8 changed files with 461 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ |
import { version } from "../_options.js"; |
const version2 = Object.assign({}, version); |
const year = { |
title: "期间", |
type: "string", |
input: "select", |
url: "settleaccount/centralized-control/get-all-year", |
value: "year", |
label: "year", |
clearable: true, |
}; |
const defaultCompareSchema = { |
title: "数据比对", |
properties: { |
version: Object.assign(year, { rules: [{ required: true }] }), |
}, |
}; |
const stateName = { |
title: "状态", |
type: "string", |
input: "select", |
clearable: true, |
options: [ |
{ label: "执行完成(任务成功)", value: "Succeeded" }, |
{ label: "执行完成(任务失败)", value: "Failed" }, |
{ label: "执行中", value: "Processing" }, |
{ label: "等待执行", value: "Enqueued" }, |
], |
}; |
const schema = { |
title: "数据对比", |
type: "object", |
properties: { |
type: { |
title: "版本号", |
type: "string", |
}, |
taskId: { |
title: "单据流水号", |
type: "string", |
}, |
email: { |
title: "创建人", |
type: "string", |
}, |
createdAt: { |
title: "创建时间", |
type: "DateTime", |
}, |
remark: { |
title: "说明", |
type: "string", |
}, |
stateName, |
}, |
}; |
const nameList = { |
JisBBAC: "JisBBAC结算与发运数据对比", |
JisHBPO: "JisHBPO结算与发运数据对比", |
ZhiGongJianBBAC: "直供件BBAC结算与发运数据对比", |
ZhiGongJianHBPO: "直供件HBPO结算与发运数据对比", |
MaiDanJianBBAC: "买单件BBAC结算与发运数据对比", |
MaiDanJianHBPO: "买单件HBPO结算与发运数据对比", |
BeiJian: "备件结算与发运数据对比", |
YinDuJian: "印度件结算与发运数据对比", |
}; |
export default function (businessType, type) { |
let compareService = "report/get-balance-sum"; |
let title = null; |
let name = "生成库存余额"; |
const compareSchema = Object.assign({}, defaultCompareSchema); |
if (type === "fa-yun") { |
delete compareSchema.properties["downLineDateTime"]; |
if (businessType === "JisBBAC") { |
compareService = "compare/edi-se-compare"; |
name = "JisBBACEDI与发运数据对比"; |
} else if (businessType === "JisHBPO") { |
compareService = "compare/edi-se-compare"; |
name = "JisHBPOEDI与发运数据对比"; |
} |
} else { |
// if (businessType === "JisBBAC") {
// compareService = "compare/sa-se-compare";
// } else if (businessType === "JisHBPO") {
// compareService = "compare/sa-se-compare";
// } else {
// compareService = "compare/sa-se-compare";
// }
// name = nameList[businessType];
} |
const queryUrl = "settleaccount/Job/list"; |
const deleteUrl = "settleaccount/Job/delete"; |
const compareUrl = `settleaccount/${compareService}`; |
const queryMethod = "POST"; |
const deleteMethod = "POST"; |
const compareMethod = "POST"; |
return { |
title, |
name, |
query: { |
url: queryUrl, |
method: queryMethod, |
autoSubmit: true, |
disableQueryOnLoad: false, |
schema: { |
title: "数据对比", |
type: "object", |
properties: { |
type: Object.assign({ defaultSelected: false }, year), |
name: { |
type: "string", |
hidden: true, |
default: name, |
}, |
businessType: { |
type: "string", |
hidden: true, |
}, |
filters: { |
type: "array", |
hidden: true, |
items: { |
type: "object", |
properties: { |
logic: { |
type: "int", |
}, |
column: { |
type: "string", |
}, |
action: { |
type: "int", |
}, |
value: { |
type: "string", |
}, |
}, |
}, |
default: [], |
}, |
skipCount: { |
hidden: true, |
default: 0, |
}, |
maxResultCount: { |
hidden: true, |
default: 10, |
}, |
sorting: { |
hidden: true, |
default: "createdAt", |
}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
table: { |
schema: schema, |
}, |
edit: { |
deleteUrl, |
compareUrl, |
deleteMethod, |
compareMethod, |
schema: schema, |
}, |
compare: { |
schema: compareSchema, |
}, |
}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ |
import useVmi from "./vmi.js"; |
const schema = useVmi(); |
const baseUrl = "settleaccount/vmi"; |
const queryUrl = `${baseUrl}/balance`; |
const detailsUrl = `${baseUrl}/get/%s`; |
const createUrl = `${baseUrl}/create`; |
const updateUrl = `${baseUrl}/update/%s`; |
const deleteUrl = `${baseUrl}/delete-list`; |
const importUrl = `${baseUrl}/code-setting-upload-excel-import`; |
const exportUrl = `${baseUrl}/balance-export`; |
const queryMethod = "POST"; |
const detailsMethod = "POST"; |
const createMethod = "POST"; |
const updateMethod = "POST"; |
const deleteMethod = "POST"; |
const importMethod = "POST"; |
const exportMethod = "POST"; |
export default function () { |
return { |
query: { |
url: queryUrl, |
method: queryMethod, |
hasFilter: true, |
schema: { |
title: "寄售库存", |
type: "object", |
properties: { |
filters: { |
title: "项目", |
type: "array", |
hidden: true, |
items: { |
type: "object", |
properties: { |
logic: { |
type: "int", |
}, |
column: { |
type: "string", |
}, |
action: { |
type: "int", |
}, |
value: { |
type: "string", |
}, |
}, |
}, |
default: [ |
{ |
logic: "and", |
column: "erpToLoc", |
action: "like", |
value: null, |
readOnly: true, |
}, |
{ |
logic: "and", |
column: "realPartCode", |
