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170 lines
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170 lines
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2 years ago
import { get, post } from "../request/index.js";
async function getLocalizationAsync() {
// const url = "abp/application-configuration";
// const data = (await get(url, null, null, true, true)).data;
return {
options: [
value: "zh",
label: "中文",
value: "en",
label: "English",
locale: "zh",
messages: {
zh: {
application: "北京北汽模塑-SAS结算分析系统",
copyright: "长春市闻荫科技有限公司 ©2023",
test: "测试",
compareAttribute: "{0}”和{1}不匹配",
fileExtensionsAttribute: "{0}只接受一下扩展名的文件: {1}",
maxLengthAttribute: "{0}的最大长度为 {1}",
minLengthAttribute: "{0}的最小长度为 {1}",
rangeAttribute: "{0}必需在 {1} 和 {2} 之间",
regularExpressionAttribute: "{0}”必需匹配{1}",
requiredAttribute: "{0}不能为空",
stringLengthAttribute: "{0}的最大长度为 {1}",
stringLengthAttributeIncludingMinimum: "{0}的长度在 {2} 和 {1} 之间",
dataTypeAttribute_CreditCard: "{0}不是有效的信用卡号码",
dataTypeAttribute_EmailAddress: "{0}不是有效的 Email 地址",
dataTypeAttribute_PhoneNumber: "{0}不是有效的手机号码",
dataTypeAttribute_Url: "{0}不是有效的 Url",
dataTypeAttribute_Upload: "{0}的扩展名必须为:{1}",
dataTypeAttribute_DateTime: "{0}不是有效的日期格式",
customValidationAttribute: "{0}验证失败",
validationAttribute: "{0}验证失败",
true: "是",
false: "否",
select: "选择",
confirm: "确定",
reset: "重置",
rowIndex: "行号",
name: "名称",
number: "编号",
value: "值",
order: "序号",
isDisabled: "禁用",
properties: "属性",
parentId: "上级",
lockoutEnabled: "启用锁定",
lockoutEnd: "锁定截止",
accessFailedCount: "登录失败次数",
isSystem: "系统内置",
isReadonly: "只读",
audit: "审计",
selectAll: "全选",
selectInverse: "反选",
filter: "过滤",
createdOn: "创建时间",
createdBy: "创建人",
updatedOn: "修改时间",
updatedBy: "修改人",
deletedOn: "删除时间",
deletedBy: "删除人",
concurrencyStamp: "并发戳",
operations: "操作",
disabled: "已禁用",
displayOrder: "序号",
isDeleted: "已删除",
path: "路径",
method: "方法",
isTop: "顶部",
htmlClass: "class",
internalPath: "内部路径",
component: "组件",
serverTime: "服务器时间",
osArchitecture: "系统架构",
osDescription: "操作系统",
processArchitecture: "进程架构",
tip: "提示",
cancel: "操作取消",
index: "查询",
details: "详情",
create: "新建",
update: "更新",
import: "导入",
export: "导出",
remove: "移除",
restore: "还原",
delete: "删除",
authenticate: "验证",
loginModel: "登录",
login: "登录",
logout: "注销",
confirmLogout: "确认退出?",
register: "注册",
userName: "用户名",
password: "密码",
email: "邮箱",
emailConfirmed: "邮箱已确认",
rememberMe: "记住我",
resetPassword: "重置密码",
userCenter: "用户中心",
avatar: "头像",
tenant: "租户",
connectionString: "连接字符串",
tenantId: "租户",
tenants: "租户管理",
identity: "认证中心",
systemManagement: "基础数据",
roleId: "角色",
permissionId: "权限",
userRoles: "用户角色",
enableColumnLimit: "列权限",
enableRowLimit: "行权限",
rolePermissions: "角色权限",
departmentId: "部门",
cron: "定时器",
icon: "图标",
type: "类型",
isExternal: "外链",
isHidden: "隐藏",
redirect: "跳转",
columns: "列",
identityModule: "系统管理",
user: "用户",
role: "角色",
permission: "权限",
department: "部门",
post: "岗位",
dict: "字典",
systemMonitor: "系统监控",
monitor: "服务监控",
monitorModule: "系统监控",
jobItem: "定时任务",
captcha: "验证码",
captchaExpired: "验证码已过期",
captchaError: "验证码错误",
dictionaryItem: "数据字典",
userLogin: "登录历史",
connectionId: "连接Id",
isOnline: "在线",
heartbeat: "心跳",
userAgent: "用户代理",
en: {
application: "WTA Framework",
copyright: "all rights reserved © copyright",
test: "test",
login: "Login",
logout: "Logout",
confirmLogout: "Confirm Logout?",
register: "Register",
tip: "Tip",
cancel: "Cancel",
userName: "User Name",
password: "Password",
rememberMe: "Remember Me",
resetPassword: "Reset Password",
userCenter: "User Center",
export { getLocalizationAsync };