);
return this;
getData() {
return => k.getData());
cellText(k, e, x, _ = 0) {
return this.datas[_].setCellText(k, e, x, "finished"), this;
cell(k, e, x = 0) {
return this.datas[x].getCell(k, e);
cellStyle(k, e, x = 0) {
return this.datas[x].getCellStyle(k, e);
reRender() {
return this.sheet.table.render(), this;
on(k, e) {
return this.sheet.on(k, e), this;
validate() {
const { validations: k } =;
return k.errors.size <= 0;
change(k) {
return this.sheet.on("change", k), this;
static locale(k, e) {
pc(k, e);
const Xg = (H, k = {}) => new Ac(H, k);
window && (window.x_spreadsheet = Xg, window.x_spreadsheet.locale = (H, k) => pc(H, k));
var Wt = typeof globalThis != "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : typeof global != "undefined" ? global : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : {};
function zo(H) {
throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + H + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');
var gf = {}, Ug = {
get exports() {
return gf;
set exports(H) {
gf = H;
(function(H, k) {
(function(e) {
H.exports = e();
})(function() {
return function() {
function e(x, _, u) {
function m(w, f) {
if (!_[w]) {
if (!x[w]) {
var y = typeof zo == "function" && zo;
if (!f && y)
return y(w, !0);
if (g)
return g(w, !0);
var h = new Error("Cannot find module '" + w + "'");
throw h.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", h;
var l = _[w] = { exports: {} };
x[w][0].call(l.exports, function(d) {
var s = x[w][1][d];
return m(s || d);
}, l, l.exports, e, x, _, u);
return _[w].exports;
for (var g = typeof zo == "function" && zo, b = 0; b < u.length; b++)
return m;
return e;
}()({ 1: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n, o, p, O, P, F) {
try {
var z = i[P](F), N = z.value;
} catch (M) {
z.done ? n(N) : Promise.resolve(N).then(p, O);
function g(i) {
return function() {
var n = this, o = arguments;
return new Promise(function(p, O) {
var P = i.apply(n, o);
function F(N) {
m(P, p, O, F, z, "next", N);
function z(N) {
m(P, p, O, F, z, "throw", N);
F(void 0);
function b(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function w(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function f(i, n, o) {
return n && w(i.prototype, n), o && w(i, o), i;
var y = e("fs"), h = e("fast-csv"), l = e("dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat"), d = e("dayjs/plugin/utc"), s = e("dayjs").extend(l).extend(d), v = e("../utils/stream-buf"), c = e("../utils/utils"), a = c.fs.exists, r = {
true: !0,
false: !1,
"#N/A": {
error: "#N/A"
"#REF!": {
error: "#REF!"
"#NAME?": {
error: "#NAME?"
"#DIV/0!": {
error: "#DIV/0!"
"#NULL!": {
error: "#NULL!"
"#VALUE!": {
error: "#VALUE!"
"#NUM!": {
error: "#NUM!"
}, t = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function i(n) {
b(this, i), this.workbook = n, this.worksheet = null;
return f(i, [{
key: "readFile",
value: function() {
var n = g(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function p(O, P) {
var F, z;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(M) {
for (; ; )
switch (M.prev = {
case 0:
return P = P || {}, = 3, a(O);
case 3:
if (M.sent) { = 5;
throw new Error("File not found: ".concat(O));
case 5:
return F = y.createReadStream(O), = 8,, P);
case 8:
return z = M.sent, F.close(), M.abrupt("return", z);
case 11:
case "end":
return M.stop();
}, p, this);
function o(p, O) {
return n.apply(this, arguments);
return o;
}, {
key: "read",
value: function(o, p) {
var O = this;
return p = p || {}, new Promise(function(P, F) {
var z = O.workbook.addWorksheet(p.sheetName), N = p.dateFormats || ["YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ssZ", "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss", "MM-DD-YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD"], M = || function(R) {
if (R === "")
return null;
var C = Number(R);
if (!Number.isNaN(C) && C !== 1 / 0)
return C;
var E = N.reduce(function(L, $) {
if (L)
return L;
var W = s(R, $, !0);
return W.isValid() ? W : null;
}, null);
if (E)
return new Date(E.valueOf());
var A = r[R];
return A !== void 0 ? A : R;
}, I = h.parse(p.parserOptions).on("data", function(R) {
}).on("end", function() {
I.emit("worksheet", z);
I.on("worksheet", P).on("error", F), o.pipe(I);
* @deprecated since version 4.0. You should use `CSV#read` instead. Please follow upgrade instruction:
}, {
key: "createInputStream",
value: function() {
throw new Error("`CSV#createInputStream` is deprecated. You should use `CSV#read` instead. This method will be removed in version 5.0. Please follow upgrade instruction:");
}, {
key: "write",
value: function(o, p) {
var O = this;
return new Promise(function(P, F) {
p = p || {};
var z = O.workbook.getWorksheet(p.sheetName || p.sheetId), N = h.format(p.formatterOptions);
o.on("finish", function() {
}), N.on("error", F), N.pipe(o);
var M = p, I = M.dateFormat, R = M.dateUTC, C = || function(L) {
if (L) {
if (L.text || L.hyperlink)
return L.hyperlink || L.text || "";
if (L.formula || L.result)
return L.result || "";
if (L instanceof Date)
return I ? R ? s.utc(L).format(I) : s(L).format(I) : R ? s.utc(L).format() : s(L).format();
if (L.error)
return L.error;
if (u(L) === "object")
return JSON.stringify(L);
return L;
}, E = p.includeEmptyRows === void 0 || p.includeEmptyRows, A = 1;
z && z.eachRow(function(L, $) {
if (E)
for (; A++ < $ - 1; )
var W = L.values;
W.shift(), N.write(, A = $;
}), N.end();
}, {
key: "writeFile",
value: function(o, p) {
p = p || {};
var O = {
encoding: p.encoding || "utf8"
}, P = y.createWriteStream(o, O);
return this.write(P, p);
}, {
key: "writeBuffer",
value: function() {
var n = g(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function p(O) {
var P;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(z) {
for (; ; )
switch (z.prev = {
case 0:
return P = new v(), = 3, this.write(P, O);
case 3:
return z.abrupt("return",;
case 4:
case "end":
return z.stop();
}, p, this);
function o(p) {
return n.apply(this, arguments);
return o;
}]), i;
x.exports = t;
}, { "../utils/stream-buf": 23, "../utils/utils": 26, dayjs: 336, "dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat": 337, "dayjs/plugin/utc": 338, "fast-csv": 369, fs: 215 }], 2: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(f, y) {
if (!(f instanceof y))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(f, y) {
for (var h = 0; h < y.length; h++) {
var l = y[h];
l.enumerable = l.enumerable || !1, l.configurable = !0, "value" in l && (l.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(f, l.key, l);
function g(f, y, h) {
return y && m(f.prototype, y), h && m(f, h), f;
var b = e("../utils/col-cache"), w = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(y, h) {
var l = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : 0;
if (u(this, f), !h)
this.nativeCol = 0, this.nativeColOff = 0, this.nativeRow = 0, this.nativeRowOff = 0;
else if (typeof h == "string") {
var d = b.decodeAddress(h);
this.nativeCol = d.col + l, this.nativeColOff = 0, this.nativeRow = d.row + l, this.nativeRowOff = 0;
} else
h.nativeCol !== void 0 ? (this.nativeCol = h.nativeCol || 0, this.nativeColOff = h.nativeColOff || 0, this.nativeRow = h.nativeRow || 0, this.nativeRowOff = h.nativeRowOff || 0) : h.col !== void 0 ? (this.col = h.col + l, this.row = h.row + l) : (this.nativeCol = 0, this.nativeColOff = 0, this.nativeRow = 0, this.nativeRowOff = 0);
this.worksheet = y;
return g(f, [{
key: "col",
get: function() {
return this.nativeCol + Math.min(this.colWidth - 1, this.nativeColOff) / this.colWidth;
set: function(h) {
this.nativeCol = Math.floor(h), this.nativeColOff = Math.floor((h - this.nativeCol) * this.colWidth);
}, {
key: "row",
get: function() {
return this.nativeRow + Math.min(this.rowHeight - 1, this.nativeRowOff) / this.rowHeight;
set: function(h) {
this.nativeRow = Math.floor(h), this.nativeRowOff = Math.floor((h - this.nativeRow) * this.rowHeight);
}, {
key: "colWidth",
get: function() {
return this.worksheet && this.worksheet.getColumn(this.nativeCol + 1) && this.worksheet.getColumn(this.nativeCol + 1).isCustomWidth ? Math.floor(this.worksheet.getColumn(this.nativeCol + 1).width * 1e4) : 64e4;
}, {
key: "rowHeight",
get: function() {
return this.worksheet && this.worksheet.getRow(this.nativeRow + 1) && this.worksheet.getRow(this.nativeRow + 1).height ? Math.floor(this.worksheet.getRow(this.nativeRow + 1).height * 1e4) : 18e4;
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
return {
nativeCol: this.nativeCol,
nativeColOff: this.nativeColOff,
nativeRow: this.nativeRow,
nativeRowOff: this.nativeRowOff
set: function(h) {
this.nativeCol = h.nativeCol, this.nativeColOff = h.nativeColOff, this.nativeRow = h.nativeRow, this.nativeRowOff = h.nativeRowOff;
}], [{
key: "asInstance",
value: function(h) {
return h instanceof f || h == null ? h : new f(h);
}]), f;
x.exports = w;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19 }], 3: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(z, N) {
if (!(z instanceof N))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(z, N) {
for (var M = 0; M < N.length; M++) {
var I = N[M];
I.enumerable = I.enumerable || !1, I.configurable = !0, "value" in I && (I.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(z, I.key, I);
function g(z, N, M) {
return N && m(z.prototype, N), M && m(z, M), z;
var b = e("../utils/col-cache"), w = e("../utils/under-dash"), f = e("./enums"), y = e("../utils/shared-formula"), h = y.slideFormula, l = e("./note"), d = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M, I) {
if (u(this, z), !N || !M)
throw new Error("A Cell needs a Row");
this._row = N, this._column = M, b.validateAddress(I), this._address = I, this._value = F.create(z.Types.Null, this), = this._mergeStyle(,, {}), this._mergeCount = 0;
return g(z, [{
key: "destroy",
// help GC by removing cyclic (and other) references
value: function() {
delete, delete this._value, delete this._row, delete this._column, delete this._address;
// =========================================================================
// Styles stuff
}, {
key: "_mergeStyle",
value: function(M, I, R) {
var C = M && M.numFmt || I && I.numFmt;
C && (R.numFmt = C);
var E = M && M.font || I && I.font;
E && (R.font = E);
var A = M && M.alignment || I && I.alignment;
A && (R.alignment = A);
var L = M && M.border || I && I.border;
L && (R.border = L);
var $ = M && M.fill || I && I.fill;
$ && (R.fill = $);
var W = M && || I &&;
return W && ( = W), R;
// =========================================================================
// return the address for this cell
}, {
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this._value.toCsvString();
// =========================================================================
// Merge stuff
}, {
key: "addMergeRef",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "releaseMergeRef",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "merge",
value: function(M, I) {
this._value.release(), this._value = F.create(z.Types.Merge, this, M), I || ( =;
}, {
key: "unmerge",
value: function() {
this.type === z.Types.Merge && (this._value.release(), this._value = F.create(z.Types.Null, this), = this._mergeStyle(,, {}));
}, {
key: "isMergedTo",
value: function(M) {
return this._value.type !== z.Types.Merge ? !1 : this._value.isMergedTo(M);
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.text;
}, {
key: "_upgradeToHyperlink",
value: function(M) {
this.type === z.Types.String && (this._value = F.create(z.Types.Hyperlink, this, {
text: this._value.value,
hyperlink: M
// =========================================================================
// Formula stuff
}, {
key: "addName",
value: function(M) {
this.workbook.definedNames.addEx(this.fullAddress, M);
}, {
key: "removeName",
value: function(M) {
this.workbook.definedNames.removeEx(this.fullAddress, M);
}, {
key: "removeAllNames",
value: function() {
// =========================================================================
// Data Validation stuff
}, {
key: "worksheet",
get: function() {
return this._row.worksheet;
}, {
key: "workbook",
get: function() {
return this._row.worksheet.workbook;
}, {
key: "numFmt",
get: function() {
set: function(M) { = M;
}, {
key: "font",
get: function() {
set: function(M) { = M;
}, {
key: "alignment",
get: function() {
set: function(M) { = M;
}, {
key: "border",
get: function() {
set: function(M) { = M;
}, {
key: "fill",
get: function() {
set: function(M) { = M;
}, {
key: "protection",
get: function() {
set: function(M) { = M;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this._address;
}, {
key: "row",
get: function() {
return this._row.number;
}, {
key: "col",
get: function() {
return this._column.number;
}, {
key: "$col$row",
get: function() {
return "$".concat(this._column.letter, "$").concat(this.row);
// =========================================================================
// Value stuff
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return this._value.type;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return this._value.effectiveType;
}, {
key: "isMerged",
get: function() {
return this._mergeCount > 0 || this.type === z.Types.Merge;
}, {
key: "master",
get: function() {
return this.type === z.Types.Merge ? this._value.master : this;
}, {
key: "isHyperlink",
get: function() {
return this._value.type === z.Types.Hyperlink;
}, {
key: "hyperlink",
get: function() {
return this._value.hyperlink;
// return the value
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this._value.value;
set: function(M) {
if (this.type === z.Types.Merge) {
this._value.master.value = M;
this._value.release(), this._value = F.create(F.getType(M), this, M);
}, {
key: "note",
get: function() {
return this._comment && this._comment.note;
set: function(M) {
this._comment = new l(M);
}, {
key: "text",
get: function() {
return this._value.toString();
}, {
key: "html",
get: function() {
return w.escapeHtml(this.text);
}, {
key: "formula",
get: function() {
return this._value.formula;
}, {
key: "result",
get: function() {
return this._value.result;
}, {
key: "formulaType",
get: function() {
return this._value.formulaType;
// =========================================================================
// Name stuff
}, {
key: "fullAddress",
get: function() {
var M = this._row.worksheet;
return {
address: this.address,
row: this.row,
col: this.col
}, {
key: "name",
get: function() {
return this.names[0];
set: function(M) {
this.names = [M];
}, {
key: "names",
get: function() {
return this.workbook.definedNames.getNamesEx(this.fullAddress);
set: function(M) {
var I = this, R = this.workbook.definedNames;
R.removeAllNames(this.fullAddress), M.forEach(function(C) {
R.addEx(I.fullAddress, C);
}, {
key: "_dataValidations",
get: function() {
return this.worksheet.dataValidations;
}, {
key: "dataValidation",
get: function() {
return this._dataValidations.find(this.address);
set: function(M) {
this._dataValidations.add(this.address, M);
// =========================================================================
// Model stuff
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
var M = this._value.model;
return =, this._comment && (M.comment = this._comment.model), M;
set: function(M) {
if (this._value.release(), this._value = F.create(M.type, this), this._value.model = M, M.comment)
switch (M.comment.type) {
case "note":
this._comment = l.fromModel(M.comment);
} ? = : = {};
}]), z;
d.Types = f.ValueType;
var s = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Null
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return "";
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return "";
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return null;
set: function(M) {
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Null;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Null;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), v = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Number,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toString();
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toString();
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Number;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Number;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.String,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return '"'.concat(this.model.value.replace(/"/g, '""'), '"');
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.String;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.String;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.String,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return {
return M.text;
}, {
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return '"'.concat(this.text.replace(/"/g, '""'), '"');
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.RichText;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.RichText;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Date,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toISOString();
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toString();
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Date;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Date;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), t = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Hyperlink,
text: M ? M.text : void 0,
hyperlink: M ? M.hyperlink : void 0
}, M && M.tooltip && (this.model.tooltip = M.tooltip);
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.model.hyperlink;
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.text;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
var M = {
text: this.model.text,
hyperlink: this.model.hyperlink
return this.model.tooltip && (M.tooltip = this.model.tooltip), M;
set: function(M) {
this.model = {
text: M.text,
hyperlink: M.hyperlink
}, M.tooltip && (this.model.tooltip = M.tooltip);
}, {
key: "text",
get: function() {
return this.model.text;
set: function(M) {
this.model.text = M;
get tooltip() {
return this.model.tooltip;
set tooltip(value) {
this.model.tooltip = value;
} */
}, {
key: "hyperlink",
get: function() {
return this.model.hyperlink;
set: function(M) {
this.model.hyperlink = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Hyperlink;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Hyperlink;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Merge,
master: M ? M.address : void 0
}, this._master = M, M && M.addMergeRef();
return g(z, [{
key: "isMergedTo",
value: function(M) {
return M === this._master;
}, {
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return "";
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.value.toString();
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this._master.value;
set: function(M) {
M instanceof d ? (this._master && this._master.releaseMergeRef(), M.addMergeRef(), this._master = M) : this._master.value = M;
}, {
key: "master",
get: function() {
return this._master;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Merge;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return this._master.effectiveType;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), n = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.cell = N, this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Formula,
shareType: M ? M.shareType : void 0,
ref: M ? M.ref : void 0,
formula: M ? M.formula : void 0,
sharedFormula: M ? M.sharedFormula : void 0,
result: M ? M.result : void 0
return g(z, [{
key: "_copyModel",
value: function(M) {
var I = {}, R = function(E) {
var A = M[E];
A && (I[E] = A);
return R("formula"), R("result"), R("ref"), R("shareType"), R("sharedFormula"), I;
}, {
key: "validate",
value: function(M) {
switch (F.getType(M)) {
case d.Types.Null:
case d.Types.String:
case d.Types.Number:
case d.Types.Date:
case d.Types.Hyperlink:
case d.Types.Formula:
throw new Error("Cannot process that type of result value");
}, {
key: "_getTranslatedFormula",
value: function() {
if (!this._translatedFormula && this.model.sharedFormula) {
var M = this.cell.worksheet, I = M.findCell(this.model.sharedFormula);
this._translatedFormula = I && h(I.formula, I.address, this.model.address);
return this._translatedFormula;
}, {
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return "".concat(this.model.result || "");
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.result ? this.model.result.toString() : "";
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this._copyModel(this.model);
set: function(M) {
this.model = this._copyModel(M);
}, {
key: "dependencies",
get: function() {
var M = this.formula.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+!)?[A-Z]{1,3}\d{1,4}:[A-Z]{1,3}\d{1,4}/g), I = this.formula.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+!)?[A-Z]{1,3}\d{1,4}:[A-Z]{1,3}\d{1,4}/g, "").match(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+!)?[A-Z]{1,3}\d{1,4}/g);
return {
ranges: M,
cells: I
}, {
key: "formula",
get: function() {
return this.model.formula || this._getTranslatedFormula();
set: function(M) {
this.model.formula = M;
}, {
key: "formulaType",
get: function() {
return this.model.formula ? f.FormulaType.Master : this.model.sharedFormula ? f.FormulaType.Shared : f.FormulaType.None;
}, {
key: "result",
get: function() {
return this.model.result;
set: function(M) {
this.model.result = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Formula;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
var M = this.model.result;
return M == null ? f.ValueType.Null : M instanceof String || typeof M == "string" ? f.ValueType.String : typeof M == "number" ? f.ValueType.Number : M instanceof Date ? f.ValueType.Date : M.text && M.hyperlink ? f.ValueType.Hyperlink : M.formula ? f.ValueType.Formula : f.ValueType.Null;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), o = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.SharedString,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toString();
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toString();
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.SharedString;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.SharedString;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), p = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Boolean,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value ? 1 : 0;
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.toString();
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Boolean;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Boolean;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), O = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.Error,
value: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.toString();
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value.error.toString();
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.value;
set: function(M) {
this.model.value = M;
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Error;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.Error;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), P = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N, M) {
u(this, z), this.model = {
address: N.address,
type: d.Types.String,
value: JSON.stringify(M),
rawValue: M
return g(z, [{
key: "toCsvString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value;
}, {
key: "release",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.model.value;
}, {
key: "value",
get: function() {
return this.model.rawValue;
set: function(M) {
this.model.rawValue = M, this.model.value = JSON.stringify(M);
}, {
key: "type",
get: function() {
return d.Types.String;
}, {
key: "effectiveType",
get: function() {
return d.Types.String;
}, {
key: "address",
get: function() {
return this.model.address;
set: function(M) {
this.model.address = M;
}]), z;
}(), F = {
getType: function(N) {
return N == null ? d.Types.Null : N instanceof String || typeof N == "string" ? d.Types.String : typeof N == "number" ? d.Types.Number : typeof N == "boolean" ? d.Types.Boolean : N instanceof Date ? d.Types.Date : N.text && N.hyperlink ? d.Types.Hyperlink : N.formula || N.sharedFormula ? d.Types.Formula : N.richText ? d.Types.RichText : N.sharedString ? d.Types.SharedString : N.error ? d.Types.Error : d.Types.JSON;
// map valueType to constructor
types: [{
t: d.Types.Null,
f: s
}, {
t: d.Types.Number,
f: v
}, {
t: d.Types.String,
f: c
}, {
t: d.Types.Date,
f: r
}, {
t: d.Types.Hyperlink,
f: t
}, {
t: d.Types.Formula,
f: n
}, {
t: d.Types.Merge,
f: i
}, {
t: d.Types.JSON,
f: P
}, {
t: d.Types.SharedString,
f: o
}, {
t: d.Types.RichText,
f: a
}, {
t: d.Types.Boolean,
f: p
}, {
t: d.Types.Error,
f: O
}].reduce(function(z, N) {
return z[N.t] = N.f, z;
}, []),
create: function(N, M, I) {
var R = this.types[N];
if (!R)
throw new Error("Could not create Value of type ".concat(N));
return new R(M, I);
x.exports = d;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19, "../utils/shared-formula": 22, "../utils/under-dash": 25, "./enums": 7, "./note": 9 }], 4: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l, d) {
if (!(l instanceof d))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(l, d) {
for (var s = 0; s < d.length; s++) {
var v = d[s];
v.enumerable = v.enumerable || !1, v.configurable = !0, "value" in v && (v.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(l, v.key, v);
function g(l, d, s) {
return d && m(l.prototype, d), s && m(l, s), l;
var b = e("../utils/under-dash"), w = e("./enums"), f = e("../utils/col-cache"), y = 9, h = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function l(d, s, v) {
u(this, l), this._worksheet = d, this._number = s, v !== !1 && (this.defn = v);
return g(l, [{
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return JSON.stringify({
key: this.key,
width: this.width,
headers: this.headers.length ? this.headers : void 0
}, {
key: "equivalentTo",
value: function(s) {
return this.width === s.width && this.hidden === s.hidden && this.outlineLevel === s.outlineLevel && b.isEqual(,;
}, {
key: "eachCell",
value: function(s, v) {
var c = this.number;
v || (v = s, s = null), this._worksheet.eachRow(s, function(a, r) {
v(a.getCell(c), r);
}, {
key: "_applyStyle",
// =========================================================================
// styles
value: function(s, v) {
return[s] = v, this.eachCell(function(c) {
c[s] = v;
}), v;
}, {
key: "number",
get: function() {
return this._number;
}, {
key: "worksheet",
get: function() {
return this._worksheet;
}, {
key: "letter",
get: function() {
return f.n2l(this._number);
}, {
key: "isCustomWidth",
get: function() {
return this.width !== void 0 && this.width !== y;
}, {
key: "defn",
get: function() {
return {
header: this._header,
key: this.key,
width: this.width,
hidden: this.hidden,
outlineLevel: this.outlineLevel
set: function(s) {
s ? (this.key = s.key, this.width = s.width !== void 0 ? s.width : y, this.outlineLevel = s.outlineLevel, ? = : = {}, this.header = s.header, this._hidden = !!s.hidden) : (delete this._header, delete this._key, delete this.width, = {}, this.outlineLevel = 0);
}, {
key: "headers",
get: function() {
return this._header && this._header instanceof Array ? this._header : [this._header];
}, {
key: "header",
get: function() {
return this._header;
set: function(s) {
var v = this;
s !== void 0 ? (this._header = s, this.headers.forEach(function(c, a) {
v._worksheet.getCell(a + 1, v.number).value = c;
})) : this._header = void 0;
}, {
key: "key",
get: function() {
return this._key;
set: function(s) {
var v = this._key && this._worksheet.getColumnKey(this._key);
v === this && this._worksheet.deleteColumnKey(this._key), this._key = s, s && this._worksheet.setColumnKey(this._key, this);
}, {
key: "hidden",
get: function() {
return !!this._hidden;
set: function(s) {
this._hidden = s;
}, {
key: "outlineLevel",
get: function() {
return this._outlineLevel || 0;
set: function(s) {
this._outlineLevel = s;
}, {
key: "collapsed",
get: function() {
return !!(this._outlineLevel && this._outlineLevel >=;
}, {
key: "isDefault",
get: function() {
if (this.isCustomWidth || this.hidden || this.outlineLevel)
return !1;
var s =;
return !(s && (s.font || s.numFmt || s.alignment || s.border || s.fill ||;
}, {
key: "headerCount",
get: function() {
return this.headers.length;
}, {
key: "values",
get: function() {
var s = [];
return this.eachCell(function(v, c) {
v && v.type !== w.ValueType.Null && (s[c] = v.value);
}), s;
set: function(s) {
var v = this;
if (s) {
var c = this.number, a = 0;
s.hasOwnProperty("0") && (a = 1), s.forEach(function(r, t) {
v._worksheet.getCell(t + a, c).value = r;
}, {
key: "numFmt",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("numFmt", s);
}, {
key: "font",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("font", s);
}, {
key: "alignment",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("alignment", s);
}, {
key: "protection",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("protection", s);
}, {
key: "border",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("border", s);
}, {
key: "fill",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("fill", s);
// =============================================================================
// static functions
}], [{
key: "toModel",
value: function(s) {
var v = [], c = null;
return s && s.forEach(function(a, r) {
a.isDefault ? c && (c = null) : !c || !a.equivalentTo(c) ? (c = {
min: r + 1,
max: r + 1,
width: a.width !== void 0 ? a.width : y,
isCustomWidth: a.isCustomWidth,
hidden: a.hidden,
outlineLevel: a.outlineLevel,
collapsed: a.collapsed
}, v.push(c)) : c.max = r + 1;
}), v.length ? v : void 0;
}, {
key: "fromModel",
value: function(s, v) {
v = v || [];
for (var c = [], a = 1, r = 0; r < v.length; ) {
for (var t = v[r++]; a < t.min; )
c.push(new l(s, a++));
for (; a <= t.max; )
c.push(new l(s, a++, t));
return c.length ? c : null;
}]), l;
x.exports = h;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19, "../utils/under-dash": 25, "./enums": 7 }], 5: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(w, f) {
if (!(w instanceof f))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(w, f) {
for (var y = 0; y < f.length; y++) {
var h = f[y];
h.enumerable = h.enumerable || !1, h.configurable = !0, "value" in h && (h.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(w, h.key, h);
function g(w, f, y) {
return f && m(w.prototype, f), y && m(w, y), w;
var b = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function w(f) {
u(this, w), this.model = f || {};
return g(w, [{
key: "add",
value: function(y, h) {
return this.model[y] = h;
}, {
key: "find",
value: function(y) {
return this.model[y];
}, {
key: "remove",
value: function(y) {
this.model[y] = void 0;
}]), w;
x.exports = b;
}, {}], 6: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(d, s) {
if (!(d instanceof s))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(d, s) {
for (var v = 0; v < s.length; v++) {
var c = s[v];
c.enumerable = c.enumerable || !1, c.configurable = !0, "value" in c && (c.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(d, c.key, c);
function g(d, s, v) {
return s && m(d.prototype, s), v && m(d, v), d;
var b = e("../utils/under-dash"), w = e("../utils/col-cache"), f = e("../utils/cell-matrix"), y = e("./range"), h = /[$](\w+)[$](\d+)(:[$](\w+)[$](\d+))?/, l = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function d() {
u(this, d), this.matrixMap = {};
return g(d, [{
key: "getMatrix",
value: function(v) {
var c = this.matrixMap[v] || (this.matrixMap[v] = new f());
return c;
// add a name to a cell. locStr in the form SheetName!$col$row or SheetName!$c1$r1:$c2:$r2
}, {
key: "add",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = w.decodeEx(v);
this.addEx(a, c);
}, {
key: "addEx",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = this.getMatrix(c);
if (
for (var r = v.left; r <= v.right; r++)
for (var t =; t <= v.bottom; t++) {
var i = {
sheetName: v.sheetName,
address: w.n2l(r) + t,
row: t,
col: r
}, {
key: "remove",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = w.decodeEx(v);
this.removeEx(a, c);
}, {
key: "removeEx",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = this.getMatrix(c);
}, {
key: "removeAllNames",
value: function(v) {
b.each(this.matrixMap, function(c) {
}, {
key: "forEach",
value: function(v) {
b.each(this.matrixMap, function(c, a) {
c.forEach(function(r) {
v(a, r);
// get all the names of a cell
}, {
key: "getNames",
value: function(v) {
return this.getNamesEx(w.decodeEx(v));
}, {
key: "getNamesEx",
value: function(v) {
return, function(c, a) {
return c.findCellEx(v) && a;
}, {
key: "_explore",
value: function(v, c) {
c.mark = !1;
var a = c.sheetName, r = new y(c.row, c.col, c.row, c.col, a), t, i;
function n(p, O) {
var P = v.findCellAt(a, p, c.col);
return !P || !P.mark ? !1 : (r[O] = p, P.mark = !1, !0);
for (i = c.row - 1; n(i, "top"); i--)
for (i = c.row + 1; n(i, "bottom"); i++)
function o(p, O) {
var P = [];
for (i =; i <= r.bottom; i++) {
var F = v.findCellAt(a, i, p);
if (F && F.mark)
return !1;
r[O] = p;
for (var z = 0; z < P.length; z++)
P[z].mark = !1;
return !0;
for (t = c.col - 1; o(t, "left"); t--)
for (t = c.col + 1; o(t, "right"); t++)
return r;
}, {
key: "getRanges",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = this;
if (c = c || this.matrixMap[v], !c)
return {
name: v,
ranges: []
c.forEach(function(t) {
t.mark = !0;
var r = {
return t.mark && a._explore(c, t);
}).filter(Boolean).map(function(t) {
return t.$shortRange;
return {
name: v,
ranges: r
}, {
key: "normaliseMatrix",
value: function(v, c) {
v.forEachInSheet(c, function(a, r, t) {
a && (a.row !== r || a.col !== t) && (a.row = r, a.col = t, a.address = w.n2l(t) + r);
}, {
key: "spliceRows",
value: function(v, c, a, r) {
var t = this;
b.each(this.matrixMap, function(i) {
i.spliceRows(v, c, a, r), t.normaliseMatrix(i, v);
}, {
key: "spliceColumns",
value: function(v, c, a, r) {
var t = this;
b.each(this.matrixMap, function(i) {
i.spliceColumns(v, c, a, r), t.normaliseMatrix(i, v);
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
var v = this;
return, function(c, a) {
return v.getRanges(a, c);
}).filter(function(c) {
return c.ranges.length;
set: function(v) {
var c = this.matrixMap = {};
v.forEach(function(a) {
var r = c[] = new f();
a.ranges.forEach(function(t) {
h.test(t.split("!").pop() || "") && r.addCell(t);
}]), d;
x.exports = l;
}, { "../utils/cell-matrix": 18, "../utils/col-cache": 19, "../utils/under-dash": 25, "./range": 10 }], 7: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
ValueType: {
Null: 0,
Merge: 1,
Number: 2,
String: 3,
Date: 4,
Hyperlink: 5,
Formula: 6,
SharedString: 7,
RichText: 8,
Boolean: 9,
Error: 10
FormulaType: {
None: 0,
Master: 1,
Shared: 2
RelationshipType: {
None: 0,
OfficeDocument: 1,
Worksheet: 2,
CalcChain: 3,
SharedStrings: 4,
Styles: 5,
Theme: 6,
Hyperlink: 7
DocumentType: {
Xlsx: 1
ReadingOrder: {
LeftToRight: 1,
RightToLeft: 2
ErrorValue: {
NotApplicable: "#N/A",
Ref: "#REF!",
Name: "#NAME?",
DivZero: "#DIV/0!",
Null: "#NULL!",
Value: "#VALUE!",
Num: "#NUM!"
}, {}], 8: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y, h) {
if (!(y instanceof h))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(y, h) {
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var d = h[l];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(y, d.key, d);
function g(y, h, l) {
return h && m(y.prototype, h), l && m(y, l), y;
var b = e("../utils/col-cache"), w = e("./anchor"), f = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function y(h, l) {
u(this, y), this.worksheet = h, this.model = l;
return g(y, [{
key: "model",
get: function() {
switch (this.type) {
case "background":
return {
type: this.type,
imageId: this.imageId
case "image":
return {
type: this.type,
imageId: this.imageId,
hyperlinks: this.range.hyperlinks,
range: {
br: &&,
ext: this.range.ext,
editAs: this.range.editAs
throw new Error("Invalid Image Type");
set: function(l) {
var d = l.type, s = l.imageId, v = l.range, c = l.hyperlinks;
if (this.type = d, this.imageId = s, d === "image")
if (typeof v == "string") {
var a = b.decode(v);
this.range = {
tl: new w(this.worksheet, {
col: a.left,
}, -1),
br: new w(this.worksheet, {
col: a.right,
row: a.bottom
}, 0),
editAs: "oneCell"
} else
this.range = {
tl: new w(this.worksheet,, 0),
br: && new w(this.worksheet,, 0),
ext: v.ext,
editAs: v.editAs,
hyperlinks: c || v.hyperlinks
}]), y;
x.exports = f;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19, "./anchor": 2 }], 9: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(l) {
return typeof l;
} : u = function(l) {
return l && typeof Symbol == "function" && l.constructor === Symbol && l !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof l;
}, u(y);
function m(y, h) {
if (!(y instanceof h))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(y, h) {
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var d = h[l];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(y, d.key, d);
function b(y, h, l) {
return h && g(y.prototype, h), l && g(y, l), y;
var w = e("../utils/under-dash"), f = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function y(h) {
m(this, y), this.note = h;
return b(y, [{
key: "model",
get: function() {
var l = null;
switch (u(this.note)) {
case "string":
l = {
type: "note",
note: {
texts: [{
text: this.note
l = {
type: "note",
note: this.note
return w.deepMerge({}, y.DEFAULT_CONFIGS, l);
set: function(l) {
var d = l.note, s = d.texts;
s.length === 1 && Object.keys(s[0]).length === 1 ? this.note = s[0].text : this.note = d;
}], [{
key: "fromModel",
value: function(l) {
var d = new y();
return d.model = l, d;
}]), y;
note: {
margins: {
insetmode: "auto",
inset: [0.13, 0.13, 0.25, 0.25]
protection: {
locked: "True",
lockText: "True"
editAs: "absolute"
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "../utils/under-dash": 25 }], 10: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(f, y) {
if (!(f instanceof y))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(f, y) {
for (var h = 0; h < y.length; h++) {
var l = y[h];
l.enumerable = l.enumerable || !1, l.configurable = !0, "value" in l && (l.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(f, l.key, l);
function g(f, y, h) {
return y && m(f.prototype, y), h && m(f, h), f;
var b = e("../utils/col-cache"), w = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f() {
u(this, f), this.decode(arguments);
return g(f, [{
key: "setTLBR",
value: function(h, l, d, s, v) {
if (arguments.length < 4) {
var c = b.decodeAddress(h), a = b.decodeAddress(l);
this.model = {
top: Math.min(c.row, a.row),
left: Math.min(c.col, a.col),
bottom: Math.max(c.row, a.row),
right: Math.max(c.col, a.col),
sheetName: d
}, this.setTLBR(c.row, c.col, a.row, a.col, v);
} else
this.model = {
top: Math.min(h, d),
left: Math.min(l, s),
bottom: Math.max(h, d),
right: Math.max(l, s),
sheetName: v
}, {
key: "decode",
value: function(h) {
switch (h.length) {
case 5:
this.setTLBR(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4]);
case 4:
this.setTLBR(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3]);
case 3:
this.setTLBR(h[0], h[1], h[2]);
case 2:
this.setTLBR(h[0], h[1]);
case 1: {
var l = h[0];
if (l instanceof f)
this.model = {
left: l.model.left,
bottom: l.model.bottom,
right: l.model.right,
sheetName: l.sheetName
else if (l instanceof Array)
else if ( && l.left && l.bottom && l.right)
this.model = {
left: l.left,
bottom: l.bottom,
right: l.right,
sheetName: l.sheetName
else {
var d = b.decodeEx(l); ? this.model = {
left: d.left,
bottom: d.bottom,
right: d.right,
sheetName: d.sheetName
} : this.model = {
top: d.row,
left: d.col,
bottom: d.row,
right: d.col,
sheetName: d.sheetName
case 0:
this.model = {
top: 0,
left: 0,
bottom: 0,
right: 0
throw new Error("Invalid number of arguments to _getDimensions() - ".concat(h.length));
}, {
key: "expand",
value: function(h, l, d, s) {
(! || h < && ( = h), (!this.model.left || l < this.left) && (this.left = l), (!this.model.bottom || d > this.bottom) && (this.bottom = d), (!this.model.right || s > this.right) && (this.right = s);
}, {
key: "expandRow",
value: function(h) {
if (h) {
var l = h.dimensions, d = h.number;
l && this.expand(d, l.min, d, l.max);
}, {
key: "expandToAddress",
value: function(h) {
var l = b.decodeEx(h);
this.expand(l.row, l.col, l.row, l.col);
}, {
key: "toString",
value: function() {
return this.range;
}, {
key: "intersects",
value: function(h) {
return !(h.sheetName && this.sheetName && h.sheetName !== this.sheetName || h.bottom < || > this.bottom || h.right < this.left || h.left > this.right);
}, {
key: "contains",
value: function(h) {
var l = b.decodeEx(h);
return this.containsEx(l);
}, {
key: "containsEx",
value: function(h) {
return h.sheetName && this.sheetName && h.sheetName !== this.sheetName ? !1 : h.row >= && h.row <= this.bottom && h.col >= this.left && h.col <= this.right;
}, {
key: "forEachAddress",
value: function(h) {
for (var l = this.left; l <= this.right; l++)
for (var d =; d <= this.bottom; d++)
h(b.encodeAddress(d, l), d, l);
}, {
key: "top",
get: function() {
return || 1;
set: function(h) { = h;
}, {
key: "left",
get: function() {
return this.model.left || 1;
set: function(h) {
this.model.left = h;
}, {
key: "bottom",
get: function() {
return this.model.bottom || 1;
set: function(h) {
this.model.bottom = h;
}, {
key: "right",
get: function() {
return this.model.right || 1;
set: function(h) {
this.model.right = h;
}, {
key: "sheetName",
get: function() {
return this.model.sheetName;
set: function(h) {
this.model.sheetName = h;
}, {
key: "_serialisedSheetName",
get: function() {
var h = this.model.sheetName;
return h ? /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(h) ? "".concat(h, "!") : "'".concat(h, "'!") : "";
}, {
key: "tl",
get: function() {
return b.n2l(this.left) +;
}, {
key: "$t$l",
get: function() {
return "$".concat(b.n2l(this.left), "$").concat(;
}, {
key: "br",
get: function() {
return b.n2l(this.right) + this.bottom;
}, {
key: "$b$r",
get: function() {
return "$".concat(b.n2l(this.right), "$").concat(this.bottom);
}, {
key: "range",
get: function() {
return "".concat(this._serialisedSheetName +, ":").concat(;
}, {
key: "$range",
get: function() {
return "".concat(this._serialisedSheetName + this.$t$l, ":").concat(this.$b$r);
}, {
key: "shortRange",
get: function() {
return this.count > 1 ? this.range : this._serialisedSheetName +;
}, {
key: "$shortRange",
get: function() {
return this.count > 1 ? this.$range : this._serialisedSheetName + this.$t$l;
}, {
key: "count",
get: function() {
return (1 + this.bottom - * (1 + this.right - this.left);
}]), f;
x.exports = w;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19 }], 11: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l, d) {
if (!(l instanceof d))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(l, d) {
for (var s = 0; s < d.length; s++) {
var v = d[s];
v.enumerable = v.enumerable || !1, v.configurable = !0, "value" in v && (v.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(l, v.key, v);
function g(l, d, s) {
return d && m(l.prototype, d), s && m(l, s), l;
var b = e("../utils/under-dash"), w = e("./enums"), f = e("../utils/col-cache"), y = e("./cell"), h = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function l(d, s) {
u(this, l), this._worksheet = d, this._number = s, this._cells = [], = {}, this.outlineLevel = 0;
return g(l, [{
key: "commit",
// Inform Streaming Writer that this row (and all rows before it) are complete
// and ready to write. Has no effect on Worksheet document
value: function() {
// helps GC by breaking cyclic references
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function() {
delete this._worksheet, delete this._cells, delete;
}, {
key: "findCell",
value: function(s) {
return this._cells[s - 1];
// given {address, row, col}, find or create new cell
}, {
key: "getCellEx",
value: function(s) {
var v = this._cells[s.col - 1];
if (!v) {
var c = this._worksheet.getColumn(s.col);
v = new y(this, c, s.address), this._cells[s.col - 1] = v;
return v;
// get cell by key, letter or column number
}, {
key: "getCell",
value: function(s) {
if (typeof s == "string") {
var v = this._worksheet.getColumnKey(s);
v ? s = v.number : s = f.l2n(s);
return this._cells[s - 1] || this.getCellEx({
address: f.encodeAddress(this._number, s),
row: this._number,
col: s
// remove cell(s) and shift all higher cells down by count
}, {
key: "splice",
value: function(s, v) {
for (var c = s + v, a = arguments.length, r = new Array(a > 2 ? a - 2 : 0), t = 2; t < a; t++)
r[t - 2] = arguments[t];
var i = r.length - v, n = this._cells.length, o, p, O;
if (i < 0)
for (o = s + r.length; o <= n; o++)
O = this._cells[o - 1], p = this._cells[o - i - 1], p ? (O = this.getCell(o), O.value = p.value, =, O._comment = p._comment) : O && (O.value = null, = {}, O._comment = void 0);
else if (i > 0)
for (o = n; o >= c; o--)
p = this._cells[o - 1], p ? (O = this.getCell(o + i), O.value = p.value, =, O._comment = p._comment) : this._cells[o + i - 1] = void 0;
for (o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
O = this.getCell(s + o), O.value = r[o], = {}, O._comment = void 0;
// Iterate over all non-null cells in this row
}, {
key: "eachCell",
value: function(s, v) {
if (v || (v = s, s = null), s && s.includeEmpty)
for (var c = this._cells.length, a = 1; a <= c; a++)
v(this.getCell(a), a);
this._cells.forEach(function(r, t) {
r && r.type !== w.ValueType.Null && v(r, t + 1);
// ===========================================================================
// Page Breaks
}, {
key: "addPageBreak",
value: function(s, v) {
var c = this._worksheet, a = Math.max(0, s - 1) || 0, r = Math.max(0, v - 1) || 16838, t = {
id: this._number,
max: r,
man: 1
a && (t.min = a), c.rowBreaks.push(t);
// return a sparse array of cell values
}, {
key: "_applyStyle",
// =========================================================================
// styles
value: function(s, v) {
return[s] = v, this._cells.forEach(function(c) {
c && (c[s] = v);
}), v;
}, {
key: "number",
get: function() {
return this._number;
}, {
key: "worksheet",
get: function() {
return this._worksheet;
}, {
key: "values",
get: function() {
var s = [];
return this._cells.forEach(function(v) {
v && v.type !== w.ValueType.Null && (s[v.col] = v.value);
}), s;
set: function(s) {
var v = this;
if (this._cells = [], s)
if (s instanceof Array) {
var c = 0;
s.hasOwnProperty("0") && (c = 1), s.forEach(function(a, r) {
a !== void 0 && (v.getCellEx({
address: f.encodeAddress(v._number, r + c),
row: v._number,
col: r + c
}).value = a);
} else
this._worksheet.eachColumnKey(function(a, r) {
s[r] !== void 0 && (v.getCellEx({
address: f.encodeAddress(v._number, a.number),
row: v._number,
col: a.number
}).value = s[r]);
// returns true if the row includes at least one cell with a value
}, {
key: "hasValues",
get: function() {
return b.some(this._cells, function(s) {
return s && s.type !== w.ValueType.Null;
}, {
key: "cellCount",
get: function() {
return this._cells.length;
}, {
key: "actualCellCount",
get: function() {
var s = 0;
return this.eachCell(function() {
}), s;
// get the min and max column number for the non-null cells in this row or null
}, {
key: "dimensions",
get: function() {
var s = 0, v = 0;
return this._cells.forEach(function(c) {
c && c.type !== w.ValueType.Null && ((!s || s > c.col) && (s = c.col), v < c.col && (v = c.col));
}), s > 0 ? {
min: s,
max: v
} : null;
}, {
key: "numFmt",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("numFmt", s);
}, {
key: "font",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("font", s);
}, {
key: "alignment",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("alignment", s);
}, {
key: "protection",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("protection", s);
}, {
key: "border",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("border", s);
}, {
key: "fill",
get: function() {
set: function(s) {
this._applyStyle("fill", s);
}, {
key: "hidden",
get: function() {
return !!this._hidden;
set: function(s) {
this._hidden = s;
}, {
key: "outlineLevel",
get: function() {
return this._outlineLevel || 0;
set: function(s) {
this._outlineLevel = s;
}, {
key: "collapsed",
get: function() {
return !!(this._outlineLevel && this._outlineLevel >=;
// =========================================================================
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
var s = [], v = 0, c = 0;
return this._cells.forEach(function(a) {
if (a) {
var r = a.model;
r && ((!v || v > a.col) && (v = a.col), c < a.col && (c = a.col), s.push(r));
}), this.height || s.length ? {
cells: s,
number: this.number,
min: v,
max: c,
height: this.height,
hidden: this.hidden,
outlineLevel: this.outlineLevel,
collapsed: this.collapsed
} : null;
set: function(s) {
var v = this;
if (s.number !== this._number)
throw new Error("Invalid row number in model");
this._cells = [];
var c;
s.cells.forEach(function(a) {
switch (a.type) {
case y.Types.Merge:
default: {
var r;
if (a.address)
r = f.decodeAddress(a.address);
else if (c) {
var t = c, i = t.row, n = c.col + 1;
r = {
row: i,
col: n,
address: f.encodeAddress(i, n),
$col$row: "$".concat(f.n2l(n), "$").concat(i)
c = r;
var o = v.getCellEx(r);
o.model = a;
}), s.height ? this.height = s.height : delete this.height, this.hidden = s.hidden, this.outlineLevel = s.outlineLevel || 0, = && JSON.parse(JSON.stringify( || {};
}]), l;
x.exports = h;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19, "../utils/under-dash": 25, "./cell": 3, "./enums": 7 }], 12: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y, h) {
if (!(y instanceof h))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(y, h) {
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var d = h[l];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(y, d.key, d);
function g(y, h, l) {
return h && m(y.prototype, h), l && m(y, l), y;
var b = e("../utils/col-cache"), w = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function y(h, l, d) {
u(this, y), this.table = h, this.column = l, this.index = d;
return g(y, [{
key: "_set",
value: function(l, d) {
this.table.cacheState(), this.column[l] = d;
/* eslint-disable lines-between-class-members */
}, {
key: "name",
get: function() {
set: function(l) {
this._set("name", l);
}, {
key: "filterButton",
get: function() {
return this.column.filterButton;
set: function(l) {
this.column.filterButton = l;
}, {
key: "style",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
}, {
key: "totalsRowLabel",
get: function() {
return this.column.totalsRowLabel;
set: function(l) {
this._set("totalsRowLabel", l);
}, {
key: "totalsRowFunction",
get: function() {
return this.column.totalsRowFunction;
set: function(l) {
this._set("totalsRowFunction", l);
}, {
key: "totalsRowResult",
get: function() {
return this.column.totalsRowResult;
set: function(l) {
this._set("totalsRowResult", l);
}, {
key: "totalsRowFormula",
get: function() {
return this.column.totalsRowFormula;
set: function(l) {
this._set("totalsRowFormula", l);
/* eslint-enable lines-between-class-members */
}]), y;
}(), f = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function y(h, l) {
u(this, y), this.worksheet = h, l && (this.table = l, this.validate(),;
return g(y, [{
key: "getFormula",
value: function(l) {
switch (l.totalsRowFunction) {
case "none":
return null;
case "average":
return "SUBTOTAL(101,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "countNums":
return "SUBTOTAL(102,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "count":
return "SUBTOTAL(103,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "max":
return "SUBTOTAL(104,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "min":
return "SUBTOTAL(105,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "stdDev":
return "SUBTOTAL(106,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "var":
return "SUBTOTAL(107,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "sum":
return "SUBTOTAL(109,".concat(, "[").concat(, "])");
case "custom":
return l.totalsRowFormula;
throw new Error("Invalid Totals Row Function: ".concat(l.totalsRowFunction));
}, {
key: "validate",
value: function() {
var l = this, d = this.table, s = function(p, O, P) {
p[O] === void 0 && (p[O] = P);
s(d, "headerRow", !0), s(d, "totalsRow", !1), s(d, "style", {}), s(, "theme", "TableStyleMedium2"), s(, "showFirstColumn", !1), s(, "showLastColumn", !1), s(, "showRowStripes", !1), s(, "showColumnStripes", !1);
var v = function(p, O) {
if (!p)
throw new Error(O);
v(d.ref, "Table must have ref"), v(d.columns, "Table must have column definitions"), v(d.rows, "Table must have row definitions"), = b.decodeAddress(d.ref);
var c =, a = c.row, r = c.col;
v(a > 0, "Table must be on valid row"), v(r > 0, "Table must be on valid col");
var t = this.width, i = this.filterHeight, n = this.tableHeight;
d.autoFilterRef = b.encode(a, r, a + i - 1, r + t - 1), d.tableRef = b.encode(a, r, a + n - 1, r + t - 1), d.columns.forEach(function(o, p) {
v(, "Column ".concat(p, " must have a name")), p === 0 ? s(o, "totalsRowLabel", "Total") : (s(o, "totalsRowFunction", "none"), o.totalsRowFormula = l.getFormula(o));
}, {
key: "store",
value: function() {
var l = this, d = function(p, O) {
O && Object.keys(O).forEach(function(P) {
p[P] = O[P];
}, s = this.worksheet, v = this.table, c =, a = c.row, r = c.col, t = 0;
if (v.headerRow) {
var i = s.getRow(a + t++);
v.columns.forEach(function(o, p) {
var O =, P =, F = i.getCell(r + p);
F.value = P, d(F, O);
if (v.rows.forEach(function(o) {
var p = s.getRow(a + t++);
o.forEach(function(O, P) {
var F = p.getCell(r + P);
F.value = O, d(F, v.columns[P].style);
}), v.totalsRow) {
var n = s.getRow(a + t++);
v.columns.forEach(function(o, p) {
var O = n.getCell(r + p);
if (p === 0)
O.value = o.totalsRowLabel;
else {
var P = l.getFormula(o);
P ? O.value = {
formula: o.totalsRowFormula,
result: o.totalsRowResult
} : O.value = null;
}, {
key: "load",
value: function(l) {
var d = this, s = this.table, v =, c = v.row, a = v.col, r = 0;
if (s.headerRow) {
var t = l.getRow(c + r++);
s.columns.forEach(function(n, o) {
var p = t.getCell(a + o);
p.value =;
if (s.rows.forEach(function(n) {
var o = l.getRow(c + r++);
n.forEach(function(p, O) {
var P = o.getCell(a + O);
P.value = p;
}), s.totalsRow) {
var i = l.getRow(c + r++);
s.columns.forEach(function(n, o) {
var p = i.getCell(a + o);
if (o === 0)
p.value = n.totalsRowLabel;
else {
var O = d.getFormula(n);
O && (p.value = {
formula: n.totalsRowFormula,
result: n.totalsRowResult
}, {
key: "cacheState",
// ================================================================
// TODO: Mutating methods
value: function() {
this._cache || (this._cache = {
ref: this.ref,
width: this.width,
tableHeight: this.tableHeight
}, {
key: "commit",
value: function() {
if (this._cache) {
var l = b.decodeAddress(this._cache.ref);
if (this.ref !== this._cache.ref)
for (var d = 0; d < this._cache.tableHeight; d++)
for (var s = this.worksheet.getRow(l.row + d), v = 0; v < this._cache.width; v++) {
var c = s.getCell(l.col + v);
c.value = null;
else {
for (var a = this.tableHeight; a < this._cache.tableHeight; a++)
for (var r = this.worksheet.getRow(l.row + a), t = 0; t < this._cache.width; t++) {
var i = r.getCell(l.col + t);
i.value = null;
for (var n = 0; n < this.tableHeight; n++)
for (var o = this.worksheet.getRow(l.row + n), p = this.width; p < this._cache.width; p++) {
var O = o.getCell(l.col + p);
O.value = null;
}, {
key: "addRow",
value: function(l, d) {
this.cacheState(), d === void 0 ? this.table.rows.push(l) : this.table.rows.splice(d, 0, l);
}, {
key: "removeRows",
value: function(l) {
var d = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 1;
this.cacheState(), this.table.rows.splice(l, d);
}, {
key: "getColumn",
value: function(l) {
var d = this.table.columns[l];
return new w(this, d, l);
}, {
key: "addColumn",
value: function(l, d, s) {
this.cacheState(), s === void 0 ? (this.table.columns.push(l), this.table.rows.forEach(function(v, c) {
})) : (this.table.columns.splice(s, 0, l), this.table.rows.forEach(function(v, c) {
v.splice(s, 0, d[c]);
}, {
key: "removeColumns",
value: function(l) {
var d = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 1;
this.cacheState(), this.table.columns.splice(l, d), this.table.rows.forEach(function(s) {
s.splice(l, d);
}, {
key: "_assign",
value: function(l, d, s) {
this.cacheState(), l[d] = s;
/* eslint-disable lines-between-class-members */
}, {
key: "width",
get: function() {
return this.table.columns.length;
}, {
key: "height",
get: function() {
return this.table.rows.length;
}, {
key: "filterHeight",
get: function() {
return this.height + (this.table.headerRow ? 1 : 0);
}, {
key: "tableHeight",
get: function() {
return this.filterHeight + (this.table.totalsRow ? 1 : 0);
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
return this.table;
set: function(l) {
this.table = l;
}, {
key: "ref",
get: function() {
return this.table.ref;
set: function(l) {
this._assign(this.table, "ref", l);
}, {
key: "name",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
}, {
key: "displayName",
get: function() {
return this.table.displyName ||;
}, {
key: "displayNamename",
set: function(l) {
this.table.displayName = l;
}, {
key: "headerRow",
get: function() {
return this.table.headerRow;
set: function(l) {
this._assign(this.table, "headerRow", l);
}, {
key: "totalsRow",
get: function() {
return this.table.totalsRow;
set: function(l) {
this._assign(this.table, "totalsRow", l);
}, {
key: "theme",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
}, {
key: "showFirstColumn",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
}, {
key: "showLastColumn",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
}, {
key: "showRowStripes",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
}, {
key: "showColumnStripes",
get: function() {
set: function(l) { = l;
/* eslint-enable lines-between-class-members */
}]), y;
x.exports = f;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19 }], 13: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l, d) {
if (!(l instanceof d))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(l, d) {
for (var s = 0; s < d.length; s++) {
var v = d[s];
v.enumerable = v.enumerable || !1, v.configurable = !0, "value" in v && (v.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(l, v.key, v);
function g(l, d, s) {
return d && m(l.prototype, d), s && m(l, s), l;
var b = e("./worksheet"), w = e("./defined-names"), f = e("../xlsx/xlsx"), y = e("../csv/csv"), h = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function l() {
u(this, l), this.category = "", = "", this.created = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), this.description = "", this.keywords = "", this.manager = "", this.modified = this.created, = {}, this.calcProperties = {}, this._worksheets = [], this.subject = "", this.title = "", this.views = [], = [], this._definedNames = new w();
return g(l, [{
key: "addWorksheet",
value: function(s, v) {
var c = this.nextId;
if (s && s.length > 31 && console.warn("Worksheet name ".concat(s, " exceeds 31 chars. This will be truncated")), /[*?:/\\[\]]/.test(s))
throw new Error("Worksheet name ".concat(s, " cannot include any of the following characters: * ? : \\ / [ ]"));
if (/(^')|('$)/.test(s))
throw new Error("The first or last character of worksheet name cannot be a single quotation mark: ".concat(s));
if (s = (s || "sheet".concat(c)).substring(0, 31), this._worksheets.find(function(i) {
return i && === s.toLowerCase();
throw new Error("Worksheet name already exists: ".concat(s));
v && (typeof v == "string" ? (console.trace('tabColor argument is now deprecated. Please use workbook.addWorksheet(name, {properties: { tabColor: { argb: "rbg value" } }'), v = {
properties: {
tabColor: {
argb: v
}) : (v.argb || v.theme || v.indexed) && (console.trace("tabColor argument is now deprecated. Please use workbook.addWorksheet(name, {properties: { tabColor: { ... } }"), v = {
properties: {
tabColor: v
var a = this._worksheets.reduce(function(i, n) {
return (n && n.orderNo) > i ? n.orderNo : i;
}, 0), r = Object.assign({}, v, {
id: c,
name: s,
orderNo: a + 1,
workbook: this
}), t = new b(r);
return this._worksheets[c] = t, t;
}, {
key: "removeWorksheetEx",
value: function(s) {
delete this._worksheets[];
}, {
key: "removeWorksheet",
value: function(s) {
var v = this.getWorksheet(s);
v && v.destroy();
}, {
key: "getWorksheet",
value: function(s) {
if (s === void 0)
return this._worksheets.find(Boolean);
if (typeof s == "number")
return this._worksheets[s];
if (typeof s == "string")
return this._worksheets.find(function(v) {
return v && === s;
}, {
key: "eachSheet",
value: function(s) {
this.worksheets.forEach(function(v) {
}, {
key: "clearThemes",
value: function() {
this._themes = void 0;
}, {
key: "addImage",
value: function(s) {
var v =;
return{}, s, {
type: "image"
})), v;
}, {
key: "getImage",
value: function(s) {
}, {
key: "xlsx",
get: function() {
return this._xlsx || (this._xlsx = new f(this)), this._xlsx;
}, {
key: "csv",
get: function() {
return this._csv || (this._csv = new y(this)), this._csv;
}, {
key: "nextId",
get: function() {
for (var s = 1; s < this._worksheets.length; s++)
if (!this._worksheets[s])
return s;
return this._worksheets.length || 1;
}, {
key: "worksheets",
get: function() {
return this._worksheets.slice(1).sort(function(s, v) {
return s.orderNo - v.orderNo;
}, {
key: "definedNames",
get: function() {
return this._definedNames;
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
return {
creator: this.creator || "Unknown",
lastModifiedBy: this.lastModifiedBy || "Unknown",
lastPrinted: this.lastPrinted,
created: this.created,
modified: this.modified,
worksheets: {
return s.model;
sheets: {
return s.model;
definedNames: this._definedNames.model,
views: this.views,
manager: this.manager,
title: this.title,
subject: this.subject,
keywords: this.keywords,
category: this.category,
description: this.description,
language: this.language,
revision: this.revision,
contentStatus: this.contentStatus,
themes: this._themes,
calcProperties: this.calcProperties
set: function(s) {
var v = this;
this.creator = s.creator, this.lastModifiedBy = s.lastModifiedBy, this.lastPrinted = s.lastPrinted, this.created = s.created, this.modified = s.modified, =, this.manager = s.manager, this.title = s.title, this.subject = s.subject, this.keywords = s.keywords, this.category = s.category, this.description = s.description, this.language = s.language, this.revision = s.revision, this.contentStatus = s.contentStatus, =, this.calcProperties = s.calcProperties, this._worksheets = [], s.worksheets.forEach(function(c) {
var a =, r =, t = c.state, i = s.sheets && s.sheets.findIndex(function(o) {
return === a;
}), n = v._worksheets[a] = new b({
id: a,
name: r,
orderNo: i,
state: t,
workbook: v
n.model = c;
}), this._definedNames.model = s.definedNames, this.views = s.views, this._themes = s.themes, = || [];
}]), l;
x.exports = h;
}, { "../csv/csv": 1, "../xlsx/xlsx": 141, "./defined-names": 6, "./worksheet": 14 }], 14: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(z, N) {
var M = Object.keys(z);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var I = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(z);
N && (I = I.filter(function(R) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(z, R).enumerable;
})), M.push.apply(M, I);
return M;
function m(z) {
for (var N = 1; N < arguments.length; N++) {
var M = arguments[N] != null ? arguments[N] : {};
N % 2 ? u(Object(M), !0).forEach(function(I) {
g(z, I, M[I]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(z, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(M)) : u(Object(M)).forEach(function(I) {
Object.defineProperty(z, I, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(M, I));
return z;
function g(z, N, M) {
return N in z ? Object.defineProperty(z, N, { value: M, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : z[N] = M, z;
function b(z) {
return h(z) || y(z) || f(z) || w();
function w() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function f(z, N) {
if (z) {
if (typeof z == "string")
return l(z, N);
var M =, -1);
if (M === "Object" && z.constructor && (M =, M === "Map" || M === "Set")
return Array.from(z);
if (M === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(M))
return l(z, N);
function y(z) {
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(z))
return Array.from(z);
function h(z) {
if (Array.isArray(z))
return l(z);
function l(z, N) {
(N == null || N > z.length) && (N = z.length);
for (var M = 0, I = new Array(N); M < N; M++)
I[M] = z[M];
return I;
function d(z, N) {
if (!(z instanceof N))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function s(z, N) {
for (var M = 0; M < N.length; M++) {
var I = N[M];
I.enumerable = I.enumerable || !1, I.configurable = !0, "value" in I && (I.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(z, I.key, I);
function v(z, N, M) {
return N && s(z.prototype, N), M && s(z, M), z;
var c = e("../utils/under-dash"), a = e("../utils/col-cache"), r = e("./range"), t = e("./row"), i = e("./column"), n = e("./enums"), o = e("./image"), p = e("./table"), O = e("./data-validations"), P = e("../utils/encryptor"), F = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function z(N) {
d(this, z), N = N || {}, =, this.orderNo = N.orderNo, = || "Sheet".concat(, this.state = N.state || "visible", this._rows = [], this._columns = null, this._keys = {}, this._merges = {}, this.rowBreaks = [], this._workbook = N.workbook, = Object.assign({}, {
defaultRowHeight: 15,
dyDescent: 55,
outlineLevelCol: 0,
outlineLevelRow: 0
},, this.pageSetup = Object.assign({}, {
margins: {
left: 0.7,
right: 0.7,
top: 0.75,
bottom: 0.75,
header: 0.3,
footer: 0.3
orientation: "portrait",
horizontalDpi: 4294967295,
verticalDpi: 4294967295,
fitToPage: !!(N.pageSetup && (N.pageSetup.fitToWidth || N.pageSetup.fitToHeight) && !N.pageSetup.scale),
pageOrder: "downThenOver",
blackAndWhite: !1,
draft: !1,
cellComments: "None",
errors: "displayed",
scale: 100,
fitToWidth: 1,
fitToHeight: 1,
paperSize: void 0,
showRowColHeaders: !1,
showGridLines: !1,
firstPageNumber: void 0,
horizontalCentered: !1,
verticalCentered: !1,
rowBreaks: null,
colBreaks: null
}, N.pageSetup), this.headerFooter = Object.assign({}, {
differentFirst: !1,
differentOddEven: !1,
oddHeader: null,
oddFooter: null,
evenHeader: null,
evenFooter: null,
firstHeader: null,
firstFooter: null
}, N.headerFooter), this.dataValidations = new O(), this.views = N.views || [], this.autoFilter = N.autoFilter || null, this._media = [], this.sheetProtection = null, this.tables = {}, this.conditionalFormattings = [];
return v(z, [{
key: "destroy",
// when you're done with this worksheet, call this to remove from workbook
value: function() {
// Get the bounding range of the cells in this worksheet
}, {
key: "getColumnKey",
value: function(M) {
return this._keys[M];
}, {
key: "setColumnKey",
value: function(M, I) {
this._keys[M] = I;
}, {
key: "deleteColumnKey",
value: function(M) {
delete this._keys[M];
}, {
key: "eachColumnKey",
value: function(M) {
c.each(this._keys, M);
// get a single column by col number. If it doesn't exist, create it and any gaps before it
}, {
key: "getColumn",
value: function(M) {
if (typeof M == "string") {
var I = this._keys[M];
if (I)
return I;
M = a.l2n(M);
if (this._columns || (this._columns = []), M > this._columns.length)
for (var R = this._columns.length + 1; R <= M; )
this._columns.push(new i(this, R++));
return this._columns[M - 1];
}, {
key: "spliceColumns",
value: function(M, I) {
for (var R = this, C = this._rows, E = C.length, A = arguments.length, L = new Array(A > 2 ? A - 2 : 0), $ = 2; $ < A; $++)
L[$ - 2] = arguments[$];
if (L.length > 0)
for (var W = function(ve) {
var ge = [M, I];
L.forEach(function(J) {
ge.push(J[ve] || null);
var oe = R.getRow(ve + 1);
oe.splice.apply(oe, ge);
}, U = 0; U < E; U++)
this._rows.forEach(function(ce) {
ce && ce.splice(M, I);
var D = L.length - I, B = M + I, j = this._columns.length;
if (D < 0)
for (var V = M + L.length; V <= j; V++)
this.getColumn(V).defn = this.getColumn(V - D).defn;
else if (D > 0)
for (var re = j; re >= B; re--)
this.getColumn(re + D).defn = this.getColumn(re).defn;
for (var ee = M; ee < M + L.length; ee++)
this.getColumn(ee).defn = null;
this.workbook.definedNames.spliceColumns(, M, I, L.length);
}, {
key: "_commitRow",
// =========================================================================
// Rows
value: function() {
}, {
key: "findRow",
// find a row (if exists) by row number
value: function(M) {
return this._rows[M - 1];
// find multiple rows (if exists) by row number
}, {
key: "findRows",
value: function(M, I) {
return this._rows.slice(M - 1, M - 1 + I);
}, {
key: "getRow",
// get a row by row number.
value: function(M) {
var I = this._rows[M - 1];
return I || (I = this._rows[M - 1] = new t(this, M)), I;
// get multiple rows by row number.
}, {
key: "getRows",
value: function(M, I) {
if (!(I < 1)) {
for (var R = [], C = M; C < M + I; C++)
return R;
}, {
key: "addRow",
value: function(M) {
var I = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "n", R = this._nextRow, C = this.getRow(R);
return C.values = M, this._setStyleOption(R, I[0] === "i" ? I : "n"), C;
}, {
key: "addRows",
value: function(M) {
var I = this, R = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "n", C = [];
return M.forEach(function(E) {
C.push(I.addRow(E, R));
}), C;
}, {
key: "insertRow",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "n";
return this.spliceRows(M, 0, I), this._setStyleOption(M, R), this.getRow(M);
}, {
key: "insertRows",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "n";
if (this.spliceRows.apply(this, [M, 0].concat(b(I))), R !== "n")
for (var C = 0; C < I.length; C++)
R[0] === "o" && this.findRow(I.length + M + C) !== void 0 ? this._copyStyle(I.length + M + C, M + C, R[1] === "+") : R[0] === "i" && this.findRow(M - 1) !== void 0 && this._copyStyle(M - 1, M + C, R[1] === "+");
return this.getRows(M, I.length);
// set row at position to same style as of either pervious row (option 'i') or next row (option 'o')
}, {
key: "_setStyleOption",
value: function(M) {
var I = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : "n";
I[0] === "o" && this.findRow(M + 1) !== void 0 ? this._copyStyle(M + 1, M, I[1] === "+") : I[0] === "i" && this.findRow(M - 1) !== void 0 && this._copyStyle(M - 1, M, I[1] === "+");
}, {
key: "_copyStyle",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1, C = this.getRow(M), E = this.getRow(I); = Object.freeze(m({},, C.eachCell({
includeEmpty: R
}, function(A, L) {
E.getCell(L).style = Object.freeze(m({},;
}), E.height = C.height;
}, {
key: "duplicateRow",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = this, C = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1, E = this._rows[M - 1], A = new Array(I).fill(E.values);
this.spliceRows.apply(this, [M + 1, C ? 0 : I].concat(b(A)));
for (var L = function(U) {
var D = R._rows[M + U]; =, D.height = E.height, E.eachCell({
includeEmpty: !0
}, function(B, j) {
D.getCell(j).style =;
}, $ = 0; $ < I; $++)
}, {
key: "spliceRows",
value: function(M, I) {
for (var R = this, C = M + I, E = arguments.length, A = new Array(E > 2 ? E - 2 : 0), L = 2; L < E; L++)
A[L - 2] = arguments[L];
var $ = A.length, W = $ - I, U = this._rows.length, D, B;
if (W < 0)
for (D = C; D <= U; D++)
B = this._rows[D - 1], B ? function() {
var V = R.getRow(D + W);
V.values = B.values, =, V.height = B.height, B.eachCell({
includeEmpty: !0
}, function(re, ee) {
V.getCell(ee).style =;
}), R._rows[D - 1] = void 0;
}() : this._rows[D + W - 1] = void 0;
else if (W > 0)
for (D = U; D >= C; D--)
B = this._rows[D - 1], B ? function() {
var V = R.getRow(D + W);
V.values = B.values, =, V.height = B.height, B.eachCell({
includeEmpty: !0
}, function(re, ee) {
if (V.getCell(ee).style =, === "MergeValue") {
var ce = R.getRow(re._row._number + $).getCell(ee), ve = re._value._master, ge = R.getRow(ve._row._number + $).getCell(ve._column._number);
}() : this._rows[D + W - 1] = void 0;
for (D = 0; D < $; D++) {
var j = this.getRow(M + D); = {}, j.values = A[D];
this.workbook.definedNames.spliceRows(, M, I, $);
// iterate over every row in the worksheet, including maybe empty rows
}, {
key: "eachRow",
value: function(M, I) {
if (I || (I = M, M = void 0), M && M.includeEmpty)
for (var R = this._rows.length, C = 1; C <= R; C++)
I(this.getRow(C), C);
this._rows.forEach(function(E) {
E && E.hasValues && I(E, E.number);
// return all rows as sparse array
}, {
key: "getSheetValues",
value: function() {
var M = [];
return this._rows.forEach(function(I) {
I && (M[I.number] = I.values);
}), M;
// =========================================================================
// Cells
// returns the cell at [r,c] or address given by r. If not found, return undefined
}, {
key: "findCell",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = a.getAddress(M, I), C = this._rows[R.row - 1];
return C ? C.findCell(R.col) : void 0;
// return the cell at [r,c] or address given by r. If not found, create a new one.
}, {
key: "getCell",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = a.getAddress(M, I), C = this.getRow(R.row);
return C.getCellEx(R);
// =========================================================================
// Merge
// convert the range defined by ['tl:br'], [tl,br] or [t,l,b,r] into a single 'merged' cell
}, {
key: "mergeCells",
value: function() {
for (var M = arguments.length, I = new Array(M), R = 0; R < M; R++)
I[R] = arguments[R];
var C = new r(I);
}, {
key: "mergeCellsWithoutStyle",
value: function() {
for (var M = arguments.length, I = new Array(M), R = 0; R < M; R++)
I[R] = arguments[R];
var C = new r(I);
this._mergeCellsInternal(C, !0);
}, {
key: "_mergeCellsInternal",
value: function(M, I) {
c.each(this._merges, function(A) {
if (A.intersects(M))
throw new Error("Cannot merge already merged cells");
for (var R = this.getCell(, M.left), C =; C <= M.bottom; C++)
for (var E = M.left; E <= M.right; E++)
(C > || E > M.left) && this.getCell(C, E).merge(R, I);
this._merges[R.address] = M;
}, {
key: "_unMergeMaster",
value: function(M) {
var I = this._merges[M.address];
if (I) {
for (var R =; R <= I.bottom; R++)
for (var C = I.left; C <= I.right; C++)
this.getCell(R, C).unmerge();
delete this._merges[M.address];
}, {
key: "unMergeCells",
// scan the range defined by ['tl:br'], [tl,br] or [t,l,b,r] and if any cell is part of a merge,
// un-merge the group. Note this function can affect multiple merges and merge-blocks are
// atomic - either they're all merged or all un-merged.
value: function() {
for (var M = arguments.length, I = new Array(M), R = 0; R < M; R++)
I[R] = arguments[R];
for (var C = new r(I), E =; E <= C.bottom; E++)
for (var A = C.left; A <= C.right; A++) {
var L = this.findCell(E, A);
L && (L.type === n.ValueType.Merge ? this._unMergeMaster(L.master) : this._merges[L.address] && this._unMergeMaster(L));
// ===========================================================================
// Shared/Array Formula
}, {
key: "fillFormula",
value: function(M, I, R) {
var C = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : "shared", E = a.decode(M), A =, L = E.left, $ = E.bottom, W = E.right, U = W - L + 1, D = a.encodeAddress(A, L), B = C === "shared", j;
typeof R == "function" ? j = R : Array.isArray(R) ? Array.isArray(R[0]) ? j = function(ve, ge) {
return R[ve - A][ge - L];
} : j = function(ve, ge) {
return R[(ve - A) * U + (ge - L)];
} : j = function() {
for (var V = !0, re = A; re <= $; re++)
for (var ee = L; ee <= W; ee++)
V ? (this.getCell(re, ee).value = {
shareType: C,
formula: I,
ref: M,
result: j(re, ee)
}, V = !1) : this.getCell(re, ee).value = B ? {
sharedFormula: D,
result: j(re, ee)
} : j(re, ee);
// =========================================================================
// Images
}, {
key: "addImage",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = {
type: "image",
imageId: M,
range: I
this._media.push(new o(this, R));
}, {
key: "getImages",
value: function() {
return this._media.filter(function(M) {
return M.type === "image";
}, {
key: "addBackgroundImage",
value: function(M) {
var I = {
type: "background",
imageId: M
this._media.push(new o(this, I));
}, {
key: "getBackgroundImageId",
value: function() {
var M = this._media.find(function(I) {
return I.type === "background";
return M && M.imageId;
// =========================================================================
// Worksheet Protection
}, {
key: "protect",
value: function(M, I) {
var R = this;
return new Promise(function(C) {
R.sheetProtection = {
sheet: !0
}, I && "spinCount" in I && (I.spinCount = Number.isFinite(I.spinCount) ? Math.round(Math.max(0, I.spinCount)) : 1e5), M && (R.sheetProtection.algorithmName = "SHA-512", R.sheetProtection.saltValue = P.randomBytes(16).toString("base64"), R.sheetProtection.spinCount = I && "spinCount" in I ? I.spinCount : 1e5, R.sheetProtection.hashValue = P.convertPasswordToHash(M, "SHA512", R.sheetProtection.saltValue, R.sheetProtection.spinCount)), I && (R.sheetProtection = Object.assign(R.sheetProtection, I), !M && "spinCount" in I && delete R.sheetProtection.spinCount), C();
}, {
key: "unprotect",
value: function() {
this.sheetProtection = null;
// =========================================================================
// Tables
}, {
key: "addTable",
value: function(M) {
var I = new p(this, M);
return this.tables[] = I, I;
}, {
key: "getTable",
value: function(M) {
return this.tables[M];
}, {
key: "removeTable",
value: function(M) {
delete this.tables[M];
}, {
key: "getTables",
value: function() {
return Object.values(this.tables);
// ===========================================================================
// Conditional Formatting
}, {
key: "addConditionalFormatting",
value: function(M) {
}, {
key: "removeConditionalFormatting",
value: function(M) {
typeof M == "number" ? this.conditionalFormattings.splice(M, 1) : M instanceof Function ? this.conditionalFormattings = this.conditionalFormattings.filter(M) : this.conditionalFormattings = [];
// ===========================================================================
// Deprecated
}, {
key: "_parseRows",
value: function(M) {
var I = this;
this._rows = [], M.rows.forEach(function(R) {
var C = new t(I, R.number);
I._rows[C.number - 1] = C, C.model = R;
}, {
key: "_parseMergeCells",
value: function(M) {
var I = this;
c.each(M.mergeCells, function(R) {
}, {
key: "workbook",
get: function() {
return this._workbook;
}, {
key: "dimensions",
get: function() {
var M = new r();
return this._rows.forEach(function(I) {
if (I) {
var R = I.dimensions;
R && M.expand(I.number, R.min, I.number, R.max);
}), M;
// =========================================================================
// Columns
// get the current columns array.
}, {
key: "columns",
get: function() {
return this._columns;
set: function(M) {
var I = this;
this._headerRowCount = M.reduce(function(E, A) {
var L = A.header && 1 || A.headers && A.headers.length || 0;
return Math.max(E, L);
}, 0);
var R = 1, C = this._columns = [];
M.forEach(function(E) {
var A = new i(I, R++, !1);
C.push(A), A.defn = E;
}, {
key: "lastColumn",
get: function() {
return this.getColumn(this.columnCount);
}, {
key: "columnCount",
get: function() {
var M = 0;
return this.eachRow(function(I) {
M = Math.max(M, I.cellCount);
}), M;
}, {
key: "actualColumnCount",
get: function() {
var M = [], I = 0;
return this.eachRow(function(R) {
R.eachCell(function(C) {
var E = C.col;
M[E] || (M[E] = !0, I++);
}), I;
}, {
key: "_lastRowNumber",
get: function() {
for (var M = this._rows, I = M.length; I > 0 && M[I - 1] === void 0; )
return I;
}, {
key: "_nextRow",
get: function() {
return this._lastRowNumber + 1;
}, {
key: "lastRow",
get: function() {
if (this._rows.length)
return this._rows[this._rows.length - 1];
}, {
key: "rowCount",
get: function() {
return this._lastRowNumber;
}, {
key: "actualRowCount",
get: function() {
var M = 0;
return this.eachRow(function() {
}), M;
}, {
key: "hasMerges",
get: function() {
return c.some(this._merges, Boolean);
}, {
key: "tabColor",
get: function() {
return console.trace("worksheet.tabColor property is now deprecated. Please use"),;
set: function(M) {
console.trace("worksheet.tabColor property is now deprecated. Please use"), = M;
// ===========================================================================
// Model
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
var M = {
dataValidations: this.dataValidations.model,
state: this.state,
pageSetup: this.pageSetup,
headerFooter: this.headerFooter,
rowBreaks: this.rowBreaks,
views: this.views,
autoFilter: this.autoFilter,
media: {
return C.model;
sheetProtection: this.sheetProtection,
tables: Object.values(this.tables).map(function(C) {
return C.model;
conditionalFormattings: this.conditionalFormattings
M.cols = i.toModel(this.columns);
var I = M.rows = [], R = M.dimensions = new r();
return this._rows.forEach(function(C) {
var E = C && C.model;
E && (R.expand(E.number, E.min, E.number, E.max), I.push(E));
}), M.merges = [], c.each(this._merges, function(C) {
}), M;
set: function(M) {
var I = this; =, this._columns = i.fromModel(this, M.cols), this._parseRows(M), this._parseMergeCells(M), this.dataValidations = new O(M.dataValidations), =, this.pageSetup = M.pageSetup, this.headerFooter = M.headerFooter, this.views = M.views, this.autoFilter = M.autoFilter, this._media = {
return new o(I, R);
}), this.sheetProtection = M.sheetProtection, this.tables = M.tables.reduce(function(R, C) {
var E = new p();
return E.model = C, R[] = E, R;
}, {}), this.conditionalFormattings = M.conditionalFormattings;
}]), z;
x.exports = F;
}, { "../utils/col-cache": 19, "../utils/encryptor": 20, "../utils/under-dash": 25, "./column": 4, "./data-validations": 5, "./enums": 7, "./image": 8, "./range": 10, "./row": 11, "./table": 12 }], 15: [function(e, x, _) {
e("core-js/modules/es.promise"), e("core-js/modules/es.object.assign"), e("core-js/modules/es.object.keys"), e("core-js/modules/es.object.values"), e("core-js/modules/es.symbol"), e("core-js/modules/es.symbol.async-iterator"), e("core-js/modules/es.array.iterator"), e("core-js/modules/es.array.includes"), e("core-js/modules/es.array.find-index"), e("core-js/modules/es.array.find"), e("core-js/modules/es.string.from-code-point"), e("core-js/modules/es.string.includes"), e("core-js/modules/"), e("regenerator-runtime/runtime");
var u = {
Workbook: e("./doc/workbook")
}, m = e("./doc/enums");
Object.keys(m).forEach(function(g) {
u[g] = m[g];
}), x.exports = u;
}, { "./doc/enums": 7, "./doc/workbook": 13, "core-js/modules/es.array.find": 316, "core-js/modules/es.array.find-index": 315, "core-js/modules/es.array.includes": 317, "core-js/modules/es.array.iterator": 318, "core-js/modules/": 319, "core-js/modules/es.object.assign": 320, "core-js/modules/es.object.keys": 321, "core-js/modules/es.object.values": 322, "core-js/modules/es.promise": 323, "core-js/modules/es.string.from-code-point": 324, "core-js/modules/es.string.includes": 325, "core-js/modules/es.symbol": 327, "core-js/modules/es.symbol.async-iterator": 326, "regenerator-runtime/runtime": 492 }], 16: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = typeof TextDecoder == "undefined" ? null : new TextDecoder("utf-8");
function m(g) {
return typeof g == "string" ? g : u ? u.decode(g) : g.toString();
_.bufferToString = m;
}, {}], 17: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = typeof TextEncoder == "undefined" ? null : new TextEncoder("utf-8"), m = e("buffer"), g = m.Buffer;
function b(w) {
return typeof w != "string" ? w : u ? g.from(u.encode(w).buffer) : g.from(w);
_.stringToBuffer = b;
}, { buffer: 216 }], 18: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y, h) {
if (!(y instanceof h))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(y, h) {
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var d = h[l];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(y, d.key, d);
function g(y, h, l) {
return h && m(y.prototype, h), l && m(y, l), y;
var b = e("./under-dash"), w = e("./col-cache"), f = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function y(h) {
u(this, y), this.template = h, this.sheets = {};
return g(y, [{
key: "addCell",
value: function(l) {
}, {
key: "getCell",
value: function(l) {
return this.findCellEx(w.decodeEx(l), !0);
}, {
key: "findCell",
value: function(l) {
return this.findCellEx(w.decodeEx(l), !1);
}, {
key: "findCellAt",
value: function(l, d, s) {
var v = this.sheets[l], c = v && v[d];
return c && c[s];
}, {
key: "addCellEx",
value: function(l) {
if (
for (var d =; d <= l.bottom; d++)
for (var s = l.left; s <= l.right; s++)
this.getCellAt(l.sheetName, d, s);
this.findCellEx(l, !0);
}, {
key: "getCellEx",
value: function(l) {
return this.findCellEx(l, !0);
}, {
key: "findCellEx",
value: function(l, d) {
var s = this.findSheet(l, d), v = this.findSheetRow(s, l, d);
return this.findRowCell(v, l, d);
}, {
key: "getCellAt",
value: function(l, d, s) {
var v = this.sheets[l] || (this.sheets[l] = []), c = v[d] || (v[d] = []), a = c[s] || (c[s] = {
sheetName: l,
address: w.n2l(s) + d,
row: d,
col: s
return a;
}, {
key: "removeCellEx",
value: function(l) {
var d = this.findSheet(l);
if (d) {
var s = this.findSheetRow(d, l);
s && delete s[l.col];
}, {
key: "forEachInSheet",
value: function(l, d) {
var s = this.sheets[l];
s && s.forEach(function(v, c) {
v && v.forEach(function(a, r) {
a && d(a, c, r);
}, {
key: "forEach",
value: function(l) {
var d = this;
b.each(this.sheets, function(s, v) {
d.forEachInSheet(v, l);
}, {
key: "map",
value: function(l) {
var d = [];
return this.forEach(function(s) {
}), d;
}, {
key: "findSheet",
value: function(l, d) {
var s = l.sheetName;
if (this.sheets[s])
return this.sheets[s];
if (d)
return this.sheets[s] = [];
}, {
key: "findSheetRow",
value: function(l, d, s) {
var v = d.row;
if (l && l[v])
return l[v];
if (s)
return l[v] = [];
}, {
key: "findRowCell",
value: function(l, d, s) {
var v = d.col;
if (l && l[v])
return l[v];
if (s)
return l[v] = this.template ? Object.assign(d, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.template))) : d;
}, {
key: "spliceRows",
value: function(l, d, s, v) {
var c = this.sheets[l];
if (c) {
for (var a = [], r = 0; r < v; r++)
c.splice.apply(c, [d, s].concat(a));
}, {
key: "spliceColumns",
value: function(l, d, s, v) {
var c = this.sheets[l];
if (c) {
for (var a = [], r = 0; r < v; r++)
b.each(c, function(t) {
t.splice.apply(t, [d, s].concat(a));
}]), y;
x.exports = f;
}, { "./col-cache": 19, "./under-dash": 25 }], 19: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(v, c) {
return f(v) || w(v, c) || g(v, c) || m();
function m() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function g(v, c) {
if (v) {
if (typeof v == "string")
return b(v, c);
var a =, -1);
if (a === "Object" && v.constructor && (a =, a === "Map" || a === "Set")
return Array.from(v);
if (a === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(a))
return b(v, c);
function b(v, c) {
(c == null || c > v.length) && (c = v.length);
for (var a = 0, r = new Array(c); a < c; a++)
r[a] = v[a];
return r;
function w(v, c) {
if (!(typeof Symbol == "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(v)))) {
var a = [], r = !0, t = !1, i = void 0;
try {
for (var n = v[Symbol.iterator](), o; !(r = (o = && (a.push(o.value), !(c && a.length === c)); r = !0)
} catch (p) {
t = !0, i = p;
} finally {
try {
!r && n.return != null && n.return();
} finally {
if (t)
throw i;
return a;
function f(v) {
if (Array.isArray(v))
return v;
function y(v, c) {
var a = Object.keys(v);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(v);
c && (r = r.filter(function(t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(v, t).enumerable;
})), a.push.apply(a, r);
return a;
function h(v) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var a = arguments[c] != null ? arguments[c] : {};
c % 2 ? y(Object(a), !0).forEach(function(r) {
l(v, r, a[r]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(v, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(a)) : y(Object(a)).forEach(function(r) {
Object.defineProperty(v, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, r));
return v;
function l(v, c, a) {
return c in v ? Object.defineProperty(v, c, { value: a, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : v[c] = a, v;
var d = /^[A-Z]+\d+$/, s = {
_dictionary: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"],
_l2nFill: 0,
_l2n: {},
_n2l: [],
_level: function(c) {
return c <= 26 ? 1 : c <= 26 * 26 ? 2 : 3;
_fill: function(c) {
var a, r, t, i, n, o = 1;
if (c >= 4)
throw new Error("Out of bounds. Excel supports columns from 1 to 16384");
if (this._l2nFill < 1 && c >= 1) {
for (; o <= 26; )
a = this._dictionary[o - 1], this._n2l[o] = a, this._l2n[a] = o, o++;
this._l2nFill = 1;
if (this._l2nFill < 2 && c >= 2) {
for (o = 27; o <= 26 + 26 * 26; )
r = o - (26 + 1), t = r % 26, i = Math.floor(r / 26), a = this._dictionary[i] + this._dictionary[t], this._n2l[o] = a, this._l2n[a] = o, o++;
this._l2nFill = 2;
if (this._l2nFill < 3 && c >= 3) {
for (o = 26 + 26 * 26 + 1; o <= 16384; )
r = o - (26 * 26 + 26 + 1), t = r % 26, i = Math.floor(r / 26) % 26, n = Math.floor(r / (26 * 26)), a = this._dictionary[n] + this._dictionary[i] + this._dictionary[t], this._n2l[o] = a, this._l2n[a] = o, o++;
this._l2nFill = 3;
l2n: function(c) {
if (this._l2n[c] || this._fill(c.length), !this._l2n[c])
throw new Error("Out of bounds. Invalid column letter: ".concat(c));
return this._l2n[c];
n2l: function(c) {
if (c < 1 || c > 16384)
throw new Error("".concat(c, " is out of bounds. Excel supports columns from 1 to 16384"));
return this._n2l[c] || this._fill(this._level(c)), this._n2l[c];
// =========================================================================
// Address processing
_hash: {},
// check if value looks like an address
validateAddress: function(c) {
if (!d.test(c))
throw new Error("Invalid Address: ".concat(c));
return !0;
// convert address string into structure
decodeAddress: function(c) {
var a = c.length < 5 && this._hash[c];
if (a)
return a;
for (var r = !1, t = "", i = 0, n = !1, o = "", p = 0, O = 0, P; O < c.length; O++)
if (P = c.charCodeAt(O), !n && P >= 65 && P <= 90)
r = !0, t += c[O], i = i * 26 + P - 64;
else if (P >= 48 && P <= 57)
n = !0, o += c[O], p = p * 10 + P - 48;
else if (n && r && P !== 36)
if (!r)
i = void 0;
else if (i > 16384)
throw new Error("Out of bounds. Invalid column letter: ".concat(t));
n || (p = void 0), c = t + o;
var F = {
address: c,
col: i,
row: p,
$col$row: "$".concat(t, "$").concat(o)
return i <= 100 && p <= 100 && (this._hash[c] = F, this._hash[F.$col$row] = F), F;
// convert r,c into structure (if only 1 arg, assume r is address string)
getAddress: function(c, a) {
if (a) {
var r = this.n2l(a) + c;
return this.decodeAddress(r);
return this.decodeAddress(c);
// convert [address], [tl:br] into address structures
decode: function(c) {
var a = c.split(":");
if (a.length === 2) {
var r = this.decodeAddress(a[0]), t = this.decodeAddress(a[1]), i = {
top: Math.min(r.row, t.row),
left: Math.min(r.col, t.col),
bottom: Math.max(r.row, t.row),
right: Math.max(r.col, t.col)
return = this.n2l(i.left) +, = this.n2l(i.right) + i.bottom, i.dimensions = "".concat(, ":").concat(, i;
return this.decodeAddress(c);
// convert [sheetName!][$]col[$]row[[$]col[$]row] into address or range structures
decodeEx: function(c) {
var a = c.match(/(?:(?:(?:'((?:[^']|'')*)')|([^'^ !]*))!)?(.*)/), r = a[1] || a[2], t = a[3], i = t.split(":");
if (i.length > 1) {
var n = this.decodeAddress(i[0]), o = this.decodeAddress(i[1]), p = Math.min(n.row, o.row), O = Math.min(n.col, o.col), P = Math.max(n.row, o.row), F = Math.max(n.col, o.col);
return n = this.n2l(O) + p, o = this.n2l(F) + P, {
top: p,
left: O,
bottom: P,
right: F,
sheetName: r,
tl: {
address: n,
col: O,
row: p,
$col$row: "$".concat(this.n2l(O), "$").concat(p),
sheetName: r
br: {
address: o,
col: F,
row: P,
$col$row: "$".concat(this.n2l(F), "$").concat(P),
sheetName: r
dimensions: "".concat(n, ":").concat(o)
if (t.startsWith("#"))
return r ? {
sheetName: r,
error: t
} : {
error: t
var z = this.decodeAddress(t);
return r ? h({
sheetName: r
}, z) : z;
// convert row,col into address string
encodeAddress: function(c, a) {
return s.n2l(a) + c;
// convert row,col into string address or t,l,b,r into range
encode: function() {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 2:
return s.encodeAddress(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
case 4:
return "".concat(s.encodeAddress(arguments[0], arguments[1]), ":").concat(s.encodeAddress(arguments[2], arguments[3]));
throw new Error("Can only encode with 2 or 4 arguments");
// return true if address is contained within range
inRange: function(c, a) {
var r = u(c, 5), t = r[0], i = r[1], n = r[3], o = r[4], p = u(a, 2), O = p[0], P = p[1];
return O >= t && O <= n && P >= i && P <= o;
x.exports = s;
}, {}], 20: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("crypto"), g = {
* Calculate a hash of the concatenated buffers with the given algorithm.
* @param {string} algorithm - The hash algorithm.
* @returns {Buffer} The hash
hash: function(w) {
for (var f = m.createHash(w), y = arguments.length, h = new Array(y > 1 ? y - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < y; l++)
h[l - 1] = arguments[l];
return f.update(u.concat(h)), f.digest();
* Convert a password into an encryption key
* @param {string} password - The password
* @param {string} hashAlgorithm - The hash algoritm
* @param {string} saltValue - The salt value
* @param {number} spinCount - The spin count
* @param {number} keyBits - The length of the key in bits
* @param {Buffer} blockKey - The block key
* @returns {Buffer} The encryption key
convertPasswordToHash: function(w, f, y, h) {
f = f.toLowerCase();
var l = m.getHashes();
if (l.indexOf(f) < 0)
throw new Error("Hash algorithm '".concat(f, "' not supported!"));
for (var d = u.from(w, "utf16le"), s = this.hash(f, u.from(y, "base64"), d), v = 0; v < h; v++) {
var c = u.alloc(4);
c.writeUInt32LE(v, 0), s = this.hash(f, s, c);
return s.toString("base64");
* Generates cryptographically strong pseudo-random data.
* @param size The size argument is a number indicating the number of bytes to generate.
randomBytes: function(w) {
return m.randomBytes(w);
x.exports = g;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { buffer: 216, crypto: 335 }], 21: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(v) {
return new b(v);
function m(v) {
return function() {
return new g(v.apply(this, arguments));
function g(v) {
var c, a;
function r(n, o) {
return new Promise(function(p, O) {
var P = { key: n, arg: o, resolve: p, reject: O, next: null };
a ? a = = P : (c = a = P, t(n, o));
function t(n, o) {
try {
var p = v[n](o), O = p.value, P = O instanceof b;
Promise.resolve(P ? O.wrapped : O).then(function(F) {
if (P) {
t(n === "return" ? "return" : "next", F);
i(p.done ? "return" : "normal", F);
}, function(F) {
t("throw", F);
} catch (F) {
i("throw", F);
function i(n, o) {
switch (n) {
case "return":
c.resolve({ value: o, done: !0 });
case "throw":
c.resolve({ value: o, done: !1 });
c =, c ? t(c.key, c.arg) : a = null;
this._invoke = r, typeof v.return != "function" && (this.return = void 0);
typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.asyncIterator && (g.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {
return this;
}), = function(v) {
return this._invoke("next", v);
}, g.prototype.throw = function(v) {
return this._invoke("throw", v);
}, g.prototype.return = function(v) {
return this._invoke("return", v);
function b(v) {
this.wrapped = v;
function w(v) {
var c;
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && (Symbol.asyncIterator && (c = v[Symbol.asyncIterator], c != null) || Symbol.iterator && (c = v[Symbol.iterator], c != null)))
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable");
var f = e("saxes"), y = f.SaxesParser, h = e("readable-stream"), l = h.PassThrough, d = e("./browser-buffer-decode"), s = d.bufferToString;
x.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
var v = m(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function c(a) {
var r, t, i, n, o, p, O, P, F, z;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(M) {
for (; ; )
switch (M.prev = {
case 0:
a.pipe && !a[Symbol.asyncIterator] && (a = a.pipe(new l())), r = new y(), r.on("error", function(I) {
t = I;
}), i = [], r.on("opentag", function(I) {
return i.push({
eventType: "opentag",
value: I
}), r.on("text", function(I) {
return i.push({
eventType: "text",
value: I
}), r.on("closetag", function(I) {
return i.push({
eventType: "closetag",
value: I
}), n = !0, o = !1, M.prev = 9, O = w(a);
case 11:
return = 13, u(;
case 13:
return P = M.sent, n = P.done, = 17, u(P.value);
case 17:
if (F = M.sent, n) { = 29;
if (z = F, r.write(s(z)), !t) { = 23;
throw t;
case 23:
return = 25, i;
case 25:
i = [];
case 26:
n = !0, = 11;
case 29: = 35;
case 31:
M.prev = 31, M.t0 = M.catch(9), o = !0, p = M.t0;
case 35:
if (M.prev = 35, M.prev = 36, !(!n && O.return != null)) { = 40;
return = 40, u(O.return());
case 40:
if (M.prev = 40, !o) { = 43;
throw p;
case 43:
return M.finish(40);
case 44:
return M.finish(35);
case 45:
case "end":
return M.stop();
}, c, null, [[9, 31, 35, 45], [36, , 40, 44]]);
return function(c) {
return v.apply(this, arguments);
}, { "./browser-buffer-decode": 16, "readable-stream": 491, saxes: 496 }], 22: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./col-cache"), m = /(([a-z_\-0-9]*)!)?([a-z0-9_$]{2,})([(])?/gi, g = /^([$])?([a-z]+)([$])?([1-9][0-9]*)$/i;
function b(w, f, y) {
var h = u.decode(f), l = u.decode(y);
return w.replace(m, function(d, s, v, c, a) {
if (a)
return d;
var r = g.exec(c);
if (r) {
var t = r[1], i = r[2].toUpperCase(), n = r[3], o = r[4];
if (i.length > 3 || i.length === 3 && i > "XFD")
return d;
var p = u.l2n(i), O = parseInt(o, 10);
t || (p += l.col - h.col), n || (O += l.row - h.row);
var P = (s || "") + (t || "") + u.n2l(p) + (n || "") + O;
return P;
return d;
x.exports = {
slideFormula: b
}, { "./col-cache": 19 }], 23: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
function g(t, i, n, o, p, O, P) {
try {
var F = t[O](P), z = F.value;
} catch (N) {
F.done ? i(z) : Promise.resolve(z).then(o, p);
function b(t) {
return function() {
var i = this, n = arguments;
return new Promise(function(o, p) {
var O = t.apply(i, n);
function P(z) {
g(O, o, p, P, F, "next", z);
function F(z) {
g(O, o, p, P, F, "throw", z);
P(void 0);
function w(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function y(t, i, n) {
return i && f(t.prototype, i), n && f(t, n), t;
var h = e("readable-stream"), l = e("./utils"), d = e("./string-buf"), s = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function t(i, n) {
w(this, t), this._data = i, this._encoding = n;
return y(t, [{
key: "copy",
// copy to target buffer
value: function(n, o, p, O) {
return this.toBuffer().copy(n, o, p, O);
}, {
key: "toBuffer",
value: function() {
return this._buffer || (this._buffer = m.from(this._data, this._encoding)), this._buffer;
}, {
key: "length",
get: function() {
return this.toBuffer().length;
}]), t;
}(), v = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function t(i) {
w(this, t), this._data = i;
return y(t, [{
key: "copy",
// copy to target buffer
value: function(n, o, p, O) {
return this._data._buf.copy(n, o, p, O);
}, {
key: "toBuffer",
value: function() {
return this._data.toBuffer();
}, {
key: "length",
get: function() {
return this._data.length;
}]), t;
}(), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function t(i) {
w(this, t), this._data = i;
return y(t, [{
key: "copy",
// copy to target buffer
value: function(n, o, p, O) {
this._data.copy(n, o, p, O);
}, {
key: "toBuffer",
value: function() {
return this._data;
}, {
key: "length",
get: function() {
return this._data.length;
}]), t;
}(), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function t(i) {
w(this, t), this.size = i, this.buffer = m.alloc(i), this.iRead = 0, this.iWrite = 0;
return y(t, [{
key: "toBuffer",
value: function() {
if (this.iRead === 0 && this.iWrite === this.size)
return this.buffer;
var n = m.alloc(this.iWrite - this.iRead);
return this.buffer.copy(n, 0, this.iRead, this.iWrite), n;
}, {
key: "read",
value: function(n) {
var o;
return n === 0 ? null : n === void 0 || n >= this.length ? (o = this.toBuffer(), this.iRead = this.iWrite, o) : (o = m.alloc(n), this.buffer.copy(o, 0, this.iRead, n), this.iRead += n, o);
}, {
key: "write",
value: function(n, o, p) {
var O = Math.min(p, this.size - this.iWrite);
return n.copy(this.buffer, this.iWrite, o, o + O), this.iWrite += O, O;
}, {
key: "length",
get: function() {
return this.iWrite - this.iRead;
}, {
key: "eod",
get: function() {
return this.iRead === this.iWrite;
}, {
key: "full",
get: function() {
return this.iWrite === this.size;
}]), t;
}(), r = function(i) {
i = i || {}, this.bufSize = i.bufSize || 1024 * 1024, this.buffers = [], this.batch = i.batch || !1, this.corked = !1, this.inPos = 0, this.outPos = 0, this.pipes = [], this.paused = !1, this.encoding = null;
l.inherits(r, h.Duplex, {
toBuffer: function() {
switch (this.buffers.length) {
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
return this.buffers[0].toBuffer();
return m.concat( {
return i.toBuffer();
// writable
// event drain - if write returns false (which it won't), indicates when safe to write again.
// finish - end() has been called
// pipe(src) - pipe() has been called on readable
// unpipe(src) - unpipe() has been called on readable
// error - duh
_getWritableBuffer: function() {
if (this.buffers.length) {
var i = this.buffers[this.buffers.length - 1];
if (!i.full)
return i;
var n = new a(this.bufSize);
return this.buffers.push(n), n;
_pipe: function(i) {
var n = this;
return b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function o() {
var p;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(P) {
for (; ; )
switch (P.prev = {
case 0:
return p = function(z) {
return new Promise(function(N) {
z.write(i.toBuffer(), function() {
}, = 3, Promise.all(;
case 3:
case "end":
return P.stop();
}, o);
_writeToBuffers: function(i) {
for (var n = 0, o = i.length; n < o; ) {
var p = this._getWritableBuffer();
n += p.write(i, n, o - n);
write: function(i, n, o) {
var p = this;
return b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function O() {
var P;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(z) {
for (; ; )
switch (z.prev = {
case 0:
if (n instanceof Function && (o = n, n = "utf8"), o = o || l.nop, !(i instanceof d)) { = 6;
P = new v(i), = 15;
case 6:
if (!(i instanceof m)) { = 10;
P = new c(i), = 15;
case 10:
if (!(typeof i == "string" || i instanceof String || i instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { = 14;
P = new s(i, n), = 15;
case 14:
throw new Error("Chunk must be one of type String, Buffer or StringBuf.");
case 15:
if (!p.pipes.length) { = 31;
if (!p.batch) { = 21;
for (p._writeToBuffers(P); !p.corked && p.buffers.length > 1; )
p._pipe(p.buffers.shift()); = 29;
case 21:
if (p.corked) { = 27;
return = 24, p._pipe(P);
case 24:
o(), = 29;
case 27:
p._writeToBuffers(P), u.nextTick(o);
case 29: = 34;
case 31:
p.paused || p.emit("data", P.toBuffer()), p._writeToBuffers(P), p.emit("readable");
case 34:
return z.abrupt("return", !0);
case 35:
case "end":
return z.stop();
}, O);
cork: function() {
this.corked = !0;
_flush: function() {
if (this.pipes.length)
for (; this.buffers.length; )
uncork: function() {
this.corked = !1, this._flush();
end: function(i, n, o) {
var p = this, O = function(F) {
F ? o(F) : (p._flush(), p.pipes.forEach(function(z) {
}), p.emit("finish"));
i ? this.write(i, n, O) : O();
// readable
// event readable - some data is now available
// event data - switch to flowing mode - feeds chunks to handler
// event end - no more data
// event close - optional, indicates upstream close
// event error - duh
read: function(i) {
var n;
if (i) {
for (n = []; i && this.buffers.length && !this.buffers[0].eod; ) {
var o = this.buffers[0], p =;
i -= p.length, n.push(p), o.eod && o.full && this.buffers.shift();
return m.concat(n);
return n = {
return O.toBuffer();
}).filter(Boolean), this.buffers = [], m.concat(n);
setEncoding: function(i) {
this.encoding = i;
pause: function() {
this.paused = !0;
resume: function() {
this.paused = !1;
isPaused: function() {
return !!this.paused;
pipe: function(i) {
this.pipes.push(i), !this.paused && this.buffers.length && this.end();
unpipe: function(i) {
this.pipes = this.pipes.filter(function(n) {
return n !== i;
unshift: function() {
throw new Error("Not Implemented");
wrap: function() {
throw new Error("Not Implemented");
}), x.exports = r;
}).call(this, e("_process"), e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "./string-buf": 24, "./utils": 26, _process: 467, buffer: 216, "readable-stream": 491 }], 24: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(f, y) {
if (!(f instanceof y))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(f, y) {
for (var h = 0; h < y.length; h++) {
var l = y[h];
l.enumerable = l.enumerable || !1, l.configurable = !0, "value" in l && (l.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(f, l.key, l);
function b(f, y, h) {
return y && g(f.prototype, y), h && g(f, h), f;
var w = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function f(y) {
m(this, f), this._buf = u.alloc(y && y.size || 16384), this._encoding = y && y.encoding || "utf8", this._inPos = 0, this._buffer = void 0;
return b(f, [{
key: "toBuffer",
value: function() {
return this._buffer || (this._buffer = u.alloc(this.length), this._buf.copy(this._buffer, 0, 0, this.length)), this._buffer;
}, {
key: "reset",
value: function(h) {
h = h || 0, this._buffer = void 0, this._inPos = h;
}, {
key: "_grow",
value: function(h) {
for (var l = this._buf.length * 2; l < h; )
l *= 2;
var d = u.alloc(l);
this._buf.copy(d, 0), this._buf = d;
}, {
key: "addText",
value: function(h) {
this._buffer = void 0;
for (var l = this._inPos + this._buf.write(h, this._inPos, this._encoding); l >= this._buf.length - 4; )
this._grow(this._inPos + h.length), l = this._inPos + this._buf.write(h, this._inPos, this._encoding);
this._inPos = l;
}, {
key: "addStringBuf",
value: function(h) {
h.length && (this._buffer = void 0, this.length + h.length > this.capacity && this._grow(this.length + h.length), h._buf.copy(this._buf, this._inPos, 0, h.length), this._inPos += h.length);
}, {
key: "length",
get: function() {
return this._inPos;
}, {
key: "capacity",
get: function() {
return this._buf.length;
}, {
key: "buffer",
get: function() {
return this._buf;
}]), f;
x.exports = w;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { buffer: 216 }], 25: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(w) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(y) {
return typeof y;
} : u = function(y) {
return y && typeof Symbol == "function" && y.constructor === Symbol && y !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof y;
}, u(w);
var m = Object.prototype.toString, g = /["&<>]/, b = {
each: function(f, y) {
f && (Array.isArray(f) ? f.forEach(y) : Object.keys(f).forEach(function(h) {
y(f[h], h);
some: function(f, y) {
return f ? Array.isArray(f) ? f.some(y) : Object.keys(f).some(function(h) {
return y(f[h], h);
}) : !1;
every: function(f, y) {
return f ? Array.isArray(f) ? f.every(y) : Object.keys(f).every(function(h) {
return y(f[h], h);
}) : !0;
map: function(f, y) {
return f ? Array.isArray(f) ? : Object.keys(f).map(function(h) {
return y(f[h], h);
}) : [];
keyBy: function(f, y) {
return f.reduce(function(h, l) {
return h[l[y]] = l, h;
}, {});
isEqual: function(f, y) {
var h = u(f), l = u(y), d = Array.isArray(f), s = Array.isArray(y);
if (h !== l)
return !1;
switch (u(f)) {
case "object":
return d || s ? d && s ? f.length === y.length && f.every(function(v, c) {
var a = y[c];
return b.isEqual(v, a);
}) : !1 : b.every(f, function(v, c) {
var a = y[c];
return b.isEqual(v, a);
return f === y;
escapeHtml: function(f) {
var y = g.exec(f);
if (!y)
return f;
for (var h = "", l = "", d = 0, s = y.index; s < f.length; s++) {
switch (f.charAt(s)) {
case '"':
l = "&quot;";
case "&":
l = "&amp;";
case "'":
l = "&apos;";
case "<":
l = "&lt;";
case ">":
l = "&gt;";
d !== s && (h += f.substring(d, s)), d = s + 1, h += l;
return d !== s ? h + f.substring(d, s) : h;
strcmp: function(f, y) {
return f < y ? -1 : f > y ? 1 : 0;
isUndefined: function(f) {
return === "[object Undefined]";
isObject: function(f) {
return === "[object Object]";
deepMerge: function() {
var f = arguments[0] || {}, y = arguments.length, h, l, d;
function s(c, a) {
h = f[a], d = Array.isArray(c), b.isObject(c) || d ? (d ? (d = !1, l = h && Array.isArray(h) ? h : []) : l = h && b.isObject(h) ? h : {}, f[a] = b.deepMerge(l, c)) : b.isUndefined(c) || (f[a] = c);
for (var v = 0; v < y; v++)
b.each(arguments[v], s);
return f;
x.exports = b;
}, {}], 26: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
var g = e("fs"), b = function(h, l, d, s) {
h.super_ = l, s || (s = d, d = null), d && Object.keys(d).forEach(function(c) {
Object.defineProperty(h, c, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d, c));
var v = {
constructor: {
value: h,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !1,
configurable: !0
s && Object.keys(s).forEach(function(c) {
v[c] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, c);
}), h.prototype = Object.create(l.prototype, v);
}, w = /[<>&'"\x7F\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/, f = {
nop: function() {
promiseImmediate: function(h) {
return new Promise(function(l) {
u.setImmediate ? m(function() {
}) : setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
inherits: b,
dateToExcel: function(h, l) {
return 25569 + h.getTime() / (24 * 3600 * 1e3) - (l ? 1462 : 0);
excelToDate: function(h, l) {
var d = Math.round((h - 25569 + (l ? 1462 : 0)) * 24 * 3600 * 1e3);
return new Date(d);
parsePath: function(h) {
var l = h.lastIndexOf("/");
return {
path: h.substring(0, l),
name: h.substring(l + 1)
getRelsPath: function(h) {
var l = f.parsePath(h);
return "".concat(l.path, "/_rels/").concat(, ".rels");
xmlEncode: function(h) {
var l = w.exec(h);
if (!l)
return h;
for (var d = "", s = "", v = 0, c = l.index; c < h.length; c++) {
var a = h.charCodeAt(c);
switch (a) {
case 34:
s = "&quot;";
case 38:
s = "&amp;";
case 39:
s = "&apos;";
case 60:
s = "&lt;";
case 62:
s = "&gt;";
case 127:
s = "";
default: {
if (a <= 31 && (a <= 8 || a >= 11 && a !== 13)) {
s = "";
v !== c && (d += h.substring(v, c)), v = c + 1, s && (d += s);
return v !== c ? d + h.substring(v, c) : d;
xmlDecode: function(h) {
return h.replace(/&([a-z]*);/g, function(l) {
switch (l) {
case "&lt;":
return "<";
case "&gt;":
return ">";
case "&amp;":
return "&";
case "&apos;":
return "'";
case "&quot;":
return '"';
return l;
validInt: function(h) {
var l = parseInt(h, 10);
return Number.isNaN(l) ? 0 : l;
isDateFmt: function(h) {
if (!h)
return !1;
h = h.replace(/\[[^\]]*]/g, ""), h = h.replace(/"[^"]*"/g, "");
var l = h.match(/[ymdhMsb]+/) !== null;
return l;
fs: {
exists: function(h) {
return new Promise(function(l) {
g.access(h, g.constants.F_OK, function(d) {
toIsoDateString: function(h) {
return h.toIsoString().subsstr(0, 10);
x.exports = f;
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {}, e("timers").setImmediate);
}, { fs: 215, timers: 521 }], 27: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function g(t, i, n) {
return i && m(t.prototype, i), n && m(t, n), t;
var b = e("./under-dash"), w = e("./utils"), f = "<", y = ">", h = "</", l = "/>", d = '="', s = '"', v = " ";
function c(t, i, n) {
t.push(v), t.push(i), t.push(d), t.push(w.xmlEncode(n.toString())), t.push(s);
function a(t, i) {
i && b.each(i, function(n, o) {
n !== void 0 && c(t, o, n);
var r = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function t() {
u(this, t), this._xml = [], this._stack = [], this._rollbacks = [];
return g(t, [{
key: "openXml",
value: function(n) {
var o = this._xml;
o.push("<?xml"), a(o, n), o.push(`?>
}, {
key: "openNode",
value: function(n, o) {
var p = this.tos, O = this._xml;
p && && O.push(y), this._stack.push(n), O.push(f), O.push(n), a(O, o), this.leaf = !0, = !0;
}, {
key: "addAttribute",
value: function(n, o) {
if (!
throw new Error("Cannot write attributes to node if it is not open");
o !== void 0 && c(this._xml, n, o);
}, {
key: "addAttributes",
value: function(n) {
if (!
throw new Error("Cannot write attributes to node if it is not open");
a(this._xml, n);
}, {
key: "writeText",
value: function(n) {
var o = this._xml; && (o.push(y), = !1), this.leaf = !1, o.push(w.xmlEncode(n.toString()));
}, {
key: "writeXml",
value: function(n) { && (this._xml.push(y), = !1), this.leaf = !1, this._xml.push(n);
}, {
key: "closeNode",
value: function() {
var n = this._stack.pop(), o = this._xml;
this.leaf ? o.push(l) : (o.push(h), o.push(n), o.push(y)), = !1, this.leaf = !1;
}, {
key: "leafNode",
value: function(n, o, p) {
this.openNode(n, o), p !== void 0 && this.writeText(p), this.closeNode();
}, {
key: "closeAll",
value: function() {
for (; this._stack.length; )
}, {
key: "addRollback",
value: function() {
return this._rollbacks.push({
xml: this._xml.length,
stack: this._stack.length,
leaf: this.leaf,
}), this.cursor;
}, {
key: "commit",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "rollback",
value: function() {
var n = this._rollbacks.pop();
this._xml.length > n.xml && this._xml.splice(n.xml, this._xml.length - n.xml), this._stack.length > n.stack && this._stack.splice(n.stack, this._stack.length - n.stack), this.leaf = n.leaf, =;
}, {
key: "tos",
get: function() {
return this._stack.length ? this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] : void 0;
}, {
key: "cursor",
get: function() {
return this._xml.length;
}, {
key: "xml",
get: function() {
return this.closeAll(), this._xml.join("");
}]), t;
r.StdDocAttributes = {
version: "1.0",
encoding: "UTF-8",
standalone: "yes"
}, x.exports = r;
}, { "./under-dash": 25, "./utils": 26 }], 28: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(O) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(F) {
return typeof F;
} : m = function(F) {
return F && typeof Symbol == "function" && F.constructor === Symbol && F !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof F;
}, m(O);
function g(O, P, F, z, N, M, I) {
try {
var R = O[M](I), C = R.value;
} catch (E) {
R.done ? P(C) : Promise.resolve(C).then(z, N);
function b(O) {
return function() {
var P = this, F = arguments;
return new Promise(function(z, N) {
var M = O.apply(P, F);
function I(C) {
g(M, z, N, I, R, "next", C);
function R(C) {
g(M, z, N, I, R, "throw", C);
I(void 0);
function w(O, P) {
if (!(O instanceof P))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(O, P) {
for (var F = 0; F < P.length; F++) {
var z = P[F];
z.enumerable = z.enumerable || !1, z.configurable = !0, "value" in z && (z.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(O, z.key, z);
function y(O, P, F) {
return P && f(O.prototype, P), F && f(O, F), O;
function h(O, P) {
if (typeof P != "function" && P !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
O.prototype = Object.create(P && P.prototype, { constructor: { value: O, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), P && l(O, P);
function l(O, P) {
return l = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(z, N) {
return z.__proto__ = N, z;
}, l(O, P);
function d(O) {
var P = c();
return function() {
var z = a(O), N;
if (P) {
var M = a(this).constructor;
N = Reflect.construct(z, arguments, M);
} else
N = z.apply(this, arguments);
return s(this, N);
function s(O, P) {
return P && (m(P) === "object" || typeof P == "function") ? P : v(O);
function v(O) {
if (O === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return O;
function c() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (O) {
return !1;
function a(O) {
return a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(F) {
return F.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(F);
}, a(O);
var r = e("events"), t = e("jszip"), i = e("./stream-buf"), n = e("./browser-buffer-encode"), o = n.stringToBuffer, p = /* @__PURE__ */ function(O) {
h(F, O);
var P = d(F);
function F(z) {
var N;
return w(this, F), N =, N.options = Object.assign({
type: "nodebuffer",
compression: "DEFLATE"
}, z), = new t(), = new i(), N;
return y(F, [{
key: "append",
value: function(N, M) {
M.hasOwnProperty("base64") && M.base64 ?, N, {
base64: !0
}) : (u.browser && typeof N == "string" && (N = o(N)),, N));
}, {
key: "finalize",
value: function() {
var z = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function M() {
var I;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(C) {
for (; ; )
switch (C.prev = {
case 0:
return = 2,;
case 2:
I = C.sent,, this.emit("finish");
case 5:
case "end":
return C.stop();
}, M, this);
function N() {
return z.apply(this, arguments);
return N;
// ==========================================================================
// Stream.Readable interface
}, {
key: "read",
value: function(N) {
}, {
key: "setEncoding",
value: function(N) {
}, {
key: "pause",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "resume",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "isPaused",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "pipe",
value: function(N, M) {
return, M);
}, {
key: "unpipe",
value: function(N) {
}, {
key: "unshift",
value: function(N) {
}, {
key: "wrap",
value: function(N) {
}]), F;
x.exports = {
ZipWriter: p
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { "./browser-buffer-encode": 17, "./stream-buf": 23, _process: 467, events: 367, jszip: 399 }], 29: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
0: {
f: "General"
1: {
f: "0"
2: {
f: "0.00"
3: {
f: "#,##0"
4: {
f: "#,##0.00"
9: {
f: "0%"
10: {
f: "0.00%"
11: {
f: "0.00E+00"
12: {
f: "# ?/?"
13: {
f: "# ??/??"
14: {
f: "mm-dd-yy"
15: {
f: "d-mmm-yy"
16: {
f: "d-mmm"
17: {
f: "mmm-yy"
18: {
f: "h:mm AM/PM"
19: {
f: "h:mm:ss AM/PM"
20: {
f: "h:mm"
21: {
f: "h:mm:ss"
22: {
f: 'm/d/yy "h":mm'
27: {
"zh-tw": "[$-404]e/m/d",
"zh-cn": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ja-jp": "[$-411]ge.m.d",
"ko-kr": 'yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日"'
28: {
"zh-tw": '[$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"',
"zh-cn": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "mm-dd"
29: {
"zh-tw": '[$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"',
"zh-cn": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "mm-dd"
30: {
"zh-tw": "m/d/yy ",
"zh-cn": "m-d-yy",
"ja-jp": "m/d/yy",
"ko-kr": "mm-dd-yy"
31: {
"zh-tw": 'yyyy"年"m"月"d"日"',
"zh-cn": 'yyyy"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": 'yyyy"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": 'yyyy"년" mm"월" dd"일"'
32: {
"zh-tw": 'hh"時"mm"分"',
"zh-cn": 'h"时"mm"分"',
"ja-jp": 'h"時"mm"分"',
"ko-kr": 'h"시" mm"분"'
33: {
"zh-tw": 'hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"zh-cn": 'h"时"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"ja-jp": 'h"時"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"ko-kr": 'h"시" mm"분" ss"초"'
34: {
"zh-tw": '上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"',
"zh-cn": '上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"',
"ja-jp": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ko-kr": "yyyy-mm-dd"
35: {
"zh-tw": '上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"zh-cn": '上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"ja-jp": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "yyyy-mm-dd"
36: {
"zh-tw": "[$-404]e/m/d",
"zh-cn": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ja-jp": "[$-411]ge.m.d",
"ko-kr": 'yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日"'
37: {
f: "#,##0 ;(#,##0)"
38: {
f: "#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)"
39: {
f: "#,##0.00 ;(#,##0.00)"
40: {
f: "#,##0.00 ;[Red](#,##0.00)"
45: {
f: "mm:ss"
46: {
f: "[h]:mm:ss"
47: {
f: "mmss.0"
48: {
f: "##0.0E+0"
49: {
f: "@"
50: {
"zh-tw": "[$-404]e/m/d",
"zh-cn": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ja-jp": "[$-411]ge.m.d",
"ko-kr": 'yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日"'
51: {
"zh-tw": '[$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"',
"zh-cn": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "mm-dd"
52: {
"zh-tw": '上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"',
"zh-cn": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ja-jp": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ko-kr": "yyyy-mm-dd"
53: {
"zh-tw": '上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"zh-cn": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "yyyy-mm-dd"
54: {
"zh-tw": '[$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"',
"zh-cn": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "mm-dd"
55: {
"zh-tw": '上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"',
"zh-cn": '上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"',
"ja-jp": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ko-kr": "yyyy-mm-dd"
56: {
"zh-tw": '上午/下午 hh"時"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"zh-cn": '上午/下午 h"时"mm"分"ss"秒"',
"ja-jp": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "yyyy-mm-dd"
57: {
"zh-tw": "[$-404]e/m/d",
"zh-cn": 'yyyy"年"m"月"',
"ja-jp": "[$-411]ge.m.d",
"ko-kr": 'yyyy"年" mm"月" dd"日"'
58: {
"zh-tw": '[$-404]e"年"m"月"d"日"',
"zh-cn": 'm"月"d"日"',
"ja-jp": '[$-411]ggge"年"m"月"d"日"',
"ko-kr": "mm-dd"
59: {
"th-th": "t0"
60: {
"th-th": "t0.00"
61: {
"th-th": "t#,##0"
62: {
"th-th": "t#,##0.00"
67: {
"th-th": "t0%"
68: {
"th-th": "t0.00%"
69: {
"th-th": "t# ?/?"
70: {
"th-th": "t# ??/??"
