You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2569 lines
94 KiB
2569 lines
94 KiB
2 years ago
const __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) =>
typeof require !== "undefined"
? require
: typeof Proxy !== "undefined"
? new Proxy(x, {
get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b],
: x)(function (x) {
if (typeof require !== "undefined") return require.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported');
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/Errors.js
var HttpError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.HttpError}.
* @param {string} errorMessage A descriptive error message.
* @param {number} statusCode The HTTP status code represented by this error.
constructor(errorMessage, statusCode) {
const trueProto =;
super(`${errorMessage}: Status code '${statusCode}'`);
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var TimeoutError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.TimeoutError}.
* @param {string} errorMessage A descriptive error message.
constructor(errorMessage = "A timeout occurred.") {
const trueProto =;
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var AbortError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link AbortError}.
* @param {string} errorMessage A descriptive error message.
constructor(errorMessage = "An abort occurred.") {
const trueProto =;
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var UnsupportedTransportError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.UnsupportedTransportError}.
* @param {string} message A descriptive error message.
* @param {HttpTransportType} transport The {@link @microsoft/signalr.HttpTransportType} this error occurred on.
constructor(message, transport) {
const trueProto =;
this.transport = transport;
this.errorType = "UnsupportedTransportError";
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var DisabledTransportError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.DisabledTransportError}.
* @param {string} message A descriptive error message.
* @param {HttpTransportType} transport The {@link @microsoft/signalr.HttpTransportType} this error occurred on.
constructor(message, transport) {
const trueProto =;
this.transport = transport;
this.errorType = "DisabledTransportError";
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var FailedToStartTransportError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.FailedToStartTransportError}.
* @param {string} message A descriptive error message.
* @param {HttpTransportType} transport The {@link @microsoft/signalr.HttpTransportType} this error occurred on.
constructor(message, transport) {
const trueProto =;
this.transport = transport;
this.errorType = "FailedToStartTransportError";
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var FailedToNegotiateWithServerError = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.FailedToNegotiateWithServerError}.
* @param {string} message A descriptive error message.
constructor(message) {
const trueProto =;
this.errorType = "FailedToNegotiateWithServerError";
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
var AggregateErrors = class extends Error {
/** Constructs a new instance of {@link @microsoft/signalr.AggregateErrors}.
* @param {string} message A descriptive error message.
* @param {Error[]} innerErrors The collection of errors this error is aggregating.
constructor(message, innerErrors) {
const trueProto =;
this.innerErrors = innerErrors;
this.__proto__ = trueProto;
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/HttpClient.js
var HttpResponse = class {
constructor(statusCode, statusText, content) {
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.statusText = statusText;
this.content = content;
var HttpClient = class {
get(url, options) {
return this.send({
method: "GET",
post(url, options) {
return this.send({
method: "POST",
delete(url, options) {
return this.send({
method: "DELETE",
/** Gets all cookies that apply to the specified URL.
* @param url The URL that the cookies are valid for.
* @returns {string} A string containing all the key-value cookie pairs for the specified URL.
// @ts-ignore
getCookieString(url) {
return "";
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/ILogger.js
var LogLevel;
(function(LogLevel2) {
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["Trace"] = 0] = "Trace";
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["Debug"] = 1] = "Debug";
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["Information"] = 2] = "Information";
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["Warning"] = 3] = "Warning";
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["Error"] = 4] = "Error";
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["Critical"] = 5] = "Critical";
LogLevel2[LogLevel2["None"] = 6] = "None";
})(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {}));
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/Loggers.js
var NullLogger = class {
constructor() {
/** @inheritDoc */
// eslint-disable-next-line
log(_logLevel, _message) {
NullLogger.instance = new NullLogger();
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/Utils.js
var VERSION = "7.0.7";
var Arg = class {
static isRequired(val, name) {
if (val === null || val === void 0) {
throw new Error(`The '${name}' argument is required.`);
static isNotEmpty(val, name) {
if (!val || val.match(/^\s*$/)) {
throw new Error(`The '${name}' argument should not be empty.`);
static isIn(val, values, name) {
if (!(val in values)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown ${name} value: ${val}.`);
var Platform = class {
// react-native has a window but no document so we should check both
static get isBrowser() {
return typeof window === "object" && typeof window.document === "object";
// WebWorkers don't have a window object so the isBrowser check would fail
static get isWebWorker() {
return typeof self === "object" && "importScripts" in self;
// react-native has a window but no document
static get isReactNative() {
return typeof window === "object" && typeof window.document === "undefined";
// Node apps shouldn't have a window object, but WebWorkers don't either
// so we need to check for both WebWorker and window
static get isNode() {
return !this.isBrowser && !this.isWebWorker && !this.isReactNative;
function getDataDetail(data, includeContent) {
let detail = "";
if (isArrayBuffer(data)) {
detail = `Binary data of length ${data.byteLength}`;
if (includeContent) {
detail += `. Content: '${formatArrayBuffer(data)}'`;
} else if (typeof data === "string") {
detail = `String data of length ${data.length}`;
if (includeContent) {
detail += `. Content: '${data}'`;
return detail;
function formatArrayBuffer(data) {
const view = new Uint8Array(data);
let str = "";
view.forEach((num) => {
const pad = num < 16 ? "0" : "";
str += `0x${pad}${num.toString(16)} `;
return str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
function isArrayBuffer(val) {
return val && typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && (val instanceof ArrayBuffer || // Sometimes we get an ArrayBuffer that doesn't satisfy instanceof
val.constructor && === "ArrayBuffer");
async function sendMessage(logger, transportName, httpClient, url, content, options) {
const headers = {};
const [name, value] = getUserAgentHeader();
headers[name] = value;
logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(${transportName} transport) sending data. ${getDataDetail(content, options.logMessageContent)}.`);
const responseType = isArrayBuffer(content) ? "arraybuffer" : "text";
const response = await, {
headers: { ...headers, ...options.headers },
timeout: options.timeout,
withCredentials: options.withCredentials
logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(${transportName} transport) request complete. Response status: ${response.statusCode}.`);
function createLogger(logger) {
if (logger === void 0) {
return new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Information);
if (logger === null) {
return NullLogger.instance;
if (logger.log !== void 0) {
return logger;
return new ConsoleLogger(logger);
var SubjectSubscription = class {
constructor(subject, observer) {
this._subject = subject;
this._observer = observer;
dispose() {
const index = this._subject.observers.indexOf(this._observer);
if (index > -1) {
this._subject.observers.splice(index, 1);
if (this._subject.observers.length === 0 && this._subject.cancelCallback) {
this._subject.cancelCallback().catch((_) => {
var ConsoleLogger = class {
constructor(minimumLogLevel) {
this._minLevel = minimumLogLevel;
this.out = console;
log(logLevel, message) {
if (logLevel >= this._minLevel) {
const msg = `[${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()}] ${LogLevel[logLevel]}: ${message}`;
switch (logLevel) {
case LogLevel.Critical:
case LogLevel.Error:
case LogLevel.Warning:
case LogLevel.Information:
function getUserAgentHeader() {
let userAgentHeaderName = "X-SignalR-User-Agent";
if (Platform.isNode) {
userAgentHeaderName = "User-Agent";
return [userAgentHeaderName, constructUserAgent(VERSION, getOsName(), getRuntime(), getRuntimeVersion())];
function constructUserAgent(version, os, runtime, runtimeVersion) {
let userAgent = "Microsoft SignalR/";
const majorAndMinor = version.split(".");
userAgent += `${majorAndMinor[0]}.${majorAndMinor[1]}`;
userAgent += ` (${version}; `;
if (os && os !== "") {
userAgent += `${os}; `;
} else {
userAgent += "Unknown OS; ";
userAgent += `${runtime}`;
if (runtimeVersion) {
userAgent += `; ${runtimeVersion}`;
} else {
userAgent += "; Unknown Runtime Version";
userAgent += ")";
return userAgent;
function getOsName() {
if (Platform.isNode) {
switch (process.platform) {
case "win32":
return "Windows NT";
case "darwin":
return "macOS";
case "linux":
return "Linux";
return process.platform;
} else {
return "";
function getRuntimeVersion() {
if (Platform.isNode) {
return process.versions.node;
return void 0;
function getRuntime() {
if (Platform.isNode) {
return "NodeJS";
} else {
return "Browser";
function getErrorString(e) {
if (e.stack) {
return e.stack;
} else if (e.message) {
return e.message;
return `${e}`;
function getGlobalThis() {
if (typeof globalThis !== "undefined") {
return globalThis;
if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
return self;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
return window;
if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
return global;
throw new Error("could not find global");
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/FetchHttpClient.js
var FetchHttpClient = class extends HttpClient {
constructor(logger) {
this._logger = logger;
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
const requireFunc = typeof __webpack_require__ === "function" ? __non_webpack_require__ : __require;
this._jar = new (requireFunc("tough-cookie")).CookieJar();
this._fetchType = requireFunc("node-fetch");
