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zhaoxinyu 1 year ago
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@ -418,20 +418,23 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
public virtual List<EdiWms> GetEdiWms()
var sql =
"select * from (\n" +
"select\n" +
"ISNULL(a.PN,b.PN) PN,\n" +
"ISNULL(a.LU,b.LU) LU,A.BillTime,\n" +
"B.EDITime,\n" +
"ISNULL(A.qty,0) ShippingQty,\n" +
"ISNULL(b.qty,0) EdiQty ,\n" +
"case when ISNULL(A.qty,0) >ISNULL(b.qty,0) then '发运比EDI多'\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) <ISNULL(b.qty,0) then '发运比EDI少'\n" +
"END State\n" +
"from\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(BillTime) BillTime from Set_BBAC_SE_DETAIL where BusinessType=1 and billtime>='2023-09-25 00:00:00' group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) a full join\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(CreationTime) EDITime from Set_BBAC_SE_EDI group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) b on a.PN=b.PN and a.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace=b.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace\n" +
"WHERE isnull(A.qty,0)<>isnull(B.qty,0) ) temp order by EDITime,BillTime\n";
"select * from (\n" +
"select\n" +
"ISNULL(a.PN,b.PN) PN,\n" +
"ISNULL(a.LU,b.LU) LU,A.BillTime,\n" +
"B.EDITime,\n" +
"ISNULL(A.qty,0) ShippingQty,\n" +
"ISNULL(b.qty,0) EdiQty ,\n" +
"case\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) >ISNULL(b.qty,0) and ISNULL(b.qty,0)=0 then 'WMS有发货EDI无订单'\n" +
"when ISNULL(B.qty,0)=0 and ISNULL(A.qty,0)<0 then 'WMS有发货EDI无订单'\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) >ISNULL(b.qty,0) and ISNULL(b.qty,0)>0 then 'WMS有发货多余EDI订单'\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) <ISNULL(b.qty,0) and ISNULL(a.qty,0)=0 then 'WMS漏发货EDI有订单'\n" +
"END State\n" +
"from\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(BillTime) BillTime from Set_BBAC_SE_DETAIL where BusinessType=1 and billtime>='2023-09-25 00:00:00' group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) a full join\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(CreationTime) EDITime from Set_BBAC_SE_EDI group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) b on a.PN=b.PN and a.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace=b.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace\n" +
"WHERE isnull(A.qty,0)<>isnull(B.qty,0)) temp WHERE STATE!='WMS有发货多余EDI订单' order by EDITime,BillTime\n";
var entities = DbConnection.Query<EdiWms>(sql, null, null, false, 1200, null).ToList();
foreach(var itm in entities)
@ -448,20 +451,23 @@ namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Repository.SettleAccountJob.Report
public virtual List<EdiWms> GetHBPOEdiWms()
var sql =
"select * from (\n" +
"select\n" +
"ISNULL(a.PN,b.PN) PN,\n" +
"ISNULL(a.LU,b.LU) LU,A.BillTime,\n" +
"B.EDITime,\n" +
"ISNULL(A.qty,0) ShippingQty,\n" +
"ISNULL(b.qty,0) EdiQty ,\n" +
"case when ISNULL(A.qty,0) >ISNULL(b.qty,0) then '发运比EDI多'\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) <ISNULL(b.qty,0) then '发运比EDI少'\n" +
"END State\n" +
"from\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(BillTime) BillTime from Set_HBPO_SE_DETAIL where BusinessType=2 and billtime>='2023-09-25 00:00:00' group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) a full join\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(CreationTime) EDITime from Set_HBPO_SE_EDI group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) b on a.PN=b.PN and a.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace=b.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace\n" +
"WHERE isnull(A.qty,0)<>isnull(B.qty,0) ) temp order by EDITime,BillTime\n";
"select * from (\n" +
"select\n" +
"ISNULL(a.PN,b.PN) PN,\n" +
"ISNULL(a.LU,b.LU) LU,A.BillTime,\n" +
"B.EDITime,\n" +
"ISNULL(A.qty,0) ShippingQty,\n" +
"ISNULL(b.qty,0) EdiQty ,\n" +
"case\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) >ISNULL(b.qty,0) and ISNULL(b.qty,0)=0 then 'WMS有发货EDI无订单'\n" +
"when ISNULL(B.qty,0)=0 and ISNULL(A.qty,0)<0 then 'WMS有发货EDI无订单'\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) >ISNULL(b.qty,0) and ISNULL(b.qty,0)>0 then 'WMS有发货多余EDI订单'\n" +
"when ISNULL(A.qty,0) <ISNULL(b.qty,0) and ISNULL(a.qty,0)=0 then 'WMS漏发货EDI有订单'\n" +
"END State\n" +
"from\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(BillTime) BillTime from Set_HBPO_SE_DETAIL where BusinessType=2 and billtime>='2023-09-25 00:00:00' group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) a full join\n" +
"(select PN,LU,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,sum(Qty) qty ,MAX(CreationTime) EDITime from Set_HBPO_SE_EDI group by PN,CustomerPartCodeNoSpace,LU) b on a.PN=b.PN and a.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace=b.CustomerPartCodeNoSpace\n" +
"WHERE isnull(A.qty,0)<>isnull(B.qty,0)) temp WHERE STATE!='WMS有发货多余EDI订单' order by EDITime,BillTime\n";
var entities = DbConnection.Query<EdiWms>(sql, null, null, false, 1200, null).ToList();
foreach (var itm in entities)