81: {
"th-th": "d/m/bb"
}, {}], 30: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
OfficeDocument: "",
Worksheet: "",
CalcChain: "",
SharedStrings: "",
Styles: "",
Theme: "",
Hyperlink: "",
Image: "",
CoreProperties: "",
ExtenderProperties: "",
Comments: "",
VmlDrawing: "",
Table: ""
}, {}], 31: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(c, a) {
var r;
if (typeof Symbol == "undefined" || c[Symbol.iterator] == null) {
if (Array.isArray(c) || (r = m(c)) || a && c && typeof c.length == "number") {
r && (c = r);
var t = 0, i = function() {
return { s: i, n: function() {
return t >= c.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: c[t++] };
}, e: function(P) {
throw P;
}, f: i };
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
var n = !0, o = !1, p;
return { s: function() {
r = c[Symbol.iterator]();
}, n: function() {
var P =;
return n = P.done, P;
}, e: function(P) {
o = !0, p = P;
}, f: function() {
try {
!n && r.return != null && r.return();
} finally {
if (o)
throw p;
} };
function m(c, a) {
if (c) {
if (typeof c == "string")
return g(c, a);
var r =, -1);
if (r === "Object" && c.constructor && (r =, r === "Map" || r === "Set")
return Array.from(c);
if (r === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r))
return g(c, a);
function g(c, a) {
(a == null || a > c.length) && (a = c.length);
for (var r = 0, t = new Array(a); r < a; r++)
t[r] = c[r];
return t;
function b(c, a, r, t, i, n, o) {
try {
var p = c[n](o), O = p.value;
} catch (P) {
p.done ? a(O) : Promise.resolve(O).then(t, i);
function w(c) {
return function() {
var a = this, r = arguments;
return new Promise(function(t, i) {
var n = c.apply(a, r);
function o(O) {
b(n, t, i, o, p, "next", O);
function p(O) {
b(n, t, i, o, p, "throw", O);
o(void 0);
function f(c, a) {
if (!(c instanceof a))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function y(c, a) {
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
var t = a[r];
t.enumerable = t.enumerable || !1, t.configurable = !0, "value" in t && (t.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(c, t.key, t);
function h(c, a, r) {
return a && y(c.prototype, a), r && y(c, r), c;
function l(c) {
var a;
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && (Symbol.asyncIterator && (a = c[Symbol.asyncIterator], a != null) || Symbol.iterator && (a = c[Symbol.iterator], a != null)))
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable");
var d = e("../../utils/parse-sax"), s = e("../../utils/xml-stream"), v = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function c() {
f(this, c);
return h(c, [{
key: "prepare",
// constructor(/* model, name */) {}
// ============================================================
// Virtual Interface
value: function() {
}, {
key: "render",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(r) {
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(r) {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(r) {
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(r, t) {
// ============================================================
}, {
key: "reset",
value: function() {
this.model = null, && Object.values( {
r instanceof c ? r.reset() : r.xform && r.xform.reset();
}, {
key: "mergeModel",
value: function(r) {
this.model = Object.assign(this.model || {}, r);
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function() {
var a = w(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function t(i) {
var n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N, M, I, R, C;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(A) {
for (; ; )
switch (A.prev = {
case 0:
n = !0, o = !1, A.prev = 2, O = l(i);
case 4:
return = 6,;
case 6:
return P = A.sent, n = P.done, = 10, P.value;
case 10:
if (F = A.sent, n) { = 42;
z = F, N = u(z), A.prev = 14, N.s();
case 16:
if ((M = N.n()).done) { = 31;
if (I = M.value, R = I.eventType, C = I.value, R !== "opentag") { = 22;
this.parseOpen(C), = 29;
case 22:
if (R !== "text") { = 26;
this.parseText(C), = 29;
case 26:
if (R !== "closetag") { = 29;
if (this.parseClose( { = 29;
return A.abrupt("return", this.model);
case 29: = 16;
case 31: = 36;
case 33:
A.prev = 33, A.t0 = A.catch(14), N.e(A.t0);
case 36:
return A.prev = 36, N.f(), A.finish(36);
case 39:
n = !0, = 4;
case 42: = 48;
case 44:
A.prev = 44, A.t1 = A.catch(2), o = !0, p = A.t1;
case 48:
if (A.prev = 48, A.prev = 49, !(!n && O.return != null)) { = 53;
return = 53, O.return();
case 53:
if (A.prev = 53, !o) { = 56;
throw p;
case 56:
return A.finish(53);
case 57:
return A.finish(48);
case 58:
return A.abrupt("return", this.model);
case 59:
case "end":
return A.stop();
}, t, this, [[2, 44, 48, 58], [14, 33, 36, 39], [49, , 53, 57]]);
function r(t) {
return a.apply(this, arguments);
return r;
}, {
key: "parseStream",
value: function() {
var a = w(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function t(i) {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(o) {
for (; ; )
switch (o.prev = {
case 0:
return o.abrupt("return", this.parse(d(i)));
case 1:
case "end":
return o.stop();
}, t, this);
function r(t) {
return a.apply(this, arguments);
return r;
}, {
key: "toXml",
value: function(r) {
var t = new s();
return this.render(t, r), t.xml;
// ============================================================
// Useful Utilities
}, {
key: "xml",
get: function() {
return this.toXml(this.model);
}], [{
key: "toAttribute",
value: function(r, t) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1;
if (r === void 0) {
if (i)
return t;
} else if (i || r !== t)
return r.toString();
}, {
key: "toStringAttribute",
value: function(r, t) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1;
return c.toAttribute(r, t, i);
}, {
key: "toStringValue",
value: function(r, t) {
return r === void 0 ? t : r;
}, {
key: "toBoolAttribute",
value: function(r, t) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1;
if (r === void 0) {
if (i)
return t;
} else if (i || r !== t)
return r ? "1" : "0";
}, {
key: "toBoolValue",
value: function(r, t) {
return r === void 0 ? t : r === "1";
}, {
key: "toIntAttribute",
value: function(r, t) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1;
return c.toAttribute(r, t, i);
}, {
key: "toIntValue",
value: function(r, t) {
return r === void 0 ? t : parseInt(r, 10);
}, {
key: "toFloatAttribute",
value: function(r, t) {
var i = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1;
return c.toAttribute(r, t, i);
}, {
key: "toFloatValue",
value: function(r, t) {
return r === void 0 ? t : parseFloat(r);
}]), c;
x.exports = v;
}, { "../../utils/parse-sax": 21, "../../utils/xml-stream": 27 }], 32: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function b(i, n, o) {
return n && g(i.prototype, n), o && g(i, o), i;
function w(i, n) {
if (typeof n != "function" && n !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
i.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: i, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), n && f(i, n);
function f(i, n) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(p, O) {
return p.__proto__ = O, p;
}, f(i, n);
function y(i) {
var n = d();
return function() {
var p = s(i), O;
if (n) {
var P = s(this).constructor;
O = Reflect.construct(p, arguments, P);
} else
O = p.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, O);
function h(i, n) {
return n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") ? n : l(i);
function l(i) {
if (i === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return i;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (i) {
return !1;
function s(i) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) {
return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
}, s(i);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
return m(this, o), n.apply(this, arguments);
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
O.openNode("definedName", {
localSheetId: P.localSheetId
}), O.writeText(P.ranges.join(",")), O.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(O) {
switch ( {
case "definedName":
return this._parsedName =, this._parsedLocalSheetId = O.attributes.localSheetId, this._parsedText = [], !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(O) {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return this.model = {
name: this._parsedName,
ranges: t(this._parsedText.join(""))
}, this._parsedLocalSheetId !== void 0 && (this.model.localSheetId = parseInt(this._parsedLocalSheetId, 10)), !1;
}]), o;
function r(i) {
try {
return c.decodeEx(i), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function t(i) {
var n = [], o = !1, p = "";
return i.split(",").forEach(function(O) {
if (O) {
var P = (O.match(/'/g) || []).length;
if (!P) {
o ? p += "".concat(O, ",") : r(O) && n.push(O);
var F = P % 2 === 0;
!o && F && r(O) ? n.push(O) : o && !F ? (o = !1, r(p + O) && n.push(p + O), p = "") : (o = !0, p += "".concat(O, ","));
}), n;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../base-xform": 31 }], 33: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../../utils/utils"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
o.leafNode("sheet", {
state: p.state,
"r:id": p.rId
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
return === "sheet" ? (this.model = {
name: v.xmlDecode(,
id: parseInt(o.attributes.sheetId, 10),
state: o.attributes.state,
rId: o.attributes["r:id"]
}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../../utils/utils": 26, "../base-xform": 31 }], 34: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode("calcPr", {
calcId: 171027,
fullCalcOnLoad: o.fullCalcOnLoad ? 1 : void 0
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "calcPr" ? (this.model = {}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 35: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode("workbookPr", {
date1904: o.date1904 ? 1 : void 0,
defaultThemeVersion: 164011,
filterPrivacy: 1
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "workbookPr" ? (this.model = {
date1904: n.attributes.date1904 === "1"
}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 36: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
var p = {
xWindow: o.x || 0,
yWindow: o.y || 0,
windowWidth: o.width || 12e3,
windowHeight: o.height || 24e3,
firstSheet: o.firstSheet,
activeTab: o.activeTab
o.visibility && o.visibility !== "visible" && (p.visibility = o.visibility), n.leafNode("workbookView", p);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if ( === "workbookView") {
var o = this.model = {}, p = function(F, z, N) {
var M = z !== void 0 ? o[F] = z : N;
M !== void 0 && (o[F] = M);
}, O = function(F, z, N) {
var M = z !== void 0 ? o[F] = parseInt(z, 10) : N;
M !== void 0 && (o[F] = M);
return O("x", n.attributes.xWindow, 0), O("y", n.attributes.yWindow, 0), O("width", n.attributes.windowWidth, 25e3), O("height", n.attributes.windowHeight, 1e4), p("visibility", n.attributes.visibility, "visible"), O("activeTab", n.attributes.activeTab, void 0), O("firstSheet", n.attributes.firstSheet, void 0), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 37: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(z) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(M) {
return typeof M;
} : u = function(M) {
return M && typeof Symbol == "function" && M.constructor === Symbol && M !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof M;
}, u(z);
function m(z, N) {
if (!(z instanceof N))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(z, N) {
for (var M = 0; M < N.length; M++) {
var I = N[M];
I.enumerable = I.enumerable || !1, I.configurable = !0, "value" in I && (I.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(z, I.key, I);
function b(z, N, M) {
return N && g(z.prototype, N), M && g(z, M), z;
function w(z, N) {
if (typeof N != "function" && N !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
z.prototype = Object.create(N && N.prototype, { constructor: { value: z, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), N && f(z, N);
function f(z, N) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(I, R) {
return I.__proto__ = R, I;
}, f(z, N);
function y(z) {
var N = d();
return function() {
var I = s(z), R;
if (N) {
var C = s(this).constructor;
R = Reflect.construct(I, arguments, C);
} else
R = I.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, R);
function h(z, N) {
return N && (u(N) === "object" || typeof N == "function") ? N : l(z);
function l(z) {
if (z === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return z;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (z) {
return !1;
function s(z) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(M) {
return M.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(M);
}, s(z);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), a = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), r = e("../base-xform"), t = e("../static-xform"), i = e("../list-xform"), n = e("./defined-name-xform"), o = e("./sheet-xform"), p = e("./workbook-view-xform"), O = e("./workbook-properties-xform"), P = e("./workbook-calc-properties-xform"), F = /* @__PURE__ */ function(z) {
w(M, z);
var N = y(M);
function M() {
var I;
return m(this, M), I =, = {
fileVersion: M.STATIC_XFORMS.fileVersion,
workbookPr: new O(),
bookViews: new i({
tag: "bookViews",
count: !1,
childXform: new p()
sheets: new i({
tag: "sheets",
count: !1,
childXform: new o()
definedNames: new i({
tag: "definedNames",
count: !1,
childXform: new n()
calcPr: new P()
}, I;
return b(M, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(R) {
R.sheets = R.worksheets;
var C = [], E = 0;
R.sheets.forEach(function(A) {
if (A.pageSetup && A.pageSetup.printArea && A.pageSetup.printArea.split("&&").forEach(function(D) {
var B = D.split(":"), j = {
name: "_xlnm.Print_Area",
ranges: ["'".concat(, "'!$").concat(B[0], ":$").concat(B[1])],
localSheetId: E
}), A.pageSetup && (A.pageSetup.printTitlesRow || A.pageSetup.printTitlesColumn)) {
var L = [];
if (A.pageSetup.printTitlesColumn) {
var $ = A.pageSetup.printTitlesColumn.split(":");
L.push("'".concat(, "'!$").concat($[0], ":$").concat($[1]));
if (A.pageSetup.printTitlesRow) {
var W = A.pageSetup.printTitlesRow.split(":");
L.push("'".concat(, "'!$").concat(W[0], ":$").concat(W[1]));
var U = {
name: "_xlnm.Print_Titles",
ranges: L,
localSheetId: E
}), C.length && (R.definedNames = R.definedNames.concat(C)), ( || []).forEach(function(A, L) { = A.type + (L + 1);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(R, C) {
R.openXml(a.StdDocAttributes), R.openNode("workbook", M.WORKBOOK_ATTRIBUTES),,,,, C.views),, C.sheets),, C.definedNames),, C.calcProperties), R.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(R) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(R), !0;
switch ( {
case "workbook":
return !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(R), !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(R) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(R);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(R) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(R) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (R) {
case "workbook":
return this.model = {
properties: || {},
calcProperties: {}
}, && (this.model.definedNames =, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(R) {
var C = (R.workbookRels || []).reduce(function(W, U) {
return W[U.Id] = U, W;
}, {}), E = [], A, L = 0;
(R.sheets || []).forEach(function(W) {
var U = C[W.rId];
U && (A = R.worksheetHash["xl/".concat(U.Target.replace(/^(\s|\/xl\/)+/, ""))], A && ( =, =, A.state = W.state, E[L++] = A));
var $ = [];
v.each(R.definedNames, function(W) {
if ( === "_xlnm.Print_Area") {
if (A = E[W.localSheetId], A) {
A.pageSetup || (A.pageSetup = {});
var U = c.decodeEx(W.ranges[0]);
A.pageSetup.printArea = A.pageSetup.printArea ? "".concat(A.pageSetup.printArea, "&&").concat(U.dimensions) : U.dimensions;
} else if ( === "_xlnm.Print_Titles") {
if (A = E[W.localSheetId], A) {
A.pageSetup || (A.pageSetup = {});
var D = W.ranges.join(","), B = /\$/g, j = /\$\d+:\$\d+/, V = D.match(j);
if (V && V.length) {
var re = V[0];
A.pageSetup.printTitlesRow = re.replace(B, "");
var ee = /\$[A-Z]+:\$[A-Z]+/, ce = D.match(ee);
if (ce && ce.length) {
var ve = ce[0];
A.pageSetup.printTitlesColumn = ve.replace(B, "");
} else
}), R.definedNames = $,, U) {
W.index = U;
}]), M;
xmlns: "",
"xmlns:r": "",
"xmlns:mc": "",
"mc:Ignorable": "x15",
"xmlns:x15": ""
fileVersion: new t({
tag: "fileVersion",
$: {
appName: "xl",
lastEdited: 5,
lowestEdited: 5,
rupBuild: 9303
}, x.exports = F;
}, { "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "../list-xform": 70, "../static-xform": 119, "./defined-name-xform": 32, "./sheet-xform": 33, "./workbook-calc-properties-xform": 34, "./workbook-properties-xform": 35, "./workbook-view-xform": 36 }], 38: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(h, l) {
var d = Object.keys(h);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(h);
l && (s = s.filter(function(v) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(h, v).enumerable;
})), d.push.apply(d, s);
return d;
function m(h) {
for (var l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) {
var d = arguments[l] != null ? arguments[l] : {};
l % 2 ? u(Object(d), !0).forEach(function(s) {
g(h, s, d[s]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(h, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(d)) : u(Object(d)).forEach(function(s) {
Object.defineProperty(h, s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d, s));
return h;
function g(h, l, d) {
return l in h ? Object.defineProperty(h, l, { value: d, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : h[l] = d, h;
var b = e("../strings/rich-text-xform"), w = e("../../../utils/utils"), f = e("../base-xform"), y = x.exports = function(h) {
this.model = h;
w.inherits(y, f, {
get tag() {
return "r";
get richTextXform() {
return this._richTextXform || (this._richTextXform = new b()), this._richTextXform;
render: function(l, d) {
var s = this;
d = d || this.model, l.openNode("comment", {
ref: d.ref,
authorId: 0
}), l.openNode("text"), d && d.note && d.note.texts && d.note.texts.forEach(function(v) {
s.richTextXform.render(l, v);
}), l.closeNode(), l.closeNode();
parseOpen: function(l) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(l), !0;
switch ( {
case "comment":
return this.model = m({
type: "note",
note: {
texts: []
}, l.attributes), !0;
case "r":
return this.parser = this.richTextXform, this.parser.parseOpen(l), !0;
return !1;
parseText: function(l) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(l);
parseClose: function(l) {
switch (l) {
case "comment":
return !1;
case "r":
return this.model.note.texts.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0, !0;
return this.parser && this.parser.parseClose(l), !0;
}, { "../../../utils/utils": 26, "../base-xform": 31, "../strings/rich-text-xform": 121 }], 39: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), m = e("../../../utils/utils"), g = e("../base-xform"), b = e("./comment-xform"), w = x.exports = function() { = {
comment: new b()
m.inherits(w, g, {
xmlns: ""
}, {
render: function(y, h) {
var l = this;
h = h || this.model, y.openXml(u.StdDocAttributes), y.openNode("comments", w.COMMENTS_ATTRIBUTES), y.openNode("authors"), y.leafNode("author", null, "Author"), y.closeNode(), y.openNode("commentList"), h.comments.forEach(function(d) {, d);
}), y.closeNode(), y.closeNode();
parseOpen: function(y) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(y), !0;
switch ( {
case "commentList":
return this.model = {
comments: []
}, !0;
case "comment":
return this.parser =, this.parser.parseOpen(y), !0;
return !1;
parseText: function(y) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(y);
parseClose: function(y) {
switch (y) {
case "commentList":
return !1;
case "comment":
return this.model.comments.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0, !0;
return this.parser && this.parser.parseClose(y), !0;
}, { "../../../utils/utils": 26, "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "./comment-xform": 38 }], 40: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n._model = i, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o, p) {
o === p[2] ? n.leafNode(this.tag) : this.tag === "x:SizeWithCells" && o === p[1] && n.leafNode(this.tag);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {}, this.model[this.tag] = !0, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return this._model && this._model.tag;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 41: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n._model = i, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, null, o);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.text = "", !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.text = n;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return this._model && this._model.tag;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 42: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "getAnchorRect",
value: function(n) {
var o = Math.floor(n.left), p = Math.floor((n.left - o) * 68), O = Math.floor(, P = Math.floor(( - O) * 18), F = Math.floor(n.right), z = Math.floor((n.right - F) * 68), N = Math.floor(n.bottom), M = Math.floor((n.bottom - N) * 18);
return [o, p, O, P, F, z, N, M];
}, {
key: "getDefaultRect",
value: function(n) {
var o = n.col, p = 6, O = Math.max(n.row - 2, 0), P = 14, F = o + 2, z = 2, N = O + 4, M = 16;
return [o, p, O, P, F, z, N, M];
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
var p = o.anchor ? this.getAnchorRect(o.anchor) : this.getDefaultRect(o.refAddress);
n.leafNode("x:Anchor", null, p.join(", "));
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.text = "", !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.text = n;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x:Anchor";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 43: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./vml-anchor-xform"), a = e("./style/vml-protection-xform"), r = e("./style/vml-position-xform"), t = ["twoCells", "oneCells", "absolute"], i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
"x:Anchor": new c(),
"x:Locked": new a({
tag: "x:Locked"
"x:LockText": new a({
tag: "x:LockText"
"x:SizeWithCells": new r({
tag: "x:SizeWithCells"
"x:MoveWithCells": new r({
tag: "x:MoveWithCells"
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
var z = F.note, N =, M = z.editAs;
P.openNode(this.tag, {
ObjectType: "Note"
}),["x:MoveWithCells"].render(P, M, t),["x:SizeWithCells"].render(P, M, t),["x:Anchor"].render(P, F),["x:Locked"].render(P, N.locked), P.leafNode("x:AutoFill", null, "False"),["x:LockText"].render(P, N.lockText), P.leafNode("x:Row", null, F.refAddress.row - 1), P.leafNode("x:Column", null, F.refAddress.col - 1), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.reset(), this.model = {
anchor: [],
protection: {},
editAs: ""
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(P);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(P) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(P);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (P) {
case this.tag:
return this.normalizeModel(), !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "normalizeModel",
value: function() {
var P = Object.assign({},["x:MoveWithCells"].model,["x:SizeWithCells"].model), F = Object.keys(P).length;
this.model.editAs = t[F], this.model.anchor =["x:Anchor"].text, =["x:Locked"].text, =["x:LockText"].text;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x:ClientData";
}]), p;
x.exports = i;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./style/vml-position-xform": 40, "./style/vml-protection-xform": 41, "./vml-anchor-xform": 42 }], 44: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = e("./vml-shape-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"v:shape": new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.openXml(v.StdDocAttributes), p.openNode(this.tag, n.DRAWING_ATTRIBUTES), p.openNode("o:shapelayout", {
"v:ext": "edit"
}), p.leafNode("o:idmap", {
"v:ext": "edit",
data: 1
}), p.closeNode(), p.openNode("v:shapetype", {
id: "_x0000_t202",
coordsize: "21600,21600",
"o:spt": 202,
path: "m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe"
}), p.leafNode("v:stroke", {
joinstyle: "miter"
}), p.leafNode("v:path", {
gradientshapeok: "t",
"o:connecttype": "rect"
}), p.closeNode(), O.comments.forEach(function(F, z) {["v:shape"].render(p, F, z);
}), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.reset(), this.model = {
comments: []
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(p);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(p) || (this.model.comments.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (p) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.anchors.forEach(function(F) { ?["xdr:twoCellAnchor"].reconcile(F, O) :["xdr:oneCellAnchor"].reconcile(F, O);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xml";
}]), n;
"xmlns:v": "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml",
"xmlns:o": "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office",
"xmlns:x": "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"
}, x.exports = r;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "./vml-shape-xform": 45 }], 45: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./vml-textbox-xform"), a = e("./vml-client-data-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"v:textbox": new c(),
"x:ClientData": new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O, P) {
p.openNode("v:shape", n.V_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES(O, P)), p.leafNode("v:fill", {
color2: "infoBackground [80]"
}), p.leafNode("v:shadow", {
color: "none [81]",
obscured: "t"
}), p.leafNode("v:path", {
"o:connecttype": "none"
}),["v:textbox"].render(p, O),["x:ClientData"].render(p, O), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.reset(), this.model = {
margins: {
insetmode: p.attributes["o:insetmode"]
anchor: "",
editAs: "",
protection: {}
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(p);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(p) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (p) {
case this.tag:
return this.model.margins.inset =["v:textbox"].model &&["v:textbox"].model.inset, =["x:ClientData"].model &&["x:ClientData"], this.model.anchor =["x:ClientData"].model &&["x:ClientData"].model.anchor, this.model.editAs =["x:ClientData"].model &&["x:ClientData"].model.editAs, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "v:shape";
}]), n;
r.V_SHAPE_ATTRIBUTES = function(t, i) {
return {
id: "_x0000_s".concat(1025 + i),
type: "#_x0000_t202",
style: "position:absolute; margin-left:105.3pt;margin-top:10.5pt;width:97.8pt;height:59.1pt;z-index:1;visibility:hidden",
fillcolor: "infoBackground [80]",
strokecolor: "none [81]",
"o:insetmode": t.note.margins && t.note.margins.insetmode
}, x.exports = r;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./vml-client-data-xform": 43, "./vml-textbox-xform": 46 }], 46: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "conversionUnit",
value: function(n, o, p) {
return "".concat(parseFloat(n) * o.toFixed(2)).concat(p);
}, {
key: "reverseConversionUnit",
value: function(n) {
var o = this;
return (n || "").split(",").map(function(p) {
return Number(parseFloat(o.conversionUnit(parseFloat(p), 0.1, "")).toFixed(2));
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
var p = this, O = {
style: "mso-direction-alt:auto"
if (o && o.note) {
var P = o.note && o.note.margins, F = P.inset;
Array.isArray(F) && (F = {
return p.conversionUnit(z, 10, "mm");
}).join(",")), F && (O.inset = F);
n.openNode("v:textbox", O), n.leafNode("div", {
style: "text-align:left"
}), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
inset: this.reverseConversionUnit(n.attributes.inset)
}, !0;
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
switch (n) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "v:textbox";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 47: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("./base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(n) {
return {};
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return this.parser = this.parser ||[], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(n), !0) : === this.tag ? (this.model = this.createNewModel(n), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(n);
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(n, o) {
this.model[n] = o.model;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(n) || (this.onParserClose(n, this.parser), this.parser = void 0), !0) : n !== this.tag;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "./base-xform": 31 }], 48: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.openNode("HeadingPairs"), n.openNode("vt:vector", {
size: 2,
baseType: "variant"
}), n.openNode("vt:variant"), n.leafNode("vt:lpstr", void 0, "Worksheets"), n.closeNode(), n.openNode("vt:variant"), n.leafNode("vt:i4", void 0, o.length), n.closeNode(), n.closeNode(), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "HeadingPairs";
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== "HeadingPairs";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 49: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.openNode("TitlesOfParts"), n.openNode("vt:vector", {
size: o.length,
baseType: "lpstr"
}), o.forEach(function(p) {
n.leafNode("vt:lpstr", void 0,;
}), n.closeNode(), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "TitlesOfParts";
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== "TitlesOfParts";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 50: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = e("../simple/string-xform"), r = e("./app-heading-pairs-xform"), t = e("./app-titles-of-parts-xform"), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
Company: new a({
tag: "Company"
Manager: new a({
tag: "Manager"
HeadingPairs: new r(),
TitleOfParts: new t()
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.openXml(v.StdDocAttributes), P.openNode("Properties", p.PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES), P.leafNode("Application", void 0, "Microsoft Excel"), P.leafNode("DocSecurity", void 0, "0"), P.leafNode("ScaleCrop", void 0, "false"),, F.worksheets),, F.worksheets),, || ""),, F.manager), P.leafNode("LinksUpToDate", void 0, "false"), P.leafNode("SharedDoc", void 0, "false"), P.leafNode("HyperlinksChanged", void 0, "false"), P.leafNode("AppVersion", void 0, "16.0300"), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case "Properties":
return !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(P) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(P);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (P) {
case "Properties":
return this.model = {
}, !1;
return !0;
}]), p;
i.DateFormat = function(n) {
return n.toISOString().replace(/[.]\d{3,6}/, "");
}, i.DateAttrs = {
"xsi:type": "dcterms:W3CDTF"
xmlns: "",
"xmlns:vt": ""
}, x.exports = i;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "../simple/string-xform": 118, "./app-heading-pairs-xform": 48, "./app-titles-of-parts-xform": 49 }], 51: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
o.openXml(v.StdDocAttributes), o.openNode("Types", i.PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES);
var O = {};
( || []).forEach(function(F) {
if (F.type === "image") {
var z = F.extension;
O[z] || (O[z] = !0, o.leafNode("Default", {
Extension: z,
ContentType: "image/".concat(z)
}), o.leafNode("Default", {
Extension: "rels",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"
}), o.leafNode("Default", {
Extension: "xml",
ContentType: "application/xml"
}), o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/workbook.xml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml"
}), p.worksheets.forEach(function(F) {
var z = "/xl/worksheets/sheet".concat(, ".xml");
o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: z,
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml"
}), o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/theme/theme1.xml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml"
}), o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/styles.xml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml"
var P = p.sharedStrings && p.sharedStrings.count;
P && o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/sharedStrings.xml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml"
}), p.tables && p.tables.forEach(function(F) {
o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/tables/".concat(,
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.table+xml"
}), p.drawings && p.drawings.forEach(function(F) {
o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/drawings/".concat(, ".xml"),
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawing+xml"
}), p.commentRefs && (o.leafNode("Default", {
Extension: "vml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.vmlDrawing"
}), p.commentRefs.forEach(function(F) {
var z = F.commentName;
o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/xl/".concat(z, ".xml"),
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.comments+xml"
})), o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/docProps/core.xml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"
}), o.leafNode("Override", {
PartName: "/docProps/app.xml",
ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml"
}), o.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), i;
xmlns: ""
}, x.exports = a;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31 }], 52: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = e("../simple/date-xform"), r = e("../simple/string-xform"), t = e("../simple/integer-xform"), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
"dc:creator": new r({
tag: "dc:creator"
"dc:title": new r({
tag: "dc:title"
"dc:subject": new r({
tag: "dc:subject"
"dc:description": new r({
tag: "dc:description"
"dc:identifier": new r({
tag: "dc:identifier"
"dc:language": new r({
tag: "dc:language"
"cp:keywords": new r({
tag: "cp:keywords"
"cp:category": new r({
tag: "cp:category"
"cp:lastModifiedBy": new r({
tag: "cp:lastModifiedBy"
"cp:lastPrinted": new a({
tag: "cp:lastPrinted",
format: p.DateFormat
"cp:revision": new t({
tag: "cp:revision"
"cp:version": new r({
tag: "cp:version"
"cp:contentStatus": new r({
tag: "cp:contentStatus"
"cp:contentType": new r({
tag: "cp:contentType"
"dcterms:created": new a({
tag: "dcterms:created",
attrs: p.DateAttrs,
format: p.DateFormat
"dcterms:modified": new a({
tag: "dcterms:modified",
attrs: p.DateAttrs,
format: p.DateFormat
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.openXml(v.StdDocAttributes), P.openNode("cp:coreProperties", p.CORE_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES),["dc:creator"].render(P, F.creator),["dc:title"].render(P, F.title),["dc:subject"].render(P, F.subject),["dc:description"].render(P, F.description),["dc:identifier"].render(P, F.identifier),["dc:language"].render(P, F.language),["cp:keywords"].render(P, F.keywords),["cp:category"].render(P, F.category),["cp:lastModifiedBy"].render(P, F.lastModifiedBy),["cp:lastPrinted"].render(P, F.lastPrinted),["cp:revision"].render(P, F.revision),["cp:version"].render(P, F.version),["cp:contentStatus"].render(P, F.contentStatus),["cp:contentType"].render(P, F.contentType),["dcterms:created"].render(P, F.created),["dcterms:modified"].render(P, F.modified), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case "cp:coreProperties":
case "coreProperties":
return !0;
if (this.parser =[], this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseOpen: ".concat(JSON.stringify(P)));
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(P) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(P);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (P) {
case "cp:coreProperties":
case "coreProperties":
return this.model = {
}, !1;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseClose: ".concat(P));
}]), p;
i.DateFormat = function(n) {
return n.toISOString().replace(/[.]\d{3}/, "");
}, i.DateAttrs = {
"xsi:type": "dcterms:W3CDTF"
"xmlns:cp": "",
"xmlns:dc": "",
"xmlns:dcterms": "",
"xmlns:dcmitype": "",
"xmlns:xsi": ""
}, x.exports = i;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "../simple/date-xform": 116, "../simple/integer-xform": 117, "../simple/string-xform": 118 }], 53: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode("Relationship", o);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case "Relationship":
return this.model = n.attributes, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 54: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = e("./relationship-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
Relationship: new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
O = O || this._values, p.openXml(v.StdDocAttributes), p.openNode("Relationships", n.RELATIONSHIPS_ATTRIBUTES), O.forEach(function(F) {, F);
}), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case "Relationships":
return this.model = [], !0;
if (this.parser =[], this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseOpen: ".concat(JSON.stringify(p)));
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(p) || (this.model.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (p) {
case "Relationships":
return !1;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseClose: ".concat(p));
}]), n;
xmlns: ""
}, x.exports = r;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "./relationship-xform": 53 }], 55: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(n), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.reset(), this.model = {
range: {
editAs: n.attributes.editAs || "oneCell"
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(n);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(n);
}, {
key: "reconcilePicture",
value: function(n, o) {
if (n && n.rId) {
var p = o.rels[n.rId], O = p.Target.match(/.*\/media\/(.+[.][a-zA-Z]{3,4})/);
if (O) {
var P = O[1], F = o.mediaIndex[P];
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 56: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./blip-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
var n;
return m(this, i), n =, = {
"a:blip": new c()
}, n;
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
o.openNode(this.tag),["a:blip"].render(o, p), o.openNode("a:stretch"), o.leafNode("a:fillRect"), o.closeNode(), o.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(o), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(o);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(o) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (o) {
case this.tag:
return this.model =["a:blip"].model, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:blipFill";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./blip-xform": 57 }], 57: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, {
"xmlns:r": "",
"r:embed": o.rId,
cstate: "print"
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
rId: n.attributes["r:embed"]
}, !0;
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
switch (n) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "a:blip";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 58: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n) {
n.openNode(this.tag), n.leafNode("a:picLocks", {
noChangeAspect: "1"
}), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return !0;
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
switch (n) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:cNvPicPr";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 59: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./hlink-click-xform"), a = e("./ext-lst-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"a:hlinkClick": new c(),
"a:extLst": new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
p.openNode(this.tag, {
id: O.index,
name: "Picture ".concat(O.index)
}),["a:hlinkClick"].render(p, O),["a:extLst"].render(p, O), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(p);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(p) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (p) {
case this.tag:
return this.model =["a:hlinkClick"].model, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:cNvPr";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./ext-lst-xform": 62, "./hlink-click-xform": 64 }], 60: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("../simple/integer-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i(n) {
var o;
return m(this, i), o =, o.tag = n.tag, = {
"xdr:col": new c({
tag: "xdr:col",
zero: !0
"xdr:colOff": new c({
tag: "xdr:colOff",
zero: !0
"xdr:row": new c({
tag: "xdr:row",
zero: !0
"xdr:rowOff": new c({
tag: "xdr:rowOff",
zero: !0
}, o;
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
o.openNode(this.tag),["xdr:col"].render(o, p.nativeCol),["xdr:colOff"].render(o, p.nativeColOff),["xdr:row"].render(o, p.nativeRow),["xdr:rowOff"].render(o, p.nativeRowOff), o.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(o), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(o);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(o) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(o);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(o) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (o) {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
}, !1;
return !0;
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "../simple/integer-xform": 117 }], 61: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(o) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(O) {
return typeof O;
} : u = function(O) {
return O && typeof Symbol == "function" && O.constructor === Symbol && O !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof O;
}, u(o);
function m(o, p) {
if (!(o instanceof p))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(o, p) {
for (var O = 0; O < p.length; O++) {
var P = p[O];
P.enumerable = P.enumerable || !1, P.configurable = !0, "value" in P && (P.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(o, P.key, P);
function b(o, p, O) {
return p && g(o.prototype, p), O && g(o, O), o;
function w(o, p) {
if (typeof p != "function" && p !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
o.prototype = Object.create(p && p.prototype, { constructor: { value: o, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), p && f(o, p);
function f(o, p) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(P, F) {
return P.__proto__ = F, P;
}, f(o, p);
function y(o) {
var p = d();
return function() {
var P = s(o), F;
if (p) {
var z = s(this).constructor;
F = Reflect.construct(P, arguments, z);
} else
F = P.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, F);
function h(o, p) {
return p && (u(p) === "object" || typeof p == "function") ? p : l(o);
function l(o) {
if (o === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return o;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (o) {
return !1;
function s(o) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(O) {
return O.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(O);
}, s(o);
var v = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), c = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), a = e("../base-xform"), r = e("./two-cell-anchor-xform"), t = e("./one-cell-anchor-xform");
function i(o) {
var p = typeof o.range == "string" ? v.decode(o.range) : o.range;
return ? "xdr:twoCellAnchor" : "xdr:oneCellAnchor";
var n = /* @__PURE__ */ function(o) {
w(O, o);
var p = y(O);
function O() {
var P;
return m(this, O), P =, = {
"xdr:twoCellAnchor": new r(),
"xdr:oneCellAnchor": new t()
}, P;
return b(O, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(F) {
var z = this;
F.anchors.forEach(function(N, M) {
N.anchorType = i(N);
var I =[N.anchorType];
I.prepare(N, {
index: M
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(F, z) {
var N = this;
F.openXml(c.StdDocAttributes), F.openNode(this.tag, O.DRAWING_ATTRIBUTES), z.anchors.forEach(function(M) {
var I =[M.anchorType];
I.render(F, M);
}), F.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(F) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(F), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.reset(), this.model = {
anchors: []
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(F);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(F) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(F);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(F) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(F) || (this.model.anchors.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (F) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(F, z) {
var N = this;
F.anchors.forEach(function(M) { ?["xdr:twoCellAnchor"].reconcile(M, z) :["xdr:oneCellAnchor"].reconcile(M, z);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:wsDr";
}]), O;
"xmlns:xdr": "",
"xmlns:a": ""
}, x.exports = n;
}, { "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "./one-cell-anchor-xform": 66, "./two-cell-anchor-xform": 69 }], 62: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n) {
n.openNode(this.tag), n.openNode("a:ext", {
uri: "{FF2B5EF4-FFF2-40B4-BE49-F238E27FC236}"
}), n.leafNode("a16:creationId", {
"xmlns:a16": "",
id: "{00000000-0008-0000-0000-000002000000}"
}), n.closeNode(), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return !0;
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
switch (n) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "a:extLst";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 63: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = 9525, a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i(n) {
var o;
return m(this, i), o =, o.tag = n.tag, = {}, o;
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
var O = Math.floor(p.width * c), P = Math.floor(p.height * c);
o.addAttribute("cx", O), o.addAttribute("cy", P), o.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
return === this.tag ? (this.model = {
width: parseInt( || "0", 10) / c,
height: parseInt( || "0", 10) / c
}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 64: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o.hyperlinks && o.hyperlinks.rId && n.leafNode(this.tag, {
"xmlns:r": "",
"r:id": o.hyperlinks.rId,
tooltip: o.hyperlinks.tooltip
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
hyperlinks: {
rId: n.attributes["r:id"],
tooltip: n.attributes.tooltip
}, !0;
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "a:hlinkClick";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 65: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./c-nv-pr-xform"), a = e("./c-nv-pic-pr-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"xdr:cNvPr": new c(),
"xdr:cNvPicPr": new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
p.openNode(this.tag),["xdr:cNvPr"].render(p, O),["xdr:cNvPicPr"].render(p, O), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(p);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(p) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (p) {
case this.tag:
return this.model =["xdr:cNvPr"].model, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:nvPicPr";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./c-nv-pic-pr-xform": 58, "./c-nv-pr-xform": 59 }], 66: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("./base-cell-anchor-xform"), c = e("../static-xform"), a = e("./cell-position-xform"), r = e("./ext-xform"), t = e("./pic-xform"), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
"xdr:from": new a({
tag: "xdr:from"
"xdr:ext": new r({
tag: "xdr:ext"
"xdr:pic": new t(),
"xdr:clientData": new c({
tag: "xdr:clientData"
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(P, F) {["xdr:pic"].prepare(P.picture, F);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.openNode(this.tag, {
editAs: F.range.editAs || "oneCell"
}),["xdr:from"].render(P,,["xdr:ext"].render(P, F.range.ext),["xdr:pic"].render(P, F.picture),["xdr:clientData"].render(P, {}), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (P) {
case this.tag:
return =["xdr:from"].model, this.model.range.ext =["xdr:ext"].model, this.model.picture =["xdr:pic"].model, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(P, F) {
P.medium = this.reconcilePicture(P.picture, F);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:oneCellAnchor";
}]), p;
x.exports = i;
}, { "../static-xform": 119, "./base-cell-anchor-xform": 55, "./cell-position-xform": 60, "./ext-xform": 63, "./pic-xform": 67 }], 67: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("../static-xform"), a = e("./blip-fill-xform"), r = e("./nv-pic-pr-xform"), t = e("./sp-pr"), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
"xdr:nvPicPr": new r(),
"xdr:blipFill": new a(),
"xdr:spPr": new c(t)
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(P, F) {
P.index = F.index + 1;
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.openNode(this.tag),["xdr:nvPicPr"].render(P, F),["xdr:blipFill"].render(P, F),["xdr:spPr"].render(P, F), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(P);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.mergeModel(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (P) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:pic";
}]), p;
x.exports = i;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "../static-xform": 119, "./blip-fill-xform": 56, "./nv-pic-pr-xform": 65, "./sp-pr": 68 }], 68: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
tag: "xdr:spPr",
c: [{
tag: "a:xfrm",
c: [{
tag: "a:off",
$: {
x: "0",
y: "0"
}, {
tag: "a:ext",
$: {
cx: "0",
cy: "0"
}, {
tag: "a:prstGeom",
$: {
prst: "rect"
c: [{
tag: "a:avLst"
}, {}], 69: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function b(i, n, o) {
return n && g(i.prototype, n), o && g(i, o), i;
function w(i, n) {
if (typeof n != "function" && n !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
i.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: i, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), n && f(i, n);
function f(i, n) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(p, O) {
return p.__proto__ = O, p;
}, f(i, n);
function y(i) {
var n = d();
return function() {
var p = s(i), O;
if (n) {
var P = s(this).constructor;
O = Reflect.construct(p, arguments, P);
} else
O = p.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, O);
function h(i, n) {
return n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") ? n : l(i);
function l(i) {
if (i === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return i;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (i) {
return !1;
function s(i) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) {
return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
}, s(i);
var v = e("./base-cell-anchor-xform"), c = e("../static-xform"), a = e("./cell-position-xform"), r = e("./pic-xform"), t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
var p;
return m(this, o), p =, = {
"xdr:from": new a({
tag: "xdr:from"
"xdr:to": new a({
tag: "xdr:to"
"xdr:pic": new r(),
"xdr:clientData": new c({
tag: "xdr:clientData"
}, p;
return b(o, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(O, P) {["xdr:pic"].prepare(O.picture, P);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
O.openNode(this.tag, {
editAs: P.range.editAs || "oneCell"
}),["xdr:from"].render(O,,["xdr:to"].render(O,,["xdr:pic"].render(O, P.picture),["xdr:clientData"].render(O, {}), O.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(O) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(O) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (O) {
case this.tag:
return =["xdr:from"].model, =["xdr:to"].model, this.model.picture =["xdr:pic"].model, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(O, P) {
O.medium = this.reconcilePicture(O.picture, P);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xdr:twoCellAnchor";
}]), o;
x.exports = t;
}, { "../static-xform": 119, "./base-cell-anchor-xform": 55, "./cell-position-xform": 60, "./pic-xform": 67 }], 70: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("./base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n.tag = i.tag, n.always = !!i.always, n.count = i.count, n.empty = i.empty, n.$count = i.$count || "count", n.$ = i.$, n.childXform = i.childXform, n.maxItems = i.maxItems, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(n, o) {
var p = this.childXform;
n && n.forEach(function(O, P) {
o.index = P, p.prepare(O, o);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
if (this.always || o && o.length) {
n.openNode(this.tag, this.$), this.count && n.addAttribute(this.$count, o && o.length || 0);
var p = this.childXform;
(o || []).forEach(function(O, P) {
p.render(n, O, P);
}), n.closeNode();
} else
this.empty && n.leafNode(this.tag);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(n), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = [], !0;
return this.childXform.parseOpen(n) ? (this.parser = this.childXform, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(n);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
if (this.parser) {
if (!this.parser.parseClose(n) && (this.model.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0, this.maxItems && this.model.length > this.maxItems))
throw new Error("Max ".concat(this.childXform.tag, " count (").concat(this.maxItems, ") exceeded"));
return !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(n, o) {
if (n) {
var p = this.childXform;
n.forEach(function(O) {
p.reconcile(O, o);
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "./base-xform": 31 }], 71: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
if (p)
if (typeof p == "string")
o.leafNode("autoFilter", {
ref: p
else {
var O = function(N) {
return typeof N == "string" ? N : v.getAddress(N.row, N.column).address;
}, P = O(p.from), F = O(;
P && F && o.leafNode("autoFilter", {
ref: "".concat(P, ":").concat(F)
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) { === "autoFilter" && (this.model = o.attributes.ref);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "autoFilter";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../base-xform": 31 }], 72: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(F) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(N) {
return typeof N;
} : u = function(N) {
return N && typeof Symbol == "function" && N.constructor === Symbol && N !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof N;
}, u(F);
function m(F, z) {
var N = Object.keys(F);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var M = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(F);
z && (M = M.filter(function(I) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(F, I).enumerable;
})), N.push.apply(N, M);
return N;
function g(F) {
for (var z = 1; z < arguments.length; z++) {
var N = arguments[z] != null ? arguments[z] : {};
z % 2 ? m(Object(N), !0).forEach(function(M) {
b(F, M, N[M]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(F, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(N)) : m(Object(N)).forEach(function(M) {
Object.defineProperty(F, M, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(N, M));
return F;
function b(F, z, N) {
return z in F ? Object.defineProperty(F, z, { value: N, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : F[z] = N, F;
function w(F, z) {
if (!(F instanceof z))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(F, z) {
for (var N = 0; N < z.length; N++) {
var M = z[N];
M.enumerable = M.enumerable || !1, M.configurable = !0, "value" in M && (M.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(F, M.key, M);
function y(F, z, N) {
return z && f(F.prototype, z), N && f(F, N), F;
function h(F, z) {
if (typeof z != "function" && z !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
F.prototype = Object.create(z && z.prototype, { constructor: { value: F, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), z && l(F, z);
function l(F, z) {
return l = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(M, I) {
return M.__proto__ = I, M;
}, l(F, z);
function d(F) {
var z = c();
return function() {
var M = a(F), I;
if (z) {
var R = a(this).constructor;
I = Reflect.construct(M, arguments, R);
} else
I = M.apply(this, arguments);
return s(this, I);
function s(F, z) {
return z && (u(z) === "object" || typeof z == "function") ? z : v(F);
function v(F) {
if (F === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return F;
function c() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (F) {
return !1;
function a(F) {
return a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(N) {
return N.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(N);
}, a(F);
var r = e("../../../utils/utils"), t = e("../base-xform"), i = e("../../../doc/range"), n = e("../../../doc/enums"), o = e("../strings/rich-text-xform");
function p(F) {
if (F == null)
return n.ValueType.Null;
if (F instanceof String || typeof F == "string")
return n.ValueType.String;
if (typeof F == "number")
return n.ValueType.Number;
if (typeof F == "boolean")
return n.ValueType.Boolean;
if (F instanceof Date)
return n.ValueType.Date;
if (F.text && F.hyperlink)
return n.ValueType.Hyperlink;
if (F.formula)
return n.ValueType.Formula;
if (F.error)
return n.ValueType.Error;
throw new Error("I could not understand type of value");
function O(F) {
switch (F.type) {
case n.ValueType.Formula:
return p(F.result);
return F.type;
var P = /* @__PURE__ */ function(F) {
h(N, F);
var z = d(N);
function N() {
var M;
return w(this, N), M =, M.richTextXForm = new o(), M;
return y(N, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = R.styles.addStyleModel( || {}, O(I));
switch (C && (I.styleId = C), I.comment && R.comments.push(g(g({}, I.comment), {}, {
ref: I.address
})), I.type) {
case n.ValueType.String:
case n.ValueType.RichText:
R.sharedStrings && (I.ssId = R.sharedStrings.add(I.value));
case n.ValueType.Date:
R.date1904 && (I.date1904 = !0);
case n.ValueType.Hyperlink:
R.sharedStrings && I.text !== void 0 && I.text !== null && (I.ssId = R.sharedStrings.add(I.text)), R.hyperlinks.push({
address: I.address,
target: I.hyperlink,
tooltip: I.tooltip
case n.ValueType.Merge:
case n.ValueType.Formula:
if (R.date1904 && (I.date1904 = !0), I.shareType === "shared" && ( = R.siFormulae++), I.formula)
R.formulae[I.address] = I;
else if (I.sharedFormula) {
var E = R.formulae[I.sharedFormula];
if (!E)
throw new Error("Shared Formula master must exist above and or left of clone for cell ".concat(I.address)); === void 0 ? (E.shareType = "shared", = R.siFormulae++, E.range = new i(E.address, I.address)) : E.range && E.range.expandToAddress(I.address), =;
}, {
key: "renderFormula",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = null;
switch (R.shareType) {
case "shared":
C = {
t: "shared",
ref: R.ref || R.range.range,
case "array":
C = {
t: "array",
ref: R.ref
default: !== void 0 && (C = {
t: "shared",
switch (p(R.result)) {
case n.ValueType.Null:
I.leafNode("f", C, R.formula);
case n.ValueType.String:
I.addAttribute("t", "str"), I.leafNode("f", C, R.formula), I.leafNode("v", null, R.result);
case n.ValueType.Number:
I.leafNode("f", C, R.formula), I.leafNode("v", null, R.result);
case n.ValueType.Boolean:
I.addAttribute("t", "b"), I.leafNode("f", C, R.formula), I.leafNode("v", null, R.result ? 1 : 0);
case n.ValueType.Error:
I.addAttribute("t", "e"), I.leafNode("f", C, R.formula), I.leafNode("v", null, R.result.error);
case n.ValueType.Date:
I.leafNode("f", C, R.formula), I.leafNode("v", null, r.dateToExcel(R.result, R.date1904));
throw new Error("I could not understand type of value");
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = this;
if (!(R.type === n.ValueType.Null && !R.styleId)) {
switch (I.openNode("c"), I.addAttribute("r", R.address), R.styleId && I.addAttribute("s", R.styleId), R.type) {
case n.ValueType.Null:
case n.ValueType.Number:
I.leafNode("v", null, R.value);
case n.ValueType.Boolean:
I.addAttribute("t", "b"), I.leafNode("v", null, R.value ? "1" : "0");
case n.ValueType.Error:
I.addAttribute("t", "e"), I.leafNode("v", null, R.value.error);
case n.ValueType.String:
case n.ValueType.RichText:
R.ssId !== void 0 ? (I.addAttribute("t", "s"), I.leafNode("v", null, R.ssId)) : R.value && R.value.richText ? (I.addAttribute("t", "inlineStr"), I.openNode("is"), R.value.richText.forEach(function(E) {
C.richTextXForm.render(I, E);
}), I.closeNode("is")) : (I.addAttribute("t", "str"), I.leafNode("v", null, R.value));
case n.ValueType.Date:
I.leafNode("v", null, r.dateToExcel(R.value, R.date1904));
case n.ValueType.Hyperlink:
R.ssId !== void 0 ? (I.addAttribute("t", "s"), I.leafNode("v", null, R.ssId)) : (I.addAttribute("t", "str"), I.leafNode("v", null, R.text));
case n.ValueType.Formula:
this.renderFormula(I, R);
case n.ValueType.Merge:
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(I) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(I), !0;
switch ( {
case "c":
return this.model = {
address: I.attributes.r
}, this.t = I.attributes.t, I.attributes.s && (this.model.styleId = parseInt(I.attributes.s, 10)), !0;
case "f":
return this.currentNode = "f", =, this.model.shareType = I.attributes.t, this.model.ref = I.attributes.ref, !0;
case "v":
return this.currentNode = "v", !0;
case "t":
return this.currentNode = "t", !0;
case "r":
return this.parser = this.richTextXForm, this.parser.parseOpen(I), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(I) {
if (this.parser) {
switch (this.currentNode) {
case "f":
this.model.formula = this.model.formula ? this.model.formula + I : I;
case "v":
case "t":
this.model.value && this.model.value.richText ? this.model.value.richText.text = this.model.value.richText.text ? this.model.value.richText.text + I : I : this.model.value = this.model.value ? this.model.value + I : I;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(I) {
switch (I) {
case "c": {
var R = this.model;
if (R.formula || R.shareType)
R.type = n.ValueType.Formula, R.value && (this.t === "str" ? R.result = r.xmlDecode(R.value) : this.t === "b" ? R.result = parseInt(R.value, 10) !== 0 : this.t === "e" ? R.result = {
error: R.value
} : R.result = parseFloat(R.value), R.value = void 0);
else if (R.value !== void 0)
switch (this.t) {
case "s":
R.type = n.ValueType.String, R.value = parseInt(R.value, 10);
case "str":
R.type = n.ValueType.String, R.value = r.xmlDecode(R.value);
case "inlineStr":
R.type = n.ValueType.String;
case "b":
R.type = n.ValueType.Boolean, R.value = parseInt(R.value, 10) !== 0;
case "e":
R.type = n.ValueType.Error, R.value = {
error: R.value
R.type = n.ValueType.Number, R.value = parseFloat(R.value);
R.styleId ? R.type = n.ValueType.Null : R.type = n.ValueType.Merge;
return !1;
case "f":
case "v":
case "is":
return this.currentNode = void 0, !0;
case "t":
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(I), !0) : (this.currentNode = void 0, !0);
case "r":
return this.model.value = this.model.value || {}, this.model.value.richText = this.model.value.richText || [], this.model.value.richText.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0, this.currentNode = void 0, !0;
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(I), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = I.styleId && R.styles && R.styles.getStyleModel(I.styleId);
switch (C && ( = C), I.styleId !== void 0 && (I.styleId = void 0), I.type) {
case n.ValueType.String:
typeof I.value == "number" && R.sharedStrings && (I.value = R.sharedStrings.getString(I.value)), I.value.richText && (I.type = n.ValueType.RichText);
case n.ValueType.Number:
C && r.isDateFmt(C.numFmt) && (I.type = n.ValueType.Date, I.value = r.excelToDate(I.value, R.date1904));
case n.ValueType.Formula:
I.result !== void 0 && C && r.isDateFmt(C.numFmt) && (I.result = r.excelToDate(I.result, R.date1904)), I.shareType === "shared" && (I.ref ? R.formulae[] = I.address : (I.sharedFormula = R.formulae[], delete I.shareType), delete;
var E = R.hyperlinkMap[I.address];
E && (I.type === n.ValueType.Formula ? (I.text = I.result, I.result = void 0) : (I.text = I.value, I.value = void 0), I.type = n.ValueType.Hyperlink, I.hyperlink = E);
var A = R.commentsMap && R.commentsMap[I.address];
A && (I.comment = A);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "c";
}]), N;
x.exports = P;
}, { "../../../doc/enums": 7, "../../../doc/range": 10, "../../../utils/utils": 26, "../base-xform": 31, "../strings/rich-text-xform": 121 }], 73: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, {
iconSet: o.iconSet,
iconId: o.iconId
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
var o = n.attributes;
this.model = {
iconSet: o.iconSet,
iconId: v.toIntValue(o.iconId)
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== this.tag;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:cfIcon";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 74: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(p) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(P) {
return typeof P;
} : u = function(P) {
return P && typeof Symbol == "function" && P.constructor === Symbol && P !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof P;
}, u(p);
function m(p, O) {
if (!(p instanceof O))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(p, O) {
for (var P = 0; P < O.length; P++) {
var F = O[P];
F.enumerable = F.enumerable || !1, F.configurable = !0, "value" in F && (F.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(p, F.key, F);
function b(p, O, P) {
return O && g(p.prototype, O), P && g(p, P), p;
function w(p, O) {
if (typeof O != "function" && O !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
p.prototype = Object.create(O && O.prototype, { constructor: { value: p, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), O && f(p, O);
function f(p, O) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(F, z) {
return F.__proto__ = z, F;
}, f(p, O);
function y(p) {
var O = d();
return function() {
var F = s(p), z;
if (O) {
var N = s(this).constructor;
z = Reflect.construct(F, arguments, N);
} else
z = F.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, z);
function h(p, O) {
return O && (u(O) === "object" || typeof O == "function") ? O : l(p);
function l(p) {
if (p === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return p;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (p) {
return !1;
function s(p) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(P) {
return P.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(P);
}, s(p);
var v = e("uuid"), c = v.v4, a = e("../../base-xform"), r = e("../../composite-xform"), t = e("./databar-ext-xform"), i = e("./icon-set-ext-xform"), n = {
"3Triangles": !0,
"3Stars": !0,
"5Boxes": !0
}, o = /* @__PURE__ */ function(p) {
w(P, p);
var O = y(P);
function P() {
var F;
return m(this, P), F =, = {
"x14:dataBar": F.databarXform = new t(),
"x14:iconSet": F.iconSetXform = new i()
}, F;
return b(P, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(z) {
P.isExt(z) && (z.x14Id = "{".concat(c(), "}").toUpperCase());
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(z, N) {
if (P.isExt(N))
switch (N.type) {
case "dataBar":
this.renderDataBar(z, N);
case "iconSet":
this.renderIconSet(z, N);
}, {
key: "renderDataBar",
value: function(z, N) {
z.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "dataBar",
id: N.x14Id
}), this.databarXform.render(z, N), z.closeNode();
}, {
key: "renderIconSet",
value: function(z, N) {
z.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "iconSet",
priority: N.priority,
id: N.x14Id || "{".concat(c(), "}")
}), this.iconSetXform.render(z, N), z.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(z) {
var N = z.attributes;
return {
type: N.type,
priority: a.toIntValue(N.priority)
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(z, N) {
Object.assign(this.model, N.model);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:cfRule";
}], [{
key: "isExt",
value: function(z) {
return z.type === "dataBar" ? t.isExt(z) : !!(z.type === "iconSet" && (z.custom || n[z.iconSet]));
}]), P;
x.exports = o;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31, "../../composite-xform": 47, "./databar-ext-xform": 78, "./icon-set-ext-xform": 80, uuid: 526 }], 75: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../composite-xform"), c = e("./f-ext-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
var n;
return m(this, i), n =, = {
"xm:f": n.fExtXform = new c()
}, n;
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
o.openNode(this.tag, {
type: p.type
}), p.value !== void 0 && this.fExtXform.render(o, p.value), o.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(o) {
return {
type: o.attributes.type
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(o, p) {
switch (o) {
case "xm:f":
this.model.value = p.model ? parseFloat(p.model) : 0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:cfvo";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../composite-xform": 47, "./f-ext-xform": 79 }], 76: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../composite-xform"), c = e("./sqref-ext-xform"), a = e("./cf-rule-ext-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"xm:sqref": o.sqRef = new c(),
"x14:cfRule": o.cfRule = new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.rules.forEach(function(F) {
P.cfRule.prepare(F, O);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
O.rules.some(a.isExt) && (p.openNode(this.tag, {
"xmlns:xm": ""
}), O.rules.filter(a.isExt).forEach(function(F) {
return P.cfRule.render(p, F);
}), this.sqRef.render(p, O.ref), p.closeNode());
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return {
rules: []
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
switch (p) {
case "xm:sqref":
this.model.ref = O.model;
case "x14:cfRule":
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:conditionalFormatting";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../composite-xform": 47, "./cf-rule-ext-xform": 74, "./sqref-ext-xform": 81 }], 77: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../composite-xform"), c = e("./cf-rule-ext-xform"), a = e("./conditional-formatting-ext-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"x14:conditionalFormatting": o.cfXform = new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "hasContent",
value: function(p) {
return p.hasExtContent === void 0 && (p.hasExtContent = p.some(function(O) {
return O.rules.some(c.isExt);
})), p.hasExtContent;
}, {
key: "prepare",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.forEach(function(F) {
P.cfXform.prepare(F, O);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
this.hasContent(O) && (p.openNode(this.tag), O.forEach(function(F) {
return P.cfXform.render(p, F);
}), p.closeNode());
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return [];
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:conditionalFormattings";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../composite-xform": 47, "./cf-rule-ext-xform": 74, "./conditional-formatting-ext-xform": 76 }], 78: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(F) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(N) {
return typeof N;
} : u = function(N) {
return N && typeof Symbol == "function" && N.constructor === Symbol && N !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof N;
}, u(F);
function m(F, z) {
return y(F) || f(F, z) || b(F, z) || g();
function g() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function b(F, z) {
if (F) {
if (typeof F == "string")
return w(F, z);
var N =, -1);
if (N === "Object" && F.constructor && (N =, N === "Map" || N === "Set")
return Array.from(F);
if (N === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(N))
return w(F, z);
function w(F, z) {
(z == null || z > F.length) && (z = F.length);
for (var N = 0, M = new Array(z); N < z; N++)
M[N] = F[N];
return M;
function f(F, z) {
if (!(typeof Symbol == "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(F)))) {
var N = [], M = !0, I = !1, R = void 0;
try {
for (var C = F[Symbol.iterator](), E; !(M = (E = && (N.push(E.value), !(z && N.length === z)); M = !0)
} catch (A) {
I = !0, R = A;
} finally {
try {
!M && C.return != null && C.return();
} finally {
if (I)
throw R;
return N;
function y(F) {
if (Array.isArray(F))
return F;
function h(F, z) {
if (!(F instanceof z))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function l(F, z) {
for (var N = 0; N < z.length; N++) {
var M = z[N];
M.enumerable = M.enumerable || !1, M.configurable = !0, "value" in M && (M.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(F, M.key, M);
function d(F, z, N) {
return z && l(F.prototype, z), N && l(F, N), F;
function s(F, z) {
if (typeof z != "function" && z !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
F.prototype = Object.create(z && z.prototype, { constructor: { value: F, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), z && v(F, z);
function v(F, z) {
return v = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(M, I) {
return M.__proto__ = I, M;
}, v(F, z);
function c(F) {
var z = t();
return function() {
var M = i(F), I;
if (z) {
var R = i(this).constructor;
I = Reflect.construct(M, arguments, R);
} else
I = M.apply(this, arguments);
return a(this, I);
function a(F, z) {
return z && (u(z) === "object" || typeof z == "function") ? z : r(F);
function r(F) {
if (F === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return F;
function t() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (F) {
return !1;
function i(F) {
return i = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(N) {
return N.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(N);
}, i(F);
var n = e("../../base-xform"), o = e("../../composite-xform"), p = e("../../style/color-xform"), O = e("./cfvo-ext-xform"), P = /* @__PURE__ */ function(F) {
s(N, F);
var z = c(N);
function N() {
var M;
return h(this, N), M =, = {
"x14:cfvo": M.cfvoXform = new O(),
"x14:borderColor": M.borderColorXform = new p("x14:borderColor"),
"x14:negativeBorderColor": M.negativeBorderColorXform = new p("x14:negativeBorderColor"),
"x14:negativeFillColor": M.negativeFillColorXform = new p("x14:negativeFillColor"),
"x14:axisColor": M.axisColorXform = new p("x14:axisColor")
}, M;
return d(N, [{
key: "render",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = this;
I.openNode(this.tag, {
minLength: n.toIntAttribute(R.minLength, 0, !0),
maxLength: n.toIntAttribute(R.maxLength, 100, !0),
border: n.toBoolAttribute(R.border, !1),
gradient: n.toBoolAttribute(R.gradient, !0),
negativeBarColorSameAsPositive: n.toBoolAttribute(R.negativeBarColorSameAsPositive, !0),
negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive: n.toBoolAttribute(R.negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive, !0),
axisPosition: n.toAttribute(R.axisPosition, "auto"),
direction: n.toAttribute(R.direction, "leftToRight")
}), R.cfvo.forEach(function(E) {
C.cfvoXform.render(I, E);
}), this.borderColorXform.render(I, R.borderColor), this.negativeBorderColorXform.render(I, R.negativeBorderColor), this.negativeFillColorXform.render(I, R.negativeFillColor), this.axisColorXform.render(I, R.axisColor), I.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(I) {
var R = I.attributes;
return {
cfvo: [],
minLength: n.toIntValue(R.minLength, 0),
maxLength: n.toIntValue(R.maxLength, 100),
border: n.toBoolValue(R.border, !1),
gradient: n.toBoolValue(R.gradient, !0),
negativeBarColorSameAsPositive: n.toBoolValue(R.negativeBarColorSameAsPositive, !0),
negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive: n.toBoolValue(R.negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive, !0),
axisPosition: n.toStringValue(R.axisPosition, "auto"),
direction: n.toStringValue(R.direction, "leftToRight")
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = I.split(":"), E = m(C, 2), A = E[1];
switch (A) {
case "cfvo":
this.model[A] = R.model;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:dataBar";
}], [{
key: "isExt",
value: function(I) {
return !I.gradient;
}]), N;
x.exports = P;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31, "../../composite-xform": 47, "../../style/color-xform": 127, "./cfvo-ext-xform": 75 }], 79: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, null, o);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function() {
this.model = "";
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.model += n;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== this.tag;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xm:f";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 80: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(F) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(N) {
return typeof N;
} : u = function(N) {
return N && typeof Symbol == "function" && N.constructor === Symbol && N !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof N;
}, u(F);
function m(F, z) {
return y(F) || f(F, z) || b(F, z) || g();
function g() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function b(F, z) {
if (F) {
if (typeof F == "string")
return w(F, z);
var N =, -1);
if (N === "Object" && F.constructor && (N =, N === "Map" || N === "Set")
return Array.from(F);
if (N === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(N))
return w(F, z);
function w(F, z) {
(z == null || z > F.length) && (z = F.length);
for (var N = 0, M = new Array(z); N < z; N++)
M[N] = F[N];
return M;
function f(F, z) {
if (!(typeof Symbol == "undefined" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(F)))) {
var N = [], M = !0, I = !1, R = void 0;
try {
for (var C = F[Symbol.iterator](), E; !(M = (E = && (N.push(E.value), !(z && N.length === z)); M = !0)
} catch (A) {
I = !0, R = A;
} finally {
try {
!M && C.return != null && C.return();
} finally {
if (I)
throw R;
return N;
function y(F) {
if (Array.isArray(F))
return F;
function h(F, z) {
if (!(F instanceof z))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function l(F, z) {
for (var N = 0; N < z.length; N++) {
var M = z[N];
M.enumerable = M.enumerable || !1, M.configurable = !0, "value" in M && (M.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(F, M.key, M);
function d(F, z, N) {
return z && l(F.prototype, z), N && l(F, N), F;
function s(F, z) {
if (typeof z != "function" && z !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
F.prototype = Object.create(z && z.prototype, { constructor: { value: F, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), z && v(F, z);
function v(F, z) {
return v = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(M, I) {
return M.__proto__ = I, M;
}, v(F, z);
function c(F) {
var z = t();
return function() {
var M = i(F), I;
if (z) {
var R = i(this).constructor;
I = Reflect.construct(M, arguments, R);
} else
I = M.apply(this, arguments);
return a(this, I);
function a(F, z) {
return z && (u(z) === "object" || typeof z == "function") ? z : r(F);
function r(F) {
if (F === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return F;
function t() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (F) {
return !1;
function i(F) {
return i = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(N) {
return N.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(N);
}, i(F);
var n = e("../../base-xform"), o = e("../../composite-xform"), p = e("./cfvo-ext-xform"), O = e("./cf-icon-ext-xform"), P = /* @__PURE__ */ function(F) {
s(N, F);
var z = c(N);
function N() {
var M;
return h(this, N), M =, = {
"x14:cfvo": M.cfvoXform = new p(),
"x14:cfIcon": M.cfIconXform = new O()
}, M;
return d(N, [{
key: "render",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = this;
I.openNode(this.tag, {
iconSet: n.toStringAttribute(R.iconSet),
reverse: n.toBoolAttribute(R.reverse, !1),
showValue: n.toBoolAttribute(R.showValue, !0),
custom: n.toBoolAttribute(R.icons, !1)
}), R.cfvo.forEach(function(E) {
C.cfvoXform.render(I, E);
}), R.icons && R.icons.forEach(function(E, A) {
E.iconId = A, C.cfIconXform.render(I, E);
}), I.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(I) {
var R = I.attributes;
return {
cfvo: [],
iconSet: n.toStringValue(R.iconSet, "3TrafficLights"),
reverse: n.toBoolValue(R.reverse, !1),
showValue: n.toBoolValue(R.showValue, !0)
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(I, R) {
var C = I.split(":"), E = m(C, 2), A = E[1];
switch (A) {
case "cfvo":
case "cfIcon":
this.model.icons || (this.model.icons = []), this.model.icons.push(R.model);
this.model[A] = R.model;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:iconSet";
}]), N;
x.exports = P;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31, "../../composite-xform": 47, "./cf-icon-ext-xform": 73, "./cfvo-ext-xform": 75 }], 81: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, null, o);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function() {
this.model = "";
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.model += n;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== this.tag;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xm:sqref";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 82: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(R) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(E) {
return typeof E;
} : u = function(E) {
return E && typeof Symbol == "function" && E.constructor === Symbol && E !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof E;
}, u(R);
function m(R, C) {
var E = Object.keys(R);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var A = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(R);
C && (A = A.filter(function(L) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(R, L).enumerable;
})), E.push.apply(E, A);
return E;
function g(R) {
for (var C = 1; C < arguments.length; C++) {
var E = arguments[C] != null ? arguments[C] : {};
C % 2 ? m(Object(E), !0).forEach(function(A) {
b(R, A, E[A]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(R, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(E)) : m(Object(E)).forEach(function(A) {
Object.defineProperty(R, A, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(E, A));
return R;
function b(R, C, E) {
return C in R ? Object.defineProperty(R, C, { value: E, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : R[C] = E, R;
function w(R, C) {
if (!(R instanceof C))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(R, C) {
for (var E = 0; E < C.length; E++) {
var A = C[E];
A.enumerable = A.enumerable || !1, A.configurable = !0, "value" in A && (A.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(R, A.key, A);
function y(R, C, E) {
return C && f(R.prototype, C), E && f(R, E), R;
function h(R, C) {
if (typeof C != "function" && C !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
R.prototype = Object.create(C && C.prototype, { constructor: { value: R, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), C && l(R, C);
function l(R, C) {
return l = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(A, L) {
return A.__proto__ = L, A;
}, l(R, C);
function d(R) {
var C = c();
return function() {
var A = a(R), L;
if (C) {
var $ = a(this).constructor;
L = Reflect.construct(A, arguments, $);
} else
L = A.apply(this, arguments);
return s(this, L);
function s(R, C) {
return C && (u(C) === "object" || typeof C == "function") ? C : v(R);
function v(R) {
if (R === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return R;
function c() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (R) {
return !1;
function a(R) {
return a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(E) {
return E.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(E);
}, a(R);
var r = e("../../base-xform"), t = e("../../composite-xform"), i = e("../../../../doc/range"), n = e("./databar-xform"), o = e("./ext-lst-ref-xform"), p = e("./formula-xform"), O = e("./color-scale-xform"), P = e("./icon-set-xform"), F = {
"3Triangles": !0,
"3Stars": !0,
"5Boxes": !0
}, z = function(C) {
if (C.formulae && C.formulae[0])
return C.formulae[0];
var E = new i(C.ref), A =;
switch (C.operator) {
case "containsText":
return 'NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("'.concat(C.text, '",').concat(A, ")))");
case "containsBlanks":
return "LEN(TRIM(".concat(A, "))=0");
case "notContainsBlanks":
return "LEN(TRIM(".concat(A, "))>0");
case "containsErrors":
return "ISERROR(".concat(A, ")");
case "notContainsErrors":
return "NOT(ISERROR(".concat(A, "))");
}, N = function(C) {
if (C.formulae && C.formulae[0])
return C.formulae[0];
var E = new i(C.ref), A =;
switch (C.timePeriod) {
case "thisWeek":
return "AND(TODAY()-ROUNDDOWN(".concat(A, ",0)<=WEEKDAY(TODAY())-1,ROUNDDOWN(").concat(A, ",0)-TODAY()<=7-WEEKDAY(TODAY()))");
case "lastWeek":
return "AND(TODAY()-ROUNDDOWN(".concat(A, ",0)>=(WEEKDAY(TODAY())),TODAY()-ROUNDDOWN(").concat(A, ",0)<(WEEKDAY(TODAY())+7))");
case "nextWeek":
return "AND(ROUNDDOWN(".concat(A, ",0)-TODAY()>(7-WEEKDAY(TODAY())),ROUNDDOWN(").concat(A, ",0)-TODAY()<(15-WEEKDAY(TODAY())))");
case "yesterday":
return "FLOOR(".concat(A, ",1)=TODAY()-1");
case "today":
return "FLOOR(".concat(A, ",1)=TODAY()");
case "tomorrow":
return "FLOOR(".concat(A, ",1)=TODAY()+1");
case "last7Days":
return "AND(TODAY()-FLOOR(".concat(A, ",1)<=6,FLOOR(").concat(A, ",1)<=TODAY())");
case "lastMonth":
return "AND(MONTH(".concat(A, ")=MONTH(EDATE(TODAY(),0-1)),YEAR(").concat(A, ")=YEAR(EDATE(TODAY(),0-1)))");
case "thisMonth":
return "AND(MONTH(".concat(A, ")=MONTH(TODAY()),YEAR(").concat(A, ")=YEAR(TODAY()))");
case "nextMonth":
return "AND(MONTH(".concat(A, ")=MONTH(EDATE(TODAY(),0+1)),YEAR(").concat(A, ")=YEAR(EDATE(TODAY(),0+1)))");
}, M = function(C) {
var E = C.type, A = C.operator;
switch (E) {
case "containsText":
case "containsBlanks":
case "notContainsBlanks":
case "containsErrors":
case "notContainsErrors":
return {
type: "containsText",
operator: E
return {
type: E,
operator: A
}, I = /* @__PURE__ */ function(R) {
h(E, R);
var C = d(E);
function E() {
var A;
return w(this, E), A =, = {
dataBar: A.databarXform = new n(),
extLst: A.extLstRefXform = new o(),
formula: A.formulaXform = new p(),
colorScale: A.colorScaleXform = new O(),
iconSet: A.iconSetXform = new P()
}, A;
return y(E, [{
key: "render",
value: function(L, $) {
switch ($.type) {
case "expression":
this.renderExpression(L, $);
case "cellIs":
this.renderCellIs(L, $);
case "top10":
this.renderTop10(L, $);
case "aboveAverage":
this.renderAboveAverage(L, $);
case "dataBar":
this.renderDataBar(L, $);
case "colorScale":
this.renderColorScale(L, $);
case "iconSet":
this.renderIconSet(L, $);
case "containsText":
this.renderText(L, $);
case "timePeriod":
this.renderTimePeriod(L, $);
}, {
key: "renderExpression",
value: function(L, $) {
L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "expression",
dxfId: $.dxfId,
priority: $.priority
}), this.formulaXform.render(L, $.formulae[0]), L.closeNode();
}, {
key: "renderCellIs",
value: function(L, $) {
var W = this;
L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "cellIs",
dxfId: $.dxfId,
priority: $.priority,
operator: $.operator
}), $.formulae.forEach(function(U) {
W.formulaXform.render(L, U);
}), L.closeNode();
}, {
key: "renderTop10",
value: function(L, $) {
L.leafNode(this.tag, {
type: "top10",
dxfId: $.dxfId,
priority: $.priority,
percent: r.toBoolAttribute($.percent, !1),
bottom: r.toBoolAttribute($.bottom, !1),
rank: r.toIntValue($.rank, 10, !0)
}, {
key: "renderAboveAverage",
value: function(L, $) {
L.leafNode(this.tag, {
type: "aboveAverage",
dxfId: $.dxfId,
priority: $.priority,
aboveAverage: r.toBoolAttribute($.aboveAverage, !0)
}, {
key: "renderDataBar",
value: function(L, $) {
L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "dataBar",
priority: $.priority
}), this.databarXform.render(L, $), this.extLstRefXform.render(L, $), L.closeNode();
}, {
key: "renderColorScale",
value: function(L, $) {
L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "colorScale",
priority: $.priority
}), this.colorScaleXform.render(L, $), L.closeNode();
}, {
key: "renderIconSet",
value: function(L, $) {
E.isPrimitive($) && (L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "iconSet",
priority: $.priority
}), this.iconSetXform.render(L, $), L.closeNode());
}, {
key: "renderText",
value: function(L, $) {
L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: $.operator,
dxfId: $.dxfId,
priority: $.priority,
operator: r.toStringAttribute($.operator, "containsText")
var W = z($);
W && this.formulaXform.render(L, W), L.closeNode();
}, {
key: "renderTimePeriod",
value: function(L, $) {
L.openNode(this.tag, {
type: "timePeriod",
dxfId: $.dxfId,
priority: $.priority,
timePeriod: $.timePeriod
var W = N($);
W && this.formulaXform.render(L, W), L.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(L) {
var $ = L.attributes;
return g(g({}, M($)), {}, {
dxfId: r.toIntValue($.dxfId),
priority: r.toIntValue($.priority),
timePeriod: $.timePeriod,
percent: r.toBoolValue($.percent),
bottom: r.toBoolValue($.bottom),
rank: r.toIntValue($.rank),
aboveAverage: r.toBoolValue($.aboveAverage)
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(L, $) {
switch (L) {
case "dataBar":
case "extLst":
case "colorScale":
case "iconSet":
Object.assign(this.model, $.model);
case "formula":
this.model.formulae = this.model.formulae || [], this.model.formulae.push($.model);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "cfRule";
}], [{
key: "isPrimitive",
value: function(L) {
return !(L.type === "iconSet" && (L.custom || F[L.iconSet]));
}]), E;
x.exports = I;
}, { "../../../../doc/range": 10, "../../base-xform": 31, "../../composite-xform": 47, "./color-scale-xform": 84, "./databar-xform": 87, "./ext-lst-ref-xform": 88, "./formula-xform": 89, "./icon-set-xform": 90 }], 83: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, {
type: o.type,
val: o.value
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
this.model = {
type: n.attributes.type,
value: v.toFloatValue(n.attributes.val)
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== this.tag;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "cfvo";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 84: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../composite-xform"), c = e("../../style/color-xform"), a = e("./cfvo-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
cfvo: o.cfvoXform = new a(),
color: o.colorXform = new c()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.openNode(this.tag), O.cfvo.forEach(function(F) {
P.cfvoXform.render(p, F);
}), O.color.forEach(function(F) {
P.colorXform.render(p, F);
}), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(p) {
return {
cfvo: [],
color: []
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "colorScale";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../composite-xform": 47, "../../style/color-xform": 127, "./cfvo-xform": 83 }], 85: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../composite-xform"), c = e("./cf-rule-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
var n;
return m(this, i), n =, = {
cfRule: new c()
}, n;
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
var O = this;
p.rules.some(c.isPrimitive) && (o.openNode(this.tag, {
sqref: p.ref
}), p.rules.forEach(function(P) {
c.isPrimitive(P) && (P.ref = p.ref,, P));
}), o.closeNode());
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(o) {
var p = o.attributes;
return {
ref: p.sqref,
rules: []
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(o, p) {
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "conditionalFormatting";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../composite-xform": 47, "./cf-rule-xform": 82 }], 86: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(O) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(F) {
return typeof F;
} : u = function(F) {
return F && typeof Symbol == "function" && F.constructor === Symbol && F !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof F;
}, u(O);
function m(O) {
return f(O) || w(O) || b(O) || g();
function g() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function b(O, P) {
if (O) {
if (typeof O == "string")
return y(O, P);
var F =, -1);
if (F === "Object" && O.constructor && (F =, F === "Map" || F === "Set")
return Array.from(O);
if (F === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(F))
return y(O, P);
function w(O) {
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(O))
return Array.from(O);
function f(O) {
if (Array.isArray(O))
return y(O);
function y(O, P) {
(P == null || P > O.length) && (P = O.length);
for (var F = 0, z = new Array(P); F < P; F++)
z[F] = O[F];
return z;
function h(O, P) {
if (!(O instanceof P))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function l(O, P) {
for (var F = 0; F < P.length; F++) {
var z = P[F];
z.enumerable = z.enumerable || !1, z.configurable = !0, "value" in z && (z.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(O, z.key, z);
function d(O, P, F) {
return P && l(O.prototype, P), F && l(O, F), O;
function s(O, P) {
if (typeof P != "function" && P !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
O.prototype = Object.create(P && P.prototype, { constructor: { value: O, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), P && v(O, P);
function v(O, P) {
return v = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(z, N) {
return z.__proto__ = N, z;
}, v(O, P);
function c(O) {
var P = t();
return function() {
var z = i(O), N;
if (P) {
var M = i(this).constructor;
N = Reflect.construct(z, arguments, M);
} else
N = z.apply(this, arguments);
return a(this, N);
function a(O, P) {
return P && (u(P) === "object" || typeof P == "function") ? P : r(O);
function r(O) {
if (O === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return O;
function t() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (O) {
return !1;
function i(O) {
return i = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(F) {
return F.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(F);
}, i(O);
var n = e("../../base-xform"), o = e("./conditional-formatting-xform"), p = /* @__PURE__ */ function(O) {
s(F, O);
var P = c(F);
function F() {
var z;
return h(this, F), z =, z.cfXform = new o(), z;
return d(F, [{
key: "reset",
value: function() {
this.model = [];
}, {
key: "prepare",
value: function(N, M) {
var I = N.reduce(function(R, C) {
return Math.max.apply(Math, [R].concat(m( {
return E.priority || 0;
}, 1);
N.forEach(function(R) {
R.rules.forEach(function(C) {
C.priority || (C.priority = I++), && (C.dxfId = M.styles.addDxfStyle(;
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(N, M) {
var I = this;
M.forEach(function(R) {
I.cfXform.render(N, R);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(N) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(N), !0;
switch ( {
case "conditionalFormatting":
return this.parser = this.cfXform, this.parser.parseOpen(N), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(N) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(N);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(N) {
return this.parser ? this.parser.parseClose(N) ? !0 : (this.model.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0, !1) : !1;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(N, M) {
N.forEach(function(I) {
I.rules.forEach(function(R) {
R.dxfId !== void 0 && ( = M.styles.getDxfStyle(R.dxfId), delete R.dxfId);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "conditionalFormatting";
}]), F;
x.exports = p;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31, "./conditional-formatting-xform": 85 }], 87: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../composite-xform"), c = e("../../style/color-xform"), a = e("./cfvo-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
cfvo: o.cfvoXform = new a(),
color: o.colorXform = new c()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.openNode(this.tag), O.cfvo.forEach(function(F) {
P.cfvoXform.render(p, F);
}), this.colorXform.render(p, O.color), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return {
cfvo: []
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
switch (p) {
case "cfvo":
case "color":
this.model.color = O.model;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "dataBar";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../composite-xform": 47, "../../style/color-xform": 127, "./cfvo-xform": 83 }], 88: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function b(i, n, o) {
return n && g(i.prototype, n), o && g(i, o), i;
function w(i, n) {
if (typeof n != "function" && n !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
i.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: i, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), n && f(i, n);
function f(i, n) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(p, O) {
return p.__proto__ = O, p;
}, f(i, n);
function y(i) {
var n = d();
return function() {
var p = s(i), O;
if (n) {
var P = s(this).constructor;
O = Reflect.construct(p, arguments, P);
} else
O = p.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, O);
function h(i, n) {
return n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") ? n : l(i);
function l(i) {
if (i === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return i;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (i) {
return !1;
function s(i) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) {
return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
}, s(i);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = e("../../composite-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
return m(this, o), n.apply(this, arguments);
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
O.leafNode(this.tag, null, P);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function() {
this.model = "";
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(O) {
this.model += O;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(O) {
return O !== this.tag;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "x14:id";
}]), o;
}(v), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
var p;
return m(this, o), p =, = {
"x14:id": p.idXform = new a()
}, p;
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
O.openNode(this.tag, {
uri: "{B025F937-C7B1-47D3-B67F-A62EFF666E3E}",
"xmlns:x14": ""
}), this.idXform.render(O, P.x14Id), O.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return {};
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(O, P) {
this.model.x14Id = P.model;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "ext";
}]), o;
}(c), t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
var p;
return m(this, o), p =, = {
ext: new r()
}, p;
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
O.openNode(this.tag),, P), O.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return {};
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(O, P) {
Object.assign(this.model, P.model);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "extLst";
}]), o;
x.exports = t;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31, "../../composite-xform": 47 }], 89: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode(this.tag, null, o);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function() {
this.model = "";
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.model += n;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(n) {
return n !== this.tag;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "formula";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31 }], 90: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../base-xform"), c = e("../../composite-xform"), a = e("./cfvo-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
cfvo: o.cfvoXform = new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
var P = this;
p.openNode(this.tag, {
iconSet: v.toStringAttribute(O.iconSet, "3TrafficLights"),
reverse: v.toBoolAttribute(O.reverse, !1),
showValue: v.toBoolAttribute(O.showValue, !0)
}), O.cfvo.forEach(function(F) {
P.cfvoXform.render(p, F);
}), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function(p) {
var O = p.attributes;
return {
iconSet: v.toStringValue(O.iconSet, "3TrafficLights"),
reverse: v.toBoolValue(O.reverse),
showValue: v.toBoolValue(O.showValue),
cfvo: []
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "iconSet";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../base-xform": 31, "../../composite-xform": 47, "./cfvo-xform": 83 }], 91: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(n, o) {
var p = o.styles.addStyleModel( || {});
p && (n.styleId = p);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.openNode("col"), n.addAttribute("min", o.min), n.addAttribute("max", o.max), o.width && n.addAttribute("width", o.width), o.styleId && n.addAttribute("style", o.styleId), o.hidden && n.addAttribute("hidden", "1"), o.bestFit && n.addAttribute("bestFit", "1"), o.outlineLevel && n.addAttribute("outlineLevel", o.outlineLevel), o.collapsed && n.addAttribute("collapsed", "1"), n.addAttribute("customWidth", "1"), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if ( === "col") {
var o = this.model = {
min: parseInt(n.attributes.min || "0", 10),
max: parseInt(n.attributes.max || "0", 10),
width: n.attributes.width === void 0 ? void 0 : parseFloat(n.attributes.width || "0")
return && (o.styleId = parseInt(, 10)), (n.attributes.hidden === !0 || n.attributes.hidden === "true" || n.attributes.hidden === 1 || n.attributes.hidden === "1") && (o.hidden = !0), n.attributes.bestFit && (o.bestFit = !0), n.attributes.outlineLevel && (o.outlineLevel = parseInt(n.attributes.outlineLevel, 10)), n.attributes.collapsed && (o.collapsed = !0), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(n, o) {
n.styleId && ( = o.styles.getStyleModel(n.styleId));
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "col";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 92: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(N) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(I) {
return typeof I;
} : u = function(I) {
return I && typeof Symbol == "function" && I.constructor === Symbol && I !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof I;
}, u(N);
function m(N, M) {
if (!(N instanceof M))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(N, M) {
for (var I = 0; I < M.length; I++) {
var R = M[I];
R.enumerable = R.enumerable || !1, R.configurable = !0, "value" in R && (R.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(N, R.key, R);
function b(N, M, I) {
return M && g(N.prototype, M), I && g(N, I), N;
function w(N, M) {
if (typeof M != "function" && M !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
N.prototype = Object.create(M && M.prototype, { constructor: { value: N, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), M && f(N, M);
function f(N, M) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(R, C) {
return R.__proto__ = C, R;
}, f(N, M);
function y(N) {
var M = d();
return function() {
var R = s(N), C;
if (M) {
var E = s(this).constructor;
C = Reflect.construct(R, arguments, E);
} else
C = R.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, C);
function h(N, M) {
return M && (u(M) === "object" || typeof M == "function") ? M : l(N);
function l(N) {
if (N === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return N;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (N) {
return !1;
function s(N) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(I) {
return I.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(I);
}, s(N);
function v(N, M) {
var I = Object.keys(N);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var R = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(N);
M && (R = R.filter(function(C) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(N, C).enumerable;
})), I.push.apply(I, R);
return I;
function c(N) {
for (var M = 1; M < arguments.length; M++) {
var I = arguments[M] != null ? arguments[M] : {};
M % 2 ? v(Object(I), !0).forEach(function(R) {
a(N, R, I[R]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(N, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(I)) : v(Object(I)).forEach(function(R) {
Object.defineProperty(N, R, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(I, R));
return N;
function a(N, M, I) {
return M in N ? Object.defineProperty(N, M, { value: I, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : N[M] = I, N;
var r = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), t = e("../../../utils/utils"), i = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), n = e("../base-xform"), o = e("../../../doc/range");
function p(N, M, I, R) {
var C = M[I];
C !== void 0 ? N[I] = C : R !== void 0 && (N[I] = R);
function O(N) {
switch (N) {
case "1":
case "true":
return !0;
return !1;
function P(N, M, I, R) {
var C = M[I];
C !== void 0 ? N[I] = O(C) : R !== void 0 && (N[I] = R);
function F(N) {
var M =, function(C, E) {
return {
address: E,
dataValidation: C,
marked: !1
}).sort(function(C, E) {
return r.strcmp(C.address, E.address);
}), I = r.keyBy(M, "address"), R = function(E, A, L) {
for (var $ = 0; $ < A; $++) {
var W = i.encodeAddress(E.row + $, L);
if (!N[W] || !r.isEqual(N[E.address], N[W]))
return !1;
return !0;
return {
if (!C.marked) {
var E = i.decodeEx(C.address);
if (E.dimensions)
return I[E.dimensions].marked = !0, c(c({}, C.dataValidation), {}, {
sqref: C.address
for (var A = 1, L = i.encodeAddress(E.row + A, E.col); N[L] && r.isEqual(C.dataValidation, N[L]); )
A++, L = i.encodeAddress(E.row + A, E.col);
for (var $ = 1; R(E, A, E.col + $); )
for (var W = 0; W < A; W++)
for (var U = 0; U < $; U++)
L = i.encodeAddress(E.row + W, E.col + U), I[L].marked = !0;
if (A > 1 || $ > 1) {
var D = E.row + (A - 1), B = E.col + ($ - 1);
return c(c({}, C.dataValidation), {}, {
sqref: "".concat(C.address, ":").concat(i.encodeAddress(D, B))
return c(c({}, C.dataValidation), {}, {
sqref: C.address
return null;
var z = /* @__PURE__ */ function(N) {
w(I, N);
var M = y(I);
function I() {
return m(this, I), M.apply(this, arguments);
return b(I, [{
key: "render",
value: function(C, E) {
var A = F(E);
A.length && (C.openNode("dataValidations", {
count: A.length
}), A.forEach(function(L) {
C.openNode("dataValidation"), L.type !== "any" && (C.addAttribute("type", L.type), L.operator && L.type !== "list" && L.operator !== "between" && C.addAttribute("operator", L.operator), L.allowBlank && C.addAttribute("allowBlank", "1")), L.showInputMessage && C.addAttribute("showInputMessage", "1"), L.promptTitle && C.addAttribute("promptTitle", L.promptTitle), L.prompt && C.addAttribute("prompt", L.prompt), L.showErrorMessage && C.addAttribute("showErrorMessage", "1"), L.errorStyle && C.addAttribute("errorStyle", L.errorStyle), L.errorTitle && C.addAttribute("errorTitle", L.errorTitle), L.error && C.addAttribute("error", L.error), C.addAttribute("sqref", L.sqref), (L.formulae || []).forEach(function($, W) {
C.openNode("formula".concat(W + 1)), L.type === "date" ? C.writeText(t.dateToExcel(new Date($))) : C.writeText($), C.closeNode();
}), C.closeNode();
}), C.closeNode());
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(C) {
switch ( {
case "dataValidations":
return this.model = {}, !0;
case "dataValidation": {
this._address = C.attributes.sqref;
var E = {
type: C.attributes.type || "any",
formulae: []
switch (C.attributes.type && P(E, C.attributes, "allowBlank"), P(E, C.attributes, "showInputMessage"), P(E, C.attributes, "showErrorMessage"), E.type) {
case "any":
case "list":
case "custom":
p(E, C.attributes, "operator", "between");
return p(E, C.attributes, "promptTitle"), p(E, C.attributes, "prompt"), p(E, C.attributes, "errorStyle"), p(E, C.attributes, "errorTitle"), p(E, C.attributes, "error"), this._dataValidation = E, !0;
case "formula1":
case "formula2":
return this._formula = [], !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(C) {
this._formula && this._formula.push(C);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(C) {
var E = this;
switch (C) {
case "dataValidations":
return !1;
case "dataValidation": {
(!this._dataValidation.formulae || !this._dataValidation.formulae.length) && (delete this._dataValidation.formulae, delete this._dataValidation.operator);
var A = this._address.split(/\s+/g) || [];
return A.forEach(function($) {
if ($.includes(":")) {
var W = new o($);
W.forEachAddress(function(U) {
E.model[U] = E._dataValidation;
} else
E.model[$] = E._dataValidation;
}), !0;
case "formula1":
case "formula2": {
var L = this._formula.join("");
switch (this._dataValidation.type) {
case "whole":
case "textLength":
L = parseInt(L, 10);
case "decimal":
L = parseFloat(L);
case "date":
L = t.excelToDate(parseFloat(L));
return this._dataValidation.formulae.push(L), this._formula = void 0, !0;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "dataValidations";
}]), I;
x.exports = z;
}, { "../../../doc/range": 10, "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../../../utils/utils": 26, "../base-xform": 31 }], 93: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o && n.leafNode("dimension", {
ref: o
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "dimension" ? (this.model = n.attributes.ref, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "dimension";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 94: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o && n.leafNode(this.tag, {
"r:id": o.rId
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
rId: n.attributes["r:id"]
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "drawing";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 95: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../composite-xform"), c = e("./cf-ext/conditional-formattings-ext-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
"x14:conditionalFormattings": o.conditionalFormattings = new c()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "hasContent",
value: function(p) {
return this.conditionalFormattings.hasContent(p.conditionalFormattings);
}, {
key: "prepare",
value: function(p, O) {
this.conditionalFormattings.prepare(p.conditionalFormattings, O);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
p.openNode("ext", {
uri: "{78C0D931-6437-407d-A8EE-F0AAD7539E65}",
"xmlns:x14": ""
}), this.conditionalFormattings.render(p, O.conditionalFormattings), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return {};
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
this.model[p] = O.model;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "ext";
}]), n;
}(v), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
ext: o.ext = new a()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(p, O) {
this.ext.prepare(p, O);
}, {
key: "hasContent",
value: function(p) {
return this.ext.hasContent(p);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
this.hasContent(O) && (p.openNode("extLst"), this.ext.render(p, O), p.closeNode());
}, {
key: "createNewModel",
value: function() {
return {};
}, {
key: "onParserClose",
value: function(p, O) {
Object.assign(this.model, O.model);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "extLst";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../composite-xform": 47, "./cf-ext/conditional-formattings-ext-xform": 77 }], 96: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
if (o) {
var p = !1;
n.openNode("headerFooter"), o.differentFirst && (n.addAttribute("differentFirst", "1"), p = !0), o.differentOddEven && (n.addAttribute("differentOddEven", "1"), p = !0), o.oddHeader && typeof o.oddHeader == "string" && (n.leafNode("oddHeader", null, o.oddHeader), p = !0), o.oddFooter && typeof o.oddFooter == "string" && (n.leafNode("oddFooter", null, o.oddFooter), p = !0), o.evenHeader && typeof o.evenHeader == "string" && (n.leafNode("evenHeader", null, o.evenHeader), p = !0), o.evenFooter && typeof o.evenFooter == "string" && (n.leafNode("evenFooter", null, o.evenFooter), p = !0), o.firstHeader && typeof o.firstHeader == "string" && (n.leafNode("firstHeader", null, o.firstHeader), p = !0), o.firstFooter && typeof o.firstFooter == "string" && (n.leafNode("firstFooter", null, o.firstFooter), p = !0), p ? (n.closeNode(), n.commit()) : n.rollback();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case "headerFooter":
return this.model = {}, n.attributes.differentFirst && (this.model.differentFirst = parseInt(n.attributes.differentFirst, 0) === 1), n.attributes.differentOddEven && (this.model.differentOddEven = parseInt(n.attributes.differentOddEven, 0) === 1), !0;
case "oddHeader":
return this.currentNode = "oddHeader", !0;
case "oddFooter":
return this.currentNode = "oddFooter", !0;
case "evenHeader":
return this.currentNode = "evenHeader", !0;
case "evenFooter":
return this.currentNode = "evenFooter", !0;
case "firstHeader":
return this.currentNode = "firstHeader", !0;
case "firstFooter":
return this.currentNode = "firstFooter", !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
switch (this.currentNode) {
case "oddHeader":
this.model.oddHeader = n;
case "oddFooter":
this.model.oddFooter = n;
case "evenHeader":
this.model.evenHeader = n;
case "evenFooter":
this.model.evenFooter = n;
case "firstHeader":
this.model.firstHeader = n;
case "firstFooter":
this.model.firstFooter = n;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
switch (this.currentNode) {
case "oddHeader":
case "oddFooter":
case "evenHeader":
case "evenFooter":
case "firstHeader":
case "firstFooter":
return this.currentNode = void 0, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "headerFooter";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 97: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode("hyperlink", {
ref: o.address,
"r:id": o.rId,
tooltip: o.tooltip
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "hyperlink" ? (this.model = {
address: n.attributes.ref,
rId: n.attributes["r:id"],
tooltip: n.attributes.tooltip
}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "hyperlink";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 98: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode("mergeCell", {
ref: o
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "mergeCell" ? (this.model = n.attributes.ref, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "mergeCell";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 99: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l, d) {
if (!(l instanceof d))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(l, d) {
for (var s = 0; s < d.length; s++) {
var v = d[s];
v.enumerable = v.enumerable || !1, v.configurable = !0, "value" in v && (v.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(l, v.key, v);
function g(l, d, s) {
return d && m(l.prototype, d), s && m(l, s), l;
var b = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), w = e("../../../doc/range"), f = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), y = e("../../../doc/enums"), h = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function l() {
u(this, l), this.merges = {};
return g(l, [{
key: "add",
value: function(s) {
if (this.merges[s.master])
else {
var v = "".concat(s.master, ":").concat(s.address);
this.merges[s.master] = new w(v);
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(s, v) {
b.each(s, function(c) {
for (var a = f.decode(c), r =; r <= a.bottom; r++)
for (var t = v[r - 1], i = a.left; i <= a.right; i++) {
var n = t.cells[i - 1];
n ? n.type === y.ValueType.Merge && (n.master = : t.cells[i] = {
type: y.ValueType.Null,
address: f.encodeAddress(r, i)
}, {
key: "getMasterAddress",
value: function(s) {
var v = this.hash[s];
return v &&;
}, {
key: "mergeCells",
get: function() {
return, function(s) {
return s.range;
}]), l;
x.exports = h;
}, { "../../../doc/enums": 7, "../../../doc/range": 10, "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../../../utils/under-dash": 25 }], 100: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = function(t) {
return typeof t != "undefined";
}, a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
return p && (c(p.summaryBelow) || c(p.summaryRight)) ? (o.leafNode(this.tag, {
summaryBelow: c(p.summaryBelow) ? Number(p.summaryBelow) : void 0,
summaryRight: c(p.summaryRight) ? Number(p.summaryRight) : void 0
}), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
return === this.tag ? (this.model = {
summaryBelow: c(o.attributes.summaryBelow) ? !!Number(o.attributes.summaryBelow) : void 0,
summaryRight: c(o.attributes.summaryRight) ? !!Number(o.attributes.summaryRight) : void 0
}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "outlinePr";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 101: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.leafNode("brk", o);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === "brk" ? (this.model = n.attributes.ref, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "brk";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 102: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
if (p) {
var O = {
left: p.left,
right: p.right,
bottom: p.bottom,
header: p.header,
footer: p.footer
v.some(O, function(P) {
return P !== void 0;
}) && o.leafNode(this.tag, O);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
left: parseFloat(o.attributes.left || 0.7),
right: parseFloat(o.attributes.right || 0.7),
top: parseFloat( || 0.75),
bottom: parseFloat(o.attributes.bottom || 0.75),
header: parseFloat(o.attributes.header || 0.3),
footer: parseFloat(o.attributes.footer || 0.3)
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "pageMargins";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../base-xform": 31 }], 103: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
return o && o.fitToPage ? (n.leafNode(this.tag, {
fitToPage: o.fitToPage ? "1" : void 0
}), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === this.tag ? (this.model = {
fitToPage: n.attributes.fitToPage === "1"
}, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "pageSetUpPr";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 104: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(p) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(P) {
return typeof P;
} : u = function(P) {
return P && typeof Symbol == "function" && P.constructor === Symbol && P !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof P;
}, u(p);
function m(p, O) {
if (!(p instanceof O))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(p, O) {
for (var P = 0; P < O.length; P++) {
var F = O[P];
F.enumerable = F.enumerable || !1, F.configurable = !0, "value" in F && (F.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(p, F.key, F);
function b(p, O, P) {
return O && g(p.prototype, O), P && g(p, P), p;
function w(p, O) {
if (typeof O != "function" && O !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
p.prototype = Object.create(O && O.prototype, { constructor: { value: p, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), O && f(p, O);
function f(p, O) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(F, z) {
return F.__proto__ = z, F;
}, f(p, O);
function y(p) {
var O = d();
return function() {
var F = s(p), z;
if (O) {
var N = s(this).constructor;
z = Reflect.construct(F, arguments, N);
} else
z = F.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, z);
function h(p, O) {
return O && (u(O) === "object" || typeof O == "function") ? O : l(p);
function l(p) {
if (p === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return p;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (p) {
return !1;
function s(p) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(P) {
return P.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(P);
}, s(p);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../base-xform");
function a(p) {
return p ? "1" : void 0;
function r(p) {
switch (p) {
case "overThenDown":
return p;
function t(p) {
switch (p) {
case "atEnd":
case "asDisplyed":
return p;
function i(p) {
switch (p) {
case "dash":
case "blank":
case "NA":
return p;
function n(p) {
return p !== void 0 ? parseInt(p, 10) : void 0;
var o = /* @__PURE__ */ function(p) {
w(P, p);
var O = y(P);
function P() {
return m(this, P), O.apply(this, arguments);
return b(P, [{
key: "render",
value: function(z, N) {
if (N) {
var M = {
paperSize: N.paperSize,
orientation: N.orientation,
horizontalDpi: N.horizontalDpi,
verticalDpi: N.verticalDpi,
pageOrder: r(N.pageOrder),
blackAndWhite: a(N.blackAndWhite),
draft: a(N.draft),
cellComments: t(N.cellComments),
errors: i(N.errors),
scale: N.scale,
fitToWidth: N.fitToWidth,
fitToHeight: N.fitToHeight,
firstPageNumber: N.firstPageNumber,
useFirstPageNumber: a(N.firstPageNumber),
usePrinterDefaults: a(N.usePrinterDefaults),
copies: N.copies
v.some(M, function(I) {
return I !== void 0;
}) && z.leafNode(this.tag, M);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(z) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
paperSize: n(z.attributes.paperSize),
orientation: z.attributes.orientation || "portrait",
horizontalDpi: parseInt(z.attributes.horizontalDpi || "4294967295", 10),
verticalDpi: parseInt(z.attributes.verticalDpi || "4294967295", 10),
pageOrder: z.attributes.pageOrder || "downThenOver",
blackAndWhite: z.attributes.blackAndWhite === "1",
draft: z.attributes.draft === "1",
cellComments: z.attributes.cellComments || "None",
errors: z.attributes.errors || "displayed",
scale: parseInt(z.attributes.scale || "100", 10),
fitToWidth: parseInt(z.attributes.fitToWidth || "1", 10),
fitToHeight: parseInt(z.attributes.fitToHeight || "1", 10),
firstPageNumber: parseInt(z.attributes.firstPageNumber || "1", 10),
useFirstPageNumber: z.attributes.useFirstPageNumber === "1",
usePrinterDefaults: z.attributes.usePrinterDefaults === "1",
copies: parseInt(z.attributes.copies || "1", 10)
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "pageSetup";
}]), P;
x.exports = o;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../base-xform": 31 }], 105: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o && n.leafNode(this.tag, {
"r:id": o.rId
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
rId: n.attributes["r:id"]
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "picture";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 106: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../base-xform");
function a(t) {
return t ? "1" : void 0;
var r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
return m(this, n), i.apply(this, arguments);
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
if (O) {
var P = {
headings: a(O.showRowColHeaders),
gridLines: a(O.showGridLines),
horizontalCentered: a(O.horizontalCentered),
verticalCentered: a(O.verticalCentered)
v.some(P, function(F) {
return F !== void 0;
}) && p.leafNode(this.tag, P);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
showRowColHeaders: p.attributes.headings === "1",
showGridLines: p.attributes.gridLines === "1",
horizontalCentered: p.attributes.horizontalCentered === "1",
verticalCentered: p.attributes.verticalCentered === "1"
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "printOptions";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../base-xform": 31 }], 107: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("./page-breaks-xform"), c = e("../list-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
m(this, i);
var n = {
tag: "rowBreaks",
count: !0,
childXform: new v()
return, n);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
if (p && p.length) {
o.openNode(this.tag, this.$), this.count && (o.addAttribute(this.$count, p.length), o.addAttribute("manualBreakCount", p.length));
var O = this.childXform;
p.forEach(function(P) {
O.render(o, P);
}), o.closeNode();
} else
this.empty && o.leafNode(this.tag);
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../list-xform": 70, "./page-breaks-xform": 101 }], 108: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./cell-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i(n) {
var o;
return m(this, i), o =, o.maxItems = n && n.maxItems, = {
c: new c()
}, o;
return b(i, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(o, p) {
var O = p.styles.addStyleModel(;
O && (o.styleId = O);
var P =;
o.cells.forEach(function(F) {
P.prepare(F, p);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(o, p, O) {
o.openNode("row"), o.addAttribute("r", p.number), p.height && (o.addAttribute("ht", p.height), o.addAttribute("customHeight", "1")), p.hidden && o.addAttribute("hidden", "1"), p.min > 0 && p.max > 0 && p.min <= p.max && o.addAttribute("spans", "".concat(p.min, ":").concat(p.max)), p.styleId && (o.addAttribute("s", p.styleId), o.addAttribute("customFormat", "1")), o.addAttribute("x14ac:dyDescent", "0.25"), p.outlineLevel && o.addAttribute("outlineLevel", p.outlineLevel), p.collapsed && o.addAttribute("collapsed", "1");
var P =;
p.cells.forEach(function(F) {
P.render(o, F, O);
}), o.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(o), !0;
if ( === "row") {
this.numRowsSeen += 1;
var p = o.attributes.spans ? o.attributes.spans.split(":").map(function(P) {
return parseInt(P, 10);
}) : [void 0, void 0], O = this.model = {
number: parseInt(o.attributes.r, 10),
min: p[0],
max: p[1],
cells: []
return o.attributes.s && (O.styleId = parseInt(o.attributes.s, 10)), (o.attributes.hidden === !0 || o.attributes.hidden === "true" || o.attributes.hidden === 1 || o.attributes.hidden === "1") && (O.hidden = !0), o.attributes.bestFit && (O.bestFit = !0), && (O.height = parseFloat(, o.attributes.outlineLevel && (O.outlineLevel = parseInt(o.attributes.outlineLevel, 10)), o.attributes.collapsed && (O.collapsed = !0), !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(o), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(o) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(o);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser) {
if (!this.parser.parseClose(o)) {
if (this.model.cells.push(this.parser.model), this.maxItems && this.model.cells.length > this.maxItems)
throw new Error("Max column count (".concat(this.maxItems, ") exceeded"));
this.parser = void 0;
return !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(o, p) { = o.styleId ? p.styles.getStyleModel(o.styleId) : {}, o.styleId !== void 0 && (o.styleId = void 0);
var O =;
o.cells.forEach(function(P) {
O.reconcile(P, p);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "row";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./cell-xform": 72 }], 109: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
if (p) {
var O = {
defaultRowHeight: p.defaultRowHeight,
outlineLevelRow: p.outlineLevelRow,
outlineLevelCol: p.outlineLevelCol,
"x14ac:dyDescent": p.dyDescent
p.defaultColWidth && (O.defaultColWidth = p.defaultColWidth), (!p.defaultRowHeight || p.defaultRowHeight !== 15) && (O.customHeight = "1"), v.some(O, function(P) {
return P !== void 0;
}) && o.leafNode("sheetFormatPr", O);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
return === "sheetFormatPr" ? (this.model = {
defaultRowHeight: parseFloat(o.attributes.defaultRowHeight || "0"),
dyDescent: parseFloat(o.attributes["x14ac:dyDescent"] || "0"),
outlineLevelRow: parseInt(o.attributes.outlineLevelRow || "0", 10),
outlineLevelCol: parseInt(o.attributes.outlineLevelCol || "0", 10)
}, o.attributes.defaultColWidth && (this.model.defaultColWidth = parseFloat(o.attributes.defaultColWidth)), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "sheetFormatPr";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../base-xform": 31 }], 110: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function b(i, n, o) {
return n && g(i.prototype, n), o && g(i, o), i;
function w(i, n) {
if (typeof n != "function" && n !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
i.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: i, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), n && f(i, n);
function f(i, n) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(p, O) {
return p.__proto__ = O, p;
}, f(i, n);
function y(i) {
var n = d();
return function() {
var p = s(i), O;
if (n) {
var P = s(this).constructor;
O = Reflect.construct(p, arguments, P);
} else
O = p.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, O);
function h(i, n) {
return n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") ? n : l(i);
function l(i) {
if (i === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return i;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (i) {
return !1;
function s(i) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) {
return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
}, s(i);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("../style/color-xform"), a = e("./page-setup-properties-xform"), r = e("./outline-properties-xform"), t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
var p;
return m(this, o), p =, = {
tabColor: new c("tabColor"),
pageSetUpPr: new a(),
outlinePr: new r()
}, p;
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
if (P) {
O.addRollback(), O.openNode("sheetPr");
var F = !1;
F =, P.tabColor) || F, F =, P.pageSetup) || F, F =, P.outlineProperties) || F, F ? (O.closeNode(), O.commit()) : O.rollback();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(O) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(O), !0) : === this.tag ? (this.reset(), !0) :[] ? (this.parser =[], this.parser.parseOpen(O), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(O) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseText(O), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(O) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(O) || (this.parser = void 0), !0) : ( || || ? (this.model = {}, && (this.model.tabColor =, && (this.model.pageSetup =, && (this.model.outlineProperties = : this.model = null, !1);
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "sheetPr";
}]), o;
x.exports = t;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "../style/color-xform": 127, "./outline-properties-xform": 100, "./page-setup-properties-xform": 103 }], 111: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function b(i, n, o) {
return n && g(i.prototype, n), o && g(i, o), i;
function w(i, n) {
if (typeof n != "function" && n !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
i.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: i, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), n && f(i, n);
function f(i, n) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(p, O) {
return p.__proto__ = O, p;
}, f(i, n);
function y(i) {
var n = d();
return function() {
var p = s(i), O;
if (n) {
var P = s(this).constructor;
O = Reflect.construct(p, arguments, P);
} else
O = p.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, O);
function h(i, n) {
return n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") ? n : l(i);
function l(i) {
if (i === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return i;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (i) {
return !1;
function s(i) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) {
return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
}, s(i);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../base-xform");
function a(i, n) {
return i ? n : void 0;
function r(i, n) {
return i === n ? !0 : void 0;
var t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o() {
return m(this, o), n.apply(this, arguments);
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
if (P) {
var F = {
sheet: a(P.sheet, "1"),
selectLockedCells: P.selectLockedCells === !1 ? "1" : void 0,
selectUnlockedCells: P.selectUnlockedCells === !1 ? "1" : void 0,
formatCells: a(P.formatCells, "0"),
formatColumns: a(P.formatColumns, "0"),
formatRows: a(P.formatRows, "0"),
insertColumns: a(P.insertColumns, "0"),
insertRows: a(P.insertRows, "0"),
insertHyperlinks: a(P.insertHyperlinks, "0"),
deleteColumns: a(P.deleteColumns, "0"),
deleteRows: a(P.deleteRows, "0"),
sort: a(P.sort, "0"),
autoFilter: a(P.autoFilter, "0"),
pivotTables: a(P.pivotTables, "0")
P.sheet && (F.algorithmName = P.algorithmName, F.hashValue = P.hashValue, F.saltValue = P.saltValue, F.spinCount = P.spinCount, F.objects = a(P.objects === !1, "1"), F.scenarios = a(P.scenarios === !1, "1")), v.some(F, function(z) {
return z !== void 0;
}) && O.leafNode(this.tag, F);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(O) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
sheet: r(O.attributes.sheet, "1"),
objects: O.attributes.objects === "1" ? !1 : void 0,
scenarios: O.attributes.scenarios === "1" ? !1 : void 0,
selectLockedCells: O.attributes.selectLockedCells === "1" ? !1 : void 0,
selectUnlockedCells: O.attributes.selectUnlockedCells === "1" ? !1 : void 0,
formatCells: r(O.attributes.formatCells, "0"),
formatColumns: r(O.attributes.formatColumns, "0"),
formatRows: r(O.attributes.formatRows, "0"),
insertColumns: r(O.attributes.insertColumns, "0"),
insertRows: r(O.attributes.insertRows, "0"),
insertHyperlinks: r(O.attributes.insertHyperlinks, "0"),
deleteColumns: r(O.attributes.deleteColumns, "0"),
deleteRows: r(O.attributes.deleteRows, "0"),
sort: r(O.attributes.sort, "0"),
autoFilter: r(O.attributes.autoFilter, "0"),
pivotTables: r(O.attributes.pivotTables, "0")
}, O.attributes.algorithmName && (this.model.algorithmName = O.attributes.algorithmName, this.model.hashValue = O.attributes.hashValue, this.model.saltValue = O.attributes.saltValue, this.model.spinCount = parseInt(O.attributes.spinCount, 10)), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "sheetProtection";
}]), o;
x.exports = t;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../base-xform": 31 }], 112: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = {
frozen: "frozen",
frozenSplit: "frozen",
split: "split"
}, r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
return m(this, n), i.apply(this, arguments);
return b(n, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(p) {
switch (p.state) {
case "frozen":
case "split":
p.state = "normal";
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
p.openNode("sheetView", {
workbookViewId: O.workbookViewId || 0
var P = function(R, C, E) {
E && p.addAttribute(R, C);
P("rightToLeft", "1", O.rightToLeft === !0), P("tabSelected", "1", O.tabSelected), P("showRuler", "0", O.showRuler === !1), P("showRowColHeaders", "0", O.showRowColHeaders === !1), P("showGridLines", "0", O.showGridLines === !1), P("zoomScale", O.zoomScale, O.zoomScale), P("zoomScaleNormal", O.zoomScaleNormal, O.zoomScaleNormal), P("view",,;
var F, z, N, M;
switch (O.state) {
case "frozen":
z = O.xSplit || 0, N = O.ySplit || 0, F = O.topLeftCell || v.getAddress(N + 1, z + 1).address, M = O.xSplit && O.ySplit && "bottomRight" || O.xSplit && "topRight" || "bottomLeft", p.leafNode("pane", {
xSplit: O.xSplit || void 0,
ySplit: O.ySplit || void 0,
topLeftCell: F,
activePane: M,
state: "frozen"
}), p.leafNode("selection", {
pane: M,
activeCell: O.activeCell,
sqref: O.activeCell
case "split":
O.activePane === "topLeft" && (O.activePane = void 0), p.leafNode("pane", {
xSplit: O.xSplit || void 0,
ySplit: O.ySplit || void 0,
topLeftCell: O.topLeftCell,
activePane: O.activePane
}), p.leafNode("selection", {
pane: O.activePane,
activeCell: O.activeCell,
sqref: O.activeCell
case "normal":
O.activeCell && p.leafNode("selection", {
activeCell: O.activeCell,
sqref: O.activeCell
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
switch ( {
case "sheetView":
return this.sheetView = {
workbookViewId: parseInt(p.attributes.workbookViewId, 10),
rightToLeft: p.attributes.rightToLeft === "1",
tabSelected: p.attributes.tabSelected === "1",
showRuler: p.attributes.showRuler !== "0",
showRowColHeaders: p.attributes.showRowColHeaders !== "0",
showGridLines: p.attributes.showGridLines !== "0",
zoomScale: parseInt(p.attributes.zoomScale || "100", 10),
zoomScaleNormal: parseInt(p.attributes.zoomScaleNormal || "100", 10),
style: p.attributes.view
}, this.pane = void 0, this.selections = {}, !0;
case "pane":
return this.pane = {
xSplit: parseInt(p.attributes.xSplit || "0", 10),
ySplit: parseInt(p.attributes.ySplit || "0", 10),
topLeftCell: p.attributes.topLeftCell,
activePane: p.attributes.activePane || "topLeft",
state: p.attributes.state
}, !0;
case "selection": {
var O = p.attributes.pane || "topLeft";
return this.selections[O] = {
pane: O,
activeCell: p.attributes.activeCell
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
var O, P;
switch (p) {
case "sheetView":
return this.sheetView && this.pane ? (O = this.model = {
workbookViewId: this.sheetView.workbookViewId,
rightToLeft: this.sheetView.rightToLeft,
state: a[this.pane.state] || "split",
// split is default
xSplit: this.pane.xSplit,
ySplit: this.pane.ySplit,
topLeftCell: this.pane.topLeftCell,
showRuler: this.sheetView.showRuler,
showRowColHeaders: this.sheetView.showRowColHeaders,
showGridLines: this.sheetView.showGridLines,
zoomScale: this.sheetView.zoomScale,
zoomScaleNormal: this.sheetView.zoomScaleNormal
}, this.model.state === "split" && (O.activePane = this.pane.activePane), P = this.selections[this.pane.activePane], P && P.activeCell && (O.activeCell = P.activeCell), && ( = : (O = this.model = {
workbookViewId: this.sheetView.workbookViewId,
rightToLeft: this.sheetView.rightToLeft,
state: "normal",
showRuler: this.sheetView.showRuler,
showRowColHeaders: this.sheetView.showRowColHeaders,
showGridLines: this.sheetView.showGridLines,
zoomScale: this.sheetView.zoomScale,
zoomScaleNormal: this.sheetView.zoomScaleNormal
}, P = this.selections.topLeft, P && P.activeCell && (O.activeCell = P.activeCell), && ( =, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "sheetView";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../base-xform": 31 }], 113: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o && n.leafNode(this.tag, {
"r:id": o.rId
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
rId: n.attributes["r:id"]
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "tablePart";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 114: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(ve) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(oe) {
return typeof oe;
} : u = function(oe) {
return oe && typeof Symbol == "function" && oe.constructor === Symbol && oe !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof oe;
}, u(ve);
function m(ve, ge) {
if (!(ve instanceof ge))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(ve, ge) {
for (var oe = 0; oe < ge.length; oe++) {
var J = ge[oe];
J.enumerable = J.enumerable || !1, J.configurable = !0, "value" in J && (J.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(ve, J.key, J);
function b(ve, ge, oe) {
return ge && g(ve.prototype, ge), oe && g(ve, oe), ve;
function w(ve, ge) {
if (typeof ge != "function" && ge !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
ve.prototype = Object.create(ge && ge.prototype, { constructor: { value: ve, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), ge && f(ve, ge);
function f(ve, ge) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(J, Q) {
return J.__proto__ = Q, J;
}, f(ve, ge);
function y(ve) {
var ge = d();
return function() {
var J = s(ve), Q;
if (ge) {
var he = s(this).constructor;
Q = Reflect.construct(J, arguments, he);
} else
Q = J.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, Q);
function h(ve, ge) {
return ge && (u(ge) === "object" || typeof ge == "function") ? ge : l(ve);
function l(ve) {
if (ve === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return ve;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (ve) {
return !1;
function s(ve) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(oe) {
return oe.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(oe);
}, s(ve);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../../../utils/col-cache"), a = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), r = e("../../rel-type"), t = e("./merges"), i = e("../base-xform"), n = e("../list-xform"), o = e("./row-xform"), p = e("./col-xform"), O = e("./dimension-xform"), P = e("./hyperlink-xform"), F = e("./merge-cell-xform"), z = e("./data-validations-xform"), N = e("./sheet-properties-xform"), M = e("./sheet-format-properties-xform"), I = e("./sheet-view-xform"), R = e("./sheet-protection-xform"), C = e("./page-margins-xform"), E = e("./page-setup-xform"), A = e("./print-options-xform"), L = e("./auto-filter-xform"), $ = e("./picture-xform"), W = e("./drawing-xform"), U = e("./table-part-xform"), D = e("./row-breaks-xform"), B = e("./header-footer-xform"), j = e("./cf/conditional-formattings-xform"), V = e("./ext-lst-xform"), re = function(ge, oe) {
Object.keys(oe).forEach(function(J) {
var Q = ge[J], he = oe[J];
Q === void 0 && he !== void 0 && (ge[J] = he);
}, ee = function(ge, oe) {
if (!oe || !oe.length)
return ge;
if (!ge || !ge.length)
return oe;
var J = {}, Q = {};
return ge.forEach(function(he) {
J[he.ref] = he, he.rules.forEach(function(ke) {
var ne = ke.x14Id;
ne && (Q[ne] = ke);
}), oe.forEach(function(he) {
he.rules.forEach(function(ke) {
var ne = Q[ke.x14Id];
ne ? re(ne, ke) : J[he.ref] ? J[he.ref].rules.push(ke) : ge.push({
ref: he.ref,
rules: [ke]
}), ge;
}, ce = /* @__PURE__ */ function(ve) {
w(oe, ve);
var ge = y(oe);
function oe(J) {
var Q;
m(this, oe), Q =;
var he = J || {}, ke = he.maxRows, ne = he.maxCols;
return = {
sheetPr: new N(),
dimension: new O(),
sheetViews: new n({
tag: "sheetViews",
count: !1,
childXform: new I()
sheetFormatPr: new M(),
cols: new n({
tag: "cols",
count: !1,
childXform: new p()
sheetData: new n({
tag: "sheetData",
count: !1,
empty: !0,
childXform: new o({
maxItems: ne
maxItems: ke
autoFilter: new L(),
mergeCells: new n({
tag: "mergeCells",
count: !0,
childXform: new F()
rowBreaks: new D(),
hyperlinks: new n({
tag: "hyperlinks",
count: !1,
childXform: new P()
pageMargins: new C(),
dataValidations: new z(),
pageSetup: new E(),
headerFooter: new B(),
printOptions: new A(),
picture: new $(),
drawing: new W(),
sheetProtection: new R(),
tableParts: new n({
tag: "tableParts",
count: !0,
childXform: new U()
conditionalFormatting: new j(),
extLst: new V()
}, Q;
return b(oe, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(Q, he) {
var ke = this;
he.merges = new t(), Q.hyperlinks = he.hyperlinks = [], Q.comments = he.comments = [], he.formulae = {}, he.siFormulae = 0,, he),, he),, he), Q.mergeCells = he.merges.mergeCells;
var ne = Q.rels = [];
function se(fe) {
return "rId".concat(fe.length + 1);
if (Q.hyperlinks.forEach(function(fe) {
var we = se(ne);
fe.rId = we, ne.push({
Id: we,
Type: r.Hyperlink,
TargetMode: "External"
}), Q.comments.length > 0) {
var Ce = {
Id: se(ne),
Type: r.Comments,
Target: "../comments".concat(, ".xml")
var q = {
Id: se(ne),
Type: r.VmlDrawing,
Target: "../drawings/vmlDrawing".concat(, ".vml")
ne.push(q), Q.comments.forEach(function(fe) {
fe.refAddress = c.decodeAddress(fe.ref);
}), he.commentRefs.push({
commentName: "comments".concat(,
vmlDrawing: "vmlDrawing".concat(
var G = [], Y; {
if (fe.type === "background") {
var we = se(ne);
Y =[fe.imageId], ne.push({
Id: we,
Type: r.Image,
Target: "../media/".concat(, ".").concat(Y.extension)
}), Q.background = {
rId: we
}, Q.image =[fe.imageId];
} else if (fe.type === "image") {
var _e = Q.drawing;
Y =[fe.imageId], _e || (_e = Q.drawing = {
rId: se(ne),
name: "drawing".concat(++he.drawingsCount),
anchors: [],
rels: []
}, he.drawings.push(_e), ne.push({
Id: _e.rId,
Type: "",
Target: "../drawings/".concat(, ".xml")
var je = ke.preImageId === fe.imageId ? G[fe.imageId] : G[_e.rels.length];
je || (je = se(_e.rels), G[_e.rels.length] = je, _e.rels.push({
Id: je,
Type: "",
Target: "../media/".concat(, ".").concat(Y.extension)
var Ye = {
picture: {
rId: je
range: fe.range
if (fe.hyperlinks && fe.hyperlinks.hyperlink) {
var nt = se(_e.rels);
G[_e.rels.length] = nt, Ye.picture.hyperlinks = {
tooltip: fe.hyperlinks.tooltip,
rId: nt
}, _e.rels.push({
Id: nt,
Type: r.Hyperlink,
Target: fe.hyperlinks.hyperlink,
TargetMode: "External"
ke.preImageId = fe.imageId, _e.anchors.push(Ye);
}), Q.tables.forEach(function(fe) {
var we = se(ne);
fe.rId = we, ne.push({
Id: we,
Type: r.Table,
Target: "../tables/".concat(
}), fe.columns.forEach(function(_e) {
var je =;
je && (_e.dxfId = he.styles.addDxfStyle(je));
}),, he);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(Q, he) {
Q.openXml(a.StdDocAttributes), Q.openNode("worksheet", oe.WORKSHEET_ATTRIBUTES);
var ke = ? {
} : void 0; && && (ke.defaultColWidth =;
var ne = {
outlineProperties: &&,
tabColor: &&,
pageSetup: he.pageSetup && he.pageSetup.fitToPage ? {
fitToPage: he.pageSetup.fitToPage
} : void 0
}, se = he.pageSetup && he.pageSetup.margins, Ce = {
showRowColHeaders: he.pageSetup && he.pageSetup.showRowColHeaders,
showGridLines: he.pageSetup && he.pageSetup.showGridLines,
horizontalCentered: he.pageSetup && he.pageSetup.horizontalCentered,
verticalCentered: he.pageSetup && he.pageSetup.verticalCentered
}, q = he.sheetProtection;, ne),, he.dimensions),, he.views),, ke),, he.cols),, he.rows),, q),, he.autoFilter),, he.mergeCells),, he.conditionalFormattings),, he.dataValidations),, he.hyperlinks),, Ce),, se),, he.pageSetup),, he.headerFooter),, he.rowBreaks),, he.drawing),, he.background),, he.tables),, he), he.rels && he.rels.forEach(function(G) {
G.Type === r.VmlDrawing && Q.leafNode("legacyDrawing", {
"r:id": G.Id
}), Q.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(Q) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(Q), !0) : === "worksheet" ? (v.each(, function(he) {
}), !0) : (this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(Q), !0);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(Q) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(Q);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(Q) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(Q) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (Q) {
case "worksheet": {
var he = || {}; && && (he.tabColor =, && && (he.outlineProperties =;
var ke = {
fitToPage: && && || !1,
}, ne = Object.assign(ke,,, se = ee(, &&["x14:conditionalFormattings"]);
return this.model = {
properties: he,
pageSetup: ne,
conditionalFormattings: se
}, && (this.model.autoFilter =, && (this.model.sheetProtection =, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(Q, he) {
var ke = (Q.relationships || []).reduce(function(we, _e) {
if (we[_e.Id] = _e, _e.Type === r.Comments && (Q.comments = he.comments[_e.Target].comments), _e.Type === r.VmlDrawing && Q.comments && Q.comments.length) {
var je = he.vmlDrawings[_e.Target].comments;
Q.comments.forEach(function(Ye, nt) {
Ye.note = Object.assign({}, Ye.note, je[nt]);
return we;
}, {});
if (he.commentsMap = (Q.comments || []).reduce(function(we, _e) {
return _e.ref && (we[_e.ref] = _e), we;
}, {}), he.hyperlinkMap = (Q.hyperlinks || []).reduce(function(we, _e) {
return _e.rId && (we[_e.address] = ke[_e.rId].Target), we;
}, {}), he.formulae = {}, Q.rows = Q.rows && Q.rows.filter(Boolean) || [], Q.rows.forEach(function(we) {
we.cells = we.cells && we.cells.filter(Boolean) || [];
}),, he),, he),, he), = [], Q.drawing) {
var ne = ke[Q.drawing.rId], se = ne.Target.match(/\/drawings\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[.][a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/);
if (se) {
var Ce = se[1], q = he.drawings[Ce];
q.anchors.forEach(function(we) {
if (we.medium) {
var _e = {
type: "image",
imageId: we.medium.index,
range: we.range,
hyperlinks: we.picture.hyperlinks
var G = Q.background && ke[Q.background.rId];
if (G) {
var Y = G.Target.split("/media/")[1], fe = he.mediaIndex && he.mediaIndex[Y];
fe !== void 0 &&{
type: "background",
imageId: fe
Q.tables = (Q.tables || []).map(function(we) {
var _e = ke[we.rId];
return he.tables[_e.Target];
}), delete Q.relationships, delete Q.hyperlinks, delete Q.comments;
}]), oe;
xmlns: "",
"xmlns:r": "",
"xmlns:mc": "",
"mc:Ignorable": "x14ac",
"xmlns:x14ac": ""
}, x.exports = ce;
}, { "../../../utils/col-cache": 19, "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../../rel-type": 30, "../base-xform": 31, "../list-xform": 70, "./auto-filter-xform": 71, "./cf/conditional-formattings-xform": 86, "./col-xform": 91, "./data-validations-xform": 92, "./dimension-xform": 93, "./drawing-xform": 94, "./ext-lst-xform": 95, "./header-footer-xform": 96, "./hyperlink-xform": 97, "./merge-cell-xform": 98, "./merges": 99, "./page-margins-xform": 102, "./page-setup-xform": 104, "./picture-xform": 105, "./print-options-xform": 106, "./row-breaks-xform": 107, "./row-xform": 108, "./sheet-format-properties-xform": 109, "./sheet-properties-xform": 110, "./sheet-protection-xform": 111, "./sheet-view-xform": 112, "./table-part-xform": 113 }], 115: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n.tag = i.tag, n.attr = i.attr, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o && (n.openNode(this.tag), n.closeNode());
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) { === this.tag && (this.model = !0);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 116: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n.tag = i.tag, n.attr = i.attr, n.attrs = i.attrs, n._format = i.format || function(o) {
try {
return Number.isNaN(o.getTime()) ? "" : o.toISOString();
} catch (p) {
return "";
}, n._parse = i.parse || function(o) {
return new Date(o);
}, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o && (n.openNode(this.tag), this.attrs && n.addAttributes(this.attrs), this.attr ? n.addAttribute(this.attr, this._format(o)) : n.writeText(this._format(o)), n.closeNode());
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) { === this.tag && (this.attr ? this.model = this._parse(n.attributes[this.attr]) : this.text = []);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.attr || this.text.push(n);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return this.attr || (this.model = this._parse(this.text.join(""))), !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 117: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n.tag = i.tag, n.attr = i.attr, n.attrs = i.attrs, =, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
(o || && (n.openNode(this.tag), this.attrs && n.addAttributes(this.attrs), this.attr ? n.addAttribute(this.attr, o) : n.writeText(o), n.closeNode());
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === this.tag ? (this.attr ? this.model = parseInt(n.attributes[this.attr], 10) : this.text = [], !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.attr || this.text.push(n);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return this.attr || (this.model = parseInt(this.text.join("") || 0, 10)), !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 118: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n.tag = i.tag, n.attr = i.attr, n.attrs = i.attrs, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
o !== void 0 && (n.openNode(this.tag), this.attrs && n.addAttributes(this.attrs), this.attr ? n.addAttribute(this.attr, o) : n.writeText(o), n.closeNode());
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) { === this.tag && (this.attr ? this.model = n.attributes[this.attr] : this.text = []);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
this.attr || this.text.push(n);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return this.attr || (this.model = this.text.join("")), !1;
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 119: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("./base-xform"), c = e("../../utils/xml-stream");
function a(t, i) {
t.openNode(i.tag, i.$), i.c && i.c.forEach(function(n) {
a(t, n);
}), i.t && t.writeText(i.t), t.closeNode();
var r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n(o) {
var p;
return m(this, n), p =, p._model = o, p;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p) {
if (!this._xml) {
var O = new c();
a(O, this._model), this._xml = O.xml;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function() {
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
switch (p) {
case this._model.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "./base-xform": 31 }], 120: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("./text-xform"), c = e("./rich-text-xform"), a = e("../base-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n() {
var o;
return m(this, n), o =, = {
r: new c(),
t: new v()
}, o;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
if (p.openNode(this.tag, {
sb: || 0,
eb: O.eb || 0
}), O && O.hasOwnProperty("richText") && O.richText) {
var P =;
O.richText.forEach(function(F) {
P.render(p, F);
} else
O &&, O.text);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
var O =;
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0) : O === this.tag ? (this.model = {
sb: parseInt(, 10),
eb: parseInt(p.attributes.eb, 10)
}, !0) : (this.parser =[O], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0) : !1);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser) {
if (!this.parser.parseClose(p)) {
switch (p) {
case "r": {
var O = this.model.richText;
O || (O = this.model.richText = []), O.push(this.parser.model);
case "t":
this.model.text = this.parser.model;
this.parser = void 0;
return !0;
switch (p) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "rPh";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./rich-text-xform": 121, "./text-xform": 124 }], 121: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("./text-xform"), c = e("../style/font-xform"), a = e("../base-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n(o) {
var p;
return m(this, n), p =, p.model = o, p;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
O = O || this.model, p.openNode("r"), O.font && this.fontXform.render(p, O.font), this.textXform.render(p, O.text), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case "r":
return this.model = {}, !0;
case "t":
return this.parser = this.textXform, this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
case "rPr":
return this.parser = this.fontXform, this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
switch (p) {
case "r":
return !1;
case "t":
return this.model.text = this.parser.model, this.parser = void 0, !0;
case "rPr":
return this.model.font = this.parser.model, this.parser = void 0, !0;
return this.parser && this.parser.parseClose(p), !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "r";
}, {
key: "textXform",
get: function() {
return this._textXform || (this._textXform = new v());
}, {
key: "fontXform",
get: function() {
return this._fontXform || (this._fontXform = new c(n.FONT_OPTIONS));
}]), n;
tagName: "rPr",
fontNameTag: "rFont"
}, x.exports = r;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "../style/font-xform": 130, "./text-xform": 124 }], 122: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(i) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(o) {
return typeof o;
} : u = function(o) {
return o && typeof Symbol == "function" && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, u(i);
function m(i, n) {
if (!(i instanceof n))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(i, n) {
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var p = n[o];
p.enumerable = p.enumerable || !1, p.configurable = !0, "value" in p && (p.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(i, p.key, p);
function b(i, n, o) {
return n && g(i.prototype, n), o && g(i, o), i;
function w(i, n) {
if (typeof n != "function" && n !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
i.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: i, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), n && f(i, n);
function f(i, n) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(p, O) {
return p.__proto__ = O, p;
}, f(i, n);
function y(i) {
var n = d();
return function() {
var p = s(i), O;
if (n) {
var P = s(this).constructor;
O = Reflect.construct(p, arguments, P);
} else
O = p.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, O);
function h(i, n) {
return n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") ? n : l(i);
function l(i) {
if (i === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return i;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (i) {
return !1;
function s(i) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(o) {
return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
}, s(i);
var v = e("./text-xform"), c = e("./rich-text-xform"), a = e("./phonetic-text-xform"), r = e("../base-xform"), t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(i) {
w(o, i);
var n = y(o);
function o(p) {
var O;
return m(this, o), O =, O.model = p, = {
r: new c(),
t: new v(),
rPh: new a()
}, O;
return b(o, [{
key: "render",
value: function(O, P) {
var F = this;
O.openNode(this.tag), P && P.hasOwnProperty("richText") && P.richText ? P.richText.length ? P.richText.forEach(function(z) {, z);
}) :, "") : P != null &&, P), O.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(O) {
var P =;
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(O), !0) : P === this.tag ? (this.model = {}, !0) : (this.parser =[P], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(O), !0) : !1);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(O) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(O);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(O) {
if (this.parser) {
if (!this.parser.parseClose(O)) {
switch (O) {
case "r": {
var P = this.model.richText;
P || (P = this.model.richText = []), P.push(this.parser.model);
case "t":
this.model = this.parser.model;
this.parser = void 0;
return !0;
switch (O) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "si";
}]), o;
x.exports = t;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./phonetic-text-xform": 120, "./rich-text-xform": 121, "./text-xform": 124 }], 123: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), c = e("../base-xform"), a = e("./shared-string-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n(o) {
var p;
return m(this, n), p =, p.model = o || {
values: [],
count: 0
}, p.hash = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), p;
return b(n, [{
key: "getString",
value: function(p) {
return this.model.values[p];
}, {
key: "add",
value: function(p) {
return p.richText ? this.addRichText(p) : this.addText(p);
}, {
key: "addText",
value: function(p) {
var O = this.hash[p];
return O === void 0 && (O = this.hash[p] = this.model.values.length, this.model.values.push(p)), this.model.count++, O;
}, {
key: "addRichText",
value: function(p) {
var O = this.sharedStringXform.toXml(p), P =[O];
return P === void 0 && (P =[O] = this.model.values.length, this.model.values.push(p)), this.model.count++, P;
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
// <sst xmlns="" count="<%=totalRefs%>" uniqueCount="<%=count%>">
// <si><t><%=text%></t></si>
// <si><r><rPr></rPr><t></t></r></si>
// </sst>
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
O = O || this._values, p.openXml(v.StdDocAttributes), p.openNode("sst", {
xmlns: "",
count: O.count,
uniqueCount: O.values.length
var P = this.sharedStringXform;
O.values.forEach(function(F) {
P.render(p, F);
}), p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case "sst":
return !0;
case "si":
return this.parser = this.sharedStringXform, this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseOpen: ".concat(JSON.stringify(p)));
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(p) || (this.model.values.push(this.parser.model), this.model.count++, this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (p) {
case "sst":
return !1;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseClose: ".concat(p));
}, {
key: "sharedStringXform",
get: function() {
return this._sharedStringXform || (this._sharedStringXform = new a());
}, {
key: "values",
get: function() {
return this.model.values;
}, {
key: "uniqueCount",
get: function() {
return this.model.values.length;
}, {
key: "count",
get: function() {
return this.model.count;
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "./shared-string-xform": 122 }], 124: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
n.openNode("t"), /^\s|\n|\s$/.test(o) && n.addAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"), n.writeText(o), n.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
switch ( {
case "t":
return this._text = [], !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(n) {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "t";
}, {
key: "model",
get: function() {
return this._text.join("").replace(/_x([0-9A-F]{4})_/g, function(n, o) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(o, 16));
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 125: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../../../doc/enums"), c = e("../../../utils/utils"), a = e("../base-xform"), r = {
horizontalValues: ["left", "center", "right", "fill", "centerContinuous", "distributed", "justify"].reduce(function(n, o) {
return n[o] = !0, n;
}, {}),
horizontal: function(o) {
return this.horizontalValues[o] ? o : void 0;
verticalValues: ["top", "middle", "bottom", "distributed", "justify"].reduce(function(n, o) {
return n[o] = !0, n;
}, {}),
vertical: function(o) {
return o === "middle" ? "center" : this.verticalValues[o] ? o : void 0;
wrapText: function(o) {
return o ? !0 : void 0;
shrinkToFit: function(o) {
return o ? !0 : void 0;
textRotation: function(o) {
switch (o) {
case "vertical":
return o;
return o = c.validInt(o), o >= -90 && o <= 90 ? o : void 0;
indent: function(o) {
return o = c.validInt(o), Math.max(0, o);
readingOrder: function(o) {
switch (o) {
case "ltr":
return v.ReadingOrder.LeftToRight;
case "rtl":
return v.ReadingOrder.RightToLeft;
}, t = {
toXml: function(o) {
if (o = r.textRotation(o), o) {
if (o === "vertical")
return 255;
var p = Math.round(o);
if (p >= 0 && p <= 90)
return p;
if (p < 0 && p >= -90)
return 90 - p;
toModel: function(o) {
var p = c.validInt(o);
if (p !== void 0) {
if (p === 255)
return "vertical";
if (p >= 0 && p <= 90)
return p;
if (p > 90 && p <= 180)
return 90 - p;
}, i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
return m(this, p), o.apply(this, arguments);
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.addRollback(), P.openNode("alignment");
var z = !1;
function N(M, I) {
I && (P.addAttribute(M, I), z = !0);
N("horizontal", r.horizontal(F.horizontal)), N("vertical", r.vertical(F.vertical)), N("wrapText", r.wrapText(F.wrapText) ? "1" : !1), N("shrinkToFit", r.shrinkToFit(F.shrinkToFit) ? "1" : !1), N("indent", r.indent(F.indent)), N("textRotation", t.toXml(F.textRotation)), N("readingOrder", r.readingOrder(F.readingOrder)), P.closeNode(), z ? P.commit() : P.rollback();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
var F = {}, z = !1;
function N(M, I, R) {
M && (F[I] = R, z = !0);
N(P.attributes.horizontal, "horizontal", P.attributes.horizontal), N(P.attributes.vertical, "vertical", P.attributes.vertical === "center" ? "middle" : P.attributes.vertical), N(P.attributes.wrapText, "wrapText", !!P.attributes.wrapText), N(P.attributes.shrinkToFit, "shrinkToFit", !!P.attributes.shrinkToFit), N(P.attributes.indent, "indent", parseInt(P.attributes.indent, 10)), N(P.attributes.textRotation, "textRotation", t.toModel(P.attributes.textRotation)), N(P.attributes.readingOrder, "readingOrder", P.attributes.readingOrder === "2" ? "rtl" : "ltr"), this.model = z ? F : null;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "alignment";
}]), p;
x.exports = i;
}, { "../../../doc/enums": 7, "../../../utils/utils": 26, "../base-xform": 31 }], 126: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(o, p) {
var O = Object.keys(o);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var P = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o);
p && (P = P.filter(function(F) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, F).enumerable;
})), O.push.apply(O, P);
return O;
function m(o) {
for (var p = 1; p < arguments.length; p++) {
var O = arguments[p] != null ? arguments[p] : {};
p % 2 ? u(Object(O), !0).forEach(function(P) {
g(o, P, O[P]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(O)) : u(Object(O)).forEach(function(P) {
Object.defineProperty(o, P, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P));
return o;
function g(o, p, O) {
return p in o ? Object.defineProperty(o, p, { value: O, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : o[p] = O, o;
function b(o) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? b = function(O) {
return typeof O;
} : b = function(O) {
return O && typeof Symbol == "function" && O.constructor === Symbol && O !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof O;
}, b(o);
function w(o, p) {
if (!(o instanceof p))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(o, p) {
for (var O = 0; O < p.length; O++) {
var P = p[O];
P.enumerable = P.enumerable || !1, P.configurable = !0, "value" in P && (P.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(o, P.key, P);
function y(o, p, O) {
return p && f(o.prototype, p), O && f(o, O), o;
function h(o, p) {
if (typeof p != "function" && p !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
o.prototype = Object.create(p && p.prototype, { constructor: { value: o, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), p && l(o, p);
function l(o, p) {
return l = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(P, F) {
return P.__proto__ = F, P;
}, l(o, p);
function d(o) {
var p = c();
return function() {
var P = a(o), F;
if (p) {
var z = a(this).constructor;
F = Reflect.construct(P, arguments, z);
} else
F = P.apply(this, arguments);
return s(this, F);
function s(o, p) {
return p && (b(p) === "object" || typeof p == "function") ? p : v(o);
function v(o) {
if (o === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return o;
function c() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (o) {
return !1;
function a(o) {
return a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(O) {
return O.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(O);
}, a(o);
var r = e("../base-xform"), t = e("./color-xform"), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(o) {
h(O, o);
var p = d(O);
function O(P) {
var F;
return w(this, O), F =, = P, = {
color: new t()
}, F;
return y(O, [{
key: "render",
value: function(F, z, N) {
var M = z && z.color || N || this.defaultColor;
F.openNode(, z && && (F.addAttribute("style",, M &&, M)), F.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(F) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(F), !0;
switch ( {
case {
var z =;
return z ? this.model = {
style: z
} : this.model = void 0, !0;
case "color":
return this.parser =, this.parser.parseOpen(F), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(F) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(F);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(F) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(F) || (this.parser = void 0), !0) : (F === && && (this.model || (this.model = {}), this.model.color =, !1);
}, {
key: "validStyle",
value: function(F) {
return O.validStyleValues[F];
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
}]), O;
i.validStyleValues = ["thin", "dotted", "dashDot", "hair", "dashDotDot", "slantDashDot", "mediumDashed", "mediumDashDotDot", "mediumDashDot", "medium", "double", "thick"].reduce(function(o, p) {
return o[p] = !0, o;
}, {});
var n = /* @__PURE__ */ function(o) {
h(O, o);
var p = d(O);
function O() {
var P;
return w(this, O), P =, = {
top: new i("top"),
left: new i("left"),
bottom: new i("bottom"),
right: new i("right"),
diagonal: new i("diagonal")
}, P;
return y(O, [{
key: "render",
value: function(F, z) {
var N = z.color;
F.openNode("border"), z.diagonal && && (z.diagonal.up && F.addAttribute("diagonalUp", "1"), z.diagonal.down && F.addAttribute("diagonalDown", "1"));
function M(I, R) {
I && !I.color && z.color && (I = m(m({}, I), {}, {
color: z.color
})), R.render(F, I, N);
M(z.left,, M(z.right,, M(,, M(z.bottom,, M(z.diagonal,, F.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(F) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(F), !0;
switch ( {
case "border":
return this.reset(), this.diagonalUp = !!F.attributes.diagonalUp, this.diagonalDown = !!F.attributes.diagonalDown, !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(F), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(F) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(F);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(F) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(F) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
if (F === "border") {
var z = this.model = {}, N = function(I, R, C) {
R && (C && Object.assign(R, C), z[I] = R);
N("left",, N("right",, N("top",, N("bottom",, N("diagonal",, {
up: this.diagonalUp,
down: this.diagonalDown
return !1;
}]), O;
x.exports = n;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./color-xform": 127 }], 127: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, = i || "color", n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
return o ? (n.openNode(, o.argb ? n.addAttribute("rgb", o.argb) : o.theme !== void 0 ? (n.addAttribute("theme", o.theme), o.tint !== void 0 && n.addAttribute("tint", o.tint)) : o.indexed !== void 0 ? n.addAttribute("indexed", o.indexed) : n.addAttribute("auto", "1"), n.closeNode(), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
return === ? (n.attributes.rgb ? this.model = {
argb: n.attributes.rgb
} : n.attributes.theme ? (this.model = {
theme: parseInt(n.attributes.theme, 10)
}, n.attributes.tint && (this.model.tint = parseFloat(n.attributes.tint))) : n.attributes.indexed ? this.model = {
indexed: parseInt(n.attributes.indexed, 10)
} : this.model = void 0, !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 128: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(p) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(P) {
return typeof P;
} : u = function(P) {
return P && typeof Symbol == "function" && P.constructor === Symbol && P !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof P;
}, u(p);
function m(p, O) {
if (!(p instanceof O))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(p, O) {
for (var P = 0; P < O.length; P++) {
var F = O[P];
F.enumerable = F.enumerable || !1, F.configurable = !0, "value" in F && (F.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(p, F.key, F);
function b(p, O, P) {
return O && g(p.prototype, O), P && g(p, P), p;
function w(p, O) {
if (typeof O != "function" && O !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
p.prototype = Object.create(O && O.prototype, { constructor: { value: p, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), O && f(p, O);
function f(p, O) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(F, z) {
return F.__proto__ = z, F;
}, f(p, O);
function y(p) {
var O = d();
return function() {
var F = s(p), z;
if (O) {
var N = s(this).constructor;
z = Reflect.construct(F, arguments, N);
} else
z = F.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, z);
function h(p, O) {
return O && (u(O) === "object" || typeof O == "function") ? O : l(p);
function l(p) {
if (p === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return p;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (p) {
return !1;
function s(p) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(P) {
return P.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(P);
}, s(p);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./alignment-xform"), a = e("./border-xform"), r = e("./fill-xform"), t = e("./font-xform"), i = e("./numfmt-xform"), n = e("./protection-xform"), o = /* @__PURE__ */ function(p) {
w(P, p);
var O = y(P);
function P() {
var F;
return m(this, P), F =, = {
alignment: new c(),
border: new a(),
fill: new r(),
font: new t(),
numFmt: new i(),
protection: new n()
}, F;
return b(P, [{
key: "render",
// how do we generate dxfid?
value: function(z, N) {
z.openNode(this.tag), N.font &&, N.font), N.numFmt &&, N.numFmt), N.fill &&, N.fill), N.alignment &&, N.alignment), N.border &&, N.border), &&,, z.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(z) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(z), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.reset(), !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(z), !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(z) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(z);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(z) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(z) || (this.parser = void 0), !0) : z === this.tag ? (this.model = {
}, !1) : !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "dxf";
}]), P;
x.exports = o;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./alignment-xform": 125, "./border-xform": 126, "./fill-xform": 129, "./font-xform": 130, "./numfmt-xform": 131, "./protection-xform": 132 }], 129: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./color-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
color: new c()
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.openNode("stop"), P.addAttribute("position", F.position),, F.color), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case "stop":
return this.model = {
position: parseFloat(P.attributes.position)
}, !0;
case "color":
return this.parser =, this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.model.color = this.parser.model, this.parser = void 0), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "stop";
}]), p;
}(v), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
fgColor: new c("fgColor"),
bgColor: new c("bgColor")
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.openNode("patternFill"), P.addAttribute("patternType", F.pattern), F.fgColor &&, F.fgColor), F.bgColor &&, F.bgColor), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case "patternFill":
return this.model = {
type: "pattern",
pattern: P.attributes.patternType
}, !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(P) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(P);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.parser.model && (this.model[P] = this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "name",
get: function() {
return "pattern";
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "patternFill";
}]), p;
}(v), t = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
stop: new a()
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
switch (P.openNode("gradientFill"), F.gradient) {
case "angle":
case "path":
P.addAttribute("type", "path"), && (P.addAttribute("left",, === void 0 && P.addAttribute("right",, && P.addAttribute("right",, && (P.addAttribute("top",, === void 0 && P.addAttribute("bottom",, && P.addAttribute("bottom",;
var z =;
F.stops.forEach(function(N) {
z.render(P, N);
}), P.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case "gradientFill": {
var F = this.model = {
stops: []
return ? (F.gradient = "angle", = parseInt(, 10)) : P.attributes.type === "path" && (F.gradient = "path", = {
left: P.attributes.left ? parseFloat(P.attributes.left) : 0,
top: ? parseFloat( : 0
}, P.attributes.right !== P.attributes.left && ( = P.attributes.right ? parseFloat(P.attributes.right) : 0), P.attributes.bottom !== && ( = P.attributes.bottom ? parseFloat(P.attributes.bottom) : 0)), !0;
case "stop":
return this.parser =, this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(P) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(P);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.model.stops.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "name",
get: function() {
return "gradient";
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "gradientFill";
}]), p;
}(v), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p() {
var O;
return m(this, p), O =, = {
patternFill: new r(),
gradientFill: new t()
}, O;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
switch (P.addRollback(), P.openNode("fill"), F.type) {
case "pattern":, F);
case "gradient":, F);
P.closeNode(), P.commit();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0;
switch ( {
case "fill":
return this.model = {}, !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser ? (this.parser.parseOpen(P), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(P) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(P);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(P) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(P) || (this.model = this.parser.model, this.model.type =, this.parser = void 0), !0) : !1;
}, {
key: "validStyle",
value: function(P) {
return p.validPatternValues[P];
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "fill";
}]), p;
i.validPatternValues = ["none", "solid", "darkVertical", "darkGray", "mediumGray", "lightGray", "gray125", "gray0625", "darkHorizontal", "darkVertical", "darkDown", "darkUp", "darkGrid", "darkTrellis", "lightHorizontal", "lightVertical", "lightDown", "lightUp", "lightGrid", "lightTrellis", "lightGrid"].reduce(function(n, o) {
return n[o] = !0, n;
}, {}), i.StopXform = a, i.PatternFillXform = r, i.GradientFillXform = t, x.exports = i;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./color-xform": 127 }], 130: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(p) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(P) {
return typeof P;
} : u = function(P) {
return P && typeof Symbol == "function" && P.constructor === Symbol && P !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof P;
}, u(p);
function m(p, O) {
if (!(p instanceof O))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(p, O) {
for (var P = 0; P < O.length; P++) {
var F = O[P];
F.enumerable = F.enumerable || !1, F.configurable = !0, "value" in F && (F.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(p, F.key, F);
function b(p, O, P) {
return O && g(p.prototype, O), P && g(p, P), p;
function w(p, O) {
if (typeof O != "function" && O !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
p.prototype = Object.create(O && O.prototype, { constructor: { value: p, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), O && f(p, O);
function f(p, O) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(F, z) {
return F.__proto__ = z, F;
}, f(p, O);
function y(p) {
var O = d();
return function() {
var F = s(p), z;
if (O) {
var N = s(this).constructor;
z = Reflect.construct(F, arguments, N);
} else
z = F.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, z);
function h(p, O) {
return O && (u(O) === "object" || typeof O == "function") ? O : l(p);
function l(p) {
if (p === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return p;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (p) {
return !1;
function s(p) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(P) {
return P.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(P);
}, s(p);
var v = e("./color-xform"), c = e("../simple/boolean-xform"), a = e("../simple/integer-xform"), r = e("../simple/string-xform"), t = e("./underline-xform"), i = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), n = e("../base-xform"), o = /* @__PURE__ */ function(p) {
w(P, p);
var O = y(P);
function P(F) {
var z;
return m(this, P), z =, z.options = F || P.OPTIONS, = {
b: {
prop: "bold",
xform: new c({
tag: "b",
attr: "val"
i: {
prop: "italic",
xform: new c({
tag: "i",
attr: "val"
u: {
prop: "underline",
xform: new t()
charset: {
prop: "charset",
xform: new a({
tag: "charset",
attr: "val"
color: {
prop: "color",
xform: new v()
condense: {
prop: "condense",
xform: new c({
tag: "condense",
attr: "val"
extend: {
prop: "extend",
xform: new c({
tag: "extend",
attr: "val"
family: {
prop: "family",
xform: new a({
tag: "family",
attr: "val"
outline: {
prop: "outline",
xform: new c({
tag: "outline",
attr: "val"
vertAlign: {
prop: "vertAlign",
xform: new r({
tag: "vertAlign",
attr: "val"
scheme: {
prop: "scheme",
xform: new r({
tag: "scheme",
attr: "val"
shadow: {
prop: "shadow",
xform: new c({
tag: "shadow",
attr: "val"
strike: {
prop: "strike",
xform: new c({
tag: "strike",
attr: "val"
sz: {
prop: "size",
xform: new a({
tag: "sz",
attr: "val"
},[z.options.fontNameTag] = {
prop: "name",
xform: new r({
tag: z.options.fontNameTag,
attr: "val"
}, z;
return b(P, [{
key: "render",
value: function(z, N) {
var M =;
z.openNode(this.options.tagName), i.each(, function(I, R) {
M[R].xform.render(z, N[I.prop]);
}), z.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(z) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(z), !0;
if ([])
return this.parser =[].xform, this.parser.parseOpen(z);
switch ( {
case this.options.tagName:
return this.model = {}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(z) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(z);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(z) {
if (this.parser && !this.parser.parseClose(z)) {
var N =[z];
return this.parser.model && (this.model[N.prop] = this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0, !0;
switch (z) {
case this.options.tagName:
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return this.options.tagName;
}]), P;
tagName: "font",
fontNameTag: "name"
}, x.exports = o;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../base-xform": 31, "../simple/boolean-xform": 115, "../simple/integer-xform": 117, "../simple/string-xform": 118, "./color-xform": 127, "./underline-xform": 135 }], 131: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
function m(n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(n, o) {
for (var p = 0; p < o.length; p++) {
var O = o[p];
O.enumerable = O.enumerable || !1, O.configurable = !0, "value" in O && (O.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, O.key, O);
function b(n, o, p) {
return o && g(n.prototype, o), p && g(n, p), n;
function w(n, o) {
if (typeof o != "function" && o !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
n.prototype = Object.create(o && o.prototype, { constructor: { value: n, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), o && f(n, o);
function f(n, o) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(O, P) {
return O.__proto__ = P, O;
}, f(n, o);
function y(n) {
var o = d();
return function() {
var O = s(n), P;
if (o) {
var F = s(this).constructor;
P = Reflect.construct(O, arguments, F);
} else
P = O.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, P);
function h(n, o) {
return o && (u(o) === "object" || typeof o == "function") ? o : l(n);
function l(n) {
if (n === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return n;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (n) {
return !1;
function s(n) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(p) {
return p.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
}, s(n);
var v = e("../../../utils/under-dash"), c = e("../../defaultnumformats"), a = e("../base-xform");
function r() {
var n = {};
return v.each(c, function(o, p) {
o.f && (n[o.f] = parseInt(p, 10));
}), n;
var t = r(), i = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) {
w(p, n);
var o = y(p);
function p(O, P) {
var F;
return m(this, p), F =, = O, F.formatCode = P, F;
return b(p, [{
key: "render",
value: function(P, F) {
P.leafNode("numFmt", {
formatCode: F.formatCode
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(P) {
switch ( {
case "numFmt":
return this.model = {
id: parseInt(P.attributes.numFmtId, 10),
formatCode: P.attributes.formatCode.replace(/[\\](.)/g, "$1")
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "numFmt";
}]), p;
i.getDefaultFmtId = function(o) {
return t[o];
}, i.getDefaultFmtCode = function(o) {
return c[o] && c[o].f;
}, x.exports = i;
}, { "../../../utils/under-dash": 25, "../../defaultnumformats": 29, "../base-xform": 31 }], 132: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = {
boolean: function(t, i) {
return t === void 0 ? i : t;
}, a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
return m(this, i), t.apply(this, arguments);
return b(i, [{
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
o.addRollback(), o.openNode("protection");
var O = !1;
function P(F, z) {
z !== void 0 && (o.addAttribute(F, z), O = !0);
P("locked", c.boolean(p.locked, !0) ? void 0 : "0"), P("hidden", c.boolean(p.hidden, !1) ? "1" : void 0), o.closeNode(), O ? o.commit() : o.rollback();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
var p = {
locked: o.attributes.locked !== "0",
hidden: o.attributes.hidden === "1"
}, O = !p.locked || p.hidden;
this.model = O ? p : null;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "protection";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 133: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : u = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, u(t);
function m(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function b(t, i, n) {
return i && g(t.prototype, i), n && g(t, n), t;
function w(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && f(t, i);
function f(t, i) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, f(t, i);
function y(t) {
var i = d();
return function() {
var o = s(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = s(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, p);
function h(t, i) {
return i && (u(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : l(t);
function l(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function s(t) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, s(t);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./alignment-xform"), a = e("./protection-xform"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
w(n, t);
var i = y(n);
function n(o) {
var p;
return m(this, n), p =, p.xfId = !!(o && o.xfId), = {
alignment: new c(),
protection: new a()
}, p;
return b(n, [{
key: "render",
value: function(p, O) {
p.openNode("xf", {
numFmtId: O.numFmtId || 0,
fontId: O.fontId || 0,
fillId: O.fillId || 0,
borderId: O.borderId || 0
}), this.xfId && p.addAttribute("xfId", O.xfId || 0), O.numFmtId && p.addAttribute("applyNumberFormat", "1"), O.fontId && p.addAttribute("applyFont", "1"), O.fillId && p.addAttribute("applyFill", "1"), O.borderId && p.addAttribute("applyBorder", "1"), O.alignment && p.addAttribute("applyAlignment", "1"), && p.addAttribute("applyProtection", "1"), O.alignment &&, O.alignment), &&,, p.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(p) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
switch ( {
case "xf":
return this.model = {
numFmtId: parseInt(p.attributes.numFmtId, 10),
fontId: parseInt(p.attributes.fontId, 10),
fillId: parseInt(p.attributes.fillId, 10),
borderId: parseInt(p.attributes.borderId, 10)
}, this.xfId && (this.model.xfId = parseInt(p.attributes.xfId, 10)), !0;
case "alignment":
return this.parser =, this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
case "protection":
return this.parser =, this.parser.parseOpen(p), !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(p) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(p);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(p) {
return this.parser ? (this.parser.parseClose(p) || ( === this.parser ? = this.parser.model : this.model.alignment = this.parser.model, this.parser = void 0), !0) : p !== "xf";
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "xf";
}]), n;
x.exports = r;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./alignment-xform": 125, "./protection-xform": 132 }], 134: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(M) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(R) {
return typeof R;
} : u = function(R) {
return R && typeof Symbol == "function" && R.constructor === Symbol && R !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof R;
}, u(M);
function m(M, I) {
if (!(M instanceof I))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(M, I) {
for (var R = 0; R < I.length; R++) {
var C = I[R];
C.enumerable = C.enumerable || !1, C.configurable = !0, "value" in C && (C.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(M, C.key, C);
function b(M, I, R) {
return I && g(M.prototype, I), R && g(M, R), M;
function w(M, I) {
if (typeof I != "function" && I !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
M.prototype = Object.create(I && I.prototype, { constructor: { value: M, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), I && f(M, I);
function f(M, I) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(C, E) {
return C.__proto__ = E, C;
}, f(M, I);
function y(M) {
var I = d();
return function() {
var C = s(M), E;
if (I) {
var A = s(this).constructor;
E = Reflect.construct(C, arguments, A);
} else
E = C.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, E);
function h(M, I) {
return I && (u(I) === "object" || typeof I == "function") ? I : l(M);
function l(M) {
if (M === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return M;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (M) {
return !1;
function s(M) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(R) {
return R.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(R);
}, s(M);
var v = e("../../../doc/enums"), c = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), a = e("../base-xform"), r = e("../static-xform"), t = e("../list-xform"), i = e("./font-xform"), n = e("./fill-xform"), o = e("./border-xform"), p = e("./numfmt-xform"), O = e("./style-xform"), P = e("./dxf-xform"), F = 164, z = /* @__PURE__ */ function(M) {
w(R, M);
var I = y(R);
function R(C) {
var E;
return m(this, R), E =, = {
numFmts: new t({
tag: "numFmts",
count: !0,
childXform: new p()
fonts: new t({
tag: "fonts",
count: !0,
childXform: new i(),
$: {
"x14ac:knownFonts": 1
fills: new t({
tag: "fills",
count: !0,
childXform: new n()
borders: new t({
tag: "borders",
count: !0,
childXform: new o()
cellStyleXfs: new t({
tag: "cellStyleXfs",
count: !0,
childXform: new O()
cellXfs: new t({
tag: "cellXfs",
count: !0,
childXform: new O({
xfId: !0
dxfs: new t({
tag: "dxfs",
always: !0,
count: !0,
childXform: new P()
// for style manager
numFmt: new p(),
font: new i(),
fill: new n(),
border: new o(),
style: new O({
xfId: !0
cellStyles: R.STATIC_XFORMS.cellStyles,
tableStyles: R.STATIC_XFORMS.tableStyles,
extLst: R.STATIC_XFORMS.extLst
}, C && E.init(), E;
return b(R, [{
key: "initIndex",
value: function() {
this.index = {
style: {},
numFmt: {},
numFmtNextId: 164,
// start custom format ids here
font: {},
border: {},
fill: {}
}, {
key: "init",
value: function() {
this.model = {
styles: [],
numFmts: [],
fonts: [],
borders: [],
fills: [],
dxfs: []
}, this.initIndex(), this._addBorder({}), this._addStyle({
numFmtId: 0,
fontId: 0,
fillId: 0,
borderId: 0,
xfId: 0
}), this._addFill({
type: "pattern",
pattern: "none"
}), this._addFill({
type: "pattern",
pattern: "gray125"
}), this.weakMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(E, A) {
A = A || this.model, E.openXml(c.StdDocAttributes), E.openNode("styleSheet", R.STYLESHEET_ATTRIBUTES), this.index ? (A.numFmts && A.numFmts.length && (E.openNode("numFmts", {
count: A.numFmts.length
}), A.numFmts.forEach(function(L) {
}), E.closeNode()), A.fonts.length || this._addFont({
size: 11,
color: {
theme: 1
name: "Calibri",
family: 2,
scheme: "minor"
}), E.openNode("fonts", {
count: A.fonts.length,
"x14ac:knownFonts": 1
}), A.fonts.forEach(function(L) {
}), E.closeNode(), E.openNode("fills", {
count: A.fills.length
}), A.fills.forEach(function(L) {
}), E.closeNode(), E.openNode("borders", {
count: A.borders.length
}), A.borders.forEach(function(L) {
}), E.closeNode(),, [{
numFmtId: 0,
fontId: 0,
fillId: 0,
borderId: 0,
xfId: 0
}]), E.openNode("cellXfs", {
count: A.styles.length
}), A.styles.forEach(function(L) {
}), E.closeNode()) : (, A.numFmts),, A.fonts),, A.fills),, A.borders),, [{
numFmtId: 0,
fontId: 0,
fillId: 0,
borderId: 0,
xfId: 0
}]),, A.styles)), R.STATIC_XFORMS.cellStyles.render(E),, A.dxfs), R.STATIC_XFORMS.tableStyles.render(E), R.STATIC_XFORMS.extLst.render(E), E.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(E) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(E), !0;
switch ( {
case "styleSheet":
return this.initIndex(), !0;
return this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(E), !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(E) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(E);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(E) {
var A = this;
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(E) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (E) {
case "styleSheet": {
this.model = {};
var L = function(U, D) {
D.model && D.model.length && (A.model[U] = D.model);
if (L("numFmts",, L("fonts",, L("fills",, L("borders",, L("styles",, L("dxfs",, this.index = {
model: [],
numFmt: []
}, this.model.numFmts) {
var $ = this.index.numFmt;
this.model.numFmts.forEach(function(W) {
$[] = W.formatCode;
return !1;
return !0;
// add a cell's style model to the collection
// each style property is processed and cross-referenced, etc.
// the styleId is returned. Note: cellType is used when numFmt not defined
}, {
key: "addStyleModel",
value: function(E, A) {
if (!E)
return 0;
if (this.model.fonts.length || this._addFont({
size: 11,
color: {
theme: 1
name: "Calibri",
family: 2,
scheme: "minor"
}), this.weakMap && this.weakMap.has(E))
return this.weakMap.get(E);
var L = {};
if (A = A || v.ValueType.Number, E.numFmt)
L.numFmtId = this._addNumFmtStr(E.numFmt);
switch (A) {
case v.ValueType.Number:
L.numFmtId = this._addNumFmtStr("General");
case v.ValueType.Date:
L.numFmtId = this._addNumFmtStr("mm-dd-yy");
E.font && (L.fontId = this._addFont(E.font)), E.border && (L.borderId = this._addBorder(E.border)), E.fill && (L.fillId = this._addFill(E.fill)), E.alignment && (L.alignment = E.alignment), && ( =;
var $ = this._addStyle(L);
return this.weakMap && this.weakMap.set(E, $), $;
// given a styleId (i.e. s="n"), get the cell's style model
// objects are shared where possible.
}, {
key: "getStyleModel",
value: function(E) {
var A = this.model.styles[E];
if (!A)
return null;
var L = this.index.model[E];
if (L)
return L;
if (L = this.index.model[E] = {}, A.numFmtId) {
var $ = this.index.numFmt[A.numFmtId] || p.getDefaultFmtCode(A.numFmtId);
$ && (L.numFmt = $);
function W(U, D, B) {
if (B || B === 0) {
var j = D[B];
j && (L[U] = j);
return W("font", this.model.fonts, A.fontId), W("border", this.model.borders, A.borderId), W("fill", this.model.fills, A.fillId), A.alignment && (L.alignment = A.alignment), && ( =, L;
}, {
key: "addDxfStyle",
value: function(E) {
return this.model.dxfs.push(E), this.model.dxfs.length - 1;
}, {
key: "getDxfStyle",
value: function(E) {
return this.model.dxfs[E];
// =========================================================================
// Private Interface
}, {
key: "_addStyle",
value: function(E) {
var A =, L =[A];
return L === void 0 && (L =[A] = this.model.styles.length, this.model.styles.push(A)), L;
// =========================================================================
// Number Formats
}, {
key: "_addNumFmtStr",
value: function(E) {
var A = p.getDefaultFmtId(E);
if (A !== void 0 || (A = this.index.numFmt[E], A !== void 0))
return A;
A = this.index.numFmt[E] = F + this.model.numFmts.length;
var L ={
id: A,
formatCode: E
return this.model.numFmts.push(L), A;
// =========================================================================
// Fonts
}, {
key: "_addFont",
value: function(E) {
var A =, L = this.index.font[A];
return L === void 0 && (L = this.index.font[A] = this.model.fonts.length, this.model.fonts.push(A)), L;
// =========================================================================
// Borders
}, {
key: "_addBorder",
value: function(E) {
var A =, L = this.index.border[A];
return L === void 0 && (L = this.index.border[A] = this.model.borders.length, this.model.borders.push(A)), L;
// =========================================================================
// Fills
}, {
key: "_addFill",
value: function(E) {
var A =, L = this.index.fill[A];
return L === void 0 && (L = this.index.fill[A] = this.model.fills.length, this.model.fills.push(A)), L;
// =========================================================================
}]), R;
xmlns: "",
"xmlns:mc": "",
"mc:Ignorable": "x14ac x16r2",
"xmlns:x14ac": "",
"xmlns:x16r2": ""
cellStyles: new r({
tag: "cellStyles",
$: {
count: 1
c: [{
tag: "cellStyle",
$: {
name: "Normal",
xfId: 0,
builtinId: 0
dxfs: new r({
tag: "dxfs",
$: {
count: 0
tableStyles: new r({
tag: "tableStyles",
$: {
count: 0,
defaultTableStyle: "TableStyleMedium2",
defaultPivotStyle: "PivotStyleLight16"
extLst: new r({
tag: "extLst",
c: [{
tag: "ext",
$: {
uri: "{EB79DEF2-80B8-43e5-95BD-54CBDDF9020C}",
"xmlns:x14": ""
c: [{
tag: "x14:slicerStyles",
$: {
defaultSlicerStyle: "SlicerStyleLight1"
}, {
tag: "ext",
$: {
uri: "{9260A510-F301-46a8-8635-F512D64BE5F5}",
"xmlns:x15": ""
c: [{
tag: "x15:timelineStyles",
$: {
defaultTimelineStyle: "TimeSlicerStyleLight1"
var N = /* @__PURE__ */ function(M) {
w(R, M);
var I = y(R);
function R() {
var C;
return m(this, R), C =, C.model = {
styles: [{
numFmtId: 0,
fontId: 0,
fillId: 0,
borderId: 0,
xfId: 0
numFmts: [],
fonts: [{
size: 11,
color: {
theme: 1
name: "Calibri",
family: 2,
scheme: "minor"
borders: [{}],
fills: [{
type: "pattern",
pattern: "none"
}, {
type: "pattern",
pattern: "gray125"
}, C;
return b(R, [{
key: "parseStream",
value: function(E) {
return E.autodrain(), Promise.resolve();
// add a cell's style model to the collection
// each style property is processed and cross-referenced, etc.
// the styleId is returned. Note: cellType is used when numFmt not defined
}, {
key: "addStyleModel",
value: function(E, A) {
switch (A) {
case v.ValueType.Date:
return this.dateStyleId;
return 0;
}, {
key: "getStyleModel",
// given a styleId (i.e. s="n"), get the cell's style model
// objects are shared where possible.