this._fetchType = requireFunc("fetch-cookie")(this._fetchType, this._jar);
} else {
this._fetchType = fetch.bind(getGlobalThis());
if (typeof AbortController === "undefined") {
const requireFunc = typeof __webpack_require__ === "function" ? __non_webpack_require__ : __require;
this._abortControllerType = requireFunc("abort-controller");
} else {
this._abortControllerType = AbortController;
/** @inheritDoc */
async send(request) {
if (request.abortSignal && request.abortSignal.aborted) {
throw new AbortError();
if (!request.method) {
throw new Error("No method defined.");
if (!request.url) {
throw new Error("No url defined.");
const abortController = new this._abortControllerType();
let error;
if (request.abortSignal) {
request.abortSignal.onabort = () => {
error = new AbortError();
let timeoutId = null;
if (request.timeout) {
const msTimeout = request.timeout;
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Timeout from HTTP request.`);
error = new TimeoutError();
}, msTimeout);
if (request.content === "") {
request.content = void 0;
if (request.content) {
request.headers = request.headers || {};
if (isArrayBuffer(request.content)) {
request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream";
} else {
request.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8";
let response;
try {
response = await this._fetchType(request.url, {
body: request.content,
cache: "no-cache",
credentials: request.withCredentials === true ? "include" : "same-origin",
headers: {
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
method: request.method,
mode: "cors",
redirect: "follow",
signal: abortController.signal
} catch (e) {
if (error) {
throw error;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Error from HTTP request. ${e}.`);
throw e;
} finally {
if (timeoutId) {
if (request.abortSignal) {
request.abortSignal.onabort = null;
if (!response.ok) {
const errorMessage = await deserializeContent(response, "text");
throw new HttpError(errorMessage || response.statusText, response.status);
const content = deserializeContent(response, request.responseType);
const payload = await content;
return new HttpResponse(response.status, response.statusText, payload);
getCookieString(url) {
let cookies = "";
if (Platform.isNode && this._jar) {
this._jar.getCookies(url, (e, c) => cookies = c.join("; "));
return cookies;
function deserializeContent(response, responseType) {
let content;
switch (responseType) {
case "arraybuffer":
content = response.arrayBuffer();
case "text":
content = response.text();
case "blob":
case "document":
case "json":
throw new Error(`${responseType} is not supported.`);
content = response.text();
return content;
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/XhrHttpClient.js
var XhrHttpClient = class extends HttpClient {
constructor(logger) {
this._logger = logger;
/** @inheritDoc */
send(request) {
if (request.abortSignal && request.abortSignal.aborted) {
return Promise.reject(new AbortError());
if (!request.method) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("No method defined."));
if (!request.url) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("No url defined."));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
|, request.url, true);
xhr.withCredentials = request.withCredentials === void 0 ? true : request.withCredentials;
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
if (request.content === "") {
request.content = void 0;
if (request.content) {
if (isArrayBuffer(request.content)) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
} else {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
const headers = request.headers;
if (headers) {
Object.keys(headers).forEach((header) => {
xhr.setRequestHeader(header, headers[header]);
if (request.responseType) {
xhr.responseType = request.responseType;
if (request.abortSignal) {
request.abortSignal.onabort = () => {
reject(new AbortError());
if (request.timeout) {
xhr.timeout = request.timeout;
xhr.onload = () => {
if (request.abortSignal) {
request.abortSignal.onabort = null;
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
resolve(new HttpResponse(xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.response || xhr.responseText));
} else {
reject(new HttpError(xhr.response || xhr.responseText || xhr.statusText, xhr.status));
xhr.onerror = () => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Error from HTTP request. ${xhr.status}: ${xhr.statusText}.`);
reject(new HttpError(xhr.statusText, xhr.status));
xhr.ontimeout = () => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Timeout from HTTP request.`);
reject(new TimeoutError());
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/DefaultHttpClient.js
var DefaultHttpClient = class extends HttpClient {
/** Creates a new instance of the {@link @microsoft/signalr.DefaultHttpClient}, using the provided {@link @microsoft/signalr.ILogger} to log messages. */
constructor(logger) {
if (typeof fetch !== "undefined" || Platform.isNode) {
this._httpClient = new FetchHttpClient(logger);
} else if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
this._httpClient = new XhrHttpClient(logger);
} else {
throw new Error("No usable HttpClient found.");
/** @inheritDoc */
send(request) {
if (request.abortSignal && request.abortSignal.aborted) {
return Promise.reject(new AbortError());
if (!request.method) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("No method defined."));
if (!request.url) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("No url defined."));
return this._httpClient.send(request);
getCookieString(url) {
return this._httpClient.getCookieString(url);
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/TextMessageFormat.js
var TextMessageFormat = class {
static write(output) {
return `${output}${TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparator}`;
static parse(input) {
if (input[input.length - 1] !== TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparator) {
throw new Error("Message is incomplete.");
const messages = input.split(TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparator);
return messages;
TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparatorCode = 30;
TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparator = String.fromCharCode(TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparatorCode);
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/HandshakeProtocol.js
var HandshakeProtocol = class {
// Handshake request is always JSON
writeHandshakeRequest(handshakeRequest) {
return TextMessageFormat.write(JSON.stringify(handshakeRequest));
parseHandshakeResponse(data) {
let messageData;
let remainingData;
if (isArrayBuffer(data)) {
const binaryData = new Uint8Array(data);
const separatorIndex = binaryData.indexOf(TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparatorCode);
if (separatorIndex === -1) {
throw new Error("Message is incomplete.");
const responseLength = separatorIndex + 1;
messageData = String.fromCharCode.apply(null,, responseLength)));
remainingData = binaryData.byteLength > responseLength ? binaryData.slice(responseLength).buffer : null;
} else {
const textData = data;
const separatorIndex = textData.indexOf(TextMessageFormat.RecordSeparator);
if (separatorIndex === -1) {
throw new Error("Message is incomplete.");
const responseLength = separatorIndex + 1;
messageData = textData.substring(0, responseLength);
remainingData = textData.length > responseLength ? textData.substring(responseLength) : null;
const messages = TextMessageFormat.parse(messageData);
const response = JSON.parse(messages[0]);
if (response.type) {
throw new Error("Expected a handshake response from the server.");
const responseMessage = response;
return [remainingData, responseMessage];
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/IHubProtocol.js
var MessageType;
(function(MessageType2) {
MessageType2[MessageType2["Invocation"] = 1] = "Invocation";
MessageType2[MessageType2["StreamItem"] = 2] = "StreamItem";
MessageType2[MessageType2["Completion"] = 3] = "Completion";
MessageType2[MessageType2["StreamInvocation"] = 4] = "StreamInvocation";
MessageType2[MessageType2["CancelInvocation"] = 5] = "CancelInvocation";
MessageType2[MessageType2["Ping"] = 6] = "Ping";
MessageType2[MessageType2["Close"] = 7] = "Close";
})(MessageType || (MessageType = {}));
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/Subject.js
var Subject = class {
constructor() {
this.observers = [];
next(item) {
for (const observer of this.observers) {
error(err) {
for (const observer of this.observers) {
if (observer.error) {
complete() {
for (const observer of this.observers) {
if (observer.complete) {
subscribe(observer) {
return new SubjectSubscription(this, observer);
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/HubConnection.js
var DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 30 * 1e3;
var HubConnectionState;
(function(HubConnectionState2) {
HubConnectionState2["Disconnected"] = "Disconnected";
HubConnectionState2["Connecting"] = "Connecting";
HubConnectionState2["Connected"] = "Connected";
HubConnectionState2["Disconnecting"] = "Disconnecting";
HubConnectionState2["Reconnecting"] = "Reconnecting";
})(HubConnectionState || (HubConnectionState = {}));
var HubConnection = class {
constructor(connection, logger, protocol, reconnectPolicy) {
this._nextKeepAlive = 0;
this._freezeEventListener = () => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, "The page is being frozen, this will likely lead to the connection being closed and messages being lost. For more information see the docs at");
Arg.isRequired(connection, "connection");
Arg.isRequired(logger, "logger");
Arg.isRequired(protocol, "protocol");
this.serverTimeoutInMilliseconds = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS;
this.keepAliveIntervalInMilliseconds = DEFAULT_PING_INTERVAL_IN_MS;
this._logger = logger;
this._protocol = protocol;
this.connection = connection;
this._reconnectPolicy = reconnectPolicy;
this._handshakeProtocol = new HandshakeProtocol();
this.connection.onreceive = (data) => this._processIncomingData(data);
this.connection.onclose = (error) => this._connectionClosed(error);
this._callbacks = {};
this._methods = {};
this._closedCallbacks = [];
this._reconnectingCallbacks = [];
this._reconnectedCallbacks = [];
this._invocationId = 0;
this._receivedHandshakeResponse = false;
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Disconnected;
this._connectionStarted = false;
this._cachedPingMessage = this._protocol.writeMessage({ type: MessageType.Ping });
/** @internal */
// Using a public static factory method means we can have a private constructor and an _internal_
// create method that can be used by HubConnectionBuilder. An "internal" constructor would just
// be stripped away and the '.d.ts' file would have no constructor, which is interpreted as a
// public parameter-less constructor.
