27 changed files with 11134 additions and 237 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,391 @@ |
using System; |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; |
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Migrations |
{ |
public partial class vmi8 : Migration |
{ |
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) |
{ |
migrationBuilder.DropUniqueConstraint( |
name: "AK_Set_VmiBalance_ErpToLoc_PartCode_LU", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.DeleteData( |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
keyColumn: "Id", |
keyValue: new Guid("cd6b8f09-2146-73d3-cade-4e832627b4f6")); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "ShippingDate", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "DeliverTime"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "SeqNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "factory"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "RelationNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "VinCode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "No6", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "UniqueCode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "No5", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "SettlementVinCode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "No4", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "Seq"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "No3", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "RealCode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "No2", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "ReMark"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "No1", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "PartCode2"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "Desc", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "PartCode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "DeliverSubBillType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "OrderNum"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "DeliverBillType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "SubBillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CustomOrderNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "CustomerPartCode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CreationTime", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "ChangedTime"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CreatedTime", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "BillTime"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CreatedBy", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "Configcode"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "Remark", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "ReMark"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "ShippingDate", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "DeliverTime"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "SeqNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "factory"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "LU", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "OrderNum"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "DeliverSubBillType", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "SubBillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "DeliverBillType", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "BillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CustomOrderNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "Seq"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CreationTime", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "BillTime"); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<int>( |
name: "BillType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
type: "int", |
nullable: false, |
defaultValue: 0); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "ChangedBy", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "ChangedNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "CodeType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<bool>( |
name: "IsReplenished", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
type: "bit", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AlterColumn<string>( |
name: "VinCode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(450)", |
nullable: false, |
defaultValue: "", |
oldClrType: typeof(string), |
oldType: "nvarchar(max)", |
oldNullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "CodeType", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "Configcode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "CustomerPartCode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddUniqueConstraint( |
name: "AK_Set_VmiBalance_BillType_PartCode_VinCode_ErpToLoc_OrderNum", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
columns: new[] { "BillType", "PartCode", "VinCode", "ErpToLoc", "OrderNum" }); |
migrationBuilder.InsertData( |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
columns: new[] { "Id", "BillTime", "BillType", "CodeType", "Configcode", "CustomerPartCode", "DeliverTime", "ErpToLoc", "MatchNumber", "OrderNum", "PartCode", "PjsNum", "Qty", "ReMark", "Seq", "SubBillType", "UniqueCode", "VinCode", "factory" }, |
values: new object[] { new Guid("ea936b34-ecd0-7dbd-85a9-57cd8b730873"), new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified), 1, null, null, null, new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified), "ErpToLoc", null, "OrderNum", "PartCode", null, 0m, null, null, 0, null, "VinCode", null }); |
} |
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) |
{ |
migrationBuilder.DropUniqueConstraint( |
name: "AK_Set_VmiBalance_BillType_PartCode_VinCode_ErpToLoc_OrderNum", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.DeleteData( |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
keyColumn: "Id", |
keyValue: new Guid("ea936b34-ecd0-7dbd-85a9-57cd8b730873")); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "BillType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "ChangedBy", |
table: "Set_VmiLog"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "ChangedNumber", |
table: "Set_VmiLog"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "CodeType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "IsReplenished", |
table: "Set_VmiLog"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "CodeType", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "Configcode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "CustomerPartCode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "factory", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "SeqNumber"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "VinCode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "RelationNumber"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "UniqueCode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "No6"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "SubBillType", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "DeliverBillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "SettlementVinCode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "No5"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "Seq", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "No4"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "RealCode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "No3"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "ReMark", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "No2"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "PartCode2", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "No1"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "PartCode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "Desc"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "OrderNum", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "DeliverSubBillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "DeliverTime", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "ShippingDate"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "CustomerPartCode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "CustomOrderNumber"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "Configcode", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "CreatedBy"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "ChangedTime", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "CreationTime"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "BillTime", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "CreatedTime"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "ReMark", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "Remark"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "factory", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "SeqNumber"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "SubBillType", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "DeliverSubBillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "Seq", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "CustomOrderNumber"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "OrderNum", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "LU"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "DeliverTime", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "ShippingDate"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "BillType", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "DeliverBillType"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "BillTime", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
newName: "CreationTime"); |
migrationBuilder.AlterColumn<string>( |
name: "VinCode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true, |
oldClrType: typeof(string), |
oldType: "nvarchar(450)"); |
migrationBuilder.AddUniqueConstraint( |
name: "AK_Set_VmiBalance_ErpToLoc_PartCode_LU", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
columns: new[] { "ErpToLoc", "PartCode", "LU" }); |
migrationBuilder.InsertData( |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
columns: new[] { "Id", "CreationTime", "CustomOrderNumber", "DeliverBillType", "DeliverSubBillType", "ErpToLoc", "LU", "MatchNumber", "PartCode", "PjsNum", "Qty", "Remark", "SeqNumber", "ShippingDate", "UniqueCode", "VinCode" }, |
values: new object[] { new Guid("cd6b8f09-2146-73d3-cade-4e832627b4f6"), new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified), null, 0, 0, "key1", "key3", null, "key2", null, 0m, "test", null, new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified), null, null }); |
} |
} |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
using System; |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; |
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Migrations |
{ |
public partial class vmi9 : Migration |
{ |
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) |
{ |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "Count", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "ChangedQty"); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<DateTime>( |
name: "BackupTime", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "datetime2", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "ConcurrencyStamp", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(40)", |
maxLength: 40, |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.AddColumn<string>( |
name: "RealCode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
type: "nvarchar(max)", |
nullable: true); |
migrationBuilder.UpdateData( |
table: "Set_VmiBalance", |
keyColumn: "Id", |
keyValue: new Guid("ea936b34-ecd0-7dbd-85a9-57cd8b730873"), |
column: "ConcurrencyStamp", |
value: "887ca64c266c48ac82dca90534f64225"); |
} |
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder) |
{ |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "BackupTime", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "ConcurrencyStamp", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.DropColumn( |
name: "RealCode", |
table: "Set_VmiBalance"); |
migrationBuilder.RenameColumn( |
name: "ChangedQty", |
table: "Set_VmiLog", |
newName: "Count"); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue