2 changed files with 264 additions and 121 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Data.SqlClient; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core; |
using System.Text.Json; |
using System.Threading.Tasks; |
using EFCore.BulkExtensions; |
using Magicodes.ExporterAndImporter.Core.Extension; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; |
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR; |
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; |
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; |
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; |
using Omu.ValueInjecter; |
using SettleAccount.Job.SignalR; |
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services; |
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection; |
using Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.BQ.Vmi; |
using Win.Sfs.Shared.RepositoryBase; |
namespace Win.Sfs.SettleAccount.Entities.BQ; |
/// <summary>
/// 异步更新库存
/// </summary>
public class VmiAsyncBalanceService : ApplicationService, IJobService, ITransientDependency |
{ |
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; |
public VmiAsyncBalanceService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) |
{ |
this._serviceProvider = serviceProvider; |
} |
public async Task Invoke(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) |
{ |
var connectionString = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>().GetConnectionString("SettleAccountService"); |
using var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); |
connection.Open(); |
using var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); |
try |
{ |
var command = connection.CreateCommand(); |
command.Transaction = transaction; |
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<SettleAccountDbContext>().UseSqlServer(connection).Options; |
using var context = new SettleAccountDbContext(options); |
context.Database.UseTransaction(transaction); |
var messages = context.Set<VmiMessage>().Where(o => !o.isConsumed).OrderBy(o => o.Number).Take(1000 * 100).ToList(); |
var repo = context.Set<VmiBalance>(); |
foreach (var message in messages) |
{ |
var log = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<VmiLog>(message.Message); |
log.SetId(Guid.Parse(JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonElement>(message.Message).GetProperty("Id").GetString())); |
var table = $"Set_VmiLog_{log.ChangedTime.Year}_{(log.ChangedTime.Month - 1) / 3 + 1}"; |
command.CommandText = $"select OBJECT_ID('{table}', 'U')"; |
var result = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); |
if (result == string.Empty) |
{ |
command.CommandText = $"select * into {table} from Set_VmiLog where 1=0;"; |
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
command.CommandText = $"create clustered index IX_{table}_ChangedTime on {table} (ChangedTime);"; |
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
command.CommandText = $"alter table {table} add constraint PK_{table} primary key (Id);"; |
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
} |
command.CommandText = $"insert into {table} select * from Set_VmiLog where id ='{log.Id}'"; |
command.ExecuteNonQuery(); |
var balance = context.Set<VmiBalance>().FirstOrDefault( |
o => o.DeliverBillType == log.DeliverBillType && |
o.CodeType == log.CodeType && |
o.DeliverBillType == log.DeliverBillType && |
o.VinCode == log.VinCode && |
o.ErpToLoc == log.ErpToLoc && |
o.OrderNum == log.OrderNum && |
o.factory == log.factory && |
o.Configcode == log.Configcode); |
if (balance == null) |
{ |
balance = new VmiBalance(GuidGenerator.Create()); |
balance.InjectFrom(log); |
await repo.AddAsync(balance).ConfigureAwait(false); |
log.InjectFrom(balance); |
} |
else |
{ |
var logType = log.LogType; |
var qty = balance.Qty;// + log.ty
if (logType == VmiLogType.Type100) |
{ |
if (balance.Qty < decimal.Zero) |
{ |
balance.InjectFrom(log); |
} |
} |
else if (logType == VmiLogType.Type300) |
{ |
} |
else if (logType == VmiLogType.Type500) |
{ |
balance.InjectFrom(log); |
} |
// 更新库存
balance.Qty = qty; |
if (balance.Qty == decimal.Zero) |
{ |
repo.Remove(balance); |
} |
if (logType == VmiLogType.Type100 && balance.Qty < decimal.Zero && log.Qty > 0) |
{ |
var log2 = new VmiReplenished(); |
log2.InjectFrom(log); |
await context.Set<VmiReplenished>().AddAsync(log2).ConfigureAwait(false); |
} |
} |
message.isConsumed = true; |
} |
context.SaveChanges(); |
transaction.Commit(); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |
Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); |
transaction.Rollback(); |
throw; |
} |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 消息表定时清理
/// </summary>
public class VmiAsyncMessageService : Controller, IApplicationService, IJobService, ITransientDependency |
{ |
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; |
public VmiAsyncMessageService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) |
{ |
this._serviceProvider = serviceProvider; |
} |
[NonAction] |
public Task Invoke(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) |
{ |
using var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope(); |
var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<SettleAccountDbContext>(); |
db.Set<VmiMessage>().Where(o => o.isConsumed).BatchDelete(); |
var count = db.Set<VmiMessage>().Where(o => !o.isConsumed).Count(); |
scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IHubContext<PageHub>>().Clients.All.ServerToClient("VmiBalance", count.ToString(), ""); |
return Task.CompletedTask; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// 未处理消息数量
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[HttpPost] |
public int GetMessageCount() |
{ |
using var scope = this._serviceProvider.CreateScope(); |
var db = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<SettleAccountDbContext>(); |
var count = db.Set<VmiMessage>().Where(o => !o.isConsumed).Count(); |
return count; |
} |
} |
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