static create(connection, logger, protocol, reconnectPolicy) {
return new HubConnection(connection, logger, protocol, reconnectPolicy);
/** Indicates the state of the {@link HubConnection} to the server. */
get state() {
return this._connectionState;
/** Represents the connection id of the {@link HubConnection} on the server. The connection id will be null when the connection is either
* in the disconnected state or if the negotiation step was skipped.
get connectionId() {
return this.connection ? this.connection.connectionId || null : null;
/** Indicates the url of the {@link HubConnection} to the server. */
get baseUrl() {
return this.connection.baseUrl || "";
* Sets a new url for the HubConnection. Note that the url can only be changed when the connection is in either the Disconnected or
* Reconnecting states.
* @param {string} url The url to connect to.
set baseUrl(url) {
if (this._connectionState !== HubConnectionState.Disconnected && this._connectionState !== HubConnectionState.Reconnecting) {
throw new Error("The HubConnection must be in the Disconnected or Reconnecting state to change the url.");
if (!url) {
throw new Error("The HubConnection url must be a valid url.");
this.connection.baseUrl = url;
/** Starts the connection.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A Promise that resolves when the connection has been successfully established, or rejects with an error.
start() {
this._startPromise = this._startWithStateTransitions();
return this._startPromise;
async _startWithStateTransitions() {
if (this._connectionState !== HubConnectionState.Disconnected) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot start a HubConnection that is not in the 'Disconnected' state."));
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Connecting;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Starting HubConnection.");
try {
await this._startInternal();
if (Platform.isBrowser) {
window.document.addEventListener("freeze", this._freezeEventListener);
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Connected;
this._connectionStarted = true;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "HubConnection connected successfully.");
} catch (e) {
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Disconnected;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `HubConnection failed to start successfully because of error '${e}'.`);
return Promise.reject(e);
async _startInternal() {
this._stopDuringStartError = void 0;
this._receivedHandshakeResponse = false;
const handshakePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._handshakeResolver = resolve;
this._handshakeRejecter = reject;
await this.connection.start(this._protocol.transferFormat);
try {
const handshakeRequest = {
version: this._protocol.version
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Sending handshake request.");
await this._sendMessage(this._handshakeProtocol.writeHandshakeRequest(handshakeRequest));
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `Using HubProtocol '${}'.`);
await handshakePromise;
if (this._stopDuringStartError) {
throw this._stopDuringStartError;
if (!this.connection.features.inherentKeepAlive) {
await this._sendMessage(this._cachedPingMessage);
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Hub handshake failed with error '${e}' during start(). Stopping HubConnection.`);
await this.connection.stop(e);
throw e;
/** Stops the connection.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A Promise that resolves when the connection has been successfully terminated, or rejects with an error.
async stop() {
const startPromise = this._startPromise;
this._stopPromise = this._stopInternal();
await this._stopPromise;
try {
await startPromise;
} catch (e) {
_stopInternal(error) {
if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Disconnected) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Call to HubConnection.stop(${error}) ignored because it is already in the disconnected state.`);
return Promise.resolve();
if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Disconnecting) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Call to HttpConnection.stop(${error}) ignored because the connection is already in the disconnecting state.`);
return this._stopPromise;
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Disconnecting;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Stopping HubConnection.");
if (this._reconnectDelayHandle) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connection stopped during reconnect delay. Done reconnecting.");
this._reconnectDelayHandle = void 0;
return Promise.resolve();
this._stopDuringStartError = error || new AbortError("The connection was stopped before the hub handshake could complete.");
return this.connection.stop(error);
/** Invokes a streaming hub method on the server using the specified name and arguments.
* @typeparam T The type of the items returned by the server.
* @param {string} methodName The name of the server method to invoke.
* @param {any[]} args The arguments used to invoke the server method.
* @returns {IStreamResult<T>} An object that yields results from the server as they are received.
stream(methodName, ...args) {
const [streams, streamIds] = this._replaceStreamingParams(args);
const invocationDescriptor = this._createStreamInvocation(methodName, args, streamIds);
let promiseQueue;
const subject = new Subject();
subject.cancelCallback = () => {
const cancelInvocation = this._createCancelInvocation(invocationDescriptor.invocationId);
delete this._callbacks[invocationDescriptor.invocationId];
return promiseQueue.then(() => {
return this._sendWithProtocol(cancelInvocation);
this._callbacks[invocationDescriptor.invocationId] = (invocationEvent, error) => {
if (error) {
} else if (invocationEvent) {
if (invocationEvent.type === MessageType.Completion) {
if (invocationEvent.error) {
subject.error(new Error(invocationEvent.error));
} else {
} else {
promiseQueue = this._sendWithProtocol(invocationDescriptor).catch((e) => {
delete this._callbacks[invocationDescriptor.invocationId];
this._launchStreams(streams, promiseQueue);
return subject;
_sendMessage(message) {
return this.connection.send(message);
* Sends a js object to the server.
* @param message The js object to serialize and send.
_sendWithProtocol(message) {
return this._sendMessage(this._protocol.writeMessage(message));
/** Invokes a hub method on the server using the specified name and arguments. Does not wait for a response from the receiver.
* The Promise returned by this method resolves when the client has sent the invocation to the server. The server may still
* be processing the invocation.
* @param {string} methodName The name of the server method to invoke.
* @param {any[]} args The arguments used to invoke the server method.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A Promise that resolves when the invocation has been successfully sent, or rejects with an error.
send(methodName, ...args) {
const [streams, streamIds] = this._replaceStreamingParams(args);
const sendPromise = this._sendWithProtocol(this._createInvocation(methodName, args, true, streamIds));
this._launchStreams(streams, sendPromise);
return sendPromise;
/** Invokes a hub method on the server using the specified name and arguments.
* The Promise returned by this method resolves when the server indicates it has finished invoking the method. When the promise
* resolves, the server has finished invoking the method. If the server method returns a result, it is produced as the result of
* resolving the Promise.
* @typeparam T The expected return type.
* @param {string} methodName The name of the server method to invoke.
* @param {any[]} args The arguments used to invoke the server method.
* @returns {Promise<T>} A Promise that resolves with the result of the server method (if any), or rejects with an error.
invoke(methodName, ...args) {
const [streams, streamIds] = this._replaceStreamingParams(args);
const invocationDescriptor = this._createInvocation(methodName, args, false, streamIds);
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._callbacks[invocationDescriptor.invocationId] = (invocationEvent, error) => {
if (error) {
} else if (invocationEvent) {
if (invocationEvent.type === MessageType.Completion) {
if (invocationEvent.error) {
reject(new Error(invocationEvent.error));
} else {
} else {
reject(new Error(`Unexpected message type: ${invocationEvent.type}`));
const promiseQueue = this._sendWithProtocol(invocationDescriptor).catch((e) => {
delete this._callbacks[invocationDescriptor.invocationId];
this._launchStreams(streams, promiseQueue);
return p;
on(methodName, newMethod) {
if (!methodName || !newMethod) {
methodName = methodName.toLowerCase();
if (!this._methods[methodName]) {
this._methods[methodName] = [];
if (this._methods[methodName].indexOf(newMethod) !== -1) {
off(methodName, method) {
if (!methodName) {
methodName = methodName.toLowerCase();
const handlers = this._methods[methodName];
if (!handlers) {
if (method) {
const removeIdx = handlers.indexOf(method);
if (removeIdx !== -1) {
handlers.splice(removeIdx, 1);
if (handlers.length === 0) {
delete this._methods[methodName];
} else {
delete this._methods[methodName];
/** Registers a handler that will be invoked when the connection is closed.
* @param {Function} callback The handler that will be invoked when the connection is closed. Optionally receives a single argument containing the error that caused the connection to close (if any).
onclose(callback) {
if (callback) {
/** Registers a handler that will be invoked when the connection starts reconnecting.
* @param {Function} callback The handler that will be invoked when the connection starts reconnecting. Optionally receives a single argument containing the error that caused the connection to start reconnecting (if any).
onreconnecting(callback) {
if (callback) {
/** Registers a handler that will be invoked when the connection successfully reconnects.
* @param {Function} callback The handler that will be invoked when the connection successfully reconnects.
onreconnected(callback) {
if (callback) {
_processIncomingData(data) {
if (!this._receivedHandshakeResponse) {
data = this._processHandshakeResponse(data);
this._receivedHandshakeResponse = true;
if (data) {
const messages = this._protocol.parseMessages(data, this._logger);
for (const message of messages) {
switch (message.type) {
case MessageType.Invocation:
case MessageType.StreamItem:
case MessageType.Completion: {
const callback = this._callbacks[message.invocationId];
if (callback) {
if (message.type === MessageType.Completion) {
delete this._callbacks[message.invocationId];
try {
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `Stream callback threw error: ${getErrorString(e)}`);
case MessageType.Ping:
case MessageType.Close: {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, "Close message received from server.");
const error = message.error ? new Error("Server returned an error on close: " + message.error) : void 0;
if (message.allowReconnect === true) {
} else {
this._stopPromise = this._stopInternal(error);
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Invalid message type: ${message.type}.`);
_processHandshakeResponse(data) {
let responseMessage;
let remainingData;
try {
[remainingData, responseMessage] = this._handshakeProtocol.parseHandshakeResponse(data);
} catch (e) {
const message = "Error parsing handshake response: " + e;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, message);
const error = new Error(message);
throw error;
if (responseMessage.error) {
const message = "Server returned handshake error: " + responseMessage.error;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, message);
const error = new Error(message);
throw error;
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Server handshake complete.");
return remainingData;
_resetKeepAliveInterval() {
if (this.connection.features.inherentKeepAlive) {
this._nextKeepAlive = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() + this.keepAliveIntervalInMilliseconds;
_resetTimeoutPeriod() {
if (!this.connection.features || !this.connection.features.inherentKeepAlive) {
this._timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => this.serverTimeout(), this.serverTimeoutInMilliseconds);
if (this._pingServerHandle === void 0) {
let nextPing = this._nextKeepAlive - (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
if (nextPing < 0) {
nextPing = 0;
this._pingServerHandle = setTimeout(async () => {
if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Connected) {
try {
await this._sendMessage(this._cachedPingMessage);
} catch {
}, nextPing);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
serverTimeout() {
this.connection.stop(new Error("Server timeout elapsed without receiving a message from the server."));
async _invokeClientMethod(invocationMessage) {
const methodName =;
const methods = this._methods[methodName];
if (!methods) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `No client method with the name '${methodName}' found.`);
if (invocationMessage.invocationId) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `No result given for '${methodName}' method and invocation ID '${invocationMessage.invocationId}'.`);
await this._sendWithProtocol(this._createCompletionMessage(invocationMessage.invocationId, "Client didn't provide a result.", null));
const methodsCopy = methods.slice();
const expectsResponse = invocationMessage.invocationId ? true : false;
let res;
let exception;
let completionMessage;
for (const m of methodsCopy) {
try {
const prevRes = res;
res = await m.apply(this, invocationMessage.arguments);
if (expectsResponse && res && prevRes) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `Multiple results provided for '${methodName}'. Sending error to server.`);
completionMessage = this._createCompletionMessage(invocationMessage.invocationId, `Client provided multiple results.`, null);
exception = void 0;
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `A callback for the method '${methodName}' threw error '${e}'.`);
if (completionMessage) {
await this._sendWithProtocol(completionMessage);
} else if (expectsResponse) {
if (exception) {
completionMessage = this._createCompletionMessage(invocationMessage.invocationId, `${exception}`, null);
} else if (res !== void 0) {
completionMessage = this._createCompletionMessage(invocationMessage.invocationId, null, res);
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `No result given for '${methodName}' method and invocation ID '${invocationMessage.invocationId}'.`);
completionMessage = this._createCompletionMessage(invocationMessage.invocationId, "Client didn't provide a result.", null);
await this._sendWithProtocol(completionMessage);
} else {
if (res) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `Result given for '${methodName}' method but server is not expecting a result.`);
_connectionClosed(error) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `HubConnection.connectionClosed(${error}) called while in state ${this._connectionState}.`);
this._stopDuringStartError = this._stopDuringStartError || error || new AbortError("The underlying connection was closed before the hub handshake could complete.");
if (this._handshakeResolver) {
this._cancelCallbacksWithError(error || new Error("Invocation canceled due to the underlying connection being closed."));
if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Disconnecting) {
} else if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Connected && this._reconnectPolicy) {
} else if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Connected) {
_completeClose(error) {
if (this._connectionStarted) {
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Disconnected;
this._connectionStarted = false;
if (Platform.isBrowser) {
window.document.removeEventListener("freeze", this._freezeEventListener);
try {
this._closedCallbacks.forEach((c) => c.apply(this, [error]));
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `An onclose callback called with error '${error}' threw error '${e}'.`);
async _reconnect(error) {
const reconnectStartTime =;
let previousReconnectAttempts = 0;
let retryError = error !== void 0 ? error : new Error("Attempting to reconnect due to a unknown error.");
let nextRetryDelay = this._getNextRetryDelay(previousReconnectAttempts++, 0, retryError);
if (nextRetryDelay === null) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connection not reconnecting because the IRetryPolicy returned null on the first reconnect attempt.");
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Reconnecting;
if (error) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `Connection reconnecting because of error '${error}'.`);
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, "Connection reconnecting.");
if (this._reconnectingCallbacks.length !== 0) {
try {
this._reconnectingCallbacks.forEach((c) => c.apply(this, [error]));
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `An onreconnecting callback called with error '${error}' threw error '${e}'.`);
if (this._connectionState !== HubConnectionState.Reconnecting) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connection left the reconnecting state in onreconnecting callback. Done reconnecting.");
while (nextRetryDelay !== null) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `Reconnect attempt number ${previousReconnectAttempts} will start in ${nextRetryDelay} ms.`);
await new Promise((resolve) => {
this._reconnectDelayHandle = setTimeout(resolve, nextRetryDelay);
this._reconnectDelayHandle = void 0;
if (this._connectionState !== HubConnectionState.Reconnecting) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connection left the reconnecting state during reconnect delay. Done reconnecting.");
try {
await this._startInternal();
this._connectionState = HubConnectionState.Connected;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, "HubConnection reconnected successfully.");
if (this._reconnectedCallbacks.length !== 0) {
try {
this._reconnectedCallbacks.forEach((c) => c.apply(this, [this.connection.connectionId]));
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `An onreconnected callback called with connectionId '${this.connection.connectionId}; threw error '${e}'.`);
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `Reconnect attempt failed because of error '${e}'.`);
if (this._connectionState !== HubConnectionState.Reconnecting) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Connection moved to the '${this._connectionState}' from the reconnecting state during reconnect attempt. Done reconnecting.`);
if (this._connectionState === HubConnectionState.Disconnecting) {
retryError = e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(e.toString());
nextRetryDelay = this._getNextRetryDelay(previousReconnectAttempts++, - reconnectStartTime, retryError);
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `Reconnect retries have been exhausted after ${ - reconnectStartTime} ms and ${previousReconnectAttempts} failed attempts. Connection disconnecting.`);
_getNextRetryDelay(previousRetryCount, elapsedMilliseconds, retryReason) {
try {
return this._reconnectPolicy.nextRetryDelayInMilliseconds({
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `IRetryPolicy.nextRetryDelayInMilliseconds(${previousRetryCount}, ${elapsedMilliseconds}) threw error '${e}'.`);