value: function() {
return {};
}, {
key: "dateStyleId",
get: function() {
if (!this._dateStyleId) {
var E = {
numFmtId: p.getDefaultFmtId("mm-dd-yy")
this._dateStyleId = this.model.styles.length, this.model.styles.push(E);
return this._dateStyleId;
}]), R;
z.Mock = N, x.exports = z;
}, { "../../../doc/enums": 7, "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "../list-xform": 70, "../static-xform": 119, "./border-xform": 126, "./dxf-xform": 128, "./fill-xform": 129, "./font-xform": 130, "./numfmt-xform": 131, "./style-xform": 133 }], 135: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t(i) {
var n;
return m(this, t), n =, n.model = i, n;
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
if (o = o || this.model, o === !0)
else {
var p = t.Attributes[o];
p && n.leafNode("u", p);
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) { === "u" && (this.model = n.attributes.val || !0);
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "u";
}]), t;
c.Attributes = {
single: {},
double: {
val: "double"
singleAccounting: {
val: "singleAccounting"
doubleAccounting: {
val: "doubleAccounting"
}, x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 136: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(r) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(i) {
return typeof i;
} : u = function(i) {
return i && typeof Symbol == "function" && i.constructor === Symbol && i !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof i;
}, u(r);
function m(r, t) {
if (!(r instanceof t))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(r, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i];
n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(r, n.key, n);
function b(r, t, i) {
return t && g(r.prototype, t), i && g(r, i), r;
function w(r, t) {
if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
r.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && f(r, t);
function f(r, t) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) {
return n.__proto__ = o, n;
}, f(r, t);
function y(r) {
var t = d();
return function() {
var n = s(r), o;
if (t) {
var p = s(this).constructor;
o = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, p);
} else
o = n.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, o);
function h(r, t) {
return t && (u(t) === "object" || typeof t == "function") ? t : l(r);
function l(r) {
if (r === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return r;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (r) {
return !1;
function s(r) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(i) {
return i.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(i);
}, s(r);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = e("./filter-column-xform"), a = /* @__PURE__ */ function(r) {
w(i, r);
var t = y(i);
function i() {
var n;
return m(this, i), n =, = {
filterColumn: new c()
}, n;
return b(i, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(o) {
var p = this;
o.columns.forEach(function(O, P) {, {
index: P
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(o, p) {
var O = this;
return o.openNode(this.tag, {
ref: p.autoFilterRef
}), p.columns.forEach(function(P) {, P);
}), o.closeNode(), !0;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(o), !0;
switch ( {
case this.tag:
return this.model = {
autoFilterRef: o.attributes.ref,
columns: []
}, !0;
if (this.parser =[], this.parser)
return this.parseOpen(o), !0;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseOpen: ".concat(JSON.stringify(o)));
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(o) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(o);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(o) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(o) || (this.model.columns.push(this.parser.model), this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (o) {
case this.tag:
return !1;
throw new Error("Unexpected xml node in parseClose: ".concat(o));
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "autoFilter";
}]), i;
x.exports = a;
}, { "../base-xform": 31, "./filter-column-xform": 137 }], 137: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(n, o) {
n.colId = o.index.toString();
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
return n.leafNode(this.tag, {
colId: o.colId,
hiddenButton: o.filterButton ? "0" : "1"
}), !0;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if ( === this.tag) {
var o = n.attributes;
return this.model = {
filterButton: o.hiddenButton === "0"
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "filterColumn";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 138: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(n, o) { = o.index + 1;
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
return n.leafNode(this.tag, {
totalsRowLabel: o.totalsRowLabel,
totalsRowFunction: o.totalsRowFunction,
dxfId: o.dxfId
}), !0;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if ( === this.tag) {
var o = n.attributes;
return this.model = {
totalsRowLabel: o.totalsRowLabel,
totalsRowFunction: o.totalsRowFunction,
dxfId: o.dxfId
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "tableColumn";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 139: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(a) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(t) {
return typeof t;
} : u = function(t) {
return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t;
}, u(a);
function m(a, r) {
if (!(a instanceof r))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function g(a, r) {
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var i = r[t];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(a, i.key, i);
function b(a, r, t) {
return r && g(a.prototype, r), t && g(a, t), a;
function w(a, r) {
if (typeof r != "function" && r !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
a.prototype = Object.create(r && r.prototype, { constructor: { value: a, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), r && f(a, r);
function f(a, r) {
return f = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(i, n) {
return i.__proto__ = n, i;
}, f(a, r);
function y(a) {
var r = d();
return function() {
var i = s(a), n;
if (r) {
var o = s(this).constructor;
n = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, o);
} else
n = i.apply(this, arguments);
return h(this, n);
function h(a, r) {
return r && (u(r) === "object" || typeof r == "function") ? r : l(a);
function l(a) {
if (a === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return a;
function d() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
function s(a) {
return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, s(a);
var v = e("../base-xform"), c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
w(t, a);
var r = y(t);
function t() {
return m(this, t), r.apply(this, arguments);
return b(t, [{
key: "render",
value: function(n, o) {
return n.leafNode(this.tag, {
name: o.theme ? o.theme : void 0,
showFirstColumn: o.showFirstColumn ? "1" : "0",
showLastColumn: o.showLastColumn ? "1" : "0",
showRowStripes: o.showRowStripes ? "1" : "0",
showColumnStripes: o.showColumnStripes ? "1" : "0"
}), !0;
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(n) {
if ( === this.tag) {
var o = n.attributes;
return this.model = {
theme: ? : null,
showFirstColumn: o.showFirstColumn === "1",
showLastColumn: o.showLastColumn === "1",
showRowStripes: o.showRowStripes === "1",
showColumnStripes: o.showColumnStripes === "1"
}, !0;
return !1;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function() {
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function() {
return !1;
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "tableStyleInfo";
}]), t;
x.exports = c;
}, { "../base-xform": 31 }], 140: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(P) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(z) {
return typeof z;
} : u = function(z) {
return z && typeof Symbol == "function" && z.constructor === Symbol && z !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof z;
}, u(P);
function m(P, F) {
var z = Object.keys(P);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var N = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(P);
F && (N = N.filter(function(M) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(P, M).enumerable;
})), z.push.apply(z, N);
return z;
function g(P) {
for (var F = 1; F < arguments.length; F++) {
var z = arguments[F] != null ? arguments[F] : {};
F % 2 ? m(Object(z), !0).forEach(function(N) {
b(P, N, z[N]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(P, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(z)) : m(Object(z)).forEach(function(N) {
Object.defineProperty(P, N, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(z, N));
return P;
function b(P, F, z) {
return F in P ? Object.defineProperty(P, F, { value: z, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : P[F] = z, P;
function w(P, F) {
if (!(P instanceof F))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(P, F) {
for (var z = 0; z < F.length; z++) {
var N = F[z];
N.enumerable = N.enumerable || !1, N.configurable = !0, "value" in N && (N.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(P, N.key, N);
function y(P, F, z) {
return F && f(P.prototype, F), z && f(P, z), P;
function h(P, F) {
if (typeof F != "function" && F !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
P.prototype = Object.create(F && F.prototype, { constructor: { value: P, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), F && l(P, F);
function l(P, F) {
return l = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(N, M) {
return N.__proto__ = M, N;
}, l(P, F);
function d(P) {
var F = c();
return function() {
var N = a(P), M;
if (F) {
var I = a(this).constructor;
M = Reflect.construct(N, arguments, I);
} else
M = N.apply(this, arguments);
return s(this, M);
function s(P, F) {
return F && (u(F) === "object" || typeof F == "function") ? F : v(P);
function v(P) {
if (P === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return P;
function c() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (P) {
return !1;
function a(P) {
return a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(z) {
return z.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(z);
}, a(P);
var r = e("../../../utils/xml-stream"), t = e("../base-xform"), i = e("../list-xform"), n = e("./auto-filter-xform"), o = e("./table-column-xform"), p = e("./table-style-info-xform"), O = /* @__PURE__ */ function(P) {
h(z, P);
var F = d(z);
function z() {
var N;
return w(this, z), N =, = {
autoFilter: new n(),
tableColumns: new i({
tag: "tableColumns",
count: !0,
empty: !0,
childXform: new o()
tableStyleInfo: new p()
}, N;
return y(z, [{
key: "prepare",
value: function(M, I) {,, I);
}, {
key: "render",
value: function(M, I) {
M.openXml(r.StdDocAttributes), M.openNode(this.tag, g(g({}, z.TABLE_ATTRIBUTES), {}, {
displayName: I.displayName ||,
ref: I.tableRef,
totalsRowCount: I.totalsRow ? "1" : void 0,
totalsRowShown: I.totalsRow ? void 0 : "1",
headerRowCount: I.headerRow ? "1" : "0"
})),, I),, I.columns),,, M.closeNode();
}, {
key: "parseOpen",
value: function(M) {
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseOpen(M), !0;
var I =, R = M.attributes;
switch (I) {
case this.tag:
this.reset(), this.model = {
displayName: R.displayName ||,
tableRef: R.ref,
totalsRow: R.totalsRowCount === "1",
headerRow: R.headerRowCount === "1"
this.parser =[], this.parser && this.parser.parseOpen(M);
return !0;
}, {
key: "parseText",
value: function(M) {
this.parser && this.parser.parseText(M);
}, {
key: "parseClose",
value: function(M) {
var I = this;
if (this.parser)
return this.parser.parseClose(M) || (this.parser = void 0), !0;
switch (M) {
case this.tag:
return this.model.columns =, && (this.model.autoFilterRef =,, C) {
I.model.columns[C].filterButton = R.filterButton;
})), =, !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(M, I) {
M.columns.forEach(function(R) {
R.dxfId !== void 0 && ( = I.styles.getDxfStyle(R.dxfId));
}, {
key: "tag",
get: function() {
return "table";
}]), z;
xmlns: "",
"xmlns:mc": "",
"mc:Ignorable": "xr xr3",
"xmlns:xr": "",
"xmlns:xr3": ""
// 'xr:uid': '{00000000-000C-0000-FFFF-FFFF00000000}',
}, x.exports = O;
}, { "../../../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../base-xform": 31, "../list-xform": 70, "./auto-filter-xform": 136, "./table-column-xform": 138, "./table-style-info-xform": 139 }], 141: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
function g(W, U, D, B, j, V, re) {
try {
var ee = W[V](re), ce = ee.value;
} catch (ve) {
ee.done ? U(ce) : Promise.resolve(ce).then(B, j);
function b(W) {
return function() {
var U = this, D = arguments;
return new Promise(function(B, j) {
var V = W.apply(U, D);
function re(ce) {
g(V, B, j, re, ee, "next", ce);
function ee(ce) {
g(V, B, j, re, ee, "throw", ce);
re(void 0);
function w(W, U) {
if (!(W instanceof U))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function f(W, U) {
for (var D = 0; D < U.length; D++) {
var B = U[D];
B.enumerable = B.enumerable || !1, B.configurable = !0, "value" in B && (B.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(W, B.key, B);
function y(W, U, D) {
return U && f(W.prototype, U), D && f(W, D), W;
function h(W) {
var U;
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && (Symbol.asyncIterator && (U = W[Symbol.asyncIterator], U != null) || Symbol.iterator && (U = W[Symbol.iterator], U != null)))
throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable");
var l = e("fs"), d = e("jszip"), s = e("readable-stream"), v = s.PassThrough, c = e("../utils/zip-stream"), a = e("../utils/stream-buf"), r = e("../utils/utils"), t = e("../utils/xml-stream"), i = e("../utils/browser-buffer-decode"), n = i.bufferToString, o = e("./xform/style/styles-xform"), p = e("./xform/core/core-xform"), O = e("./xform/strings/shared-strings-xform"), P = e("./xform/core/relationships-xform"), F = e("./xform/core/content-types-xform"), z = e("./xform/core/app-xform"), N = e("./xform/book/workbook-xform"), M = e("./xform/sheet/worksheet-xform"), I = e("./xform/drawing/drawing-xform"), R = e("./xform/table/table-xform"), C = e("./xform/comment/comments-xform"), E = e("./xform/comment/vml-notes-xform"), A = e("./xml/theme1.js");
function L(W, U) {
return new Promise(function(D, B) {
l.readFile(W, U, function(j, V) {
j ? B(j) : D(V);
var $ = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function W(U) {
w(this, W), this.workbook = U;
return y(W, [{
key: "readFile",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ve) {
for (; ; )
switch (ve.prev = {
case 0:
return = 2, r.fs.exists(j);
case 2:
if (ve.sent) { = 4;
throw new Error("File not found: ".concat(j));
case 4:
return re = l.createReadStream(j), ve.prev = 5, = 8,, V);
case 8:
return ee = ve.sent, re.close(), ve.abrupt("return", ee);
case 13:
throw ve.prev = 13, ve.t0 = ve.catch(5), re.close(), ve.t0;
case 17:
case "end":
return ve.stop();
}, B, this, [[5, 13]]);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "parseRels",
value: function(D) {
var B = new P();
return B.parseStream(D);
}, {
key: "parseWorkbook",
value: function(D) {
var B = new N();
return B.parseStream(D);
}, {
key: "parseSharedStrings",
value: function(D) {
var B = new O();
return B.parseStream(D);
}, {
key: "reconcile",
value: function(D, B) {
var j = new N(), V = new M(B), re = new I(), ee = new R();
var ce = {
mediaIndex: D.mediaIndex
Object.keys(D.drawings).forEach(function(oe) {
var J = D.drawings[oe], Q = D.drawingRels[oe];
Q && (ce.rels = Q.reduce(function(he, ke) {
return he[ke.Id] = ke, he;
}, {}), (J.anchors || []).forEach(function(he) {
var ke = he.picture && he.picture.hyperlinks;
ke && ce.rels[ke.rId] && (ke.hyperlink = ce.rels[ke.rId].Target, delete ke.rId);
}), re.reconcile(J, ce));
var ve = {
styles: D.styles
Object.values(D.tables).forEach(function(oe) {
ee.reconcile(oe, ve);
var ge = {
styles: D.styles,
sharedStrings: D.sharedStrings,
mediaIndex: D.mediaIndex,
date1904: &&,
drawings: D.drawings,
comments: D.comments,
tables: D.tables,
vmlDrawings: D.vmlDrawings
D.worksheets.forEach(function(oe) {
oe.relationships = D.worksheetRels[oe.sheetNo], V.reconcile(oe, ge);
}), delete D.worksheetHash, delete D.worksheetRels, delete D.globalRels, delete D.sharedStrings, delete D.workbookRels, delete D.sheetDefs, delete D.styles, delete D.mediaIndex, delete D.drawings, delete D.drawingRels, delete D.vmlDrawings;
}, {
key: "_processWorksheetEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re, ee, ce) {
var ve, ge;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(J) {
for (; ; )
switch (J.prev = {
case 0:
return ve = new M(ee), = 3, ve.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ge = J.sent, ge.sheetNo = re, V.worksheetHash[ce] = ge, V.worksheets.push(ge);
case 7:
case "end":
return J.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V, re, ee) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processCommentEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ge) {
for (; ; )
switch (ge.prev = {
case 0:
return ee = new C(), = 3, ee.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ce = ge.sent, V.comments["../".concat(re, ".xml")] = ce;
case 5:
case "end":
return ge.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processTableEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ge) {
for (; ; )
switch (ge.prev = {
case 0:
return ee = new R(), = 3, ee.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ce = ge.sent, V.tables["../tables/".concat(re, ".xml")] = ce;
case 5:
case "end":
return ge.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processWorksheetRelsEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ge) {
for (; ; )
switch (ge.prev = {
case 0:
return ee = new P(), = 3, ee.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ce = ge.sent, V.worksheetRels[re] = ce;
case 5:
case "end":
return ge.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processMediaEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce, ve;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(oe) {
for (; ; )
switch (oe.prev = {
case 0:
if (ee = re.lastIndexOf("."), !(ee >= 1)) { = 6;
return ce = re.substr(ee + 1), ve = re.substr(0, ee), = 6, new Promise(function(J, Q) {
var he = new a();
he.on("finish", function() {
V.mediaIndex[re] =, V.mediaIndex[ve] =;
var ke = {
type: "image",
name: ve,
extension: ce,
buffer: he.toBuffer()
};, J();
}), j.on("error", function(ke) {
}), j.pipe(he);
case 6:
case "end":
return oe.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processDrawingEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ge) {
for (; ; )
switch (ge.prev = {
case 0:
return ee = new I(), = 3, ee.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ce = ge.sent, V.drawings[re] = ce;
case 5:
case "end":
return ge.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processDrawingRelsEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ge) {
for (; ; )
switch (ge.prev = {
case 0:
return ee = new P(), = 3, ee.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ce = ge.sent, V.drawingRels[re] = ce;
case 5:
case "end":
return ge.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processVmlDrawingEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
var ee, ce;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ge) {
for (; ; )
switch (ge.prev = {
case 0:
return ee = new E(), = 3, ee.parseStream(j);
case 3:
ce = ge.sent, V.vmlDrawings["../drawings/".concat(re, ".vml")] = ce;
case 5:
case "end":
return ge.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_processThemeEntry",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V, re) {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ce) {
for (; ; )
switch (ce.prev = {
case 0:
return = 2, new Promise(function(ve, ge) {
var oe = new a();
j.on("error", ge), oe.on("error", ge), oe.on("finish", function() {
V.themes[re] =, ve();
}), j.pipe(oe);
case 2:
case "end":
return ce.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j, V) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
* @deprecated since version 4.0. You should use `#read` instead. Please follow upgrade instruction:
}, {
key: "createInputStream",
value: function() {
throw new Error("`XLSX#createInputStream` is deprecated. You should use `XLSX#read` instead. This method will be removed in version 5.0. Please follow upgrade instruction:");
}, {
key: "read",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee, ce, ve, ge, oe, J, Q;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ke) {
for (; ; )
switch (ke.prev = {
case 0:
!j[Symbol.asyncIterator] && j.pipe && (j = j.pipe(new v())), re = [], ee = !0, ce = !1, ke.prev = 4, ge = h(j);
case 6:
return = 8,;
case 8:
return oe = ke.sent, ee = oe.done, = 12, oe.value;
case 12:
if (J = ke.sent, ee) { = 19;
Q = J, re.push(Q);
case 16:
ee = !0, = 6;
case 19: = 25;
case 21:
ke.prev = 21, ke.t0 = ke.catch(4), ce = !0, ve = ke.t0;
case 25:
if (ke.prev = 25, ke.prev = 26, !(!ee && ge.return != null)) { = 30;
return = 30, ge.return();
case 30:
if (ke.prev = 30, !ce) { = 33;
throw ve;
case 33:
return ke.finish(30);
case 34:
return ke.finish(25);
case 35:
return ke.abrupt("return", this.load(m.concat(re), V));
case 36:
case "end":
return ke.stop();
}, B, this, [[4, 21, 25, 35], [26, , 30, 34]]);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "load",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee, ce, ve, ge, oe, J, Q, he, ke, ne, se, Ce, q, G, Y, fe;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(_e) {
for (; ; )
switch (_e.prev = {
case 0:
return V && V.base64 ? re = m.from(j.toString(), "base64") : re = j, ee = {
worksheets: [],
worksheetHash: {},
worksheetRels: [],
themes: {},
media: [],
mediaIndex: {},
drawings: {},
drawingRels: {},
comments: {},
tables: {},
vmlDrawings: {}
}, = 4, d.loadAsync(re);
case 4:
ce = _e.sent, ve = 0, ge = Object.values(ce.files);
case 6:
if (!(ve < ge.length)) { = 126;
if (oe = ge[ve], oe.dir) { = 123;
if (J =, J[0] === "/" && (J = J.substr(1)), Q = void 0, !(J.match(/xl\/media\//) || // themes are not parsed as stream
J.match(/xl\/theme\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[.]xml/))) { = 21;
return Q = new v(), _e.t0 = Q, = 17, oe.async("nodebuffer");
case 17:
_e.t1 = _e.sent,, _e.t1), = 36;
case 21:
if (Q = new v({
writableObjectMode: !0,
readableObjectMode: !0
}), he = void 0, !u.browser) { = 31;
return _e.t2 = n, = 27, oe.async("nodebuffer");
case 27:
_e.t3 = _e.sent, he = (0, _e.t2)(_e.t3), = 34;
case 31:
return = 33, oe.async("string");
case 33:
he = _e.sent;
case 34:
for (ke = 16384, ne = 0; ne < he.length; ne += ke)
Q.write(he.substring(ne, ne + ke));
case 36:
Q.end(), _e.t4 = J, = _e.t4 === "_rels/.rels" ? 40 : _e.t4 === "xl/workbook.xml" ? 44 : _e.t4 === "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels" ? 53 : _e.t4 === "xl/sharedStrings.xml" ? 57 : _e.t4 === "xl/styles.xml" ? 61 : _e.t4 === "docProps/app.xml" ? 65 : _e.t4 === "docProps/core.xml" ? 72 : 78;
case 40:
return = 42, this.parseRels(Q);
case 42:
return ee.globalRels = _e.sent, _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 44:
return = 46, this.parseWorkbook(Q);
case 46:
return se = _e.sent, ee.sheets = se.sheets, ee.definedNames = se.definedNames, ee.views = se.views, =, ee.calcProperties = se.calcProperties, _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 53:
return = 55, this.parseRels(Q);
case 55:
return ee.workbookRels = _e.sent, _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 57:
return ee.sharedStrings = new O(), = 60, ee.sharedStrings.parseStream(Q);
case 60:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 61:
return ee.styles = new o(), = 64, ee.styles.parseStream(Q);
case 64:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 65:
return Ce = new z(), = 68, Ce.parseStream(Q);
case 68:
return q = _e.sent, =, ee.manager = q.manager, _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 72:
return G = new p(), = 75, G.parseStream(Q);
case 75:
return Y = _e.sent, Object.assign(ee, Y), _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 78:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/worksheets\/sheet(\d+)[.]xml/), !fe) { = 83;
return = 82, this._processWorksheetEntry(Q, ee, fe[1], V, J);
case 82:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 83:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/worksheets\/_rels\/sheet(\d+)[.]xml.rels/), !fe) { = 88;
return = 87, this._processWorksheetRelsEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 87:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 88:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/theme\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[.]xml/), !fe) { = 93;
return = 92, this._processThemeEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 92:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 93:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/media\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+[.][a-zA-Z0-9]{3,4})$/), !fe) { = 98;
return = 97, this._processMediaEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 97:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 98:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/drawings\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[.]xml/), !fe) { = 103;
return = 102, this._processDrawingEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 102:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 103:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/(comments\d+)[.]xml/), !fe) { = 108;
return = 107, this._processCommentEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 107:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 108:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/tables\/(table\d+)[.]xml/), !fe) { = 113;
return = 112, this._processTableEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 112:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 113:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/drawings\/_rels\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[.]xml[.]rels/), !fe) { = 118;
return = 117, this._processDrawingRelsEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 117:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 118:
if (fe = J.match(/xl\/drawings\/(vmlDrawing\d+)[.]vml/), !fe) { = 123;
return = 122, this._processVmlDrawingEntry(Q, ee, fe[1]);
case 122:
return _e.abrupt("break", 123);
case 123:
ve++, = 6;
case 126:
return this.reconcile(ee, V), this.workbook.model = ee, _e.abrupt("return", this.workbook);
case 129:
case "end":
return _e.stop();
}, B, this);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
// =========================================================================
// Write
}, {
key: "addMedia",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ee) {
for (; ; )
switch (ee.prev = {
case 0:
return = 2, Promise.all(* @__PURE__ */ function() {
var ce = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function ve(ge) {
var oe, J, Q, he;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ne) {
for (; ; )
switch (ne.prev = {
case 0:
if (ge.type !== "image") { = 13;
if (oe = "xl/media/".concat(, ".").concat(ge.extension), !ge.filename) { = 7;
return = 5, L(ge.filename);
case 5:
return J = ne.sent, ne.abrupt("return", j.append(J, {
name: oe
case 7:
if (!ge.buffer) { = 9;
return ne.abrupt("return", j.append(ge.buffer, {
name: oe
case 9:
if (!ge.base64) { = 13;
return Q = ge.base64, he = Q.substring(Q.indexOf(",") + 1), ne.abrupt("return", j.append(he, {
name: oe,
base64: !0
case 13:
throw new Error("Unsupported media");
case 14:
case "end":
return ne.stop();
}, ve);
return function(ve) {
return ce.apply(this, arguments);
case 2:
case "end":
return ee.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addDrawings",
value: function(D, B) {
var j = new I(), V = new P();
B.worksheets.forEach(function(re) {
var ee = re.drawing;
if (ee) {
j.prepare(ee, {});
var ce = j.toXml(ee);
D.append(ce, {
name: "xl/drawings/".concat(, ".xml")
}), ce = V.toXml(ee.rels), D.append(ce, {
name: "xl/drawings/_rels/".concat(, ".xml.rels")
}, {
key: "addTables",
value: function(D, B) {
var j = new R();
B.worksheets.forEach(function(V) {
var re = V.tables;
re.forEach(function(ee) {
j.prepare(ee, {});
var ce = j.toXml(ee);
D.append(ce, {
name: "xl/tables/".concat(
}, {
key: "addContentTypes",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ve) {
for (; ; )
switch (ve.prev = {
case 0:
re = new F(), ee = re.toXml(V), j.append(ee, {
name: "[Content_Types].xml"
case 3:
case "end":
return ve.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addApp",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ve) {
for (; ; )
switch (ve.prev = {
case 0:
re = new z(), ee = re.toXml(V), j.append(ee, {
name: "docProps/app.xml"
case 3:
case "end":
return ve.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addCore",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ce) {
for (; ; )
switch (ce.prev = {
case 0:
re = new p(), j.append(re.toXml(V), {
name: "docProps/core.xml"
case 2:
case "end":
return ce.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addThemes",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ce) {
for (; ; )
switch (ce.prev = {
case 0:
re = V.themes || {
theme1: A
}, Object.keys(re).forEach(function(ve) {
var ge = re[ve], oe = "xl/theme/".concat(ve, ".xml");
j.append(ge, {
name: oe
case 2:
case "end":
return ce.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addOfficeRels",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j) {
var V, re;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ce) {
for (; ; )
switch (ce.prev = {
case 0:
V = new P(), re = V.toXml([{
Id: "rId1",
Type: W.RelType.OfficeDocument,
Target: "xl/workbook.xml"
}, {
Id: "rId2",
Type: W.RelType.CoreProperties,
Target: "docProps/core.xml"
}, {
Id: "rId3",
Type: W.RelType.ExtenderProperties,
Target: "docProps/app.xml"
}]), j.append(re, {
name: "_rels/.rels"
case 3:
case "end":
return ce.stop();
}, B);
function D(B) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addWorkbookRels",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee, ce, ve;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(oe) {
for (; ; )
switch (oe.prev = {
case 0:
re = 1, ee = [{
Id: "rId".concat(re++),
Type: W.RelType.Styles,
Target: "styles.xml"
}, {
Id: "rId".concat(re++),
Type: W.RelType.Theme,
Target: "theme/theme1.xml"
}], V.sharedStrings.count && ee.push({
Id: "rId".concat(re++),
Type: W.RelType.SharedStrings,
Target: "sharedStrings.xml"
}), V.worksheets.forEach(function(J) {
J.rId = "rId".concat(re++), ee.push({
Id: J.rId,
Type: W.RelType.Worksheet,
Target: "worksheets/sheet".concat(, ".xml")
}), ce = new P(), ve = ce.toXml(ee), j.append(ve, {
name: "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels"
case 7:
case "end":
return oe.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addSharedStrings",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ee) {
for (; ; )
switch (ee.prev = {
case 0:
V.sharedStrings && V.sharedStrings.count && j.append(V.sharedStrings.xml, {
name: "xl/sharedStrings.xml"
case 1:
case "end":
return ee.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addStyles",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ce) {
for (; ; )
switch (ce.prev = {
case 0:
re = V.styles.xml, re && j.append(re, {
name: "xl/styles.xml"
case 2:
case "end":
return ce.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addWorkbook",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ce) {
for (; ; )
switch (ce.prev = {
case 0:
re = new N(), j.append(re.toXml(V), {
name: "xl/workbook.xml"
case 2:
case "end":
return ce.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "addWorksheets",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee, ce, ve;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(oe) {
for (; ; )
switch (oe.prev = {
case 0:
re = new M(), ee = new P(), ce = new C(), ve = new E(), V.worksheets.forEach(function(J) {
var Q = new t();
re.render(Q, J), j.append(Q.xml, {
name: "xl/worksheets/sheet".concat(, ".xml")
}), J.rels && J.rels.length && (Q = new t(), ee.render(Q, J.rels), j.append(Q.xml, {
name: "xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet".concat(, ".xml.rels")
})), J.comments.length > 0 && (Q = new t(), ce.render(Q, J), j.append(Q.xml, {
name: "xl/comments".concat(, ".xml")
}), Q = new t(), ve.render(Q, J), j.append(Q.xml, {
name: "xl/drawings/vmlDrawing".concat(, ".vml")
case 5:
case "end":
return oe.stop();
}, B);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "_finalize",
value: function(D) {
var B = this;
return new Promise(function(j, V) {
D.on("finish", function() {
}), D.on("error", V), D.finalize();
}, {
key: "prepareModel",
value: function(D, B) {
D.creator = D.creator || "ExcelJS", D.lastModifiedBy = D.lastModifiedBy || "ExcelJS", D.created = D.created || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), D.modified = D.modified || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), D.useSharedStrings = B.useSharedStrings !== void 0 ? B.useSharedStrings : !0, D.useStyles = B.useStyles !== void 0 ? B.useStyles : !0, D.sharedStrings = new O(), D.styles = D.useStyles ? new o(!0) : new o.Mock();
var j = new N(), V = new M();
var re = {
sharedStrings: D.sharedStrings,
styles: D.styles,
drawingsCount: 0,
re.drawings = D.drawings = [], re.commentRefs = D.commentRefs = [];
var ee = 0;
D.tables = [], D.worksheets.forEach(function(ce) {
ce.tables.forEach(function(ve) {
ee++, = "table".concat(ee, ".xml"), = ee, D.tables.push(ve);
}), V.prepare(ce, re);
}, {
key: "write",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j, V) {
var re, ee;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ve) {
for (; ; )
switch (ve.prev = {
case 0:
return V = V || {}, re = this.workbook.model, ee = new c.ZipWriter(, ee.pipe(j), this.prepareModel(re, V), = 7, this.addContentTypes(ee, re);
case 7:
return = 9, this.addOfficeRels(ee, re);
case 9:
return = 11, this.addWorkbookRels(ee, re);
case 11:
return = 13, this.addWorksheets(ee, re);
case 13:
return = 15, this.addSharedStrings(ee, re);
case 15:
return = 17, this.addDrawings(ee, re);
case 17:
return = 19, this.addTables(ee, re);
case 19:
return = 21, Promise.all([this.addThemes(ee, re), this.addStyles(ee, re)]);
case 21:
return = 23, this.addMedia(ee, re);
case 23:
return = 25, Promise.all([this.addApp(ee, re), this.addCore(ee, re)]);
case 25:
return = 27, this.addWorkbook(ee, re);
case 27:
return ve.abrupt("return", this._finalize(ee));
case 28:
case "end":
return ve.stop();
}, B, this);
function D(B, j) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}, {
key: "writeFile",
value: function(D, B) {
var j = this, V = l.createWriteStream(D);
return new Promise(function(re, ee) {
V.on("finish", function() {
}), V.on("error", function(ce) {
}), j.write(V, B).then(function() {
}, {
key: "writeBuffer",
value: function() {
var U = b(/* @__PURE__ */ regeneratorRuntime.mark(function B(j) {
var V;
return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function(ee) {
for (; ; )
switch (ee.prev = {
case 0:
return V = new a(), = 3, this.write(V, j);
case 3:
return ee.abrupt("return",;
case 4:
case "end":
return ee.stop();
}, B, this);
function D(B) {
return U.apply(this, arguments);
return D;
}]), W;
$.RelType = e("./rel-type"), x.exports = $;
}).call(this, e("_process"), e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "../utils/browser-buffer-decode": 16, "../utils/stream-buf": 23, "../utils/utils": 26, "../utils/xml-stream": 27, "../utils/zip-stream": 28, "./rel-type": 30, "./xform/book/workbook-xform": 37, "./xform/comment/comments-xform": 39, "./xform/comment/vml-notes-xform": 44, "./xform/core/app-xform": 50, "./xform/core/content-types-xform": 51, "./xform/core/core-xform": 52, "./xform/core/relationships-xform": 54, "./xform/drawing/drawing-xform": 61, "./xform/sheet/worksheet-xform": 114, "./xform/strings/shared-strings-xform": 123, "./xform/style/styles-xform": 134, "./xform/table/table-xform": 140, "./xml/theme1.js": 142, _process: 467, buffer: 216, fs: 215, jszip: 399, "readable-stream": 491 }], 142: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
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script="Arab" typeface="Times New Roman"/> <a:font script="Hebr" typeface="Times New Roman"/> <a:font script="Thai" typeface="Tahoma"/> <a:font script="Ethi" typeface="Nyala"/> <a:font script="Beng" typeface="Vrinda"/> <a:font script="Gujr" typeface="Shruti"/> <a:font script="Khmr" typeface="MoolBoran"/> <a:font script="Knda" typeface="Tunga"/> <a:font script="Guru" typeface="Raavi"/> <a:font script="Cans" typeface="Euphemia"/> <a:font script="Cher" typeface="Plantagenet Cherokee"/> <a:font script="Yiii" typeface="Microsoft Yi Baiti"/> <a:font script="Tibt" typeface="Microsoft Himalaya"/> <a:font script="Thaa" typeface="MV Boli"/> <a:font script="Deva" typeface="Mangal"/> <a:font script="Telu" typeface="Gautami"/> <a:font script="Taml" typeface="Latha"/> <a:font script="Syrc" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/> <a:font script="Orya" typeface="Kalinga"/> <a:font script="Mlym" typeface="Kartika"/> <a:font script="Laoo" typeface="DokChampa"/> <a:font script="Sinh" typeface="Iskoola Pota"/> 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script="Tibt" typeface="Microsoft Himalaya"/> <a:font script="Thaa" typeface="MV Boli"/> <a:font script="Deva" typeface="Mangal"/> <a:font script="Telu" typeface="Gautami"/> <a:font script="Taml" typeface="Latha"/> <a:font script="Syrc" typeface="Estrangelo Edessa"/> <a:font script="Orya" typeface="Kalinga"/> <a:font script="Mlym" typeface="Kartika"/> <a:font script="Laoo" typeface="DokChampa"/> <a:font script="Sinh" typeface="Iskoola Pota"/> <a:font script="Mong" typeface="Mongolian Baiti"/> <a:font script="Viet" typeface="Arial"/> <a:font script="Uigh" typeface="Microsoft Uighur"/> <a:font script="Geor" typeface="Sylfaen"/> </a:minorFont> </a:fontScheme> <a:fmtScheme name="Office"> <a:fillStyleLst> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="50000"/> <a:satMod val="300000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="35000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="37000"/> <a:satMod val="300000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="15000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:lin ang="16200000" scaled="1"/> </a:gradFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="100000"/> <a:shade val="100000"/> <a:satMod val="130000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="50000"/> <a:shade val="100000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:lin ang="16200000" scaled="0"/> </a:gradFill> </a:fillStyleLst> <a:lnStyleLst> <a:ln w="9525" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="95000"/> <a:satMod val="105000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="solid"/> </a:ln> <a:ln w="25400" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="solid"/> </a:ln> <a:ln w="38100" cap="flat" cmpd="sng" algn="ctr"> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:prstDash val="solid"/> </a:ln> </a:lnStyleLst> <a:effectStyleLst> <a:effectStyle> <a:effectLst> <a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="20000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"> <a:srgbClr val="000000"> <a:alpha val="38000"/> </a:srgbClr> </a:outerShdw> </a:effectLst> </a:effectStyle> <a:effectStyle> <a:effectLst> <a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="23000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"> <a:srgbClr val="000000"> <a:alpha val="35000"/> </a:srgbClr> </a:outerShdw> </a:effectLst> </a:effectStyle> <a:effectStyle> <a:effectLst> <a:outerShdw blurRad="40000" dist="23000" dir="5400000" rotWithShape="0"> <a:srgbClr val="000000"> <a:alpha val="35000"/> </a:srgbClr> </a:outerShdw> </a:effectLst> <a:scene3d> <a:camera prst="orthographicFront"> <a:rot lat="0" lon="0" rev="0"/> </a:camera> <a:lightRig rig="threePt" dir="t"> <a:rot lat="0" lon="0" rev="1200000"/> </a:lightRig> </a:scene3d> <a:sp3d> <a:bevelT w="63500" h="25400"/> </a:sp3d> </a:effectStyle> </a:effectStyleLst> <a:bgFillStyleLst> <a:solidFill> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"/> </a:solidFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="40000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="40000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="45000"/> <a:shade val="99000"/> <a:satMod val="350000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="20000"/> <a:satMod val="255000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:path path="circle"> <a:fillToRect l="50000" t="-80000" r="50000" b="180000"/> </a:path> </a:gradFill> <a:gradFill rotWithShape="1"> <a:gsLst> <a:gs pos="0"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:tint val="80000"/> <a:satMod val="300000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> <a:gs pos="100000"> <a:schemeClr val="phClr"> <a:shade val="30000"/> <a:satMod val="200000"/> </a:schemeClr> </a:gs> </a:gsLst> <a:path path="circle"> <a:fillToRect l="50000" t="50000" r="50000" b="50000"/> </a:path> </a:gradFill> </a:bgFillStyleLst> </a:fmtScheme> </a:themeElements> <a:objectDefaults> <a:spDef> <a:spPr/> <a:bodyPr/> <a:lstStyle/> <a:style> <a:lnRef idx="1"> <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/> </a:lnRef> <a:fillRef idx="3"> <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/> </a:fillRef> <a:effectRef idx="2"> <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/> </a:effectRef> <a:fontRef idx="minor"> <a:schemeClr val="lt1"/> </a:fontRef> </a:style> </a:spDef> <a:lnDef> <a:spPr/> <a:bodyPr/> <a:lstStyle/> <a:style> <a:lnRef idx="2"> <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/> </a:lnRef> <a:fillRef idx="0"> <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/> </a:fillRef> <a:effectRef idx="1"> <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/> </a:effectRef> <a:fontRef idx="minor"> <a:schemeClr val="tx1"/> </a:fontRef> </a:style> </a:lnDef> </a:objectDefaults> <a:extraClrSchemeLst/> </a:theme>`;
}, {}], 143: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(t) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(n) {
return typeof n;
} : m = function(n) {
return n && typeof Symbol == "function" && n.constructor === Symbol && n !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof n;
}, m(t);
function g(t, i) {
if (!(t instanceof i))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function b(t, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o);
function w(t, i, n) {
return i && b(t.prototype, i), n && b(t, n), t;
function f(t, i) {
if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
t.prototype = Object.create(i && i.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), i && y(t, i);
function y(t, i) {
return y = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(o, p) {
return o.__proto__ = p, o;
}, y(t, i);
function h(t) {
var i = s();
return function() {
var o = v(t), p;
if (i) {
var O = v(this).constructor;
p = Reflect.construct(o, arguments, O);
} else
p = o.apply(this, arguments);
return l(this, p);
function l(t, i) {
return i && (m(i) === "object" || typeof i == "function") ? i : d(t);
function d(t) {
if (t === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return t;
function s() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function v(t) {
return v = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(n) {
return n.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(n);
}, v(t);
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.CsvFormatterStream = void 0;
var c = e("stream"), a = e("./formatter"), r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(t) {
f(n, t);
var i = h(n);
function n(o) {
var p;
return g(this, n), p =, {
writableObjectMode: o.objectMode
}), p.hasWrittenBOM = !1, p.formatterOptions = o, p.rowFormatter = new a.RowFormatter(o), p.hasWrittenBOM = !o.writeBOM, p;
return w(n, [{
key: "transform",
value: function(p) {
return this.rowFormatter.rowTransform = p, this;
}, {
key: "_transform",
value: function(p, O, P) {
var F = this, z = !1;
try {
this.hasWrittenBOM || (this.push(this.formatterOptions.BOM), this.hasWrittenBOM = !0), this.rowFormatter.format(p, function(N, M) {
return N ? (z = !0, P(N)) : (M && M.forEach(function(I) {
F.push(u.from(I, "utf8"));
}), z = !0, P());
} catch (N) {
if (z)
throw N;
}, {
key: "_flush",
value: function(p) {
var O = this;
this.rowFormatter.finish(function(P, F) {
return P ? p(P) : (F && F.forEach(function(z) {
O.push(u.from(z, "utf8"));
}), p());
}]), n;
_.CsvFormatterStream = r;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "./formatter": 147, buffer: 216, stream: 506 }], 144: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(g, b) {
if (!(g instanceof b))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.FormatterOptions = void 0;
var m = function g() {
var b = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
u(this, g);
var w;
this.objectMode = !0, this.delimiter = ",", this.rowDelimiter = `
`, this.quote = '"', this.escape = this.quote, this.quoteColumns = !1, this.quoteHeaders = this.quoteColumns, this.headers = null, this.includeEndRowDelimiter = !1, this.writeBOM = !1, this.BOM = "\uFEFF", this.alwaysWriteHeaders = !1, Object.assign(this, b || {}), typeof (b == null ? void 0 : b.quoteHeaders) == "undefined" && (this.quoteHeaders = this.quoteColumns), (b == null ? void 0 : b.quote) === !0 ? this.quote = '"' : (b == null ? void 0 : b.quote) === !1 && (this.quote = ""), typeof (b == null ? void 0 : b.escape) != "string" && (this.escape = this.quote), this.shouldWriteHeaders = !!this.headers && ((w = b.writeHeaders) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : !0), this.headers = Array.isArray(this.headers) ? this.headers : null, this.escapedQuote = "".concat(this.escape).concat(this.quote);
_.FormatterOptions = m;
}, {}], 145: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l, d) {
if (!(l instanceof d))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(l, d) {
for (var s = 0; s < d.length; s++) {
var v = d[s];
v.enumerable = v.enumerable || !1, v.configurable = !0, "value" in v && (v.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(l, v.key, v);
function g(l, d, s) {
return d && m(l.prototype, d), s && m(l, s), l;
var b = function(l) {
return l && l.__esModule ? l : {
default: l
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.FieldFormatter = void 0;
var w = b(e("lodash.isboolean")), f = b(e("lodash.isnil")), y = b(e("lodash.escaperegexp")), h = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function l(d) {
u(this, l), this._headers = null, this.formatterOptions = d, d.headers !== null && (this.headers = d.headers), this.REPLACE_REGEXP = new RegExp(d.quote, "g");
var s = "[".concat(d.delimiter).concat(y.default(d.rowDelimiter), `|\r|
this.ESCAPE_REGEXP = new RegExp(s);
return g(l, [{
key: "shouldQuote",
value: function(s, v) {
var c = v ? this.formatterOptions.quoteHeaders : this.formatterOptions.quoteColumns;
return w.default(c) ? c : Array.isArray(c) ? c[s] : this._headers !== null ? c[this._headers[s]] : !1;
}, {
key: "format",
value: function(s, v, c) {
var a = "".concat(f.default(s) ? "" : s).replace(/\0/g, ""), r = this.formatterOptions;
if (r.quote !== "") {
var t = a.indexOf(r.quote) !== -1;
if (t)
return this.quoteField(a.replace(this.REPLACE_REGEXP, r.escapedQuote));
var i = !== -1;
return i || this.shouldQuote(v, c) ? this.quoteField(a) : a;
}, {
key: "quoteField",
value: function(s) {
var v = this.formatterOptions.quote;
return "".concat(v).concat(s).concat(v);
}, {
key: "headers",
set: function(s) {
this._headers = s;
}]), l;
_.FieldFormatter = h;
}, { "lodash.escaperegexp": 426, "lodash.isboolean": 428, "lodash.isnil": 431 }], 146: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(d, s) {
if (!(d instanceof s))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(d, s) {
for (var v = 0; v < s.length; v++) {
var c = s[v];
c.enumerable = c.enumerable || !1, c.configurable = !0, "value" in c && (c.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(d, c.key, c);
function g(d, s, v) {
return s && m(d.prototype, s), v && m(d, v), d;
var b = function(d) {
return d && d.__esModule ? d : {
default: d
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.RowFormatter = void 0;
var w = b(e("lodash.isfunction")), f = b(e("lodash.isequal")), y = e("./FieldFormatter"), h = e("../types"), l = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function d(s) {
u(this, d), this.rowCount = 0, this.formatterOptions = s, this.fieldFormatter = new y.FieldFormatter(s), this.headers = s.headers, this.shouldWriteHeaders = s.shouldWriteHeaders, this.hasWrittenHeaders = !1, this.headers !== null && (this.fieldFormatter.headers = this.headers), s.transform && (this.rowTransform = s.transform);
return g(d, [{
key: "format",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = this;
this.callTransformer(v, function(r, t) {
if (r)
return c(r);
if (!v)
return c(null);
var i = [];
if (t) {
var n = a.checkHeaders(t), o = n.shouldFormatColumns, p = n.headers;
if (a.shouldWriteHeaders && p && !a.hasWrittenHeaders && (i.push(a.formatColumns(p, !0)), a.hasWrittenHeaders = !0), o) {
var O = a.gatherColumns(t);
i.push(a.formatColumns(O, !1));
return c(null, i);
}, {
key: "finish",
value: function(v) {
var c = [];
if (this.formatterOptions.alwaysWriteHeaders && this.rowCount === 0) {
if (!this.headers)
return v(new Error("`alwaysWriteHeaders` option is set to true but `headers` option not provided."));
c.push(this.formatColumns(this.headers, !0));
return this.formatterOptions.includeEndRowDelimiter && c.push(this.formatterOptions.rowDelimiter), v(null, c);
// check if we need to write header return true if we should also write a row
// could be false if headers is true and the header row(first item) is passed in
}, {
key: "checkHeaders",
value: function(v) {
if (this.headers)
return {
shouldFormatColumns: !0,
headers: this.headers
var c = d.gatherHeaders(v);
return this.headers = c, this.fieldFormatter.headers = c, this.shouldWriteHeaders ? {
shouldFormatColumns: !f.default(c, v),
headers: c
} : {
shouldFormatColumns: !0,
headers: null
// todo change this method to unknown[]
}, {
key: "gatherColumns",
value: function(v) {
if (this.headers === null)
throw new Error("Headers is currently null");
return Array.isArray(v) ? d.isHashArray(v) ?, a) {
var r = v[a];
return r ? r[1] : "";
}) :, a) {
return v[a];
}) : {
return v[c];
}, {
key: "callTransformer",
value: function(v, c) {
return this._rowTransform ? this._rowTransform(v, c) : c(null, v);
}, {
key: "formatColumns",
value: function(v, c) {
var a = this, r =, n) {
return a.fieldFormatter.format(i, n, c);
}).join(this.formatterOptions.delimiter), t = this.rowCount;
return this.rowCount += 1, t ? [this.formatterOptions.rowDelimiter, r].join("") : r;
}, {
key: "rowTransform",
set: function(v) {
if (!w.default(v))
throw new TypeError("The transform should be a function");
this._rowTransform = d.createTransform(v);
}], [{
key: "isHashArray",
value: function(v) {
return Array.isArray(v) ? Array.isArray(v[0]) && v[0].length === 2 : !1;
// get headers from a row item
}, {
key: "gatherHeaders",
value: function(v) {
return d.isHashArray(v) ? {
return c[0];
}) : Array.isArray(v) ? v : Object.keys(v);
}, {
key: "createTransform",
value: function(v) {
return h.isSyncTransform(v) ? function(c, a) {
var r = null;
try {
r = v(c);
} catch (t) {
return a(t);
return a(null, r);
} : function(c, a) {
v(c, a);
}]), d;
_.RowFormatter = l;
}, { "../types": 149, "./FieldFormatter": 145, "lodash.isequal": 429, "lodash.isfunction": 430 }], 147: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var u = e("./RowFormatter");
Object.defineProperty(_, "RowFormatter", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.RowFormatter;
var m = e("./FieldFormatter");
Object.defineProperty(_, "FieldFormatter", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.FieldFormatter;
}, { "./FieldFormatter": 145, "./RowFormatter": 146 }], 148: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = Object.create ? function(c, a, r, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = r), Object.defineProperty(c, t, {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return a[r];
} : function(c, a, r, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = r), c[t] = a[r];
}, g = Object.create ? function(c, a) {
Object.defineProperty(c, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: a
} : function(c, a) {
c.default = a;
}, b = function(c) {
if (c && c.__esModule)
return c;
var a = {};
if (c != null)
for (var r in c)
r !== "default" &&, r) && m(a, c, r);
return g(a, c), a;
}, w = function(c, a) {
for (var r in c)
r !== "default" && !a.hasOwnProperty(r) && m(a, c, r);
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.writeToPath = _.writeToString = _.writeToBuffer = _.writeToStream = _.write = _.format = void 0;
var f = e("util"), y = e("stream"), h = b(e("fs")), l = e("./FormatterOptions"), d = e("./CsvFormatterStream");
w(e("./types"), _);
var s = e("./CsvFormatterStream");
Object.defineProperty(_, "CsvFormatterStream", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return s.CsvFormatterStream;
var v = e("./FormatterOptions");
Object.defineProperty(_, "FormatterOptions", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return v.FormatterOptions;
}), _.format = function(c) {
return new d.CsvFormatterStream(new l.FormatterOptions(c));
}, _.write = function(c, a) {
var r = _.format(a), t = f.promisify(function(i, n) {
r.write(i, void 0, n);
return c.reduce(function(i, n) {
return i.then(function() {
return t(n);
}, Promise.resolve()).then(function() {
return r.end();
}).catch(function(i) {
r.emit("error", i);
}), r;
}, _.writeToStream = function(c, a, r) {
return _.write(a, r).pipe(c);
}, _.writeToBuffer = function(c) {
var a = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, r = [], t = new y.Writable({
write: function(n, o, p) {
r.push(n), p();
return new Promise(function(i, n) {
t.on("error", n).on("finish", function() {
return i(u.concat(r));
}), _.write(c, a).pipe(t);
}, _.writeToString = function(c, a) {
return _.writeToBuffer(c, a).then(function(r) {
return r.toString();
}, _.writeToPath = function(c, a, r) {
var t = h.createWriteStream(c, {
encoding: "utf8"
return _.write(a, r).pipe(t);
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "./CsvFormatterStream": 143, "./FormatterOptions": 144, "./types": 149, buffer: 216, fs: 215, stream: 506, util: 525 }], 149: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.isSyncTransform = void 0, _.isSyncTransform = function(u) {
return u.length === 1;
}, {}], 150: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(p) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(P) {
return typeof P;
} : m = function(P) {
return P && typeof Symbol == "function" && P.constructor === Symbol && P !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof P;
}, m(p);
function g(p, O) {
if (!(p instanceof O))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function b(p, O) {
for (var P = 0; P < O.length; P++) {
var F = O[P];
F.enumerable = F.enumerable || !1, F.configurable = !0, "value" in F && (F.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(p, F.key, F);
function w(p, O, P) {
return O && b(p.prototype, O), P && b(p, P), p;
function f(p, O, P) {
return typeof Reflect != "undefined" && Reflect.get ? f = Reflect.get : f = function(z, N, M) {
var I = y(z, N);
if (I) {
var R = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(I, N);
return R.get ? : R.value;
}, f(p, O, P || p);
function y(p, O) {
for (; !, O) && (p = a(p), p !== null); )
return p;
function h(p, O) {
if (typeof O != "function" && O !== null)
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");
p.prototype = Object.create(O && O.prototype, { constructor: { value: p, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), O && l(p, O);
function l(p, O) {
return l = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(F, z) {
return F.__proto__ = z, F;
}, l(p, O);
function d(p) {
var O = c();
return function() {
var F = a(p), z;
if (O) {
var N = a(this).constructor;
z = Reflect.construct(F, arguments, N);
} else
z = F.apply(this, arguments);
return s(this, z);
function s(p, O) {
return O && (m(O) === "object" || typeof O == "function") ? O : v(p);
function v(p) {
if (p === void 0)
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return p;
function c() {
if (typeof Reflect == "undefined" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham)
return !1;
if (typeof Proxy == "function")
return !0;
try {
return, [], function() {
})), !0;
} catch (p) {
return !1;
function a(p) {
return a = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(P) {
return P.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(P);
}, a(p);
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.CsvParserStream = void 0;
var r = e("string_decoder"), t = e("stream"), i = e("./transforms"), n = e("./parser"), o = /* @__PURE__ */ function(p) {
h(P, p);
var O = d(P);
function P(F) {
var z;
return g(this, P), z =, {
objectMode: F.objectMode
}), z.lines = "", z.rowCount = 0, z.parsedRowCount = 0, z.parsedLineCount = 0, z.endEmitted = !1, z.headersEmitted = !1, z.parserOptions = F, z.parser = new n.Parser(F), z.headerTransformer = new i.HeaderTransformer(F), z.decoder = new r.StringDecoder(F.encoding), z.rowTransformerValidator = new i.RowTransformerValidator(), z;
return w(P, [{
key: "transform",
value: function(z) {
return this.rowTransformerValidator.rowTransform = z, this;
}, {
key: "validate",
value: function(z) {
return this.rowTransformerValidator.rowValidator = z, this;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
}, {
key: "emit",
value: function(z) {
var N;
if (z === "end")
return this.endEmitted || (this.endEmitted = !0, f(a(P.prototype), "emit", this).call(this, "end", this.rowCount)), !1;
for (var M = arguments.length, I = new Array(M > 1 ? M - 1 : 0), R = 1; R < M; R++)
I[R - 1] = arguments[R];
return (N = f(a(P.prototype), "emit", this)).call.apply(N, [this, z].concat(I));
}, {
key: "_transform",
value: function(z, N, M) {
if (this.hasHitRowLimit)
return M();
try {
var I = this.lines, R = I + this.decoder.write(z), C = this.parse(R, !0);
return this.processRows(C, M);
} catch (E) {
return M(E);
}, {
key: "_flush",
value: function(z) {
if (this.hasHitRowLimit)
return z();
try {
var N = this.lines + this.decoder.end(), M = this.parse(N, !1);
return this.processRows(M, z);
} catch (I) {
return z(I);
}, {
key: "parse",
value: function(z, N) {
if (!z)
return [];
var M = this.parser.parse(z, N), I = M.line, R = M.rows;
return this.lines = I, R;
}, {
key: "processRows",
value: function(z, N) {
var M = this, I = z.length, R = function C(E) {
var A = function(U) {
if (U)
return N(U);
if (E % 100 === 0) {
u(function() {
return C(E + 1);
return C(E + 1);
if (M.checkAndEmitHeaders(), E >= I || M.hasHitRowLimit)
return N();
if (M.parsedLineCount += 1, M.shouldSkipLine)
return A();
var L = z[E];
M.rowCount += 1, M.parsedRowCount += 1;
var $ = M.rowCount;
return M.transformRow(L, function(W, U) {
if (W)
return M.rowCount -= 1, A(W);
if (!U)
return A(new Error("expected transform result"));
if (!U.isValid)
M.emit("data-invalid", U.row, $, U.reason);
else if (U.row)
return M.pushRow(U.row, A);
return A();
}, {
key: "transformRow",
value: function(z, N) {
var M = this;
try {
this.headerTransformer.transform(z, function(I, R) {
return I ? N(I) : R ? R.isValid ? R.row ? M.shouldEmitRows ? M.rowTransformerValidator.transformAndValidate(R.row, N) : M.skipRow(N) : (M.rowCount -= 1, M.parsedRowCount -= 1, N(null, {
row: null,
isValid: !0
})) : M.shouldEmitRows ? N(null, {
isValid: !1,
row: z
}) : M.skipRow(N) : N(new Error("Expected result from header transform"));
} catch (I) {
}, {
key: "checkAndEmitHeaders",
value: function() {
!this.headersEmitted && this.headerTransformer.headers && (this.headersEmitted = !0, this.emit("headers", this.headerTransformer.headers));
}, {
key: "skipRow",
value: function(z) {
return this.rowCount -= 1, z(null, {
row: null,
isValid: !0
}, {
key: "pushRow",
value: function(z, N) {
try {
this.parserOptions.objectMode ? this.push(z) : this.push(JSON.stringify(z)), N();
} catch (M) {
}, {
key: "hasHitRowLimit",
get: function() {
return this.parserOptions.limitRows && this.rowCount >= this.parserOptions.maxRows;
}, {
key: "shouldEmitRows",
get: function() {
return this.parsedRowCount > this.parserOptions.skipRows;
}, {
key: "shouldSkipLine",
get: function() {
return this.parsedLineCount <= this.parserOptions.skipLines;
}]), P;
_.CsvParserStream = o;
}).call(this, e("timers").setImmediate);
}, { "./parser": 162, "./transforms": 165, stream: 506, string_decoder: 520, timers: 521 }], 151: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(f, y) {
if (!(f instanceof y))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var m = function(f) {
return f && f.__esModule ? f : {
default: f
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.ParserOptions = void 0;
var g = m(e("lodash.escaperegexp")), b = m(e("lodash.isnil")), w = function f(y) {
u(this, f);
var h;
if (this.objectMode = !0, this.delimiter = ",", this.ignoreEmpty = !1, this.quote = '"', this.escape = null, this.escapeChar = this.quote, this.comment = null, this.supportsComments = !1, this.ltrim = !1, this.rtrim = !1, this.trim = !1, this.headers = null, this.renameHeaders = !1, this.strictColumnHandling = !1, this.discardUnmappedColumns = !1, this.carriageReturn = "\r", this.encoding = "utf8", this.limitRows = !1, this.maxRows = 0, this.skipLines = 0, this.skipRows = 0, Object.assign(this, y || {}), this.delimiter.length > 1)
throw new Error("delimiter option must be one character long");
this.escapedDelimiter = g.default(this.delimiter), this.escapeChar = (h = this.escape) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : this.quote, this.supportsComments = !b.default(this.comment), this.NEXT_TOKEN_REGEXP = new RegExp("([^\\s]|\\r\\n|\\n|\\r|".concat(this.escapedDelimiter, ")")), this.maxRows > 0 && (this.limitRows = !0);
_.ParserOptions = w;
}, { "lodash.escaperegexp": 426, "lodash.isnil": 431 }], 152: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = Object.create ? function(s, v, c, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = c), Object.defineProperty(s, a, {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return v[c];
} : function(s, v, c, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = c), s[a] = v[c];
}, m = Object.create ? function(s, v) {
Object.defineProperty(s, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: v
} : function(s, v) {
s.default = v;
}, g = function(s) {
if (s && s.__esModule)
return s;
var v = {};
if (s != null)
for (var c in s)
c !== "default" &&, c) && u(v, s, c);
return m(v, s), v;
}, b = function(s, v) {
for (var c in s)
c !== "default" && !v.hasOwnProperty(c) && u(v, s, c);
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.parseString = _.parseFile = _.parseStream = _.parse = void 0;
var w = g(e("fs")), f = e("stream"), y = e("./ParserOptions"), h = e("./CsvParserStream");
b(e("./types"), _);
var l = e("./CsvParserStream");
Object.defineProperty(_, "CsvParserStream", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return l.CsvParserStream;
var d = e("./ParserOptions");
Object.defineProperty(_, "ParserOptions", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return d.ParserOptions;
}), _.parse = function(s) {
return new h.CsvParserStream(new y.ParserOptions(s));
}, _.parseStream = function(s, v) {
return s.pipe(new h.CsvParserStream(new y.ParserOptions(v)));
}, _.parseFile = function(s) {
var v = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
return w.createReadStream(s).pipe(new h.CsvParserStream(new y.ParserOptions(v)));
}, _.parseString = function(s, v) {
var c = new f.Readable();
return c.push(s), c.push(null), c.pipe(new h.CsvParserStream(new y.ParserOptions(v)));
}, { "./CsvParserStream": 150, "./ParserOptions": 151, "./types": 166, fs: 215, stream: 506 }], 153: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l, d) {
if (!(l instanceof d))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(l, d) {
for (var s = 0; s < d.length; s++) {
var v = d[s];
v.enumerable = v.enumerable || !1, v.configurable = !0, "value" in v && (v.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(l, v.key, v);
function g(l, d, s) {
return d && m(l.prototype, d), s && m(l, s), l;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.Parser = void 0;
var b = e("./Scanner"), w = e("./RowParser"), f = e("./Token"), y = /^\s*(?:''|"")?\s*(?:,\s*(?:''|"")?\s*)*$/, h = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function l(d) {
u(this, l), this.parserOptions = d, this.rowParser = new w.RowParser(this.parserOptions);
return g(l, [{
key: "parse",
value: function(s, v) {
var c = new b.Scanner({
line: l.removeBOM(s),
parserOptions: this.parserOptions,
hasMoreData: v
return this.parserOptions.supportsComments ? this.parseWithComments(c) : this.parseWithoutComments(c);
}, {
key: "parseWithoutComments",
value: function(s) {
for (var v = [], c = !0; c; )
c = this.parseRow(s, v);
return {
line: s.line,
rows: v
}, {
key: "parseWithComments",
value: function(s) {
for (var v = this.parserOptions, c = [], a = s.nextCharacterToken; a !== null; a = s.nextCharacterToken)
if (f.Token.isTokenComment(a, v)) {
var r = s.advancePastLine();
if (r === null)
return {
line: s.lineFromCursor,
rows: c
if (!s.hasMoreCharacters)
return {
line: s.lineFromCursor,
rows: c
} else if (!this.parseRow(s, c))
return {
line: s.line,
rows: c
}, {
key: "parseRow",
value: function(s, v) {
var c = s.nextNonSpaceToken;
if (!c)
return !1;
var a = this.rowParser.parse(s);
return a === null ? !1 : (this.parserOptions.ignoreEmpty && y.test(a.join("")) || v.push(a), !0);
}], [{
key: "removeBOM",
value: function(s) {
return s && s.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 ? s.slice(1) : s;
}]), l;
_.Parser = h;
}, { "./RowParser": 154, "./Scanner": 155, "./Token": 156 }], 154: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(s, v) {
if (!(s instanceof v))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(s, v) {
for (var c = 0; c < v.length; c++) {
var a = v[c];
a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value" in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, a.key, a);
function g(s, v, c) {
return v && m(s.prototype, v), c && m(s, c), s;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.RowParser = void 0;
var b = e("./column"), w = e("./Token"), f = w.Token, y = f.isTokenRowDelimiter, h = f.isTokenCarriageReturn, l = f.isTokenDelimiter, d = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function s(v) {
u(this, s), this.parserOptions = v, this.columnParser = new b.ColumnParser(v);
return g(s, [{
key: "parse",
value: function(c) {
for (var a = this.parserOptions, r = c.hasMoreData, t = c, i = [], n = this.getStartToken(t, i); n; ) {
if (y(n))
return t.advancePastToken(n), !t.hasMoreCharacters && h(n, a) && r ? null : (t.truncateToCursor(), i);
if (!this.shouldSkipColumnParse(t, n, i)) {
var o = this.columnParser.parse(t);
if (o === null)
return null;
n = t.nextNonSpaceToken;
return r ? null : (t.truncateToCursor(), i);
}, {
key: "getStartToken",
value: function(c, a) {
var r = c.nextNonSpaceToken;
return r !== null && l(r, this.parserOptions) ? (a.push(""), c.nextNonSpaceToken) : r;
}, {
key: "shouldSkipColumnParse",
value: function(c, a, r) {
var t = this.parserOptions;
if (l(a, t)) {
var i = c.nextCharacterToken;
if (!c.hasMoreCharacters || i !== null && y(i) || i !== null && l(i, t))
return r.push(""), !0;
return !1;
}]), s;
_.RowParser = d;
}, { "./Token": 156, "./column": 161 }], 155: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y, h) {
if (!(y instanceof h))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(y, h) {
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var d = h[l];
d.enumerable = d.enumerable || !1, d.configurable = !0, "value" in d && (d.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(y, d.key, d);
function g(y, h, l) {
return h && m(y.prototype, h), l && m(y, l), y;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.Scanner = void 0;
var b = e("./Token"), w = /((?:\r\n)|\n|\r)/, f = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function y(h) {
u(this, y), this.cursor = 0, this.line = h.line, this.lineLength = this.line.length, this.parserOptions = h.parserOptions, this.hasMoreData = h.hasMoreData, this.cursor = h.cursor || 0;
return g(y, [{
key: "advancePastLine",
value: function() {
var l = w.exec(this.lineFromCursor);
return l ? (this.cursor += (l.index || 0) + l[0].length, this) : this.hasMoreData ? null : (this.cursor = this.lineLength, this);
}, {
key: "advanceTo",
value: function(l) {
return this.cursor = l, this;
}, {
key: "advanceToToken",
value: function(l) {
return this.cursor = l.startCursor, this;
}, {
key: "advancePastToken",
value: function(l) {
return this.cursor = l.endCursor + 1, this;
}, {
key: "truncateToCursor",
value: function() {
return this.line = this.lineFromCursor, this.lineLength = this.line.length, this.cursor = 0, this;
}, {
key: "hasMoreCharacters",
get: function() {
return this.lineLength > this.cursor;
}, {
key: "nextNonSpaceToken",
get: function() {
var l = this.lineFromCursor, d = this.parserOptions.NEXT_TOKEN_REGEXP;
if ( === -1)
return null;
var s = d.exec(l);
if (s == null)
return null;
var v = s[1], c = this.cursor + (s.index || 0);
return new b.Token({
token: v,
startCursor: c,
endCursor: c + v.length - 1
}, {
key: "nextCharacterToken",
get: function() {
var l = this.cursor, d = this.lineLength;
return d <= l ? null : new b.Token({
token: this.line[l],
startCursor: l,
endCursor: l
}, {
key: "lineFromCursor",
get: function() {
return this.line.substr(this.cursor);
}]), y;
_.Scanner = f;
}, { "./Token": 156 }], 156: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(w, f) {
if (!(w instanceof f))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(w, f) {
for (var y = 0; y < f.length; y++) {
var h = f[y];
h.enumerable = h.enumerable || !1, h.configurable = !0, "value" in h && (h.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(w, h.key, h);
function g(w, f, y) {
return f && m(w.prototype, f), y && m(w, y), w;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.Token = void 0;
var b = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function w(f) {
u(this, w), this.token = f.token, this.startCursor = f.startCursor, this.endCursor = f.endCursor;
return g(w, null, [{
key: "isTokenRowDelimiter",
value: function(y) {
var h = y.token;
return h === "\r" || h === `
` || h === `\r
}, {
key: "isTokenCarriageReturn",
value: function(y, h) {
return y.token === h.carriageReturn;
}, {
key: "isTokenComment",
value: function(y, h) {
return h.supportsComments && !!y && y.token === h.comment;
}, {
key: "isTokenEscapeCharacter",
value: function(y, h) {
return y.token === h.escapeChar;
}, {
key: "isTokenQuote",
value: function(y, h) {
return y.token === h.quote;
}, {
key: "isTokenDelimiter",
value: function(y, h) {
return y.token === h.delimiter;
}]), w;
_.Token = b;
}, {}], 157: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(g, b) {
if (!(g instanceof b))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.ColumnFormatter = void 0;
var m = function g(b) {
u(this, g), b.trim ? this.format = function(w) {
return w.trim();
} : b.ltrim ? this.format = function(w) {
return w.trimLeft();
} : b.rtrim ? this.format = function(w) {
return w.trimRight();
} : this.format = function(w) {
return w;
_.ColumnFormatter = m;
}, {}], 158: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(h, l) {
if (!(h instanceof l))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(h, l) {
for (var d = 0; d < l.length; d++) {
var s = l[d];
s.enumerable = s.enumerable || !1, s.configurable = !0, "value" in s && (s.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(h, s.key, s);
function g(h, l, d) {
return l && m(h.prototype, l), d && m(h, d), h;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.ColumnParser = void 0;
var b = e("./NonQuotedColumnParser"), w = e("./QuotedColumnParser"), f = e("../Token"), y = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function h(l) {
u(this, h), this.parserOptions = l, this.quotedColumnParser = new w.QuotedColumnParser(l), this.nonQuotedColumnParser = new b.NonQuotedColumnParser(l);
return g(h, [{
key: "parse",
value: function(d) {
var s = d.nextNonSpaceToken;
return s !== null && f.Token.isTokenQuote(s, this.parserOptions) ? (d.advanceToToken(s), this.quotedColumnParser.parse(d)) : this.nonQuotedColumnParser.parse(d);
}]), h;
_.ColumnParser = y;
}, { "../Token": 156, "./NonQuotedColumnParser": 159, "./QuotedColumnParser": 160 }], 159: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(d, s) {
if (!(d instanceof s))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(d, s) {
for (var v = 0; v < s.length; v++) {
var c = s[v];
c.enumerable = c.enumerable || !1, c.configurable = !0, "value" in c && (c.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(d, c.key, c);
function g(d, s, v) {
return s && m(d.prototype, s), v && m(d, v), d;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.NonQuotedColumnParser = void 0;
var b = e("./ColumnFormatter"), w = e("../Token"), f = w.Token, y = f.isTokenDelimiter, h = f.isTokenRowDelimiter, l = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function d(s) {
u(this, d), this.parserOptions = s, this.columnFormatter = new b.ColumnFormatter(s);
return g(d, [{
key: "parse",
value: function(v) {
if (!v.hasMoreCharacters)
return null;
for (var c = this.parserOptions, a = [], r = v.nextCharacterToken; r && !(y(r, c) || h(r)); r = v.nextCharacterToken)
a.push(r.token), v.advancePastToken(r);
return this.columnFormatter.format(a.join(""));
}]), d;
_.NonQuotedColumnParser = l;
}, { "../Token": 156, "./ColumnFormatter": 157 }], 160: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(v, c) {
if (!(v instanceof c))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(v, c) {
for (var a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
var r = c[a];
r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(v, r.key, r);
function g(v, c, a) {
return c && m(v.prototype, c), a && m(v, a), v;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.QuotedColumnParser = void 0;
var b = e("./ColumnFormatter"), w = e("../Token"), f = w.Token, y = f.isTokenDelimiter, h = f.isTokenRowDelimiter, l = f.isTokenEscapeCharacter, d = f.isTokenQuote, s = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function v(c) {
u(this, v), this.parserOptions = c, this.columnFormatter = new b.ColumnFormatter(c);
return g(v, [{
key: "parse",
value: function(a) {
if (!a.hasMoreCharacters)
return null;
var r = a.cursor, t = this.gatherDataBetweenQuotes(a), i = t.foundClosingQuote, n = t.col;
if (!i) {
if (a.advanceTo(r), !a.hasMoreData)
throw new Error("Parse Error: missing closing: '".concat(this.parserOptions.quote || "", "' in line: at '").concat(a.lineFromCursor.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "\\n'"), "'"));
return null;
return this.checkForMalformedColumn(a), n;
}, {
key: "gatherDataBetweenQuotes",
value: function(a) {
for (var r = this.parserOptions, t = !1, i = !1, n = [], o = a.nextCharacterToken; !i && o !== null; o = a.nextCharacterToken) {
var p = d(o, r);
if (!t && p)
t = !0;
else if (t)
if (l(o, r)) {
var O = a.nextCharacterToken;
O !== null && (d(O, r) || l(O, r)) ? (n.push(O.token), o = O) : p ? i = !0 : n.push(o.token);
} else
p ? i = !0 : n.push(o.token);
return {
col: this.columnFormatter.format(n.join("")),
foundClosingQuote: i
}, {
key: "checkForMalformedColumn",
value: function(a) {
var r = this.parserOptions, t = a.nextNonSpaceToken;
if (t) {
var i = y(t, r), n = h(t);
if (!(i || n)) {
var o = a.lineFromCursor.substr(0, 10).replace(/[\r\n]/g, "\\n'");
throw new Error("Parse Error: expected: '".concat(r.escapedDelimiter, "' OR new line got: '").concat(t.token, "'. at '").concat(o));
} else
a.hasMoreData || a.advancePastLine();
}]), v;
_.QuotedColumnParser = s;
}, { "../Token": 156, "./ColumnFormatter": 157 }], 161: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var u = e("./ColumnParser");
Object.defineProperty(_, "ColumnParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.ColumnParser;
var m = e("./NonQuotedColumnParser");
Object.defineProperty(_, "NonQuotedColumnParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.NonQuotedColumnParser;
var g = e("./QuotedColumnParser");
Object.defineProperty(_, "QuotedColumnParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return g.QuotedColumnParser;
var b = e("./ColumnFormatter");
Object.defineProperty(_, "ColumnFormatter", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return b.ColumnFormatter;
}, { "./ColumnFormatter": 157, "./ColumnParser": 158, "./NonQuotedColumnParser": 159, "./QuotedColumnParser": 160 }], 162: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var u = e("./Parser");
Object.defineProperty(_, "Parser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.Parser;
var m = e("./RowParser");
Object.defineProperty(_, "RowParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.RowParser;
var g = e("./Scanner");
Object.defineProperty(_, "Scanner", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return g.Scanner;
var b = e("./Token");
Object.defineProperty(_, "Token", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return b.Token;
var w = e("./column");
Object.defineProperty(_, "ColumnParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return w.ColumnParser;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "NonQuotedColumnParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return w.NonQuotedColumnParser;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "QuotedColumnParser", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return w.QuotedColumnParser;
}, { "./Parser": 153, "./RowParser": 154, "./Scanner": 155, "./Token": 156, "./column": 161 }], 163: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(d, s) {
if (!(d instanceof s))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(d, s) {
for (var v = 0; v < s.length; v++) {
var c = s[v];
c.enumerable = c.enumerable || !1, c.configurable = !0, "value" in c && (c.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(d, c.key, c);
function g(d, s, v) {
return s && m(d.prototype, s), v && m(d, v), d;
var b = function(d) {
return d && d.__esModule ? d : {
default: d
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.HeaderTransformer = void 0;
var w = b(e("lodash.isundefined")), f = b(e("lodash.isfunction")), y = b(e("lodash.uniq")), h = b(e("lodash.groupby")), l = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function d(s) {
u(this, d), this.headers = null, this.receivedHeaders = !1, this.shouldUseFirstRow = !1, this.processedFirstRow = !1, this.headersLength = 0, this.parserOptions = s, s.headers === !0 ? this.shouldUseFirstRow = !0 : Array.isArray(s.headers) ? this.setHeaders(s.headers) : f.default(s.headers) && (this.headersTransform = s.headers);
return g(d, [{
key: "transform",
value: function(v, c) {
return this.shouldMapRow(v) ? c(null, this.processRow(v)) : c(null, {
row: null,
isValid: !0
}, {
key: "shouldMapRow",
value: function(v) {
var c = this.parserOptions;
if (!this.headersTransform && c.renameHeaders && !this.processedFirstRow) {
if (!this.receivedHeaders)
throw new Error("Error renaming headers: new headers must be provided in an array");
return this.processedFirstRow = !0, !1;
if (!this.receivedHeaders && Array.isArray(v)) {
if (this.headersTransform)
else if (this.shouldUseFirstRow)
return !0;
return !1;
return !0;
}, {
key: "processRow",
value: function(v) {
if (!this.headers)
return {
row: v,
isValid: !0
var c = this.parserOptions;
if (!c.discardUnmappedColumns && v.length > this.headersLength) {
if (!c.strictColumnHandling)
throw new Error("Unexpected Error: column header mismatch expected: ".concat(this.headersLength, " columns got: ").concat(v.length));
return {
row: v,
isValid: !1,
reason: "Column header mismatch expected: ".concat(this.headersLength, " columns got: ").concat(v.length)
return c.strictColumnHandling && v.length < this.headersLength ? {
row: v,
isValid: !1,
reason: "Column header mismatch expected: ".concat(this.headersLength, " columns got: ").concat(v.length)
} : {
row: this.mapHeaders(v),
isValid: !0
}, {
key: "mapHeaders",
value: function(v) {
for (var c = {}, a = this.headers, r = this.headersLength, t = 0; t < r; t += 1) {
var i = a[t];
if (!w.default(i)) {
var n = v[t];
w.default(n) ? c[i] = "" : c[i] = n;
return c;
}, {
key: "setHeaders",
value: function(v) {
var c, a = v.filter(function(i) {
return !!i;
if (y.default(a).length !== a.length) {
var r = h.default(a), t = Object.keys(r).filter(function(i) {
return r[i].length > 1;
throw new Error("Duplicate headers found ".concat(JSON.stringify(t)));
this.headers = v, this.receivedHeaders = !0, this.headersLength = ((c = this.headers) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.length) || 0;
}]), d;
_.HeaderTransformer = l;
}, { "lodash.groupby": 427, "lodash.isfunction": 430, "lodash.isundefined": 432, "lodash.uniq": 433 }], 164: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(h, l) {
if (!(h instanceof l))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function m(h, l) {
for (var d = 0; d < l.length; d++) {
var s = l[d];
s.enumerable = s.enumerable || !1, s.configurable = !0, "value" in s && (s.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(h, s.key, s);
function g(h, l, d) {
return l && m(h.prototype, l), d && m(h, d), h;
var b = function(h) {
return h && h.__esModule ? h : {
default: h
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.RowTransformerValidator = void 0;
var w = b(e("lodash.isfunction")), f = e("../types"), y = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function h() {
u(this, h), this._rowTransform = null, this._rowValidator = null;
return g(h, [{
key: "transformAndValidate",
value: function(d, s) {
var v = this;
return this.callTransformer(d, function(c, a) {
return c ? s(c) : a ? v.callValidator(a, function(r, t) {
return r ? s(r) : t && !t.isValid ? s(null, {
row: a,
isValid: !1,
reason: t.reason
}) : s(null, {
row: a,
isValid: !0
}) : s(null, {
row: null,
isValid: !0
}, {
key: "callTransformer",
value: function(d, s) {
return this._rowTransform ? this._rowTransform(d, s) : s(null, d);
}, {
key: "callValidator",
value: function(d, s) {
return this._rowValidator ? this._rowValidator(d, s) : s(null, {
row: d,
isValid: !0
}, {
key: "rowTransform",
set: function(d) {
if (!w.default(d))
throw new TypeError("The transform should be a function");
this._rowTransform = h.createTransform(d);
}, {
key: "rowValidator",
set: function(d) {
if (!w.default(d))
throw new TypeError("The validate should be a function");
this._rowValidator = h.createValidator(d);
}], [{
key: "createTransform",
value: function(d) {
return f.isSyncTransform(d) ? function(s, v) {
var c = null;
try {
c = d(s);
} catch (a) {
return v(a);
return v(null, c);
} : d;
}, {
key: "createValidator",
value: function(d) {
return f.isSyncValidate(d) ? function(s, v) {
v(null, {
row: s,
isValid: d(s)
} : function(s, v) {
d(s, function(c, a, r) {
return c ? v(c) : a ? v(null, {
row: s,
isValid: a,
reason: r
}) : v(null, {
row: s,
isValid: !1,
reason: r
}]), h;
_.RowTransformerValidator = y;
}, { "../types": 166, "lodash.isfunction": 430 }], 165: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var u = e("./RowTransformerValidator");
Object.defineProperty(_, "RowTransformerValidator", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.RowTransformerValidator;
var m = e("./HeaderTransformer");
Object.defineProperty(_, "HeaderTransformer", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.HeaderTransformer;
}, { "./HeaderTransformer": 163, "./RowTransformerValidator": 164 }], 166: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.isSyncValidate = _.isSyncTransform = void 0, _.isSyncTransform = function(u) {
return u.length === 1;
}, _.isSyncValidate = function(u) {
return u.length === 1;
}, {}], 167: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.bignum = e("bn.js"), u.define = e("./asn1/api").define, u.base = e("./asn1/base"), u.constants = e("./asn1/constants"), u.decoders = e("./asn1/decoders"), u.encoders = e("./asn1/encoders");
}, { "./asn1/api": 168, "./asn1/base": 170, "./asn1/constants": 174, "./asn1/decoders": 176, "./asn1/encoders": 179, "bn.js": 181 }], 168: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./encoders"), m = e("./decoders"), g = e("inherits"), b = _;
b.define = function(y, h) {
return new w(y, h);
function w(f, y) { = f, this.body = y, this.decoders = {}, this.encoders = {};
w.prototype._createNamed = function(y) {
var h =;
function l(d) {
this._initNamed(d, h);
return g(l, y), l.prototype._initNamed = function(s, v) {, s, v);
}, new l(this);
}, w.prototype._getDecoder = function(y) {
return y = y || "der", this.decoders.hasOwnProperty(y) || (this.decoders[y] = this._createNamed(m[y])), this.decoders[y];
}, w.prototype.decode = function(y, h, l) {
return this._getDecoder(h).decode(y, l);
}, w.prototype._getEncoder = function(y) {
return y = y || "der", this.encoders.hasOwnProperty(y) || (this.encoders[y] = this._createNamed(u[y])), this.encoders[y];
}, w.prototype.encode = function(y, h, l) {
return this._getEncoder(h).encode(y, l);
}, { "./decoders": 176, "./encoders": 179, inherits: 387 }], 169: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(l) {
return typeof l;
} : u = function(l) {
return l && typeof Symbol == "function" && l.constructor === Symbol && l !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof l;
}, u(y);
var m = e("inherits"), g = e("../base/reporter").Reporter, b = e("safer-buffer").Buffer;
function w(y, h) {
if (, h), !b.isBuffer(y)) {
this.error("Input not Buffer");
this.base = y, this.offset = 0, this.length = y.length;
m(w, g), _.DecoderBuffer = w, w.isDecoderBuffer = function(h) {
if (h instanceof w)
return !0;
var l = u(h) === "object" && b.isBuffer(h.base) && === "DecoderBuffer" && typeof h.offset == "number" && typeof h.length == "number" && typeof == "function" && typeof h.restore == "function" && typeof h.isEmpty == "function" && typeof h.readUInt8 == "function" && typeof h.skip == "function" && typeof h.raw == "function";
return l;
}, = function() {
return {
offset: this.offset,
}, w.prototype.restore = function(h) {
var l = new w(this.base);
return l.offset = h.offset, l.length = this.offset, this.offset = h.offset,, h.reporter), l;
}, w.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.offset === this.length;
}, w.prototype.readUInt8 = function(h) {
return this.offset + 1 <= this.length ? this.base.readUInt8(this.offset++, !0) : this.error(h || "DecoderBuffer overrun");
}, w.prototype.skip = function(h, l) {
if (!(this.offset + h <= this.length))
return this.error(l || "DecoderBuffer overrun");
var d = new w(this.base);
return d._reporterState = this._reporterState, d.offset = this.offset, d.length = this.offset + h, this.offset += h, d;
}, w.prototype.raw = function(h) {
return this.base.slice(h ? h.offset : this.offset, this.length);
function f(y, h) {
if (Array.isArray(y))
this.length = 0, this.value = {
return f.isEncoderBuffer(l) || (l = new f(l, h)), this.length += l.length, l;
}, this);
else if (typeof y == "number") {
if (!(0 <= y && y <= 255))
return h.error("non-byte EncoderBuffer value");
this.value = y, this.length = 1;
} else if (typeof y == "string")
this.value = y, this.length = b.byteLength(y);
else if (b.isBuffer(y))
this.value = y, this.length = y.length;
return h.error("Unsupported type: " + u(y));
_.EncoderBuffer = f, f.isEncoderBuffer = function(h) {
if (h instanceof f)
return !0;
var l = u(h) === "object" && === "EncoderBuffer" && typeof h.length == "number" && typeof h.join == "function";
return l;
}, f.prototype.join = function(h, l) {
return h || (h = b.alloc(this.length)), l || (l = 0), this.length === 0 || (Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value.forEach(function(d) {
d.join(h, l), l += d.length;
}) : (typeof this.value == "number" ? h[l] = this.value : typeof this.value == "string" ? h.write(this.value, l) : b.isBuffer(this.value) && this.value.copy(h, l), l += this.length)), h;
}, { "../base/reporter": 172, inherits: 387, "safer-buffer": 495 }], 170: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.Reporter = e("./reporter").Reporter, u.DecoderBuffer = e("./buffer").DecoderBuffer, u.EncoderBuffer = e("./buffer").EncoderBuffer, u.Node = e("./node");
}, { "./buffer": 169, "./node": 171, "./reporter": 172 }], 171: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(s) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(c) {
return typeof c;
} : u = function(c) {
return c && typeof Symbol == "function" && c.constructor === Symbol && c !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof c;
}, u(s);
var m = e("../base/reporter").Reporter, g = e("../base/buffer").EncoderBuffer, b = e("../base/buffer").DecoderBuffer, w = e("minimalistic-assert"), f = ["seq", "seqof", "set", "setof", "objid", "bool", "gentime", "utctime", "null_", "enum", "int", "objDesc", "bitstr", "bmpstr", "charstr", "genstr", "graphstr", "ia5str", "iso646str", "numstr", "octstr", "printstr", "t61str", "unistr", "utf8str", "videostr"], y = ["key", "obj", "use", "optional", "explicit", "implicit", "def", "choice", "any", "contains"].concat(f), h = ["_peekTag", "_decodeTag", "_use", "_decodeStr", "_decodeObjid", "_decodeTime", "_decodeNull", "_decodeInt", "_decodeBool", "_decodeList", "_encodeComposite", "_encodeStr", "_encodeObjid", "_encodeTime", "_encodeNull", "_encodeInt", "_encodeBool"];
function l(s, v, c) {
var a = {};
this._baseState = a, = c, a.enc = s, a.parent = v || null, a.children = null, a.tag = null, a.args = null, a.reverseArgs = null, a.choice = null, a.optional = !1, a.any = !1, a.obj = !1, a.use = null, a.useDecoder = null, a.key = null, a.default = null, a.explicit = null, a.implicit = null, a.contains = null, a.parent || (a.children = [], this._wrap());
x.exports = l;
var d = ["enc", "parent", "children", "tag", "args", "reverseArgs", "choice", "optional", "any", "obj", "use", "alteredUse", "key", "default", "explicit", "implicit", "contains"];
l.prototype.clone = function() {
var v = this._baseState, c = {};
d.forEach(function(r) {
c[r] = v[r];
var a = new this.constructor(c.parent);
return a._baseState = c, a;
}, l.prototype._wrap = function() {
var v = this._baseState;
y.forEach(function(c) {
this[c] = function() {
var r = new this.constructor(this);
return v.children.push(r), r[c].apply(r, arguments);
}, this);
}, l.prototype._init = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
w(c.parent === null),, c.children = c.children.filter(function(a) {
return a._baseState.parent === this;
}, this), w.equal(c.children.length, 1, "Root node can have only one child");
}, l.prototype._useArgs = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState, a = v.filter(function(r) {
return r instanceof this.constructor;
}, this);
v = v.filter(function(r) {
return !(r instanceof this.constructor);
}, this), a.length !== 0 && (w(c.children === null), c.children = a, a.forEach(function(r) {
r._baseState.parent = this;
}, this)), v.length !== 0 && (w(c.args === null), c.args = v, c.reverseArgs = {
if (u(r) !== "object" || r.constructor !== Object)
return r;
var t = {};
return Object.keys(r).forEach(function(i) {
i == (i | 0) && (i |= 0);
var n = r[i];
t[n] = i;
}), t;
}, h.forEach(function(s) {
l.prototype[s] = function() {
var c = this._baseState;
throw new Error(s + " not implemented for encoding: " + c.enc);
}), f.forEach(function(s) {
l.prototype[s] = function() {
var c = this._baseState, a =;
return w(c.tag === null), c.tag = s, this._useArgs(a), this;
}), l.prototype.use = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.use === null), c.use = v, this;
}, l.prototype.optional = function() {
var v = this._baseState;
return v.optional = !0, this;
}, l.prototype.def = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.default === null), c.default = v, c.optional = !0, this;
}, l.prototype.explicit = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.explicit === null && c.implicit === null), c.explicit = v, this;
}, l.prototype.implicit = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.explicit === null && c.implicit === null), c.implicit = v, this;
}, l.prototype.obj = function() {
var v = this._baseState, c =;
return v.obj = !0, c.length !== 0 && this._useArgs(c), this;
}, l.prototype.key = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.key === null), c.key = v, this;
}, l.prototype.any = function() {
var v = this._baseState;
return v.any = !0, this;
}, l.prototype.choice = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.choice === null), c.choice = v, this._useArgs(Object.keys(v).map(function(a) {
return v[a];
})), this;
}, l.prototype.contains = function(v) {
var c = this._baseState;
return w(c.use === null), c.contains = v, this;
}, l.prototype._decode = function(v, c) {
var a = this._baseState;
if (a.parent === null)
return v.wrapResult(a.children[0]._decode(v, c));
var r = a.default, t = !0, i = null;
if (a.key !== null && (i = v.enterKey(a.key)), a.optional) {
var n = null;
if (a.explicit !== null ? n = a.explicit : a.implicit !== null ? n = a.implicit : a.tag !== null && (n = a.tag), n === null && !a.any) {
var o =;
try {
a.choice === null ? this._decodeGeneric(a.tag, v, c) : this._decodeChoice(v, c), t = !0;
} catch (M) {
t = !1;
} else if (t = this._peekTag(v, n, a.any), v.isError(t))
return t;
var p;
if (a.obj && t && (p = v.enterObject()), t) {
if (a.explicit !== null) {
var O = this._decodeTag(v, a.explicit);
if (v.isError(O))
return O;
v = O;
var P = v.offset;
if (a.use === null && a.choice === null) {
var F;
a.any && (F =;
var z = this._decodeTag(v, a.implicit !== null ? a.implicit : a.tag, a.any);
if (v.isError(z))
return z;
a.any ? r = v.raw(F) : v = z;
if (c && c.track && a.tag !== null && c.track(v.path(), P, v.length, "tagged"), c && c.track && a.tag !== null && c.track(v.path(), v.offset, v.length, "content"), a.any || (a.choice === null ? r = this._decodeGeneric(a.tag, v, c) : r = this._decodeChoice(v, c)), v.isError(r))
return r;
if (!a.any && a.choice === null && a.children !== null && a.children.forEach(function(I) {
I._decode(v, c);
}), a.contains && (a.tag === "octstr" || a.tag === "bitstr")) {
var N = new b(r);
r = this._getUse(a.contains, v._reporterState.obj)._decode(N, c);
return a.obj && t && (r = v.leaveObject(p)), a.key !== null && (r !== null || t === !0) ? v.leaveKey(i, a.key, r) : i !== null && v.exitKey(i), r;
}, l.prototype._decodeGeneric = function(v, c, a) {
var r = this._baseState;
return v === "seq" || v === "set" ? null : v === "seqof" || v === "setof" ? this._decodeList(c, v, r.args[0], a) : /str$/.test(v) ? this._decodeStr(c, v, a) : v === "objid" && r.args ? this._decodeObjid(c, r.args[0], r.args[1], a) : v === "objid" ? this._decodeObjid(c, null, null, a) : v === "gentime" || v === "utctime" ? this._decodeTime(c, v, a) : v === "null_" ? this._decodeNull(c, a) : v === "bool" ? this._decodeBool(c, a) : v === "objDesc" ? this._decodeStr(c, v, a) : v === "int" || v === "enum" ? this._decodeInt(c, r.args && r.args[0], a) : r.use !== null ? this._getUse(r.use, c._reporterState.obj)._decode(c, a) : c.error("unknown tag: " + v);
}, l.prototype._getUse = function(v, c) {
var a = this._baseState;
return a.useDecoder = this._use(v, c), w(a.useDecoder._baseState.parent === null), a.useDecoder = a.useDecoder._baseState.children[0], a.implicit !== a.useDecoder._baseState.implicit && (a.useDecoder = a.useDecoder.clone(), a.useDecoder._baseState.implicit = a.implicit), a.useDecoder;
}, l.prototype._decodeChoice = function(v, c) {
var a = this._baseState, r = null, t = !1;
return Object.keys(a.choice).some(function(i) {
var n =, o = a.choice[i];
try {
var p = o._decode(v, c);
if (v.isError(p))
return !1;
r = {
type: i,
value: p
}, t = !0;
} catch (O) {
return v.restore(n), !1;
return !0;
}, this), t ? r : v.error("Choice not matched");
}, l.prototype._createEncoderBuffer = function(v) {
return new g(v, this.reporter);
}, l.prototype._encode = function(v, c, a) {
var r = this._baseState;
if (!(r.default !== null && r.default === v)) {
var t = this._encodeValue(v, c, a);
if (t !== void 0 && !this._skipDefault(t, c, a))
return t;
}, l.prototype._encodeValue = function(v, c, a) {
var r = this._baseState;
if (r.parent === null)
return r.children[0]._encode(v, c || new m());
var t = null;
if (this.reporter = c, r.optional && v === void 0)
if (r.default !== null)
v = r.default;
var i = null, n = !1;
if (r.any)
t = this._createEncoderBuffer(v);
else if (r.choice)
t = this._encodeChoice(v, c);
else if (r.contains)
i = this._getUse(r.contains, a)._encode(v, c), n = !0;
else if (r.children)
i = {
if (P._baseState.tag === "null_")
return P._encode(null, c, v);
if (P._baseState.key === null)
return c.error("Child should have a key");
var F = c.enterKey(P._baseState.key);
if (u(v) !== "object")
return c.error("Child expected, but input is not object");
var z = P._encode(v[P._baseState.key], c, v);
return c.leaveKey(F), z;
}, this).filter(function(P) {
return P;
}), i = this._createEncoderBuffer(i);
else if (r.tag === "seqof" || r.tag === "setof") {
if (!(r.args && r.args.length === 1))
return c.error("Too many args for : " + r.tag);
if (!Array.isArray(v))
return c.error("seqof/setof, but data is not Array");
var o = this.clone();
o._baseState.implicit = null, i = this._createEncoderBuffer( {
var F = this._baseState;
return this._getUse(F.args[0], v)._encode(P, c);
}, o));
} else
r.use !== null ? t = this._getUse(r.use, a)._encode(v, c) : (i = this._encodePrimitive(r.tag, v), n = !0);
if (!r.any && r.choice === null) {
var p = r.implicit !== null ? r.implicit : r.tag, O = r.implicit === null ? "universal" : "context";
p === null ? r.use === null && c.error("Tag could be omitted only for .use()") : r.use === null && (t = this._encodeComposite(p, n, O, i));
return r.explicit !== null && (t = this._encodeComposite(r.explicit, !1, "context", t)), t;
}, l.prototype._encodeChoice = function(v, c) {
var a = this._baseState, r = a.choice[v.type];
return r || w(!1, v.type + " not found in " + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(a.choice))), r._encode(v.value, c);
}, l.prototype._encodePrimitive = function(v, c) {
var a = this._baseState;
if (/str$/.test(v))
return this._encodeStr(c, v);
if (v === "objid" && a.args)
return this._encodeObjid(c, a.reverseArgs[0], a.args[1]);
if (v === "objid")
return this._encodeObjid(c, null, null);
if (v === "gentime" || v === "utctime")
return this._encodeTime(c, v);
if (v === "null_")
return this._encodeNull();
if (v === "int" || v === "enum")
return this._encodeInt(c, a.args && a.reverseArgs[0]);
if (v === "bool")
return this._encodeBool(c);
if (v === "objDesc")
return this._encodeStr(c, v);
throw new Error("Unsupported tag: " + v);
}, l.prototype._isNumstr = function(v) {
return /^[0-9 ]*$/.test(v);
}, l.prototype._isPrintstr = function(v) {
return /^[A-Za-z0-9 '()+,-./:=?]*$/.test(v);
}, { "../base/buffer": 169, "../base/reporter": 172, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 172: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits");
function m(b) {
this._reporterState = {
obj: null,
path: [],
options: b || {},
errors: []
_.Reporter = m, m.prototype.isError = function(w) {
return w instanceof g;
}, = function() {
var w = this._reporterState;
return {
obj: w.obj,
pathLen: w.path.length
}, m.prototype.restore = function(w) {
var f = this._reporterState;
f.obj = w.obj, f.path = f.path.slice(0, w.pathLen);
}, m.prototype.enterKey = function(w) {
return this._reporterState.path.push(w);
}, m.prototype.exitKey = function(w) {
var f = this._reporterState;
f.path = f.path.slice(0, w - 1);
}, m.prototype.leaveKey = function(w, f, y) {
var h = this._reporterState;
this.exitKey(w), h.obj !== null && (h.obj[f] = y);
}, m.prototype.path = function() {
return this._reporterState.path.join("/");
}, m.prototype.enterObject = function() {
var w = this._reporterState, f = w.obj;
return w.obj = {}, f;
}, m.prototype.leaveObject = function(w) {
var f = this._reporterState, y = f.obj;
return f.obj = w, y;
}, m.prototype.error = function(w) {
var f, y = this._reporterState, h = w instanceof g;
if (h ? f = w : f = new g( {
return "[" + JSON.stringify(l) + "]";
}).join(""), w.message || w, w.stack), !y.options.partial)
throw f;
return h || y.errors.push(f), f;
}, m.prototype.wrapResult = function(w) {
var f = this._reporterState;
return f.options.partial ? {
result: this.isError(w) ? null : w,
errors: f.errors
} : w;
function g(b, w) {
this.path = b, this.rethrow(w);
u(g, Error), g.prototype.rethrow = function(w) {
if (this.message = w + " at: " + (this.path || "(shallow)"), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, g), !this.stack)
try {
throw new Error(this.message);
} catch (f) {
this.stack = f.stack;
return this;
}, { inherits: 387 }], 173: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
var g = {};
return Object.keys(m).forEach(function(b) {
(b | 0) == b && (b = b | 0);
var w = m[b];
g[w] = b;
}), g;
_.tagClass = {
0: "universal",
1: "application",
2: "context",
3: "private"
}, _.tagClassByName = u(_.tagClass), _.tag = {
0: "end",
1: "bool",
2: "int",
3: "bitstr",
4: "octstr",
5: "null_",
6: "objid",
7: "objDesc",
8: "external",
9: "real",
10: "enum",
11: "embed",
12: "utf8str",
13: "relativeOid",
16: "seq",
17: "set",
18: "numstr",
19: "printstr",
20: "t61str",
21: "videostr",
22: "ia5str",
23: "utctime",
24: "gentime",
25: "graphstr",
26: "iso646str",
27: "genstr",
28: "unistr",
29: "charstr",
30: "bmpstr"
}, _.tagByName = u(_.tag);
}, {}], 174: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u._reverse = function(g) {
var b = {};
return Object.keys(g).forEach(function(w) {
(w | 0) == w && (w = w | 0);
var f = g[w];
b[f] = w;
}), b;
}, u.der = e("./der");
}, { "./der": 173 }], 175: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("bn.js"), g = e("../base/buffer").DecoderBuffer, b = e("../base/node"), w = e("../constants/der");
function f(d) {
this.enc = "der", =, this.entity = d, this.tree = new y(), this.tree._init(d.body);
x.exports = f, f.prototype.decode = function(s, v) {
return g.isDecoderBuffer(s) || (s = new g(s, v)), this.tree._decode(s, v);
function y(d) {, "der", d);
u(y, b), y.prototype._peekTag = function(s, v, c) {
if (s.isEmpty())
return !1;
var a =, r = h(s, 'Failed to peek tag: "' + v + '"');
return s.isError(r) ? r : (s.restore(a), r.tag === v || r.tagStr === v || r.tagStr + "of" === v || c);
}, y.prototype._decodeTag = function(s, v, c) {
var a = h(s, 'Failed to decode tag of "' + v + '"');
if (s.isError(a))
return a;
var r = l(s, a.primitive, 'Failed to get length of "' + v + '"');
if (s.isError(r))
return r;
if (!c && a.tag !== v && a.tagStr !== v && a.tagStr + "of" !== v)
return s.error('Failed to match tag: "' + v + '"');
if (a.primitive || r !== null)
return s.skip(r, 'Failed to match body of: "' + v + '"');
var t =, i = this._skipUntilEnd(s, 'Failed to skip indefinite length body: "' + this.tag + '"');
return s.isError(i) ? i : (r = s.offset - t.offset, s.restore(t), s.skip(r, 'Failed to match body of: "' + v + '"'));
}, y.prototype._skipUntilEnd = function(s, v) {
for (; ; ) {
var c = h(s, v);
if (s.isError(c))
return c;
var a = l(s, c.primitive, v);
if (s.isError(a))
return a;
var r = void 0;
if (c.primitive || a !== null ? r = s.skip(a) : r = this._skipUntilEnd(s, v), s.isError(r))
return r;
if (c.tagStr === "end")
}, y.prototype._decodeList = function(s, v, c, a) {
for (var r = []; !s.isEmpty(); ) {
var t = this._peekTag(s, "end");
if (s.isError(t))
return t;
var i = c.decode(s, "der", a);
if (s.isError(i) && t)
return r;
}, y.prototype._decodeStr = function(s, v) {
if (v === "bitstr") {
var c = s.readUInt8();
return s.isError(c) ? c : {
unused: c,
data: s.raw()
} else if (v === "bmpstr") {
var a = s.raw();
if (a.length % 2 === 1)
return s.error("Decoding of string type: bmpstr length mismatch");
for (var r = "", t = 0; t < a.length / 2; t++)
r += String.fromCharCode(a.readUInt16BE(t * 2));
return r;
} else if (v === "numstr") {
var i = s.raw().toString("ascii");
return this._isNumstr(i) ? i : s.error("Decoding of string type: numstr unsupported characters");
} else {
if (v === "octstr")
return s.raw();
if (v === "objDesc")
return s.raw();
if (v === "printstr") {
var n = s.raw().toString("ascii");
return this._isPrintstr(n) ? n : s.error("Decoding of string type: printstr unsupported characters");
} else
return /str$/.test(v) ? s.raw().toString() : s.error("Decoding of string type: " + v + " unsupported");
}, y.prototype._decodeObjid = function(s, v, c) {
for (var a, r = [], t = 0, i = 0; !s.isEmpty(); )
i = s.readUInt8(), t <<= 7, t |= i & 127, i & 128 || (r.push(t), t = 0);
i & 128 && r.push(t);
var n = r[0] / 40 | 0, o = r[0] % 40;
if (c ? a = r : a = [n, o].concat(r.slice(1)), v) {
var p = v[a.join(" ")];
p === void 0 && (p = v[a.join(".")]), p !== void 0 && (a = p);
return a;
}, y.prototype._decodeTime = function(s, v) {
var c = s.raw().toString(), a, r, t, i, n, o;
if (v === "gentime")
a = c.slice(0, 4) | 0, r = c.slice(4, 6) | 0, t = c.slice(6, 8) | 0, i = c.slice(8, 10) | 0, n = c.slice(10, 12) | 0, o = c.slice(12, 14) | 0;
else if (v === "utctime")
a = c.slice(0, 2) | 0, r = c.slice(2, 4) | 0, t = c.slice(4, 6) | 0, i = c.slice(6, 8) | 0, n = c.slice(8, 10) | 0, o = c.slice(10, 12) | 0, a < 70 ? a = 2e3 + a : a = 1900 + a;
return s.error("Decoding " + v + " time is not supported yet");
return Date.UTC(a, r - 1, t, i, n, o, 0);
}, y.prototype._decodeNull = function() {
return null;
}, y.prototype._decodeBool = function(s) {
var v = s.readUInt8();
return s.isError(v) ? v : v !== 0;
}, y.prototype._decodeInt = function(s, v) {
var c = s.raw(), a = new m(c);
return v && (a = v[a.toString(10)] || a), a;
}, y.prototype._use = function(s, v) {
return typeof s == "function" && (s = s(v)), s._getDecoder("der").tree;
function h(d, s) {
var v = d.readUInt8(s);
if (d.isError(v))
return v;
var c = w.tagClass[v >> 6], a = (v & 32) === 0;
if ((v & 31) === 31) {
var r = v;
for (v = 0; (r & 128) === 128; ) {
if (r = d.readUInt8(s), d.isError(r))
return r;
v <<= 7, v |= r & 127;
} else
v &= 31;
var t = w.tag[v];
return {
cls: c,
primitive: a,
tag: v,
tagStr: t
function l(d, s, v) {
var c = d.readUInt8(v);
if (d.isError(c))
return c;
if (!s && c === 128)
return null;
if (!(c & 128))
return c;
var a = c & 127;
if (a > 4)
return d.error("length octect is too long");
c = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < a; r++) {
c <<= 8;
var t = d.readUInt8(v);
if (d.isError(t))
return t;
c |= t;
return c;
}, { "../base/buffer": 169, "../base/node": 171, "../constants/der": 173, "bn.js": 181, inherits: 387 }], 176: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.der = e("./der"), u.pem = e("./pem");
}, { "./der": 175, "./pem": 177 }], 177: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("safer-buffer").Buffer, g = e("./der");
function b(w) {, w), this.enc = "pem";
u(b, g), x.exports = b, b.prototype.decode = function(f, y) {
for (var h = f.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g), l = y.label.toUpperCase(), d = /^-----(BEGIN|END) ([^-]+)-----$/, s = -1, v = -1, c = 0; c < h.length; c++) {
var a = h[c].match(d);
if (a !== null && a[2] === l)
if (s === -1) {
if (a[1] !== "BEGIN")
s = c;
} else {
if (a[1] !== "END")
v = c;
if (s === -1 || v === -1)
throw new Error("PEM section not found for: " + l);
var r = h.slice(s + 1, v).join("");
r.replace(/[^a-z0-9+/=]+/gi, "");
var t = m.from(r, "base64");
return, t, y);
}, { "./der": 175, inherits: 387, "safer-buffer": 495 }], 178: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("safer-buffer").Buffer, g = e("../base/node"), b = e("../constants/der");
function w(l) {
this.enc = "der", =, this.entity = l, this.tree = new f(), this.tree._init(l.body);
x.exports = w, w.prototype.encode = function(d, s) {
return this.tree._encode(d, s).join();
function f(l) {, "der", l);
u(f, g), f.prototype._encodeComposite = function(d, s, v, c) {
var a = h(d, s, v, this.reporter);
if (c.length < 128) {
var r = m.alloc(2);
return r[0] = a, r[1] = c.length, this._createEncoderBuffer([r, c]);
for (var t = 1, i = c.length; i >= 256; i >>= 8)
var n = m.alloc(1 + 1 + t);
n[0] = a, n[1] = 128 | t;
for (var o = 1 + t, p = c.length; p > 0; o--, p >>= 8)
n[o] = p & 255;
return this._createEncoderBuffer([n, c]);
}, f.prototype._encodeStr = function(d, s) {
if (s === "bitstr")
return this._createEncoderBuffer([d.unused | 0,]);
if (s === "bmpstr") {
for (var v = m.alloc(d.length * 2), c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
v.writeUInt16BE(d.charCodeAt(c), c * 2);
return this._createEncoderBuffer(v);
} else
return s === "numstr" ? this._isNumstr(d) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(d) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: numstr supports only digits and space") : s === "printstr" ? this._isPrintstr(d) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(d) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: printstr supports only latin upper and lower case letters, digits, space, apostrophe, left and rigth parenthesis, plus sign, comma, hyphen, dot, slash, colon, equal sign, question mark") : /str$/.test(s) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(d) : s === "objDesc" ? this._createEncoderBuffer(d) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: " + s + " unsupported");
}, f.prototype._encodeObjid = function(d, s, v) {
if (typeof d == "string") {
if (!s)
return this.reporter.error("string objid given, but no values map found");
if (!s.hasOwnProperty(d))
return this.reporter.error("objid not found in values map");
d = s[d].split(/[\s.]+/g);
for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
d[c] |= 0;
} else if (Array.isArray(d)) {
d = d.slice();
for (var a = 0; a < d.length; a++)
d[a] |= 0;
if (!Array.isArray(d))
return this.reporter.error("objid() should be either array or string, got: " + JSON.stringify(d));
if (!v) {
if (d[1] >= 40)
return this.reporter.error("Second objid identifier OOB");
d.splice(0, 2, d[0] * 40 + d[1]);
for (var r = 0, t = 0; t < d.length; t++) {
var i = d[t];
for (r++; i >= 128; i >>= 7)
for (var n = m.alloc(r), o = n.length - 1, p = d.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) {
var O = d[p];
for (n[o--] = O & 127; (O >>= 7) > 0; )
n[o--] = 128 | O & 127;
return this._createEncoderBuffer(n);
function y(l) {
return l < 10 ? "0" + l : l;
f.prototype._encodeTime = function(d, s) {
var v, c = new Date(d);
return s === "gentime" ? v = [y(c.getUTCFullYear()), y(c.getUTCMonth() + 1), y(c.getUTCDate()), y(c.getUTCHours()), y(c.getUTCMinutes()), y(c.getUTCSeconds()), "Z"].join("") : s === "utctime" ? v = [y(c.getUTCFullYear() % 100), y(c.getUTCMonth() + 1), y(c.getUTCDate()), y(c.getUTCHours()), y(c.getUTCMinutes()), y(c.getUTCSeconds()), "Z"].join("") : this.reporter.error("Encoding " + s + " time is not supported yet"), this._encodeStr(v, "octstr");
}, f.prototype._encodeNull = function() {
return this._createEncoderBuffer("");
}, f.prototype._encodeInt = function(d, s) {
if (typeof d == "string") {
if (!s)
return this.reporter.error("String int or enum given, but no values map");
if (!s.hasOwnProperty(d))
return this.reporter.error("Values map doesn't contain: " + JSON.stringify(d));
d = s[d];
if (typeof d != "number" && !m.isBuffer(d)) {
var v = d.toArray();
!d.sign && v[0] & 128 && v.unshift(0), d = m.from(v);
if (m.isBuffer(d)) {
var c = d.length;
d.length === 0 && c++;
var a = m.alloc(c);
return d.copy(a), d.length === 0 && (a[0] = 0), this._createEncoderBuffer(a);
if (d < 128)
return this._createEncoderBuffer(d);
if (d < 256)
return this._createEncoderBuffer([0, d]);
for (var r = 1, t = d; t >= 256; t >>= 8)
for (var i = new Array(r), n = i.length - 1; n >= 0; n--)
i[n] = d & 255, d >>= 8;
return i[0] & 128 && i.unshift(0), this._createEncoderBuffer(m.from(i));
}, f.prototype._encodeBool = function(d) {
return this._createEncoderBuffer(d ? 255 : 0);
}, f.prototype._use = function(d, s) {
return typeof d == "function" && (d = d(s)), d._getEncoder("der").tree;
}, f.prototype._skipDefault = function(d, s, v) {
var c = this._baseState, a;
if (c.default === null)
return !1;
var r = d.join();
if (c.defaultBuffer === void 0 && (c.defaultBuffer = this._encodeValue(c.default, s, v).join()), r.length !== c.defaultBuffer.length)
return !1;
for (a = 0; a < r.length; a++)
if (r[a] !== c.defaultBuffer[a])
return !1;
return !0;
function h(l, d, s, v) {
var c;
if (l === "seqof" ? l = "seq" : l === "setof" && (l = "set"), b.tagByName.hasOwnProperty(l))
c = b.tagByName[l];
else if (typeof l == "number" && (l | 0) === l)
c = l;
return v.error("Unknown tag: " + l);
return c >= 31 ? v.error("Multi-octet tag encoding unsupported") : (d || (c |= 32), c |= b.tagClassByName[s || "universal"] << 6, c);
}, { "../base/node": 171, "../constants/der": 173, inherits: 387, "safer-buffer": 495 }], 179: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.der = e("./der"), u.pem = e("./pem");
}, { "./der": 178, "./pem": 180 }], 180: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./der");
function g(b) {, b), this.enc = "pem";
u(g, m), x.exports = g, g.prototype.encode = function(w, f) {
for (var y =, w), h = y.toString("base64"), l = ["-----BEGIN " + f.label + "-----"], d = 0; d < h.length; d += 64)
l.push(h.slice(d, d + 64));
return l.push("-----END " + f.label + "-----"), l.join(`
}, { "./der": 178, inherits: 387 }], 181: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(b) {
return typeof b;
} : u = function(b) {
return b && typeof Symbol == "function" && b.constructor === Symbol && b !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof b;
}, u(m);
(function(m, g) {
function b(I, R) {
if (!I)
throw new Error(R || "Assertion failed");
function w(I, R) {
I.super_ = R;
var C = function() {
C.prototype = R.prototype, I.prototype = new C(), I.prototype.constructor = I;
function f(I, R, C) {
if (f.isBN(I))
return I;
this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, I !== null && ((R === "le" || R === "be") && (C = R, R = 10), this._init(I || 0, R || 10, C || "be"));
u(m) === "object" ? m.exports = f : g.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26;
var y;
try {
y = e("buffer").Buffer;
} catch (I) {
f.isBN = function(R) {
return R instanceof f ? !0 : R !== null && u(R) === "object" && R.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(R.words);
}, f.max = function(R, C) {
return R.cmp(C) > 0 ? R : C;
}, f.min = function(R, C) {
return R.cmp(C) < 0 ? R : C;
}, f.prototype._init = function(R, C, E) {
if (typeof R == "number")
return this._initNumber(R, C, E);
if (u(R) === "object")
return this._initArray(R, C, E);
C === "hex" && (C = 16), b(C === (C | 0) && C >= 2 && C <= 36), R = R.toString().replace(/\s+/g, "");
var A = 0;
R[0] === "-" && A++, C === 16 ? this._parseHex(R, A) : this._parseBase(R, C, A), R[0] === "-" && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(), E === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), C, E);
}, f.prototype._initNumber = function(R, C, E) {
R < 0 && (this.negative = 1, R = -R), R < 67108864 ? (this.words = [R & 67108863], this.length = 1) : R < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [R & 67108863, R / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (b(R < 9007199254740992), this.words = [R & 67108863, R / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), E === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), C, E);
}, f.prototype._initArray = function(R, C, E) {
if (b(typeof R.length == "number"), R.length <= 0)
return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this;
this.length = Math.ceil(R.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length);
for (var A = 0; A < this.length; A++)
this.words[A] = 0;
var L, $, W = 0;
if (E === "be")
for (A = R.length - 1, L = 0; A >= 0; A -= 3)
$ = R[A] | R[A - 1] << 8 | R[A - 2] << 16, this.words[L] |= $ << W & 67108863, this.words[L + 1] = $ >>> 26 - W & 67108863, W += 24, W >= 26 && (W -= 26, L++);
else if (E === "le")
for (A = 0, L = 0; A < R.length; A += 3)
$ = R[A] | R[A + 1] << 8 | R[A + 2] << 16, this.words[L] |= $ << W & 67108863, this.words[L + 1] = $ >>> 26 - W & 67108863, W += 24, W >= 26 && (W -= 26, L++);
return this.strip();
function h(I, R, C) {
for (var E = 0, A = Math.min(I.length, C), L = R; L < A; L++) {
var $ = I.charCodeAt(L) - 48;
E <<= 4, $ >= 49 && $ <= 54 ? E |= $ - 49 + 10 : $ >= 17 && $ <= 22 ? E |= $ - 17 + 10 : E |= $ & 15;
return E;
f.prototype._parseHex = function(R, C) {
this.length = Math.ceil((R.length - C) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length);
for (var E = 0; E < this.length; E++)
this.words[E] = 0;
var A, L, $ = 0;
for (E = R.length - 6, A = 0; E >= C; E -= 6)
L = h(R, E, E + 6), this.words[A] |= L << $ & 67108863, this.words[A + 1] |= L >>> 26 - $ & 4194303, $ += 24, $ >= 26 && ($ -= 26, A++);
E + 6 !== C && (L = h(R, C, E + 6), this.words[A] |= L << $ & 67108863, this.words[A + 1] |= L >>> 26 - $ & 4194303), this.strip();
function l(I, R, C, E) {
for (var A = 0, L = Math.min(I.length, C), $ = R; $ < L; $++) {
var W = I.charCodeAt($) - 48;
A *= E, W >= 49 ? A += W - 49 + 10 : W >= 17 ? A += W - 17 + 10 : A += W;
return A;
f.prototype._parseBase = function(R, C, E) {
this.words = [0], this.length = 1;
for (var A = 0, L = 1; L <= 67108863; L *= C)
A--, L = L / C | 0;
for (var $ = R.length - E, W = $ % A, U = Math.min($, $ - W) + E, D = 0, B = E; B < U; B += A)
D = l(R, B, B + A, C), this.imuln(L), this.words[0] + D < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += D : this._iaddn(D);
if (W !== 0) {
var j = 1;
for (D = l(R, B, R.length, C), B = 0; B < W; B++)
j *= C;
this.imuln(j), this.words[0] + D < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += D : this._iaddn(D);
}, f.prototype.copy = function(R) {
R.words = new Array(this.length);
for (var C = 0; C < this.length; C++)
R.words[C] = this.words[C];
R.length = this.length, R.negative = this.negative, =;
}, f.prototype.clone = function() {
var R = new f(null);
return this.copy(R), R;
}, f.prototype._expand = function(R) {
for (; this.length < R; )
this.words[this.length++] = 0;
return this;
}, f.prototype.strip = function() {
for (; this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; )
return this._normSign();
}, f.prototype._normSign = function() {
return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this;
}, f.prototype.inspect = function() {
return ( ? "<BN-R: " : "<BN: ") + this.toString(16) + ">";
var d = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], s = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], v = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64e6, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 243e5, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176];
f.prototype.toString = function(R, C) {
R = R || 10, C = C | 0 || 1;
var E;
if (R === 16 || R === "hex") {
E = "";
for (var A = 0, L = 0, $ = 0; $ < this.length; $++) {
var W = this.words[$], U = ((W << A | L) & 16777215).toString(16);
L = W >>> 24 - A & 16777215, L !== 0 || $ !== this.length - 1 ? E = d[6 - U.length] + U + E : E = U + E, A += 2, A >= 26 && (A -= 26, $--);
for (L !== 0 && (E = L.toString(16) + E); E.length % C !== 0; )
E = "0" + E;
return this.negative !== 0 && (E = "-" + E), E;
if (R === (R | 0) && R >= 2 && R <= 36) {
var D = s[R], B = v[R];
E = "";
var j = this.clone();
for (j.negative = 0; !j.isZero(); ) {
var V = j.modn(B).toString(R);
j = j.idivn(B), j.isZero() ? E = V + E : E = d[D - V.length] + V + E;
for (this.isZero() && (E = "0" + E); E.length % C !== 0; )
E = "0" + E;
return this.negative !== 0 && (E = "-" + E), E;
b(!1, "Base should be between 2 and 36");
}, f.prototype.toNumber = function() {
var R = this.words[0];
return this.length === 2 ? R += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? R += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && b(!1, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -R : R;
}, f.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toString(16);
}, f.prototype.toBuffer = function(R, C) {
return b(typeof y != "undefined"), this.toArrayLike(y, R, C);
}, f.prototype.toArray = function(R, C) {
return this.toArrayLike(Array, R, C);
}, f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(R, C, E) {
var A = this.byteLength(), L = E || Math.max(1, A);
b(A <= L, "byte array longer than desired length"), b(L > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip();
var $ = C === "le", W = new R(L), U, D, B = this.clone();
if ($) {
for (D = 0; !B.isZero(); D++)
U = B.andln(255), B.iushrn(8), W[D] = U;
for (; D < L; D++)
W[D] = 0;
} else {
for (D = 0; D < L - A; D++)
W[D] = 0;
for (D = 0; !B.isZero(); D++)
U = B.andln(255), B.iushrn(8), W[L - D - 1] = U;
return W;
}, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(R) {
return 32 - Math.clz32(R);
} : f.prototype._countBits = function(R) {
var C = R, E = 0;
return C >= 4096 && (E += 13, C >>>= 13), C >= 64 && (E += 7, C >>>= 7), C >= 8 && (E += 4, C >>>= 4), C >= 2 && (E += 2, C >>>= 2), E + C;
}, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(R) {
if (R === 0)
return 26;
var C = R, E = 0;
return C & 8191 || (E += 13, C >>>= 13), C & 127 || (E += 7, C >>>= 7), C & 15 || (E += 4, C >>>= 4), C & 3 || (E += 2, C >>>= 2), C & 1 || E++, E;
}, f.prototype.bitLength = function() {
var R = this.words[this.length - 1], C = this._countBits(R);
return (this.length - 1) * 26 + C;
function c(I) {
for (var R = new Array(I.bitLength()), C = 0; C < R.length; C++) {
var E = C / 26 | 0, A = C % 26;
R[C] = (I.words[E] & 1 << A) >>> A;
return R;
f.prototype.zeroBits = function() {
if (this.isZero())
return 0;
for (var R = 0, C = 0; C < this.length; C++) {
var E = this._zeroBits(this.words[C]);
if (R += E, E !== 26)
return R;
}, f.prototype.byteLength = function() {
return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8);
}, f.prototype.toTwos = function(R) {
return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(R).iaddn(1) : this.clone();
}, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(R) {
return this.testn(R - 1) ? this.notn(R).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone();
}, f.prototype.isNeg = function() {
return this.negative !== 0;
}, f.prototype.neg = function() {
return this.clone().ineg();
}, f.prototype.ineg = function() {
return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this;
}, f.prototype.iuor = function(R) {
for (; this.length < R.length; )
this.words[this.length++] = 0;
for (var C = 0; C < R.length; C++)
this.words[C] = this.words[C] | R.words[C];
return this.strip();
}, f.prototype.ior = function(R) {
return b((this.negative | R.negative) === 0), this.iuor(R);
}, f.prototype.or = function(R) {
return this.length > R.length ? this.clone().ior(R) : R.clone().ior(this);
}, f.prototype.uor = function(R) {
return this.length > R.length ? this.clone().iuor(R) : R.clone().iuor(this);
}, f.prototype.iuand = function(R) {
var C;
this.length > R.length ? C = R : C = this;
for (var E = 0; E < C.length; E++)
this.words[E] = this.words[E] & R.words[E];
return this.length = C.length, this.strip();
}, f.prototype.iand = function(R) {
return b((this.negative | R.negative) === 0), this.iuand(R);
}, f.prototype.and = function(R) {
return this.length > R.length ? this.clone().iand(R) : R.clone().iand(this);
}, f.prototype.uand = function(R) {
return this.length > R.length ? this.clone().iuand(R) : R.clone().iuand(this);
}, f.prototype.iuxor = function(R) {
var C, E;
this.length > R.length ? (C = this, E = R) : (C = R, E = this);
for (var A = 0; A < E.length; A++)
this.words[A] = C.words[A] ^ E.words[A];
if (this !== C)
for (; A < C.length; A++)
this.words[A] = C.words[A];
return this.length = C.length, this.strip();
}, f.prototype.ixor = function(R) {
return b((this.negative | R.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(R);
}, f.prototype.xor = function(R) {
return this.length > R.length ? this.clone().ixor(R) : R.clone().ixor(this);
}, f.prototype.uxor = function(R) {
return this.length > R.length ? this.clone().iuxor(R) : R.clone().iuxor(this);
}, f.prototype.inotn = function(R) {
b(typeof R == "number" && R >= 0);
var C = Math.ceil(R / 26) | 0, E = R % 26;
this._expand(C), E > 0 && C--;
for (var A = 0; A < C; A++)
this.words[A] = ~this.words[A] & 67108863;
return E > 0 && (this.words[A] = ~this.words[A] & 67108863 >> 26 - E), this.strip();
}, f.prototype.notn = function(R) {
return this.clone().inotn(R);
}, f.prototype.setn = function(R, C) {
b(typeof R == "number" && R >= 0);
var E = R / 26 | 0, A = R % 26;
return this._expand(E + 1), C ? this.words[E] = this.words[E] | 1 << A : this.words[E] = this.words[E] & ~(1 << A), this.strip();
}, f.prototype.iadd = function(R) {
var C;
if (this.negative !== 0 && R.negative === 0)
return this.negative = 0, C = this.isub(R), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign();
if (this.negative === 0 && R.negative !== 0)
return R.negative = 0, C = this.isub(R), R.negative = 1, C._normSign();
var E, A;
this.length > R.length ? (E = this, A = R) : (E = R, A = this);
for (var L = 0, $ = 0; $ < A.length; $++)
C = (E.words[$] | 0) + (A.words[$] | 0) + L, this.words[$] = C & 67108863, L = C >>> 26;
for (; L !== 0 && $ < E.length; $++)
C = (E.words[$] | 0) + L, this.words[$] = C & 67108863, L = C >>> 26;
if (this.length = E.length, L !== 0)
this.words[this.length] = L, this.length++;
else if (E !== this)
for (; $ < E.length; $++)
this.words[$] = E.words[$];
return this;
}, f.prototype.add = function(R) {
var C;
return R.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (R.negative = 0, C = this.sub(R), R.negative ^= 1, C) : R.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, C = R.sub(this), this.negative = 1, C) : this.length > R.length ? this.clone().iadd(R) : R.clone().iadd(this);
}, f.prototype.isub = function(R) {
if (R.negative !== 0) {
R.negative = 0;
var C = this.iadd(R);
return R.negative = 1, C._normSign();
} else if (this.negative !== 0)
return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(R), this.negative = 1, this._normSign();
var E = this.cmp(R);
if (E === 0)
return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this;
var A, L;
E > 0 ? (A = this, L = R) : (A = R, L = this);
for (var $ = 0, W = 0; W < L.length; W++)
C = (A.words[W] | 0) - (L.words[W] | 0) + $, $ = C >> 26, this.words[W] = C & 67108863;
for (; $ !== 0 && W < A.length; W++)
C = (A.words[W] | 0) + $, $ = C >> 26, this.words[W] = C & 67108863;
if ($ === 0 && W < A.length && A !== this)
for (; W < A.length; W++)
this.words[W] = A.words[W];
return this.length = Math.max(this.length, W), A !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip();
}, f.prototype.sub = function(R) {
return this.clone().isub(R);
function a(I, R, C) {
C.negative = R.negative ^ I.negative;
var E = I.length + R.length | 0;
C.length = E, E = E - 1 | 0;
var A = I.words[0] | 0, L = R.words[0] | 0, $ = A * L, W = $ & 67108863, U = $ / 67108864 | 0;
C.words[0] = W;
for (var D = 1; D < E; D++) {
for (var B = U >>> 26, j = U & 67108863, V = Math.min(D, R.length - 1), re = Math.max(0, D - I.length + 1); re <= V; re++) {
var ee = D - re | 0;
A = I.words[ee] | 0, L = R.words[re] | 0, $ = A * L + j, B += $ / 67108864 | 0, j = $ & 67108863;
C.words[D] = j | 0, U = B | 0;
return U !== 0 ? C.words[D] = U | 0 : C.length--, C.strip();
var r = function(R, C, E) {
var A = R.words, L = C.words, $ = E.words, W = 0, U, D, B, j = A[0] | 0, V = j & 8191, re = j >>> 13, ee = A[1] | 0, ce = ee & 8191, ve = ee >>> 13, ge = A[2] | 0, oe = ge & 8191, J = ge >>> 13, Q = A[3] | 0, he = Q & 8191, ke = Q >>> 13, ne = A[4] | 0, se = ne & 8191, Ce = ne >>> 13, q = A[5] | 0, G = q & 8191, Y = q >>> 13, fe = A[6] | 0, we = fe & 8191, _e = fe >>> 13, je = A[7] | 0, Ye = je & 8191, nt = je >>> 13, ut = A[8] | 0, ot = ut & 8191, Ue = ut >>> 13, Ve = A[9] | 0, Qe = Ve & 8191, tt = Ve >>> 13, ae = L[0] | 0, Re = ae & 8191, be = ae >>> 13, Ee = L[1] | 0, pe = Ee & 8191, Pe = Ee >>> 13, te = L[2] | 0, He = te & 8191, it = te >>> 13, K = L[3] | 0, Me = K & 8191, Le = K >>> 13, ue = L[4] | 0, Se = ue & 8191, Ie = ue >>> 13, st = L[5] | 0, Ge = st & 8191, rt = st >>> 13, _t = L[6] | 0, wt = _t & 8191, Ot = _t >>> 13, pt = L[7] | 0, ct = pt & 8191, At = pt >>> 13, Pt = L[8] | 0, bt = Pt & 8191, Kt = Pt >>> 13, Ct = L[9] | 0, xt = Ct & 8191, Ft = Ct >>> 13;
E.negative = R.negative ^ C.negative, E.length = 19, U = Math.imul(V, Re), D = Math.imul(V, be), D = D + Math.imul(re, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(re, be);
var Lt = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Lt >>> 26) | 0, Lt &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(ce, Re), D = Math.imul(ce, be), D = D + Math.imul(ve, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(ve, be), U = U + Math.imul(V, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, Pe) | 0;
var Et = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Et >>> 26) | 0, Et &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(oe, Re), D = Math.imul(oe, be), D = D + Math.imul(J, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(J, be), U = U + Math.imul(ce, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, it) | 0;
var Dr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Dr >>> 26) | 0, Dr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(he, Re), D = Math.imul(he, be), D = D + Math.imul(ke, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(ke, be), U = U + Math.imul(oe, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, Le) | 0;
var Or = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Or >>> 26) | 0, Or &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(se, Re), D = Math.imul(se, be), D = D + Math.imul(Ce, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(Ce, be), U = U + Math.imul(he, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, Ie) | 0;
var Gr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Gr >>> 26) | 0, Gr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(G, Re), D = Math.imul(G, be), D = D + Math.imul(Y, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(Y, be), U = U + Math.imul(se, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, rt) | 0;
var Nr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Nr >>> 26) | 0, Nr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(we, Re), D = Math.imul(we, be), D = D + Math.imul(_e, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(_e, be), U = U + Math.imul(G, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, Ot) | 0;
var Yr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Yr >>> 26) | 0, Yr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Ye, Re), D = Math.imul(Ye, be), D = D + Math.imul(nt, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(nt, be), U = U + Math.imul(we, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, At) | 0;
var Qt = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Qt >>> 26) | 0, Qt &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(ot, Re), D = Math.imul(ot, be), D = D + Math.imul(Ue, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(Ue, be), U = U + Math.imul(Ye, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, Kt) | 0;
var Xr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Xr >>> 26) | 0, Xr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, Re), D = Math.imul(Qe, be), D = D + Math.imul(tt, Re) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, be), U = U + Math.imul(ot, pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, Pe) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(V, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(V, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(re, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(re, Ft) | 0;
var Fr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Fr >>> 26) | 0, Fr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, pe), D = Math.imul(Qe, Pe), D = D + Math.imul(tt, pe) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, Pe), U = U + Math.imul(ot, He) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, it) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, it) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ce, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ce, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ve, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ve, Ft) | 0;
var Lr = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Lr >>> 26) | 0, Lr &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, He), D = Math.imul(Qe, it), D = D + Math.imul(tt, He) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, it), U = U + Math.imul(ot, Me) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, Le) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, Le) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(oe, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(oe, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(J, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(J, Ft) | 0;
var Ur = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Ur >>> 26) | 0, Ur &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, Me), D = Math.imul(Qe, Le), D = D + Math.imul(tt, Me) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, Le), U = U + Math.imul(ot, Se) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, Ie) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(he, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ke, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ke, Ft) | 0;
var vt = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (vt >>> 26) | 0, vt &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, Se), D = Math.imul(Qe, Ie), D = D + Math.imul(tt, Se) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, Ie), U = U + Math.imul(ot, Ge) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, rt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, rt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(se, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(se, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ce, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ce, Ft) | 0;
var Ke = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, Ge), D = Math.imul(Qe, rt), D = D + Math.imul(tt, Ge) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, rt), U = U + Math.imul(ot, wt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, Ot) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, Ot) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(G, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Y, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Y, Ft) | 0;
var me = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (me >>> 26) | 0, me &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, wt), D = Math.imul(Qe, Ot), D = D + Math.imul(tt, wt) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, Ot), U = U + Math.imul(ot, ct) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, At) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, At) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(we, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(we, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(_e, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_e, Ft) | 0;
var Fe = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Fe >>> 26) | 0, Fe &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, ct), D = Math.imul(Qe, At), D = D + Math.imul(tt, ct) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, At), U = U + Math.imul(ot, bt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, Kt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, Kt) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(Ye, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ye, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(nt, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(nt, Ft) | 0;
var Be = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, bt), D = Math.imul(Qe, Kt), D = D + Math.imul(tt, bt) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, Kt), U = U + Math.imul(ot, xt) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(ot, Ft) | 0, D = D + Math.imul(Ue, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Ue, Ft) | 0;
var dt = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (dt >>> 26) | 0, dt &= 67108863, U = Math.imul(Qe, xt), D = Math.imul(Qe, Ft), D = D + Math.imul(tt, xt) | 0, B = Math.imul(tt, Ft);
var St = (W + U | 0) + ((D & 8191) << 13) | 0;
return W = (B + (D >>> 13) | 0) + (St >>> 26) | 0, St &= 67108863, $[0] = Lt, $[1] = Et, $[2] = Dr, $[3] = Or, $[4] = Gr, $[5] = Nr, $[6] = Yr, $[7] = Qt, $[8] = Xr, $[9] = Fr, $[10] = Lr, $[11] = Ur, $[12] = vt, $[13] = Ke, $[14] = me, $[15] = Fe, $[16] = Be, $[17] = dt, $[18] = St, W !== 0 && ($[19] = W, E.length++), E;
Math.imul || (r = a);
function t(I, R, C) {
C.negative = R.negative ^ I.negative, C.length = I.length + R.length;
for (var E = 0, A = 0, L = 0; L < C.length - 1; L++) {
var $ = A;
A = 0;
for (var W = E & 67108863, U = Math.min(L, R.length - 1), D = Math.max(0, L - I.length + 1); D <= U; D++) {
var B = L - D, j = I.words[B] | 0, V = R.words[D] | 0, re = j * V, ee = re & 67108863;
$ = $ + (re / 67108864 | 0) | 0, ee = ee + W | 0, W = ee & 67108863, $ = $ + (ee >>> 26) | 0, A += $ >>> 26, $ &= 67108863;
C.words[L] = W, E = $, $ = A;
return E !== 0 ? C.words[L] = E : C.length--, C.strip();
function i(I, R, C) {
var E = new n();
return E.mulp(I, R, C);
f.prototype.mulTo = function(R, C) {
var E, A = this.length + R.length;
return this.length === 10 && R.length === 10 ? E = r(this, R, C) : A < 63 ? E = a(this, R, C) : A < 1024 ? E = t(this, R, C) : E = i(this, R, C), E;
function n(I, R) {
this.x = I, this.y = R;
n.prototype.makeRBT = function(R) {
for (var C = new Array(R), E = f.prototype._countBits(R) - 1, A = 0; A < R; A++)
C[A] = this.revBin(A, E, R);
return C;
}, n.prototype.revBin = function(R, C, E) {
if (R === 0 || R === E - 1)
return R;
for (var A = 0, L = 0; L < C; L++)
A |= (R & 1) << C - L - 1, R >>= 1;
return A;
}, n.prototype.permute = function(R, C, E, A, L, $) {
for (var W = 0; W < $; W++)
A[W] = C[R[W]], L[W] = E[R[W]];
}, n.prototype.transform = function(R, C, E, A, L, $) {
this.permute($, R, C, E, A, L);
for (var W = 1; W < L; W <<= 1)
for (var U = W << 1, D = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / U), B = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / U), j = 0; j < L; j += U)
for (var V = D, re = B, ee = 0; ee < W; ee++) {
var ce = E[j + ee], ve = A[j + ee], ge = E[j + ee + W], oe = A[j + ee + W], J = V * ge - re * oe;
oe = V * oe + re * ge, ge = J, E[j + ee] = ce + ge, A[j + ee] = ve + oe, E[j + ee + W] = ce - ge, A[j + ee + W] = ve - oe, ee !== U && (J = D * V - B * re, re = D * re + B * V, V = J);
}, n.prototype.guessLen13b = function(R, C) {
var E = Math.max(C, R) | 1, A = E & 1, L = 0;
for (E = E / 2 | 0; E; E = E >>> 1)
return 1 << L + 1 + A;
}, n.prototype.conjugate = function(R, C, E) {
if (!(E <= 1))
for (var A = 0; A < E / 2; A++) {
var L = R[A];
R[A] = R[E - A - 1], R[E - A - 1] = L, L = C[A], C[A] = -C[E - A - 1], C[E - A - 1] = -L;
}, n.prototype.normalize13b = function(R, C) {
for (var E = 0, A = 0; A < C / 2; A++) {
var L = Math.round(R[2 * A + 1] / C) * 8192 + Math.round(R[2 * A] / C) + E;
R[A] = L & 67108863, L < 67108864 ? E = 0 : E = L / 67108864 | 0;
return R;
}, n.prototype.convert13b = function(R, C, E, A) {
for (var L = 0, $ = 0; $ < C; $++)
L = L + (R[$] | 0), E[2 * $] = L & 8191, L = L >>> 13, E[2 * $ + 1] = L & 8191, L = L >>> 13;
for ($ = 2 * C; $ < A; ++$)
E[$] = 0;
b(L === 0), b((L & -8192) === 0);
}, n.prototype.stub = function(R) {
for (var C = new Array(R), E = 0; E < R; E++)
C[E] = 0;
return C;
}, n.prototype.mulp = function(R, C, E) {
var A = 2 * this.guessLen13b(R.length, C.length), L = this.makeRBT(A), $ = this.stub(A), W = new Array(A), U = new Array(A), D = new Array(A), B = new Array(A), j = new Array(A), V = new Array(A), re = E.words;
re.length = A, this.convert13b(R.words, R.length, W, A), this.convert13b(C.words, C.length, B, A), this.transform(W, $, U, D, A, L), this.transform(B, $, j, V, A, L);
for (var ee = 0; ee < A; ee++) {
var ce = U[ee] * j[ee] - D[ee] * V[ee];
D[ee] = U[ee] * V[ee] + D[ee] * j[ee], U[ee] = ce;
return this.conjugate(U, D, A), this.transform(U, D, re, $, A, L), this.conjugate(re, $, A), this.normalize13b(re, A), E.negative = R.negative ^ C.negative, E.length = R.length + C.length, E.strip();
}, f.prototype.mul = function(R) {
var C = new f(null);
return C.words = new Array(this.length + R.length), this.mulTo(R, C);
}, f.prototype.mulf = function(R) {
var C = new f(null);
return C.words = new Array(this.length + R.length), i(this, R, C);
}, f.prototype.imul = function(R) {
return this.clone().mulTo(R, this);
}, f.prototype.imuln = function(R) {
b(typeof R == "number"), b(R < 67108864);
for (var C = 0, E = 0; E < this.length; E++) {
var A = (this.words[E] | 0) * R, L = (A & 67108863) + (C & 67108863);
C >>= 26, C += A / 67108864 | 0, C += L >>> 26, this.words[E] = L & 67108863;
return C !== 0 && (this.words[E] = C, this.length++), this;
}, f.prototype.muln = function(R) {
return this.clone().imuln(R);
}, f.prototype.sqr = function() {
return this.mul(this);
}, f.prototype.isqr = function() {
return this.imul(this.clone());
}, f.prototype.pow = function(R) {
var C = c(R);
if (C.length === 0)
return new f(1);
for (var E = this, A = 0; A < C.length && C[A] === 0; A++, E = E.sqr())
if (++A < C.length)
for (var L = E.sqr(); A < C.length; A++, L = L.sqr())
C[A] !== 0 && (E = E.mul(L));
return E;
}, f.prototype.iushln = function(R) {
b(typeof R == "number" && R >= 0);
var C = R % 26, E = (R - C) / 26, A = 67108863 >>> 26 - C << 26 - C, L;
if (C !== 0) {
var $ = 0;
for (L = 0; L < this.length; L++) {
var W = this.words[L] & A, U = (this.words[L] | 0) - W << C;
this.words[L] = U | $, $ = W >>> 26 - C;
$ && (this.words[L] = $, this.length++);
if (E !== 0) {
for (L = this.length - 1; L >= 0; L--)
this.words[L + E] = this.words[L];
for (L = 0; L < E; L++)
this.words[L] = 0;
this.length += E;
return this.strip();
}, f.prototype.ishln = function(R) {
return b(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(R);
}, f.prototype.iushrn = function(R, C, E) {
b(typeof R == "number" && R >= 0);
var A;
C ? A = (C - C % 26) / 26 : A = 0;
var L = R % 26, $ = Math.min((R - L) / 26, this.length), W = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> L << L, U = E;
if (A -= $, A = Math.max(0, A), U) {
for (var D = 0; D < $; D++)
U.words[D] = this.words[D];
U.length = $;
if ($ !== 0)
if (this.length > $)
for (this.length -= $, D = 0; D < this.length; D++)
this.words[D] = this.words[D + $];
this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1;
var B = 0;
for (D = this.length - 1; D >= 0 && (B !== 0 || D >= A); D--) {
var j = this.words[D] | 0;
this.words[D] = B << 26 - L | j >>> L, B = j & W;
return U && B !== 0 && (U.words[U.length++] = B), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip();
}, f.prototype.ishrn = function(R, C, E) {
return b(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(R, C, E);
}, f.prototype.shln = function(R) {
return this.clone().ishln(R);
}, f.prototype.ushln = function(R) {
return this.clone().iushln(R);
}, f.prototype.shrn = function(R) {
return this.clone().ishrn(R);
}, f.prototype.ushrn = function(R) {
return this.clone().iushrn(R);
}, f.prototype.testn = function(R) {
b(typeof R == "number" && R >= 0);
var C = R % 26, E = (R - C) / 26, A = 1 << C;
if (this.length <= E)
return !1;
var L = this.words[E];
return !!(L & A);
}, f.prototype.imaskn = function(R) {
b(typeof R == "number" && R >= 0);
var C = R % 26, E = (R - C) / 26;
if (b(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= E)
return this;
if (C !== 0 && E++, this.length = Math.min(E, this.length), C !== 0) {
var A = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> C << C;
this.words[this.length - 1] &= A;
return this.strip();
}, f.prototype.maskn = function(R) {
return this.clone().imaskn(R);
}, f.prototype.iaddn = function(R) {
return b(typeof R == "number"), b(R < 67108864), R < 0 ? this.isubn(-R) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) < R ? (this.words[0] = R - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(R), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(R);
}, f.prototype._iaddn = function(R) {
this.words[0] += R;
for (var C = 0; C < this.length && this.words[C] >= 67108864; C++)
this.words[C] -= 67108864, C === this.length - 1 ? this.words[C + 1] = 1 : this.words[C + 1]++;
return this.length = Math.max(this.length, C + 1), this;
}, f.prototype.isubn = function(R) {
if (b(typeof R == "number"), b(R < 67108864), R < 0)
return this.iaddn(-R);
if (this.negative !== 0)
return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(R), this.negative = 1, this;
if (this.words[0] -= R, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0)
this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1;
for (var C = 0; C < this.length && this.words[C] < 0; C++)
this.words[C] += 67108864, this.words[C + 1] -= 1;
return this.strip();
}, f.prototype.addn = function(R) {
return this.clone().iaddn(R);
}, f.prototype.subn = function(R) {
return this.clone().isubn(R);
}, f.prototype.iabs = function() {
return this.negative = 0, this;
}, f.prototype.abs = function() {
return this.clone().iabs();
}, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(R, C, E) {
var A = R.length + E, L;
var $, W = 0;
for (L = 0; L < R.length; L++) {
$ = (this.words[L + E] | 0) + W;
var U = (R.words[L] | 0) * C;
$ -= U & 67108863, W = ($ >> 26) - (U / 67108864 | 0), this.words[L + E] = $ & 67108863;
for (; L < this.length - E; L++)
$ = (this.words[L + E] | 0) + W, W = $ >> 26, this.words[L + E] = $ & 67108863;
if (W === 0)
return this.strip();
for (b(W === -1), W = 0, L = 0; L < this.length; L++)
$ = -(this.words[L] | 0) + W, W = $ >> 26, this.words[L] = $ & 67108863;
return this.negative = 1, this.strip();
}, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(R, C) {
var E = this.length - R.length, A = this.clone(), L = R, $ = L.words[L.length - 1] | 0, W = this._countBits($);
E = 26 - W, E !== 0 && (L = L.ushln(E), A.iushln(E), $ = L.words[L.length - 1] | 0);
var U = A.length - L.length, D;
if (C !== "mod") {
D = new f(null), D.length = U + 1, D.words = new Array(D.length);
for (var B = 0; B < D.length; B++)
D.words[B] = 0;
var j = A.clone()._ishlnsubmul(L, 1, U);
j.negative === 0 && (A = j, D && (D.words[U] = 1));
for (var V = U - 1; V >= 0; V--) {
var re = (A.words[L.length + V] | 0) * 67108864 + (A.words[L.length + V - 1] | 0);
for (re = Math.min(re / $ | 0, 67108863), A._ishlnsubmul(L, re, V); A.negative !== 0; )
re--, A.negative = 0, A._ishlnsubmul(L, 1, V), A.isZero() || (A.negative ^= 1);
D && (D.words[V] = re);
return D && D.strip(), A.strip(), C !== "div" && E !== 0 && A.iushrn(E), {
div: D || null,
mod: A
}, f.prototype.divmod = function(R, C, E) {
if (b(!R.isZero()), this.isZero())
return {
div: new f(0),
mod: new f(0)
var A, L, $;
return this.negative !== 0 && R.negative === 0 ? ($ = this.neg().divmod(R, C), C !== "mod" && (A = $.div.neg()), C !== "div" && (L = $.mod.neg(), E && L.negative !== 0 && L.iadd(R)), {
div: A,
mod: L
}) : this.negative === 0 && R.negative !== 0 ? ($ = this.divmod(R.neg(), C), C !== "mod" && (A = $.div.neg()), {
div: A,
mod: $.mod
}) : this.negative & R.negative ? ($ = this.neg().divmod(R.neg(), C), C !== "div" && (L = $.mod.neg(), E && L.negative !== 0 && L.isub(R)), {
div: $.div,
mod: L
}) : R.length > this.length || this.cmp(R) < 0 ? {
div: new f(0),
mod: this
} : R.length === 1 ? C === "div" ? {
div: this.divn(R.words[0]),
mod: null
} : C === "mod" ? {
div: null,
mod: new f(this.modn(R.words[0]))
} : {
div: this.divn(R.words[0]),
mod: new f(this.modn(R.words[0]))
} : this._wordDiv(R, C);
}, f.prototype.div = function(R) {
return this.divmod(R, "div", !1).div;
}, f.prototype.mod = function(R) {
return this.divmod(R, "mod", !1).mod;
}, f.prototype.umod = function(R) {
return this.divmod(R, "mod", !0).mod;
}, f.prototype.divRound = function(R) {
var C = this.divmod(R);
if (C.mod.isZero())
return C.div;
var E = C.div.negative !== 0 ? C.mod.isub(R) : C.mod, A = R.ushrn(1), L = R.andln(1), $ = E.cmp(A);
return $ < 0 || L === 1 && $ === 0 ? C.div : C.div.negative !== 0 ? C.div.isubn(1) : C.div.iaddn(1);
}, f.prototype.modn = function(R) {
b(R <= 67108863);
for (var C = (1 << 26) % R, E = 0, A = this.length - 1; A >= 0; A--)
E = (C * E + (this.words[A] | 0)) % R;
return E;
}, f.prototype.idivn = function(R) {
b(R <= 67108863);
for (var C = 0, E = this.length - 1; E >= 0; E--) {
var A = (this.words[E] | 0) + C * 67108864;
this.words[E] = A / R | 0, C = A % R;
return this.strip();
}, f.prototype.divn = function(R) {
return this.clone().idivn(R);
}, f.prototype.egcd = function(R) {
b(R.negative === 0), b(!R.isZero());
var C = this, E = R.clone();
C.negative !== 0 ? C = C.umod(R) : C = C.clone();
for (var A = new f(1), L = new f(0), $ = new f(0), W = new f(1), U = 0; C.isEven() && E.isEven(); )
C.iushrn(1), E.iushrn(1), ++U;
for (var D = E.clone(), B = C.clone(); !C.isZero(); ) {
for (var j = 0, V = 1; !(C.words[0] & V) && j < 26; ++j, V <<= 1)
if (j > 0)
for (C.iushrn(j); j-- > 0; )
(A.isOdd() || L.isOdd()) && (A.iadd(D), L.isub(B)), A.iushrn(1), L.iushrn(1);
for (var re = 0, ee = 1; !(E.words[0] & ee) && re < 26; ++re, ee <<= 1)
if (re > 0)
for (E.iushrn(re); re-- > 0; )
($.isOdd() || W.isOdd()) && ($.iadd(D), W.isub(B)), $.iushrn(1), W.iushrn(1);
C.cmp(E) >= 0 ? (C.isub(E), A.isub($), L.isub(W)) : (E.isub(C), $.isub(A), W.isub(L));
return {
a: $,
b: W,
gcd: E.iushln(U)
}, f.prototype._invmp = function(R) {
b(R.negative === 0), b(!R.isZero());
var C = this, E = R.clone();
C.negative !== 0 ? C = C.umod(R) : C = C.clone();
for (var A = new f(1), L = new f(0), $ = E.clone(); C.cmpn(1) > 0 && E.cmpn(1) > 0; ) {
for (var W = 0, U = 1; !(C.words[0] & U) && W < 26; ++W, U <<= 1)
if (W > 0)
for (C.iushrn(W); W-- > 0; )
A.isOdd() && A.iadd($), A.iushrn(1);
for (var D = 0, B = 1; !(E.words[0] & B) && D < 26; ++D, B <<= 1)
if (D > 0)
for (E.iushrn(D); D-- > 0; )
L.isOdd() && L.iadd($), L.iushrn(1);
C.cmp(E) >= 0 ? (C.isub(E), A.isub(L)) : (E.isub(C), L.isub(A));
var j;
return C.cmpn(1) === 0 ? j = A : j = L, j.cmpn(0) < 0 && j.iadd(R), j;
}, f.prototype.gcd = function(R) {
if (this.isZero())
return R.abs();
if (R.isZero())
return this.abs();
var C = this.clone(), E = R.clone();
C.negative = 0, E.negative = 0;
for (var A = 0; C.isEven() && E.isEven(); A++)
C.iushrn(1), E.iushrn(1);
do {
for (; C.isEven(); )
for (; E.isEven(); )
var L = C.cmp(E);
if (L < 0) {
var $ = C;
C = E, E = $;
} else if (L === 0 || E.cmpn(1) === 0)
} while (!0);
return E.iushln(A);
}, f.prototype.invm = function(R) {
return this.egcd(R).a.umod(R);
}, f.prototype.isEven = function() {
return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0;
}, f.prototype.isOdd = function() {
return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1;
}, f.prototype.andln = function(R) {
return this.words[0] & R;
}, f.prototype.bincn = function(R) {
b(typeof R == "number");
var C = R % 26, E = (R - C) / 26, A = 1 << C;
if (this.length <= E)
return this._expand(E + 1), this.words[E] |= A, this;
for (var L = A, $ = E; L !== 0 && $ < this.length; $++) {
var W = this.words[$] | 0;
W += L, L = W >>> 26, W &= 67108863, this.words[$] = W;
return L !== 0 && (this.words[$] = L, this.length++), this;
}, f.prototype.isZero = function() {
return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0;
}, f.prototype.cmpn = function(R) {
var C = R < 0;
if (this.negative !== 0 && !C)
return -1;
if (this.negative === 0 && C)
return 1;
var E;
if (this.length > 1)
E = 1;
else {
C && (R = -R), b(R <= 67108863, "Number is too big");
var A = this.words[0] | 0;
E = A === R ? 0 : A < R ? -1 : 1;
return this.negative !== 0 ? -E | 0 : E;
}, f.prototype.cmp = function(R) {
if (this.negative !== 0 && R.negative === 0)
return -1;
if (this.negative === 0 && R.negative !== 0)
return 1;
var C = this.ucmp(R);
return this.negative !== 0 ? -C | 0 : C;
}, f.prototype.ucmp = function(R) {
if (this.length > R.length)
return 1;
if (this.length < R.length)
return -1;
for (var C = 0, E = this.length - 1; E >= 0; E--) {
var A = this.words[E] | 0, L = R.words[E] | 0;
if (A !== L) {
A < L ? C = -1 : A > L && (C = 1);
return C;
}, f.prototype.gtn = function(R) {
return this.cmpn(R) === 1;
}, = function(R) {
return this.cmp(R) === 1;
}, f.prototype.gten = function(R) {
return this.cmpn(R) >= 0;
}, f.prototype.gte = function(R) {
return this.cmp(R) >= 0;
}, f.prototype.ltn = function(R) {
return this.cmpn(R) === -1;
}, = function(R) {
return this.cmp(R) === -1;
}, f.prototype.lten = function(R) {
return this.cmpn(R) <= 0;
}, f.prototype.lte = function(R) {
return this.cmp(R) <= 0;
}, f.prototype.eqn = function(R) {
return this.cmpn(R) === 0;
}, f.prototype.eq = function(R) {
return this.cmp(R) === 0;
}, = function(R) {
return new N(R);
}, f.prototype.toRed = function(R) {
return b(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), b(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), R.convertTo(this)._forceRed(R);
}, f.prototype.fromRed = function() {
return b(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),;
}, f.prototype._forceRed = function(R) {
return = R, this;
}, f.prototype.forceRed = function(R) {
return b(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(R);
}, f.prototype.redAdd = function(R) {
return b(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, R);
}, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(R) {
return b(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, R);
}, f.prototype.redSub = function(R) {
return b(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, R);
}, f.prototype.redISub = function(R) {
return b(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, R);
}, f.prototype.redShl = function(R) {
return b(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, R);
}, f.prototype.redMul = function(R) {
return b(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, R),, R);
}, f.prototype.redIMul = function(R) {
return b(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, R),, R);
}, f.prototype.redSqr = function() {
return b(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redISqr = function() {
return b(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() {
return b(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redInvm = function() {
return b(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redNeg = function() {
return b(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redPow = function(R) {
return b( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, R);
var o = {
k256: null,
p224: null,
p192: null,
p25519: null
function p(I, R) { = I, this.p = new f(R, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp();
p.prototype._tmp = function() {
var R = new f(null);
return R.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), R;
}, p.prototype.ireduce = function(R) {
var C = R, E;
this.split(C, this.tmp), C = this.imulK(C), C = C.iadd(this.tmp), E = C.bitLength();
while (E > this.n);
var A = E < this.n ? -1 : C.ucmp(this.p);
return A === 0 ? (C.words[0] = 0, C.length = 1) : A > 0 ? C.isub(this.p) : C.strip !== void 0 ? C.strip() : C._strip(), C;
}, p.prototype.split = function(R, C) {
R.iushrn(this.n, 0, C);
}, p.prototype.imulK = function(R) {
return R.imul(this.k);
function O() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f");
w(O, p), O.prototype.split = function(R, C) {
for (var E = 4194303, A = Math.min(R.length, 9), L = 0; L < A; L++)
C.words[L] = R.words[L];
if (C.length = A, R.length <= 9) {
R.words[0] = 0, R.length = 1;
var $ = R.words[9];
for (C.words[C.length++] = $ & E, L = 10; L < R.length; L++) {
var W = R.words[L] | 0;
R.words[L - 10] = (W & E) << 4 | $ >>> 22, $ = W;
$ >>>= 22, R.words[L - 10] = $, $ === 0 && R.length > 10 ? R.length -= 10 : R.length -= 9;
}, O.prototype.imulK = function(R) {
R.words[R.length] = 0, R.words[R.length + 1] = 0, R.length += 2;
for (var C = 0, E = 0; E < R.length; E++) {
var A = R.words[E] | 0;
C += A * 977, R.words[E] = C & 67108863, C = A * 64 + (C / 67108864 | 0);
return R.words[R.length - 1] === 0 && (R.length--, R.words[R.length - 1] === 0 && R.length--), R;
function P() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001");
w(P, p);
function F() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff");
w(F, p);
function z() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed");
w(z, p), z.prototype.imulK = function(R) {
for (var C = 0, E = 0; E < R.length; E++) {
var A = (R.words[E] | 0) * 19 + C, L = A & 67108863;
A >>>= 26, R.words[E] = L, C = A;
return C !== 0 && (R.words[R.length++] = C), R;
}, f._prime = function(R) {
if (o[R])
return o[R];
var C;
if (R === "k256")
C = new O();
else if (R === "p224")
C = new P();
else if (R === "p192")
C = new F();
else if (R === "p25519")
C = new z();
throw new Error("Unknown prime " + R);
return o[R] = C, C;
function N(I) {
if (typeof I == "string") {
var R = f._prime(I);
this.m = R.p, = R;
} else
b(I.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = I, = null;
N.prototype._verify1 = function(R) {
b(R.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), b(, "red works only with red numbers");
}, N.prototype._verify2 = function(R, C) {
b((R.negative | C.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), b( && ===, "red works only with red numbers");
}, N.prototype.imod = function(R) {
return ? : R.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this);
}, N.prototype.neg = function(R) {
return R.isZero() ? R.clone() : this.m.sub(R)._forceRed(this);
}, N.prototype.add = function(R, C) {
this._verify2(R, C);
var E = R.add(C);
return E.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && E.isub(this.m), E._forceRed(this);
}, N.prototype.iadd = function(R, C) {
this._verify2(R, C);
var E = R.iadd(C);
return E.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && E.isub(this.m), E;
}, N.prototype.sub = function(R, C) {
this._verify2(R, C);
var E = R.sub(C);
return E.cmpn(0) < 0 && E.iadd(this.m), E._forceRed(this);
}, N.prototype.isub = function(R, C) {
this._verify2(R, C);
var E = R.isub(C);
return E.cmpn(0) < 0 && E.iadd(this.m), E;
}, N.prototype.shl = function(R, C) {
return this._verify1(R), this.imod(R.ushln(C));
}, N.prototype.imul = function(R, C) {
return this._verify2(R, C), this.imod(R.imul(C));
}, N.prototype.mul = function(R, C) {
return this._verify2(R, C), this.imod(R.mul(C));
}, N.prototype.isqr = function(R) {
return this.imul(R, R.clone());
}, N.prototype.sqr = function(R) {
return this.mul(R, R);
}, N.prototype.sqrt = function(R) {
if (R.isZero())
return R.clone();
var C = this.m.andln(3);
if (b(C % 2 === 1), C === 3) {
var E = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2);
return this.pow(R, E);
for (var A = this.m.subn(1), L = 0; !A.isZero() && A.andln(1) === 0; )
L++, A.iushrn(1);
var $ = new f(1).toRed(this), W = $.redNeg(), U = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), D = this.m.bitLength();
for (D = new f(2 * D * D).toRed(this); this.pow(D, U).cmp(W) !== 0; )
for (var B = this.pow(D, A), j = this.pow(R, A.addn(1).iushrn(1)), V = this.pow(R, A), re = L; V.cmp($) !== 0; ) {
for (var ee = V, ce = 0; ee.cmp($) !== 0; ce++)
ee = ee.redSqr();
b(ce < re);
var ve = this.pow(B, new f(1).iushln(re - ce - 1));
j = j.redMul(ve), B = ve.redSqr(), V = V.redMul(B), re = ce;
return j;
}, N.prototype.invm = function(R) {
var C = R._invmp(this.m);
return C.negative !== 0 ? (C.negative = 0, this.imod(C).redNeg()) : this.imod(C);
}, N.prototype.pow = function(R, C) {
if (C.isZero())
return new f(1).toRed(this);
if (C.cmpn(1) === 0)
return R.clone();
var E = 4, A = new Array(1 << E);
A[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), A[1] = R;
for (var L = 2; L < A.length; L++)
A[L] = this.mul(A[L - 1], R);
var $ = A[0], W = 0, U = 0, D = C.bitLength() % 26;
for (D === 0 && (D = 26), L = C.length - 1; L >= 0; L--) {
for (var B = C.words[L], j = D - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var V = B >> j & 1;
if ($ !== A[0] && ($ = this.sqr($)), V === 0 && W === 0) {
U = 0;
W <<= 1, W |= V, U++, !(U !== E && (L !== 0 || j !== 0)) && ($ = this.mul($, A[W]), U = 0, W = 0);
D = 26;
return $;
}, N.prototype.convertTo = function(R) {
var C = R.umod(this.m);
return C === R ? C.clone() : C;
}, N.prototype.convertFrom = function(R) {
var C = R.clone();
return = null, C;
}, f.mont = function(R) {
return new M(R);
function M(I) {, I), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv);
w(M, N), M.prototype.convertTo = function(R) {
return this.imod(R.ushln(this.shift));
}, M.prototype.convertFrom = function(R) {
var C = this.imod(R.mul(this.rinv));
return = null, C;
}, M.prototype.imul = function(R, C) {
if (R.isZero() || C.isZero())
return R.words[0] = 0, R.length = 1, R;
var E = R.imul(C), A = E.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), L = E.isub(A).iushrn(this.shift), $ = L;
return L.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? $ = L.isub(this.m) : L.cmpn(0) < 0 && ($ = L.iadd(this.m)), $._forceRed(this);
}, M.prototype.mul = function(R, C) {
if (R.isZero() || C.isZero())
return new f(0)._forceRed(this);
var E = R.mul(C), A = E.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), L = E.isub(A).iushrn(this.shift), $ = L;
return L.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? $ = L.isub(this.m) : L.cmpn(0) < 0 && ($ = L.iadd(this.m)), $._forceRed(this);
}, M.prototype.invm = function(R) {
var C = this.imod(R._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2));
return C._forceRed(this);
})(typeof x == "undefined" || x, void 0);
}, { buffer: 185 }], 182: [function(e, x, _) {
_.byteLength = h, _.toByteArray = d, _.fromByteArray = c;
for (var u = [], m = [], g = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? Uint8Array : Array, b = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", w = 0, f = b.length; w < f; ++w)
u[w] = b[w], m[b.charCodeAt(w)] = w;
m["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, m["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
function y(a) {
var r = a.length;
if (r % 4 > 0)
throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");
var t = a.indexOf("=");
t === -1 && (t = r);
var i = t === r ? 0 : 4 - t % 4;
return [t, i];
function h(a) {
var r = y(a), t = r[0], i = r[1];
return (t + i) * 3 / 4 - i;
function l(a, r, t) {
return (r + t) * 3 / 4 - t;
function d(a) {
var r, t = y(a), i = t[0], n = t[1], o = new g(l(a, i, n)), p = 0, O = n > 0 ? i - 4 : i, P;
for (P = 0; P < O; P += 4)
r = m[a.charCodeAt(P)] << 18 | m[a.charCodeAt(P + 1)] << 12 | m[a.charCodeAt(P + 2)] << 6 | m[a.charCodeAt(P + 3)], o[p++] = r >> 16 & 255, o[p++] = r >> 8 & 255, o[p++] = r & 255;
return n === 2 && (r = m[a.charCodeAt(P)] << 2 | m[a.charCodeAt(P + 1)] >> 4, o[p++] = r & 255), n === 1 && (r = m[a.charCodeAt(P)] << 10 | m[a.charCodeAt(P + 1)] << 4 | m[a.charCodeAt(P + 2)] >> 2, o[p++] = r >> 8 & 255, o[p++] = r & 255), o;
function s(a) {
return u[a >> 18 & 63] + u[a >> 12 & 63] + u[a >> 6 & 63] + u[a & 63];
function v(a, r, t) {
for (var i, n = [], o = r; o < t; o += 3)
i = (a[o] << 16 & 16711680) + (a[o + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (a[o + 2] & 255), n.push(s(i));
return n.join("");
function c(a) {
for (var r, t = a.length, i = t % 3, n = [], o = 16383, p = 0, O = t - i; p < O; p += o)
n.push(v(a, p, p + o > O ? O : p + o));
return i === 1 ? (r = a[t - 1], n.push(u[r >> 2] + u[r << 4 & 63] + "==")) : i === 2 && (r = (a[t - 2] << 8) + a[t - 1], n.push(u[r >> 10] + u[r >> 4 & 63] + u[r << 2 & 63] + "=")), n.join("");
}, {}], 183: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(b) {
return typeof b;
} : u = function(b) {
return b && typeof Symbol == "function" && b.constructor === Symbol && b !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof b;
}, u(m);
(function(m, g) {
function b(C, E) {
if (!C)
throw new Error(E || "Assertion failed");
function w(C, E) {
C.super_ = E;
var A = function() {
A.prototype = E.prototype, C.prototype = new A(), C.prototype.constructor = C;
function f(C, E, A) {
if (f.isBN(C))
return C;
this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, = null, C !== null && ((E === "le" || E === "be") && (A = E, E = 10), this._init(C || 0, E || 10, A || "be"));
u(m) === "object" ? m.exports = f : g.BN = f, f.BN = f, f.wordSize = 26;
var y;
try {
y = e("buffer").Buffer;
} catch (C) {
f.isBN = function(E) {
return E instanceof f ? !0 : E !== null && u(E) === "object" && E.constructor.wordSize === f.wordSize && Array.isArray(E.words);
}, f.max = function(E, A) {
return E.cmp(A) > 0 ? E : A;
}, f.min = function(E, A) {
return E.cmp(A) < 0 ? E : A;
}, f.prototype._init = function(E, A, L) {
if (typeof E == "number")
return this._initNumber(E, A, L);
if (u(E) === "object")
return this._initArray(E, A, L);
A === "hex" && (A = 16), b(A === (A | 0) && A >= 2 && A <= 36), E = E.toString().replace(/\s+/g, "");
var $ = 0;
E[0] === "-" && $++, A === 16 ? this._parseHex(E, $) : this._parseBase(E, A, $), E[0] === "-" && (this.negative = 1), this._strip(), L === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), A, L);
}, f.prototype._initNumber = function(E, A, L) {
E < 0 && (this.negative = 1, E = -E), E < 67108864 ? (this.words = [E & 67108863], this.length = 1) : E < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [E & 67108863, E / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (b(E < 9007199254740992), this.words = [E & 67108863, E / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), L === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), A, L);
}, f.prototype._initArray = function(E, A, L) {
if (b(typeof E.length == "number"), E.length <= 0)
return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this;
this.length = Math.ceil(E.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length);
for (var $ = 0; $ < this.length; $++)
this.words[$] = 0;
var W, U, D = 0;
if (L === "be")
for ($ = E.length - 1, W = 0; $ >= 0; $ -= 3)
U = E[$] | E[$ - 1] << 8 | E[$ - 2] << 16, this.words[W] |= U << D & 67108863, this.words[W + 1] = U >>> 26 - D & 67108863, D += 24, D >= 26 && (D -= 26, W++);
else if (L === "le")
for ($ = 0, W = 0; $ < E.length; $ += 3)
U = E[$] | E[$ + 1] << 8 | E[$ + 2] << 16, this.words[W] |= U << D & 67108863, this.words[W + 1] = U >>> 26 - D & 67108863, D += 24, D >= 26 && (D -= 26, W++);
return this._strip();
function h(C, E, A) {
for (var L = 0, $ = Math.min(C.length, A), W = 0, U = E; U < $; U++) {
var D = C.charCodeAt(U) - 48;
L <<= 4;
var B;
D >= 49 && D <= 54 ? B = D - 49 + 10 : D >= 17 && D <= 22 ? B = D - 17 + 10 : B = D, L |= B, W |= B;
return b(!(W & 240), "Invalid character in " + C), L;
f.prototype._parseHex = function(E, A) {
this.length = Math.ceil((E.length - A) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length);
for (var L = 0; L < this.length; L++)
this.words[L] = 0;
var $, W, U = 0;
for (L = E.length - 6, $ = 0; L >= A; L -= 6)
W = h(E, L, L + 6), this.words[$] |= W << U & 67108863, this.words[$ + 1] |= W >>> 26 - U & 4194303, U += 24, U >= 26 && (U -= 26, $++);
L + 6 !== A && (W = h(E, A, L + 6), this.words[$] |= W << U & 67108863, this.words[$ + 1] |= W >>> 26 - U & 4194303), this._strip();
function l(C, E, A, L) {
for (var $ = 0, W = 0, U = Math.min(C.length, A), D = E; D < U; D++) {
var B = C.charCodeAt(D) - 48;
$ *= L, B >= 49 ? W = B - 49 + 10 : B >= 17 ? W = B - 17 + 10 : W = B, b(B >= 0 && W < L, "Invalid character"), $ += W;
return $;
f.prototype._parseBase = function(E, A, L) {
this.words = [0], this.length = 1;
for (var $ = 0, W = 1; W <= 67108863; W *= A)
$--, W = W / A | 0;
for (var U = E.length - L, D = U % $, B = Math.min(U, U - D) + L, j = 0, V = L; V < B; V += $)
j = l(E, V, V + $, A), this.imuln(W), this.words[0] + j < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += j : this._iaddn(j);
if (D !== 0) {
var re = 1;
for (j = l(E, V, E.length, A), V = 0; V < D; V++)
re *= A;
this.imuln(re), this.words[0] + j < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += j : this._iaddn(j);
}, f.prototype.copy = function(E) {
E.words = new Array(this.length);
for (var A = 0; A < this.length; A++)
E.words[A] = this.words[A];
E.length = this.length, E.negative = this.negative, =;
function d(C, E) {
C.words = E.words, C.length = E.length, C.negative = E.negative, =;
if (f.prototype._move = function(E) {
d(E, this);
}, f.prototype.clone = function() {
var E = new f(null);
return this.copy(E), E;
}, f.prototype._expand = function(E) {
for (; this.length < E; )
this.words[this.length++] = 0;
return this;
}, f.prototype._strip = function() {
for (; this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0; )
return this._normSign();
}, f.prototype._normSign = function() {
return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0 && (this.negative = 0), this;
}, typeof Symbol != "undefined" && typeof Symbol.for == "function")
try {
f.prototype[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = s;
} catch (C) {
f.prototype.inspect = s;
f.prototype.inspect = s;
function s() {
return ( ? "<BN-R: " : "<BN: ") + this.toString(16) + ">";
var v = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], c = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], a = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64e6, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 243e5, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176];
f.prototype.toString = function(E, A) {
E = E || 10, A = A | 0 || 1;
var L;
if (E === 16 || E === "hex") {
L = "";
for (var $ = 0, W = 0, U = 0; U < this.length; U++) {
var D = this.words[U], B = ((D << $ | W) & 16777215).toString(16);
W = D >>> 24 - $ & 16777215, W !== 0 || U !== this.length - 1 ? L = v[6 - B.length] + B + L : L = B + L, $ += 2, $ >= 26 && ($ -= 26, U--);
for (W !== 0 && (L = W.toString(16) + L); L.length % A !== 0; )
L = "0" + L;
return this.negative !== 0 && (L = "-" + L), L;
if (E === (E | 0) && E >= 2 && E <= 36) {
var j = c[E], V = a[E];
L = "";
var re = this.clone();
for (re.negative = 0; !re.isZero(); ) {
var ee = re.modrn(V).toString(E);
re = re.idivn(V), re.isZero() ? L = ee + L : L = v[j - ee.length] + ee + L;
for (this.isZero() && (L = "0" + L); L.length % A !== 0; )
L = "0" + L;
return this.negative !== 0 && (L = "-" + L), L;
b(!1, "Base should be between 2 and 36");
}, f.prototype.toNumber = function() {
var E = this.words[0];
return this.length === 2 ? E += this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? E += 4503599627370496 + this.words[1] * 67108864 : this.length > 2 && b(!1, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -E : E;
}, f.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.toString(16, 2);
}, y && (f.prototype.toBuffer = function(E, A) {
return this.toArrayLike(y, E, A);
}), f.prototype.toArray = function(E, A) {
return this.toArrayLike(Array, E, A);
var r = function(E, A) {
return E.allocUnsafe ? E.allocUnsafe(A) : new E(A);
f.prototype.toArrayLike = function(E, A, L) {
var $ = this.byteLength(), W = L || Math.max(1, $);
b($ <= W, "byte array longer than desired length"), b(W > 0, "Requested array length <= 0");
var U = r(E, W), D = A === "le" ? "LE" : "BE";
return this["_toArrayLike" + D](U, $), U;
}, f.prototype._toArrayLikeLE = function(E, A) {
for (var L = 0, $ = 0, W = 0, U = 0; W < this.length; W++) {
var D = this.words[W] << U | $;
E[L++] = D & 255, L < E.length && (E[L++] = D >> 8 & 255), L < E.length && (E[L++] = D >> 16 & 255), U === 6 ? (L < E.length && (E[L++] = D >> 24 & 255), $ = 0, U = 0) : ($ = D >>> 24, U += 2);
if (L < E.length)
for (E[L++] = $; L < E.length; )
E[L++] = 0;
}, f.prototype._toArrayLikeBE = function(E, A) {
for (var L = E.length - 1, $ = 0, W = 0, U = 0; W < this.length; W++) {
var D = this.words[W] << U | $;
E[L--] = D & 255, L >= 0 && (E[L--] = D >> 8 & 255), L >= 0 && (E[L--] = D >> 16 & 255), U === 6 ? (L >= 0 && (E[L--] = D >> 24 & 255), $ = 0, U = 0) : ($ = D >>> 24, U += 2);
if (L >= 0)
for (E[L--] = $; L >= 0; )
E[L--] = 0;
}, Math.clz32 ? f.prototype._countBits = function(E) {
return 32 - Math.clz32(E);
} : f.prototype._countBits = function(E) {
var A = E, L = 0;
return A >= 4096 && (L += 13, A >>>= 13), A >= 64 && (L += 7, A >>>= 7), A >= 8 && (L += 4, A >>>= 4), A >= 2 && (L += 2, A >>>= 2), L + A;
}, f.prototype._zeroBits = function(E) {
if (E === 0)
return 26;
var A = E, L = 0;
return A & 8191 || (L += 13, A >>>= 13), A & 127 || (L += 7, A >>>= 7), A & 15 || (L += 4, A >>>= 4), A & 3 || (L += 2, A >>>= 2), A & 1 || L++, L;
}, f.prototype.bitLength = function() {
var E = this.words[this.length - 1], A = this._countBits(E);
return (this.length - 1) * 26 + A;
function t(C) {
for (var E = new Array(C.bitLength()), A = 0; A < E.length; A++) {
var L = A / 26 | 0, $ = A % 26;
E[A] = C.words[L] >>> $ & 1;
return E;
f.prototype.zeroBits = function() {
if (this.isZero())
return 0;
for (var E = 0, A = 0; A < this.length; A++) {
var L = this._zeroBits(this.words[A]);
if (E += L, L !== 26)
return E;
}, f.prototype.byteLength = function() {
return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8);
}, f.prototype.toTwos = function(E) {
return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(E).iaddn(1) : this.clone();
}, f.prototype.fromTwos = function(E) {
return this.testn(E - 1) ? this.notn(E).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone();
}, f.prototype.isNeg = function() {
return this.negative !== 0;
}, f.prototype.neg = function() {
return this.clone().ineg();
}, f.prototype.ineg = function() {
return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this;
}, f.prototype.iuor = function(E) {
for (; this.length < E.length; )
this.words[this.length++] = 0;
for (var A = 0; A < E.length; A++)
this.words[A] = this.words[A] | E.words[A];
return this._strip();
}, f.prototype.ior = function(E) {
return b((this.negative | E.negative) === 0), this.iuor(E);
}, f.prototype.or = function(E) {
return this.length > E.length ? this.clone().ior(E) : E.clone().ior(this);
}, f.prototype.uor = function(E) {
return this.length > E.length ? this.clone().iuor(E) : E.clone().iuor(this);
}, f.prototype.iuand = function(E) {
var A;
this.length > E.length ? A = E : A = this;
for (var L = 0; L < A.length; L++)
this.words[L] = this.words[L] & E.words[L];
return this.length = A.length, this._strip();
}, f.prototype.iand = function(E) {
return b((this.negative | E.negative) === 0), this.iuand(E);
}, f.prototype.and = function(E) {
return this.length > E.length ? this.clone().iand(E) : E.clone().iand(this);
}, f.prototype.uand = function(E) {
return this.length > E.length ? this.clone().iuand(E) : E.clone().iuand(this);
}, f.prototype.iuxor = function(E) {
var A, L;
this.length > E.length ? (A = this, L = E) : (A = E, L = this);
for (var $ = 0; $ < L.length; $++)
this.words[$] = A.words[$] ^ L.words[$];
if (this !== A)
for (; $ < A.length; $++)
this.words[$] = A.words[$];
return this.length = A.length, this._strip();
}, f.prototype.ixor = function(E) {
return b((this.negative | E.negative) === 0), this.iuxor(E);
}, f.prototype.xor = function(E) {
return this.length > E.length ? this.clone().ixor(E) : E.clone().ixor(this);
}, f.prototype.uxor = function(E) {
return this.length > E.length ? this.clone().iuxor(E) : E.clone().iuxor(this);
}, f.prototype.inotn = function(E) {
b(typeof E == "number" && E >= 0);
var A = Math.ceil(E / 26) | 0, L = E % 26;
this._expand(A), L > 0 && A--;
for (var $ = 0; $ < A; $++)
this.words[$] = ~this.words[$] & 67108863;
return L > 0 && (this.words[$] = ~this.words[$] & 67108863 >> 26 - L), this._strip();
}, f.prototype.notn = function(E) {
return this.clone().inotn(E);
}, f.prototype.setn = function(E, A) {
b(typeof E == "number" && E >= 0);
var L = E / 26 | 0, $ = E % 26;
return this._expand(L + 1), A ? this.words[L] = this.words[L] | 1 << $ : this.words[L] = this.words[L] & ~(1 << $), this._strip();
}, f.prototype.iadd = function(E) {
var A;
if (this.negative !== 0 && E.negative === 0)
return this.negative = 0, A = this.isub(E), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign();
if (this.negative === 0 && E.negative !== 0)
return E.negative = 0, A = this.isub(E), E.negative = 1, A._normSign();
var L, $;
this.length > E.length ? (L = this, $ = E) : (L = E, $ = this);
for (var W = 0, U = 0; U < $.length; U++)
A = (L.words[U] | 0) + ($.words[U] | 0) + W, this.words[U] = A & 67108863, W = A >>> 26;
