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Wrap a ReadableStream in a TransformStream.


var from = require('from2');
var concat = require('concat-stream');
var toThrough = require('to-through');

var readable = from([' ', 'hello', ' ', 'world']);

// Can be used as a Readable or Transform
var maybeTransform = toThrough(readable);

from(['hi', ' ', 'there', ','])
  .pipe(concat(function(result) {
    // result.toString() === 'hi there, hello world'



Takes a readableStream as the only argument and returns a through2 stream. If the returned stream is piped before nextTick, the wrapped readableStream will not flow until the upstream is flushed. If the stream is not piped before nextTick, it is ended and flushed (acting as a proper readable).