return null;
_cancelCallbacksWithError(error) {
const callbacks = this._callbacks;
this._callbacks = {};
Object.keys(callbacks).forEach((key) => {
const callback = callbacks[key];
try {
callback(null, error);
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `Stream 'error' callback called with '${error}' threw error: ${getErrorString(e)}`);
_cleanupPingTimer() {
if (this._pingServerHandle) {
this._pingServerHandle = void 0;
_cleanupTimeout() {
if (this._timeoutHandle) {
_createInvocation(methodName, args, nonblocking, streamIds) {
if (nonblocking) {
if (streamIds.length !== 0) {
return {
arguments: args,
target: methodName,
type: MessageType.Invocation
} else {
return {
arguments: args,
target: methodName,
type: MessageType.Invocation
} else {
const invocationId = this._invocationId;
if (streamIds.length !== 0) {
return {
arguments: args,
invocationId: invocationId.toString(),
target: methodName,
type: MessageType.Invocation
} else {
return {
arguments: args,
invocationId: invocationId.toString(),
target: methodName,
type: MessageType.Invocation
_launchStreams(streams, promiseQueue) {
if (streams.length === 0) {
if (!promiseQueue) {
promiseQueue = Promise.resolve();
for (const streamId in streams) {
complete: () => {
promiseQueue = promiseQueue.then(() => this._sendWithProtocol(this._createCompletionMessage(streamId)));
error: (err) => {
let message;
if (err instanceof Error) {
message = err.message;
} else if (err && err.toString) {
message = err.toString();
} else {
message = "Unknown error";
promiseQueue = promiseQueue.then(() => this._sendWithProtocol(this._createCompletionMessage(streamId, message)));
next: (item) => {
promiseQueue = promiseQueue.then(() => this._sendWithProtocol(this._createStreamItemMessage(streamId, item)));
_replaceStreamingParams(args) {
const streams = [];
const streamIds = [];
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
const argument = args[i];
if (this._isObservable(argument)) {
const streamId = this._invocationId;
streams[streamId] = argument;
args.splice(i, 1);
return [streams, streamIds];
_isObservable(arg) {
return arg && arg.subscribe && typeof arg.subscribe === "function";
_createStreamInvocation(methodName, args, streamIds) {
const invocationId = this._invocationId;
if (streamIds.length !== 0) {
return {
arguments: args,
invocationId: invocationId.toString(),
target: methodName,
type: MessageType.StreamInvocation
} else {
return {
arguments: args,
invocationId: invocationId.toString(),
target: methodName,
type: MessageType.StreamInvocation
_createCancelInvocation(id) {
return {
invocationId: id,
type: MessageType.CancelInvocation
_createStreamItemMessage(id, item) {
return {
invocationId: id,
type: MessageType.StreamItem
_createCompletionMessage(id, error, result) {
if (error) {
return {
invocationId: id,
type: MessageType.Completion
return {
invocationId: id,
type: MessageType.Completion
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/DefaultReconnectPolicy.js
var DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAYS_IN_MILLISECONDS = [0, 2e3, 1e4, 3e4, null];
var DefaultReconnectPolicy = class {
constructor(retryDelays) {
this._retryDelays = retryDelays !== void 0 ? [...retryDelays, null] : DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAYS_IN_MILLISECONDS;
nextRetryDelayInMilliseconds(retryContext) {
return this._retryDelays[retryContext.previousRetryCount];
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/HeaderNames.js
var HeaderNames = class {
HeaderNames.Authorization = "Authorization";
HeaderNames.Cookie = "Cookie";
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/AccessTokenHttpClient.js
var AccessTokenHttpClient = class extends HttpClient {
constructor(innerClient, accessTokenFactory) {
this._innerClient = innerClient;
this._accessTokenFactory = accessTokenFactory;
async send(request) {
let allowRetry = true;
if (this._accessTokenFactory && (!this._accessToken || request.url && request.url.indexOf("/negotiate?") > 0)) {
allowRetry = false;
this._accessToken = await this._accessTokenFactory();
const response = await this._innerClient.send(request);
if (allowRetry && response.statusCode === 401 && this._accessTokenFactory) {
this._accessToken = await this._accessTokenFactory();
return await this._innerClient.send(request);
return response;
_setAuthorizationHeader(request) {
if (!request.headers) {
request.headers = {};
if (this._accessToken) {
request.headers[HeaderNames.Authorization] = `Bearer ${this._accessToken}`;
} else if (this._accessTokenFactory) {
if (request.headers[HeaderNames.Authorization]) {
delete request.headers[HeaderNames.Authorization];
getCookieString(url) {
return this._innerClient.getCookieString(url);
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/ITransport.js
var HttpTransportType;
(function(HttpTransportType2) {
HttpTransportType2[HttpTransportType2["None"] = 0] = "None";
HttpTransportType2[HttpTransportType2["WebSockets"] = 1] = "WebSockets";
HttpTransportType2[HttpTransportType2["ServerSentEvents"] = 2] = "ServerSentEvents";
HttpTransportType2[HttpTransportType2["LongPolling"] = 4] = "LongPolling";
})(HttpTransportType || (HttpTransportType = {}));
var TransferFormat;
(function(TransferFormat2) {
TransferFormat2[TransferFormat2["Text"] = 1] = "Text";
TransferFormat2[TransferFormat2["Binary"] = 2] = "Binary";
})(TransferFormat || (TransferFormat = {}));
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/AbortController.js
var AbortController2 = class {
constructor() {
this._isAborted = false;
this.onabort = null;
abort() {
if (!this._isAborted) {
this._isAborted = true;
if (this.onabort) {
get signal() {
return this;
get aborted() {
return this._isAborted;
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/LongPollingTransport.js
var LongPollingTransport = class {
constructor(httpClient, logger, options) {
this._httpClient = httpClient;
this._logger = logger;
this._pollAbort = new AbortController2();
this._options = options;
this._running = false;
this.onreceive = null;
this.onclose = null;
// This is an internal type, not exported from 'index' so this is really just internal.
get pollAborted() {
return this._pollAbort.aborted;
async connect(url, transferFormat) {
Arg.isRequired(url, "url");
Arg.isRequired(transferFormat, "transferFormat");
Arg.isIn(transferFormat, TransferFormat, "transferFormat");
this._url = url;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) Connecting.");
if (transferFormat === TransferFormat.Binary && (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined" && typeof new XMLHttpRequest().responseType !== "string")) {
throw new Error("Binary protocols over XmlHttpRequest not implementing advanced features are not supported.");
const [name, value] = getUserAgentHeader();
const headers = { [name]: value, ...this._options.headers };
const pollOptions = {
abortSignal: this._pollAbort.signal,
timeout: 1e5,
withCredentials: this._options.withCredentials
if (transferFormat === TransferFormat.Binary) {
pollOptions.responseType = "arraybuffer";
const pollUrl = `${url}&_=${}`;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(LongPolling transport) polling: ${pollUrl}.`);
const response = await this._httpClient.get(pollUrl, pollOptions);
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `(LongPolling transport) Unexpected response code: ${response.statusCode}.`);
this._closeError = new HttpError(response.statusText || "", response.statusCode);
this._running = false;
} else {
this._running = true;
this._receiving = this._poll(this._url, pollOptions);
async _poll(url, pollOptions) {
try {
while (this._running) {
try {
const pollUrl = `${url}&_=${}`;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(LongPolling transport) polling: ${pollUrl}.`);
const response = await this._httpClient.get(pollUrl, pollOptions);
if (response.statusCode === 204) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, "(LongPolling transport) Poll terminated by server.");
this._running = false;
} else if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `(LongPolling transport) Unexpected response code: ${response.statusCode}.`);
this._closeError = new HttpError(response.statusText || "", response.statusCode);
this._running = false;
} else {
if (response.content) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(LongPolling transport) data received. ${getDataDetail(response.content, this._options.logMessageContent)}.`);
if (this.onreceive) {
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) Poll timed out, reissuing.");
} catch (e) {
if (!this._running) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(LongPolling transport) Poll errored after shutdown: ${e.message}`);
} else {
if (e instanceof TimeoutError) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) Poll timed out, reissuing.");
} else {
this._closeError = e;
this._running = false;
} finally {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) Polling complete.");
if (!this.pollAborted) {
async send(data) {
if (!this._running) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot send until the transport is connected"));
return sendMessage(this._logger, "LongPolling", this._httpClient, this._url, data, this._options);
async stop() {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) Stopping polling.");
this._running = false;
try {
await this._receiving;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(LongPolling transport) sending DELETE request to ${this._url}.`);
const headers = {};
const [name, value] = getUserAgentHeader();
headers[name] = value;
const deleteOptions = {
headers: { ...headers, ...this._options.headers },
timeout: this._options.timeout,
withCredentials: this._options.withCredentials
await this._httpClient.delete(this._url, deleteOptions);