for (; W !== 0 && U < L.length; U++)
A = (L.words[U] | 0) + W, this.words[U] = A & 67108863, W = A >>> 26;
if (this.length = L.length, W !== 0)
this.words[this.length] = W, this.length++;
else if (L !== this)
for (; U < L.length; U++)
this.words[U] = L.words[U];
return this;
}, f.prototype.add = function(E) {
var A;
return E.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (E.negative = 0, A = this.sub(E), E.negative ^= 1, A) : E.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, A = E.sub(this), this.negative = 1, A) : this.length > E.length ? this.clone().iadd(E) : E.clone().iadd(this);
}, f.prototype.isub = function(E) {
if (E.negative !== 0) {
E.negative = 0;
var A = this.iadd(E);
return E.negative = 1, A._normSign();
} else if (this.negative !== 0)
return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(E), this.negative = 1, this._normSign();
var L = this.cmp(E);
if (L === 0)
return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this;
var $, W;
L > 0 ? ($ = this, W = E) : ($ = E, W = this);
for (var U = 0, D = 0; D < W.length; D++)
A = ($.words[D] | 0) - (W.words[D] | 0) + U, U = A >> 26, this.words[D] = A & 67108863;
for (; U !== 0 && D < $.length; D++)
A = ($.words[D] | 0) + U, U = A >> 26, this.words[D] = A & 67108863;
if (U === 0 && D < $.length && $ !== this)
for (; D < $.length; D++)
this.words[D] = $.words[D];
return this.length = Math.max(this.length, D), $ !== this && (this.negative = 1), this._strip();
}, f.prototype.sub = function(E) {
return this.clone().isub(E);
function i(C, E, A) {
A.negative = E.negative ^ C.negative;
var L = C.length + E.length | 0;
A.length = L, L = L - 1 | 0;
var $ = C.words[0] | 0, W = E.words[0] | 0, U = $ * W, D = U & 67108863, B = U / 67108864 | 0;
A.words[0] = D;
for (var j = 1; j < L; j++) {
for (var V = B >>> 26, re = B & 67108863, ee = Math.min(j, E.length - 1), ce = Math.max(0, j - C.length + 1); ce <= ee; ce++) {
var ve = j - ce | 0;
$ = C.words[ve] | 0, W = E.words[ce] | 0, U = $ * W + re, V += U / 67108864 | 0, re = U & 67108863;
A.words[j] = re | 0, B = V | 0;
return B !== 0 ? A.words[j] = B | 0 : A.length--, A._strip();
var n = function(E, A, L) {
var $ = E.words, W = A.words, U = L.words, D = 0, B, j, V, re = $[0] | 0, ee = re & 8191, ce = re >>> 13, ve = $[1] | 0, ge = ve & 8191, oe = ve >>> 13, J = $[2] | 0, Q = J & 8191, he = J >>> 13, ke = $[3] | 0, ne = ke & 8191, se = ke >>> 13, Ce = $[4] | 0, q = Ce & 8191, G = Ce >>> 13, Y = $[5] | 0, fe = Y & 8191, we = Y >>> 13, _e = $[6] | 0, je = _e & 8191, Ye = _e >>> 13, nt = $[7] | 0, ut = nt & 8191, ot = nt >>> 13, Ue = $[8] | 0, Ve = Ue & 8191, Qe = Ue >>> 13, tt = $[9] | 0, ae = tt & 8191, Re = tt >>> 13, be = W[0] | 0, Ee = be & 8191, pe = be >>> 13, Pe = W[1] | 0, te = Pe & 8191, He = Pe >>> 13, it = W[2] | 0, K = it & 8191, Me = it >>> 13, Le = W[3] | 0, ue = Le & 8191, Se = Le >>> 13, Ie = W[4] | 0, st = Ie & 8191, Ge = Ie >>> 13, rt = W[5] | 0, _t = rt & 8191, wt = rt >>> 13, Ot = W[6] | 0, pt = Ot & 8191, ct = Ot >>> 13, At = W[7] | 0, Pt = At & 8191, bt = At >>> 13, Kt = W[8] | 0, Ct = Kt & 8191, xt = Kt >>> 13, Ft = W[9] | 0, Lt = Ft & 8191, Et = Ft >>> 13;
L.negative = E.negative ^ A.negative, L.length = 19, B = Math.imul(ee, Ee), j = Math.imul(ee, pe), j = j + Math.imul(ce, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(ce, pe);
var Dr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Dr >>> 26) | 0, Dr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ge, Ee), j = Math.imul(ge, pe), j = j + Math.imul(oe, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(oe, pe), B = B + Math.imul(ee, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, He) | 0;
var Or = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Or >>> 26) | 0, Or &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(Q, Ee), j = Math.imul(Q, pe), j = j + Math.imul(he, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(he, pe), B = B + Math.imul(ge, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, Me) | 0;
var Gr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Gr >>> 26) | 0, Gr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ne, Ee), j = Math.imul(ne, pe), j = j + Math.imul(se, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(se, pe), B = B + Math.imul(Q, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, Se) | 0;
var Nr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Nr >>> 26) | 0, Nr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(q, Ee), j = Math.imul(q, pe), j = j + Math.imul(G, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(G, pe), B = B + Math.imul(ne, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, Ge) | 0;
var Yr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Yr >>> 26) | 0, Yr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(fe, Ee), j = Math.imul(fe, pe), j = j + Math.imul(we, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(we, pe), B = B + Math.imul(q, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, wt) | 0;
var Qt = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Qt >>> 26) | 0, Qt &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(je, Ee), j = Math.imul(je, pe), j = j + Math.imul(Ye, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(Ye, pe), B = B + Math.imul(fe, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, ct) | 0;
var Xr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Xr >>> 26) | 0, Xr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ut, Ee), j = Math.imul(ut, pe), j = j + Math.imul(ot, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(ot, pe), B = B + Math.imul(je, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, bt) | 0;
var Fr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Fr >>> 26) | 0, Fr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(Ve, Ee), j = Math.imul(Ve, pe), j = j + Math.imul(Qe, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(Qe, pe), B = B + Math.imul(ut, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, xt) | 0;
var Lr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Lr >>> 26) | 0, Lr &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, Ee), j = Math.imul(ae, pe), j = j + Math.imul(Re, Ee) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, pe), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, te) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, He) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, te) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, He) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ee, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ee, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ce, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ce, Et) | 0;
var Ur = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Ur >>> 26) | 0, Ur &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, te), j = Math.imul(ae, He), j = j + Math.imul(Re, te) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, He), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, K) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, Me) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, K) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, Me) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ge, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ge, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(oe, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(oe, Et) | 0;
var vt = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (vt >>> 26) | 0, vt &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, K), j = Math.imul(ae, Me), j = j + Math.imul(Re, K) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, Me), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, ue) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, Se) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, ue) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, Se) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Q, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(he, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(he, Et) | 0;
var Ke = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, ue), j = Math.imul(ae, Se), j = j + Math.imul(Re, ue) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, Se), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, st) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, Ge) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, st) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, Ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ne, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ne, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(se, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(se, Et) | 0;
var me = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (me >>> 26) | 0, me &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, st), j = Math.imul(ae, Ge), j = j + Math.imul(Re, st) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, Ge), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, _t) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, wt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, _t) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, wt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(q, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(q, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(G, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(G, Et) | 0;
var Fe = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Fe >>> 26) | 0, Fe &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, _t), j = Math.imul(ae, wt), j = j + Math.imul(Re, _t) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, wt), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, ct) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(fe, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(we, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(we, Et) | 0;
var Be = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Be >>> 26) | 0, Be &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, pt), j = Math.imul(ae, ct), j = j + Math.imul(Re, pt) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, ct), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, Pt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, bt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, Pt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, bt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(je, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(je, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ye, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Ye, Et) | 0;
var dt = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (dt >>> 26) | 0, dt &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, Pt), j = Math.imul(ae, bt), j = j + Math.imul(Re, Pt) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, bt), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, Ct) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, xt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, Ct) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, xt) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(ut, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ut, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(ot, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(ot, Et) | 0;
var St = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (St >>> 26) | 0, St &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, Ct), j = Math.imul(ae, xt), j = j + Math.imul(Re, Ct) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, xt), B = B + Math.imul(Ve, Lt) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Ve, Et) | 0, j = j + Math.imul(Qe, Lt) | 0, V = V + Math.imul(Qe, Et) | 0;
var Ht = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (Ht >>> 26) | 0, Ht &= 67108863, B = Math.imul(ae, Lt), j = Math.imul(ae, Et), j = j + Math.imul(Re, Lt) | 0, V = Math.imul(Re, Et);
var lr = (D + B | 0) + ((j & 8191) << 13) | 0;
return D = (V + (j >>> 13) | 0) + (lr >>> 26) | 0, lr &= 67108863, U[0] = Dr, U[1] = Or, U[2] = Gr, U[3] = Nr, U[4] = Yr, U[5] = Qt, U[6] = Xr, U[7] = Fr, U[8] = Lr, U[9] = Ur, U[10] = vt, U[11] = Ke, U[12] = me, U[13] = Fe, U[14] = Be, U[15] = dt, U[16] = St, U[17] = Ht, U[18] = lr, D !== 0 && (U[19] = D, L.length++), L;
Math.imul || (n = i);
function o(C, E, A) {
A.negative = E.negative ^ C.negative, A.length = C.length + E.length;
for (var L = 0, $ = 0, W = 0; W < A.length - 1; W++) {
var U = $;
$ = 0;
for (var D = L & 67108863, B = Math.min(W, E.length - 1), j = Math.max(0, W - C.length + 1); j <= B; j++) {
var V = W - j, re = C.words[V] | 0, ee = E.words[j] | 0, ce = re * ee, ve = ce & 67108863;
U = U + (ce / 67108864 | 0) | 0, ve = ve + D | 0, D = ve & 67108863, U = U + (ve >>> 26) | 0, $ += U >>> 26, U &= 67108863;
A.words[W] = D, L = U, U = $;
return L !== 0 ? A.words[W] = L : A.length--, A._strip();
function p(C, E, A) {
return o(C, E, A);
f.prototype.mulTo = function(E, A) {
var L, $ = this.length + E.length;
return this.length === 10 && E.length === 10 ? L = n(this, E, A) : $ < 63 ? L = i(this, E, A) : $ < 1024 ? L = o(this, E, A) : L = p(this, E, A), L;
}, f.prototype.mul = function(E) {
var A = new f(null);
return A.words = new Array(this.length + E.length), this.mulTo(E, A);
}, f.prototype.mulf = function(E) {
var A = new f(null);
return A.words = new Array(this.length + E.length), p(this, E, A);
}, f.prototype.imul = function(E) {
return this.clone().mulTo(E, this);
}, f.prototype.imuln = function(E) {
var A = E < 0;
A && (E = -E), b(typeof E == "number"), b(E < 67108864);
for (var L = 0, $ = 0; $ < this.length; $++) {
var W = (this.words[$] | 0) * E, U = (W & 67108863) + (L & 67108863);
L >>= 26, L += W / 67108864 | 0, L += U >>> 26, this.words[$] = U & 67108863;
return L !== 0 && (this.words[$] = L, this.length++), A ? this.ineg() : this;
}, f.prototype.muln = function(E) {
return this.clone().imuln(E);
}, f.prototype.sqr = function() {
return this.mul(this);
}, f.prototype.isqr = function() {
return this.imul(this.clone());
}, f.prototype.pow = function(E) {
var A = t(E);
if (A.length === 0)
return new f(1);
for (var L = this, $ = 0; $ < A.length && A[$] === 0; $++, L = L.sqr())
if (++$ < A.length)
for (var W = L.sqr(); $ < A.length; $++, W = W.sqr())
A[$] !== 0 && (L = L.mul(W));
return L;
}, f.prototype.iushln = function(E) {
b(typeof E == "number" && E >= 0);
var A = E % 26, L = (E - A) / 26, $ = 67108863 >>> 26 - A << 26 - A, W;
if (A !== 0) {
var U = 0;
for (W = 0; W < this.length; W++) {
var D = this.words[W] & $, B = (this.words[W] | 0) - D << A;
this.words[W] = B | U, U = D >>> 26 - A;
U && (this.words[W] = U, this.length++);
if (L !== 0) {
for (W = this.length - 1; W >= 0; W--)
this.words[W + L] = this.words[W];
for (W = 0; W < L; W++)
this.words[W] = 0;
this.length += L;
return this._strip();
}, f.prototype.ishln = function(E) {
return b(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(E);
}, f.prototype.iushrn = function(E, A, L) {
b(typeof E == "number" && E >= 0);
var $;
A ? $ = (A - A % 26) / 26 : $ = 0;
var W = E % 26, U = Math.min((E - W) / 26, this.length), D = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> W << W, B = L;
if ($ -= U, $ = Math.max(0, $), B) {
for (var j = 0; j < U; j++)
B.words[j] = this.words[j];
B.length = U;
if (U !== 0)
if (this.length > U)
for (this.length -= U, j = 0; j < this.length; j++)
this.words[j] = this.words[j + U];
this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1;
var V = 0;
for (j = this.length - 1; j >= 0 && (V !== 0 || j >= $); j--) {
var re = this.words[j] | 0;
this.words[j] = V << 26 - W | re >>> W, V = re & D;
return B && V !== 0 && (B.words[B.length++] = V), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this._strip();
}, f.prototype.ishrn = function(E, A, L) {
return b(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(E, A, L);
}, f.prototype.shln = function(E) {
return this.clone().ishln(E);
}, f.prototype.ushln = function(E) {
return this.clone().iushln(E);
}, f.prototype.shrn = function(E) {
return this.clone().ishrn(E);
}, f.prototype.ushrn = function(E) {
return this.clone().iushrn(E);
}, f.prototype.testn = function(E) {
b(typeof E == "number" && E >= 0);
var A = E % 26, L = (E - A) / 26, $ = 1 << A;
if (this.length <= L)
return !1;
var W = this.words[L];
return !!(W & $);
}, f.prototype.imaskn = function(E) {
b(typeof E == "number" && E >= 0);
var A = E % 26, L = (E - A) / 26;
if (b(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= L)
return this;
if (A !== 0 && L++, this.length = Math.min(L, this.length), A !== 0) {
var $ = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> A << A;
this.words[this.length - 1] &= $;
return this._strip();
}, f.prototype.maskn = function(E) {
return this.clone().imaskn(E);
}, f.prototype.iaddn = function(E) {
return b(typeof E == "number"), b(E < 67108864), E < 0 ? this.isubn(-E) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (this.words[0] | 0) <= E ? (this.words[0] = E - (this.words[0] | 0), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(E), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(E);
}, f.prototype._iaddn = function(E) {
this.words[0] += E;
for (var A = 0; A < this.length && this.words[A] >= 67108864; A++)
this.words[A] -= 67108864, A === this.length - 1 ? this.words[A + 1] = 1 : this.words[A + 1]++;
return this.length = Math.max(this.length, A + 1), this;
}, f.prototype.isubn = function(E) {
if (b(typeof E == "number"), b(E < 67108864), E < 0)
return this.iaddn(-E);
if (this.negative !== 0)
return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(E), this.negative = 1, this;
if (this.words[0] -= E, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0)
this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1;
for (var A = 0; A < this.length && this.words[A] < 0; A++)
this.words[A] += 67108864, this.words[A + 1] -= 1;
return this._strip();
}, f.prototype.addn = function(E) {
return this.clone().iaddn(E);
}, f.prototype.subn = function(E) {
return this.clone().isubn(E);
}, f.prototype.iabs = function() {
return this.negative = 0, this;
}, f.prototype.abs = function() {
return this.clone().iabs();
}, f.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(E, A, L) {
var $ = E.length + L, W;
var U, D = 0;
for (W = 0; W < E.length; W++) {
U = (this.words[W + L] | 0) + D;
var B = (E.words[W] | 0) * A;
U -= B & 67108863, D = (U >> 26) - (B / 67108864 | 0), this.words[W + L] = U & 67108863;
for (; W < this.length - L; W++)
U = (this.words[W + L] | 0) + D, D = U >> 26, this.words[W + L] = U & 67108863;
if (D === 0)
return this._strip();
for (b(D === -1), D = 0, W = 0; W < this.length; W++)
U = -(this.words[W] | 0) + D, D = U >> 26, this.words[W] = U & 67108863;
return this.negative = 1, this._strip();
}, f.prototype._wordDiv = function(E, A) {
var L = this.length - E.length, $ = this.clone(), W = E, U = W.words[W.length - 1] | 0, D = this._countBits(U);
L = 26 - D, L !== 0 && (W = W.ushln(L), $.iushln(L), U = W.words[W.length - 1] | 0);
var B = $.length - W.length, j;
if (A !== "mod") {
j = new f(null), j.length = B + 1, j.words = new Array(j.length);
for (var V = 0; V < j.length; V++)
j.words[V] = 0;
var re = $.clone()._ishlnsubmul(W, 1, B);
re.negative === 0 && ($ = re, j && (j.words[B] = 1));
for (var ee = B - 1; ee >= 0; ee--) {
var ce = ($.words[W.length + ee] | 0) * 67108864 + ($.words[W.length + ee - 1] | 0);
for (ce = Math.min(ce / U | 0, 67108863), $._ishlnsubmul(W, ce, ee); $.negative !== 0; )
ce--, $.negative = 0, $._ishlnsubmul(W, 1, ee), $.isZero() || ($.negative ^= 1);
j && (j.words[ee] = ce);
return j && j._strip(), $._strip(), A !== "div" && L !== 0 && $.iushrn(L), {
div: j || null,
mod: $
}, f.prototype.divmod = function(E, A, L) {
if (b(!E.isZero()), this.isZero())
return {
div: new f(0),
mod: new f(0)
var $, W, U;
return this.negative !== 0 && E.negative === 0 ? (U = this.neg().divmod(E, A), A !== "mod" && ($ = U.div.neg()), A !== "div" && (W = U.mod.neg(), L && W.negative !== 0 && W.iadd(E)), {
div: $,
mod: W
}) : this.negative === 0 && E.negative !== 0 ? (U = this.divmod(E.neg(), A), A !== "mod" && ($ = U.div.neg()), {
div: $,
mod: U.mod
}) : this.negative & E.negative ? (U = this.neg().divmod(E.neg(), A), A !== "div" && (W = U.mod.neg(), L && W.negative !== 0 && W.isub(E)), {
div: U.div,
mod: W
}) : E.length > this.length || this.cmp(E) < 0 ? {
div: new f(0),
mod: this
} : E.length === 1 ? A === "div" ? {
div: this.divn(E.words[0]),
mod: null
} : A === "mod" ? {
div: null,
mod: new f(this.modrn(E.words[0]))
} : {
div: this.divn(E.words[0]),
mod: new f(this.modrn(E.words[0]))
} : this._wordDiv(E, A);
}, f.prototype.div = function(E) {
return this.divmod(E, "div", !1).div;
}, f.prototype.mod = function(E) {
return this.divmod(E, "mod", !1).mod;
}, f.prototype.umod = function(E) {
return this.divmod(E, "mod", !0).mod;
}, f.prototype.divRound = function(E) {
var A = this.divmod(E);
if (A.mod.isZero())
return A.div;
var L = A.div.negative !== 0 ? A.mod.isub(E) : A.mod, $ = E.ushrn(1), W = E.andln(1), U = L.cmp($);
return U < 0 || W === 1 && U === 0 ? A.div : A.div.negative !== 0 ? A.div.isubn(1) : A.div.iaddn(1);
}, f.prototype.modrn = function(E) {
var A = E < 0;
A && (E = -E), b(E <= 67108863);
for (var L = (1 << 26) % E, $ = 0, W = this.length - 1; W >= 0; W--)
$ = (L * $ + (this.words[W] | 0)) % E;
return A ? -$ : $;
}, f.prototype.modn = function(E) {
return this.modrn(E);
}, f.prototype.idivn = function(E) {
var A = E < 0;
A && (E = -E), b(E <= 67108863);
for (var L = 0, $ = this.length - 1; $ >= 0; $--) {
var W = (this.words[$] | 0) + L * 67108864;
this.words[$] = W / E | 0, L = W % E;
return this._strip(), A ? this.ineg() : this;
}, f.prototype.divn = function(E) {
return this.clone().idivn(E);
}, f.prototype.egcd = function(E) {
b(E.negative === 0), b(!E.isZero());
var A = this, L = E.clone();
A.negative !== 0 ? A = A.umod(E) : A = A.clone();
for (var $ = new f(1), W = new f(0), U = new f(0), D = new f(1), B = 0; A.isEven() && L.isEven(); )
A.iushrn(1), L.iushrn(1), ++B;
for (var j = L.clone(), V = A.clone(); !A.isZero(); ) {
for (var re = 0, ee = 1; !(A.words[0] & ee) && re < 26; ++re, ee <<= 1)
if (re > 0)
for (A.iushrn(re); re-- > 0; )
($.isOdd() || W.isOdd()) && ($.iadd(j), W.isub(V)), $.iushrn(1), W.iushrn(1);
for (var ce = 0, ve = 1; !(L.words[0] & ve) && ce < 26; ++ce, ve <<= 1)
if (ce > 0)
for (L.iushrn(ce); ce-- > 0; )
(U.isOdd() || D.isOdd()) && (U.iadd(j), D.isub(V)), U.iushrn(1), D.iushrn(1);
A.cmp(L) >= 0 ? (A.isub(L), $.isub(U), W.isub(D)) : (L.isub(A), U.isub($), D.isub(W));
return {
a: U,
b: D,
gcd: L.iushln(B)
}, f.prototype._invmp = function(E) {
b(E.negative === 0), b(!E.isZero());
var A = this, L = E.clone();
A.negative !== 0 ? A = A.umod(E) : A = A.clone();
for (var $ = new f(1), W = new f(0), U = L.clone(); A.cmpn(1) > 0 && L.cmpn(1) > 0; ) {
for (var D = 0, B = 1; !(A.words[0] & B) && D < 26; ++D, B <<= 1)
if (D > 0)
for (A.iushrn(D); D-- > 0; )
$.isOdd() && $.iadd(U), $.iushrn(1);
for (var j = 0, V = 1; !(L.words[0] & V) && j < 26; ++j, V <<= 1)
if (j > 0)
for (L.iushrn(j); j-- > 0; )
W.isOdd() && W.iadd(U), W.iushrn(1);
A.cmp(L) >= 0 ? (A.isub(L), $.isub(W)) : (L.isub(A), W.isub($));
var re;
return A.cmpn(1) === 0 ? re = $ : re = W, re.cmpn(0) < 0 && re.iadd(E), re;
}, f.prototype.gcd = function(E) {
if (this.isZero())
return E.abs();
if (E.isZero())
return this.abs();
var A = this.clone(), L = E.clone();
A.negative = 0, L.negative = 0;
for (var $ = 0; A.isEven() && L.isEven(); $++)
A.iushrn(1), L.iushrn(1);
do {
for (; A.isEven(); )
for (; L.isEven(); )
var W = A.cmp(L);
if (W < 0) {
var U = A;
A = L, L = U;
} else if (W === 0 || L.cmpn(1) === 0)
} while (!0);
return L.iushln($);
}, f.prototype.invm = function(E) {
return this.egcd(E).a.umod(E);
}, f.prototype.isEven = function() {
return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0;
}, f.prototype.isOdd = function() {
return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1;
}, f.prototype.andln = function(E) {
return this.words[0] & E;
}, f.prototype.bincn = function(E) {
b(typeof E == "number");
var A = E % 26, L = (E - A) / 26, $ = 1 << A;
if (this.length <= L)
return this._expand(L + 1), this.words[L] |= $, this;
for (var W = $, U = L; W !== 0 && U < this.length; U++) {
var D = this.words[U] | 0;
D += W, W = D >>> 26, D &= 67108863, this.words[U] = D;
return W !== 0 && (this.words[U] = W, this.length++), this;
}, f.prototype.isZero = function() {
return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0;
}, f.prototype.cmpn = function(E) {
var A = E < 0;
if (this.negative !== 0 && !A)
return -1;
if (this.negative === 0 && A)
return 1;
var L;
if (this.length > 1)
L = 1;
else {
A && (E = -E), b(E <= 67108863, "Number is too big");
var $ = this.words[0] | 0;
L = $ === E ? 0 : $ < E ? -1 : 1;
return this.negative !== 0 ? -L | 0 : L;
}, f.prototype.cmp = function(E) {
if (this.negative !== 0 && E.negative === 0)
return -1;
if (this.negative === 0 && E.negative !== 0)
return 1;
var A = this.ucmp(E);
return this.negative !== 0 ? -A | 0 : A;
}, f.prototype.ucmp = function(E) {
if (this.length > E.length)
return 1;
if (this.length < E.length)
return -1;
for (var A = 0, L = this.length - 1; L >= 0; L--) {
var $ = this.words[L] | 0, W = E.words[L] | 0;
if ($ !== W) {
$ < W ? A = -1 : $ > W && (A = 1);
return A;
}, f.prototype.gtn = function(E) {
return this.cmpn(E) === 1;
}, = function(E) {
return this.cmp(E) === 1;
}, f.prototype.gten = function(E) {
return this.cmpn(E) >= 0;
}, f.prototype.gte = function(E) {
return this.cmp(E) >= 0;
}, f.prototype.ltn = function(E) {
return this.cmpn(E) === -1;
}, = function(E) {
return this.cmp(E) === -1;
}, f.prototype.lten = function(E) {
return this.cmpn(E) <= 0;
}, f.prototype.lte = function(E) {
return this.cmp(E) <= 0;
}, f.prototype.eqn = function(E) {
return this.cmpn(E) === 0;
}, f.prototype.eq = function(E) {
return this.cmp(E) === 0;
}, = function(E) {
return new I(E);
}, f.prototype.toRed = function(E) {
return b(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), b(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), E.convertTo(this)._forceRed(E);
}, f.prototype.fromRed = function() {
return b(, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),;
}, f.prototype._forceRed = function(E) {
return = E, this;
}, f.prototype.forceRed = function(E) {
return b(!, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(E);
}, f.prototype.redAdd = function(E) {
return b(, "redAdd works only with red numbers"),, E);
}, f.prototype.redIAdd = function(E) {
return b(, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"),, E);
}, f.prototype.redSub = function(E) {
return b(, "redSub works only with red numbers"),, E);
}, f.prototype.redISub = function(E) {
return b(, "redISub works only with red numbers"),, E);
}, f.prototype.redShl = function(E) {
return b(, "redShl works only with red numbers"),, E);
}, f.prototype.redMul = function(E) {
return b(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, E),, E);
}, f.prototype.redIMul = function(E) {
return b(, "redMul works only with red numbers"),, E),, E);
}, f.prototype.redSqr = function() {
return b(, "redSqr works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redISqr = function() {
return b(, "redISqr works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redSqrt = function() {
return b(, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redInvm = function() {
return b(, "redInvm works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redNeg = function() {
return b(, "redNeg works only with red numbers"),,;
}, f.prototype.redPow = function(E) {
return b( && !, "redPow(normalNum)"),,, E);
var O = {
k256: null,
p224: null,
p192: null,
p25519: null
function P(C, E) { = C, this.p = new f(E, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new f(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp();
P.prototype._tmp = function() {
var E = new f(null);
return E.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), E;
}, P.prototype.ireduce = function(E) {
var A = E, L;
this.split(A, this.tmp), A = this.imulK(A), A = A.iadd(this.tmp), L = A.bitLength();
while (L > this.n);
var $ = L < this.n ? -1 : A.ucmp(this.p);
return $ === 0 ? (A.words[0] = 0, A.length = 1) : $ > 0 ? A.isub(this.p) : A.strip !== void 0 ? A.strip() : A._strip(), A;
}, P.prototype.split = function(E, A) {
E.iushrn(this.n, 0, A);
}, P.prototype.imulK = function(E) {
return E.imul(this.k);
function F() {, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f");
w(F, P), F.prototype.split = function(E, A) {
for (var L = 4194303, $ = Math.min(E.length, 9), W = 0; W < $; W++)
A.words[W] = E.words[W];
if (A.length = $, E.length <= 9) {
E.words[0] = 0, E.length = 1;
var U = E.words[9];
for (A.words[A.length++] = U & L, W = 10; W < E.length; W++) {
var D = E.words[W] | 0;
E.words[W - 10] = (D & L) << 4 | U >>> 22, U = D;
U >>>= 22, E.words[W - 10] = U, U === 0 && E.length > 10 ? E.length -= 10 : E.length -= 9;
}, F.prototype.imulK = function(E) {
E.words[E.length] = 0, E.words[E.length + 1] = 0, E.length += 2;
for (var A = 0, L = 0; L < E.length; L++) {
var $ = E.words[L] | 0;
A += $ * 977, E.words[L] = A & 67108863, A = $ * 64 + (A / 67108864 | 0);
return E.words[E.length - 1] === 0 && (E.length--, E.words[E.length - 1] === 0 && E.length--), E;
function z() {, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001");
w(z, P);
function N() {, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff");
w(N, P);
function M() {, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed");
w(M, P), M.prototype.imulK = function(E) {
for (var A = 0, L = 0; L < E.length; L++) {
var $ = (E.words[L] | 0) * 19 + A, W = $ & 67108863;
$ >>>= 26, E.words[L] = W, A = $;
return A !== 0 && (E.words[E.length++] = A), E;
}, f._prime = function(E) {
if (O[E])
return O[E];
var A;
if (E === "k256")
A = new F();
else if (E === "p224")
A = new z();
else if (E === "p192")
A = new N();
else if (E === "p25519")
A = new M();
throw new Error("Unknown prime " + E);
return O[E] = A, A;
function I(C) {
if (typeof C == "string") {
var E = f._prime(C);
this.m = E.p, = E;
} else
b(C.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = C, = null;
I.prototype._verify1 = function(E) {
b(E.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), b(, "red works only with red numbers");
}, I.prototype._verify2 = function(E, A) {
b((E.negative | A.negative) === 0, "red works only with positives"), b( && ===, "red works only with red numbers");
}, I.prototype.imod = function(E) {
return ? : (d(E, E.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this)), E);
}, I.prototype.neg = function(E) {
return E.isZero() ? E.clone() : this.m.sub(E)._forceRed(this);
}, I.prototype.add = function(E, A) {
this._verify2(E, A);
var L = E.add(A);
return L.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && L.isub(this.m), L._forceRed(this);
}, I.prototype.iadd = function(E, A) {
this._verify2(E, A);
var L = E.iadd(A);
return L.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && L.isub(this.m), L;
}, I.prototype.sub = function(E, A) {
this._verify2(E, A);
var L = E.sub(A);
return L.cmpn(0) < 0 && L.iadd(this.m), L._forceRed(this);
}, I.prototype.isub = function(E, A) {
this._verify2(E, A);
var L = E.isub(A);
return L.cmpn(0) < 0 && L.iadd(this.m), L;
}, I.prototype.shl = function(E, A) {
return this._verify1(E), this.imod(E.ushln(A));
}, I.prototype.imul = function(E, A) {
return this._verify2(E, A), this.imod(E.imul(A));
}, I.prototype.mul = function(E, A) {
return this._verify2(E, A), this.imod(E.mul(A));
}, I.prototype.isqr = function(E) {
return this.imul(E, E.clone());
}, I.prototype.sqr = function(E) {
return this.mul(E, E);
}, I.prototype.sqrt = function(E) {
if (E.isZero())
return E.clone();
var A = this.m.andln(3);
if (b(A % 2 === 1), A === 3) {
var L = this.m.add(new f(1)).iushrn(2);
return this.pow(E, L);
for (var $ = this.m.subn(1), W = 0; !$.isZero() && $.andln(1) === 0; )
W++, $.iushrn(1);
var U = new f(1).toRed(this), D = U.redNeg(), B = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), j = this.m.bitLength();
for (j = new f(2 * j * j).toRed(this); this.pow(j, B).cmp(D) !== 0; )
for (var V = this.pow(j, $), re = this.pow(E, $.addn(1).iushrn(1)), ee = this.pow(E, $), ce = W; ee.cmp(U) !== 0; ) {
for (var ve = ee, ge = 0; ve.cmp(U) !== 0; ge++)
ve = ve.redSqr();
b(ge < ce);
var oe = this.pow(V, new f(1).iushln(ce - ge - 1));
re = re.redMul(oe), V = oe.redSqr(), ee = ee.redMul(V), ce = ge;
return re;
}, I.prototype.invm = function(E) {
var A = E._invmp(this.m);
return A.negative !== 0 ? (A.negative = 0, this.imod(A).redNeg()) : this.imod(A);
}, I.prototype.pow = function(E, A) {
if (A.isZero())
return new f(1).toRed(this);
if (A.cmpn(1) === 0)
return E.clone();
var L = 4, $ = new Array(1 << L);
$[0] = new f(1).toRed(this), $[1] = E;
for (var W = 2; W < $.length; W++)
$[W] = this.mul($[W - 1], E);
var U = $[0], D = 0, B = 0, j = A.bitLength() % 26;
for (j === 0 && (j = 26), W = A.length - 1; W >= 0; W--) {
for (var V = A.words[W], re = j - 1; re >= 0; re--) {
var ee = V >> re & 1;
if (U !== $[0] && (U = this.sqr(U)), ee === 0 && D === 0) {
B = 0;
D <<= 1, D |= ee, B++, !(B !== L && (W !== 0 || re !== 0)) && (U = this.mul(U, $[D]), B = 0, D = 0);
j = 26;
return U;
}, I.prototype.convertTo = function(E) {
var A = E.umod(this.m);
return A === E ? A.clone() : A;
}, I.prototype.convertFrom = function(E) {
var A = E.clone();
return = null, A;
}, f.mont = function(E) {
return new R(E);
function R(C) {, C), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 !== 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new f(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv);
w(R, I), R.prototype.convertTo = function(E) {
return this.imod(E.ushln(this.shift));
}, R.prototype.convertFrom = function(E) {
var A = this.imod(E.mul(this.rinv));
return = null, A;
}, R.prototype.imul = function(E, A) {
if (E.isZero() || A.isZero())
return E.words[0] = 0, E.length = 1, E;
var L = E.imul(A), $ = L.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), W = L.isub($).iushrn(this.shift), U = W;
return W.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? U = W.isub(this.m) : W.cmpn(0) < 0 && (U = W.iadd(this.m)), U._forceRed(this);
}, R.prototype.mul = function(E, A) {
if (E.isZero() || A.isZero())
return new f(0)._forceRed(this);
var L = E.mul(A), $ = L.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), W = L.isub($).iushrn(this.shift), U = W;
return W.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? U = W.isub(this.m) : W.cmpn(0) < 0 && (U = W.iadd(this.m)), U._forceRed(this);
}, R.prototype.invm = function(E) {
var A = this.imod(E._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2));
return A._forceRed(this);
})(typeof x == "undefined" || x, void 0);
}, { buffer: 185 }], 184: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(w) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(y) {
return typeof y;
} : u = function(y) {
return y && typeof Symbol == "function" && y.constructor === Symbol && y !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof y;
}, u(w);
var m;
x.exports = function(f) {
return m || (m = new g(null)), m.generate(f);
function g(w) {
this.rand = w;
if (x.exports.Rand = g, g.prototype.generate = function(f) {
return this._rand(f);
}, g.prototype._rand = function(f) {
if (this.rand.getBytes)
return this.rand.getBytes(f);
for (var y = new Uint8Array(f), h = 0; h < y.length; h++)
y[h] = this.rand.getByte();
return y;
}, (typeof self == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(self)) === "object")
self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues ? g.prototype._rand = function(f) {
var y = new Uint8Array(f);
return self.crypto.getRandomValues(y), y;
} : self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues ? g.prototype._rand = function(f) {
var y = new Uint8Array(f);
return self.msCrypto.getRandomValues(y), y;
} : (typeof window == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(window)) === "object" && (g.prototype._rand = function() {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
try {
var b = e("crypto");
if (typeof b.randomBytes != "function")
throw new Error("Not supported");
g.prototype._rand = function(f) {
return b.randomBytes(f);
} catch (w) {
}, { crypto: 185 }], 185: [function(e, x, _) {
}, {}], 186: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
function m(h) {
u.isBuffer(h) || (h = u.from(h));
for (var l = h.length / 4 | 0, d = new Array(l), s = 0; s < l; s++)
d[s] = h.readUInt32BE(s * 4);
return d;
function g(h) {
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; h++)
h[l] = 0;
function b(h, l, d, s, v) {
for (var c = d[0], a = d[1], r = d[2], t = d[3], i = h[0] ^ l[0], n = h[1] ^ l[1], o = h[2] ^ l[2], p = h[3] ^ l[3], O, P, F, z, N = 4, M = 1; M < v; M++)
O = c[i >>> 24] ^ a[n >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[o >>> 8 & 255] ^ t[p & 255] ^ l[N++], P = c[n >>> 24] ^ a[o >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[p >>> 8 & 255] ^ t[i & 255] ^ l[N++], F = c[o >>> 24] ^ a[p >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[i >>> 8 & 255] ^ t[n & 255] ^ l[N++], z = c[p >>> 24] ^ a[i >>> 16 & 255] ^ r[n >>> 8 & 255] ^ t[o & 255] ^ l[N++], i = O, n = P, o = F, p = z;
return O = (s[i >>> 24] << 24 | s[n >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | s[o >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | s[p & 255]) ^ l[N++], P = (s[n >>> 24] << 24 | s[o >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | s[p >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | s[i & 255]) ^ l[N++], F = (s[o >>> 24] << 24 | s[p >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | s[i >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | s[n & 255]) ^ l[N++], z = (s[p >>> 24] << 24 | s[i >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | s[n >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | s[o & 255]) ^ l[N++], O = O >>> 0, P = P >>> 0, F = F >>> 0, z = z >>> 0, [O, P, F, z];
var w = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54], f = function() {
for (var h = new Array(256), l = 0; l < 256; l++)
l < 128 ? h[l] = l << 1 : h[l] = l << 1 ^ 283;
for (var d = [], s = [], v = [[], [], [], []], c = [[], [], [], []], a = 0, r = 0, t = 0; t < 256; ++t) {
var i = r ^ r << 1 ^ r << 2 ^ r << 3 ^ r << 4;
i = i >>> 8 ^ i & 255 ^ 99, d[a] = i, s[i] = a;
var n = h[a], o = h[n], p = h[o], O = h[i] * 257 ^ i * 16843008;
v[0][a] = O << 24 | O >>> 8, v[1][a] = O << 16 | O >>> 16, v[2][a] = O << 8 | O >>> 24, v[3][a] = O, O = p * 16843009 ^ o * 65537 ^ n * 257 ^ a * 16843008, c[0][i] = O << 24 | O >>> 8, c[1][i] = O << 16 | O >>> 16, c[2][i] = O << 8 | O >>> 24, c[3][i] = O, a === 0 ? a = r = 1 : (a = n ^ h[h[h[p ^ n]]], r ^= h[h[r]]);
return {
SBOX: d,
function y(h) {
this._key = m(h), this._reset();
y.blockSize = 4 * 4, y.keySize = 256 / 8, y.prototype.blockSize = y.blockSize, y.prototype.keySize = y.keySize, y.prototype._reset = function() {
for (var h = this._key, l = h.length, d = l + 6, s = (d + 1) * 4, v = [], c = 0; c < l; c++)
v[c] = h[c];
for (c = l; c < s; c++) {
var a = v[c - 1];
c % l === 0 ? (a = a << 8 | a >>> 24, a = f.SBOX[a >>> 24] << 24 | f.SBOX[a >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | f.SBOX[a >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | f.SBOX[a & 255], a ^= w[c / l | 0] << 24) : l > 6 && c % l === 4 && (a = f.SBOX[a >>> 24] << 24 | f.SBOX[a >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | f.SBOX[a >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | f.SBOX[a & 255]), v[c] = v[c - l] ^ a;
for (var r = [], t = 0; t < s; t++) {
var i = s - t, n = v[i - (t % 4 ? 0 : 4)];
t < 4 || i <= 4 ? r[t] = n : r[t] = f.INV_SUB_MIX[0][f.SBOX[n >>> 24]] ^ f.INV_SUB_MIX[1][f.SBOX[n >>> 16 & 255]] ^ f.INV_SUB_MIX[2][f.SBOX[n >>> 8 & 255]] ^ f.INV_SUB_MIX[3][f.SBOX[n & 255]];
this._nRounds = d, this._keySchedule = v, this._invKeySchedule = r;
}, y.prototype.encryptBlockRaw = function(h) {
return h = m(h), b(h, this._keySchedule, f.SUB_MIX, f.SBOX, this._nRounds);
}, y.prototype.encryptBlock = function(h) {
var l = this.encryptBlockRaw(h), d = u.allocUnsafe(16);
return d.writeUInt32BE(l[0], 0), d.writeUInt32BE(l[1], 4), d.writeUInt32BE(l[2], 8), d.writeUInt32BE(l[3], 12), d;
}, y.prototype.decryptBlock = function(h) {
h = m(h);
var l = h[1];
h[1] = h[3], h[3] = l;
var d = b(h, this._invKeySchedule, f.INV_SUB_MIX, f.INV_SBOX, this._nRounds), s = u.allocUnsafe(16);
return s.writeUInt32BE(d[0], 0), s.writeUInt32BE(d[3], 4), s.writeUInt32BE(d[2], 8), s.writeUInt32BE(d[1], 12), s;
}, y.prototype.scrub = function() {
g(this._keySchedule), g(this._invKeySchedule), g(this._key);
}, x.exports.AES = y;
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 187: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./aes"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, g = e("cipher-base"), b = e("inherits"), w = e("./ghash"), f = e("buffer-xor"), y = e("./incr32");
function h(s, v) {
var c = 0;
s.length !== v.length && c++;
for (var a = Math.min(s.length, v.length), r = 0; r < a; ++r)
c += s[r] ^ v[r];
return c;
function l(s, v, c) {
if (v.length === 12)
return s._finID = m.concat([v, m.from([0, 0, 0, 1])]), m.concat([v, m.from([0, 0, 0, 2])]);
var a = new w(c), r = v.length, t = r % 16;
a.update(v), t && (t = 16 - t, a.update(m.alloc(t, 0))), a.update(m.alloc(8, 0));
var i = r * 8, n = m.alloc(8);
n.writeUIntBE(i, 0, 8), a.update(n), s._finID = a.state;
var o = m.from(s._finID);
return y(o), o;
function d(s, v, c, a) {;
var r = m.alloc(4, 0);
this._cipher = new u.AES(v);
var t = this._cipher.encryptBlock(r);
this._ghash = new w(t), c = l(this, c, t), this._prev = m.from(c), this._cache = m.allocUnsafe(0), this._secCache = m.allocUnsafe(0), this._decrypt = a, this._alen = 0, this._len = 0, this._mode = s, this._authTag = null, this._called = !1;
b(d, g), d.prototype._update = function(s) {
if (!this._called && this._alen) {
var v = 16 - this._alen % 16;
v < 16 && (v = m.alloc(v, 0), this._ghash.update(v));
this._called = !0;
var c = this._mode.encrypt(this, s);
return this._decrypt ? this._ghash.update(s) : this._ghash.update(c), this._len += s.length, c;
}, d.prototype._final = function() {
if (this._decrypt && !this._authTag)
throw new Error("Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data");
var s = f( * 8, this._len * 8), this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._finID));
if (this._decrypt && h(s, this._authTag))
throw new Error("Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data");
this._authTag = s, this._cipher.scrub();
}, d.prototype.getAuthTag = function() {
if (this._decrypt || !m.isBuffer(this._authTag))
throw new Error("Attempting to get auth tag in unsupported state");
return this._authTag;
}, d.prototype.setAuthTag = function(v) {
if (!this._decrypt)
throw new Error("Attempting to set auth tag in unsupported state");
this._authTag = v;
}, d.prototype.setAAD = function(v) {
if (this._called)
throw new Error("Attempting to set AAD in unsupported state");
this._ghash.update(v), this._alen += v.length;
}, x.exports = d;
}, { "./aes": 186, "./ghash": 191, "./incr32": 192, "buffer-xor": 217, "cipher-base": 218, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 188: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./encrypter"), m = e("./decrypter"), g = e("./modes/list.json");
function b() {
return Object.keys(g);
_.createCipher = _.Cipher = u.createCipher, _.createCipheriv = _.Cipheriv = u.createCipheriv, _.createDecipher = _.Decipher = m.createDecipher, _.createDecipheriv = _.Decipheriv = m.createDecipheriv, _.listCiphers = _.getCiphers = b;
}, { "./decrypter": 189, "./encrypter": 190, "./modes/list.json": 200 }], 189: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./authCipher"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, g = e("./modes"), b = e("./streamCipher"), w = e("cipher-base"), f = e("./aes"), y = e("evp_bytestokey"), h = e("inherits");
function l(a, r, t) {, this._cache = new d(), this._last = void 0, this._cipher = new f.AES(r), this._prev = m.from(t), this._mode = a, this._autopadding = !0;
h(l, w), l.prototype._update = function(a) {
for (var r, t, i = []; r = this._cache.get(this._autopadding); )
t = this._mode.decrypt(this, r), i.push(t);
return m.concat(i);
}, l.prototype._final = function() {
var a = this._cache.flush();
if (this._autopadding)
return s(this._mode.decrypt(this, a));
if (a)
throw new Error("data not multiple of block length");
}, l.prototype.setAutoPadding = function(a) {
return this._autopadding = !!a, this;
function d() {
this.cache = m.allocUnsafe(0);
d.prototype.add = function(a) {
this.cache = m.concat([this.cache, a]);
}, d.prototype.get = function(a) {
var r;
if (a) {
if (this.cache.length > 16)
return r = this.cache.slice(0, 16), this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), r;
} else if (this.cache.length >= 16)
return r = this.cache.slice(0, 16), this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), r;
return null;
}, d.prototype.flush = function() {
if (this.cache.length)
return this.cache;
function s(a) {
var r = a[15];
if (r < 1 || r > 16)
throw new Error("unable to decrypt data");
for (var t = -1; ++t < r; )
if (a[t + (16 - r)] !== r)
throw new Error("unable to decrypt data");
if (r !== 16)
return a.slice(0, 16 - r);
function v(a, r, t) {
var i = g[a.toLowerCase()];
if (!i)
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
if (typeof t == "string" && (t = m.from(t)), i.mode !== "GCM" && t.length !== i.iv)
throw new TypeError("invalid iv length " + t.length);
if (typeof r == "string" && (r = m.from(r)), r.length !== i.key / 8)
throw new TypeError("invalid key length " + r.length);
return i.type === "stream" ? new b(i.module, r, t, !0) : i.type === "auth" ? new u(i.module, r, t, !0) : new l(i.module, r, t);
function c(a, r) {
var t = g[a.toLowerCase()];
if (!t)
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
var i = y(r, !1, t.key, t.iv);
return v(a, i.key, i.iv);
_.createDecipher = c, _.createDecipheriv = v;
}, { "./aes": 186, "./authCipher": 187, "./modes": 199, "./streamCipher": 202, "cipher-base": 218, evp_bytestokey: 368, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 190: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./modes"), m = e("./authCipher"), g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = e("./streamCipher"), w = e("cipher-base"), f = e("./aes"), y = e("evp_bytestokey"), h = e("inherits");
function l(a, r, t) {, this._cache = new s(), this._cipher = new f.AES(r), this._prev = g.from(t), this._mode = a, this._autopadding = !0;
h(l, w), l.prototype._update = function(a) {
for (var r, t, i = []; r = this._cache.get(); )
t = this._mode.encrypt(this, r), i.push(t);
return g.concat(i);
var d = g.alloc(16, 16);
l.prototype._final = function() {
var a = this._cache.flush();
if (this._autopadding)
return a = this._mode.encrypt(this, a), this._cipher.scrub(), a;
if (!a.equals(d))
throw this._cipher.scrub(), new Error("data not multiple of block length");
}, l.prototype.setAutoPadding = function(a) {
return this._autopadding = !!a, this;
function s() {
this.cache = g.allocUnsafe(0);
s.prototype.add = function(a) {
this.cache = g.concat([this.cache, a]);
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
if (this.cache.length > 15) {
var a = this.cache.slice(0, 16);
return this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), a;
return null;
}, s.prototype.flush = function() {
for (var a = 16 - this.cache.length, r = g.allocUnsafe(a), t = -1; ++t < a; )
r.writeUInt8(a, t);
return g.concat([this.cache, r]);
function v(a, r, t) {
var i = u[a.toLowerCase()];
if (!i)
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
if (typeof r == "string" && (r = g.from(r)), r.length !== i.key / 8)
throw new TypeError("invalid key length " + r.length);
if (typeof t == "string" && (t = g.from(t)), i.mode !== "GCM" && t.length !== i.iv)
throw new TypeError("invalid iv length " + t.length);
return i.type === "stream" ? new b(i.module, r, t) : i.type === "auth" ? new m(i.module, r, t) : new l(i.module, r, t);
function c(a, r) {
var t = u[a.toLowerCase()];
if (!t)
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
var i = y(r, !1, t.key, t.iv);
return v(a, i.key, i.iv);
_.createCipheriv = v, _.createCipher = c;
}, { "./aes": 186, "./authCipher": 187, "./modes": 199, "./streamCipher": 202, "cipher-base": 218, evp_bytestokey: 368, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 191: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = u.alloc(16, 0);
function g(f) {
return [f.readUInt32BE(0), f.readUInt32BE(4), f.readUInt32BE(8), f.readUInt32BE(12)];
function b(f) {
var y = u.allocUnsafe(16);
return y.writeUInt32BE(f[0] >>> 0, 0), y.writeUInt32BE(f[1] >>> 0, 4), y.writeUInt32BE(f[2] >>> 0, 8), y.writeUInt32BE(f[3] >>> 0, 12), y;
function w(f) {
this.h = f, this.state = u.alloc(16, 0), this.cache = u.allocUnsafe(0);
w.prototype.ghash = function(f) {
for (var y = -1; ++y < f.length; )
this.state[y] ^= f[y];
}, w.prototype._multiply = function() {
for (var f = g(this.h), y = [0, 0, 0, 0], h, l, d, s = -1; ++s < 128; ) {
for (l = (this.state[~~(s / 8)] & 1 << 7 - s % 8) !== 0, l && (y[0] ^= f[0], y[1] ^= f[1], y[2] ^= f[2], y[3] ^= f[3]), d = (f[3] & 1) !== 0, h = 3; h > 0; h--)
f[h] = f[h] >>> 1 | (f[h - 1] & 1) << 31;
f[0] = f[0] >>> 1, d && (f[0] = f[0] ^ 225 << 24);
this.state = b(y);
}, w.prototype.update = function(f) {
this.cache = u.concat([this.cache, f]);
for (var y; this.cache.length >= 16; )
y = this.cache.slice(0, 16), this.cache = this.cache.slice(16), this.ghash(y);
}, = function(f, y) {
return this.cache.length && this.ghash(u.concat([this.cache, m], 16)), this.ghash(b([0, f, 0, y])), this.state;
}, x.exports = w;
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 192: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
for (var g = m.length, b; g--; )
if (b = m.readUInt8(g), b === 255)
m.writeUInt8(0, g);
else {
b++, m.writeUInt8(b, g);
x.exports = u;
}, {}], 193: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("buffer-xor");
_.encrypt = function(m, g) {
var b = u(g, m._prev);
return m._prev = m._cipher.encryptBlock(b), m._prev;
}, _.decrypt = function(m, g) {
var b = m._prev;
m._prev = g;
var w = m._cipher.decryptBlock(g);
return u(w, b);
}, { "buffer-xor": 217 }], 194: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("buffer-xor");
function g(b, w, f) {
var y = w.length, h = m(w, b._cache);
return b._cache = b._cache.slice(y), b._prev = u.concat([b._prev, f ? w : h]), h;
_.encrypt = function(b, w, f) {
for (var y = u.allocUnsafe(0), h; w.length; )
if (b._cache.length === 0 && (b._cache = b._cipher.encryptBlock(b._prev), b._prev = u.allocUnsafe(0)), b._cache.length <= w.length)
h = b._cache.length, y = u.concat([y, g(b, w.slice(0, h), f)]), w = w.slice(h);
else {
y = u.concat([y, g(b, w, f)]);
return y;
}, { "buffer-xor": 217, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 195: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
function m(b, w, f) {
for (var y, h = -1, l = 8, d = 0, s, v; ++h < l; )
y = b._cipher.encryptBlock(b._prev), s = w & 1 << 7 - h ? 128 : 0, v = y[0] ^ s, d += (v & 128) >> h % 8, b._prev = g(b._prev, f ? s : v);
return d;
function g(b, w) {
var f = b.length, y = -1, h = u.allocUnsafe(b.length);
for (b = u.concat([b, u.from([w])]); ++y < f; )
h[y] = b[y] << 1 | b[y + 1] >> 7;
return h;
_.encrypt = function(b, w, f) {
for (var y = w.length, h = u.allocUnsafe(y), l = -1; ++l < y; )
h[l] = m(b, w[l], f);
return h;
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 196: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
function m(g, b, w) {
var f = g._cipher.encryptBlock(g._prev), y = f[0] ^ b;
return g._prev = u.concat([g._prev.slice(1), u.from([w ? b : y])]), y;
_.encrypt = function(g, b, w) {
for (var f = b.length, y = u.allocUnsafe(f), h = -1; ++h < f; )
y[h] = m(g, b[h], w);
return y;
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 197: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("buffer-xor"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, g = e("../incr32");
function b(f) {
var y = f._cipher.encryptBlockRaw(f._prev);
return g(f._prev), y;
var w = 16;
_.encrypt = function(f, y) {
var h = Math.ceil(y.length / w), l = f._cache.length;
f._cache = m.concat([f._cache, m.allocUnsafe(h * w)]);
for (var d = 0; d < h; d++) {
var s = b(f), v = l + d * w;
f._cache.writeUInt32BE(s[0], v + 0), f._cache.writeUInt32BE(s[1], v + 4), f._cache.writeUInt32BE(s[2], v + 8), f._cache.writeUInt32BE(s[3], v + 12);
var c = f._cache.slice(0, y.length);
return f._cache = f._cache.slice(y.length), u(y, c);
}, { "../incr32": 192, "buffer-xor": 217, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 198: [function(e, x, _) {
_.encrypt = function(u, m) {
return u._cipher.encryptBlock(m);
}, _.decrypt = function(u, m) {
return u._cipher.decryptBlock(m);
}, {}], 199: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = {
ECB: e("./ecb"),
CBC: e("./cbc"),
CFB: e("./cfb"),
CFB8: e("./cfb8"),
CFB1: e("./cfb1"),
OFB: e("./ofb"),
CTR: e("./ctr"),
GCM: e("./ctr")
}, m = e("./list.json");
for (var g in m)
m[g].module = u[m[g].mode];
x.exports = m;
}, { "./cbc": 193, "./cfb": 194, "./cfb1": 195, "./cfb8": 196, "./ctr": 197, "./ecb": 198, "./list.json": 200, "./ofb": 201 }], 200: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
"aes-128-ecb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 0,
mode: "ECB",
type: "block"
"aes-192-ecb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 0,
mode: "ECB",
type: "block"
"aes-256-ecb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 0,
mode: "ECB",
type: "block"
"aes-128-cbc": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "CBC",
type: "block"
"aes-192-cbc": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "CBC",
type: "block"
"aes-256-cbc": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "CBC",
type: "block"
aes128: {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "CBC",
type: "block"
aes192: {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "CBC",
type: "block"
aes256: {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "CBC",
type: "block"
"aes-128-cfb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB",
type: "stream"
"aes-192-cfb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB",
type: "stream"
"aes-256-cfb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB",
type: "stream"
"aes-128-cfb8": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB8",
type: "stream"
"aes-192-cfb8": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB8",
type: "stream"
"aes-256-cfb8": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB8",
type: "stream"
"aes-128-cfb1": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB1",
type: "stream"
"aes-192-cfb1": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB1",
type: "stream"
"aes-256-cfb1": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "CFB1",
type: "stream"
"aes-128-ofb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "OFB",
type: "stream"
"aes-192-ofb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "OFB",
type: "stream"
"aes-256-ofb": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "OFB",
type: "stream"
"aes-128-ctr": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 16,
mode: "CTR",
type: "stream"
"aes-192-ctr": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 16,
mode: "CTR",
type: "stream"
"aes-256-ctr": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 16,
mode: "CTR",
type: "stream"
"aes-128-gcm": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 128,
iv: 12,
mode: "GCM",
type: "auth"
"aes-192-gcm": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 192,
iv: 12,
mode: "GCM",
type: "auth"
"aes-256-gcm": {
cipher: "AES",
key: 256,
iv: 12,
mode: "GCM",
type: "auth"
}, {}], 201: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("buffer-xor");
function g(b) {
return b._prev = b._cipher.encryptBlock(b._prev), b._prev;
_.encrypt = function(b, w) {
for (; b._cache.length < w.length; )
b._cache = u.concat([b._cache, g(b)]);
var f = b._cache.slice(0, w.length);
return b._cache = b._cache.slice(w.length), m(w, f);
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { buffer: 216, "buffer-xor": 217 }], 202: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./aes"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, g = e("cipher-base"), b = e("inherits");
function w(f, y, h, l) {, this._cipher = new u.AES(y), this._prev = m.from(h), this._cache = m.allocUnsafe(0), this._secCache = m.allocUnsafe(0), this._decrypt = l, this._mode = f;
b(w, g), w.prototype._update = function(f) {
return this._mode.encrypt(this, f, this._decrypt);
}, w.prototype._final = function() {
}, x.exports = w;
}, { "./aes": 186, "cipher-base": 218, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 203: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("browserify-des"), m = e("browserify-aes/browser"), g = e("browserify-aes/modes"), b = e("browserify-des/modes"), w = e("evp_bytestokey");
function f(s, v) {
s = s.toLowerCase();
var c, a;
if (g[s])
c = g[s].key, a = g[s].iv;
else if (b[s])
c = b[s].key * 8, a = b[s].iv;
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
var r = w(v, !1, c, a);
return h(s, r.key, r.iv);
function y(s, v) {
s = s.toLowerCase();
var c, a;
if (g[s])
c = g[s].key, a = g[s].iv;
else if (b[s])
c = b[s].key * 8, a = b[s].iv;
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
var r = w(v, !1, c, a);
return l(s, r.key, r.iv);
function h(s, v, c) {
if (s = s.toLowerCase(), g[s])
return m.createCipheriv(s, v, c);
if (b[s])
return new u({
key: v,
iv: c,
mode: s
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
function l(s, v, c) {
if (s = s.toLowerCase(), g[s])
return m.createDecipheriv(s, v, c);
if (b[s])
return new u({
key: v,
iv: c,
mode: s,
decrypt: !0
throw new TypeError("invalid suite type");
function d() {
return Object.keys(b).concat(m.getCiphers());
_.createCipher = _.Cipher = f, _.createCipheriv = _.Cipheriv = h, _.createDecipher = _.Decipher = y, _.createDecipheriv = _.Decipheriv = l, _.listCiphers = _.getCiphers = d;
}, { "browserify-aes/browser": 188, "browserify-aes/modes": 199, "browserify-des": 204, "browserify-des/modes": 205, evp_bytestokey: 368 }], 204: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("cipher-base"), m = e("des.js"), g = e("inherits"), b = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, w = {
"des-ede3-cbc": m.CBC.instantiate(m.EDE),
"des-ede3": m.EDE,
"des-ede-cbc": m.CBC.instantiate(m.EDE),
"des-ede": m.EDE,
"des-cbc": m.CBC.instantiate(m.DES),
"des-ecb": m.DES
w.des = w["des-cbc"], w.des3 = w["des-ede3-cbc"], x.exports = f, g(f, u);
function f(y) {;
var h = y.mode.toLowerCase(), l = w[h], d;
y.decrypt ? d = "decrypt" : d = "encrypt";
var s = y.key;
b.isBuffer(s) || (s = b.from(s)), (h === "des-ede" || h === "des-ede-cbc") && (s = b.concat([s, s.slice(0, 8)]));
var v = y.iv;
b.isBuffer(v) || (v = b.from(v)), this._des = l.create({
key: s,
iv: v,
type: d
f.prototype._update = function(y) {
return b.from(this._des.update(y));
}, f.prototype._final = function() {
return b.from(;
}, { "cipher-base": 218, "des.js": 339, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 205: [function(e, x, _) {
_["des-ecb"] = {
key: 8,
iv: 0
}, _["des-cbc"] = _.des = {
key: 8,
iv: 8
}, _["des-ede3-cbc"] = _.des3 = {
key: 24,
iv: 8
}, _["des-ede3"] = {
key: 24,
iv: 0
}, _["des-ede-cbc"] = {
key: 16,
iv: 8
}, _["des-ede"] = {
key: 16,
iv: 0
}, {}], 206: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("bn.js"), g = e("randombytes");
x.exports = w;
function b(y) {
var h = f(y), l = h.toRed(m.mont(y.modulus)).redPow(new m(y.publicExponent)).fromRed();
return {
blinder: l,
unblinder: h.invm(y.modulus)
function w(y, h) {
var l = b(h), d = h.modulus.byteLength();
var s = new m(y).mul(l.blinder).umod(h.modulus), v = s.toRed(m.mont(h.prime1)), c = s.toRed(m.mont(h.prime2)), a = h.coefficient, r = h.prime1, t = h.prime2, i = v.redPow(h.exponent1), n = c.redPow(h.exponent2);
i = i.fromRed(), n = n.fromRed();
var o = i.isub(n).imul(a).umod(r);
return o.imul(t), n.iadd(o), new u(n.imul(l.unblinder).umod(h.modulus).toArray(!1, d));
w.getr = f;
function f(y) {
for (var h = y.modulus.byteLength(), l = new m(g(h)); l.cmp(y.modulus) >= 0 || !l.umod(y.prime1) || !l.umod(y.prime2); )
l = new m(g(h));
return l;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "bn.js": 207, buffer: 216, randombytes: 475 }], 207: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][181][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 185, dup: 181 }], 208: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("./browser/algorithms.json");
}, { "./browser/algorithms.json": 209 }], 209: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
sha224WithRSAEncryption: {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "sha224",
id: "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c"
"RSA-SHA224": {
sign: "ecdsa/rsa",
hash: "sha224",
id: "302d300d06096086480165030402040500041c"
sha256WithRSAEncryption: {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "sha256",
id: "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420"
"RSA-SHA256": {
sign: "ecdsa/rsa",
hash: "sha256",
id: "3031300d060960864801650304020105000420"
sha384WithRSAEncryption: {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "sha384",
id: "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430"
"RSA-SHA384": {
sign: "ecdsa/rsa",
hash: "sha384",
id: "3041300d060960864801650304020205000430"
sha512WithRSAEncryption: {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "sha512",
id: "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440"
"RSA-SHA512": {
sign: "ecdsa/rsa",
hash: "sha512",
id: "3051300d060960864801650304020305000440"
"RSA-SHA1": {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "sha1",
id: "3021300906052b0e03021a05000414"
"ecdsa-with-SHA1": {
sign: "ecdsa",
hash: "sha1",
id: ""
sha256: {
sign: "ecdsa",
hash: "sha256",
id: ""
sha224: {
sign: "ecdsa",
hash: "sha224",
id: ""
sha384: {
sign: "ecdsa",
hash: "sha384",
id: ""
sha512: {
sign: "ecdsa",
hash: "sha512",
id: ""
"DSA-SHA": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha1",
id: ""
"DSA-SHA1": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha1",
id: ""
DSA: {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha1",
id: ""
"DSA-WITH-SHA224": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha224",
id: ""
"DSA-SHA224": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha224",
id: ""
"DSA-WITH-SHA256": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha256",
id: ""
"DSA-SHA256": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha256",
id: ""
"DSA-WITH-SHA384": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha384",
id: ""
"DSA-SHA384": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha384",
id: ""
"DSA-WITH-SHA512": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha512",
id: ""
"DSA-SHA512": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "sha512",
id: ""
"DSA-RIPEMD160": {
sign: "dsa",
hash: "rmd160",
id: ""
ripemd160WithRSA: {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "rmd160",
id: "3021300906052b2403020105000414"
"RSA-RIPEMD160": {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "rmd160",
id: "3021300906052b2403020105000414"
md5WithRSAEncryption: {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "md5",
id: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410"
"RSA-MD5": {
sign: "rsa",
hash: "md5",
id: "3020300c06082a864886f70d020505000410"
}, {}], 210: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
"": "secp256k1",
"": "p224",
"1.2.840.10045.3.1.1": "p192",
"1.2.840.10045.3.1.7": "p256",
"": "p384",
"": "p521"
}, {}], 211: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("create-hash"), g = e("readable-stream"), b = e("inherits"), w = e("./sign"), f = e("./verify"), y = e("./algorithms.json");
Object.keys(y).forEach(function(v) {
y[v].id = u.from(y[v].id, "hex"), y[v.toLowerCase()] = y[v];
function h(v) {;
var c = y[v];
if (!c)
throw new Error("Unknown message digest");
this._hashType = c.hash, this._hash = m(c.hash), this._tag =, this._signType = c.sign;
b(h, g.Writable), h.prototype._write = function(c, a, r) {
this._hash.update(c), r();
}, h.prototype.update = function(c, a) {
return typeof c == "string" && (c = u.from(c, a)), this._hash.update(c), this;
}, h.prototype.sign = function(c, a) {
var r = this._hash.digest(), t = w(r, c, this._hashType, this._signType, this._tag);
return a ? t.toString(a) : t;
function l(v) {;
var c = y[v];
if (!c)
throw new Error("Unknown message digest");
this._hash = m(c.hash), this._tag =, this._signType = c.sign;
b(l, g.Writable), l.prototype._write = function(c, a, r) {
this._hash.update(c), r();
}, l.prototype.update = function(c, a) {
return typeof c == "string" && (c = u.from(c, a)), this._hash.update(c), this;
}, l.prototype.verify = function(c, a, r) {
typeof a == "string" && (a = u.from(a, r)), this.end();
var t = this._hash.digest();
return f(a, t, c, this._signType, this._tag);
function d(v) {
return new h(v);
function s(v) {
return new l(v);
x.exports = {
Sign: d,
Verify: s,
createSign: d,
createVerify: s
}, { "./algorithms.json": 209, "./sign": 212, "./verify": 213, "create-hash": 331, inherits: 387, "readable-stream": 491, "safe-buffer": 214 }], 212: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("create-hmac"), g = e("browserify-rsa"), b = e("elliptic").ec, w = e("bn.js"), f = e("parse-asn1"), y = e("./curves.json");
function h(i, n, o, p, O) {
var P = f(n);
if (P.curve) {
if (p !== "ecdsa" && p !== "ecdsa/rsa")
throw new Error("wrong private key type");
return l(i, P);
} else if (P.type === "dsa") {
if (p !== "dsa")
throw new Error("wrong private key type");
return d(i, P, o);
} else if (p !== "rsa" && p !== "ecdsa/rsa")
throw new Error("wrong private key type");
i = u.concat([O, i]);
for (var F = P.modulus.byteLength(), z = [0, 1]; i.length + z.length + 1 < F; )
for (var N = -1; ++N < i.length; )
var M = g(z, P);
return M;
function l(i, n) {
var o = y[n.curve.join(".")];
if (!o)
throw new Error("unknown curve " + n.curve.join("."));
var p = new b(o), O = p.keyFromPrivate(n.privateKey), P = O.sign(i);
return u.from(P.toDER());
function d(i, n, o) {
for (var p = n.params.priv_key, O = n.params.p, P = n.params.q, F = n.params.g, z = new w(0), N, M = c(i, P).mod(P), I = !1, R = v(p, P, i, o); I === !1; )
N = r(P, R, o), z = t(F, N, O, P), I = N.invm(P).imul(M.add(p.mul(z))).mod(P), I.cmpn(0) === 0 && (I = !1, z = new w(0));
return s(z, I);
function s(i, n) {
i = i.toArray(), n = n.toArray(), i[0] & 128 && (i = [0].concat(i)), n[0] & 128 && (n = [0].concat(n));
var o = i.length + n.length + 4, p = [48, o, 2, i.length];
return p = p.concat(i, [2, n.length], n), u.from(p);
function v(i, n, o, p) {
if (i = u.from(i.toArray()), i.length < n.byteLength()) {
var O = u.alloc(n.byteLength() - i.length);
i = u.concat([O, i]);
var P = o.length, F = a(o, n), z = u.alloc(P);
var N = u.alloc(P);
return N = m(p, N).update(z).update(u.from([0])).update(i).update(F).digest(), z = m(p, N).update(z).digest(), N = m(p, N).update(z).update(u.from([1])).update(i).update(F).digest(), z = m(p, N).update(z).digest(), {
k: N,
v: z
function c(i, n) {
var o = new w(i), p = (i.length << 3) - n.bitLength();
return p > 0 && o.ishrn(p), o;
function a(i, n) {
i = c(i, n), i = i.mod(n);
var o = u.from(i.toArray());
if (o.length < n.byteLength()) {
var p = u.alloc(n.byteLength() - o.length);
o = u.concat([p, o]);
return o;
function r(i, n, o) {
var p, O;
do {
for (p = u.alloc(0); p.length * 8 < i.bitLength(); )
n.v = m(o, n.k).update(n.v).digest(), p = u.concat([p, n.v]);
O = c(p, i), n.k = m(o, n.k).update(n.v).update(u.from([0])).digest(), n.v = m(o, n.k).update(n.v).digest();
} while (O.cmp(i) !== -1);
return O;
function t(i, n, o, p) {
return i.toRed(w.mont(o)).redPow(n).fromRed().mod(p);
x.exports = h, x.exports.getKey = v, x.exports.makeKey = r;
}, { "./curves.json": 210, "bn.js": 183, "browserify-rsa": 206, "create-hmac": 333, elliptic: 350, "parse-asn1": 459, "safe-buffer": 214 }], 213: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("bn.js"), g = e("elliptic").ec, b = e("parse-asn1"), w = e("./curves.json");
function f(d, s, v, c, a) {
var r = b(v);
if (r.type === "ec") {
if (c !== "ecdsa" && c !== "ecdsa/rsa")
throw new Error("wrong public key type");
return y(d, s, r);
} else if (r.type === "dsa") {
if (c !== "dsa")
throw new Error("wrong public key type");
return h(d, s, r);
} else if (c !== "rsa" && c !== "ecdsa/rsa")
throw new Error("wrong public key type");
s = u.concat([a, s]);
for (var t = r.modulus.byteLength(), i = [1], n = 0; s.length + i.length + 2 < t; )
i.push(255), n++;
for (var o = -1; ++o < s.length; )
i = u.from(i);
var p = m.mont(r.modulus);
d = new m(d).toRed(p), d = d.redPow(new m(r.publicExponent)), d = u.from(d.fromRed().toArray());
var O = n < 8 ? 1 : 0;
for (t = Math.min(d.length, i.length), d.length !== i.length && (O = 1), o = -1; ++o < t; )
O |= d[o] ^ i[o];
return O === 0;
function y(d, s, v) {
var c = w[".")];
if (!c)
throw new Error("unknown curve " +"."));
var a = new g(c), r =;
return a.verify(s, d, r);
function h(d, s, v) {
var c =, a =, r =, t =, i = b.signature.decode(d, "der"), n = i.s, o = i.r;
l(n, a), l(o, a);
var p = m.mont(c), O = n.invm(a), P = r.toRed(p).redPow(new m(s).mul(O).mod(a)).fromRed().mul(t.toRed(p).redPow(o.mul(O).mod(a)).fromRed()).mod(c).mod(a);
return P.cmp(o) === 0;
function l(d, s) {
if (d.cmpn(0) <= 0)
throw new Error("invalid sig");
if (d.cmp(s) >= s)
throw new Error("invalid sig");
x.exports = f;
}, { "./curves.json": 210, "bn.js": 183, elliptic: 350, "parse-asn1": 459, "safe-buffer": 214 }], 214: [function(e, x, _) {
/*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <> */
var u = e("buffer"), m = u.Buffer;
function g(w, f) {
for (var y in w)
f[y] = w[y];
m.from && m.alloc && m.allocUnsafe && m.allocUnsafeSlow ? x.exports = u : (g(u, _), _.Buffer = b);
function b(w, f, y) {
return m(w, f, y);
b.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype), g(m, b), b.from = function(w, f, y) {
if (typeof w == "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");
return m(w, f, y);
}, b.alloc = function(w, f, y) {
if (typeof w != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
var h = m(w);
return f !== void 0 ? typeof y == "string" ? h.fill(f, y) : h.fill(f) : h.fill(0), h;
}, b.allocUnsafe = function(w) {
if (typeof w != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
return m(w);
}, b.allocUnsafeSlow = function(w) {
if (typeof w != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
return u.SlowBuffer(w);
}, { buffer: 216 }], 215: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][185][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { dup: 185 }], 216: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(h) {
function m(q) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(Y) {
return typeof Y;
} : m = function(Y) {
return Y && typeof Symbol == "function" && Y.constructor === Symbol && Y !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof Y;
}, m(q);
var g = e("base64-js"), b = e("ieee754");
_.Buffer = h, _.SlowBuffer = n, _.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50;
var w = 2147483647;
_.kMaxLength = w, h.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = f(), !h.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.error == "function" && console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.");
function f() {
try {
var q = new Uint8Array(1);
return q.__proto__ = {
__proto__: Uint8Array.prototype,
foo: function() {
return 42;
}, === 42;
} catch (G) {
return !1;
Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "parent", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
if (h.isBuffer(this))
return this.buffer;
}), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "offset", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
if (h.isBuffer(this))
return this.byteOffset;
function y(q) {
if (q > w)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + q + '" is invalid for option "size"');
var G = new Uint8Array(q);
return G.__proto__ = h.prototype, G;
function h(q, G, Y) {
if (typeof q == "number") {
if (typeof G == "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');
return v(q);
return l(q, G, Y);
typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.species != null && h[Symbol.species] === h && Object.defineProperty(h, Symbol.species, {
value: null,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !1
}), h.poolSize = 8192;
function l(q, G, Y) {
if (typeof q == "string")
return c(q, G);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(q))
return a(q);
if (q == null)
throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + m(q));
if (se(q, ArrayBuffer) || q && se(q.buffer, ArrayBuffer))
return r(q, G, Y);
if (typeof q == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');
var fe = q.valueOf && q.valueOf();
if (fe != null && fe !== q)
return h.from(fe, G, Y);
var we = t(q);
if (we)
return we;
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof q[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function")
return h.from(q[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), G, Y);
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + m(q));
h.from = function(q, G, Y) {
return l(q, G, Y);
}, h.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype, h.__proto__ = Uint8Array;
function d(q) {
if (typeof q != "number")
throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');
if (q < 0)
throw new RangeError('The value "' + q + '" is invalid for option "size"');
function s(q, G, Y) {
return d(q), q <= 0 ? y(q) : G !== void 0 ? typeof Y == "string" ? y(q).fill(G, Y) : y(q).fill(G) : y(q);
h.alloc = function(q, G, Y) {
return s(q, G, Y);
function v(q) {
return d(q), y(q < 0 ? 0 : i(q) | 0);
h.allocUnsafe = function(q) {
return v(q);
}, h.allocUnsafeSlow = function(q) {
return v(q);
function c(q, G) {
if ((typeof G != "string" || G === "") && (G = "utf8"), !h.isEncoding(G))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + G);
var Y = o(q, G) | 0, fe = y(Y), we = fe.write(q, G);
return we !== Y && (fe = fe.slice(0, we)), fe;
function a(q) {
for (var G = q.length < 0 ? 0 : i(q.length) | 0, Y = y(G), fe = 0; fe < G; fe += 1)
Y[fe] = q[fe] & 255;
return Y;
function r(q, G, Y) {
if (G < 0 || q.byteLength < G)
throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds');
if (q.byteLength < G + (Y || 0))
throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds');
var fe;
return G === void 0 && Y === void 0 ? fe = new Uint8Array(q) : Y === void 0 ? fe = new Uint8Array(q, G) : fe = new Uint8Array(q, G, Y), fe.__proto__ = h.prototype, fe;
function t(q) {
if (h.isBuffer(q)) {
var G = i(q.length) | 0, Y = y(G);
return Y.length === 0 || q.copy(Y, 0, 0, G), Y;
if (q.length !== void 0)
return typeof q.length != "number" || Ce(q.length) ? y(0) : a(q);
if (q.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(
return a(;
function i(q) {
if (q >= w)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + w.toString(16) + " bytes");
return q | 0;
function n(q) {
return +q != q && (q = 0), h.alloc(+q);
h.isBuffer = function(G) {
return G != null && G._isBuffer === !0 && G !== h.prototype;
}, = function(G, Y) {
if (se(G, Uint8Array) && (G = h.from(G, G.offset, G.byteLength)), se(Y, Uint8Array) && (Y = h.from(Y, Y.offset, Y.byteLength)), !h.isBuffer(G) || !h.isBuffer(Y))
throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (G === Y)
return 0;
for (var fe = G.length, we = Y.length, _e = 0, je = Math.min(fe, we); _e < je; ++_e)
if (G[_e] !== Y[_e]) {
fe = G[_e], we = Y[_e];
return fe < we ? -1 : we < fe ? 1 : 0;
}, h.isEncoding = function(G) {
switch (String(G).toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return !0;
return !1;
}, h.concat = function(G, Y) {
if (!Array.isArray(G))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
if (G.length === 0)
return h.alloc(0);
var fe;
if (Y === void 0)
for (Y = 0, fe = 0; fe < G.length; ++fe)
Y += G[fe].length;
var we = h.allocUnsafe(Y), _e = 0;
for (fe = 0; fe < G.length; ++fe) {
var je = G[fe];
if (se(je, Uint8Array) && (je = h.from(je)), !h.isBuffer(je))
throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');
je.copy(we, _e), _e += je.length;
return we;
function o(q, G) {
if (h.isBuffer(q))
return q.length;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(q) || se(q, ArrayBuffer))
return q.byteLength;
if (typeof q != "string")
throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + m(q));
var Y = q.length, fe = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === !0;
if (!fe && Y === 0)
return 0;
for (var we = !1; ; )
switch (G) {
case "ascii":
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return Y;
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return J(q).length;
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return Y * 2;
case "hex":
return Y >>> 1;
case "base64":
return ke(q).length;
if (we)
return fe ? -1 : J(q).length;
G = ("" + G).toLowerCase(), we = !0;
h.byteLength = o;
function p(q, G, Y) {
var fe = !1;
if ((G === void 0 || G < 0) && (G = 0), G > this.length || ((Y === void 0 || Y > this.length) && (Y = this.length), Y <= 0) || (Y >>>= 0, G >>>= 0, Y <= G))
return "";
for (q || (q = "utf8"); ; )
switch (q) {
case "hex":
return D(this, G, Y);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return A(this, G, Y);
case "ascii":
return W(this, G, Y);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return U(this, G, Y);
case "base64":
return E(this, G, Y);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return B(this, G, Y);
if (fe)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + q);
q = (q + "").toLowerCase(), fe = !0;
h.prototype._isBuffer = !0;
function O(q, G, Y) {
var fe = q[G];
q[G] = q[Y], q[Y] = fe;
h.prototype.swap16 = function() {
var G = this.length;
if (G % 2 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");
for (var Y = 0; Y < G; Y += 2)
O(this, Y, Y + 1);
return this;
}, h.prototype.swap32 = function() {
var G = this.length;
if (G % 4 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");
for (var Y = 0; Y < G; Y += 4)
O(this, Y, Y + 3), O(this, Y + 1, Y + 2);
return this;
}, h.prototype.swap64 = function() {
var G = this.length;
if (G % 8 !== 0)
throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");
for (var Y = 0; Y < G; Y += 8)
O(this, Y, Y + 7), O(this, Y + 1, Y + 6), O(this, Y + 2, Y + 5), O(this, Y + 3, Y + 4);
return this;
}, h.prototype.toString = function() {
var G = this.length;
return G === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? A(this, 0, G) : p.apply(this, arguments);
}, h.prototype.toLocaleString = h.prototype.toString, h.prototype.equals = function(G) {
if (!h.isBuffer(G))
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");
return this === G ? !0 :, G) === 0;
}, h.prototype.inspect = function() {
var G = "", Y = _.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;
return G = this.toString("hex", 0, Y).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > Y && (G += " ... "), "<Buffer " + G + ">";
}, = function(G, Y, fe, we, _e) {
if (se(G, Uint8Array) && (G = h.from(G, G.offset, G.byteLength)), !h.isBuffer(G))
throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + m(G));
if (Y === void 0 && (Y = 0), fe === void 0 && (fe = G ? G.length : 0), we === void 0 && (we = 0), _e === void 0 && (_e = this.length), Y < 0 || fe > G.length || we < 0 || _e > this.length)
throw new RangeError("out of range index");
if (we >= _e && Y >= fe)
return 0;
if (we >= _e)
return -1;
if (Y >= fe)
return 1;
if (Y >>>= 0, fe >>>= 0, we >>>= 0, _e >>>= 0, this === G)
return 0;
for (var je = _e - we, Ye = fe - Y, nt = Math.min(je, Ye), ut = this.slice(we, _e), ot = G.slice(Y, fe), Ue = 0; Ue < nt; ++Ue)
if (ut[Ue] !== ot[Ue]) {
je = ut[Ue], Ye = ot[Ue];
return je < Ye ? -1 : Ye < je ? 1 : 0;
function P(q, G, Y, fe, we) {
if (q.length === 0)
return -1;
if (typeof Y == "string" ? (fe = Y, Y = 0) : Y > 2147483647 ? Y = 2147483647 : Y < -2147483648 && (Y = -2147483648), Y = +Y, Ce(Y) && (Y = we ? 0 : q.length - 1), Y < 0 && (Y = q.length + Y), Y >= q.length) {
if (we)
return -1;
Y = q.length - 1;
} else if (Y < 0)
if (we)
Y = 0;
return -1;
if (typeof G == "string" && (G = h.from(G, fe)), h.isBuffer(G))
return G.length === 0 ? -1 : F(q, G, Y, fe, we);
if (typeof G == "number")
return G = G & 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? we ?, G, Y) :, G, Y) : F(q, [G], Y, fe, we);
throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer");
function F(q, G, Y, fe, we) {
var _e = 1, je = q.length, Ye = G.length;
if (fe !== void 0 && (fe = String(fe).toLowerCase(), fe === "ucs2" || fe === "ucs-2" || fe === "utf16le" || fe === "utf-16le")) {
if (q.length < 2 || G.length < 2)
return -1;
_e = 2, je /= 2, Ye /= 2, Y /= 2;
function nt(Qe, tt) {
return _e === 1 ? Qe[tt] : Qe.readUInt16BE(tt * _e);
var ut;
if (we) {
var ot = -1;
for (ut = Y; ut < je; ut++)
if (nt(q, ut) === nt(G, ot === -1 ? 0 : ut - ot)) {
if (ot === -1 && (ot = ut), ut - ot + 1 === Ye)
return ot * _e;
} else
ot !== -1 && (ut -= ut - ot), ot = -1;
} else
for (Y + Ye > je && (Y = je - Ye), ut = Y; ut >= 0; ut--) {
for (var Ue = !0, Ve = 0; Ve < Ye; Ve++)
if (nt(q, ut + Ve) !== nt(G, Ve)) {
Ue = !1;
if (Ue)
return ut;
return -1;
h.prototype.includes = function(G, Y, fe) {
return this.indexOf(G, Y, fe) !== -1;
}, h.prototype.indexOf = function(G, Y, fe) {
return P(this, G, Y, fe, !0);
}, h.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(G, Y, fe) {
return P(this, G, Y, fe, !1);
function z(q, G, Y, fe) {
Y = Number(Y) || 0;
var we = q.length - Y;
fe ? (fe = Number(fe), fe > we && (fe = we)) : fe = we;
var _e = G.length;
fe > _e / 2 && (fe = _e / 2);
for (var je = 0; je < fe; ++je) {
var Ye = parseInt(G.substr(je * 2, 2), 16);
if (Ce(Ye))
return je;
q[Y + je] = Ye;
return je;
function N(q, G, Y, fe) {
return ne(J(G, q.length - Y), q, Y, fe);
function M(q, G, Y, fe) {
return ne(Q(G), q, Y, fe);
function I(q, G, Y, fe) {
return M(q, G, Y, fe);
function R(q, G, Y, fe) {
return ne(ke(G), q, Y, fe);
function C(q, G, Y, fe) {
return ne(he(G, q.length - Y), q, Y, fe);
h.prototype.write = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (Y === void 0)
we = "utf8", fe = this.length, Y = 0;
else if (fe === void 0 && typeof Y == "string")
we = Y, fe = this.length, Y = 0;
else if (isFinite(Y))
Y = Y >>> 0, isFinite(fe) ? (fe = fe >>> 0, we === void 0 && (we = "utf8")) : (we = fe, fe = void 0);
throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");
var _e = this.length - Y;
if ((fe === void 0 || fe > _e) && (fe = _e), G.length > 0 && (fe < 0 || Y < 0) || Y > this.length)
throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");
we || (we = "utf8");
for (var je = !1; ; )
switch (we) {
case "hex":
return z(this, G, Y, fe);
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return N(this, G, Y, fe);
case "ascii":
return M(this, G, Y, fe);
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return I(this, G, Y, fe);
case "base64":
return R(this, G, Y, fe);
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return C(this, G, Y, fe);
if (je)
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + we);
we = ("" + we).toLowerCase(), je = !0;
}, h.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
type: "Buffer",
data: || this, 0)
function E(q, G, Y) {
return G === 0 && Y === q.length ? g.fromByteArray(q) : g.fromByteArray(q.slice(G, Y));
function A(q, G, Y) {
Y = Math.min(q.length, Y);
for (var fe = [], we = G; we < Y; ) {
var _e = q[we], je = null, Ye = _e > 239 ? 4 : _e > 223 ? 3 : _e > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (we + Ye <= Y) {
var nt, ut, ot, Ue;
switch (Ye) {
case 1:
_e < 128 && (je = _e);
case 2:
nt = q[we + 1], (nt & 192) === 128 && (Ue = (_e & 31) << 6 | nt & 63, Ue > 127 && (je = Ue));
case 3:
nt = q[we + 1], ut = q[we + 2], (nt & 192) === 128 && (ut & 192) === 128 && (Ue = (_e & 15) << 12 | (nt & 63) << 6 | ut & 63, Ue > 2047 && (Ue < 55296 || Ue > 57343) && (je = Ue));
case 4:
nt = q[we + 1], ut = q[we + 2], ot = q[we + 3], (nt & 192) === 128 && (ut & 192) === 128 && (ot & 192) === 128 && (Ue = (_e & 15) << 18 | (nt & 63) << 12 | (ut & 63) << 6 | ot & 63, Ue > 65535 && Ue < 1114112 && (je = Ue));
je === null ? (je = 65533, Ye = 1) : je > 65535 && (je -= 65536, fe.push(je >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), je = 56320 | je & 1023), fe.push(je), we += Ye;
return $(fe);
var L = 4096;
function $(q) {
var G = q.length;
if (G <= L)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, q);
for (var Y = "", fe = 0; fe < G; )
Y += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, q.slice(fe, fe += L));
return Y;
function W(q, G, Y) {
var fe = "";
Y = Math.min(q.length, Y);
for (var we = G; we < Y; ++we)
fe += String.fromCharCode(q[we] & 127);
return fe;
function U(q, G, Y) {
var fe = "";
Y = Math.min(q.length, Y);
for (var we = G; we < Y; ++we)
fe += String.fromCharCode(q[we]);
return fe;
function D(q, G, Y) {
var fe = q.length;
(!G || G < 0) && (G = 0), (!Y || Y < 0 || Y > fe) && (Y = fe);
for (var we = "", _e = G; _e < Y; ++_e)
we += oe(q[_e]);
return we;
function B(q, G, Y) {
for (var fe = q.slice(G, Y), we = "", _e = 0; _e < fe.length; _e += 2)
we += String.fromCharCode(fe[_e] + fe[_e + 1] * 256);
return we;
h.prototype.slice = function(G, Y) {
var fe = this.length;
G = ~~G, Y = Y === void 0 ? fe : ~~Y, G < 0 ? (G += fe, G < 0 && (G = 0)) : G > fe && (G = fe), Y < 0 ? (Y += fe, Y < 0 && (Y = 0)) : Y > fe && (Y = fe), Y < G && (Y = G);
var we = this.subarray(G, Y);
return we.__proto__ = h.prototype, we;
function j(q, G, Y) {
if (q % 1 !== 0 || q < 0)
throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");
if (q + G > Y)
throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length");
h.prototype.readUIntLE = function(G, Y, fe) {
G = G >>> 0, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || j(G, Y, this.length);
for (var we = this[G], _e = 1, je = 0; ++je < Y && (_e *= 256); )
we += this[G + je] * _e;
return we;
}, h.prototype.readUIntBE = function(G, Y, fe) {
G = G >>> 0, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || j(G, Y, this.length);
for (var we = this[G + --Y], _e = 1; Y > 0 && (_e *= 256); )
we += this[G + --Y] * _e;
return we;
}, h.prototype.readUInt8 = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 1, this.length), this[G];
}, h.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 2, this.length), this[G] | this[G + 1] << 8;
}, h.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 2, this.length), this[G] << 8 | this[G + 1];
}, h.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 4, this.length), (this[G] | this[G + 1] << 8 | this[G + 2] << 16) + this[G + 3] * 16777216;
}, h.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 4, this.length), this[G] * 16777216 + (this[G + 1] << 16 | this[G + 2] << 8 | this[G + 3]);
}, h.prototype.readIntLE = function(G, Y, fe) {
G = G >>> 0, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || j(G, Y, this.length);
for (var we = this[G], _e = 1, je = 0; ++je < Y && (_e *= 256); )
we += this[G + je] * _e;
return _e *= 128, we >= _e && (we -= Math.pow(2, 8 * Y)), we;
}, h.prototype.readIntBE = function(G, Y, fe) {
G = G >>> 0, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || j(G, Y, this.length);
for (var we = Y, _e = 1, je = this[G + --we]; we > 0 && (_e *= 256); )
je += this[G + --we] * _e;
return _e *= 128, je >= _e && (je -= Math.pow(2, 8 * Y)), je;
}, h.prototype.readInt8 = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 1, this.length), this[G] & 128 ? (255 - this[G] + 1) * -1 : this[G];
}, h.prototype.readInt16LE = function(G, Y) {
G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 2, this.length);
var fe = this[G] | this[G + 1] << 8;
return fe & 32768 ? fe | 4294901760 : fe;
}, h.prototype.readInt16BE = function(G, Y) {
G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 2, this.length);
var fe = this[G + 1] | this[G] << 8;
return fe & 32768 ? fe | 4294901760 : fe;
}, h.prototype.readInt32LE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 4, this.length), this[G] | this[G + 1] << 8 | this[G + 2] << 16 | this[G + 3] << 24;
}, h.prototype.readInt32BE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 4, this.length), this[G] << 24 | this[G + 1] << 16 | this[G + 2] << 8 | this[G + 3];
}, h.prototype.readFloatLE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 4, this.length),, G, !0, 23, 4);
}, h.prototype.readFloatBE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 4, this.length),, G, !1, 23, 4);
}, h.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 8, this.length),, G, !0, 52, 8);
}, h.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(G, Y) {
return G = G >>> 0, Y || j(G, 8, this.length),, G, !1, 52, 8);
function V(q, G, Y, fe, we, _e) {
if (!h.isBuffer(q))
throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');
if (G > we || G < _e)
throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');
if (Y + fe > q.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
h.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe = fe >>> 0, !we) {
var _e = Math.pow(2, 8 * fe) - 1;
V(this, G, Y, fe, _e, 0);
var je = 1, Ye = 0;
for (this[Y] = G & 255; ++Ye < fe && (je *= 256); )
this[Y + Ye] = G / je & 255;
return Y + fe;
}, h.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe = fe >>> 0, !we) {
var _e = Math.pow(2, 8 * fe) - 1;
V(this, G, Y, fe, _e, 0);
var je = fe - 1, Ye = 1;
for (this[Y + je] = G & 255; --je >= 0 && (Ye *= 256); )
this[Y + je] = G / Ye & 255;
return Y + fe;
}, h.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 1, 255, 0), this[Y] = G & 255, Y + 1;
}, h.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 2, 65535, 0), this[Y] = G & 255, this[Y + 1] = G >>> 8, Y + 2;
}, h.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 2, 65535, 0), this[Y] = G >>> 8, this[Y + 1] = G & 255, Y + 2;
}, h.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[Y + 3] = G >>> 24, this[Y + 2] = G >>> 16, this[Y + 1] = G >>> 8, this[Y] = G & 255, Y + 4;
}, h.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[Y] = G >>> 24, this[Y + 1] = G >>> 16, this[Y + 2] = G >>> 8, this[Y + 3] = G & 255, Y + 4;
}, h.prototype.writeIntLE = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, !we) {
var _e = Math.pow(2, 8 * fe - 1);
V(this, G, Y, fe, _e - 1, -_e);
var je = 0, Ye = 1, nt = 0;
for (this[Y] = G & 255; ++je < fe && (Ye *= 256); )
G < 0 && nt === 0 && this[Y + je - 1] !== 0 && (nt = 1), this[Y + je] = (G / Ye >> 0) - nt & 255;
return Y + fe;
}, h.prototype.writeIntBE = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, !we) {
var _e = Math.pow(2, 8 * fe - 1);
V(this, G, Y, fe, _e - 1, -_e);
var je = fe - 1, Ye = 1, nt = 0;
for (this[Y + je] = G & 255; --je >= 0 && (Ye *= 256); )
G < 0 && nt === 0 && this[Y + je + 1] !== 0 && (nt = 1), this[Y + je] = (G / Ye >> 0) - nt & 255;
return Y + fe;
}, h.prototype.writeInt8 = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 1, 127, -128), G < 0 && (G = 255 + G + 1), this[Y] = G & 255, Y + 1;
}, h.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 2, 32767, -32768), this[Y] = G & 255, this[Y + 1] = G >>> 8, Y + 2;
}, h.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 2, 32767, -32768), this[Y] = G >>> 8, this[Y + 1] = G & 255, Y + 2;
}, h.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[Y] = G & 255, this[Y + 1] = G >>> 8, this[Y + 2] = G >>> 16, this[Y + 3] = G >>> 24, Y + 4;
}, h.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, fe || V(this, G, Y, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), G < 0 && (G = 4294967295 + G + 1), this[Y] = G >>> 24, this[Y + 1] = G >>> 16, this[Y + 2] = G >>> 8, this[Y + 3] = G & 255, Y + 4;
function re(q, G, Y, fe, we, _e) {
if (Y + fe > q.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (Y < 0)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
function ee(q, G, Y, fe, we) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, we || re(q, G, Y, 4), b.write(q, G, Y, fe, 23, 4), Y + 4;
h.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return ee(this, G, Y, !0, fe);
}, h.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return ee(this, G, Y, !1, fe);
function ce(q, G, Y, fe, we) {
return G = +G, Y = Y >>> 0, we || re(q, G, Y, 8), b.write(q, G, Y, fe, 52, 8), Y + 8;
h.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return ce(this, G, Y, !0, fe);
}, h.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(G, Y, fe) {
return ce(this, G, Y, !1, fe);
}, h.prototype.copy = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (!h.isBuffer(G))
throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");
if (fe || (fe = 0), !we && we !== 0 && (we = this.length), Y >= G.length && (Y = G.length), Y || (Y = 0), we > 0 && we < fe && (we = fe), we === fe || G.length === 0 || this.length === 0)
return 0;
if (Y < 0)
throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");
if (fe < 0 || fe >= this.length)
throw new RangeError("Index out of range");
if (we < 0)
throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");
we > this.length && (we = this.length), G.length - Y < we - fe && (we = G.length - Y + fe);
var _e = we - fe;
if (this === G && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function")
this.copyWithin(Y, fe, we);
else if (this === G && fe < Y && Y < we)
for (var je = _e - 1; je >= 0; --je)
G[je + Y] = this[je + fe];
else, this.subarray(fe, we), Y);
return _e;
}, h.prototype.fill = function(G, Y, fe, we) {
if (typeof G == "string") {
if (typeof Y == "string" ? (we = Y, Y = 0, fe = this.length) : typeof fe == "string" && (we = fe, fe = this.length), we !== void 0 && typeof we != "string")
throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");
if (typeof we == "string" && !h.isEncoding(we))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + we);
if (G.length === 1) {
var _e = G.charCodeAt(0);
(we === "utf8" && _e < 128 || we === "latin1") && (G = _e);
} else
typeof G == "number" && (G = G & 255);
if (Y < 0 || this.length < Y || this.length < fe)
throw new RangeError("Out of range index");
if (fe <= Y)
return this;
Y = Y >>> 0, fe = fe === void 0 ? this.length : fe >>> 0, G || (G = 0);
var je;
if (typeof G == "number")
for (je = Y; je < fe; ++je)
this[je] = G;
else {
var Ye = h.isBuffer(G) ? G : h.from(G, we), nt = Ye.length;
if (nt === 0)
throw new TypeError('The value "' + G + '" is invalid for argument "value"');
for (je = 0; je < fe - Y; ++je)
this[je + Y] = Ye[je % nt];
return this;
var ve = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;
function ge(q) {
if (q = q.split("=")[0], q = q.trim().replace(ve, ""), q.length < 2)
return "";
for (; q.length % 4 !== 0; )
q = q + "=";
return q;
function oe(q) {
return q < 16 ? "0" + q.toString(16) : q.toString(16);
function J(q, G) {
G = G || 1 / 0;
for (var Y, fe = q.length, we = null, _e = [], je = 0; je < fe; ++je) {
if (Y = q.charCodeAt(je), Y > 55295 && Y < 57344) {
if (!we) {
if (Y > 56319) {
(G -= 3) > -1 && _e.push(239, 191, 189);
} else if (je + 1 === fe) {
(G -= 3) > -1 && _e.push(239, 191, 189);
we = Y;
if (Y < 56320) {
(G -= 3) > -1 && _e.push(239, 191, 189), we = Y;
Y = (we - 55296 << 10 | Y - 56320) + 65536;
} else
we && (G -= 3) > -1 && _e.push(239, 191, 189);
if (we = null, Y < 128) {
if ((G -= 1) < 0)
} else if (Y < 2048) {
if ((G -= 2) < 0)
_e.push(Y >> 6 | 192, Y & 63 | 128);
} else if (Y < 65536) {
if ((G -= 3) < 0)
_e.push(Y >> 12 | 224, Y >> 6 & 63 | 128, Y & 63 | 128);
} else if (Y < 1114112) {
if ((G -= 4) < 0)
_e.push(Y >> 18 | 240, Y >> 12 & 63 | 128, Y >> 6 & 63 | 128, Y & 63 | 128);
} else
throw new Error("Invalid code point");
return _e;
function Q(q) {
for (var G = [], Y = 0; Y < q.length; ++Y)
G.push(q.charCodeAt(Y) & 255);
return G;
function he(q, G) {
for (var Y, fe, we, _e = [], je = 0; je < q.length && !((G -= 2) < 0); ++je)
Y = q.charCodeAt(je), fe = Y >> 8, we = Y % 256, _e.push(we), _e.push(fe);
return _e;
function ke(q) {
return g.toByteArray(ge(q));
function ne(q, G, Y, fe) {
for (var we = 0; we < fe && !(we + Y >= G.length || we >= q.length); ++we)
G[we + Y] = q[we];
return we;
function se(q, G) {
return q instanceof G || q != null && q.constructor != null && != null && ===;
function Ce(q) {
return q !== q;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "base64-js": 182, buffer: 216, ieee754: 385 }], 217: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
x.exports = function(g, b) {
for (var w = Math.min(g.length, b.length), f = new u(w), y = 0; y < w; ++y)
f[y] = g[y] ^ b[y];
return f;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { buffer: 216 }], 218: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("stream").Transform, g = e("string_decoder").StringDecoder, b = e("inherits");
function w(f) {, this.hashMode = typeof f == "string", this.hashMode ? this[f] = this._finalOrDigest : = this._finalOrDigest, this._final && (this.__final = this._final, this._final = null), this._decoder = null, this._encoding = null;
b(w, m), w.prototype.update = function(f, y, h) {
typeof f == "string" && (f = u.from(f, y));
var l = this._update(f);
return this.hashMode ? this : (h && (l = this._toString(l, h)), l);
}, w.prototype.setAutoPadding = function() {
}, w.prototype.getAuthTag = function() {
throw new Error("trying to get auth tag in unsupported state");
}, w.prototype.setAuthTag = function() {
throw new Error("trying to set auth tag in unsupported state");
}, w.prototype.setAAD = function() {
throw new Error("trying to set aad in unsupported state");
}, w.prototype._transform = function(f, y, h) {
var l;
try {
this.hashMode ? this._update(f) : this.push(this._update(f));
} catch (d) {
l = d;
} finally {
}, w.prototype._flush = function(f) {
var y;
try {
} catch (h) {
y = h;
}, w.prototype._finalOrDigest = function(f) {
var y = this.__final() || u.alloc(0);
return f && (y = this._toString(y, f, !0)), y;
}, w.prototype._toString = function(f, y, h) {
if (this._decoder || (this._decoder = new g(y), this._encoding = y), this._encoding !== y)
throw new Error("can't switch encodings");
var l = this._decoder.write(f);
return h && (l += this._decoder.end()), l;
}, x.exports = w;
}, { inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494, stream: 506, string_decoder: 520 }], 219: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u) {
if (typeof u != "function")
throw TypeError(String(u) + " is not a function");
return u;
}, {}], 220: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-object");
x.exports = function(m) {
if (!u(m) && m !== null)
throw TypeError("Can't set " + String(m) + " as a prototype");
return m;
}, { "../internals/is-object": 263 }], 221: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), m = e("../internals/object-create"), g = e("../internals/object-define-property"), b = u("unscopables"), w = Array.prototype;
w[b] == null && g.f(w, b, {
configurable: !0,
value: m(null)
}), x.exports = function(f) {
w[b][f] = !0;
}, { "../internals/object-create": 276, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 222: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u, m, g) {
if (!(u instanceof m))
throw TypeError("Incorrect " + (g ? g + " " : "") + "invocation");
return u;
}, {}], 223: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-object");
x.exports = function(m) {
if (!u(m))
throw TypeError(String(m) + " is not an object");
return m;
}, { "../internals/is-object": 263 }], 224: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), m = e("../internals/to-length"), g = e("../internals/to-absolute-index"), b = function(w) {
return function(f, y, h) {
var l = u(f), d = m(l.length), s = g(h, d), v;
if (w && y != y) {
for (; d > s; )
if (v = l[s++], v != v)
return !0;
} else
for (; d > s; s++)
if ((w || s in l) && l[s] === y)
return w || s || 0;
return !w && -1;
x.exports = {
// `Array.prototype.includes` method
includes: b(!0),
// `Array.prototype.indexOf` method
indexOf: b(!1)
}, { "../internals/to-absolute-index": 304, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305, "../internals/to-length": 307 }], 225: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/function-bind-context"), m = e("../internals/indexed-object"), g = e("../internals/to-object"), b = e("../internals/to-length"), w = e("../internals/array-species-create"), f = [].push, y = function(h) {
var l = h == 1, d = h == 2, s = h == 3, v = h == 4, c = h == 6, a = h == 5 || c;
return function(r, t, i, n) {
for (var o = g(r), p = m(o), O = u(t, i, 3), P = b(p.length), F = 0, z = n || w, N = l ? z(r, P) : d ? z(r, 0) : void 0, M, I; P > F; F++)
if ((a || F in p) && (M = p[F], I = O(M, F, o), h)) {
if (l)
N[F] = I;
else if (I)
switch (h) {
case 3:
return !0;
case 5:
return M;
case 6:
return F;
case 2:, M);
else if (v)
return !1;
return c ? -1 : s || v ? v : N;
x.exports = {
// `Array.prototype.forEach` method
forEach: y(0),
// `` method
map: y(1),
// `Array.prototype.filter` method
filter: y(2),
// `Array.prototype.some` method
some: y(3),
// `Array.prototype.every` method
every: y(4),
// `Array.prototype.find` method
find: y(5),
// `Array.prototype.findIndex` method
findIndex: y(6)
}, { "../internals/array-species-create": 227, "../internals/function-bind-context": 248, "../internals/indexed-object": 257, "../internals/to-length": 307, "../internals/to-object": 308 }], 226: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/fails"), g = e("../internals/has"), b = Object.defineProperty, w = {}, f = function(y) {
throw y;
x.exports = function(y, h) {
if (g(w, y))
return w[y];
h || (h = {});
var l = [][y], d = g(h, "ACCESSORS") ? h.ACCESSORS : !1, s = g(h, 0) ? h[0] : f, v = g(h, 1) ? h[1] : void 0;
return w[y] = !!l && !m(function() {
if (d && !u)
return !0;
var c = { length: -1 };
d ? b(c, 1, { enumerable: !0, get: f }) : c[1] = 1,, s, v);
}, { "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/fails": 247, "../internals/has": 252 }], 227: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-object"), m = e("../internals/is-array"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = g("species");
x.exports = function(w, f) {
var y;
return m(w) && (y = w.constructor, typeof y == "function" && (y === Array || m(y.prototype)) ? y = void 0 : u(y) && (y = y[b], y === null && (y = void 0))), new (y === void 0 ? Array : y)(f === 0 ? 0 : f);
}, { "../internals/is-array": 261, "../internals/is-object": 263, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 228: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/an-object");
x.exports = function(m, g, b, w) {
try {
return w ? g(u(b)[0], b[1]) : g(b);
} catch (y) {
var f = m.return;
throw f !== void 0 && u(, y;
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223 }], 229: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), m = u("iterator"), g = !1;
try {
var b = 0, w = {
next: function() {
return { done: !!b++ };
return: function() {
g = !0;
w[m] = function() {
return this;
}, Array.from(w, function() {
throw 2;
} catch (f) {
x.exports = function(f, y) {
if (!y && !g)
return !1;
var h = !1;
try {
var l = {};
l[m] = function() {
return {
next: function() {
return { done: h = !0 };
}, f(l);
} catch (d) {
return h;
}, { "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 230: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = {}.toString;
x.exports = function(m) {
return, -1);
}, {}], 231: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/to-string-tag-support"), m = e("../internals/classof-raw"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = g("toStringTag"), w = m(function() {
return arguments;
}()) == "Arguments", f = function(y, h) {
try {
return y[h];
} catch (l) {
x.exports = u ? m : function(y) {
var h, l, d;
return y === void 0 ? "Undefined" : y === null ? "Null" : typeof (l = f(h = Object(y), b)) == "string" ? l : w ? m(h) : (d = m(h)) == "Object" && typeof h.callee == "function" ? "Arguments" : d;
}, { "../internals/classof-raw": 230, "../internals/to-string-tag-support": 310, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 232: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/has"), m = e("../internals/own-keys"), g = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor"), b = e("../internals/object-define-property");
x.exports = function(w, f) {
for (var y = m(f), h = b.f, l = g.f, d = 0; d < y.length; d++) {
var s = y[d];
u(w, s) || h(w, s, l(f, s));
}, { "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor": 279, "../internals/own-keys": 289 }], 233: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), m = u("match");
x.exports = function(g) {
var b = /./;
try {
} catch (w) {
try {
return b[m] = !1, "/./"[g](b);
} catch (f) {
return !1;
}, { "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 234: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/fails");
x.exports = !u(function() {
function m() {
return m.prototype.constructor = null, Object.getPrototypeOf(new m()) !== m.prototype;
}, { "../internals/fails": 247 }], 235: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/iterators-core").IteratorPrototype, m = e("../internals/object-create"), g = e("../internals/create-property-descriptor"), b = e("../internals/set-to-string-tag"), w = e("../internals/iterators"), f = function() {
return this;
x.exports = function(y, h, l) {
var d = h + " Iterator";
return y.prototype = m(u, { next: g(1, l) }), b(y, d, !1, !0), w[d] = f, y;
}, { "../internals/create-property-descriptor": 237, "../internals/iterators": 268, "../internals/iterators-core": 267, "../internals/object-create": 276, "../internals/set-to-string-tag": 298 }], 236: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/object-define-property"), g = e("../internals/create-property-descriptor");
x.exports = u ? function(b, w, f) {
return m.f(b, w, g(1, f));
} : function(b, w, f) {
return b[w] = f, b;
}, { "../internals/create-property-descriptor": 237, "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/object-define-property": 278 }], 237: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u, m) {
return {
enumerable: !(u & 1),
configurable: !(u & 2),
writable: !(u & 4),
value: m
}, {}], 238: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/create-iterator-constructor"), g = e("../internals/object-get-prototype-of"), b = e("../internals/object-set-prototype-of"), w = e("../internals/set-to-string-tag"), f = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property"), y = e("../internals/redefine"), h = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), l = e("../internals/is-pure"), d = e("../internals/iterators"), s = e("../internals/iterators-core"), v = s.IteratorPrototype, c = s.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS, a = h("iterator"), r = "keys", t = "values", i = "entries", n = function() {
return this;
x.exports = function(o, p, O, P, F, z, N) {
m(O, p, P);
var M = function(D) {
if (D === F && A)
return A;
if (!c && D in C)
return C[D];
switch (D) {
case r:
return function() {
return new O(this, D);
case t:
return function() {
return new O(this, D);
case i:
return function() {
return new O(this, D);
return function() {
return new O(this);
}, I = p + " Iterator", R = !1, C = o.prototype, E = C[a] || C["@@iterator"] || F && C[F], A = !c && E || M(F), L = p == "Array" && C.entries || E, $, W, U;
if (L && ($ = g( o())), v !== Object.prototype && $.next && (!l && g($) !== v && (b ? b($, v) : typeof $[a] != "function" && f($, a, n)), w($, I, !0, !0), l && (d[I] = n))), F == t && E && !== t && (R = !0, A = function() {
}), (!l || N) && C[a] !== A && f(C, a, A), d[p] = A, F)
if (W = {
values: M(t),
keys: z ? A : M(r),
entries: M(i)
}, N)
for (U in W)
(c || R || !(U in C)) && y(C, U, W[U]);
u({ target: p, proto: !0, forced: c || R }, W);
return W;
}, { "../internals/create-iterator-constructor": 235, "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/is-pure": 264, "../internals/iterators": 268, "../internals/iterators-core": 267, "../internals/object-get-prototype-of": 283, "../internals/object-set-prototype-of": 287, "../internals/redefine": 294, "../internals/set-to-string-tag": 298, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 239: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/path"), m = e("../internals/has"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped"), b = e("../internals/object-define-property").f;
x.exports = function(w) {
var f = u.Symbol || (u.Symbol = {});
m(f, w) || b(f, w, {
value: g.f(w)
}, { "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/path": 290, "../internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped": 313 }], 240: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/fails");
x.exports = !u(function() {
return Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function() {
return 7;
} })[1] != 7;
}, { "../internals/fails": 247 }], 241: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/is-object"), g = u.document, b = m(g) && m(g.createElement);
x.exports = function(w) {
return b ? g.createElement(w) : {};
}, { "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/is-object": 263 }], 242: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/engine-user-agent");
x.exports = /(iphone|ipod|ipad).*applewebkit/i.test(u);
}, { "../internals/engine-user-agent": 243 }], 243: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/get-built-in");
x.exports = u("navigator", "userAgent") || "";
}, { "../internals/get-built-in": 249 }], 244: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/engine-user-agent"), g = u.process, b = g && g.versions, w = b && b.v8, f, y;
w ? (f = w.split("."), y = f[0] + f[1]) : m && (f = m.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/), (!f || f[1] >= 74) && (f = m.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/), f && (y = f[1]))), x.exports = y && +y;
}, { "../internals/engine-user-agent": 243, "../internals/global": 251 }], 245: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = [
}, {}], 246: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor").f, g = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property"), b = e("../internals/redefine"), w = e("../internals/set-global"), f = e("../internals/copy-constructor-properties"), y = e("../internals/is-forced");
x.exports = function(h, l) {
var d =, s =, v = h.stat, c, a, r, t, i, n;
if (s ? a = u : v ? a = u[d] || w(d, {}) : a = (u[d] || {}).prototype, a)
for (r in l) {
if (i = l[r], h.noTargetGet ? (n = m(a, r), t = n && n.value) : t = a[r], c = y(s ? r : d + (v ? "." : "#") + r, h.forced), !c && t !== void 0) {
if (typeof i == typeof t)
f(i, t);
(h.sham || t && t.sham) && g(i, "sham", !0), b(a, r, i, h);
}, { "../internals/copy-constructor-properties": 232, "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/is-forced": 262, "../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor": 279, "../internals/redefine": 294, "../internals/set-global": 296 }], 247: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u) {
try {
return !!u();
} catch (m) {
return !0;
}, {}], 248: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/a-function");
x.exports = function(m, g, b) {
if (u(m), g === void 0)
return m;
switch (b) {
case 0:
return function() {
case 1:
return function(w) {
return, w);
case 2:
return function(w, f) {
return, w, f);
case 3:
return function(w, f, y) {
return, w, f, y);
return function() {
return m.apply(g, arguments);
}, { "../internals/a-function": 219 }], 249: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/path"), m = e("../internals/global"), g = function(b) {
return typeof b == "function" ? b : void 0;
x.exports = function(b, w) {
return arguments.length < 2 ? g(u[b]) || g(m[b]) : u[b] && u[b][w] || m[b] && m[b][w];
}, { "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/path": 290 }], 250: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/classof"), m = e("../internals/iterators"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = g("iterator");
x.exports = function(w) {
if (w != null)
return w[b] || w["@@iterator"] || m[u(w)];
}, { "../internals/classof": 231, "../internals/iterators": 268, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 251: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = function(g) {
return g && g.Math == Math && g;
x.exports = // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
m(typeof globalThis == "object" && globalThis) || m(typeof window == "object" && window) || m(typeof self == "object" && self) || m(typeof u == "object" && u) || // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
Function("return this")();
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 252: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = {}.hasOwnProperty;
x.exports = function(m, g) {
return, g);
}, {}], 253: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {};
}, {}], 254: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global");
x.exports = function(m, g) {
var b = u.console;
b && b.error && (arguments.length === 1 ? b.error(m) : b.error(m, g));
}, { "../internals/global": 251 }], 255: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/get-built-in");
x.exports = u("document", "documentElement");
}, { "../internals/get-built-in": 249 }], 256: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/fails"), g = e("../internals/document-create-element");
x.exports = !u && !m(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(g("div"), "a", {
get: function() {
return 7;
}).a != 7;
}, { "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/document-create-element": 241, "../internals/fails": 247 }], 257: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/fails"), m = e("../internals/classof-raw"), g = "".split;
x.exports = u(function() {
return !Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0);
}) ? function(b) {
return m(b) == "String" ?, "") : Object(b);
} : Object;
}, { "../internals/classof-raw": 230, "../internals/fails": 247 }], 258: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/shared-store"), m = Function.toString;
typeof u.inspectSource != "function" && (u.inspectSource = function(g) {
}), x.exports = u.inspectSource;
}, { "../internals/shared-store": 300 }], 259: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/native-weak-map"), m = e("../internals/global"), g = e("../internals/is-object"), b = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property"), w = e("../internals/has"), f = e("../internals/shared-key"), y = e("../internals/hidden-keys"), h = m.WeakMap, l, d, s, v = function(o) {
return s(o) ? d(o) : l(o, {});
}, c = function(o) {
return function(p) {
var O;
if (!g(p) || (O = d(p)).type !== o)
throw TypeError("Incompatible receiver, " + o + " required");
return O;
if (u) {
var a = new h(), r = a.get, t = a.has, i = a.set;
l = function(o, p) {
return, o, p), p;
}, d = function(o) {
return, o) || {};
}, s = function(o) {
return, o);
} else {
var n = f("state");
y[n] = !0, l = function(o, p) {
return b(o, n, p), p;
}, d = function(o) {
return w(o, n) ? o[n] : {};
}, s = function(o) {
return w(o, n);
x.exports = {
set: l,
get: d,
has: s,
enforce: v,
getterFor: c
}, { "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/hidden-keys": 253, "../internals/is-object": 263, "../internals/native-weak-map": 272, "../internals/shared-key": 299 }], 260: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), m = e("../internals/iterators"), g = u("iterator"), b = Array.prototype;
x.exports = function(w) {
return w !== void 0 && (m.Array === w || b[g] === w);
}, { "../internals/iterators": 268, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 261: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/classof-raw");
x.exports = Array.isArray || function(g) {
return u(g) == "Array";
}, { "../internals/classof-raw": 230 }], 262: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/fails"), m = /#|\.prototype\./, g = function(h, l) {
var d = w[b(h)];
return d == y ? !0 : d == f ? !1 : typeof l == "function" ? u(l) : !!l;
}, b = g.normalize = function(h) {
return String(h).replace(m, ".").toLowerCase();
}, w = = {}, f = g.NATIVE = "N", y = g.POLYFILL = "P";
x.exports = g;
}, { "../internals/fails": 247 }], 263: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u) {
return typeof u == "object" ? u !== null : typeof u == "function";
}, {}], 264: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = !1;
}, {}], 265: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-object"), m = e("../internals/classof-raw"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = g("match");
x.exports = function(w) {
var f;
return u(w) && ((f = w[b]) !== void 0 ? !!f : m(w) == "RegExp");
}, { "../internals/classof-raw": 230, "../internals/is-object": 263, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 266: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/an-object"), m = e("../internals/is-array-iterator-method"), g = e("../internals/to-length"), b = e("../internals/function-bind-context"), w = e("../internals/get-iterator-method"), f = e("../internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing"), y = function(l, d) {
this.stopped = l, this.result = d;
}, h = x.exports = function(l, d, s, v, c) {
var a = b(d, s, v ? 2 : 1), r, t, i, n, o, p, O;
if (c)
r = l;
else {
if (t = w(l), typeof t != "function")
throw TypeError("Target is not iterable");
if (m(t)) {
for (i = 0, n = g(l.length); n > i; i++)
if (o = v ? a(u(O = l[i])[0], O[1]) : a(l[i]), o && o instanceof y)
return o;
return new y(!1);
r =;
for (p =; !(O =; )
if (o = f(r, a, O.value, v), typeof o == "object" && o && o instanceof y)
return o;
return new y(!1);
h.stop = function(l) {
return new y(!0, l);
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing": 228, "../internals/function-bind-context": 248, "../internals/get-iterator-method": 250, "../internals/is-array-iterator-method": 260, "../internals/to-length": 307 }], 267: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/object-get-prototype-of"), m = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property"), g = e("../internals/has"), b = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), w = e("../internals/is-pure"), f = b("iterator"), y = !1, h = function() {
return this;
}, l, d, s;
[].keys && (s = [].keys(), "next" in s ? (d = u(u(s)), d !== Object.prototype && (l = d)) : y = !0), l == null && (l = {}), !w && !g(l, f) && m(l, f, h), x.exports = {
IteratorPrototype: l,
}, { "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/is-pure": 264, "../internals/object-get-prototype-of": 283, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 268: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][253][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { dup: 253 }], 269: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor").f, g = e("../internals/classof-raw"), b = e("../internals/task").set, w = e("../internals/engine-is-ios"), f = u.MutationObserver || u.WebKitMutationObserver, y = u.process, h = u.Promise, l = g(y) == "process", d = m(u, "queueMicrotask"), s = d && d.value, v, c, a, r, t, i, n, o;
s || (v = function() {
var p, O;
for (l && (p = y.domain) && p.exit(); c; ) {
O = c.fn, c =;
try {
} catch (P) {
throw c ? r() : a = void 0, P;
a = void 0, p && p.enter();
}, l ? r = function() {
} : f && !w ? (t = !0, i = document.createTextNode(""), new f(v).observe(i, { characterData: !0 }), r = function() { = t = !t;
}) : h && h.resolve ? (n = h.resolve(void 0), o = n.then, r = function() {, v);
}) : r = function() {, v);
}), x.exports = s || function(p) {
var O = { fn: p, next: void 0 };
a && ( = O), c || (c = O, r()), a = O;
}, { "../internals/classof-raw": 230, "../internals/engine-is-ios": 242, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor": 279, "../internals/task": 303 }], 270: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global");
x.exports = u.Promise;
}, { "../internals/global": 251 }], 271: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/fails");
x.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !u(function() {
return !String(Symbol());
}, { "../internals/fails": 247 }], 272: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/inspect-source"), g = u.WeakMap;
x.exports = typeof g == "function" && /native code/.test(m(g));
}, { "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/inspect-source": 258 }], 273: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/a-function"), m = function(g) {
var b, w;
this.promise = new g(function(f, y) {
if (b !== void 0 || w !== void 0)
throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");
b = f, w = y;
}), this.resolve = u(b), this.reject = u(w);
x.exports.f = function(g) {
return new m(g);
}, { "../internals/a-function": 219 }], 274: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-regexp");
x.exports = function(m) {
if (u(m))
throw TypeError("The method doesn't accept regular expressions");
return m;
}, { "../internals/is-regexp": 265 }], 275: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/fails"), g = e("../internals/object-keys"), b = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols"), w = e("../internals/object-property-is-enumerable"), f = e("../internals/to-object"), y = e("../internals/indexed-object"), h = Object.assign, l = Object.defineProperty;
x.exports = !h || m(function() {
if (u && h({ b: 1 }, h(l({}, "a", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
l(this, "b", {
value: 3,
enumerable: !1
}), { b: 2 })).b !== 1)
return !0;
var d = {}, s = {}, v = Symbol(), c = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
return d[v] = 7, c.split("").forEach(function(a) {
s[a] = a;
}), h({}, d)[v] != 7 || g(h({}, s)).join("") != c;
}) ? function(s, v) {
for (var c = f(s), a = arguments.length, r = 1, t = b.f, i = w.f; a > r; )
for (var n = y(arguments[r++]), o = t ? g(n).concat(t(n)) : g(n), p = o.length, O = 0, P; p > O; )
P = o[O++], (!u ||, P)) && (c[P] = n[P]);
return c;
} : h;
}, { "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/fails": 247, "../internals/indexed-object": 257, "../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols": 282, "../internals/object-keys": 285, "../internals/object-property-is-enumerable": 286, "../internals/to-object": 308 }], 276: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/an-object"), m = e("../internals/object-define-properties"), g = e("../internals/enum-bug-keys"), b = e("../internals/hidden-keys"), w = e("../internals/html"), f = e("../internals/document-create-element"), y = e("../internals/shared-key"), h = ">", l = "<", d = "prototype", s = "script", v = y("IE_PROTO"), c = function() {
}, a = function(o) {
return l + s + h + o + l + "/" + s + h;
}, r = function(o) {
o.write(a("")), o.close();
var p = o.parentWindow.Object;
return o = null, p;
}, t = function() {
var o = f("iframe"), p = "java" + s + ":", O;
return = "none", w.appendChild(o), o.src = String(p), O = o.contentWindow.document,, O.write(a("document.F=Object")), O.close(), O.F;
}, i, n = function() {
try {
i = document.domain && new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
} catch (p) {
n = i ? r(i) : t();
for (var o = g.length; o--; )
delete n[d][g[o]];
return n();
b[v] = !0, x.exports = Object.create || function(p, O) {
var P;
return p !== null ? (c[d] = u(p), P = new c(), c[d] = null, P[v] = p) : P = n(), O === void 0 ? P : m(P, O);
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/document-create-element": 241, "../internals/enum-bug-keys": 245, "../internals/hidden-keys": 253, "../internals/html": 255, "../internals/object-define-properties": 277, "../internals/shared-key": 299 }], 277: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/object-define-property"), g = e("../internals/an-object"), b = e("../internals/object-keys");
x.exports = u ? Object.defineProperties : function(f, y) {
for (var h = b(y), l = h.length, d = 0, s; l > d; )
m.f(f, s = h[d++], y[s]);
return f;
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/object-keys": 285 }], 278: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/ie8-dom-define"), g = e("../internals/an-object"), b = e("../internals/to-primitive"), w = Object.defineProperty;
_.f = u ? w : function(y, h, l) {
if (g(y), h = b(h, !0), g(l), m)
try {
return w(y, h, l);
} catch (d) {
if ("get" in l || "set" in l)
throw TypeError("Accessors not supported");
return "value" in l && (y[h] = l.value), y;
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/ie8-dom-define": 256, "../internals/to-primitive": 309 }], 279: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/object-property-is-enumerable"), g = e("../internals/create-property-descriptor"), b = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), w = e("../internals/to-primitive"), f = e("../internals/has"), y = e("../internals/ie8-dom-define"), h = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
_.f = u ? h : function(d, s) {
if (d = b(d), s = w(s, !0), y)
try {
return h(d, s);
} catch (v) {
if (f(d, s))
return g(!, s), d[s]);
}, { "../internals/create-property-descriptor": 237, "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/ie8-dom-define": 256, "../internals/object-property-is-enumerable": 286, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305, "../internals/to-primitive": 309 }], 280: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), m = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-names").f, g = {}.toString, b = typeof window == "object" && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [], w = function(f) {
try {
return m(f);
} catch (y) {
return b.slice();
x.exports.f = function(y) {
return b && == "[object Window]" ? w(y) : m(u(y));
}, { "../internals/object-get-own-property-names": 281, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305 }], 281: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/object-keys-internal"), m = e("../internals/enum-bug-keys"), g = m.concat("length", "prototype");
_.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function(w) {
return u(w, g);
}, { "../internals/enum-bug-keys": 245, "../internals/object-keys-internal": 284 }], 282: [function(e, x, _) {
_.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
}, {}], 283: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/has"), m = e("../internals/to-object"), g = e("../internals/shared-key"), b = e("../internals/correct-prototype-getter"), w = g("IE_PROTO"), f = Object.prototype;
x.exports = b ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(y) {
return y = m(y), u(y, w) ? y[w] : typeof y.constructor == "function" && y instanceof y.constructor ? y.constructor.prototype : y instanceof Object ? f : null;
}, { "../internals/correct-prototype-getter": 234, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/shared-key": 299, "../internals/to-object": 308 }], 284: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/has"), m = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), g = e("../internals/array-includes").indexOf, b = e("../internals/hidden-keys");
x.exports = function(w, f) {
var y = m(w), h = 0, l = [], d;
for (d in y)
!u(b, d) && u(y, d) && l.push(d);
for (; f.length > h; )
u(y, d = f[h++]) && (~g(l, d) || l.push(d));
return l;
}, { "../internals/array-includes": 224, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/hidden-keys": 253, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305 }], 285: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/object-keys-internal"), m = e("../internals/enum-bug-keys");
x.exports = Object.keys || function(b) {
return u(b, m);
}, { "../internals/enum-bug-keys": 245, "../internals/object-keys-internal": 284 }], 286: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, m = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, g = m && !{ 1: 2 }, 1);
_.f = g ? function(w) {
var f = m(this, w);
return !!f && f.enumerable;
} : u;
}, {}], 287: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/an-object"), m = e("../internals/a-possible-prototype");
x.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ("__proto__" in {} ? function() {
var g = !1, b = {}, w;
try {
w = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set,, []), g = b instanceof Array;
} catch (f) {
return function(y, h) {
return u(y), m(h), g ?, h) : y.__proto__ = h, y;
}() : void 0);
}, { "../internals/a-possible-prototype": 220, "../internals/an-object": 223 }], 288: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/descriptors"), m = e("../internals/object-keys"), g = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), b = e("../internals/object-property-is-enumerable").f, w = function(f) {
return function(y) {
for (var h = g(y), l = m(h), d = l.length, s = 0, v = [], c; d > s; )
c = l[s++], (!u ||, c)) && v.push(f ? [c, h[c]] : h[c]);
return v;
x.exports = {
// `Object.entries` method
entries: w(!0),
// `Object.values` method
values: w(!1)
}, { "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/object-keys": 285, "../internals/object-property-is-enumerable": 286, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305 }], 289: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/get-built-in"), m = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-names"), g = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols"), b = e("../internals/an-object");
x.exports = u("Reflect", "ownKeys") || function(f) {
var y = m.f(b(f)), h = g.f;
return h ? y.concat(h(f)) : y;
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/get-built-in": 249, "../internals/object-get-own-property-names": 281, "../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols": 282 }], 290: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global");
x.exports = u;
}, { "../internals/global": 251 }], 291: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u) {
try {
return { error: !1, value: u() };
} catch (m) {
return { error: !0, value: m };
}, {}], 292: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/an-object"), m = e("../internals/is-object"), g = e("../internals/new-promise-capability");
x.exports = function(b, w) {
if (u(b), m(w) && w.constructor === b)
return w;
var f = g.f(b), y = f.resolve;
return y(w), f.promise;
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/is-object": 263, "../internals/new-promise-capability": 273 }], 293: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/redefine");
x.exports = function(m, g, b) {
for (var w in g)
u(m, w, g[w], b);
return m;
}, { "../internals/redefine": 294 }], 294: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property"), g = e("../internals/has"), b = e("../internals/set-global"), w = e("../internals/inspect-source"), f = e("../internals/internal-state"), y = f.get, h = f.enforce, l = String(String).split("String");
(x.exports = function(d, s, v, c) {
var a = c ? !!c.unsafe : !1, r = c ? !!c.enumerable : !1, t = c ? !!c.noTargetGet : !1;
if (typeof v == "function" && (typeof s == "string" && !g(v, "name") && m(v, "name", s), h(v).source = l.join(typeof s == "string" ? s : "")), d === u) {
r ? d[s] = v : b(s, v);
} else
a ? !t && d[s] && (r = !0) : delete d[s];
r ? d[s] = v : m(d, s, v);
})(Function.prototype, "toString", function() {
return typeof this == "function" && y(this).source || w(this);
}, { "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/inspect-source": 258, "../internals/internal-state": 259, "../internals/set-global": 296 }], 295: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(u) {
if (u == null)
throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + u);
return u;
}, {}], 296: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property");
x.exports = function(g, b) {
try {
m(u, g, b);
} catch (w) {
u[g] = b;
return b;
}, { "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/global": 251 }], 297: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/get-built-in"), m = e("../internals/object-define-property"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = e("../internals/descriptors"), w = g("species");
x.exports = function(f) {
var y = u(f), h = m.f;
b && y && !y[w] && h(y, w, {
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return this;
}, { "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/get-built-in": 249, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 298: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/object-define-property").f, m = e("../internals/has"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = g("toStringTag");
x.exports = function(w, f, y) {
w && !m(w = y ? w : w.prototype, b) && u(w, b, { configurable: !0, value: f });
}, { "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 299: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/shared"), m = e("../internals/uid"), g = u("keys");
x.exports = function(b) {
return g[b] || (g[b] = m(b));
}, { "../internals/shared": 301, "../internals/uid": 311 }], 300: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/set-global"), g = "__core-js_shared__", b = u[g] || m(g, {});
x.exports = b;
}, { "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/set-global": 296 }], 301: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-pure"), m = e("../internals/shared-store");
(x.exports = function(g, b) {
return m[g] || (m[g] = b !== void 0 ? b : {});
})("versions", []).push({
version: "3.6.5",
mode: u ? "pure" : "global",
copyright: "© 2020 Denis Pushkarev ("
}, { "../internals/is-pure": 264, "../internals/shared-store": 300 }], 302: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/an-object"), m = e("../internals/a-function"), g = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), b = g("species");
x.exports = function(w, f) {
var y = u(w).constructor, h;
return y === void 0 || (h = u(y)[b]) == null ? f : m(h);
}, { "../internals/a-function": 219, "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 303: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/fails"), g = e("../internals/classof-raw"), b = e("../internals/function-bind-context"), w = e("../internals/html"), f = e("../internals/document-create-element"), y = e("../internals/engine-is-ios"), h = u.location, l = u.setImmediate, d = u.clearImmediate, s = u.process, v = u.MessageChannel, c = u.Dispatch, a = 0, r = {}, t = "onreadystatechange", i, n, o, p = function(z) {
if (r.hasOwnProperty(z)) {
var N = r[z];
delete r[z], N();
}, O = function(z) {
return function() {
}, P = function(z) {
}, F = function(z) {
u.postMessage(z + "", h.protocol + "//" +;
(!l || !d) && (l = function(N) {
for (var M = [], I = 1; arguments.length > I; )
return r[++a] = function() {
(typeof N == "function" ? N : Function(N)).apply(void 0, M);
}, i(a), a;
}, d = function(N) {
delete r[N];
}, g(s) == "process" ? i = function(z) {
} : c && ? i = function(z) {;
} : v && !y ? (n = new v(), o = n.port2, n.port1.onmessage = P, i = b(o.postMessage, o, 1)) : u.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == "function" && !u.importScripts && !m(F) && h.protocol !== "file:" ? (i = F, u.addEventListener("message", P, !1)) : t in f("script") ? i = function(z) {
w.appendChild(f("script"))[t] = function() {
w.removeChild(this), p(z);
} : i = function(z) {
setTimeout(O(z), 0);
}), x.exports = {
set: l,
clear: d
}, { "../internals/classof-raw": 230, "../internals/document-create-element": 241, "../internals/engine-is-ios": 242, "../internals/fails": 247, "../internals/function-bind-context": 248, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/html": 255 }], 304: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/to-integer"), m = Math.max, g = Math.min;
x.exports = function(b, w) {
var f = u(b);
return f < 0 ? m(f + w, 0) : g(f, w);
}, { "../internals/to-integer": 306 }], 305: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/indexed-object"), m = e("../internals/require-object-coercible");
x.exports = function(g) {
return u(m(g));
}, { "../internals/indexed-object": 257, "../internals/require-object-coercible": 295 }], 306: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = Math.ceil, m = Math.floor;
x.exports = function(g) {
return isNaN(g = +g) ? 0 : (g > 0 ? m : u)(g);
}, {}], 307: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/to-integer"), m = Math.min;
x.exports = function(g) {
return g > 0 ? m(u(g), 9007199254740991) : 0;
}, { "../internals/to-integer": 306 }], 308: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/require-object-coercible");
x.exports = function(m) {
return Object(u(m));
}, { "../internals/require-object-coercible": 295 }], 309: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/is-object");
x.exports = function(m, g) {
if (!u(m))
return m;
var b, w;
if (g && typeof (b = m.toString) == "function" && !u(w = || typeof (b = m.valueOf) == "function" && !u(w = || !g && typeof (b = m.toString) == "function" && !u(w =
return w;
throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
}, { "../internals/is-object": 263 }], 310: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), m = u("toStringTag"), g = {};
g[m] = "z", x.exports = String(g) === "[object z]";
}, { "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 311: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = 0, m = Math.random();
x.exports = function(g) {
return "Symbol(" + String(g === void 0 ? "" : g) + ")_" + (++u + m).toString(36);
}, {}], 312: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/native-symbol");
x.exports = u && !Symbol.sham && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol";
}, { "../internals/native-symbol": 271 }], 313: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/well-known-symbol");
_.f = u;
}, { "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 314: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/global"), m = e("../internals/shared"), g = e("../internals/has"), b = e("../internals/uid"), w = e("../internals/native-symbol"), f = e("../internals/use-symbol-as-uid"), y = m("wks"), h = u.Symbol, l = f ? h : h && h.withoutSetter || b;
x.exports = function(d) {
return g(y, d) || (w && g(h, d) ? y[d] = h[d] : y[d] = l("Symbol." + d)), y[d];
}, { "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/native-symbol": 271, "../internals/shared": 301, "../internals/uid": 311, "../internals/use-symbol-as-uid": 312 }], 315: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/array-iteration").findIndex, g = e("../internals/add-to-unscopables"), b = e("../internals/array-method-uses-to-length"), w = "findIndex", f = !0, y = b(w);
w in [] && Array(1)[w](function() {
f = !1;
}), u({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: f || !y }, {
findIndex: function(l) {
return m(this, l, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
}), g(w);
}, { "../internals/add-to-unscopables": 221, "../internals/array-iteration": 225, "../internals/array-method-uses-to-length": 226, "../internals/export": 246 }], 316: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/array-iteration").find, g = e("../internals/add-to-unscopables"), b = e("../internals/array-method-uses-to-length"), w = "find", f = !0, y = b(w);
w in [] && Array(1)[w](function() {
f = !1;
}), u({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: f || !y }, {
find: function(l) {
return m(this, l, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
}), g(w);
}, { "../internals/add-to-unscopables": 221, "../internals/array-iteration": 225, "../internals/array-method-uses-to-length": 226, "../internals/export": 246 }], 317: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/array-includes").includes, g = e("../internals/add-to-unscopables"), b = e("../internals/array-method-uses-to-length"), w = b("indexOf", { ACCESSORS: !0, 1: 0 });
u({ target: "Array", proto: !0, forced: !w }, {
includes: function(y) {
return m(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
}), g("includes");
}, { "../internals/add-to-unscopables": 221, "../internals/array-includes": 224, "../internals/array-method-uses-to-length": 226, "../internals/export": 246 }], 318: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), m = e("../internals/add-to-unscopables"), g = e("../internals/iterators"), b = e("../internals/internal-state"), w = e("../internals/define-iterator"), f = "Array Iterator", y = b.set, h = b.getterFor(f);
x.exports = w(Array, "Array", function(l, d) {
y(this, {
type: f,
target: u(l),
// target
index: 0,
// next index
kind: d
// kind
}, function() {
var l = h(this), d =, s = l.kind, v = l.index++;
return !d || v >= d.length ? ( = void 0, { value: void 0, done: !0 }) : s == "keys" ? { value: v, done: !1 } : s == "values" ? { value: d[v], done: !1 } : { value: [v, d[v]], done: !1 };
}, "values"), g.Arguments = g.Array, m("keys"), m("values"), m("entries");
}, { "../internals/add-to-unscopables": 221, "../internals/define-iterator": 238, "../internals/internal-state": 259, "../internals/iterators": 268, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305 }], 319: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export");
u({ target: "Number", stat: !0 }, {
isNaN: function(g) {
return g != g;
}, { "../internals/export": 246 }], 320: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/object-assign");
u({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: Object.assign !== m }, {
assign: m
}, { "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/object-assign": 275 }], 321: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/to-object"), g = e("../internals/object-keys"), b = e("../internals/fails"), w = b(function() {
u({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: w }, {
keys: function(y) {
return g(m(y));
}, { "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/fails": 247, "../internals/object-keys": 285, "../internals/to-object": 308 }], 322: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/object-to-array").values;
u({ target: "Object", stat: !0 }, {
values: function(b) {
return m(b);
}, { "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/object-to-array": 288 }], 323: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/is-pure"), g = e("../internals/global"), b = e("../internals/get-built-in"), w = e("../internals/native-promise-constructor"), f = e("../internals/redefine"), y = e("../internals/redefine-all"), h = e("../internals/set-to-string-tag"), l = e("../internals/set-species"), d = e("../internals/is-object"), s = e("../internals/a-function"), v = e("../internals/an-instance"), c = e("../internals/classof-raw"), a = e("../internals/inspect-source"), r = e("../internals/iterate"), t = e("../internals/check-correctness-of-iteration"), i = e("../internals/species-constructor"), n = e("../internals/task").set, o = e("../internals/microtask"), p = e("../internals/promise-resolve"), O = e("../internals/host-report-errors"), P = e("../internals/new-promise-capability"), F = e("../internals/perform"), z = e("../internals/internal-state"), N = e("../internals/is-forced"), M = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), I = e("../internals/engine-v8-version"), R = M("species"), C = "Promise", E = z.get, A = z.set, L = z.getterFor(C), $ = w, W = g.TypeError, U = g.document, D = g.process, B = b("fetch"), j = P.f, V = j, re = c(D) == "process", ee = !!(U && U.createEvent && g.dispatchEvent), ce = "unhandledrejection", ve = "rejectionhandled", ge = 0, oe = 1, J = 2, Q = 1, he = 2, ke, ne, se, Ce, q = N(C, function() {
var Ue = a($) !== String($);
if (!Ue && (I === 66 || !re && typeof PromiseRejectionEvent != "function") || m && !$.prototype.finally)
return !0;
if (I >= 51 && /native code/.test($))
return !1;
var Ve = $.resolve(1), Qe = function(ae) {
ae(function() {
}, function() {
}, tt = Ve.constructor = {};
return tt[R] = Qe, !(Ve.then(function() {
}) instanceof Qe);
}), G = q || !t(function(Ue) {
$.all(Ue).catch(function() {
}), Y = function(Ue) {
var Ve;
return d(Ue) && typeof (Ve = Ue.then) == "function" ? Ve : !1;
}, fe = function(Ue, Ve, Qe) {
if (!Ve.notified) {
Ve.notified = !0;
var tt = Ve.reactions;
o(function() {
for (var ae = Ve.value, Re = Ve.state == oe, be = 0; tt.length > be; ) {
var Ee = tt[be++], pe = Re ? Ee.ok :, Pe = Ee.resolve, te = Ee.reject, He = Ee.domain, it, K, Me;
try {
pe ? (Re || (Ve.rejection === he && Ye(Ue, Ve), Ve.rejection = Q), pe === !0 ? it = ae : (He && He.enter(), it = pe(ae), He && (He.exit(), Me = !0)), it === Ee.promise ? te(W("Promise-chain cycle")) : (K = Y(it)) ?, Pe, te) : Pe(it)) : te(ae);
} catch (Le) {
He && !Me && He.exit(), te(Le);
Ve.reactions = [], Ve.notified = !1, Qe && !Ve.rejection && _e(Ue, Ve);
}, we = function(Ue, Ve, Qe) {
var tt, ae;
ee ? (tt = U.createEvent("Event"), tt.promise = Ve, tt.reason = Qe, tt.initEvent(Ue, !1, !0), g.dispatchEvent(tt)) : tt = { promise: Ve, reason: Qe }, (ae = g["on" + Ue]) ? ae(tt) : Ue === ce && O("Unhandled promise rejection", Qe);
}, _e = function(Ue, Ve) {, function() {
var Qe = Ve.value, tt = je(Ve), ae;
if (tt && (ae = F(function() {
re ? D.emit("unhandledRejection", Qe, Ue) : we(ce, Ue, Qe);
}), Ve.rejection = re || je(Ve) ? he : Q, ae.error))
throw ae.value;
}, je = function(Ue) {
return Ue.rejection !== Q && !Ue.parent;
}, Ye = function(Ue, Ve) {, function() {
re ? D.emit("rejectionHandled", Ue) : we(ve, Ue, Ve.value);
}, nt = function(Ue, Ve, Qe, tt) {
return function(ae) {
Ue(Ve, Qe, ae, tt);
}, ut = function(Ue, Ve, Qe, tt) {
Ve.done || (Ve.done = !0, tt && (Ve = tt), Ve.value = Qe, Ve.state = J, fe(Ue, Ve, !0));
}, ot = function(Ue, Ve, Qe, tt) {
if (!Ve.done) {
Ve.done = !0, tt && (Ve = tt);
try {
if (Ue === Qe)
throw W("Promise can't be resolved itself");
var ae = Y(Qe);
ae ? o(function() {
var Re = { done: !1 };
try {
nt(ot, Ue, Re, Ve),
nt(ut, Ue, Re, Ve)
} catch (be) {
ut(Ue, Re, be, Ve);
}) : (Ve.value = Qe, Ve.state = oe, fe(Ue, Ve, !1));
} catch (Re) {
ut(Ue, { done: !1 }, Re, Ve);
q && ($ = function(Ve) {
v(this, $, C), s(Ve),;
var Qe = E(this);
try {
Ve(nt(ot, this, Qe), nt(ut, this, Qe));
} catch (tt) {
ut(this, Qe, tt);
}, ke = function(Ve) {
A(this, {
type: C,
done: !1,
notified: !1,
parent: !1,
reactions: [],
rejection: !1,
state: ge,
value: void 0
}, ke.prototype = y($.prototype, {
// `Promise.prototype.then` method
then: function(Ve, Qe) {
var tt = L(this), ae = j(i(this, $));
return ae.ok = typeof Ve == "function" ? Ve : !0, = typeof Qe == "function" && Qe, ae.domain = re ? D.domain : void 0, tt.parent = !0, tt.reactions.push(ae), tt.state != ge && fe(this, tt, !1), ae.promise;
// `Promise.prototype.catch` method
catch: function(Ue) {
return this.then(void 0, Ue);
}), ne = function() {
var Ue = new ke(), Ve = E(Ue);
this.promise = Ue, this.resolve = nt(ot, Ue, Ve), this.reject = nt(ut, Ue, Ve);
}, P.f = j = function(Ue) {
return Ue === $ || Ue === se ? new ne(Ue) : V(Ue);
}, !m && typeof w == "function" && (Ce = w.prototype.then, f(w.prototype, "then", function(Ve, Qe) {
var tt = this;
return new $(function(ae, Re) {, ae, Re);
}).then(Ve, Qe);
}, { unsafe: !0 }), typeof B == "function" && u({ global: !0, enumerable: !0, forced: !0 }, {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
fetch: function(Ve) {
return p($, B.apply(g, arguments));
}))), u({ global: !0, wrap: !0, forced: q }, {
Promise: $
}), h($, C, !1, !0), l(C), se = b(C), u({ target: C, stat: !0, forced: q }, {
// `Promise.reject` method
reject: function(Ve) {
var Qe = j(this);
return 0, Ve), Qe.promise;
}), u({ target: C, stat: !0, forced: m || q }, {
// `Promise.resolve` method
resolve: function(Ve) {
return p(m && this === se ? $ : this, Ve);
}), u({ target: C, stat: !0, forced: G }, {
// `Promise.all` method
all: function(Ve) {
var Qe = this, tt = j(Qe), ae = tt.resolve, Re = tt.reject, be = F(function() {
var Ee = s(Qe.resolve), pe = [], Pe = 0, te = 1;
r(Ve, function(He) {
var it = Pe++, K = !1;
pe.push(void 0), te++,, He).then(function(Me) {
K || (K = !0, pe[it] = Me, --te || ae(pe));
}, Re);
}), --te || ae(pe);
return be.error && Re(be.value), tt.promise;
// `Promise.race` method
race: function(Ve) {
var Qe = this, tt = j(Qe), ae = tt.reject, Re = F(function() {
var be = s(Qe.resolve);
r(Ve, function(Ee) {, Ee).then(tt.resolve, ae);
return Re.error && ae(Re.value), tt.promise;
}, { "../internals/a-function": 219, "../internals/an-instance": 222, "../internals/check-correctness-of-iteration": 229, "../internals/classof-raw": 230, "../internals/engine-v8-version": 244, "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/get-built-in": 249, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/host-report-errors": 254, "../internals/inspect-source": 258, "../internals/internal-state": 259, "../internals/is-forced": 262, "../internals/is-object": 263, "../internals/is-pure": 264, "../internals/iterate": 266, "../internals/microtask": 269, "../internals/native-promise-constructor": 270, "../internals/new-promise-capability": 273, "../internals/perform": 291, "../internals/promise-resolve": 292, "../internals/redefine": 294, "../internals/redefine-all": 293, "../internals/set-species": 297, "../internals/set-to-string-tag": 298, "../internals/species-constructor": 302, "../internals/task": 303, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314 }], 324: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/to-absolute-index"), g = String.fromCharCode, b = String.fromCodePoint, w = !!b && b.length != 1;
u({ target: "String", stat: !0, forced: w }, {
fromCodePoint: function(y) {
for (var h = [], l = arguments.length, d = 0, s; l > d; ) {
if (s = +arguments[d++], m(s, 1114111) !== s)
throw RangeError(s + " is not a valid code point");
s < 65536 ? g(s) : g(((s -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, s % 1024 + 56320)
return h.join("");
}, { "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/to-absolute-index": 304 }], 325: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/not-a-regexp"), g = e("../internals/require-object-coercible"), b = e("../internals/correct-is-regexp-logic");
u({ target: "String", proto: !0, forced: !b("includes") }, {
includes: function(f) {
return !!~String(g(this)).indexOf(m(f), arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
}, { "../internals/correct-is-regexp-logic": 233, "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/not-a-regexp": 274, "../internals/require-object-coercible": 295 }], 326: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/define-well-known-symbol");
}, { "../internals/define-well-known-symbol": 239 }], 327: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../internals/export"), m = e("../internals/global"), g = e("../internals/get-built-in"), b = e("../internals/is-pure"), w = e("../internals/descriptors"), f = e("../internals/native-symbol"), y = e("../internals/use-symbol-as-uid"), h = e("../internals/fails"), l = e("../internals/has"), d = e("../internals/is-array"), s = e("../internals/is-object"), v = e("../internals/an-object"), c = e("../internals/to-object"), a = e("../internals/to-indexed-object"), r = e("../internals/to-primitive"), t = e("../internals/create-property-descriptor"), i = e("../internals/object-create"), n = e("../internals/object-keys"), o = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-names"), p = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-names-external"), O = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols"), P = e("../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor"), F = e("../internals/object-define-property"), z = e("../internals/object-property-is-enumerable"), N = e("../internals/create-non-enumerable-property"), M = e("../internals/redefine"), I = e("../internals/shared"), R = e("../internals/shared-key"), C = e("../internals/hidden-keys"), E = e("../internals/uid"), A = e("../internals/well-known-symbol"), L = e("../internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped"), $ = e("../internals/define-well-known-symbol"), W = e("../internals/set-to-string-tag"), U = e("../internals/internal-state"), D = e("../internals/array-iteration").forEach, B = R("hidden"), j = "Symbol", V = "prototype", re = A("toPrimitive"), ee = U.set, ce = U.getterFor(j), ve = Object[V], ge = m.Symbol, oe = g("JSON", "stringify"), J = P.f, Q = F.f, he = p.f, ke = z.f, ne = I("symbols"), se = I("op-symbols"), Ce = I("string-to-symbol-registry"), q = I("symbol-to-string-registry"), G = I("wks"), Y = m.QObject, fe = !Y || !Y[V] || !Y[V].findChild, we = w && h(function() {
return i(Q({}, "a", {
get: function() {
return Q(this, "a", { value: 7 }).a;
})).a != 7;
}) ? function(ae, Re, be) {
var Ee = J(ve, Re);
Ee && delete ve[Re], Q(ae, Re, be), Ee && ae !== ve && Q(ve, Re, Ee);
} : Q, _e = function(ae, Re) {
var be = ne[ae] = i(ge[V]);
return ee(be, {
type: j,
tag: ae,
description: Re
}), w || (be.description = Re), be;
}, je = y ? function(ae) {
return typeof ae == "symbol";
} : function(ae) {
return Object(ae) instanceof ge;
}, Ye = function(Re, be, Ee) {
Re === ve && Ye(se, be, Ee), v(Re);
var pe = r(be, !0);
return v(Ee), l(ne, pe) ? (Ee.enumerable ? (l(Re, B) && Re[B][pe] && (Re[B][pe] = !1), Ee = i(Ee, { enumerable: t(0, !1) })) : (l(Re, B) || Q(Re, B, t(1, {})), Re[B][pe] = !0), we(Re, pe, Ee)) : Q(Re, pe, Ee);
}, nt = function(Re, be) {
var Ee = a(be), pe = n(Ee).concat(Qe(Ee));
return D(pe, function(Pe) {
(!w ||, Pe)) && Ye(Re, Pe, Ee[Pe]);
}), Re;
}, ut = function(Re, be) {
return be === void 0 ? i(Re) : nt(i(Re), be);
}, ot = function(Re) {
var be = r(Re, !0), Ee =, be);
return this === ve && l(ne, be) && !l(se, be) ? !1 : Ee || !l(this, be) || !l(ne, be) || l(this, B) && this[B][be] ? Ee : !0;
}, Ue = function(Re, be) {
var Ee = a(Re), pe = r(be, !0);
if (!(Ee === ve && l(ne, pe) && !l(se, pe))) {
var Pe = J(Ee, pe);
return Pe && l(ne, pe) && !(l(Ee, B) && Ee[B][pe]) && (Pe.enumerable = !0), Pe;
}, Ve = function(Re) {
var be = he(a(Re)), Ee = [];
return D(be, function(pe) {
!l(ne, pe) && !l(C, pe) && Ee.push(pe);
}), Ee;
}, Qe = function(Re) {
var be = Re === ve, Ee = he(be ? se : a(Re)), pe = [];
return D(Ee, function(Pe) {
l(ne, Pe) && (!be || l(ve, Pe)) && pe.push(ne[Pe]);
}), pe;
if (f || (ge = function() {
if (this instanceof ge)
throw TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");
var Re = !arguments.length || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : String(arguments[0]), be = E(Re), Ee = function(pe) {
this === ve &&, pe), l(this, B) && l(this[B], be) && (this[B][be] = !1), we(this, be, t(1, pe));
return w && fe && we(ve, be, { configurable: !0, set: Ee }), _e(be, Re);
}, M(ge[V], "toString", function() {
return ce(this).tag;
}), M(ge, "withoutSetter", function(ae) {
return _e(E(ae), ae);
}), z.f = ot, F.f = Ye, P.f = Ue, o.f = p.f = Ve, O.f = Qe, L.f = function(ae) {
return _e(A(ae), ae);
}, w && (Q(ge[V], "description", {
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return ce(this).description;
}), b || M(ve, "propertyIsEnumerable", ot, { unsafe: !0 }))), u({ global: !0, wrap: !0, forced: !f, sham: !f }, {
Symbol: ge
}), D(n(G), function(ae) {
}), u({ target: j, stat: !0, forced: !f }, {
// `Symbol.for` method
for: function(ae) {
var Re = String(ae);
if (l(Ce, Re))
return Ce[Re];
var be = ge(Re);
return Ce[Re] = be, q[be] = Re, be;
// `Symbol.keyFor` method
keyFor: function(Re) {
if (!je(Re))
throw TypeError(Re + " is not a symbol");
if (l(q, Re))
return q[Re];
useSetter: function() {
fe = !0;
useSimple: function() {
fe = !1;
}), u({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !f, sham: !w }, {
// `Object.create` method
create: ut,
// `Object.defineProperty` method
defineProperty: Ye,
// `Object.defineProperties` method
defineProperties: nt,
// `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` method
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Ue
}), u({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: !f }, {
// `Object.getOwnPropertyNames` method
getOwnPropertyNames: Ve,
// `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` method
getOwnPropertySymbols: Qe
}), u({ target: "Object", stat: !0, forced: h(function() {
}) }, {
getOwnPropertySymbols: function(Re) {
return O.f(c(Re));
}), oe) {
var tt = !f || h(function() {
var ae = ge();
return oe([ae]) != "[null]" || oe({ a: ae }) != "{}" || oe(Object(ae)) != "{}";
u({ target: "JSON", stat: !0, forced: tt }, {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
stringify: function(Re, be, Ee) {
for (var pe = [Re], Pe = 1, te; arguments.length > Pe; )
if (te = be, !(!s(be) && Re === void 0 || je(Re)))
return d(be) || (be = function(He, it) {
if (typeof te == "function" && (it =, He, it)), !je(it))
return it;
}), pe[1] = be, oe.apply(null, pe);
ge[V][re] || N(ge[V], re, ge[V].valueOf), W(ge, j), C[B] = !0;
}, { "../internals/an-object": 223, "../internals/array-iteration": 225, "../internals/create-non-enumerable-property": 236, "../internals/create-property-descriptor": 237, "../internals/define-well-known-symbol": 239, "../internals/descriptors": 240, "../internals/export": 246, "../internals/fails": 247, "../internals/get-built-in": 249, "../internals/global": 251, "../internals/has": 252, "../internals/hidden-keys": 253, "../internals/internal-state": 259, "../internals/is-array": 261, "../internals/is-object": 263, "../internals/is-pure": 264, "../internals/native-symbol": 271, "../internals/object-create": 276, "../internals/object-define-property": 278, "../internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor": 279, "../internals/object-get-own-property-names": 281, "../internals/object-get-own-property-names-external": 280, "../internals/object-get-own-property-symbols": 282, "../internals/object-keys": 285, "../internals/object-property-is-enumerable": 286, "../internals/redefine": 294, "../internals/set-to-string-tag": 298, "../internals/shared": 301, "../internals/shared-key": 299, "../internals/to-indexed-object": 305, "../internals/to-object": 308, "../internals/to-primitive": 309, "../internals/uid": 311, "../internals/use-symbol-as-uid": 312, "../internals/well-known-symbol": 314, "../internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped": 313 }], 328: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : m = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, m(n);
function g(n) {
return Array.isArray ? Array.isArray(n) : i(n) === "[object Array]";
_.isArray = g;
function b(n) {
return typeof n == "boolean";
_.isBoolean = b;
function w(n) {
return n === null;
_.isNull = w;
function f(n) {
return n == null;
_.isNullOrUndefined = f;
function y(n) {
return typeof n == "number";
_.isNumber = y;
function h(n) {
return typeof n == "string";
_.isString = h;
function l(n) {
return m(n) === "symbol";
_.isSymbol = l;
function d(n) {
return n === void 0;
_.isUndefined = d;
function s(n) {
return i(n) === "[object RegExp]";
_.isRegExp = s;
function v(n) {
return m(n) === "object" && n !== null;
_.isObject = v;
function c(n) {
return i(n) === "[object Date]";
_.isDate = c;
function a(n) {
return i(n) === "[object Error]" || n instanceof Error;
_.isError = a;
function r(n) {
return typeof n == "function";
_.isFunction = r;
function t(n) {
return n === null || typeof n == "boolean" || typeof n == "number" || typeof n == "string" || m(n) === "symbol" || // ES6 symbol
typeof n == "undefined";
_.isPrimitive = t, _.isBuffer = u.isBuffer;
function i(n) {
}).call(this, { isBuffer: e("../../is-buffer/index.js") });
}, { "../../is-buffer/index.js": 388 }], 329: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("elliptic"), g = e("bn.js");
x.exports = function(h) {
return new w(h);
var b = {
secp256k1: {
name: "secp256k1",
byteLength: 32
secp224r1: {
name: "p224",
byteLength: 28
prime256v1: {
name: "p256",
byteLength: 32
prime192v1: {
name: "p192",
byteLength: 24
ed25519: {
name: "ed25519",
byteLength: 32
secp384r1: {
name: "p384",
byteLength: 48
secp521r1: {
name: "p521",
byteLength: 66
b.p224 = b.secp224r1, b.p256 = b.secp256r1 = b.prime256v1, b.p192 = b.secp192r1 = b.prime192v1, b.p384 = b.secp384r1, b.p521 = b.secp521r1;
function w(y) {
this.curveType = b[y], this.curveType || (this.curveType = {
name: y
}), this.curve = new, this.keys = void 0;
w.prototype.generateKeys = function(y, h) {
return this.keys = this.curve.genKeyPair(), this.getPublicKey(y, h);
}, w.prototype.computeSecret = function(y, h, l) {
h = h || "utf8", u.isBuffer(y) || (y = new u(y, h));
var d = this.curve.keyFromPublic(y).getPublic(), s = d.mul(this.keys.getPrivate()).getX();
return f(s, l, this.curveType.byteLength);
}, w.prototype.getPublicKey = function(y, h) {
var l = this.keys.getPublic(h === "compressed", !0);
return h === "hybrid" && (l[l.length - 1] % 2 ? l[0] = 7 : l[0] = 6), f(l, y);
}, w.prototype.getPrivateKey = function(y) {
return f(this.keys.getPrivate(), y);
}, w.prototype.setPublicKey = function(y, h) {
return h = h || "utf8", u.isBuffer(y) || (y = new u(y, h)), this.keys._importPublic(y), this;
}, w.prototype.setPrivateKey = function(y, h) {
h = h || "utf8", u.isBuffer(y) || (y = new u(y, h));
var l = new g(y);
return l = l.toString(16), this.keys = this.curve.genKeyPair(), this.keys._importPrivate(l), this;
function f(y, h, l) {
Array.isArray(y) || (y = y.toArray());
var d = new u(y);
if (l && d.length < l) {
var s = new u(l - d.length);
s.fill(0), d = u.concat([s, d]);
return h ? d.toString(h) : d;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "bn.js": 330, buffer: 216, elliptic: 350 }], 330: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][181][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 185, dup: 181 }], 331: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("md5.js"), g = e("ripemd160"), b = e("sha.js"), w = e("cipher-base");
function f(y) {, "digest"), this._hash = y;
u(f, w), f.prototype._update = function(y) {
}, f.prototype._final = function() {
return this._hash.digest();
}, x.exports = function(h) {
return h = h.toLowerCase(), h === "md5" ? new m() : h === "rmd160" || h === "ripemd160" ? new g() : new f(b(h));
}, { "cipher-base": 218, inherits: 387, "md5.js": 434, ripemd160: 493, "sha.js": 499 }], 332: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("md5.js");
x.exports = function(m) {
return new u().update(m).digest();
}, { "md5.js": 434 }], 333: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./legacy"), g = e("cipher-base"), b = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, w = e("create-hash/md5"), f = e("ripemd160"), y = e("sha.js"), h = b.alloc(128);
function l(d, s) {, "digest"), typeof s == "string" && (s = b.from(s));
var v = d === "sha512" || d === "sha384" ? 128 : 64;
if (this._alg = d, this._key = s, s.length > v) {
var c = d === "rmd160" ? new f() : y(d);
s = c.update(s).digest();
} else
s.length < v && (s = b.concat([s, h], v));
for (var a = this._ipad = b.allocUnsafe(v), r = this._opad = b.allocUnsafe(v), t = 0; t < v; t++)
a[t] = s[t] ^ 54, r[t] = s[t] ^ 92;
this._hash = d === "rmd160" ? new f() : y(d), this._hash.update(a);
u(l, g), l.prototype._update = function(d) {
}, l.prototype._final = function() {
var d = this._hash.digest(), s = this._alg === "rmd160" ? new f() : y(this._alg);
return s.update(this._opad).update(d).digest();
}, x.exports = function(s, v) {
return s = s.toLowerCase(), s === "rmd160" || s === "ripemd160" ? new l("rmd160", v) : s === "md5" ? new m(w, v) : new l(s, v);
}, { "./legacy": 334, "cipher-base": 218, "create-hash/md5": 332, inherits: 387, ripemd160: 493, "safe-buffer": 494, "sha.js": 499 }], 334: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, g = e("cipher-base"), b = m.alloc(128), w = 64;
function f(y, h) {, "digest"), typeof h == "string" && (h = m.from(h)), this._alg = y, this._key = h, h.length > w ? h = y(h) : h.length < w && (h = m.concat([h, b], w));
for (var l = this._ipad = m.allocUnsafe(w), d = this._opad = m.allocUnsafe(w), s = 0; s < w; s++)
l[s] = h[s] ^ 54, d[s] = h[s] ^ 92;
this._hash = [l];
u(f, g), f.prototype._update = function(y) {
}, f.prototype._final = function() {
var y = this._alg(m.concat(this._hash));
return this._alg(m.concat([this._opad, y]));
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "cipher-base": 218, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 335: [function(e, x, _) {
_.randomBytes = _.rng = _.pseudoRandomBytes = _.prng = e("randombytes"), _.createHash = _.Hash = e("create-hash"), _.createHmac = _.Hmac = e("create-hmac");
var u = e("browserify-sign/algos"), m = Object.keys(u), g = ["sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5", "rmd160"].concat(m);
_.getHashes = function() {
return g;
var b = e("pbkdf2");
_.pbkdf2 = b.pbkdf2, _.pbkdf2Sync = b.pbkdf2Sync;
var w = e("browserify-cipher");
_.Cipher = w.Cipher, _.createCipher = w.createCipher, _.Cipheriv = w.Cipheriv, _.createCipheriv = w.createCipheriv, _.Decipher = w.Decipher, _.createDecipher = w.createDecipher, _.Decipheriv = w.Decipheriv, _.createDecipheriv = w.createDecipheriv, _.getCiphers = w.getCiphers, _.listCiphers = w.listCiphers;
var f = e("diffie-hellman");
_.DiffieHellmanGroup = f.DiffieHellmanGroup, _.createDiffieHellmanGroup = f.createDiffieHellmanGroup, _.getDiffieHellman = f.getDiffieHellman, _.createDiffieHellman = f.createDiffieHellman, _.DiffieHellman = f.DiffieHellman;
var y = e("browserify-sign");
_.createSign = y.createSign, _.Sign = y.Sign, _.createVerify = y.createVerify, _.Verify = y.Verify, _.createECDH = e("create-ecdh");
var h = e("public-encrypt");
_.publicEncrypt = h.publicEncrypt, _.privateEncrypt = h.privateEncrypt, _.publicDecrypt = h.publicDecrypt, _.privateDecrypt = h.privateDecrypt;
var l = e("randomfill");
_.randomFill = l.randomFill, _.randomFillSync = l.randomFillSync, _.createCredentials = function() {
throw new Error(["sorry, createCredentials is not implemented yet", "we accept pull requests", ""].join(`
}, _.constants = {
}, { "browserify-cipher": 203, "browserify-sign": 211, "browserify-sign/algos": 208, "create-ecdh": 329, "create-hash": 331, "create-hmac": 333, "diffie-hellman": 345, pbkdf2: 460, "public-encrypt": 468, randombytes: 475, randomfill: 476 }], 336: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(b) {
return typeof b;
} : u = function(b) {
return b && typeof Symbol == "function" && b.constructor === Symbol && b !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof b;
}, u(m);
(function(m, g) {
(typeof _ == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(_)) == "object" && typeof x != "undefined" ? x.exports = g() : m.dayjs = g();
})(void 0, function() {
var m = "millisecond", g = "second", b = "minute", w = "hour", f = "day", y = "week", h = "month", l = "quarter", d = "year", s = "date", v = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[^0-9]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?.?(\d+)?$/, c = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{2,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, a = function(M, I, R) {
var C = String(M);
return !C || C.length >= I ? M : "" + Array(I + 1 - C.length).join(R) + M;
}, r = {
s: a,
z: function(M) {
var I = -M.utcOffset(), R = Math.abs(I), C = Math.floor(R / 60), E = R % 60;
return (I <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + a(C, 2, "0") + ":" + a(E, 2, "0");
m: function N(M, I) {
if ( <
return -N(I, M);
var R = 12 * (I.year() - M.year()) + (I.month() - M.month()), C = M.add(R, h), E = I - C < 0, A = M.add(R + (E ? -1 : 1), h);
return +(-(R + (I - C) / (E ? C - A : A - C)) || 0);
a: function(M) {
return M < 0 ? Math.ceil(M) || 0 : Math.floor(M);
p: function(M) {
return {
M: h,
y: d,
w: y,
d: f,
D: s,
h: w,
m: b,
s: g,
ms: m,
Q: l
}[M] || String(M || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
u: function(M) {
return M === void 0;
}, t = {
name: "en",
weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),
months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_")
}, i = "en", n = {};
n[i] = t;
var o = function(M) {
return M instanceof F;
}, p = function(M, I, R) {
var C;
if (!M)
return i;
if (typeof M == "string")
n[M] && (C = M), I && (n[M] = I, C = M);
else {
var E =;
n[E] = M, C = E;
return !R && C && (i = C), C || !R && i;
}, O = function(M, I) {
if (o(M))
return M.clone();
var R = u(I) == "object" ? I : {};
return = M, R.args = arguments, new F(R);
}, P = r;
P.l = p, P.i = o, P.w = function(N, M) {
return O(N, {
locale: M.$L,
utc: M.$u,
$offset: M.$offset
var F = function() {
function N(I) {
this.$L = this.$L || p(I.locale, null, !0), this.parse(I);
var M = N.prototype;
return M.parse = function(I) {
this.$d = function(R) {
var C =, E = R.utc;
if (C === null)
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);
if (P.u(C))
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
if (C instanceof Date)
return new Date(C);
if (typeof C == "string" && !/Z$/i.test(C)) {
var A = C.match(v);
if (A) {
var L = A[2] - 1 || 0, $ = (A[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return E ? new Date(Date.UTC(A[1], L, A[3] || 1, A[4] || 0, A[5] || 0, A[6] || 0, $)) : new Date(A[1], L, A[3] || 1, A[4] || 0, A[5] || 0, A[6] || 0, $);
return new Date(C);
}(I), this.init();
}, M.init = function() {
var I = this.$d;
this.$y = I.getFullYear(), this.$M = I.getMonth(), this.$D = I.getDate(), this.$W = I.getDay(), this.$H = I.getHours(), this.$m = I.getMinutes(), this.$s = I.getSeconds(), this.$ms = I.getMilliseconds();
}, M.$utils = function() {
return P;
}, M.isValid = function() {
return this.$d.toString() !== "Invalid Date";
}, M.isSame = function(I, R) {
var C = O(I);
return this.startOf(R) <= C && C <= this.endOf(R);
}, M.isAfter = function(I, R) {
return O(I) < this.startOf(R);
}, M.isBefore = function(I, R) {
return this.endOf(R) < O(I);
}, M.$g = function(I, R, C) {
return P.u(I) ? this[R] : this.set(C, I);
}, M.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
}, M.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, M.startOf = function(I, R) {
var C = this, E = !!P.u(R) || R, A = P.p(I), L = function(ee, ce) {
var ve = P.w(C.$u ? Date.UTC(C.$y, ce, ee) : new Date(C.$y, ce, ee), C);
return E ? ve : ve.endOf(f);
}, $ = function(ee, ce) {
return P.w(C.toDate()[ee].apply(C.toDate("s"), (E ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(ce)), C);
}, W = this.$W, U = this.$M, D = this.$D, B = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (A) {
case d:
return E ? L(1, 0) : L(31, 11);
case h:
return E ? L(1, U) : L(0, U + 1);
case y:
var j = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, V = (W < j ? W + 7 : W) - j;
return L(E ? D - V : D + (6 - V), U);
case f:
case s:
return $(B + "Hours", 0);
case w:
return $(B + "Minutes", 1);
case b:
return $(B + "Seconds", 2);
case g:
return $(B + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, M.endOf = function(I) {
return this.startOf(I, !1);
}, M.$set = function(I, R) {
var C, E = P.p(I), A = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), L = (C = {}, C[f] = A + "Date", C[s] = A + "Date", C[h] = A + "Month", C[d] = A + "FullYear", C[w] = A + "Hours", C[b] = A + "Minutes", C[g] = A + "Seconds", C[m] = A + "Milliseconds", C)[E], $ = E === f ? this.$D + (R - this.$W) : R;
if (E === h || E === d) {
var W = this.clone().set(s, 1);
W.$d[L]($), W.init(), this.$d = W.set(s, Math.min(this.$D, W.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
L && this.$d[L]($);
return this.init(), this;
}, M.set = function(I, R) {
return this.clone().$set(I, R);
}, M.get = function(I) {
return this[P.p(I)]();
}, M.add = function(I, R) {
var C, E = this;
I = Number(I);
var A = P.p(R), L = function(D) {
var B = O(E);
return P.w( + Math.round(D * I)), E);
if (A === h)
return this.set(h, this.$M + I);
if (A === d)
return this.set(d, this.$y + I);
if (A === f)
return L(1);
if (A === y)
return L(7);
var $ = (C = {}, C[b] = 6e4, C[w] = 36e5, C[g] = 1e3, C)[A] || 1, W = this.$d.getTime() + I * $;
return P.w(W, this);
}, M.subtract = function(I, R) {
return this.add(-1 * I, R);
}, M.format = function(I) {
var R = this;
if (!this.isValid())
return "Invalid Date";
var C = I || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", E = P.z(this), A = this.$locale(), L = this.$H, $ = this.$m, W = this.$M, U = A.weekdays, D = A.months, B = function(ce, ve, ge, oe) {
return ce && (ce[ve] || ce(R, C)) || ge[ve].substr(0, oe);
}, j = function(ce) {
return P.s(L % 12 || 12, ce, "0");
}, V = A.meridiem || function(ee, ce, ve) {
var ge = ee < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return ve ? ge.toLowerCase() : ge;
}, re = {
YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2),
YYYY: this.$y,
M: W + 1,
MM: P.s(W + 1, 2, "0"),
MMM: B(A.monthsShort, W, D, 3),
MMMM: B(D, W),
D: this.$D,
DD: P.s(this.$D, 2, "0"),
d: String(this.$W),
dd: B(A.weekdaysMin, this.$W, U, 2),
ddd: B(A.weekdaysShort, this.$W, U, 3),
dddd: U[this.$W],
H: String(L),
HH: P.s(L, 2, "0"),
h: j(1),
hh: j(2),
a: V(L, $, !0),
A: V(L, $, !1),
m: String($),
mm: P.s($, 2, "0"),
s: String(this.$s),
ss: P.s(this.$s, 2, "0"),
SSS: P.s(this.$ms, 3, "0"),
Z: E
return C.replace(c, function(ee, ce) {
return ce || re[ee] || E.replace(":", "");
}, M.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, M.diff = function(I, R, C) {
var E, A = P.p(R), L = O(I), $ = 6e4 * (L.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()), W = this - L, U = P.m(this, L);
return U = (E = {}, E[d] = U / 12, E[h] = U, E[l] = U / 3, E[y] = (W - $) / 6048e5, E[f] = (W - $) / 864e5, E[w] = W / 36e5, E[b] = W / 6e4, E[g] = W / 1e3, E)[A] || W, C ? U : P.a(U);
}, M.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(h).$D;
}, M.$locale = function() {
return n[this.$L];
}, M.locale = function(I, R) {
if (!I)
return this.$L;
var C = this.clone(), E = p(I, R, !0);
return E && (C.$L = E), C;
}, M.clone = function() {
return P.w(this.$d, this);
}, M.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, M.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, M.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, M.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, N;
}(), z = F.prototype;
return O.prototype = z, [["$ms", m], ["$s", g], ["$m", b], ["$H", w], ["$W", f], ["$M", h], ["$y", d], ["$D", s]].forEach(function(N) {
z[N[1]] = function(M) {
return this.$g(M, N[0], N[1]);
}), O.extend = function(N, M) {
return N(M, F, O), O;
}, O.locale = p, O.isDayjs = o, O.unix = function(N) {
return O(1e3 * N);
}, O.en = n[i], O.Ls = n, O;
}, {}], 337: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(b) {
return typeof b;
} : u = function(b) {
return b && typeof Symbol == "function" && b.constructor === Symbol && b !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof b;
}, u(m);
(function(m, g) {
(typeof _ == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(_)) == "object" && typeof x != "undefined" ? x.exports = g() : m.dayjs_plugin_customParseFormat = g();
})(void 0, function() {
var m, g = /(\[[^[]*\])|([-:/.()\s]+)|(A|a|YYYY|YY?|MM?M?M?|Do|DD?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|S{1,3}|z|ZZ?)/g, b = /\d\d/, w = /\d\d?/, f = /\d*[^\s\d-:/()]+/, y = function(c) {
return function(a) {
this[c] = +a;
}, h = [/[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/, function(v) {
var c, a;
( || ( = {})).offset = (c = v.match(/([+-]|\d\d)/g), (a = 60 * c[1] + +c[2]) === 0 ? 0 : c[0] === "+" ? -a : a);
}], l = function(c) {
var a = m[c];
return a && (a.indexOf ? a : a.s.concat(a.f));
}, d = {
A: [/[AP]M/, function(v) {
this.afternoon = v === "PM";
a: [/[ap]m/, function(v) {
this.afternoon = v === "pm";
S: [/\d/, function(v) {
this.milliseconds = 100 * +v;
SS: [b, function(v) {
this.milliseconds = 10 * +v;
SSS: [/\d{3}/, function(v) {
this.milliseconds = +v;
s: [w, y("seconds")],
ss: [w, y("seconds")],
m: [w, y("minutes")],
mm: [w, y("minutes")],
H: [w, y("hours")],
h: [w, y("hours")],
HH: [w, y("hours")],
hh: [w, y("hours")],
D: [w, y("day")],
DD: [b, y("day")],
Do: [f, function(v) {
var c = m.ordinal, a = v.match(/\d+/);
if ( = a[0], c)
for (var r = 1; r <= 31; r += 1)
c(r).replace(/\[|\]/g, "") === v && ( = r);
M: [w, y("month")],
MM: [b, y("month")],
MMM: [f, function(v) {
var c = l("months"), a = (l("monthsShort") || {
return r.substr(0, 3);
})).indexOf(v) + 1;
if (a < 1)
throw new Error();
this.month = a % 12 || a;
MMMM: [f, function(v) {
var c = l("months").indexOf(v) + 1;
if (c < 1)
throw new Error();
this.month = c % 12 || c;
Y: [/[+-]?\d+/, y("year")],
YY: [b, function(v) {
v = +v, this.year = v + (v > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3);
YYYY: [/\d{4}/, y("year")],
Z: h,
ZZ: h
}, s = function(c, a, r) {
try {
var t = function($) {
for (var W = $.match(g), U = W.length, D = 0; D < U; D += 1) {
var B = W[D], j = d[B], V = j && j[0], re = j && j[1];
W[D] = re ? {
regex: V,
parser: re
} : B.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "");
return function(ee) {
for (var ce = {}, ve = 0, ge = 0; ve < U; ve += 1) {
var oe = W[ve];
if (typeof oe == "string")
ge += oe.length;
else {
var J = oe.regex, Q = oe.parser, he = ee.substr(ge), ke = J.exec(he)[0];, ke), ee = ee.replace(ke, "");
return function(ne) {
var se = ne.afternoon;