action: "like", |
value: null, |
readOnly: true, |
}, |
{ |
logic: "and", |
column: "vinCode", |
action: "like", |
value: null, |
readOnly: true, |
}, |
], |
}, |
skipCount: { |
hidden: true, |
default: 0, |
}, |
maxResultCount: { |
hidden: true, |
default: 10, |
}, |
sorting: { |
hidden: true, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
table: { |
schema: schema, |
}, |
edit: { |
detailsUrl, |
createUrl, |
updateUrl, |
deleteUrl, |
importUrl, |
exportUrl, |
detailsMethod, |
createMethod, |
updateMethod, |
deleteMethod, |
importMethod, |
exportMethod, |
schema: schema, |
}, |
}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
import AppList from "../../components/list/index.js"; |
import AppForm from "../../components/form/index.js"; |
import html from "html"; |
import { useRoute } from "vue-router"; |
import useConfig from "../../models/compare/vmi-job.js"; |
import { ref, onMounted, onUnmounted } from "vue"; |
import { schemaToModel } from "../../utils/index.js"; |
import request from "../../request/index.js"; |
export default function (type) { |
return { |
components: { AppList, AppForm }, |
template: html`<app-list ref="appListRef" :config="config" @command="onCommand" />
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisable" align-center :close-on-click-modal="false" destroy-on-close style="width:40%;height:50%;"> |
<template #header> <span class="el-dialog__title"> 库存余额任务 </span> </template> |
<el-scrollbar> |
<app-form ref="formRef" :mode="create" label-position="left" :schema="schema" v-model="model" :hideButton="true" @submit="submit" /> |
</el-scrollbar> |
<template #footer> |
<span class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit"> {{$t('confirm')}} </el-button> |
</span> |
</template> |
</el-dialog>`, |
styles: html`<style>
.el-dialog__body { |
height: calc(100% - 120px); |
} |
</style>`, |
setup() { |
const route = useRoute(); |
const businessType = route.meta.businessType; |
const dialogVisable = ref(false); |
const loading = ref(false); |
const config = useConfig(businessType, type); |
const schema = config.compare.schema; |
const defaultModel = schemaToModel(schema); |
const model = ref(null); |
const formRef = ref(null); |
const onCommand = async (item, rows) => { |
console.log(item.path, item, rows); |
if (item.path === "compare") { |
model.value = Object.assign({}, defaultModel); |
dialogVisable.value = true; |
} |
}; |
const submit = async () => { |
try { |
const valid = await formRef.value.validate(); |
if (valid) { |
loading.value = true; |
} |
const url = config.edit.compareUrl; |
const data = Object.assign(model.value); |
const result = await request(url, data, { method: "POST" }, true); |
if (!result.errors) { |
dialogVisable.value = false; |
await load(); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.log(error); |
} finally { |
loading.value = false; |
} |
}; |
const appListRef = ref(null); |
const event = "SaSeCompare"; |
onMounted(() => PubSub.subscribe(event, async () => await appListRef.value.load())); |
onUnmounted(() => PubSub.unsubscribe(event)); |
return { config, onCommand, appListRef, dialogVisable, loading, schema, model, formRef, submit }; |
}, |
}; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
import useCompare from "./vmi-job.js"; |
export default useCompare("fa-yun"); |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
import AppList from "../../components/list/index.js"; |
import html from "html"; |
import { ref, onMounted, onUnmounted } from "vue"; |
import { useRoute } from "vue-router"; |
import { ElNotification } from "element-plus"; |
import request from "../../request/index.js"; |
export default { |
components: { AppList }, |
template: html`<app-list v-if="config" :config="config" @command="onCommand" />`, |
setup() { |
const config = ref(null); |
const route = useRoute(); |
const onCommand = async (item, rows) => { |
console.log(item.path, item, rows); |
}; |
const showMessage = async (data) => { |
await ElNotification.closeAll(); |
ElNotification({ |
position: "bottom-right", |
title: "提示", |
message: `待同步库存数量: ${data}`, |
duration: 0, |
}); |
}; |
const event = "VmiBalance"; |
onMounted(async () => { |
const model = "vmi/balance"; |
const useConfig = (await import(`../../models/${model}.js`)).default; |
config.value = useConfig(route.meta?.businessType, route.meta); |
const result = await request("settleaccount/vmi-async-message/get-message-count", null, { method: "POST" }); |
if (!result.errors) { |
// showMessage(result.data);
} |
PubSub.subscribe(event, async (_, data) => { |
if (route.path === "/vmi/balance") { |
// showMessage(data);
} |
}); |
}); |
onUnmounted(() => PubSub.unsubscribe(event)); |
return { config, onCommand }; |
}, |
}; |
Reference in new issue