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) DELETE request sent.");
} finally {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(LongPolling transport) Stop finished.");
_raiseOnClose() {
if (this.onclose) {
let logMessage = "(LongPolling transport) Firing onclose event.";
if (this._closeError) {
logMessage += " Error: " + this._closeError;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, logMessage);
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/ServerSentEventsTransport.js
var ServerSentEventsTransport = class {
constructor(httpClient, accessToken, logger, options) {
this._httpClient = httpClient;
this._accessToken = accessToken;
this._logger = logger;
this._options = options;
this.onreceive = null;
this.onclose = null;
async connect(url, transferFormat) {
Arg.isRequired(url, "url");
Arg.isRequired(transferFormat, "transferFormat");
Arg.isIn(transferFormat, TransferFormat, "transferFormat");
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(SSE transport) Connecting.");
this._url = url;
if (this._accessToken) {
url += (url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + `access_token=${encodeURIComponent(this._accessToken)}`;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let opened = false;
if (transferFormat !== TransferFormat.Text) {
reject(new Error("The Server-Sent Events transport only supports the 'Text' transfer format"));
let eventSource;
if (Platform.isBrowser || Platform.isWebWorker) {
eventSource = new this._options.EventSource(url, { withCredentials: this._options.withCredentials });
} else {
const cookies = this._httpClient.getCookieString(url);
const headers = {};
headers.Cookie = cookies;
const [name, value] = getUserAgentHeader();
headers[name] = value;
eventSource = new this._options.EventSource(url, { withCredentials: this._options.withCredentials, headers: { ...headers, ...this._options.headers } });
try {
eventSource.onmessage = (e) => {
if (this.onreceive) {
try {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(SSE transport) data received. ${getDataDetail(, this._options.logMessageContent)}.`);
} catch (error) {
eventSource.onerror = (e) => {
if (opened) {
} else {
reject(new Error("EventSource failed to connect. The connection could not be found on the server, either the connection ID is not present on the server, or a proxy is refusing/buffering the connection. If you have multiple servers check that sticky sessions are enabled."));
eventSource.onopen = () => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `SSE connected to ${this._url}`);
this._eventSource = eventSource;
opened = true;
} catch (e) {
async send(data) {
if (!this._eventSource) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot send until the transport is connected"));
return sendMessage(this._logger, "SSE", this._httpClient, this._url, data, this._options);
stop() {
return Promise.resolve();
_close(e) {
if (this._eventSource) {
this._eventSource = void 0;
if (this.onclose) {
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/WebSocketTransport.js
var WebSocketTransport = class {
constructor(httpClient, accessTokenFactory, logger, logMessageContent, webSocketConstructor, headers) {
this._logger = logger;
this._accessTokenFactory = accessTokenFactory;
this._logMessageContent = logMessageContent;
this._webSocketConstructor = webSocketConstructor;
this._httpClient = httpClient;
this.onreceive = null;
this.onclose = null;
this._headers = headers;
async connect(url, transferFormat) {
Arg.isRequired(url, "url");
Arg.isRequired(transferFormat, "transferFormat");
Arg.isIn(transferFormat, TransferFormat, "transferFormat");
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(WebSockets transport) Connecting.");
let token;
if (this._accessTokenFactory) {
token = await this._accessTokenFactory();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url = url.replace(/^http/, "ws");
let webSocket;
const cookies = this._httpClient.getCookieString(url);
let opened = false;
if (Platform.isNode || Platform.isReactNative) {
const headers = {};
const [name, value] = getUserAgentHeader();
headers[name] = value;
if (token) {
headers[HeaderNames.Authorization] = `Bearer ${token}`;
if (cookies) {
headers[HeaderNames.Cookie] = cookies;
webSocket = new this._webSocketConstructor(url, void 0, {
headers: { ...headers, ...this._headers }
} else {
if (token) {
url += (url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&") + `access_token=${encodeURIComponent(token)}`;
if (!webSocket) {
webSocket = new this._webSocketConstructor(url);
if (transferFormat === TransferFormat.Binary) {
webSocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
webSocket.onopen = (_event) => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `WebSocket connected to ${url}.`);
this._webSocket = webSocket;
opened = true;
webSocket.onerror = (event) => {
let error = null;
if (typeof ErrorEvent !== "undefined" && event instanceof ErrorEvent) {
error = event.error;
} else {
error = "There was an error with the transport";
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `(WebSockets transport) ${error}.`);
webSocket.onmessage = (message) => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(WebSockets transport) data received. ${getDataDetail(, this._logMessageContent)}.`);
if (this.onreceive) {
try {
} catch (error) {
webSocket.onclose = (event) => {
if (opened) {
} else {
let error = null;
if (typeof ErrorEvent !== "undefined" && event instanceof ErrorEvent) {
error = event.error;
} else {
error = "WebSocket failed to connect. The connection could not be found on the server, either the endpoint may not be a SignalR endpoint, the connection ID is not present on the server, or there is a proxy blocking WebSockets. If you have multiple servers check that sticky sessions are enabled.";
reject(new Error(error));
send(data) {
if (this._webSocket && this._webSocket.readyState === this._webSocketConstructor.OPEN) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, `(WebSockets transport) sending data. ${getDataDetail(data, this._logMessageContent)}.`);
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject("WebSocket is not in the OPEN state");
stop() {
if (this._webSocket) {
this._close(void 0);
return Promise.resolve();
_close(event) {
if (this._webSocket) {
this._webSocket.onclose = () => {
this._webSocket.onmessage = () => {
this._webSocket.onerror = () => {
this._webSocket = void 0;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Trace, "(WebSockets transport) socket closed.");
if (this.onclose) {
if (this._isCloseEvent(event) && (event.wasClean === false || event.code !== 1e3)) {
this.onclose(new Error(`WebSocket closed with status code: ${event.code} (${event.reason || "no reason given"}).`));
} else if (event instanceof Error) {
} else {
_isCloseEvent(event) {
return event && typeof event.wasClean === "boolean" && typeof event.code === "number";
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/HttpConnection.js
var MAX_REDIRECTS = 100;
var HttpConnection = class {
constructor(url, options = {}) {
this._stopPromiseResolver = () => {
this.features = {};
this._negotiateVersion = 1;
Arg.isRequired(url, "url");
this._logger = createLogger(options.logger);
this.baseUrl = this._resolveUrl(url);
options = options || {};
options.logMessageContent = options.logMessageContent === void 0 ? false : options.logMessageContent;
if (typeof options.withCredentials === "boolean" || options.withCredentials === void 0) {
options.withCredentials = options.withCredentials === void 0 ? true : options.withCredentials;
} else {
throw new Error("withCredentials option was not a 'boolean' or 'undefined' value");
options.timeout = options.timeout === void 0 ? 100 * 1e3 : options.timeout;
let webSocketModule = null;
let eventSourceModule = null;
if (Platform.isNode && typeof __require !== "undefined") {
const requireFunc = typeof __webpack_require__ === "function" ? __non_webpack_require__ : __require;
webSocketModule = requireFunc("ws");
eventSourceModule = requireFunc("eventsource");
if (!Platform.isNode && typeof WebSocket !== "undefined" && !options.WebSocket) {
options.WebSocket = WebSocket;
} else if (Platform.isNode && !options.WebSocket) {
if (webSocketModule) {
options.WebSocket = webSocketModule;
if (!Platform.isNode && typeof EventSource !== "undefined" && !options.EventSource) {
options.EventSource = EventSource;
} else if (Platform.isNode && !options.EventSource) {
if (typeof eventSourceModule !== "undefined") {
options.EventSource = eventSourceModule;
this._httpClient = new AccessTokenHttpClient(options.httpClient || new DefaultHttpClient(this._logger), options.accessTokenFactory);
this._connectionState = "Disconnected";
this._connectionStarted = false;
this._options = options;
this.onreceive = null;
this.onclose = null;
async start(transferFormat) {
transferFormat = transferFormat || TransferFormat.Binary;
Arg.isIn(transferFormat, TransferFormat, "transferFormat");
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Starting connection with transfer format '${TransferFormat[transferFormat]}'.`);
if (this._connectionState !== "Disconnected") {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot start an HttpConnection that is not in the 'Disconnected' state."));
this._connectionState = "Connecting";
this._startInternalPromise = this._startInternal(transferFormat);
await this._startInternalPromise;
if (this._connectionState === "Disconnecting") {
const message = "Failed to start the HttpConnection before stop() was called.";
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, message);
await this._stopPromise;
return Promise.reject(new AbortError(message));
} else if (this._connectionState !== "Connected") {