if (se !== void 0) {
var Ce = ne.hours;
se ? Ce < 12 && (ne.hours += 12) : Ce === 12 && (ne.hours = 0), delete ne.afternoon;
}(ce), ce;
}(a)(c), i = t.year, n = t.month, o =, p = t.hours, O = t.minutes, P = t.seconds, F = t.milliseconds, z =, N = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), M = o || (i || n ? 1 : N.getDate()), I = i || N.getFullYear(), R = 0;
i && !n || (R = n > 0 ? n - 1 : N.getMonth());
var C = p || 0, E = O || 0, A = P || 0, L = F || 0;
return z ? new Date(Date.UTC(I, R, M, C, E, A, L + 60 * z.offset * 1e3)) : r ? new Date(Date.UTC(I, R, M, C, E, A, L)) : new Date(I, R, M, C, E, A, L);
} catch ($) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date("");
return function(v, c, a) {
var r = c.prototype, t = r.parse;
r.parse = function(i) {
var n =, o = i.utc, p = i.args;
this.$u = o;
var O = p[1];
if (typeof O == "string") {
var P = p[2] === !0, F = p[3] === !0, z = P || F, N = p[2];
F && (N = p[2]), P || (m = N ? a.Ls[N] : this.$locale()), this.$d = s(n, O, o), this.init(), N && N !== !0 && (this.$L = this.locale(N).$L), z && n !== this.format(O) && (this.$d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(""));
} else if (O instanceof Array)
for (var M = O.length, I = 1; I <= M; I += 1) {
p[1] = O[I - 1];
var R = a.apply(this, p);
if (R.isValid()) {
this.$d = R.$d, this.$L = R.$L, this.init();
I === M && (this.$d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(""));
else, i);
}, {}], 338: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(b) {
return typeof b;
} : u = function(b) {
return b && typeof Symbol == "function" && b.constructor === Symbol && b !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof b;
}, u(m);
(function(m, g) {
(typeof _ == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(_)) == "object" && typeof x != "undefined" ? x.exports = g() : m.dayjs_plugin_utc = g();
})(void 0, function() {
return function(m, g, b) {
var w = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTimezoneOffset(), f = g.prototype;
b.utc = function(c) {
return new g({
date: c,
utc: !0,
args: arguments
}, f.utc = function() {
return b(this.toDate(), {
locale: this.$L,
utc: !0
}, f.local = function() {
return b(this.toDate(), {
locale: this.$L,
utc: !1
var y = f.parse;
f.parse = function(c) {
c.utc && (this.$u = !0), this.$utils().u(c.$offset) || (this.$offset = c.$offset),, c);
var h = f.init;
f.init = function() {
if (this.$u) {
var c = this.$d;
this.$y = c.getUTCFullYear(), this.$M = c.getUTCMonth(), this.$D = c.getUTCDate(), this.$W = c.getUTCDay(), this.$H = c.getUTCHours(), this.$m = c.getUTCMinutes(), this.$s = c.getUTCSeconds(), this.$ms = c.getUTCMilliseconds();
} else;
var l = f.utcOffset;
f.utcOffset = function(c, a) {
var r = this.$utils().u;
if (r(c))
return this.$u ? 0 : r(this.$offset) ? : this.$offset;
var t = Math.abs(c) <= 16 ? 60 * c : c, i = this;
return a ? (i.$offset = t, i.$u = c === 0, i) : (c !== 0 ? (i = this.local().add(t + w, "minute")).$offset = t : i = this.utc(), i);
var d = f.format;
f.format = function(c) {
var a = c || (this.$u ? "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]" : "");
return, a);
}, f.valueOf = function() {
var c = this.$utils().u(this.$offset) ? 0 : this.$offset + w;
return this.$d.valueOf() - 6e4 * c;
}, f.isUTC = function() {
return !!this.$u;
}, f.toISOString = function() {
return this.toDate().toISOString();
}, f.toString = function() {
return this.toDate().toUTCString();
var s = f.toDate;
f.toDate = function(c) {
return c === "s" && this.$offset ? b(this.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS")).toDate() :;
var v = f.diff;
f.diff = function(c, a, r) {
var t = this.local(), i = b(c).local();
return, i, a, r);
}, {}], 339: [function(e, x, _) {
_.utils = e("./des/utils"), _.Cipher = e("./des/cipher"), _.DES = e("./des/des"), _.CBC = e("./des/cbc"), _.EDE = e("./des/ede");
}, { "./des/cbc": 340, "./des/cipher": 341, "./des/des": 342, "./des/ede": 343, "./des/utils": 344 }], 340: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("minimalistic-assert"), m = e("inherits"), g = {};
function b(f) {
u.equal(f.length, 8, "Invalid IV length"), this.iv = new Array(8);
for (var y = 0; y < this.iv.length; y++)
this.iv[y] = f[y];
function w(f) {
function y(s) {, s), this._cbcInit();
m(y, f);
for (var h = Object.keys(g), l = 0; l < h.length; l++) {
var d = h[l];
y.prototype[d] = g[d];
return y.create = function(v) {
return new y(v);
}, y;
_.instantiate = w, g._cbcInit = function() {
var y = new b(this.options.iv);
this._cbcState = y;
}, g._update = function(y, h, l, d) {
var s = this._cbcState, v = this.constructor.super_.prototype, c = s.iv;
if (this.type === "encrypt") {
for (var a = 0; a < this.blockSize; a++)
c[a] ^= y[h + a];, c, 0, l, d);
for (var a = 0; a < this.blockSize; a++)
c[a] = l[d + a];
} else {, y, h, l, d);
for (var a = 0; a < this.blockSize; a++)
l[d + a] ^= c[a];
for (var a = 0; a < this.blockSize; a++)
c[a] = y[h + a];
}, { inherits: 387, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 341: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("minimalistic-assert");
function m(g) {
this.options = g, this.type = this.options.type, this.blockSize = 8, this._init(), this.buffer = new Array(this.blockSize), this.bufferOff = 0;
x.exports = m, m.prototype._init = function() {
}, m.prototype.update = function(b) {
return b.length === 0 ? [] : this.type === "decrypt" ? this._updateDecrypt(b) : this._updateEncrypt(b);
}, m.prototype._buffer = function(b, w) {
for (var f = Math.min(this.buffer.length - this.bufferOff, b.length - w), y = 0; y < f; y++)
this.buffer[this.bufferOff + y] = b[w + y];
return this.bufferOff += f, f;
}, m.prototype._flushBuffer = function(b, w) {
return this._update(this.buffer, 0, b, w), this.bufferOff = 0, this.blockSize;
}, m.prototype._updateEncrypt = function(b) {
var w = 0, f = 0, y = (this.bufferOff + b.length) / this.blockSize | 0, h = new Array(y * this.blockSize);
this.bufferOff !== 0 && (w += this._buffer(b, w), this.bufferOff === this.buffer.length && (f += this._flushBuffer(h, f)));
for (var l = b.length - (b.length - w) % this.blockSize; w < l; w += this.blockSize)
this._update(b, w, h, f), f += this.blockSize;
for (; w < b.length; w++, this.bufferOff++)
this.buffer[this.bufferOff] = b[w];
return h;
}, m.prototype._updateDecrypt = function(b) {
for (var w = 0, f = 0, y = Math.ceil((this.bufferOff + b.length) / this.blockSize) - 1, h = new Array(y * this.blockSize); y > 0; y--)
w += this._buffer(b, w), f += this._flushBuffer(h, f);
return w += this._buffer(b, w), h;
}, = function(b) {
var w;
b && (w = this.update(b));
var f;
return this.type === "encrypt" ? f = this._finalEncrypt() : f = this._finalDecrypt(), w ? w.concat(f) : f;
}, m.prototype._pad = function(b, w) {
if (w === 0)
return !1;
for (; w < b.length; )
b[w++] = 0;
return !0;
}, m.prototype._finalEncrypt = function() {
if (!this._pad(this.buffer, this.bufferOff))
return [];
var b = new Array(this.blockSize);
return this._update(this.buffer, 0, b, 0), b;
}, m.prototype._unpad = function(b) {
return b;
}, m.prototype._finalDecrypt = function() {
u.equal(this.bufferOff, this.blockSize, "Not enough data to decrypt");
var b = new Array(this.blockSize);
return this._flushBuffer(b, 0), this._unpad(b);
}, { "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 342: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("minimalistic-assert"), m = e("inherits"), g = e("./utils"), b = e("./cipher");
function w() {
this.tmp = new Array(2), this.keys = null;
function f(h) {, h);
var l = new w();
this._desState = l, this.deriveKeys(l, h.key);
m(f, b), x.exports = f, f.create = function(l) {
return new f(l);
var y = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1];
f.prototype.deriveKeys = function(l, d) {
l.keys = new Array(16 * 2), u.equal(d.length, this.blockSize, "Invalid key length");
var s = g.readUInt32BE(d, 0), v = g.readUInt32BE(d, 4);
g.pc1(s, v, l.tmp, 0), s = l.tmp[0], v = l.tmp[1];
for (var c = 0; c < l.keys.length; c += 2) {
var a = y[c >>> 1];
s = g.r28shl(s, a), v = g.r28shl(v, a), g.pc2(s, v, l.keys, c);
}, f.prototype._update = function(l, d, s, v) {
var c = this._desState, a = g.readUInt32BE(l, d), r = g.readUInt32BE(l, d + 4);
g.ip(a, r, c.tmp, 0), a = c.tmp[0], r = c.tmp[1], this.type === "encrypt" ? this._encrypt(c, a, r, c.tmp, 0) : this._decrypt(c, a, r, c.tmp, 0), a = c.tmp[0], r = c.tmp[1], g.writeUInt32BE(s, a, v), g.writeUInt32BE(s, r, v + 4);
}, f.prototype._pad = function(l, d) {
for (var s = l.length - d, v = d; v < l.length; v++)
l[v] = s;
return !0;
}, f.prototype._unpad = function(l) {
for (var d = l[l.length - 1], s = l.length - d; s < l.length; s++)
u.equal(l[s], d);
return l.slice(0, l.length - d);
}, f.prototype._encrypt = function(l, d, s, v, c) {
for (var a = d, r = s, t = 0; t < l.keys.length; t += 2) {
var i = l.keys[t], n = l.keys[t + 1];
g.expand(r, l.tmp, 0), i ^= l.tmp[0], n ^= l.tmp[1];
var o = g.substitute(i, n), p = g.permute(o), O = r;
r = (a ^ p) >>> 0, a = O;
}, a, v, c);
}, f.prototype._decrypt = function(l, d, s, v, c) {
for (var a = s, r = d, t = l.keys.length - 2; t >= 0; t -= 2) {
var i = l.keys[t], n = l.keys[t + 1];
g.expand(a, l.tmp, 0), i ^= l.tmp[0], n ^= l.tmp[1];
var o = g.substitute(i, n), p = g.permute(o), O = a;
a = (r ^ p) >>> 0, r = O;
}, r, v, c);
}, { "./cipher": 341, "./utils": 344, inherits: 387, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 343: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("minimalistic-assert"), m = e("inherits"), g = e("./cipher"), b = e("./des");
function w(y, h) {
u.equal(h.length, 24, "Invalid key length");
var l = h.slice(0, 8), d = h.slice(8, 16), s = h.slice(16, 24);
y === "encrypt" ? this.ciphers = [b.create({
type: "encrypt",
key: l
}), b.create({
type: "decrypt",
key: d
}), b.create({
type: "encrypt",
key: s
})] : this.ciphers = [b.create({
type: "decrypt",
key: s
}), b.create({
type: "encrypt",
key: d
}), b.create({
type: "decrypt",
key: l
function f(y) {, y);
var h = new w(this.type, this.options.key);
this._edeState = h;
m(f, g), x.exports = f, f.create = function(h) {
return new f(h);
}, f.prototype._update = function(h, l, d, s) {
var v = this._edeState;
v.ciphers[0]._update(h, l, d, s), v.ciphers[1]._update(d, s, d, s), v.ciphers[2]._update(d, s, d, s);
}, f.prototype._pad = b.prototype._pad, f.prototype._unpad = b.prototype._unpad;
}, { "./cipher": 341, "./des": 342, inherits: 387, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 344: [function(e, x, _) {
_.readUInt32BE = function(w, f) {
var y = w[0 + f] << 24 | w[1 + f] << 16 | w[2 + f] << 8 | w[3 + f];
return y >>> 0;
}, _.writeUInt32BE = function(w, f, y) {
w[0 + y] = f >>> 24, w[1 + y] = f >>> 16 & 255, w[2 + y] = f >>> 8 & 255, w[3 + y] = f & 255;
}, _.ip = function(w, f, y, h) {
for (var l = 0, d = 0, s = 6; s >= 0; s -= 2) {
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
l <<= 1, l |= f >>> v + s & 1;
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
l <<= 1, l |= w >>> v + s & 1;
for (var s = 6; s >= 0; s -= 2) {
for (var v = 1; v <= 25; v += 8)
d <<= 1, d |= f >>> v + s & 1;
for (var v = 1; v <= 25; v += 8)
d <<= 1, d |= w >>> v + s & 1;
y[h + 0] = l >>> 0, y[h + 1] = d >>> 0;
}, = function(w, f, y, h) {
for (var l = 0, d = 0, s = 0; s < 4; s++)
for (var v = 24; v >= 0; v -= 8)
l <<= 1, l |= f >>> v + s & 1, l <<= 1, l |= w >>> v + s & 1;
for (var s = 4; s < 8; s++)
for (var v = 24; v >= 0; v -= 8)
d <<= 1, d |= f >>> v + s & 1, d <<= 1, d |= w >>> v + s & 1;
y[h + 0] = l >>> 0, y[h + 1] = d >>> 0;
}, _.pc1 = function(w, f, y, h) {
for (var l = 0, d = 0, s = 7; s >= 5; s--) {
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
l <<= 1, l |= f >> v + s & 1;
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
l <<= 1, l |= w >> v + s & 1;
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
l <<= 1, l |= f >> v + s & 1;
for (var s = 1; s <= 3; s++) {
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
d <<= 1, d |= f >> v + s & 1;
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
d <<= 1, d |= w >> v + s & 1;
for (var v = 0; v <= 24; v += 8)
d <<= 1, d |= w >> v + s & 1;
y[h + 0] = l >>> 0, y[h + 1] = d >>> 0;
}, _.r28shl = function(w, f) {
return w << f & 268435455 | w >>> 28 - f;
var u = [
// inL => outL
// inR => outR
_.pc2 = function(w, f, y, h) {
for (var l = 0, d = 0, s = u.length >>> 1, v = 0; v < s; v++)
l <<= 1, l |= w >>> u[v] & 1;
for (var v = s; v < u.length; v++)
d <<= 1, d |= f >>> u[v] & 1;
y[h + 0] = l >>> 0, y[h + 1] = d >>> 0;
}, _.expand = function(w, f, y) {
var h = 0, l = 0;
h = (w & 1) << 5 | w >>> 27;
for (var d = 23; d >= 15; d -= 4)
h <<= 6, h |= w >>> d & 63;
for (var d = 11; d >= 3; d -= 4)
l |= w >>> d & 63, l <<= 6;
l |= (w & 31) << 1 | w >>> 31, f[y + 0] = h >>> 0, f[y + 1] = l >>> 0;
var m = [14, 0, 4, 15, 13, 7, 1, 4, 2, 14, 15, 2, 11, 13, 8, 1, 3, 10, 10, 6, 6, 12, 12, 11, 5, 9, 9, 5, 0, 3, 7, 8, 4, 15, 1, 12, 14, 8, 8, 2, 13, 4, 6, 9, 2, 1, 11, 7, 15, 5, 12, 11, 9, 3, 7, 14, 3, 10, 10, 0, 5, 6, 0, 13, 15, 3, 1, 13, 8, 4, 14, 7, 6, 15, 11, 2, 3, 8, 4, 14, 9, 12, 7, 0, 2, 1, 13, 10, 12, 6, 0, 9, 5, 11, 10, 5, 0, 13, 14, 8, 7, 10, 11, 1, 10, 3, 4, 15, 13, 4, 1, 2, 5, 11, 8, 6, 12, 7, 6, 12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 2, 14, 15, 9, 10, 13, 0, 7, 9, 0, 14, 9, 6, 3, 3, 4, 15, 6, 5, 10, 1, 2, 13, 8, 12, 5, 7, 14, 11, 12, 4, 11, 2, 15, 8, 1, 13, 1, 6, 10, 4, 13, 9, 0, 8, 6, 15, 9, 3, 8, 0, 7, 11, 4, 1, 15, 2, 14, 12, 3, 5, 11, 10, 5, 14, 2, 7, 12, 7, 13, 13, 8, 14, 11, 3, 5, 0, 6, 6, 15, 9, 0, 10, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7, 8, 2, 5, 12, 11, 1, 12, 10, 4, 14, 15, 9, 10, 3, 6, 15, 9, 0, 0, 6, 12, 10, 11, 1, 7, 13, 13, 8, 15, 9, 1, 4, 3, 5, 14, 11, 5, 12, 2, 7, 8, 2, 4, 14, 2, 14, 12, 11, 4, 2, 1, 12, 7, 4, 10, 7, 11, 13, 6, 1, 8, 5, 5, 0, 3, 15, 15, 10, 13, 3, 0, 9, 14, 8, 9, 6, 4, 11, 2, 8, 1, 12, 11, 7, 10, 1, 13, 14, 7, 2, 8, 13, 15, 6, 9, 15, 12, 0, 5, 9, 6, 10, 3, 4, 0, 5, 14, 3, 12, 10, 1, 15, 10, 4, 15, 2, 9, 7, 2, 12, 6, 9, 8, 5, 0, 6, 13, 1, 3, 13, 4, 14, 14, 0, 7, 11, 5, 3, 11, 8, 9, 4, 14, 3, 15, 2, 5, 12, 2, 9, 8, 5, 12, 15, 3, 10, 7, 11, 0, 14, 4, 1, 10, 7, 1, 6, 13, 0, 11, 8, 6, 13, 4, 13, 11, 0, 2, 11, 14, 7, 15, 4, 0, 9, 8, 1, 13, 10, 3, 14, 12, 3, 9, 5, 7, 12, 5, 2, 10, 15, 6, 8, 1, 6, 1, 6, 4, 11, 11, 13, 13, 8, 12, 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 7, 10, 9, 15, 5, 6, 0, 8, 15, 0, 14, 5, 2, 9, 3, 2, 12, 13, 1, 2, 15, 8, 13, 4, 8, 6, 10, 15, 3, 11, 7, 1, 4, 10, 12, 9, 5, 3, 6, 14, 11, 5, 0, 0, 14, 12, 9, 7, 2, 7, 2, 11, 1, 4, 14, 1, 7, 9, 4, 12, 10, 14, 8, 2, 13, 0, 15, 6, 12, 10, 9, 13, 0, 15, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 11];
_.substitute = function(w, f) {
for (var y = 0, h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
var l = w >>> 18 - h * 6 & 63, d = m[h * 64 + l];
y <<= 4, y |= d;
for (var h = 0; h < 4; h++) {
var l = f >>> 18 - h * 6 & 63, d = m[4 * 64 + h * 64 + l];
y <<= 4, y |= d;
return y >>> 0;
var g = [16, 25, 12, 11, 3, 20, 4, 15, 31, 17, 9, 6, 27, 14, 1, 22, 30, 24, 8, 18, 0, 5, 29, 23, 13, 19, 2, 26, 10, 21, 28, 7];
_.permute = function(w) {
for (var f = 0, y = 0; y < g.length; y++)
f <<= 1, f |= w >>> g[y] & 1;
return f >>> 0;
}, _.padSplit = function(w, f, y) {
for (var h = w.toString(2); h.length < f; )
h = "0" + h;
for (var l = [], d = 0; d < f; d += y)
l.push(h.slice(d, d + y));
return l.join(" ");
}, {}], 345: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("./lib/generatePrime"), g = e("./lib/primes.json"), b = e("./lib/dh");
function w(h) {
var l = new u(g[h].prime, "hex"), d = new u(g[h].gen, "hex");
return new b(l, d);
var f = {
binary: !0,
hex: !0,
base64: !0
function y(h, l, d, s) {
return u.isBuffer(l) || f[l] === void 0 ? y(h, "binary", l, d) : (l = l || "binary", s = s || "binary", d = d || new u([2]), u.isBuffer(d) || (d = new u(d, s)), typeof h == "number" ? new b(m(h, d), d, !0) : (u.isBuffer(h) || (h = new u(h, l)), new b(h, d, !0)));
_.DiffieHellmanGroup = _.createDiffieHellmanGroup = _.getDiffieHellman = w, _.createDiffieHellman = _.DiffieHellman = y;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "./lib/dh": 346, "./lib/generatePrime": 347, "./lib/primes.json": 348, buffer: 216 }], 346: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("bn.js"), g = e("miller-rabin"), b = new g(), w = new m(24), f = new m(11), y = new m(10), h = new m(3), l = new m(7), d = e("./generatePrime"), s = e("randombytes");
x.exports = t;
function v(n, o) {
return o = o || "utf8", u.isBuffer(n) || (n = new u(n, o)), this._pub = new m(n), this;
function c(n, o) {
return o = o || "utf8", u.isBuffer(n) || (n = new u(n, o)), this._priv = new m(n), this;
var a = {};
function r(n, o) {
var p = o.toString("hex"), O = [p, n.toString(16)].join("_");
if (O in a)
return a[O];
var P = 0;
if (n.isEven() || !d.simpleSieve || !d.fermatTest(n) || !b.test(n))
return P += 1, p === "02" || p === "05" ? P += 8 : P += 4, a[O] = P, P;
b.test(n.shrn(1)) || (P += 2);
var F;
switch (p) {
case "02":
n.mod(w).cmp(f) && (P += 8);
case "05":
F = n.mod(y), F.cmp(h) && F.cmp(l) && (P += 8);
P += 4;
return a[O] = P, P;
function t(n, o, p) {
this.setGenerator(o), this.__prime = new m(n), this._prime = m.mont(this.__prime), this._primeLen = n.length, this._pub = void 0, this._priv = void 0, this._primeCode = void 0, p ? (this.setPublicKey = v, this.setPrivateKey = c) : this._primeCode = 8;
Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "verifyError", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return typeof this._primeCode != "number" && (this._primeCode = r(this.__prime, this.__gen)), this._primeCode;
}), t.prototype.generateKeys = function() {
return this._priv || (this._priv = new m(s(this._primeLen))), this._pub = this._gen.toRed(this._prime).redPow(this._priv).fromRed(), this.getPublicKey();
}, t.prototype.computeSecret = function(n) {
n = new m(n), n = n.toRed(this._prime);
var o = n.redPow(this._priv).fromRed(), p = new u(o.toArray()), O = this.getPrime();
if (p.length < O.length) {
var P = new u(O.length - p.length);
P.fill(0), p = u.concat([P, p]);
return p;
}, t.prototype.getPublicKey = function(o) {
return i(this._pub, o);
}, t.prototype.getPrivateKey = function(o) {
return i(this._priv, o);
}, t.prototype.getPrime = function(n) {
return i(this.__prime, n);
}, t.prototype.getGenerator = function(n) {
return i(this._gen, n);
}, t.prototype.setGenerator = function(n, o) {
return o = o || "utf8", u.isBuffer(n) || (n = new u(n, o)), this.__gen = n, this._gen = new m(n), this;
function i(n, o) {
var p = new u(n.toArray());
return o ? p.toString(o) : p;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "./generatePrime": 347, "bn.js": 349, buffer: 216, "miller-rabin": 435, randombytes: 475 }], 347: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("randombytes");
x.exports = i, i.simpleSieve = r, i.fermatTest = t;
var m = e("bn.js"), g = new m(24), b = e("miller-rabin"), w = new b(), f = new m(1), y = new m(2), h = new m(5);
new m(16), new m(8);
var l = new m(10), d = new m(3);
new m(7);
var s = new m(11), v = new m(4);
new m(12);
var c = null;
function a() {
if (c !== null)
return c;
var n = 1048576, o = [];
o[0] = 2;
for (var p = 1, O = 3; O < n; O += 2) {
for (var P = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(O)), F = 0; F < p && o[F] <= P && O % o[F] !== 0; F++)
p !== F && o[F] <= P || (o[p++] = O);
return c = o, o;
function r(n) {
for (var o = a(), p = 0; p < o.length; p++)
if (n.modn(o[p]) === 0)
return n.cmpn(o[p]) === 0;
return !0;
function t(n) {
var o = m.mont(n);
return y.toRed(o).redPow(n.subn(1)).fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0;
function i(n, o) {
if (n < 16)
return o === 2 || o === 5 ? new m([140, 123]) : new m([140, 39]);
o = new m(o);
for (var p, O; ; ) {
for (p = new m(u(Math.ceil(n / 8))); p.bitLength() > n; )
if (p.isEven() && p.iadd(f), p.testn(1) || p.iadd(y), o.cmp(y)) {
if (!o.cmp(h))
for (; p.mod(l).cmp(d); )
} else
for (; p.mod(g).cmp(s); )
if (O = p.shrn(1), r(O) && r(p) && t(O) && t(p) && w.test(O) && w.test(p))
return p;
}, { "bn.js": 349, "miller-rabin": 435, randombytes: 475 }], 348: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
modp1: {
gen: "02",
prime: "ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a63a3620ffffffffffffffff"
modp2: {
gen: "02",
prime: "ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece65381ffffffffffffffff"
modp5: {
gen: "02",
prime: "ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece45b3dc2007cb8a163bf0598da48361c55d39a69163fa8fd24cf5f83655d23dca3ad961c62f356208552bb9ed529077096966d670c354e4abc9804f1746c08ca237327ffffffffffffffff"
modp14: {
gen: "02",
prime: "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"
modp15: {
gen: "02",
prime: "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"
modp16: {
gen: "02",
prime: "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"
modp17: {
gen: "02",
prime: "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"
modp18: {
gen: "02",
prime: "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"
}, {}], 349: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][181][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 185, dup: 181 }], 350: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.version = e("../package.json").version, u.utils = e("./elliptic/utils"), u.rand = e("brorand"), u.curve = e("./elliptic/curve"), u.curves = e("./elliptic/curves"), = e("./elliptic/ec"), u.eddsa = e("./elliptic/eddsa");
}, { "../package.json": 366, "./elliptic/curve": 353, "./elliptic/curves": 356, "./elliptic/ec": 357, "./elliptic/eddsa": 360, "./elliptic/utils": 364, brorand: 184 }], 351: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("bn.js"), m = e("../utils"), g = m.getNAF, b = m.getJSF, w = m.assert;
function f(h, l) {
this.type = h, this.p = new u(l.p, 16), = ? : u.mont(this.p), = new u(0).toRed(, = new u(1).toRed(, this.two = new u(2).toRed(, this.n = l.n && new u(l.n, 16), this.g = l.g && this.pointFromJSON(l.g, l.gRed), this._wnafT1 = new Array(4), this._wnafT2 = new Array(4), this._wnafT3 = new Array(4), this._wnafT4 = new Array(4), this._bitLength = this.n ? this.n.bitLength() : 0;
var d = this.n && this.p.div(this.n);
!d || d.cmpn(100) > 0 ? this.redN = null : (this._maxwellTrick = !0, this.redN = this.n.toRed(;
x.exports = f, f.prototype.point = function() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
}, f.prototype.validate = function() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
}, f.prototype._fixedNafMul = function(l, d) {
var s = l._getDoubles(), v = g(d, 1, this._bitLength), c = (1 << s.step + 1) - (s.step % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1);
c /= 3;
for (var a = [], r = 0; r < v.length; r += s.step) {
for (var t = 0, d = r + s.step - 1; d >= r; d--)
t = (t << 1) + v[d];
for (var i = this.jpoint(null, null, null), n = this.jpoint(null, null, null), o = c; o > 0; o--) {
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
var t = a[r];
t === o ? n = n.mixedAdd(s.points[r]) : t === -o && (n = n.mixedAdd(s.points[r].neg()));
i = i.add(n);
return i.toP();
}, f.prototype._wnafMul = function(l, d) {
var s = 4, v = l._getNAFPoints(s);
s = v.wnd;
for (var c = v.points, a = g(d, s, this._bitLength), r = this.jpoint(null, null, null), t = a.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
for (var d = 0; t >= 0 && a[t] === 0; t--)
if (t >= 0 && d++, r = r.dblp(d), t < 0)
var i = a[t];
w(i !== 0), l.type === "affine" ? i > 0 ? r = r.mixedAdd(c[i - 1 >> 1]) : r = r.mixedAdd(c[-i - 1 >> 1].neg()) : i > 0 ? r = r.add(c[i - 1 >> 1]) : r = r.add(c[-i - 1 >> 1].neg());
return l.type === "affine" ? r.toP() : r;
}, f.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function(l, d, s, v, c) {
for (var a = this._wnafT1, r = this._wnafT2, t = this._wnafT3, i = 0, n = 0; n < v; n++) {
var o = d[n], p = o._getNAFPoints(l);
a[n] = p.wnd, r[n] = p.points;
for (var n = v - 1; n >= 1; n -= 2) {
var O = n - 1, P = n;
if (a[O] !== 1 || a[P] !== 1) {
t[O] = g(s[O], a[O], this._bitLength), t[P] = g(s[P], a[P], this._bitLength), i = Math.max(t[O].length, i), i = Math.max(t[P].length, i);
var F = [
/* 1 */
/* 3 */
/* 5 */
/* 7 */
d[O].y.cmp(d[P].y) === 0 ? (F[1] = d[O].add(d[P]), F[2] = d[O].toJ().mixedAdd(d[P].neg())) : d[O].y.cmp(d[P].y.redNeg()) === 0 ? (F[1] = d[O].toJ().mixedAdd(d[P]), F[2] = d[O].add(d[P].neg())) : (F[1] = d[O].toJ().mixedAdd(d[P]), F[2] = d[O].toJ().mixedAdd(d[P].neg()));
var z = [
/* -1 -1 */
/* -1 0 */
/* -1 1 */
/* 0 -1 */
/* 0 0 */
/* 0 1 */
/* 1 -1 */
/* 1 0 */
/* 1 1 */
], N = b(s[O], s[P]);
i = Math.max(N[0].length, i), t[O] = new Array(i), t[P] = new Array(i);
for (var M = 0; M < i; M++) {
var I = N[0][M] | 0, R = N[1][M] | 0;
t[O][M] = z[(I + 1) * 3 + (R + 1)], t[P][M] = 0, r[O] = F;
for (var C = this.jpoint(null, null, null), E = this._wnafT4, n = i; n >= 0; n--) {
for (var A = 0; n >= 0; ) {
for (var L = !0, M = 0; M < v; M++)
E[M] = t[M][n] | 0, E[M] !== 0 && (L = !1);
if (!L)
A++, n--;
if (n >= 0 && A++, C = C.dblp(A), n < 0)
for (var M = 0; M < v; M++) {
var $ = E[M], o;
$ !== 0 && ($ > 0 ? o = r[M][$ - 1 >> 1] : $ < 0 && (o = r[M][-$ - 1 >> 1].neg()), o.type === "affine" ? C = C.mixedAdd(o) : C = C.add(o));
for (var n = 0; n < v; n++)
r[n] = null;
return c ? C : C.toP();
function y(h, l) {
this.curve = h, this.type = l, this.precomputed = null;
f.BasePoint = y, y.prototype.eq = function() {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
}, y.prototype.validate = function() {
return this.curve.validate(this);
}, f.prototype.decodePoint = function(l, d) {
l = m.toArray(l, d);
var s = this.p.byteLength();
if ((l[0] === 4 || l[0] === 6 || l[0] === 7) && l.length - 1 === 2 * s) {
l[0] === 6 ? w(l[l.length - 1] % 2 === 0) : l[0] === 7 && w(l[l.length - 1] % 2 === 1);
var v = this.point(l.slice(1, 1 + s), l.slice(1 + s, 1 + 2 * s));
return v;
} else if ((l[0] === 2 || l[0] === 3) && l.length - 1 === s)
return this.pointFromX(l.slice(1, 1 + s), l[0] === 3);
throw new Error("Unknown point format");
}, y.prototype.encodeCompressed = function(l) {
return this.encode(l, !0);
}, y.prototype._encode = function(l) {
var d = this.curve.p.byteLength(), s = this.getX().toArray("be", d);
return l ? [this.getY().isEven() ? 2 : 3].concat(s) : [4].concat(s, this.getY().toArray("be", d));
}, y.prototype.encode = function(l, d) {
return m.encode(this._encode(d), l);
}, y.prototype.precompute = function(l) {
if (this.precomputed)
return this;
var d = {
doubles: null,
naf: null,
beta: null
return d.naf = this._getNAFPoints(8), d.doubles = this._getDoubles(4, l), d.beta = this._getBeta(), this.precomputed = d, this;
}, y.prototype._hasDoubles = function(l) {
if (!this.precomputed)
return !1;
var d = this.precomputed.doubles;
return d ? d.points.length >= Math.ceil((l.bitLength() + 1) / d.step) : !1;
}, y.prototype._getDoubles = function(l, d) {
if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.doubles)
return this.precomputed.doubles;
for (var s = [this], v = this, c = 0; c < d; c += l) {
for (var a = 0; a < l; a++)
v = v.dbl();
return {
step: l,
points: s
}, y.prototype._getNAFPoints = function(l) {
if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.naf)
return this.precomputed.naf;
for (var d = [this], s = (1 << l) - 1, v = s === 1 ? null : this.dbl(), c = 1; c < s; c++)
d[c] = d[c - 1].add(v);
return {
wnd: l,
points: d
}, y.prototype._getBeta = function() {
return null;
}, y.prototype.dblp = function(l) {
for (var d = this, s = 0; s < l; s++)
d = d.dbl();
return d;
}, { "../utils": 364, "bn.js": 365 }], 352: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("bn.js"), g = e("inherits"), b = e("./base"), w = u.assert;
function f(h) {
this.twisted = (h.a | 0) !== 1, this.mOneA = this.twisted && (h.a | 0) === -1, this.extended = this.mOneA,, "edwards", h), this.a = new m(h.a, 16).umod(, this.a = this.a.toRed(, this.c = new m(h.c, 16).toRed(, this.c2 = this.c.redSqr(), this.d = new m(h.d, 16).toRed(, this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d), w(!this.twisted || this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0), this.oneC = (h.c | 0) === 1;
g(f, b), x.exports = f, f.prototype._mulA = function(l) {
return this.mOneA ? l.redNeg() : this.a.redMul(l);
}, f.prototype._mulC = function(l) {
return this.oneC ? l : this.c.redMul(l);
}, f.prototype.jpoint = function(l, d, s, v) {
return this.point(l, d, s, v);
}, f.prototype.pointFromX = function(l, d) {
l = new m(l, 16), || (l = l.toRed(;
var s = l.redSqr(), v = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(s)), c =, a = v.redMul(c.redInvm()), r = a.redSqrt();
if (r.redSqr().redSub(a).cmp( !== 0)
throw new Error("invalid point");
var t = r.fromRed().isOdd();
return (d && !t || !d && t) && (r = r.redNeg()), this.point(l, r);
}, f.prototype.pointFromY = function(l, d) {
l = new m(l, 16), || (l = l.toRed(;
var s = l.redSqr(), v = s.redSub(this.c2), c = s.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a), a = v.redMul(c.redInvm());
if (a.cmp( === 0) {
if (d)
throw new Error("invalid point");
return this.point(, l);
var r = a.redSqrt();
if (r.redSqr().redSub(a).cmp( !== 0)
throw new Error("invalid point");
return r.fromRed().isOdd() !== d && (r = r.redNeg()), this.point(r, l);
}, f.prototype.validate = function(l) {
if (l.isInfinity())
return !0;
var d = l.x.redSqr(), s = l.y.redSqr(), v = d.redMul(this.a).redAdd(s), c = this.c2.redMul(;
return v.cmp(c) === 0;
function y(h, l, d, s, v) {, h, "projective"), l === null && d === null && s === null ? (this.x =, this.y =, this.z =, this.t =, this.zOne = !0) : (this.x = new m(l, 16), this.y = new m(d, 16), this.z = s ? new m(s, 16) :, this.t = v && new m(v, 16), || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.y = this.y.toRed(, || (this.z = this.z.toRed(, this.t && ! && (this.t = this.t.toRed(, this.zOne = this.z ===, this.curve.extended && !this.t && (this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm()))));
g(y, b.BasePoint), f.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(l) {
return y.fromJSON(this, l);
}, f.prototype.point = function(l, d, s, v) {
return new y(this, l, d, s, v);
}, y.fromJSON = function(l, d) {
return new y(l, d[0], d[1], d[2]);
}, y.prototype.inspect = function() {
return this.isInfinity() ? "<EC Point Infinity>" : "<EC Point x: " + this.x.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + " y: " + this.y.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + " z: " + this.z.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + ">";
}, y.prototype.isInfinity = function() {
return this.x.cmpn(0) === 0 && (this.y.cmp(this.z) === 0 || this.zOne && this.y.cmp(this.curve.c) === 0);
}, y.prototype._extDbl = function() {
var l = this.x.redSqr(), d = this.y.redSqr(), s = this.z.redSqr();
s = s.redIAdd(s);
var v = this.curve._mulA(l), c = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(l).redISub(d), a = v.redAdd(d), r = a.redSub(s), t = v.redSub(d), i = c.redMul(r), n = a.redMul(t), o = c.redMul(t), p = r.redMul(a);
return this.curve.point(i, n, p, o);
}, y.prototype._projDbl = function() {
var l = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(), d = this.x.redSqr(), s = this.y.redSqr(), v, c, a;
if (this.curve.twisted) {
var r = this.curve._mulA(d), t = r.redAdd(s);
if (this.zOne)
v = l.redSub(d).redSub(s).redMul(t.redSub(this.curve.two)), c = t.redMul(r.redSub(s)), a = t.redSqr().redSub(t).redSub(t);
else {
var i = this.z.redSqr(), n = t.redSub(i).redISub(i);
v = l.redSub(d).redISub(s).redMul(n), c = t.redMul(r.redSub(s)), a = t.redMul(n);
} else {
var r = d.redAdd(s), i = this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr(), n = r.redSub(i).redSub(i);
v = this.curve._mulC(l.redISub(r)).redMul(n), c = this.curve._mulC(r).redMul(d.redISub(s)), a = r.redMul(n);
return this.curve.point(v, c, a);
}, y.prototype.dbl = function() {
return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extDbl() : this._projDbl();
}, y.prototype._extAdd = function(l) {
var d = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(l.y.redSub(l.x)), s = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(l.y.redAdd(l.x)), v = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(l.t), c = this.z.redMul(l.z.redAdd(l.z)), a = s.redSub(d), r = c.redSub(v), t = c.redAdd(v), i = s.redAdd(d), n = a.redMul(r), o = t.redMul(i), p = a.redMul(i), O = r.redMul(t);
return this.curve.point(n, o, O, p);
}, y.prototype._projAdd = function(l) {
var d = this.z.redMul(l.z), s = d.redSqr(), v = this.x.redMul(l.x), c = this.y.redMul(l.y), a = this.curve.d.redMul(v).redMul(c), r = s.redSub(a), t = s.redAdd(a), i = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(l.x.redAdd(l.y)).redISub(v).redISub(c), n = d.redMul(r).redMul(i), o, p;
return this.curve.twisted ? (o = d.redMul(t).redMul(c.redSub(this.curve._mulA(v))), p = r.redMul(t)) : (o = d.redMul(t).redMul(c.redSub(v)), p = this.curve._mulC(r).redMul(t)), this.curve.point(n, o, p);
}, y.prototype.add = function(l) {
return this.isInfinity() ? l : l.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extAdd(l) : this._projAdd(l);
}, y.prototype.mul = function(l) {
return this._hasDoubles(l) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, l) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, l);
}, y.prototype.mulAdd = function(l, d, s) {
return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, d], [l, s], 2, !1);
}, y.prototype.jmulAdd = function(l, d, s) {
return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [this, d], [l, s], 2, !0);
}, y.prototype.normalize = function() {
if (this.zOne)
return this;
var l = this.z.redInvm();
return this.x = this.x.redMul(l), this.y = this.y.redMul(l), this.t && (this.t = this.t.redMul(l)), this.z =, this.zOne = !0, this;
}, y.prototype.neg = function() {
return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(), this.y, this.z, this.t && this.t.redNeg());
}, y.prototype.getX = function() {
return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed();
}, y.prototype.getY = function() {
return this.normalize(), this.y.fromRed();
}, y.prototype.eq = function(l) {
return this === l || this.getX().cmp(l.getX()) === 0 && this.getY().cmp(l.getY()) === 0;
}, y.prototype.eqXToP = function(l) {
var d = l.toRed(;
if (this.x.cmp(d) === 0)
return !0;
for (var s = l.clone(), v = this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z); ; ) {
if (s.iadd(this.curve.n), s.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)
return !1;
if (d.redIAdd(v), this.x.cmp(d) === 0)
return !0;
}, y.prototype.toP = y.prototype.normalize, y.prototype.mixedAdd = y.prototype.add;
}, { "../utils": 364, "./base": 351, "bn.js": 365, inherits: 387 }], 353: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.base = e("./base"), u.short = e("./short"), u.mont = e("./mont"), u.edwards = e("./edwards");
}, { "./base": 351, "./edwards": 352, "./mont": 354, "./short": 355 }], 354: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("bn.js"), m = e("inherits"), g = e("./base"), b = e("../utils");
function w(y) {, "mont", y), this.a = new u(y.a, 16).toRed(, this.b = new u(y.b, 16).toRed(, this.i4 = new u(4).toRed(, this.two = new u(2).toRed(, this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two));
m(w, g), x.exports = w, w.prototype.validate = function(h) {
var l = h.normalize().x, d = l.redSqr(), s = d.redMul(l).redAdd(d.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(l), v = s.redSqrt();
return v.redSqr().cmp(s) === 0;
function f(y, h, l) {, y, "projective"), h === null && l === null ? (this.x =, this.z = : (this.x = new u(h, 16), this.z = new u(l, 16), || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.z = this.z.toRed(;
m(f, g.BasePoint), w.prototype.decodePoint = function(h, l) {
return this.point(b.toArray(h, l), 1);
}, w.prototype.point = function(h, l) {
return new f(this, h, l);
}, w.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(h) {
return f.fromJSON(this, h);
}, f.prototype.precompute = function() {
}, f.prototype._encode = function() {
return this.getX().toArray("be", this.curve.p.byteLength());
}, f.fromJSON = function(h, l) {
return new f(h, l[0], l[1] ||;
}, f.prototype.inspect = function() {
return this.isInfinity() ? "<EC Point Infinity>" : "<EC Point x: " + this.x.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + " z: " + this.z.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + ">";
}, f.prototype.isInfinity = function() {
return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0;
}, f.prototype.dbl = function() {
var h = this.x.redAdd(this.z), l = h.redSqr(), d = this.x.redSub(this.z), s = d.redSqr(), v = l.redSub(s), c = l.redMul(s), a = v.redMul(s.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(v)));
return this.curve.point(c, a);
}, f.prototype.add = function() {
throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve");
}, f.prototype.diffAdd = function(h, l) {
var d = this.x.redAdd(this.z), s = this.x.redSub(this.z), v = h.x.redAdd(h.z), c = h.x.redSub(h.z), a = c.redMul(d), r = v.redMul(s), t = l.z.redMul(a.redAdd(r).redSqr()), i = l.x.redMul(a.redISub(r).redSqr());
return this.curve.point(t, i);
}, f.prototype.mul = function(h) {
for (var l = h.clone(), d = this, s = this.curve.point(null, null), v = this, c = []; l.cmpn(0) !== 0; l.iushrn(1))
for (var a = c.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
c[a] === 0 ? (d = d.diffAdd(s, v), s = s.dbl()) : (s = d.diffAdd(s, v), d = d.dbl());
return s;
}, f.prototype.mulAdd = function() {
throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve");
}, f.prototype.jumlAdd = function() {
throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve");
}, f.prototype.eq = function(h) {
return this.getX().cmp(h.getX()) === 0;
}, f.prototype.normalize = function() {
return this.x = this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm()), this.z =, this;
}, f.prototype.getX = function() {
return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed();
}, { "../utils": 364, "./base": 351, "bn.js": 365, inherits: 387 }], 355: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("bn.js"), g = e("inherits"), b = e("./base"), w = u.assert;
function f(l) {, "short", l), this.a = new m(l.a, 16).toRed(, this.b = new m(l.b, 16).toRed(, this.tinv = this.two.redInvm(), this.zeroA = this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0) === 0, this.threeA = this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3) === 0, this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(l), this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4), this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4);
g(f, b), x.exports = f, f.prototype._getEndomorphism = function(d) {
if (!(!this.zeroA || !this.g || !this.n || this.p.modn(3) !== 1)) {
var s, v;
if (d.beta)
s = new m(d.beta, 16).toRed(;
else {
var c = this._getEndoRoots(this.p);
s = c[0].cmp(c[1]) < 0 ? c[0] : c[1], s = s.toRed(;
if (d.lambda)
v = new m(d.lambda, 16);
else {
var a = this._getEndoRoots(this.n);
this.g.mul(a[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(s)) === 0 ? v = a[0] : (v = a[1], w(this.g.mul(v).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(s)) === 0));
var r;
return d.basis ? r = {
return {
a: new m(t.a, 16),
b: new m(t.b, 16)
}) : r = this._getEndoBasis(v), {
beta: s,
lambda: v,
basis: r
}, f.prototype._getEndoRoots = function(d) {
var s = d === this.p ? : m.mont(d), v = new m(2).toRed(s).redInvm(), c = v.redNeg(), a = new m(3).toRed(s).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(v), r = c.redAdd(a).fromRed(), t = c.redSub(a).fromRed();
return [r, t];
}, f.prototype._getEndoBasis = function(d) {
for (var s = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), v = d, c = this.n.clone(), a = new m(1), r = new m(0), t = new m(0), i = new m(1), n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N = 0, M, I; v.cmpn(0) !== 0; ) {
var R = c.div(v);
M = c.sub(R.mul(v)), I = t.sub(R.mul(a));
var C = i.sub(R.mul(r));
if (!p && M.cmp(s) < 0)
n = z.neg(), o = a, p = M.neg(), O = I;
else if (p && ++N === 2)
z = M, c = v, v = M, t = a, a = I, i = r, r = C;
P = M.neg(), F = I;
var E = p.sqr().add(O.sqr()), A = P.sqr().add(F.sqr());
return A.cmp(E) >= 0 && (P = n, F = o), p.negative && (p = p.neg(), O = O.neg()), P.negative && (P = P.neg(), F = F.neg()), [{
a: p,
b: O
}, {
a: P,
b: F
}, f.prototype._endoSplit = function(d) {
var s = this.endo.basis, v = s[0], c = s[1], a = c.b.mul(d).divRound(this.n), r = v.b.neg().mul(d).divRound(this.n), t = a.mul(v.a), i = r.mul(c.a), n = a.mul(v.b), o = r.mul(c.b), p = d.sub(t).sub(i), O = n.add(o).neg();
return {
k1: p,
k2: O
}, f.prototype.pointFromX = function(d, s) {
d = new m(d, 16), || (d = d.toRed(;
var v = d.redSqr().redMul(d).redIAdd(d.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b), c = v.redSqrt();
if (c.redSqr().redSub(v).cmp( !== 0)
throw new Error("invalid point");
var a = c.fromRed().isOdd();
return (s && !a || !s && a) && (c = c.redNeg()), this.point(d, c);
}, f.prototype.validate = function(d) {
if (d.inf)
return !0;
var s = d.x, v = d.y, c = this.a.redMul(s), a = s.redSqr().redMul(s).redIAdd(c).redIAdd(this.b);
return v.redSqr().redISub(a).cmpn(0) === 0;
}, f.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd = function(d, s, v) {
for (var c = this._endoWnafT1, a = this._endoWnafT2, r = 0; r < d.length; r++) {
var t = this._endoSplit(s[r]), i = d[r], n = i._getBeta();
t.k1.negative && (t.k1.ineg(), i = i.neg(!0)), t.k2.negative && (t.k2.ineg(), n = n.neg(!0)), c[r * 2] = i, c[r * 2 + 1] = n, a[r * 2] = t.k1, a[r * 2 + 1] = t.k2;
for (var o = this._wnafMulAdd(1, c, a, r * 2, v), p = 0; p < r * 2; p++)
c[p] = null, a[p] = null;
return o;
function y(l, d, s, v) {, l, "affine"), d === null && s === null ? (this.x = null, this.y = null, this.inf = !0) : (this.x = new m(d, 16), this.y = new m(s, 16), v && (this.x.forceRed(, this.y.forceRed(, || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.y = this.y.toRed(, this.inf = !1);
g(y, b.BasePoint), f.prototype.point = function(d, s, v) {
return new y(this, d, s, v);
}, f.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(d, s) {
return y.fromJSON(this, d, s);
}, y.prototype._getBeta = function() {
if (this.curve.endo) {
var d = this.precomputed;
if (d && d.beta)
return d.beta;
var s = this.curve.point(this.x.redMul(this.curve.endo.beta), this.y);
if (d) {
var v = this.curve, c = function(r) {
return v.point(r.x.redMul(v.endo.beta), r.y);
d.beta = s, s.precomputed = {
beta: null,
naf: d.naf && {
wnd: d.naf.wnd,
doubles: d.doubles && {
step: d.doubles.step,
return s;
}, y.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.precomputed ? [this.x, this.y, this.precomputed && {
doubles: this.precomputed.doubles && {
step: this.precomputed.doubles.step,
points: this.precomputed.doubles.points.slice(1)
naf: this.precomputed.naf && {
wnd: this.precomputed.naf.wnd,
points: this.precomputed.naf.points.slice(1)
}] : [this.x, this.y];
}, y.fromJSON = function(d, s, v) {
typeof s == "string" && (s = JSON.parse(s));
var c = d.point(s[0], s[1], v);
if (!s[2])
return c;
function a(t) {
return d.point(t[0], t[1], v);
var r = s[2];
return c.precomputed = {
beta: null,
doubles: r.doubles && {
step: r.doubles.step,
points: [c].concat(
naf: r.naf && {
wnd: r.naf.wnd,
points: [c].concat(
}, c;
}, y.prototype.inspect = function() {
return this.isInfinity() ? "<EC Point Infinity>" : "<EC Point x: " + this.x.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + " y: " + this.y.fromRed().toString(16, 2) + ">";
}, y.prototype.isInfinity = function() {
return this.inf;
}, y.prototype.add = function(d) {
if (this.inf)
return d;
if (d.inf)
return this;
if (this.eq(d))
return this.dbl();
if (this.neg().eq(d))
return this.curve.point(null, null);
if (this.x.cmp(d.x) === 0)
return this.curve.point(null, null);
var s = this.y.redSub(d.y);
s.cmpn(0) !== 0 && (s = s.redMul(this.x.redSub(d.x).redInvm()));
var v = s.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(d.x), c = s.redMul(this.x.redSub(v)).redISub(this.y);
return this.curve.point(v, c);
}, y.prototype.dbl = function() {
if (this.inf)
return this;
var d = this.y.redAdd(this.y);
if (d.cmpn(0) === 0)
return this.curve.point(null, null);
var s = this.curve.a, v = this.x.redSqr(), c = d.redInvm(), a = v.redAdd(v).redIAdd(v).redIAdd(s).redMul(c), r = a.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)), t = a.redMul(this.x.redSub(r)).redISub(this.y);
return this.curve.point(r, t);
}, y.prototype.getX = function() {
return this.x.fromRed();
}, y.prototype.getY = function() {
return this.y.fromRed();
}, y.prototype.mul = function(d) {
return d = new m(d, 16), this.isInfinity() ? this : this._hasDoubles(d) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, d) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [d]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, d);
}, y.prototype.mulAdd = function(d, s, v) {
var c = [this, s], a = [d, v];
return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(c, a) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, c, a, 2);
}, y.prototype.jmulAdd = function(d, s, v) {
var c = [this, s], a = [d, v];
return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(c, a, !0) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, c, a, 2, !0);
}, y.prototype.eq = function(d) {
return this === d || this.inf === d.inf && (this.inf || this.x.cmp(d.x) === 0 && this.y.cmp(d.y) === 0);
}, y.prototype.neg = function(d) {
if (this.inf)
return this;
var s = this.curve.point(this.x, this.y.redNeg());
if (d && this.precomputed) {
var v = this.precomputed, c = function(r) {
return r.neg();
s.precomputed = {
naf: v.naf && {
wnd: v.naf.wnd,
doubles: v.doubles && {
step: v.doubles.step,
return s;
}, y.prototype.toJ = function() {
if (this.inf)
return this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null);
var d = this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y,;
return d;
function h(l, d, s, v) {, l, "jacobian"), d === null && s === null && v === null ? (this.x =, this.y =, this.z = new m(0)) : (this.x = new m(d, 16), this.y = new m(s, 16), this.z = new m(v, 16)), || (this.x = this.x.toRed(, || (this.y = this.y.toRed(, || (this.z = this.z.toRed(, this.zOne = this.z ===;
g(h, b.BasePoint), f.prototype.jpoint = function(d, s, v) {
return new h(this, d, s, v);
}, h.prototype.toP = function() {
if (this.isInfinity())
return this.curve.point(null, null);
var d = this.z.redInvm(), s = d.redSqr(), v = this.x.redMul(s), c = this.y.redMul(s).redMul(d);
return this.curve.point(v, c);
}, h.prototype.neg = function() {
return this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z);
}, h.prototype.add = function(d) {
if (this.isInfinity())
return d;
if (d.isInfinity())
return this;
var s = d.z.redSqr(), v = this.z.redSqr(), c = this.x.redMul(s), a = d.x.redMul(v), r = this.y.redMul(s.redMul(d.z)), t = d.y.redMul(v.redMul(this.z)), i = c.redSub(a), n = r.redSub(t);
if (i.cmpn(0) === 0)
return n.cmpn(0) !== 0 ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl();
var o = i.redSqr(), p = o.redMul(i), O = c.redMul(o), P = n.redSqr().redIAdd(p).redISub(O).redISub(O), F = n.redMul(O.redISub(P)).redISub(r.redMul(p)), z = this.z.redMul(d.z).redMul(i);
return this.curve.jpoint(P, F, z);
}, h.prototype.mixedAdd = function(d) {
if (this.isInfinity())
return d.toJ();
if (d.isInfinity())
return this;
var s = this.z.redSqr(), v = this.x, c = d.x.redMul(s), a = this.y, r = d.y.redMul(s).redMul(this.z), t = v.redSub(c), i = a.redSub(r);
if (t.cmpn(0) === 0)
return i.cmpn(0) !== 0 ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl();
var n = t.redSqr(), o = n.redMul(t), p = v.redMul(n), O = i.redSqr().redIAdd(o).redISub(p).redISub(p), P = i.redMul(p.redISub(O)).redISub(a.redMul(o)), F = this.z.redMul(t);
return this.curve.jpoint(O, P, F);
}, h.prototype.dblp = function(d) {
if (d === 0)
return this;
if (this.isInfinity())
return this;
if (!d)
return this.dbl();
if (this.curve.zeroA || this.curve.threeA) {
for (var s = this, v = 0; v < d; v++)
s = s.dbl();
return s;
for (var c = this.curve.a, a = this.curve.tinv, r = this.x, t = this.y, i = this.z, n = i.redSqr().redSqr(), o = t.redAdd(t), v = 0; v < d; v++) {
var p = r.redSqr(), O = o.redSqr(), P = O.redSqr(), F = p.redAdd(p).redIAdd(p).redIAdd(c.redMul(n)), z = r.redMul(O), N = F.redSqr().redISub(z.redAdd(z)), M = z.redISub(N), I = F.redMul(M);
I = I.redIAdd(I).redISub(P);
var R = o.redMul(i);
v + 1 < d && (n = n.redMul(P)), r = N, i = R, o = I;
return this.curve.jpoint(r, o.redMul(a), i);
}, h.prototype.dbl = function() {
return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.zeroA ? this._zeroDbl() : this.curve.threeA ? this._threeDbl() : this._dbl();
}, h.prototype._zeroDbl = function() {
var d, s, v;
if (this.zOne) {
var c = this.x.redSqr(), a = this.y.redSqr(), r = a.redSqr(), t = this.x.redAdd(a).redSqr().redISub(c).redISub(r);
t = t.redIAdd(t);
var i = c.redAdd(c).redIAdd(c), n = i.redSqr().redISub(t).redISub(t), o = r.redIAdd(r);
o = o.redIAdd(o), o = o.redIAdd(o), d = n, s = i.redMul(t.redISub(n)).redISub(o), v = this.y.redAdd(this.y);
} else {
var p = this.x.redSqr(), O = this.y.redSqr(), P = O.redSqr(), F = this.x.redAdd(O).redSqr().redISub(p).redISub(P);
F = F.redIAdd(F);
var z = p.redAdd(p).redIAdd(p), N = z.redSqr(), M = P.redIAdd(P);
M = M.redIAdd(M), M = M.redIAdd(M), d = N.redISub(F).redISub(F), s = z.redMul(F.redISub(d)).redISub(M), v = this.y.redMul(this.z), v = v.redIAdd(v);
return this.curve.jpoint(d, s, v);
}, h.prototype._threeDbl = function() {
var d, s, v;
if (this.zOne) {
var c = this.x.redSqr(), a = this.y.redSqr(), r = a.redSqr(), t = this.x.redAdd(a).redSqr().redISub(c).redISub(r);
t = t.redIAdd(t);
var i = c.redAdd(c).redIAdd(c).redIAdd(this.curve.a), n = i.redSqr().redISub(t).redISub(t);
d = n;
var o = r.redIAdd(r);
o = o.redIAdd(o), o = o.redIAdd(o), s = i.redMul(t.redISub(n)).redISub(o), v = this.y.redAdd(this.y);
} else {
var p = this.z.redSqr(), O = this.y.redSqr(), P = this.x.redMul(O), F = this.x.redSub(p).redMul(this.x.redAdd(p));
F = F.redAdd(F).redIAdd(F);
var z = P.redIAdd(P);
z = z.redIAdd(z);
var N = z.redAdd(z);
d = F.redSqr().redISub(N), v = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(O).redISub(p);
var M = O.redSqr();
M = M.redIAdd(M), M = M.redIAdd(M), M = M.redIAdd(M), s = F.redMul(z.redISub(d)).redISub(M);
return this.curve.jpoint(d, s, v);
}, h.prototype._dbl = function() {
var d = this.curve.a, s = this.x, v = this.y, c = this.z, a = c.redSqr().redSqr(), r = s.redSqr(), t = v.redSqr(), i = r.redAdd(r).redIAdd(r).redIAdd(d.redMul(a)), n = s.redAdd(s);
n = n.redIAdd(n);
var o = n.redMul(t), p = i.redSqr().redISub(o.redAdd(o)), O = o.redISub(p), P = t.redSqr();
P = P.redIAdd(P), P = P.redIAdd(P), P = P.redIAdd(P);
var F = i.redMul(O).redISub(P), z = v.redAdd(v).redMul(c);
return this.curve.jpoint(p, F, z);
}, h.prototype.trpl = function() {
if (!this.curve.zeroA)
return this.dbl().add(this);
var d = this.x.redSqr(), s = this.y.redSqr(), v = this.z.redSqr(), c = s.redSqr(), a = d.redAdd(d).redIAdd(d), r = a.redSqr(), t = this.x.redAdd(s).redSqr().redISub(d).redISub(c);
t = t.redIAdd(t), t = t.redAdd(t).redIAdd(t), t = t.redISub(r);
var i = t.redSqr(), n = c.redIAdd(c);
n = n.redIAdd(n), n = n.redIAdd(n), n = n.redIAdd(n);
var o = a.redIAdd(t).redSqr().redISub(r).redISub(i).redISub(n), p = s.redMul(o);
p = p.redIAdd(p), p = p.redIAdd(p);
var O = this.x.redMul(i).redISub(p);
O = O.redIAdd(O), O = O.redIAdd(O);
var P = this.y.redMul(o.redMul(n.redISub(o)).redISub(t.redMul(i)));
P = P.redIAdd(P), P = P.redIAdd(P), P = P.redIAdd(P);
var F = this.z.redAdd(t).redSqr().redISub(v).redISub(i);
return this.curve.jpoint(O, P, F);
}, h.prototype.mul = function(d, s) {
return d = new m(d, s), this.curve._wnafMul(this, d);
}, h.prototype.eq = function(d) {
if (d.type === "affine")
return this.eq(d.toJ());
if (this === d)
return !0;
var s = this.z.redSqr(), v = d.z.redSqr();
if (this.x.redMul(v).redISub(d.x.redMul(s)).cmpn(0) !== 0)
return !1;
var c = s.redMul(this.z), a = v.redMul(d.z);
return this.y.redMul(a).redISub(d.y.redMul(c)).cmpn(0) === 0;
}, h.prototype.eqXToP = function(d) {
var s = this.z.redSqr(), v = d.toRed(;
if (this.x.cmp(v) === 0)
return !0;
for (var c = d.clone(), a = this.curve.redN.redMul(s); ; ) {
if (c.iadd(this.curve.n), c.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0)
return !1;
if (v.redIAdd(a), this.x.cmp(v) === 0)
return !0;
}, h.prototype.inspect = function() {
return this.isInfinity() ? "<EC JPoint Infinity>" : "<EC JPoint x: " + this.x.toString(16, 2) + " y: " + this.y.toString(16, 2) + " z: " + this.z.toString(16, 2) + ">";
}, h.prototype.isInfinity = function() {
return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0;
}, { "../utils": 364, "./base": 351, "bn.js": 365, inherits: 387 }], 356: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _, m = e("hash.js"), g = e("./curve"), b = e("./utils"), w = b.assert;
function f(l) {
l.type === "short" ? this.curve = new g.short(l) : l.type === "edwards" ? this.curve = new g.edwards(l) : this.curve = new g.mont(l), this.g = this.curve.g, this.n = this.curve.n, this.hash = l.hash, w(this.g.validate(), "Invalid curve"), w(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), "Invalid curve, G*N != O");
u.PresetCurve = f;
function y(l, d) {
Object.defineProperty(u, l, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
var v = new f(d);
return Object.defineProperty(u, l, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: v
}), v;
y("p192", {
type: "short",
prime: "p192",
p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff",
a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc",
b: "64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1",
n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831",
hash: m.sha256,
gRed: !1,
g: ["188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012", "07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"]
}), y("p224", {
type: "short",
prime: "p224",
p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001",
a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe",
b: "b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4",
n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d",
hash: m.sha256,
gRed: !1,
g: ["b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21", "bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34"]
}), y("p256", {
type: "short",
prime: null,
p: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",
a: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",
b: "5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b",
n: "ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551",
hash: m.sha256,
gRed: !1,
g: ["6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296", "4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5"]
}), y("p384", {
type: "short",
prime: null,
p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff",
a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc",
b: "b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef",
n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973",
hash: m.sha384,
gRed: !1,
g: ["aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7", "3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"]
}), y("p521", {
type: "short",
prime: null,
p: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",
a: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",
b: "00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00",
n: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409",
hash: m.sha512,
gRed: !1,
g: ["000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66", "00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650"]
}), y("curve25519", {
type: "mont",
prime: "p25519",
p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed",
a: "76d06",
b: "1",
n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed",
hash: m.sha256,
gRed: !1,
g: ["9"]
}), y("ed25519", {
type: "edwards",
prime: "p25519",
p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed",
a: "-1",
c: "1",
// -121665 * (121666^(-1)) (mod P)
d: "52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3",
n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed",
hash: m.sha256,
gRed: !1,
g: [
// 4/5
var h;
try {
h = e("./precomputed/secp256k1");
} catch (l) {
h = void 0;
y("secp256k1", {
type: "short",
prime: "k256",
p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f",
a: "0",
b: "7",
n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141",
h: "1",
hash: m.sha256,
// Precomputed endomorphism
beta: "7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee",
lambda: "5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72",
basis: [{
a: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15",
b: "-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"
}, {
a: "114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8",
b: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"
gRed: !1,
g: ["79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798", "483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8", h]
}, { "./curve": 353, "./precomputed/secp256k1": 363, "./utils": 364, "hash.js": 372 }], 357: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(s) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(c) {
return typeof c;
} : u = function(c) {
return c && typeof Symbol == "function" && c.constructor === Symbol && c !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof c;
}, u(s);
var m = e("bn.js"), g = e("hmac-drbg"), b = e("../utils"), w = e("../curves"), f = e("brorand"), y = b.assert, h = e("./key"), l = e("./signature");
function d(s) {
if (!(this instanceof d))
return new d(s);
typeof s == "string" && (y(w.hasOwnProperty(s), "Unknown curve " + s), s = w[s]), s instanceof w.PresetCurve && (s = {
curve: s
}), this.curve = s.curve.curve, this.n = this.curve.n, this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1), this.g = this.curve.g, this.g = s.curve.g, this.g.precompute(s.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), this.hash = s.hash || s.curve.hash;
x.exports = d, d.prototype.keyPair = function(v) {
return new h(this, v);
}, d.prototype.keyFromPrivate = function(v, c) {
return h.fromPrivate(this, v, c);
}, d.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(v, c) {
return h.fromPublic(this, v, c);
}, d.prototype.genKeyPair = function(v) {
v || (v = {});
var c = new g({
hash: this.hash,
pers: v.pers,
persEnc: v.persEnc || "utf8",
entropy: v.entropy || f(this.hash.hmacStrength),
entropyEnc: v.entropy && v.entropyEnc || "utf8",
nonce: this.n.toArray()
}), a = this.n.byteLength(), r = this.n.sub(new m(2));
do {
var t = new m(c.generate(a));
if (!(t.cmp(r) > 0))
return t.iaddn(1), this.keyFromPrivate(t);
} while (!0);
}, d.prototype._truncateToN = function(v, c) {
var a = v.byteLength() * 8 - this.n.bitLength();
return a > 0 && (v = v.ushrn(a)), !c && v.cmp(this.n) >= 0 ? v.sub(this.n) : v;
}, d.prototype.sign = function(v, c, a, r) {
u(a) === "object" && (r = a, a = null), r || (r = {}), c = this.keyFromPrivate(c, a), v = this._truncateToN(new m(v, 16));
for (var t = this.n.byteLength(), i = c.getPrivate().toArray("be", t), n = v.toArray("be", t), o = new g({
hash: this.hash,
entropy: i,
nonce: n,
pers: r.pers,
persEnc: r.persEnc || "utf8"
}), p = this.n.sub(new m(1)), O = 0; ; O++) {
var P = r.k ? r.k(O) : new m(o.generate(this.n.byteLength()));
if (P = this._truncateToN(P, !0), !(P.cmpn(1) <= 0 || P.cmp(p) >= 0)) {
var F = this.g.mul(P);
if (!F.isInfinity()) {
var z = F.getX(), N = z.umod(this.n);
if (N.cmpn(0) !== 0) {
var M = P.invm(this.n).mul(N.mul(c.getPrivate()).iadd(v));
if (M = M.umod(this.n), M.cmpn(0) !== 0) {
var I = (F.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (z.cmp(N) !== 0 ? 2 : 0);
return r.canonical && M.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && (M = this.n.sub(M), I ^= 1), new l({
r: N,
s: M,
recoveryParam: I
}, d.prototype.verify = function(v, c, a, r) {
v = this._truncateToN(new m(v, 16)), a = this.keyFromPublic(a, r), c = new l(c, "hex");
var t = c.r, i = c.s;
if (t.cmpn(1) < 0 || t.cmp(this.n) >= 0 || i.cmpn(1) < 0 || i.cmp(this.n) >= 0)
return !1;
var n = i.invm(this.n), o = n.mul(v).umod(this.n), p = n.mul(t).umod(this.n);
if (!this.curve._maxwellTrick) {
var O = this.g.mulAdd(o, a.getPublic(), p);
return O.isInfinity() ? !1 : O.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(t) === 0;
var O = this.g.jmulAdd(o, a.getPublic(), p);
return O.isInfinity() ? !1 : O.eqXToP(t);
}, d.prototype.recoverPubKey = function(s, v, c, a) {
y((3 & c) === c, "The recovery param is more than two bits"), v = new l(v, a);
var r = this.n, t = new m(s), i = v.r, n = v.s, o = c & 1, p = c >> 1;
if (i.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && p)
throw new Error("Unable to find sencond key candinate");
p ? i = this.curve.pointFromX(i.add(this.curve.n), o) : i = this.curve.pointFromX(i, o);
var O = v.r.invm(r), P = r.sub(t).mul(O).umod(r), F = n.mul(O).umod(r);
return this.g.mulAdd(P, i, F);
}, d.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function(s, v, c, a) {
if (v = new l(v, a), v.recoveryParam !== null)
return v.recoveryParam;
for (var r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
var t;
try {
t = this.recoverPubKey(s, v, r);
} catch (i) {
if (t.eq(c))
return r;
throw new Error("Unable to find valid recovery factor");
}, { "../curves": 356, "../utils": 364, "./key": 358, "./signature": 359, "bn.js": 365, brorand: 184, "hmac-drbg": 384 }], 358: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("bn.js"), m = e("../utils"), g = m.assert;
function b(w, f) { = w, this.priv = null, = null, f.priv && this._importPrivate(f.priv, f.privEnc), && this._importPublic(, f.pubEnc);
x.exports = b, b.fromPublic = function(f, y, h) {
return y instanceof b ? y : new b(f, {
pub: y,
pubEnc: h
}, b.fromPrivate = function(f, y, h) {
return y instanceof b ? y : new b(f, {
priv: y,
privEnc: h
}, b.prototype.validate = function() {
var f = this.getPublic();
return f.isInfinity() ? {
result: !1,
reason: "Invalid public key"
} : f.validate() ? f.mul( ? {
result: !0,
reason: null
} : {
result: !1,
reason: "Public key * N != O"
} : {
result: !1,
reason: "Public key is not a point"
}, b.prototype.getPublic = function(f, y) {
return typeof f == "string" && (y = f, f = null), || ( =, y ?, f) :;
}, b.prototype.getPrivate = function(f) {
return f === "hex" ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv;
}, b.prototype._importPrivate = function(f, y) {
this.priv = new u(f, y || 16), this.priv = this.priv.umod(;
}, b.prototype._importPublic = function(f, y) {
if (f.x || f.y) { === "mont" ? g(f.x, "Need x coordinate") : ( === "short" || === "edwards") && g(f.x && f.y, "Need both x and y coordinate"), =, f.y);
} =, y);
}, b.prototype.derive = function(f) {
return f.mul(this.priv).getX();
}, b.prototype.sign = function(f, y, h) {
return, this, y, h);
}, b.prototype.verify = function(f, y) {
return, y, this);
}, b.prototype.inspect = function() {
return "<Key priv: " + (this.priv && this.priv.toString(16, 2)) + " pub: " + ( && + " >";
}, { "../utils": 364, "bn.js": 365 }], 359: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("bn.js"), m = e("../utils"), g = m.assert;
function b(l, d) {
if (l instanceof b)
return l;
this._importDER(l, d) || (g(l.r && l.s, "Signature without r or s"), this.r = new u(l.r, 16), this.s = new u(l.s, 16), l.recoveryParam === void 0 ? this.recoveryParam = null : this.recoveryParam = l.recoveryParam);
x.exports = b;
function w() { = 0;
function f(l, d) {
var s = l[];
if (!(s & 128))
return s;
var v = s & 15;
if (v === 0 || v > 4)
return !1;
for (var c = 0, a = 0, r =; a < v; a++, r++)
c <<= 8, c |= l[r], c >>>= 0;
return c <= 127 ? !1 : ( = r, c);
function y(l) {
for (var d = 0, s = l.length - 1; !l[d] && !(l[d + 1] & 128) && d < s; )
return d === 0 ? l : l.slice(d);
b.prototype._importDER = function(d, s) {
d = m.toArray(d, s);
var v = new w();
if (d[] !== 48)
return !1;
var c = f(d, v);
if (c === !1 || c + !== d.length || d[] !== 2)
return !1;
var a = f(d, v);
if (a === !1)
return !1;
var r = d.slice(, a +;
if ( += a, d[] !== 2)
return !1;
var t = f(d, v);
if (t === !1 || d.length !== t +
return !1;
var i = d.slice(, t +;
if (r[0] === 0)
if (r[1] & 128)
r = r.slice(1);
return !1;
if (i[0] === 0)
if (i[1] & 128)
i = i.slice(1);
return !1;
return this.r = new u(r), this.s = new u(i), this.recoveryParam = null, !0;
function h(l, d) {
if (d < 128) {
var s = 1 + (Math.log(d) / Math.LN2 >>> 3);
for (l.push(s | 128); --s; )
l.push(d >>> (s << 3) & 255);
b.prototype.toDER = function(d) {
var s = this.r.toArray(), v = this.s.toArray();
for (s[0] & 128 && (s = [0].concat(s)), v[0] & 128 && (v = [0].concat(v)), s = y(s), v = y(v); !v[0] && !(v[1] & 128); )
v = v.slice(1);
var c = [2];
h(c, s.length), c = c.concat(s), c.push(2), h(c, v.length);
var a = c.concat(v), r = [48];
return h(r, a.length), r = r.concat(a), m.encode(r, d);
}, { "../utils": 364, "bn.js": 365 }], 360: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("hash.js"), m = e("../curves"), g = e("../utils"), b = g.assert, w = g.parseBytes, f = e("./key"), y = e("./signature");
function h(d) {
if (b(d === "ed25519", "only tested with ed25519 so far"), !(this instanceof h))
return new h(d);
var d = m[d].curve;
this.curve = d, this.g = d.g, this.g.precompute(d.n.bitLength() + 1), this.pointClass = d.point().constructor, this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(d.n.bitLength() / 8), this.hash = u.sha512;
x.exports = h, h.prototype.sign = function(d, s) {
d = w(d);
var v = this.keyFromSecret(s), c = this.hashInt(v.messagePrefix(), d), a = this.g.mul(c), r = this.encodePoint(a), t = this.hashInt(r, v.pubBytes(), d).mul(v.priv()), i = c.add(t).umod(this.curve.n);
return this.makeSignature({
R: a,
S: i,
Rencoded: r
}, h.prototype.verify = function(d, s, v) {
d = w(d), s = this.makeSignature(s);
var c = this.keyFromPublic(v), a = this.hashInt(s.Rencoded(), c.pubBytes(), d), r = this.g.mul(s.S()), t = s.R().add(;
return t.eq(r);
}, h.prototype.hashInt = function() {
for (var d = this.hash(), s = 0; s < arguments.length; s++)
return g.intFromLE(d.digest()).umod(this.curve.n);
}, h.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(d) {
return f.fromPublic(this, d);
}, h.prototype.keyFromSecret = function(d) {
return f.fromSecret(this, d);
}, h.prototype.makeSignature = function(d) {
return d instanceof y ? d : new y(this, d);
}, h.prototype.encodePoint = function(d) {
var s = d.getY().toArray("le", this.encodingLength);
return s[this.encodingLength - 1] |= d.getX().isOdd() ? 128 : 0, s;
}, h.prototype.decodePoint = function(d) {
d = g.parseBytes(d);
var s = d.length - 1, v = d.slice(0, s).concat(d[s] & -129), c = (d[s] & 128) !== 0, a = g.intFromLE(v);
return this.curve.pointFromY(a, c);
}, h.prototype.encodeInt = function(d) {
return d.toArray("le", this.encodingLength);
}, h.prototype.decodeInt = function(d) {
return g.intFromLE(d);
}, h.prototype.isPoint = function(d) {
return d instanceof this.pointClass;
}, { "../curves": 356, "../utils": 364, "./key": 361, "./signature": 362, "hash.js": 372 }], 361: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = u.assert, g = u.parseBytes, b = u.cachedProperty;
function w(f, y) {
this.eddsa = f, this._secret = g(y.secret), f.isPoint( ? this._pub = : this._pubBytes = g(;
w.fromPublic = function(y, h) {
return h instanceof w ? h : new w(y, {
pub: h
}, w.fromSecret = function(y, h) {
return h instanceof w ? h : new w(y, {
secret: h
}, w.prototype.secret = function() {
return this._secret;
}, b(w, "pubBytes", function() {
return this.eddsa.encodePoint(;
}), b(w, "pub", function() {
return this._pubBytes ? this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes) : this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv());
}), b(w, "privBytes", function() {
var y = this.eddsa, h = this.hash(), l = y.encodingLength - 1, d = h.slice(0, y.encodingLength);
return d[0] &= 248, d[l] &= 127, d[l] |= 64, d;
}), b(w, "priv", function() {
return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes());
}), b(w, "hash", function() {
return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest();
}), b(w, "messagePrefix", function() {
return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength);
}), w.prototype.sign = function(y) {
return m(this._secret, "KeyPair can only verify"), this.eddsa.sign(y, this);
}, w.prototype.verify = function(y, h) {
return this.eddsa.verify(y, h, this);
}, w.prototype.getSecret = function(y) {
return m(this._secret, "KeyPair is public only"), u.encode(this.secret(), y);
}, w.prototype.getPublic = function(y) {
return u.encode(this.pubBytes(), y);
}, x.exports = w;
}, { "../utils": 364 }], 362: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(h) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(d) {
return typeof d;
} : u = function(d) {
return d && typeof Symbol == "function" && d.constructor === Symbol && d !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof d;
}, u(h);
var m = e("bn.js"), g = e("../utils"), b = g.assert, w = g.cachedProperty, f = g.parseBytes;
function y(h, l) {
this.eddsa = h, u(l) !== "object" && (l = f(l)), Array.isArray(l) && (l = {
R: l.slice(0, h.encodingLength),
S: l.slice(h.encodingLength)
}), b(l.R && l.S, "Signature without R or S"), h.isPoint(l.R) && (this._R = l.R), l.S instanceof m && (this._S = l.S), this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(l.R) ? l.R : l.Rencoded, this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(l.S) ? l.S : l.Sencoded;
w(y, "S", function() {
return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded());
}), w(y, "R", function() {
return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded());
}), w(y, "Rencoded", function() {
return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R());
}), w(y, "Sencoded", function() {
return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S());
}), y.prototype.toBytes = function() {
return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded());
}, y.prototype.toHex = function() {
return g.encode(this.toBytes(), "hex").toUpperCase();
}, x.exports = y;
}, { "../utils": 364, "bn.js": 365 }], 363: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
doubles: {
step: 4,
points: [["e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a", "f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821"], ["8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508", "11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf"], ["175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739", "d3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695"], ["363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640", "4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9"], ["8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c", "4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36"], ["723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda", "96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f"], ["eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa", "5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999"], 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["32b78c7de9ee512a72895be6b9cbefa6e2f3c4ccce445c96b9f2c81e2778ad58", "ee1849f513df71e32efc3896ee28260c73bb80547ae2275ba497237794c8753c"], ["e2cb74fddc8e9fbcd076eef2a7c72b0ce37d50f08269dfc074b581550547a4f7", "d3aa2ed71c9dd2247a62df062736eb0baddea9e36122d2be8641abcb005cc4a4"], ["8438447566d4d7bedadc299496ab357426009a35f235cb141be0d99cd10ae3a8", "c4e1020916980a4da5d01ac5e6ad330734ef0d7906631c4f2390426b2edd791f"], ["4162d488b89402039b584c6fc6c308870587d9c46f660b878ab65c82c711d67e", "67163e903236289f776f22c25fb8a3afc1732f2b84b4e95dbda47ae5a0852649"], ["3fad3fa84caf0f34f0f89bfd2dcf54fc175d767aec3e50684f3ba4a4bf5f683d", "cd1bc7cb6cc407bb2f0ca647c718a730cf71872e7d0d2a53fa20efcdfe61826"], ["674f2600a3007a00568c1a7ce05d0816c1fb84bf1370798f1c69532faeb1a86b", "299d21f9413f33b3edf43b257004580b70db57da0b182259e09eecc69e0d38a5"], ["d32f4da54ade74abb81b815ad1fb3b263d82d6c692714bcff87d29bd5ee9f08f", "f9429e738b8e53b968e99016c059707782e14f4535359d582fc416910b3eea87"], ["30e4e670435385556e593657135845d36fbb6931f72b08cb1ed954f1e3ce3ff6", "462f9bce619898638499350113bbc9b10a878d35da70740dc695a559eb88db7b"], ["be2062003c51cc3004682904330e4dee7f3dcd10b01e580bf1971b04d4cad297", "62188bc49d61e5428573d48a74e1c655b1c61090905682a0d5558ed72dccb9bc"], ["93144423ace3451ed29e0fb9ac2af211cb6e84a601df5993c419859fff5df04a", "7c10dfb164c3425f5c71a3f9d7992038f1065224f72bb9d1d902a6d13037b47c"], ["b015f8044f5fcbdcf21ca26d6c34fb8197829205c7b7d2a7cb66418c157b112c", "ab8c1e086d04e813744a655b2df8d5f83b3cdc6faa3088c1d3aea1454e3a1d5f"], ["d5e9e1da649d97d89e4868117a465a3a4f8a18de57a140d36b3f2af341a21b52", "4cb04437f391ed73111a13cc1d4dd0db1693465c2240480d8955e8592f27447a"], ["d3ae41047dd7ca065dbf8ed77b992439983005cd72e16d6f996a5316d36966bb", "bd1aeb21ad22ebb22a10f0303417c6d964f8cdd7df0aca614b10dc14d125ac46"], ["463e2763d885f958fc66cdd22800f0a487197d0a82e377b49f80af87c897b065", "bfefacdb0e5d0fd7df3a311a94de062b26b80c61fbc97508b79992671ef7ca7f"], ["7985fdfd127c0567c6f53ec1bb63ec3158e597c40bfe747c83cddfc910641917", "603c12daf3d9862ef2b25fe1de289aed24ed291e0ec6708703a5bd567f32ed03"], ["74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9", "cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08"], ["30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3", "553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8"], ["9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57", "712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373"], ["176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66", "ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3"], ["75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8", "9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8"], ["809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721", "9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1"], ["1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180", "4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9"]]
}, {}], 364: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _, m = e("bn.js"), g = e("minimalistic-assert"), b = e("minimalistic-crypto-utils");
u.assert = g, u.toArray = b.toArray, u.zero2 = b.zero2, u.toHex = b.toHex, u.encode = b.encode;
function w(d, s, v) {
var c = new Array(Math.max(d.bitLength(), v) + 1);
for (var a = 1 << s + 1, r = d.clone(), t = 0; t < c.length; t++) {
var i, n = r.andln(a - 1);
r.isOdd() ? (n > (a >> 1) - 1 ? i = (a >> 1) - n : i = n, r.isubn(i)) : i = 0, c[t] = i, r.iushrn(1);
return c;
u.getNAF = w;
function f(d, s) {
var v = [[], []];
d = d.clone(), s = s.clone();
for (var c = 0, a = 0; d.cmpn(-c) > 0 || s.cmpn(-a) > 0; ) {
var r = d.andln(3) + c & 3, t = s.andln(3) + a & 3;
r === 3 && (r = -1), t === 3 && (t = -1);
var i;
if (!(r & 1))
i = 0;
else {
var n = d.andln(7) + c & 7;
(n === 3 || n === 5) && t === 2 ? i = -r : i = r;
var o;
if (!(t & 1))
o = 0;
else {
var n = s.andln(7) + a & 7;
(n === 3 || n === 5) && r === 2 ? o = -t : o = t;
v[1].push(o), 2 * c === i + 1 && (c = 1 - c), 2 * a === o + 1 && (a = 1 - a), d.iushrn(1), s.iushrn(1);
return v;
u.getJSF = f;
function y(d, s, v) {
var c = "_" + s;
d.prototype[s] = function() {
return this[c] !== void 0 ? this[c] : this[c] =;
u.cachedProperty = y;
function h(d) {
return typeof d == "string" ? u.toArray(d, "hex") : d;
u.parseBytes = h;
function l(d) {
return new m(d, "hex", "le");
u.intFromLE = l;
}, { "bn.js": 365, "minimalistic-assert": 437, "minimalistic-crypto-utils": 438 }], 365: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][181][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 185, dup: 181 }], 366: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
_from: "elliptic@^6.5.3",
_id: "elliptic@6.5.3",
_inBundle: !1,
_integrity: "sha512-IMqzv5wNQf+E6aHeIqATs0tOLeOTwj1QKbRcS3jBbYkl5oLAserA8yJTT7/VyHUYG91PRmPyeQDObKLPpeS4dw==",
_location: "/elliptic",
_phantomChildren: {},
_requested: {
type: "range",
registry: !0,
raw: "elliptic@^6.5.3",
name: "elliptic",
escapedName: "elliptic",
rawSpec: "^6.5.3",
saveSpec: null,
fetchSpec: "^6.5.3"
_requiredBy: [
_resolved: "",
_shasum: "cb59eb2efdaf73a0bd78ccd7015a62ad6e0f93d6",
_spec: "elliptic@^6.5.3",
_where: "/mnt/d/dev/git/exceljs/node_modules/browserify-sign",
author: {
name: "Fedor Indutny",
email: ""
bugs: {
url: ""
bundleDependencies: !1,
dependencies: {
"bn.js": "^4.4.0",
brorand: "^1.0.1",
"hash.js": "^1.0.0",
"hmac-drbg": "^1.0.0",
inherits: "^2.0.1",
"minimalistic-assert": "^1.0.0",
"minimalistic-crypto-utils": "^1.0.0"
deprecated: !1,
description: "EC cryptography",
devDependencies: {
brfs: "^1.4.3",
coveralls: "^3.0.8",
grunt: "^1.0.4",
"grunt-browserify": "^5.0.0",
"grunt-cli": "^1.2.0",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "^1.0.0",
"grunt-contrib-copy": "^1.0.0",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "^1.0.1",
"grunt-mocha-istanbul": "^3.0.1",
"grunt-saucelabs": "^9.0.1",
istanbul: "^0.4.2",
jscs: "^3.0.7",
jshint: "^2.10.3",
mocha: "^6.2.2"
files: [
homepage: "",
keywords: [
license: "MIT",
main: "lib/elliptic.js",
name: "elliptic",
repository: {
type: "git",
url: "git+ssh://"
scripts: {
jscs: "jscs benchmarks/*.js lib/*.js lib/**/*.js lib/**/**/*.js test/index.js",
jshint: "jscs benchmarks/*.js lib/*.js lib/**/*.js lib/**/**/*.js test/index.js",
lint: "npm run jscs && npm run jshint",
test: "npm run lint && npm run unit",
unit: "istanbul test _mocha --reporter=spec test/index.js",
version: "grunt dist && git add dist/"
version: "6.5.3"
}, {}], 367: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(M) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(R) {
return typeof R;
} : u = function(R) {
return R && typeof Symbol == "function" && R.constructor === Symbol && R !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof R;
}, u(M);
var m = Object.create || F, g = Object.keys || z, b = Function.prototype.bind || N;
function w() {
(!this._events || !, "_events")) && (this._events = m(null), this._eventsCount = 0), this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0;
x.exports = w, w.EventEmitter = w, w.prototype._events = void 0, w.prototype._maxListeners = void 0;
var f = 10, y;
try {
var h = {};
Object.defineProperty && Object.defineProperty(h, "x", {
value: 0
}), y = h.x === 0;
} catch (M) {
y = !1;
y ? Object.defineProperty(w, "defaultMaxListeners", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return f;
set: function(I) {
if (typeof I != "number" || I < 0 || I !== I)
throw new TypeError('"defaultMaxListeners" must be a positive number');
f = I;
}) : w.defaultMaxListeners = f, w.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(I) {
if (typeof I != "number" || I < 0 || isNaN(I))
throw new TypeError('"n" argument must be a positive number');
return this._maxListeners = I, this;
function l(M) {
return M._maxListeners === void 0 ? w.defaultMaxListeners : M._maxListeners;
w.prototype.getMaxListeners = function() {
return l(this);
function d(M, I, R) {
if (I);
for (var C = M.length, E = O(M, C), A = 0; A < C; ++A)
function s(M, I, R, C) {
if (I), C);
for (var E = M.length, A = O(M, E), L = 0; L < E; ++L)
A[L].call(R, C);
function v(M, I, R, C, E) {
if (I), C, E);
for (var A = M.length, L = O(M, A), $ = 0; $ < A; ++$)
L[$].call(R, C, E);
function c(M, I, R, C, E, A) {
if (I), C, E, A);
for (var L = M.length, $ = O(M, L), W = 0; W < L; ++W)
$[W].call(R, C, E, A);
function a(M, I, R, C) {
if (I)
M.apply(R, C);
for (var E = M.length, A = O(M, E), L = 0; L < E; ++L)
A[L].apply(R, C);
w.prototype.emit = function(I) {
var R, C, E, A, L, $, W = I === "error";
if ($ = this._events, $)
W = W && $.error == null;
else if (!W)
return !1;
if (W) {
if (arguments.length > 1 && (R = arguments[1]), R instanceof Error)
throw R;
var U = new Error('Unhandled "error" event. (' + R + ")");
throw U.context = R, U;
if (C = $[I], !C)
return !1;
var D = typeof C == "function";
switch (E = arguments.length, E) {
case 1:
d(C, D, this);
case 2:
s(C, D, this, arguments[1]);
case 3:
v(C, D, this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case 4:
c(C, D, this, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
for (A = new Array(E - 1), L = 1; L < E; L++)
A[L - 1] = arguments[L];
a(C, D, this, A);
return !0;
function r(M, I, R, C) {
var E, A, L;
if (typeof R != "function")
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
if (A = M._events, A ? (A.newListener && (M.emit("newListener", I, R.listener ? R.listener : R), A = M._events), L = A[I]) : (A = M._events = m(null), M._eventsCount = 0), !L)
L = A[I] = R, ++M._eventsCount;
else if (typeof L == "function" ? L = A[I] = C ? [R, L] : [L, R] : C ? L.unshift(R) : L.push(R), !L.warned && (E = l(M), E && E > 0 && L.length > E)) {
L.warned = !0;
var $ = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + L.length + ' "' + String(I) + '" listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.');
$.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", $.emitter = M, $.type = I, $.count = L.length, (typeof console == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(console)) === "object" && console.warn && console.warn("%s: %s", $.name, $.message);
return M;
w.prototype.addListener = function(I, R) {
return r(this, I, R, !1);
}, w.prototype.on = w.prototype.addListener, w.prototype.prependListener = function(I, R) {
return r(this, I, R, !0);
function t() {
if (!this.fired)
switch (, this.wrapFn), this.fired = !0, arguments.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, arguments[0]);
case 2:
return, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
case 3:
return, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
for (var M = new Array(arguments.length), I = 0; I < M.length; ++I)
M[I] = arguments[I];
this.listener.apply(, M);
function i(M, I, R) {
var C = {
fired: !1,
wrapFn: void 0,
target: M,
type: I,
listener: R
}, E =, C);
return E.listener = R, C.wrapFn = E, E;
w.prototype.once = function(I, R) {
if (typeof R != "function")
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
return this.on(I, i(this, I, R)), this;
}, w.prototype.prependOnceListener = function(I, R) {
if (typeof R != "function")
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
return this.prependListener(I, i(this, I, R)), this;
}, w.prototype.removeListener = function(I, R) {
var C, E, A, L, $;
if (typeof R != "function")
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
if (E = this._events, !E)
return this;
if (C = E[I], !C)
return this;
if (C === R || C.listener === R)
--this._eventsCount === 0 ? this._events = m(null) : (delete E[I], E.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", I, C.listener || R));
else if (typeof C != "function") {
for (A = -1, L = C.length - 1; L >= 0; L--)
if (C[L] === R || C[L].listener === R) {
$ = C[L].listener, A = L;
if (A < 0)
return this;
A === 0 ? C.shift() : p(C, A), C.length === 1 && (E[I] = C[0]), E.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", I, $ || R);
return this;
}, w.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(I) {
var R, C, E;
if (C = this._events, !C)
return this;
if (!C.removeListener)
return arguments.length === 0 ? (this._events = m(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : C[I] && (--this._eventsCount === 0 ? this._events = m(null) : delete C[I]), this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
var A = g(C), L;
for (E = 0; E < A.length; ++E)
L = A[E], L !== "removeListener" && this.removeAllListeners(L);
return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = m(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this;
if (R = C[I], typeof R == "function")
this.removeListener(I, R);
else if (R)
for (E = R.length - 1; E >= 0; E--)
this.removeListener(I, R[E]);
return this;
function n(M, I, R) {
var C = M._events;
if (!C)
return [];
var E = C[I];
return E ? typeof E == "function" ? R ? [E.listener || E] : [E] : R ? P(E) : O(E, E.length) : [];
w.prototype.listeners = function(I) {
return n(this, I, !0);
}, w.prototype.rawListeners = function(I) {
return n(this, I, !1);
}, w.listenerCount = function(M, I) {
return typeof M.listenerCount == "function" ? M.listenerCount(I) :, I);
}, w.prototype.listenerCount = o;
function o(M) {
var I = this._events;
if (I) {
var R = I[M];
if (typeof R == "function")
return 1;
if (R)
return R.length;
return 0;
w.prototype.eventNames = function() {
return this._eventsCount > 0 ? Reflect.ownKeys(this._events) : [];
function p(M, I) {
for (var R = I, C = R + 1, E = M.length; C < E; R += 1, C += 1)
M[R] = M[C];
function O(M, I) {
for (var R = new Array(I), C = 0; C < I; ++C)
R[C] = M[C];
return R;
function P(M) {
for (var I = new Array(M.length), R = 0; R < I.length; ++R)
I[R] = M[R].listener || M[R];
return I;
function F(M) {
var I = function() {
return I.prototype = M, new I();
function z(M) {
for (var I in M), I);
return I;
function N(M) {
var I = this;
return function() {
return I.apply(M, arguments);
}, {}], 368: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("md5.js");
function g(b, w, f, y) {
if (u.isBuffer(b) || (b = u.from(b, "binary")), w && (u.isBuffer(w) || (w = u.from(w, "binary")), w.length !== 8))
throw new RangeError("salt should be Buffer with 8 byte length");
for (var h = f / 8, l = u.alloc(h), d = u.alloc(y || 0), s = u.alloc(0); h > 0 || y > 0; ) {
var v = new m();
v.update(s), v.update(b), w && v.update(w), s = v.digest();
var c = 0;
if (h > 0) {
var a = l.length - h;
c = Math.min(h, s.length), s.copy(l, a, 0, c), h -= c;
if (c < s.length && y > 0) {
var r = d.length - y, t = Math.min(y, s.length - c);
s.copy(d, r, c, c + t), y -= t;
return s.fill(0), {
key: l,
iv: d
x.exports = g;
}, { "md5.js": 434, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 369: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var u = e("@fast-csv/format");
Object.defineProperty(_, "format", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.format;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "write", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.write;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "writeToStream", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.writeToStream;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "writeToBuffer", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.writeToBuffer;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "writeToString", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.writeToString;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "writeToPath", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.writeToPath;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "CsvFormatterStream", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.CsvFormatterStream;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "FormatterOptions", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.FormatterOptions;
var m = e("@fast-csv/parse");
Object.defineProperty(_, "parse", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.parse;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "parseString", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.parseString;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "parseStream", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.parseStream;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "parseFile", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.parseFile;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "ParserOptions", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.ParserOptions;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "CsvParserStream", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.CsvParserStream;
}, { "@fast-csv/format": 148, "@fast-csv/parse": 152 }], 370: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = e("readable-stream").Transform, g = e("inherits");
function b(f, y) {
if (!u.isBuffer(f) && typeof f != "string")
throw new TypeError(y + " must be a string or a buffer");
function w(f) {, this._block = u.allocUnsafe(f), this._blockSize = f, this._blockOffset = 0, this._length = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._finalized = !1;
g(w, m), w.prototype._transform = function(f, y, h) {
var l = null;
try {
this.update(f, y);
} catch (d) {
l = d;
}, w.prototype._flush = function(f) {
var y = null;
try {
} catch (h) {
y = h;
}, w.prototype.update = function(f, y) {
if (b(f, "Data"), this._finalized)
throw new Error("Digest already called");
u.isBuffer(f) || (f = u.from(f, y));
for (var h = this._block, l = 0; this._blockOffset + f.length - l >= this._blockSize; ) {
for (var d = this._blockOffset; d < this._blockSize; )
h[d++] = f[l++];
this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0;
for (; l < f.length; )
h[this._blockOffset++] = f[l++];
for (var s = 0, v = f.length * 8; v > 0; ++s)
this._length[s] += v, v = this._length[s] / 4294967296 | 0, v > 0 && (this._length[s] -= 4294967296 * v);
return this;
}, w.prototype._update = function() {
throw new Error("_update is not implemented");
}, w.prototype.digest = function(f) {
if (this._finalized)
throw new Error("Digest already called");
this._finalized = !0;
var y = this._digest();
f !== void 0 && (y = y.toString(f)), this._block.fill(0), this._blockOffset = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < 4; ++h)
this._length[h] = 0;
return y;
}, w.prototype._digest = function() {
throw new Error("_digest is not implemented");
}, x.exports = w;
}, { inherits: 387, "readable-stream": 491, "safe-buffer": 371 }], 371: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][214][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 216, dup: 214 }], 372: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
u.utils = e("./hash/utils"), u.common = e("./hash/common"), u.sha = e("./hash/sha"), u.ripemd = e("./hash/ripemd"), u.hmac = e("./hash/hmac"), u.sha1 = u.sha.sha1, u.sha256 = u.sha.sha256, u.sha224 = u.sha.sha224, u.sha384 = u.sha.sha384, u.sha512 = u.sha.sha512, u.ripemd160 = u.ripemd.ripemd160;
}, { "./hash/common": 373, "./hash/hmac": 374, "./hash/ripemd": 375, "./hash/sha": 376, "./hash/utils": 383 }], 373: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./utils"), m = e("minimalistic-assert");
function g() {
this.pending = null, this.pendingTotal = 0, this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize, this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize, this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength, this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8, this.endian = "big", this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8, this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32;
_.BlockHash = g, g.prototype.update = function(w, f) {
if (w = u.toArray(w, f), this.pending ? this.pending = this.pending.concat(w) : this.pending = w, this.pendingTotal += w.length, this.pending.length >= this._delta8) {
w = this.pending;
var y = w.length % this._delta8;
this.pending = w.slice(w.length - y, w.length), this.pending.length === 0 && (this.pending = null), w = u.join32(w, 0, w.length - y, this.endian);
for (var h = 0; h < w.length; h += this._delta32)
this._update(w, h, h + this._delta32);
return this;
}, g.prototype.digest = function(w) {
return this.update(this._pad()), m(this.pending === null), this._digest(w);
}, g.prototype._pad = function() {
var w = this.pendingTotal, f = this._delta8, y = f - (w + this.padLength) % f, h = new Array(y + this.padLength);
h[0] = 128;
for (var l = 1; l < y; l++)
h[l] = 0;
if (w <<= 3, this.endian === "big") {
for (var d = 8; d < this.padLength; d++)
h[l++] = 0;
h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = w >>> 24 & 255, h[l++] = w >>> 16 & 255, h[l++] = w >>> 8 & 255, h[l++] = w & 255;
} else
for (h[l++] = w & 255, h[l++] = w >>> 8 & 255, h[l++] = w >>> 16 & 255, h[l++] = w >>> 24 & 255, h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = 0, h[l++] = 0, d = 8; d < this.padLength; d++)
h[l++] = 0;
return h;
}, { "./utils": 383, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 374: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./utils"), m = e("minimalistic-assert");
function g(b, w, f) {
if (!(this instanceof g))
return new g(b, w, f);
this.Hash = b, this.blockSize = b.blockSize / 8, this.outSize = b.outSize / 8, this.inner = null, this.outer = null, this._init(u.toArray(w, f));
x.exports = g, g.prototype._init = function(w) {
w.length > this.blockSize && (w = new this.Hash().update(w).digest()), m(w.length <= this.blockSize);
for (var f = w.length; f < this.blockSize; f++)
for (f = 0; f < w.length; f++)
w[f] ^= 54;
for (this.inner = new this.Hash().update(w), f = 0; f < w.length; f++)
w[f] ^= 106;
this.outer = new this.Hash().update(w);
}, g.prototype.update = function(w, f) {
return this.inner.update(w, f), this;
}, g.prototype.digest = function(w) {
return this.outer.update(this.inner.digest()), this.outer.digest(w);
}, { "./utils": 383, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 375: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./utils"), m = e("./common"), g = u.rotl32, b = u.sum32, w = u.sum32_3, f = u.sum32_4, y = m.BlockHash;
function h() {
if (!(this instanceof h))
return new h();, this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520], this.endian = "little";
u.inherits(h, y), _.ripemd160 = h, h.blockSize = 512, h.outSize = 160, h.hmacStrength = 192, h.padLength = 64, h.prototype._update = function(i, n) {
for (var o = this.h[0], p = this.h[1], O = this.h[2], P = this.h[3], F = this.h[4], z = o, N = p, M = O, I = P, R = F, C = 0; C < 80; C++) {
var E = b(g(f(o, l(C, p, O, P), i[v[C] + n], d(C)), a[C]), F);
o = F, F = P, P = g(O, 10), O = p, p = E, E = b(g(f(z, l(79 - C, N, M, I), i[c[C] + n], s(C)), r[C]), R), z = R, R = I, I = g(M, 10), M = N, N = E;
E = w(this.h[1], O, I), this.h[1] = w(this.h[2], P, R), this.h[2] = w(this.h[3], F, z), this.h[3] = w(this.h[4], o, N), this.h[4] = w(this.h[0], p, M), this.h[0] = E;
}, h.prototype._digest = function(i) {
return i === "hex" ? u.toHex32(this.h, "little") : u.split32(this.h, "little");
function l(t, i, n, o) {
return t <= 15 ? i ^ n ^ o : t <= 31 ? i & n | ~i & o : t <= 47 ? (i | ~n) ^ o : t <= 63 ? i & o | n & ~o : i ^ (n | ~o);
function d(t) {
return t <= 15 ? 0 : t <= 31 ? 1518500249 : t <= 47 ? 1859775393 : t <= 63 ? 2400959708 : 2840853838;
function s(t) {
return t <= 15 ? 1352829926 : t <= 31 ? 1548603684 : t <= 47 ? 1836072691 : t <= 63 ? 2053994217 : 0;
var v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], c = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], a = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], r = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11];
}, { "./common": 373, "./utils": 383 }], 376: [function(e, x, _) {
_.sha1 = e("./sha/1"), _.sha224 = e("./sha/224"), _.sha256 = e("./sha/256"), _.sha384 = e("./sha/384"), _.sha512 = e("./sha/512");
}, { "./sha/1": 377, "./sha/224": 378, "./sha/256": 379, "./sha/384": 380, "./sha/512": 381 }], 377: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("../common"), g = e("./common"), b = u.rotl32, w = u.sum32, f = u.sum32_5, y = g.ft_1, h = m.BlockHash, l = [1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 3395469782];
function d() {
if (!(this instanceof d))
return new d();, this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520], this.W = new Array(80);
u.inherits(d, h), x.exports = d, d.blockSize = 512, d.outSize = 160, d.hmacStrength = 80, d.padLength = 64, d.prototype._update = function(v, c) {
for (var a = this.W, r = 0; r < 16; r++)
a[r] = v[c + r];
for (; r < a.length; r++)
a[r] = b(a[r - 3] ^ a[r - 8] ^ a[r - 14] ^ a[r - 16], 1);
var t = this.h[0], i = this.h[1], n = this.h[2], o = this.h[3], p = this.h[4];
for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
var O = ~~(r / 20), P = f(b(t, 5), y(O, i, n, o), p, a[r], l[O]);
p = o, o = n, n = b(i, 30), i = t, t = P;
this.h[0] = w(this.h[0], t), this.h[1] = w(this.h[1], i), this.h[2] = w(this.h[2], n), this.h[3] = w(this.h[3], o), this.h[4] = w(this.h[4], p);
}, d.prototype._digest = function(v) {
return v === "hex" ? u.toHex32(this.h, "big") : u.split32(this.h, "big");
}, { "../common": 373, "../utils": 383, "./common": 382 }], 378: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("./256");
function g() {
if (!(this instanceof g))
return new g();, this.h = [3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428];
u.inherits(g, m), x.exports = g, g.blockSize = 512, g.outSize = 224, g.hmacStrength = 192, g.padLength = 64, g.prototype._digest = function(w) {
return w === "hex" ? u.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big") : u.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big");
}, { "../utils": 383, "./256": 379 }], 379: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("../common"), g = e("./common"), b = e("minimalistic-assert"), w = u.sum32, f = u.sum32_4, y = u.sum32_5, h = g.ch32, l = g.maj32, d = g.s0_256, s = g.s1_256, v = g.g0_256, c = g.g1_256, a = m.BlockHash, r = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298];
function t() {
if (!(this instanceof t))
return new t();, this.h = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225], this.k = r, this.W = new Array(64);
u.inherits(t, a), x.exports = t, t.blockSize = 512, t.outSize = 256, t.hmacStrength = 192, t.padLength = 64, t.prototype._update = function(n, o) {
for (var p = this.W, O = 0; O < 16; O++)
p[O] = n[o + O];
for (; O < p.length; O++)
p[O] = f(c(p[O - 2]), p[O - 7], v(p[O - 15]), p[O - 16]);
var P = this.h[0], F = this.h[1], z = this.h[2], N = this.h[3], M = this.h[4], I = this.h[5], R = this.h[6], C = this.h[7];
for (b(this.k.length === p.length), O = 0; O < p.length; O++) {
var E = y(C, s(M), h(M, I, R), this.k[O], p[O]), A = w(d(P), l(P, F, z));
C = R, R = I, I = M, M = w(N, E), N = z, z = F, F = P, P = w(E, A);
this.h[0] = w(this.h[0], P), this.h[1] = w(this.h[1], F), this.h[2] = w(this.h[2], z), this.h[3] = w(this.h[3], N), this.h[4] = w(this.h[4], M), this.h[5] = w(this.h[5], I), this.h[6] = w(this.h[6], R), this.h[7] = w(this.h[7], C);
}, t.prototype._digest = function(n) {
return n === "hex" ? u.toHex32(this.h, "big") : u.split32(this.h, "big");
}, { "../common": 373, "../utils": 383, "./common": 382, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 380: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("./512");
function g() {
if (!(this instanceof g))
return new g();, this.h = [3418070365, 3238371032, 1654270250, 914150663, 2438529370, 812702999, 355462360, 4144912697, 1731405415, 4290775857, 2394180231, 1750603025, 3675008525, 1694076839, 1203062813, 3204075428];
u.inherits(g, m), x.exports = g, g.blockSize = 1024, g.outSize = 384, g.hmacStrength = 192, g.padLength = 128, g.prototype._digest = function(w) {
return w === "hex" ? u.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big") : u.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big");
}, { "../utils": 383, "./512": 381 }], 381: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("../common"), g = e("minimalistic-assert"), b = u.rotr64_hi, w = u.rotr64_lo, f = u.shr64_hi, y = u.shr64_lo, h = u.sum64, l = u.sum64_hi, d = u.sum64_lo, s = u.sum64_4_hi, v = u.sum64_4_lo, c = u.sum64_5_hi, a = u.sum64_5_lo, r = m.BlockHash, t = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591];
function i() {
if (!(this instanceof i))
return new i();, this.h = [1779033703, 4089235720, 3144134277, 2227873595, 1013904242, 4271175723, 2773480762, 1595750129, 1359893119, 2917565137, 2600822924, 725511199, 528734635, 4215389547, 1541459225, 327033209], this.k = t, this.W = new Array(160);
u.inherits(i, r), x.exports = i, i.blockSize = 1024, i.outSize = 512, i.hmacStrength = 192, i.padLength = 128, i.prototype._prepareBlock = function(A, L) {
for (var $ = this.W, W = 0; W < 32; W++)
$[W] = A[L + W];
for (; W < $.length; W += 2) {
var U = R($[W - 4], $[W - 3]), D = C($[W - 4], $[W - 3]), B = $[W - 14], j = $[W - 13], V = M($[W - 30], $[W - 29]), re = I($[W - 30], $[W - 29]), ee = $[W - 32], ce = $[W - 31];
$[W] = s(U, D, B, j, V, re, ee, ce), $[W + 1] = v(U, D, B, j, V, re, ee, ce);
}, i.prototype._update = function(A, L) {
this._prepareBlock(A, L);
var $ = this.W, W = this.h[0], U = this.h[1], D = this.h[2], B = this.h[3], j = this.h[4], V = this.h[5], re = this.h[6], ee = this.h[7], ce = this.h[8], ve = this.h[9], ge = this.h[10], oe = this.h[11], J = this.h[12], Q = this.h[13], he = this.h[14], ke = this.h[15];
g(this.k.length === $.length);
for (var ne = 0; ne < $.length; ne += 2) {
var se = he, Ce = ke, q = z(ce, ve), G = N(ce, ve), Y = n(ce, ve, ge, oe, J), fe = o(ce, ve, ge, oe, J, Q), we = this.k[ne], _e = this.k[ne + 1], je = $[ne], Ye = $[ne + 1], nt = c(se, Ce, q, G, Y, fe, we, _e, je, Ye), ut = a(se, Ce, q, G, Y, fe, we, _e, je, Ye);
se = P(W, U), Ce = F(W, U), q = p(W, U, D, B, j), G = O(W, U, D, B, j, V);
var ot = l(se, Ce, q, G), Ue = d(se, Ce, q, G);
he = J, ke = Q, J = ge, Q = oe, ge = ce, oe = ve, ce = l(re, ee, nt, ut), ve = d(ee, ee, nt, ut), re = j, ee = V, j = D, V = B, D = W, B = U, W = l(nt, ut, ot, Ue), U = d(nt, ut, ot, Ue);
h(this.h, 0, W, U), h(this.h, 2, D, B), h(this.h, 4, j, V), h(this.h, 6, re, ee), h(this.h, 8, ce, ve), h(this.h, 10, ge, oe), h(this.h, 12, J, Q), h(this.h, 14, he, ke);
}, i.prototype._digest = function(A) {
return A === "hex" ? u.toHex32(this.h, "big") : u.split32(this.h, "big");
function n(E, A, L, $, W) {
var U = E & L ^ ~E & W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function o(E, A, L, $, W, U) {
var D = A & $ ^ ~A & U;
return D < 0 && (D += 4294967296), D;
function p(E, A, L, $, W) {
var U = E & L ^ E & W ^ L & W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function O(E, A, L, $, W, U) {
var D = A & $ ^ A & U ^ $ & U;
return D < 0 && (D += 4294967296), D;
function P(E, A) {
var L = b(E, A, 28), $ = b(A, E, 2), W = b(A, E, 7), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function F(E, A) {
var L = w(E, A, 28), $ = w(A, E, 2), W = w(A, E, 7), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function z(E, A) {
var L = b(E, A, 14), $ = b(E, A, 18), W = b(A, E, 9), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function N(E, A) {
var L = w(E, A, 14), $ = w(E, A, 18), W = w(A, E, 9), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function M(E, A) {
var L = b(E, A, 1), $ = b(E, A, 8), W = f(E, A, 7), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function I(E, A) {
var L = w(E, A, 1), $ = w(E, A, 8), W = y(E, A, 7), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function R(E, A) {
var L = b(E, A, 19), $ = b(A, E, 29), W = f(E, A, 6), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
function C(E, A) {
var L = w(E, A, 19), $ = w(A, E, 29), W = y(E, A, 6), U = L ^ $ ^ W;
return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U;
}, { "../common": 373, "../utils": 383, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 382: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = u.rotr32;
function g(s, v, c, a) {
if (s === 0)
return b(v, c, a);
if (s === 1 || s === 3)
return f(v, c, a);
if (s === 2)
return w(v, c, a);
_.ft_1 = g;
function b(s, v, c) {
return s & v ^ ~s & c;
_.ch32 = b;
function w(s, v, c) {
return s & v ^ s & c ^ v & c;
_.maj32 = w;
function f(s, v, c) {
return s ^ v ^ c;
_.p32 = f;
function y(s) {
return m(s, 2) ^ m(s, 13) ^ m(s, 22);
_.s0_256 = y;
function h(s) {
return m(s, 6) ^ m(s, 11) ^ m(s, 25);
_.s1_256 = h;
function l(s) {
return m(s, 7) ^ m(s, 18) ^ s >>> 3;
_.g0_256 = l;
function d(s) {
return m(s, 17) ^ m(s, 19) ^ s >>> 10;
_.g1_256 = d;
}, { "../utils": 383 }], 383: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("minimalistic-assert"), m = e("inherits");
_.inherits = m;
function g(C, E) {
return (C.charCodeAt(E) & 64512) !== 55296 || E < 0 || E + 1 >= C.length ? !1 : (C.charCodeAt(E + 1) & 64512) === 56320;
function b(C, E) {
if (Array.isArray(C))
return C.slice();
if (!C)
return [];
var A = [];
if (typeof C == "string")
if (E) {
if (E === "hex")
for (C = C.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, ""), C.length % 2 !== 0 && (C = "0" + C), $ = 0; $ < C.length; $ += 2)
A.push(parseInt(C[$] + C[$ + 1], 16));
} else
for (var L = 0, $ = 0; $ < C.length; $++) {
var W = C.charCodeAt($);
W < 128 ? A[L++] = W : W < 2048 ? (A[L++] = W >> 6 | 192, A[L++] = W & 63 | 128) : g(C, $) ? (W = 65536 + ((W & 1023) << 10) + (C.charCodeAt(++$) & 1023), A[L++] = W >> 18 | 240, A[L++] = W >> 12 & 63 | 128, A[L++] = W >> 6 & 63 | 128, A[L++] = W & 63 | 128) : (A[L++] = W >> 12 | 224, A[L++] = W >> 6 & 63 | 128, A[L++] = W & 63 | 128);
for ($ = 0; $ < C.length; $++)
A[$] = C[$] | 0;
return A;
_.toArray = b;
function w(C) {
for (var E = "", A = 0; A < C.length; A++)
E += h(C[A].toString(16));
return E;
_.toHex = w;
function f(C) {
var E = C >>> 24 | C >>> 8 & 65280 | C << 8 & 16711680 | (C & 255) << 24;
return E >>> 0;
_.htonl = f;
function y(C, E) {
for (var A = "", L = 0; L < C.length; L++) {
var $ = C[L];
E === "little" && ($ = f($)), A += l($.toString(16));
return A;
_.toHex32 = y;
function h(C) {
return C.length === 1 ? "0" + C : C;
_.zero2 = h;
function l(C) {
return C.length === 7 ? "0" + C : C.length === 6 ? "00" + C : C.length === 5 ? "000" + C : C.length === 4 ? "0000" + C : C.length === 3 ? "00000" + C : C.length === 2 ? "000000" + C : C.length === 1 ? "0000000" + C : C;
_.zero8 = l;
function d(C, E, A, L) {
var $ = A - E;
u($ % 4 === 0);
for (var W = new Array($ / 4), U = 0, D = E; U < W.length; U++, D += 4) {
var B;
L === "big" ? B = C[D] << 24 | C[D + 1] << 16 | C[D + 2] << 8 | C[D + 3] : B = C[D + 3] << 24 | C[D + 2] << 16 | C[D + 1] << 8 | C[D], W[U] = B >>> 0;
return W;
_.join32 = d;
function s(C, E) {
for (var A = new Array(C.length * 4), L = 0, $ = 0; L < C.length; L++, $ += 4) {
var W = C[L];
E === "big" ? (A[$] = W >>> 24, A[$ + 1] = W >>> 16 & 255, A[$ + 2] = W >>> 8 & 255, A[$ + 3] = W & 255) : (A[$ + 3] = W >>> 24, A[$ + 2] = W >>> 16 & 255, A[$ + 1] = W >>> 8 & 255, A[$] = W & 255);
return A;
_.split32 = s;
function v(C, E) {
return C >>> E | C << 32 - E;
_.rotr32 = v;
function c(C, E) {
return C << E | C >>> 32 - E;
_.rotl32 = c;
function a(C, E) {
return C + E >>> 0;
_.sum32 = a;
function r(C, E, A) {
return C + E + A >>> 0;
_.sum32_3 = r;
function t(C, E, A, L) {
return C + E + A + L >>> 0;
_.sum32_4 = t;
function i(C, E, A, L, $) {
return C + E + A + L + $ >>> 0;
_.sum32_5 = i;
function n(C, E, A, L) {
var $ = C[E], W = C[E + 1], U = L + W >>> 0, D = (U < L ? 1 : 0) + A + $;
C[E] = D >>> 0, C[E + 1] = U;
_.sum64 = n;
function o(C, E, A, L) {
var $ = E + L >>> 0, W = ($ < E ? 1 : 0) + C + A;
return W >>> 0;
_.sum64_hi = o;
function p(C, E, A, L) {
var $ = E + L;
return $ >>> 0;
_.sum64_lo = p;
function O(C, E, A, L, $, W, U, D) {
var B = 0, j = E;
j = j + L >>> 0, B += j < E ? 1 : 0, j = j + W >>> 0, B += j < W ? 1 : 0, j = j + D >>> 0, B += j < D ? 1 : 0;
var V = C + A + $ + U + B;
return V >>> 0;
_.sum64_4_hi = O;
function P(C, E, A, L, $, W, U, D) {
var B = E + L + W + D;
return B >>> 0;
_.sum64_4_lo = P;
function F(C, E, A, L, $, W, U, D, B, j) {
var V = 0, re = E;
re = re + L >>> 0, V += re < E ? 1 : 0, re = re + W >>> 0, V += re < W ? 1 : 0, re = re + D >>> 0, V += re < D ? 1 : 0, re = re + j >>> 0, V += re < j ? 1 : 0;
var ee = C + A + $ + U + B + V;
return ee >>> 0;
_.sum64_5_hi = F;
function z(C, E, A, L, $, W, U, D, B, j) {
var V = E + L + W + D + j;
return V >>> 0;
_.sum64_5_lo = z;
function N(C, E, A) {
var L = E << 32 - A | C >>> A;
return L >>> 0;
_.rotr64_hi = N;
function M(C, E, A) {
var L = C << 32 - A | E >>> A;
return L >>> 0;
_.rotr64_lo = M;
function I(C, E, A) {
return C >>> A;
_.shr64_hi = I;
function R(C, E, A) {
var L = C << 32 - A | E >>> A;
return L >>> 0;
_.shr64_lo = R;
}, { inherits: 387, "minimalistic-assert": 437 }], 384: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("hash.js"), m = e("minimalistic-crypto-utils"), g = e("minimalistic-assert");
function b(w) {
if (!(this instanceof b))
return new b(w);
this.hash = w.hash, this.predResist = !!w.predResist, this.outLen = this.hash.outSize, this.minEntropy = w.minEntropy || this.hash.hmacStrength, this._reseed = null, this.reseedInterval = null, this.K = null, this.V = null;
var f = m.toArray(w.entropy, w.entropyEnc || "hex"), y = m.toArray(w.nonce, w.nonceEnc || "hex"), h = m.toArray(w.pers, w.persEnc || "hex");
g(f.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._init(f, y, h);
x.exports = b, b.prototype._init = function(f, y, h) {
var l = f.concat(y).concat(h);
this.K = new Array(this.outLen / 8), this.V = new Array(this.outLen / 8);
for (var d = 0; d < this.V.length; d++)
this.K[d] = 0, this.V[d] = 1;
this._update(l), this._reseed = 1, this.reseedInterval = 281474976710656;
}, b.prototype._hmac = function() {
return new u.hmac(this.hash, this.K);
}, b.prototype._update = function(f) {
var y = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([0]);
f && (y = y.update(f)), this.K = y.digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), f && (this.K = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([1]).update(f).digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest());
}, b.prototype.reseed = function(f, y, h, l) {
typeof y != "string" && (l = h, h = y, y = null), f = m.toArray(f, y), h = m.toArray(h, l), g(f.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._update(f.concat(h || [])), this._reseed = 1;
}, b.prototype.generate = function(f, y, h, l) {
if (this._reseed > this.reseedInterval)
throw new Error("Reseed is required");
typeof y != "string" && (l = h, h = y, y = null), h && (h = m.toArray(h, l || "hex"), this._update(h));
for (var d = []; d.length < f; )
this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), d = d.concat(this.V);
var s = d.slice(0, f);
return this._update(h), this._reseed++, m.encode(s, y);
}, { "hash.js": 372, "minimalistic-assert": 437, "minimalistic-crypto-utils": 438 }], 385: [function(e, x, _) { = function(u, m, g, b, w) {
var f, y, h = w * 8 - b - 1, l = (1 << h) - 1, d = l >> 1, s = -7, v = g ? w - 1 : 0, c = g ? -1 : 1, a = u[m + v];
for (v += c, f = a & (1 << -s) - 1, a >>= -s, s += h; s > 0; f = f * 256 + u[m + v], v += c, s -= 8)
for (y = f & (1 << -s) - 1, f >>= -s, s += b; s > 0; y = y * 256 + u[m + v], v += c, s -= 8)
if (f === 0)
f = 1 - d;
else {
if (f === l)
return y ? NaN : (a ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0);
y = y + Math.pow(2, b), f = f - d;
return (a ? -1 : 1) * y * Math.pow(2, f - b);
}, _.write = function(u, m, g, b, w, f) {
var y, h, l, d = f * 8 - w - 1, s = (1 << d) - 1, v = s >> 1, c = w === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, a = b ? 0 : f - 1, r = b ? 1 : -1, t = m < 0 || m === 0 && 1 / m < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (m = Math.abs(m), isNaN(m) || m === 1 / 0 ? (h = isNaN(m) ? 1 : 0, y = s) : (y = Math.floor(Math.log(m) / Math.LN2), m * (l = Math.pow(2, -y)) < 1 && (y--, l *= 2), y + v >= 1 ? m += c / l : m += c * Math.pow(2, 1 - v), m * l >= 2 && (y++, l /= 2), y + v >= s ? (h = 0, y = s) : y + v >= 1 ? (h = (m * l - 1) * Math.pow(2, w), y = y + v) : (h = m * Math.pow(2, v - 1) * Math.pow(2, w), y = 0)); w >= 8; u[g + a] = h & 255, a += r, h /= 256, w -= 8)
for (y = y << w | h, d += w; d > 0; u[g + a] = y & 255, a += r, y /= 256, d -= 8)
u[g + a - r] |= t * 128;
}, {}], 386: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = u.MutationObserver || u.WebKitMutationObserver, g;
if (m) {
var b = 0, w = new m(d), f = u.document.createTextNode("");
w.observe(f, {
characterData: !0
}), g = function() { = b = ++b % 2;
} else if (!u.setImmediate && typeof u.MessageChannel != "undefined") {
var y = new u.MessageChannel();
y.port1.onmessage = d, g = function() {
} else
"document" in u && "onreadystatechange" in u.document.createElement("script") ? g = function() {
var c = u.document.createElement("script");
c.onreadystatechange = function() {
d(), c.onreadystatechange = null, c.parentNode.removeChild(c), c = null;
}, u.document.documentElement.appendChild(c);
} : g = function() {
setTimeout(d, 0);
var h, l = [];
function d() {
h = !0;
for (var v, c, a = l.length; a; ) {
for (c = l, l = [], v = -1; ++v < a; )
a = l.length;
h = !1;
x.exports = s;
function s(v) {
l.push(v) === 1 && !h && g();
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 387: [function(e, x, _) {
typeof Object.create == "function" ? x.exports = function(m, g) {
g && (m.super_ = g, m.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: m,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
} : x.exports = function(m, g) {
if (g) {
m.super_ = g;
var b = function() {
b.prototype = g.prototype, m.prototype = new b(), m.prototype.constructor = m;
}, {}], 388: [function(e, x, _) {
* Determine if an object is a Buffer
* @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <>
* @license MIT
x.exports = function(g) {
return g != null && (u(g) || m(g) || !!g._isBuffer);
function u(g) {
return !!g.constructor && typeof g.constructor.isBuffer == "function" && g.constructor.isBuffer(g);
function m(g) {
return typeof g.readFloatLE == "function" && typeof g.slice == "function" && u(g.slice(0, 0));
}, {}], 389: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = {}.toString;
x.exports = Array.isArray || function(m) {
return == "[object Array]";
}, {}], 390: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./utils"), m = e("./support"), g = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
_.encode = function(b) {
for (var w = [], f, y, h, l, d, s, v, c = 0, a = b.length, r = a, t = u.getTypeOf(b) !== "string"; c < b.length; )
r = a - c, t ? (f = b[c++], y = c < a ? b[c++] : 0, h = c < a ? b[c++] : 0) : (f = b.charCodeAt(c++), y = c < a ? b.charCodeAt(c++) : 0, h = c < a ? b.charCodeAt(c++) : 0), l = f >> 2, d = (f & 3) << 4 | y >> 4, s = r > 1 ? (y & 15) << 2 | h >> 6 : 64, v = r > 2 ? h & 63 : 64, w.push(g.charAt(l) + g.charAt(d) + g.charAt(s) + g.charAt(v));
return w.join("");
}, _.decode = function(b) {
var w, f, y, h, l, d, s, v = 0, c = 0, a = "data:";
if (b.substr(0, a.length) === a)
throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, it looks like a data url.");
b = b.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
var r = b.length * 3 / 4;
if (b.charAt(b.length - 1) === g.charAt(64) && r--, b.charAt(b.length - 2) === g.charAt(64) && r--, r % 1 !== 0)
throw new Error("Invalid base64 input, bad content length.");
var t;
for (m.uint8array ? t = new Uint8Array(r | 0) : t = new Array(r | 0); v < b.length; )
h = g.indexOf(b.charAt(v++)), l = g.indexOf(b.charAt(v++)), d = g.indexOf(b.charAt(v++)), s = g.indexOf(b.charAt(v++)), w = h << 2 | l >> 4, f = (l & 15) << 4 | d >> 2, y = (d & 3) << 6 | s, t[c++] = w, d !== 64 && (t[c++] = f), s !== 64 && (t[c++] = y);
return t;
}, { "./support": 419, "./utils": 421 }], 391: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./external"), m = e("./stream/DataWorker"), b = e("./stream/DataLengthProbe"), g = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), b = e("./stream/DataLengthProbe");
function w(f, y, h, l, d) {
this.compressedSize = f, this.uncompressedSize = y, this.crc32 = h, this.compression = l, this.compressedContent = d;
w.prototype = {
* Create a worker to get the uncompressed content.
* @return {GenericWorker} the worker.
getContentWorker: function() {
var y = new m(u.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new b("data_length")), h = this;
return y.on("end", function() {
if (this.streamInfo.data_length !== h.uncompressedSize)
throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch");
}), y;
* Create a worker to get the compressed content.
* @return {GenericWorker} the worker.
getCompressedWorker: function() {
return new m(u.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent)).withStreamInfo("compressedSize", this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize", this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32", this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression", this.compression);
}, w.createWorkerFrom = function(f, y, h) {
return f.pipe(new g()).pipe(new b("uncompressedSize")).pipe(y.compressWorker(h)).pipe(new b("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression", y);
}, x.exports = w;
}, { "./external": 395, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 414, "./stream/DataLengthProbe": 415, "./stream/DataWorker": 416 }], 392: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./stream/GenericWorker");
_.STORE = {
magic: "\0\0",
compressWorker: function(g) {
return new u("STORE compression");
uncompressWorker: function() {
return new u("STORE decompression");
}, _.DEFLATE = e("./flate");
}, { "./flate": 396, "./stream/GenericWorker": 417 }], 393: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./utils");
function m() {
for (var f, y = [], h = 0; h < 256; h++) {
f = h;
for (var l = 0; l < 8; l++)
f = f & 1 ? 3988292384 ^ f >>> 1 : f >>> 1;
y[h] = f;
return y;
var g = m();
function b(f, y, h, l) {
var d = g, s = l + h;
f = f ^ -1;
for (var v = l; v < s; v++)
f = f >>> 8 ^ d[(f ^ y[v]) & 255];
return f ^ -1;
function w(f, y, h, l) {
var d = g, s = l + h;
f = f ^ -1;
for (var v = l; v < s; v++)
f = f >>> 8 ^ d[(f ^ y.charCodeAt(v)) & 255];
return f ^ -1;
x.exports = function(y, h) {
if (typeof y == "undefined" || !y.length)
return 0;
var l = u.getTypeOf(y) !== "string";
return l ? b(h | 0, y, y.length, 0) : w(h | 0, y, y.length, 0);
}, { "./utils": 421 }], 394: [function(e, x, _) {
_.base64 = !1, _.binary = !1, _.dir = !1, _.createFolders = !0, = null, _.compression = null, _.compressionOptions = null, _.comment = null, _.unixPermissions = null, _.dosPermissions = null;
}, {}], 395: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = null;
typeof Promise != "undefined" ? u = Promise : u = e("lie"), x.exports = {
Promise: u
}, { lie: 425 }], 396: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" && typeof Uint16Array != "undefined" && typeof Uint32Array != "undefined", m = e("pako"), g = e("./utils"), b = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), w = u ? "uint8array" : "array";
_.magic = "\b\0";
function f(y, h) {, "FlateWorker/" + y), this._pako = null, this._pakoAction = y, this._pakoOptions = h, this.meta = {};
g.inherits(f, b), f.prototype.processChunk = function(y) {
this.meta = y.meta, this._pako === null && this._createPako(), this._pako.push(g.transformTo(w,, !1);
}, f.prototype.flush = function() {, this._pako === null && this._createPako(), this._pako.push([], !0);
}, f.prototype.cleanUp = function() {, this._pako = null;
}, f.prototype._createPako = function() {
this._pako = new m[this._pakoAction]({
raw: !0,
level: this._pakoOptions.level || -1
// default compression
var y = this;
this._pako.onData = function(h) {
data: h,
meta: y.meta
}, _.compressWorker = function(y) {
return new f("Deflate", y);
}, _.uncompressWorker = function() {
return new f("Inflate", {});
}, { "./stream/GenericWorker": 417, "./utils": 421, pako: 439 }], 397: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("../stream/GenericWorker"), g = e("../utf8"), b = e("../crc32"), w = e("../signature"), f = function(a, r) {
var t = "", i;
for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
t += String.fromCharCode(a & 255), a = a >>> 8;
return t;
}, y = function(a, r) {
var t = a;
return a || (t = r ? 16893 : 33204), (t & 65535) << 16;
}, h = function(a, r) {
return (a || 0) & 63;
}, l = function(a, r, t, i, n, o) {
var p = a.file, O = a.compression, P = o !== g.utf8encode, F = u.transformTo("string", o(, z = u.transformTo("string", g.utf8encode(, N = p.comment, M = u.transformTo("string", o(N)), I = u.transformTo("string", g.utf8encode(N)), R = z.length !==, C = I.length !== N.length, E, A, L = "", $ = "", W = "", U = p.dir, D =, B = {
crc32: 0,
compressedSize: 0,
uncompressedSize: 0
(!r || t) && (B.crc32 = a.crc32, B.compressedSize = a.compressedSize, B.uncompressedSize = a.uncompressedSize);
var j = 0;
r && (j |= 8), !P && (R || C) && (j |= 2048);
var V = 0, re = 0;
U && (V |= 16), n === "UNIX" ? (re = 798, V |= y(p.unixPermissions, U)) : (re = 20, V |= h(p.dosPermissions)), E = D.getUTCHours(), E = E << 6, E = E | D.getUTCMinutes(), E = E << 5, E = E | D.getUTCSeconds() / 2, A = D.getUTCFullYear() - 1980, A = A << 4, A = A | D.getUTCMonth() + 1, A = A << 5, A = A | D.getUTCDate(), R && ($ = // Version
f(1, 1) + // NameCRC32
f(b(F), 4) + // UnicodeName
z, L += // Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field
"up" + // size
f($.length, 2) + // content
$), C && (W = // Version
f(1, 1) + // CommentCRC32
f(b(M), 4) + // UnicodeName
I, L += // Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field
"uc" + // size
f(W.length, 2) + // content
var ee = "";
ee += `
\0`, ee += f(j, 2), ee += O.magic, ee += f(E, 2), ee += f(A, 2), ee += f(B.crc32, 4), ee += f(B.compressedSize, 4), ee += f(B.uncompressedSize, 4), ee += f(F.length, 2), ee += f(L.length, 2);
var ce = w.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER + ee + F + L, ve = w.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER + // version made by (00: DOS)
f(re, 2) + // file header (common to file and central directory)
ee + // file comment length
f(M.length, 2) + // disk number start
"\0\0\0\0" + // external file attributes
f(V, 4) + // relative offset of local header
f(i, 4) + // file name
F + // extra field
L + // file comment
return {
fileRecord: ce,
dirRecord: ve
}, d = function(a, r, t, i, n) {
var o = "", p = u.transformTo("string", n(i));
return o = w.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END + // number of this disk
"\0\0\0\0" + // total number of entries in the central directory on this disk
f(a, 2) + // total number of entries in the central directory
f(a, 2) + // size of the central directory 4 bytes
f(r, 4) + // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
f(t, 4) + // .ZIP file comment length
f(p.length, 2) + // .ZIP file comment
p, o;
}, s = function(a) {
var r = "";
return r = w.DATA_DESCRIPTOR + // crc-32 4 bytes
f(a.crc32, 4) + // compressed size 4 bytes
f(a.compressedSize, 4) + // uncompressed size 4 bytes
f(a.uncompressedSize, 4), r;
function v(c, a, r, t) {, "ZipFileWorker"), this.bytesWritten = 0, this.zipComment = a, this.zipPlatform = r, this.encodeFileName = t, this.streamFiles = c, this.accumulate = !1, this.contentBuffer = [], this.dirRecords = [], this.currentSourceOffset = 0, this.entriesCount = 0, this.currentFile = null, this._sources = [];
u.inherits(v, m), v.prototype.push = function(c) {
var a = c.meta.percent || 0, r = this.entriesCount, t = this._sources.length;
this.accumulate ? this.contentBuffer.push(c) : (this.bytesWritten +=,, {
meta: {
currentFile: this.currentFile,
percent: r ? (a + 100 * (r - t - 1)) / r : 100
}, v.prototype.openedSource = function(c) {
this.currentSourceOffset = this.bytesWritten, this.currentFile =;
var a = this.streamFiles && !c.file.dir;
if (a) {
var r = l(c, a, !1, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName);
data: r.fileRecord,
meta: {
percent: 0
} else
this.accumulate = !0;
}, v.prototype.closedSource = function(c) {
this.accumulate = !1;
var a = this.streamFiles && !c.file.dir, r = l(c, a, !0, this.currentSourceOffset, this.zipPlatform, this.encodeFileName);
if (this.dirRecords.push(r.dirRecord), a)
data: s(c),
meta: {
percent: 100
for (this.push({
data: r.fileRecord,
meta: {
percent: 0
}); this.contentBuffer.length; )
this.currentFile = null;
}, v.prototype.flush = function() {
for (var c = this.bytesWritten, a = 0; a < this.dirRecords.length; a++)
data: this.dirRecords[a],
meta: {
percent: 100
var r = this.bytesWritten - c, t = d(this.dirRecords.length, r, c, this.zipComment, this.encodeFileName);
data: t,
meta: {
percent: 100
}, v.prototype.prepareNextSource = function() {
this.previous = this._sources.shift(), this.openedSource(this.previous.streamInfo), this.isPaused ? this.previous.pause() : this.previous.resume();
}, v.prototype.registerPrevious = function(c) {
var a = this;
return c.on("data", function(r) {
}), c.on("end", function() {
a.closedSource(a.previous.streamInfo), a._sources.length ? a.prepareNextSource() : a.end();
}), c.on("error", function(r) {
}), this;
}, v.prototype.resume = function() {
if (!
return !1;
if (!this.previous && this._sources.length)
return this.prepareNextSource(), !0;
if (!this.previous && !this._sources.length && !this.generatedError)
return this.end(), !0;
}, v.prototype.error = function(c) {
var a = this._sources;
if (!, c))
return !1;
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
try {
} catch (t) {
return !0;
}, v.prototype.lock = function() {;
for (var c = this._sources, a = 0; a < c.length; a++)
}, x.exports = v;
}, { "../crc32": 393, "../signature": 412, "../stream/GenericWorker": 417, "../utf8": 420, "../utils": 421 }], 398: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../compressions"), m = e("./ZipFileWorker"), g = function(w, f) {
var y = w || f, h = u[y];
if (!h)
throw new Error(y + " is not a valid compression method !");
return h;
_.generateWorker = function(b, w, f) {
var y = new m(w.streamFiles, f, w.platform, w.encodeFileName), h = 0;
try {
b.forEach(function(l, d) {
var s = g(d.options.compression, w.compression), v = d.options.compressionOptions || w.compressionOptions || {}, c = d.dir, a =;
d._compressWorker(s, v).withStreamInfo("file", {
name: l,
dir: c,
date: a,
comment: d.comment || "",
unixPermissions: d.unixPermissions,
dosPermissions: d.dosPermissions
}), y.entriesCount = h;
} catch (l) {
return y;
}, { "../compressions": 392, "./ZipFileWorker": 397 }], 399: [function(e, x, _) {
function u() {
if (!(this instanceof u))
return new u();
if (arguments.length)
throw new Error("The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
this.files = {}, this.comment = null, this.root = "", this.clone = function() {
var m = new u();
for (var g in this)
typeof this[g] != "function" && (m[g] = this[g]);
return m;
u.prototype = e("./object"), u.prototype.loadAsync = e("./load"), = e("./support"), u.defaults = e("./defaults"), u.version = "3.5.0", u.loadAsync = function(m, g) {
return new u().loadAsync(m, g);
}, u.external = e("./external"), x.exports = u;
}, { "./defaults": 394, "./external": 395, "./load": 400, "./object": 404, "./support": 419 }], 400: [function(e, x, _) {
var g = e("./utils"), u = e("./external"), m = e("./utf8"), g = e("./utils"), b = e("./zipEntries"), w = e("./stream/Crc32Probe"), f = e("./nodejsUtils");
function y(h) {
return new u.Promise(function(l, d) {
var s = h.decompressed.getContentWorker().pipe(new w());
s.on("error", function(v) {
}).on("end", function() {
s.streamInfo.crc32 !== h.decompressed.crc32 ? d(new Error("Corrupted zip : CRC32 mismatch")) : l();
x.exports = function(h, l) {
var d = this;
return l = g.extend(l || {}, {
base64: !1,
checkCRC32: !1,
optimizedBinaryString: !1,
createFolders: !1,
decodeFileName: m.utf8decode
}), f.isNode && f.isStream(h) ? u.Promise.reject(new Error("JSZip can't accept a stream when loading a zip file.")) : g.prepareContent("the loaded zip file", h, !0, l.optimizedBinaryString, l.base64).then(function(s) {
var v = new b(l);
return v.load(s), v;
}).then(function(v) {
var c = [u.Promise.resolve(v)], a = v.files;
if (l.checkCRC32)
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
return u.Promise.all(c);
}).then(function(v) {
for (var c = v.shift(), a = c.files, r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
var t = a[r];
d.file(t.fileNameStr, t.decompressed, {
binary: !0,
optimizedBinaryString: !0,
dir: t.dir,
comment: t.fileCommentStr.length ? t.fileCommentStr : null,
unixPermissions: t.unixPermissions,
dosPermissions: t.dosPermissions,
createFolders: l.createFolders
return c.zipComment.length && (d.comment = c.zipComment), d;
}, { "./external": 395, "./nodejsUtils": 403, "./stream/Crc32Probe": 414, "./utf8": 420, "./utils": 421, "./zipEntries": 422 }], 401: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("../stream/GenericWorker");
function g(b, w) {, "Nodejs stream input adapter for " + b), this._upstreamEnded = !1, this._bindStream(w);
u.inherits(g, m), g.prototype._bindStream = function(b) {
var w = this;
this._stream = b, b.pause(), b.on("data", function(f) {
data: f,
meta: {
percent: 0
}).on("error", function(f) {
w.isPaused ? this.generatedError = f : w.error(f);
}).on("end", function() {
w.isPaused ? w._upstreamEnded = !0 : w.end();
}, g.prototype.pause = function() {
return ? (this._stream.pause(), !0) : !1;
}, g.prototype.resume = function() {
return ? (this._upstreamEnded ? this.end() : this._stream.resume(), !0) : !1;
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../stream/GenericWorker": 417, "../utils": 421 }], 402: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("readable-stream").Readable, m = e("../utils");
m.inherits(g, u);
function g(b, w, f) {, w), this._helper = b;
var y = this;
b.on("data", function(h, l) {
y.push(h) || y._helper.pause(), f && f(l);
}).on("error", function(h) {
y.emit("error", h);
}).on("end", function() {
g.prototype._read = function() {
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "readable-stream": 405 }], 403: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
x.exports = {
* True if this is running in Nodejs, will be undefined in a browser.
* In a browser, browserify won't include this file and the whole module
* will be resolved an empty object.
isNode: typeof u != "undefined",
* Create a new nodejs Buffer from an existing content.
* @param {Object} data the data to pass to the constructor.
* @param {String} encoding the encoding to use.
* @return {Buffer} a new Buffer.
newBufferFrom: function(g, b) {
if (u.from && u.from !== Uint8Array.from)
return u.from(g, b);
if (typeof g == "number")
throw new Error('The "data" argument must not be a number');
return new u(g, b);
* Create a new nodejs Buffer with the specified size.
* @param {Integer} size the size of the buffer.
* @return {Buffer} a new Buffer.
allocBuffer: function(g) {
if (u.alloc)
return u.alloc(g);
var b = new u(g);
return b.fill(0), b;
* Find out if an object is a Buffer.
* @param {Object} b the object to test.
* @return {Boolean} true if the object is a Buffer, false otherwise.
isBuffer: function(g) {
return u.isBuffer(g);
isStream: function(g) {
return g && typeof g.on == "function" && typeof g.pause == "function" && typeof g.resume == "function";
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { buffer: 216 }], 404: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./utf8"), m = e("./utils"), g = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), b = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), w = e("./defaults"), f = e("./compressedObject"), y = e("./zipObject"), h = e("./generate"), l = e("./nodejsUtils"), d = e("./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter"), s = function(n, o, p) {
var O = m.getTypeOf(o), P, F = m.extend(p || {}, w); = || /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), F.compression !== null && (F.compression = F.compression.toUpperCase()), typeof F.unixPermissions == "string" && (F.unixPermissions = parseInt(F.unixPermissions, 8)), F.unixPermissions && F.unixPermissions & 16384 && (F.dir = !0), F.dosPermissions && F.dosPermissions & 16 && (F.dir = !0), F.dir && (n = c(n)), F.createFolders && (P = v(n)) &&, P, !0);
var z = O === "string" && F.binary === !1 && F.base64 === !1;
(!p || typeof p.binary == "undefined") && (F.binary = !z);
var N = o instanceof f && o.uncompressedSize === 0;
(N || F.dir || !o || o.length === 0) && (F.base64 = !1, F.binary = !0, o = "", F.compression = "STORE", O = "string");
var M = null;
o instanceof f || o instanceof g ? M = o : l.isNode && l.isStream(o) ? M = new d(n, o) : M = m.prepareContent(n, o, F.binary, F.optimizedBinaryString, F.base64);
var I = new y(n, M, F);
this.files[n] = I;
}, v = function(n) {
n.slice(-1) === "/" && (n = n.substring(0, n.length - 1));
var o = n.lastIndexOf("/");
return o > 0 ? n.substring(0, o) : "";
}, c = function(n) {
return n.slice(-1) !== "/" && (n += "/"), n;
}, a = function(n, o) {
return o = typeof o != "undefined" ? o : w.createFolders, n = c(n), this.files[n] ||, n, null, {
dir: !0,
createFolders: o
}), this.files[n];
function r(i) {
return === "[object RegExp]";
var t = {
* @see loadAsync
load: function() {
throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
* Call a callback function for each entry at this folder level.
* @param {Function} cb the callback function:
* function (relativePath, file) {...}
* It takes 2 arguments : the relative path and the file.
forEach: function(n) {
var o, p, O;
for (o in this.files)
this.files.hasOwnProperty(o) && (O = this.files[o], p = o.slice(this.root.length, o.length), p && o.slice(0, this.root.length) === this.root && n(p, O));
* Filter nested files/folders with the specified function.
* @param {Function} search the predicate to use :
* function (relativePath, file) {...}
* It takes 2 arguments : the relative path and the file.
* @return {Array} An array of matching elements.
filter: function(n) {
var o = [];
return this.forEach(function(p, O) {
n(p, O) && o.push(O);
}), o;
* Add a file to the zip file, or search a file.
* @param {string|RegExp} name The name of the file to add (if data is defined),
* the name of the file to find (if no data) or a regex to match files.
* @param {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} data The file data, either raw or base64 encoded
* @param {Object} o File options
* @return {JSZip|Object|Array} this JSZip object (when adding a file),
* a file (when searching by string) or an array of files (when searching by regex).
file: function(n, o, p) {
if (arguments.length === 1)
if (r(n)) {
var O = n;
return this.filter(function(F, z) {
return !z.dir && O.test(F);
} else {
var P = this.files[this.root + n];
return P && !P.dir ? P : null;
n = this.root + n,, n, o, p);
return this;
* Add a directory to the zip file, or search.
* @param {String|RegExp} arg The name of the directory to add, or a regex to search folders.
* @return {JSZip} an object with the new directory as the root, or an array containing matching folders.
folder: function(n) {
if (!n)
return this;
if (r(n))
return this.filter(function(P, F) {
return F.dir && n.test(P);
var o = this.root + n, p =, o), O = this.clone();
return O.root =, O;
* Delete a file, or a directory and all sub-files, from the zip
* @param {string} name the name of the file to delete
* @return {JSZip} this JSZip object
remove: function(n) {
n = this.root + n;
var o = this.files[n];
if (o || (n.slice(-1) !== "/" && (n += "/"), o = this.files[n]), o && !o.dir)
delete this.files[n];
for (var p = this.filter(function(P, F) {
return, n.length) === n;
}), O = 0; O < p.length; O++)
delete this.files[p[O].name];
return this;
* Generate the complete zip file
* @param {Object} options the options to generate the zip file :
* - compression, "STORE" by default.
* - type, "base64" by default. Values are : string, base64, uint8array, arraybuffer, blob.
* @return {String|Uint8Array|ArrayBuffer|Buffer|Blob} the zip file
generate: function(n) {
throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
* Generate the complete zip file as an internal stream.
* @param {Object} options the options to generate the zip file :
* - compression, "STORE" by default.
* - type, "base64" by default. Values are : string, base64, uint8array, arraybuffer, blob.
* @return {StreamHelper} the streamed zip file.
generateInternalStream: function(n) {
var o, p = {};
try {
if (p = m.extend(n || {}, {
streamFiles: !1,
compression: "STORE",
compressionOptions: null,
type: "",
platform: "DOS",
comment: null,
mimeType: "application/zip",
encodeFileName: u.utf8encode
}), p.type = p.type.toLowerCase(), p.compression = p.compression.toUpperCase(), p.type === "binarystring" && (p.type = "string"), !p.type)
throw new Error("No output type specified.");
m.checkSupport(p.type), (p.platform === "darwin" || p.platform === "freebsd" || p.platform === "linux" || p.platform === "sunos") && (p.platform = "UNIX"), p.platform === "win32" && (p.platform = "DOS");
var O = p.comment || this.comment || "";
o = h.generateWorker(this, p, O);
} catch (P) {
o = new g("error"), o.error(P);
return new b(o, p.type || "string", p.mimeType);
* Generate the complete zip file asynchronously.
* @see generateInternalStream
generateAsync: function(n, o) {
return this.generateInternalStream(n).accumulate(o);
* Generate the complete zip file asynchronously.
* @see generateInternalStream
generateNodeStream: function(n, o) {
return n = n || {}, n.type || (n.type = "nodebuffer"), this.generateInternalStream(n).toNodejsStream(o);
x.exports = t;
}, { "./compressedObject": 391, "./defaults": 394, "./generate": 398, "./nodejs/NodejsStreamInputAdapter": 401, "./nodejsUtils": 403, "./stream/GenericWorker": 417, "./stream/StreamHelper": 418, "./utf8": 420, "./utils": 421, "./zipObject": 424 }], 405: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("stream");
}, { stream: 506 }], 406: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./DataReader"), m = e("../utils");
function g(b) {, b);
for (var w = 0; w <; w++)
b[w] = b[w] & 255;
m.inherits(g, u), g.prototype.byteAt = function(b) {
return[ + b];
}, g.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(b) {
for (var w = b.charCodeAt(0), f = b.charCodeAt(1), y = b.charCodeAt(2), h = b.charCodeAt(3), l = this.length - 4; l >= 0; --l)
if ([l] === w &&[l + 1] === f &&[l + 2] === y &&[l + 3] === h)
return l -;
return -1;
}, g.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(b) {
var w = b.charCodeAt(0), f = b.charCodeAt(1), y = b.charCodeAt(2), h = b.charCodeAt(3), l = this.readData(4);
return w === l[0] && f === l[1] && y === l[2] && h === l[3];
}, g.prototype.readData = function(b) {
if (this.checkOffset(b), b === 0)
return [];
var w = + this.index, + this.index + b);
return this.index += b, w;
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./DataReader": 407 }], 407: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils");
function m(g) { = g, this.length = g.length, this.index = 0, = 0;
m.prototype = {
* Check that the offset will not go too far.
* @param {string} offset the additional offset to check.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the offset is out of bounds.
checkOffset: function(b) {
this.checkIndex(this.index + b);
* Check that the specified index will not be too far.
* @param {string} newIndex the index to check.
* @throws {Error} an Error if the index is out of bounds.
checkIndex: function(b) {
if (this.length < + b || b < 0)
throw new Error("End of data reached (data length = " + this.length + ", asked index = " + b + "). Corrupted zip ?");
* Change the index.
* @param {number} newIndex The new index.
* @throws {Error} if the new index is out of the data.
setIndex: function(b) {
this.checkIndex(b), this.index = b;
* Skip the next n bytes.
* @param {number} n the number of bytes to skip.
* @throws {Error} if the new index is out of the data.
skip: function(b) {
this.setIndex(this.index + b);
* Get the byte at the specified index.
* @param {number} i the index to use.
* @return {number} a byte.
byteAt: function(b) {
* Get the next number with a given byte size.
* @param {number} size the number of bytes to read.
* @return {number} the corresponding number.
readInt: function(b) {
var w = 0, f;
for (this.checkOffset(b), f = this.index + b - 1; f >= this.index; f--)
w = (w << 8) + this.byteAt(f);
return this.index += b, w;
* Get the next string with a given byte size.
* @param {number} size the number of bytes to read.
* @return {string} the corresponding string.
readString: function(b) {
return u.transformTo("string", this.readData(b));
* Get raw data without conversion, <size> bytes.
* @param {number} size the number of bytes to read.
* @return {Object} the raw data, implementation specific.
readData: function(b) {
* Find the last occurrence of a zip signature (4 bytes).
* @param {string} sig the signature to find.
* @return {number} the index of the last occurrence, -1 if not found.
lastIndexOfSignature: function(b) {
* Read the signature (4 bytes) at the current position and compare it with sig.
* @param {string} sig the expected signature
* @return {boolean} true if the signature matches, false otherwise.
readAndCheckSignature: function(b) {
* Get the next date.
* @return {Date} the date.
readDate: function() {
var b = this.readInt(4);
return new Date(Date.UTC(
(b >> 25 & 127) + 1980,
// year
(b >> 21 & 15) - 1,
// month
b >> 16 & 31,
// day
b >> 11 & 31,
// hour
b >> 5 & 63,
// minute
(b & 31) << 1
}, x.exports = m;
}, { "../utils": 421 }], 408: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./Uint8ArrayReader"), m = e("../utils");
function g(b) {, b);
m.inherits(g, u), g.prototype.readData = function(b) {
var w = + this.index, + this.index + b);
return this.index += b, w;
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 410 }], 409: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./DataReader"), m = e("../utils");
function g(b) {, b);
m.inherits(g, u), g.prototype.byteAt = function(b) {
return + b);
}, g.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature = function(b) {
return -;
}, g.prototype.readAndCheckSignature = function(b) {
var w = this.readData(4);
return b === w;
}, g.prototype.readData = function(b) {
var w = + this.index, + this.index + b);
return this.index += b, w;
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./DataReader": 407 }], 410: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./ArrayReader"), m = e("../utils");
function g(b) {, b);
m.inherits(g, u), g.prototype.readData = function(b) {
if (this.checkOffset(b), b === 0)
return new Uint8Array(0);
var w = + this.index, + this.index + b);
return this.index += b, w;
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./ArrayReader": 406 }], 411: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("../support"), g = e("./ArrayReader"), b = e("./StringReader"), w = e("./NodeBufferReader"), f = e("./Uint8ArrayReader");
x.exports = function(y) {
var h = u.getTypeOf(y);
return u.checkSupport(h), h === "string" && !m.uint8array ? new b(y) : h === "nodebuffer" ? new w(y) : m.uint8array ? new f(u.transformTo("uint8array", y)) : new g(u.transformTo("array", y));
}, { "../support": 419, "../utils": 421, "./ArrayReader": 406, "./NodeBufferReader": 408, "./StringReader": 409, "./Uint8ArrayReader": 410 }], 412: [function(e, x, _) {
}, {}], 413: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./GenericWorker"), m = e("../utils");
function g(b) {, "ConvertWorker to " + b), this.destType = b;
m.inherits(g, u), g.prototype.processChunk = function(b) {
data: m.transformTo(this.destType,,
meta: b.meta
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./GenericWorker": 417 }], 414: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./GenericWorker"), m = e("../crc32"), g = e("../utils");
function b() {, "Crc32Probe"), this.withStreamInfo("crc32", 0);
g.inherits(b, u), b.prototype.processChunk = function(w) {
this.streamInfo.crc32 = m(, this.streamInfo.crc32 || 0), this.push(w);
}, x.exports = b;
}, { "../crc32": 393, "../utils": 421, "./GenericWorker": 417 }], 415: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("./GenericWorker");
function g(b) {, "DataLengthProbe for " + b), this.propName = b, this.withStreamInfo(b, 0);
u.inherits(g, m), g.prototype.processChunk = function(b) {
if (b) {
var w = this.streamInfo[this.propName] || 0;
this.streamInfo[this.propName] = w +;
}, b);
}, x.exports = g;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./GenericWorker": 417 }], 416: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils"), m = e("./GenericWorker"), g = 16 * 1024;
function b(w) {, "DataWorker");
var f = this;
this.dataIsReady = !1, this.index = 0, this.max = 0, = null, this.type = "", this._tickScheduled = !1, w.then(function(y) {
f.dataIsReady = !0, = y, f.max = y && y.length || 0, f.type = u.getTypeOf(y), f.isPaused || f._tickAndRepeat();
}, function(y) {
u.inherits(b, m), b.prototype.cleanUp = function() {, = null;
}, b.prototype.resume = function() {
return ? (!this._tickScheduled && this.dataIsReady && (this._tickScheduled = !0, u.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this)), !0) : !1;
}, b.prototype._tickAndRepeat = function() {
this._tickScheduled = !1, !(this.isPaused || this.isFinished) && (this._tick(), this.isFinished || (u.delay(this._tickAndRepeat, [], this), this._tickScheduled = !0));
}, b.prototype._tick = function() {
if (this.isPaused || this.isFinished)
return !1;
var w = g, f = null, y = Math.min(this.max, this.index + w);
if (this.index >= this.max)
return this.end();
switch (this.type) {
case "string":
f =, y);
case "uint8array":
f =, y);
case "array":
case "nodebuffer":
f =, y);
return this.index = y, this.push({
data: f,
meta: {
percent: this.max ? this.index / this.max * 100 : 0
}, x.exports = b;
}, { "../utils": 421, "./GenericWorker": 417 }], 417: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) { = m || "default", this.streamInfo = {}, this.generatedError = null, this.extraStreamInfo = {}, this.isPaused = !0, this.isFinished = !1, this.isLocked = !1, this._listeners = {
data: [],
end: [],
error: []
}, this.previous = null;
u.prototype = {
* Push a chunk to the next workers.
* @param {Object} chunk the chunk to push
push: function(g) {
this.emit("data", g);
* End the stream.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call ended the worker, false otherwise.
end: function() {
if (this.isFinished)
return !1;
try {
this.emit("end"), this.cleanUp(), this.isFinished = !0;
} catch (g) {
this.emit("error", g);
return !0;
* End the stream with an error.
* @param {Error} e the error which caused the premature end.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call ended the worker with an error, false otherwise.
error: function(g) {
return this.isFinished ? !1 : (this.isPaused ? this.generatedError = g : (this.isFinished = !0, this.emit("error", g), this.previous && this.previous.error(g), this.cleanUp()), !0);
* Add a callback on an event.
* @param {String} name the name of the event (data, end, error)
* @param {Function} listener the function to call when the event is triggered
* @return {GenericWorker} the current object for chainability
on: function(g, b) {
return this._listeners[g].push(b), this;
* Clean any references when a worker is ending.
cleanUp: function() {
this.streamInfo = this.generatedError = this.extraStreamInfo = null, this._listeners = [];
* Trigger an event. This will call registered callback with the provided arg.
* @param {String} name the name of the event (data, end, error)
* @param {Object} arg the argument to call the callback with.
emit: function(g, b) {
if (this._listeners[g])
for (var w = 0; w < this._listeners[g].length; w++)
this._listeners[g][w].call(this, b);
* Chain a worker with an other.
* @param {Worker} next the worker receiving events from the current one.
* @return {worker} the next worker for chainability
pipe: function(g) {
return g.registerPrevious(this);
* Same as `pipe` in the other direction.
* Using an API with `pipe(next)` is very easy.
* Implementing the API with the point of view of the next one registering
* a source is easier, see the ZipFileWorker.
* @param {Worker} previous the previous worker, sending events to this one
* @return {Worker} the current worker for chainability
registerPrevious: function(g) {
if (this.isLocked)
throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
this.streamInfo = g.streamInfo, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this.previous = g;
var b = this;
return g.on("data", function(w) {
}), g.on("end", function() {
}), g.on("error", function(w) {
}), this;
* Pause the stream so it doesn't send events anymore.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call paused the worker, false otherwise.
pause: function() {
return this.isPaused || this.isFinished ? !1 : (this.isPaused = !0, this.previous && this.previous.pause(), !0);
* Resume a paused stream.
* @return {Boolean} true if this call resumed the worker, false otherwise.
resume: function() {
if (!this.isPaused || this.isFinished)
return !1;
this.isPaused = !1;
var g = !1;
return this.generatedError && (this.error(this.generatedError), g = !0), this.previous && this.previous.resume(), !g;
* Flush any remaining bytes as the stream is ending.
flush: function() {
* Process a chunk. This is usually the method overridden.
* @param {Object} chunk the chunk to process.
processChunk: function(g) {
* Add a key/value to be added in the workers chain streamInfo once activated.
* @param {String} key the key to use
* @param {Object} value the associated value
* @return {Worker} the current worker for chainability
withStreamInfo: function(g, b) {
return this.extraStreamInfo[g] = b, this.mergeStreamInfo(), this;
* Merge this worker's streamInfo into the chain's streamInfo.
mergeStreamInfo: function() {
for (var g in this.extraStreamInfo)
this.extraStreamInfo.hasOwnProperty(g) && (this.streamInfo[g] = this.extraStreamInfo[g]);
* Lock the stream to prevent further updates on the workers chain.
* After calling this method, all calls to pipe will fail.
lock: function() {
if (this.isLocked)
throw new Error("The stream '" + this + "' has already been used.");
this.isLocked = !0, this.previous && this.previous.lock();
* Pretty print the workers chain.
toString: function() {
var g = "Worker " +;
return this.previous ? this.previous + " -> " + g : g;
}, x.exports = u;
}, {}], 418: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = e("../utils"), g = e("./ConvertWorker"), b = e("./GenericWorker"), w = e("../base64"), f = e("../support"), y = e("../external"), h = null;
if (f.nodestream)
try {
h = e("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter");
} catch (c) {
function l(c, a, r) {
switch (c) {
case "blob":
return m.newBlob(m.transformTo("arraybuffer", a), r);
case "base64":
return w.encode(a);
return m.transformTo(c, a);
function d(c, a) {
var r, t = 0, i = null, n = 0;
for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
n += a[r].length;
switch (c) {
case "string":
return a.join("");
case "array":
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], a);
case "uint8array":
for (i = new Uint8Array(n), r = 0; r < a.length; r++)
i.set(a[r], t), t += a[r].length;
return i;
case "nodebuffer":
return u.concat(a);
throw new Error("concat : unsupported type '" + c + "'");
function s(c, a) {
return new y.Promise(function(r, t) {
var i = [], n = c._internalType, o = c._outputType, p = c._mimeType;
c.on("data", function(O, P) {
i.push(O), a && a(P);
}).on("error", function(O) {
i = [], t(O);
}).on("end", function() {
try {
var O = l(o, d(n, i), p);
} catch (P) {
i = [];
function v(c, a, r) {
var t = a;
switch (a) {
case "blob":
case "arraybuffer":
t = "uint8array";
case "base64":
t = "string";
try {
this._internalType = t, this._outputType = a, this._mimeType = r, m.checkSupport(t), this._worker = c.pipe(new g(t)), c.lock();
} catch (i) {
this._worker = new b("error"), this._worker.error(i);
v.prototype = {
* Listen a StreamHelper, accumulate its content and concatenate it into a
* complete block.
* @param {Function} updateCb the update callback.
* @return Promise the promise for the accumulation.
accumulate: function(a) {
return s(this, a);
* Add a listener on an event triggered on a stream.
* @param {String} evt the name of the event
* @param {Function} fn the listener
* @return {StreamHelper} the current helper.
on: function(a, r) {
var t = this;
return a === "data" ? this._worker.on(a, function(i) {,, i.meta);
}) : this._worker.on(a, function() {
m.delay(r, arguments, t);
}), this;
* Resume the flow of chunks.
* @return {StreamHelper} the current helper.
resume: function() {
return m.delay(this._worker.resume, [], this._worker), this;
* Pause the flow of chunks.
* @return {StreamHelper} the current helper.
pause: function() {
return this._worker.pause(), this;
* Return a nodejs stream for this helper.
* @param {Function} updateCb the update callback.
* @return {NodejsStreamOutputAdapter} the nodejs stream.
toNodejsStream: function(a) {
if (m.checkSupport("nodestream"), this._outputType !== "nodebuffer")
throw new Error(this._outputType + " is not supported by this method");
return new h(this, {
objectMode: this._outputType !== "nodebuffer"
}, a);
}, x.exports = v;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { "../base64": 390, "../external": 395, "../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter": 402, "../support": 419, "../utils": 421, "./ConvertWorker": 413, "./GenericWorker": 417, buffer: 216 }], 419: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
if (_.base64 = !0, _.array = !0, _.string = !0, _.arraybuffer = typeof ArrayBuffer != "undefined" && typeof Uint8Array != "undefined", _.nodebuffer = typeof u != "undefined", _.uint8array = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined", typeof ArrayBuffer == "undefined")
_.blob = !1;
else {
var m = new ArrayBuffer(0);
try {
_.blob = new Blob([m], {
type: "application/zip"
}).size === 0;
} catch (w) {
try {
var g = self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder, b = new g();
b.append(m), _.blob = b.getBlob("application/zip").size === 0;
} catch (f) {
_.blob = !1;
try {
_.nodestream = !!e("readable-stream").Readable;
} catch (w) {
_.nodestream = !1;
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer);
}, { buffer: 216, "readable-stream": 405 }], 420: [function(e, x, _) {
for (var u = e("./utils"), m = e("./support"), g = e("./nodejsUtils"), b = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), w = new Array(256), f = 0; f < 256; f++)
w[f] = f >= 252 ? 6 : f >= 248 ? 5 : f >= 240 ? 4 : f >= 224 ? 3 : f >= 192 ? 2 : 1;
w[254] = w[254] = 1;
var y = function(c) {
var a, r, t, i, n, o = c.length, p = 0;
for (i = 0; i < o; i++)
r = c.charCodeAt(i), (r & 64512) === 55296 && i + 1 < o && (t = c.charCodeAt(i + 1), (t & 64512) === 56320 && (r = 65536 + (r - 55296 << 10) + (t - 56320), i++)), p += r < 128 ? 1 : r < 2048 ? 2 : r < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
for (m.uint8array ? a = new Uint8Array(p) : a = new Array(p), n = 0, i = 0; n < p; i++)
r = c.charCodeAt(i), (r & 64512) === 55296 && i + 1 < o && (t = c.charCodeAt(i + 1), (t & 64512) === 56320 && (r = 65536 + (r - 55296 << 10) + (t - 56320), i++)), r < 128 ? a[n++] = r : r < 2048 ? (a[n++] = 192 | r >>> 6, a[n++] = 128 | r & 63) : r < 65536 ? (a[n++] = 224 | r >>> 12, a[n++] = 128 | r >>> 6 & 63, a[n++] = 128 | r & 63) : (a[n++] = 240 | r >>> 18, a[n++] = 128 | r >>> 12 & 63, a[n++] = 128 | r >>> 6 & 63, a[n++] = 128 | r & 63);
return a;
}, h = function(c, a) {
var r;
for (a = a || c.length, a > c.length && (a = c.length), r = a - 1; r >= 0 && (c[r] & 192) === 128; )
return r < 0 || r === 0 ? a : r + w[c[r]] > a ? r : a;
}, l = function(c) {
var a, r, t, i, n = c.length, o = new Array(n * 2);
for (r = 0, a = 0; a < n; ) {
if (t = c[a++], t < 128) {
o[r++] = t;
if (i = w[t], i > 4) {
o[r++] = 65533, a += i - 1;
for (t &= i === 2 ? 31 : i === 3 ? 15 : 7; i > 1 && a < n; )
t = t << 6 | c[a++] & 63, i--;
if (i > 1) {
o[r++] = 65533;
t < 65536 ? o[r++] = t : (t -= 65536, o[r++] = 55296 | t >> 10 & 1023, o[r++] = 56320 | t & 1023);
return o.length !== r && (o.subarray ? o = o.subarray(0, r) : o.length = r), u.applyFromCharCode(o);
_.utf8encode = function(c) {
return m.nodebuffer ? g.newBufferFrom(c, "utf-8") : y(c);
}, _.utf8decode = function(c) {
return m.nodebuffer ? u.transformTo("nodebuffer", c).toString("utf-8") : (c = u.transformTo(m.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", c), l(c));
function d() {, "utf-8 decode"), this.leftOver = null;
u.inherits(d, b), d.prototype.processChunk = function(v) {
var c = u.transformTo(m.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array",;
if (this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length) {
if (m.uint8array) {
var a = c;
c = new Uint8Array(a.length + this.leftOver.length), c.set(this.leftOver, 0), c.set(a, this.leftOver.length);
} else
c = this.leftOver.concat(c);
this.leftOver = null;
var r = h(c), t = c;
r !== c.length && (m.uint8array ? (t = c.subarray(0, r), this.leftOver = c.subarray(r, c.length)) : (t = c.slice(0, r), this.leftOver = c.slice(r, c.length))), this.push({
data: _.utf8decode(t),
meta: v.meta
}, d.prototype.flush = function() {
this.leftOver && this.leftOver.length && (this.push({
data: _.utf8decode(this.leftOver),
meta: {}
}), this.leftOver = null);
}, _.Utf8DecodeWorker = d;
function s() {, "utf-8 encode");
u.inherits(s, b), s.prototype.processChunk = function(v) {
data: _.utf8encode(,
meta: v.meta
}, _.Utf8EncodeWorker = s;
}, { "./nodejsUtils": 403, "./stream/GenericWorker": 417, "./support": 419, "./utils": 421 }], 421: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./support"), m = e("./base64"), g = e("./nodejsUtils"), b = e("set-immediate-shim"), w = e("./external");
function f(c) {
var a = null;
return u.uint8array ? a = new Uint8Array(c.length) : a = new Array(c.length), h(c, a);
_.newBlob = function(c, a) {
try {
return new Blob([c], {
type: a
} catch (i) {
try {
var r = self.BlobBuilder || self.WebKitBlobBuilder || self.MozBlobBuilder || self.MSBlobBuilder, t = new r();
return t.append(c), t.getBlob(a);
} catch (n) {
throw new Error("Bug : can't construct the Blob.");
function y(c) {
return c;
function h(c, a) {
for (var r = 0; r < c.length; ++r)
a[r] = c.charCodeAt(r) & 255;
return a;
var l = {
* Transform an array of int into a string, chunk by chunk.
* See the performances notes on arrayLikeToString.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
* @param {String} type the type of the array.
* @param {Integer} chunk the chunk size.
* @return {String} the resulting string.
* @throws Error if the chunk is too big for the stack.
stringifyByChunk: function(a, r, t) {
var i = [], n = 0, o = a.length;
if (o <= t)
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a);
for (; n < o; )
r === "array" || r === "nodebuffer" ? i.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.slice(n, Math.min(n + t, o)))) : i.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.subarray(n, Math.min(n + t, o)))), n += t;
return i.join("");
* Call String.fromCharCode on every item in the array.
* This is the naive implementation, which generate A LOT of intermediate string.
* This should be used when everything else fail.
* @param {Array|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} array the array to transform.
* @return {String} the result.
stringifyByChar: function(a) {
for (var r = "", t = 0; t < a.length; t++)
r += String.fromCharCode(a[t]);
return r;
applyCanBeUsed: {
* true if the browser accepts to use String.fromCharCode on Uint8Array
uint8array: function() {
try {
return u.uint8array && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)).length === 1;
} catch (c) {
return !1;
* true if the browser accepts to use String.fromCharCode on nodejs Buffer.
nodebuffer: function() {
try {
return u.nodebuffer && String.fromCharCode.apply(null, g.allocBuffer(1)).length === 1;
} catch (c) {
return !1;
function d(c) {
var a = 65536, r = _.getTypeOf(c), t = !0;
if (r === "uint8array" ? t = l.applyCanBeUsed.uint8array : r === "nodebuffer" && (t = l.applyCanBeUsed.nodebuffer), t)
for (; a > 1; )
try {
return l.stringifyByChunk(c, r, a);
} catch (i) {
a = Math.floor(a / 2);
return l.stringifyByChar(c);
_.applyFromCharCode = d;
function s(c, a) {
for (var r = 0; r < c.length; r++)
a[r] = c[r];
return a;
var v = {};
v.string = {
string: y,
array: function(a) {
return h(a, new Array(a.length));
arraybuffer: function(a) {
return v.string.uint8array(a).buffer;
uint8array: function(a) {
return h(a, new Uint8Array(a.length));
nodebuffer: function(a) {
return h(a, g.allocBuffer(a.length));
}, v.array = {
string: d,
array: y,
arraybuffer: function(a) {
return new Uint8Array(a).buffer;
uint8array: function(a) {
return new Uint8Array(a);
nodebuffer: function(a) {
return g.newBufferFrom(a);
}, v.arraybuffer = {
string: function(a) {
return d(new Uint8Array(a));
array: function(a) {
return s(new Uint8Array(a), new Array(a.byteLength));
arraybuffer: y,
uint8array: function(a) {
return new Uint8Array(a);
nodebuffer: function(a) {
return g.newBufferFrom(new Uint8Array(a));
}, v.uint8array = {
string: d,
array: function(a) {
return s(a, new Array(a.length));
arraybuffer: function(a) {
return a.buffer;
uint8array: y,
nodebuffer: function(a) {
return g.newBufferFrom(a);
}, v.nodebuffer = {
string: d,
array: function(a) {
return s(a, new Array(a.length));
arraybuffer: function(a) {
return v.nodebuffer.uint8array(a).buffer;
uint8array: function(a) {
return s(a, new Uint8Array(a.length));
nodebuffer: y
}, _.transformTo = function(c, a) {
if (a || (a = ""), !c)
return a;
var r = _.getTypeOf(a), t = v[r][c](a);
return t;
}, _.getTypeOf = function(c) {
if (typeof c == "string")
return "string";
if ( === "[object Array]")
return "array";
if (u.nodebuffer && g.isBuffer(c))
return "nodebuffer";
if (u.uint8array && c instanceof Uint8Array)
return "uint8array";
if (u.arraybuffer && c instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return "arraybuffer";
}, _.checkSupport = function(c) {
var a = u[c.toLowerCase()];
if (!a)
throw new Error(c + " is not supported by this platform");
}, _.MAX_VALUE_16BITS = 65535, _.MAX_VALUE_32BITS = -1, _.pretty = function(c) {
var a = "", r, t;
for (t = 0; t < (c || "").length; t++)
r = c.charCodeAt(t), a += "\\x" + (r < 16 ? "0" : "") + r.toString(16).toUpperCase();
return a;
}, _.delay = function(c, a, r) {
b(function() {
c.apply(r || null, a || []);
}, _.inherits = function(c, a) {
var r = function() {
r.prototype = a.prototype, c.prototype = new r();
}, _.extend = function() {
var c = {}, a, r;
for (a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++)
for (r in arguments[a])
arguments[a].hasOwnProperty(r) && typeof c[r] == "undefined" && (c[r] = arguments[a][r]);
return c;
}, _.prepareContent = function(c, a, r, t, i) {
var n = w.Promise.resolve(a).then(function(o) {
var p = u.blob && (o instanceof Blob || ["[object File]", "[object Blob]"].indexOf( !== -1);
return p && typeof FileReader != "undefined" ? new w.Promise(function(O, P) {
var F = new FileReader();
F.onload = function(z) {
}, F.onerror = function(z) {
}, F.readAsArrayBuffer(o);
}) : o;
return n.then(function(o) {
var p = _.getTypeOf(o);
return p ? (p === "arraybuffer" ? o = _.transformTo("uint8array", o) : p === "string" && (i ? o = m.decode(o) : r && t !== !0 && (o = f(o))), o) : w.Promise.reject(new Error("Can't read the data of '" + c + "'. Is it in a supported JavaScript type (String, Blob, ArrayBuffer, etc) ?"));
}, { "./base64": 390, "./external": 395, "./nodejsUtils": 403, "./support": 419, "set-immediate-shim": 497 }], 422: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./reader/readerFor"), m = e("./utils"), g = e("./signature"), b = e("./zipEntry");
var w = e("./support");
function f(y) {
this.files = [], this.loadOptions = y;
f.prototype = {
* Check that the reader is on the specified signature.
* @param {string} expectedSignature the expected signature.
* @throws {Error} if it is an other signature.
checkSignature: function(h) {
if (!this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(h)) {
this.reader.index -= 4;
var l = this.reader.readString(4);
throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: unexpected signature (" + m.pretty(l) + ", expected " + m.pretty(h) + ")");
* Check if the given signature is at the given index.
* @param {number} askedIndex the index to check.
* @param {string} expectedSignature the signature to expect.
* @return {boolean} true if the signature is here, false otherwise.
isSignature: function(h, l) {
var d = this.reader.index;
var s = this.reader.readString(4), v = s === l;
return this.reader.setIndex(d), v;
* Read the end of the central directory.
readBlockEndOfCentral: function() {
this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(2), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(2), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(4), this.zipCommentLength = this.reader.readInt(2);
var h = this.reader.readData(this.zipCommentLength), l = w.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array", d = m.transformTo(l, h);
this.zipComment = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(d);
* Read the end of the Zip 64 central directory.
* Not merged with the method readEndOfCentral :
* The end of central can coexist with its Zip64 brother,
* I don't want to read the wrong number of bytes !
readBlockZip64EndOfCentral: function() {
this.zip64EndOfCentralSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.reader.skip(4), this.diskNumber = this.reader.readInt(4), this.diskWithCentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirRecords = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirSize = this.reader.readInt(8), this.centralDirOffset = this.reader.readInt(8), this.zip64ExtensibleData = {};
for (var h = this.zip64EndOfCentralSize - 44, l = 0, d, s, v; l < h; )
d = this.reader.readInt(2), s = this.reader.readInt(4), v = this.reader.readData(s), this.zip64ExtensibleData[d] = {
id: d,
length: s,
value: v
* Read the end of the Zip 64 central directory locator.
readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator: function() {
if (this.diskWithZip64CentralDirStart = this.reader.readInt(4), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.readInt(8), this.disksCount = this.reader.readInt(4), this.disksCount > 1)
throw new Error("Multi-volumes zip are not supported");
* Read the local files, based on the offset read in the central part.
readLocalFiles: function() {
var h, l;
for (h = 0; h < this.files.length; h++)
l = this.files[h], this.reader.setIndex(l.localHeaderOffset), this.checkSignature(g.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER), l.readLocalPart(this.reader), l.handleUTF8(), l.processAttributes();
* Read the central directory.
readCentralDir: function() {
var h;
for (this.reader.setIndex(this.centralDirOffset); this.reader.readAndCheckSignature(g.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER); )
h = new b({
zip64: this.zip64
}, this.loadOptions), h.readCentralPart(this.reader), this.files.push(h);
if (this.centralDirRecords !== this.files.length && this.centralDirRecords !== 0 && this.files.length === 0)
throw new Error("Corrupted zip or bug: expected " + this.centralDirRecords + " records in central dir, got " + this.files.length);
* Read the end of central directory.
readEndOfCentral: function() {
var h = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(g.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END);
if (h < 0) {
var l = !this.isSignature(0, g.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER);
throw l ? new Error("Can't find end of central directory : is this a zip file ? If it is, see") : new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find end of central directory");
var d = h;
if (this.checkSignature(g.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockEndOfCentral(), this.diskNumber === m.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.diskWithCentralDirStart === m.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecordsOnThisDisk === m.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirRecords === m.MAX_VALUE_16BITS || this.centralDirSize === m.MAX_VALUE_32BITS || this.centralDirOffset === m.MAX_VALUE_32BITS) {
if (this.zip64 = !0, h = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(g.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR), h < 0)
throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory locator");
if (this.reader.setIndex(h), this.checkSignature(g.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentralLocator(), !this.isSignature(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir, g.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END) && (this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir = this.reader.lastIndexOfSignature(g.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir < 0))
throw new Error("Corrupted zip: can't find the ZIP64 end of central directory");
this.reader.setIndex(this.relativeOffsetEndOfZip64CentralDir), this.checkSignature(g.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END), this.readBlockZip64EndOfCentral();
var s = this.centralDirOffset + this.centralDirSize;
this.zip64 && (s += 20, s += 12 + this.zip64EndOfCentralSize);
var v = d - s;
if (v > 0)
this.isSignature(d, g.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER) || ( = v);
else if (v < 0)
throw new Error("Corrupted zip: missing " + Math.abs(v) + " bytes.");
prepareReader: function(h) {
this.reader = u(h);
* Read a zip file and create ZipEntries.
* @param {String|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Buffer} data the binary string representing a zip file.
load: function(h) {
this.prepareReader(h), this.readEndOfCentral(), this.readCentralDir(), this.readLocalFiles();
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./reader/readerFor": 411, "./signature": 412, "./support": 419, "./utf8": 420, "./utils": 421, "./zipEntry": 423 }], 423: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./reader/readerFor"), m = e("./utils"), g = e("./compressedObject"), b = e("./crc32"), w = e("./utf8"), f = e("./compressions"), y = e("./support"), h = 0, l = 3, d = function(c) {
for (var a in f)
if (f.hasOwnProperty(a) && f[a].magic === c)
return f[a];
return null;
function s(v, c) {
this.options = v, this.loadOptions = c;
s.prototype = {
* say if the file is encrypted.
* @return {boolean} true if the file is encrypted, false otherwise.
isEncrypted: function() {
return (this.bitFlag & 1) === 1;
* say if the file has utf-8 filename/comment.
* @return {boolean} true if the filename/comment is in utf-8, false otherwise.
useUTF8: function() {
return (this.bitFlag & 2048) === 2048;
* Read the local part of a zip file and add the info in this object.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
readLocalPart: function(c) {
var a, r;
if (c.skip(22), this.fileNameLength = c.readInt(2), r = c.readInt(2), this.fileName = c.readData(this.fileNameLength), c.skip(r), this.compressedSize === -1 || this.uncompressedSize === -1)
throw new Error("Bug or corrupted zip : didn't get enough information from the central directory (compressedSize === -1 || uncompressedSize === -1)");
if (a = d(this.compressionMethod), a === null)
throw new Error("Corrupted zip : compression " + m.pretty(this.compressionMethod) + " unknown (inner file : " + m.transformTo("string", this.fileName) + ")");
this.decompressed = new g(this.compressedSize, this.uncompressedSize, this.crc32, a, c.readData(this.compressedSize));
* Read the central part of a zip file and add the info in this object.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
readCentralPart: function(c) {
this.versionMadeBy = c.readInt(2), c.skip(2), this.bitFlag = c.readInt(2), this.compressionMethod = c.readString(2), = c.readDate(), this.crc32 = c.readInt(4), this.compressedSize = c.readInt(4), this.uncompressedSize = c.readInt(4);
var a = c.readInt(2);
if (this.extraFieldsLength = c.readInt(2), this.fileCommentLength = c.readInt(2), this.diskNumberStart = c.readInt(2), this.internalFileAttributes = c.readInt(2), this.externalFileAttributes = c.readInt(4), this.localHeaderOffset = c.readInt(4), this.isEncrypted())
throw new Error("Encrypted zip are not supported");
c.skip(a), this.readExtraFields(c), this.parseZIP64ExtraField(c), this.fileComment = c.readData(this.fileCommentLength);
* Parse the external file attributes and get the unix/dos permissions.
processAttributes: function() {
this.unixPermissions = null, this.dosPermissions = null;
var c = this.versionMadeBy >> 8;
this.dir = !!(this.externalFileAttributes & 16), c === h && (this.dosPermissions = this.externalFileAttributes & 63), c === l && (this.unixPermissions = this.externalFileAttributes >> 16 & 65535), !this.dir && this.fileNameStr.slice(-1) === "/" && (this.dir = !0);
* Parse the ZIP64 extra field and merge the info in the current ZipEntry.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
parseZIP64ExtraField: function(c) {
if (this.extraFields[1]) {
var a = u(this.extraFields[1].value);
this.uncompressedSize === m.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.uncompressedSize = a.readInt(8)), this.compressedSize === m.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.compressedSize = a.readInt(8)), this.localHeaderOffset === m.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.localHeaderOffset = a.readInt(8)), this.diskNumberStart === m.MAX_VALUE_32BITS && (this.diskNumberStart = a.readInt(4));
* Read the central part of a zip file and add the info in this object.
* @param {DataReader} reader the reader to use.
readExtraFields: function(c) {
var a = c.index + this.extraFieldsLength, r, t, i;
for (this.extraFields || (this.extraFields = {}); c.index + 4 < a; )
r = c.readInt(2), t = c.readInt(2), i = c.readData(t), this.extraFields[r] = {
id: r,
length: t,
value: i
* Apply an UTF8 transformation if needed.
handleUTF8: function() {
var c = y.uint8array ? "uint8array" : "array";
if (this.useUTF8())
this.fileNameStr = w.utf8decode(this.fileName), this.fileCommentStr = w.utf8decode(this.fileComment);
else {
var a = this.findExtraFieldUnicodePath();
if (a !== null)
this.fileNameStr = a;
else {
var r = m.transformTo(c, this.fileName);
this.fileNameStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(r);
var t = this.findExtraFieldUnicodeComment();
if (t !== null)
this.fileCommentStr = t;
else {
var i = m.transformTo(c, this.fileComment);
this.fileCommentStr = this.loadOptions.decodeFileName(i);
* Find the unicode path declared in the extra field, if any.
* @return {String} the unicode path, null otherwise.
findExtraFieldUnicodePath: function() {
var c = this.extraFields[28789];
if (c) {
var a = u(c.value);
return a.readInt(1) !== 1 || b(this.fileName) !== a.readInt(4) ? null : w.utf8decode(a.readData(c.length - 5));
return null;
* Find the unicode comment declared in the extra field, if any.
* @return {String} the unicode comment, null otherwise.
findExtraFieldUnicodeComment: function() {
var c = this.extraFields[25461];
if (c) {
var a = u(c.value);
return a.readInt(1) !== 1 || b(this.fileComment) !== a.readInt(4) ? null : w.utf8decode(a.readData(c.length - 5));
return null;
}, x.exports = s;
}, { "./compressedObject": 391, "./compressions": 392, "./crc32": 393, "./reader/readerFor": 411, "./support": 419, "./utf8": 420, "./utils": 421 }], 424: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./stream/StreamHelper"), m = e("./stream/DataWorker"), g = e("./utf8"), b = e("./compressedObject"), w = e("./stream/GenericWorker"), f = function(s, v, c) { = s, this.dir = c.dir, =, this.comment = c.comment, this.unixPermissions = c.unixPermissions, this.dosPermissions = c.dosPermissions, this._data = v, this._dataBinary = c.binary, this.options = {
compression: c.compression,
compressionOptions: c.compressionOptions
f.prototype = {
* Create an internal stream for the content of this object.
* @param {String} type the type of each chunk.
* @return StreamHelper the stream.
internalStream: function(s) {
var v = null, c = "string";
try {
if (!s)
throw new Error("No output type specified.");
c = s.toLowerCase();
var a = c === "string" || c === "text";
(c === "binarystring" || c === "text") && (c = "string"), v = this._decompressWorker();
var r = !this._dataBinary;
r && !a && (v = v.pipe(new g.Utf8EncodeWorker())), !r && a && (v = v.pipe(new g.Utf8DecodeWorker()));
} catch (t) {
v = new w("error"), v.error(t);
return new u(v, c, "");
* Prepare the content in the asked type.
* @param {String} type the type of the result.
* @param {Function} onUpdate a function to call on each internal update.
* @return Promise the promise of the result.
async: function(s, v) {
return this.internalStream(s).accumulate(v);
* Prepare the content as a nodejs stream.
* @param {String} type the type of each chunk.
* @param {Function} onUpdate a function to call on each internal update.
* @return Stream the stream.
nodeStream: function(s, v) {
return this.internalStream(s || "nodebuffer").toNodejsStream(v);
* Return a worker for the compressed content.
* @private
* @param {Object} compression the compression object to use.
* @param {Object} compressionOptions the options to use when compressing.
* @return Worker the worker.
_compressWorker: function(s, v) {
if (this._data instanceof b && this._data.compression.magic === s.magic)
return this._data.getCompressedWorker();
var c = this._decompressWorker();
return this._dataBinary || (c = c.pipe(new g.Utf8EncodeWorker())), b.createWorkerFrom(c, s, v);
* Return a worker for the decompressed content.
* @private
* @return Worker the worker.
