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'use strict';
var through = require('through2');
var mkdirp = require('./mkdirp');
function toFunction(dirpath) {
function stringResolver(chunk, callback) {
callback(null, dirpath);
return stringResolver;
function define(options) {
function mkdirpStream(resolver) {
// Handle resolver that's just a dirpath
if (typeof resolver === 'string') {
resolver = toFunction(resolver);
function makeFileDirs(chunk, enc, callback) {
resolver(chunk, onDirpath);
function onDirpath(dirpathErr, dirpath, mode) {
if (dirpathErr) {
return callback(dirpathErr);
mkdirp(dirpath, mode, onMkdirp);
function onMkdirp(mkdirpErr) {
if (mkdirpErr) {
return callback(mkdirpErr);
callback(null, chunk);
return through(options, makeFileDirs);
return mkdirpStream;
module.exports = define();
module.exports.obj = define({ objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 16 });