const message = "HttpConnection.startInternal completed gracefully but didn't enter the connection into the connected state!";
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, message);
return Promise.reject(new AbortError(message));
this._connectionStarted = true;
send(data) {
if (this._connectionState !== "Connected") {
return Promise.reject(new Error("Cannot send data if the connection is not in the 'Connected' State."));
if (!this._sendQueue) {
this._sendQueue = new TransportSendQueue(this.transport);
return this._sendQueue.send(data);
async stop(error) {
if (this._connectionState === "Disconnected") {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Call to HttpConnection.stop(${error}) ignored because the connection is already in the disconnected state.`);
return Promise.resolve();
if (this._connectionState === "Disconnecting") {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Call to HttpConnection.stop(${error}) ignored because the connection is already in the disconnecting state.`);
return this._stopPromise;
this._connectionState = "Disconnecting";
this._stopPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this._stopPromiseResolver = resolve;
await this._stopInternal(error);
await this._stopPromise;
async _stopInternal(error) {
this._stopError = error;
try {
await this._startInternalPromise;
} catch (e) {
if (this.transport) {
try {
await this.transport.stop();
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `HttpConnection.transport.stop() threw error '${e}'.`);
this.transport = void 0;
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "HttpConnection.transport is undefined in HttpConnection.stop() because start() failed.");
async _startInternal(transferFormat) {
let url = this.baseUrl;
this._accessTokenFactory = this._options.accessTokenFactory;
this._httpClient._accessTokenFactory = this._accessTokenFactory;
try {
if (this._options.skipNegotiation) {
if (this._options.transport === HttpTransportType.WebSockets) {
this.transport = this._constructTransport(HttpTransportType.WebSockets);
await this._startTransport(url, transferFormat);
} else {
throw new Error("Negotiation can only be skipped when using the WebSocket transport directly.");
} else {
let negotiateResponse = null;
let redirects = 0;
do {
negotiateResponse = await this._getNegotiationResponse(url);
if (this._connectionState === "Disconnecting" || this._connectionState === "Disconnected") {
throw new AbortError("The connection was stopped during negotiation.");
if (negotiateResponse.error) {
throw new Error(negotiateResponse.error);
if (negotiateResponse.ProtocolVersion) {
throw new Error("Detected a connection attempt to an ASP.NET SignalR Server. This client only supports connecting to an ASP.NET Core SignalR Server. See for details.");
if (negotiateResponse.url) {
url = negotiateResponse.url;
if (negotiateResponse.accessToken) {
const accessToken = negotiateResponse.accessToken;
this._accessTokenFactory = () => accessToken;
this._httpClient._accessToken = accessToken;
this._httpClient._accessTokenFactory = void 0;
} while (negotiateResponse.url && redirects < MAX_REDIRECTS);
if (redirects === MAX_REDIRECTS && negotiateResponse.url) {
throw new Error("Negotiate redirection limit exceeded.");
await this._createTransport(url, this._options.transport, negotiateResponse, transferFormat);
if (this.transport instanceof LongPollingTransport) {
this.features.inherentKeepAlive = true;
if (this._connectionState === "Connecting") {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "The HttpConnection connected successfully.");
this._connectionState = "Connected";
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to start the connection: " + e);
this._connectionState = "Disconnected";
this.transport = void 0;
return Promise.reject(e);
async _getNegotiationResponse(url) {
const headers = {};
const [name, value] = getUserAgentHeader();
headers[name] = value;
const negotiateUrl = this._resolveNegotiateUrl(url);
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Sending negotiation request: ${negotiateUrl}.`);
try {
const response = await, {
content: "",
headers: { ...headers, ...this._options.headers },
timeout: this._options.timeout,
withCredentials: this._options.withCredentials
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Unexpected status code returned from negotiate '${response.statusCode}'`));
const negotiateResponse = JSON.parse(response.content);
if (!negotiateResponse.negotiateVersion || negotiateResponse.negotiateVersion < 1) {
negotiateResponse.connectionToken = negotiateResponse.connectionId;
return negotiateResponse;
} catch (e) {
let errorMessage = "Failed to complete negotiation with the server: " + e;
if (e instanceof HttpError) {
if (e.statusCode === 404) {
errorMessage = errorMessage + " Either this is not a SignalR endpoint or there is a proxy blocking the connection.";
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, errorMessage);
return Promise.reject(new FailedToNegotiateWithServerError(errorMessage));
_createConnectUrl(url, connectionToken) {
if (!connectionToken) {
return url;
return url + (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + `id=${connectionToken}`;
async _createTransport(url, requestedTransport, negotiateResponse, requestedTransferFormat) {
let connectUrl = this._createConnectUrl(url, negotiateResponse.connectionToken);
if (this._isITransport(requestedTransport)) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, "Connection was provided an instance of ITransport, using that directly.");
this.transport = requestedTransport;
await this._startTransport(connectUrl, requestedTransferFormat);
this.connectionId = negotiateResponse.connectionId;
const transportExceptions = [];
const transports = negotiateResponse.availableTransports || [];
let negotiate = negotiateResponse;
for (const endpoint of transports) {
const transportOrError = this._resolveTransportOrError(endpoint, requestedTransport, requestedTransferFormat);
if (transportOrError instanceof Error) {
transportExceptions.push(`${endpoint.transport} failed:`);
} else if (this._isITransport(transportOrError)) {
this.transport = transportOrError;
if (!negotiate) {
try {
negotiate = await this._getNegotiationResponse(url);
} catch (ex) {
return Promise.reject(ex);
connectUrl = this._createConnectUrl(url, negotiate.connectionToken);
try {
await this._startTransport(connectUrl, requestedTransferFormat);
this.connectionId = negotiate.connectionId;
} catch (ex) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `Failed to start the transport '${endpoint.transport}': ${ex}`);
negotiate = void 0;
transportExceptions.push(new FailedToStartTransportError(`${endpoint.transport} failed: ${ex}`, HttpTransportType[endpoint.transport]));
if (this._connectionState !== "Connecting") {
const message = "Failed to select transport before stop() was called.";
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, message);
return Promise.reject(new AbortError(message));
if (transportExceptions.length > 0) {
return Promise.reject(new AggregateErrors(`Unable to connect to the server with any of the available transports. ${transportExceptions.join(" ")}`, transportExceptions));
return Promise.reject(new Error("None of the transports supported by the client are supported by the server."));
_constructTransport(transport) {
switch (transport) {
case HttpTransportType.WebSockets:
if (!this._options.WebSocket) {
throw new Error("'WebSocket' is not supported in your environment.");
return new WebSocketTransport(this._httpClient, this._accessTokenFactory, this._logger, this._options.logMessageContent, this._options.WebSocket, this._options.headers || {});
case HttpTransportType.ServerSentEvents:
if (!this._options.EventSource) {
throw new Error("'EventSource' is not supported in your environment.");
return new ServerSentEventsTransport(this._httpClient, this._httpClient._accessToken, this._logger, this._options);
case HttpTransportType.LongPolling:
return new LongPollingTransport(this._httpClient, this._logger, this._options);
throw new Error(`Unknown transport: ${transport}.`);
_startTransport(url, transferFormat) {
this.transport.onreceive = this.onreceive;
this.transport.onclose = (e) => this._stopConnection(e);
return this.transport.connect(url, transferFormat);
_resolveTransportOrError(endpoint, requestedTransport, requestedTransferFormat) {
const transport = HttpTransportType[endpoint.transport];
if (transport === null || transport === void 0) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Skipping transport '${endpoint.transport}' because it is not supported by this client.`);
return new Error(`Skipping transport '${endpoint.transport}' because it is not supported by this client.`);
} else {
if (transportMatches(requestedTransport, transport)) {
const transferFormats = => TransferFormat[s]);
if (transferFormats.indexOf(requestedTransferFormat) >= 0) {
if (transport === HttpTransportType.WebSockets && !this._options.WebSocket || transport === HttpTransportType.ServerSentEvents && !this._options.EventSource) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Skipping transport '${HttpTransportType[transport]}' because it is not supported in your environment.'`);
return new UnsupportedTransportError(`'${HttpTransportType[transport]}' is not supported in your environment.`, transport);
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Selecting transport '${HttpTransportType[transport]}'.`);
try {
return this._constructTransport(transport);
} catch (ex) {
return ex;
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Skipping transport '${HttpTransportType[transport]}' because it does not support the requested transfer format '${TransferFormat[requestedTransferFormat]}'.`);
return new Error(`'${HttpTransportType[transport]}' does not support ${TransferFormat[requestedTransferFormat]}.`);