_decompressWorker: function() {
return this._data instanceof b ? this._data.getContentWorker() : this._data instanceof w ? this._data : new m(this._data);
for (var y = ["asText", "asBinary", "asNodeBuffer", "asUint8Array", "asArrayBuffer"], h = function() {
throw new Error("This method has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.");
}, l = 0; l < y.length; l++)
f.prototype[y[l]] = h;
x.exports = f;
}, { "./compressedObject": 391, "./stream/DataWorker": 416, "./stream/GenericWorker": 417, "./stream/StreamHelper": 418, "./utf8": 420 }], 425: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(n) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(p) {
return typeof p;
} : u = function(p) {
return p && typeof Symbol == "function" && p.constructor === Symbol && p !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof p;
}, u(n);
var m = e("immediate");
function g() {
var b = {}, w = ["REJECTED"], f = ["FULFILLED"], y = ["PENDING"];
x.exports = h;
function h(n) {
if (typeof n != "function")
throw new TypeError("resolver must be a function");
this.state = y, this.queue = [], this.outcome = void 0, n !== g && v(this, n);
h.prototype.finally = function(n) {
if (typeof n != "function")
return this;
var o = this.constructor;
return this.then(p, O);
function p(P) {
function F() {
return P;
return o.resolve(n()).then(F);
function O(P) {
function F() {
throw P;
return o.resolve(n()).then(F);
}, h.prototype.catch = function(n) {
return this.then(null, n);
}, h.prototype.then = function(n, o) {
if (typeof n != "function" && this.state === f || typeof o != "function" && this.state === w)
return this;
var p = new this.constructor(g);
if (this.state !== y) {
var O = this.state === f ? n : o;
d(p, O, this.outcome);
} else
this.queue.push(new l(p, n, o));
return p;
function l(n, o, p) {
this.promise = n, typeof o == "function" && (this.onFulfilled = o, this.callFulfilled = this.otherCallFulfilled), typeof p == "function" && (this.onRejected = p, this.callRejected = this.otherCallRejected);
l.prototype.callFulfilled = function(n) {
b.resolve(this.promise, n);
}, l.prototype.otherCallFulfilled = function(n) {
d(this.promise, this.onFulfilled, n);
}, l.prototype.callRejected = function(n) {
b.reject(this.promise, n);
}, l.prototype.otherCallRejected = function(n) {
d(this.promise, this.onRejected, n);
function d(n, o, p) {
m(function() {
var O;
try {
O = o(p);
} catch (P) {
return b.reject(n, P);
O === n ? b.reject(n, new TypeError("Cannot resolve promise with itself")) : b.resolve(n, O);
b.resolve = function(n, o) {
var p = c(s, o);
if (p.status === "error")
return b.reject(n, p.value);
var O = p.value;
if (O)
v(n, O);
else {
n.state = f, n.outcome = o;
for (var P = -1, F = n.queue.length; ++P < F; )
return n;
}, b.reject = function(n, o) {
n.state = w, n.outcome = o;
for (var p = -1, O = n.queue.length; ++p < O; )
return n;
function s(n) {
var o = n && n.then;
if (n && (u(n) === "object" || typeof n == "function") && typeof o == "function")
return function() {
o.apply(n, arguments);
function v(n, o) {
var p = !1;
function O(N) {
p || (p = !0, b.reject(n, N));
function P(N) {
p || (p = !0, b.resolve(n, N));
function F() {
o(P, O);
var z = c(F);
z.status === "error" && O(z.value);
function c(n, o) {
var p = {};
try {
p.value = n(o), p.status = "success";
} catch (O) {
p.status = "error", p.value = O;
return p;
h.resolve = a;
function a(n) {
return n instanceof this ? n : b.resolve(new this(g), n);
h.reject = r;
function r(n) {
var o = new this(g);
return b.reject(o, n);
h.all = t;
function t(n) {
var o = this;
if ( !== "[object Array]")
return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
var p = n.length, O = !1;
if (!p)
return this.resolve([]);
for (var P = new Array(p), F = 0, z = -1, N = new this(g); ++z < p; )
M(n[z], z);
return N;
function M(I, R) {
o.resolve(I).then(C, function(E) {
O || (O = !0, b.reject(N, E));
function C(E) {
P[R] = E, ++F === p && !O && (O = !0, b.resolve(N, P));
h.race = i;
function i(n) {
var o = this;
if ( !== "[object Array]")
return this.reject(new TypeError("must be an array"));
var p = n.length, O = !1;
if (!p)
return this.resolve([]);
for (var P = -1, F = new this(g); ++P < p; )
return F;
function z(N) {
o.resolve(N).then(function(M) {
O || (O = !0, b.resolve(F, M));
}, function(M) {
O || (O = !0, b.reject(F, M));
}, { immediate: 386 }], 426: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(p) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(P) {
return typeof P;
} : m = function(P) {
return P && typeof Symbol == "function" && P.constructor === Symbol && P !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof P;
}, m(p);
var g = 1 / 0, b = "[object Symbol]", w = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, f = RegExp(w.source), y = (typeof u == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(u)) == "object" && u && u.Object === Object && u, h = (typeof self == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(self)) == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, l = y || h || Function("return this")(), d = Object.prototype, s = d.toString, v = l.Symbol, c = v ? v.prototype : void 0, a = c ? c.toString : void 0;
function r(p) {
if (typeof p == "string")
return p;
if (i(p))
return a ? : "";
var O = p + "";
return O == "0" && 1 / p == -g ? "-0" : O;
function t(p) {
return !!p && m(p) == "object";
function i(p) {
return m(p) == "symbol" || t(p) && == b;
function n(p) {
return p == null ? "" : r(p);
function o(p) {
return p = n(p), p && f.test(p) ? p.replace(w, "\\$&") : p;
x.exports = o;
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 427: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(le) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(Xe) {
return typeof Xe;
} : m = function(Xe) {
return Xe && typeof Symbol == "function" && Xe.constructor === Symbol && Xe !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof Xe;
}, m(le);
var g = 200, b = "Expected a function", w = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", f = 1, y = 2, h = 1 / 0, l = 9007199254740991, d = "[object Arguments]", s = "[object Array]", v = "[object Boolean]", c = "[object Date]", a = "[object Error]", r = "[object Function]", t = "[object GeneratorFunction]", i = "[object Map]", n = "[object Number]", o = "[object Object]", p = "[object Promise]", O = "[object RegExp]", P = "[object Set]", F = "[object String]", z = "[object Symbol]", N = "[object WeakMap]", M = "[object ArrayBuffer]", I = "[object DataView]", R = "[object Float32Array]", C = "[object Float64Array]", E = "[object Int8Array]", A = "[object Int16Array]", L = "[object Int32Array]", $ = "[object Uint8Array]", W = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", U = "[object Uint16Array]", D = "[object Uint32Array]", B = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, j = /^\w*$/, V = /^\./, re = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, ee = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, ce = /\\(\\)?/g, ve = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, ge = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, oe = {};
oe[R] = oe[C] = oe[E] = oe[A] = oe[L] = oe[$] = oe[W] = oe[U] = oe[D] = !0, oe[d] = oe[s] = oe[M] = oe[v] = oe[I] = oe[c] = oe[a] = oe[r] = oe[i] = oe[n] = oe[o] = oe[O] = oe[P] = oe[F] = oe[N] = !1;
var J = (typeof u == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(u)) == "object" && u && u.Object === Object && u, Q = (typeof self == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(self)) == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, he = J || Q || Function("return this")(), ke = (typeof _ == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(_)) == "object" && _ && !_.nodeType && _, ne = ke && (typeof x == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(x)) == "object" && x && !x.nodeType && x, se = ne && ne.exports === ke, Ce = se && J.process, q = function() {
try {
return Ce && Ce.binding("util");
} catch (le) {
}(), G = q && q.isTypedArray;
function Y(le, Oe, Xe, ft) {
for (var Tt = -1, mt = le ? le.length : 0; ++Tt < mt; ) {
var Xt = le[Tt];
Oe(ft, Xt, Xe(Xt), le);
return ft;
function fe(le, Oe) {
for (var Xe = -1, ft = le ? le.length : 0; ++Xe < ft; )
if (Oe(le[Xe], Xe, le))
return !0;
return !1;
function we(le) {
return function(Oe) {
return Oe == null ? void 0 : Oe[le];
function _e(le, Oe) {
for (var Xe = -1, ft = Array(le); ++Xe < le; )
ft[Xe] = Oe(Xe);
return ft;
function je(le) {
return function(Oe) {
return le(Oe);
function Ye(le, Oe) {
return le == null ? void 0 : le[Oe];
function nt(le) {
var Oe = !1;
if (le != null && typeof le.toString != "function")
try {
Oe = !!(le + "");
} catch (Xe) {
return Oe;
function ut(le) {
var Oe = -1, Xe = Array(le.size);
return le.forEach(function(ft, Tt) {
Xe[++Oe] = [Tt, ft];
}), Xe;
function ot(le, Oe) {
return function(Xe) {
return le(Oe(Xe));
function Ue(le) {
var Oe = -1, Xe = Array(le.size);
return le.forEach(function(ft) {
Xe[++Oe] = ft;
}), Xe;
var Ve = Array.prototype, Qe = Function.prototype, tt = Object.prototype, ae = he["__core-js_shared__"], Re = function() {
var le = /[^.]+$/.exec(ae && ae.keys && ae.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return le ? "Symbol(src)_1." + le : "";
}(), be = Qe.toString, Ee = tt.hasOwnProperty, pe = tt.toString, Pe = RegExp("^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"), te = he.Symbol, He = he.Uint8Array, it = tt.propertyIsEnumerable, K = Ve.splice, Me = ot(Object.keys, Object), Le = kn(he, "DataView"), ue = kn(he, "Map"), Se = kn(he, "Promise"), Ie = kn(he, "Set"), st = kn(he, "WeakMap"), Ge = kn(Object, "create"), rt = Je(Le), _t = Je(ue), wt = Je(Se), Ot = Je(Ie), pt = Je(st), ct = te ? te.prototype : void 0, At = ct ? ct.valueOf : void 0, Pt = ct ? ct.toString : void 0;
function bt(le) {
var Oe = -1, Xe = le ? le.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++Oe < Xe; ) {
var ft = le[Oe];
this.set(ft[0], ft[1]);
function Kt() {
this.__data__ = Ge ? Ge(null) : {};
function Ct(le) {
return this.has(le) && delete this.__data__[le];
function xt(le) {
var Oe = this.__data__;
if (Ge) {
var Xe = Oe[le];
return Xe === w ? void 0 : Xe;
return, le) ? Oe[le] : void 0;
function Ft(le) {
var Oe = this.__data__;
return Ge ? Oe[le] !== void 0 :, le);
function Lt(le, Oe) {
var Xe = this.__data__;
return Xe[le] = Ge && Oe === void 0 ? w : Oe, this;
bt.prototype.clear = Kt, bt.prototype.delete = Ct, bt.prototype.get = xt, bt.prototype.has = Ft, bt.prototype.set = Lt;
function Et(le) {
var Oe = -1, Xe = le ? le.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++Oe < Xe; ) {
var ft = le[Oe];
this.set(ft[0], ft[1]);
function Dr() {
this.__data__ = [];
function Or(le) {
var Oe = this.__data__, Xe = zr(Oe, le);
if (Xe < 0)
return !1;
var ft = Oe.length - 1;
return Xe == ft ? Oe.pop() :, Xe, 1), !0;
function Gr(le) {
var Oe = this.__data__, Xe = zr(Oe, le);
return Xe < 0 ? void 0 : Oe[Xe][1];
function Nr(le) {
return zr(this.__data__, le) > -1;
function Yr(le, Oe) {
var Xe = this.__data__, ft = zr(Xe, le);
return ft < 0 ? Xe.push([le, Oe]) : Xe[ft][1] = Oe, this;
Et.prototype.clear = Dr, Et.prototype.delete = Or, Et.prototype.get = Gr, Et.prototype.has = Nr, Et.prototype.set = Yr;
function Qt(le) {
var Oe = -1, Xe = le ? le.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++Oe < Xe; ) {
var ft = le[Oe];
this.set(ft[0], ft[1]);
function Xr() {
this.__data__ = {
hash: new bt(),
map: new (ue || Et)(),
string: new bt()
function Fr(le) {
return jn(this, le).delete(le);
function Lr(le) {
return jn(this, le).get(le);
function Ur(le) {
return jn(this, le).has(le);
function vt(le, Oe) {
return jn(this, le).set(le, Oe), this;
Qt.prototype.clear = Xr, Qt.prototype.delete = Fr, Qt.prototype.get = Lr, Qt.prototype.has = Ur, Qt.prototype.set = vt;
function Ke(le) {
var Oe = -1, Xe = le ? le.length : 0;
for (this.__data__ = new Qt(); ++Oe < Xe; )
function me(le) {
return this.__data__.set(le, w), this;
function Fe(le) {
return this.__data__.has(le);
Ke.prototype.add = Ke.prototype.push = me, Ke.prototype.has = Fe;
function Be(le) {
this.__data__ = new Et(le);
function dt() {
this.__data__ = new Et();
function St(le) {
return this.__data__.delete(le);
function Ht(le) {
return this.__data__.get(le);
function lr(le) {
return this.__data__.has(le);
function gr(le, Oe) {
var Xe = this.__data__;
if (Xe instanceof Et) {
var ft = Xe.__data__;
if (!ue || ft.length < g - 1)
return ft.push([le, Oe]), this;
Xe = this.__data__ = new Qt(ft);
return Xe.set(le, Oe), this;
Be.prototype.clear = dt, Be.prototype.delete = St, Be.prototype.get = Ht, Be.prototype.has = lr, Be.prototype.set = gr;
function rn(le, Oe) {
var Xe = nr(le) || fr(le) ? _e(le.length, String) : [], ft = Xe.length, Tt = !!ft;
for (var mt in le)
(Oe ||, mt)) && !(Tt && (mt == "length" || rr(mt, ft))) && Xe.push(mt);
return Xe;
function zr(le, Oe) {
for (var Xe = le.length; Xe--; )
if (Mt(le[Xe][0], Oe))
return Xe;
return -1;
function pi(le, Oe, Xe, ft) {
return $r(le, function(Tt, mt, Xt) {
Oe(ft, Tt, Xe(Tt), Xt);
}), ft;
var $r = xa(cn), Dn = Sa();
function cn(le, Oe) {
return le && Dn(le, Oe, En);
function yi(le, Oe) {
Oe = er(Oe, le) ? [Oe] : Ki(Oe);
for (var Xe = 0, ft = Oe.length; le != null && Xe < ft; )
le = le[De(Oe[Xe++])];
return Xe && Xe == ft ? le : void 0;
function hn(le) {
function dn(le, Oe) {
return le != null && Oe in Object(le);
function Nn(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt) {
return le === Oe ? !0 : le == null || Oe == null || !dr(le) && !Er(Oe) ? le !== le && Oe !== Oe : Fn(le, Oe, Nn, Xe, ft, Tt);
function Fn(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt, mt) {
var Xt = nr(le), ir = nr(Oe), hr = s, _r = s;
Xt || (hr = On(le), hr = hr == d ? o : hr), ir || (_r = On(Oe), _r = _r == d ? o : _r);
var Tr = hr == o && !nt(le), wr = _r == o && !nt(Oe), Rr = hr == _r;
if (Rr && !Tr)
return mt || (mt = new Be()), Xt || pr(le) ? Sn(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt, mt) : Yi(le, Oe, hr, Xe, ft, Tt, mt);
if (!(Tt & y)) {
var Jr = Tr &&, "__wrapped__"), Qr = wr &&, "__wrapped__");
if (Jr || Qr) {
var Tn = Jr ? le.value() : le, yn = Qr ? Oe.value() : Oe;
return mt || (mt = new Be()), Xe(Tn, yn, ft, Tt, mt);
return Rr ? (mt || (mt = new Be()), Ri(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt, mt)) : !1;
function Xi(le, Oe, Xe, ft) {
var Tt = Xe.length, mt = Tt, Xt = !ft;
if (le == null)
return !mt;
for (le = Object(le); Tt--; ) {
var ir = Xe[Tt];
if (Xt && ir[2] ? ir[1] !== le[ir[0]] : !(ir[0] in le))
return !1;
for (; ++Tt < mt; ) {
ir = Xe[Tt];
var hr = ir[0], _r = le[hr], Tr = ir[1];
if (Xt && ir[2]) {
if (_r === void 0 && !(hr in le))
return !1;
} else {
var wr = new Be();
if (ft)
var Rr = ft(_r, Tr, hr, le, Oe, wr);
if (!(Rr === void 0 ? Nn(Tr, _r, ft, f | y, wr) : Rr))
return !1;
return !0;
function Ui(le) {
if (!dr(le) || Ji(le))
return !1;
var Oe = Pr(le) || nt(le) ? Pe : ve;
return Oe.test(Je(le));
function $i(le) {
return Er(le) && Br(le.length) && !!oe[];
function ei(le) {
return typeof le == "function" ? le : le == null ? Zr : m(le) == "object" ? nr(le) ? Vi(le[0], le[1]) : Wi(le) : ta(le);
function Bn(le) {
if (!Oa(le))
return Me(le);
var Oe = [];
for (var Xe in Object(le)), Xe) && Xe != "constructor" && Oe.push(Xe);
return Oe;
function Wi(le) {
var Oe = ka(le);
return Oe.length == 1 && Oe[0][2] ? qi(Oe[0][0], Oe[0][1]) : function(Xe) {
return Xe === le || Xi(Xe, le, Oe);
function Vi(le, Oe) {
return er(le) && Qi(Oe) ? qi(De(le), Oe) : function(Xe) {
var ft = mr(Xe, le);
return ft === void 0 && ft === Oe ? ea(Xe, le) : Nn(Oe, ft, void 0, f | y);
function xn(le) {
return function(Oe) {
return yi(Oe, le);
function wa(le) {
if (typeof le == "string")
return le;
if (Ar(le))
return Pt ? : "";
var Oe = le + "";
return Oe == "0" && 1 / le == -h ? "-0" : Oe;
function Ki(le) {
return nr(le) ? le : xe(le);
function Gi(le, Oe) {
return function(Xe, ft) {
var Tt = nr(Xe) ? Y : pi, mt = Oe ? Oe() : {};
return Tt(Xe, le, ei(ft), mt);
function xa(le, Oe) {
return function(Xe, ft) {
if (Xe == null)
return Xe;
if (!tr(Xe))
return le(Xe, ft);
for (var Tt = Xe.length, mt = Oe ? Tt : -1, Xt = Object(Xe); (Oe ? mt-- : ++mt < Tt) && ft(Xt[mt], mt, Xt) !== !1; )
return Xe;
function Sa(le) {
return function(Oe, Xe, ft) {
for (var Tt = -1, mt = Object(Oe), Xt = ft(Oe), ir = Xt.length; ir--; ) {
var hr = Xt[le ? ir : ++Tt];
if (Xe(mt[hr], hr, mt) === !1)
return Oe;
function Sn(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt, mt) {
var Xt = Tt & y, ir = le.length, hr = Oe.length;
if (ir != hr && !(Xt && hr > ir))
return !1;
var _r = mt.get(le);
if (_r && mt.get(Oe))
return _r == Oe;
var Tr = -1, wr = !0, Rr = Tt & f ? new Ke() : void 0;
for (mt.set(le, Oe), mt.set(Oe, le); ++Tr < ir; ) {
var Jr = le[Tr], Qr = Oe[Tr];
if (ft)
var Tn = Xt ? ft(Qr, Jr, Tr, Oe, le, mt) : ft(Jr, Qr, Tr, le, Oe, mt);
if (Tn !== void 0) {
if (Tn)
wr = !1;
if (Rr) {
if (!fe(Oe, function(yn, Vn) {
if (!Rr.has(Vn) && (Jr === yn || Xe(Jr, yn, ft, Tt, mt)))
return Rr.add(Vn);
})) {
wr = !1;
} else if (!(Jr === Qr || Xe(Jr, Qr, ft, Tt, mt))) {
wr = !1;
return mt.delete(le), mt.delete(Oe), wr;
function Yi(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt, mt, Xt) {
switch (Xe) {
case I:
if (le.byteLength != Oe.byteLength || le.byteOffset != Oe.byteOffset)
return !1;
le = le.buffer, Oe = Oe.buffer;
case M:
return !(le.byteLength != Oe.byteLength || !ft(new He(le), new He(Oe)));
case v:
case c:
case n:
return Mt(+le, +Oe);
case a:
return == && le.message == Oe.message;
case O:
case F:
return le == Oe + "";
case i:
var ir = ut;
case P:
var hr = mt & y;
if (ir || (ir = Ue), le.size != Oe.size && !hr)
return !1;
var _r = Xt.get(le);
if (_r)
return _r == Oe;
mt |= f, Xt.set(le, Oe);
var Tr = Sn(ir(le), ir(Oe), ft, Tt, mt, Xt);
return Xt.delete(le), Tr;
case z:
if (At)
return ==;
return !1;
function Ri(le, Oe, Xe, ft, Tt, mt) {
var Xt = Tt & y, ir = En(le), hr = ir.length, _r = En(Oe), Tr = _r.length;
if (hr != Tr && !Xt)
return !1;
for (var wr = hr; wr--; ) {
var Rr = ir[wr];
if (!(Xt ? Rr in Oe :, Rr)))
return !1;
var Jr = mt.get(le);
if (Jr && mt.get(Oe))
return Jr == Oe;
var Qr = !0;
mt.set(le, Oe), mt.set(Oe, le);
for (var Tn = Xt; ++wr < hr; ) {
Rr = ir[wr];
var yn = le[Rr], Vn = Oe[Rr];
if (ft)
var Ya = Xt ? ft(Vn, yn, Rr, Oe, le, mt) : ft(yn, Vn, Rr, le, Oe, mt);
if (!(Ya === void 0 ? yn === Vn || Xe(yn, Vn, ft, Tt, mt) : Ya)) {
Qr = !1;
Tn || (Tn = Rr == "constructor");
if (Qr && !Tn) {
var vi = le.constructor, mi = Oe.constructor;
vi != mi && "constructor" in le && "constructor" in Oe && !(typeof vi == "function" && vi instanceof vi && typeof mi == "function" && mi instanceof mi) && (Qr = !1);
return mt.delete(le), mt.delete(Oe), Qr;
function jn(le, Oe) {
var Xe = le.__data__;
return ti(Oe) ? Xe[typeof Oe == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
function ka(le) {
for (var Oe = En(le), Xe = Oe.length; Xe--; ) {
var ft = Oe[Xe], Tt = le[ft];
Oe[Xe] = [ft, Tt, Qi(Tt)];
return Oe;
function kn(le, Oe) {
var Xe = Ye(le, Oe);
return Ui(Xe) ? Xe : void 0;
var On = hn;
(Le && On(new Le(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != I || ue && On(new ue()) != i || Se && On(Se.resolve()) != p || Ie && On(new Ie()) != P || st && On(new st()) != N) && (On = function(Oe) {
var Xe =, ft = Xe == o ? Oe.constructor : void 0, Tt = ft ? Je(ft) : void 0;
if (Tt)
switch (Tt) {
case rt:
return I;
case _t:
return i;
case wt:
return p;
case Ot:
return P;
case pt:
return N;
return Xe;
function Zi(le, Oe, Xe) {
Oe = er(Oe, le) ? [Oe] : Ki(Oe);
for (var ft, Tt = -1, Xt = Oe.length; ++Tt < Xt; ) {
var mt = De(Oe[Tt]);
if (!(ft = le != null && Xe(le, mt)))
le = le[mt];
if (ft)
return ft;
var Xt = le ? le.length : 0;
return !!Xt && Br(Xt) && rr(mt, Xt) && (nr(le) || fr(le));
function rr(le, Oe) {
return Oe = Oe == null ? l : Oe, !!Oe && (typeof le == "number" || ge.test(le)) && le > -1 && le % 1 == 0 && le < Oe;
function er(le, Oe) {
if (nr(le))
return !1;
var Xe = m(le);
return Xe == "number" || Xe == "symbol" || Xe == "boolean" || le == null || Ar(le) ? !0 : j.test(le) || !B.test(le) || Oe != null && le in Object(Oe);
function ti(le) {
var Oe = m(le);
return Oe == "string" || Oe == "number" || Oe == "symbol" || Oe == "boolean" ? le !== "__proto__" : le === null;
function Ji(le) {
return !!Re && Re in le;
function Oa(le) {
var Oe = le && le.constructor, Xe = typeof Oe == "function" && Oe.prototype || tt;
return le === Xe;
function Qi(le) {
return le === le && !dr(le);
function qi(le, Oe) {
return function(Xe) {
return Xe == null ? !1 : Xe[le] === Oe && (Oe !== void 0 || le in Object(Xe));
var xe = Yt(function(le) {
le = pn(le);
var Oe = [];
return V.test(le) && Oe.push(""), le.replace(re, function(Xe, ft, Tt, mt) {
Oe.push(Tt ? mt.replace(ce, "$1") : ft || Xe);
}), Oe;
function De(le) {
if (typeof le == "string" || Ar(le))
return le;
var Oe = le + "";
return Oe == "0" && 1 / le == -h ? "-0" : Oe;
function Je(le) {
if (le != null) {
try {
} catch (Oe) {
try {
return le + "";
} catch (Oe) {
return "";
var ht = Gi(function(le, Oe, Xe) {, Xe) ? le[Xe].push(Oe) : le[Xe] = [Oe];
function Yt(le, Oe) {
if (typeof le != "function" || Oe && typeof Oe != "function")
throw new TypeError(b);
var Xe = function ft() {
var Tt = arguments, mt = Oe ? Oe.apply(this, Tt) : Tt[0], Xt = ft.cache;
if (Xt.has(mt))
return Xt.get(mt);
var ir = le.apply(this, Tt);
return ft.cache = Xt.set(mt, ir), ir;
return Xe.cache = new (Yt.Cache || Qt)(), Xe;
Yt.Cache = Qt;
function Mt(le, Oe) {
return le === Oe || le !== le && Oe !== Oe;
function fr(le) {
return ur(le) &&, "callee") && (!, "callee") || == d);
var nr = Array.isArray;
function tr(le) {
return le != null && Br(le.length) && !Pr(le);
function ur(le) {
return Er(le) && tr(le);
function Pr(le) {
var Oe = dr(le) ? : "";
return Oe == r || Oe == t;
function Br(le) {
return typeof le == "number" && le > -1 && le % 1 == 0 && le <= l;
function dr(le) {
var Oe = m(le);
return !!le && (Oe == "object" || Oe == "function");
function Er(le) {
return !!le && m(le) == "object";
function Ar(le) {
return m(le) == "symbol" || Er(le) && == z;
var pr = G ? je(G) : $i;
function pn(le) {
return le == null ? "" : wa(le);
function mr(le, Oe, Xe) {
var ft = le == null ? void 0 : yi(le, Oe);
return ft === void 0 ? Xe : ft;
function ea(le, Oe) {
return le != null && Zi(le, Oe, dn);
function En(le) {
return tr(le) ? rn(le) : Bn(le);
function Zr(le) {
return le;
function ta(le) {
return er(le) ? we(De(le)) : xn(le);
x.exports = ht;
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 428: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(y) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(l) {
return typeof l;
} : u = function(l) {
return l && typeof Symbol == "function" && l.constructor === Symbol && l !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof l;
}, u(y);
var m = "[object Boolean]", g = Object.prototype, b = g.toString;
function w(y) {
return y === !0 || y === !1 || f(y) && == m;
function f(y) {
return !!y && u(y) == "object";
x.exports = w;
}, {}], 429: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(xe) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(Je) {
return typeof Je;
} : m = function(Je) {
return Je && typeof Symbol == "function" && Je.constructor === Symbol && Je !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof Je;
}, m(xe);
var g = 200, b = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", w = 1, f = 2, y = 9007199254740991, h = "[object Arguments]", l = "[object Array]", d = "[object AsyncFunction]", s = "[object Boolean]", v = "[object Date]", c = "[object Error]", a = "[object Function]", r = "[object GeneratorFunction]", t = "[object Map]", i = "[object Number]", n = "[object Null]", o = "[object Object]", p = "[object Promise]", O = "[object Proxy]", P = "[object RegExp]", F = "[object Set]", z = "[object String]", N = "[object Symbol]", M = "[object Undefined]", I = "[object WeakMap]", R = "[object ArrayBuffer]", C = "[object DataView]", E = "[object Float32Array]", A = "[object Float64Array]", L = "[object Int8Array]", $ = "[object Int16Array]", W = "[object Int32Array]", U = "[object Uint8Array]", D = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", B = "[object Uint16Array]", j = "[object Uint32Array]", V = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, re = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, ee = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, ce = {};
ce[E] = ce[A] = ce[L] = ce[$] = ce[W] = ce[U] = ce[D] = ce[B] = ce[j] = !0, ce[h] = ce[l] = ce[R] = ce[s] = ce[C] = ce[v] = ce[c] = ce[a] = ce[t] = ce[i] = ce[o] = ce[P] = ce[F] = ce[z] = ce[I] = !1;
var ve = (typeof u == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(u)) == "object" && u && u.Object === Object && u, ge = (typeof self == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(self)) == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, oe = ve || ge || Function("return this")(), J = (typeof _ == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(_)) == "object" && _ && !_.nodeType && _, Q = J && (typeof x == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(x)) == "object" && x && !x.nodeType && x, he = Q && Q.exports === J, ke = he && ve.process, ne = function() {
try {
return ke && ke.binding && ke.binding("util");
} catch (xe) {
}(), se = ne && ne.isTypedArray;
function Ce(xe, De) {
for (var Je = -1, ht = xe == null ? 0 : xe.length, Yt = 0, Mt = []; ++Je < ht; ) {
var fr = xe[Je];
De(fr, Je, xe) && (Mt[Yt++] = fr);
return Mt;
function q(xe, De) {
for (var Je = -1, ht = De.length, Yt = xe.length; ++Je < ht; )
xe[Yt + Je] = De[Je];
return xe;
function G(xe, De) {
for (var Je = -1, ht = xe == null ? 0 : xe.length; ++Je < ht; )
if (De(xe[Je], Je, xe))
return !0;
return !1;
function Y(xe, De) {
for (var Je = -1, ht = Array(xe); ++Je < xe; )
ht[Je] = De(Je);
return ht;
function fe(xe) {
return function(De) {
return xe(De);
function we(xe, De) {
return xe.has(De);
function _e(xe, De) {
return xe == null ? void 0 : xe[De];
function je(xe) {
var De = -1, Je = Array(xe.size);
return xe.forEach(function(ht, Yt) {
Je[++De] = [Yt, ht];
}), Je;
function Ye(xe, De) {
return function(Je) {
return xe(De(Je));
function nt(xe) {
var De = -1, Je = Array(xe.size);
return xe.forEach(function(ht) {
Je[++De] = ht;
}), Je;
var ut = Array.prototype, ot = Function.prototype, Ue = Object.prototype, Ve = oe["__core-js_shared__"], Qe = ot.toString, tt = Ue.hasOwnProperty, ae = function() {
var xe = /[^.]+$/.exec(Ve && Ve.keys && Ve.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return xe ? "Symbol(src)_1." + xe : "";
}(), Re = Ue.toString, be = RegExp("^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"), Ee = he ? oe.Buffer : void 0, pe = oe.Symbol, Pe = oe.Uint8Array, te = Ue.propertyIsEnumerable, He = ut.splice, it = pe ? pe.toStringTag : void 0, K = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Me = Ee ? Ee.isBuffer : void 0, Le = Ye(Object.keys, Object), ue = Bn(oe, "DataView"), Se = Bn(oe, "Map"), Ie = Bn(oe, "Promise"), st = Bn(oe, "Set"), Ge = Bn(oe, "WeakMap"), rt = Bn(Object, "create"), _t = Sn(ue), wt = Sn(Se), Ot = Sn(Ie), pt = Sn(st), ct = Sn(Ge), At = pe ? pe.prototype : void 0, Pt = At ? At.valueOf : void 0;
function bt(xe) {
var De = -1, Je = xe == null ? 0 : xe.length;
for (this.clear(); ++De < Je; ) {
var ht = xe[De];
this.set(ht[0], ht[1]);
function Kt() {
this.__data__ = rt ? rt(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
function Ct(xe) {
var De = this.has(xe) && delete this.__data__[xe];
return this.size -= De ? 1 : 0, De;
function xt(xe) {
var De = this.__data__;
if (rt) {
var Je = De[xe];
return Je === b ? void 0 : Je;
return, xe) ? De[xe] : void 0;
function Ft(xe) {
var De = this.__data__;
return rt ? De[xe] !== void 0 :, xe);
function Lt(xe, De) {
var Je = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(xe) ? 0 : 1, Je[xe] = rt && De === void 0 ? b : De, this;
bt.prototype.clear = Kt, bt.prototype.delete = Ct, bt.prototype.get = xt, bt.prototype.has = Ft, bt.prototype.set = Lt;
function Et(xe) {
var De = -1, Je = xe == null ? 0 : xe.length;
for (this.clear(); ++De < Je; ) {
var ht = xe[De];
this.set(ht[0], ht[1]);
function Dr() {
this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
function Or(xe) {
var De = this.__data__, Je = zr(De, xe);
if (Je < 0)
return !1;
var ht = De.length - 1;
return Je == ht ? De.pop() :, Je, 1), --this.size, !0;
function Gr(xe) {
var De = this.__data__, Je = zr(De, xe);
return Je < 0 ? void 0 : De[Je][1];
function Nr(xe) {
return zr(this.__data__, xe) > -1;
function Yr(xe, De) {
var Je = this.__data__, ht = zr(Je, xe);
return ht < 0 ? (++this.size, Je.push([xe, De])) : Je[ht][1] = De, this;
Et.prototype.clear = Dr, Et.prototype.delete = Or, Et.prototype.get = Gr, Et.prototype.has = Nr, Et.prototype.set = Yr;
function Qt(xe) {
var De = -1, Je = xe == null ? 0 : xe.length;
for (this.clear(); ++De < Je; ) {
var ht = xe[De];
this.set(ht[0], ht[1]);
function Xr() {
this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
hash: new bt(),
map: new (Se || Et)(),
string: new bt()
function Fr(xe) {
var De = ei(this, xe).delete(xe);
return this.size -= De ? 1 : 0, De;
function Lr(xe) {
return ei(this, xe).get(xe);
function Ur(xe) {
return ei(this, xe).has(xe);
function vt(xe, De) {
var Je = ei(this, xe), ht = Je.size;
return Je.set(xe, De), this.size += Je.size == ht ? 0 : 1, this;
Qt.prototype.clear = Xr, Qt.prototype.delete = Fr, Qt.prototype.get = Lr, Qt.prototype.has = Ur, Qt.prototype.set = vt;
function Ke(xe) {
var De = -1, Je = xe == null ? 0 : xe.length;
for (this.__data__ = new Qt(); ++De < Je; )
function me(xe) {
return this.__data__.set(xe, b), this;
function Fe(xe) {
return this.__data__.has(xe);
Ke.prototype.add = Ke.prototype.push = me, Ke.prototype.has = Fe;
function Be(xe) {
var De = this.__data__ = new Et(xe);
this.size = De.size;
function dt() {
this.__data__ = new Et(), this.size = 0;
function St(xe) {
var De = this.__data__, Je = De.delete(xe);
return this.size = De.size, Je;
function Ht(xe) {
return this.__data__.get(xe);
function lr(xe) {
return this.__data__.has(xe);
function gr(xe, De) {
var Je = this.__data__;
if (Je instanceof Et) {
var ht = Je.__data__;
if (!Se || ht.length < g - 1)
return ht.push([xe, De]), this.size = ++Je.size, this;
Je = this.__data__ = new Qt(ht);
return Je.set(xe, De), this.size = Je.size, this;
Be.prototype.clear = dt, Be.prototype.delete = St, Be.prototype.get = Ht, Be.prototype.has = lr, Be.prototype.set = gr;
function rn(xe, De) {
var Je = jn(xe), ht = !Je && Ri(xe), Yt = !Je && !ht && kn(xe), Mt = !Je && !ht && !Yt && Ji(xe), fr = Je || ht || Yt || Mt, nr = fr ? Y(xe.length, String) : [], tr = nr.length;
for (var ur in xe)
(De ||, ur)) && !(fr && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
(ur == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
Yt && (ur == "offset" || ur == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
Mt && (ur == "buffer" || ur == "byteLength" || ur == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
wa(ur, tr))) && nr.push(ur);
return nr;
function zr(xe, De) {
for (var Je = xe.length; Je--; )
if (Yi(xe[Je][0], De))
return Je;
return -1;
function pi(xe, De, Je) {
var ht = De(xe);
return jn(xe) ? ht : q(ht, Je(xe));
function $r(xe) {
return xe == null ? xe === void 0 ? M : n : it && it in Object(xe) ? Wi(xe) : Sa(xe);
function Dn(xe) {
return ti(xe) && $r(xe) == h;
function cn(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt) {
return xe === De ? !0 : xe == null || De == null || !ti(xe) && !ti(De) ? xe !== xe && De !== De : yi(xe, De, Je, ht, cn, Yt);
function yi(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt, Mt) {
var fr = jn(xe), nr = jn(De), tr = fr ? l : xn(xe), ur = nr ? l : xn(De);
tr = tr == h ? o : tr, ur = ur == h ? o : ur;
var Pr = tr == o, Br = ur == o, dr = tr == ur;
if (dr && kn(xe)) {
if (!kn(De))
return !1;
fr = !0, Pr = !1;
if (dr && !Pr)
return Mt || (Mt = new Be()), fr || Ji(xe) ? Fn(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt, Mt) : Xi(xe, De, tr, Je, ht, Yt, Mt);
if (!(Je & w)) {
var Er = Pr &&, "__wrapped__"), Ar = Br &&, "__wrapped__");
if (Er || Ar) {
var pr = Er ? xe.value() : xe, pn = Ar ? De.value() : De;
return Mt || (Mt = new Be()), Yt(pr, pn, Je, ht, Mt);
return dr ? (Mt || (Mt = new Be()), Ui(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt, Mt)) : !1;
function hn(xe) {
if (!er(xe) || Gi(xe))
return !1;
var De = Zi(xe) ? be : re;
return De.test(Sn(xe));
function dn(xe) {
return ti(xe) && rr(xe.length) && !!ce[$r(xe)];
function Nn(xe) {
if (!xa(xe))
return Le(xe);
var De = [];
for (var Je in Object(xe)), Je) && Je != "constructor" && De.push(Je);
return De;
function Fn(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt, Mt) {
var fr = Je & w, nr = xe.length, tr = De.length;
if (nr != tr && !(fr && tr > nr))
return !1;
var ur = Mt.get(xe);
if (ur && Mt.get(De))
return ur == De;
var Pr = -1, Br = !0, dr = Je & f ? new Ke() : void 0;
for (Mt.set(xe, De), Mt.set(De, xe); ++Pr < nr; ) {
var Er = xe[Pr], Ar = De[Pr];
if (ht)
var pr = fr ? ht(Ar, Er, Pr, De, xe, Mt) : ht(Er, Ar, Pr, xe, De, Mt);
if (pr !== void 0) {
if (pr)
Br = !1;
if (dr) {
if (!G(De, function(pn, mr) {
if (!we(dr, mr) && (Er === pn || Yt(Er, pn, Je, ht, Mt)))
return dr.push(mr);
})) {
Br = !1;
} else if (!(Er === Ar || Yt(Er, Ar, Je, ht, Mt))) {
Br = !1;
return Mt.delete(xe), Mt.delete(De), Br;
function Xi(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt, Mt, fr) {
switch (Je) {
case C:
if (xe.byteLength != De.byteLength || xe.byteOffset != De.byteOffset)
return !1;
xe = xe.buffer, De = De.buffer;
case R:
return !(xe.byteLength != De.byteLength || !Mt(new Pe(xe), new Pe(De)));
case s:
case v:
case i:
return Yi(+xe, +De);
case c:
return == && xe.message == De.message;
case P:
case z:
return xe == De + "";
case t:
var nr = je;
case F:
var tr = ht & w;
if (nr || (nr = nt), xe.size != De.size && !tr)
return !1;
var ur = fr.get(xe);
if (ur)
return ur == De;
ht |= f, fr.set(xe, De);
var Pr = Fn(nr(xe), nr(De), ht, Yt, Mt, fr);
return fr.delete(xe), Pr;
case N:
if (Pt)
return ==;
return !1;
function Ui(xe, De, Je, ht, Yt, Mt) {
var fr = Je & w, nr = $i(xe), tr = nr.length, ur = $i(De), Pr = ur.length;
if (tr != Pr && !fr)
return !1;
for (var Br = tr; Br--; ) {
var dr = nr[Br];
if (!(fr ? dr in De :, dr)))
return !1;
var Er = Mt.get(xe);
if (Er && Mt.get(De))
return Er == De;
var Ar = !0;
Mt.set(xe, De), Mt.set(De, xe);
for (var pr = fr; ++Br < tr; ) {
dr = nr[Br];
var pn = xe[dr], mr = De[dr];
if (ht)
var ea = fr ? ht(mr, pn, dr, De, xe, Mt) : ht(pn, mr, dr, xe, De, Mt);
if (!(ea === void 0 ? pn === mr || Yt(pn, mr, Je, ht, Mt) : ea)) {
Ar = !1;
pr || (pr = dr == "constructor");
if (Ar && !pr) {
var En = xe.constructor, Zr = De.constructor;
En != Zr && "constructor" in xe && "constructor" in De && !(typeof En == "function" && En instanceof En && typeof Zr == "function" && Zr instanceof Zr) && (Ar = !1);
return Mt.delete(xe), Mt.delete(De), Ar;
function $i(xe) {
return pi(xe, Oa, Vi);
function ei(xe, De) {
var Je = xe.__data__;
return Ki(De) ? Je[typeof De == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
function Bn(xe, De) {
var Je = _e(xe, De);
return hn(Je) ? Je : void 0;
function Wi(xe) {
var De =, it), Je = xe[it];
try {
xe[it] = void 0;
var ht = !0;
} catch (Mt) {
var Yt =;
return ht && (De ? xe[it] = Je : delete xe[it]), Yt;
var Vi = K ? function(xe) {
return xe == null ? [] : (xe = Object(xe), Ce(K(xe), function(De) {
return, De);
} : Qi, xn = $r;
(ue && xn(new ue(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != C || Se && xn(new Se()) != t || Ie && xn(Ie.resolve()) != p || st && xn(new st()) != F || Ge && xn(new Ge()) != I) && (xn = function(De) {
var Je = $r(De), ht = Je == o ? De.constructor : void 0, Yt = ht ? Sn(ht) : "";
if (Yt)
switch (Yt) {
case _t:
return C;
case wt:
return t;
case Ot:
return p;
case pt:
return F;
case ct:
return I;
return Je;
function wa(xe, De) {
return De = De == null ? y : De, !!De && (typeof xe == "number" || ee.test(xe)) && xe > -1 && xe % 1 == 0 && xe < De;
function Ki(xe) {
var De = m(xe);
return De == "string" || De == "number" || De == "symbol" || De == "boolean" ? xe !== "__proto__" : xe === null;
function Gi(xe) {
return !!ae && ae in xe;
function xa(xe) {
var De = xe && xe.constructor, Je = typeof De == "function" && De.prototype || Ue;
return xe === Je;
function Sa(xe) {
function Sn(xe) {
if (xe != null) {
try {
} catch (De) {
try {
return xe + "";
} catch (De) {
return "";
function Yi(xe, De) {
return xe === De || xe !== xe && De !== De;
var Ri = Dn(function() {
return arguments;
}()) ? Dn : function(xe) {
return ti(xe) &&, "callee") && !, "callee");
}, jn = Array.isArray;
function ka(xe) {
return xe != null && rr(xe.length) && !Zi(xe);
var kn = Me || qi;
function On(xe, De) {
return cn(xe, De);
function Zi(xe) {
if (!er(xe))
return !1;
var De = $r(xe);
return De == a || De == r || De == d || De == O;
function rr(xe) {
return typeof xe == "number" && xe > -1 && xe % 1 == 0 && xe <= y;
function er(xe) {
var De = m(xe);
return xe != null && (De == "object" || De == "function");
function ti(xe) {
return xe != null && m(xe) == "object";
var Ji = se ? fe(se) : dn;
function Oa(xe) {
return ka(xe) ? rn(xe) : Nn(xe);
function Qi() {
return [];
function qi() {
return !1;
x.exports = On;
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 430: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(P) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(z) {
return typeof z;
} : m = function(z) {
return z && typeof Symbol == "function" && z.constructor === Symbol && z !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof z;
}, m(P);
var g = "[object AsyncFunction]", b = "[object Function]", w = "[object GeneratorFunction]", f = "[object Null]", y = "[object Proxy]", h = "[object Undefined]", l = (typeof u == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(u)) == "object" && u && u.Object === Object && u, d = (typeof self == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(self)) == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, s = l || d || Function("return this")(), v = Object.prototype, c = v.hasOwnProperty, a = v.toString, r = s.Symbol, t = r ? r.toStringTag : void 0;
function i(P) {
return P == null ? P === void 0 ? h : f : t && t in Object(P) ? n(P) : o(P);
function n(P) {
var F =, t), z = P[t];
try {
P[t] = void 0;
var N = !0;
} catch (I) {
var M =;
return N && (F ? P[t] = z : delete P[t]), M;
function o(P) {
function p(P) {
if (!O(P))
return !1;
var F = i(P);
return F == b || F == w || F == g || F == y;
function O(P) {
var F = m(P);
return P != null && (F == "object" || F == "function");
x.exports = p;
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 431: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return m == null;
x.exports = u;
}, {}], 432: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return m === void 0;
x.exports = u;
}, {}], 433: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(be) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(pe) {
return typeof pe;
} : m = function(pe) {
return pe && typeof Symbol == "function" && pe.constructor === Symbol && pe !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof pe;
}, m(be);
var g = 200, b = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", w = 1 / 0, f = "[object Function]", y = "[object GeneratorFunction]", h = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, l = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, d = (typeof u == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(u)) == "object" && u && u.Object === Object && u, s = (typeof self == "undefined" ? "undefined" : m(self)) == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, v = d || s || Function("return this")();
function c(be, Ee) {
var pe = be ? be.length : 0;
return !!pe && t(be, Ee, 0) > -1;
function a(be, Ee, pe) {
for (var Pe = -1, te = be ? be.length : 0; ++Pe < te; )
if (pe(Ee, be[Pe]))
return !0;
return !1;
function r(be, Ee, pe, Pe) {
for (var te = be.length, He = pe + (Pe ? 1 : -1); Pe ? He-- : ++He < te; )
if (Ee(be[He], He, be))
return He;
return -1;
function t(be, Ee, pe) {
if (Ee !== Ee)
return r(be, i, pe);
for (var Pe = pe - 1, te = be.length; ++Pe < te; )
if (be[Pe] === Ee)
return Pe;
return -1;
function i(be) {
return be !== be;
function n(be, Ee) {
return be.has(Ee);
function o(be, Ee) {
return be == null ? void 0 : be[Ee];
function p(be) {
var Ee = !1;
if (be != null && typeof be.toString != "function")
try {
Ee = !!(be + "");
} catch (pe) {
return Ee;
function O(be) {
var Ee = -1, pe = Array(be.size);
return be.forEach(function(Pe) {
pe[++Ee] = Pe;
}), pe;
var P = Array.prototype, F = Function.prototype, z = Object.prototype, N = v["__core-js_shared__"], M = function() {
var be = /[^.]+$/.exec(N && N.keys && N.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return be ? "Symbol(src)_1." + be : "";
}(), I = F.toString, R = z.hasOwnProperty, C = z.toString, E = RegExp("^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"), A = P.splice, L = nt(v, "Map"), $ = nt(v, "Set"), W = nt(Object, "create");
function U(be) {
var Ee = -1, pe = be ? be.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++Ee < pe; ) {
var Pe = be[Ee];
this.set(Pe[0], Pe[1]);
function D() {
this.__data__ = W ? W(null) : {};
function B(be) {
return this.has(be) && delete this.__data__[be];
function j(be) {
var Ee = this.__data__;
if (W) {
var pe = Ee[be];
return pe === b ? void 0 : pe;
return, be) ? Ee[be] : void 0;
function V(be) {
var Ee = this.__data__;
return W ? Ee[be] !== void 0 :, be);
function re(be, Ee) {
var pe = this.__data__;
return pe[be] = W && Ee === void 0 ? b : Ee, this;
U.prototype.clear = D, U.prototype.delete = B, U.prototype.get = j, U.prototype.has = V, U.prototype.set = re;
function ee(be) {
var Ee = -1, pe = be ? be.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++Ee < pe; ) {
var Pe = be[Ee];
this.set(Pe[0], Pe[1]);
function ce() {
this.__data__ = [];
function ve(be) {
var Ee = this.__data__, pe = fe(Ee, be);
if (pe < 0)
return !1;
var Pe = Ee.length - 1;
return pe == Pe ? Ee.pop() :, pe, 1), !0;
function ge(be) {
var Ee = this.__data__, pe = fe(Ee, be);
return pe < 0 ? void 0 : Ee[pe][1];
function oe(be) {
return fe(this.__data__, be) > -1;
function J(be, Ee) {
var pe = this.__data__, Pe = fe(pe, be);
return Pe < 0 ? pe.push([be, Ee]) : pe[Pe][1] = Ee, this;
ee.prototype.clear = ce, ee.prototype.delete = ve, ee.prototype.get = ge, ee.prototype.has = oe, ee.prototype.set = J;
function Q(be) {
var Ee = -1, pe = be ? be.length : 0;
for (this.clear(); ++Ee < pe; ) {
var Pe = be[Ee];
this.set(Pe[0], Pe[1]);
function he() {
this.__data__ = {
hash: new U(),
map: new (L || ee)(),
string: new U()
function ke(be) {
return Ye(this, be).delete(be);
function ne(be) {
return Ye(this, be).get(be);
function se(be) {
return Ye(this, be).has(be);
function Ce(be, Ee) {
return Ye(this, be).set(be, Ee), this;
Q.prototype.clear = he, Q.prototype.delete = ke, Q.prototype.get = ne, Q.prototype.has = se, Q.prototype.set = Ce;
function q(be) {
var Ee = -1, pe = be ? be.length : 0;
for (this.__data__ = new Q(); ++Ee < pe; )
function G(be) {
return this.__data__.set(be, b), this;
function Y(be) {
return this.__data__.has(be);
q.prototype.add = q.prototype.push = G, q.prototype.has = Y;
function fe(be, Ee) {
for (var pe = be.length; pe--; )
if (Qe(be[pe][0], Ee))
return pe;
return -1;
function we(be) {
if (!ae(be) || ot(be))
return !1;
var Ee = tt(be) || p(be) ? E : l;
return Ee.test(Ue(be));
function _e(be, Ee, pe) {
var Pe = -1, te = c, He = be.length, it = !0, K = [], Me = K;
if (pe)
it = !1, te = a;
else if (He >= g) {
var Le = Ee ? null : je(be);
if (Le)
return O(Le);
it = !1, te = n, Me = new q();
} else
Me = Ee ? [] : K;
for (; ++Pe < He; ) {
var ue = be[Pe], Se = Ee ? Ee(ue) : ue;
if (ue = pe || ue !== 0 ? ue : 0, it && Se === Se) {
for (var Ie = Me.length; Ie--; )
if (Me[Ie] === Se)
continue e;
Ee && Me.push(Se), K.push(ue);
} else
te(Me, Se, pe) || (Me !== K && Me.push(Se), K.push(ue));
return K;
var je = $ && 1 / O(new $([, -0]))[1] == w ? function(be) {
return new $(be);
} : Re;
function Ye(be, Ee) {
var pe = be.__data__;
return ut(Ee) ? pe[typeof Ee == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
function nt(be, Ee) {
var pe = o(be, Ee);
return we(pe) ? pe : void 0;
function ut(be) {
var Ee = m(be);
return Ee == "string" || Ee == "number" || Ee == "symbol" || Ee == "boolean" ? be !== "__proto__" : be === null;
function ot(be) {
return !!M && M in be;
function Ue(be) {
if (be != null) {
try {
} catch (Ee) {
try {
return be + "";
} catch (Ee) {
return "";
function Ve(be) {
return be && be.length ? _e(be) : [];
function Qe(be, Ee) {
return be === Ee || be !== be && Ee !== Ee;
function tt(be) {
var Ee = ae(be) ? : "";
return Ee == f || Ee == y;
function ae(be) {
var Ee = m(be);
return !!be && (Ee == "object" || Ee == "function");
function Re() {
x.exports = Ve;
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 434: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("hash-base"), g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = new Array(16);
function w() {, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878;
u(w, m), w.prototype._update = function() {
for (var s = b, v = 0; v < 16; ++v)
s[v] = this._block.readInt32LE(v * 4);
var c = this._a, a = this._b, r = this._c, t = this._d;
c = y(c, a, r, t, s[0], 3614090360, 7), t = y(t, c, a, r, s[1], 3905402710, 12), r = y(r, t, c, a, s[2], 606105819, 17), a = y(a, r, t, c, s[3], 3250441966, 22), c = y(c, a, r, t, s[4], 4118548399, 7), t = y(t, c, a, r, s[5], 1200080426, 12), r = y(r, t, c, a, s[6], 2821735955, 17), a = y(a, r, t, c, s[7], 4249261313, 22), c = y(c, a, r, t, s[8], 1770035416, 7), t = y(t, c, a, r, s[9], 2336552879, 12), r = y(r, t, c, a, s[10], 4294925233, 17), a = y(a, r, t, c, s[11], 2304563134, 22), c = y(c, a, r, t, s[12], 1804603682, 7), t = y(t, c, a, r, s[13], 4254626195, 12), r = y(r, t, c, a, s[14], 2792965006, 17), a = y(a, r, t, c, s[15], 1236535329, 22), c = h(c, a, r, t, s[1], 4129170786, 5), t = h(t, c, a, r, s[6], 3225465664, 9), r = h(r, t, c, a, s[11], 643717713, 14), a = h(a, r, t, c, s[0], 3921069994, 20), c = h(c, a, r, t, s[5], 3593408605, 5), t = h(t, c, a, r, s[10], 38016083, 9), r = h(r, t, c, a, s[15], 3634488961, 14), a = h(a, r, t, c, s[4], 3889429448, 20), c = h(c, a, r, t, s[9], 568446438, 5), t = h(t, c, a, r, s[14], 3275163606, 9), r = h(r, t, c, a, s[3], 4107603335, 14), a = h(a, r, t, c, s[8], 1163531501, 20), c = h(c, a, r, t, s[13], 2850285829, 5), t = h(t, c, a, r, s[2], 4243563512, 9), r = h(r, t, c, a, s[7], 1735328473, 14), a = h(a, r, t, c, s[12], 2368359562, 20), c = l(c, a, r, t, s[5], 4294588738, 4), t = l(t, c, a, r, s[8], 2272392833, 11), r = l(r, t, c, a, s[11], 1839030562, 16), a = l(a, r, t, c, s[14], 4259657740, 23), c = l(c, a, r, t, s[1], 2763975236, 4), t = l(t, c, a, r, s[4], 1272893353, 11), r = l(r, t, c, a, s[7], 4139469664, 16), a = l(a, r, t, c, s[10], 3200236656, 23), c = l(c, a, r, t, s[13], 681279174, 4), t = l(t, c, a, r, s[0], 3936430074, 11), r = l(r, t, c, a, s[3], 3572445317, 16), a = l(a, r, t, c, s[6], 76029189, 23), c = l(c, a, r, t, s[9], 3654602809, 4), t = l(t, c, a, r, s[12], 3873151461, 11), r = l(r, t, c, a, s[15], 530742520, 16), a = l(a, r, t, c, s[2], 3299628645, 23), c = d(c, a, r, t, s[0], 4096336452, 6), t = d(t, c, a, r, s[7], 1126891415, 10), r = d(r, t, c, a, s[14], 2878612391, 15), a = d(a, r, t, c, s[5], 4237533241, 21), c = d(c, a, r, t, s[12], 1700485571, 6), t = d(t, c, a, r, s[3], 2399980690, 10), r = d(r, t, c, a, s[10], 4293915773, 15), a = d(a, r, t, c, s[1], 2240044497, 21), c = d(c, a, r, t, s[8], 1873313359, 6), t = d(t, c, a, r, s[15], 4264355552, 10), r = d(r, t, c, a, s[6], 2734768916, 15), a = d(a, r, t, c, s[13], 1309151649, 21), c = d(c, a, r, t, s[4], 4149444226, 6), t = d(t, c, a, r, s[11], 3174756917, 10), r = d(r, t, c, a, s[2], 718787259, 15), a = d(a, r, t, c, s[9], 3951481745, 21), this._a = this._a + c | 0, this._b = this._b + a | 0, this._c = this._c + r | 0, this._d = this._d + t | 0;
}, w.prototype._digest = function() {
this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128, this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update();
var s = g.allocUnsafe(16);
return s.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), s.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), s.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), s.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), s;
function f(s, v) {
return s << v | s >>> 32 - v;
function y(s, v, c, a, r, t, i) {
return f(s + (v & c | ~v & a) + r + t | 0, i) + v | 0;
function h(s, v, c, a, r, t, i) {
return f(s + (v & a | c & ~a) + r + t | 0, i) + v | 0;
function l(s, v, c, a, r, t, i) {
return f(s + (v ^ c ^ a) + r + t | 0, i) + v | 0;
function d(s, v, c, a, r, t, i) {
return f(s + (c ^ (v | ~a)) + r + t | 0, i) + v | 0;
x.exports = w;
}, { "hash-base": 370, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 435: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("bn.js"), m = e("brorand");
function g(b) {
this.rand = b || new m.Rand();
x.exports = g, g.create = function(w) {
return new g(w);
}, g.prototype._randbelow = function(w) {
var f = w.bitLength(), y = Math.ceil(f / 8);
var h = new u(this.rand.generate(y));
while (h.cmp(w) >= 0);
return h;
}, g.prototype._randrange = function(w, f) {
var y = f.sub(w);
return w.add(this._randbelow(y));
}, g.prototype.test = function(w, f, y) {
var h = w.bitLength(), l = u.mont(w), d = new u(1).toRed(l);
f || (f = Math.max(1, h / 48 | 0));
for (var s = w.subn(1), v = 0; !s.testn(v); v++)
for (var c = w.shrn(v), a = s.toRed(l), r = !0; f > 0; f--) {
var t = this._randrange(new u(2), s);
y && y(t);
var i = t.toRed(l).redPow(c);
if (!(i.cmp(d) === 0 || i.cmp(a) === 0)) {
for (var n = 1; n < v; n++) {
if (i = i.redSqr(), i.cmp(d) === 0)
return !1;
if (i.cmp(a) === 0)
if (n === v)
return !1;
return r;
}, g.prototype.getDivisor = function(w, f) {
var y = w.bitLength(), h = u.mont(w), l = new u(1).toRed(h);
f || (f = Math.max(1, y / 48 | 0));
for (var d = w.subn(1), s = 0; !d.testn(s); s++)
for (var v = w.shrn(s), c = d.toRed(h); f > 0; f--) {
var a = this._randrange(new u(2), d), r = w.gcd(a);
if (r.cmpn(1) !== 0)
return r;
var t = a.toRed(h).redPow(v);
if (!(t.cmp(l) === 0 || t.cmp(c) === 0)) {
for (var i = 1; i < s; i++) {
if (t = t.redSqr(), t.cmp(l) === 0)
return t.fromRed().subn(1).gcd(w);
if (t.cmp(c) === 0)
if (i === s)
return t = t.redSqr(), t.fromRed().subn(1).gcd(w);
return !1;
}, { "bn.js": 436, brorand: 184 }], 436: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][181][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 185, dup: 181 }], 437: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = u;
function u(m, g) {
if (!m)
throw new Error(g || "Assertion failed");
u.equal = function(g, b, w) {
if (g != b)
throw new Error(w || "Assertion failed: " + g + " != " + b);
}, {}], 438: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = _;
function m(w, f) {
if (Array.isArray(w))
return w.slice();
if (!w)
return [];
var y = [];
if (typeof w != "string") {
for (var h = 0; h < w.length; h++)
y[h] = w[h] | 0;
return y;
if (f === "hex") {
w = w.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, ""), w.length % 2 !== 0 && (w = "0" + w);
for (var h = 0; h < w.length; h += 2)
y.push(parseInt(w[h] + w[h + 1], 16));
} else
for (var h = 0; h < w.length; h++) {
var l = w.charCodeAt(h), d = l >> 8, s = l & 255;
d ? y.push(d, s) : y.push(s);
return y;
u.toArray = m;
function g(w) {
return w.length === 1 ? "0" + w : w;
u.zero2 = g;
function b(w) {
for (var f = "", y = 0; y < w.length; y++)
f += g(w[y].toString(16));
return f;
u.toHex = b, u.encode = function(f, y) {
return y === "hex" ? b(f) : f;
}, {}], 439: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./lib/utils/common").assign, m = e("./lib/deflate"), g = e("./lib/inflate"), b = e("./lib/zlib/constants"), w = {};
u(w, m, g, b), x.exports = w;
}, { "./lib/deflate": 440, "./lib/inflate": 441, "./lib/utils/common": 442, "./lib/zlib/constants": 445 }], 440: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./zlib/deflate"), m = e("./utils/common"), g = e("./utils/strings"), b = e("./zlib/messages"), w = e("./zlib/zstream"), f = Object.prototype.toString, y = 0, h = 4, l = 0, d = 1, s = 2, v = -1, c = 0, a = 8;
function r(o) {
if (!(this instanceof r))
return new r(o);
this.options = m.assign({
level: v,
method: a,
chunkSize: 16384,
windowBits: 15,
memLevel: 8,
strategy: c,
to: ""
}, o || {});
var p = this.options;
p.raw && p.windowBits > 0 ? p.windowBits = -p.windowBits : p.gzip && p.windowBits > 0 && p.windowBits < 16 && (p.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new w(), this.strm.avail_out = 0;
var O = u.deflateInit2(this.strm, p.level, p.method, p.windowBits, p.memLevel, p.strategy);
if (O !== l)
throw new Error(b[O]);
if (p.header && u.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, p.header), p.dictionary) {
var P;
if (typeof p.dictionary == "string" ? P = g.string2buf(p.dictionary) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? P = new Uint8Array(p.dictionary) : P = p.dictionary, O = u.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, P), O !== l)
throw new Error(b[O]);
this._dict_set = !0;
r.prototype.push = function(o, p) {
var O = this.strm, P = this.options.chunkSize, F, z;
if (this.ended)
return !1;
z = p === ~~p ? p : p === !0 ? h : y, typeof o == "string" ? O.input = g.string2buf(o) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? O.input = new Uint8Array(o) : O.input = o, O.next_in = 0, O.avail_in = O.input.length;
do {
if (O.avail_out === 0 && (O.output = new m.Buf8(P), O.next_out = 0, O.avail_out = P), F = u.deflate(O, z), F !== d && F !== l)
return this.onEnd(F), this.ended = !0, !1;
(O.avail_out === 0 || O.avail_in === 0 && (z === h || z === s)) && ( === "string" ? this.onData(g.buf2binstring(m.shrinkBuf(O.output, O.next_out))) : this.onData(m.shrinkBuf(O.output, O.next_out)));
} while ((O.avail_in > 0 || O.avail_out === 0) && F !== d);
return z === h ? (F = u.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(F), this.ended = !0, F === l) : (z === s && (this.onEnd(l), O.avail_out = 0), !0);
}, r.prototype.onData = function(o) {
}, r.prototype.onEnd = function(o) {
o === l && ( === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = m.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = o, this.msg = this.strm.msg;
function t(o, p) {
var O = new r(p);
if (O.push(o, !0), O.err)
throw O.msg || b[O.err];
return O.result;
function i(o, p) {
return p = p || {}, p.raw = !0, t(o, p);
function n(o, p) {
return p = p || {}, p.gzip = !0, t(o, p);
_.Deflate = r, _.deflate = t, _.deflateRaw = i, _.gzip = n;
}, { "./utils/common": 442, "./utils/strings": 443, "./zlib/deflate": 447, "./zlib/messages": 452, "./zlib/zstream": 454 }], 441: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./zlib/inflate"), m = e("./utils/common"), g = e("./utils/strings"), b = e("./zlib/constants"), w = e("./zlib/messages"), f = e("./zlib/zstream"), y = e("./zlib/gzheader"), h = Object.prototype.toString;
function l(v) {
if (!(this instanceof l))
return new l(v);
this.options = m.assign({
chunkSize: 16384,
windowBits: 0,
to: ""
}, v || {});
var c = this.options;
c.raw && c.windowBits >= 0 && c.windowBits < 16 && (c.windowBits = -c.windowBits, c.windowBits === 0 && (c.windowBits = -15)), c.windowBits >= 0 && c.windowBits < 16 && !(v && v.windowBits) && (c.windowBits += 32), c.windowBits > 15 && c.windowBits < 48 && (c.windowBits & 15 || (c.windowBits |= 15)), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new f(), this.strm.avail_out = 0;
var a = u.inflateInit2(this.strm, c.windowBits);
if (a !== b.Z_OK)
throw new Error(w[a]);
if (this.header = new y(), u.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header), c.dictionary && (typeof c.dictionary == "string" ? c.dictionary = g.string2buf(c.dictionary) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" && (c.dictionary = new Uint8Array(c.dictionary)), c.raw && (a = u.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, c.dictionary), a !== b.Z_OK)))
throw new Error(w[a]);
l.prototype.push = function(v, c) {
var a = this.strm, r = this.options.chunkSize, t = this.options.dictionary, i, n, o, p, O, P = !1;
if (this.ended)
return !1;
n = c === ~~c ? c : c === !0 ? b.Z_FINISH : b.Z_NO_FLUSH, typeof v == "string" ? a.input = g.binstring2buf(v) : === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? a.input = new Uint8Array(v) : a.input = v, a.next_in = 0, a.avail_in = a.input.length;
do {
if (a.avail_out === 0 && (a.output = new m.Buf8(r), a.next_out = 0, a.avail_out = r), i = u.inflate(a, b.Z_NO_FLUSH), i === b.Z_NEED_DICT && t && (i = u.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, t)), i === b.Z_BUF_ERROR && P === !0 && (i = b.Z_OK, P = !1), i !== b.Z_STREAM_END && i !== b.Z_OK)
return this.onEnd(i), this.ended = !0, !1;
a.next_out && (a.avail_out === 0 || i === b.Z_STREAM_END || a.avail_in === 0 && (n === b.Z_FINISH || n === b.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)) && ( === "string" ? (o = g.utf8border(a.output, a.next_out), p = a.next_out - o, O = g.buf2string(a.output, o), a.next_out = p, a.avail_out = r - p, p && m.arraySet(a.output, a.output, o, p, 0), this.onData(O)) : this.onData(m.shrinkBuf(a.output, a.next_out))), a.avail_in === 0 && a.avail_out === 0 && (P = !0);
} while ((a.avail_in > 0 || a.avail_out === 0) && i !== b.Z_STREAM_END);
return i === b.Z_STREAM_END && (n = b.Z_FINISH), n === b.Z_FINISH ? (i = u.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(i), this.ended = !0, i === b.Z_OK) : (n === b.Z_SYNC_FLUSH && (this.onEnd(b.Z_OK), a.avail_out = 0), !0);
}, l.prototype.onData = function(v) {
}, l.prototype.onEnd = function(v) {
v === b.Z_OK && ( === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = m.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = v, this.msg = this.strm.msg;
function d(v, c) {
var a = new l(c);
if (a.push(v, !0), a.err)
throw a.msg || w[a.err];
return a.result;
function s(v, c) {
return c = c || {}, c.raw = !0, d(v, c);
_.Inflate = l, _.inflate = d, _.inflateRaw = s, _.ungzip = d;
}, { "./utils/common": 442, "./utils/strings": 443, "./zlib/constants": 445, "./zlib/gzheader": 448, "./zlib/inflate": 450, "./zlib/messages": 452, "./zlib/zstream": 454 }], 442: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(f) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(h) {
return typeof h;
} : u = function(h) {
return h && typeof Symbol == "function" && h.constructor === Symbol && h !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof h;
}, u(f);
var m = typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" && typeof Uint16Array != "undefined" && typeof Int32Array != "undefined";
function g(f, y) {
return, y);
_.assign = function(f) {
for (var y =, 1); y.length; ) {
var h = y.shift();
if (h) {
if (u(h) !== "object")
throw new TypeError(h + "must be non-object");
for (var l in h)
g(h, l) && (f[l] = h[l]);
return f;
}, _.shrinkBuf = function(f, y) {
return f.length === y ? f : f.subarray ? f.subarray(0, y) : (f.length = y, f);
var b = {
arraySet: function(y, h, l, d, s) {
if (h.subarray && y.subarray) {
y.set(h.subarray(l, l + d), s);
for (var v = 0; v < d; v++)
y[s + v] = h[l + v];
// Join array of chunks to single array.
flattenChunks: function(y) {
var h, l, d, s, v, c;
for (d = 0, h = 0, l = y.length; h < l; h++)
d += y[h].length;
for (c = new Uint8Array(d), s = 0, h = 0, l = y.length; h < l; h++)
v = y[h], c.set(v, s), s += v.length;
return c;
}, w = {
arraySet: function(y, h, l, d, s) {
for (var v = 0; v < d; v++)
y[s + v] = h[l + v];
// Join array of chunks to single array.
flattenChunks: function(y) {
return [].concat.apply([], y);
_.setTyped = function(f) {
f ? (_.Buf8 = Uint8Array, _.Buf16 = Uint16Array, _.Buf32 = Int32Array, _.assign(_, b)) : (_.Buf8 = Array, _.Buf16 = Array, _.Buf32 = Array, _.assign(_, w));
}, _.setTyped(m);
}, {}], 443: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("./common"), m = !0, g = !0;
try {
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [0]);
} catch (y) {
m = !1;
try {
String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1));
} catch (y) {
g = !1;
for (var b = new u.Buf8(256), w = 0; w < 256; w++)
b[w] = w >= 252 ? 6 : w >= 248 ? 5 : w >= 240 ? 4 : w >= 224 ? 3 : w >= 192 ? 2 : 1;
b[254] = b[254] = 1, _.string2buf = function(y) {
var h, l, d, s, v, c = y.length, a = 0;
for (s = 0; s < c; s++)
l = y.charCodeAt(s), (l & 64512) === 55296 && s + 1 < c && (d = y.charCodeAt(s + 1), (d & 64512) === 56320 && (l = 65536 + (l - 55296 << 10) + (d - 56320), s++)), a += l < 128 ? 1 : l < 2048 ? 2 : l < 65536 ? 3 : 4;
for (h = new u.Buf8(a), v = 0, s = 0; v < a; s++)
l = y.charCodeAt(s), (l & 64512) === 55296 && s + 1 < c && (d = y.charCodeAt(s + 1), (d & 64512) === 56320 && (l = 65536 + (l - 55296 << 10) + (d - 56320), s++)), l < 128 ? h[v++] = l : l < 2048 ? (h[v++] = 192 | l >>> 6, h[v++] = 128 | l & 63) : l < 65536 ? (h[v++] = 224 | l >>> 12, h[v++] = 128 | l >>> 6 & 63, h[v++] = 128 | l & 63) : (h[v++] = 240 | l >>> 18, h[v++] = 128 | l >>> 12 & 63, h[v++] = 128 | l >>> 6 & 63, h[v++] = 128 | l & 63);
return h;
function f(y, h) {
if (h < 65534 && (y.subarray && g || !y.subarray && m))
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, u.shrinkBuf(y, h));
for (var l = "", d = 0; d < h; d++)
l += String.fromCharCode(y[d]);
return l;
_.buf2binstring = function(y) {
return f(y, y.length);
}, _.binstring2buf = function(y) {
for (var h = new u.Buf8(y.length), l = 0, d = h.length; l < d; l++)
h[l] = y.charCodeAt(l);
return h;
}, _.buf2string = function(y, h) {
var l, d, s, v, c = h || y.length, a = new Array(c * 2);
for (d = 0, l = 0; l < c; ) {
if (s = y[l++], s < 128) {
a[d++] = s;
if (v = b[s], v > 4) {
a[d++] = 65533, l += v - 1;
for (s &= v === 2 ? 31 : v === 3 ? 15 : 7; v > 1 && l < c; )
s = s << 6 | y[l++] & 63, v--;
if (v > 1) {
a[d++] = 65533;
s < 65536 ? a[d++] = s : (s -= 65536, a[d++] = 55296 | s >> 10 & 1023, a[d++] = 56320 | s & 1023);
return f(a, d);
}, _.utf8border = function(y, h) {
var l;
for (h = h || y.length, h > y.length && (h = y.length), l = h - 1; l >= 0 && (y[l] & 192) === 128; )
return l < 0 || l === 0 ? h : l + b[y[l]] > h ? l : h;
}, { "./common": 442 }], 444: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m, g, b, w) {
for (var f = m & 65535 | 0, y = m >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, h = 0; b !== 0; ) {
h = b > 2e3 ? 2e3 : b, b -= h;
f = f + g[w++] | 0, y = y + f | 0;
while (--h);
f %= 65521, y %= 65521;
return f | y << 16 | 0;
x.exports = u;
}, {}], 445: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */
/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values
* are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.
Z_OK: 0,
Z_ERRNO: -1,
//Z_MEM_ERROR: -4,
/* compression levels */
Z_RLE: 3,
/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */
Z_TEXT: 1,
//Z_ASCII: 1, // = Z_TEXT (deprecated)
/* The deflate compression method */
//Z_NULL: null // Use -1 or null inline, depending on var type
}, {}], 446: [function(e, x, _) {
function u() {
for (var b, w = [], f = 0; f < 256; f++) {
b = f;
for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++)
b = b & 1 ? 3988292384 ^ b >>> 1 : b >>> 1;
w[f] = b;
return w;
var m = u();
function g(b, w, f, y) {
var h = m, l = y + f;
b ^= -1;
for (var d = y; d < l; d++)
b = b >>> 8 ^ h[(b ^ w[d]) & 255];
return b ^ -1;
x.exports = g;
}, {}], 447: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils/common"), m = e("./trees"), g = e("./adler32"), b = e("./crc32"), w = e("./messages"), f = 0, y = 1, h = 3, l = 4, d = 5, s = 0, v = 1, c = -2, a = -3, r = -5, t = -1, i = 1, n = 2, o = 3, p = 4, O = 0, P = 2, F = 8, z = 9, N = 15, M = 8, I = 29, R = 256, C = R + 1 + I, E = 30, A = 19, L = 2 * C + 1, $ = 15, W = 3, U = 258, D = U + W + 1, B = 32, j = 42, V = 69, re = 73, ee = 91, ce = 103, ve = 113, ge = 666, oe = 1, J = 2, Q = 3, he = 4, ke = 3;
function ne(K, Me) {
return K.msg = w[Me], Me;
function se(K) {
return (K << 1) - (K > 4 ? 9 : 0);
function Ce(K) {
for (var Me = K.length; --Me >= 0; )
K[Me] = 0;
function q(K) {
var Me = K.state, Le = Me.pending;
Le > K.avail_out && (Le = K.avail_out), Le !== 0 && (u.arraySet(K.output, Me.pending_buf, Me.pending_out, Le, K.next_out), K.next_out += Le, Me.pending_out += Le, K.total_out += Le, K.avail_out -= Le, Me.pending -= Le, Me.pending === 0 && (Me.pending_out = 0));
function G(K, Me) {
m._tr_flush_block(K, K.block_start >= 0 ? K.block_start : -1, K.strstart - K.block_start, Me), K.block_start = K.strstart, q(K.strm);
function Y(K, Me) {
K.pending_buf[K.pending++] = Me;
function fe(K, Me) {
K.pending_buf[K.pending++] = Me >>> 8 & 255, K.pending_buf[K.pending++] = Me & 255;
function we(K, Me, Le, ue) {
var Se = K.avail_in;
return Se > ue && (Se = ue), Se === 0 ? 0 : (K.avail_in -= Se, u.arraySet(Me, K.input, K.next_in, Se, Le), K.state.wrap === 1 ? K.adler = g(K.adler, Me, Se, Le) : K.state.wrap === 2 && (K.adler = b(K.adler, Me, Se, Le)), K.next_in += Se, K.total_in += Se, Se);
function _e(K, Me) {
var Le = K.max_chain_length, ue = K.strstart, Se, Ie, st = K.prev_length, Ge = K.nice_match, rt = K.strstart > K.w_size - D ? K.strstart - (K.w_size - D) : 0, _t = K.window, wt = K.w_mask, Ot = K.prev, pt = K.strstart + U, ct = _t[ue + st - 1], At = _t[ue + st];
K.prev_length >= K.good_match && (Le >>= 2), Ge > K.lookahead && (Ge = K.lookahead);
if (Se = Me, !(_t[Se + st] !== At || _t[Se + st - 1] !== ct || _t[Se] !== _t[ue] || _t[++Se] !== _t[ue + 1])) {
ue += 2, Se++;
while (_t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && _t[++ue] === _t[++Se] && ue < pt);
if (Ie = U - (pt - ue), ue = pt - U, Ie > st) {
if (K.match_start = Me, st = Ie, Ie >= Ge)
ct = _t[ue + st - 1], At = _t[ue + st];
while ((Me = Ot[Me & wt]) > rt && --Le !== 0);
return st <= K.lookahead ? st : K.lookahead;
function je(K) {
var Me = K.w_size, Le, ue, Se, Ie, st;
do {
if (Ie = K.window_size - K.lookahead - K.strstart, K.strstart >= Me + (Me - D)) {
u.arraySet(K.window, K.window, Me, Me, 0), K.match_start -= Me, K.strstart -= Me, K.block_start -= Me, ue = K.hash_size, Le = ue;
Se = K.head[--Le], K.head[Le] = Se >= Me ? Se - Me : 0;
while (--ue);
ue = Me, Le = ue;
Se = K.prev[--Le], K.prev[Le] = Se >= Me ? Se - Me : 0;
while (--ue);
Ie += Me;
if (K.strm.avail_in === 0)
if (ue = we(K.strm, K.window, K.strstart + K.lookahead, Ie), K.lookahead += ue, K.lookahead + K.insert >= W)
for (st = K.strstart - K.insert, K.ins_h = K.window[st], K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[st + 1]) & K.hash_mask; K.insert && (K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[st + W - 1]) & K.hash_mask, K.prev[st & K.w_mask] = K.head[K.ins_h], K.head[K.ins_h] = st, st++, K.insert--, !(K.lookahead + K.insert < W)); )
} while (K.lookahead < D && K.strm.avail_in !== 0);
function Ye(K, Me) {
var Le = 65535;
for (Le > K.pending_buf_size - 5 && (Le = K.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) {
if (K.lookahead <= 1) {
if (je(K), K.lookahead === 0 && Me === f)
return oe;
if (K.lookahead === 0)
K.strstart += K.lookahead, K.lookahead = 0;
var ue = K.block_start + Le;
if ((K.strstart === 0 || K.strstart >= ue) && (K.lookahead = K.strstart - ue, K.strstart = ue, G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0) || K.strstart - K.block_start >= K.w_size - D && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0))
return oe;
return K.insert = 0, Me === l ? (G(K, !0), K.strm.avail_out === 0 ? Q : he) : (K.strstart > K.block_start && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0), oe);
function nt(K, Me) {
for (var Le, ue; ; ) {
if (K.lookahead < D) {
if (je(K), K.lookahead < D && Me === f)
return oe;
if (K.lookahead === 0)
if (Le = 0, K.lookahead >= W && (K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[K.strstart + W - 1]) & K.hash_mask, Le = K.prev[K.strstart & K.w_mask] = K.head[K.ins_h], K.head[K.ins_h] = K.strstart), Le !== 0 && K.strstart - Le <= K.w_size - D && (K.match_length = _e(K, Le)), K.match_length >= W)
if (ue = m._tr_tally(K, K.strstart - K.match_start, K.match_length - W), K.lookahead -= K.match_length, K.match_length <= K.max_lazy_match && K.lookahead >= W) {
K.strstart++, K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[K.strstart + W - 1]) & K.hash_mask, Le = K.prev[K.strstart & K.w_mask] = K.head[K.ins_h], K.head[K.ins_h] = K.strstart;
while (--K.match_length !== 0);
} else
K.strstart += K.match_length, K.match_length = 0, K.ins_h = K.window[K.strstart], K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[K.strstart + 1]) & K.hash_mask;
ue = m._tr_tally(K, 0, K.window[K.strstart]), K.lookahead--, K.strstart++;
if (ue && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0))
return oe;
return K.insert = K.strstart < W - 1 ? K.strstart : W - 1, Me === l ? (G(K, !0), K.strm.avail_out === 0 ? Q : he) : K.last_lit && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0) ? oe : J;
function ut(K, Me) {
for (var Le, ue, Se; ; ) {
if (K.lookahead < D) {
if (je(K), K.lookahead < D && Me === f)
return oe;
if (K.lookahead === 0)
if (Le = 0, K.lookahead >= W && (K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[K.strstart + W - 1]) & K.hash_mask, Le = K.prev[K.strstart & K.w_mask] = K.head[K.ins_h], K.head[K.ins_h] = K.strstart), K.prev_length = K.match_length, K.prev_match = K.match_start, K.match_length = W - 1, Le !== 0 && K.prev_length < K.max_lazy_match && K.strstart - Le <= K.w_size - D && (K.match_length = _e(K, Le), K.match_length <= 5 && (K.strategy === i || K.match_length === W && K.strstart - K.match_start > 4096) && (K.match_length = W - 1)), K.prev_length >= W && K.match_length <= K.prev_length) {
Se = K.strstart + K.lookahead - W, ue = m._tr_tally(K, K.strstart - 1 - K.prev_match, K.prev_length - W), K.lookahead -= K.prev_length - 1, K.prev_length -= 2;
++K.strstart <= Se && (K.ins_h = (K.ins_h << K.hash_shift ^ K.window[K.strstart + W - 1]) & K.hash_mask, Le = K.prev[K.strstart & K.w_mask] = K.head[K.ins_h], K.head[K.ins_h] = K.strstart);
while (--K.prev_length !== 0);
if (K.match_available = 0, K.match_length = W - 1, K.strstart++, ue && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0))
return oe;
} else if (K.match_available) {
if (ue = m._tr_tally(K, 0, K.window[K.strstart - 1]), ue && G(K, !1), K.strstart++, K.lookahead--, K.strm.avail_out === 0)
return oe;
} else
K.match_available = 1, K.strstart++, K.lookahead--;
return K.match_available && (ue = m._tr_tally(K, 0, K.window[K.strstart - 1]), K.match_available = 0), K.insert = K.strstart < W - 1 ? K.strstart : W - 1, Me === l ? (G(K, !0), K.strm.avail_out === 0 ? Q : he) : K.last_lit && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0) ? oe : J;
function ot(K, Me) {
for (var Le, ue, Se, Ie, st = K.window; ; ) {
if (K.lookahead <= U) {
if (je(K), K.lookahead <= U && Me === f)
return oe;
if (K.lookahead === 0)
if (K.match_length = 0, K.lookahead >= W && K.strstart > 0 && (Se = K.strstart - 1, ue = st[Se], ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se])) {
Ie = K.strstart + U;
while (ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && ue === st[++Se] && Se < Ie);
K.match_length = U - (Ie - Se), K.match_length > K.lookahead && (K.match_length = K.lookahead);
if (K.match_length >= W ? (Le = m._tr_tally(K, 1, K.match_length - W), K.lookahead -= K.match_length, K.strstart += K.match_length, K.match_length = 0) : (Le = m._tr_tally(K, 0, K.window[K.strstart]), K.lookahead--, K.strstart++), Le && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0))
return oe;
return K.insert = 0, Me === l ? (G(K, !0), K.strm.avail_out === 0 ? Q : he) : K.last_lit && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0) ? oe : J;
function Ue(K, Me) {
for (var Le; ; ) {
if (K.lookahead === 0 && (je(K), K.lookahead === 0)) {
if (Me === f)
return oe;
if (K.match_length = 0, Le = m._tr_tally(K, 0, K.window[K.strstart]), K.lookahead--, K.strstart++, Le && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0))
return oe;
return K.insert = 0, Me === l ? (G(K, !0), K.strm.avail_out === 0 ? Q : he) : K.last_lit && (G(K, !1), K.strm.avail_out === 0) ? oe : J;
function Ve(K, Me, Le, ue, Se) {
this.good_length = K, this.max_lazy = Me, this.nice_length = Le, this.max_chain = ue, this.func = Se;
var Qe;
Qe = [
/* good lazy nice chain */
new Ve(0, 0, 0, 0, Ye),
/* 0 store only */
new Ve(4, 4, 8, 4, nt),
/* 1 max speed, no lazy matches */
new Ve(4, 5, 16, 8, nt),
/* 2 */
new Ve(4, 6, 32, 32, nt),
/* 3 */
new Ve(4, 4, 16, 16, ut),
/* 4 lazy matches */
new Ve(8, 16, 32, 32, ut),
/* 5 */
new Ve(8, 16, 128, 128, ut),
/* 6 */
new Ve(8, 32, 128, 256, ut),
/* 7 */
new Ve(32, 128, 258, 1024, ut),
/* 8 */
new Ve(32, 258, 258, 4096, ut)
/* 9 max compression */
function tt(K) {
K.window_size = 2 * K.w_size, Ce(K.head), K.max_lazy_match = Qe[K.level].max_lazy, K.good_match = Qe[K.level].good_length, K.nice_match = Qe[K.level].nice_length, K.max_chain_length = Qe[K.level].max_chain, K.strstart = 0, K.block_start = 0, K.lookahead = 0, K.insert = 0, K.match_length = K.prev_length = W - 1, K.match_available = 0, K.ins_h = 0;
function ae() {
this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = F, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new u.Buf16(L * 2), this.dyn_dtree = new u.Buf16((2 * E + 1) * 2), this.bl_tree = new u.Buf16((2 * A + 1) * 2), Ce(this.dyn_ltree), Ce(this.dyn_dtree), Ce(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new u.Buf16($ + 1), this.heap = new u.Buf16(2 * C + 1), Ce(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new u.Buf16(2 * C + 1), Ce(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0;
function Re(K) {
var Me;
return !K || !K.state ? ne(K, c) : (K.total_in = K.total_out = 0, K.data_type = P, Me = K.state, Me.pending = 0, Me.pending_out = 0, Me.wrap < 0 && (Me.wrap = -Me.wrap), Me.status = Me.wrap ? j : ve, K.adler = Me.wrap === 2 ? 0 : 1, Me.last_flush = f, m._tr_init(Me), s);
function be(K) {
var Me = Re(K);
return Me === s && tt(K.state), Me;
function Ee(K, Me) {
return !K || !K.state || K.state.wrap !== 2 ? c : (K.state.gzhead = Me, s);
function pe(K, Me, Le, ue, Se, Ie) {
if (!K)
return c;
var st = 1;
if (Me === t && (Me = 6), ue < 0 ? (st = 0, ue = -ue) : ue > 15 && (st = 2, ue -= 16), Se < 1 || Se > z || Le !== F || ue < 8 || ue > 15 || Me < 0 || Me > 9 || Ie < 0 || Ie > p)
return ne(K, c);
ue === 8 && (ue = 9);
var Ge = new ae();
return K.state = Ge, Ge.strm = K, Ge.wrap = st, Ge.gzhead = null, Ge.w_bits = ue, Ge.w_size = 1 << Ge.w_bits, Ge.w_mask = Ge.w_size - 1, Ge.hash_bits = Se + 7, Ge.hash_size = 1 << Ge.hash_bits, Ge.hash_mask = Ge.hash_size - 1, Ge.hash_shift = ~~((Ge.hash_bits + W - 1) / W), Ge.window = new u.Buf8(Ge.w_size * 2), Ge.head = new u.Buf16(Ge.hash_size), Ge.prev = new u.Buf16(Ge.w_size), Ge.lit_bufsize = 1 << Se + 6, Ge.pending_buf_size = Ge.lit_bufsize * 4, Ge.pending_buf = new u.Buf8(Ge.pending_buf_size), Ge.d_buf = 1 * Ge.lit_bufsize, Ge.l_buf = (1 + 2) * Ge.lit_bufsize, Ge.level = Me, Ge.strategy = Ie, Ge.method = Le, be(K);
function Pe(K, Me) {
return pe(K, Me, F, N, M, O);
function te(K, Me) {
var Le, ue, Se, Ie;
if (!K || !K.state || Me > d || Me < 0)
return K ? ne(K, c) : c;
if (ue = K.state, !K.output || !K.input && K.avail_in !== 0 || ue.status === ge && Me !== l)
return ne(K, K.avail_out === 0 ? r : c);
if (ue.strm = K, Le = ue.last_flush, ue.last_flush = Me, ue.status === j)
if (ue.wrap === 2)
K.adler = 0, Y(ue, 31), Y(ue, 139), Y(ue, 8), ue.gzhead ? (Y(ue, (ue.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (ue.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (ue.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + ( ? 8 : 0) + (ue.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), Y(ue, ue.gzhead.time & 255), Y(ue, ue.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), Y(ue, ue.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), Y(ue, ue.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), Y(ue, ue.level === 9 ? 2 : ue.strategy >= n || ue.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), Y(ue, ue.gzhead.os & 255), ue.gzhead.extra && ue.gzhead.extra.length && (Y(ue, ue.gzhead.extra.length & 255), Y(ue, ue.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), ue.gzhead.hcrc && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending, 0)), ue.gzindex = 0, ue.status = V) : (Y(ue, 0), Y(ue, 0), Y(ue, 0), Y(ue, 0), Y(ue, 0), Y(ue, ue.level === 9 ? 2 : ue.strategy >= n || ue.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), Y(ue, ke), ue.status = ve);
else {
var st = F + (ue.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8, Ge = -1;
ue.strategy >= n || ue.level < 2 ? Ge = 0 : ue.level < 6 ? Ge = 1 : ue.level === 6 ? Ge = 2 : Ge = 3, st |= Ge << 6, ue.strstart !== 0 && (st |= B), st += 31 - st % 31, ue.status = ve, fe(ue, st), ue.strstart !== 0 && (fe(ue, K.adler >>> 16), fe(ue, K.adler & 65535)), K.adler = 1;
if (ue.status === V)
if (ue.gzhead.extra) {
for (Se = ue.pending; ue.gzindex < (ue.gzhead.extra.length & 65535) && !(ue.pending === ue.pending_buf_size && (ue.gzhead.hcrc && ue.pending > Se && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending - Se, Se)), q(K), Se = ue.pending, ue.pending === ue.pending_buf_size)); )
Y(ue, ue.gzhead.extra[ue.gzindex] & 255), ue.gzindex++;
ue.gzhead.hcrc && ue.pending > Se && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending - Se, Se)), ue.gzindex === ue.gzhead.extra.length && (ue.gzindex = 0, ue.status = re);
} else
ue.status = re;
if (ue.status === re)
if ( {
Se = ue.pending;
do {
if (ue.pending === ue.pending_buf_size && (ue.gzhead.hcrc && ue.pending > Se && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending - Se, Se)), q(K), Se = ue.pending, ue.pending === ue.pending_buf_size)) {
Ie = 1;
ue.gzindex < ? Ie = & 255 : Ie = 0, Y(ue, Ie);
} while (Ie !== 0);
ue.gzhead.hcrc && ue.pending > Se && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending - Se, Se)), Ie === 0 && (ue.gzindex = 0, ue.status = ee);
} else
ue.status = ee;
if (ue.status === ee)
if (ue.gzhead.comment) {
Se = ue.pending;
do {
if (ue.pending === ue.pending_buf_size && (ue.gzhead.hcrc && ue.pending > Se && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending - Se, Se)), q(K), Se = ue.pending, ue.pending === ue.pending_buf_size)) {
Ie = 1;
ue.gzindex < ue.gzhead.comment.length ? Ie = ue.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(ue.gzindex++) & 255 : Ie = 0, Y(ue, Ie);
} while (Ie !== 0);
ue.gzhead.hcrc && ue.pending > Se && (K.adler = b(K.adler, ue.pending_buf, ue.pending - Se, Se)), Ie === 0 && (ue.status = ce);
} else
ue.status = ce;
if (ue.status === ce && (ue.gzhead.hcrc ? (ue.pending + 2 > ue.pending_buf_size && q(K), ue.pending + 2 <= ue.pending_buf_size && (Y(ue, K.adler & 255), Y(ue, K.adler >> 8 & 255), K.adler = 0, ue.status = ve)) : ue.status = ve), ue.pending !== 0) {
if (q(K), K.avail_out === 0)
return ue.last_flush = -1, s;
} else if (K.avail_in === 0 && se(Me) <= se(Le) && Me !== l)
return ne(K, r);
if (ue.status === ge && K.avail_in !== 0)
return ne(K, r);
if (K.avail_in !== 0 || ue.lookahead !== 0 || Me !== f && ue.status !== ge) {
var rt = ue.strategy === n ? Ue(ue, Me) : ue.strategy === o ? ot(ue, Me) : Qe[ue.level].func(ue, Me);
if ((rt === Q || rt === he) && (ue.status = ge), rt === oe || rt === Q)
return K.avail_out === 0 && (ue.last_flush = -1), s;
if (rt === J && (Me === y ? m._tr_align(ue) : Me !== d && (m._tr_stored_block(ue, 0, 0, !1), Me === h && (Ce(ue.head), ue.lookahead === 0 && (ue.strstart = 0, ue.block_start = 0, ue.insert = 0))), q(K), K.avail_out === 0))
return ue.last_flush = -1, s;
return Me !== l ? s : ue.wrap <= 0 ? v : (ue.wrap === 2 ? (Y(ue, K.adler & 255), Y(ue, K.adler >> 8 & 255), Y(ue, K.adler >> 16 & 255), Y(ue, K.adler >> 24 & 255), Y(ue, K.total_in & 255), Y(ue, K.total_in >> 8 & 255), Y(ue, K.total_in >> 16 & 255), Y(ue, K.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (fe(ue, K.adler >>> 16), fe(ue, K.adler & 65535)), q(K), ue.wrap > 0 && (ue.wrap = -ue.wrap), ue.pending !== 0 ? s : v);
function He(K) {
var Me;
return !K || !K.state ? c : (Me = K.state.status, Me !== j && Me !== V && Me !== re && Me !== ee && Me !== ce && Me !== ve && Me !== ge ? ne(K, c) : (K.state = null, Me === ve ? ne(K, a) : s));
function it(K, Me) {
var Le = Me.length, ue, Se, Ie, st, Ge, rt, _t, wt;
if (!K || !K.state || (ue = K.state, st = ue.wrap, st === 2 || st === 1 && ue.status !== j || ue.lookahead))
return c;
for (st === 1 && (K.adler = g(K.adler, Me, Le, 0)), ue.wrap = 0, Le >= ue.w_size && (st === 0 && (Ce(ue.head), ue.strstart = 0, ue.block_start = 0, ue.insert = 0), wt = new u.Buf8(ue.w_size), u.arraySet(wt, Me, Le - ue.w_size, ue.w_size, 0), Me = wt, Le = ue.w_size), Ge = K.avail_in, rt = K.next_in, _t = K.input, K.avail_in = Le, K.next_in = 0, K.input = Me, je(ue); ue.lookahead >= W; ) {
Se = ue.strstart, Ie = ue.lookahead - (W - 1);
ue.ins_h = (ue.ins_h << ue.hash_shift ^ ue.window[Se + W - 1]) & ue.hash_mask, ue.prev[Se & ue.w_mask] = ue.head[ue.ins_h], ue.head[ue.ins_h] = Se, Se++;
while (--Ie);
ue.strstart = Se, ue.lookahead = W - 1, je(ue);
return ue.strstart += ue.lookahead, ue.block_start = ue.strstart, ue.insert = ue.lookahead, ue.lookahead = 0, ue.match_length = ue.prev_length = W - 1, ue.match_available = 0, K.next_in = rt, K.input = _t, K.avail_in = Ge, ue.wrap = st, s;
_.deflateInit = Pe, _.deflateInit2 = pe, _.deflateReset = be, _.deflateResetKeep = Re, _.deflateSetHeader = Ee, _.deflate = te, _.deflateEnd = He, _.deflateSetDictionary = it, _.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)";
}, { "../utils/common": 442, "./adler32": 444, "./crc32": 446, "./messages": 452, "./trees": 453 }], 448: [function(e, x, _) {
function u() {
this.text = 0, this.time = 0, this.xflags = 0, this.os = 0, this.extra = null, this.extra_len = 0, = "", this.comment = "", this.hcrc = 0, this.done = !1;
x.exports = u;
}, {}], 449: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = 30, m = 12;
x.exports = function(b, w) {
var f, y, h, l, d, s, v, c, a, r, t, i, n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N, M, I, R, C, E;
f = b.state, y = b.next_in, C = b.input, h = y + (b.avail_in - 5), l = b.next_out, E = b.output, d = l - (w - b.avail_out), s = l + (b.avail_out - 257), v = f.dmax, c = f.wsize, a = f.whave, r = f.wnext, t = f.window, i = f.hold, n = f.bits, o = f.lencode, p = f.distcode, O = (1 << f.lenbits) - 1, P = (1 << f.distbits) - 1;
do {
n < 15 && (i += C[y++] << n, n += 8, i += C[y++] << n, n += 8), F = o[i & O];
for (; ; ) {
if (z = F >>> 24, i >>>= z, n -= z, z = F >>> 16 & 255, z === 0)
E[l++] = F & 65535;
else if (z & 16) {
N = F & 65535, z &= 15, z && (n < z && (i += C[y++] << n, n += 8), N += i & (1 << z) - 1, i >>>= z, n -= z), n < 15 && (i += C[y++] << n, n += 8, i += C[y++] << n, n += 8), F = p[i & P];
for (; ; ) {
if (z = F >>> 24, i >>>= z, n -= z, z = F >>> 16 & 255, z & 16) {
if (M = F & 65535, z &= 15, n < z && (i += C[y++] << n, n += 8, n < z && (i += C[y++] << n, n += 8)), M += i & (1 << z) - 1, M > v) {
b.msg = "invalid distance too far back", f.mode = u;
break e;
if (i >>>= z, n -= z, z = l - d, M > z) {
if (z = M - z, z > a && f.sane) {
b.msg = "invalid distance too far back", f.mode = u;
break e;
if (I = 0, R = t, r === 0) {
if (I += c - z, z < N) {
N -= z;
E[l++] = t[I++];
while (--z);
I = l - M, R = E;
} else if (r < z) {
if (I += c + r - z, z -= r, z < N) {
N -= z;
E[l++] = t[I++];
while (--z);
if (I = 0, r < N) {
z = r, N -= z;
E[l++] = t[I++];
while (--z);
I = l - M, R = E;
} else if (I += r - z, z < N) {
N -= z;
E[l++] = t[I++];
while (--z);
I = l - M, R = E;
for (; N > 2; )
E[l++] = R[I++], E[l++] = R[I++], E[l++] = R[I++], N -= 3;
N && (E[l++] = R[I++], N > 1 && (E[l++] = R[I++]));
} else {
I = l - M;
E[l++] = E[I++], E[l++] = E[I++], E[l++] = E[I++], N -= 3;
while (N > 2);
N && (E[l++] = E[I++], N > 1 && (E[l++] = E[I++]));
} else if (z & 64) {
b.msg = "invalid distance code", f.mode = u;
break e;
} else {
F = p[(F & 65535) + /*here.val*/
(i & (1 << z) - 1)];
continue r;
} else if (z & 64)
if (z & 32) {
f.mode = m;
break e;
} else {
b.msg = "invalid literal/length code", f.mode = u;
break e;
else {
F = o[(F & 65535) + /*here.val*/
(i & (1 << z) - 1)];
continue t;
} while (y < h && l < s);
N = n >> 3, y -= N, n -= N << 3, i &= (1 << n) - 1, b.next_in = y, b.next_out = l, b.avail_in = y < h ? 5 + (h - y) : 5 - (y - h), b.avail_out = l < s ? 257 + (s - l) : 257 - (l - s), f.hold = i, f.bits = n;
}, {}], 450: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils/common"), m = e("./adler32"), g = e("./crc32"), b = e("./inffast"), w = e("./inftrees"), f = 0, y = 1, h = 2, l = 4, d = 5, s = 6, v = 0, c = 1, a = 2, r = -2, t = -3, i = -4, n = -5, o = 8, p = 1, O = 2, P = 3, F = 4, z = 5, N = 6, M = 7, I = 8, R = 9, C = 10, E = 11, A = 12, L = 13, $ = 14, W = 15, U = 16, D = 17, B = 18, j = 19, V = 20, re = 21, ee = 22, ce = 23, ve = 24, ge = 25, oe = 26, J = 27, Q = 28, he = 29, ke = 30, ne = 31, se = 32, Ce = 852, q = 592, G = 15, Y = G;
function fe(pe) {
return (pe >>> 24 & 255) + (pe >>> 8 & 65280) + ((pe & 65280) << 8) + ((pe & 255) << 24);
function we() {
this.mode = 0, this.last = !1, this.wrap = 0, this.havedict = !1, this.flags = 0, this.dmax = 0, this.check = 0, = 0, this.head = null, this.wbits = 0, this.wsize = 0, this.whave = 0, this.wnext = 0, this.window = null, this.hold = 0, this.bits = 0, this.length = 0, this.offset = 0, this.extra = 0, this.lencode = null, this.distcode = null, this.lenbits = 0, this.distbits = 0, this.ncode = 0, this.nlen = 0, this.ndist = 0, this.have = 0, = null, this.lens = new u.Buf16(320), = new u.Buf16(288), this.lendyn = null, this.distdyn = null, this.sane = 0, this.back = 0, this.was = 0;
function _e(pe) {
var Pe;
return !pe || !pe.state ? r : (Pe = pe.state, pe.total_in = pe.total_out = = 0, pe.msg = "", Pe.wrap && (pe.adler = Pe.wrap & 1), Pe.mode = p, Pe.last = 0, Pe.havedict = 0, Pe.dmax = 32768, Pe.head = null, Pe.hold = 0, Pe.bits = 0, Pe.lencode = Pe.lendyn = new u.Buf32(Ce), Pe.distcode = Pe.distdyn = new u.Buf32(q), Pe.sane = 1, Pe.back = -1, v);
function je(pe) {
var Pe;
return !pe || !pe.state ? r : (Pe = pe.state, Pe.wsize = 0, Pe.whave = 0, Pe.wnext = 0, _e(pe));
function Ye(pe, Pe) {
var te, He;
return !pe || !pe.state || (He = pe.state, Pe < 0 ? (te = 0, Pe = -Pe) : (te = (Pe >> 4) + 1, Pe < 48 && (Pe &= 15)), Pe && (Pe < 8 || Pe > 15)) ? r : (He.window !== null && He.wbits !== Pe && (He.window = null), He.wrap = te, He.wbits = Pe, je(pe));
function nt(pe, Pe) {
var te, He;
return pe ? (He = new we(), pe.state = He, He.window = null, te = Ye(pe, Pe), te !== v && (pe.state = null), te) : r;
function ut(pe) {
return nt(pe, Y);
var ot = !0, Ue, Ve;
function Qe(pe) {
if (ot) {
var Pe;
for (Ue = new u.Buf32(512), Ve = new u.Buf32(32), Pe = 0; Pe < 144; )
pe.lens[Pe++] = 8;
for (; Pe < 256; )
pe.lens[Pe++] = 9;
for (; Pe < 280; )
pe.lens[Pe++] = 7;
for (; Pe < 288; )
pe.lens[Pe++] = 8;
for (w(y, pe.lens, 0, 288, Ue, 0,, {
bits: 9
}), Pe = 0; Pe < 32; )
pe.lens[Pe++] = 5;
w(h, pe.lens, 0, 32, Ve, 0,, {
bits: 5
}), ot = !1;
pe.lencode = Ue, pe.lenbits = 9, pe.distcode = Ve, pe.distbits = 5;
function tt(pe, Pe, te, He) {
var it, K = pe.state;
return K.window === null && (K.wsize = 1 << K.wbits, K.wnext = 0, K.whave = 0, K.window = new u.Buf8(K.wsize)), He >= K.wsize ? (u.arraySet(K.window, Pe, te - K.wsize, K.wsize, 0), K.wnext = 0, K.whave = K.wsize) : (it = K.wsize - K.wnext, it > He && (it = He), u.arraySet(K.window, Pe, te - He, it, K.wnext), He -= it, He ? (u.arraySet(K.window, Pe, te - He, He, 0), K.wnext = He, K.whave = K.wsize) : (K.wnext += it, K.wnext === K.wsize && (K.wnext = 0), K.whave < K.wsize && (K.whave += it))), 0;
function ae(pe, Pe) {
var te, He, it, K, Me, Le, ue, Se, Ie, st, Ge, rt, _t, wt, Ot = 0, pt, ct, At, Pt, bt, Kt, Ct, xt, Ft = new u.Buf8(4), Lt, Et, Dr = (
/* permutation of code lengths */
[16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]
if (!pe || !pe.state || !pe.output || !pe.input && pe.avail_in !== 0)
return r;
te = pe.state, te.mode === A && (te.mode = L), Me = pe.next_out, it = pe.output, ue = pe.avail_out, K = pe.next_in, He = pe.input, Le = pe.avail_in, Se = te.hold, Ie = te.bits, st = Le, Ge = ue, xt = v;
for (; ; )
switch (te.mode) {
case p:
if (te.wrap === 0) {
te.mode = L;
for (; Ie < 16; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (te.wrap & 2 && Se === 35615) {
te.check = 0, Ft[0] = Se & 255, Ft[1] = Se >>> 8 & 255, te.check = g(te.check, Ft, 2, 0), Se = 0, Ie = 0, te.mode = O;
if (te.flags = 0, te.head && (te.head.done = !1), !(te.wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */
(((Se & 255) << /*BITS(8)*/
8) + (Se >> 8)) % 31) {
pe.msg = "incorrect header check", te.mode = ke;
if ((Se & 15) !== /*BITS(4)*/
o) {
pe.msg = "unknown compression method", te.mode = ke;
if (Se >>>= 4, Ie -= 4, Ct = (Se & 15) + /*BITS(4)*/
8, te.wbits === 0)
te.wbits = Ct;
else if (Ct > te.wbits) {
pe.msg = "invalid window size", te.mode = ke;
te.dmax = 1 << Ct, pe.adler = te.check = 1, te.mode = Se & 512 ? C : A, Se = 0, Ie = 0;
case O:
for (; Ie < 16; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (te.flags = Se, (te.flags & 255) !== o) {
pe.msg = "unknown compression method", te.mode = ke;
if (te.flags & 57344) {
pe.msg = "unknown header flags set", te.mode = ke;
te.head && (te.head.text = Se >> 8 & 1), te.flags & 512 && (Ft[0] = Se & 255, Ft[1] = Se >>> 8 & 255, te.check = g(te.check, Ft, 2, 0)), Se = 0, Ie = 0, te.mode = P;
case P:
for (; Ie < 32; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
te.head && (te.head.time = Se), te.flags & 512 && (Ft[0] = Se & 255, Ft[1] = Se >>> 8 & 255, Ft[2] = Se >>> 16 & 255, Ft[3] = Se >>> 24 & 255, te.check = g(te.check, Ft, 4, 0)), Se = 0, Ie = 0, te.mode = F;
case F:
for (; Ie < 16; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
te.head && (te.head.xflags = Se & 255, te.head.os = Se >> 8), te.flags & 512 && (Ft[0] = Se & 255, Ft[1] = Se >>> 8 & 255, te.check = g(te.check, Ft, 2, 0)), Se = 0, Ie = 0, te.mode = z;
case z:
if (te.flags & 1024) {
for (; Ie < 16; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
te.length = Se, te.head && (te.head.extra_len = Se), te.flags & 512 && (Ft[0] = Se & 255, Ft[1] = Se >>> 8 & 255, te.check = g(te.check, Ft, 2, 0)), Se = 0, Ie = 0;
} else
te.head && (te.head.extra = null);
te.mode = N;
case N:
if (te.flags & 1024 && (rt = te.length, rt > Le && (rt = Le), rt && (te.head && (Ct = te.head.extra_len - te.length, te.head.extra || (te.head.extra = new Array(te.head.extra_len)), u.arraySet(
// extra field is limited to 65536 bytes
// - no need for additional size check
/*len + copy > state.head.extra_max - len ? state.head.extra_max : copy,*/
)), te.flags & 512 && (te.check = g(te.check, He, rt, K)), Le -= rt, K += rt, te.length -= rt), te.length))
break e;
te.length = 0, te.mode = M;
case M:
if (te.flags & 2048) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
rt = 0;
Ct = He[K + rt++], te.head && Ct && te.length < 65536 && ( += String.fromCharCode(Ct));
while (Ct && rt < Le);
if (te.flags & 512 && (te.check = g(te.check, He, rt, K)), Le -= rt, K += rt, Ct)
break e;
} else
te.head && ( = null);
te.length = 0, te.mode = I;
case I:
if (te.flags & 4096) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
rt = 0;
Ct = He[K + rt++], te.head && Ct && te.length < 65536 && (te.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(Ct));
while (Ct && rt < Le);
if (te.flags & 512 && (te.check = g(te.check, He, rt, K)), Le -= rt, K += rt, Ct)
break e;
} else
te.head && (te.head.comment = null);
te.mode = R;
case R:
if (te.flags & 512) {
for (; Ie < 16; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (Se !== (te.check & 65535)) {
pe.msg = "header crc mismatch", te.mode = ke;
Se = 0, Ie = 0;
te.head && (te.head.hcrc = te.flags >> 9 & 1, te.head.done = !0), pe.adler = te.check = 0, te.mode = A;
case C:
for (; Ie < 32; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
pe.adler = te.check = fe(Se), Se = 0, Ie = 0, te.mode = E;
case E:
if (te.havedict === 0)
return pe.next_out = Me, pe.avail_out = ue, pe.next_in = K, pe.avail_in = Le, te.hold = Se, te.bits = Ie, a;
pe.adler = te.check = 1, te.mode = A;
case A:
if (Pe === d || Pe === s)
break e;
case L:
if (te.last) {
Se >>>= Ie & 7, Ie -= Ie & 7, te.mode = J;
for (; Ie < 3; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
switch (te.last = Se & 1, Se >>>= 1, Ie -= 1, Se & 3) {
case 0:
te.mode = $;
case 1:
if (Qe(te), te.mode = V, Pe === s) {
Se >>>= 2, Ie -= 2;
break e;
case 2:
te.mode = D;
case 3:
pe.msg = "invalid block type", te.mode = ke;
Se >>>= 2, Ie -= 2;
case $:
for (Se >>>= Ie & 7, Ie -= Ie & 7; Ie < 32; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if ((Se & 65535) !== (Se >>> 16 ^ 65535)) {
pe.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", te.mode = ke;
if (te.length = Se & 65535, Se = 0, Ie = 0, te.mode = W, Pe === s)
break e;
case W:
te.mode = U;
case U:
if (rt = te.length, rt) {
if (rt > Le && (rt = Le), rt > ue && (rt = ue), rt === 0)
break e;
u.arraySet(it, He, K, rt, Me), Le -= rt, K += rt, ue -= rt, Me += rt, te.length -= rt;
te.mode = A;
case D:
for (; Ie < 14; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (te.nlen = (Se & 31) + /*BITS(5)*/
257, Se >>>= 5, Ie -= 5, te.ndist = (Se & 31) + /*BITS(5)*/
1, Se >>>= 5, Ie -= 5, te.ncode = (Se & 15) + /*BITS(4)*/
4, Se >>>= 4, Ie -= 4, te.nlen > 286 || te.ndist > 30) {
pe.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", te.mode = ke;
te.have = 0, te.mode = B;
case B:
for (; te.have < te.ncode; ) {
for (; Ie < 3; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
te.lens[Dr[te.have++]] = Se & 7, Se >>>= 3, Ie -= 3;
for (; te.have < 19; )
te.lens[Dr[te.have++]] = 0;
if (te.lencode = te.lendyn, te.lenbits = 7, Lt = {
bits: te.lenbits
}, xt = w(f, te.lens, 0, 19, te.lencode, 0,, Lt), te.lenbits = Lt.bits, xt) {
pe.msg = "invalid code lengths set", te.mode = ke;
te.have = 0, te.mode = j;
case j:
for (; te.have < te.nlen + te.ndist; ) {
for (; Ot = te.lencode[Se & (1 << te.lenbits) - 1], pt = Ot >>> 24, ct = Ot >>> 16 & 255, At = Ot & 65535, !(pt <= Ie); ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (At < 16)
Se >>>= pt, Ie -= pt, te.lens[te.have++] = At;
else {
if (At === 16) {
for (Et = pt + 2; Ie < Et; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (Se >>>= pt, Ie -= pt, te.have === 0) {
pe.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", te.mode = ke;
Ct = te.lens[te.have - 1], rt = 3 + (Se & 3), Se >>>= 2, Ie -= 2;
} else if (At === 17) {
for (Et = pt + 3; Ie < Et; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
Se >>>= pt, Ie -= pt, Ct = 0, rt = 3 + (Se & 7), Se >>>= 3, Ie -= 3;
} else {
for (Et = pt + 7; Ie < Et; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
Se >>>= pt, Ie -= pt, Ct = 0, rt = 11 + (Se & 127), Se >>>= 7, Ie -= 7;
if (te.have + rt > te.nlen + te.ndist) {
pe.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", te.mode = ke;
for (; rt--; )
te.lens[te.have++] = Ct;
if (te.mode === ke)
if (te.lens[256] === 0) {
pe.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", te.mode = ke;
if (te.lenbits = 9, Lt = {
bits: te.lenbits
}, xt = w(y, te.lens, 0, te.nlen, te.lencode, 0,, Lt), te.lenbits = Lt.bits, xt) {
pe.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", te.mode = ke;
if (te.distbits = 6, te.distcode = te.distdyn, Lt = {
bits: te.distbits
}, xt = w(h, te.lens, te.nlen, te.ndist, te.distcode, 0,, Lt), te.distbits = Lt.bits, xt) {
pe.msg = "invalid distances set", te.mode = ke;
if (te.mode = V, Pe === s)
break e;
case V:
te.mode = re;
case re:
if (Le >= 6 && ue >= 258) {
pe.next_out = Me, pe.avail_out = ue, pe.next_in = K, pe.avail_in = Le, te.hold = Se, te.bits = Ie, b(pe, Ge), Me = pe.next_out, it = pe.output, ue = pe.avail_out, K = pe.next_in, He = pe.input, Le = pe.avail_in, Se = te.hold, Ie = te.bits, te.mode === A && (te.back = -1);
for (te.back = 0; Ot = te.lencode[Se & (1 << te.lenbits) - 1], pt = Ot >>> 24, ct = Ot >>> 16 & 255, At = Ot & 65535, !(pt <= Ie); ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (ct && !(ct & 240)) {
for (Pt = pt, bt = ct, Kt = At; Ot = te.lencode[Kt + ((Se & (1 << Pt + bt) - 1) >> /*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/
Pt)], pt = Ot >>> 24, ct = Ot >>> 16 & 255, At = Ot & 65535, !(Pt + pt <= Ie); ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
Se >>>= Pt, Ie -= Pt, te.back += Pt;
if (Se >>>= pt, Ie -= pt, te.back += pt, te.length = At, ct === 0) {
te.mode = oe;
if (ct & 32) {
te.back = -1, te.mode = A;
if (ct & 64) {
pe.msg = "invalid literal/length code", te.mode = ke;
te.extra = ct & 15, te.mode = ee;
case ee:
if (te.extra) {
for (Et = te.extra; Ie < Et; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
te.length += Se & (1 << te.extra) - 1, Se >>>= te.extra, Ie -= te.extra, te.back += te.extra;
te.was = te.length, te.mode = ce;
case ce:
for (; Ot = te.distcode[Se & (1 << te.distbits) - 1], pt = Ot >>> 24, ct = Ot >>> 16 & 255, At = Ot & 65535, !(pt <= Ie); ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (!(ct & 240)) {
for (Pt = pt, bt = ct, Kt = At; Ot = te.distcode[Kt + ((Se & (1 << Pt + bt) - 1) >> /*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/
Pt)], pt = Ot >>> 24, ct = Ot >>> 16 & 255, At = Ot & 65535, !(Pt + pt <= Ie); ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
Se >>>= Pt, Ie -= Pt, te.back += Pt;
if (Se >>>= pt, Ie -= pt, te.back += pt, ct & 64) {
pe.msg = "invalid distance code", te.mode = ke;
te.offset = At, te.extra = ct & 15, te.mode = ve;
case ve:
if (te.extra) {
for (Et = te.extra; Ie < Et; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
te.offset += Se & (1 << te.extra) - 1, Se >>>= te.extra, Ie -= te.extra, te.back += te.extra;
if (te.offset > te.dmax) {
pe.msg = "invalid distance too far back", te.mode = ke;
te.mode = ge;
case ge:
if (ue === 0)
break e;
if (rt = Ge - ue, te.offset > rt) {
if (rt = te.offset - rt, rt > te.whave && te.sane) {
pe.msg = "invalid distance too far back", te.mode = ke;
rt > te.wnext ? (rt -= te.wnext, _t = te.wsize - rt) : _t = te.wnext - rt, rt > te.length && (rt = te.length), wt = te.window;
} else
wt = it, _t = Me - te.offset, rt = te.length;
rt > ue && (rt = ue), ue -= rt, te.length -= rt;
it[Me++] = wt[_t++];
while (--rt);
te.length === 0 && (te.mode = re);
case oe:
if (ue === 0)
break e;
it[Me++] = te.length, ue--, te.mode = re;
case J:
if (te.wrap) {
for (; Ie < 32; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se |= He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (Ge -= ue, pe.total_out += Ge, += Ge, Ge && (pe.adler = te.check = /*UPDATE(state.check, put - _out, _out);*/
te.flags ? g(te.check, it, Ge, Me - Ge) : m(te.check, it, Ge, Me - Ge)), Ge = ue, (te.flags ? Se : fe(Se)) !== te.check) {
pe.msg = "incorrect data check", te.mode = ke;
Se = 0, Ie = 0;
te.mode = Q;
case Q:
if (te.wrap && te.flags) {
for (; Ie < 32; ) {
if (Le === 0)
break e;
Le--, Se += He[K++] << Ie, Ie += 8;
if (Se !== ( & 4294967295)) {
pe.msg = "incorrect length check", te.mode = ke;
Se = 0, Ie = 0;
te.mode = he;
case he:
xt = c;
break e;
case ke:
xt = t;
break e;
case ne:
return i;
case se:
return r;
return pe.next_out = Me, pe.avail_out = ue, pe.next_in = K, pe.avail_in = Le, te.hold = Se, te.bits = Ie, (te.wsize || Ge !== pe.avail_out && te.mode < ke && (te.mode < J || Pe !== l)) && tt(pe, pe.output, pe.next_out, Ge - pe.avail_out), st -= pe.avail_in, Ge -= pe.avail_out, pe.total_in += st, pe.total_out += Ge, += Ge, te.wrap && Ge && (pe.adler = te.check = /*UPDATE(state.check, strm.next_out - _out, _out);*/
te.flags ? g(te.check, it, Ge, pe.next_out - Ge) : m(te.check, it, Ge, pe.next_out - Ge)), pe.data_type = te.bits + (te.last ? 64 : 0) + (te.mode === A ? 128 : 0) + (te.mode === V || te.mode === W ? 256 : 0), (st === 0 && Ge === 0 || Pe === l) && xt === v && (xt = n), xt;
function Re(pe) {
if (!pe || !pe.state)
return r;
var Pe = pe.state;
return Pe.window && (Pe.window = null), pe.state = null, v;
function be(pe, Pe) {
var te;
return !pe || !pe.state || (te = pe.state, !(te.wrap & 2)) ? r : (te.head = Pe, Pe.done = !1, v);
function Ee(pe, Pe) {
var te = Pe.length, He, it, K;
return !pe || !pe.state || (He = pe.state, He.wrap !== 0 && He.mode !== E) ? r : He.mode === E && (it = 1, it = m(it, Pe, te, 0), it !== He.check) ? t : (K = tt(pe, Pe, te, te), K ? (He.mode = ne, i) : (He.havedict = 1, v));
_.inflateReset = je, _.inflateReset2 = Ye, _.inflateResetKeep = _e, _.inflateInit = ut, _.inflateInit2 = nt, _.inflate = ae, _.inflateEnd = Re, _.inflateGetHeader = be, _.inflateSetDictionary = Ee, _.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)";
}, { "../utils/common": 442, "./adler32": 444, "./crc32": 446, "./inffast": 449, "./inftrees": 451 }], 451: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils/common"), m = 15, g = 852, b = 592, w = 0, f = 1, y = 2, h = [
/* Length codes 257..285 base */
], l = [
/* Length codes 257..285 extra */
], d = [
/* Distance codes 0..29 base */
], s = [
/* Distance codes 0..29 extra */
x.exports = function(c, a, r, t, i, n, o, p) {
var O = p.bits, P = 0, F = 0, z = 0, N = 0, M = 0, I = 0, R = 0, C = 0, E = 0, A = 0, L, $, W, U, D, B = null, j = 0, V, re = new u.Buf16(m + 1), ee = new u.Buf16(m + 1), ce = null, ve = 0, ge, oe, J;
for (P = 0; P <= m; P++)
re[P] = 0;
for (F = 0; F < t; F++)
re[a[r + F]]++;
for (M = O, N = m; N >= 1 && re[N] === 0; N--)
if (M > N && (M = N), N === 0)
return i[n++] = 1 << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0, i[n++] = 1 << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0, p.bits = 1, 0;
for (z = 1; z < N && re[z] === 0; z++)
for (M < z && (M = z), C = 1, P = 1; P <= m; P++)
if (C <<= 1, C -= re[P], C < 0)
return -1;
if (C > 0 && (c === w || N !== 1))
return -1;
for (ee[1] = 0, P = 1; P < m; P++)
ee[P + 1] = ee[P] + re[P];
for (F = 0; F < t; F++)
a[r + F] !== 0 && (o[ee[a[r + F]]++] = F);
if (c === w ? (B = ce = o, V = 19) : c === f ? (B = h, j -= 257, ce = l, ve -= 257, V = 256) : (B = d, ce = s, V = -1), A = 0, F = 0, P = z, D = n, I = M, R = 0, W = -1, E = 1 << M, U = E - 1, c === f && E > g || c === y && E > b)
return 1;
for (; ; ) {
ge = P - R, o[F] < V ? (oe = 0, J = o[F]) : o[F] > V ? (oe = ce[ve + o[F]], J = B[j + o[F]]) : (oe = 32 + 64, J = 0), L = 1 << P - R, $ = 1 << I, z = $;
$ -= L, i[D + (A >> R) + $] = ge << 24 | oe << 16 | J | 0;
while ($ !== 0);
for (L = 1 << P - 1; A & L; )
L >>= 1;
if (L !== 0 ? (A &= L - 1, A += L) : A = 0, F++, --re[P] === 0) {
if (P === N)
P = a[r + o[F]];
if (P > M && (A & U) !== W) {
for (R === 0 && (R = M), D += z, I = P - R, C = 1 << I; I + R < N && (C -= re[I + R], !(C <= 0)); )
I++, C <<= 1;
if (E += 1 << I, c === f && E > g || c === y && E > b)
return 1;
W = A & U, i[W] = M << 24 | I << 16 | D - n | 0;
return A !== 0 && (i[D + A] = P - R << 24 | 64 << 16 | 0), p.bits = M, 0;
}, { "../utils/common": 442 }], 452: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
2: "need dictionary",
/* Z_NEED_DICT 2 */
1: "stream end",
/* Z_STREAM_END 1 */
0: "",
/* Z_OK 0 */
"-1": "file error",
/* Z_ERRNO (-1) */
"-2": "stream error",
/* Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) */
"-3": "data error",
/* Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) */
"-4": "insufficient memory",
/* Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) */
"-5": "buffer error",
/* Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */
"-6": "incompatible version"
/* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */
}, {}], 453: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../utils/common"), m = 4, g = 0, b = 1, w = 2;
function f(ae) {
for (var Re = ae.length; --Re >= 0; )
ae[Re] = 0;
var y = 0, h = 1, l = 2, d = 3, s = 258, v = 29, c = 256, a = c + 1 + v, r = 30, t = 19, i = 2 * a + 1, n = 15, o = 16, p = 7, O = 256, P = 16, F = 17, z = 18, N = (
/* extra bits for each length code */
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0]
), M = (
/* extra bits for each distance code */
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13]
), I = (
/* extra bits for each bit length code */
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7]
), R = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15], C = 512, E = new Array((a + 2) * 2);
var A = new Array(r * 2);
var L = new Array(C);
var $ = new Array(s - d + 1);
var W = new Array(v);
var U = new Array(r);
function D(ae, Re, be, Ee, pe) {
this.static_tree = ae, this.extra_bits = Re, this.extra_base = be, this.elems = Ee, this.max_length = pe, this.has_stree = ae && ae.length;
var B, j, V;
function re(ae, Re) {
this.dyn_tree = ae, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = Re;
function ee(ae) {
return ae < 256 ? L[ae] : L[256 + (ae >>> 7)];
function ce(ae, Re) {
ae.pending_buf[ae.pending++] = Re & 255, ae.pending_buf[ae.pending++] = Re >>> 8 & 255;
function ve(ae, Re, be) {
ae.bi_valid > o - be ? (ae.bi_buf |= Re << ae.bi_valid & 65535, ce(ae, ae.bi_buf), ae.bi_buf = Re >> o - ae.bi_valid, ae.bi_valid += be - o) : (ae.bi_buf |= Re << ae.bi_valid & 65535, ae.bi_valid += be);
function ge(ae, Re, be) {
be[Re * 2],
be[Re * 2 + 1]
function oe(ae, Re) {
var be = 0;
be |= ae & 1, ae >>>= 1, be <<= 1;
while (--Re > 0);
return be >>> 1;
function J(ae) {
ae.bi_valid === 16 ? (ce(ae, ae.bi_buf), ae.bi_buf = 0, ae.bi_valid = 0) : ae.bi_valid >= 8 && (ae.pending_buf[ae.pending++] = ae.bi_buf & 255, ae.bi_buf >>= 8, ae.bi_valid -= 8);
function Q(ae, Re) {
var be = Re.dyn_tree, Ee = Re.max_code, pe = Re.stat_desc.static_tree, Pe = Re.stat_desc.has_stree, te = Re.stat_desc.extra_bits, He = Re.stat_desc.extra_base, it = Re.stat_desc.max_length, K, Me, Le, ue, Se, Ie, st = 0;
for (ue = 0; ue <= n; ue++)
ae.bl_count[ue] = 0;
for (be[ae.heap[ae.heap_max] * 2 + 1] = 0, K = ae.heap_max + 1; K < i; K++)
Me = ae.heap[K], ue = be[be[Me * 2 + 1] * 2 + 1] + 1, ue > it && (ue = it, st++), be[Me * 2 + 1] = ue, !(Me > Ee) && (ae.bl_count[ue]++, Se = 0, Me >= He && (Se = te[Me - He]), Ie = be[Me * 2], ae.opt_len += Ie * (ue + Se), Pe && (ae.static_len += Ie * (pe[Me * 2 + 1] + Se)));
if (st !== 0) {
do {
for (ue = it - 1; ae.bl_count[ue] === 0; )
ae.bl_count[ue]--, ae.bl_count[ue + 1] += 2, ae.bl_count[it]--, st -= 2;
} while (st > 0);
for (ue = it; ue !== 0; ue--)
for (Me = ae.bl_count[ue]; Me !== 0; )
Le = ae.heap[--K], !(Le > Ee) && (be[Le * 2 + 1] !== ue && (ae.opt_len += (ue - be[Le * 2 + 1]) * be[Le * 2], be[Le * 2 + 1] = ue), Me--);
function he(ae, Re, be) {
var Ee = new Array(n + 1), pe = 0, Pe, te;
for (Pe = 1; Pe <= n; Pe++)
Ee[Pe] = pe = pe + be[Pe - 1] << 1;
for (te = 0; te <= Re; te++) {
var He = ae[te * 2 + 1];
He !== 0 && (ae[te * 2] = oe(Ee[He]++, He));
function ke() {
var ae, Re, be, Ee, pe, Pe = new Array(n + 1);
for (be = 0, Ee = 0; Ee < v - 1; Ee++)
for (W[Ee] = be, ae = 0; ae < 1 << N[Ee]; ae++)
$[be++] = Ee;
for ($[be - 1] = Ee, pe = 0, Ee = 0; Ee < 16; Ee++)
for (U[Ee] = pe, ae = 0; ae < 1 << M[Ee]; ae++)
L[pe++] = Ee;
for (pe >>= 7; Ee < r; Ee++)
for (U[Ee] = pe << 7, ae = 0; ae < 1 << M[Ee] - 7; ae++)
L[256 + pe++] = Ee;
for (Re = 0; Re <= n; Re++)
Pe[Re] = 0;
for (ae = 0; ae <= 143; )
E[ae * 2 + 1] = 8, ae++, Pe[8]++;
for (; ae <= 255; )
E[ae * 2 + 1] = 9, ae++, Pe[9]++;
for (; ae <= 279; )
E[ae * 2 + 1] = 7, ae++, Pe[7]++;
for (; ae <= 287; )
E[ae * 2 + 1] = 8, ae++, Pe[8]++;
for (he(E, a + 1, Pe), ae = 0; ae < r; ae++)
A[ae * 2 + 1] = 5, A[ae * 2] = oe(ae, 5);
B = new D(E, N, c + 1, a, n), j = new D(A, M, 0, r, n), V = new D(new Array(0), I, 0, t, p);
function ne(ae) {
var Re;
for (Re = 0; Re < a; Re++)
ae.dyn_ltree[Re * 2] = 0;
for (Re = 0; Re < r; Re++)
ae.dyn_dtree[Re * 2] = 0;
for (Re = 0; Re < t; Re++)
ae.bl_tree[Re * 2] = 0;
ae.dyn_ltree[O * 2] = 1, ae.opt_len = ae.static_len = 0, ae.last_lit = ae.matches = 0;
function se(ae) {
ae.bi_valid > 8 ? ce(ae, ae.bi_buf) : ae.bi_valid > 0 && (ae.pending_buf[ae.pending++] = ae.bi_buf), ae.bi_buf = 0, ae.bi_valid = 0;
function Ce(ae, Re, be, Ee) {
se(ae), Ee && (ce(ae, be), ce(ae, ~be)), u.arraySet(ae.pending_buf, ae.window, Re, be, ae.pending), ae.pending += be;
function q(ae, Re, be, Ee) {
var pe = Re * 2, Pe = be * 2;
return ae[pe] < ae[Pe] || ae[pe] === ae[Pe] && Ee[Re] <= Ee[be];
function G(ae, Re, be) {
for (var Ee = ae.heap[be], pe = be << 1; pe <= ae.heap_len && (pe < ae.heap_len && q(Re, ae.heap[pe + 1], ae.heap[pe], ae.depth) && pe++, !q(Re, Ee, ae.heap[pe], ae.depth)); )
ae.heap[be] = ae.heap[pe], be = pe, pe <<= 1;
ae.heap[be] = Ee;
function Y(ae, Re, be) {
var Ee, pe, Pe = 0, te, He;
if (ae.last_lit !== 0)
Ee = ae.pending_buf[ae.d_buf + Pe * 2] << 8 | ae.pending_buf[ae.d_buf + Pe * 2 + 1], pe = ae.pending_buf[ae.l_buf + Pe], Pe++, Ee === 0 ? ge(ae, pe, Re) : (te = $[pe], ge(ae, te + c + 1, Re), He = N[te], He !== 0 && (pe -= W[te], ve(ae, pe, He)), Ee--, te = ee(Ee), ge(ae, te, be), He = M[te], He !== 0 && (Ee -= U[te], ve(ae, Ee, He)));
while (Pe < ae.last_lit);
ge(ae, O, Re);
function fe(ae, Re) {
var be = Re.dyn_tree, Ee = Re.stat_desc.static_tree, pe = Re.stat_desc.has_stree, Pe = Re.stat_desc.elems, te, He, it = -1, K;
for (ae.heap_len = 0, ae.heap_max = i, te = 0; te < Pe; te++)
be[te * 2] !== 0 ? (ae.heap[++ae.heap_len] = it = te, ae.depth[te] = 0) : be[te * 2 + 1] = 0;
for (; ae.heap_len < 2; )
K = ae.heap[++ae.heap_len] = it < 2 ? ++it : 0, be[K * 2] = 1, ae.depth[K] = 0, ae.opt_len--, pe && (ae.static_len -= Ee[K * 2 + 1]);
for (Re.max_code = it, te = ae.heap_len >> 1; te >= 1; te--)
G(ae, be, te);
K = Pe;
te = ae.heap[
], ae.heap[
] = ae.heap[ae.heap_len--], G(
), He = ae.heap[
], ae.heap[--ae.heap_max] = te, ae.heap[--ae.heap_max] = He, be[K * 2] = be[te * 2] + be[He * 2], ae.depth[K] = (ae.depth[te] >= ae.depth[He] ? ae.depth[te] : ae.depth[He]) + 1, be[te * 2 + 1] = be[He * 2 + 1] = K, ae.heap[
] = K++, G(
while (ae.heap_len >= 2);
ae.heap[--ae.heap_max] = ae.heap[
], Q(ae, Re), he(be, it, ae.bl_count);
function we(ae, Re, be) {
var Ee, pe = -1, Pe, te = Re[0 * 2 + 1], He = 0, it = 7, K = 4;
for (te === 0 && (it = 138, K = 3), Re[(be + 1) * 2 + 1] = 65535, Ee = 0; Ee <= be; Ee++)
Pe = te, te = Re[(Ee + 1) * 2 + 1], !(++He < it && Pe === te) && (He < K ? ae.bl_tree[Pe * 2] += He : Pe !== 0 ? (Pe !== pe && ae.bl_tree[Pe * 2]++, ae.bl_tree[P * 2]++) : He <= 10 ? ae.bl_tree[F * 2]++ : ae.bl_tree[z * 2]++, He = 0, pe = Pe, te === 0 ? (it = 138, K = 3) : Pe === te ? (it = 6, K = 3) : (it = 7, K = 4));
function _e(ae, Re, be) {
var Ee, pe = -1, Pe, te = Re[0 * 2 + 1], He = 0, it = 7, K = 4;
for (te === 0 && (it = 138, K = 3), Ee = 0; Ee <= be; Ee++)
if (Pe = te, te = Re[(Ee + 1) * 2 + 1], !(++He < it && Pe === te)) {
if (He < K)
ge(ae, Pe, ae.bl_tree);
while (--He !== 0);
Pe !== 0 ? (Pe !== pe && (ge(ae, Pe, ae.bl_tree), He--), ge(ae, P, ae.bl_tree), ve(ae, He - 3, 2)) : He <= 10 ? (ge(ae, F, ae.bl_tree), ve(ae, He - 3, 3)) : (ge(ae, z, ae.bl_tree), ve(ae, He - 11, 7));
He = 0, pe = Pe, te === 0 ? (it = 138, K = 3) : Pe === te ? (it = 6, K = 3) : (it = 7, K = 4);
function je(ae) {
var Re;
for (we(ae, ae.dyn_ltree, ae.l_desc.max_code), we(ae, ae.dyn_dtree, ae.d_desc.max_code), fe(ae, ae.bl_desc), Re = t - 1; Re >= 3 && ae.bl_tree[R[Re] * 2 + 1] === 0; Re--)
return ae.opt_len += 3 * (Re + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, Re;
function Ye(ae, Re, be, Ee) {
var pe;
for (ve(ae, Re - 257, 5), ve(ae, be - 1, 5), ve(ae, Ee - 4, 4), pe = 0; pe < Ee; pe++)
ae.bl_tree[R[pe] * 2 + 1],
_e(ae, ae.dyn_ltree, Re - 1), _e(ae, ae.dyn_dtree, be - 1);
function nt(ae) {
var Re = 4093624447, be;
for (be = 0; be <= 31; be++, Re >>>= 1)
if (Re & 1 && ae.dyn_ltree[be * 2] !== 0)
return g;
if (ae.dyn_ltree[9 * 2] !== 0 || ae.dyn_ltree[10 * 2] !== 0 || ae.dyn_ltree[13 * 2] !== 0)
return b;
for (be = 32; be < c; be++)
if (ae.dyn_ltree[be * 2] !== 0)
return b;
return g;
var ut = !1;
function ot(ae) {
ut || (ke(), ut = !0), ae.l_desc = new re(ae.dyn_ltree, B), ae.d_desc = new re(ae.dyn_dtree, j), ae.bl_desc = new re(ae.bl_tree, V), ae.bi_buf = 0, ae.bi_valid = 0, ne(ae);
function Ue(ae, Re, be, Ee) {
ve(ae, (y << 1) + (Ee ? 1 : 0), 3), Ce(ae, Re, be, !0);
function Ve(ae) {
ve(ae, h << 1, 3), ge(ae, O, E), J(ae);
function Qe(ae, Re, be, Ee) {
var pe, Pe, te = 0;
ae.level > 0 ? (ae.strm.data_type === w && (ae.strm.data_type = nt(ae)), fe(ae, ae.l_desc), fe(ae, ae.d_desc), te = je(ae), pe = ae.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, Pe = ae.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, Pe <= pe && (pe = Pe)) : pe = Pe = be + 5, be + 4 <= pe && Re !== -1 ? Ue(ae, Re, be, Ee) : ae.strategy === m || Pe === pe ? (ve(ae, (h << 1) + (Ee ? 1 : 0), 3), Y(ae, E, A)) : (ve(ae, (l << 1) + (Ee ? 1 : 0), 3), Ye(ae, ae.l_desc.max_code + 1, ae.d_desc.max_code + 1, te + 1), Y(ae, ae.dyn_ltree, ae.dyn_dtree)), ne(ae), Ee && se(ae);
function tt(ae, Re, be) {
return ae.pending_buf[ae.d_buf + ae.last_lit * 2] = Re >>> 8 & 255, ae.pending_buf[ae.d_buf + ae.last_lit * 2 + 1] = Re & 255, ae.pending_buf[ae.l_buf + ae.last_lit] = be & 255, ae.last_lit++, Re === 0 ? ae.dyn_ltree[be * 2]++ : (ae.matches++, Re--, ae.dyn_ltree[($[be] + c + 1) * 2]++, ae.dyn_dtree[ee(Re) * 2]++), ae.last_lit === ae.lit_bufsize - 1;
_._tr_init = ot, _._tr_stored_block = Ue, _._tr_flush_block = Qe, _._tr_tally = tt, _._tr_align = Ve;
}, { "../utils/common": 442 }], 454: [function(e, x, _) {
function u() {
this.input = null, this.next_in = 0, this.avail_in = 0, this.total_in = 0, this.output = null, this.next_out = 0, this.avail_out = 0, this.total_out = 0, this.msg = "", this.state = null, this.data_type = 2, this.adler = 0;
x.exports = u;
}, {}], 455: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = {
"2.16.840.": "aes-128-ecb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-128-cbc",
"2.16.840.": "aes-128-ofb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-128-cfb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-192-ecb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-192-cbc",
"2.16.840.": "aes-192-ofb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-192-cfb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-256-ecb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-256-cbc",
"2.16.840.": "aes-256-ofb",
"2.16.840.": "aes-256-cfb"
}, {}], 456: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("asn1.js");
_.certificate = e("./certificate");
var m = u.define("RSAPrivateKey", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("modulus").int(), this.key("publicExponent").int(), this.key("privateExponent").int(), this.key("prime1").int(), this.key("prime2").int(), this.key("exponent1").int(), this.key("exponent2").int(), this.key("coefficient").int());
_.RSAPrivateKey = m;
var g = u.define("RSAPublicKey", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("modulus").int(), this.key("publicExponent").int());
_.RSAPublicKey = g;
var b = u.define("SubjectPublicKeyInfo", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").use(w), this.key("subjectPublicKey").bitstr());
_.PublicKey = b;
var w = u.define("AlgorithmIdentifier", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").objid(), this.key("none").null_().optional(), this.key("curve").objid().optional(), this.key("params").seq().obj(this.key("p").int(), this.key("q").int(), this.key("g").int()).optional());
}), f = u.define("PrivateKeyInfo", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("algorithm").use(w), this.key("subjectPrivateKey").octstr());
_.PrivateKey = f;
var y = u.define("EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").seq().obj(this.key("id").objid(), this.key("decrypt").seq().obj(this.key("kde").seq().obj(this.key("id").objid(), this.key("kdeparams").seq().obj(this.key("salt").octstr(), this.key("iters").int())), this.key("cipher").seq().obj(this.key("algo").objid(), this.key("iv").octstr()))), this.key("subjectPrivateKey").octstr());
_.EncryptedPrivateKey = y;
var h = u.define("DSAPrivateKey", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("p").int(), this.key("q").int(), this.key("g").int(), this.key("pub_key").int(), this.key("priv_key").int());
_.DSAPrivateKey = h, _.DSAparam = u.define("DSAparam", function() {;
var l = u.define("ECPrivateKey", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("version").int(), this.key("privateKey").octstr(), this.key("parameters").optional().explicit(0).use(d), this.key("publicKey").optional().explicit(1).bitstr());
_.ECPrivateKey = l;
var d = u.define("ECParameters", function() {
namedCurve: this.objid()
_.signature = u.define("signature", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("r").int(), this.key("s").int());
}, { "./certificate": 457, "asn1.js": 167 }], 457: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("asn1.js"), m = u.define("Time", function() {
utcTime: this.utctime(),
generalTime: this.gentime()
}), g = u.define("AttributeTypeValue", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("type").objid(), this.key("value").any());
}), b = u.define("AlgorithmIdentifier", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").objid(), this.key("parameters").optional(), this.key("curve").objid().optional());
}), w = u.define("SubjectPublicKeyInfo", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").use(b), this.key("subjectPublicKey").bitstr());
}), f = u.define("RelativeDistinguishedName", function() {
}), y = u.define("RDNSequence", function() {
}), h = u.define("Name", function() {
rdnSequence: this.use(y)
}), l = u.define("Validity", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("notBefore").use(m), this.key("notAfter").use(m));
}), d = u.define("Extension", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("extnID").objid(), this.key("critical").bool().def(!1), this.key("extnValue").octstr());
}), s = u.define("TBSCertificate", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("version").explicit(0).int().optional(), this.key("serialNumber").int(), this.key("signature").use(b), this.key("issuer").use(h), this.key("validity").use(l), this.key("subject").use(h), this.key("subjectPublicKeyInfo").use(w), this.key("issuerUniqueID").implicit(1).bitstr().optional(), this.key("subjectUniqueID").implicit(2).bitstr().optional(), this.key("extensions").explicit(3).seqof(d).optional());
}), v = u.define("X509Certificate", function() {
this.seq().obj(this.key("tbsCertificate").use(s), this.key("signatureAlgorithm").use(b), this.key("signatureValue").bitstr());
x.exports = v;
}, { "asn1.js": 167 }], 458: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = /Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED[\n\r]+DEK-Info: AES-((?:128)|(?:192)|(?:256))-CBC,([0-9A-H]+)[\n\r]+([0-9A-z\n\r+/=]+)[\n\r]+/m, m = /^-----BEGIN ((?:.*? KEY)|CERTIFICATE)-----/m, g = /^-----BEGIN ((?:.*? KEY)|CERTIFICATE)-----([0-9A-z\n\r+/=]+)-----END \1-----$/m, b = e("evp_bytestokey"), w = e("browserify-aes"), f = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
x.exports = function(y, h) {
var l = y.toString(), d = l.match(u), s;
if (d) {
var c = "aes" + d[1], a = f.from(d[2], "hex"), r = f.from(d[3].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""), "base64"), t = b(h, a.slice(0, 8), parseInt(d[1], 10)).key, i = [], n = w.createDecipheriv(c, t, a);
i.push(n.update(r)), i.push(, s = f.concat(i);
} else {
var v = l.match(g);
s = f.from(v[2].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""), "base64");
var o = l.match(m)[1];
return {
tag: o,
data: s
}, { "browserify-aes": 188, evp_bytestokey: 368, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 459: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(d) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(v) {
return typeof v;
} : u = function(v) {
return v && typeof Symbol == "function" && v.constructor === Symbol && v !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof v;
}, u(d);
var m = e("./asn1"), g = e("./aesid.json"), b = e("./fixProc"), w = e("browserify-aes"), f = e("pbkdf2"), y = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
x.exports = h;
function h(d) {
var s;
u(d) === "object" && !y.isBuffer(d) && (s = d.passphrase, d = d.key), typeof d == "string" && (d = y.from(d));
var v = b(d, s), c = v.tag, a =, r, t;
switch (c) {
t = m.certificate.decode(a, "der").tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo;
case "PUBLIC KEY":
switch (t || (t = m.PublicKey.decode(a, "der")), r = t.algorithm.algorithm.join("."), r) {
case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1":
return m.RSAPublicKey.decode(, "der");
case "1.2.840.10045.2.1":
return t.subjectPrivateKey = t.subjectPublicKey, {
type: "ec",
data: t
case "1.2.840.10040.4.1":
return t.algorithm.params.pub_key = m.DSAparam.decode(, "der"), {
type: "dsa",
data: t.algorithm.params
throw new Error("unknown key id " + r);
a = m.EncryptedPrivateKey.decode(a, "der"), a = l(a, s);
switch (t = m.PrivateKey.decode(a, "der"), r = t.algorithm.algorithm.join("."), r) {
case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1":
return m.RSAPrivateKey.decode(t.subjectPrivateKey, "der");
case "1.2.840.10045.2.1":
return {
curve: t.algorithm.curve,
privateKey: m.ECPrivateKey.decode(t.subjectPrivateKey, "der").privateKey
case "1.2.840.10040.4.1":
return t.algorithm.params.priv_key = m.DSAparam.decode(t.subjectPrivateKey, "der"), {
type: "dsa",
params: t.algorithm.params
throw new Error("unknown key id " + r);
return m.RSAPublicKey.decode(a, "der");
return m.RSAPrivateKey.decode(a, "der");
return {
type: "dsa",
params: m.DSAPrivateKey.decode(a, "der")
return a = m.ECPrivateKey.decode(a, "der"), {
curve: a.parameters.value,
privateKey: a.privateKey
throw new Error("unknown key type " + c);
h.signature = m.signature;
function l(d, s) {
var v = d.algorithm.decrypt.kde.kdeparams.salt, c = parseInt(d.algorithm.decrypt.kde.kdeparams.iters.toString(), 10), a = g[d.algorithm.decrypt.cipher.algo.join(".")], r = d.algorithm.decrypt.cipher.iv, t = d.subjectPrivateKey, i = parseInt(a.split("-")[1], 10) / 8, n = f.pbkdf2Sync(s, v, c, i, "sha1"), o = w.createDecipheriv(a, n, r), p = [];
return p.push(o.update(t)), p.push(, y.concat(p);
}, { "./aesid.json": 455, "./asn1": 456, "./fixProc": 458, "browserify-aes": 188, pbkdf2: 460, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 460: [function(e, x, _) {
_.pbkdf2 = e("./lib/async"), _.pbkdf2Sync = e("./lib/sync");
}, { "./lib/async": 461, "./lib/sync": 464 }], 461: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
var g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = e("./precondition"), w = e("./default-encoding"), f = e("./sync"), y = e("./to-buffer"), h, l = m.crypto && m.crypto.subtle, d = {
sha: "SHA-1",
"sha-1": "SHA-1",
sha1: "SHA-1",
sha256: "SHA-256",
"sha-256": "SHA-256",
sha384: "SHA-384",
"sha-384": "SHA-384",
"sha-512": "SHA-512",
sha512: "SHA-512"
}, s = [];
function v(r) {
if (m.process && !m.process.browser || !l || !l.importKey || !l.deriveBits)
return Promise.resolve(!1);
if (s[r] !== void 0)
return s[r];
h = h || g.alloc(8);
var t = c(h, h, 10, 128, r).then(function() {
return !0;
}).catch(function() {
return !1;
return s[r] = t, t;
function c(r, t, i, n, o) {
return l.importKey("raw", r, {
name: "PBKDF2"
}, !1, ["deriveBits"]).then(function(p) {
return l.deriveBits({
name: "PBKDF2",
salt: t,
iterations: i,
hash: {
name: o
}, p, n << 3);
}).then(function(p) {
return g.from(p);
function a(r, t) {
r.then(function(i) {
u.nextTick(function() {
t(null, i);
}, function(i) {
u.nextTick(function() {
x.exports = function(r, t, i, n, o, p) {
typeof o == "function" && (p = o, o = void 0), o = o || "sha1";
var O = d[o.toLowerCase()];
if (!O || typeof m.Promise != "function")
return u.nextTick(function() {
var P;
try {
P = f(r, t, i, n, o);
} catch (F) {
return p(F);
p(null, P);
if (b(i, n), r = y(r, w, "Password"), t = y(t, w, "Salt"), typeof p != "function")
throw new Error("No callback provided to pbkdf2");
a(v(O).then(function(P) {
return P ? c(r, t, i, n, O) : f(r, t, i, n, o);
}), p);
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { "./default-encoding": 462, "./precondition": 463, "./sync": 464, "./to-buffer": 465, _process: 467, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 462: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m;
if (u.browser)
m = "utf-8";
else if (u.version) {
var g = parseInt(u.version.split(".")[0].slice(1), 10);
m = g >= 6 ? "utf-8" : "binary";
} else
m = "utf-8";
x.exports = m;
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { _process: 467 }], 463: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = Math.pow(2, 30) - 1;
x.exports = function(m, g) {
if (typeof m != "number")
throw new TypeError("Iterations not a number");
if (m < 0)
throw new TypeError("Bad iterations");
if (typeof g != "number")
throw new TypeError("Key length not a number");
if (g < 0 || g > u || g !== g)
throw new TypeError("Bad key length");
}, {}], 464: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("create-hash/md5"), m = e("ripemd160"), g = e("sha.js"), b = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, w = e("./precondition"), f = e("./default-encoding"), y = e("./to-buffer"), h = b.alloc(128), l = {
md5: 16,
sha1: 20,
sha224: 28,
sha256: 32,
sha384: 48,
sha512: 64,
rmd160: 20,
ripemd160: 20
function d(c, a, r) {
var t = s(c), i = c === "sha512" || c === "sha384" ? 128 : 64;
a.length > i ? a = t(a) : a.length < i && (a = b.concat([a, h], i));
for (var n = b.allocUnsafe(i + l[c]), o = b.allocUnsafe(i + l[c]), p = 0; p < i; p++)
n[p] = a[p] ^ 54, o[p] = a[p] ^ 92;
var O = b.allocUnsafe(i + r + 4);
n.copy(O, 0, 0, i), this.ipad1 = O, this.ipad2 = n, this.opad = o, this.alg = c, this.blocksize = i, this.hash = t, this.size = l[c];
} = function(c, a) {
c.copy(a, this.blocksize);
var r = this.hash(a);
return r.copy(this.opad, this.blocksize), this.hash(this.opad);
function s(c) {
function a(t) {
return g(c).update(t).digest();
function r(t) {
return new m().update(t).digest();
return c === "rmd160" || c === "ripemd160" ? r : c === "md5" ? u : a;
function v(c, a, r, t, i) {
w(r, t), c = y(c, f, "Password"), a = y(a, f, "Salt"), i = i || "sha1";
var n = new d(i, c, a.length), o = b.allocUnsafe(t), p = b.allocUnsafe(a.length + 4);
a.copy(p, 0, 0, a.length);
for (var O = 0, P = l[i], F = Math.ceil(t / P), z = 1; z <= F; z++) {
p.writeUInt32BE(z, a.length);
for (var N =, n.ipad1), M = N, I = 1; I < r; I++) {
M =, n.ipad2);
for (var R = 0; R < P; R++)
N[R] ^= M[R];
N.copy(o, O), O += P;
return o;
x.exports = v;
}, { "./default-encoding": 462, "./precondition": 463, "./to-buffer": 465, "create-hash/md5": 332, ripemd160: 493, "safe-buffer": 494, "sha.js": 499 }], 465: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
x.exports = function(m, g, b) {
if (u.isBuffer(m))
return m;
if (typeof m == "string")
return u.from(m, g);
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(m))
return u.from(m.buffer);
throw new TypeError(b + " must be a string, a Buffer, a typed array or a DataView");
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 466: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
typeof u == "undefined" || !u.version || u.version.indexOf("v0.") === 0 || u.version.indexOf("v1.") === 0 && u.version.indexOf("v1.8.") !== 0 ? x.exports = {
nextTick: m
} : x.exports = u;
function m(g, b, w, f) {
if (typeof g != "function")
throw new TypeError('"callback" argument must be a function');
var y = arguments.length, h, l;
switch (y) {
case 0:
case 1:
return u.nextTick(g);
case 2:
return u.nextTick(function() {, b);
case 3:
return u.nextTick(function() {, b, w);
case 4:
return u.nextTick(function() {, b, w, f);
for (h = new Array(y - 1), l = 0; l < h.length; )
h[l++] = arguments[l];
return u.nextTick(function() {
g.apply(null, h);
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { _process: 467 }], 467: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = x.exports = {}, m, g;
function b() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function w() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
(function() {
try {
typeof setTimeout == "function" ? m = setTimeout : m = b;
} catch (t) {
m = b;
try {
typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? g = clearTimeout : g = w;
} catch (t) {
g = w;
function f(t) {
if (m === setTimeout)
return setTimeout(t, 0);
if ((m === b || !m) && setTimeout)
return m = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0);
try {
return m(t, 0);
} catch (i) {
try {
return, t, 0);
} catch (n) {
return, t, 0);
function y(t) {
if (g === clearTimeout)
return clearTimeout(t);
if ((g === w || !g) && clearTimeout)
return g = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t);
try {
return g(t);
} catch (i) {
try {
return, t);
} catch (n) {
return, t);
var h = [], l = !1, d, s = -1;
function v() {
!l || !d || (l = !1, d.length ? h = d.concat(h) : s = -1, h.length && c());
function c() {
if (!l) {
var t = f(v);
l = !0;
for (var i = h.length; i; ) {
for (d = h, h = []; ++s < i; )
d && d[s].run();
s = -1, i = h.length;
d = null, l = !1, y(t);
u.nextTick = function(t) {
var i = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1)
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++)
i[n - 1] = arguments[n];
h.push(new a(t, i)), h.length === 1 && !l && f(c);
function a(t, i) { = t, this.array = i;
} = function() {, this.array);
}, u.title = "browser", u.browser = !0, u.env = {}, u.argv = [], u.version = "", u.versions = {};
function r() {
u.on = r, u.addListener = r, u.once = r, = r, u.removeListener = r, u.removeAllListeners = r, u.emit = r, u.prependListener = r, u.prependOnceListener = r, u.listeners = function(t) {
return [];
}, u.binding = function(t) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
}, u.cwd = function() {
return "/";
}, u.chdir = function(t) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
}, u.umask = function() {
return 0;
}, {}], 468: [function(e, x, _) {
_.publicEncrypt = e("./publicEncrypt"), _.privateDecrypt = e("./privateDecrypt"), _.privateEncrypt = function(m, g) {
return _.publicEncrypt(m, g, !0);
}, _.publicDecrypt = function(m, g) {
return _.privateDecrypt(m, g, !0);
}, { "./privateDecrypt": 471, "./publicEncrypt": 472 }], 469: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("create-hash"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
x.exports = function(b, w) {
for (var f = m.alloc(0), y = 0, h; f.length < w; )
h = g(y++), f = m.concat([f, u("sha1").update(b).update(h).digest()]);
return f.slice(0, w);
function g(b) {
var w = m.allocUnsafe(4);
return w.writeUInt32BE(b, 0), w;
}, { "create-hash": 331, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 470: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][181][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { buffer: 185, dup: 181 }], 471: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("parse-asn1"), m = e("./mgf"), g = e("./xor"), b = e("bn.js"), w = e("browserify-rsa"), f = e("create-hash"), y = e("./withPublic"), h = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
x.exports = function(c, a, r) {
var t;
c.padding ? t = c.padding : r ? t = 1 : t = 4;
var i = u(c), n = i.modulus.byteLength();
if (a.length > n || new b(a).cmp(i.modulus) >= 0)
throw new Error("decryption error");
var o;
r ? o = y(new b(a), i) : o = w(a, i);
var p = h.alloc(n - o.length);
if (o = h.concat([p, o], n), t === 4)
return l(i, o);
if (t === 1)
return d(i, o, r);
if (t === 3)
return o;
throw new Error("unknown padding");
function l(v, c) {
var a = v.modulus.byteLength(), r = f("sha1").update(h.alloc(0)).digest(), t = r.length;
if (c[0] !== 0)
throw new Error("decryption error");
var i = c.slice(1, t + 1), n = c.slice(t + 1), o = g(i, m(n, t)), p = g(n, m(o, a - t - 1));
if (s(r, p.slice(0, t)))
throw new Error("decryption error");
for (var O = t; p[O] === 0; )
if (p[O++] !== 1)
throw new Error("decryption error");
return p.slice(O);
function d(v, c, a) {
for (var r = c.slice(0, 2), t = 2, i = 0; c[t++] !== 0; )
if (t >= c.length) {
var n = c.slice(2, t - 1);
if ((r.toString("hex") !== "0002" && !a || r.toString("hex") !== "0001" && a) && i++, n.length < 8 && i++, i)
throw new Error("decryption error");
return c.slice(t);
function s(v, c) {
v = h.from(v), c = h.from(c);
var a = 0, r = v.length;
v.length !== c.length && (a++, r = Math.min(v.length, c.length));
for (var t = -1; ++t < r; )
a += v[t] ^ c[t];
return a;
}, { "./mgf": 469, "./withPublic": 473, "./xor": 474, "bn.js": 470, "browserify-rsa": 206, "create-hash": 331, "parse-asn1": 459, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 472: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("parse-asn1"), m = e("randombytes"), g = e("create-hash"), b = e("./mgf"), w = e("./xor"), f = e("bn.js"), y = e("./withPublic"), h = e("browserify-rsa"), l = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
x.exports = function(a, r, t) {
var i;
a.padding ? i = a.padding : t ? i = 1 : i = 4;
var n = u(a), o;
if (i === 4)
o = d(n, r);
else if (i === 1)
o = s(n, r, t);
else if (i === 3) {
if (o = new f(r), o.cmp(n.modulus) >= 0)
throw new Error("data too long for modulus");
} else
throw new Error("unknown padding");
return t ? h(o, n) : y(o, n);
function d(c, a) {
var r = c.modulus.byteLength(), t = a.length, i = g("sha1").update(l.alloc(0)).digest(), n = i.length, o = 2 * n;
if (t > r - o - 2)
throw new Error("message too long");
var p = l.alloc(r - t - o - 2), O = r - n - 1, P = m(n), F = w(l.concat([i, p, l.alloc(1, 1), a], O), b(P, O)), z = w(P, b(F, n));
return new f(l.concat([l.alloc(1), z, F], r));
function s(c, a, r) {
var t = a.length, i = c.modulus.byteLength();
if (t > i - 11)
throw new Error("message too long");
var n;
return r ? n = l.alloc(i - t - 3, 255) : n = v(i - t - 3), new f(l.concat([l.from([0, r ? 1 : 2]), n, l.alloc(1), a], i));
function v(c) {
for (var a = l.allocUnsafe(c), r = 0, t = m(c * 2), i = 0, n; r < c; )
i === t.length && (t = m(c * 2), i = 0), n = t[i++], n && (a[r++] = n);
return a;
}, { "./mgf": 469, "./withPublic": 473, "./xor": 474, "bn.js": 470, "browserify-rsa": 206, "create-hash": 331, "parse-asn1": 459, randombytes: 475, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 473: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("bn.js"), m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
function g(b, w) {
return m.from(b.toRed(u.mont(w.modulus)).redPow(new u(w.publicExponent)).fromRed().toArray());
x.exports = g;
}, { "bn.js": 470, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 474: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function(m, g) {
for (var b = m.length, w = -1; ++w < b; )
m[w] ^= g[w];
return m;
}, {}], 475: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
var g = 65536, b = 4294967295;
function w() {
throw new Error(`Secure random number generation is not supported by this browser.
Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`);
var f = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, y = m.crypto || m.msCrypto;
y && y.getRandomValues ? x.exports = h : x.exports = w;
function h(l, d) {
if (l > b)
throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes");
var s = f.allocUnsafe(l);
if (l > 0)
if (l > g)
for (var v = 0; v < l; v += g)
y.getRandomValues(s.slice(v, v + g));
return typeof d == "function" ? u.nextTick(function() {
d(null, s);
}) : s;
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { _process: 467, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 476: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
function g() {
throw new Error(`secure random number generation not supported by this browser
use chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11`);
var b = e("safe-buffer"), w = e("randombytes"), f = b.Buffer, y = b.kMaxLength, h = m.crypto || m.msCrypto, l = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1;
function d(r, t) {
if (typeof r != "number" || r !== r)
throw new TypeError("offset must be a number");
if (r > l || r < 0)
throw new TypeError("offset must be a uint32");
if (r > y || r > t)
throw new RangeError("offset out of range");
function s(r, t, i) {
if (typeof r != "number" || r !== r)
throw new TypeError("size must be a number");
if (r > l || r < 0)
throw new TypeError("size must be a uint32");
if (r + t > i || r > y)
throw new RangeError("buffer too small");
h && h.getRandomValues || !u.browser ? (_.randomFill = v, _.randomFillSync = a) : (_.randomFill = g, _.randomFillSync = g);
function v(r, t, i, n) {
if (!f.isBuffer(r) && !(r instanceof m.Uint8Array))
throw new TypeError('"buf" argument must be a Buffer or Uint8Array');
if (typeof t == "function")
n = t, t = 0, i = r.length;
else if (typeof i == "function")
n = i, i = r.length - t;
else if (typeof n != "function")
throw new TypeError('"cb" argument must be a function');
return d(t, r.length), s(i, t, r.length), c(r, t, i, n);
function c(r, t, i, n) {
if (u.browser) {
var o = r.buffer, p = new Uint8Array(o, t, i);
if (h.getRandomValues(p), n) {
u.nextTick(function() {
n(null, r);
return r;
if (n) {
w(i, function(P, F) {
if (P)
return n(P);
F.copy(r, t), n(null, r);
var O = w(i);
return O.copy(r, t), r;
function a(r, t, i) {
if (typeof t == "undefined" && (t = 0), !f.isBuffer(r) && !(r instanceof m.Uint8Array))
throw new TypeError('"buf" argument must be a Buffer or Uint8Array');
return d(t, r.length), i === void 0 && (i = r.length - t), s(i, t, r.length), c(r, t, i);
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { _process: 467, randombytes: 475, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 477: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(l) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(s) {
return typeof s;
} : u = function(s) {
return s && typeof Symbol == "function" && s.constructor === Symbol && s !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof s;
}, u(l);
function m(l, d) {
l.prototype = Object.create(d.prototype), l.prototype.constructor = l, l.__proto__ = d;
var g = {};
function b(l, d, s) {
s || (s = Error);
function v(a, r, t) {
return typeof d == "string" ? d : d(a, r, t);
var c = /* @__PURE__ */ function(a) {
m(r, a);
function r(t, i, n) {
return, v(t, i, n)) || this;
return r;
}(s); =, c.prototype.code = l, g[l] = c;
function w(l, d) {
if (Array.isArray(l)) {
var s = l.length;
return l = {
return String(v);
}), s > 2 ? "one of ".concat(d, " ").concat(l.slice(0, s - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + l[s - 1] : s === 2 ? "one of ".concat(d, " ").concat(l[0], " or ").concat(l[1]) : "of ".concat(d, " ").concat(l[0]);
} else
return "of ".concat(d, " ").concat(String(l));
function f(l, d, s) {
return l.substr(!s || s < 0 ? 0 : +s, d.length) === d;
function y(l, d, s) {
return (s === void 0 || s > l.length) && (s = l.length), l.substring(s - d.length, s) === d;
function h(l, d, s) {
return typeof s != "number" && (s = 0), s + d.length > l.length ? !1 : l.indexOf(d, s) !== -1;
b("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(l, d) {
return 'The value "' + d + '" is invalid for option "' + l + '"';
}, TypeError), b("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(l, d, s) {
var v;
typeof d == "string" && f(d, "not ") ? (v = "must not be", d = d.replace(/^not /, "")) : v = "must be";
var c;
if (y(l, " argument"))
c = "The ".concat(l, " ").concat(v, " ").concat(w(d, "type"));
else {
var a = h(l, ".") ? "property" : "argument";
c = 'The "'.concat(l, '" ').concat(a, " ").concat(v, " ").concat(w(d, "type"));
return c += ". Received type ".concat(u(s)), c;
}, TypeError), b("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"), b("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(l) {
return "The " + l + " method is not implemented";
}), b("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"), b("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(l) {
return "Cannot call " + l + " after a stream was destroyed";
}), b("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), b("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"), b("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"), b("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError), b("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(l) {
return "Unknown encoding: " + l;
}, TypeError), b("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"), = g;
}, {}], 478: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m = Object.keys || function(s) {
var v = [];
for (var c in s)
return v;
x.exports = h;
var g = e("./_stream_readable"), b = e("./_stream_writable");
e("inherits")(h, g);
for (var w = m(b.prototype), f = 0; f < w.length; f++) {
var y = w[f];
h.prototype[y] || (h.prototype[y] = b.prototype[y]);
function h(s) {
if (!(this instanceof h))
return new h(s);, s),, s), this.allowHalfOpen = !0, s && (s.readable === !1 && (this.readable = !1), s.writable === !1 && (this.writable = !1), s.allowHalfOpen === !1 && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1, this.once("end", l)));
Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
}), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "writableBuffer", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer();
}), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "writableLength", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState.length;
function l() {
this._writableState.ended || u.nextTick(d, this);
function d(s) {
Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "destroyed", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState === void 0 || this._writableState === void 0 ? !1 : this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed;
set: function(v) {
this._readableState === void 0 || this._writableState === void 0 || (this._readableState.destroyed = v, this._writableState.destroyed = v);
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { "./_stream_readable": 480, "./_stream_writable": 482, _process: 467, inherits: 387 }], 479: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = m;
var u = e("./_stream_transform");
e("inherits")(m, u);
function m(g) {
if (!(this instanceof m))
return new m(g);, g);
m.prototype._transform = function(g, b, w) {
w(null, g);
}, { "./_stream_transform": 481, inherits: 387 }], 480: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
x.exports = R;
var g;
R.ReadableState = I, e("events").EventEmitter;
var b = function(se, Ce) {
return se.listeners(Ce).length;
}, w = e("./internal/streams/stream"), f = e("buffer").Buffer, y = m.Uint8Array || function() {
function h(ne) {
return f.from(ne);
function l(ne) {
return f.isBuffer(ne) || ne instanceof y;
var d = e("util"), s;
d && d.debuglog ? s = d.debuglog("stream") : s = function() {
var v = e("./internal/streams/buffer_list"), c = e("./internal/streams/destroy"), a = e("./internal/streams/state"), r = a.getHighWaterMark, t = e("../errors").codes, i = t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, n = t.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, o = t.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, p = t.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT, O, P, F;
e("inherits")(R, w);
var z = c.errorOrDestroy, N = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"];
function M(ne, se, Ce) {
if (typeof ne.prependListener == "function")
return ne.prependListener(se, Ce);
!ne._events || !ne._events[se] ? ne.on(se, Ce) : Array.isArray(ne._events[se]) ? ne._events[se].unshift(Ce) : ne._events[se] = [Ce, ne._events[se]];
function I(ne, se, Ce) {
g = g || e("./_stream_duplex"), ne = ne || {}, typeof Ce != "boolean" && (Ce = se instanceof g), this.objectMode = !!ne.objectMode, Ce && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!ne.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = r(this, ne, "readableHighWaterMark", Ce), this.buffer = new v(), this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = !1, this.endEmitted = !1, this.reading = !1, this.sync = !0, this.needReadable = !1, this.emittedReadable = !1, this.readableListening = !1, this.resumeScheduled = !1, this.paused = !0, this.emitClose = ne.emitClose !== !1, this.autoDestroy = !!ne.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = !1, this.defaultEncoding = ne.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, ne.encoding && (O || (O = e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder), this.decoder = new O(ne.encoding), this.encoding = ne.encoding);
function R(ne) {
if (g = g || e("./_stream_duplex"), !(this instanceof R))
return new R(ne);
var se = this instanceof g;
this._readableState = new I(ne, this, se), this.readable = !0, ne && (typeof == "function" && (this._read =, typeof ne.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = ne.destroy)),;
Object.defineProperty(R.prototype, "destroyed", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState === void 0 ? !1 : this._readableState.destroyed;
set: function(se) {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = se);
}), R.prototype.destroy = c.destroy, R.prototype._undestroy = c.undestroy, R.prototype._destroy = function(ne, se) {
}, R.prototype.push = function(ne, se) {
var Ce = this._readableState, q;
return Ce.objectMode ? q = !0 : typeof ne == "string" && (se = se || Ce.defaultEncoding, se !== Ce.encoding && (ne = f.from(ne, se), se = ""), q = !0), C(this, ne, se, !1, q);
}, R.prototype.unshift = function(ne) {
return C(this, ne, null, !0, !1);
function C(ne, se, Ce, q, G) {
s("readableAddChunk", se);
var Y = ne._readableState;
if (se === null)
Y.reading = !1, U(ne, Y);
else {
var fe;
if (G || (fe = A(Y, se)), fe)
z(ne, fe);
else if (Y.objectMode || se && se.length > 0)
if (typeof se != "string" && !Y.objectMode && Object.getPrototypeOf(se) !== f.prototype && (se = h(se)), q)
Y.endEmitted ? z(ne, new p()) : E(ne, Y, se, !0);
else if (Y.ended)
z(ne, new n());
else {
if (Y.destroyed)
return !1;
Y.reading = !1, Y.decoder && !Ce ? (se = Y.decoder.write(se), Y.objectMode || se.length !== 0 ? E(ne, Y, se, !1) : j(ne, Y)) : E(ne, Y, se, !1);
q || (Y.reading = !1, j(ne, Y));
return !Y.ended && (Y.length < Y.highWaterMark || Y.length === 0);
function E(ne, se, Ce, q) {
se.flowing && se.length === 0 && !se.sync ? (se.awaitDrain = 0, ne.emit("data", Ce)) : (se.length += se.objectMode ? 1 : Ce.length, q ? se.buffer.unshift(Ce) : se.buffer.push(Ce), se.needReadable && D(ne)), j(ne, se);
function A(ne, se) {
var Ce;
return !l(se) && typeof se != "string" && se !== void 0 && !ne.objectMode && (Ce = new i("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], se)), Ce;
R.prototype.isPaused = function() {
return this._readableState.flowing === !1;
}, R.prototype.setEncoding = function(ne) {
O || (O = e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder);
var se = new O(ne);
this._readableState.decoder = se, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding;
for (var Ce = this._readableState.buffer.head, q = ""; Ce !== null; )
q += se.write(, Ce =;
return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), q !== "" && this._readableState.buffer.push(q), this._readableState.length = q.length, this;
var L = 1073741824;
function $(ne) {
return ne >= L ? ne = L : (ne--, ne |= ne >>> 1, ne |= ne >>> 2, ne |= ne >>> 4, ne |= ne >>> 8, ne |= ne >>> 16, ne++), ne;
function W(ne, se) {
return ne <= 0 || se.length === 0 && se.ended ? 0 : se.objectMode ? 1 : ne !== ne ? se.flowing && se.length ? : se.length : (ne > se.highWaterMark && (se.highWaterMark = $(ne)), ne <= se.length ? ne : se.ended ? se.length : (se.needReadable = !0, 0));
} = function(ne) {
s("read", ne), ne = parseInt(ne, 10);
var se = this._readableState, Ce = ne;
if (ne !== 0 && (se.emittedReadable = !1), ne === 0 && se.needReadable && ((se.highWaterMark !== 0 ? se.length >= se.highWaterMark : se.length > 0) || se.ended))
return s("read: emitReadable", se.length, se.ended), se.length === 0 && se.ended ? Q(this) : D(this), null;
if (ne = W(ne, se), ne === 0 && se.ended)
return se.length === 0 && Q(this), null;
var q = se.needReadable;
s("need readable", q), (se.length === 0 || se.length - ne < se.highWaterMark) && (q = !0, s("length less than watermark", q)), se.ended || se.reading ? (q = !1, s("reading or ended", q)) : q && (s("do read"), se.reading = !0, se.sync = !0, se.length === 0 && (se.needReadable = !0), this._read(se.highWaterMark), se.sync = !1, se.reading || (ne = W(Ce, se)));
var G;
return ne > 0 ? G = J(ne, se) : G = null, G === null ? (se.needReadable = se.length <= se.highWaterMark, ne = 0) : (se.length -= ne, se.awaitDrain = 0), se.length === 0 && (se.ended || (se.needReadable = !0), Ce !== ne && se.ended && Q(this)), G !== null && this.emit("data", G), G;
function U(ne, se) {
if (s("onEofChunk"), !se.ended) {
if (se.decoder) {
var Ce = se.decoder.end();
Ce && Ce.length && (se.buffer.push(Ce), se.length += se.objectMode ? 1 : Ce.length);
se.ended = !0, se.sync ? D(ne) : (se.needReadable = !1, se.emittedReadable || (se.emittedReadable = !0, B(ne)));
function D(ne) {
var se = ne._readableState;
s("emitReadable", se.needReadable, se.emittedReadable), se.needReadable = !1, se.emittedReadable || (s("emitReadable", se.flowing), se.emittedReadable = !0, u.nextTick(B, ne));
function B(ne) {
var se = ne._readableState;
s("emitReadable_", se.destroyed, se.length, se.ended), !se.destroyed && (se.length || se.ended) && (ne.emit("readable"), se.emittedReadable = !1), se.needReadable = !se.flowing && !se.ended && se.length <= se.highWaterMark, oe(ne);
function j(ne, se) {
se.readingMore || (se.readingMore = !0, u.nextTick(V, ne, se));
function V(ne, se) {
for (; !se.reading && !se.ended && (se.length < se.highWaterMark || se.flowing && se.length === 0); ) {
var Ce = se.length;
if (s("maybeReadMore read 0"),, Ce === se.length)
se.readingMore = !1;
R.prototype._read = function(ne) {
z(this, new o("_read()"));
}, R.prototype.pipe = function(ne, se) {
var Ce = this, q = this._readableState;
switch (q.pipesCount) {
case 0:
q.pipes = ne;
case 1:
q.pipes = [q.pipes, ne];
q.pipesCount += 1, s("pipe count=%d opts=%j", q.pipesCount, se);
var G = (!se || se.end !== !1) && ne !== u.stdout && ne !== u.stderr, Y = G ? we : Ve;
q.endEmitted ? u.nextTick(Y) : Ce.once("end", Y), ne.on("unpipe", fe);
function fe(Qe, tt) {
s("onunpipe"), Qe === Ce && tt && tt.hasUnpiped === !1 && (tt.hasUnpiped = !0, Ye());
function we() {
s("onend"), ne.end();
var _e = re(Ce);
ne.on("drain", _e);
var je = !1;
function Ye() {
s("cleanup"), ne.removeListener("close", ot), ne.removeListener("finish", Ue), ne.removeListener("drain", _e), ne.removeListener("error", ut), ne.removeListener("unpipe", fe), Ce.removeListener("end", we), Ce.removeListener("end", Ve), Ce.removeListener("data", nt), je = !0, q.awaitDrain && (!ne._writableState || ne._writableState.needDrain) && _e();
Ce.on("data", nt);
function nt(Qe) {
var tt = ne.write(Qe);
s("dest.write", tt), tt === !1 && ((q.pipesCount === 1 && q.pipes === ne || q.pipesCount > 1 && ke(q.pipes, ne) !== -1) && !je && (s("false write response, pause", q.awaitDrain), q.awaitDrain++), Ce.pause());
function ut(Qe) {
s("onerror", Qe), Ve(), ne.removeListener("error", ut), b(ne, "error") === 0 && z(ne, Qe);
M(ne, "error", ut);
function ot() {
ne.removeListener("finish", Ue), Ve();
ne.once("close", ot);
function Ue() {
s("onfinish"), ne.removeListener("close", ot), Ve();
ne.once("finish", Ue);
function Ve() {
s("unpipe"), Ce.unpipe(ne);
return ne.emit("pipe", Ce), q.flowing || (s("pipe resume"), Ce.resume()), ne;
function re(ne) {
return function() {
var Ce = ne._readableState;
s("pipeOnDrain", Ce.awaitDrain), Ce.awaitDrain && Ce.awaitDrain--, Ce.awaitDrain === 0 && b(ne, "data") && (Ce.flowing = !0, oe(ne));
R.prototype.unpipe = function(ne) {
var se = this._readableState, Ce = {
hasUnpiped: !1
if (se.pipesCount === 0)
return this;
if (se.pipesCount === 1)
return ne && ne !== se.pipes ? this : (ne || (ne = se.pipes), se.pipes = null, se.pipesCount = 0, se.flowing = !1, ne && ne.emit("unpipe", this, Ce), this);
if (!ne) {
var q = se.pipes, G = se.pipesCount;
se.pipes = null, se.pipesCount = 0, se.flowing = !1;
for (var Y = 0; Y < G; Y++)
q[Y].emit("unpipe", this, {
hasUnpiped: !1
return this;
var fe = ke(se.pipes, ne);
return fe === -1 ? this : (se.pipes.splice(fe, 1), se.pipesCount -= 1, se.pipesCount === 1 && (se.pipes = se.pipes[0]), ne.emit("unpipe", this, Ce), this);
}, R.prototype.on = function(ne, se) {
var Ce =, ne, se), q = this._readableState;
return ne === "data" ? (q.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, q.flowing !== !1 && this.resume()) : ne === "readable" && !q.endEmitted && !q.readableListening && (q.readableListening = q.needReadable = !0, q.flowing = !1, q.emittedReadable = !1, s("on readable", q.length, q.reading), q.length ? D(this) : q.reading || u.nextTick(ce, this)), Ce;
}, R.prototype.addListener = R.prototype.on, R.prototype.removeListener = function(ne, se) {
var Ce =, ne, se);
return ne === "readable" && u.nextTick(ee, this), Ce;
}, R.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(ne) {
var se = w.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments);
return (ne === "readable" || ne === void 0) && u.nextTick(ee, this), se;
function ee(ne) {
var se = ne._readableState;
se.readableListening = ne.listenerCount("readable") > 0, se.resumeScheduled && !se.paused ? se.flowing = !0 : ne.listenerCount("data") > 0 && ne.resume();
function ce(ne) {
s("readable nexttick read 0"),;
R.prototype.resume = function() {
var ne = this._readableState;
return ne.flowing || (s("resume"), ne.flowing = !ne.readableListening, ve(this, ne)), ne.paused = !1, this;
function ve(ne, se) {
se.resumeScheduled || (se.resumeScheduled = !0, u.nextTick(ge, ne, se));
function ge(ne, se) {
s("resume", se.reading), se.reading ||, se.resumeScheduled = !1, ne.emit("resume"), oe(ne), se.flowing && !se.reading &&;
R.prototype.pause = function() {
return s("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== !1 && (s("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = !0, this;
function oe(ne) {
var se = ne._readableState;
for (s("flow", se.flowing); se.flowing && !== null; )
R.prototype.wrap = function(ne) {
var se = this, Ce = this._readableState, q = !1;
ne.on("end", function() {
if (s("wrapped end"), Ce.decoder && !Ce.ended) {
var fe = Ce.decoder.end();
fe && fe.length && se.push(fe);
}), ne.on("data", function(fe) {
if (s("wrapped data"), Ce.decoder && (fe = Ce.decoder.write(fe)), !(Ce.objectMode && fe == null) && !(!Ce.objectMode && (!fe || !fe.length))) {
var we = se.push(fe);
we || (q = !0, ne.pause());
for (var G in ne)
this[G] === void 0 && typeof ne[G] == "function" && (this[G] = function(we) {
return function() {
return ne[we].apply(ne, arguments);
for (var Y = 0; Y < N.length; Y++)
ne.on(N[Y], this.emit.bind(this, N[Y]));
return this._read = function(fe) {
s("wrapped _read", fe), q && (q = !1, ne.resume());
}, this;
}, typeof Symbol == "function" && (R.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {
return P === void 0 && (P = e("./internal/streams/async_iterator")), P(this);
}), Object.defineProperty(R.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState.highWaterMark;
}), Object.defineProperty(R.prototype, "readableBuffer", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer;
}), Object.defineProperty(R.prototype, "readableFlowing", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState.flowing;
set: function(se) {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = se);
}), R._fromList = J, Object.defineProperty(R.prototype, "readableLength", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState.length;
function J(ne, se) {
if (se.length === 0)
return null;
var Ce;
return se.objectMode ? Ce = se.buffer.shift() : !ne || ne >= se.length ? (se.decoder ? Ce = se.buffer.join("") : se.buffer.length === 1 ? Ce = se.buffer.first() : Ce = se.buffer.concat(se.length), se.buffer.clear()) : Ce = se.buffer.consume(ne, se.decoder), Ce;
function Q(ne) {
var se = ne._readableState;
s("endReadable", se.endEmitted), se.endEmitted || (se.ended = !0, u.nextTick(he, se, ne));
function he(ne, se) {
if (s("endReadableNT", ne.endEmitted, ne.length), !ne.endEmitted && ne.length === 0 && (ne.endEmitted = !0, se.readable = !1, se.emit("end"), ne.autoDestroy)) {
var Ce = se._writableState;
(!Ce || Ce.autoDestroy && Ce.finished) && se.destroy();
typeof Symbol == "function" && (R.from = function(ne, se) {
return F === void 0 && (F = e("./internal/streams/from")), F(R, ne, se);
function ke(ne, se) {
for (var Ce = 0, q = ne.length; Ce < q; Ce++)
if (ne[Ce] === se)
return Ce;
return -1;
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { "../errors": 477, "./_stream_duplex": 478, "./internal/streams/async_iterator": 483, "./internal/streams/buffer_list": 484, "./internal/streams/destroy": 485, "./internal/streams/from": 487, "./internal/streams/state": 489, "./internal/streams/stream": 490, _process: 467, buffer: 216, events: 367, inherits: 387, "string_decoder/": 520, util: 185 }], 481: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = h;
var u = e("../errors").codes, m = u.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, g = u.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, b = u.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, w = u.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, f = e("./_stream_duplex");
e("inherits")(h, f);
function y(s, v) {
var c = this._transformState;
c.transforming = !1;
var a = c.writecb;
if (a === null)
return this.emit("error", new g());
c.writechunk = null, c.writecb = null, v != null && this.push(v), a(s);
var r = this._readableState;
r.reading = !1, (r.needReadable || r.length < r.highWaterMark) && this._read(r.highWaterMark);
function h(s) {
if (!(this instanceof h))
return new h(s);, s), this._transformState = {
afterTransform: y.bind(this),
needTransform: !1,
transforming: !1,
writecb: null,
writechunk: null,
writeencoding: null
}, this._readableState.needReadable = !0, this._readableState.sync = !1, s && (typeof s.transform == "function" && (this._transform = s.transform), typeof s.flush == "function" && (this._flush = s.flush)), this.on("prefinish", l);
function l() {
var s = this;
typeof this._flush == "function" && !this._readableState.destroyed ? this._flush(function(v, c) {
d(s, v, c);
}) : d(this, null, null);
h.prototype.push = function(s, v) {
return this._transformState.needTransform = !1,, s, v);
}, h.prototype._transform = function(s, v, c) {
c(new m("_transform()"));
}, h.prototype._write = function(s, v, c) {
var a = this._transformState;
if (a.writecb = c, a.writechunk = s, a.writeencoding = v, !a.transforming) {
var r = this._readableState;
(a.needTransform || r.needReadable || r.length < r.highWaterMark) && this._read(r.highWaterMark);
}, h.prototype._read = function(s) {
var v = this._transformState;
v.writechunk !== null && !v.transforming ? (v.transforming = !0, this._transform(v.writechunk, v.writeencoding, v.afterTransform)) : v.needTransform = !0;
}, h.prototype._destroy = function(s, v) {, s, function(c) {
function d(s, v, c) {
if (v)
return s.emit("error", v);
if (c != null && s.push(c), s._writableState.length)
throw new w();
if (s._transformState.transforming)
throw new b();
return s.push(null);
}, { "../errors": 477, "./_stream_duplex": 478, inherits: 387 }], 482: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
x.exports = I;
function g(oe) {
var J = this; = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() {
ge(J, oe);
var b;
I.WritableState = N;
var w = {
deprecate: e("util-deprecate")
}, f = e("./internal/streams/stream"), y = e("buffer").Buffer, h = m.Uint8Array || function() {
function l(oe) {
return y.from(oe);
function d(oe) {
return y.isBuffer(oe) || oe instanceof h;
var s = e("./internal/streams/destroy"), v = e("./internal/streams/state"), c = v.getHighWaterMark, a = e("../errors").codes, r = a.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, t = a.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, i = a.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, n = a.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, o = a.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, p = a.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, O = a.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, P = a.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, F = s.errorOrDestroy;
e("inherits")(I, f);
function z() {
function N(oe, J, Q) {
b = b || e("./_stream_duplex"), oe = oe || {}, typeof Q != "boolean" && (Q = J instanceof b), this.objectMode = !!oe.objectMode, Q && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!oe.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = c(this, oe, "writableHighWaterMark", Q), this.finalCalled = !1, this.needDrain = !1, this.ending = !1, this.ended = !1, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1;
var he = oe.decodeStrings === !1;
this.decodeStrings = !he, this.defaultEncoding = oe.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = !1, this.corked = 0, this.sync = !0, this.bufferProcessing = !1, this.onwrite = function(ke) {
U(J, ke);
}, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = !1, this.errorEmitted = !1, this.emitClose = oe.emitClose !== !1, this.autoDestroy = !!oe.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new g(this);
N.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
for (var J = this.bufferedRequest, Q = []; J; )
Q.push(J), J =;
return Q;
}, function() {
try {
Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "buffer", {
get: w.deprecate(function() {
return this.getBuffer();
}, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003")
} catch (oe) {
var M;
typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (M = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(I, Symbol.hasInstance, {
value: function(J) {
return, J) ? !0 : this !== I ? !1 : J && J._writableState instanceof N;
})) : M = function(J) {
return J instanceof this;
function I(oe) {
b = b || e("./_stream_duplex");
var J = this instanceof b;
if (!J && !, this))
return new I(oe);
this._writableState = new N(oe, this, J), this.writable = !0, oe && (typeof oe.write == "function" && (this._write = oe.write), typeof oe.writev == "function" && (this._writev = oe.writev), typeof oe.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = oe.destroy), typeof == "function" && (this._final =,;
I.prototype.pipe = function() {
F(this, new n());
function R(oe, J) {
var Q = new O();
F(oe, Q), u.nextTick(J, Q);
function C(oe, J, Q, he) {
var ke;
return Q === null ? ke = new p() : typeof Q != "string" && !J.objectMode && (ke = new r("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], Q)), ke ? (F(oe, ke), u.nextTick(he, ke), !1) : !0;
I.prototype.write = function(oe, J, Q) {
var he = this._writableState, ke = !1, ne = !he.objectMode && d(oe);
return ne && !y.isBuffer(oe) && (oe = l(oe)), typeof J == "function" && (Q = J, J = null), ne ? J = "buffer" : J || (J = he.defaultEncoding), typeof Q != "function" && (Q = z), he.ending ? R(this, Q) : (ne || C(this, he, oe, Q)) && (he.pendingcb++, ke = A(this, he, ne, oe, J, Q)), ke;
}, I.prototype.cork = function() {
}, I.prototype.uncork = function() {
var oe = this._writableState;
oe.corked && (oe.corked--, !oe.writing && !oe.corked && !oe.bufferProcessing && oe.bufferedRequest && j(this, oe));
}, I.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(J) {
if (typeof J == "string" && (J = J.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((J + "").toLowerCase()) > -1))
throw new P(J);
return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = J, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "writableBuffer", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer();
function E(oe, J, Q) {
return !oe.objectMode && oe.decodeStrings !== !1 && typeof J == "string" && (J = y.from(J, Q)), J;
Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
function A(oe, J, Q, he, ke, ne) {
if (!Q) {
var se = E(J, he, ke);
he !== se && (Q = !0, ke = "buffer", he = se);
var Ce = J.objectMode ? 1 : he.length;
J.length += Ce;
var q = J.length < J.highWaterMark;
if (q || (J.needDrain = !0), J.writing || J.corked) {
var G = J.lastBufferedRequest;
J.lastBufferedRequest = {
chunk: he,
encoding: ke,
isBuf: Q,
callback: ne,
next: null
}, G ? = J.lastBufferedRequest : J.bufferedRequest = J.lastBufferedRequest, J.bufferedRequestCount += 1;
} else
L(oe, J, !1, Ce, he, ke, ne);
return q;
function L(oe, J, Q, he, ke, ne, se) {
J.writelen = he, J.writecb = se, J.writing = !0, J.sync = !0, J.destroyed ? J.onwrite(new o("write")) : Q ? oe._writev(ke, J.onwrite) : oe._write(ke, ne, J.onwrite), J.sync = !1;
function $(oe, J, Q, he, ke) {
--J.pendingcb, Q ? (u.nextTick(ke, he), u.nextTick(ce, oe, J), oe._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, F(oe, he)) : (ke(he), oe._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, F(oe, he), ce(oe, J));
function W(oe) {
oe.writing = !1, oe.writecb = null, oe.length -= oe.writelen, oe.writelen = 0;
function U(oe, J) {
var Q = oe._writableState, he = Q.sync, ke = Q.writecb;
if (typeof ke != "function")
throw new i();
if (W(Q), J)
$(oe, Q, he, J, ke);
else {
var ne = V(Q) || oe.destroyed;
!ne && !Q.corked && !Q.bufferProcessing && Q.bufferedRequest && j(oe, Q), he ? u.nextTick(D, oe, Q, ne, ke) : D(oe, Q, ne, ke);
function D(oe, J, Q, he) {
Q || B(oe, J), J.pendingcb--, he(), ce(oe, J);
function B(oe, J) {
J.length === 0 && J.needDrain && (J.needDrain = !1, oe.emit("drain"));
function j(oe, J) {
J.bufferProcessing = !0;
var Q = J.bufferedRequest;
if (oe._writev && Q && {
var he = J.bufferedRequestCount, ke = new Array(he), ne = J.corkedRequestsFree;
ne.entry = Q;
for (var se = 0, Ce = !0; Q; )
ke[se] = Q, Q.isBuf || (Ce = !1), Q =, se += 1;
ke.allBuffers = Ce, L(oe, J, !0, J.length, ke, "", ne.finish), J.pendingcb++, J.lastBufferedRequest = null, ? (J.corkedRequestsFree =, = null) : J.corkedRequestsFree = new g(J), J.bufferedRequestCount = 0;
} else {
for (; Q; ) {
var q = Q.chunk, G = Q.encoding, Y = Q.callback, fe = J.objectMode ? 1 : q.length;
if (L(oe, J, !1, fe, q, G, Y), Q =, J.bufferedRequestCount--, J.writing)
Q === null && (J.lastBufferedRequest = null);
J.bufferedRequest = Q, J.bufferProcessing = !1;
I.prototype._write = function(oe, J, Q) {
Q(new t("_write()"));
}, I.prototype._writev = null, I.prototype.end = function(oe, J, Q) {
var he = this._writableState;
return typeof oe == "function" ? (Q = oe, oe = null, J = null) : typeof J == "function" && (Q = J, J = null), oe != null && this.write(oe, J), he.corked && (he.corked = 1, this.uncork()), he.ending || ve(this, he, Q), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "writableLength", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState.length;
function V(oe) {
return oe.ending && oe.length === 0 && oe.bufferedRequest === null && !oe.finished && !oe.writing;
function re(oe, J) {
oe._final(function(Q) {
J.pendingcb--, Q && F(oe, Q), J.prefinished = !0, oe.emit("prefinish"), ce(oe, J);
function ee(oe, J) {
!J.prefinished && !J.finalCalled && (typeof oe._final == "function" && !J.destroyed ? (J.pendingcb++, J.finalCalled = !0, u.nextTick(re, oe, J)) : (J.prefinished = !0, oe.emit("prefinish")));
function ce(oe, J) {
var Q = V(J);
if (Q && (ee(oe, J), J.pendingcb === 0 && (J.finished = !0, oe.emit("finish"), J.autoDestroy))) {
var he = oe._readableState;
(!he || he.autoDestroy && he.endEmitted) && oe.destroy();
return Q;
function ve(oe, J, Q) {
J.ending = !0, ce(oe, J), Q && (J.finished ? u.nextTick(Q) : oe.once("finish", Q)), J.ended = !0, oe.writable = !1;
function ge(oe, J, Q) {
var he = oe.entry;
for (oe.entry = null; he; ) {
var ke = he.callback;
J.pendingcb--, ke(Q), he =;
} = oe;
Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "destroyed", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState === void 0 ? !1 : this._writableState.destroyed;
set: function(J) {
this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = J);
}), I.prototype.destroy = s.destroy, I.prototype._undestroy = s.undestroy, I.prototype._destroy = function(oe, J) {
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { "../errors": 477, "./_stream_duplex": 478, "./internal/streams/destroy": 485, "./internal/streams/state": 489, "./internal/streams/stream": 490, _process: 467, buffer: 216, inherits: 387, "util-deprecate": 522 }], 483: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
var m;
function g(o, p, O) {
return p in o ? Object.defineProperty(o, p, {
value: O,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : o[p] = O, o;
var b = e("./end-of-stream"), w = Symbol("lastResolve"), f = Symbol("lastReject"), y = Symbol("error"), h = Symbol("ended"), l = Symbol("lastPromise"), d = Symbol("handlePromise"), s = Symbol("stream");
function v(o, p) {
return {
value: o,
done: p
function c(o) {
var p = o[w];
if (p !== null) {
var O = o[s].read();
O !== null && (o[l] = null, o[w] = null, o[f] = null, p(v(O, !1)));
function a(o) {
u.nextTick(c, o);
function r(o, p) {
return function(O, P) {
o.then(function() {
if (p[h]) {
O(v(void 0, !0));
p[d](O, P);
}, P);
var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(function() {
}), i = Object.setPrototypeOf((m = {
get stream() {
return this[s];
next: function() {
var p = this, O = this[y];
if (O !== null)
return Promise.reject(O);
if (this[h])
return Promise.resolve(v(void 0, !0));
if (this[s].destroyed)
return new Promise(function(N, M) {
u.nextTick(function() {
p[y] ? M(p[y]) : N(v(void 0, !0));
var P = this[l], F;
if (P)
F = new Promise(r(P, this));
else {
var z = this[s].read();
if (z !== null)
return Promise.resolve(v(z, !1));
F = new Promise(this[d]);
return this[l] = F, F;
}, g(m, Symbol.asyncIterator, function() {
return this;
}), g(m, "return", function() {
var p = this;
return new Promise(function(O, P) {
p[s].destroy(null, function(F) {
if (F) {
O(v(void 0, !0));
}), m), t), n = function(p) {
var O, P = Object.create(i, (O = {}, g(O, s, {
value: p,
writable: !0
}), g(O, w, {
value: null,
writable: !0
}), g(O, f, {
value: null,
writable: !0
}), g(O, y, {
value: null,
writable: !0
}), g(O, h, {
value: p._readableState.endEmitted,
writable: !0
}), g(O, d, {
value: function(z, N) {
var M = P[s].read();
M ? (P[l] = null, P[w] = null, P[f] = null, z(v(M, !1))) : (P[w] = z, P[f] = N);
writable: !0
}), O));
return P[l] = null, b(p, function(F) {
if (F && F.code !== "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE") {
var z = P[f];
z !== null && (P[l] = null, P[w] = null, P[f] = null, z(F)), P[y] = F;
var N = P[w];
N !== null && (P[l] = null, P[w] = null, P[f] = null, N(v(void 0, !0))), P[h] = !0;
}), p.on("readable", a.bind(null, P)), P;
x.exports = n;
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { "./end-of-stream": 486, _process: 467 }], 484: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(c, a) {
var r = Object.keys(c);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var t = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(c);
a && (t = t.filter(function(i) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, i).enumerable;
})), r.push.apply(r, t);
return r;
function m(c) {
for (var a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) {
var r = arguments[a] != null ? arguments[a] : {};
a % 2 ? u(Object(r), !0).forEach(function(t) {
g(c, t, r[t]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(c, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : u(Object(r)).forEach(function(t) {
Object.defineProperty(c, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, t));
return c;
function g(c, a, r) {
return a in c ? Object.defineProperty(c, a, {
value: r,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : c[a] = r, c;
function b(c, a) {
if (!(c instanceof a))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function w(c, a) {
for (var r = 0; r < a.length; r++) {
var t = a[r];
t.enumerable = t.enumerable || !1, t.configurable = !0, "value" in t && (t.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(c, t.key, t);
function f(c, a, r) {
return a && w(c.prototype, a), r && w(c, r), c;
var y = e("buffer"), h = y.Buffer, l = e("util"), d = l.inspect, s = d && d.custom || "inspect";
function v(c, a, r) {, a, r);
x.exports = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function c() {
b(this, c), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0;
return f(c, [{
key: "push",
value: function(r) {
var t = {
data: r,
next: null
this.length > 0 ? = t : this.head = t, this.tail = t, ++this.length;
}, {
key: "unshift",
value: function(r) {
var t = {
data: r,
next: this.head
this.length === 0 && (this.tail = t), this.head = t, ++this.length;
}, {
key: "shift",
value: function() {
if (this.length !== 0) {
var r =;
return this.length === 1 ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head =, --this.length, r;
}, {
key: "clear",
value: function() {
this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0;
}, {
key: "join",
value: function(r) {
if (this.length === 0)
return "";
for (var t = this.head, i = "" +; t =; )
i += r +;
return i;
}, {
key: "concat",
value: function(r) {
if (this.length === 0)
return h.alloc(0);
for (var t = h.allocUnsafe(r >>> 0), i = this.head, n = 0; i; )
v(, t, n), n +=, i =;
return t;
// Consumes a specified amount of bytes or characters from the buffered data.
}, {
key: "consume",
value: function(r, t) {
var i;
return r < ? (i =, r), = : r === ? i = this.shift() : i = t ? this._getString(r) : this._getBuffer(r), i;
}, {
key: "first",
value: function() {
// Consumes a specified amount of characters from the buffered data.
}, {
key: "_getString",
value: function(r) {
var t = this.head, i = 1, n =;
for (r -= n.length; t =; ) {
var o =, p = r > o.length ? o.length : r;
if (p === o.length ? n += o : n += o.slice(0, r), r -= p, r === 0) {
p === o.length ? (++i, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = t, = o.slice(p));
return this.length -= i, n;
// Consumes a specified amount of bytes from the buffered data.
}, {
key: "_getBuffer",
value: function(r) {
var t = h.allocUnsafe(r), i = this.head, n = 1;
for (, r -=; i =; ) {
var o =, p = r > o.length ? o.length : r;
if (o.copy(t, t.length - r, 0, p), r -= p, r === 0) {
p === o.length ? (++n, ? this.head = : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = i, = o.slice(p));
return this.length -= n, t;
// Make sure the linked list only shows the minimal necessary information.
}, {
key: s,
value: function(r, t) {
return d(this, m({}, t, {
// Only inspect one level.
depth: 0,
// It should not recurse.
customInspect: !1
}]), c;
}, { buffer: 216, util: 185 }], 485: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(h, l) {
var d = this, s = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, v = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed;
return s || v ? (l ? l(h) : h && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, u.nextTick(f, this, h)) : u.nextTick(f, this, h)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(h || null, function(c) {
!l && c ? d._writableState ? d._writableState.errorEmitted ? u.nextTick(b, d) : (d._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, u.nextTick(g, d, c)) : u.nextTick(g, d, c) : l ? (u.nextTick(b, d), l(c)) : u.nextTick(b, d);
}), this);
function g(h, l) {
f(h, l), b(h);
function b(h) {
h._writableState && !h._writableState.emitClose || h._readableState && !h._readableState.emitClose || h.emit("close");
function w() {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !1, this._readableState.reading = !1, this._readableState.ended = !1, this._readableState.endEmitted = !1), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !1, this._writableState.ended = !1, this._writableState.ending = !1, this._writableState.finalCalled = !1, this._writableState.prefinished = !1, this._writableState.finished = !1, this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1);
function f(h, l) {
h.emit("error", l);
function y(h, l) {
var d = h._readableState, s = h._writableState;
d && d.autoDestroy || s && s.autoDestroy ? h.destroy(l) : h.emit("error", l);
x.exports = {
destroy: m,
undestroy: w,
errorOrDestroy: y
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { _process: 467 }], 486: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../../../errors").codes.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE;
function m(f) {
var y = !1;
return function() {
if (!y) {
y = !0;
for (var h = arguments.length, l = new Array(h), d = 0; d < h; d++)
l[d] = arguments[d];
f.apply(this, l);
function g() {
function b(f) {
return f.setHeader && typeof f.abort == "function";
function w(f, y, h) {
if (typeof y == "function")
return w(f, null, y);
y || (y = {}), h = m(h || g);
var l = y.readable || y.readable !== !1 && f.readable, d = y.writable || y.writable !== !1 && f.writable, s = function() {
f.writable || c();
}, v = f._writableState && f._writableState.finished, c = function() {
d = !1, v = !0, l ||;
}, a = f._readableState && f._readableState.endEmitted, r = function() {
l = !1, a = !0, d ||;
}, t = function(p) {, p);
}, i = function() {
var p;
if (l && !a)
return (!f._readableState || !f._readableState.ended) && (p = new u()),, p);
if (d && !v)
return (!f._writableState || !f._writableState.ended) && (p = new u()),, p);
}, n = function() {
f.req.on("finish", c);
return b(f) ? (f.on("complete", c), f.on("abort", i), f.req ? n() : f.on("request", n)) : d && !f._writableState && (f.on("end", s), f.on("close", s)), f.on("end", r), f.on("finish", c), y.error !== !1 && f.on("error", t), f.on("close", i), function() {
f.removeListener("complete", c), f.removeListener("abort", i), f.removeListener("request", n), f.req && f.req.removeListener("finish", c), f.removeListener("end", s), f.removeListener("close", s), f.removeListener("finish", c), f.removeListener("end", r), f.removeListener("error", t), f.removeListener("close", i);
x.exports = w;
}, { "../../../errors": 477 }], 487: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = function() {
throw new Error("Readable.from is not available in the browser");
}, {}], 488: [function(e, x, _) {
var u;
function m(c) {
var a = !1;
return function() {
a || (a = !0, c.apply(void 0, arguments));
var g = e("../../../errors").codes, b = g.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, w = g.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED;
function f(c) {
if (c)
throw c;
function y(c) {
return c.setHeader && typeof c.abort == "function";
function h(c, a, r, t) {
t = m(t);
var i = !1;
c.on("close", function() {
i = !0;
}), u === void 0 && (u = e("./end-of-stream")), u(c, {
readable: a,
writable: r
}, function(o) {
if (o)
return t(o);
i = !0, t();
var n = !1;
return function(o) {
if (!i && !n) {
if (n = !0, y(c))
return c.abort();
if (typeof c.destroy == "function")
return c.destroy();
t(o || new w("pipe"));
function l(c) {
function d(c, a) {
return c.pipe(a);
function s(c) {
return !c.length || typeof c[c.length - 1] != "function" ? f : c.pop();
function v() {
for (var c = arguments.length, a = new Array(c), r = 0; r < c; r++)
a[r] = arguments[r];
var t = s(a);
if (Array.isArray(a[0]) && (a = a[0]), a.length < 2)
throw new b("streams");
var i, n =, p) {
var O = p < a.length - 1, P = p > 0;
return h(o, O, P, function(F) {
i || (i = F), F && n.forEach(l), !O && (n.forEach(l), t(i));
return a.reduce(d);
x.exports = v;
}, { "../../../errors": 477, "./end-of-stream": 486 }], 489: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("../../../errors").codes.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE;
function m(b, w, f) {
return b.highWaterMark != null ? b.highWaterMark : w ? b[f] : null;
function g(b, w, f, y) {
var h = m(w, y, f);
if (h != null) {
if (!(isFinite(h) && Math.floor(h) === h) || h < 0) {
var l = y ? f : "highWaterMark";
throw new u(l, h);
return Math.floor(h);
return b.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
x.exports = {
getHighWaterMark: g
}, { "../../../errors": 477 }], 490: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("events").EventEmitter;
}, { events: 367 }], 491: [function(e, x, _) {
_ = x.exports = e("./lib/_stream_readable.js"), _.Stream = _, _.Readable = _, _.Writable = e("./lib/_stream_writable.js"), _.Duplex = e("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"), _.Transform = e("./lib/_stream_transform.js"), _.PassThrough = e("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js"), _.finished = e("./lib/internal/streams/end-of-stream.js"), _.pipeline = e("./lib/internal/streams/pipeline.js");
}, { "./lib/_stream_duplex.js": 478, "./lib/_stream_passthrough.js": 479, "./lib/_stream_readable.js": 480, "./lib/_stream_transform.js": 481, "./lib/_stream_writable.js": 482, "./lib/internal/streams/end-of-stream.js": 486, "./lib/internal/streams/pipeline.js": 488 }], 492: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(g) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(w) {
return typeof w;
} : u = function(w) {
return w && typeof Symbol == "function" && w.constructor === Symbol && w !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof w;
}, u(g);
var m = function(g) {
var b = Object.prototype, w = b.hasOwnProperty, f, y = typeof Symbol == "function" ? Symbol : {}, h = y.iterator || "@@iterator", l = y.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", d = y.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function s(U, D, B) {
return Object.defineProperty(U, D, {
value: B,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}), U[D];
try {
s({}, "");
} catch (U) {
s = function(B, j, V) {
return B[j] = V;
function v(U, D, B, j) {
var V = D && D.prototype instanceof o ? D : o, re = Object.create(V.prototype), ee = new L(j || []);
return re._invoke = R(U, B, ee), re;
g.wrap = v;
function c(U, D, B) {
try {
return {
type: "normal",
arg:, B)
} catch (j) {
return {
type: "throw",
arg: j
var a = "suspendedStart", r = "suspendedYield", t = "executing", i = "completed", n = {};
function o() {
function p() {
function O() {
var P = {};
P[h] = function() {
return this;
var F = Object.getPrototypeOf, z = F && F(F($([])));
z && z !== b &&, h) && (P = z);
var N = O.prototype = o.prototype = Object.create(P);
p.prototype = N.constructor = O, O.constructor = p, p.displayName = s(O, d, "GeneratorFunction");
function M(U) {
["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(D) {
s(U, D, function(B) {
return this._invoke(D, B);
g.isGeneratorFunction = function(U) {
var D = typeof U == "function" && U.constructor;
return D ? D === p || // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can
// do is to check its .name property.
(D.displayName || === "GeneratorFunction" : !1;
}, g.mark = function(U) {
return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(U, O) : (U.__proto__ = O, s(U, d, "GeneratorFunction")), U.prototype = Object.create(N), U;
}, g.awrap = function(U) {
return {
__await: U
function I(U, D) {
function B(re, ee, ce, ve) {
var ge = c(U[re], U, ee);
if (ge.type === "throw")
else {
var oe = ge.arg, J = oe.value;
return J && u(J) === "object" &&, "__await") ? D.resolve(J.__await).then(function(Q) {
B("next", Q, ce, ve);
}, function(Q) {
B("throw", Q, ce, ve);
}) : D.resolve(J).then(function(Q) {
oe.value = Q, ce(oe);
}, function(Q) {
return B("throw", Q, ce, ve);
var j;
function V(re, ee) {
function ce() {
return new D(function(ve, ge) {
B(re, ee, ve, ge);
return j = // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until
// all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,
// so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If
// enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to
// call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,
// so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do
// any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability
// is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its
// executor callback, and why async functions synchronously
// execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple
// async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially
// important to get this right, even though it requires care.
j ? j.then(
// Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later
// invocations of the iterator.
) : ce();
this._invoke = V;
M(I.prototype), I.prototype[l] = function() {
return this;
}, g.AsyncIterator = I, g.async = function(U, D, B, j, V) {
V === void 0 && (V = Promise);
var re = new I(v(U, D, B, j), V);
return g.isGeneratorFunction(D) ? re : {
return ee.done ? ee.value :;
function R(U, D, B) {
var j = a;
return function(re, ee) {
if (j === t)
throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (j === i) {
if (re === "throw")
throw ee;
return W();
for (B.method = re, B.arg = ee; ; ) {
var ce = B.delegate;
if (ce) {
var ve = C(ce, B);
if (ve) {
if (ve === n)
return ve;
if (B.method === "next")
B.sent = B._sent = B.arg;
else if (B.method === "throw") {
if (j === a)
throw j = i, B.arg;
} else
B.method === "return" && B.abrupt("return", B.arg);
j = t;
var ge = c(U, D, B);
if (ge.type === "normal") {
if (j = B.done ? i : r, ge.arg === n)
return {
value: ge.arg,
done: B.done
} else
ge.type === "throw" && (j = i, B.method = "throw", B.arg = ge.arg);
function C(U, D) {
var B = U.iterator[D.method];
if (B === f) {
if (D.delegate = null, D.method === "throw") {
if (U.iterator.return && (D.method = "return", D.arg = f, C(U, D), D.method === "throw"))
return n;
D.method = "throw", D.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method");
return n;
var j = c(B, U.iterator, D.arg);
if (j.type === "throw")
return D.method = "throw", D.arg = j.arg, D.delegate = null, n;
var V = j.arg;
if (!V)
return D.method = "throw", D.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), D.delegate = null, n;
if (V.done)
D[U.resultName] = V.value, = U.nextLoc, D.method !== "return" && (D.method = "next", D.arg = f);
return V;
return D.delegate = null, n;
M(N), s(N, d, "Generator"), N[h] = function() {
return this;
}, N.toString = function() {
return "[object Generator]";
function E(U) {
var D = {
tryLoc: U[0]
1 in U && (D.catchLoc = U[1]), 2 in U && (D.finallyLoc = U[2], D.afterLoc = U[3]), this.tryEntries.push(D);
function A(U) {
var D = U.completion || {};
D.type = "normal", delete D.arg, U.completion = D;
function L(U) {
this.tryEntries = [{
tryLoc: "root"
}], U.forEach(E, this), this.reset(!0);
g.keys = function(U) {
var D = [];
for (var B in U)
return D.reverse(), function j() {
for (; D.length; ) {
var V = D.pop();
if (V in U)
return j.value = V, j.done = !1, j;
return j.done = !0, j;
function $(U) {
if (U) {
var D = U[h];
if (D)
if (typeof == "function")
return U;
if (!isNaN(U.length)) {
var B = -1, j = function V() {
for (; ++B < U.length; )
if (, B))
return V.value = U[B], V.done = !1, V;
return V.value = f, V.done = !0, V;
return = j;
return {
next: W
g.values = $;
function W() {
return {
value: f,
done: !0
return L.prototype = {
constructor: L,
reset: function(D) {
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = f, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = f, this.tryEntries.forEach(A), !D)
for (var B in this)
B.charAt(0) === "t" &&, B) && !isNaN(+B.slice(1)) && (this[B] = f);
stop: function() {
this.done = !0;
var D = this.tryEntries[0], B = D.completion;
if (B.type === "throw")
throw B.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function(D) {
if (this.done)
throw D;
var B = this;
function j(ge, oe) {
return ee.type = "throw", ee.arg = D, = ge, oe && (B.method = "next", B.arg = f), !!oe;
for (var V = this.tryEntries.length - 1; V >= 0; --V) {
var re = this.tryEntries[V], ee = re.completion;
if (re.tryLoc === "root")
return j("end");
if (re.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var ce =, "catchLoc"), ve =, "finallyLoc");
if (ce && ve) {
if (this.prev < re.catchLoc)
return j(re.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < re.finallyLoc)
return j(re.finallyLoc);
} else if (ce) {
if (this.prev < re.catchLoc)
return j(re.catchLoc, !0);
} else if (ve) {
if (this.prev < re.finallyLoc)
return j(re.finallyLoc);
} else
throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
abrupt: function(D, B) {
for (var j = this.tryEntries.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var V = this.tryEntries[j];
if (V.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < V.finallyLoc) {
var re = V;
re && (D === "break" || D === "continue") && re.tryLoc <= B && B <= re.finallyLoc && (re = null);
var ee = re ? re.completion : {};
return ee.type = D, ee.arg = B, re ? (this.method = "next", = re.finallyLoc, n) : this.complete(ee);
complete: function(D, B) {
if (D.type === "throw")
throw D.arg;
return D.type === "break" || D.type === "continue" ? = D.arg : D.type === "return" ? (this.rval = this.arg = D.arg, this.method = "return", = "end") : D.type === "normal" && B && ( = B), n;
finish: function(D) {
for (var B = this.tryEntries.length - 1; B >= 0; --B) {
var j = this.tryEntries[B];
if (j.finallyLoc === D)
return this.complete(j.completion, j.afterLoc), A(j), n;
catch: function(D) {
for (var B = this.tryEntries.length - 1; B >= 0; --B) {
var j = this.tryEntries[B];
if (j.tryLoc === D) {
var V = j.completion;
if (V.type === "throw") {
var re = V.arg;
return re;
throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
delegateYield: function(D, B, j) {
return this.delegate = {
iterator: $(D),
resultName: B,
nextLoc: j
}, this.method === "next" && (this.arg = f), n;
}, g;
// If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports
// as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty
// object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize
// the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file.
(typeof x == "undefined" ? "undefined" : u(x)) === "object" ? x.exports : {}
try {
regeneratorRuntime = m;
} catch (g) {
Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(m);
}, {}], 493: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("buffer").Buffer, m = e("inherits"), g = e("hash-base"), b = new Array(16), w = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], f = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], y = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], h = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11], l = [0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838], d = [1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0];
function s() {, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520;
m(s, g), s.prototype._update = function() {
for (var n = b, o = 0; o < 16; ++o)
n[o] = this._block.readInt32LE(o * 4);
for (var p = this._a | 0, O = this._b | 0, P = this._c | 0, F = this._d | 0, z = this._e | 0, N = this._a | 0, M = this._b | 0, I = this._c | 0, R = this._d | 0, C = this._e | 0, E = 0; E < 80; E += 1) {
var A, L;
E < 16 ? (A = c(p, O, P, F, z, n[w[E]], l[0], y[E]), L = i(N, M, I, R, C, n[f[E]], d[0], h[E])) : E < 32 ? (A = a(p, O, P, F, z, n[w[E]], l[1], y[E]), L = t(N, M, I, R, C, n[f[E]], d[1], h[E])) : E < 48 ? (A = r(p, O, P, F, z, n[w[E]], l[2], y[E]), L = r(N, M, I, R, C, n[f[E]], d[2], h[E])) : E < 64 ? (A = t(p, O, P, F, z, n[w[E]], l[3], y[E]), L = a(N, M, I, R, C, n[f[E]], d[3], h[E])) : (A = i(p, O, P, F, z, n[w[E]], l[4], y[E]), L = c(N, M, I, R, C, n[f[E]], d[4], h[E])), p = z, z = F, F = v(P, 10), P = O, O = A, N = C, C = R, R = v(I, 10), I = M, M = L;
var $ = this._b + P + R | 0;
this._b = this._c + F + C | 0, this._c = this._d + z + N | 0, this._d = this._e + p + M | 0, this._e = this._a + O + I | 0, this._a = $;
}, s.prototype._digest = function() {
this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128, this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update();
var n = u.alloc ? u.alloc(20) : new u(20);
return n.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), n.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), n.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), n.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), n.writeInt32LE(this._e, 16), n;
function v(n, o) {
return n << o | n >>> 32 - o;
function c(n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N) {
return v(n + (o ^ p ^ O) + F + z | 0, N) + P | 0;
function a(n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N) {
return v(n + (o & p | ~o & O) + F + z | 0, N) + P | 0;
function r(n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N) {
return v(n + ((o | ~p) ^ O) + F + z | 0, N) + P | 0;
function t(n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N) {
return v(n + (o & O | p & ~O) + F + z | 0, N) + P | 0;
function i(n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N) {
return v(n + (o ^ (p | ~O)) + F + z | 0, N) + P | 0;
x.exports = s;
}, { buffer: 216, "hash-base": 370, inherits: 387 }], 494: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("buffer"), m = u.Buffer;
function g(w, f) {
for (var y in w)
f[y] = w[y];
m.from && m.alloc && m.allocUnsafe && m.allocUnsafeSlow ? x.exports = u : (g(u, _), _.Buffer = b);
function b(w, f, y) {
return m(w, f, y);
g(m, b), b.from = function(w, f, y) {
if (typeof w == "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");
return m(w, f, y);
}, b.alloc = function(w, f, y) {
if (typeof w != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
var h = m(w);
return f !== void 0 ? typeof y == "string" ? h.fill(f, y) : h.fill(f) : h.fill(0), h;
}, b.allocUnsafe = function(w) {
if (typeof w != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
return m(w);
}, b.allocUnsafeSlow = function(w) {
if (typeof w != "number")
throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");
return u.SlowBuffer(w);
}, { buffer: 216 }], 495: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
function m(h) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(d) {
return typeof d;
} : m = function(d) {
return d && typeof Symbol == "function" && d.constructor === Symbol && d !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof d;
}, m(h);
var g = e("buffer"), b = g.Buffer, w = {}, f;
for (f in g)
g.hasOwnProperty(f) && (f === "SlowBuffer" || f === "Buffer" || (w[f] = g[f]));
var y = w.Buffer = {};
for (f in b)
b.hasOwnProperty(f) && (f === "allocUnsafe" || f === "allocUnsafeSlow" || (y[f] = b[f]));
if (w.Buffer.prototype = b.prototype, (!y.from || y.from === Uint8Array.from) && (y.from = function(h, l, d) {
if (typeof h == "number")
throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type ' + m(h));
if (h && typeof h.length == "undefined")
throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + m(h));
return b(h, l, d);
}), y.alloc || (y.alloc = function(h, l, d) {
if (typeof h != "number")
throw new TypeError('The "size" argument must be of type number. Received type ' + m(h));
if (h < 0 || h >= 2 * (1 << 30))
throw new RangeError('The value "' + h + '" is invalid for option "size"');
var s = b(h);
return !l || l.length === 0 ? s.fill(0) : typeof d == "string" ? s.fill(l, d) : s.fill(l), s;
}), !w.kStringMaxLength)
try {
w.kStringMaxLength = u.binding("buffer").kStringMaxLength;
} catch (h) {
w.constants || (w.constants = {
MAX_LENGTH: w.kMaxLength
}, w.kStringMaxLength && (w.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = w.kStringMaxLength)), x.exports = w;
}).call(this, e("_process"));
}, { _process: 467, buffer: 216 }], 496: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(vt, Ke) {
var me;
if (typeof Symbol == "undefined" || vt[Symbol.iterator] == null) {
if (Array.isArray(vt) || (me = h(vt)) || Ke && vt && typeof vt.length == "number") {
me && (vt = me);
var Fe = 0, Be = function() {
return { s: Be, n: function() {
return Fe >= vt.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: vt[Fe++] };
}, e: function(gr) {
throw gr;
}, f: Be };
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
var dt = !0, St = !1, Ht;
return { s: function() {
me = vt[Symbol.iterator]();
}, n: function() {
var gr =;
return dt = gr.done, gr;
}, e: function(gr) {
St = !0, Ht = gr;
}, f: function() {
try {
!dt && me.return != null && me.return();
} finally {
if (St)
throw Ht;
} };
function m(vt) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? m = function(me) {
return typeof me;
} : m = function(me) {
return me && typeof Symbol == "function" && me.constructor === Symbol && me !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof me;
}, m(vt);
function g(vt, Ke) {
if (!(vt instanceof Ke))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
function b(vt, Ke) {
for (var me = 0; me < Ke.length; me++) {
var Fe = Ke[me];
Fe.enumerable = Fe.enumerable || !1, Fe.configurable = !0, "value" in Fe && (Fe.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(vt, Fe.key, Fe);
function w(vt, Ke, me) {
return Ke && b(vt.prototype, Ke), me && b(vt, me), vt;
function f(vt) {
return d(vt) || l(vt) || h(vt) || y();
function y() {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.
In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`);
function h(vt, Ke) {
if (vt) {
if (typeof vt == "string")
return s(vt, Ke);
var me =, -1);
if (me === "Object" && vt.constructor && (me =, me === "Map" || me === "Set")
return Array.from(vt);
if (me === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(me))
return s(vt, Ke);
function l(vt) {
if (typeof Symbol != "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(vt))
return Array.from(vt);
function d(vt) {
if (Array.isArray(vt))
return s(vt);
function s(vt, Ke) {
(Ke == null || Ke > vt.length) && (Ke = vt.length);
for (var me = 0, Fe = new Array(Ke); me < Ke; me++)
Fe[me] = vt[me];
return Fe;
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var v = e("xmlchars/xml/1.0/ed5"), c = e("xmlchars/xml/1.1/ed2"), a = e("xmlchars/xmlns/1.0/ed3"), r = v.isS, t = v.isChar, i = v.isNameStartChar, n = v.isNameChar, o = v.S_LIST, p = v.NAME_RE, O = c.isChar, P = a.isNCNameStartChar, F = a.isNCNameChar, z = a.NC_NAME_RE, N = "", M = "", I = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
__proto__: null,
xml: N,
xmlns: M
}, R = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
__proto__: null,
amp: "&",
gt: ">",
lt: "<",
quot: '"',
apos: "'"
}, C = -1, E = -2, A = 0, L = 1, $ = 2, W = 3, U = 4, D = 5, B = 6, j = 7, V = 8, re = 9, ee = 10, ce = 11, ve = 12, ge = 13, oe = 14, J = 15, Q = 16, he = 17, ke = 18, ne = 19, se = 20, Ce = 21, q = 22, G = 23, Y = 24, fe = 25, we = 26, _e = 27, je = 28, Ye = 29, nt = 30, ut = 31, ot = 32, Ue = 33, Ve = 34, Qe = 35, tt = 36, ae = 37, Re = 38, be = 39, Ee = 40, pe = 41, Pe = 42, te = 43, He = 44, it = 9, K = 10, Me = 13, Le = 32, ue = 33, Se = 34, Ie = 38, st = 39, Ge = 45, rt = 47, _t = 59, wt = 60, Ot = 61, pt = 62, ct = 63, At = 91, Pt = 93, bt = 133, Kt = 8232, Ct = function(Ke) {
return Ke === Se || Ke === st;
}, xt = [Se, st], Ft = [].concat(xt, [At, pt]), Lt = [].concat(xt, [wt, Pt]), Et = [Ot, ct].concat(f(o)), Dr = [].concat(f(o), [pt, Ie, wt]);
function Or(vt, Ke, me) {
switch (Ke) {
case "xml":
me !== N &&"xml prefix must be bound to ".concat(N, "."));
case "xmlns":
me !== M &&"xmlns prefix must be bound to ".concat(M, "."));
switch (me) {
case M: === "" ? "the default namespace may not be set to ".concat(me, ".") : 'may not assign a prefix (even "xmlns") to the URI '.concat(M, "."));
case N:
switch (Ke) {
case "xml":
case "":"the default namespace may not be set to ".concat(me, "."));
default:"may not assign the xml namespace to another prefix.");
function Gr(vt, Ke) {
for (var me = 0, Fe = Object.keys(Ke); me < Fe.length; me++) {
var Be = Fe[me];
Or(vt, Be, Ke[Be]);
var Nr = function(Ke) {
return z.test(Ke);
}, Yr = function(Ke) {
return p.test(Ke);
}, Qt = 0, Xr = 1, Fr = 2;
_.EVENTS = ["xmldecl", "text", "processinginstruction", "doctype", "comment", "opentagstart", "attribute", "opentag", "closetag", "cdata", "error", "end", "ready"];
var Lr = {
xmldecl: "xmldeclHandler",
text: "textHandler",
processinginstruction: "piHandler",
doctype: "doctypeHandler",
comment: "commentHandler",
opentagstart: "openTagStartHandler",
attribute: "attributeHandler",
opentag: "openTagHandler",
closetag: "closeTagHandler",
cdata: "cdataHandler",
error: "errorHandler",
end: "endHandler",
ready: "readyHandler"
}, Ur = /* @__PURE__ */ function() {
function vt(Ke) {
g(this, vt), this.opt = Ke != null ? Ke : {}, this.fragmentOpt = !!this.opt.fragment;
var me = this.xmlnsOpt = !!this.opt.xmlns;
if (this.trackPosition = this.opt.position !== !1, this.fileName = this.opt.fileName, me) {
this.nameStartCheck = P, this.nameCheck = F, this.isName = Nr, this.processAttribs = this.processAttribsNS, this.pushAttrib = this.pushAttribNS, this.ns = Object.assign({
__proto__: null
}, I);
var Fe = this.opt.additionalNamespaces;
Fe != null && (Gr(this, Fe), Object.assign(this.ns, Fe));
} else
this.nameStartCheck = i, this.nameCheck = n, this.isName = Yr, this.processAttribs = this.processAttribsPlain, this.pushAttrib = this.pushAttribPlain;
this.stateTable = [
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
], this._init();
return w(vt, [{
key: "_init",
value: function() {
var me;
this.openWakaBang = "", this.text = "", = "", this.piTarget = "", this.entity = "", this.q = null, this.tags = [], this.tag = null, this.topNS = null, this.chunk = "", this.chunkPosition = 0, this.i = 0, this.prevI = 0, this.carriedFromPrevious = void 0, this.forbiddenState = Qt, this.attribList = [];
var Fe = this.fragmentOpt;
this.state = Fe ? ge : A, this.reportedTextBeforeRoot = this.reportedTextAfterRoot = this.closedRoot = this.sawRoot = Fe, this.xmlDeclPossible = !Fe, this.xmlDeclExpects = ["version"], this.entityReturnState = void 0;
var Be = this.opt.defaultXMLVersion;
if (Be === void 0) {
if (this.opt.forceXMLVersion === !0)
throw new Error("forceXMLVersion set but defaultXMLVersion is not set");
Be = "1.0";
this.setXMLVersion(Be), this.positionAtNewLine = 0, this.doctype = !1, this._closed = !1, this.xmlDecl = {
version: void 0,
encoding: void 0,
standalone: void 0
}, this.line = 1, this.column = 0, this.ENTITIES = Object.create(R), (me = this.readyHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||;
* The stream position the parser is currently looking at. This field is
* zero-based.
* This field is not based on counting Unicode characters but is to be
* interpreted as a plain index into a JavaScript string.
}, {
key: "on",
* Set an event listener on an event. The parser supports one handler per
* event type. If you try to set an event handler over an existing handler,
* the old handler is silently overwritten.
* @param name The event to listen to.
* @param handler The handler to set.
value: function(me, Fe) {
this[Lr[me]] = Fe;
* Unset an event handler.
* @parma name The event to stop listening to.
}, {
key: "off",
value: function(me) {
this[Lr[me]] = void 0;
* Make an error object. The error object will have a message that contains
* the ``fileName`` option passed at the creation of the parser. If position
* tracking was turned on, it will also have line and column number
* information.
* @param message The message describing the error to report.
* @returns An error object with a properly formatted message.
}, {
key: "makeError",
value: function(me) {
var Fe, Be = (Fe = this.fileName) !== null && Fe !== void 0 ? Fe : "";
return this.trackPosition && (Be.length > 0 && (Be += ":"), Be += "".concat(this.line, ":").concat(this.column)), Be.length > 0 && (Be += ": "), new Error(Be + me);
* Report a parsing error. This method is made public so that client code may
* check for issues that are outside the scope of this project and can report
* errors.
* @param message The error to report.
* @returns this
}, {
key: "fail",
value: function(me) {
var Fe = this.makeError(me), Be = this.errorHandler;
if (Be === void 0)
throw Fe;
return Be(Fe), this;
* Write a XML data to the parser.
* @param chunk The XML data to write.
* @returns this
}, {
key: "write",
value: function(me) {
if (this.closed)
return"cannot write after close; assign an onready handler.");
var Fe = !1;
me === null ? (Fe = !0, me = "") : m(me) === "object" && (me = me.toString()), this.carriedFromPrevious !== void 0 && (me = "".concat(this.carriedFromPrevious).concat(me), this.carriedFromPrevious = void 0);
var Be = me.length, dt = me.charCodeAt(Be - 1);
!Fe && // A trailing CR or surrogate must be carried over to the next
// chunk.
(dt === Me || dt >= 55296 && dt <= 56319) && (this.carriedFromPrevious = me[Be - 1], Be--, me = me.slice(0, Be));
var St = this.stateTable;
for (this.chunk = me, this.i = 0; this.i < Be; )
return this.chunkPosition += Be, Fe ? this.end() : this;
* Close the current stream. Perform final well-formedness checks and reset
* the parser tstate.
* @returns this
}, {
key: "close",
value: function() {
return this.write(null);
* Get a single code point out of the current chunk. This updates the current
* position if we do position tracking.
* This is the algorithm to use for XML 1.0.
* @returns The character read.
}, {
key: "getCode10",
value: function() {
var me = this.chunk, Fe = this.i;
if (this.prevI = Fe, this.i = Fe + 1, Fe >= me.length)
return C;
var Be = me.charCodeAt(Fe);
if (this.column++, Be < 55296) {
if (Be >= Le || Be === it)
return Be;
switch (Be) {
case K:
return this.line++, this.column = 0, this.positionAtNewLine = this.position, K;
case Me:
return me.charCodeAt(Fe + 1) === K && (this.i = Fe + 2), this.line++, this.column = 0, this.positionAtNewLine = this.position, E;
return"disallowed character."), Be;
if (Be > 56319)
return Be >= 57344 && Be <= 65533 ||"disallowed character."), Be;
var dt = 65536 + (Be - 55296) * 1024 + (me.charCodeAt(Fe + 1) - 56320);
return this.i = Fe + 2, dt > 1114111 &&"disallowed character."), dt;
* Get a single code point out of the current chunk. This updates the current
* position if we do position tracking.
* This is the algorithm to use for XML 1.1.
* @returns {number} The character read.
}, {
key: "getCode11",
value: function() {
var me = this.chunk, Fe = this.i;
if (this.prevI = Fe, this.i = Fe + 1, Fe >= me.length)
return C;
var Be = me.charCodeAt(Fe);
if (this.column++, Be < 55296) {
if (Be > 31 && Be < 127 || Be > 159 && Be !== Kt || Be === it)
return Be;
switch (Be) {
case K:
return this.line++, this.column = 0, this.positionAtNewLine = this.position, K;
case Me: {
var dt = me.charCodeAt(Fe + 1);
(dt === K || dt === bt) && (this.i = Fe + 2);
case bt:
case Kt:
return this.line++, this.column = 0, this.positionAtNewLine = this.position, E;
return"disallowed character."), Be;
if (Be > 56319)
return Be >= 57344 && Be <= 65533 ||"disallowed character."), Be;
var St = 65536 + (Be - 55296) * 1024 + (me.charCodeAt(Fe + 1) - 56320);
return this.i = Fe + 2, St > 1114111 &&"disallowed character."), St;
* Like ``getCode`` but with the return value normalized so that ``NL`` is
* returned for ``NL_LIKE``.
}, {
key: "getCodeNorm",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCode();
return me === E ? K : me;
}, {
key: "unget",
value: function() {
this.i = this.prevI, this.column--;
* Capture characters into a buffer until encountering one of a set of
* characters.
* @param chars An array of codepoints. Encountering a character in the array
* ends the capture. (``chars`` may safely contain ``NL``.)
* @return The character code that made the capture end, or ``EOC`` if we hit
* the end of the chunk. The return value cannot be NL_LIKE: NL is returned
* instead.
}, {
key: "captureTo",
value: function(me) {
for (var Fe = this.i, Be = this.chunk; ; ) {
var dt = this.getCode(), St = dt === E, Ht = St ? K : dt;
if (Ht === C || me.includes(Ht))
return this.text += Be.slice(Fe, this.prevI), Ht;
St && (this.text += "".concat(Be.slice(Fe, this.prevI), `
`), Fe = this.i);
* Capture characters into a buffer until encountering a character.
* @param char The codepoint that ends the capture. **NOTE ``char`` MAY NOT
* CONTAIN ``NL``.** Passing ``NL`` will result in buggy behavior.
* @return ``true`` if we ran into the character. Otherwise, we ran into the
* end of the current chunk.
}, {
key: "captureToChar",
value: function(me) {
for (var Fe = this.i, Be = this.chunk; ; ) {
var dt = this.getCode();
switch (dt) {
case E:
this.text += "".concat(Be.slice(Fe, this.prevI), `
`), Fe = this.i, dt = K;
case C:
return this.text += Be.slice(Fe), !1;
if (dt === me)
return this.text += Be.slice(Fe, this.prevI), !0;
* Capture characters that satisfy ``isNameChar`` into the ``name`` field of
* this parser.
* @return The character code that made the test fail, or ``EOC`` if we hit
* the end of the chunk. The return value cannot be NL_LIKE: NL is returned
* instead.
}, {
key: "captureNameChars",
value: function() {
for (var me = this.chunk, Fe = this.i; ; ) {
var Be = this.getCode();
if (Be === C)
return += me.slice(Fe), C;
if (!n(Be))
return += me.slice(Fe, this.prevI), Be === E ? K : Be;
* Skip white spaces.
* @return The character that ended the skip, or ``EOC`` if we hit
* the end of the chunk. The return value cannot be NL_LIKE: NL is returned
* instead.
}, {
key: "skipSpaces",
value: function() {
for (; ; ) {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
if (me === C || !r(me))
return me;
}, {
key: "setXMLVersion",
value: function(me) {
this.currentXMLVersion = me, me === "1.0" ? (this.isChar = t, this.getCode = this.getCode10) : (this.isChar = O, this.getCode = this.getCode11);
// This needs to be a state separate from S_BEGIN_WHITESPACE because we want
// to be sure never to come back to this state later.
}, {
key: "sBegin",
value: function() {
this.chunk.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (this.i++, this.column++), this.state = L;
}, {
key: "sBeginWhitespace",
value: function() {
var me = this.i, Fe = this.skipSpaces();
switch (this.prevI !== me && (this.xmlDeclPossible = !1), Fe) {
case wt:
if (this.state = J, this.text.length !== 0)
throw new Error("no-empty text at start");
case C:
this.unget(), this.state = ge, this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
}, {
key: "sDoctype",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.captureTo(Ft);
switch (Fe) {
case pt: {
(me = this.doctypeHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, this.text), this.text = "", this.state = ge, this.doctype = !0;
case C:
this.text += String.fromCodePoint(Fe), Fe === At ? this.state = U : Ct(Fe) && (this.state = W, this.q = Fe);
}, {
key: "sDoctypeQuote",
value: function() {
var me = this.q;
this.captureToChar(me) && (this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), this.q = null, this.state = $);
}, {
key: "sDTD",
value: function() {
var me = this.captureTo(Lt);
me !== C && (this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), me === Pt ? this.state = $ : me === wt ? this.state = B : Ct(me) && (this.state = D, this.q = me));
}, {
key: "sDTDQuoted",
value: function() {
var me = this.q;
this.captureToChar(me) && (this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), this.state = U, this.q = null);
}, {
key: "sDTDOpenWaka",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
switch (this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), me) {
case ue:
this.state = j, this.openWakaBang = "";
case ct:
this.state = ce;
this.state = U;
}, {
key: "sDTDOpenWakaBang",
value: function() {
var me = String.fromCodePoint(this.getCodeNorm()), Fe = this.openWakaBang += me;
this.text += me, Fe !== "-" && (this.state = Fe === "--" ? V : U, this.openWakaBang = "");
}, {
key: "sDTDComment",
value: function() {
this.captureToChar(Ge) && (this.text += "-", this.state = re);
}, {
key: "sDTDCommentEnding",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), this.state = me === Ge ? ee : V;
}, {
key: "sDTDCommentEnded",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), me === pt ? this.state = U : ("malformed comment."), this.state = V);
}, {
key: "sDTDPI",
value: function() {
this.captureToChar(ct) && (this.text += "?", this.state = ve);
}, {
key: "sDTDPIEnding",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
this.text += String.fromCodePoint(me), me === pt && (this.state = U);
}, {
key: "sText",
value: function() {
this.tags.length !== 0 ? this.handleTextInRoot() : this.handleTextOutsideRoot();
}, {
key: "sEntity",
value: function() {
var me = this.i, Fe = this.chunk;
for (; ; )
switch (this.getCode()) {
case E:
this.entity += "".concat(Fe.slice(me, this.prevI), `
`), me = this.i;
case _t: {
var Be = this.entityReturnState, dt = this.entity + Fe.slice(me, this.prevI);
this.state = Be;
var St = void 0;
dt === "" ? ("empty entity name."), St = "&;") : (St = this.parseEntity(dt), this.entity = ""), (Be !== ge || this.textHandler !== void 0) && (this.text += St);
break e;
case C:
this.entity += Fe.slice(me);
break e;
}, {
key: "sOpenWaka",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCode();
if (i(me))
this.state = Ve, this.unget(), this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
switch (me) {
case rt:
this.state = te, this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
case ue:
this.state = Q, this.openWakaBang = "", this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
case ct:
this.state = G;
default:"disallowed character in tag name"), this.state = ge, this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
}, {
key: "sOpenWakaBang",
value: function() {
switch (this.openWakaBang += String.fromCodePoint(this.getCodeNorm()), this.openWakaBang) {
case "[CDATA[":
!this.sawRoot && !this.reportedTextBeforeRoot && ("text data outside of root node."), this.reportedTextBeforeRoot = !0), this.closedRoot && !this.reportedTextAfterRoot && ("text data outside of root node."), this.reportedTextAfterRoot = !0), this.state = se, this.openWakaBang = "";
case "--":
this.state = he, this.openWakaBang = "";
case "DOCTYPE":
this.state = $, (this.doctype || this.sawRoot) &&"inappropriately located doctype declaration."), this.openWakaBang = "";
this.openWakaBang.length >= 7 &&"incorrect syntax.");
}, {
key: "sComment",
value: function() {
this.captureToChar(Ge) && (this.state = ke);
}, {
key: "sCommentEnding",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.getCodeNorm();
Fe === Ge ? (this.state = ne, (me = this.commentHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, this.text), this.text = "") : (this.text += "-".concat(String.fromCodePoint(Fe)), this.state = he);
}, {
key: "sCommentEnded",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
me !== pt ? ("malformed comment."), this.text += "--".concat(String.fromCodePoint(me)), this.state = he) : this.state = ge;
}, {
key: "sCData",
value: function() {
this.captureToChar(Pt) && (this.state = Ce);
}, {
key: "sCDataEnding",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
me === Pt ? this.state = q : (this.text += "]".concat(String.fromCodePoint(me)), this.state = se);
}, {
key: "sCDataEnding2",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.getCodeNorm();
switch (Fe) {
case pt: {
(me = this.cdataHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, this.text), this.text = "", this.state = ge;
case Pt:
this.text += "]";
this.text += "]]".concat(String.fromCodePoint(Fe)), this.state = se;
// We need this separate state to check the first character fo the pi target
// with this.nameStartCheck which allows less characters than this.nameCheck.
}, {
key: "sPIFirstChar",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
this.nameStartCheck(me) ? (this.piTarget += String.fromCodePoint(me), this.state = Y) : me === ct || r(me) ? ("processing instruction without a target."), this.state = me === ct ? we : fe) : ("disallowed character in processing instruction name."), this.piTarget += String.fromCodePoint(me), this.state = Y);
}, {
key: "sPIRest",
value: function() {
for (var me = this.chunk, Fe = this.i; ; ) {
var Be = this.getCodeNorm();
if (Be === C) {
this.piTarget += me.slice(Fe);
if (!this.nameCheck(Be)) {
this.piTarget += me.slice(Fe, this.prevI);
var dt = Be === ct;
dt || r(Be) ? this.piTarget === "xml" ? (this.xmlDeclPossible ||"an XML declaration must be at the start of the document."), this.state = dt ? Ue : _e) : this.state = dt ? we : fe : ("disallowed character in processing instruction name."), this.piTarget += String.fromCodePoint(Be));
}, {
key: "sPIBody",
value: function() {
if (this.text.length === 0) {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
me === ct ? this.state = we : r(me) || (this.text = String.fromCodePoint(me));
} else
this.captureToChar(ct) && (this.state = we);
}, {
key: "sPIEnding",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.getCodeNorm();
if (Fe === pt) {
var Be = this.piTarget;
Be.toLowerCase() === "xml" &&"the XML declaration must appear at the start of the document."), (me = this.piHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, {
target: Be,
body: this.text
}), this.piTarget = this.text = "", this.state = ge;
} else
Fe === ct ? this.text += "?" : (this.text += "?".concat(String.fromCodePoint(Fe)), this.state = fe);
this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclNameStart",
value: function() {
var me = this.skipSpaces();
if (me === ct) {
this.state = Ue;
me !== C && (this.state = je, = String.fromCodePoint(me));
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclName",
value: function() {
var me = this.captureTo(Et);
if (me === ct) {
this.state = Ue, += this.text, this.text = "","XML declaration is incomplete.");
if (r(me) || me === Ot) {
if ( += this.text, this.text = "", !this.xmlDeclExpects.includes(
switch ( {
case 0:"did not expect any more name/value pairs.");
case 1:"expected the name ".concat(this.xmlDeclExpects[0], "."));
default:"expected one of ".concat(this.xmlDeclExpects.join(", ")));
this.state = me === Ot ? nt : Ye;
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclEq",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
if (me === ct) {
this.state = Ue,"XML declaration is incomplete.");
r(me) || (me !== Ot &&"value required."), this.state = nt);
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclValueStart",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
if (me === ct) {
this.state = Ue,"XML declaration is incomplete.");
r(me) || (Ct(me) ? this.q = me : ("value must be quoted."), this.q = Le), this.state = ut);
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclValue",
value: function() {
var me = this.captureTo([this.q, ct]);
if (me === ct) {
this.state = Ue, this.text = "","XML declaration is incomplete.");
if (me !== C) {
var Fe = this.text;
switch (this.text = "", {
case "version": {
this.xmlDeclExpects = ["encoding", "standalone"];
var Be = Fe;
this.xmlDecl.version = Be, /^1\.[0-9]+$/.test(Be) ? this.opt.forceXMLVersion || this.setXMLVersion(Be) :"version number must match /^1\\.[0-9]+$/.");
case "encoding":
/^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._-]*$/.test(Fe) ||"encoding value must match /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9._-]*$/."), this.xmlDeclExpects = ["standalone"], this.xmlDecl.encoding = Fe;
case "standalone":
Fe !== "yes" && Fe !== "no" &&'standalone value must match "yes" or "no".'), this.xmlDeclExpects = [], this.xmlDecl.standalone = Fe;
} = "", this.state = ot;
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclSeparator",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
if (me === ct) {
this.state = Ue;
r(me) || ("whitespace required."), this.unget()), this.state = _e;
}, {
key: "sXMLDeclEnding",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.getCodeNorm();
Fe === pt ? (this.piTarget !== "xml" ?"processing instructions are not allowed before root.") : !== "version" && this.xmlDeclExpects.includes("version") &&"XML declaration must contain a version."), (me = this.xmldeclHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, this.xmlDecl), = "", this.piTarget = this.text = "", this.state = ge) :"The character ? is disallowed anywhere in XML declarations."), this.xmlDeclPossible = !1;
}, {
key: "sOpenTag",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.captureNameChars();
if (Fe !== C) {
var Be = this.tag = {
attributes: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
switch ( = "", this.xmlnsOpt && (this.topNS = Be.ns = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)), (me = this.openTagStartHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, Be), this.sawRoot = !0, !this.fragmentOpt && this.closedRoot &&"documents may contain only one root."), Fe) {
case pt:
case rt:
this.state = Qe;
r(Fe) ||"disallowed character in tag name."), this.state = tt;
}, {
key: "sOpenTagSlash",
value: function() {
this.getCode() === pt ? this.openSelfClosingTag() : ("forward-slash in opening tag not followed by >."), this.state = tt);
}, {
key: "sAttrib",
value: function() {
var me = this.skipSpaces();
me !== C && (i(me) ? (this.unget(), this.state = ae) : me === pt ? this.openTag() : me === rt ? this.state = Qe :"disallowed character in attribute name."));
}, {
key: "sAttribName",
value: function() {
var me = this.captureNameChars();
me === Ot ? this.state = be : r(me) ? this.state = Re : me === pt ? ("attribute without value."), this.pushAttrib(,, = this.text = "", this.openTag()) : me !== C &&"disallowed character in attribute name.");
}, {
key: "sAttribNameSawWhite",
value: function() {
var me = this.skipSpaces();
switch (me) {
case C:
case Ot:
this.state = be;
default:"attribute without value."), this.text = "", = "", me === pt ? this.openTag() : i(me) ? (this.unget(), this.state = ae) : ("disallowed character in attribute name."), this.state = tt);
}, {
key: "sAttribValue",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
Ct(me) ? (this.q = me, this.state = Ee) : r(me) || ("unquoted attribute value."), this.state = Pe, this.unget());
}, {
key: "sAttribValueQuoted",
value: function() {
for (var me = this.q, Fe = this.chunk, Be = this.i; ; )
switch (this.getCode()) {
case me:
this.pushAttrib(, this.text + Fe.slice(Be, this.prevI)), = this.text = "", this.q = null, this.state = pe;
case Ie:
this.text += Fe.slice(Be, this.prevI), this.state = oe, this.entityReturnState = Ee;
case K:
case E:
case it:
this.text += "".concat(Fe.slice(Be, this.prevI), " "), Be = this.i;
case wt:
this.text += Fe.slice(Be, this.prevI),"disallowed character.");
case C:
this.text += Fe.slice(Be);
}, {
key: "sAttribValueClosed",
value: function() {
var me = this.getCodeNorm();
r(me) ? this.state = tt : me === pt ? this.openTag() : me === rt ? this.state = Qe : i(me) ? ("no whitespace between attributes."), this.unget(), this.state = ae) :"disallowed character in attribute name.");
}, {
key: "sAttribValueUnquoted",
value: function() {
var me = this.captureTo(Dr);
switch (me) {
case Ie:
this.state = oe, this.entityReturnState = Pe;
case wt:"disallowed character.");
case C:
this.text.includes("]]>") &&'the string "]]>" is disallowed in char data.'), this.pushAttrib(, this.text), = this.text = "", me === pt ? this.openTag() : this.state = tt;
}, {
key: "sCloseTag",
value: function() {
var me = this.captureNameChars();
me === pt ? this.closeTag() : r(me) ? this.state = He : me !== C &&"disallowed character in closing tag.");
}, {
key: "sCloseTagSawWhite",
value: function() {
switch (this.skipSpaces()) {
case pt:
case C:
default:"disallowed character in closing tag.");
}, {
key: "handleTextInRoot",
value: function() {
var me = this.i, Fe = this.forbiddenState, Be = this.chunk, dt = this.textHandler;
for (; ; )
switch (this.getCode()) {
case wt: {
if (this.state = J, dt !== void 0) {
var St = this.text, Ht = Be.slice(me, this.prevI);
St.length !== 0 ? (dt(St + Ht), this.text = "") : Ht.length !== 0 && dt(Ht);
Fe = Qt;
break e;
case Ie:
this.state = oe, this.entityReturnState = ge, dt !== void 0 && (this.text += Be.slice(me, this.prevI)), Fe = Qt;
break e;
case Pt:
switch (Fe) {
case Qt:
Fe = Xr;
case Xr:
Fe = Fr;
case Fr:
throw new Error("impossible state");
case pt:
Fe === Fr &&'the string "]]>" is disallowed in char data.'), Fe = Qt;
case E:
dt !== void 0 && (this.text += "".concat(Be.slice(me, this.prevI), `
`)), me = this.i, Fe = Qt;
case C:
dt !== void 0 && (this.text += Be.slice(me));
break e;
Fe = Qt;
this.forbiddenState = Fe;
}, {
key: "handleTextOutsideRoot",
value: function() {
var me = this.i, Fe = this.chunk, Be = this.textHandler, dt = !1;
for (; ; ) {
var St = this.getCode();
switch (St) {
case wt: {
if (this.state = J, Be !== void 0) {
var Ht = this.text, lr = Fe.slice(me, this.prevI);
Ht.length !== 0 ? (Be(Ht + lr), this.text = "") : lr.length !== 0 && Be(lr);
break e;
case Ie:
this.state = oe, this.entityReturnState = ge, Be !== void 0 && (this.text += Fe.slice(me, this.prevI)), dt = !0;
break e;
case E:
Be !== void 0 && (this.text += "".concat(Fe.slice(me, this.prevI), `
`)), me = this.i;
case C:
Be !== void 0 && (this.text += Fe.slice(me));
break e;
r(St) || (dt = !0);
dt && (!this.sawRoot && !this.reportedTextBeforeRoot && ("text data outside of root node."), this.reportedTextBeforeRoot = !0), this.closedRoot && !this.reportedTextAfterRoot && ("text data outside of root node."), this.reportedTextAfterRoot = !0));
}, {
key: "pushAttribNS",
value: function(me, Fe) {
var Be, dt = this.qname(me), St = dt.prefix, Ht = dt.local, lr = {
name: me,
prefix: St,
local: Ht,
value: Fe
if (this.attribList.push(lr), (Be = this.attributeHandler) === null || Be === void 0 ||, lr), St === "xmlns") {
var gr = Fe.trim();
this.currentXMLVersion === "1.0" && gr === "" &&"invalid attempt to undefine prefix in XML 1.0"), this.topNS[Ht] = gr, Or(this, Ht, gr);
} else if (me === "xmlns") {
var rn = Fe.trim();
this.topNS[""] = rn, Or(this, "", rn);
}, {
key: "pushAttribPlain",
value: function(me, Fe) {
var Be, dt = {
name: me,
value: Fe
this.attribList.push(dt), (Be = this.attributeHandler) === null || Be === void 0 ||, dt);
* End parsing. This performs final well-formedness checks and resets the
* parser to a clean state.
* @returns this
}, {
key: "end",
value: function() {
var me, Fe;
this.sawRoot ||"document must contain a root element.");
for (var Be = this.tags; Be.length > 0; ) {
var dt = Be.pop();"unclosed tag: ".concat(;
this.state !== A && this.state !== ge &&"unexpected end.");
var St = this.text;
return St.length !== 0 && ((me = this.textHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, St), this.text = ""), this._closed = !0, (Fe = this.endHandler) === null || Fe === void 0 ||, this._init(), this;
* Resolve a namespace prefix.
* @param prefix The prefix to resolve.
* @returns The namespace URI or ``undefined`` if the prefix is not defined.
}, {
key: "resolve",
value: function(me) {
var Fe, Be, dt = this.topNS[me];
if (dt !== void 0)
return dt;
for (var St = this.tags, Ht = St.length - 1; Ht >= 0; Ht--)
if (dt = St[Ht].ns[me], dt !== void 0)
return dt;
return dt = this.ns[me], dt !== void 0 ? dt : (Be = (Fe = this.opt).resolvePrefix) === null || Be === void 0 ? void 0 :, me);
* Parse a qname into its prefix and local name parts.
* @param name The name to parse
* @returns
}, {
key: "qname",
value: function(me) {
var Fe = me.indexOf(":");
if (Fe === -1)
return {
prefix: "",
local: me
var Be = me.slice(Fe + 1), dt = me.slice(0, Fe);
return (dt === "" || Be === "" || Be.includes(":")) &&"malformed name: ".concat(me, ".")), {
prefix: dt,
local: Be
}, {
key: "processAttribsNS",
value: function() {
var me, Fe = this.attribList, Be = this.tag;
var dt = this.qname(, St = dt.prefix, Ht = dt.local;
Be.prefix = St, Be.local = Ht;
var lr = Be.uri = (me = this.resolve(St)) !== null && me !== void 0 ? me : "";
St !== "" && (St === "xmlns" &&'tags may not have "xmlns" as prefix.'), lr === "" && ("unbound namespace prefix: ".concat(JSON.stringify(St), ".")), Be.uri = St));
if (Fe.length !== 0) {
var gr = Be.attributes, rn = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), zr = u(Fe), pi;
try {
for (zr.s(); !(pi = zr.n()).done; ) {
var $r = pi.value, Dn = $, cn = $r.prefix, yi = $r.local, hn = void 0, dn = void 0;
cn === "" ? (hn = Dn === "xmlns" ? M : "", dn = Dn) : (hn = this.resolve(cn), hn === void 0 && ("unbound namespace prefix: ".concat(JSON.stringify(cn), ".")), hn = cn), dn = "{".concat(hn, "}").concat(yi)), rn.has(dn) &&"duplicate attribute: ".concat(dn, ".")), rn.add(dn), $r.uri = hn, gr[Dn] = $r;
} catch (Nn) {
} finally {
this.attribList = [];
}, {
key: "processAttribsPlain",
value: function() {
var me = this.attribList, Fe = this.tag.attributes, Be = u(me), dt;
try {
for (Be.s(); !(dt = Be.n()).done; ) {
var St = dt.value, Ht =, lr = St.value;
Fe[Ht] !== void 0 &&"duplicate attribute: ".concat(Ht, ".")), Fe[Ht] = lr;
} catch (gr) {
} finally {
this.attribList = [];
* Handle a complete open tag. This parser code calls this once it has seen
* the whole tag. This method checks for well-formeness and then emits
* ``onopentag``.
}, {
key: "openTag",
value: function() {
var me;
var Fe = this.tags, Be = this.tag;
Be.isSelfClosing = !1, (me = this.openTagHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, Be), Fe.push(Be), this.state = ge, = "";
* Handle a complete self-closing tag. This parser code calls this once it has
* seen the whole tag. This method checks for well-formeness and then emits
* ``onopentag`` and ``onclosetag``.
}, {
key: "openSelfClosingTag",
value: function() {
var me, Fe, Be;
var dt = this.tags, St = this.tag;
St.isSelfClosing = !0, (me = this.openTagHandler) === null || me === void 0 ||, St), (Fe = this.closeTagHandler) === null || Fe === void 0 ||, St);
var Ht = this.tag = (Be = dt[dt.length - 1]) !== null && Be !== void 0 ? Be : null;
Ht === null && (this.closedRoot = !0), this.state = ge, = "";
* Handle a complete close tag. This parser code calls this once it has seen
* the whole tag. This method checks for well-formeness and then emits
* ``onclosetag``.
}, {
key: "closeTag",
value: function() {
var me = this.tags, Fe =;
if (this.state = ge, = "", Fe === "") {"weird empty close tag."), this.text += "</>";
for (var Be = this.closeTagHandler, dt = me.length; dt-- > 0; ) {
var St = this.tag = me.pop();
if (this.topNS = St.ns, Be == null || Be(St), === Fe)
break;"unexpected close tag.");
dt === 0 ? this.closedRoot = !0 : dt < 0 && ("unmatched closing tag: ".concat(Fe, ".")), this.text += "</".concat(Fe, ">"));
* Resolves an entity. Makes any necessary well-formedness checks.
* @param entity The entity to resolve.
* @returns The parsed entity.
}, {
key: "parseEntity",
value: function(me) {
if (me[0] !== "#") {
var Fe = this.ENTITIES[me];
return Fe !== void 0 ? Fe : ( ? "undefined entity." : "disallowed character in entity name."), "&".concat(me, ";"));
var Be = NaN;
return me[1] === "x" && /^#x[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(me) ? Be = parseInt(me.slice(2), 16) : /^#[0-9]+$/.test(me) && (Be = parseInt(me.slice(1), 10)), this.isChar(Be) ? String.fromCodePoint(Be) : ("malformed character entity."), "&".concat(me, ";"));
}, {
key: "closed",
get: function() {
return this._closed;
}, {
key: "position",
get: function() {
return this.chunkPosition + this.i;
* The column number of the next character to be read by the parser. *
* This field is zero-based. (The first column in a line is 0.)
* This field reports the index at which the next character would be in the
* line if the line were represented as a JavaScript string. Note that this
* *can* be different to a count based on the number of *Unicode characters*
* due to how JavaScript handles astral plane characters.
* See [[column]] for a number that corresponds to a count of Unicode
* characters.
}, {
key: "columnIndex",
get: function() {
return this.position - this.positionAtNewLine;
}]), vt;
_.SaxesParser = Ur;
}, { "xmlchars/xml/1.0/ed5": 541, "xmlchars/xml/1.1/ed2": 542, "xmlchars/xmlns/1.0/ed3": 543 }], 497: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
x.exports = typeof u == "function" ? u : function() {
var g = [].slice.apply(arguments);
g.splice(1, 0, 0), setTimeout.apply(null, g);
}).call(this, e("timers").setImmediate);
}, { timers: 521 }], 498: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer;
function m(g, b) {
this._block = u.alloc(g), this._finalSize = b, this._blockSize = g, this._len = 0;
m.prototype.update = function(g, b) {
typeof g == "string" && (b = b || "utf8", g = u.from(g, b));
for (var w = this._block, f = this._blockSize, y = g.length, h = this._len, l = 0; l < y; ) {
for (var d = h % f, s = Math.min(y - l, f - d), v = 0; v < s; v++)
w[d + v] = g[l + v];
h += s, l += s, h % f === 0 && this._update(w);
return this._len += y, this;
}, m.prototype.digest = function(g) {
var b = this._len % this._blockSize;
this._block[b] = 128, this._block.fill(0, b + 1), b >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0));
var w = this._len * 8;
if (w <= 4294967295)
this._block.writeUInt32BE(w, this._blockSize - 4);
else {
var f = (w & 4294967295) >>> 0, y = (w - f) / 4294967296;
this._block.writeUInt32BE(y, this._blockSize - 8), this._block.writeUInt32BE(f, this._blockSize - 4);
var h = this._hash();
return g ? h.toString(g) : h;
}, m.prototype._update = function() {
throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass");
}, x.exports = m;
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 499: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = x.exports = function(g) {
g = g.toLowerCase();
var b = u[g];
if (!b)
throw new Error(g + " is not supported (we accept pull requests)");
return new b();
u.sha = e("./sha"), u.sha1 = e("./sha1"), u.sha224 = e("./sha224"), u.sha256 = e("./sha256"), u.sha384 = e("./sha384"), u.sha512 = e("./sha512");
}, { "./sha": 500, "./sha1": 501, "./sha224": 502, "./sha256": 503, "./sha384": 504, "./sha512": 505 }], 500: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./hash"), g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], w = new Array(80);
function f() {
this.init(), this._w = w,, 64, 56);
u(f, m), f.prototype.init = function() {
return this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520, this;
function y(d) {
return d << 5 | d >>> 27;
function h(d) {
return d << 30 | d >>> 2;
function l(d, s, v, c) {
return d === 0 ? s & v | ~s & c : d === 2 ? s & v | s & c | v & c : s ^ v ^ c;
f.prototype._update = function(d) {
for (var s = this._w, v = this._a | 0, c = this._b | 0, a = this._c | 0, r = this._d | 0, t = this._e | 0, i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
s[i] = d.readInt32BE(i * 4);
for (; i < 80; ++i)
s[i] = s[i - 3] ^ s[i - 8] ^ s[i - 14] ^ s[i - 16];
for (var n = 0; n < 80; ++n) {
var o = ~~(n / 20), p = y(v) + l(o, c, a, r) + t + s[n] + b[o] | 0;
t = r, r = a, a = h(c), c = v, v = p;
this._a = v + this._a | 0, this._b = c + this._b | 0, this._c = a + this._c | 0, this._d = r + this._d | 0, this._e = t + this._e | 0;
}, f.prototype._hash = function() {
var d = g.allocUnsafe(20);
return d.writeInt32BE(this._a | 0, 0), d.writeInt32BE(this._b | 0, 4), d.writeInt32BE(this._c | 0, 8), d.writeInt32BE(this._d | 0, 12), d.writeInt32BE(this._e | 0, 16), d;
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./hash": 498, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 501: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./hash"), g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], w = new Array(80);
function f() {
this.init(), this._w = w,, 64, 56);
u(f, m), f.prototype.init = function() {
return this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520, this;
function y(s) {
return s << 1 | s >>> 31;
function h(s) {
return s << 5 | s >>> 27;
function l(s) {
return s << 30 | s >>> 2;
function d(s, v, c, a) {
return s === 0 ? v & c | ~v & a : s === 2 ? v & c | v & a | c & a : v ^ c ^ a;
f.prototype._update = function(s) {
for (var v = this._w, c = this._a | 0, a = this._b | 0, r = this._c | 0, t = this._d | 0, i = this._e | 0, n = 0; n < 16; ++n)
v[n] = s.readInt32BE(n * 4);
for (; n < 80; ++n)
v[n] = y(v[n - 3] ^ v[n - 8] ^ v[n - 14] ^ v[n - 16]);
for (var o = 0; o < 80; ++o) {
var p = ~~(o / 20), O = h(c) + d(p, a, r, t) + i + v[o] + b[p] | 0;
i = t, t = r, r = l(a), a = c, c = O;
this._a = c + this._a | 0, this._b = a + this._b | 0, this._c = r + this._c | 0, this._d = t + this._d | 0, this._e = i + this._e | 0;
}, f.prototype._hash = function() {
var s = g.allocUnsafe(20);
return s.writeInt32BE(this._a | 0, 0), s.writeInt32BE(this._b | 0, 4), s.writeInt32BE(this._c | 0, 8), s.writeInt32BE(this._d | 0, 12), s.writeInt32BE(this._e | 0, 16), s;
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./hash": 498, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 502: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./sha256"), g = e("./hash"), b = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, w = new Array(64);
function f() {
this.init(), this._w = w,, 64, 56);
u(f, m), f.prototype.init = function() {
return this._a = 3238371032, this._b = 914150663, this._c = 812702999, this._d = 4144912697, this._e = 4290775857, this._f = 1750603025, this._g = 1694076839, this._h = 3204075428, this;
}, f.prototype._hash = function() {
var y = b.allocUnsafe(28);
return y.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), y.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), y.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), y.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), y.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), y.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), y.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), y;
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./hash": 498, "./sha256": 503, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 503: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./hash"), g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], w = new Array(64);
function f() {
this.init(), this._w = w,, 64, 56);
u(f, m), f.prototype.init = function() {
return this._a = 1779033703, this._b = 3144134277, this._c = 1013904242, this._d = 2773480762, this._e = 1359893119, this._f = 2600822924, this._g = 528734635, this._h = 1541459225, this;
function y(c, a, r) {
return r ^ c & (a ^ r);
function h(c, a, r) {
return c & a | r & (c | a);
function l(c) {
return (c >>> 2 | c << 30) ^ (c >>> 13 | c << 19) ^ (c >>> 22 | c << 10);
function d(c) {
return (c >>> 6 | c << 26) ^ (c >>> 11 | c << 21) ^ (c >>> 25 | c << 7);
function s(c) {
return (c >>> 7 | c << 25) ^ (c >>> 18 | c << 14) ^ c >>> 3;
function v(c) {
return (c >>> 17 | c << 15) ^ (c >>> 19 | c << 13) ^ c >>> 10;
f.prototype._update = function(c) {
for (var a = this._w, r = this._a | 0, t = this._b | 0, i = this._c | 0, n = this._d | 0, o = this._e | 0, p = this._f | 0, O = this._g | 0, P = this._h | 0, F = 0; F < 16; ++F)
a[F] = c.readInt32BE(F * 4);
for (; F < 64; ++F)
a[F] = v(a[F - 2]) + a[F - 7] + s(a[F - 15]) + a[F - 16] | 0;
for (var z = 0; z < 64; ++z) {
var N = P + d(o) + y(o, p, O) + b[z] + a[z] | 0, M = l(r) + h(r, t, i) | 0;
P = O, O = p, p = o, o = n + N | 0, n = i, i = t, t = r, r = N + M | 0;
this._a = r + this._a | 0, this._b = t + this._b | 0, this._c = i + this._c | 0, this._d = n + this._d | 0, this._e = o + this._e | 0, this._f = p + this._f | 0, this._g = O + this._g | 0, this._h = P + this._h | 0;
}, f.prototype._hash = function() {
var c = g.allocUnsafe(32);
return c.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), c.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), c.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), c.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), c.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), c.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), c.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), c.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28), c;
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./hash": 498, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 504: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./sha512"), g = e("./hash"), b = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, w = new Array(160);
function f() {
this.init(), this._w = w,, 128, 112);
u(f, m), f.prototype.init = function() {
return this._ah = 3418070365, this._bh = 1654270250, this._ch = 2438529370, this._dh = 355462360, this._eh = 1731405415, this._fh = 2394180231, this._gh = 3675008525, this._hh = 1203062813, this._al = 3238371032, this._bl = 914150663, this._cl = 812702999, this._dl = 4144912697, this._el = 4290775857, this._fl = 1750603025, this._gl = 1694076839, this._hl = 3204075428, this;
}, f.prototype._hash = function() {
var y = b.allocUnsafe(48);
function h(l, d, s) {
y.writeInt32BE(l, s), y.writeInt32BE(d, s + 4);
return h(this._ah, this._al, 0), h(this._bh, this._bl, 8), h(this._ch, this._cl, 16), h(this._dh, this._dl, 24), h(this._eh, this._el, 32), h(this._fh, this._fl, 40), y;
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./hash": 498, "./sha512": 505, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 505: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("inherits"), m = e("./hash"), g = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591], w = new Array(160);
function f() {
this.init(), this._w = w,, 128, 112);
u(f, m), f.prototype.init = function() {
return this._ah = 1779033703, this._bh = 3144134277, this._ch = 1013904242, this._dh = 2773480762, this._eh = 1359893119, this._fh = 2600822924, this._gh = 528734635, this._hh = 1541459225, this._al = 4089235720, this._bl = 2227873595, this._cl = 4271175723, this._dl = 1595750129, this._el = 2917565137, this._fl = 725511199, this._gl = 4215389547, this._hl = 327033209, this;
function y(t, i, n) {
return n ^ t & (i ^ n);
function h(t, i, n) {
return t & i | n & (t | i);
function l(t, i) {
return (t >>> 28 | i << 4) ^ (i >>> 2 | t << 30) ^ (i >>> 7 | t << 25);
function d(t, i) {
return (t >>> 14 | i << 18) ^ (t >>> 18 | i << 14) ^ (i >>> 9 | t << 23);
function s(t, i) {
return (t >>> 1 | i << 31) ^ (t >>> 8 | i << 24) ^ t >>> 7;
function v(t, i) {
return (t >>> 1 | i << 31) ^ (t >>> 8 | i << 24) ^ (t >>> 7 | i << 25);
function c(t, i) {
return (t >>> 19 | i << 13) ^ (i >>> 29 | t << 3) ^ t >>> 6;
function a(t, i) {
return (t >>> 19 | i << 13) ^ (i >>> 29 | t << 3) ^ (t >>> 6 | i << 26);
function r(t, i) {
return t >>> 0 < i >>> 0 ? 1 : 0;
f.prototype._update = function(t) {
for (var i = this._w, n = this._ah | 0, o = this._bh | 0, p = this._ch | 0, O = this._dh | 0, P = this._eh | 0, F = this._fh | 0, z = this._gh | 0, N = this._hh | 0, M = this._al | 0, I = this._bl | 0, R = this._cl | 0, C = this._dl | 0, E = this._el | 0, A = this._fl | 0, L = this._gl | 0, $ = this._hl | 0, W = 0; W < 32; W += 2)
i[W] = t.readInt32BE(W * 4), i[W + 1] = t.readInt32BE(W * 4 + 4);
for (; W < 160; W += 2) {
var U = i[W - 30], D = i[W - 15 * 2 + 1], B = s(U, D), j = v(D, U);
U = i[W - 2 * 2], D = i[W - 2 * 2 + 1];
var V = c(U, D), re = a(D, U), ee = i[W - 7 * 2], ce = i[W - 7 * 2 + 1], ve = i[W - 16 * 2], ge = i[W - 16 * 2 + 1], oe = j + ce | 0, J = B + ee + r(oe, j) | 0;
oe = oe + re | 0, J = J + V + r(oe, re) | 0, oe = oe + ge | 0, J = J + ve + r(oe, ge) | 0, i[W] = J, i[W + 1] = oe;
for (var Q = 0; Q < 160; Q += 2) {
J = i[Q], oe = i[Q + 1];
var he = h(n, o, p), ke = h(M, I, R), ne = l(n, M), se = l(M, n), Ce = d(P, E), q = d(E, P), G = b[Q], Y = b[Q + 1], fe = y(P, F, z), we = y(E, A, L), _e = $ + q | 0, je = N + Ce + r(_e, $) | 0;
_e = _e + we | 0, je = je + fe + r(_e, we) | 0, _e = _e + Y | 0, je = je + G + r(_e, Y) | 0, _e = _e + oe | 0, je = je + J + r(_e, oe) | 0;
var Ye = se + ke | 0, nt = ne + he + r(Ye, se) | 0;
N = z, $ = L, z = F, L = A, F = P, A = E, E = C + _e | 0, P = O + je + r(E, C) | 0, O = p, C = R, p = o, R = I, o = n, I = M, M = _e + Ye | 0, n = je + nt + r(M, _e) | 0;
this._al = this._al + M | 0, this._bl = this._bl + I | 0, this._cl = this._cl + R | 0, this._dl = this._dl + C | 0, this._el = this._el + E | 0, this._fl = this._fl + A | 0, this._gl = this._gl + L | 0, this._hl = this._hl + $ | 0, this._ah = this._ah + n + r(this._al, M) | 0, this._bh = this._bh + o + r(this._bl, I) | 0, this._ch = this._ch + p + r(this._cl, R) | 0, this._dh = this._dh + O + r(this._dl, C) | 0, this._eh = this._eh + P + r(this._el, E) | 0, this._fh = this._fh + F + r(this._fl, A) | 0, this._gh = this._gh + z + r(this._gl, L) | 0, this._hh = this._hh + N + r(this._hl, $) | 0;
}, f.prototype._hash = function() {
var t = g.allocUnsafe(64);
function i(n, o, p) {
t.writeInt32BE(n, p), t.writeInt32BE(o, p + 4);
return i(this._ah, this._al, 0), i(this._bh, this._bl, 8), i(this._ch, this._cl, 16), i(this._dh, this._dl, 24), i(this._eh, this._el, 32), i(this._fh, this._fl, 40), i(this._gh, this._gl, 48), i(this._hh, this._hl, 56), t;
}, x.exports = f;
}, { "./hash": 498, inherits: 387, "safe-buffer": 494 }], 506: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = g;
var u = e("events").EventEmitter, m = e("inherits");
m(g, u), g.Readable = e("readable-stream/readable.js"), g.Writable = e("readable-stream/writable.js"), g.Duplex = e("readable-stream/duplex.js"), g.Transform = e("readable-stream/transform.js"), g.PassThrough = e("readable-stream/passthrough.js"), g.Stream = g;
function g() {;
g.prototype.pipe = function(b, w) {
var f = this;
function y(a) {
b.writable && b.write(a) === !1 && f.pause && f.pause();
f.on("data", y);
function h() {
f.readable && f.resume && f.resume();
b.on("drain", h), !b._isStdio && (!w || w.end !== !1) && (f.on("end", d), f.on("close", s));
var l = !1;
function d() {
l || (l = !0, b.end());
function s() {
l || (l = !0, typeof b.destroy == "function" && b.destroy());
function v(a) {
if (c(), u.listenerCount(this, "error") === 0)
throw a;
f.on("error", v), b.on("error", v);
function c() {
f.removeListener("data", y), b.removeListener("drain", h), f.removeListener("end", d), f.removeListener("close", s), f.removeListener("error", v), b.removeListener("error", v), f.removeListener("end", c), f.removeListener("close", c), b.removeListener("close", c);
return f.on("end", c), f.on("close", c), b.on("close", c), b.emit("pipe", f), b;
}, { events: 367, inherits: 387, "readable-stream/duplex.js": 507, "readable-stream/passthrough.js": 516, "readable-stream/readable.js": 517, "readable-stream/transform.js": 518, "readable-stream/writable.js": 519 }], 507: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("./lib/_stream_duplex.js");
}, { "./lib/_stream_duplex.js": 508 }], 508: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("process-nextick-args"), m = Object.keys || function(v) {
var c = [];
for (var a in v)
return c;
x.exports = l;
var g = Object.create(e("core-util-is"));
g.inherits = e("inherits");
var b = e("./_stream_readable"), w = e("./_stream_writable");
g.inherits(l, b);
for (var f = m(w.prototype), y = 0; y < f.length; y++) {
var h = f[y];
l.prototype[h] || (l.prototype[h] = w.prototype[h]);
function l(v) {
if (!(this instanceof l))
return new l(v);, v),, v), v && v.readable === !1 && (this.readable = !1), v && v.writable === !1 && (this.writable = !1), this.allowHalfOpen = !0, v && v.allowHalfOpen === !1 && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1), this.once("end", d);
Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
function d() {
this.allowHalfOpen || this._writableState.ended || u.nextTick(s, this);
function s(v) {
Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "destroyed", {
get: function() {
return this._readableState === void 0 || this._writableState === void 0 ? !1 : this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed;
set: function(c) {
this._readableState === void 0 || this._writableState === void 0 || (this._readableState.destroyed = c, this._writableState.destroyed = c);
}), l.prototype._destroy = function(v, c) {
this.push(null), this.end(), u.nextTick(c, v);
}, { "./_stream_readable": 510, "./_stream_writable": 512, "core-util-is": 328, inherits: 387, "process-nextick-args": 466 }], 509: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = g;
var u = e("./_stream_transform"), m = Object.create(e("core-util-is"));
m.inherits = e("inherits"), m.inherits(g, u);
function g(b) {
if (!(this instanceof g))
return new g(b);, b);
g.prototype._transform = function(b, w, f) {
f(null, b);
}, { "./_stream_transform": 511, "core-util-is": 328, inherits: 387 }], 510: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
var g = e("process-nextick-args");
x.exports = O;
var b = e("isarray"), w;
O.ReadableState = p, e("events").EventEmitter;
var f = function(Q, he) {
return Q.listeners(he).length;
}, y = e("./internal/streams/stream"), h = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, l = m.Uint8Array || function() {
function d(J) {
return h.from(J);
function s(J) {
return h.isBuffer(J) || J instanceof l;
var v = Object.create(e("core-util-is"));
v.inherits = e("inherits");
var c = e("util"), a = void 0;
c && c.debuglog ? a = c.debuglog("stream") : a = function() {
var r = e("./internal/streams/BufferList"), t = e("./internal/streams/destroy"), i;
v.inherits(O, y);
var n = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"];
function o(J, Q, he) {
if (typeof J.prependListener == "function")
return J.prependListener(Q, he);
!J._events || !J._events[Q] ? J.on(Q, he) : b(J._events[Q]) ? J._events[Q].unshift(he) : J._events[Q] = [he, J._events[Q]];
function p(J, Q) {
w = w || e("./_stream_duplex"), J = J || {};
var he = Q instanceof w;
this.objectMode = !!J.objectMode, he && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!J.readableObjectMode);
var ke = J.highWaterMark, ne = J.readableHighWaterMark, se = this.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
ke || ke === 0 ? this.highWaterMark = ke : he && (ne || ne === 0) ? this.highWaterMark = ne : this.highWaterMark = se, this.highWaterMark = Math.floor(this.highWaterMark), this.buffer = new r(), this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = !1, this.endEmitted = !1, this.reading = !1, this.sync = !0, this.needReadable = !1, this.emittedReadable = !1, this.readableListening = !1, this.resumeScheduled = !1, this.destroyed = !1, this.defaultEncoding = J.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, J.encoding && (i || (i = e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder), this.decoder = new i(J.encoding), this.encoding = J.encoding);
function O(J) {
if (w = w || e("./_stream_duplex"), !(this instanceof O))
return new O(J);
this._readableState = new p(J, this), this.readable = !0, J && (typeof == "function" && (this._read =, typeof J.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = J.destroy)),;
Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "destroyed", {
get: function() {
return this._readableState === void 0 ? !1 : this._readableState.destroyed;
set: function(Q) {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = Q);
}), O.prototype.destroy = t.destroy, O.prototype._undestroy = t.undestroy, O.prototype._destroy = function(J, Q) {
this.push(null), Q(J);
}, O.prototype.push = function(J, Q) {
var he = this._readableState, ke;
return he.objectMode ? ke = !0 : typeof J == "string" && (Q = Q || he.defaultEncoding, Q !== he.encoding && (J = h.from(J, Q), Q = ""), ke = !0), P(this, J, Q, !1, ke);
}, O.prototype.unshift = function(J) {
return P(this, J, null, !0, !1);
function P(J, Q, he, ke, ne) {
var se = J._readableState;
if (Q === null)
se.reading = !1, C(J, se);
else {
var Ce;
ne || (Ce = z(se, Q)), Ce ? J.emit("error", Ce) : se.objectMode || Q && Q.length > 0 ? (typeof Q != "string" && !se.objectMode && Object.getPrototypeOf(Q) !== h.prototype && (Q = d(Q)), ke ? se.endEmitted ? J.emit("error", new Error("stream.unshift() after end event")) : F(J, se, Q, !0) : se.ended ? J.emit("error", new Error("stream.push() after EOF")) : (se.reading = !1, se.decoder && !he ? (Q = se.decoder.write(Q), se.objectMode || Q.length !== 0 ? F(J, se, Q, !1) : L(J, se)) : F(J, se, Q, !1))) : ke || (se.reading = !1);
return N(se);
function F(J, Q, he, ke) {
Q.flowing && Q.length === 0 && !Q.sync ? (J.emit("data", he), : (Q.length += Q.objectMode ? 1 : he.length, ke ? Q.buffer.unshift(he) : Q.buffer.push(he), Q.needReadable && E(J)), L(J, Q);
function z(J, Q) {
var he;
return !s(Q) && typeof Q != "string" && Q !== void 0 && !J.objectMode && (he = new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk")), he;
function N(J) {
return !J.ended && (J.needReadable || J.length < J.highWaterMark || J.length === 0);
O.prototype.isPaused = function() {
return this._readableState.flowing === !1;
}, O.prototype.setEncoding = function(J) {
return i || (i = e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder), this._readableState.decoder = new i(J), this._readableState.encoding = J, this;
var M = 8388608;
function I(J) {
return J >= M ? J = M : (J--, J |= J >>> 1, J |= J >>> 2, J |= J >>> 4, J |= J >>> 8, J |= J >>> 16, J++), J;
function R(J, Q) {
return J <= 0 || Q.length === 0 && Q.ended ? 0 : Q.objectMode ? 1 : J !== J ? Q.flowing && Q.length ? : Q.length : (J > Q.highWaterMark && (Q.highWaterMark = I(J)), J <= Q.length ? J : Q.ended ? Q.length : (Q.needReadable = !0, 0));
} = function(J) {
a("read", J), J = parseInt(J, 10);
var Q = this._readableState, he = J;
if (J !== 0 && (Q.emittedReadable = !1), J === 0 && Q.needReadable && (Q.length >= Q.highWaterMark || Q.ended))
return a("read: emitReadable", Q.length, Q.ended), Q.length === 0 && Q.ended ? ve(this) : E(this), null;
if (J = R(J, Q), J === 0 && Q.ended)
return Q.length === 0 && ve(this), null;
var ke = Q.needReadable;
a("need readable", ke), (Q.length === 0 || Q.length - J < Q.highWaterMark) && (ke = !0, a("length less than watermark", ke)), Q.ended || Q.reading ? (ke = !1, a("reading or ended", ke)) : ke && (a("do read"), Q.reading = !0, Q.sync = !0, Q.length === 0 && (Q.needReadable = !0), this._read(Q.highWaterMark), Q.sync = !1, Q.reading || (J = R(he, Q)));
var ne;
return J > 0 ? ne = V(J, Q) : ne = null, ne === null ? (Q.needReadable = !0, J = 0) : Q.length -= J, Q.length === 0 && (Q.ended || (Q.needReadable = !0), he !== J && Q.ended && ve(this)), ne !== null && this.emit("data", ne), ne;
function C(J, Q) {
if (!Q.ended) {
if (Q.decoder) {
var he = Q.decoder.end();
he && he.length && (Q.buffer.push(he), Q.length += Q.objectMode ? 1 : he.length);
Q.ended = !0, E(J);
function E(J) {
var Q = J._readableState;
Q.needReadable = !1, Q.emittedReadable || (a("emitReadable", Q.flowing), Q.emittedReadable = !0, Q.sync ? g.nextTick(A, J) : A(J));
function A(J) {
a("emit readable"), J.emit("readable"), j(J);
function L(J, Q) {
Q.readingMore || (Q.readingMore = !0, g.nextTick($, J, Q));
function $(J, Q) {
for (var he = Q.length; !Q.reading && !Q.flowing && !Q.ended && Q.length < Q.highWaterMark && (a("maybeReadMore read 0"),, he !== Q.length); )
he = Q.length;
Q.readingMore = !1;
O.prototype._read = function(J) {
this.emit("error", new Error("_read() is not implemented"));
}, O.prototype.pipe = function(J, Q) {
var he = this, ke = this._readableState;
switch (ke.pipesCount) {
case 0:
ke.pipes = J;
case 1:
ke.pipes = [ke.pipes, J];
ke.pipesCount += 1, a("pipe count=%d opts=%j", ke.pipesCount, Q);
var ne = (!Q || Q.end !== !1) && J !== u.stdout && J !== u.stderr, se = ne ? q : ut;
ke.endEmitted ? g.nextTick(se) : he.once("end", se), J.on("unpipe", Ce);
function Ce(ot, Ue) {
a("onunpipe"), ot === he && Ue && Ue.hasUnpiped === !1 && (Ue.hasUnpiped = !0, fe());
function q() {
a("onend"), J.end();
var G = W(he);
J.on("drain", G);
var Y = !1;
function fe() {
a("cleanup"), J.removeListener("close", Ye), J.removeListener("finish", nt), J.removeListener("drain", G), J.removeListener("error", je), J.removeListener("unpipe", Ce), he.removeListener("end", q), he.removeListener("end", ut), he.removeListener("data", _e), Y = !0, ke.awaitDrain && (!J._writableState || J._writableState.needDrain) && G();
var we = !1;
he.on("data", _e);
function _e(ot) {
a("ondata"), we = !1;
var Ue = J.write(ot);
Ue === !1 && !we && ((ke.pipesCount === 1 && ke.pipes === J || ke.pipesCount > 1 && oe(ke.pipes, J) !== -1) && !Y && (a("false write response, pause", he._readableState.awaitDrain), he._readableState.awaitDrain++, we = !0), he.pause());
function je(ot) {
a("onerror", ot), ut(), J.removeListener("error", je), f(J, "error") === 0 && J.emit("error", ot);
o(J, "error", je);
function Ye() {
J.removeListener("finish", nt), ut();
J.once("close", Ye);
function nt() {
a("onfinish"), J.removeListener("close", Ye), ut();
J.once("finish", nt);
function ut() {
a("unpipe"), he.unpipe(J);
return J.emit("pipe", he), ke.flowing || (a("pipe resume"), he.resume()), J;
function W(J) {
return function() {
var Q = J._readableState;
a("pipeOnDrain", Q.awaitDrain), Q.awaitDrain && Q.awaitDrain--, Q.awaitDrain === 0 && f(J, "data") && (Q.flowing = !0, j(J));
O.prototype.unpipe = function(J) {
var Q = this._readableState, he = {
hasUnpiped: !1
if (Q.pipesCount === 0)
return this;
if (Q.pipesCount === 1)
return J && J !== Q.pipes ? this : (J || (J = Q.pipes), Q.pipes = null, Q.pipesCount = 0, Q.flowing = !1, J && J.emit("unpipe", this, he), this);
if (!J) {
var ke = Q.pipes, ne = Q.pipesCount;
Q.pipes = null, Q.pipesCount = 0, Q.flowing = !1;
for (var se = 0; se < ne; se++)
ke[se].emit("unpipe", this, he);
return this;
var Ce = oe(Q.pipes, J);
return Ce === -1 ? this : (Q.pipes.splice(Ce, 1), Q.pipesCount -= 1, Q.pipesCount === 1 && (Q.pipes = Q.pipes[0]), J.emit("unpipe", this, he), this);
}, O.prototype.on = function(J, Q) {
var he =, J, Q);
if (J === "data")
this._readableState.flowing !== !1 && this.resume();
else if (J === "readable") {
var ke = this._readableState;
!ke.endEmitted && !ke.readableListening && (ke.readableListening = ke.needReadable = !0, ke.emittedReadable = !1, ke.reading ? ke.length && E(this) : g.nextTick(U, this));
return he;
}, O.prototype.addListener = O.prototype.on;
function U(J) {
a("readable nexttick read 0"),;
O.prototype.resume = function() {
var J = this._readableState;
return J.flowing || (a("resume"), J.flowing = !0, D(this, J)), this;
function D(J, Q) {
Q.resumeScheduled || (Q.resumeScheduled = !0, g.nextTick(B, J, Q));
function B(J, Q) {
Q.reading || (a("resume read 0"),, Q.resumeScheduled = !1, Q.awaitDrain = 0, J.emit("resume"), j(J), Q.flowing && !Q.reading &&;
O.prototype.pause = function() {
return a("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== !1 && (a("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this;
function j(J) {
var Q = J._readableState;
for (a("flow", Q.flowing); Q.flowing && !== null; )
O.prototype.wrap = function(J) {
var Q = this, he = this._readableState, ke = !1;
J.on("end", function() {
if (a("wrapped end"), he.decoder && !he.ended) {
var Ce = he.decoder.end();
Ce && Ce.length && Q.push(Ce);
}), J.on("data", function(Ce) {
if (a("wrapped data"), he.decoder && (Ce = he.decoder.write(Ce)), !(he.objectMode && Ce == null) && !(!he.objectMode && (!Ce || !Ce.length))) {
var q = Q.push(Ce);
q || (ke = !0, J.pause());
for (var ne in J)
this[ne] === void 0 && typeof J[ne] == "function" && (this[ne] = function(Ce) {
return function() {
return J[Ce].apply(J, arguments);
for (var se = 0; se < n.length; se++)
J.on(n[se], this.emit.bind(this, n[se]));
return this._read = function(Ce) {
a("wrapped _read", Ce), ke && (ke = !1, J.resume());
}, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._readableState.highWaterMark;
}), O._fromList = V;
function V(J, Q) {
if (Q.length === 0)
return null;
var he;
return Q.objectMode ? he = Q.buffer.shift() : !J || J >= Q.length ? (Q.decoder ? he = Q.buffer.join("") : Q.buffer.length === 1 ? he = : he = Q.buffer.concat(Q.length), Q.buffer.clear()) : he = re(J, Q.buffer, Q.decoder), he;
function re(J, Q, he) {
var ke;
return J < ? (ke =, J), = : J === ? ke = Q.shift() : ke = he ? ee(J, Q) : ce(J, Q), ke;
function ee(J, Q) {
var he = Q.head, ke = 1, ne =;
for (J -= ne.length; he =; ) {
var se =, Ce = J > se.length ? se.length : J;
if (Ce === se.length ? ne += se : ne += se.slice(0, J), J -= Ce, J === 0) {
Ce === se.length ? (++ke, ? Q.head = : Q.head = Q.tail = null) : (Q.head = he, = se.slice(Ce));
return Q.length -= ke, ne;
function ce(J, Q) {
var he = h.allocUnsafe(J), ke = Q.head, ne = 1;
for (, J -=; ke =; ) {
var se =, Ce = J > se.length ? se.length : J;
if (se.copy(he, he.length - J, 0, Ce), J -= Ce, J === 0) {
Ce === se.length ? (++ne, ? Q.head = : Q.head = Q.tail = null) : (Q.head = ke, = se.slice(Ce));
return Q.length -= ne, he;
function ve(J) {
var Q = J._readableState;
if (Q.length > 0)
throw new Error('"endReadable()" called on non-empty stream');
Q.endEmitted || (Q.ended = !0, g.nextTick(ge, Q, J));
function ge(J, Q) {
!J.endEmitted && J.length === 0 && (J.endEmitted = !0, Q.readable = !1, Q.emit("end"));
function oe(J, Q) {
for (var he = 0, ke = J.length; he < ke; he++)
if (J[he] === Q)
return he;
return -1;
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { "./_stream_duplex": 508, "./internal/streams/BufferList": 513, "./internal/streams/destroy": 514, "./internal/streams/stream": 515, _process: 467, "core-util-is": 328, events: 367, inherits: 387, isarray: 389, "process-nextick-args": 466, "safe-buffer": 494, "string_decoder/": 520, util: 185 }], 511: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = b;
var u = e("./_stream_duplex"), m = Object.create(e("core-util-is"));
m.inherits = e("inherits"), m.inherits(b, u);
function g(y, h) {
var l = this._transformState;
l.transforming = !1;
var d = l.writecb;
if (!d)
return this.emit("error", new Error("write callback called multiple times"));
l.writechunk = null, l.writecb = null, h != null && this.push(h), d(y);
var s = this._readableState;
s.reading = !1, (s.needReadable || s.length < s.highWaterMark) && this._read(s.highWaterMark);
function b(y) {
if (!(this instanceof b))
return new b(y);, y), this._transformState = {
afterTransform: g.bind(this),
needTransform: !1,
transforming: !1,
writecb: null,
writechunk: null,
writeencoding: null
}, this._readableState.needReadable = !0, this._readableState.sync = !1, y && (typeof y.transform == "function" && (this._transform = y.transform), typeof y.flush == "function" && (this._flush = y.flush)), this.on("prefinish", w);
function w() {
var y = this;
typeof this._flush == "function" ? this._flush(function(h, l) {
f(y, h, l);
}) : f(this, null, null);
b.prototype.push = function(y, h) {
return this._transformState.needTransform = !1,, y, h);
}, b.prototype._transform = function(y, h, l) {
throw new Error("_transform() is not implemented");
}, b.prototype._write = function(y, h, l) {
var d = this._transformState;
if (d.writecb = l, d.writechunk = y, d.writeencoding = h, !d.transforming) {
var s = this._readableState;
(d.needTransform || s.needReadable || s.length < s.highWaterMark) && this._read(s.highWaterMark);
}, b.prototype._read = function(y) {
var h = this._transformState;
h.writechunk !== null && h.writecb && !h.transforming ? (h.transforming = !0, this._transform(h.writechunk, h.writeencoding, h.afterTransform)) : h.needTransform = !0;
}, b.prototype._destroy = function(y, h) {
var l = this;, y, function(d) {
h(d), l.emit("close");
function f(y, h, l) {
if (h)
return y.emit("error", h);
if (l != null && y.push(l), y._writableState.length)
throw new Error("Calling transform done when ws.length != 0");
if (y._transformState.transforming)
throw new Error("Calling transform done when still transforming");
return y.push(null);
}, { "./_stream_duplex": 508, "core-util-is": 328, inherits: 387 }], 512: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m, g) {
var b = e("process-nextick-args");
x.exports = o;
function w(B) {
var j = this; = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() {
D(j, B);
var f = !u.browser && ["v0.10", "v0.9."].indexOf(u.version.slice(0, 5)) > -1 ? g : b.nextTick, y;
o.WritableState = i;
var h = Object.create(e("core-util-is"));
h.inherits = e("inherits");
var l = {
deprecate: e("util-deprecate")
}, d = e("./internal/streams/stream"), s = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, v = m.Uint8Array || function() {
function c(B) {
return s.from(B);
function a(B) {
return s.isBuffer(B) || B instanceof v;
var r = e("./internal/streams/destroy");
h.inherits(o, d);
function t() {
function i(B, j) {
y = y || e("./_stream_duplex"), B = B || {};
var V = j instanceof y;
this.objectMode = !!B.objectMode, V && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!B.writableObjectMode);
var re = B.highWaterMark, ee = B.writableHighWaterMark, ce = this.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024;
re || re === 0 ? this.highWaterMark = re : V && (ee || ee === 0) ? this.highWaterMark = ee : this.highWaterMark = ce, this.highWaterMark = Math.floor(this.highWaterMark), this.finalCalled = !1, this.needDrain = !1, this.ending = !1, this.ended = !1, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1;
var ve = B.decodeStrings === !1;
this.decodeStrings = !ve, this.defaultEncoding = B.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = !1, this.corked = 0, this.sync = !0, this.bufferProcessing = !1, this.onwrite = function(ge) {
I(j, ge);
}, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = !1, this.errorEmitted = !1, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new w(this);
i.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
for (var j = this.bufferedRequest, V = []; j; )
V.push(j), j =;
return V;
}, function() {
try {
Object.defineProperty(i.prototype, "buffer", {
get: l.deprecate(function() {
return this.getBuffer();
}, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003")
} catch (B) {
var n;
typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (n = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(o, Symbol.hasInstance, {
value: function(j) {
return, j) ? !0 : this !== o ? !1 : j && j._writableState instanceof i;
})) : n = function(j) {
return j instanceof this;
function o(B) {
if (y = y || e("./_stream_duplex"), !, this) && !(this instanceof y))
return new o(B);
this._writableState = new i(B, this), this.writable = !0, B && (typeof B.write == "function" && (this._write = B.write), typeof B.writev == "function" && (this._writev = B.writev), typeof B.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = B.destroy), typeof == "function" && (this._final =,;
o.prototype.pipe = function() {
this.emit("error", new Error("Cannot pipe, not readable"));
function p(B, j) {
var V = new Error("write after end");
B.emit("error", V), b.nextTick(j, V);
function O(B, j, V, re) {
var ee = !0, ce = !1;
return V === null ? ce = new TypeError("May not write null values to stream") : typeof V != "string" && V !== void 0 && !j.objectMode && (ce = new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk")), ce && (B.emit("error", ce), b.nextTick(re, ce), ee = !1), ee;
o.prototype.write = function(B, j, V) {
var re = this._writableState, ee = !1, ce = !re.objectMode && a(B);
return ce && !s.isBuffer(B) && (B = c(B)), typeof j == "function" && (V = j, j = null), ce ? j = "buffer" : j || (j = re.defaultEncoding), typeof V != "function" && (V = t), re.ended ? p(this, V) : (ce || O(this, re, B, V)) && (re.pendingcb++, ee = F(this, re, ce, B, j, V)), ee;
}, o.prototype.cork = function() {
var B = this._writableState;
}, o.prototype.uncork = function() {
var B = this._writableState;
B.corked && (B.corked--, !B.writing && !B.corked && !B.finished && !B.bufferProcessing && B.bufferedRequest && E(this, B));
}, o.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(j) {
if (typeof j == "string" && (j = j.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((j + "").toLowerCase()) > -1))
throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + j);
return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = j, this;
function P(B, j, V) {
return !B.objectMode && B.decodeStrings !== !1 && typeof j == "string" && (j = s.from(j, V)), j;
Object.defineProperty(o.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", {
// making it explicit this property is not enumerable
// because otherwise some prototype manipulation in
// userland will fail
enumerable: !1,
get: function() {
return this._writableState.highWaterMark;
function F(B, j, V, re, ee, ce) {
if (!V) {
var ve = P(j, re, ee);
re !== ve && (V = !0, ee = "buffer", re = ve);
var ge = j.objectMode ? 1 : re.length;
j.length += ge;
var oe = j.length < j.highWaterMark;
if (oe || (j.needDrain = !0), j.writing || j.corked) {
var J = j.lastBufferedRequest;
j.lastBufferedRequest = {
chunk: re,
encoding: ee,
isBuf: V,
callback: ce,
next: null
}, J ? = j.lastBufferedRequest : j.bufferedRequest = j.lastBufferedRequest, j.bufferedRequestCount += 1;
} else
z(B, j, !1, ge, re, ee, ce);
return oe;
function z(B, j, V, re, ee, ce, ve) {
j.writelen = re, j.writecb = ve, j.writing = !0, j.sync = !0, V ? B._writev(ee, j.onwrite) : B._write(ee, ce, j.onwrite), j.sync = !1;
function N(B, j, V, re, ee) {
--j.pendingcb, V ? (b.nextTick(ee, re), b.nextTick(W, B, j), B._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, B.emit("error", re)) : (ee(re), B._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, B.emit("error", re), W(B, j));
function M(B) {
B.writing = !1, B.writecb = null, B.length -= B.writelen, B.writelen = 0;
function I(B, j) {
var V = B._writableState, re = V.sync, ee = V.writecb;
if (M(V), j)
N(B, V, re, j, ee);
else {
var ce = A(V);
!ce && !V.corked && !V.bufferProcessing && V.bufferedRequest && E(B, V), re ? f(R, B, V, ce, ee) : R(B, V, ce, ee);
function R(B, j, V, re) {
V || C(B, j), j.pendingcb--, re(), W(B, j);
function C(B, j) {
j.length === 0 && j.needDrain && (j.needDrain = !1, B.emit("drain"));
function E(B, j) {
j.bufferProcessing = !0;
var V = j.bufferedRequest;
if (B._writev && V && {
var re = j.bufferedRequestCount, ee = new Array(re), ce = j.corkedRequestsFree;
ce.entry = V;
for (var ve = 0, ge = !0; V; )
ee[ve] = V, V.isBuf || (ge = !1), V =, ve += 1;
ee.allBuffers = ge, z(B, j, !0, j.length, ee, "", ce.finish), j.pendingcb++, j.lastBufferedRequest = null, ? (j.corkedRequestsFree =, = null) : j.corkedRequestsFree = new w(j), j.bufferedRequestCount = 0;
} else {
for (; V; ) {
var oe = V.chunk, J = V.encoding, Q = V.callback, he = j.objectMode ? 1 : oe.length;
if (z(B, j, !1, he, oe, J, Q), V =, j.bufferedRequestCount--, j.writing)
V === null && (j.lastBufferedRequest = null);
j.bufferedRequest = V, j.bufferProcessing = !1;
o.prototype._write = function(B, j, V) {
V(new Error("_write() is not implemented"));
}, o.prototype._writev = null, o.prototype.end = function(B, j, V) {
var re = this._writableState;
typeof B == "function" ? (V = B, B = null, j = null) : typeof j == "function" && (V = j, j = null), B != null && this.write(B, j), re.corked && (re.corked = 1, this.uncork()), !re.ending && !re.finished && U(this, re, V);
function A(B) {
return B.ending && B.length === 0 && B.bufferedRequest === null && !B.finished && !B.writing;
function L(B, j) {
B._final(function(V) {
j.pendingcb--, V && B.emit("error", V), j.prefinished = !0, B.emit("prefinish"), W(B, j);
function $(B, j) {
!j.prefinished && !j.finalCalled && (typeof B._final == "function" ? (j.pendingcb++, j.finalCalled = !0, b.nextTick(L, B, j)) : (j.prefinished = !0, B.emit("prefinish")));
function W(B, j) {
var V = A(j);
return V && ($(B, j), j.pendingcb === 0 && (j.finished = !0, B.emit("finish"))), V;
function U(B, j, V) {
j.ending = !0, W(B, j), V && (j.finished ? b.nextTick(V) : B.once("finish", V)), j.ended = !0, B.writable = !1;
function D(B, j, V) {
var re = B.entry;
for (B.entry = null; re; ) {
var ee = re.callback;
j.pendingcb--, ee(V), re =;
j.corkedRequestsFree ? = B : j.corkedRequestsFree = B;
Object.defineProperty(o.prototype, "destroyed", {
get: function() {
return this._writableState === void 0 ? !1 : this._writableState.destroyed;
set: function(j) {
this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = j);
}), o.prototype.destroy = r.destroy, o.prototype._undestroy = r.undestroy, o.prototype._destroy = function(B, j) {
this.end(), j(B);
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {}, e("timers").setImmediate);
}, { "./_stream_duplex": 508, "./internal/streams/destroy": 514, "./internal/streams/stream": 515, _process: 467, "core-util-is": 328, inherits: 387, "process-nextick-args": 466, "safe-buffer": 494, timers: 521, "util-deprecate": 522 }], 513: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(w, f) {
if (!(w instanceof f))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, g = e("util");
function b(w, f, y) {
w.copy(f, y);
x.exports = function() {
function w() {
u(this, w), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0;
return w.prototype.push = function(y) {
var h = {
data: y,
next: null
this.length > 0 ? = h : this.head = h, this.tail = h, ++this.length;
}, w.prototype.unshift = function(y) {
var h = {
data: y,
next: this.head
this.length === 0 && (this.tail = h), this.head = h, ++this.length;
}, w.prototype.shift = function() {
if (this.length !== 0) {
var y =;
return this.length === 1 ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head =, --this.length, y;
}, w.prototype.clear = function() {
this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0;
}, w.prototype.join = function(y) {
if (this.length === 0)
return "";
for (var h = this.head, l = "" +; h =; )
l += y +;
return l;
}, w.prototype.concat = function(y) {
if (this.length === 0)
return m.alloc(0);
if (this.length === 1)
for (var h = m.allocUnsafe(y >>> 0), l = this.head, d = 0; l; )
b(, h, d), d +=, l =;
return h;
}, w;
}(), g && g.inspect && g.inspect.custom && (x.exports.prototype[g.inspect.custom] = function() {
var w = g.inspect({
length: this.length
return + " " + w;
}, { "safe-buffer": 494, util: 185 }], 514: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("process-nextick-args");
function m(w, f) {
var y = this, h = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, l = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed;
return h || l ? (f ? f(w) : w && (!this._writableState || !this._writableState.errorEmitted) && u.nextTick(b, this, w), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(w || null, function(d) {
!f && d ? (u.nextTick(b, y, d), y._writableState && (y._writableState.errorEmitted = !0)) : f && f(d);
}), this);
function g() {
this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !1, this._readableState.reading = !1, this._readableState.ended = !1, this._readableState.endEmitted = !1), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !1, this._writableState.ended = !1, this._writableState.ending = !1, this._writableState.finished = !1, this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1);
function b(w, f) {
w.emit("error", f);
x.exports = {
destroy: m,
undestroy: g
}, { "process-nextick-args": 466 }], 515: [function(e, x, _) {
arguments[4][490][0].apply(_, arguments);
}, { dup: 490, events: 367 }], 516: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("./readable").PassThrough;
}, { "./readable": 517 }], 517: [function(e, x, _) {
_ = x.exports = e("./lib/_stream_readable.js"), _.Stream = _, _.Readable = _, _.Writable = e("./lib/_stream_writable.js"), _.Duplex = e("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"), _.Transform = e("./lib/_stream_transform.js"), _.PassThrough = e("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js");
}, { "./lib/_stream_duplex.js": 508, "./lib/_stream_passthrough.js": 509, "./lib/_stream_readable.js": 510, "./lib/_stream_transform.js": 511, "./lib/_stream_writable.js": 512 }], 518: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("./readable").Transform;
}, { "./readable": 517 }], 519: [function(e, x, _) {
x.exports = e("./lib/_stream_writable.js");
}, { "./lib/_stream_writable.js": 512 }], 520: [function(e, x, _) {
var u = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, m = u.isEncoding || function(n) {
switch (n = "" + n, n && n.toLowerCase()) {
case "hex":
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
case "ascii":
case "binary":
case "base64":
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
case "raw":
return !0;
return !1;
function g(n) {
if (!n)
return "utf8";
for (var o; ; )
switch (n) {
case "utf8":
case "utf-8":
return "utf8";
case "ucs2":
case "ucs-2":
case "utf16le":
case "utf-16le":
return "utf16le";
case "latin1":
case "binary":
return "latin1";
case "base64":
case "ascii":
case "hex":
return n;
if (o)
n = ("" + n).toLowerCase(), o = !0;
function b(n) {
var o = g(n);
if (typeof o != "string" && (u.isEncoding === m || !m(n)))
throw new Error("Unknown encoding: " + n);
return o || n;
_.StringDecoder = w;
function w(n) {
this.encoding = b(n);
var o;
switch (this.encoding) {
case "utf16le":
this.text = v, this.end = c, o = 4;
case "utf8":
this.fillLast = l, o = 4;
case "base64":
this.text = a, this.end = r, o = 3;
this.write = t, this.end = i;
this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = u.allocUnsafe(o);
w.prototype.write = function(n) {
if (n.length === 0)
return "";
var o, p;
if (this.lastNeed) {
if (o = this.fillLast(n), o === void 0)
return "";
p = this.lastNeed, this.lastNeed = 0;
} else
p = 0;
return p < n.length ? o ? o + this.text(n, p) : this.text(n, p) : o || "";
}, w.prototype.end = s, w.prototype.text = d, w.prototype.fillLast = function(n) {
if (this.lastNeed <= n.length)
return n.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal);
n.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, n.length), this.lastNeed -= n.length;
function f(n) {
return n <= 127 ? 0 : n >> 5 === 6 ? 2 : n >> 4 === 14 ? 3 : n >> 3 === 30 ? 4 : n >> 6 === 2 ? -1 : -2;
function y(n, o, p) {
var O = o.length - 1;
if (O < p)
return 0;
var P = f(o[O]);
return P >= 0 ? (P > 0 && (n.lastNeed = P - 1), P) : --O < p || P === -2 ? 0 : (P = f(o[O]), P >= 0 ? (P > 0 && (n.lastNeed = P - 2), P) : --O < p || P === -2 ? 0 : (P = f(o[O]), P >= 0 ? (P > 0 && (P === 2 ? P = 0 : n.lastNeed = P - 3), P) : 0));
function h(n, o, p) {
if ((o[0] & 192) !== 128)
return n.lastNeed = 0, "�";
if (n.lastNeed > 1 && o.length > 1) {
if ((o[1] & 192) !== 128)
return n.lastNeed = 1, "�";
if (n.lastNeed > 2 && o.length > 2 && (o[2] & 192) !== 128)
return n.lastNeed = 2, "�";
function l(n) {
var o = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, p = h(this, n);
if (p !== void 0)
return p;
if (this.lastNeed <= n.length)
return n.copy(this.lastChar, o, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal);
n.copy(this.lastChar, o, 0, n.length), this.lastNeed -= n.length;
function d(n, o) {
var p = y(this, n, o);
if (!this.lastNeed)
return n.toString("utf8", o);
this.lastTotal = p;
var O = n.length - (p - this.lastNeed);
return n.copy(this.lastChar, 0, O), n.toString("utf8", o, O);
function s(n) {
var o = n && n.length ? this.write(n) : "";
return this.lastNeed ? o + "�" : o;
function v(n, o) {
if ((n.length - o) % 2 === 0) {
var p = n.toString("utf16le", o);
if (p) {
var O = p.charCodeAt(p.length - 1);
if (O >= 55296 && O <= 56319)
return this.lastNeed = 2, this.lastTotal = 4, this.lastChar[0] = n[n.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = n[n.length - 1], p.slice(0, -1);
return p;
return this.lastNeed = 1, this.lastTotal = 2, this.lastChar[0] = n[n.length - 1], n.toString("utf16le", o, n.length - 1);
function c(n) {
var o = n && n.length ? this.write(n) : "";
if (this.lastNeed) {
var p = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed;
return o + this.lastChar.toString("utf16le", 0, p);
return o;
function a(n, o) {
var p = (n.length - o) % 3;
return p === 0 ? n.toString("base64", o) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - p, this.lastTotal = 3, p === 1 ? this.lastChar[0] = n[n.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = n[n.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = n[n.length - 1]), n.toString("base64", o, n.length - p));
function r(n) {
var o = n && n.length ? this.write(n) : "";
return this.lastNeed ? o + this.lastChar.toString("base64", 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : o;
function t(n) {
return n.toString(this.encoding);
function i(n) {
return n && n.length ? this.write(n) : "";
}, { "safe-buffer": 494 }], 521: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
var g = e("process/browser.js").nextTick, b = Function.prototype.apply, w = Array.prototype.slice, f = {}, y = 0;
_.setTimeout = function() {
return new h(, window, arguments), clearTimeout);
}, _.setInterval = function() {
return new h(, window, arguments), clearInterval);
}, _.clearTimeout = _.clearInterval = function(l) {
function h(l, d) {
this._id = l, this._clearFn = d;
h.prototype.unref = h.prototype.ref = function() {
}, h.prototype.close = function() {, this._id);
}, _.enroll = function(l, d) {
clearTimeout(l._idleTimeoutId), l._idleTimeout = d;
}, _.unenroll = function(l) {
clearTimeout(l._idleTimeoutId), l._idleTimeout = -1;
}, _._unrefActive = = function(l) {
var d = l._idleTimeout;
d >= 0 && (l._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
l._onTimeout && l._onTimeout();
}, d));
}, _.setImmediate = typeof u == "function" ? u : function(l) {
var d = y++, s = arguments.length < 2 ? !1 :, 1);
return f[d] = !0, g(function() {
f[d] && (s ? l.apply(null, s) :, _.clearImmediate(d));
}), d;
}, _.clearImmediate = typeof m == "function" ? m : function(l) {
delete f[l];
}).call(this, e("timers").setImmediate, e("timers").clearImmediate);
}, { "process/browser.js": 467, timers: 521 }], 522: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u) {
x.exports = m;
function m(b, w) {
if (g("noDeprecation"))
return b;
var f = !1;
function y() {
if (!f) {
if (g("throwDeprecation"))
throw new Error(w);
g("traceDeprecation") ? console.trace(w) : console.warn(w), f = !0;
return b.apply(this, arguments);
return y;
function g(b) {
try {
if (!u.localStorage)
return !1;
} catch (f) {
return !1;
var w = u.localStorage[b];
return w == null ? !1 : String(w).toLowerCase() === "true";
}).call(this, typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, {}], 523: [function(e, x, _) {
typeof Object.create == "function" ? x.exports = function(m, g) {
m.super_ = g, m.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: m,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
} : x.exports = function(m, g) {
m.super_ = g;
var b = function() {
b.prototype = g.prototype, m.prototype = new b(), m.prototype.constructor = m;
}, {}], 524: [function(e, x, _) {
function u(m) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? u = function(b) {
return typeof b;
} : u = function(b) {
return b && typeof Symbol == "function" && b.constructor === Symbol && b !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof b;
}, u(m);
x.exports = function(g) {
return g && u(g) === "object" && typeof g.copy == "function" && typeof g.fill == "function" && typeof g.readUInt8 == "function";
}, {}], 525: [function(e, x, _) {
(function(u, m) {
function g(D) {
return typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? g = function(j) {
return typeof j;
} : g = function(j) {
return j && typeof Symbol == "function" && j.constructor === Symbol && j !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof j;
}, g(D);
var b = /%[sdj%]/g;
_.format = function(D) {
if (!P(D)) {
for (var B = [], j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++)
return B.join(" ");
for (var j = 1, V = arguments, re = V.length, ee = String(D).replace(b, function(ve) {
if (ve === "%%")
return "%";
if (j >= re)
return ve;
switch (ve) {
case "%s":
return String(V[j++]);
case "%d":
return Number(V[j++]);
case "%j":
try {
return JSON.stringify(V[j++]);
} catch (ge) {
return "[Circular]";
return ve;
}), ce = V[j]; j < re; ce = V[++j])
o(ce) || !M(ce) ? ee += " " + ce : ee += " " + y(ce);
return ee;
}, _.deprecate = function(D, B) {
if (z(m.process))
return function() {
return _.deprecate(D, B).apply(this, arguments);
if (u.noDeprecation === !0)
return D;
var j = !1;
function V() {
if (!j) {
if (u.throwDeprecation)
throw new Error(B);
u.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(B) : console.error(B), j = !0;
return D.apply(this, arguments);
return V;
var w = {}, f;
_.debuglog = function(D) {
if (z(f) && (f = u.env.NODE_DEBUG || ""), D = D.toUpperCase(), !w[D])
if (new RegExp("\\b" + D + "\\b", "i").test(f)) {
var B =;
w[D] = function() {
var j = _.format.apply(_, arguments);
console.error("%s %d: %s", D, B, j);
} else
w[D] = function() {
return w[D];
function y(D, B) {
var j = {
seen: [],
stylize: l
return arguments.length >= 3 && (j.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (j.colors = arguments[3]), n(B) ? j.showHidden = B : B && _._extend(j, B), z(j.showHidden) && (j.showHidden = !1), z(j.depth) && (j.depth = 2), z(j.colors) && (j.colors = !1), z(j.customInspect) && (j.customInspect = !0), j.colors && (j.stylize = h), s(j, D, j.depth);
_.inspect = y, y.colors = {
bold: [1, 22],
italic: [3, 23],
underline: [4, 24],
inverse: [7, 27],
white: [37, 39],
grey: [90, 39],
black: [30, 39],
blue: [34, 39],
cyan: [36, 39],
green: [32, 39],
magenta: [35, 39],
red: [31, 39],
yellow: [33, 39]
}, y.styles = {
special: "cyan",
number: "yellow",
boolean: "yellow",
undefined: "grey",
null: "bold",
string: "green",
date: "magenta",
// "name": intentionally not styling
regexp: "red"
function h(D, B) {
var j = y.styles[B];
return j ? "\x1B[" + y.colors[j][0] + "m" + D + "\x1B[" + y.colors[j][1] + "m" : D;
function l(D, B) {
return D;
function d(D) {
var B = {};
return D.forEach(function(j, V) {
B[j] = !0;
}), B;
function s(D, B, j) {
if (D.customInspect && B && C(B.inspect) && // Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special
B.inspect !== _.inspect && // Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.
!(B.constructor && B.constructor.prototype === B)) {
var V = B.inspect(j, D);
return P(V) || (V = s(D, V, j)), V;
var re = v(D, B);
if (re)
return re;
var ee = Object.keys(B), ce = d(ee);
if (D.showHidden && (ee = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(B)), R(B) && (ee.indexOf("message") >= 0 || ee.indexOf("description") >= 0))
return c(B);
if (ee.length === 0) {
if (C(B)) {
var ve = ? ": " + : "";
return D.stylize("[Function" + ve + "]", "special");
if (N(B))
return D.stylize(, "regexp");
if (I(B))
return D.stylize(, "date");
if (R(B))
return c(B);
var ge = "", oe = !1, J = ["{", "}"];
if (i(B) && (oe = !0, J = ["[", "]"]), C(B)) {
var Q = ? ": " + : "";
ge = " [Function" + Q + "]";
if (N(B) && (ge = " " +, I(B) && (ge = " " +, R(B) && (ge = " " + c(B)), ee.length === 0 && (!oe || B.length == 0))
return J[0] + ge + J[1];
if (j < 0)
return N(B) ? D.stylize(, "regexp") : D.stylize("[Object]", "special");
var he;
return oe ? he = a(D, B, j, ce, ee) : he = {
return r(D, B, j, ce, ke, oe);
}), D.seen.pop(), t(he, ge, J);
function v(D, B) {
if (z(B))
return D.stylize("undefined", "undefined");
if (P(B)) {
var j = "'" + JSON.stringify(B).replace(/^"|"$/g, "").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + "'";
return D.stylize(j, "string");
if (O(B))
return D.stylize("" + B, "number");
if (n(B))
return D.stylize("" + B, "boolean");
if (o(B))
return D.stylize("null", "null");
function c(D) {
return "[" + + "]";
function a(D, B, j, V, re) {
for (var ee = [], ce = 0, ve = B.length; ce < ve; ++ce)
U(B, String(ce)) ? ee.push(r(D, B, j, V, String(ce), !0)) : ee.push("");
return re.forEach(function(ge) {
ge.match(/^\d+$/) || ee.push(r(D, B, j, V, ge, !0));
}), ee;
function r(D, B, j, V, re, ee) {
var ce, ve, ge;
if (ge = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(B, re) || {
value: B[re]
}, ge.get ? ge.set ? ve = D.stylize("[Getter/Setter]", "special") : ve = D.stylize("[Getter]", "special") : ge.set && (ve = D.stylize("[Setter]", "special")), U(V, re) || (ce = "[" + re + "]"), ve || (D.seen.indexOf(ge.value) < 0 ? (o(j) ? ve = s(D, ge.value, null) : ve = s(D, ge.value, j - 1), ve.indexOf(`
`) > -1 && (ee ? ve = ve.split(`
`).map(function(oe) {
return " " + oe;
`).substr(2) : ve = `
` + ve.split(`
`).map(function(oe) {
return " " + oe;
`))) : ve = D.stylize("[Circular]", "special")), z(ce)) {
if (ee && re.match(/^\d+$/))
return ve;
ce = JSON.stringify("" + re), ce.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (ce = ce.substr(1, ce.length - 2), ce = D.stylize(ce, "name")) : (ce = ce.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"), ce = D.stylize(ce, "string"));
return ce + ": " + ve;
function t(D, B, j) {
var V = D.reduce(function(re, ee) {
return ee.indexOf(`
`) >= 0, re + ee.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1;
}, 0);
return V > 60 ? j[0] + (B === "" ? "" : B + `
`) + " " + D.join(`,
`) + " " + j[1] : j[0] + B + " " + D.join(", ") + " " + j[1];
function i(D) {
return Array.isArray(D);
_.isArray = i;
function n(D) {
return typeof D == "boolean";
_.isBoolean = n;
function o(D) {
return D === null;
_.isNull = o;
function p(D) {
return D == null;
_.isNullOrUndefined = p;
function O(D) {
return typeof D == "number";
_.isNumber = O;
function P(D) {
return typeof D == "string";
_.isString = P;
function F(D) {
return g(D) === "symbol";
_.isSymbol = F;
function z(D) {
return D === void 0;
_.isUndefined = z;
function N(D) {
return M(D) && A(D) === "[object RegExp]";
_.isRegExp = N;
function M(D) {
return g(D) === "object" && D !== null;
_.isObject = M;
function I(D) {
return M(D) && A(D) === "[object Date]";
_.isDate = I;
function R(D) {
return M(D) && (A(D) === "[object Error]" || D instanceof Error);
_.isError = R;
function C(D) {
return typeof D == "function";
_.isFunction = C;
function E(D) {
return D === null || typeof D == "boolean" || typeof D == "number" || typeof D == "string" || g(D) === "symbol" || // ES6 symbol
typeof D == "undefined";
_.isPrimitive = E, _.isBuffer = e("./support/isBuffer");
function A(D) {
function L(D) {
return D < 10 ? "0" + D.toString(10) : D.toString(10);
var $ = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
function W() {
var D = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), B = [L(D.getHours()), L(D.getMinutes()), L(D.getSeconds())].join(":");
return [D.getDate(), $[D.getMonth()], B].join(" ");
_.log = function() {
console.log("%s - %s", W(), _.format.apply(_, arguments));
}, _.inherits = e("inherits"), _._extend = function(D, B) {
if (!B || !M(B))
return D;
for (var j = Object.keys(B), V = j.length; V--; )
D[j[V]] = B[j[V]];
return D;
function U(D, B) {
return, B);
}).call(this, e("_process"), typeof Wt != "undefined" ? Wt : typeof self != "undefined" ? self : typeof window != "undefined" ? window : {});
}, { "./support/isBuffer": 524, _process: 467, inherits: 523 }], 526: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "v1", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return u.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "v3", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return m.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "v4", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return g.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "v5", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return b.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "NIL", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return w.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "version", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return f.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "validate", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return y.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "stringify", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return h.default;
}), Object.defineProperty(_, "parse", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return l.default;
var u = d(e("./v1.js")), m = d(e("./v3.js")), g = d(e("./v4.js")), b = d(e("./v5.js")), w = d(e("./nil.js")), f = d(e("./version.js")), y = d(e("./validate.js")), h = d(e("./stringify.js")), l = d(e("./parse.js"));
function d(s) {
return s && s.__esModule ? s : {
default: s
}, { "./nil.js": 528, "./parse.js": 529, "./stringify.js": 533, "./v1.js": 534, "./v3.js": 535, "./v4.js": 537, "./v5.js": 538, "./validate.js": 539, "./version.js": 540 }], 527: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
function u(a) {
if (typeof a == "string") {
var r = unescape(encodeURIComponent(a));
a = new Uint8Array(r.length);
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; ++t)
a[t] = r.charCodeAt(t);
return m(b(w(a), a.length * 8));
function m(a) {
for (var r = [], t = a.length * 32, i = "0123456789abcdef", n = 0; n < t; n += 8) {
var o = a[n >> 5] >>> n % 32 & 255, p = parseInt(i.charAt(o >>> 4 & 15) + i.charAt(o & 15), 16);
return r;
function g(a) {
return (a + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14 + 1;
function b(a, r) {
a[r >> 5] |= 128 << r % 32, a[g(r) - 1] = r;
for (var t = 1732584193, i = -271733879, n = -1732584194, o = 271733878, p = 0; p < a.length; p += 16) {
var O = t, P = i, F = n, z = o;
t = l(t, i, n, o, a[p], 7, -680876936), o = l(o, t, i, n, a[p + 1], 12, -389564586), n = l(n, o, t, i, a[p + 2], 17, 606105819), i = l(i, n, o, t, a[p + 3], 22, -1044525330), t = l(t, i, n, o, a[p + 4], 7, -176418897), o = l(o, t, i, n, a[p + 5], 12, 1200080426), n = l(n, o, t, i, a[p + 6], 17, -1473231341), i = l(i, n, o, t, a[p + 7], 22, -45705983), t = l(t, i, n, o, a[p + 8], 7, 1770035416), o = l(o, t, i, n, a[p + 9], 12, -1958414417), n = l(n, o, t, i, a[p + 10], 17, -42063), i = l(i, n, o, t, a[p + 11], 22, -1990404162), t = l(t, i, n, o, a[p + 12], 7, 1804603682), o = l(o, t, i, n, a[p + 13], 12, -40341101), n = l(n, o, t, i, a[p + 14], 17, -1502002290), i = l(i, n, o, t, a[p + 15], 22, 1236535329), t = d(t, i, n, o, a[p + 1], 5, -165796510), o = d(o, t, i, n, a[p + 6], 9, -1069501632), n = d(n, o, t, i, a[p + 11], 14, 643717713), i = d(i, n, o, t, a[p], 20, -373897302), t = d(t, i, n, o, a[p + 5], 5, -701558691), o = d(o, t, i, n, a[p + 10], 9, 38016083), n = d(n, o, t, i, a[p + 15], 14, -660478335), i = d(i, n, o, t, a[p + 4], 20, -405537848), t = d(t, i, n, o, a[p + 9], 5, 568446438), o = d(o, t, i, n, a[p + 14], 9, -1019803690), n = d(n, o, t, i, a[p + 3], 14, -187363961), i = d(i, n, o, t, a[p + 8], 20, 1163531501), t = d(t, i, n, o, a[p + 13], 5, -1444681467), o = d(o, t, i, n, a[p + 2], 9, -51403784), n = d(n, o, t, i, a[p + 7], 14, 1735328473), i = d(i, n, o, t, a[p + 12], 20, -1926607734), t = s(t, i, n, o, a[p + 5], 4, -378558), o = s(o, t, i, n, a[p + 8], 11, -2022574463), n = s(n, o, t, i, a[p + 11], 16, 1839030562), i = s(i, n, o, t, a[p + 14], 23, -35309556), t = s(t, i, n, o, a[p + 1], 4, -1530992060), o = s(o, t, i, n, a[p + 4], 11, 1272893353), n = s(n, o, t, i, a[p + 7], 16, -155497632), i = s(i, n, o, t, a[p + 10], 23, -1094730640), t = s(t, i, n, o, a[p + 13], 4, 681279174), o = s(o, t, i, n, a[p], 11, -358537222), n = s(n, o, t, i, a[p + 3], 16, -722521979), i = s(i, n, o, t, a[p + 6], 23, 76029189), t = s(t, i, n, o, a[p + 9], 4, -640364487), o = s(o, t, i, n, a[p + 12], 11, -421815835), n = s(n, o, t, i, a[p + 15], 16, 530742520), i = s(i, n, o, t, a[p + 2], 23, -995338651), t = v(t, i, n, o, a[p], 6, -198630844), o = v(o, t, i, n, a[p + 7], 10, 1126891415), n = v(n, o, t, i, a[p + 14], 15, -1416354905), i = v(i, n, o, t, a[p + 5], 21, -57434055), t = v(t, i, n, o, a[p + 12], 6, 1700485571), o = v(o, t, i, n, a[p + 3], 10, -1894986606), n = v(n, o, t, i, a[p + 10], 15, -1051523), i = v(i, n, o, t, a[p + 1], 21, -2054922799), t = v(t, i, n, o, a[p + 8], 6, 1873313359), o = v(o, t, i, n, a[p + 15], 10, -30611744), n = v(n, o, t, i, a[p + 6], 15, -1560198380), i = v(i, n, o, t, a[p + 13], 21, 1309151649), t = v(t, i, n, o, a[p + 4], 6, -145523070), o = v(o, t, i, n, a[p + 11], 10, -1120210379), n = v(n, o, t, i, a[p + 2], 15, 718787259), i = v(i, n, o, t, a[p + 9], 21, -343485551), t = f(t, O), i = f(i, P), n = f(n, F), o = f(o, z);
return [t, i, n, o];
function w(a) {
if (a.length === 0)
return [];
for (var r = a.length * 8, t = new Uint32Array(g(r)), i = 0; i < r; i += 8)
t[i >> 5] |= (a[i / 8] & 255) << i % 32;
return t;
function f(a, r) {
var t = (a & 65535) + (r & 65535), i = (a >> 16) + (r >> 16) + (t >> 16);
return i << 16 | t & 65535;
function y(a, r) {
return a << r | a >>> 32 - r;
function h(a, r, t, i, n, o) {
return f(y(f(f(r, a), f(i, o)), n), t);
function l(a, r, t, i, n, o, p) {
return h(r & t | ~r & i, a, r, n, o, p);
function d(a, r, t, i, n, o, p) {
return h(r & i | t & ~i, a, r, n, o, p);
function s(a, r, t, i, n, o, p) {
return h(r ^ t ^ i, a, r, n, o, p);
function v(a, r, t, i, n, o, p) {
return h(t ^ (r | ~i), a, r, n, o, p);
var c = u;
_.default = c;
}, {}], 528: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
_.default = u;
}, {}], 529: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = m(e("./validate.js"));
function m(w) {
return w && w.__esModule ? w : {
default: w
function g(w) {
if (!(0, u.default)(w))
throw TypeError("Invalid UUID");
var f, y = new Uint8Array(16);
return y[0] = (f = parseInt(w.slice(0, 8), 16)) >>> 24, y[1] = f >>> 16 & 255, y[2] = f >>> 8 & 255, y[3] = f & 255, y[4] = (f = parseInt(w.slice(9, 13), 16)) >>> 8, y[5] = f & 255, y[6] = (f = parseInt(w.slice(14, 18), 16)) >>> 8, y[7] = f & 255, y[8] = (f = parseInt(w.slice(19, 23), 16)) >>> 8, y[9] = f & 255, y[10] = (f = parseInt(w.slice(24, 36), 16)) / 1099511627776 & 255, y[11] = f / 4294967296 & 255, y[12] = f >>> 24 & 255, y[13] = f >>> 16 & 255, y[14] = f >>> 8 & 255, y[15] = f & 255, y;
var b = g;
_.default = b;
}, { "./validate.js": 539 }], 530: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i;
_.default = u;
}, {}], 531: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = g;
var u = typeof crypto != "undefined" && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto) || typeof msCrypto != "undefined" && typeof msCrypto.getRandomValues == "function" && msCrypto.getRandomValues.bind(msCrypto), m = new Uint8Array(16);
function g() {
if (!u)
throw new Error("crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See");
return u(m);
}, {}], 532: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
function u(w, f, y, h) {
switch (w) {
case 0:
return f & y ^ ~f & h;
case 1:
return f ^ y ^ h;
case 2:
return f & y ^ f & h ^ y & h;
case 3:
return f ^ y ^ h;
function m(w, f) {
return w << f | w >>> 32 - f;
function g(w) {
var f = [1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 3395469782], y = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520];
if (typeof w == "string") {
var h = unescape(encodeURIComponent(w));
w = [];
for (var l = 0; l < h.length; ++l)
} else
Array.isArray(w) || (w =;
for (var d = w.length / 4 + 2, s = Math.ceil(d / 16), v = new Array(s), c = 0; c < s; ++c) {
for (var a = new Uint32Array(16), r = 0; r < 16; ++r)
a[r] = w[c * 64 + r * 4] << 24 | w[c * 64 + r * 4 + 1] << 16 | w[c * 64 + r * 4 + 2] << 8 | w[c * 64 + r * 4 + 3];
v[c] = a;
v[s - 1][14] = (w.length - 1) * 8 / Math.pow(2, 32), v[s - 1][14] = Math.floor(v[s - 1][14]), v[s - 1][15] = (w.length - 1) * 8 & 4294967295;
for (var t = 0; t < s; ++t) {
for (var i = new Uint32Array(80), n = 0; n < 16; ++n)
i[n] = v[t][n];
for (var o = 16; o < 80; ++o)
i[o] = m(i[o - 3] ^ i[o - 8] ^ i[o - 14] ^ i[o - 16], 1);
for (var p = y[0], O = y[1], P = y[2], F = y[3], z = y[4], N = 0; N < 80; ++N) {
var M = Math.floor(N / 20), I = m(p, 5) + u(M, O, P, F) + z + f[M] + i[N] >>> 0;
z = F, F = P, P = m(O, 30) >>> 0, O = p, p = I;
y[0] = y[0] + p >>> 0, y[1] = y[1] + O >>> 0, y[2] = y[2] + P >>> 0, y[3] = y[3] + F >>> 0, y[4] = y[4] + z >>> 0;
return [y[0] >> 24 & 255, y[0] >> 16 & 255, y[0] >> 8 & 255, y[0] & 255, y[1] >> 24 & 255, y[1] >> 16 & 255, y[1] >> 8 & 255, y[1] & 255, y[2] >> 24 & 255, y[2] >> 16 & 255, y[2] >> 8 & 255, y[2] & 255, y[3] >> 24 & 255, y[3] >> 16 & 255, y[3] >> 8 & 255, y[3] & 255, y[4] >> 24 & 255, y[4] >> 16 & 255, y[4] >> 8 & 255, y[4] & 255];
var b = g;
_.default = b;
}, {}], 533: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = m(e("./validate.js"));
function m(y) {
return y && y.__esModule ? y : {
default: y
for (var g = [], b = 0; b < 256; ++b)
g.push((b + 256).toString(16).substr(1));
function w(y) {
var h = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0, l = (g[y[h + 0]] + g[y[h + 1]] + g[y[h + 2]] + g[y[h + 3]] + "-" + g[y[h + 4]] + g[y[h + 5]] + "-" + g[y[h + 6]] + g[y[h + 7]] + "-" + g[y[h + 8]] + g[y[h + 9]] + "-" + g[y[h + 10]] + g[y[h + 11]] + g[y[h + 12]] + g[y[h + 13]] + g[y[h + 14]] + g[y[h + 15]]).toLowerCase();
if (!(0, u.default)(l))
throw TypeError("Stringified UUID is invalid");
return l;
var f = w;
_.default = f;
}, { "./validate.js": 539 }], 534: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = g(e("./rng.js")), m = g(e("./stringify.js"));
function g(d) {
return d && d.__esModule ? d : {
default: d
var b, w, f = 0, y = 0;
function h(d, s, v) {
var c = s && v || 0, a = s || new Array(16);
d = d || {};
var r = d.node || b, t = d.clockseq !== void 0 ? d.clockseq : w;
if (r == null || t == null) {
var i = d.random || (d.rng || u.default)();
r == null && (r = b = [i[0] | 1, i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]]), t == null && (t = w = (i[6] << 8 | i[7]) & 16383);
var n = d.msecs !== void 0 ? d.msecs :, o = d.nsecs !== void 0 ? d.nsecs : y + 1, p = n - f + (o - y) / 1e4;
if (p < 0 && d.clockseq === void 0 && (t = t + 1 & 16383), (p < 0 || n > f) && d.nsecs === void 0 && (o = 0), o >= 1e4)
throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec");
f = n, y = o, w = t, n += 122192928e5;
var O = ((n & 268435455) * 1e4 + o) % 4294967296;
a[c++] = O >>> 24 & 255, a[c++] = O >>> 16 & 255, a[c++] = O >>> 8 & 255, a[c++] = O & 255;
var P = n / 4294967296 * 1e4 & 268435455;
a[c++] = P >>> 8 & 255, a[c++] = P & 255, a[c++] = P >>> 24 & 15 | 16, a[c++] = P >>> 16 & 255, a[c++] = t >>> 8 | 128, a[c++] = t & 255;
for (var F = 0; F < 6; ++F)
a[c + F] = r[F];
return s || (0, m.default)(a);
var l = h;
_.default = l;
}, { "./rng.js": 531, "./stringify.js": 533 }], 535: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = g(e("./v35.js")), m = g(e("./md5.js"));
function g(f) {
return f && f.__esModule ? f : {
default: f
var b = (0, u.default)("v3", 48, m.default), w = b;
_.default = w;
}, { "./md5.js": 527, "./v35.js": 536 }], 536: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = y, _.URL = _.DNS = void 0;
var u = g(e("./stringify.js")), m = g(e("./parse.js"));
function g(h) {
return h && h.__esModule ? h : {
default: h
function b(h) {
h = unescape(encodeURIComponent(h));
for (var l = [], d = 0; d < h.length; ++d)
return l;
var w = "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8";
_.DNS = w;
var f = "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8";
_.URL = f;
function y(h, l, d) {
function s(v, c, a, r) {
if (typeof v == "string" && (v = b(v)), typeof c == "string" && (c = (0, m.default)(c)), c.length !== 16)
throw TypeError("Namespace must be array-like (16 iterable integer values, 0-255)");
var t = new Uint8Array(16 + v.length);
if (t.set(c), t.set(v, c.length), t = d(t), t[6] = t[6] & 15 | l, t[8] = t[8] & 63 | 128, a) {
r = r || 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
a[r + i] = t[i];
return a;
return (0, u.default)(t);
try { = h;
} catch (v) {
return s.DNS = w, s.URL = f, s;
}, { "./parse.js": 529, "./stringify.js": 533 }], 537: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = g(e("./rng.js")), m = g(e("./stringify.js"));
function g(f) {
return f && f.__esModule ? f : {
default: f
function b(f, y, h) {
f = f || {};
var l = f.random || (f.rng || u.default)();
if (l[6] = l[6] & 15 | 64, l[8] = l[8] & 63 | 128, y) {
h = h || 0;
for (var d = 0; d < 16; ++d)
y[h + d] = l[d];
return y;
return (0, m.default)(l);
var w = b;
_.default = w;
}, { "./rng.js": 531, "./stringify.js": 533 }], 538: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = g(e("./v35.js")), m = g(e("./sha1.js"));
function g(f) {
return f && f.__esModule ? f : {
default: f
var b = (0, u.default)("v5", 80, m.default), w = b;
_.default = w;
}, { "./sha1.js": 532, "./v35.js": 536 }], 539: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = m(e("./regex.js"));
function m(w) {
return w && w.__esModule ? w : {
default: w
function g(w) {
return typeof w == "string" && u.default.test(w);
var b = g;
_.default = b;
}, { "./regex.js": 530 }], 540: [function(e, x, _) {
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.default = void 0;
var u = m(e("./validate.js"));
function m(w) {
return w && w.__esModule ? w : {
default: w
function g(w) {
if (!(0, u.default)(w))
throw TypeError("Invalid UUID");
return parseInt(w.substr(14, 1), 16);
var b = g;
_.default = b;
}, { "./validate.js": 539 }], 541: [function(e, x, _) {
* Character classes and associated utilities for the 5th edition of XML 1.0.
* @author Louis-Dominique Dubeau
* @license MIT
* @copyright Louis-Dominique Dubeau
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.CHAR = `
\r -퟿-�𐀀-􏿿`, _.S = ` \r
`, _.NAME_START_CHAR = ":A-Z_a-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-˿Ͱ-ͽͿ-῿‌‍⁰-↏Ⰰ-⿯、-퟿豈-﷏ﷰ-�𐀀-󯿿", _.NAME_CHAR = "-" + _.NAME_START_CHAR + ".0-9·̀-ͯ‿-⁀", _.CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.S_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.S + "]+$", "u"), _.NAME_START_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_START_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.NAME_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.NAME_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_START_CHAR + "][" + _.NAME_CHAR + "]*$", "u"), _.NMTOKEN_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_CHAR + "]+$", "u");
var u = 9, m = 10, g = 13, b = 32;
_.S_LIST = [b, m, g, u];
function w(l) {
return l >= b && l <= 55295 || l === m || l === g || l === u || l >= 57344 && l <= 65533 || l >= 65536 && l <= 1114111;
_.isChar = w;
function f(l) {
return l === b || l === m || l === g || l === u;
_.isS = f;
function y(l) {
return l >= 65 && l <= 90 || l >= 97 && l <= 122 || l === 58 || l === 95 || l === 8204 || l === 8205 || l >= 192 && l <= 214 || l >= 216 && l <= 246 || l >= 248 && l <= 767 || l >= 880 && l <= 893 || l >= 895 && l <= 8191 || l >= 8304 && l <= 8591 || l >= 11264 && l <= 12271 || l >= 12289 && l <= 55295 || l >= 63744 && l <= 64975 || l >= 65008 && l <= 65533 || l >= 65536 && l <= 983039;
_.isNameStartChar = y;
function h(l) {
return y(l) || l >= 48 && l <= 57 || l === 45 || l === 46 || l === 183 || l >= 768 && l <= 879 || l >= 8255 && l <= 8256;
_.isNameChar = h;
}, {}], 542: [function(e, x, _) {
* Character classes and associated utilities for the 2nd edition of XML 1.1.
* @author Louis-Dominique Dubeau
* @license MIT
* @copyright Louis-Dominique Dubeau
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.CHAR = "-퟿-�𐀀-􏿿", _.RESTRICTED_CHAR = "-\b\v\f--„†-Ÿ", _.S = ` \r
`, _.NAME_START_CHAR = ":A-Z_a-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-˿Ͱ-ͽͿ-῿‌‍⁰-↏Ⰰ-⿯、-퟿豈-﷏ﷰ-�𐀀-󯿿", _.NAME_CHAR = "-" + _.NAME_START_CHAR + ".0-9·̀-ͯ‿-⁀", _.CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.RESTRICTED_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.RESTRICTED_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.S_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.S + "]+$", "u"), _.NAME_START_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_START_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.NAME_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.NAME_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_START_CHAR + "][" + _.NAME_CHAR + "]*$", "u"), _.NMTOKEN_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NAME_CHAR + "]+$", "u");
var u = 9, m = 10, g = 13, b = 32;
_.S_LIST = [b, m, g, u];
function w(s) {
return s >= 1 && s <= 55295 || s >= 57344 && s <= 65533 || s >= 65536 && s <= 1114111;
_.isChar = w;
function f(s) {
return s >= 1 && s <= 8 || s === 11 || s === 12 || s >= 14 && s <= 31 || s >= 127 && s <= 132 || s >= 134 && s <= 159;
_.isRestrictedChar = f;
function y(s) {
return s === 9 || s === 10 || s === 13 || s > 31 && s < 127 || s === 133 || s > 159 && s <= 55295 || s >= 57344 && s <= 65533 || s >= 65536 && s <= 1114111;
_.isCharAndNotRestricted = y;
function h(s) {
return s === b || s === m || s === g || s === u;
_.isS = h;
function l(s) {
return s >= 65 && s <= 90 || s >= 97 && s <= 122 || s === 58 || s === 95 || s === 8204 || s === 8205 || s >= 192 && s <= 214 || s >= 216 && s <= 246 || s >= 248 && s <= 767 || s >= 880 && s <= 893 || s >= 895 && s <= 8191 || s >= 8304 && s <= 8591 || s >= 11264 && s <= 12271 || s >= 12289 && s <= 55295 || s >= 63744 && s <= 64975 || s >= 65008 && s <= 65533 || s >= 65536 && s <= 983039;
_.isNameStartChar = l;
function d(s) {
return l(s) || s >= 48 && s <= 57 || s === 45 || s === 46 || s === 183 || s >= 768 && s <= 879 || s >= 8255 && s <= 8256;
_.isNameChar = d;
}, {}], 543: [function(e, x, _) {
* Character class utilities for XML NS 1.0 edition 3.