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Skipping transport '${HttpTransportType[transport]}' because it was disabled by the client.`);
return new DisabledTransportError(`'${HttpTransportType[transport]}' is disabled by the client.`, transport);
_isITransport(transport) {
return transport && typeof transport === "object" && "connect" in transport;
_stopConnection(error) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `HttpConnection.stopConnection(${error}) called while in state ${this._connectionState}.`);
this.transport = void 0;
error = this._stopError || error;
this._stopError = void 0;
if (this._connectionState === "Disconnected") {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Debug, `Call to HttpConnection.stopConnection(${error}) was ignored because the connection is already in the disconnected state.`);
if (this._connectionState === "Connecting") {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Warning, `Call to HttpConnection.stopConnection(${error}) was ignored because the connection is still in the connecting state.`);
throw new Error(`HttpConnection.stopConnection(${error}) was called while the connection is still in the connecting state.`);
if (this._connectionState === "Disconnecting") {
if (error) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `Connection disconnected with error '${error}'.`);
} else {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, "Connection disconnected.");
if (this._sendQueue) {
this._sendQueue.stop().catch((e) => {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `TransportSendQueue.stop() threw error '${e}'.`);
this._sendQueue = void 0;
this.connectionId = void 0;
this._connectionState = "Disconnected";
if (this._connectionStarted) {
this._connectionStarted = false;
try {
if (this.onclose) {
} catch (e) {
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Error, `HttpConnection.onclose(${error}) threw error '${e}'.`);
_resolveUrl(url) {
if (url.lastIndexOf("https://", 0) === 0 || url.lastIndexOf("http://", 0) === 0) {
return url;
if (!Platform.isBrowser) {
throw new Error(`Cannot resolve '${url}'.`);
const aTag = window.document.createElement("a");
aTag.href = url;
this._logger.log(LogLevel.Information, `Normalizing '${url}' to '${aTag.href}'.`);
return aTag.href;
_resolveNegotiateUrl(url) {
const index = url.indexOf("?");
let negotiateUrl = url.substring(0, index === -1 ? url.length : index);
if (negotiateUrl[negotiateUrl.length - 1] !== "/") {
negotiateUrl += "/";
negotiateUrl += "negotiate";
negotiateUrl += index === -1 ? "" : url.substring(index);
if (negotiateUrl.indexOf("negotiateVersion") === -1) {
negotiateUrl += index === -1 ? "?" : "&";
negotiateUrl += "negotiateVersion=" + this._negotiateVersion;
return negotiateUrl;
function transportMatches(requestedTransport, actualTransport) {
return !requestedTransport || (actualTransport & requestedTransport) !== 0;
var TransportSendQueue = class {
constructor(_transport) {
this._transport = _transport;
this._buffer = [];
this._executing = true;
this._sendBufferedData = new PromiseSource();
this._transportResult = new PromiseSource();
this._sendLoopPromise = this._sendLoop();
send(data) {
if (!this._transportResult) {
this._transportResult = new PromiseSource();
return this._transportResult.promise;
stop() {
this._executing = false;
return this._sendLoopPromise;
_bufferData(data) {
if (this._buffer.length && typeof this._buffer[0] !== typeof data) {
throw new Error(`Expected data to be of type ${typeof this._buffer} but was of type ${typeof data}`);
async _sendLoop() {
while (true) {
await this._sendBufferedData.promise;
if (!this._executing) {
if (this._transportResult) {
this._transportResult.reject("Connection stopped.");
this._sendBufferedData = new PromiseSource();
const transportResult = this._transportResult;
this._transportResult = void 0;
const data = typeof this._buffer[0] === "string" ? this._buffer.join("") : TransportSendQueue._concatBuffers(this._buffer);
this._buffer.length = 0;
try {
await this._transport.send(data);
} catch (error) {
static _concatBuffers(arrayBuffers) {
const totalLength = => b.byteLength).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength);
let offset = 0;
for (const item of arrayBuffers) {
result.set(new Uint8Array(item), offset);
offset += item.byteLength;
return result.buffer;
var PromiseSource = class {
constructor() {
this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => [this._resolver, this._rejecter] = [resolve, reject]);
resolve() {
reject(reason) {
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/JsonHubProtocol.js
var JsonHubProtocol = class {
constructor() {
this.version = 1;
this.transferFormat = TransferFormat.Text;
/** Creates an array of {@link @microsoft/signalr.HubMessage} objects from the specified serialized representation.
* @param {string} input A string containing the serialized representation.
* @param {ILogger} logger A logger that will be used to log messages that occur during parsing.
parseMessages(input, logger) {
if (typeof input !== "string") {
throw new Error("Invalid input for JSON hub protocol. Expected a string.");
if (!input) {
return [];
if (logger === null) {
logger = NullLogger.instance;
const messages = TextMessageFormat.parse(input);
const hubMessages = [];
for (const message of messages) {
const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message);
if (typeof parsedMessage.type !== "number") {
throw new Error("Invalid payload.");
switch (parsedMessage.type) {
case MessageType.Invocation:
case MessageType.StreamItem:
case MessageType.Completion:
case MessageType.Ping:
case MessageType.Close:
logger.log(LogLevel.Information, "Unknown message type '" + parsedMessage.type + "' ignored.");
return hubMessages;
/** Writes the specified {@link @microsoft/signalr.HubMessage} to a string and returns it.
* @param {HubMessage} message The message to write.
* @returns {string} A string containing the serialized representation of the message.
writeMessage(message) {
return TextMessageFormat.write(JSON.stringify(message));
_isInvocationMessage(message) {
this._assertNotEmptyString(, "Invalid payload for Invocation message.");
if (message.invocationId !== void 0) {
this._assertNotEmptyString(message.invocationId, "Invalid payload for Invocation message.");
_isStreamItemMessage(message) {
this._assertNotEmptyString(message.invocationId, "Invalid payload for StreamItem message.");
if (message.item === void 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid payload for StreamItem message.");
_isCompletionMessage(message) {
if (message.result && message.error) {
throw new Error("Invalid payload for Completion message.");
if (!message.result && message.error) {
this._assertNotEmptyString(message.error, "Invalid payload for Completion message.");
this._assertNotEmptyString(message.invocationId, "Invalid payload for Completion message.");
_assertNotEmptyString(value, errorMessage) {
if (typeof value !== "string" || value === "") {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
// node_modules/@microsoft/signalr/dist/esm/HubConnectionBuilder.js
var LogLevelNameMapping = {
trace: LogLevel.Trace,
debug: LogLevel.Debug,
info: LogLevel.Information,
information: LogLevel.Information,
warn: LogLevel.Warning,
warning: LogLevel.Warning,
error: LogLevel.Error,
critical: LogLevel.Critical,
none: LogLevel.None
function parseLogLevel(name) {
const mapping = LogLevelNameMapping[name.toLowerCase()];
if (typeof mapping !== "undefined") {
return mapping;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown log level: ${name}`);
var HubConnectionBuilder = class {
configureLogging(logging) {
Arg.isRequired(logging, "logging");
if (isLogger(logging)) {
this.logger = logging;
} else if (typeof logging === "string") {
const logLevel = parseLogLevel(logging);
this.logger = new ConsoleLogger(logLevel);
} else {
this.logger = new ConsoleLogger(logging);
return this;
withUrl(url, transportTypeOrOptions) {
Arg.isRequired(url, "url");
Arg.isNotEmpty(url, "url");
this.url = url;
if (typeof transportTypeOrOptions === "object") {
this.httpConnectionOptions = { ...this.httpConnectionOptions, ...transportTypeOrOptions };
} else {
this.httpConnectionOptions = {
transport: transportTypeOrOptions
return this;
/** Configures the {@link @microsoft/signalr.HubConnection} to use the specified Hub Protocol.
* @param {IHubProtocol} protocol The {@link @microsoft/signalr.IHubProtocol} implementation to use.
withHubProtocol(protocol) {
Arg.isRequired(protocol, "protocol");
this.protocol = protocol;
return this;
withAutomaticReconnect(retryDelaysOrReconnectPolicy) {
if (this.reconnectPolicy) {
throw new Error("A reconnectPolicy has already been set.");
if (!retryDelaysOrReconnectPolicy) {
this.reconnectPolicy = new DefaultReconnectPolicy();
} else if (Array.isArray(retryDelaysOrReconnectPolicy)) {
this.reconnectPolicy = new DefaultReconnectPolicy(retryDelaysOrReconnectPolicy);
} else {
this.reconnectPolicy = retryDelaysOrReconnectPolicy;
return this;
/** Creates a {@link @microsoft/signalr.HubConnection} from the configuration options specified in this builder.
* @returns {HubConnection} The configured {@link @microsoft/signalr.HubConnection}.
build() {
const httpConnectionOptions = this.httpConnectionOptions || {};
if (httpConnectionOptions.logger === void 0) {
httpConnectionOptions.logger = this.logger;
if (!this.url) {
throw new Error("The 'HubConnectionBuilder.withUrl' method must be called before building the connection.");
const connection = new HttpConnection(this.url, httpConnectionOptions);
return HubConnection.create(connection, this.logger || NullLogger.instance, this.protocol || new JsonHubProtocol(), this.reconnectPolicy);
function isLogger(logger) {
return logger.log !== void 0;
export {