* @author Louis-Dominique Dubeau
* @license MIT
* @copyright Louis-Dominique Dubeau
Object.defineProperty(_, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), _.NC_NAME_START_CHAR = "A-Z_a-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-˿Ͱ-ͽͿ-῿‌-‍⁰-↏Ⰰ-⿯、-퟿豈-﷏ﷰ-�𐀀-󯿿", _.NC_NAME_CHAR = "-" + _.NC_NAME_START_CHAR + ".0-9·̀-ͯ‿-⁀", _.NC_NAME_START_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NC_NAME_START_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.NC_NAME_CHAR_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NC_NAME_CHAR + "]$", "u"), _.NC_NAME_RE = new RegExp("^[" + _.NC_NAME_START_CHAR + "][" + _.NC_NAME_CHAR + "]*$", "u");
function u(g) {
return g >= 65 && g <= 90 || g === 95 || g >= 97 && g <= 122 || g >= 192 && g <= 214 || g >= 216 && g <= 246 || g >= 248 && g <= 767 || g >= 880 && g <= 893 || g >= 895 && g <= 8191 || g >= 8204 && g <= 8205 || g >= 8304 && g <= 8591 || g >= 11264 && g <= 12271 || g >= 12289 && g <= 55295 || g >= 63744 && g <= 64975 || g >= 65008 && g <= 65533 || g >= 65536 && g <= 983039;
_.isNCNameStartChar = u;
function m(g) {
return u(g) || g === 45 || g === 46 || g >= 48 && g <= 57 || g === 183 || g >= 768 && g <= 879 || g >= 8255 && g <= 8256;
_.isNCNameChar = m;
}, {}] }, {}, [15])(15);
function $g(H) {
return typeof H == "string" ? H : H instanceof Blob ? URL.createObjectURL(H) : H instanceof ArrayBuffer ? URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([H])) : H instanceof Response ? URL.createObjectURL(H.blob()) : H;
function qo(H) {
return qo = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(k) {
return typeof k;
} : function(k) {
return k && typeof Symbol == "function" && k.constructor === Symbol && k !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof k;
}, qo(H);
var Wg = /^\s+/, Vg = /\s+$/;
function Rt(H, k) {
if (H = H || "", k = k || {}, H instanceof Rt)
return H;
if (!(this instanceof Rt))
return new Rt(H, k);
var e = Kg(H);
this._originalInput = H, this._r = e.r, this._g = e.g, this._b = e.b, this._a = e.a, this._roundA = Math.round(100 * this._a) / 100, this._format = k.format || e.format, this._gradientType = k.gradientType, this._r < 1 && (this._r = Math.round(this._r)), this._g < 1 && (this._g = Math.round(this._g)), this._b < 1 && (this._b = Math.round(this._b)), this._ok = e.ok;
Rt.prototype = {
isDark: function() {
return this.getBrightness() < 128;
isLight: function() {
return !this.isDark();
isValid: function() {
return this._ok;
getOriginalInput: function() {
return this._originalInput;
getFormat: function() {
return this._format;
getAlpha: function() {
return this._a;
getBrightness: function() {
var k = this.toRgb();
return (k.r * 299 + k.g * 587 + k.b * 114) / 1e3;
getLuminance: function() {
var k = this.toRgb(), e, x, _, u, m, g;
return e = k.r / 255, x = k.g / 255, _ = k.b / 255, e <= 0.03928 ? u = e / 12.92 : u = Math.pow((e + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), x <= 0.03928 ? m = x / 12.92 : m = Math.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), _ <= 0.03928 ? g = _ / 12.92 : g = Math.pow((_ + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), 0.2126 * u + 0.7152 * m + 0.0722 * g;
setAlpha: function(k) {
return this._a = Mc(k), this._roundA = Math.round(100 * this._a) / 100, this;
toHsv: function() {
var k = ic(this._r, this._g, this._b);
return {
h: k.h * 360,
s: k.s,
v: k.v,
a: this._a
toHsvString: function() {
var k = ic(this._r, this._g, this._b), e = Math.round(k.h * 360), x = Math.round(k.s * 100), _ = Math.round(k.v * 100);
return this._a == 1 ? "hsv(" + e + ", " + x + "%, " + _ + "%)" : "hsva(" + e + ", " + x + "%, " + _ + "%, " + this._roundA + ")";
toHsl: function() {
var k = nc(this._r, this._g, this._b);
return {
h: k.h * 360,
s: k.s,
l: k.l,
a: this._a
toHslString: function() {
var k = nc(this._r, this._g, this._b), e = Math.round(k.h * 360), x = Math.round(k.s * 100), _ = Math.round(k.l * 100);
return this._a == 1 ? "hsl(" + e + ", " + x + "%, " + _ + "%)" : "hsla(" + e + ", " + x + "%, " + _ + "%, " + this._roundA + ")";
toHex: function(k) {
return ac(this._r, this._g, this._b, k);
toHexString: function(k) {
return "#" + this.toHex(k);
toHex8: function(k) {
return Jg(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a, k);
toHex8String: function(k) {
return "#" + this.toHex8(k);
toRgb: function() {
return {
r: Math.round(this._r),
g: Math.round(this._g),
b: Math.round(this._b),
a: this._a
toRgbString: function() {
return this._a == 1 ? "rgb(" + Math.round(this._r) + ", " + Math.round(this._g) + ", " + Math.round(this._b) + ")" : "rgba(" + Math.round(this._r) + ", " + Math.round(this._g) + ", " + Math.round(this._b) + ", " + this._roundA + ")";
toPercentageRgb: function() {
return {
r: Math.round(yr(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%",
g: Math.round(yr(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%",
b: Math.round(yr(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%",
a: this._a
toPercentageRgbString: function() {
return this._a == 1 ? "rgb(" + Math.round(yr(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(yr(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(yr(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%)" : "rgba(" + Math.round(yr(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(yr(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(yr(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%, " + this._roundA + ")";
toName: function() {
return this._a === 0 ? "transparent" : this._a < 1 ? !1 : u1[ac(this._r, this._g, this._b, !0)] || !1;
toFilter: function(k) {
var e = "#" + oc(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a), x = e, _ = this._gradientType ? "GradientType = 1, " : "";
if (k) {
var u = Rt(k);
x = "#" + oc(u._r, u._g, u._b, u._a);
return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(" + _ + "startColorstr=" + e + ",endColorstr=" + x + ")";
toString: function(k) {
var e = !!k;
k = k || this._format;
var x = !1, _ = this._a < 1 && this._a >= 0, u = !e && _ && (k === "hex" || k === "hex6" || k === "hex3" || k === "hex4" || k === "hex8" || k === "name");
return u ? k === "name" && this._a === 0 ? this.toName() : this.toRgbString() : (k === "rgb" && (x = this.toRgbString()), k === "prgb" && (x = this.toPercentageRgbString()), (k === "hex" || k === "hex6") && (x = this.toHexString()), k === "hex3" && (x = this.toHexString(!0)), k === "hex4" && (x = this.toHex8String(!0)), k === "hex8" && (x = this.toHex8String()), k === "name" && (x = this.toName()), k === "hsl" && (x = this.toHslString()), k === "hsv" && (x = this.toHsvString()), x || this.toHexString());
clone: function() {
return Rt(this.toString());
_applyModification: function(k, e) {
var x = k.apply(null, [this].concat([];
return this._r = x._r, this._g = x._g, this._b = x._b, this.setAlpha(x._a), this;
lighten: function() {
return this._applyModification(t1, arguments);
brighten: function() {
return this._applyModification(r1, arguments);
darken: function() {
return this._applyModification(n1, arguments);
desaturate: function() {
return this._applyModification(Qg, arguments);
saturate: function() {
return this._applyModification(qg, arguments);
greyscale: function() {
return this._applyModification(e1, arguments);
spin: function() {
return this._applyModification(i1, arguments);
_applyCombination: function(k, e) {
return k.apply(null, [this].concat([];
analogous: function() {
return this._applyCombination(s1, arguments);
complement: function() {
return this._applyCombination(a1, arguments);
monochromatic: function() {
return this._applyCombination(f1, arguments);
splitcomplement: function() {
return this._applyCombination(o1, arguments);
// Disabled until
// polyad: function (number) {
// return this._applyCombination(polyad, [number]);
// },
triad: function() {
return this._applyCombination(sc, [3]);
tetrad: function() {
return this._applyCombination(sc, [4]);
Rt.fromRatio = function(H, k) {
if (qo(H) == "object") {
var e = {};
for (var x in H)
H.hasOwnProperty(x) && (x === "a" ? e[x] = H[x] : e[x] = Wa(H[x]));
H = e;
return Rt(H, k);
function Kg(H) {
var k = {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0
}, e = 1, x = null, _ = null, u = null, m = !1, g = !1;
return typeof H == "string" && (H = d1(H)), qo(H) == "object" && (ci(H.r) && ci(H.g) && ci(H.b) ? (k = Gg(H.r, H.g, H.b), m = !0, g = String(H.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb") : ci(H.h) && ci(H.s) && ci(H.v) ? (x = Wa(H.s), _ = Wa(H.v), k = Zg(H.h, x, _), m = !0, g = "hsv") : ci(H.h) && ci(H.s) && ci(H.l) && (x = Wa(H.s), u = Wa(H.l), k = Yg(H.h, x, u), m = !0, g = "hsl"), H.hasOwnProperty("a") && (e = H.a)), e = Mc(e), {
ok: m,
format: H.format || g,
r: Math.min(255, Math.max(k.r, 0)),
g: Math.min(255, Math.max(k.g, 0)),
b: Math.min(255, Math.max(k.b, 0)),
a: e
function Gg(H, k, e) {
return {
r: yr(H, 255) * 255,
g: yr(k, 255) * 255,
b: yr(e, 255) * 255
function nc(H, k, e) {
H = yr(H, 255), k = yr(k, 255), e = yr(e, 255);
var x = Math.max(H, k, e), _ = Math.min(H, k, e), u, m, g = (x + _) / 2;
if (x == _)
u = m = 0;
else {
var b = x - _;
switch (m = g > 0.5 ? b / (2 - x - _) : b / (x + _), x) {
case H:
u = (k - e) / b + (k < e ? 6 : 0);
case k:
u = (e - H) / b + 2;
case e:
u = (H - k) / b + 4;
u /= 6;
return {
h: u,
s: m,
l: g
function Yg(H, k, e) {
var x, _, u;
H = yr(H, 360), k = yr(k, 100), e = yr(e, 100);
function m(w, f, y) {
return y < 0 && (y += 1), y > 1 && (y -= 1), y < 1 / 6 ? w + (f - w) * 6 * y : y < 1 / 2 ? f : y < 2 / 3 ? w + (f - w) * (2 / 3 - y) * 6 : w;
if (k === 0)
x = _ = u = e;
else {
var g = e < 0.5 ? e * (1 + k) : e + k - e * k, b = 2 * e - g;
x = m(b, g, H + 1 / 3), _ = m(b, g, H), u = m(b, g, H - 1 / 3);
return {
r: x * 255,
g: _ * 255,
b: u * 255
function ic(H, k, e) {
H = yr(H, 255), k = yr(k, 255), e = yr(e, 255);
var x = Math.max(H, k, e), _ = Math.min(H, k, e), u, m, g = x, b = x - _;
if (m = x === 0 ? 0 : b / x, x == _)
u = 0;
else {
switch (x) {
case H:
u = (k - e) / b + (k < e ? 6 : 0);
case k:
u = (e - H) / b + 2;
case e:
u = (H - k) / b + 4;
u /= 6;
return {
h: u,
s: m,
v: g
function Zg(H, k, e) {
H = yr(H, 360) * 6, k = yr(k, 100), e = yr(e, 100);
var x = Math.floor(H), _ = H - x, u = e * (1 - k), m = e * (1 - _ * k), g = e * (1 - (1 - _) * k), b = x % 6, w = [e, m, u, u, g, e][b], f = [g, e, e, m, u, u][b], y = [u, u, g, e, e, m][b];
return {
r: w * 255,
g: f * 255,
b: y * 255
function ac(H, k, e, x) {
var _ = [Wn(Math.round(H).toString(16)), Wn(Math.round(k).toString(16)), Wn(Math.round(e).toString(16))];
return x && _[0].charAt(0) == _[0].charAt(1) && _[1].charAt(0) == _[1].charAt(1) && _[2].charAt(0) == _[2].charAt(1) ? _[0].charAt(0) + _[1].charAt(0) + _[2].charAt(0) : _.join("");
function Jg(H, k, e, x, _) {
var u = [Wn(Math.round(H).toString(16)), Wn(Math.round(k).toString(16)), Wn(Math.round(e).toString(16)), Wn(Ic(x))];
return _ && u[0].charAt(0) == u[0].charAt(1) && u[1].charAt(0) == u[1].charAt(1) && u[2].charAt(0) == u[2].charAt(1) && u[3].charAt(0) == u[3].charAt(1) ? u[0].charAt(0) + u[1].charAt(0) + u[2].charAt(0) + u[3].charAt(0) : u.join("");
function oc(H, k, e, x) {
var _ = [Wn(Ic(x)), Wn(Math.round(H).toString(16)), Wn(Math.round(k).toString(16)), Wn(Math.round(e).toString(16))];
return _.join("");
Rt.equals = function(H, k) {
return !H || !k ? !1 : Rt(H).toRgbString() == Rt(k).toRgbString();
Rt.random = function() {
return Rt.fromRatio({
r: Math.random(),
g: Math.random(),
b: Math.random()
function Qg(H, k) {
k = k === 0 ? 0 : k || 10;
var e = Rt(H).toHsl();
return e.s -= k / 100, e.s = ts(e.s), Rt(e);
function qg(H, k) {
k = k === 0 ? 0 : k || 10;
var e = Rt(H).toHsl();
return e.s += k / 100, e.s = ts(e.s), Rt(e);
function e1(H) {
return Rt(H).desaturate(100);
function t1(H, k) {
k = k === 0 ? 0 : k || 10;
var e = Rt(H).toHsl();
return e.l += k / 100, e.l = ts(e.l), Rt(e);
function r1(H, k) {
k = k === 0 ? 0 : k || 10;
var e = Rt(H).toRgb();
return e.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, e.r - Math.round(255 * -(k / 100)))), e.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, e.g - Math.round(255 * -(k / 100)))), e.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, e.b - Math.round(255 * -(k / 100)))), Rt(e);
function n1(H, k) {
k = k === 0 ? 0 : k || 10;
var e = Rt(H).toHsl();
return e.l -= k / 100, e.l = ts(e.l), Rt(e);
function i1(H, k) {
var e = Rt(H).toHsl(), x = (e.h + k) % 360;
return e.h = x < 0 ? 360 + x : x, Rt(e);
function a1(H) {
var k = Rt(H).toHsl();
return k.h = (k.h + 180) % 360, Rt(k);
function sc(H, k) {
if (isNaN(k) || k <= 0)
throw new Error("Argument to polyad must be a positive number");
for (var e = Rt(H).toHsl(), x = [Rt(H)], _ = 360 / k, u = 1; u < k; u++)
h: (e.h + u * _) % 360,
s: e.s,
l: e.l
return x;
function o1(H) {
var k = Rt(H).toHsl(), e = k.h;
return [Rt(H), Rt({
h: (e + 72) % 360,
s: k.s,
l: k.l
}), Rt({
h: (e + 216) % 360,
s: k.s,
l: k.l
function s1(H, k, e) {
k = k || 6, e = e || 30;
var x = Rt(H).toHsl(), _ = 360 / e, u = [Rt(H)];
for (x.h = (x.h - (_ * k >> 1) + 720) % 360; --k; )
x.h = (x.h + _) % 360, u.push(Rt(x));
return u;
function f1(H, k) {
k = k || 6;
for (var e = Rt(H).toHsv(), x = e.h, _ = e.s, u = e.v, m = [], g = 1 / k; k--; )
h: x,
s: _,
v: u
})), u = (u + g) % 1;
return m;
Rt.mix = function(H, k, e) {
e = e === 0 ? 0 : e || 50;
var x = Rt(H).toRgb(), _ = Rt(k).toRgb(), u = e / 100, m = {
r: (_.r - x.r) * u + x.r,
g: (_.g - x.g) * u + x.g,
b: (_.b - x.b) * u + x.b,
a: (_.a - x.a) * u + x.a
return Rt(m);
Rt.readability = function(H, k) {
var e = Rt(H), x = Rt(k);
return (Math.max(e.getLuminance(), x.getLuminance()) + 0.05) / (Math.min(e.getLuminance(), x.getLuminance()) + 0.05);
Rt.isReadable = function(H, k, e) {
var x = Rt.readability(H, k), _, u;
switch (u = !1, _ = p1(e), _.level + _.size) {
case "AAsmall":
case "AAAlarge":
u = x >= 4.5;
case "AAlarge":
u = x >= 3;
case "AAAsmall":
u = x >= 7;
return u;
Rt.mostReadable = function(H, k, e) {
var x = null, _ = 0, u, m, g, b;
e = e || {}, m = e.includeFallbackColors, g = e.level, b = e.size;
for (var w = 0; w < k.length; w++)
u = Rt.readability(H, k[w]), u > _ && (_ = u, x = Rt(k[w]));
return Rt.isReadable(H, x, {
level: g,
size: b
}) || !m ? x : (e.includeFallbackColors = !1, Rt.mostReadable(H, ["#fff", "#000"], e));
var _f = Rt.names = {
aliceblue: "f0f8ff",
antiquewhite: "faebd7",
aqua: "0ff",
aquamarine: "7fffd4",
azure: "f0ffff",
beige: "f5f5dc",
bisque: "ffe4c4",
black: "000",
blanchedalmond: "ffebcd",
blue: "00f",
blueviolet: "8a2be2",
brown: "a52a2a",
burlywood: "deb887",
burntsienna: "ea7e5d",
cadetblue: "5f9ea0",
chartreuse: "7fff00",
chocolate: "d2691e",
coral: "ff7f50",
cornflowerblue: "6495ed",
cornsilk: "fff8dc",
crimson: "dc143c",
cyan: "0ff",
darkblue: "00008b",
darkcyan: "008b8b",
darkgoldenrod: "b8860b",
darkgray: "a9a9a9",
darkgreen: "006400",
darkgrey: "a9a9a9",
darkkhaki: "bdb76b",
darkmagenta: "8b008b",
darkolivegreen: "556b2f",
darkorange: "ff8c00",
darkorchid: "9932cc",
darkred: "8b0000",
darksalmon: "e9967a",
darkseagreen: "8fbc8f",
darkslateblue: "483d8b",
darkslategray: "2f4f4f",
darkslategrey: "2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "00ced1",
darkviolet: "9400d3",
deeppink: "ff1493",
deepskyblue: "00bfff",
dimgray: "696969",
dimgrey: "696969",
dodgerblue: "1e90ff",
firebrick: "b22222",
floralwhite: "fffaf0",
forestgreen: "228b22",
fuchsia: "f0f",
gainsboro: "dcdcdc",
ghostwhite: "f8f8ff",
gold: "ffd700",
goldenrod: "daa520",
gray: "808080",
green: "008000",
greenyellow: "adff2f",
grey: "808080",
honeydew: "f0fff0",
hotpink: "ff69b4",
indianred: "cd5c5c",
indigo: "4b0082",
ivory: "fffff0",
khaki: "f0e68c",
lavender: "e6e6fa",
lavenderblush: "fff0f5",
lawngreen: "7cfc00",
lemonchiffon: "fffacd",
lightblue: "add8e6",
lightcoral: "f08080",
lightcyan: "e0ffff",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "fafad2",
lightgray: "d3d3d3",
lightgreen: "90ee90",
lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
lightpink: "ffb6c1",
lightsalmon: "ffa07a",
lightseagreen: "20b2aa",
lightskyblue: "87cefa",
lightslategray: "789",
lightslategrey: "789",
lightsteelblue: "b0c4de",
lightyellow: "ffffe0",
lime: "0f0",
limegreen: "32cd32",
linen: "faf0e6",
magenta: "f0f",
maroon: "800000",
mediumaquamarine: "66cdaa",
mediumblue: "0000cd",
mediumorchid: "ba55d3",
mediumpurple: "9370db",
mediumseagreen: "3cb371",
mediumslateblue: "7b68ee",
mediumspringgreen: "00fa9a",
mediumturquoise: "48d1cc",
mediumvioletred: "c71585",
midnightblue: "191970",
mintcream: "f5fffa",
mistyrose: "ffe4e1",
moccasin: "ffe4b5",
navajowhite: "ffdead",
navy: "000080",
oldlace: "fdf5e6",
olive: "808000",
olivedrab: "6b8e23",
orange: "ffa500",
orangered: "ff4500",
orchid: "da70d6",
palegoldenrod: "eee8aa",
palegreen: "98fb98",
paleturquoise: "afeeee",
palevioletred: "db7093",
papayawhip: "ffefd5",
peachpuff: "ffdab9",
peru: "cd853f",
pink: "ffc0cb",
plum: "dda0dd",
powderblue: "b0e0e6",
purple: "800080",
rebeccapurple: "663399",
red: "f00",
rosybrown: "bc8f8f",
royalblue: "4169e1",
saddlebrown: "8b4513",
salmon: "fa8072",
sandybrown: "f4a460",
seagreen: "2e8b57",
seashell: "fff5ee",
sienna: "a0522d",
silver: "c0c0c0",
skyblue: "87ceeb",
slateblue: "6a5acd",
slategray: "708090",
slategrey: "708090",
snow: "fffafa",
springgreen: "00ff7f",
steelblue: "4682b4",
tan: "d2b48c",
teal: "008080",
thistle: "d8bfd8",
tomato: "ff6347",
turquoise: "40e0d0",
violet: "ee82ee",
wheat: "f5deb3",
white: "fff",
whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
yellow: "ff0",
yellowgreen: "9acd32"
}, u1 = Rt.hexNames = l1(_f);
function l1(H) {
var k = {};
for (var e in H)
H.hasOwnProperty(e) && (k[H[e]] = e);
return k;
function Mc(H) {
return H = parseFloat(H), (isNaN(H) || H < 0 || H > 1) && (H = 1), H;
function yr(H, k) {
c1(H) && (H = "100%");
var e = h1(H);
return H = Math.min(k, Math.max(0, parseFloat(H))), e && (H = parseInt(H * k, 10) / 100), Math.abs(H - k) < 1e-6 ? 1 : H % k / parseFloat(k);
function ts(H) {
return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, H));
function wn(H) {
return parseInt(H, 16);
function c1(H) {
return typeof H == "string" && H.indexOf(".") != -1 && parseFloat(H) === 1;
function h1(H) {
return typeof H == "string" && H.indexOf("%") != -1;
function Wn(H) {
return H.length == 1 ? "0" + H : "" + H;
function Wa(H) {
return H <= 1 && (H = H * 100 + "%"), H;
function Ic(H) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(H) * 255).toString(16);
function fc(H) {
return wn(H) / 255;
var $n = function() {
var H = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?", k = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?", e = "(?:" + k + ")|(?:" + H + ")", x = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + e + ")[,|\\s]+(" + e + ")[,|\\s]+(" + e + ")\\s*\\)?", _ = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + e + ")[,|\\s]+(" + e + ")[,|\\s]+(" + e + ")[,|\\s]+(" + e + ")\\s*\\)?";
return {
CSS_UNIT: new RegExp(e),
rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + x),
rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + _),
hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + x),
hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + _),
hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + x),
hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + _),
hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/,
hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/
function ci(H) {
return !!$n.CSS_UNIT.exec(H);
function d1(H) {
H = H.replace(Wg, "").replace(Vg, "").toLowerCase();
var k = !1;
if (_f[H])
H = _f[H], k = !0;
else if (H == "transparent")
return {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0,
a: 0,
format: "name"
var e;
return (e = $n.rgb.exec(H)) ? {
r: e[1],
g: e[2],
b: e[3]
} : (e = $n.rgba.exec(H)) ? {
r: e[1],
g: e[2],
b: e[3],
a: e[4]
} : (e = $n.hsl.exec(H)) ? {
h: e[1],
s: e[2],
l: e[3]
} : (e = $n.hsla.exec(H)) ? {
h: e[1],
s: e[2],
l: e[3],
a: e[4]
} : (e = $n.hsv.exec(H)) ? {
h: e[1],
s: e[2],
v: e[3]
} : (e = $n.hsva.exec(H)) ? {
h: e[1],
s: e[2],
v: e[3],
a: e[4]
} : (e = $n.hex8.exec(H)) ? {
r: wn(e[1]),
g: wn(e[2]),
b: wn(e[3]),
a: fc(e[4]),
format: k ? "name" : "hex8"
} : (e = $n.hex6.exec(H)) ? {
r: wn(e[1]),
g: wn(e[2]),
b: wn(e[3]),
format: k ? "name" : "hex"
} : (e = $n.hex4.exec(H)) ? {
r: wn(e[1] + "" + e[1]),
g: wn(e[2] + "" + e[2]),
b: wn(e[3] + "" + e[3]),
a: fc(e[4] + "" + e[4]),
format: k ? "name" : "hex8"
} : (e = $n.hex3.exec(H)) ? {
r: wn(e[1] + "" + e[1]),
g: wn(e[2] + "" + e[2]),
b: wn(e[3] + "" + e[3]),
format: k ? "name" : "hex"
} : !1;
function p1(H) {
var k, e;
return H = H || {
level: "AA",
size: "small"
}, k = (H.level || "AA").toUpperCase(), e = (H.size || "small").toLowerCase(), k !== "AA" && k !== "AAA" && (k = "AA"), e !== "small" && e !== "large" && (e = "small"), {
level: k,
size: e
var ga = {}, y1 = {
get exports() {
return ga;
set exports(H) {
ga = H;
* @license
* Lodash <>
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors <>
* Released under MIT license <>
* Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <>
* Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
(function(H, k) {
(function() {
var e, x = "4.17.21", _ = 200, u = "Unsupported core-js use. Try", m = "Expected a function", g = "Invalid `variable` option passed into `_.template`", b = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", w = 500, f = "__lodash_placeholder__", y = 1, h = 2, l = 4, d = 1, s = 2, v = 1, c = 2, a = 4, r = 8, t = 16, i = 32, n = 64, o = 128, p = 256, O = 512, P = 30, F = "...", z = 800, N = 16, M = 1, I = 2, R = 3, C = 1 / 0, E = 9007199254740991, A = 17976931348623157e292, L = 0 / 0, $ = 4294967295, W = $ - 1, U = $ >>> 1, D = [
["ary", o],
["bind", v],
["bindKey", c],
["curry", r],
["curryRight", t],
["flip", O],
["partial", i],
["partialRight", n],
["rearg", p]
], B = "[object Arguments]", j = "[object Array]", V = "[object AsyncFunction]", re = "[object Boolean]", ee = "[object Date]", ce = "[object DOMException]", ve = "[object Error]", ge = "[object Function]", oe = "[object GeneratorFunction]", J = "[object Map]", Q = "[object Number]", he = "[object Null]", ke = "[object Object]", ne = "[object Promise]", se = "[object Proxy]", Ce = "[object RegExp]", q = "[object Set]", G = "[object String]", Y = "[object Symbol]", fe = "[object Undefined]", we = "[object WeakMap]", _e = "[object WeakSet]", je = "[object ArrayBuffer]", Ye = "[object DataView]", nt = "[object Float32Array]", ut = "[object Float64Array]", ot = "[object Int8Array]", Ue = "[object Int16Array]", Ve = "[object Int32Array]", Qe = "[object Uint8Array]", tt = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", ae = "[object Uint16Array]", Re = "[object Uint32Array]", be = /\b__p \+= '';/g, Ee = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g, pe = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g, Pe = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g, te = /[&<>"']/g, He = RegExp(Pe.source), it = RegExp(te.source), K = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g, Me = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, Le = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, ue = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, Se = /^\w*$/, Ie = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, st = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, Ge = RegExp(st.source), rt = /^\s+/, _t = /\s/, wt = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/, Ot = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/, pt = /,? & /, ct = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g, At = /[()=,{}\[\]\/\s]/, Pt = /\\(\\)?/g, bt = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g, Kt = /\w*$/, Ct = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i, xt = /^0b[01]+$/i, Ft = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, Lt = /^0o[0-7]+$/i, Et = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, Dr = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g, Or = /($^)/, Gr = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g, Nr = "\\ud800-\\udfff", Yr = "\\u0300-\\u036f", Qt = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f", Xr = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff", Fr = Yr + Qt + Xr, Lr = "\\u2700-\\u27bf", Ur = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff", vt = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7", Ke = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf", me = "\\u2000-\\u206f", Fe = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000", Be = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde", dt = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f", St = vt + Ke + me + Fe, Ht = "['’]", lr = "[" + Nr + "]", gr = "[" + St + "]", rn = "[" + Fr + "]", zr = "\\d+", pi = "[" + Lr + "]", $r = "[" + Ur + "]", Dn = "[^" + Nr + St + zr + Lr + Ur + Be + "]", cn = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]", yi = "(?:" + rn + "|" + cn + ")", hn = "[^" + Nr + "]", dn = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}", Nn = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]", Fn = "[" + Be + "]", Xi = "\\u200d", Ui = "(?:" + $r + "|" + Dn + ")", $i = "(?:" + Fn + "|" + Dn + ")", ei = "(?:" + Ht + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?", Bn = "(?:" + Ht + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?", Wi = yi + "?", Vi = "[" + dt + "]?", xn = "(?:" + Xi + "(?:" + [hn, dn, Nn].join("|") + ")" + Vi + Wi + ")*", wa = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])", Ki = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])", Gi = Vi + Wi + xn, xa = "(?:" + [pi, dn, Nn].join("|") + ")" + Gi, Sa = "(?:" + [hn + rn + "?", rn, dn, Nn, lr].join("|") + ")", Sn = RegExp(Ht, "g"), Yi = RegExp(rn, "g"), Ri = RegExp(cn + "(?=" + cn + ")|" + Sa + Gi, "g"), jn = RegExp([
Fn + "?" + $r + "+" + ei + "(?=" + [gr, Fn, "$"].join("|") + ")",
$i + "+" + Bn + "(?=" + [gr, Fn + Ui, "$"].join("|") + ")",
Fn + "?" + Ui + "+" + ei,
Fn + "+" + Bn,
].join("|"), "g"), ka = RegExp("[" + Xi + Nr + Fr + dt + "]"), kn = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/, On = [
], Zi = -1, rr = {};
rr[nt] = rr[ut] = rr[ot] = rr[Ue] = rr[Ve] = rr[Qe] = rr[tt] = rr[ae] = rr[Re] = !0, rr[B] = rr[j] = rr[je] = rr[re] = rr[Ye] = rr[ee] = rr[ve] = rr[ge] = rr[J] = rr[Q] = rr[ke] = rr[Ce] = rr[q] = rr[G] = rr[we] = !1;
var er = {};
er[B] = er[j] = er[je] = er[Ye] = er[re] = er[ee] = er[nt] = er[ut] = er[ot] = er[Ue] = er[Ve] = er[J] = er[Q] = er[ke] = er[Ce] = er[q] = er[G] = er[Y] = er[Qe] = er[tt] = er[ae] = er[Re] = !0, er[ve] = er[ge] = er[we] = !1;
var ti = {
// Latin-1 Supplement block.
À: "A",
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
Ã: "A",
Ä: "A",
Å: "A",
à: "a",
á: "a",
â: "a",
ã: "a",
ä: "a",
å: "a",
Ç: "C",
ç: "c",
Ð: "D",
ð: "d",
È: "E",
É: "E",
Ê: "E",
Ë: "E",
è: "e",
é: "e",
ê: "e",
ë: "e",
Ì: "I",
Í: "I",
Î: "I",
Ï: "I",
ì: "i",
í: "i",
î: "i",
ï: "i",
Ñ: "N",
ñ: "n",
Ò: "O",
Ó: "O",
Ô: "O",
Õ: "O",
Ö: "O",
Ø: "O",
ò: "o",
ó: "o",
ô: "o",
õ: "o",
ö: "o",
ø: "o",
Ù: "U",
Ú: "U",
Û: "U",
Ü: "U",
ù: "u",
ú: "u",
û: "u",
ü: "u",
Ý: "Y",
ý: "y",
ÿ: "y",
Æ: "Ae",
æ: "ae",
Þ: "Th",
þ: "th",
ß: "ss",
// Latin Extended-A block.
Ā: "A",
Ă: "A",
Ą: "A",
ā: "a",
ă: "a",
ą: "a",
Ć: "C",
Ĉ: "C",
Ċ: "C",
Č: "C",
ć: "c",
ĉ: "c",
ċ: "c",
č: "c",
Ď: "D",
Đ: "D",
ď: "d",
đ: "d",
Ē: "E",
Ĕ: "E",
Ė: "E",
Ę: "E",
Ě: "E",
ē: "e",
ĕ: "e",
ė: "e",
ę: "e",
ě: "e",
Ĝ: "G",
Ğ: "G",
Ġ: "G",
Ģ: "G",
ĝ: "g",
ğ: "g",
ġ: "g",
ģ: "g",
Ĥ: "H",
Ħ: "H",
ĥ: "h",
ħ: "h",
Ĩ: "I",
Ī: "I",
Ĭ: "I",
Į: "I",
İ: "I",
ĩ: "i",
ī: "i",
ĭ: "i",
į: "i",
ı: "i",
Ĵ: "J",
ĵ: "j",
Ķ: "K",
ķ: "k",
ĸ: "k",
Ĺ: "L",
Ļ: "L",
Ľ: "L",
Ŀ: "L",
Ł: "L",
ĺ: "l",
ļ: "l",
ľ: "l",
ŀ: "l",
ł: "l",
Ń: "N",
Ņ: "N",
Ň: "N",
Ŋ: "N",
ń: "n",
ņ: "n",
ň: "n",
ŋ: "n",
Ō: "O",
Ŏ: "O",
Ő: "O",
ō: "o",
ŏ: "o",
ő: "o",
Ŕ: "R",
Ŗ: "R",
Ř: "R",
ŕ: "r",
ŗ: "r",
ř: "r",
Ś: "S",
Ŝ: "S",
Ş: "S",
Š: "S",
ś: "s",
ŝ: "s",
ş: "s",
š: "s",
Ţ: "T",
Ť: "T",
Ŧ: "T",
ţ: "t",
ť: "t",
ŧ: "t",
Ũ: "U",
Ū: "U",
Ŭ: "U",
Ů: "U",
Ű: "U",
Ų: "U",
ũ: "u",
ū: "u",
ŭ: "u",
ů: "u",
ű: "u",
ų: "u",
Ŵ: "W",
ŵ: "w",
Ŷ: "Y",
ŷ: "y",
Ÿ: "Y",
Ź: "Z",
Ż: "Z",
Ž: "Z",
ź: "z",
ż: "z",
ž: "z",
IJ: "IJ",
ij: "ij",
Œ: "Oe",
œ: "oe",
ʼn: "'n",
ſ: "s"
}, Ji = {
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;"
}, Oa = {
"&amp;": "&",
"&lt;": "<",
"&gt;": ">",
"&quot;": '"',
"&#39;": "'"
}, Qi = {
"\\": "\\",
"'": "'",
"\n": "n",
"\r": "r",
"\u2028": "u2028",
"\u2029": "u2029"
}, qi = parseFloat, xe = parseInt, De = typeof Wt == "object" && Wt && Wt.Object === Object && Wt, Je = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, ht = De || Je || Function("return this")(), Yt = k && !k.nodeType && k, Mt = Yt && !0 && H && !H.nodeType && H, fr = Mt && Mt.exports === Yt, nr = fr && De.process, tr = function() {
try {
var Ne = Mt && Mt.require && Mt.require("util").types;
return Ne || nr && nr.binding && nr.binding("util");
} catch (Ze) {
}(), ur = tr && tr.isArrayBuffer, Pr = tr && tr.isDate, Br = tr && tr.isMap, dr = tr && tr.isRegExp, Er = tr && tr.isSet, Ar = tr && tr.isTypedArray;
function pr(Ne, Ze, We) {
switch (We.length) {
case 0:
case 1:
return, We[0]);
case 2:
return, We[0], We[1]);
case 3:
return, We[0], We[1], We[2]);
return Ne.apply(Ze, We);
function pn(Ne, Ze, We, gt) {
for (var Bt = -1, ar = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length; ++Bt < ar; ) {
var Mr = Ne[Bt];
Ze(gt, Mr, We(Mr), Ne);
return gt;
function mr(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length; ++We < gt && Ze(Ne[We], We, Ne) !== !1; )
return Ne;
function ea(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length; We-- && Ze(Ne[We], We, Ne) !== !1; )
return Ne;
function En(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length; ++We < gt; )
if (!Ze(Ne[We], We, Ne))
return !1;
return !0;
function Zr(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length, Bt = 0, ar = []; ++We < gt; ) {
var Mr = Ne[We];
Ze(Mr, We, Ne) && (ar[Bt++] = Mr);
return ar;
function ta(Ne, Ze) {
var We = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length;
return !!We && wr(Ne, Ze, 0) > -1;
function le(Ne, Ze, We) {
for (var gt = -1, Bt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length; ++gt < Bt; )
if (We(Ze, Ne[gt]))
return !0;
return !1;
function Oe(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length, Bt = Array(gt); ++We < gt; )
Bt[We] = Ze(Ne[We], We, Ne);
return Bt;
function Xe(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ze.length, Bt = Ne.length; ++We < gt; )
Ne[Bt + We] = Ze[We];
return Ne;
function ft(Ne, Ze, We, gt) {
var Bt = -1, ar = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length;
for (gt && ar && (We = Ne[++Bt]); ++Bt < ar; )
We = Ze(We, Ne[Bt], Bt, Ne);
return We;
function Tt(Ne, Ze, We, gt) {
var Bt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length;
for (gt && Bt && (We = Ne[--Bt]); Bt--; )
We = Ze(We, Ne[Bt], Bt, Ne);
return We;
function mt(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length; ++We < gt; )
if (Ze(Ne[We], We, Ne))
return !0;
return !1;
var Xt = Tn("length");
function ir(Ne) {
return Ne.split("");
function hr(Ne) {
return Ne.match(ct) || [];
function _r(Ne, Ze, We) {
var gt;
return We(Ne, function(Bt, ar, Mr) {
if (Ze(Bt, ar, Mr))
return gt = ar, !1;
}), gt;
function Tr(Ne, Ze, We, gt) {
for (var Bt = Ne.length, ar = We + (gt ? 1 : -1); gt ? ar-- : ++ar < Bt; )
if (Ze(Ne[ar], ar, Ne))
return ar;
return -1;
function wr(Ne, Ze, We) {
return Ze === Ze ? Wc(Ne, Ze, We) : Tr(Ne, Jr, We);
function Rr(Ne, Ze, We, gt) {
for (var Bt = We - 1, ar = Ne.length; ++Bt < ar; )
if (gt(Ne[Bt], Ze))
return Bt;
return -1;
function Jr(Ne) {
return Ne !== Ne;
function Qr(Ne, Ze) {
var We = Ne == null ? 0 : Ne.length;
return We ? vi(Ne, Ze) / We : L;
function Tn(Ne) {
return function(Ze) {
return Ze == null ? e : Ze[Ne];
function yn(Ne) {
return function(Ze) {
return Ne == null ? e : Ne[Ze];
function Vn(Ne, Ze, We, gt, Bt) {
return Bt(Ne, function(ar, Mr, cr) {
We = gt ? (gt = !1, ar) : Ze(We, ar, Mr, cr);
}), We;
function Ya(Ne, Ze) {
var We = Ne.length;
for (Ne.sort(Ze); We--; )
Ne[We] = Ne[We].value;
return Ne;
function vi(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We, gt = -1, Bt = Ne.length; ++gt < Bt; ) {
var ar = Ze(Ne[gt]);
ar !== e && (We = We === e ? ar : We + ar);
return We;
function mi(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Array(Ne); ++We < Ne; )
gt[We] = Ze(We);
return gt;
function Fc(Ne, Ze) {
return Oe(Ze, function(We) {
return [We, Ne[We]];
function Mf(Ne) {
return Ne && Ne.slice(0, Ff(Ne) + 1).replace(rt, "");
function vn(Ne) {
return function(Ze) {
return Ne(Ze);
function rs(Ne, Ze) {
return Oe(Ze, function(We) {
return Ne[We];
function Ea(Ne, Ze) {
return Ne.has(Ze);
function If(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne.length; ++We < gt && wr(Ze, Ne[We], 0) > -1; )
return We;
function Df(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = Ne.length; We-- && wr(Ze, Ne[We], 0) > -1; )
return We;
function Bc(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = Ne.length, gt = 0; We--; )
Ne[We] === Ze && ++gt;
return gt;
var jc = yn(ti), Lc = yn(Ji);
function zc(Ne) {
return "\\" + Qi[Ne];
function Hc(Ne, Ze) {
return Ne == null ? e : Ne[Ze];
function ra(Ne) {
return ka.test(Ne);
function Xc(Ne) {
return kn.test(Ne);
function Uc(Ne) {
for (var Ze, We = []; !(Ze =; )
return We;
function ns(Ne) {
var Ze = -1, We = Array(Ne.size);
return Ne.forEach(function(gt, Bt) {
We[++Ze] = [Bt, gt];
}), We;
function Nf(Ne, Ze) {
return function(We) {
return Ne(Ze(We));
function bi(Ne, Ze) {
for (var We = -1, gt = Ne.length, Bt = 0, ar = []; ++We < gt; ) {
var Mr = Ne[We];
(Mr === Ze || Mr === f) && (Ne[We] = f, ar[Bt++] = We);
return ar;
function Za(Ne) {
var Ze = -1, We = Array(Ne.size);
return Ne.forEach(function(gt) {
We[++Ze] = gt;
}), We;
function $c(Ne) {
var Ze = -1, We = Array(Ne.size);
return Ne.forEach(function(gt) {
We[++Ze] = [gt, gt];
}), We;
function Wc(Ne, Ze, We) {
for (var gt = We - 1, Bt = Ne.length; ++gt < Bt; )
if (Ne[gt] === Ze)
return gt;
return -1;
function Vc(Ne, Ze, We) {
for (var gt = We + 1; gt--; )
if (Ne[gt] === Ze)
return gt;
return gt;
function na(Ne) {
return ra(Ne) ? Gc(Ne) : Xt(Ne);
function Ln(Ne) {
return ra(Ne) ? Yc(Ne) : ir(Ne);
function Ff(Ne) {
for (var Ze = Ne.length; Ze-- && _t.test(Ne.charAt(Ze)); )
return Ze;
var Kc = yn(Oa);
function Gc(Ne) {
for (var Ze = Ri.lastIndex = 0; Ri.test(Ne); )
return Ze;
function Yc(Ne) {
return Ne.match(Ri) || [];
function Zc(Ne) {
return Ne.match(jn) || [];
var Jc = function Ne(Ze) {
Ze = Ze == null ? ht : ia.defaults(ht.Object(), Ze, ia.pick(ht, On));
var We = Ze.Array, gt = Ze.Date, Bt = Ze.Error, ar = Ze.Function, Mr = Ze.Math, cr = Ze.Object, is = Ze.RegExp, Qc = Ze.String, Rn = Ze.TypeError, Ja = We.prototype, qc = ar.prototype, aa = cr.prototype, Qa = Ze["__core-js_shared__"], qa = qc.toString, sr = aa.hasOwnProperty, eh = 0, Bf = function() {
var S = /[^.]+$/.exec(Qa && Qa.keys && Qa.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return S ? "Symbol(src)_1." + S : "";
}(), eo = aa.toString, th =, rh = ht._, nh = is(
"^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
), to = fr ? Ze.Buffer : e, gi = Ze.Symbol, ro = Ze.Uint8Array, jf = to ? to.allocUnsafe : e, no = Nf(cr.getPrototypeOf, cr), Lf = cr.create, zf = aa.propertyIsEnumerable, io = Ja.splice, Hf = gi ? gi.isConcatSpreadable : e, Ta = gi ? gi.iterator : e, Ci = gi ? gi.toStringTag : e, ao = function() {
try {
var S = Di(cr, "defineProperty");
return S({}, "", {}), S;
} catch (T) {
}(), ih = Ze.clearTimeout !== ht.clearTimeout && Ze.clearTimeout, ah = gt && !== &&, oh = Ze.setTimeout !== ht.setTimeout && Ze.setTimeout, oo = Mr.ceil, so = Mr.floor, as = cr.getOwnPropertySymbols, sh = to ? to.isBuffer : e, Xf = Ze.isFinite, fh = Ja.join, uh = Nf(cr.keys, cr), Ir = Mr.max, Wr = Mr.min, lh =, ch = Ze.parseInt, Uf = Mr.random, hh = Ja.reverse, os = Di(Ze, "DataView"), Ra = Di(Ze, "Map"), ss = Di(Ze, "Promise"), oa = Di(Ze, "Set"), Ca = Di(Ze, "WeakMap"), Pa = Di(cr, "create"), fo = Ca && new Ca(), sa = {}, dh = Ni(os), ph = Ni(Ra), yh = Ni(ss), vh = Ni(oa), mh = Ni(Ca), uo = gi ? gi.prototype : e, Aa = uo ? uo.valueOf : e, $f = uo ? uo.toString : e;
function de(S) {
if (br(S) && !jt(S) && !(S instanceof Zt)) {
if (S instanceof Cn)
return S;
if (, "__wrapped__"))
return Wu(S);
return new Cn(S);
var fa = function() {
function S() {
return function(T) {
if (!vr(T))
return {};
if (Lf)
return Lf(T);
S.prototype = T;
var X = new S();
return S.prototype = e, X;
function lo() {
function Cn(S, T) {
this.__wrapped__ = S, this.__actions__ = [], this.__chain__ = !!T, this.__index__ = 0, this.__values__ = e;
de.templateSettings = {
* Used to detect `data` property values to be HTML-escaped.
* @memberOf _.templateSettings
* @type {RegExp}
escape: K,
* Used to detect code to be evaluated.
* @memberOf _.templateSettings
* @type {RegExp}
evaluate: Me,
* Used to detect `data` property values to inject.
* @memberOf _.templateSettings
* @type {RegExp}
interpolate: Le,
* Used to reference the data object in the template text.
* @memberOf _.templateSettings
* @type {string}
variable: "",
* Used to import variables into the compiled template.
* @memberOf _.templateSettings
* @type {Object}
imports: {
* A reference to the `lodash` function.
* @memberOf _.templateSettings.imports
* @type {Function}
_: de
}, de.prototype = lo.prototype, de.prototype.constructor = de, Cn.prototype = fa(lo.prototype), Cn.prototype.constructor = Cn;
function Zt(S) {
this.__wrapped__ = S, this.__actions__ = [], this.__dir__ = 1, this.__filtered__ = !1, this.__iteratees__ = [], this.__takeCount__ = $, this.__views__ = [];
function bh() {
var S = new Zt(this.__wrapped__);
return S.__actions__ = nn(this.__actions__), S.__dir__ = this.__dir__, S.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__, S.__iteratees__ = nn(this.__iteratees__), S.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__, S.__views__ = nn(this.__views__), S;
function gh() {
if (this.__filtered__) {
var S = new Zt(this);
S.__dir__ = -1, S.__filtered__ = !0;
} else
S = this.clone(), S.__dir__ *= -1;
return S;
function _h() {
var S = this.__wrapped__.value(), T = this.__dir__, X = jt(S), Z = T < 0, ie = X ? S.length : 0, ye = Md(0, ie, this.__views__), Te = ye.start, Ae = ye.end, ze = Ae - Te, qe = Z ? Ae : Te - 1, et = this.__iteratees__, at = et.length, yt = 0, kt = Wr(ze, this.__takeCount__);
if (!X || !Z && ie == ze && kt == ze)
return pu(S, this.__actions__);
var Dt = [];
for (; ze-- && yt < kt; ) {
qe += T;
for (var $t = -1, Nt = S[qe]; ++$t < at; ) {
var Gt = et[$t], qt = Gt.iteratee, gn = Gt.type, tn = qt(Nt);
if (gn == I)
Nt = tn;
else if (!tn) {
if (gn == M)
continue e;
break e;
Dt[yt++] = Nt;
return Dt;
Zt.prototype = fa(lo.prototype), Zt.prototype.constructor = Zt;
function Pi(S) {
var T = -1, X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
for (this.clear(); ++T < X; ) {
var Z = S[T];
this.set(Z[0], Z[1]);
function wh() {
this.__data__ = Pa ? Pa(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
function xh(S) {
var T = this.has(S) && delete this.__data__[S];
return this.size -= T ? 1 : 0, T;
function Sh(S) {
var T = this.__data__;
if (Pa) {
var X = T[S];
return X === b ? e : X;
return, S) ? T[S] : e;
function kh(S) {
var T = this.__data__;
return Pa ? T[S] !== e :, S);
function Oh(S, T) {
var X = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(S) ? 0 : 1, X[S] = Pa && T === e ? b : T, this;
Pi.prototype.clear = wh, Pi.prototype.delete = xh, Pi.prototype.get = Sh, Pi.prototype.has = kh, Pi.prototype.set = Oh;
function ri(S) {
var T = -1, X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
for (this.clear(); ++T < X; ) {
var Z = S[T];
this.set(Z[0], Z[1]);
function Eh() {
this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0;
function Th(S) {
var T = this.__data__, X = co(T, S);
if (X < 0)
return !1;
var Z = T.length - 1;
return X == Z ? T.pop() :, X, 1), --this.size, !0;
function Rh(S) {
var T = this.__data__, X = co(T, S);
return X < 0 ? e : T[X][1];
function Ch(S) {
return co(this.__data__, S) > -1;
function Ph(S, T) {
var X = this.__data__, Z = co(X, S);
return Z < 0 ? (++this.size, X.push([S, T])) : X[Z][1] = T, this;
ri.prototype.clear = Eh, ri.prototype.delete = Th, ri.prototype.get = Rh, ri.prototype.has = Ch, ri.prototype.set = Ph;
function ni(S) {
var T = -1, X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
for (this.clear(); ++T < X; ) {
var Z = S[T];
this.set(Z[0], Z[1]);
function Ah() {
this.size = 0, this.__data__ = {
hash: new Pi(),
map: new (Ra || ri)(),
string: new Pi()
function Mh(S) {
var T = ko(this, S).delete(S);
return this.size -= T ? 1 : 0, T;
function Ih(S) {
return ko(this, S).get(S);
function Dh(S) {
return ko(this, S).has(S);
function Nh(S, T) {
var X = ko(this, S), Z = X.size;
return X.set(S, T), this.size += X.size == Z ? 0 : 1, this;
ni.prototype.clear = Ah, ni.prototype.delete = Mh, ni.prototype.get = Ih, ni.prototype.has = Dh, ni.prototype.set = Nh;
function Ai(S) {
var T = -1, X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
for (this.__data__ = new ni(); ++T < X; )
function Fh(S) {
return this.__data__.set(S, b), this;
function Bh(S) {
return this.__data__.has(S);
Ai.prototype.add = Ai.prototype.push = Fh, Ai.prototype.has = Bh;
function zn(S) {
var T = this.__data__ = new ri(S);
this.size = T.size;
function jh() {
this.__data__ = new ri(), this.size = 0;
function Lh(S) {
var T = this.__data__, X = T.delete(S);
return this.size = T.size, X;
function zh(S) {
return this.__data__.get(S);
function Hh(S) {
return this.__data__.has(S);
function Xh(S, T) {
var X = this.__data__;
if (X instanceof ri) {
var Z = X.__data__;
if (!Ra || Z.length < _ - 1)
return Z.push([S, T]), this.size = ++X.size, this;
X = this.__data__ = new ni(Z);
return X.set(S, T), this.size = X.size, this;
zn.prototype.clear = jh, zn.prototype.delete = Lh, zn.prototype.get = zh, zn.prototype.has = Hh, zn.prototype.set = Xh;
function Wf(S, T) {
var X = jt(S), Z = !X && Fi(S), ie = !X && !Z && ki(S), ye = !X && !Z && !ie && ha(S), Te = X || Z || ie || ye, Ae = Te ? mi(S.length, Qc) : [], ze = Ae.length;
for (var qe in S)
(T ||, qe)) && !(Te && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode.
(qe == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers.
ie && (qe == "offset" || qe == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays.
ye && (qe == "buffer" || qe == "byteLength" || qe == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties.
si(qe, ze))) && Ae.push(qe);
return Ae;
function Vf(S) {
var T = S.length;
return T ? S[bs(0, T - 1)] : e;
function Uh(S, T) {
return Oo(nn(S), Mi(T, 0, S.length));
function $h(S) {
return Oo(nn(S));
function fs(S, T, X) {
(X !== e && !Hn(S[T], X) || X === e && !(T in S)) && ii(S, T, X);
function Ma(S, T, X) {
var Z = S[T];
(!(, T) && Hn(Z, X)) || X === e && !(T in S)) && ii(S, T, X);
function co(S, T) {
for (var X = S.length; X--; )
if (Hn(S[X][0], T))
return X;
return -1;
function Wh(S, T, X, Z) {
return _i(S, function(ie, ye, Te) {
T(Z, ie, X(ie), Te);
}), Z;
function Kf(S, T) {
return S && Gn(T, jr(T), S);
function Vh(S, T) {
return S && Gn(T, on(T), S);
function ii(S, T, X) {
T == "__proto__" && ao ? ao(S, T, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
value: X,
writable: !0
}) : S[T] = X;
function us(S, T) {
for (var X = -1, Z = T.length, ie = We(Z), ye = S == null; ++X < Z; )
ie[X] = ye ? e : Us(S, T[X]);
return ie;
function Mi(S, T, X) {
return S === S && (X !== e && (S = S <= X ? S : X), T !== e && (S = S >= T ? S : T)), S;
function Pn(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye) {
var Te, Ae = T & y, ze = T & h, qe = T & l;
if (X && (Te = ie ? X(S, Z, ie, ye) : X(S)), Te !== e)
return Te;
if (!vr(S))
return S;
var et = jt(S);
if (et) {
if (Te = Dd(S), !Ae)
return nn(S, Te);
} else {
var at = Vr(S), yt = at == ge || at == oe;
if (ki(S))
return mu(S, Ae);
if (at == ke || at == B || yt && !ie) {
if (Te = ze || yt ? {} : Fu(S), !Ae)
return ze ? Sd(S, Vh(Te, S)) : xd(S, Kf(Te, S));
} else {
if (!er[at])
return ie ? S : {};
Te = Nd(S, at, Ae);
ye || (ye = new zn());
var kt = ye.get(S);
if (kt)
return kt;
ye.set(S, Te), cl(S) ? S.forEach(function(Nt) {
Te.add(Pn(Nt, T, X, Nt, S, ye));
}) : ul(S) && S.forEach(function(Nt, Gt) {
Te.set(Gt, Pn(Nt, T, X, Gt, S, ye));
var Dt = qe ? ze ? Cs : Rs : ze ? on : jr, $t = et ? e : Dt(S);
return mr($t || S, function(Nt, Gt) {
$t && (Gt = Nt, Nt = S[Gt]), Ma(Te, Gt, Pn(Nt, T, X, Gt, S, ye));
}), Te;
function Kh(S) {
var T = jr(S);
return function(X) {
return Gf(X, S, T);
function Gf(S, T, X) {
var Z = X.length;
if (S == null)
return !Z;
for (S = cr(S); Z--; ) {
var ie = X[Z], ye = T[ie], Te = S[ie];
if (Te === e && !(ie in S) || !ye(Te))
return !1;
return !0;
function Yf(S, T, X) {
if (typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return La(function() {
S.apply(e, X);
}, T);
function Ia(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = -1, ye = ta, Te = !0, Ae = S.length, ze = [], qe = T.length;
if (!Ae)
return ze;
X && (T = Oe(T, vn(X))), Z ? (ye = le, Te = !1) : T.length >= _ && (ye = Ea, Te = !1, T = new Ai(T));
for (; ++ie < Ae; ) {
var et = S[ie], at = X == null ? et : X(et);
if (et = Z || et !== 0 ? et : 0, Te && at === at) {
for (var yt = qe; yt--; )
if (T[yt] === at)
continue e;
} else
ye(T, at, Z) || ze.push(et);
return ze;
var _i = xu(Kn), Zf = xu(cs, !0);
function Gh(S, T) {
var X = !0;
return _i(S, function(Z, ie, ye) {
return X = !!T(Z, ie, ye), X;
}), X;
function ho(S, T, X) {
for (var Z = -1, ie = S.length; ++Z < ie; ) {
var ye = S[Z], Te = T(ye);
if (Te != null && (Ae === e ? Te === Te && !bn(Te) : X(Te, Ae)))
var Ae = Te, ze = ye;
return ze;
function Yh(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = S.length;
for (X = Ut(X), X < 0 && (X = -X > ie ? 0 : ie + X), Z = Z === e || Z > ie ? ie : Ut(Z), Z < 0 && (Z += ie), Z = X > Z ? 0 : dl(Z); X < Z; )
S[X++] = T;
return S;
function Jf(S, T) {
var X = [];
return _i(S, function(Z, ie, ye) {
T(Z, ie, ye) && X.push(Z);
}), X;
function Hr(S, T, X, Z, ie) {
var ye = -1, Te = S.length;
for (X || (X = Bd), ie || (ie = []); ++ye < Te; ) {
var Ae = S[ye];
T > 0 && X(Ae) ? T > 1 ? Hr(Ae, T - 1, X, Z, ie) : Xe(ie, Ae) : Z || (ie[ie.length] = Ae);
return ie;
var ls = Su(), Qf = Su(!0);
function Kn(S, T) {
return S && ls(S, T, jr);
function cs(S, T) {
return S && Qf(S, T, jr);
function po(S, T) {
return Zr(T, function(X) {
return fi(S[X]);
function Ii(S, T) {
T = xi(T, S);
for (var X = 0, Z = T.length; S != null && X < Z; )
S = S[Yn(T[X++])];
return X && X == Z ? S : e;
function qf(S, T, X) {
var Z = T(S);
return jt(S) ? Z : Xe(Z, X(S));
function qr(S) {
return S == null ? S === e ? fe : he : Ci && Ci in cr(S) ? Ad(S) : $d(S);
function hs(S, T) {
return S > T;
function Zh(S, T) {
return S != null &&, T);
function Jh(S, T) {
return S != null && T in cr(S);
function Qh(S, T, X) {
return S >= Wr(T, X) && S < Ir(T, X);
function ds(S, T, X) {
for (var Z = X ? le : ta, ie = S[0].length, ye = S.length, Te = ye, Ae = We(ye), ze = 1 / 0, qe = []; Te--; ) {
var et = S[Te];
Te && T && (et = Oe(et, vn(T))), ze = Wr(et.length, ze), Ae[Te] = !X && (T || ie >= 120 && et.length >= 120) ? new Ai(Te && et) : e;
et = S[0];
var at = -1, yt = Ae[0];
for (; ++at < ie && qe.length < ze; ) {
var kt = et[at], Dt = T ? T(kt) : kt;
if (kt = X || kt !== 0 ? kt : 0, !(yt ? Ea(yt, Dt) : Z(qe, Dt, X))) {
for (Te = ye; --Te; ) {
var $t = Ae[Te];
if (!($t ? Ea($t, Dt) : Z(S[Te], Dt, X)))
continue e;
yt && yt.push(Dt), qe.push(kt);
return qe;
function qh(S, T, X, Z) {
return Kn(S, function(ie, ye, Te) {
T(Z, X(ie), ye, Te);
}), Z;
function Da(S, T, X) {
T = xi(T, S), S = zu(S, T);
var Z = S == null ? S : S[Yn(Mn(T))];
return Z == null ? e : pr(Z, S, X);
function eu(S) {
return br(S) && qr(S) == B;
function ed(S) {
return br(S) && qr(S) == je;
function td(S) {
return br(S) && qr(S) == ee;
function Na(S, T, X, Z, ie) {
return S === T ? !0 : S == null || T == null || !br(S) && !br(T) ? S !== S && T !== T : rd(S, T, X, Z, Na, ie);
function rd(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye) {
var Te = jt(S), Ae = jt(T), ze = Te ? j : Vr(S), qe = Ae ? j : Vr(T);
ze = ze == B ? ke : ze, qe = qe == B ? ke : qe;
var et = ze == ke, at = qe == ke, yt = ze == qe;
if (yt && ki(S)) {
if (!ki(T))
return !1;
Te = !0, et = !1;
if (yt && !et)
return ye || (ye = new zn()), Te || ha(S) ? Iu(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye) : Cd(S, T, ze, X, Z, ie, ye);
if (!(X & d)) {
var kt = et &&, "__wrapped__"), Dt = at &&, "__wrapped__");
if (kt || Dt) {
var $t = kt ? S.value() : S, Nt = Dt ? T.value() : T;
return ye || (ye = new zn()), ie($t, Nt, X, Z, ye);
return yt ? (ye || (ye = new zn()), Pd(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye)) : !1;
function nd(S) {
return br(S) && Vr(S) == J;
function ps(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = X.length, ye = ie, Te = !Z;
if (S == null)
return !ye;
for (S = cr(S); ie--; ) {
var Ae = X[ie];
if (Te && Ae[2] ? Ae[1] !== S[Ae[0]] : !(Ae[0] in S))
return !1;
for (; ++ie < ye; ) {
Ae = X[ie];
var ze = Ae[0], qe = S[ze], et = Ae[1];
if (Te && Ae[2]) {
if (qe === e && !(ze in S))
return !1;
} else {
var at = new zn();
if (Z)
var yt = Z(qe, et, ze, S, T, at);
if (!(yt === e ? Na(et, qe, d | s, Z, at) : yt))
return !1;
return !0;
function tu(S) {
if (!vr(S) || Ld(S))
return !1;
var T = fi(S) ? nh : Ft;
return T.test(Ni(S));
function id(S) {
return br(S) && qr(S) == Ce;
function ad(S) {
return br(S) && Vr(S) == q;
function od(S) {
return br(S) && Ao(S.length) && !!rr[qr(S)];
function ru(S) {
return typeof S == "function" ? S : S == null ? sn : typeof S == "object" ? jt(S) ? au(S[0], S[1]) : iu(S) : kl(S);
function ys(S) {
if (!ja(S))
return uh(S);
var T = [];
for (var X in cr(S)), X) && X != "constructor" && T.push(X);
return T;
function sd(S) {
if (!vr(S))
return Ud(S);
var T = ja(S), X = [];
for (var Z in S)
Z == "constructor" && (T || !, Z)) || X.push(Z);
return X;
function vs(S, T) {
return S < T;
function nu(S, T) {
var X = -1, Z = an(S) ? We(S.length) : [];
return _i(S, function(ie, ye, Te) {
Z[++X] = T(ie, ye, Te);
}), Z;
function iu(S) {
var T = As(S);
return T.length == 1 && T[0][2] ? ju(T[0][0], T[0][1]) : function(X) {
return X === S || ps(X, S, T);
function au(S, T) {
return Is(S) && Bu(T) ? ju(Yn(S), T) : function(X) {
var Z = Us(X, S);
return Z === e && Z === T ? $s(X, S) : Na(T, Z, d | s);
function yo(S, T, X, Z, ie) {
S !== T && ls(T, function(ye, Te) {
if (ie || (ie = new zn()), vr(ye))
fd(S, T, Te, X, yo, Z, ie);
else {
var Ae = Z ? Z(Ns(S, Te), ye, Te + "", S, T, ie) : e;
Ae === e && (Ae = ye), fs(S, Te, Ae);
}, on);
function fd(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye, Te) {
var Ae = Ns(S, X), ze = Ns(T, X), qe = Te.get(ze);
if (qe) {
fs(S, X, qe);
var et = ye ? ye(Ae, ze, X + "", S, T, Te) : e, at = et === e;
if (at) {
var yt = jt(ze), kt = !yt && ki(ze), Dt = !yt && !kt && ha(ze);
et = ze, yt || kt || Dt ? jt(Ae) ? et = Ae : xr(Ae) ? et = nn(Ae) : kt ? (at = !1, et = mu(ze, !0)) : Dt ? (at = !1, et = bu(ze, !0)) : et = [] : za(ze) || Fi(ze) ? (et = Ae, Fi(Ae) ? et = pl(Ae) : (!vr(Ae) || fi(Ae)) && (et = Fu(ze))) : at = !1;
at && (Te.set(ze, et), ie(et, ze, Z, ye, Te), Te.delete(ze)), fs(S, X, et);
function ou(S, T) {
var X = S.length;
if (X)
return T += T < 0 ? X : 0, si(T, X) ? S[T] : e;
function su(S, T, X) {
T.length ? T = Oe(T, function(ye) {
return jt(ye) ? function(Te) {
return Ii(Te, ye.length === 1 ? ye[0] : ye);
} : ye;
}) : T = [sn];
var Z = -1;
T = Oe(T, vn(It()));
var ie = nu(S, function(ye, Te, Ae) {
var ze = Oe(T, function(qe) {
return qe(ye);
return { criteria: ze, index: ++Z, value: ye };
return Ya(ie, function(ye, Te) {
return wd(ye, Te, X);
function ud(S, T) {
return fu(S, T, function(X, Z) {
return $s(S, Z);
function fu(S, T, X) {
for (var Z = -1, ie = T.length, ye = {}; ++Z < ie; ) {
var Te = T[Z], Ae = Ii(S, Te);
X(Ae, Te) && Fa(ye, xi(Te, S), Ae);
return ye;
function ld(S) {
return function(T) {
return Ii(T, S);
function ms(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = Z ? Rr : wr, ye = -1, Te = T.length, Ae = S;
for (S === T && (T = nn(T)), X && (Ae = Oe(S, vn(X))); ++ye < Te; )
for (var ze = 0, qe = T[ye], et = X ? X(qe) : qe; (ze = ie(Ae, et, ze, Z)) > -1; )
Ae !== S &&, ze, 1),, ze, 1);
return S;
function uu(S, T) {
for (var X = S ? T.length : 0, Z = X - 1; X--; ) {
var ie = T[X];
if (X == Z || ie !== ye) {
var ye = ie;
si(ie) ?, ie, 1) : ws(S, ie);
return S;
function bs(S, T) {
return S + so(Uf() * (T - S + 1));
function cd(S, T, X, Z) {
for (var ie = -1, ye = Ir(oo((T - S) / (X || 1)), 0), Te = We(ye); ye--; )
Te[Z ? ye : ++ie] = S, S += X;
return Te;
function gs(S, T) {
var X = "";
if (!S || T < 1 || T > E)
return X;
T % 2 && (X += S), T = so(T / 2), T && (S += S);
while (T);
return X;
function Vt(S, T) {
return Fs(Lu(S, T, sn), S + "");
function hd(S) {
return Vf(da(S));
function dd(S, T) {
var X = da(S);
return Oo(X, Mi(T, 0, X.length));
function Fa(S, T, X, Z) {
if (!vr(S))
return S;
T = xi(T, S);
for (var ie = -1, ye = T.length, Te = ye - 1, Ae = S; Ae != null && ++ie < ye; ) {
var ze = Yn(T[ie]), qe = X;
if (ze === "__proto__" || ze === "constructor" || ze === "prototype")
return S;
if (ie != Te) {
var et = Ae[ze];
qe = Z ? Z(et, ze, Ae) : e, qe === e && (qe = vr(et) ? et : si(T[ie + 1]) ? [] : {});
Ma(Ae, ze, qe), Ae = Ae[ze];
return S;
var lu = fo ? function(S, T) {
return fo.set(S, T), S;
} : sn, pd = ao ? function(S, T) {
return ao(S, "toString", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: Vs(T),
writable: !0
} : sn;
function yd(S) {
return Oo(da(S));
function An(S, T, X) {
var Z = -1, ie = S.length;
T < 0 && (T = -T > ie ? 0 : ie + T), X = X > ie ? ie : X, X < 0 && (X += ie), ie = T > X ? 0 : X - T >>> 0, T >>>= 0;
for (var ye = We(ie); ++Z < ie; )
ye[Z] = S[Z + T];
return ye;
function vd(S, T) {
var X;
return _i(S, function(Z, ie, ye) {
return X = T(Z, ie, ye), !X;
}), !!X;
function vo(S, T, X) {
var Z = 0, ie = S == null ? Z : S.length;
if (typeof T == "number" && T === T && ie <= U) {
for (; Z < ie; ) {
var ye = Z + ie >>> 1, Te = S[ye];
Te !== null && !bn(Te) && (X ? Te <= T : Te < T) ? Z = ye + 1 : ie = ye;
return ie;
return _s(S, T, sn, X);
function _s(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = 0, ye = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (ye === 0)
return 0;
T = X(T);
for (var Te = T !== T, Ae = T === null, ze = bn(T), qe = T === e; ie < ye; ) {
var et = so((ie + ye) / 2), at = X(S[et]), yt = at !== e, kt = at === null, Dt = at === at, $t = bn(at);
if (Te)
var Nt = Z || Dt;
qe ? Nt = Dt && (Z || yt) : Ae ? Nt = Dt && yt && (Z || !kt) : ze ? Nt = Dt && yt && !kt && (Z || !$t) : kt || $t ? Nt = !1 : Nt = Z ? at <= T : at < T;
Nt ? ie = et + 1 : ye = et;
return Wr(ye, W);
function cu(S, T) {
for (var X = -1, Z = S.length, ie = 0, ye = []; ++X < Z; ) {
var Te = S[X], Ae = T ? T(Te) : Te;
if (!X || !Hn(Ae, ze)) {
var ze = Ae;
ye[ie++] = Te === 0 ? 0 : Te;
return ye;
function hu(S) {
return typeof S == "number" ? S : bn(S) ? L : +S;
function mn(S) {
if (typeof S == "string")
return S;
if (jt(S))
return Oe(S, mn) + "";
if (bn(S))
return $f ? $ : "";
var T = S + "";
return T == "0" && 1 / S == -C ? "-0" : T;
function wi(S, T, X) {
var Z = -1, ie = ta, ye = S.length, Te = !0, Ae = [], ze = Ae;
if (X)
Te = !1, ie = le;
else if (ye >= _) {
var qe = T ? null : Td(S);
if (qe)
return Za(qe);
Te = !1, ie = Ea, ze = new Ai();
} else
ze = T ? [] : Ae;
for (; ++Z < ye; ) {
var et = S[Z], at = T ? T(et) : et;
if (et = X || et !== 0 ? et : 0, Te && at === at) {
for (var yt = ze.length; yt--; )
if (ze[yt] === at)
continue e;
T && ze.push(at), Ae.push(et);
} else
ie(ze, at, X) || (ze !== Ae && ze.push(at), Ae.push(et));
return Ae;
function ws(S, T) {
return T = xi(T, S), S = zu(S, T), S == null || delete S[Yn(Mn(T))];
function du(S, T, X, Z) {
return Fa(S, T, X(Ii(S, T)), Z);
function mo(S, T, X, Z) {
for (var ie = S.length, ye = Z ? ie : -1; (Z ? ye-- : ++ye < ie) && T(S[ye], ye, S); )
return X ? An(S, Z ? 0 : ye, Z ? ye + 1 : ie) : An(S, Z ? ye + 1 : 0, Z ? ie : ye);
function pu(S, T) {
var X = S;
return X instanceof Zt && (X = X.value()), ft(T, function(Z, ie) {
return ie.func.apply(ie.thisArg, Xe([Z], ie.args));
}, X);
function xs(S, T, X) {
var Z = S.length;
if (Z < 2)
return Z ? wi(S[0]) : [];
for (var ie = -1, ye = We(Z); ++ie < Z; )
for (var Te = S[ie], Ae = -1; ++Ae < Z; )
Ae != ie && (ye[ie] = Ia(ye[ie] || Te, S[Ae], T, X));
return wi(Hr(ye, 1), T, X);
function yu(S, T, X) {
for (var Z = -1, ie = S.length, ye = T.length, Te = {}; ++Z < ie; ) {
var Ae = Z < ye ? T[Z] : e;
X(Te, S[Z], Ae);
return Te;
function Ss(S) {
return xr(S) ? S : [];
function ks(S) {
return typeof S == "function" ? S : sn;
function xi(S, T) {
return jt(S) ? S : Is(S, T) ? [S] : $u(or(S));
var md = Vt;
function Si(S, T, X) {
var Z = S.length;
return X = X === e ? Z : X, !T && X >= Z ? S : An(S, T, X);
var vu = ih || function(S) {
return ht.clearTimeout(S);
function mu(S, T) {
if (T)
return S.slice();
var X = S.length, Z = jf ? jf(X) : new S.constructor(X);
return S.copy(Z), Z;
function Os(S) {
var T = new S.constructor(S.byteLength);
return new ro(T).set(new ro(S)), T;
function bd(S, T) {
var X = T ? Os(S.buffer) : S.buffer;
return new S.constructor(X, S.byteOffset, S.byteLength);
function gd(S) {
var T = new S.constructor(S.source, Kt.exec(S));
return T.lastIndex = S.lastIndex, T;
function _d(S) {
return Aa ? cr( : {};
function bu(S, T) {
var X = T ? Os(S.buffer) : S.buffer;
return new S.constructor(X, S.byteOffset, S.length);
function gu(S, T) {
if (S !== T) {
var X = S !== e, Z = S === null, ie = S === S, ye = bn(S), Te = T !== e, Ae = T === null, ze = T === T, qe = bn(T);
if (!Ae && !qe && !ye && S > T || ye && Te && ze && !Ae && !qe || Z && Te && ze || !X && ze || !ie)
return 1;
if (!Z && !ye && !qe && S < T || qe && X && ie && !Z && !ye || Ae && X && ie || !Te && ie || !ze)
return -1;
return 0;
function wd(S, T, X) {
for (var Z = -1, ie = S.criteria, ye = T.criteria, Te = ie.length, Ae = X.length; ++Z < Te; ) {
var ze = gu(ie[Z], ye[Z]);
if (ze) {
if (Z >= Ae)
return ze;
var qe = X[Z];
return ze * (qe == "desc" ? -1 : 1);
return S.index - T.index;
function _u(S, T, X, Z) {
for (var ie = -1, ye = S.length, Te = X.length, Ae = -1, ze = T.length, qe = Ir(ye - Te, 0), et = We(ze + qe), at = !Z; ++Ae < ze; )
et[Ae] = T[Ae];
for (; ++ie < Te; )
(at || ie < ye) && (et[X[ie]] = S[ie]);
for (; qe--; )
et[Ae++] = S[ie++];
return et;
function wu(S, T, X, Z) {
for (var ie = -1, ye = S.length, Te = -1, Ae = X.length, ze = -1, qe = T.length, et = Ir(ye - Ae, 0), at = We(et + qe), yt = !Z; ++ie < et; )
at[ie] = S[ie];
for (var kt = ie; ++ze < qe; )
at[kt + ze] = T[ze];
for (; ++Te < Ae; )
(yt || ie < ye) && (at[kt + X[Te]] = S[ie++]);
return at;
function nn(S, T) {
var X = -1, Z = S.length;
for (T || (T = We(Z)); ++X < Z; )
T[X] = S[X];
return T;
function Gn(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = !X;
X || (X = {});
for (var ye = -1, Te = T.length; ++ye < Te; ) {
var Ae = T[ye], ze = Z ? Z(X[Ae], S[Ae], Ae, X, S) : e;
ze === e && (ze = S[Ae]), ie ? ii(X, Ae, ze) : Ma(X, Ae, ze);
return X;
function xd(S, T) {
return Gn(S, Ms(S), T);
function Sd(S, T) {
return Gn(S, Du(S), T);
function bo(S, T) {
return function(X, Z) {
var ie = jt(X) ? pn : Wh, ye = T ? T() : {};
return ie(X, S, It(Z, 2), ye);
function ua(S) {
return Vt(function(T, X) {
var Z = -1, ie = X.length, ye = ie > 1 ? X[ie - 1] : e, Te = ie > 2 ? X[2] : e;
for (ye = S.length > 3 && typeof ye == "function" ? (ie--, ye) : e, Te && en(X[0], X[1], Te) && (ye = ie < 3 ? e : ye, ie = 1), T = cr(T); ++Z < ie; ) {
var Ae = X[Z];
Ae && S(T, Ae, Z, ye);
return T;
function xu(S, T) {
return function(X, Z) {
if (X == null)
return X;
if (!an(X))
return S(X, Z);
for (var ie = X.length, ye = T ? ie : -1, Te = cr(X); (T ? ye-- : ++ye < ie) && Z(Te[ye], ye, Te) !== !1; )
return X;
function Su(S) {
return function(T, X, Z) {
for (var ie = -1, ye = cr(T), Te = Z(T), Ae = Te.length; Ae--; ) {
var ze = Te[S ? Ae : ++ie];
if (X(ye[ze], ze, ye) === !1)
return T;
function kd(S, T, X) {
var Z = T & v, ie = Ba(S);
function ye() {
var Te = this && this !== ht && this instanceof ye ? ie : S;
return Te.apply(Z ? X : this, arguments);
return ye;
function ku(S) {
return function(T) {
T = or(T);
var X = ra(T) ? Ln(T) : e, Z = X ? X[0] : T.charAt(0), ie = X ? Si(X, 1).join("") : T.slice(1);
return Z[S]() + ie;
function la(S) {
return function(T) {
return ft(xl(wl(T).replace(Sn, "")), S, "");
function Ba(S) {
return function() {
var T = arguments;
switch (T.length) {
case 0:
return new S();
case 1:
return new S(T[0]);
case 2:
return new S(T[0], T[1]);
case 3:
return new S(T[0], T[1], T[2]);
case 4:
return new S(T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3]);
case 5:
return new S(T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4]);
case 6:
return new S(T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5]);
case 7:
return new S(T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3], T[4], T[5], T[6]);
var X = fa(S.prototype), Z = S.apply(X, T);
return vr(Z) ? Z : X;
function Od(S, T, X) {
var Z = Ba(S);
function ie() {
for (var ye = arguments.length, Te = We(ye), Ae = ye, ze = ca(ie); Ae--; )
Te[Ae] = arguments[Ae];
var qe = ye < 3 && Te[0] !== ze && Te[ye - 1] !== ze ? [] : bi(Te, ze);
if (ye -= qe.length, ye < X)
return Cu(
X - ye
var et = this && this !== ht && this instanceof ie ? Z : S;
return pr(et, this, Te);
return ie;
function Ou(S) {
return function(T, X, Z) {
var ie = cr(T);
if (!an(T)) {
var ye = It(X, 3);
T = jr(T), X = function(Ae) {
return ye(ie[Ae], Ae, ie);
var Te = S(T, X, Z);
return Te > -1 ? ie[ye ? T[Te] : Te] : e;
function Eu(S) {
return oi(function(T) {
var X = T.length, Z = X, ie = Cn.prototype.thru;
for (S && T.reverse(); Z--; ) {
var ye = T[Z];
if (typeof ye != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
if (ie && !Te && So(ye) == "wrapper")
var Te = new Cn([], !0);
for (Z = Te ? Z : X; ++Z < X; ) {
ye = T[Z];
var Ae = So(ye), ze = Ae == "wrapper" ? Ps(ye) : e;
ze && Ds(ze[0]) && ze[1] == (o | r | i | p) && !ze[4].length && ze[9] == 1 ? Te = Te[So(ze[0])].apply(Te, ze[3]) : Te = ye.length == 1 && Ds(ye) ? Te[Ae]() : Te.thru(ye);
return function() {
var qe = arguments, et = qe[0];
if (Te && qe.length == 1 && jt(et))
return Te.plant(et).value();
for (var at = 0, yt = X ? T[at].apply(this, qe) : et; ++at < X; )
yt = T[at].call(this, yt);
return yt;
function go(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye, Te, Ae, ze, qe) {
var et = T & o, at = T & v, yt = T & c, kt = T & (r | t), Dt = T & O, $t = yt ? e : Ba(S);
function Nt() {
for (var Gt = arguments.length, qt = We(Gt), gn = Gt; gn--; )
qt[gn] = arguments[gn];
if (kt)
var tn = ca(Nt), _n = Bc(qt, tn);
if (Z && (qt = _u(qt, Z, ie, kt)), ye && (qt = wu(qt, ye, Te, kt)), Gt -= _n, kt && Gt < qe) {
var Sr = bi(qt, tn);
return Cu(
qe - Gt
var Xn = at ? X : this, li = yt ? Xn[S] : S;
return Gt = qt.length, Ae ? qt = Wd(qt, Ae) : Dt && Gt > 1 && qt.reverse(), et && ze < Gt && (qt.length = ze), this && this !== ht && this instanceof Nt && (li = $t || Ba(li)), li.apply(Xn, qt);
return Nt;
function Tu(S, T) {
return function(X, Z) {
return qh(X, S, T(Z), {});
function _o(S, T) {
return function(X, Z) {
var ie;
if (X === e && Z === e)
return T;
if (X !== e && (ie = X), Z !== e) {
if (ie === e)
return Z;
typeof X == "string" || typeof Z == "string" ? (X = mn(X), Z = mn(Z)) : (X = hu(X), Z = hu(Z)), ie = S(X, Z);
return ie;
function Es(S) {
return oi(function(T) {
return T = Oe(T, vn(It())), Vt(function(X) {
var Z = this;
return S(T, function(ie) {
return pr(ie, Z, X);
function wo(S, T) {
T = T === e ? " " : mn(T);
var X = T.length;
if (X < 2)
return X ? gs(T, S) : T;
var Z = gs(T, oo(S / na(T)));
return ra(T) ? Si(Ln(Z), 0, S).join("") : Z.slice(0, S);
function Ed(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = T & v, ye = Ba(S);
function Te() {
for (var Ae = -1, ze = arguments.length, qe = -1, et = Z.length, at = We(et + ze), yt = this && this !== ht && this instanceof Te ? ye : S; ++qe < et; )
at[qe] = Z[qe];
for (; ze--; )
at[qe++] = arguments[++Ae];
return pr(yt, ie ? X : this, at);
return Te;
function Ru(S) {
return function(T, X, Z) {
return Z && typeof Z != "number" && en(T, X, Z) && (X = Z = e), T = ui(T), X === e ? (X = T, T = 0) : X = ui(X), Z = Z === e ? T < X ? 1 : -1 : ui(Z), cd(T, X, Z, S);
function xo(S) {
return function(T, X) {
return typeof T == "string" && typeof X == "string" || (T = In(T), X = In(X)), S(T, X);
function Cu(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye, Te, Ae, ze, qe) {
var et = T & r, at = et ? Te : e, yt = et ? e : Te, kt = et ? ye : e, Dt = et ? e : ye;
T |= et ? i : n, T &= ~(et ? n : i), T & a || (T &= ~(v | c));
var $t = [
], Nt = X.apply(e, $t);
return Ds(S) && Hu(Nt, $t), Nt.placeholder = Z, Xu(Nt, S, T);
function Ts(S) {
var T = Mr[S];
return function(X, Z) {
if (X = In(X), Z = Z == null ? 0 : Wr(Ut(Z), 292), Z && Xf(X)) {
var ie = (or(X) + "e").split("e"), ye = T(ie[0] + "e" + (+ie[1] + Z));
return ie = (or(ye) + "e").split("e"), +(ie[0] + "e" + (+ie[1] - Z));
return T(X);
var Td = oa && 1 / Za(new oa([, -0]))[1] == C ? function(S) {
return new oa(S);
} : Ys;
function Pu(S) {
return function(T) {
var X = Vr(T);
return X == J ? ns(T) : X == q ? $c(T) : Fc(T, S(T));
function ai(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye, Te, Ae) {
var ze = T & c;
if (!ze && typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
var qe = Z ? Z.length : 0;
if (qe || (T &= ~(i | n), Z = ie = e), Te = Te === e ? Te : Ir(Ut(Te), 0), Ae = Ae === e ? Ae : Ut(Ae), qe -= ie ? ie.length : 0, T & n) {
var et = Z, at = ie;
Z = ie = e;
var yt = ze ? e : Ps(S), kt = [
if (yt && Xd(kt, yt), S = kt[0], T = kt[1], X = kt[2], Z = kt[3], ie = kt[4], Ae = kt[9] = kt[9] === e ? ze ? 0 : S.length : Ir(kt[9] - qe, 0), !Ae && T & (r | t) && (T &= ~(r | t)), !T || T == v)
var Dt = kd(S, T, X);
T == r || T == t ? Dt = Od(S, T, Ae) : (T == i || T == (v | i)) && !ie.length ? Dt = Ed(S, T, X, Z) : Dt = go.apply(e, kt);
var $t = yt ? lu : Hu;
return Xu($t(Dt, kt), S, T);
function Au(S, T, X, Z) {
return S === e || Hn(S, aa[X]) && !, X) ? T : S;
function Mu(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye) {
return vr(S) && vr(T) && (ye.set(T, S), yo(S, T, e, Mu, ye), ye.delete(T)), S;
function Rd(S) {
return za(S) ? e : S;
function Iu(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye) {
var Te = X & d, Ae = S.length, ze = T.length;
if (Ae != ze && !(Te && ze > Ae))
return !1;
var qe = ye.get(S), et = ye.get(T);
if (qe && et)
return qe == T && et == S;
var at = -1, yt = !0, kt = X & s ? new Ai() : e;
for (ye.set(S, T), ye.set(T, S); ++at < Ae; ) {
var Dt = S[at], $t = T[at];
if (Z)
var Nt = Te ? Z($t, Dt, at, T, S, ye) : Z(Dt, $t, at, S, T, ye);
if (Nt !== e) {
if (Nt)
yt = !1;
if (kt) {
if (!mt(T, function(Gt, qt) {
if (!Ea(kt, qt) && (Dt === Gt || ie(Dt, Gt, X, Z, ye)))
return kt.push(qt);
})) {
yt = !1;
} else if (!(Dt === $t || ie(Dt, $t, X, Z, ye))) {
yt = !1;
return ye.delete(S), ye.delete(T), yt;
function Cd(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye, Te) {
switch (X) {
case Ye:
if (S.byteLength != T.byteLength || S.byteOffset != T.byteOffset)
return !1;
S = S.buffer, T = T.buffer;
case je:
return !(S.byteLength != T.byteLength || !ye(new ro(S), new ro(T)));
case re:
case ee:
case Q:
return Hn(+S, +T);
case ve:
return == && S.message == T.message;
case Ce:
case G:
return S == T + "";
case J:
var Ae = ns;
case q:
var ze = Z & d;
if (Ae || (Ae = Za), S.size != T.size && !ze)
return !1;
var qe = Te.get(S);
if (qe)
return qe == T;
Z |= s, Te.set(S, T);
var et = Iu(Ae(S), Ae(T), Z, ie, ye, Te);
return Te.delete(S), et;
case Y:
if (Aa)
return ==;
return !1;
function Pd(S, T, X, Z, ie, ye) {
var Te = X & d, Ae = Rs(S), ze = Ae.length, qe = Rs(T), et = qe.length;
if (ze != et && !Te)
return !1;
for (var at = ze; at--; ) {
var yt = Ae[at];
if (!(Te ? yt in T :, yt)))
return !1;
var kt = ye.get(S), Dt = ye.get(T);
if (kt && Dt)
return kt == T && Dt == S;
var $t = !0;
ye.set(S, T), ye.set(T, S);
for (var Nt = Te; ++at < ze; ) {
yt = Ae[at];
var Gt = S[yt], qt = T[yt];
if (Z)
var gn = Te ? Z(qt, Gt, yt, T, S, ye) : Z(Gt, qt, yt, S, T, ye);
if (!(gn === e ? Gt === qt || ie(Gt, qt, X, Z, ye) : gn)) {
$t = !1;
Nt || (Nt = yt == "constructor");
if ($t && !Nt) {
var tn = S.constructor, _n = T.constructor;
tn != _n && "constructor" in S && "constructor" in T && !(typeof tn == "function" && tn instanceof tn && typeof _n == "function" && _n instanceof _n) && ($t = !1);
return ye.delete(S), ye.delete(T), $t;
function oi(S) {
return Fs(Lu(S, e, Gu), S + "");
function Rs(S) {
return qf(S, jr, Ms);
function Cs(S) {
return qf(S, on, Du);
var Ps = fo ? function(S) {
return fo.get(S);
} : Ys;
function So(S) {
for (var T = + "", X = sa[T], Z =, T) ? X.length : 0; Z--; ) {
var ie = X[Z], ye = ie.func;
if (ye == null || ye == S)
return T;
function ca(S) {
var T =, "placeholder") ? de : S;
return T.placeholder;
function It() {
var S = de.iteratee || Ks;
return S = S === Ks ? ru : S, arguments.length ? S(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : S;
function ko(S, T) {
var X = S.__data__;
return jd(T) ? X[typeof T == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :;
function As(S) {
for (var T = jr(S), X = T.length; X--; ) {
var Z = T[X], ie = S[Z];
T[X] = [Z, ie, Bu(ie)];
return T;
function Di(S, T) {
var X = Hc(S, T);
return tu(X) ? X : e;
function Ad(S) {
var T =, Ci), X = S[Ci];
try {
S[Ci] = e;
var Z = !0;
} catch (ye) {
var ie =;
return Z && (T ? S[Ci] = X : delete S[Ci]), ie;
var Ms = as ? function(S) {
return S == null ? [] : (S = cr(S), Zr(as(S), function(T) {
return, T);
} : Zs, Du = as ? function(S) {
for (var T = []; S; )
Xe(T, Ms(S)), S = no(S);
return T;
} : Zs, Vr = qr;
(os && Vr(new os(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != Ye || Ra && Vr(new Ra()) != J || ss && Vr(ss.resolve()) != ne || oa && Vr(new oa()) != q || Ca && Vr(new Ca()) != we) && (Vr = function(S) {
var T = qr(S), X = T == ke ? S.constructor : e, Z = X ? Ni(X) : "";
if (Z)
switch (Z) {
case dh:
return Ye;
case ph:
return J;
case yh:
return ne;
case vh:
return q;
case mh:
return we;
return T;
function Md(S, T, X) {
for (var Z = -1, ie = X.length; ++Z < ie; ) {
var ye = X[Z], Te = ye.size;
switch (ye.type) {
case "drop":
S += Te;
case "dropRight":
T -= Te;
case "take":
T = Wr(T, S + Te);
case "takeRight":
S = Ir(S, T - Te);
return { start: S, end: T };
function Id(S) {
var T = S.match(Ot);
return T ? T[1].split(pt) : [];
function Nu(S, T, X) {
T = xi(T, S);
for (var Z = -1, ie = T.length, ye = !1; ++Z < ie; ) {
var Te = Yn(T[Z]);
if (!(ye = S != null && X(S, Te)))
S = S[Te];
return ye || ++Z != ie ? ye : (ie = S == null ? 0 : S.length, !!ie && Ao(ie) && si(Te, ie) && (jt(S) || Fi(S)));
function Dd(S) {
var T = S.length, X = new S.constructor(T);
return T && typeof S[0] == "string" &&, "index") && (X.index = S.index, X.input = S.input), X;
function Fu(S) {
return typeof S.constructor == "function" && !ja(S) ? fa(no(S)) : {};
function Nd(S, T, X) {
var Z = S.constructor;
switch (T) {
case je:
return Os(S);
case re:
case ee:
return new Z(+S);
case Ye:
return bd(S, X);
case nt:
case ut:
case ot:
case Ue:
case Ve:
case Qe:
case tt:
case ae:
case Re:
return bu(S, X);
case J:
return new Z();
case Q:
case G:
return new Z(S);
case Ce:
return gd(S);
case q:
return new Z();
case Y:
return _d(S);
function Fd(S, T) {
var X = T.length;
if (!X)
return S;
var Z = X - 1;
return T[Z] = (X > 1 ? "& " : "") + T[Z], T = T.join(X > 2 ? ", " : " "), S.replace(wt, `{
/* [wrapped with ` + T + `] */
function Bd(S) {
return jt(S) || Fi(S) || !!(Hf && S && S[Hf]);
function si(S, T) {
var X = typeof S;
return T = T == null ? E : T, !!T && (X == "number" || X != "symbol" && Et.test(S)) && S > -1 && S % 1 == 0 && S < T;
function en(S, T, X) {
if (!vr(X))
return !1;
var Z = typeof T;
return (Z == "number" ? an(X) && si(T, X.length) : Z == "string" && T in X) ? Hn(X[T], S) : !1;
function Is(S, T) {
if (jt(S))
return !1;
var X = typeof S;
return X == "number" || X == "symbol" || X == "boolean" || S == null || bn(S) ? !0 : Se.test(S) || !ue.test(S) || T != null && S in cr(T);
function jd(S) {
var T = typeof S;
return T == "string" || T == "number" || T == "symbol" || T == "boolean" ? S !== "__proto__" : S === null;
function Ds(S) {
var T = So(S), X = de[T];
if (typeof X != "function" || !(T in Zt.prototype))
return !1;
if (S === X)
return !0;
var Z = Ps(X);
return !!Z && S === Z[0];
function Ld(S) {
return !!Bf && Bf in S;
var zd = Qa ? fi : Js;
function ja(S) {
var T = S && S.constructor, X = typeof T == "function" && T.prototype || aa;
return S === X;
function Bu(S) {
return S === S && !vr(S);
function ju(S, T) {
return function(X) {
return X == null ? !1 : X[S] === T && (T !== e || S in cr(X));
function Hd(S) {
var T = Co(S, function(Z) {
return X.size === w && X.clear(), Z;
}), X = T.cache;
return T;
function Xd(S, T) {
var X = S[1], Z = T[1], ie = X | Z, ye = ie < (v | c | o), Te = Z == o && X == r || Z == o && X == p && S[7].length <= T[8] || Z == (o | p) && T[7].length <= T[8] && X == r;
if (!(ye || Te))
return S;
Z & v && (S[2] = T[2], ie |= X & v ? 0 : a);
var Ae = T[3];
if (Ae) {
var ze = S[3];
S[3] = ze ? _u(ze, Ae, T[4]) : Ae, S[4] = ze ? bi(S[3], f) : T[4];
return Ae = T[5], Ae && (ze = S[5], S[5] = ze ? wu(ze, Ae, T[6]) : Ae, S[6] = ze ? bi(S[5], f) : T[6]), Ae = T[7], Ae && (S[7] = Ae), Z & o && (S[8] = S[8] == null ? T[8] : Wr(S[8], T[8])), S[9] == null && (S[9] = T[9]), S[0] = T[0], S[1] = ie, S;
function Ud(S) {
var T = [];
if (S != null)
for (var X in cr(S))
return T;
function $d(S) {
function Lu(S, T, X) {
return T = Ir(T === e ? S.length - 1 : T, 0), function() {
for (var Z = arguments, ie = -1, ye = Ir(Z.length - T, 0), Te = We(ye); ++ie < ye; )
Te[ie] = Z[T + ie];
ie = -1;
for (var Ae = We(T + 1); ++ie < T; )
Ae[ie] = Z[ie];
return Ae[T] = X(Te), pr(S, this, Ae);
function zu(S, T) {
return T.length < 2 ? S : Ii(S, An(T, 0, -1));
function Wd(S, T) {
for (var X = S.length, Z = Wr(T.length, X), ie = nn(S); Z--; ) {
var ye = T[Z];
S[Z] = si(ye, X) ? ie[ye] : e;
return S;
function Ns(S, T) {
if (!(T === "constructor" && typeof S[T] == "function") && T != "__proto__")
return S[T];
var Hu = Uu(lu), La = oh || function(S, T) {
return ht.setTimeout(S, T);
}, Fs = Uu(pd);
function Xu(S, T, X) {
var Z = T + "";
return Fs(S, Fd(Z, Vd(Id(Z), X)));
function Uu(S) {
var T = 0, X = 0;
return function() {
var Z = lh(), ie = N - (Z - X);
if (X = Z, ie > 0) {
if (++T >= z)
return arguments[0];
} else
T = 0;
return S.apply(e, arguments);
function Oo(S, T) {
var X = -1, Z = S.length, ie = Z - 1;
for (T = T === e ? Z : T; ++X < T; ) {
var ye = bs(X, ie), Te = S[ye];
S[ye] = S[X], S[X] = Te;
return S.length = T, S;
var $u = Hd(function(S) {
var T = [];
return S.charCodeAt(0) === 46 && T.push(""), S.replace(Ie, function(X, Z, ie, ye) {
T.push(ie ? ye.replace(Pt, "$1") : Z || X);
}), T;
function Yn(S) {
if (typeof S == "string" || bn(S))
return S;
var T = S + "";
return T == "0" && 1 / S == -C ? "-0" : T;
function Ni(S) {
if (S != null) {
try {
} catch (T) {
try {
return S + "";
} catch (T) {
return "";
function Vd(S, T) {
return mr(D, function(X) {
var Z = "_." + X[0];
T & X[1] && !ta(S, Z) && S.push(Z);
}), S.sort();
function Wu(S) {
if (S instanceof Zt)
return S.clone();
var T = new Cn(S.__wrapped__, S.__chain__);
return T.__actions__ = nn(S.__actions__), T.__index__ = S.__index__, T.__values__ = S.__values__, T;
function Kd(S, T, X) {
(X ? en(S, T, X) : T === e) ? T = 1 : T = Ir(Ut(T), 0);
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (!Z || T < 1)
return [];
for (var ie = 0, ye = 0, Te = We(oo(Z / T)); ie < Z; )
Te[ye++] = An(S, ie, ie += T);
return Te;
function Gd(S) {
for (var T = -1, X = S == null ? 0 : S.length, Z = 0, ie = []; ++T < X; ) {
var ye = S[T];
ye && (ie[Z++] = ye);
return ie;
function Yd() {
var S = arguments.length;
if (!S)
return [];
for (var T = We(S - 1), X = arguments[0], Z = S; Z--; )
T[Z - 1] = arguments[Z];
return Xe(jt(X) ? nn(X) : [X], Hr(T, 1));
var Zd = Vt(function(S, T) {
return xr(S) ? Ia(S, Hr(T, 1, xr, !0)) : [];
}), Jd = Vt(function(S, T) {
var X = Mn(T);
return xr(X) && (X = e), xr(S) ? Ia(S, Hr(T, 1, xr, !0), It(X, 2)) : [];
}), Qd = Vt(function(S, T) {
var X = Mn(T);
return xr(X) && (X = e), xr(S) ? Ia(S, Hr(T, 1, xr, !0), e, X) : [];
function qd(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return Z ? (T = X || T === e ? 1 : Ut(T), An(S, T < 0 ? 0 : T, Z)) : [];
function ep(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return Z ? (T = X || T === e ? 1 : Ut(T), T = Z - T, An(S, 0, T < 0 ? 0 : T)) : [];
function tp(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? mo(S, It(T, 3), !0, !0) : [];
function rp(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? mo(S, It(T, 3), !0) : [];
function np(S, T, X, Z) {
var ie = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return ie ? (X && typeof X != "number" && en(S, T, X) && (X = 0, Z = ie), Yh(S, T, X, Z)) : [];
function Vu(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (!Z)
return -1;
var ie = X == null ? 0 : Ut(X);
return ie < 0 && (ie = Ir(Z + ie, 0)), Tr(S, It(T, 3), ie);
function Ku(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (!Z)
return -1;
var ie = Z - 1;
return X !== e && (ie = Ut(X), ie = X < 0 ? Ir(Z + ie, 0) : Wr(ie, Z - 1)), Tr(S, It(T, 3), ie, !0);
function Gu(S) {
var T = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return T ? Hr(S, 1) : [];
function ip(S) {
var T = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return T ? Hr(S, C) : [];
function ap(S, T) {
var X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return X ? (T = T === e ? 1 : Ut(T), Hr(S, T)) : [];
function op(S) {
for (var T = -1, X = S == null ? 0 : S.length, Z = {}; ++T < X; ) {
var ie = S[T];
Z[ie[0]] = ie[1];
return Z;
function Yu(S) {
return S && S.length ? S[0] : e;
function sp(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (!Z)
return -1;
var ie = X == null ? 0 : Ut(X);
return ie < 0 && (ie = Ir(Z + ie, 0)), wr(S, T, ie);
function fp(S) {
var T = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return T ? An(S, 0, -1) : [];
var up = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Oe(S, Ss);
return T.length && T[0] === S[0] ? ds(T) : [];
}), lp = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Mn(S), X = Oe(S, Ss);
return T === Mn(X) ? T = e : X.pop(), X.length && X[0] === S[0] ? ds(X, It(T, 2)) : [];
}), cp = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Mn(S), X = Oe(S, Ss);
return T = typeof T == "function" ? T : e, T && X.pop(), X.length && X[0] === S[0] ? ds(X, e, T) : [];
function hp(S, T) {
return S == null ? "" :, T);
function Mn(S) {
var T = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return T ? S[T - 1] : e;
function dp(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (!Z)
return -1;
var ie = Z;
return X !== e && (ie = Ut(X), ie = ie < 0 ? Ir(Z + ie, 0) : Wr(ie, Z - 1)), T === T ? Vc(S, T, ie) : Tr(S, Jr, ie, !0);
function pp(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? ou(S, Ut(T)) : e;
var yp = Vt(Zu);
function Zu(S, T) {
return S && S.length && T && T.length ? ms(S, T) : S;
function vp(S, T, X) {
return S && S.length && T && T.length ? ms(S, T, It(X, 2)) : S;
function mp(S, T, X) {
return S && S.length && T && T.length ? ms(S, T, e, X) : S;
var bp = oi(function(S, T) {
var X = S == null ? 0 : S.length, Z = us(S, T);
return uu(S, Oe(T, function(ie) {
return si(ie, X) ? +ie : ie;
}).sort(gu)), Z;
function gp(S, T) {
var X = [];
if (!(S && S.length))
return X;
var Z = -1, ie = [], ye = S.length;
for (T = It(T, 3); ++Z < ye; ) {
var Te = S[Z];
T(Te, Z, S) && (X.push(Te), ie.push(Z));
return uu(S, ie), X;
function Bs(S) {
return S == null ? S :;
function _p(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return Z ? (X && typeof X != "number" && en(S, T, X) ? (T = 0, X = Z) : (T = T == null ? 0 : Ut(T), X = X === e ? Z : Ut(X)), An(S, T, X)) : [];
function wp(S, T) {
return vo(S, T);
function xp(S, T, X) {
return _s(S, T, It(X, 2));
function Sp(S, T) {
var X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (X) {
var Z = vo(S, T);
if (Z < X && Hn(S[Z], T))
return Z;
return -1;
function kp(S, T) {
return vo(S, T, !0);
function Op(S, T, X) {
return _s(S, T, It(X, 2), !0);
function Ep(S, T) {
var X = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
if (X) {
var Z = vo(S, T, !0) - 1;
if (Hn(S[Z], T))
return Z;
return -1;
function Tp(S) {
return S && S.length ? cu(S) : [];
function Rp(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? cu(S, It(T, 2)) : [];
function Cp(S) {
var T = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return T ? An(S, 1, T) : [];
function Pp(S, T, X) {
return S && S.length ? (T = X || T === e ? 1 : Ut(T), An(S, 0, T < 0 ? 0 : T)) : [];
function Ap(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? 0 : S.length;
return Z ? (T = X || T === e ? 1 : Ut(T), T = Z - T, An(S, T < 0 ? 0 : T, Z)) : [];
function Mp(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? mo(S, It(T, 3), !1, !0) : [];
function Ip(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? mo(S, It(T, 3)) : [];
var Dp = Vt(function(S) {
return wi(Hr(S, 1, xr, !0));
}), Np = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Mn(S);
return xr(T) && (T = e), wi(Hr(S, 1, xr, !0), It(T, 2));
}), Fp = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Mn(S);
return T = typeof T == "function" ? T : e, wi(Hr(S, 1, xr, !0), e, T);
function Bp(S) {
return S && S.length ? wi(S) : [];
function jp(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? wi(S, It(T, 2)) : [];
function Lp(S, T) {
return T = typeof T == "function" ? T : e, S && S.length ? wi(S, e, T) : [];
function js(S) {
if (!(S && S.length))
return [];
var T = 0;
return S = Zr(S, function(X) {
if (xr(X))
return T = Ir(X.length, T), !0;
}), mi(T, function(X) {
return Oe(S, Tn(X));
function Ju(S, T) {
if (!(S && S.length))
return [];
var X = js(S);
return T == null ? X : Oe(X, function(Z) {
return pr(T, e, Z);
var zp = Vt(function(S, T) {
return xr(S) ? Ia(S, T) : [];
}), Hp = Vt(function(S) {
return xs(Zr(S, xr));
}), Xp = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Mn(S);
return xr(T) && (T = e), xs(Zr(S, xr), It(T, 2));
}), Up = Vt(function(S) {
var T = Mn(S);
return T = typeof T == "function" ? T : e, xs(Zr(S, xr), e, T);
}), $p = Vt(js);
function Wp(S, T) {
return yu(S || [], T || [], Ma);
function Vp(S, T) {
return yu(S || [], T || [], Fa);
var Kp = Vt(function(S) {
var T = S.length, X = T > 1 ? S[T - 1] : e;
return X = typeof X == "function" ? (S.pop(), X) : e, Ju(S, X);
function Qu(S) {
var T = de(S);
return T.__chain__ = !0, T;
function Gp(S, T) {
return T(S), S;
function Eo(S, T) {
return T(S);
var Yp = oi(function(S) {
var T = S.length, X = T ? S[0] : 0, Z = this.__wrapped__, ie = function(ye) {
return us(ye, S);
return T > 1 || this.__actions__.length || !(Z instanceof Zt) || !si(X) ? this.thru(ie) : (Z = Z.slice(X, +X + (T ? 1 : 0)), Z.__actions__.push({
func: Eo,
args: [ie],
thisArg: e
}), new Cn(Z, this.__chain__).thru(function(ye) {
return T && !ye.length && ye.push(e), ye;
function Zp() {
return Qu(this);
function Jp() {
return new Cn(this.value(), this.__chain__);
function Qp() {
this.__values__ === e && (this.__values__ = hl(this.value()));
var S = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length, T = S ? e : this.__values__[this.__index__++];
return { done: S, value: T };
function qp() {
return this;
function e0(S) {
for (var T, X = this; X instanceof lo; ) {
var Z = Wu(X);
Z.__index__ = 0, Z.__values__ = e, T ? ie.__wrapped__ = Z : T = Z;
var ie = Z;
X = X.__wrapped__;
return ie.__wrapped__ = S, T;
function t0() {
var S = this.__wrapped__;
if (S instanceof Zt) {
var T = S;
return this.__actions__.length && (T = new Zt(this)), T = T.reverse(), T.__actions__.push({
func: Eo,
args: [Bs],
thisArg: e
}), new Cn(T, this.__chain__);
return this.thru(Bs);
function r0() {
return pu(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);
var n0 = bo(function(S, T, X) {, X) ? ++S[X] : ii(S, X, 1);
function i0(S, T, X) {
var Z = jt(S) ? En : Gh;
return X && en(S, T, X) && (T = e), Z(S, It(T, 3));
function a0(S, T) {
var X = jt(S) ? Zr : Jf;
return X(S, It(T, 3));
var o0 = Ou(Vu), s0 = Ou(Ku);
function f0(S, T) {
return Hr(To(S, T), 1);
function u0(S, T) {
return Hr(To(S, T), C);
function l0(S, T, X) {
return X = X === e ? 1 : Ut(X), Hr(To(S, T), X);
function qu(S, T) {
var X = jt(S) ? mr : _i;
return X(S, It(T, 3));
function el(S, T) {
var X = jt(S) ? ea : Zf;
return X(S, It(T, 3));
var c0 = bo(function(S, T, X) {, X) ? S[X].push(T) : ii(S, X, [T]);
function h0(S, T, X, Z) {
S = an(S) ? S : da(S), X = X && !Z ? Ut(X) : 0;
var ie = S.length;
return X < 0 && (X = Ir(ie + X, 0)), Mo(S) ? X <= ie && S.indexOf(T, X) > -1 : !!ie && wr(S, T, X) > -1;
var d0 = Vt(function(S, T, X) {
var Z = -1, ie = typeof T == "function", ye = an(S) ? We(S.length) : [];
return _i(S, function(Te) {
ye[++Z] = ie ? pr(T, Te, X) : Da(Te, T, X);
}), ye;
}), p0 = bo(function(S, T, X) {
ii(S, X, T);
function To(S, T) {
var X = jt(S) ? Oe : nu;
return X(S, It(T, 3));
function y0(S, T, X, Z) {
return S == null ? [] : (jt(T) || (T = T == null ? [] : [T]), X = Z ? e : X, jt(X) || (X = X == null ? [] : [X]), su(S, T, X));
var v0 = bo(function(S, T, X) {
S[X ? 0 : 1].push(T);
}, function() {
return [[], []];
function m0(S, T, X) {
var Z = jt(S) ? ft : Vn, ie = arguments.length < 3;
return Z(S, It(T, 4), X, ie, _i);
function b0(S, T, X) {
var Z = jt(S) ? Tt : Vn, ie = arguments.length < 3;
return Z(S, It(T, 4), X, ie, Zf);
function g0(S, T) {
var X = jt(S) ? Zr : Jf;
return X(S, Po(It(T, 3)));
function _0(S) {
var T = jt(S) ? Vf : hd;
return T(S);
function w0(S, T, X) {
(X ? en(S, T, X) : T === e) ? T = 1 : T = Ut(T);
var Z = jt(S) ? Uh : dd;
return Z(S, T);
function x0(S) {
var T = jt(S) ? $h : yd;
return T(S);
function S0(S) {
if (S == null)
return 0;
if (an(S))
return Mo(S) ? na(S) : S.length;
var T = Vr(S);
return T == J || T == q ? S.size : ys(S).length;
function k0(S, T, X) {
var Z = jt(S) ? mt : vd;
return X && en(S, T, X) && (T = e), Z(S, It(T, 3));
var O0 = Vt(function(S, T) {
if (S == null)
return [];
var X = T.length;
return X > 1 && en(S, T[0], T[1]) ? T = [] : X > 2 && en(T[0], T[1], T[2]) && (T = [T[0]]), su(S, Hr(T, 1), []);
}), Ro = ah || function() {
function E0(S, T) {
if (typeof T != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return S = Ut(S), function() {
if (--S < 1)
return T.apply(this, arguments);
function tl(S, T, X) {
return T = X ? e : T, T = S && T == null ? S.length : T, ai(S, o, e, e, e, e, T);
function rl(S, T) {
var X;
if (typeof T != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return S = Ut(S), function() {
return --S > 0 && (X = T.apply(this, arguments)), S <= 1 && (T = e), X;
var Ls = Vt(function(S, T, X) {
var Z = v;
if (X.length) {
var ie = bi(X, ca(Ls));
Z |= i;
return ai(S, Z, T, X, ie);
}), nl = Vt(function(S, T, X) {
var Z = v | c;
if (X.length) {
var ie = bi(X, ca(nl));
Z |= i;
return ai(T, Z, S, X, ie);
function il(S, T, X) {
T = X ? e : T;
var Z = ai(S, r, e, e, e, e, e, T);
return Z.placeholder = il.placeholder, Z;
function al(S, T, X) {
T = X ? e : T;
var Z = ai(S, t, e, e, e, e, e, T);
return Z.placeholder = al.placeholder, Z;
function ol(S, T, X) {
var Z, ie, ye, Te, Ae, ze, qe = 0, et = !1, at = !1, yt = !0;
if (typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
T = In(T) || 0, vr(X) && (et = !!X.leading, at = "maxWait" in X, ye = at ? Ir(In(X.maxWait) || 0, T) : ye, yt = "trailing" in X ? !!X.trailing : yt);
function kt(Sr) {
var Xn = Z, li = ie;
return Z = ie = e, qe = Sr, Te = S.apply(li, Xn), Te;
function Dt(Sr) {
return qe = Sr, Ae = La(Gt, T), et ? kt(Sr) : Te;
function $t(Sr) {
var Xn = Sr - ze, li = Sr - qe, Ol = T - Xn;
return at ? Wr(Ol, ye - li) : Ol;
function Nt(Sr) {
var Xn = Sr - ze, li = Sr - qe;
return ze === e || Xn >= T || Xn < 0 || at && li >= ye;
function Gt() {
var Sr = Ro();
if (Nt(Sr))
return qt(Sr);
Ae = La(Gt, $t(Sr));
function qt(Sr) {
return Ae = e, yt && Z ? kt(Sr) : (Z = ie = e, Te);
function gn() {
Ae !== e && vu(Ae), qe = 0, Z = ze = ie = Ae = e;
function tn() {
return Ae === e ? Te : qt(Ro());
function _n() {
var Sr = Ro(), Xn = Nt(Sr);
if (Z = arguments, ie = this, ze = Sr, Xn) {
if (Ae === e)
return Dt(ze);
if (at)
return vu(Ae), Ae = La(Gt, T), kt(ze);
return Ae === e && (Ae = La(Gt, T)), Te;
return _n.cancel = gn, _n.flush = tn, _n;
var T0 = Vt(function(S, T) {
return Yf(S, 1, T);
}), R0 = Vt(function(S, T, X) {
return Yf(S, In(T) || 0, X);
function C0(S) {
return ai(S, O);
function Co(S, T) {
if (typeof S != "function" || T != null && typeof T != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
var X = function() {
var Z = arguments, ie = T ? T.apply(this, Z) : Z[0], ye = X.cache;
if (ye.has(ie))
return ye.get(ie);
var Te = S.apply(this, Z);
return X.cache = ye.set(ie, Te) || ye, Te;
return X.cache = new (Co.Cache || ni)(), X;
Co.Cache = ni;
function Po(S) {
if (typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return function() {
var T = arguments;
switch (T.length) {
case 0:
return !;
case 1:
return !, T[0]);
case 2:
return !, T[0], T[1]);
case 3:
return !, T[0], T[1], T[2]);
return !S.apply(this, T);
function P0(S) {
return rl(2, S);
var A0 = md(function(S, T) {
T = T.length == 1 && jt(T[0]) ? Oe(T[0], vn(It())) : Oe(Hr(T, 1), vn(It()));
var X = T.length;
return Vt(function(Z) {
for (var ie = -1, ye = Wr(Z.length, X); ++ie < ye; )
Z[ie] = T[ie].call(this, Z[ie]);
return pr(S, this, Z);
}), zs = Vt(function(S, T) {
var X = bi(T, ca(zs));
return ai(S, i, e, T, X);
}), sl = Vt(function(S, T) {
var X = bi(T, ca(sl));
return ai(S, n, e, T, X);
}), M0 = oi(function(S, T) {
return ai(S, p, e, e, e, T);
function I0(S, T) {
if (typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return T = T === e ? T : Ut(T), Vt(S, T);
function D0(S, T) {
if (typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return T = T == null ? 0 : Ir(Ut(T), 0), Vt(function(X) {
var Z = X[T], ie = Si(X, 0, T);
return Z && Xe(ie, Z), pr(S, this, ie);
function N0(S, T, X) {
var Z = !0, ie = !0;
if (typeof S != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return vr(X) && (Z = "leading" in X ? !!X.leading : Z, ie = "trailing" in X ? !!X.trailing : ie), ol(S, T, {
leading: Z,
maxWait: T,
trailing: ie
function F0(S) {
return tl(S, 1);
function B0(S, T) {
return zs(ks(T), S);
function j0() {
if (!arguments.length)
return [];
var S = arguments[0];
return jt(S) ? S : [S];
function L0(S) {
return Pn(S, l);
function z0(S, T) {
return T = typeof T == "function" ? T : e, Pn(S, l, T);
function H0(S) {
return Pn(S, y | l);
function X0(S, T) {
return T = typeof T == "function" ? T : e, Pn(S, y | l, T);
function U0(S, T) {
return T == null || Gf(S, T, jr(T));
function Hn(S, T) {
return S === T || S !== S && T !== T;
var $0 = xo(hs), W0 = xo(function(S, T) {
return S >= T;
}), Fi = eu(function() {
return arguments;
}()) ? eu : function(S) {
return br(S) &&, "callee") && !, "callee");
}, jt = We.isArray, V0 = ur ? vn(ur) : ed;
function an(S) {
return S != null && Ao(S.length) && !fi(S);
function xr(S) {
return br(S) && an(S);
function K0(S) {
return S === !0 || S === !1 || br(S) && qr(S) == re;
var ki = sh || Js, G0 = Pr ? vn(Pr) : td;
function Y0(S) {
return br(S) && S.nodeType === 1 && !za(S);
function Z0(S) {
if (S == null)
return !0;
if (an(S) && (jt(S) || typeof S == "string" || typeof S.splice == "function" || ki(S) || ha(S) || Fi(S)))
return !S.length;
var T = Vr(S);
if (T == J || T == q)
return !S.size;
if (ja(S))
return !ys(S).length;
for (var X in S)
if (, X))
return !1;
return !0;
function J0(S, T) {
return Na(S, T);
function Q0(S, T, X) {
X = typeof X == "function" ? X : e;
var Z = X ? X(S, T) : e;
return Z === e ? Na(S, T, e, X) : !!Z;
function Hs(S) {
if (!br(S))
return !1;
var T = qr(S);
return T == ve || T == ce || typeof S.message == "string" && typeof == "string" && !za(S);
function q0(S) {
return typeof S == "number" && Xf(S);
function fi(S) {
if (!vr(S))
return !1;
var T = qr(S);
return T == ge || T == oe || T == V || T == se;
function fl(S) {
return typeof S == "number" && S == Ut(S);
function Ao(S) {
return typeof S == "number" && S > -1 && S % 1 == 0 && S <= E;
function vr(S) {
var T = typeof S;
return S != null && (T == "object" || T == "function");
function br(S) {
return S != null && typeof S == "object";
var ul = Br ? vn(Br) : nd;
function ey(S, T) {
return S === T || ps(S, T, As(T));
function ty(S, T, X) {
return X = typeof X == "function" ? X : e, ps(S, T, As(T), X);
function ry(S) {
return ll(S) && S != +S;
function ny(S) {
if (zd(S))
throw new Bt(u);
return tu(S);
function iy(S) {
return S === null;
function ay(S) {
return S == null;
function ll(S) {
return typeof S == "number" || br(S) && qr(S) == Q;
function za(S) {
if (!br(S) || qr(S) != ke)
return !1;
var T = no(S);
if (T === null)
return !0;
var X =, "constructor") && T.constructor;
return typeof X == "function" && X instanceof X && == th;
var Xs = dr ? vn(dr) : id;
function oy(S) {
return fl(S) && S >= -E && S <= E;
var cl = Er ? vn(Er) : ad;
function Mo(S) {
return typeof S == "string" || !jt(S) && br(S) && qr(S) == G;
function bn(S) {
return typeof S == "symbol" || br(S) && qr(S) == Y;
var ha = Ar ? vn(Ar) : od;
function sy(S) {
return S === e;
function fy(S) {
return br(S) && Vr(S) == we;
function uy(S) {
return br(S) && qr(S) == _e;
var ly = xo(vs), cy = xo(function(S, T) {
return S <= T;
function hl(S) {
if (!S)
return [];
if (an(S))
return Mo(S) ? Ln(S) : nn(S);
if (Ta && S[Ta])
return Uc(S[Ta]());
var T = Vr(S), X = T == J ? ns : T == q ? Za : da;
return X(S);
function ui(S) {
if (!S)
return S === 0 ? S : 0;
if (S = In(S), S === C || S === -C) {
var T = S < 0 ? -1 : 1;
return T * A;
return S === S ? S : 0;
function Ut(S) {
var T = ui(S), X = T % 1;
return T === T ? X ? T - X : T : 0;
function dl(S) {
return S ? Mi(Ut(S), 0, $) : 0;
function In(S) {
if (typeof S == "number")
return S;
if (bn(S))
return L;
if (vr(S)) {
var T = typeof S.valueOf == "function" ? S.valueOf() : S;
S = vr(T) ? T + "" : T;
if (typeof S != "string")
return S === 0 ? S : +S;
S = Mf(S);
var X = xt.test(S);
return X || Lt.test(S) ? xe(S.slice(2), X ? 2 : 8) : Ct.test(S) ? L : +S;
function pl(S) {
return Gn(S, on(S));
function hy(S) {
return S ? Mi(Ut(S), -E, E) : S === 0 ? S : 0;
function or(S) {
return S == null ? "" : mn(S);
var dy = ua(function(S, T) {
if (ja(T) || an(T)) {
Gn(T, jr(T), S);
for (var X in T), X) && Ma(S, X, T[X]);
}), yl = ua(function(S, T) {
Gn(T, on(T), S);
}), Io = ua(function(S, T, X, Z) {
Gn(T, on(T), S, Z);
}), py = ua(function(S, T, X, Z) {
Gn(T, jr(T), S, Z);
}), yy = oi(us);
function vy(S, T) {
var X = fa(S);
return T == null ? X : Kf(X, T);
var my = Vt(function(S, T) {
S = cr(S);
var X = -1, Z = T.length, ie = Z > 2 ? T[2] : e;
for (ie && en(T[0], T[1], ie) && (Z = 1); ++X < Z; )
for (var ye = T[X], Te = on(ye), Ae = -1, ze = Te.length; ++Ae < ze; ) {
var qe = Te[Ae], et = S[qe];
(et === e || Hn(et, aa[qe]) && !, qe)) && (S[qe] = ye[qe]);
return S;
}), by = Vt(function(S) {
return S.push(e, Mu), pr(vl, e, S);
function gy(S, T) {
return _r(S, It(T, 3), Kn);
function _y(S, T) {
return _r(S, It(T, 3), cs);
function wy(S, T) {
return S == null ? S : ls(S, It(T, 3), on);
function xy(S, T) {
return S == null ? S : Qf(S, It(T, 3), on);
function Sy(S, T) {
return S && Kn(S, It(T, 3));
function ky(S, T) {
return S && cs(S, It(T, 3));
function Oy(S) {
return S == null ? [] : po(S, jr(S));
function Ey(S) {
return S == null ? [] : po(S, on(S));
function Us(S, T, X) {
var Z = S == null ? e : Ii(S, T);
return Z === e ? X : Z;
function Ty(S, T) {
return S != null && Nu(S, T, Zh);
function $s(S, T) {
return S != null && Nu(S, T, Jh);
var Ry = Tu(function(S, T, X) {
T != null && typeof T.toString != "function" && (T =, S[T] = X;
}, Vs(sn)), Cy = Tu(function(S, T, X) {
T != null && typeof T.toString != "function" && (T =,, T) ? S[T].push(X) : S[T] = [X];
}, It), Py = Vt(Da);
function jr(S) {
return an(S) ? Wf(S) : ys(S);
function on(S) {
return an(S) ? Wf(S, !0) : sd(S);
function Ay(S, T) {
var X = {};
return T = It(T, 3), Kn(S, function(Z, ie, ye) {
ii(X, T(Z, ie, ye), Z);
}), X;
function My(S, T) {
var X = {};
return T = It(T, 3), Kn(S, function(Z, ie, ye) {
ii(X, ie, T(Z, ie, ye));
}), X;
var Iy = ua(function(S, T, X) {
yo(S, T, X);
}), vl = ua(function(S, T, X, Z) {
yo(S, T, X, Z);
}), Dy = oi(function(S, T) {
var X = {};
if (S == null)
return X;
var Z = !1;
T = Oe(T, function(ye) {
return ye = xi(ye, S), Z || (Z = ye.length > 1), ye;
}), Gn(S, Cs(S), X), Z && (X = Pn(X, y | h | l, Rd));
for (var ie = T.length; ie--; )
ws(X, T[ie]);
return X;
function Ny(S, T) {
return ml(S, Po(It(T)));
var Fy = oi(function(S, T) {
return S == null ? {} : ud(S, T);
function ml(S, T) {
if (S == null)
return {};
var X = Oe(Cs(S), function(Z) {
return [Z];
return T = It(T), fu(S, X, function(Z, ie) {
return T(Z, ie[0]);
function By(S, T, X) {
T = xi(T, S);
var Z = -1, ie = T.length;
for (ie || (ie = 1, S = e); ++Z < ie; ) {
var ye = S == null ? e : S[Yn(T[Z])];
ye === e && (Z = ie, ye = X), S = fi(ye) ? : ye;
return S;
function jy(S, T, X) {
return S == null ? S : Fa(S, T, X);
function Ly(S, T, X, Z) {
return Z = typeof Z == "function" ? Z : e, S == null ? S : Fa(S, T, X, Z);
var bl = Pu(jr), gl = Pu(on);
function zy(S, T, X) {
var Z = jt(S), ie = Z || ki(S) || ha(S);
if (T = It(T, 4), X == null) {
var ye = S && S.constructor;
ie ? X = Z ? new ye() : [] : vr(S) ? X = fi(ye) ? fa(no(S)) : {} : X = {};
return (ie ? mr : Kn)(S, function(Te, Ae, ze) {
return T(X, Te, Ae, ze);
}), X;
function Hy(S, T) {
return S == null ? !0 : ws(S, T);
function Xy(S, T, X) {
return S == null ? S : du(S, T, ks(X));
function Uy(S, T, X, Z) {
return Z = typeof Z == "function" ? Z : e, S == null ? S : du(S, T, ks(X), Z);
function da(S) {
return S == null ? [] : rs(S, jr(S));
function $y(S) {
return S == null ? [] : rs(S, on(S));
function Wy(S, T, X) {
return X === e && (X = T, T = e), X !== e && (X = In(X), X = X === X ? X : 0), T !== e && (T = In(T), T = T === T ? T : 0), Mi(In(S), T, X);
function Vy(S, T, X) {
return T = ui(T), X === e ? (X = T, T = 0) : X = ui(X), S = In(S), Qh(S, T, X);
function Ky(S, T, X) {
if (X && typeof X != "boolean" && en(S, T, X) && (T = X = e), X === e && (typeof T == "boolean" ? (X = T, T = e) : typeof S == "boolean" && (X = S, S = e)), S === e && T === e ? (S = 0, T = 1) : (S = ui(S), T === e ? (T = S, S = 0) : T = ui(T)), S > T) {
var Z = S;
S = T, T = Z;
if (X || S % 1 || T % 1) {
var ie = Uf();
return Wr(S + ie * (T - S + qi("1e-" + ((ie + "").length - 1))), T);
return bs(S, T);
var Gy = la(function(S, T, X) {
return T = T.toLowerCase(), S + (X ? _l(T) : T);
function _l(S) {
return Ws(or(S).toLowerCase());
function wl(S) {
return S = or(S), S && S.replace(Dr, jc).replace(Yi, "");
function Yy(S, T, X) {
S = or(S), T = mn(T);
var Z = S.length;
X = X === e ? Z : Mi(Ut(X), 0, Z);
var ie = X;
return X -= T.length, X >= 0 && S.slice(X, ie) == T;
function Zy(S) {
return S = or(S), S && it.test(S) ? S.replace(te, Lc) : S;
function Jy(S) {
return S = or(S), S && Ge.test(S) ? S.replace(st, "\\$&") : S;
var Qy = la(function(S, T, X) {
return S + (X ? "-" : "") + T.toLowerCase();
}), qy = la(function(S, T, X) {
return S + (X ? " " : "") + T.toLowerCase();
}), ev = ku("toLowerCase");
function tv(S, T, X) {
S = or(S), T = Ut(T);
var Z = T ? na(S) : 0;
if (!T || Z >= T)
return S;
var ie = (T - Z) / 2;
return wo(so(ie), X) + S + wo(oo(ie), X);
function rv(S, T, X) {
S = or(S), T = Ut(T);
var Z = T ? na(S) : 0;
return T && Z < T ? S + wo(T - Z, X) : S;
function nv(S, T, X) {
S = or(S), T = Ut(T);
var Z = T ? na(S) : 0;
return T && Z < T ? wo(T - Z, X) + S : S;
function iv(S, T, X) {
return X || T == null ? T = 0 : T && (T = +T), ch(or(S).replace(rt, ""), T || 0);
function av(S, T, X) {
return (X ? en(S, T, X) : T === e) ? T = 1 : T = Ut(T), gs(or(S), T);
function ov() {
var S = arguments, T = or(S[0]);
return S.length < 3 ? T : T.replace(S[1], S[2]);
var sv = la(function(S, T, X) {
return S + (X ? "_" : "") + T.toLowerCase();
function fv(S, T, X) {
return X && typeof X != "number" && en(S, T, X) && (T = X = e), X = X === e ? $ : X >>> 0, X ? (S = or(S), S && (typeof T == "string" || T != null && !Xs(T)) && (T = mn(T), !T && ra(S)) ? Si(Ln(S), 0, X) : S.split(T, X)) : [];
var uv = la(function(S, T, X) {
return S + (X ? " " : "") + Ws(T);
function lv(S, T, X) {
return S = or(S), X = X == null ? 0 : Mi(Ut(X), 0, S.length), T = mn(T), S.slice(X, X + T.length) == T;
function cv(S, T, X) {
var Z = de.templateSettings;
X && en(S, T, X) && (T = e), S = or(S), T = Io({}, T, Z, Au);
var ie = Io({}, T.imports, Z.imports, Au), ye = jr(ie), Te = rs(ie, ye), Ae, ze, qe = 0, et = T.interpolate || Or, at = "__p += '", yt = is(
(T.escape || Or).source + "|" + et.source + "|" + (et === Le ? bt : Or).source + "|" + (T.evaluate || Or).source + "|$",
), kt = "//# sourceURL=" + (, "sourceURL") ? (T.sourceURL + "").replace(/\s/g, " ") : "lodash.templateSources[" + ++Zi + "]") + `
S.replace(yt, function(Nt, Gt, qt, gn, tn, _n) {
return qt || (qt = gn), at += S.slice(qe, _n).replace(Gr, zc), Gt && (Ae = !0, at += `' +
__e(` + Gt + `) +
'`), tn && (ze = !0, at += `';
` + tn + `;
__p += '`), qt && (at += `' +
((__t = (` + qt + `)) == null ? '' : __t) +
'`), qe = _n + Nt.length, Nt;
}), at += `';
var Dt =, "variable") && T.variable;
if (!Dt)
at = `with (obj) {
` + at + `
else if (At.test(Dt))
throw new Bt(g);
at = (ze ? at.replace(be, "") : at).replace(Ee, "$1").replace(pe, "$1;"), at = "function(" + (Dt || "obj") + `) {
` + (Dt ? "" : `obj || (obj = {});
`) + "var __t, __p = ''" + (Ae ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") + (ze ? `, __j = Array.prototype.join;
function print() { __p +=, '') }
` : `;
`) + at + `return __p
var $t = Sl(function() {
return ar(ye, kt + "return " + at).apply(e, Te);
if ($t.source = at, Hs($t))
throw $t;
return $t;
function hv(S) {
return or(S).toLowerCase();
function dv(S) {
return or(S).toUpperCase();
function pv(S, T, X) {
if (S = or(S), S && (X || T === e))
return Mf(S);
if (!S || !(T = mn(T)))
return S;
var Z = Ln(S), ie = Ln(T), ye = If(Z, ie), Te = Df(Z, ie) + 1;
return Si(Z, ye, Te).join("");
function yv(S, T, X) {
if (S = or(S), S && (X || T === e))
return S.slice(0, Ff(S) + 1);
if (!S || !(T = mn(T)))
return S;
var Z = Ln(S), ie = Df(Z, Ln(T)) + 1;
return Si(Z, 0, ie).join("");
function vv(S, T, X) {
if (S = or(S), S && (X || T === e))
return S.replace(rt, "");
if (!S || !(T = mn(T)))
return S;
var Z = Ln(S), ie = If(Z, Ln(T));
return Si(Z, ie).join("");
function mv(S, T) {
var X = P, Z = F;
if (vr(T)) {
var ie = "separator" in T ? T.separator : ie;
X = "length" in T ? Ut(T.length) : X, Z = "omission" in T ? mn(T.omission) : Z;
S = or(S);
var ye = S.length;
if (ra(S)) {
var Te = Ln(S);
ye = Te.length;
if (X >= ye)
return S;
var Ae = X - na(Z);
if (Ae < 1)
return Z;
var ze = Te ? Si(Te, 0, Ae).join("") : S.slice(0, Ae);
if (ie === e)
return ze + Z;
if (Te && (Ae += ze.length - Ae), Xs(ie)) {
if (S.slice(Ae).search(ie)) {
var qe, et = ze;
for ( || (ie = is(ie.source, or(Kt.exec(ie)) + "g")), ie.lastIndex = 0; qe = ie.exec(et); )
var at = qe.index;
ze = ze.slice(0, at === e ? Ae : at);
} else if (S.indexOf(mn(ie), Ae) != Ae) {
var yt = ze.lastIndexOf(ie);
yt > -1 && (ze = ze.slice(0, yt));
return ze + Z;
function bv(S) {
return S = or(S), S && He.test(S) ? S.replace(Pe, Kc) : S;
var gv = la(function(S, T, X) {
return S + (X ? " " : "") + T.toUpperCase();
}), Ws = ku("toUpperCase");
function xl(S, T, X) {
return S = or(S), T = X ? e : T, T === e ? Xc(S) ? Zc(S) : hr(S) : S.match(T) || [];
var Sl = Vt(function(S, T) {
try {
return pr(S, e, T);
} catch (X) {
return Hs(X) ? X : new Bt(X);
}), _v = oi(function(S, T) {
return mr(T, function(X) {
X = Yn(X), ii(S, X, Ls(S[X], S));
}), S;
function wv(S) {
var T = S == null ? 0 : S.length, X = It();
return S = T ? Oe(S, function(Z) {
if (typeof Z[1] != "function")
throw new Rn(m);
return [X(Z[0]), Z[1]];
}) : [], Vt(function(Z) {
for (var ie = -1; ++ie < T; ) {
var ye = S[ie];
if (pr(ye[0], this, Z))
return pr(ye[1], this, Z);
function xv(S) {
return Kh(Pn(S, y));
function Vs(S) {
return function() {
return S;
function Sv(S, T) {
return S == null || S !== S ? T : S;
var kv = Eu(), Ov = Eu(!0);
function sn(S) {
return S;
function Ks(S) {
return ru(typeof S == "function" ? S : Pn(S, y));
function Ev(S) {
return iu(Pn(S, y));
function Tv(S, T) {
return au(S, Pn(T, y));
var Rv = Vt(function(S, T) {
return function(X) {
return Da(X, S, T);
}), Cv = Vt(function(S, T) {
return function(X) {
return Da(S, X, T);
function Gs(S, T, X) {
var Z = jr(T), ie = po(T, Z);
X == null && !(vr(T) && (ie.length || !Z.length)) && (X = T, T = S, S = this, ie = po(T, jr(T)));
var ye = !(vr(X) && "chain" in X) || !!X.chain, Te = fi(S);
return mr(ie, function(Ae) {
var ze = T[Ae];
S[Ae] = ze, Te && (S.prototype[Ae] = function() {
var qe = this.__chain__;
if (ye || qe) {
var et = S(this.__wrapped__), at = et.__actions__ = nn(this.__actions__);
return at.push({ func: ze, args: arguments, thisArg: S }), et.__chain__ = qe, et;
return ze.apply(S, Xe([this.value()], arguments));
}), S;
function Pv() {
return ht._ === this && (ht._ = rh), this;
function Ys() {
function Av(S) {
return S = Ut(S), Vt(function(T) {
return ou(T, S);
var Mv = Es(Oe), Iv = Es(En), Dv = Es(mt);
function kl(S) {
return Is(S) ? Tn(Yn(S)) : ld(S);
function Nv(S) {
return function(T) {
return S == null ? e : Ii(S, T);
var Fv = Ru(), Bv = Ru(!0);
function Zs() {
return [];
function Js() {
return !1;
function jv() {
return {};
function Lv() {
return "";
function zv() {
return !0;
function Hv(S, T) {
if (S = Ut(S), S < 1 || S > E)
return [];
var X = $, Z = Wr(S, $);
T = It(T), S -= $;
for (var ie = mi(Z, T); ++X < S; )
return ie;
function Xv(S) {
return jt(S) ? Oe(S, Yn) : bn(S) ? [S] : nn($u(or(S)));
function Uv(S) {
var T = ++eh;
return or(S) + T;
var $v = _o(function(S, T) {
return S + T;
}, 0), Wv = Ts("ceil"), Vv = _o(function(S, T) {
return S / T;
}, 1), Kv = Ts("floor");
function Gv(S) {
return S && S.length ? ho(S, sn, hs) : e;
function Yv(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? ho(S, It(T, 2), hs) : e;
function Zv(S) {
return Qr(S, sn);
function Jv(S, T) {
return Qr(S, It(T, 2));
function Qv(S) {
return S && S.length ? ho(S, sn, vs) : e;
function qv(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? ho(S, It(T, 2), vs) : e;
var em = _o(function(S, T) {
return S * T;
}, 1), tm = Ts("round"), rm = _o(function(S, T) {
return S - T;
}, 0);
function nm(S) {
return S && S.length ? vi(S, sn) : 0;
function im(S, T) {
return S && S.length ? vi(S, It(T, 2)) : 0;
return de.after = E0, de.ary = tl, de.assign = dy, de.assignIn = yl, de.assignInWith = Io, de.assignWith = py, = yy, de.before = rl, de.bind = Ls, de.bindAll = _v, de.bindKey = nl, de.castArray = j0, de.chain = Qu, de.chunk = Kd, de.compact = Gd, de.concat = Yd, de.cond = wv, de.conforms = xv, de.constant = Vs, de.countBy = n0, de.create = vy, de.curry = il, de.curryRight = al, de.debounce = ol, de.defaults = my, de.defaultsDeep = by, de.defer = T0, de.delay = R0, de.difference = Zd, de.differenceBy = Jd, de.differenceWith = Qd, de.drop = qd, de.dropRight = ep, de.dropRightWhile = tp, de.dropWhile = rp, de.fill = np, de.filter = a0, de.flatMap = f0, de.flatMapDeep = u0, de.flatMapDepth = l0, de.flatten = Gu, de.flattenDeep = ip, de.flattenDepth = ap, de.flip = C0, de.flow = kv, de.flowRight = Ov, de.fromPairs = op, de.functions = Oy, de.functionsIn = Ey, de.groupBy = c0, de.initial = fp, de.intersection = up, de.intersectionBy = lp, de.intersectionWith = cp, de.invert = Ry, de.invertBy = Cy, de.invokeMap = d0, de.iteratee = Ks, de.keyBy = p0, de.keys = jr, de.keysIn = on, = To, de.mapKeys = Ay, de.mapValues = My, de.matches = Ev, de.matchesProperty = Tv, de.memoize = Co, de.merge = Iy, de.mergeWith = vl, de.method = Rv, de.methodOf = Cv, de.mixin = Gs, de.negate = Po, de.nthArg = Av, de.omit = Dy, de.omitBy = Ny, de.once = P0, de.orderBy = y0, de.over = Mv, de.overArgs = A0, de.overEvery = Iv, de.overSome = Dv, de.partial = zs, de.partialRight = sl, de.partition = v0, de.pick = Fy, de.pickBy = ml, = kl, de.propertyOf = Nv, de.pull = yp, de.pullAll = Zu, de.pullAllBy = vp, de.pullAllWith = mp, de.pullAt = bp, de.range = Fv, de.rangeRight = Bv, de.rearg = M0, de.reject = g0, de.remove = gp, = I0, de.reverse = Bs, de.sampleSize = w0, de.set = jy, de.setWith = Ly, de.shuffle = x0, de.slice = _p, de.sortBy = O0, de.sortedUniq = Tp, de.sortedUniqBy = Rp, de.split = fv, de.spread = D0, de.tail = Cp, de.take = Pp, de.takeRight = Ap, de.takeRightWhile = Mp, de.takeWhile = Ip, de.tap = Gp, de.throttle = N0, de.thru = Eo, de.toArray = hl, de.toPairs = bl, de.toPairsIn = gl, de.toPath = Xv, de.toPlainObject = pl, de.transform = zy, de.unary = F0, de.union = Dp, de.unionBy = Np, de.unionWith = Fp, de.uniq = Bp, de.uniqBy = jp, de.uniqWith = Lp, de.unset = Hy, de.unzip = js, de.unzipWith = Ju, de.update = Xy, de.updateWith = Uy, de.values = da, de.valuesIn = $y, de.without = zp, de.words = xl, de.wrap = B0, de.xor = Hp, de.xorBy = Xp, de.xorWith = Up, = $p, de.zipObject = Wp, de.zipObjectDeep = Vp, de.zipWith = Kp, de.entries = bl, de.entriesIn = gl, de.extend = yl, de.extendWith = Io, Gs(de, de), de.add = $v, de.attempt = Sl, de.camelCase = Gy, de.capitalize = _l, de.ceil = Wv, de.clamp = Wy, de.clone = L0, de.cloneDeep = H0, de.cloneDeepWith = X0, de.cloneWith = z0, de.conformsTo = U0, de.deburr = wl, de.defaultTo = Sv, de.divide = Vv, de.endsWith = Yy, de.eq = Hn, de.escape = Zy, de.escapeRegExp = Jy, de.every = i0, de.find = o0, de.findIndex = Vu, de.findKey = gy, de.findLast = s0, de.findLastIndex = Ku, de.findLastKey = _y, de.floor = Kv, de.forEach = qu, de.forEachRight = el, de.forIn = wy, de.forInRight = xy, de.forOwn = Sy, de.forOwnRight = ky, de.get = Us, = $0, de.gte = W0, de.has = Ty, de.hasIn = $s, de.head = Yu, de.identity = sn, de.includes = h0, de.indexOf = sp, de.inRange = Vy, de.invoke = Py, de.isArguments = Fi, de.isArray = jt, de.isArrayBuffer = V0, de.isArrayLike = an, de.isArrayLikeObject = xr, de.isBoolean = K0, de.isBuffer = ki, de.isDate = G0, de.isElement = Y0, de.isEmpty = Z0, de.isEqual = J0, de.isEqualWith = Q0, de.isError = Hs, de.isFinite = q0, de.isFunction = fi, de.isInteger = fl, de.isLength = Ao, de.isMap = ul, de.isMatch = ey, de.isMatchWith = ty, de.isNaN = ry, de.isNative = ny, de.isNil = ay, de.isNull = iy, de.isNumber = ll, de.isObject = vr, de.isObjectLike = br, de.isPlainObject = za, de.isRegExp = Xs, de.isSafeInteger = oy, de.isSet = cl, de.isString = Mo, de.isSymbol = bn, de.isTypedArray = ha, de.isUndefined = sy, de.isWeakMap = fy, de.isWeakSet = uy, de.join = hp, de.kebabCase = Qy, de.last = Mn, de.lastIndexOf = dp, de.lowerCase = qy, de.lowerFirst = ev, = ly, de.lte = cy, de.max = Gv, de.maxBy = Yv, de.mean = Zv, de.meanBy = Jv, de.min = Qv, de.minBy = qv, de.stubArray = Zs, de.stubFalse = Js, de.stubObject = jv, de.stubString = Lv, de.stubTrue = zv, de.multiply = em, de.nth = pp, de.noConflict = Pv, de.noop = Ys, = Ro, de.pad = tv, de.padEnd = rv, de.padStart = nv, de.parseInt = iv, de.random = Ky, de.reduce = m0, de.reduceRight = b0, de.repeat = av, de.replace = ov, de.result = By, de.round = tm, de.runInContext = Ne, de.sample = _0, de.size = S0, de.snakeCase = sv, de.some = k0, de.sortedIndex = wp, de.sortedIndexBy = xp, de.sortedIndexOf = Sp, de.sortedLastIndex = kp, de.sortedLastIndexBy = Op, de.sortedLastIndexOf = Ep, de.startCase = uv, de.startsWith = lv, de.subtract = rm, de.sum = nm, de.sumBy = im, de.template = cv, de.times = Hv, de.toFinite = ui, de.toInteger = Ut, de.toLength = dl, de.toLower = hv, de.toNumber = In, de.toSafeInteger = hy, de.toString = or, de.toUpper = dv, de.trim = pv, de.trimEnd = yv, de.trimStart = vv, de.truncate = mv, de.unescape = bv, de.uniqueId = Uv, de.upperCase = gv, de.upperFirst = Ws, de.each = qu, de.eachRight = el, de.first = Yu, Gs(de, function() {
var S = {};
return Kn(de, function(T, X) {, X) || (S[X] = T);
}), S;
}(), { chain: !1 }), de.VERSION = x, mr(["bind", "bindKey", "curry", "curryRight", "partial", "partialRight"], function(S) {
de[S].placeholder = de;
}), mr(["drop", "take"], function(S, T) {
Zt.prototype[S] = function(X) {
X = X === e ? 1 : Ir(Ut(X), 0);
var Z = this.__filtered__ && !T ? new Zt(this) : this.clone();
return Z.__filtered__ ? Z.__takeCount__ = Wr(X, Z.__takeCount__) : Z.__views__.push({
size: Wr(X, $),
type: S + (Z.__dir__ < 0 ? "Right" : "")
}), Z;
}, Zt.prototype[S + "Right"] = function(X) {
return this.reverse()[S](X).reverse();
}), mr(["filter", "map", "takeWhile"], function(S, T) {
var X = T + 1, Z = X == M || X == R;
Zt.prototype[S] = function(ie) {
var ye = this.clone();
return ye.__iteratees__.push({
iteratee: It(ie, 3),
type: X
}), ye.__filtered__ = ye.__filtered__ || Z, ye;
}), mr(["head", "last"], function(S, T) {
var X = "take" + (T ? "Right" : "");
Zt.prototype[S] = function() {
return this[X](1).value()[0];
}), mr(["initial", "tail"], function(S, T) {
var X = "drop" + (T ? "" : "Right");
Zt.prototype[S] = function() {
return this.__filtered__ ? new Zt(this) : this[X](1);
}), Zt.prototype.compact = function() {
return this.filter(sn);
}, Zt.prototype.find = function(S) {
return this.filter(S).head();
}, Zt.prototype.findLast = function(S) {
return this.reverse().find(S);
}, Zt.prototype.invokeMap = Vt(function(S, T) {
return typeof S == "function" ? new Zt(this) : {
return Da(X, S, T);
}), Zt.prototype.reject = function(S) {
return this.filter(Po(It(S)));
}, Zt.prototype.slice = function(S, T) {
S = Ut(S);
var X = this;
return X.__filtered__ && (S > 0 || T < 0) ? new Zt(X) : (S < 0 ? X = X.takeRight(-S) : S && (X = X.drop(S)), T !== e && (T = Ut(T), X = T < 0 ? X.dropRight(-T) : X.take(T - S)), X);
}, Zt.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(S) {
return this.reverse().takeWhile(S).reverse();
}, Zt.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this.take($);
}, Kn(Zt.prototype, function(S, T) {
var X = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(T), Z = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(T), ie = de[Z ? "take" + (T == "last" ? "Right" : "") : T], ye = Z || /^find/.test(T);
ie && (de.prototype[T] = function() {
var Te = this.__wrapped__, Ae = Z ? [1] : arguments, ze = Te instanceof Zt, qe = Ae[0], et = ze || jt(Te), at = function(Gt) {
var qt = ie.apply(de, Xe([Gt], Ae));
return Z && yt ? qt[0] : qt;
et && X && typeof qe == "function" && qe.length != 1 && (ze = et = !1);
var yt = this.__chain__, kt = !!this.__actions__.length, Dt = ye && !yt, $t = ze && !kt;
if (!ye && et) {
Te = $t ? Te : new Zt(this);
var Nt = S.apply(Te, Ae);
return Nt.__actions__.push({ func: Eo, args: [at], thisArg: e }), new Cn(Nt, yt);
return Dt && $t ? S.apply(this, Ae) : (Nt = this.thru(at), Dt ? Z ? Nt.value()[0] : Nt.value() : Nt);
}), mr(["pop", "push", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function(S) {
var T = Ja[S], X = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(S) ? "tap" : "thru", Z = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(S);
de.prototype[S] = function() {
var ie = arguments;
if (Z && !this.__chain__) {
var ye = this.value();
return T.apply(jt(ye) ? ye : [], ie);
return this[X](function(Te) {
return T.apply(jt(Te) ? Te : [], ie);
}), Kn(Zt.prototype, function(S, T) {
var X = de[T];
if (X) {
var Z = + "";, Z) || (sa[Z] = []), sa[Z].push({ name: T, func: X });
}), sa[go(e, c).name] = [{
name: "wrapper",
func: e
}], Zt.prototype.clone = bh, Zt.prototype.reverse = gh, Zt.prototype.value = _h, = Yp, de.prototype.chain = Zp, de.prototype.commit = Jp, = Qp, de.prototype.plant = e0, de.prototype.reverse = t0, de.prototype.toJSON = de.prototype.valueOf = de.prototype.value = r0, de.prototype.first = de.prototype.head, Ta && (de.prototype[Ta] = qp), de;
}, ia = Jc();
Mt ? ((Mt.exports = ia)._ = ia, Yt._ = ia) : ht._ = ia;
})(y1, ga);
const v1 = ga;
function Dc(H) {
H = H.replace("#", "");
for (var k = H.match(/../g), e = 0; e < 3; e++)
k[e] = parseInt(k[e], 16);
return k;
function Nc(H, k, e) {
for (var x = [H.toString(16), k.toString(16), e.toString(16)], _ = 0; _ < 3; _++)
x[_].length == 1 && (x[_] = "0" + x[_]);
return "#" + x.join("");
function m1(H, k) {
for (var e = Dc(H), x = 0; x < 3; x++)
e[x] = Math.floor(e[x] * (1 - k));
return Nc(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
function b1(H, k) {
for (var e = Dc(H), x = 0; x < 3; x++)
e[x] = Math.floor((255 - e[x]) * k + e[x]);
return Nc(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
var wf = {}, g1 = {
get exports() {
return wf;
set exports(H) {
wf = H;
(function(H, k) {
(function(e, x) {
H.exports = x();
})(Wt, function() {
var e = 1e3, x = 6e4, _ = 36e5, u = "millisecond", m = "second", g = "minute", b = "hour", w = "day", f = "week", y = "month", h = "quarter", l = "year", d = "date", s = "Invalid Date", v = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, c = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, a = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(N) {
var M = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], I = N % 100;
return "[" + N + (M[(I - 20) % 10] || M[I] || M[0]) + "]";
} }, r = function(N, M, I) {
var R = String(N);
return !R || R.length >= M ? N : "" + Array(M + 1 - R.length).join(I) + N;
}, t = { s: r, z: function(N) {
var M = -N.utcOffset(), I = Math.abs(M), R = Math.floor(I / 60), C = I % 60;
return (M <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + r(R, 2, "0") + ":" + r(C, 2, "0");
}, m: function N(M, I) {
if ( <
return -N(I, M);
var R = 12 * (I.year() - M.year()) + (I.month() - M.month()), C = M.clone().add(R, y), E = I - C < 0, A = M.clone().add(R + (E ? -1 : 1), y);
return +(-(R + (I - C) / (E ? C - A : A - C)) || 0);
}, a: function(N) {
return N < 0 ? Math.ceil(N) || 0 : Math.floor(N);
}, p: function(N) {
return { M: y, y: l, w: f, d: w, D: d, h: b, m: g, s: m, ms: u, Q: h }[N] || String(N || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(N) {
return N === void 0;
} }, i = "en", n = {};
n[i] = a;
var o = function(N) {
return N instanceof F;
}, p = function N(M, I, R) {
var C;
if (!M)
return i;
if (typeof M == "string") {
var E = M.toLowerCase();
n[E] && (C = E), I && (n[E] = I, C = E);
var A = M.split("-");
if (!C && A.length > 1)
return N(A[0]);
} else {
var L =;
n[L] = M, C = L;
return !R && C && (i = C), C || !R && i;
}, O = function(N, M) {
if (o(N))
return N.clone();
var I = typeof M == "object" ? M : {};
return = N, I.args = arguments, new F(I);
}, P = t;
P.l = p, P.i = o, P.w = function(N, M) {
return O(N, { locale: M.$L, utc: M.$u, x: M.$x, $offset: M.$offset });
var F = function() {
function N(I) {
this.$L = p(I.locale, null, !0), this.parse(I);
var M = N.prototype;
return M.parse = function(I) {
this.$d = function(R) {
var C =, E = R.utc;
if (C === null)
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);
if (P.u(C))
return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
if (C instanceof Date)
return new Date(C);
if (typeof C == "string" && !/Z$/i.test(C)) {
var A = C.match(v);
if (A) {
var L = A[2] - 1 || 0, $ = (A[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return E ? new Date(Date.UTC(A[1], L, A[3] || 1, A[4] || 0, A[5] || 0, A[6] || 0, $)) : new Date(A[1], L, A[3] || 1, A[4] || 0, A[5] || 0, A[6] || 0, $);
return new Date(C);
}(I), this.$x = I.x || {}, this.init();
}, M.init = function() {
var I = this.$d;
this.$y = I.getFullYear(), this.$M = I.getMonth(), this.$D = I.getDate(), this.$W = I.getDay(), this.$H = I.getHours(), this.$m = I.getMinutes(), this.$s = I.getSeconds(), this.$ms = I.getMilliseconds();
}, M.$utils = function() {
return P;
}, M.isValid = function() {
return this.$d.toString() !== s;
}, M.isSame = function(I, R) {
var C = O(I);
return this.startOf(R) <= C && C <= this.endOf(R);
}, M.isAfter = function(I, R) {
return O(I) < this.startOf(R);
}, M.isBefore = function(I, R) {
return this.endOf(R) < O(I);
}, M.$g = function(I, R, C) {
return P.u(I) ? this[R] : this.set(C, I);
}, M.unix = function() {
return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);
}, M.valueOf = function() {
return this.$d.getTime();
}, M.startOf = function(I, R) {
var C = this, E = !!P.u(R) || R, A = P.p(I), L = function(re, ee) {
var ce = P.w(C.$u ? Date.UTC(C.$y, ee, re) : new Date(C.$y, ee, re), C);
return E ? ce : ce.endOf(w);
}, $ = function(re, ee) {
return P.w(C.toDate()[re].apply(C.toDate("s"), (E ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(ee)), C);
}, W = this.$W, U = this.$M, D = this.$D, B = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (A) {
case l:
return E ? L(1, 0) : L(31, 11);
case y:
return E ? L(1, U) : L(0, U + 1);
case f:
var j = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, V = (W < j ? W + 7 : W) - j;
return L(E ? D - V : D + (6 - V), U);
case w:
case d:
return $(B + "Hours", 0);
case b:
return $(B + "Minutes", 1);
case g:
return $(B + "Seconds", 2);
case m:
return $(B + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, M.endOf = function(I) {
return this.startOf(I, !1);
}, M.$set = function(I, R) {
var C, E = P.p(I), A = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), L = (C = {}, C[w] = A + "Date", C[d] = A + "Date", C[y] = A + "Month", C[l] = A + "FullYear", C[b] = A + "Hours", C[g] = A + "Minutes", C[m] = A + "Seconds", C[u] = A + "Milliseconds", C)[E], $ = E === w ? this.$D + (R - this.$W) : R;
if (E === y || E === l) {
var W = this.clone().set(d, 1);
W.$d[L]($), W.init(), this.$d = W.set(d, Math.min(this.$D, W.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else
L && this.$d[L]($);
return this.init(), this;
}, M.set = function(I, R) {
return this.clone().$set(I, R);
}, M.get = function(I) {
return this[P.p(I)]();
}, M.add = function(I, R) {
var C, E = this;
I = Number(I);
var A = P.p(R), L = function(U) {
var D = O(E);
return P.w( + Math.round(U * I)), E);
if (A === y)
return this.set(y, this.$M + I);
if (A === l)
return this.set(l, this.$y + I);
if (A === w)
return L(1);
if (A === f)
return L(7);
var $ = (C = {}, C[g] = x, C[b] = _, C[m] = e, C)[A] || 1, W = this.$d.getTime() + I * $;
return P.w(W, this);
}, M.subtract = function(I, R) {
return this.add(-1 * I, R);
}, M.format = function(I) {
var R = this, C = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid())
return C.invalidDate || s;
var E = I || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", A = P.z(this), L = this.$H, $ = this.$m, W = this.$M, U = C.weekdays, D = C.months, B = function(ee, ce, ve, ge) {
return ee && (ee[ce] || ee(R, E)) || ve[ce].slice(0, ge);
}, j = function(ee) {
return P.s(L % 12 || 12, ee, "0");
}, V = C.meridiem || function(ee, ce, ve) {
var ge = ee < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return ve ? ge.toLowerCase() : ge;
}, re = { YY: String(this.$y).slice(-2), YYYY: this.$y, M: W + 1, MM: P.s(W + 1, 2, "0"), MMM: B(C.monthsShort, W, D, 3), MMMM: B(D, W), D: this.$D, DD: P.s(this.$D, 2, "0"), d: String(this.$W), dd: B(C.weekdaysMin, this.$W, U, 2), ddd: B(C.weekdaysShort, this.$W, U, 3), dddd: U[this.$W], H: String(L), HH: P.s(L, 2, "0"), h: j(1), hh: j(2), a: V(L, $, !0), A: V(L, $, !1), m: String($), mm: P.s($, 2, "0"), s: String(this.$s), ss: P.s(this.$s, 2, "0"), SSS: P.s(this.$ms, 3, "0"), Z: A };
return E.replace(c, function(ee, ce) {
return ce || re[ee] || A.replace(":", "");
}, M.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, M.diff = function(I, R, C) {
var E, A = P.p(R), L = O(I), $ = (L.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * x, W = this - L, U = P.m(this, L);
return U = (E = {}, E[l] = U / 12, E[y] = U, E[h] = U / 3, E[f] = (W - $) / 6048e5, E[w] = (W - $) / 864e5, E[b] = W / _, E[g] = W / x, E[m] = W / e, E)[A] || W, C ? U : P.a(U);
}, M.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(y).$D;
}, M.$locale = function() {
return n[this.$L];
}, M.locale = function(I, R) {
if (!I)
return this.$L;
var C = this.clone(), E = p(I, R, !0);
return E && (C.$L = E), C;
}, M.clone = function() {
return P.w(this.$d, this);
}, M.toDate = function() {
return new Date(this.valueOf());
}, M.toJSON = function() {
return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
}, M.toISOString = function() {
return this.$d.toISOString();
}, M.toString = function() {
return this.$d.toUTCString();
}, N;
}(), z = F.prototype;
return O.prototype = z, [["$ms", u], ["$s", m], ["$m", g], ["$H", b], ["$W", w], ["$M", y], ["$y", l], ["$D", d]].forEach(function(N) {
z[N[1]] = function(M) {
return this.$g(M, N[0], N[1]);
}), O.extend = function(N, M) {
return N.$i || (N(M, F, O), N.$i = !0), O;
}, O.locale = p, O.isDayjs = o, O.unix = function(N) {
return O(1e3 * N);
}, O.en = n[i], O.Ls = n, O.p = {}, O;
const Bi = wf, af = [
let _1 = 80;
function uc(H, k = {}) {
return w1($g(H), k);
function w1(H, k) {
return new Promise(function(e, x) {
const _ = new XMLHttpRequest(); || "GET", H, !0), _.responseType = k.responseType || "arraybuffer", _.onload = function() {
_.status === 200 ? e(_.response) : x(_.status);
}, _.onerror = function() {
}, _.withCredentials = k.withCredentials || !1, k.headers && Object.keys(k.headers).forEach(function(u) {
_.setRequestHeader(u, k.headers[u]);
}), _.send(k.body);
function x1(H) {
try {
return new gf.Workbook().xlsx.load(H);
} catch (k) {
return console.warn(k), Promise.reject(k);
function S1(H, k, e) {
for (let x = 0; x < (H.columns || []).length; x++)
k.cols[x.toString()] = {}, H.columns[x].width ? k.cols[x.toString()].width = H.columns[x].width * 6 : k.cols[x.toString()].width = _1;
k.cols.len = Math.max(Object.keys(k.cols).length, e.minColLength || 0);
function k1(H) {
const { numFmt: k, value: e, type: x } = H;
switch (x) {
case 2:
return e + "";
case 3:
return e;
case 4:
switch (k) {
case "yyyy-mm-dd;@":
return Bi(e).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
case "mm-dd-yy":
return Bi(e).format("YYYY/MM/DD");
case "[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy":
return Bi(e).format("YYYY年M月D日 ddd");
case 'm"月"d"日";@':
return Bi(e).format("M月D日");
case "yyyy/m/d h:mm;@":
case 'm/d/yy "h":mm':
return Bi(e).subtract(8, "hour").format("YYYY/M/DD HH:mm");
case "h:mm;@":
return Bi(e).format("HH:mm");
return Bi(e).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
case 6:
return H.result;
case 8:
return H.text;
return e;
function of(H) {
if (typeof H == "object")
return "#000000";
if (/^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.test(H))
return H.startsWith("#") ? H : "#" + H;
H = H.trim().toLowerCase();
let k = {};
try {
let e = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(H);
return k.r = parseInt(e[2], 16), k.g = parseInt(e[3], 16), k.b = parseInt(e[4], 16), k.a = parseInt(e[1], 16) / 255, Rt(`rgba(${k.r}, ${k.g}, ${k.b}, ${k.a})`).toHexString();
} catch (e) {
function sf(H, k) {
return H > 9 ? "#C7C9CC" : typeof k == "undefined" ? af[H] : k > 0 ? b1(af[H], k) : m1(af[H], Math.abs(k));
function O1(H) { = ga.cloneDeep(;
let k = null; && && ( ? k = of( :"theme") ? k = sf(, : k = "#C7C9CC"), k && ( = k);
let e = null;
if ( && && ( ? e = of( :"theme") ? e = sf(, : e = "#000000"), e && ( = e), && ( && ( =, && ( =, && && ( = !0), {
let x = {};
Object.keys( => {
let u =[_], m = "#000000";
typeof u.color == "string" ? m = u.color : u.color && (u.color.argb ? m = of(u.color.argb) : u.color.hasOwnProperty("theme") && (m = sf(u.color.theme, u.color.tint))), x[_] = [ || "thin", m];
}), = Qs({},, = x;
function E1(H, k) {
let e = [];
return H.eachSheet((x) => {
let _ = { name:, styles: [], rows: {}, cols: {}, merges: [], media: [] }, u = [];
for (let m in x._merges) {
let g = {};
g.startAddress = x._merges[m].tl, g.endAddress = x._merges[m].br, g.YRange = x._merges[m].model.bottom - x._merges[m], g.XRange = x._merges[m].model.right - x._merges[m].model.left, u.push(g);
S1(x, _, k), (x._rows || []).forEach((m, g) => {
_.rows[g] = { cells: {} }, m.height && (_.rows[g].height = m.height), (m._cells || []).forEach((b, w) => {
_.rows[g].cells[w] = {};
let f = v1.find(u, function(y) {
return y.startAddress == b._address;
f && b.master.address != f.startAddress || (f && (_.rows[g].cells[w].merge = [f.YRange, f.XRange]), _.rows[g].cells[w].text = k1(b), _.styles.push(O1(b)), _.rows[g].cells[w].style = _.styles.length - 1);
}), _._media && ( = _._media), _.rows.len = Math.max(Object.keys(_.rows).length, 100), e.push(_);
}), {
workbookData: e,
workbookSource: H,
medias: || []
let $o = [];
function Ho(H, k, e, x) {
e && e._media.length && e._media.forEach((_) => {
let { imageId: u, range: m, type: g } = _;
if (g === "image") {
let b = T1(e, m, x);
R1(H, u, k[u], b);
let Wo = 60, Vo = 25, ff = 80, uf = 24, Jn = window.devicePixelRatio;
function T1(H, k, e) {
var r, t, i, n, o, p, O, P, F, z, N, M, I, R;
let { tl: x = {}, br: _ = {} } = k, { nativeCol: u, nativeColOff: m, nativeRow: g, nativeRowOff: b } = x, w = Wo, f = Vo;
for (let C = 0; C < u; C++)
w += ((t = (r = H == null ? void 0 : H._columns) == null ? void 0 : r[C]) == null ? void 0 : t.width) * 6 || ff;
for (let C = 0; C < g; C++)
f += ((n = (i = H == null ? void 0 : H._rows) == null ? void 0 : i[C]) == null ? void 0 : n.height) || uf;
let y = w + m / 12700, h = f + b / 12700, {
nativeCol: l,
nativeColOff: d,
nativeRow: s,
nativeRowOff: v
} = _, c;
if (u === l)
c = (d - m) / 12700;
else {
c = (((p = (o = H == null ? void 0 : H._columns) == null ? void 0 : o[u]) == null ? void 0 : p.width) * 6 || ff) - m / 12700;
for (let C = u + 1; C < l; C++)
c += ((P = (O = H == null ? void 0 : H._columns) == null ? void 0 : O[C]) == null ? void 0 : P.width) * 6 || ff;
c += d / 12700;
let a;
if (g === s)
a = (v - b) / 12700;
else {
a = (((z = (F = H == null ? void 0 : H._rows) == null ? void 0 : F[g]) == null ? void 0 : z.height) || uf) - b / 12700;
for (let C = g + 1; C < s; C++)
a += ((M = (N = H == null ? void 0 : H._rows) == null ? void 0 : N[C]) == null ? void 0 : M.height) || uf;
a += v / 12700;
return {
x: (y - (((I = e == null ? void 0 : e.scroll) == null ? void 0 : I.x) || 0)) * Jn,
y: (h - (((R = e == null ? void 0 : e.scroll) == null ? void 0 : R.y) || 0)) * Jn,
width: c * Jn,
height: a * Jn
function lc() {
$o = [];
function R1(H, k, e, x) {
C1(k, e).then((_) => {
let u = 0, m = 0, g = _.width, b = _.height, w = x.x, f = x.y, y = x.width, h = x.height, l = y / g, d = h / b;
if (w < Wo * Jn) {
let s = Wo * Jn - w;
w = Wo * Jn, y -= s, g -= s / l, u += s / l;
if (f < Vo * Jn) {
let s = Vo * Jn - f;
f = Vo * Jn, h -= s, b -= s / d, m += s / d;
H.drawImage(_, u, m, g, b, w, f, y, h);
}).catch((_) => {
function C1(H, k) {
return new Promise((e, x) => {
if ($o[H])
return e($o[H]);
const { buffer: _, extension: u } = k.buffer;
let m = new Blob([_], { type: "image/" + u }), g = URL.createObjectURL(m), b = new Image();
b.src = g, b.onload = function() {
e(b), $o[H] = b;
}, b.onerror = function(w) {
function P1(H) {
let k = H.value;
if (k) {
let e = k.querySelectorAll("input");
for (let x of e)
x && !x.readOnly && (x.readOnly = !0);
document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur();
const A1 = (H, k) => {
const e = H.__vccOpts || H;
for (const [x, _] of k)
e[x] = _;
return e;
}, M1 = fm({
name: "VueOfficeExcel",
props: {
src: [String, ArrayBuffer, Blob],
requestOptions: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
options: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({
minColLength: 20
emits: ["rendered", "error"],
setup(H, { emit: k }) {
const e = Cl(null), x = Cl(null);
let _ = {
_worksheets: []
}, u = [], m = 1, g = null, b = null, w = null;
function f(d) {
x1(d).then((s) => {
if (!s._worksheets || s._worksheets.length === 0)
throw new Error("未获取到数据,可能文件格式不正确或文件已损坏");
const { workbookData: v, medias: c, workbookSource: a } = E1(s, H.options);
u = c, _ = a, w = null, m = 1, lc(), b.loadData(v), Ho(g, u, _._worksheets[m], w), k("rendered");
}).catch((s) => {
console.warn(s), u = [], _ = {
_worksheets: []
}, lc(), b.loadData({}), k("error", s);
const y = ga.debounce(P1, 200).bind(this, x), h = new MutationObserver(y), l = { attributes: !0, childList: !0, subtree: !0 };
return um(() => {
lm(() => {
h.observe(x.value, l), y(x), window.xs = b = new Ac(x.value, {
mode: "read",
showToolbar: !1,
showContextmenu: H.options.showContextmenu || !1,
view: {
height: () => e.value && e.value.clientHeight || 300,
width: () => e.value && e.value.clientWidth || 300
row: {
height: 24,
len: 100
col: {
len: 26,
width: 80,
indexWidth: 60,
minWidth: 60
autoFocus: !1
let d = b.bottombar.swapFunc;
b.bottombar.swapFunc = function(a) {, a), m = a + 1, setTimeout(() => {
b.reRender(), Ho(g, u, _._worksheets[m], w);
let s = b.sheet.editor.clear;
b.sheet.editor.clear = function(...a) {
s.apply(b.sheet.editor, a), setTimeout(() => {
Ho(g, u, _._worksheets[m], w);
let v = b.sheet.editor.setOffset;
b.sheet.editor.setOffset = function(...a) {
v.apply(b.sheet.editor, a), w = a[0], Ho(g, u, _._worksheets[m], w);
}, g = x.value.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d"), H.src && uc(H.src, H.requestOptions).then(f).catch((a) => {
b.loadData({}), k("error", a);
}), cm(() => {
h.disconnect(), b = null;
}), hm(() => H.src, () => {
H.src ? uc(H.src, H.requestOptions).then(f).catch((d) => {
b.loadData({}), k("error", d);
}) : b.loadData({});
}), {
wrapperRef: e,
rootRef: x
}), I1 = {
class: "vue-office-excel",
ref: "wrapperRef"
}, D1 = {
class: "vue-office-excel-main",
ref: "rootRef"
function N1(H, k, e, x, _, u) {
return dm(), pm("div", I1, [
ym("div", D1, null, 512)
], 512);
const lf = /* @__PURE__ */ A1(M1, [["render", N1]]);
lf.install = function(H) {
H.component(, lf);
export {
lf as default